1. Introduction about this course: Hey there. I'm gonna instructed of the schools on the founder of thinking an animation production company here and thinking home, we create an image in real useful brains. We have also produced more than 50 animated as you Krishnan videos over your toe here. In this course, you will learn some very important animations. And after this course, you will be able to create your own animations very easily, Theo.
2. Scaling technique to perform animation in after effects: in this lecture, I will teach you How do scaling enough in effects and how cool. Animate, using scaling like me First, you must import and regular violent of this competition section like that. Now make sure you select this and you can see it is right over there in the timeline. Yes, Going door being defied your simply identified. So how to excess scaling? You can have the press s on the people. Or you can select this and then this and click on this scaling. No. Here you can see by default devalues 100 100. So all the different values, rather than position an anchor 0.100 except probation because it's is you don't? No. In order to increase the site, we have toe drag this value words right By selecting left most wouldn't and dragging this right inside and two degrees the size. Similarly, we happen to oppose it. We have to drag the left index. You can see that this size gradually decreasing. You can either do by selecting this and putting the desired value like I'm selecting one puppy. And one more thing Are you that if this is selected, it can in Greece boot big and height. And if I un select this only one property with Jean. So you can see that only 12 things standing now that's stealing books. So But I will select this 70 swords invisible. But now I will put it Life 100. Now I will tell you how do any meat using scaling first, Make sure this is at the zero frame or zero seconds and then you start any mission. Click on this. I'm no. This time it will help create a key. Three. Make sure this will bring. And you you can see that it creates off key frame eg. Zero seconds. No, the values 100 and zero seconds. Now, even at one second, we will increase the value around dragging towards one party I wouldn't have given you. So now you're going to see exit off him The value zero values 100 in the way. One second the values 1 30 So now you can play this by using space. But now you can see this was likely increasing. Now, in order to degrees, we can go toe through seconds and you'd use dis ice by selecting left most button and decreasing, moving towards left side and you can see it will decrees next for it. Il 80. So now reality. And as you can see by selecting this, whatever I can do with this timeline, it will create a give him. And the key frame is the value According to the respected time value. This is the keeping. Now we'll play that will increase in 10 degrees. So in order to smooth this, we can select by left clicking and selecting all give names and we can I click Go ye assistant and easy. Now you can see it with greed Legal smoothed ammunition as you can see that So that's how you any meeting scaling?
3. how to use position in after effects: in this lecture Learn herbal, We don't object. Help of position. Next duck. First we will select that object on did later with you Competition section As you can see its allies in the alert use. So make sure this selector and you can excess position property by clicking Be or you can click this and this in order to access politician Right with you you everything will become 100 transform section so you can always remember No Exigency is in the middle of the section on the properties 9 60 Piper along with the respective exes. So in order to make it less confusing, I was select we and only give this no on leaving me position. And it's not news. So it is less if you could now likes portrait right over here you can see even the changes , but it is not unlimited till I can select this. So next any me and Jim devolution. So like this we're selecting. Always remember you are exuberantly so. Oh dear. Select this. Um I will put you right over three seconds. And I would dragging this by selecting left leak and moving this changing many. You can either I'm devalue. So works. Good idea. As you can see, it creates a keep remake. Three second loads. So you must always remember the room. Then everything the value it creates keeping. It's dead simple, so you can see that it is animated and pollution is things. Now, in order to gain back, you can either copy this, keep him by using control, policy and control. Plus we So it copies the disc keeping. You have to select disc particular keep cream to cope in, please. You can also do this if you don't want to copy. You can also think this value. Kill the desire. Yeah. Yes, we have. Almost. Yes. So these are there many treatment? No. If you play this, you can see it because they're on big interest situation. So, Dex was your books. Let's create a baby. Now I go to the middle of this start and three seconds. One in three seconds. Human tree. Originally the y axis. I'm not a Judy XX is. I must remember that included a very light. I'm changing this y axis. No, at the three and five seconds, I have your mortgage support a normal little awkward, but you can either do this now, our gravy that you can aid it if you want to move this, that cities electoral on little the animations. And if you want some easy, we're toe David, which means you can select this and use your mouse. My pressing shift. You want to go straight? Read it for a spin so it won't anyway. So gender time. No pressing shift using that click and moved works. You must press chip up looking this before. If you put nothing happens, no forced the legless Napoli, then you shit, you even get straight line. So that's an easy way. I always use most unless it's too complicated on and e the adults this if you don't you get a good it really good X and Y.
4. how to use Rotation in after effects: in this lecture really learn about probation. So first selector broke and drag it through composition section as you concede to get going ? No. In order to x interrogation, you can either breast hot like this and click on the transform You can existed location But you make it more easy. I will put press are so I can get federation right now it's deedle its decks and well, if you that I get left create a negative rotation on your right, you get a positive probation. So next, any meat using rotation first, make sure is that the zero for him and select this. Make sure it is on on move in three seconds at the beginning is a minus two so it wouldn't nor because any hard but still for the bigness I will off and remember this first there's zero. Okay, so select this and three seconds and I will locate ill. Are you degrees? Was it departed? Please, You must remember this sign convention here. No next play. As you can see, it's likely moving to what struck unity No increase the value in 19 degrees. No operator did agree it will continually no date in 19 degrees. So explain. And as you can see, every started is very school, and I got that slightly so that you can also drag the key frame. And we got the short regulation. As you can see here like this, I would you can either select just keeping in their desire location for gold in the one second. As you can see in one second attribute to 90 degrees, that's die out negative rotation. So I drag words left like whatever the values 90. That's Randall agrees. So if I play this, you would automatically debt. It's is too negative 90 degrees. That's already aggregations. And one more thing except the select your and welcome back and I predict select this. And what is the role of this now, Missus D Complete revolution. What's for Zito? And if I selected at zero now this we creator the rookie thing. The value zero. Right now, types Group two seconds and Jane devalued or wonder one complete innovation. Now, this will aggregate one complete probation. As I mentioned this, this is the computer rotation. This is positive, and this negative. You also you're really know that What? This father demon. What is negative in this. So if I created this quantity, we'll go through and explain this insane amount occupation. So you can do this. Use innovation any minute. These drops, you can also try that. So that's all usurpation and any metal objects.
5. how to use transparency in after effects: in this lecture. We're vulnerable in this lecture. We learn about transparency or opacity. The first that's Jagger object and put it to completion section. As you can see, this is a nice and legal note. No, In order to Texas transparency or opacity, you can press the It's a short cut off transparency and opacity. Hey, as you can see, our compressing T it opens is at capacity by default, devalues always 100 earned. It's a maximum value. One key point. Well, okay, that capacity values off capacity lies Bergman's You $100. So you go, God cool, whatever you from you, so to reduce. But all is to left. Click and drag left and you can see gradually is becoming invisible. And if you move towards I, it's increasing capacity. No, you know, don't let me make Zito. Make sure is that zero for him? And no, select this and go to Devon seconds and increase this 200 that you can. Either I've this value or used Jane this by help of most. So let's play. This, as you can see, is gradually getting visible. Next, make it in resemble again close to be invisible and visible again. Explain this. As you can see. No, you are elevated about passage. Next, more This right click key, famous Sister Easy's and that's previous knowledge. Nice. And in order to create a blinking effect, you have to go shorter duration for more and select and old policy drink words. You hear control purpose. We against select all and all policy looks likely did and copied it. No, When you play this, you can see this is a blinking thing. This is on a game off key themes. The more closer you put them, the more faster animation play more for you from them Look like most go on night as you I'm gonna do one second. So it is so far. No. Now, as you can see, this is and you can see how it is. So in animation, you have take a dive between Keith Dreams and create these animations. It's like a magic for the world. How would you? You don't know. Have you know they were plated rooms? So you must remember that dreams are. Then the mission will be slow. So it is all about this
6. workspace of after effects (optional ): in this section. I will tell you about the VOCs measles update, prints and hopefully, book s A. It's the first. We will start with new composition. No, it's geek. As you can see, this is a resolution. You can change the resolution. So there's a list of some resolutions, mostly friendly, as you give you anything. This is the frame rate. You can just 29. 30. Whatever you want. What do or Mr who? Start me, visit the duration of the project. Right. Notice Clean seconds so you can see one life. 50 point is, you know, fight. This is the background color gene. As you want our next white. So this is the resolution. Remit and time. Now, let's Okay. This So there is a composition section. We're animation is done. This is the project. Were you can import your Essex to import. You have to double click, um, require maybes, TVs while a lister file or identified. Ready me So excited. This and you can see this is a deep now How important this to the compositions. Action left. Looks like this. And drag as you can see when you drag this. It is here, so This is the time Land section. You can see the different leads ready Me. And this is the time stamps eg zero. You can zoom this in order if you want to work on frames like zero pilgrims got degrees or degrees. This this is the emotion that section disease for the camera. This is too long. This And if you go on, go on, you're a good visible Then goes this So right over there. We have got a codes, section effects and precepts. Are you review and paragraph. And over there we have selection rule and good His own goal delegation doing rectangle in order to select issue excreted as you can see mistakenly view to the mosque. So they knew this and select everything in order to readership unsettle everything then cleared this No one but Jim This you or create unusual You can just like this and make for a while. Then you can say like these different shapes. Thank start again. I must so just comes under the seem What? You do this and unsettled everything. So if you want to create new then you have to unsettle. You can drag this using selection so this is the They could do it. And your point. As you can see, here it is and God born, they start. You continue by selecting this moving a week Desire immigration expletive descended. This is depending on where you can chips. So this is And he would be a presto own stamp room. It is a And now these are used to create puppet animations, creating correct animations or anything you want. So we have seven in Porgy ship starch, brand new ones and over the willing. So in order to export, you have to go to file. You conceive you a export, you can you explode here, you explored you need ago media and Gordon, you get the soft red y ago. Download it for free, Edwards. So this is usedto exploring the files, as you can see, are finally ready. Here, you can select the I've selected high quality and BP. Now, this is a red even your play this and it will start remembering your fight And in order to get your family like this too in your next job. So this is all about or what have you? Thanks a little space. And if you lost any weird, just select before. Give back this word
7. how to animate a rocket with space background: in this section. Get rude. Ready? Made it. Okay, so they're stuck first, your dragon dropper. That comes. So this one is nice here. This is globes orginally. This is why. So it doesn't seem group with. So I used this big screen village. They're toller colored. This background? No, let's regard Morse. We have two planets. Lots. In order to create a death, I would be scaling down. What's like really exploded? No, it's ex skated down. This is called You're just using position and any making okay today next to this and drink . This is true bricks or scaling down as you know how to skin next to me. So this is required, Lockley. I know. Okay, that's good. No, we like this. I mean, goes beautifully and you making it. Okay, now here the Rohloff anchor point comes when we need him. In this game, your norm. Bring this. We'll be animating the scream with handbooks killing. But as you can see, the young couple is intimidating section and we don't want this type of animation. So you use this Judy and good boy basic here. Now, as you can see this this creator slightly Hamish No this is more proper. And students this one. So you're used this Jeremy Underwood. And this now in skating? No. Move shorter already that starting this home using hand, Greg. Then you strike different in it. No, this is good. So it will be a maximum value. No one multi. Remember, do behind it. Okay. So if anything goes wrong, you will coming up. Are you scared? That's your newest six. You will play between six and a so I'm really working towards No next Any different. I will tell you hope to do this first. Actual reality. Zero cream. No. At off de half off. One second we will jail this value to six. And again it one seconds. Jim, This value a No. As you can see, eg zero seconds. The values it and I don't 0.40 even lose six and again, X. So you can understand that. What? I'm going to do this. Why I am doing this. No, I'm going to go pretty. This using disease by kicking by selecting all the dreams and disease. No. Now I'm going to read a property. Aimless Lupo. So after select the or and like this time it No, this is Comes up No record, which I mentioned here, you know. Oh, it's loop out now. I will enter Andi. Click here. Now it will automatically Lupo this three dreams or whatever. I can pretty it do. You hired additional b review or your family. So that's how it will about the whole section off the give dreams. So we're done with difference. Now we have from link Different flame with rocket is the most important us. And we have done the linking No thanks, But I could This here. Let's and you don't recover motivation to the others. Graham reading monkey primer and zero and the good one. I won't do it at home. One a day, believe me, because I needed to go. Norm Deck lost. This is good on. And when will you meet Waas? By adding rotation. Make sure I'm on zero secrets. I'm here. I'm going to animate Lost it. Less than nine detainees on. Yes, please. No. As you can see, it's slower than this. And we just quite justified as only Hertz used the position and travel this. Okay, It's my loss. So, you know, good rotation here. We need the rocket, please. Like there to be in order limiting and education. Right now. As you can see, North selected this understanding the location. You are gonna make your motivation. So this is the year. No to be using. Scaling did. Okay. No, let's make sure to select this. And we Are you on? Let's go to the end of this section on a scale four. Okay, now we're done with scaling Likes ag position to this day. Okay, So let's enemy when you should, you know, make sure related video games. I keep him here, and legs would be the end of this. Okay? I mean, dragged a stroke in the must. No. What? I want you to do this wound drag. So you know. Okay, now, that's good. So you're right and you can see is not going bad. Good. So we relied location and he made for the occasion. So, like, select the make sure you get it is you know, So like, this time on or, you know, as you can see, this is quite good. Now we have likely move this. Now we have move. This seems good enough for the mosque there. Make it cool distance. As you can see, flames ever been properly. That's really great. Gnocchi
8. how to animate a GPS in map using trim paths and scaling: in this issue. We got any meeting on that? What? I'm away for using trim parts. So let's start next day. I got object. Skillet. Don't to make it 11. Not good. No, we have to. Creator. But from here. Good day. Deceleration. So we will be doing this with help of grim parts. Let's talk. But this you should. Everything is unsolicited. You have to select this rental. Let this. And you also Jack that Look here a defense and make sure no, nothing is selected. You and this joke this selected of the solid. And this is direct off the stroke they are creating. There was a woman and create out. So this is that a mission? Starting from this? Do you care? And yeah. Yeah, so we're creating just apart. And this is a fire pollution. So we have created a pot. 16. The color, right? No, it's good. So this is a part now we had in reading this lengthy, so we look lake and navigation. There it started. Well, any meeting this like a dream parts. So first, this is the line next dean, and this is line. So now we're adding dream part. So first we have like this Open properties. No, we have group click here. Ad? Yeah, again. You can see All right, head and here Trim parts so ever have are parked. No X goes this again. We have Brexit tinpot. So if you click here, you can see this. Here's Jim Pot. You're great. The next click here to exist its property And we have to animate this. So let's start with zero second. And if you want to cleared animation like it's starting from here in a new to this point So we have through you make sure that the end value is 0% without selecting any keeping the N values our new person, you're gonna see if I'm degrees in this. Everything is Gen. Jim with respect to this venue so expert at zero Now, you actually added to your friends in zero seconds. So living click here at the start time like this make sure reacted they're here and go to the desired value off the time it won't that and dragged the value I knew boxing. No, As you can see, if I pay this, the values start zero exito seconds devalues, you know as we are gradually moving Works for second. The values joined you here. You can see here values changing in this Linus Any major by the four seconds re edit here you find in pollution so you can keep them. Assistant, I didn't disease more like it. No, Let's close this on at the location. Excuse down Zoom this drug here look more better now. So this is our destination. So destination I'm making a point. That what? Here executed We also the point officially selected. Selecting this and changing younger born day Yes. So would a lot of unit from this point. You know Next Jack this year. Now be anything this big. Four seconds does you know? So when the four seconds computer I won't do make this one originating papa. So when you're ready? Four seconds Remember the value. So I want to give you zero. So married before seconds opened this time left and lucky 34 seconds and slightly after four seconds. Devalue greater than 15 because of bizarro is no value or is no value means as you. So I mean screwed and then 50. So it's been great like a pop up as you can see No get writing a key for him. Velocity. You can also give him assistant. But here, in this case, I want to read a Cuban velocity. So how you get exists electoral dreams by this right click, please keep in velocity. Jennifer Lucas, 70% influence. 70 person and here, 75 persons. And then, as you can see No, look, I don't know. So it is optional, and it's up to you That you can do is keep him assistant and Easy's I am most people abusing, keeping velocity as you're gonna see the difference. Look more than so. Let's take the whole animation given so excellent little. So this is not animation. Would you map? Thanks. I'll be anyway, using trim pods.
9. how to animate a text conversation between two in after effects: So in this section we are going to any media conversation between animal life Jack. So let's talk first. We dragon charging degrees, It's skated down so this que no seems good. Good Bless resuming or you can go on Basil. No, that's did eject. So this is the message one next scaling down my presents. Electively lien in pressing This opens killing Skilling Steve's good in June. Evolution by ship and therapies. So we have in the first step and the extracted Mrs Number to buy another sender. It's cute it down. This seems good. Genuinely position are using a Lucchese or shiftless arrow keys will more pastor therapies will be would for my netted needs. Here you're done NexTag guitar driven skill, you know, seen in school Normal. You know, it's clearly in denying. Ok, next. So weird stuff before object. Old message from the second center. Okay, Okay. We vaginal default gold. So, as you can see, we have judge interface message one must to my three missed four. There's a woman. So this is our interviews off from this is sending one, and this is sending, so we are going to make this conversation. So let's start by renovating this first, so make sure reinterview creams. First we have to jail the anchor point. And like this Indian gambling, as you can see, it is now intimidated. There is shifty. Yes. Or you could go to this. They if I'm stealing this. So what did you need to come here? This is the proposal changing the anchor point. So this turned it. So let's for sport. Devalue zero No skill. So the first frame eggs you don't like seconds devalues. You know what this Jack it is? He was evil. Right now that scale computers your is normally of the jets on your skating rink like card on next, Like this cream p blue divan seconds. And that's Jane Devalued Rick on p A. Earned a guess. The reason why I'm doing this is question is exito Dalit? It's like every good and then small. So would be great, like a bones, as you can see next, Dizzyingly Easy's so after years, even more As you can see this this is the first state pop up at one second solar. It's at a market So we can know that when the force judges problem No, we are and limiting the 2nd 1 So again, good morning. Like a Deere. Next comes the customer is not so complicated. After one second June and B s, we're scaling its value strategy So hard. Victories out. Always no value, no extra. Use this EC students type me. Did you guys know that you're this? So it will be helpful when on increasing the value so it won't come out of this? Your fees? No. So let's add a scheme. No. First you could Zito, you check this the values, you know, And, uh uh, it's read for the one second gonna get you on a different. So at through seconds, quietly after two seconds and the value 43. So it's just like you begin value people. Okay? You're everywhere. Is never you Turkey or is never loses room value by us. So explain this again. This is open what? Disease, right click. Keep them assistant disease. As you can see this. So we are done with you? No, it's also anyway used to. Then you can imagine is let's at a market so you can move them. The second judges. What a great 41 2nd So we are really great at four seconds gold This. No, it's stone formatted Nima Tree again. Rule number one Jinjiang. Good boy. So the originations from I mean this is what? No, select this open Skilling, Make sure related four seconds. So the original values 29. Ok, so the value zero Right now I remember in the original Value Select stealing it is his own goto slightly less than five seconds and Ed going. Tina, your finger dinner It's Hardiman are doing and then 85 seconds Make it 29 Monday night. No, it is always electors from judo. You are the one. And then one thing that so business global. So like Senator Easy's like right clicking and then easy. So Adam ocurred to five seconds. Now let's and go six seconds by giving one second relief six seconds and then close this Now it's time for messing the merciful good animated So next Indian Good point. You hear no on this killing. So the values hard to do I think it's likely Bricker. So on day will be the venue. So remember devalues 28 29 gold in the day So first the value zero and then on this time would read a Q from here and go toe slightly less than seven seconds and had a value greater than 40. Argument is good. No Exelby value or does not value with just 29 again, there is no other losers. Lioce. So you can assume any value with soups you need. So again, this is a short don't know On Ellen. Look, Evening assistant, by right clicking this good p from assistant and easy East. It's more delegation. So we have any metered all different? No, Play this check first. I'm taking this full jet. So that's very this. Posted a new pope are getting this one on this and this. So that's how you any meat composition on a more violent end of this That zone this So Dad sold the enemy jag walks
10. how to perform a Coin flip animation: in this session we had any meeting of going so first drag disclaimed yet at the competition section. And rest s by selecting this Skilling with come up like skill. You don't Carty amazing in this same paper? No, we are animating it like a flip veneration. So we have to first untech this. And if I am, take this fight indeed one value. The other value is not effective. As you can see right now I am. If I'm changing the one value, it will impact the boat. What if I take this? And I'm gente value only one valuable routines? So this is the work of this also. And make sure this isn't it. And we had no we had everything. He grinned by selecting this Was it your cutie? And after one second we got any kind of this negative 30 You Can I have this? Or track to the left? So this is negative hockey again. Or is it your turkey? So if you are creating off the veneration, you have to follow sequence off. Positive. Negative was even negative. So like you're doing now, Was it your car key? And now get your party on again. Was it? Was it to Turkey? Now it's up to you. You can copy this cream dissection U boat. Like looking this. So, like in the old and on typing here you. Well, so this is the flip an emission type positive hardy on here. I'm being positive. Iraqi. If you don't want to use loop out or you want to just flip this going through the particle resection, then you have to again, like if I want this to only five seconds. So we have new properties. Is no other people? Is it protecting in them? Well, this on, like, negative toward the end. Was it to Turkey? So either you can do manually or by boat or copy these keep dreams. So that's how the drugs
11. Car animation lecture: So in this lecture we're going to any medical NYT stock First you must. We're Begum, Would you calm section next? Our justice? I don't make it like so I can move in the car. So this is good. Just a car. Long. I got a card. This is Erica. And they are weeks. No, you're going to see in the time that section have you told Scott so make sure background is below. So let's woman, I can go Plus use no Jack. And make sure they're not in good board. Is you saying it'll be tires? In this case, it is a dissenter. If it is not in the same bed, I guess you can injustice and particularly ST So it is in descended. But you can see it's too big. We must really down. So I'm stealing No notes, dear. Instead, it Yeah, it is warming by controlled press losing. Yeah, this seems likely renewed, slightly smaller guardian and will do No, it's good Looks like TV Large time frame for this. So make sure the other digital thing. So how do? And immediately in this case, they're going to usurpation as we perform previously, you said like, please and all. Right. As you can see, the rotation come out. No, we must add a you get. And as long as, uh, I am ladies, you really made according to deck. So this reduced 15 seconds long, so I'm going to give it, Let's say five gradations. I've computerization in 15 seconds. No, Todd, no. If you can be, it seems too slow. But it is any vigilant reading like us. No, I no gender. And you You can do the really by selecting the giving Gene, you re venue. Here's your home. Hey, no. Between younger than you, Drake, Lexi, Marv's leggy faster exchanger in and marks. And okay, so we have our first read any major now what do you do? You copy? We'll make a duplicate by using control. Kletzky? No. As you have created a week, you can see using control Presley, mom and ship this diet the your guy a section storming quality. It's just India Now. It's good. No, As you can see both, I have not any meeting, but we need make sure the God is movie along with the tires. So you must link diet's with God because if you can do this when I move this card, guys, you in the same position and we don't want This will be happened. So we must link both the guys in the car. No, thanks anyway. The economy tradition. Now your news be in the pollution section. No select. Make sure this is on and it's moving. And 50 No, as you can see X more And there. So here we must die This easy's so it seems like a little bit of acceleration at the start . No, let's pray this here's that God is moving. As you can see, God is moving. Oh, you gun all such ines de speed according to the kind cream where this is the basics off any meeting of God. First, you any major TV by using rotation. Then you link your tires with your car and then you continue desperation of the card. Next, compute dissing. Make it Remember again now England and he made the bag come So x close this and what is it brings you here. Make sure hammered zero seconds. Make sure his own That's a markup with you. Feed him yet And, uh, the end of these I'm late. I'm great Jeans deep down and you greasy position on the X axis. You know, you board make and really, as you can see, the background exchanging according to the car. Yeah, so really meet now, if you add position with googly background, it will help you look animation, war, create Here, look more realistic. If your background is an emergency so no, here's how you can and you meet your card. A monk. Remember the basics. First, add tradition to the beads. Make sure the anchor point is in the center as it would screw up the innovation. So make sure and combined isn't centred. Advocation to your beads. Inconvenience to the body off the car and then animate with pollution and then egg and emission to your bag, then complete disease. So hands this scene. So this is the ammunition off God, no. In order to make it cost, you can change the location value. Like if I'm changing your location that you hear, you know, if I want to make it fast and as you're going to see, I was in a literal peixian. Now it's going picketing like you for person. This conceded views another more faster than before. It is not reasonable because there are some limitation of humor. Night dreams. It is 25 state. No. So thanks. So you're in a meeting.
12. how to animate a helicopter in after effects: in this session going 20 minutes. A helicopter? Next time Draghi board and skill it down. Seems good. No, let's tag the fan. Just grace somewhere here, real majestically. No dragged the rotors here. So that's Leatrice. The role that is behind No ex whom and here. And let's check the uncovered. As you can see, it's slightly outside. We have to make it in this center. So no, I didn't send extract this here. No stamp, any media. So course you really made Make sure we entered your dreams like the rotation completed. This. When? When computers excuse to go. No, this is what? No. Yet I didn't. Easy's only in this case. So And we have to at the Lupo. So even is the York and like this, and I'm tickled you. Oh, and end it. Now click. No, this Finn, any red, the whole section. These two key frames, as you can see. So now I understand. Plenary deedle dots, even any make this using escape. So first we have removed this soap like this. I hope you understand what I moved. Go ahead. So let's make it default. And Nate side, like you remembered a little and we get far so human. Negative 100 Beautiful. Maybe 200 Here it's slightly do 100 now It seems good as well be. You can see this. It seems like moving. No real Copy this. You dream baster can. All right. It is completely Lupul This section bliss and typing here Group out President. So no, I don't know. It is limited beginning to dispute by drinking. Now it seems more pasta than before Now it's time to leak only I said to the helicopters Body Excellent defense. First gun No Well skilled on the and create morning in English. So here, eg solutions and speak The North did zero Because you want give some time default flame again A little here and yeah, no, Landis easily hurts. No, we will exit the rotation. Most are among the selections. I know when I have You can mark this by using this My legs, the rotation. I was like, OK, vanities. Thank you. Like this There were ladies. No, you can see No. Really. And as you can No, this is the end of mechanical New only landing is Let's hope this from here I controlled CNB and excellent did this that and then change. So look more natural. Six by the end. Zero. So, as you're gonna see, why be many is more natural notes, like select all creams and easiest them. Now you can see. So this is the helicopter animation.
13. How to animate an airplane in after effects: in this section. Got any meeting on the airplane? So stark? First your dragon. The competition section. As you can see, it's true big. So, like scaling down index a medical background I'm using. So it's for that background that detects something, Doc. So we can easy understand timeto you can look it. What? No. So does not agree. No, we have to that the engines so really making engines using rotation. So this little date this really place this above this motor so well look like this and I'm going So that's all very animated. The engine. So first, let's link this motor. The oldest free movers dream. Oh, do you have, like this? No, most excellent medium or flares. And he read this motor. Make sure we added to your dreams. Started this By the end of the day, it's put their own six revisions. Next treatise. As you can see, you digital dating right now in this for you to go on. So this is not required. Next as we have link this or we can skill this small frame, we're going to scare this. No, no, it was scaling. Now examine and plays the murders screen rights I really did. Using key votes by pressing ship or the Iraqis, you can also use separate and please you know, using ship. It will be very slow on a ship. It is good. No, I wouldn't go picking this boat and place it here the season. Why any reject first and after that I'm lubricating is that I really became this and along with their respective animations toe So I don't have nuclear separate an emissions for them . Great. Just inevitably get along with the animations. So let's move this about next. The name, this frame and being g begun. So this is our basic engine and emission. No. Every American and in years. So both at the would you diet to be good, excluding known Lose it here somewhere There is only okay This is good. No, we have to create us killing animation by genuinely and good point. So let's seems younger boy, here I have on decided to originate from day one. That's five Gene. Yeah, so necks we'll talk to you is the value I don't like to perform skiing is that I will I knew like through seconds or the desire time the jewels. So I would select this killing and places Keith removal you article here and come to the zero seconds James Value zero. So this will origin eat like this Before that, we had, like, for us to be odd in this true Zito on then, selecting the I'm grip and we'll build here and changing the religion desired. When you do, in this case, like a grim velocity here by right clicking, um, velocity changing the value to 70 per person lying this. So this is the landing gear over there, please. This behind the like that And get a position. This again. Okay. No, it's good. Big Black. Still, it is okay for that duty? Yes, as you can see. Poster Nisus example. Drive this on. We have to create rule and years. We'll decide. These are this morning. Excuse me. Don't. Okay, this is good. Please. Yeah. And we have to change evolution on this engines and see him for this case through three. Four. No, this here. No, it's look this more dire. GDD in good point. Next for from stealing. So this desire release 29 Tom, Selecting this through second gingerly value initially does this seem? No, I'm good. Keep dreams on. Keep in velocity. They said 75. So Trump, eat like this. This will be open like this. Here. Decks Good. No, today its publication. This or its place behind the airplane? No, we have you think These two Adrian body. So while I'm really this hairpin pollution, the boat come along with the Frankel's. And again, in this case, I linked this party in this case here, making up for him. Not because more Paris lingering, more suffering. You're green sin for the this one thinking about a friend? No, Lex, do this. As you can see, this is the duration of landing. No, let's drop these and create. You've been in remission in this guy. So these line inaugurated four seconds. Very moving three years. Like stealing next. Corporatist value by control plus see and can group a sweet 34 seconds that he's an uncle previous Like you fight India Bolivia Gradually and then we're good. Easy, right? This you're trying to defend appeared? Oh, as you can see lose video led off. You didn't like that? I don't want this. So next copy this cream. So from did from through seconds. Four seconds. The value remain Scene on this menu. It's still seem things now I want and get reduced so that, like, this tomography condition. So I know when I detain these more diets skiing. Next copy. The last few. They're pacy control History No. Jean Devalue Zero again. Let's make it here. And generally value for first copy a disk angioplasty controversy. So then the value remains seen. You mean de ski films? No, I want jeans. The venue with this more dire zero geo like this. Imagine that. No. Okay, okay. So as you can see, landing gear itis on Go Jean sloping so it can match your day. Que business king So let him as this It is dreams. So next basis. Okay. And your vehicles and get up. No, that's an emergency. Every solution? No. How excited when you mean to say so While I am eating, we're changing the angle, so look more realistic. You like that? Indicting a plea. So after four seconds, that's the like, the rotation and by the duration off group, three seconds slightly. Change the value positive six degrees. And as you want, it's for you. Minus four they wanted to say or negative site. With respect you Oops. You can also eggs killing complete plane you should get But right now in this case selects easy. These screams don't use give number. Course not. Long break this case like this. That's how we anymore you
14. how to create a Rainfall animation: in this section, we're going to create a rainfall. You know, it's so let's start first you drag this, it's on you and create that. Come use indirect angle. I really need this background. No, the black so green is visible. No, you have to surgeon effects and reserves in front as Sesay rainfall. Now you have to drag this duty background on next greatness. As you can see, it creates setting. You can drag this steam or your any major seeing also career down the drain for you can also just the size of drops By increasing really crazy, you can also do you and to your drops that's any move. Your drops. My first groupings, You x creator Time stand, Eckstine with this deal, What created confusion. So first picture we had three murdered zero seconds. No off six seconds X Andries de Relational crops. This one is good. Now let's create this as you can see, slightly rainy spring. Let's drag this true move realistic so you can do the any background and you can select a very important factor. Any background you have, we're going. So make sure that when you are creating our animation, you should select this year back home to your bro, like God or any can you and making, So make sure you and disaffected back home next guy. What if you're in jungle so you can also select the background teams in the you can also or what? Junior tones green. You can also increasing degree this year of during, Like that reviews dispute. It's and keep in you 660 Nexen. Greasy cost. So explain this, as you can see and we start is very slow, then gradually increasing this week. It's too much unrealistic, but label animation there. This you can also deceiving. Do that doodles ordinary? Or that would be Jeanne bookstore was no sort of as you could see in addition in Leading wants this site so you can also change. You can all that you know, the kind of Dean from here. This is the opacity. Make sure you'll be when you quantify Percy. So that's how you create a in for effect. Dr. Brooks
15. Snowfall animation: next Clearness snowfall impacting off records first redirecting the background Thanks. Section the meaning. So this is our guy? No, You're such in the X and greasers section. It's nor fight so in this simulation actually you can also find CC strove for effect When you get stagnant. Police background section as you're going to see this is just roll for can increase the mix can agree the size Let's be crazy flicks home So that's how you create snow ball effect possible on disparities usedto spread the particles leaks as you can see Just a more realistic No, you can read this right? I take him home. So according this section and only effects was like believe this, you know Next defragment zero maybe And go to the 12 seconds This is good. You know what I didn't do much? All explains as a great sea You can also use discrete here. Nice call. You know ST Elex As you can see, it is mostly what now, As even see, we can all sorts just dispute art into the animation next month. No, that's ingredients. Next day this you can see Spiritus increasing gradually you reading G frames of different values yet it is for her. Yeah, I'll eight seconds and the 2nd 1 quantity. So it is green again. You get ALS this know full effect to your any background. You. Any reading is Norman. You do that, you have to create a soldier. You can do this over the ground to create a snow politics.
16. how to create a space background with stars: indecision. Greeting the star was, You know. So let's start first. Let's get a background for your dog and extreme in this true like I girl. No next block, No next read on that. Go changing And Jews White or some light winners? No. Well, beginners Search start. Most post is you're gonna see, See? See Star Wars. You know you have to select the appropriate You have created already back and you're dragged. The stock was defective. Basic? No. Next I So here again. See, this one creator star was to so make it even. First increasing your expression and that's escape. Go 1 50 and degrees this size. That's good. No likes to use dispute. No speak. If you put a positive speed will be more words you and the negative screen. It moves away you, most of you from like juiciness lightness. So it is moving away as if you do and it is more towards so This is a kind of space effect you can and explain is incredible. If you're angry, the sites, then it will create the speed as you can see. So that's how you create a star, you know, effects. It's a long Jeanne. So this is created by us. These awkward emulation review. So this is the background. It's Starbucks. You can also try this. It is very easy. You don't require dreams? No. As you can see, you lost our project. You. So in order to gain back, you can click this and go to predict menu. Now, if you want do any nexus to infection control like this. You can make this going on. If you don't want to select this, then you can also access the properties from here by bleeding this on by trips. It's easy startled. You know, you have existed esteem properties to move us about how it is on. So this is the star busted breaking up directs.