Sew a simple jacket using a PDF pattern | Laura Casey | Skillshare

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Sew a simple jacket using a PDF pattern

teacher avatar Laura Casey, Sewing blogger & pattern designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Downloading your pattern


    • 3.

      Putting your pattern together


    • 4.

      Choosing your fabric


    • 5.

      Things to consider


    • 6.

      How much fabric?


    • 7.

      Laying out the pattern


    • 8.

      Putting your jacket together


    • 9.

      Attaching the sleeves


    • 10.

      Sewing up the sides


    • 11.

      Positioning the pockets


    • 12.

      Final notes


    • 13.



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About This Class

An easy dressmaking project for beginners by Laura Casey from Sew Different. Learn how to make a gorgeous loose fitting jacket with help every step of the way, from downloading and assembling a FREE PDF pattern, to choosing your fabric, cutting it out and putting your jacket together. If you can use a sewing machine but have never made a garment for yourself, then this is the perfect course for you. 

Meet Your Teacher

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Laura Casey

Sewing blogger & pattern designer


My name is Laura and I run a busy and creative website called Sew Different.

You can find it here:

I have my own indendent range of simple, contemporary sewing patterns for women which are available on my website. It's all about sewing the clothes you love. What I have always wanted is to recreate the clothes I buy from my favourite shops. And you will see on my blog that the things I make are inspired by things I have seen on the high street, or just gazed longingly at in Vogue. I often digress into other projects like fabric dying, sewing for the home and things for kids.

Sew Different has recently started to run sewing retreats and to host sewing socials such as our Frocktails event. 

I am sponsored by Bernina and... See full profile

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1. Introduction: My name is Laura from so different. Now, if you can use the same she But you've never attempted making something yourself that this is the perfect tutorial for you. What? I always wanted it to be able to make the kind of place I like to buy in shops. I'm not talking about fitted tailoring or complicated. Sure, I'm talking about every day easy to wear stylish clothes. When I first started day, I got really frustrated with complicated stowing persons. All the terminology. I heard off the instructions. I just didn't know what was going on. So what I did was I moved on to designing my own clothes, simple contemporary shapes with a really flattering on. I made these into a rage off easy £7 to share with you. A lot of sewing is about making the right choice. That's the Watcher fabric, right? Was a pattern that suits you about having really clear instructions on, of course, cutting it to you very well. I'm passionate about saying I love the way you can change a flat piece of fabric. Does something stylish that makes you feel great from a A fabric shop is like a sweet shop any better. You're always going to make something original. You can guarantee that no one else in the room will be wearing what you are when you've made something yourself until one says, We're like your dress makes you feel great. So this tutorial is to make this simple, raw edged jacket. It's a great throne garment that could be worn over almost anything. It's loose fitting, with big lapels, oversize pockets and 3/4 length sleeves. I've made it here from dark gray felted suiting fabric combined with faux leather sleeves on much in pocket. But there are loads of puppets that will work well with this jacket. Boiled wool for a chic upmarket finish to fleece or minke for casual. Look, I'll talk you through choosing fabrics later on. For this project, you will need Ah, home printer or access to a copy shop so you can print out sisters. Sticky type fabric threat under sewing machine, there's a free Papenfuse download. It comes in fire sizes from extra small, two extra large that that stands about UK size 8 24 or US size for 20. I'm wishing everything from how to down a little pattern. Put it together to choosing life fabric to cutting it out and so yourself. This is a really easy project, Gusteau picketers. So if you've never made it yourself before, and this is the perfect place to start. 2. Downloading your pattern: you can download your free sewing pattern for the raw edge jacket From here. W w w dot so different dot co dot UK slash skill share Raw edge jacket Just click on the orange Link to bring up the pattern. The key thing with printing a pdf pattern, the absolute must do is to make sure that your scale respect 100% when you print. If you don't, your pattern isn't going to you. You can find this just here in your print dialog box that comes up on your screen. When you press print, look for your page scaling. If you have fit to page or shrink to principal area, click non. Otherwise, if you have the option, click 100%. You can check that it's going to print correctly by printing out page one. This is a test sheet on a lot of media measures. Square on the printed sheet. With a ruler, it should come out 10 centimeters or 2.5 inches. If it doesn't, then you need to go back and re check your settings. What did you correctly printed? This test shoot. Then you can go ahead and put the rest of your pattern 3. Putting your pattern together: what's your pattern is printed out. You will need a large set. It's like the kitchen table you need to cut or just fold on every pattern piece along two sides like this so that you can. But up the joint months, you can see that the pages are all numbered along each edge. So you just match these up. One a joins to one a one B joins 21 B and so on. Until you create one large sheet of paper with the new sitting garment like this, you're fitting isn't critical, which is why I designed this jacket in just five sizes from extra small, two extra large. You can see here what these related in both us and UK choose the right size for you. I'm putting this small, which is a UK size 12 to 14 So I cut around the black line and then where there's a choice of color, I feel at the purple, which is small 4. Choosing your fabric : wouldn't you have cut your paper pattern? You're ready to choose your fabric, and this is the really fun bit. The jacket is designed to be made raw edges, which means that they're not hand, so you need to separate that doesn't fry will require any having. If you're in any doubt, ask the advice of the stuff in your fabric shop. In my experience, people who working fabric shops are very knowledgeable legacy themselves, who will always be able to advise me what they haven't stopped in the way of non fraying fabrics. I'm going to run through a few specific fabrics that just usual the jacket to help you with your choice. It was really, well info leathers like these two that I've got here. Another great choice is fun, for this is just a lovely one. This one here on the other one I've got here is a really great find. It's quite a lot to get hold of. It is actually two sided. You can see that there's a gray felt on one side and a fleecy look from the other. This is another example of a double sided cooperate, which is shearing on one side on, um, phone left on the other now. Boiled well, it's a really nice choice for this jacket. It's really light on wall. It's a little stretch to it as well, and it always looks good. You could also for casual look, choose sweatshirt Sing. This one here doesn't frame. Just please check. But when you choose, doesn't on. Finally, here is what I use, which is a charcoal gray wool suiting combined with a black. 5. Things to consider: my jacket. I chose to different fabrics, one for the body and another for the sleeves and pockets. You could do the same. Or if you've managed to find a double sided fabric, you could use the reverse side of the fabric, which is really effective, because then your lapels will naturally lead to. Or of course, you could make it all from sight Proper something to your well is that you can use pins on synthetic a phone ever. The problem is that the pens a little holes in your letter that just don't plays up. So instead of pins, there several things you could use like clouds, hair clips, paperclips or even sticky tape if you're using tape so right up to take Ben period off before you. So don't sign through the sticky tape because it makes your needle stick 6. How much fabric?: on the final part of choosing fabric is how much fabric to buy? Well, this depends on three things. The width of your fabric, the sides of the pattern, your cutting on whether you're making the body in the sleeves from the same or different fabrics. There are lots of different fabric wits around, but the two most commonly found in the UK at least are 112 centimeters wide on 150 centimeters wide. That's either 45 inches or 60 inches wide, so you need to decide whether you'll be using one or more fabrics. Choose the size of the pattern you will be cutting and then check the whip of your fabric. I've done a table of all the options here so you can select the right legs. 7. Laying out the pattern: for some parts of your pattern cussing. You will need to fold your fabric in half, so it is double thickness. When you see a double line on a pattern like this, it's a pretty standard indication that this edge news to place old fold of fabric. You'll see that both sleeves on the back panel needs because on the fold, where's the phone calls? Don't. Here are diagrams of how the pattern lays out on your fabric again. It is dependent on the size that you're cutting on the width of fabric that you have bought les actual pattern on the fabric on pin it into place because a manual pump is close to the edge, as you can, you can see that your pieces that were cut on the fold of fabric open up to be double with . Once you have all the pieces cut, you're ready to start putting your jacket together. 8. Putting your jacket together: start by pinning your front panel to your back panel with the right side of the fabric together. Set your machine toe a medium length straight stitch and sew across the shoulder seams. Don't forget about the 1.5 centimeters seam allowance. The easiest way to do this is to use the markers on your saying machine. Stay parallel with your cut edge of fabric. 1.5 centimeters is 5/8 of an inch. 9. Attaching the sleeves: with right sides together, a line point at the top of your sleeve with the center seem on the shoulder and start penning this in place. When you reach the top point of the sleeve, you will see that you have to turn it to fit the angle of the arm hole. Once you have penned it in place, you can go ahead, and so this leave into the body of the jacket. 10. Sewing up the sides: with right sides together. Fold your garment into the jacket shape so that it looks like this in your jacket together at the side and along the underside of the arm, making particularly sure that your under arm seems a line on the back in the front. Don't worry if your bottom edges or cuffs don't match up. Exactly. This is often caused by two layers of fabric slipping in the machine, and it can be sorted out easily later on. The key point match is the underarm scene. Start and finish your sewing with a few backward stitches. This will anchor your line of stitching and stop it unraveling so all the way from the cuff to the bottom hand. 11. Positioning the pockets: position your pockets onto your jacket. I find it looks best to have an equal distance between the front edge on the bottom. So set your machine to a deep sea. Exact start with a couple of back stitches. Toe ankle you're stitching on, then so around all three edges, finishing up again with a few bucks ditches. 12. Final notes: Once you send up the sleeves and the sides of your jacket, then you're nearly there. Finally, you may find that you need to straighten up any discrepancy in the length of your sleeves or bottom of the jacket with some careful trimming. Once you got to this point, well done. You've completed your jacket. If you're anything like me, all you need to do now is clean up the appalling mess that is. You're saying room? 13. Roundup: and last of all, enjoy wearing your jacket and especially enjoy that moment where people say, Well, I can't jacket and you say No, thank you. I made it. They didn't love. Each time you find your second mate, we're not quicker than your first on the help and support. Don't get a load your projects to the skill shared immunity board As you go along. I have you enjoyed making with me and I really look forward to seeing you next time my next tutorial.