1. Introduction about this course: Hello. I am gonna UN instructor this course on the founder on thinking how which is an animation production company. In the scores, I will get you how degree character animation very easily. We're not using any plugging. We're not using any complicated tools. We'll be using simple tools to create a character animation. This is a very basic course which will build you a basic foundation off character animation . So if you want alone, character and emission very easily, then join this course and we will start learning now. So you will be learning a complete walk cycle off a character along with the head movement , hand movements and walking. So this is the overview of the course. Now you can
2. Some Basics of after effects for this course: Now let us understand the basics and devote special doctor trips. So as you can see, we have just started the artifact. Now you need to start your composition. You need to go to new composition and select. Oh, Resolution mostly will be using 10 ity, as do TV Bennett. Here, This click here and goto 60 frames per second. You can usually to start e, but for this project will be using 60 frames. So decision time position will be selecting 10 seconds six difference. But 2nd 1919 to Vanity. So OK, now we need to add a background So we'll go to the rectangle to and added Acting creator Reckon by this light Click and drag created and Christianity color Just select here and Junior Dwight Now we're gonna move tool by selection toe this click here Now you've been to select and be sadiq this So go with the properties off any earlier which will be working on the bonds, lectures or the upcoming lectures off this predict. So we'll be learning the different properties like rotation, the anchor point and Skilling. So who loaned these first legs? Log this layer and create a new second So look, just click here and it's law. Now we need toe ad our circle to create a circle. Just click here for the whole for a while and playing on the ellipse toe now breast shift and just cleared a circle and color. I love a circle, but do color okay? Yeah, and just selection Tune Now we'll be learning different properties off. This are perfect. Now, if you're anyone in low specs, pc or laptop, you can choose quarter rendered deep review. And if you're running a high, expect you can goto half full, so it doesn't matter. But what I love review It will be helpful if you choose. Quite done half so you can see this move, animation. Now what we're going to work with this is the anchor point. So right, as you can see, I've selected this Lear and you can see the anchor point is here not in limited. So if I start rotating this by just selecting the layer and pressing are too excessive irritation. You can see that this is your painting. Come here. So this is the working off and good point. Now what? I'm going to do this. I'm going to place it in the middle, so just select this too and good going toe and best ship, or you can decide admission and place it in the middle. Now, if you any make another rotation, you can see that minorities animating from limited. And for this lectures we'll be using most Let's get OK next de select and then great directing them was deleted. This the select everything and creator around the single so that I can tell you how really , really rating. So as you can see, if I have selected this and got pointed here and imminent, So I'm going to change the anger point and place it here and just to access irritation toe Okay, let's forget about this and just click here to access every patient. Oh, and we'll be any meeting from this anger want. So these are the things that you need to keep in mind on. This will be helpful in dealing with these lectures. Now, I will tell you how you can import your designs or the layers which I'm going to provide you in the resource section. So just double click here and you can go to the directory off your PC or next top, and you can just drag these designs this select them and import. So these design will be here. You can import PNG files. Do you beg your GPS rectal piles, your illustrator file if you're using illustrator So that's how you can just drag. I have using a PNG file so that you can easily see this overview. So you can just really you drag this, you can just let select and please here. So this is very simple. And if you want to just and you made, then you have to just select keeping along with the rotation Which will we discuss in the for the lectures. So for now, I just want to tell you the basics which will be helpful. Incoming lecture. Now I will tell you how breaks pool now go to file export and and to a dog media in quarter What I had to think so just at a normal reading corner, just big toe the line and you can see I've composition will be rendered right? No, we haven't done entity. So you can select your rendered revolution, which will be high quality 10. 80 p and just play this. I haven't done anything when he made this. So it will come up with simple no moment. But for now, let's any made this and just changing the pollution or just killing so pressed s and at a cue from here, eg zero frames in Goto one minute and active games and scale it and again Go back. When did you decide? So this is this symbol animation of scaling the jungle, Glenda. And so go to file and go to export at around like you. High quality 10. 80 p. You can select the resolution here and just play and make sure toe select their directory which you want. Oh, me. Please like after rendering this, you will select this and it will come up like this. So you have learned the basics which will be helpful. Incoming lectures. So thank you. And just start planning now.
3. Learn how to animate head of the character: survives indecision relearn how do any meat ahead? So let's start, as you can see, got it all after effects. And now we will drag out layers or her head and body. So, Lex Braga body first by selecting and dragging here as you can see, the body ladies here. So this is all layer panel on. This is the designed marks Pixar Animation box face and in the bottom, you can see the timeline. So let's forget how. Okay, First, let's drag this dong, or we could just do this by selecting and dragging down. You can also do this using shifting shadows so it will move more precisely like this. So I will tell you how to enemy ah, head movement during a corrected and a machine in a very simple manner. So now we need to just drag a neck Ament. So next jagat Nick like this. So we need new parts first, a MiG body and, uh, head you can also, while doing a corrected animation, you can also choose this park as a neck. You think like you can create neck separately who make it more precisely, But for now, or the basics of any mission. You can just do this like a mid body and the neck along with neck. So I'm just reducing the size of the head, Prabhu. So I need to just scale it down. And however, leave this by press selecting the layer here, or you can just click here and see that you do select it. And now press s as well come up like Scalea. So we need to reduce from 100 to likely low. Okay, this is it. Yeah, this is good. And we also need to reduce the body's size. And I would tell you how you can just look eggs scaling like this without passing is so just click here and open the transform, and you can find the scaling is here. Now you can reduce this size. Okay, Like this. Now, next, close this and you can see that this is upward and this is downward. And before doing our animated any machine part, we need to just we need to just please the anchor point below. So let's start. Bring this. So course I like this. And go here anger doing and just select this anger toe and place it here. Nearly gin or the bottom of the place like this. Now select this selection food so are in control is in the bottom. So this will decide the movement from left or right. So now let's place our head. Yeah. So using Adam Keyes. I'm just shifting this. So this will be like this. Okay, now, we had the position and just zooming using scroll off. Most next. Just this handle. OK, so now we are going to enemy Crusoe post. We need to link outliers like this will be pairing Lord, and this will be Tyler. So let's connect the neck. So I only name this using a face. So this is the face, and this is the main body part. So I'm going toe link the face to the body. Preparing like, this is the child late, and this is depending clear. So I'm linking the child there to body. Apparently. So now if you move a body layer, you can see that the whole place will move. But if you move the face or the child, the pain in normal, not move. So that's the science, or that's a principle behind this. So now we need to any start the animation. So Caruso, and just dragging. So okay like this. Good. I need toe Make the animation on good, hard, different sports. Second or the 1 60 60 friends for second. But do any, maybe P dreams. I need 30 frames each. So we are already entire difference. So let's start an emission. So I'm just selecting this layer. Base layer and pressing are your exes, Little patient express. Odd As you can see, rotation will come up Now we need to just goto this zero frame and select this time rap or oclock Rather keep it in here, as you can see as I've selected the chief limits And it did here and keep him in just a value at that time or at that frame. So at the zero frame, a zero time, the value off key frame is zero and the rotation values already zero. Now we need to go to her difference, and we need to just other slight movement. So I will tell you, what I'm going to do will be any waiting it like this. So this is really the face movement. So next first making veto. And I'm going to believe this leer by selecting. So really, this is the moment off head. So this is not going to move it frequently like Burkhart difference. So we need tojust rotated on one second and then so first lex for usual this face slightly more so that it will look better now We need to just goto the one minute or whichever frame you want if you are animating. But right now I'm going toe one second and changing this value through Krippin, you can just do so by selecting and placing left. All right, as you want the boss. Let's make it two egg and then goto who's taking and animated like this gene devalue through the left side. As you can see at the one second, the value is positive in degrees on the right side at the two seconds the value tin just to negative 10 degrees. So this is the moment off the head. Now what I'm going to do, I'm going to this. Place it at the three seconds and change the value off to negative to positive. You can also choose any value not like this, but any value which is suitable for your character moving against acting or dissed, reducing the momento positive six degrees rotation. And then I'm going toe four second and changing the value due to negative degrees on negative two degrees. So again goto five second and change the value to negative 10 degrees. You can already also choose your own custom degrees occupation. It will be based on the movement of the character. But to make it more better, you need to just goto positive and negative waves. So just go to 60 frame or six. Second time is here on Just leave it like this. Was it a great degree? You can also copy these friends by this pressing the left click on selecting all and this control Seeley. But I'm not going to do so here. So I'm just going to seven frame and changing the value like this. Now again. Goto eight second and teen devalue. It was slightly whether do and again go here and the line second in being devalued in Africa. Sorry, I just working on positive and negative positive this side negative site and just at the last, I'm going toe 12th which is the ending again, placing the corrected they desired or d zero degrees like this. You can also select this and Jean devalue as you want negative and the negative value. You need to just go toe here and change it to like this negative and then And if you want to decide a positively, you can type any number you want. So this is like this. I'm going to select Zito and now it's time to play this. So this is our head movement of architecture. Now, if you want to make it more faster, you can addio. You can place your key frames at the shorter direction. Like in this video, we have done our enemy and original one seconds each. We have added a key frame one seconds apart. You can also do party print or less than that to make it more so. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to add, uh, different velocity which will increase the smoothness of deceleration. So I'm selecting all by pressingly left most button and select and right click on the key frame Any. Give him. I'm going to carry the frame velocity and changing the value to 75 degrees. And here also 75 degrees you're gonna choose between 70 to 80 which is your choice. But I will recommend going with 75 is better. Now let's play this. So as you can see, that's how we only made ahead. Copacetic we will go with or the degradation and negative innovation as you can see you or the do notation. Negative innovation. So that is inspired to syndicate him velocity. You can see this. It will not go formally on the left or formally on the right. It will go at a time like it will increase the velocity off probation so it will look more better like this. So I hope you have learned this. Thank you.
4. Hand animation part 1 : Learning the anchor point and rotation: in decision. We are going to learn how to animate a hang. So let's start right now. Renewed two designs a lower hand and out ahead. So let's drag up a health post in July composition. So this is the upper part of the hand. Now I'm going to back the lower part of their So let's Jack here. So, as you can see, if I combine our place it here, it will look like a hand. So this is the upper back and this is the lower part Now, As you can see, it's stupid. So we need to reduce the size before doing so. I will tell you how we're going to anyway, this or how the animation goes on vendor dating a hand. So first we need to place this anchor point at the corner here so that we can record it like this and this anger point here. So medication will be from this site. So let's do this post. Select the upper hand. As you can see, it is on the lead ramen. So let's like the upper hand. And then we will select the plan behind anchor point. Oh, and just place this and good point here. Simple. Now we're going to do this. Same for the lower hand. So let's select this and just select the anchor point in or Great, Let me just driving here so we can see what we're doing here. So, Lex, he was handled to see it. More precision. Okay, Now, as you can see that the anger point is hair. So now we can do irritation and see how we're going to rotate and how hand an emotional book here. So I need to just Okay, So I need to and under Beijing tool here or select mutation. So let's select the lower and and press are through openly tradition. As you can see, innovation is prized, and now we are going to go dangerous. So by choosing the ankle Dole, this is the meaning. And we're going toe the lower hand like this onto the negative and on pretty positive simply, and same for this upper hand part. So let's drag the design and best starvation and next game, so anchor point will decide buried, going toe rotate whether it is going to rotate on the center. If I choose the anchor point by default, it comes with center and it will do it like this. And we don't want this. So we have been this. You're dating a simple manner.
5. Hand animation part 2 : create upper hand animation: Now it's time to start the any mission. So we will select that up ahead and we would select on board him. And we need to just scaling down because it's stupid. So after selecting boat, I will press s to open this killing. Now, if I have selected the board layers, they both will skill, skill down or scale up like this so that I can see that this will be better when you wake. Giving it just Calix. Likely him less. Yeah, I think this will be better. Next, Try out. Listen, tail and selected boat. Or is it big? Yeah, I think it's quite for the animation. So let's start any making this. So I will first tell you how we're going to anyway. And then I will just place it here. So will select rotation. So just select the upper hand and press are to exhilaration. As you can see it, it was a little d nine degrees, so we will need to dismiss it straighter so you can just select the degree and selecting breasts, breasts or who were your most on to the left or right. You make it positive or negative after you So, host, let's make it straighter. And which is our own? Was it to drive degrees A bit more? Could this site okay, This is good. So what I've done without selecting a keep them here, The give him is off like now. Because I'm just arranging my layers deposited to the backyard addiction organization like this? No, I need to just add also place it want to the straight. So just select this and press are and changey probation which makes it straight up like this. So I handed straight Right now we need to start the animation, so go to the zero frames. First we will anime upper hand and then we will link it to lower him like this. First, let's start linking, and then we will. Anyway, no one had to open him because this is our bearing floor and this will be China. What I Lear Now if we move up ahead, the lower end will also more So let's start any meeting up on him about Henry less frequently move because it doesn't get more movement while walking or running. So this is just a simple animation to show how any reasonable work on hand, so offer handle less move and lower handle more frequently. Move So we need toe. Consider this so let's keep him here. Positive 16 degrees. Remember this and elocution. Click here on the time or oclock and you can see a keep em is added here. Now go to the two seconds because we need less frequent movements Off on hand. I'll be up but hang So let's go to a second. And seeing this value grew here. Simple. And now again, goto four seconds and again make this value jeans value toe like this slightly backwards Not fully record, but slightly record like this. Now Goto six second you can also This time I'm language very according to any man emission you like. If you need more frequent movements, you will go with less duration like less duration and more innovation. But right now we're just dealing with less frequent movement of upper hand. So we need to just place it here on and again goto eight seconds and put it forward. And then at the 12th it will be yeah back. So let's see our generation off up ahead next year. This you can see this is the upper part of the hand and I know we haven't animatedly lower part. That's why it is very simple in form. So after the downing this we need to just animator lower hand.
6. Hand animation Part 3: animating the complete hand movement: So let's start with animating. I lower him. So in this previous last, we have known that how do any maybe this upper hand part or you can just simple animate this in a single hand like this. But now we're going to anyone in this park. So before doing so, Lex, just add a key from velocity to all our keeping and easy them laser here and just select all by using the lefty off the mouse button and drag the oil. Give them and right click on any one of keeping him go do he from assistant and Eazy e's. So now it will be more. You hear a steep like this. Simple. Okay, next you can also to ask, even without city, which act, or you or with 75 degrees or 70% and 70% in both cases. And now you will see on more acceleration like this simple. You need to understand that people own velocity. This is very helpful while enumerating and providing a better look. What animation? So now let's animate they lower him. So we will just go with the one hand layer and best art to access innovation. Gorda, Zito keeping, um, again go to upper hand and press are to see the key frames off our upper hand part, and we will look an enemy according to that. So let's keep him here off. Lower hand. Remember? Do you like this? So we have vaginal value, and now I'm going to any meat that Okay, Really great. Just this, as you can see, that I've anyway did this. And we have left off this area. No, we need to just or is in this. And so it doesn't look bad. Why don't you waiting? Okay, now, this is good. You can people using you and Hank according toe the moment as you're going to see here like this. Now we're going toe add movements, toe a hand on the one second, Zeke, because at lower hand will be very quickly moving. So let's drag this through one second. And as you can see and now I'm going toe through second and changing the rotation off lower hand like this, you can change it to any value you want and go to three seconds. And gina de go to the second angina. Devalue toe like this. Simple. Open your hand and then go here and change the value like this. So we need to understand how we're going to change. The values of tradition were put lower, hand on up ahead and we need to match the composition of boat because not a single value, another definite value. They tell you how you're going to animate your hand or which degrees best like if you are moving your up at home. Who 60 degrees you need to be currently move your lower 100 car deliveries so you need to understand the notation according to your other body parts on the chemical. So as you can see here, this will go up and this was back and simply above and down. Now I'm going toe like this is coming back one and I'm going to just frequently close this and and then David Lee to downwards like this. No, let's play this and see. As you can see, the frequent moments are on hand. So that's how we animate a hand. Now I'm going to rather keep in velocity by selecting old keep dreams. Oh no. What? Him right Click people in velocity 75% influence on incoming 75 euros. TN. I'm going with Dusty 75 degrees closing. Now let's play the animation and see how we look. So that's how we any rape ahead and legs what I hand the woods. What is importation Now? I'm just replicating this on this bus, bacon single hand and this place it here so backed like this. And now let's plea. As you can see, we have any meat or not face or head movement. We have animated our hands. Now it's time to animate the leg intake of Warton. Second, you can also duplicate this hand, one to the other side, and you contain the value slightly so it will be better but for the learning. But was I'm just telling you how you can animate a hand. You can just duplicate this if you want to create another, or you can change the values according today, like Control Plus D will come up as a duplicate. Now you can see these two other duplicate clear. No, I understand. And don't get confused between layers. So I'm going to rename this ends lower hand to and overhead, too. No, these hangs are here and now let's eliminate or play this. So this is a duplicate and I won't who changed the value so they both hand will look different. You can also choose your own values. But right now I'm just working with some values. So let's open all the values off up ahead low overhead so that we can cope with this in the legs Jane devalues like for the upper hand. Let's make it like this and Jeanne value. But you want now this Now I'm changing the value. You can also choose your own values that you want. And I'm just changing these values off lower hand, so it will come better than adults. Um, so let's sing this earlier, Okay? Now, if we play devil big difference between both hands so you can choose your own He framed through creating another hand. This is just a demonstration How you can just do this. So I'm going to believe this and go with the same hand. You can change your values according to your animation control, ready on displacing it behind the body like this. Now let's play and see like this simple. So if you change the other hands value, it will be different and this simple to do like you have created a single hand and added some values. Now you can do the same for the other hand. So let start with the legs animation and create a box cycle. So we have been with place or the head movement and now the hand movement. Now let's move. It works taken. Thank you.
7. Adjusting the layers of the legs of character: survives in decision. We're going to any meeting the legs and creative walk cycle off character. So let's we have three different designs, like one like to end lower part No, uh, section, whatever you're going to see. So let's drag our designs by selecting and dragging here now, resuming using mouse. So these are the three part who cleared that length and the bottom part of the active. So these are two different leg or delivery callous and this color and discourtesy, so it will give him different. Look, when we're walking, I can't get so big stock rip clear d evokes taken like this. So, Host, let's like this leg, um, big design like this. So our legs will be any reading. Come here. So we need to exist the anchor point and place it to here. So let's select this and Dr Wawrinka point here seem for this case and can point here, and we need to link are both legs to this lower part and really, really reading it. Like this rotation. Hope you're gonna understand this or next Mickens Ito. Okay, No, let's use this. I've so we can animated post like select our other design. Okay, great. Just like me along this layer or bag earlier by picking here and adding a lock. So before any meeting on leg fortune, we need protest locker. Oh, our laser design panic, don't you? So that we can animate that leg properly. Now, in the news the size of this leg goto skill. My pressing s after selecting these leaders and their new designs, which would be back up. Please sit here to see that. Okay. It's like the more Yeah, What this is is a good. Now let's zoom in using middle most Burton or the scroll bar. No, we need to start being an emission. We need to just in create this size off the lower section so that trickle back recover of the legs. Okay, like this simple.
8. learn how to animate the legs of a character: So let's start animating our legs using creaky Prem's Andi. As you can see the leg one and like you are here, Legman is upward because it is matching. This same color would be lower section, so that would be a placing this layer above even today. Now let's add a keeping or go zero second and zero frame now at keeping with the rotation value. Same for the dislike. Select. Make sure it is blue and he cream is added zero at zero value. The value of rotation is legal for both legs. Now. Got a card? This frame party then and and or the to party the rotation party? No, what is the logic behind this probation off legs is that if this will go for the Green Party, the level go negative factor and and seem this will be repeated. Other animation. Lou. Now let's and day value off negative. 30. So let's go to like toe and add a value off negative 30 and they seem party claims. So for one leg it is positive 30. And for that it's negative. Now Goto one second, one second quarter time and with the leg one, which is posited Hardeen. 30 frames. Now, this will be negative. Cacti, negative pucky seen and like you will be. What is it, Detective? No. So for stem, it will be negative and post them. It would be positive. So go here and just add this same flame. Same give images here, which is positive turkey and go to one minute and 32nd would be milliseconds. And Gina de copy this value off. Artistic. Unlike positive 30 here controlled, see and controlled me after selecting this keeping and do seeing for this one and told c controlled me. Now, if you play this, you can see now what we're going to do. We will be going to any copy this paint or just copied these two creams, which is negative and positive. So controlled, see, and go toe to second and based it Same for this case gold See and told me. Simple. Now, Lex, copying these failed, controlled see and go here. And this based it or is be careful when you are just selecting these friends. Because if you go to board the difference, it will not move for next. Play this. You're going to see this? We got to positive things, so it will doesn't look better. So we need to just overlook this so that it will be covered up. Simple. Now we will be coping all these keeping and lives here steam for this case and don't see and told me that out. Keep it is copied and get on Muslim now Indian at keeping, which is zero initial keeping to meet you Get a bus stop and Dorsey controlled me. So in the end, the value of the location of both legs zero so that not correct it would stop running or walking. So select all creams and this right click and go toe keeping velocity. And at 75 incoming velocity and 75 are going rusty seem for this case The other leg I click you can velocity and add a 75 in coming in. 75 are green keeping lost. It will provide a acceleration or a velocity in which, like if you're changing a value to zero practically so it will give a initial boast at zero degrees and it will give a final bow stark artistically, it will not go uniformly so, like it will be a gradual increase and then go away. So like this How small It is this who knew the leg? Simple as you can see. Explain this. This is our leg movement. We have a slightly overlap you that you're gonna understand that you can Also, you cannot copy all these keeping. You can just go with Judy values according to the time which will be easy for you. But for this learning purposes only. And for saving less time in creating it grew quickly. I'm doing this, so let's thank you.
9. Finish : the complete walking movement of a character: So let's finalize our character on creative position Timeframe so that are correctable look animated and walking from here to here. So now first explosion this toe the original position off the character. So zooming and post later this and link correct clears to what is that? Finals. So lower section will be dealing with this too. So late both to the lower section. Because these are the Channel and Lower Saxony, depending Norn here and now you can just drag it and place it here. Okay, We need to make slightly adjustment. You are designed so that I can feel a little better. And this lower section will be languid, this mid body parts. So go to lower section and laying this to body. It's knowledgeable moving body and we need to link the upper part of the hand to the body so that it will look or doesn't go away when we move architect. Now let's start move. As you can see, the other part of the gang is not late. So, Benito, just go back. My controls ag, and also let the part. Okay, now let's go on. Linger the upper hand or the other hand off there but him and linked to the body. Basically, we are linking the parts to the main make part of the body like head to the mid part on the lower body to the mid part or the body. And for this Hanks for the same like this part of the body and this part of the game, the body and forehead, your body. Basically, this is like a spider. You can understand that. No, we need to displace it behind legs and the boat and the bottom, nor die of boredom behind the body because we need to place the lower hand off the back behind. So we need to just to scale down the bottom part on this character so produce. So we need to first unlinked li like when elect Oh, because if we do so, it will tell the legs scaling. So before Louise Oh, necks were used to skating on the Lord section and just basic upward like this. And now let's traditional legs slightly inwards. Also this simple. Now we need to again linked the both legs to the lower section because we have bended they scaling. You have to do this sometime because If we are dealing with character animation and poor basics, this will be better. Cool, skill and scale up according to the need. Now, if you play right now, you can see this. It is not moving right now because we haven't provide a position toe the main part to the body because bodies dimock part. If you select the body, you can move your Let me check that Everybody is late or not. Yeah, again, The upper hand me to be linguine body. So before animating the position, make sure everything is going perfectly. Upper hand is linked to the body which is good pay sizzling to be born in this part. Now body is not living with anyone because it is the main part And the lower section is body OK legs, lower section lower section. Good. Now we need legs being lowered and so everything is perfect here. Now we can just and you mean the position and make a collector go from here to here. So excite this someplace each year so that we can to standing meat select the body. You can also select this from here and click be before position. So if you click be it will come up with the position. And for those who don't know how to accept these properties, you can also click here and go with position, scaling rotation and capacity. So this is very easy proposal, but I don't want to get these. Tow these properties because it doesn't seems good by leaving and doing any mission. There are lots of key creams, and these properties will be open, so you have to manage your workspace and like to workers less as possible. So let's click on the position and at a key frame at zero frame here, and we will go to nine minutes. Here we have stopped, and now we will be changing this value because this is the X axis value and this is the by accident. So we will be changing this value. I'm just selecting. I'm moving to the left so that you can also add your custom value by selecting, tapping, changing the value by tapings. I'm going to place it here. So let's select these two and at a cue from velocity now, really going to addict Easy because for some reasons, we don't use the film lost every area So now we are liberated Animation. Let's play this. You're gonna inserted Use your custom position because if I've just reduced deportation, not really move faster as you're going to see you. So it is all the metro position. Simple. They lowered the usually pastor a corrective move. So that's how according toa this, you have to manage your key pings. So now let's So I hope you have learned this. And how do any reader characters you can just try out on any media Kristen characters? Or I will just provide these designs or these layers in the project section or the Donald section. You can just download and create your own using these characters, so all the best