1. Introduction: Materials, etc.: Hi. Everybody of my name is Amy Callin Chuck. And today is the day that I'm telling you about my zipper pouch class. So in this class, you're gonna make it easy to propose. Exactly Like this one. This is the one that we're making in the class. Here's another one that I have with different family. Rick. Okay, Different color, zipper. Who? Pretty, Um, I'm gonna show you how to make this. I have a lot of experience teaching in my life from a public school teacher, and I'm really, really good at breaking things down into parts and making them understandable. So while this class looks like it might take longer, it's just because I have broken everything down very carefully into parts. So it doesn't really take that long to make a zipper pouch, and I know that it's gonna be easy for you to do once I show you. So you're gonna need a sewing machine thread. You're gonna have to have threatened your sewing machine. If you don't know how to do that, I suppose I'll have to make another skill share class about that. Um, Anyway, you're gonna need a sewing machine and thread you're going to need scissors or a rotary cutter and Matt to cut the fabric, you're gonna need fabric and you're going to need a craft zipper. So something like this, where this look, that one's pink. Whatever. Something that matches the fabric that you want to use, that's it. That's all you're gonna need to make. This is a proposal. Let's get started. Thanks for joining.
2. Choosing the Cover and Liner Fabric: This is the fabric that I have picked out for my zipper pouch today. This is a vintage fabric. It has little flower pots on it. I just fell in love with it, and I thought it was beautiful. So that's what I'm gonna use. And I have this one that I found in my stash That is a very tiny floral print, and I think they go together nicely. I'm gonna use this is the liner. I think a smaller print on the inside for a liner is better, Uh, and have the bigger print beyond the outside to stand out. Um, I just like how that goes. So I think these go together well, so that's what I am going to do.
3. Cutting the Cover Fabric: If you're going to get into this and make a few of these, you might want to pick up a few of these, uh, zippers. It says Old purpose zipper there. And this one is kind of in an off white, and you can see that it goes with the off white. That's in this pattern. I didn't have a pure white when that's for this, but it's going to go for our purposes and see how it says it's a seven inches. This how big this zipper it. So for me and as faras simplicity, everything about this project hinges on the zipper. So what? So let's get it out of its package. There's a little staple, uh, there that we have to take off. So we'll take off that staple and we're gonna use this zipper to measure or fabric. Know that seems maybe a little backwards. But, hey, if you want to sit for this big, this is good for a zipper pouch, like a makeup bag or a toiletries bag. This is a good size. So I'm gonna use this to help measure. So here we go. Now, this is my cutting mat that I recommend it for you. It's got some bends in it. Ignore, but it has one inch increments on it. And see this zipper from this but end here on the 14 to the top there is seven inches. But you know what? You don't have toe. Be that Careful with it. I, uh Oh, God. I've got a lot of this fabric government. So you just need to get an approximation of how long that zipper is and lying your fabric up along the lines of your off. Cutting that There. There it is. So you want to leave? This is simple, Okay? You don't have Teoh do some deep Careful measuring with this project at all. I love this. I love my cutting guide here. My ruler, Whatever you want to call it, I think it's called a cutting guide. Anyway, I absolutely adore it. So I'm gonna fold this so I can get to pieces Cut quickly in one. All right. So just kind of folded. It doesn't have to be perfect here on the edge. Close for our purposes is gonna be good enough. I know people get uptight about sewing Lima sewing, renegade, crafting renegade. So here we go lay out your fabric and give us an approximate Oh, this far. And see, here I am at the 15. You want to cut it just a little shorter than the zipper. All right, so at the 15 I'm gonna cut it, line it up on the edge here, coming back to the 15. That's where I'm going to line up my guide. So I took the zipper way, Put the guide down, right on the 15. And I've got my fabric here. I'm gonna pull it down so that it's all on the Yes, and there it is on the 15 so that it's all on my cutting that okay? And you lay down your ruler and line it up on that 15 like, you know what's supposed to be, and I check up at the top two and make sure it's on the 15 so that it's straight. Push down hard on this thing. Yeah, push down on this, smooth it out right here on the edge where you're going to cut it. Use your rotary cutter. So this is retracted. So cook it out. So it's sharp. So sharp. Be careful. And with one cut moving away from you always. We're gonna cut through this fabric. Here it going. I like to give it another pass, just in case. Push the button to return that. And there we have it. I didn't get quite all the way the top here, if you can see that. So bring it down. It didn't cut through all the way that happens to me sometimes. Look how concerned I am. Not at all, because we just line it up. Push down there. Perfect Cut. OK, so now what I'm going to do is decide how long I want my zipper pouch to be. And I'm going to cut off these frayed ends. Okay? If you have these frayed and see them, we're gonna cut those off. All right? So just line it up so that those frayed ends are gonna be cut off. Those are not gonna help us and cut those off. There we go. Nice and square. And then how far do I want this to go? I think for a zipper pouch. You know I like them square. So about this far, who literally can just eyeball it. They love eyeballing it. And now look it I'm looking at this and I'm like it. It's vintage fabric. You can tell that a seam was picked out of that before. And you know what? I couldn't like it. Believe it gives it a warn look, and I kind of like it. So this is not perfectly squares. We're going to square it up. That happens when you're working with vintage fabric that it's not perfectly square. See how this is left over. That's okay. We're gonna square toe. I think my pouch is gonna be about 123456 inches deep. So you line it up flat. You can see how I'm always lying it up flat. Line it up flat. Okay, line it up flat. Don't worry about this. Extra like the ready. Go confidence. Okay, beautiful. So now I've got square on the bottom square here, square here. But this is not square, is it? So I am gonna cut off that extra so that it square. I like this vintage little Oh, they could, you know, they replace seem out like that. Some believe it. So I'm lining this up along this extra edge and I'm cutting off this extra. This is called squaring up your fabric there. All right, so that's how you cut your fabric. Do the exact same thing with the exact same size with both fabrics. Okay. And then you're going to be ready to go to the sewing machine.
4. Cutting the Liner Fabric: This is the second fabric. There's a little bit of a rough edge here. I have folded it over, so there's four layers. 1234 I've only done that because of the size of my met. You can pretty much comfortably cut through four layers and have it be straight. It's not a real concern, but I am gonna cut off this ragged edge first. Okay, To make sure that things air straight, flip it over here cause this is kind of it got kind of cramp e in my craft bucket storage. I'm just gonna line this up, line it up with a line, Any line on my cutting mat so that it's a straight up. OK, and we're gonna cut off that agency. That's, you know, even through four layers of thin fabric, it's fine. So now I have a straight edge, You hear me? So I'm gonna move it over up one line here and here's the cut I had before. So how Why does it right? So we need to line it up so that they are the same with Just use this. We're not gonna cut this, but we're gonna use this on line this up there. It's right on that line. It's like 13. Right now, the number of the line doesn't matter. What matters is it's exactly the same size, the same width as the other. Okay, so I've got that down solid. I'm pushing. I am pushing down on this to keep it for moving, and here I go movement away from my body. Cut that. Hooray! So we have the width now. I need the length. How long? Okay, well, I've got the width here. This extra weight stuff we're gonna cut off, All right, cause that's just nonsense. So take a second with your straight edge here and cut that nonsense off. Cut off a little extra, line it up on the line so that you know it's straight. You're saving yourself time by lining it up on a line. This is experienced talking because then you don't have to square it up later. Okay, so now I need to pieces of this fabric. This is the liner for my zipper pop, so I need to pieces. So I am going to flying them up here at the bottom where it's not folded. Do you see how it's open the folders down here. At this end, someone line those up. And I believe this was six inches. Let's line it up with a line here on a corner. See the corn. And even if I don't remember how far it is 23 456 Okay, so that's fine. So we are going to want to count over. Line up are cutting straight edge. Sure, it's right on the line. Okay, push down. Hard, Jakarta. Careful. No fingers. Push down on the ruler. Pushed down while we're cutting away from our body. One movement there, this perfect. Now we are ready to so let's get ready to so.
5. Lining up the First Side: Okay. Now, let's So I have two pieces here together. I have the piece that's gonna be the outside and the piece. That's gonna be the inside. Yes. OK, so we're going to make a little sandwich of them. You put the liner down first, and then you let let me take this panel. You line up the zipper right to the edge of that. So put that right on top of the liner face up. Then you put the outside fabric face down and you line it up. Oh, way across like that. If you want to pin it, you competitive? Okay, Pin it all together. I generally don't cause I When I'm making these, I just zip. Zip it through. Of course, I have been doing this a while. So there you have that, but ah, line it up. See, this is why I don't like to pin it. I'd like to just line it up and go. All right, line it up and pin it. Uh, okay. And then you're ready to so this first seem here? Okay, that's what we're gonna do. Line it up. So that first scene
6. Sew the First Seam: Okay, here I am set up with my machine. I've got the edge of my project right here with that zipper sandwich, and I've got a zipper foot here. Um, it lets you get really close to that zipper while not disturbing it. Like not riding on top. I've got a gray threat on top and kind of a beige brown on the bottom. I think it goes well with the vintage it aspect of this fabric. So I am going Teoh put down my zipper foot, and I'm going to check and make sure that this is all lined up and it's gonna catch. Oh, the parts and it iss. All right, You ready? All we're gonna do now is just so a straight scene so you can use the lock, that first stitch, and we're gonna line it up. There goes locking, See? All right, we're gonna move forward. See this second prongs of my zipper foot? I'm lining my fabric up along with that, and I put my finger here. I can feel that zipper. As long as you're not going on top of that zipper, you should be fine. Here we go. Let's. So that seemed Here's my okay. Took the pin out. Here we go. You don't have to so fast. Just lined up with that middle. Wrong. The zipper foot should be fine. Stop rearrange. I'm taking this panel so I could make sure everything's lined up. Still, I'm just lining it up and holding it. I find that easier once we get going, you know? Nice. So it across. Okay, that out, lift up. It's a foot. Don't worry about locking that. It's no, there's that first scene, okay?
7. Top Stitch the First Seam: the next step after you've sown this first seem that we did. OK, well, I mean, one of the Mr Trim these threads that drives me crazy. So I just tripped off those threats. Okay. Now what you do is flip so that you've got your outer and your liner, right. So flip it and you're gonna pull it out like this. Kind of pull it taut, put it right under that zipper foot again. And what we're gonna do is called top stitching. We're gonna top stitch right along this. It gives it a nice professional. Finished. You don't have to top stitch, but I really like it. So you flip these and now we're gonna top stitch lineup, see the zipper foot line up this promise inter prawn right along the edge of our top fabric , and it should top stitch it nicely for you. Here we go. I'm not gonna worry about locking this stitch because it's gonna be sewed up anyway later. All right, here we go. Tops touching
8. Sew the Second Seam: we have. So this together. See your sandwich? We sewed it together. Now we're gonna do the same thing on this other side. So you put the liner down first. Samos before All right, liner face up, then zipper face up and you just line it right along that edge. No tricks to this. Well, I mean, I suppose I'm showing you the trick so that you don't have to think about it later. So just line that up. Fabric gets sticky sometimes. There we go. Okay. Lined it up, and now top fabric face down. Okay, that's how you line that up. All right, pin it if you want in a couple of places, and then we're gonna go, So and we're gonna move the zipper foot to the other side. So here I have lined this up, and I'm gonna attempt to, uh, so with one hand, that's kind of crazy. Well, in pulling the camera, whatever. So I've lined up that sandwich, right? So look here. Liner and then zipper and then talk. Okay. The liners face up the zippers face up, and then the top fabric, the outer fabric is face down. I've moved my zipper foot over to the other side Because this you want lined up right with that zipper so it doesn't get in the way. And we're gonna just so a straight seem all the way down. Here we go One handed, I'm not confident. Let's give it a shot lining up my fabric with that centre prawn again and I'm stopping to make sure that I'm catching everything and I am way to go. I'm just stopping this so often, cause I'm Do you handed I had two hands to be a little faster and a little more confidence . Whatever. Okay, little wrinkle in the fabric. It's alright. Just pull it out. Way to the end. Lifted up. Cut off the strings. One handed sewing. Okay, so we've got that inside seem. Now we're gonna flip it and top stitching
9. Top Stitch the Second Seam: Okay, so now we've sown that seem we're gonna flip it open. Oh, it's looking like a zipper pounds. Look at that. But you got to make sure you flipped. Gotta make sure you flip that liner to so that we've got all this. Got the outside, Was it from the inside and then the liner. So what we're gonna do is line it up with this zipper foot. Once again, the zipper foot is facing this way to the left and just like the other side, I am going to top stitch. I'm gonna line this inner prawn of the zipper foot up with my top fabric there, and I am going to talk stitch it all the way. I could do this 12 handed. All right, so I lined it up like that. Top stitching is going to give it a nice clean fish. Your ego. I'm stopping every once in a while to, uh, pull my pull my fabric out with my hands like that so that it stays flat. So where did Here. Here we go. With that up. Put out snippet. Fantastic. And so we have the top here. We have the two sides Oh, our zipper pouch And we are almost done. We just have to So pretty much one more long, no to more long seems. And then we're done. You're almost there. Stick with me.
10. Planning the Outside Seam: Okay, here we go. You have two parts to your zipper pouch, the side and this side. Right. You also have another kind of two parts that outside and the inside. So what you have to do right now is bring like sides together. We're gonna I unzipped that a little bit. You'll see why in a minute we're gonna bring these like sides together, so full the tops together and then flip it so that the liner is together. And so what? We're going to Dio and I will tell you how this is gonna go. This part of the liner, this open edge of the liner is going to stay mostly open. All right, that's one thing. Another thing I want you to dio is put a pin right in the middle of the top of the outer fabric. You know, the outside fabric I want you to put up in there just as a marker. Okay. And you're going to see why in a minute what we're gonna do before I do it, I'm gonna tell you. We're gonna start on one edge here. We're gonna pin this, okay? So that it's lined up. Line it up Pune it so that it stays very good. Okay, We've been that we're gonna so all the way down here, right over that zipper. Do not fret. We're gonna so all the way down here gonna keep sewing in one scene. You're gonna so all the way across here until you get to this marker. Leave your needle in. Now, here's the kicker. Okay? When you get to that point, we gotta go reach in and unzip the zipper. Okay? This is just a reminder. I could unzip that zipper. Okay, It's You're gonna be mad if you didn't. So we're going to go because you're gonna have to turn this inside out is the thing. So if you sew it all up and the zipper's stuck, then the Yeah, So you're gonna mark that there? Just a reminder. We're in a soul all the way around and then leave this edge open. Okay? That's what we're going to do in the next segment. And then we're gonna turn it all inside out and have one more scene. Okay, here we go.
11. Sewing the Outside Seam: All right, We are almost finished with our zipper pouch. I've changed my foot, my presser foot. You can see right there. I have changed it to my all purpose presser foot. I like to use that for lining things up. And I am going to, uh, that's in the way. I am going to line up the edge of my press foot with the edge of my fabric so that that's my liner, Remember, we're gonna leave this edge open, were sewing in a big you down and around, and I've got my reminder to reach up in unzip the zipper. Okay, so I'm lining this up, and we're gonna so right over that zipper. Do not worry, OK? Do not worry about sewing over that zipper. That happens all the time. Okay, so I'm gonna line this up with my fingers. I'm gonna put my lock, the stitch, my needle down Here we go walking, moving forward. Careful of my pin taking my pin out. And so we I'm stopping every so often to line it up. No big deal. Here we go. May I have reached the zipper. Okay. Do not fret, not fret. Just make sure that this outer fabric is flat and just so right over the zipper. Okay, Now it looks like I have extra fabric here. It's OK. It's going to square itself up. Trust Moving forward. Okay, We're gonna get to the corner here. I've left my needle in, so I lift up the presser foot, turn the fabric, turned that corner, put down my presser foot again and continue watching out for my for my pin there. Take the pin out. Lining this up. Here we go. And stop. That's my marker. I need to reach in there and unzip that zipper Reach right in and unzip the my video. I'm gonna unzip that zipper. Here I am. You can hear it. Does not three unzipped all the way, But I'm gonna reach up and unzip that zipper right now. Okay? Continuing on turn the corner. Put the presser foot down. Move forward to line up that fabric carefully. That's what I mean by careful of the Bennett caught it. That's OK. What goes on? All right. And here we go. Right now, I'm just squaring up the zipper so that when I sew over it, it's flat, so just kind of flatten it out here. I don't way are at the zipper, you see. And what I mean by flat is that you're squishing these two house of the zipper together. Okay, More than anything, do not worry. It's going to be fine. Here we go. Slowly over. And now we're lining up the liner were at the liner. We're almost done with this long seem. And then we only have one seem left. Believe it. I am taking this last pin out. That's on my corner. Wait. Awesome. And I need to snip my breads here. Fantastic. Next step in the next video.
12. Prepare for the Very Last Seam: okay. We're almost done with their zipper pouch. Look here, we So it'll around there. We sewed up this side, and this side is open. And now I'm gonna show you why it was so important to unzip that zipper because we're gonna open up this line or here, and I'm gonna show you if I can see that that's the back of the zipper. If I had not opened that up, then I would have just so this shut with a zipper shut and it wouldn't work. But you can see there's an opening in there. And what we're going to do is turn this whole thing inside out, just like so turn it inside out and keep fiddling with it. And there's the zipper. Unzip it. So we got room and pull the liner out for me, please. Okay. Oh, look how cute. What a cute little zipper pouch. Okay, so poke. Okay. It's one thing you gotta do Reach inside inside from the liner and get your finger in this corner and poke it with your finger until it's a sharper core. Same over here. Here is that kind of round the corner and just poke, poke poke. And there you sharpened it out. Okay, look here. It or zipper. See? It's completely contained there. Completely contained here and all we have to dio the very last thing we have to do is to so this liner shut. So all I dio I literally, literally All I do is I take that raw edge and with my fingers on the edges here, see that I just folded over a tiny bit. Pull it over onto itself there, and I'm pulling tight outward like that to make it lie flat. And then I make it life flat like that, and I just shove it in the machine, and so it will show you how to do that right now.
13. Sewing the Very Last Seam: All right, here we go. Just like I said before, I'm pulling those taut so that that fold overstays. I've got my zipper foot here. There's a little bit of clear on the inside of mine, which I think is cool so I can line it up real close. I'm gonna line it up to the inside edge of this metal part on my zip of foot. I'm gonna lock the first stitch and the last stitch. And otherwise, it's just straight across nice and slow to make sure we catch it all. We're closing up our bag. Here we go. Locking it. It is bases. Okay. When I get about here, I need to take my finger off of there. I don't need to. So through my finger, none of us do. If you want to keep pulling it tight, reach around behind. See you screw. Hold on the way to the edge. One more. Okay. And then blocking que machine. Bring that up and trim the threads and trim the threats on this side too. And we're done
14. You Did It! Final thoughts, etc.: So that's it. You made it. You saw us make this one. Okay? We made that altogether. I am very hopeful that you will complete your project and post it in the project section off this class. You can also ask questions there, and I will respond. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your different projects. Now, remember, you can use pretty much whatever fabric you want. Once you've done this with a plane cotton fabric like I've used here, you could, you know, it could be ah, quilting fabric. It could be old jeans. It could be corduroy. You could make one out of velvet. You could even make one out of faux fur. That would be cute for a little useful pouch. Lots of different options for this kind of project. Because it's just this, you know, the squares that are sewn onto the zipper, lots of different options for fabric. So I'm looking forward to seeing your projects. Please post them and please ask your questions. I appreciate you so much for taking this class, and you can look forward to other crafty tutorials like this If you were to send me a message or leave a comment about a different tutorial you wanted me to do. I could do that to appreciate it. Thanks so much again, but by