1. Promo Video: plain and simple in this class. I'll explain to you what PowerPoint templates are and everything you need to know in order to be able, at least from the technical side, to create power from templates. I'll explain things like what masters lights are, what layouts are, what X M L files are, which are color schemes and what T H M X Files are, which are those designed themes in Power Point. If you want to greet Great Slight, I have my master classes prepared for this reason which you can find on my profile. If you, however, look for information how PowerPoint templates are created, this is the class for you, I assure you. It will be really fun and you will learn a lot, so let's start right away.
2. Ways of creating Templates: I will be recording the upcoming videos under highly difficult circumstances, so bear in mind for enemies. So if I make any mistakes gold hold a grudge against me, I'll try to keep it as professional as possible. So stay tuned. This section, however, was supposed to be about template files and creating them in the power point, not about a difficult circumstances. So templates and PowerPoint. There is a lot of mystery about this topic, but it's really simple, and you are in this course toe learn those things. So let me explain what we did in this presentation. The slides that we did. This is a PowerPoint template, obviously, because you can send it to someone and someone can change the elements within this. Those slights. And he would use this as a template the same way a template. And this is more when people sell templates. A template can be a empty presentation without anything filled out. Just blank spaces and a bunch off layers created. Those layout. Allow us to insert photos into those placeholders those empty spaces. I'll talk about this later. The presentation that we did is a ready presentation, with photos included because those type of presentations are created for clients that require a ready presentation from you. However, the presentation on the right side the template on the right side. This is most often created for people who sell templates. People who sell templates great a bunch off layout, so they create the possibilities and empty slice for people. So they drag and drop their own photos when they create presentations. Those placeholders As you can see, I can simply drag and drop, and this photo was dropped into a placeholder. I would just right click sense to back, and this would be basically a ready slight, a very similar slight to this, and both PowerPoint files can be treated as templates In this section. I will explain you what masters lights are, what layouts are, what X M L files are, which are color schemes and what T H M X Files are, which are those designed themes in Power point. So we have something ready called the Presentation. We have something with placeholders Coulter template, and you have the design type where a color scheme and layout are bundled and those are called themes. A lot off interesting stuff to cover. So let's go about it one by one, the upcoming topic will be super interesting
3. Master Slides: in this lecture, we are going to talk about masters light now. At first I want you to open a power point. Right click, select layout. And what do you see here? You see a bunch off layouts and you see something called office theme. This what is called office theme is the masters. Like you will go to view. You will goto slight master. And here we are opening a completely new like layer off Power point. Within this light. Messer, we have won a vigorous light and those little like child teams under this one, the big one, The boss is the slight master. And what is happening on the slight master is being applied to the entire presentation. What's happening on the separate layout here below is what happens on separate apartments. Lights. In this light, Mr Type, you can insert new slight masters and insert layout. But bear in mind that most often we only use one and big masters light, and we operate on multiple layouts, but just for organization. And if you want to create PowerPoint templates, you can off course. If you want, click here and select. Insert slide, Master as you can see Power Point automatically has added one another big slide master and another layouts under it. You can, of course, freely delete those layouts. Let me show you an example. What will happen. Some layouts cannot be the leader. That's a restriction by PowerPoint, because there has to be one layout. And what do I have now? I have this slight master. I will, right click, and I'll rename this master too, like White Knight. And it is a bottom slight master. I'll right click rename it too Dark, Dark Vader. Okay, rename, and this one I will simply right click format the background, and I will make the background a bit darker, like something re dark. What happens? Everything that is being applied to a master slight is also being brought upon those child teams those layouts under it. We'll talk about layers later, but you just need to bear in mind that everything that you create on a master slight. For example, the title fund home in the funds. Let's select a different phone like macaroni and everything that we place your will be also inherited by those layouts. Insert shapes if I insert as stupid little circle here on the bottom of the musters light. All layout will have this circle. So what you can imagine using investors light has its advantages because you can apply, for example, a company logo on the entire presentation. But it also has disadvantages because we are forcing something upon all off the slights below. Now, let me close the master of you. What does this bring to our presentation? Well, as you can see, it brings a lot because all those flights were created with this layout because we always deleted the middle. So all of those slight inherited what the master slight told them. And as you can see, we have the white knight and we have Dark Vader because I have created two masters. Like So you do not see the master slides here. You do all only see the layout. But by the name you can know that this presentation has now two masters lights. Why would you be using them? Well, because you have a big presentation. You want one part of the presentation to always be bright. One part of the presentation to always re dark. So you quickly set up just to master slights and you inherited all those colors to orders Layout? You can say I do not need to use Master slight. I could just create multiple layout and make some of the layers bright. Some of the layers dark. Yes, off course. I'm just telling this to you For organization purposes, you can create multiple masters lights and as you can see, if you create a master's light, it like, creates this little line and you have a nice distinction between between slide master number one and slight Master number two Those are the basic information about slide Master you at this point, you do not need to know more because 90% of the time as we go back to view slight master 90% of the time you maximal use one or maybe two slight masters in the presentation. Very often you are. It is working on one slight master and I do personally not prefer to have, like, multiple items on the slide because I prefer toe work on layout and just out of curiosity, I want to show you something on the design type when we have those like fancy templates from made by Microsoft as we click. As you can see, this presentation gotten really ugly. But it doesn't matter as you go to view as you go to slight Master. Did you know that those presentations are simply set up here? This is a normal background, and all the layouts just inherited this background. Look at this slight Master has ingredient. So if you make like another color, all those lights will inherit it will inherit the same color. I'll close to Mr View and you can see how quickly I made a change to a presentation. The problem with Mr Sleight is that this doesn't always look cool. All right, this is enough for this lecture in the next lecture I want to talk about, I want to talk it in the next lecture. We'll talk about layouts which are far more interesting and important. And let's each other there
4. Layouts: All right. So we're
off to a good start. You already know what
masters lights are. Master slides are those
like big upper slides, which applied to the
entire presentation. But apart from that,
we also have layout. By the way, if you are using the Mac version of PowerPoint, I think you don't
have the layout here, but on the home tab, we have layouts as well here. If you can't find the
feature on the Mac version, you can always google
PowerPoint for Mac layout. And there is actually a
support article for that. If I navigate down a
little click on MacOS, either the older
or newer versions, I can see that in normal
view on the Home tab, we have the layout function. You should be able to
find it as well here. Layout or the more useful
things here in PowerPoint, template creation,
because you can always go to View Slide Master. And you can create as
many layouts as you want. You can, for example,
insert the layout. And what's great about layout. You can decide if you wanted
the title to be included. You can decide if you want
the footer to be included. Because in the footer you could make the number of slides you could place the company website,
you can place the date. And what's also interesting. As I told you that no matter what you insert
in the master slide, All Layouts, those
little poor layouts always inherited this stuff. But there's a little trick. On each layout. You can select, Hide
background graphics. Those background graphics from the master slides
will be hidden. So if you select this, your layout, we'll have a
little bit of independence. All right, let me delete this and what is being
done on a layout. Layouts. 90% of layout
consists of placeholders. You are using layout mostly for picture and
texts placeholders, all graphics, all designs
like we did here, or icons, background colors. Everything is done
within PowerPoint. Only text and pictures
basically are done with layout. So going back to
View Slide Master, I have this empty layout. I can select,
insert placeholder. And the multiple
choices placeholder is content where you
have like tables, graphs, photos, texts, no matter what
you start doing here, this box will adapt. But more often in
the Slide Master, you are going to
insert placeholder and you want a picture or texts. Those two obviously
our most used. So if I select a
picture placeholder, I will duplicate
it multiple times. And I can set up a couple
of layouts for me. What is a very convenient that you can click
on this layout. You can control deed, and you can make multiple
layout for your presentation. And this is what template
creation is all about. You would normally
put them here. Then you would again
duplicate this slide. Of course, this would
need to look better for me and it's like completely ugly now would, it
doesn't matter. Then you would create
a layout like that. For example, with four pictures. Then you again duplicate this. You again press Control D to make it another layout
control D width, like six pictures
or eight pictures. Let me be at least a tiny bit professional here and had
me make them smaller. Let me bring them
all into the slide. Shift, deselect, shift click
the Select and shift click. Okay. I've created an a 1234
layout for my presentation. I'm closing the master view
and what is the actual usage? The actual usages. If someone takes this file from me and someone creates a new slide and he
doesn't have an idea. Well, what can I do here? What can I design? It can always right-click, select layout and preview
what layouts I have created. I can of course also
named with layouts. And he can see, Wow, there's three pictures, three pictures, there's
multiple pictures. I wanted to create a portfolio
slide. This is perfect. I select this. And without any work, of course, you can resize those
elements. Without any work. He has a slide with given
elements on the layout. Right now, you would be so happy because he would just
take multiple pictures. We have eight pictures here. He would just drag and drop those pictures with perfectly aligned to the
placeholders we have. Pretty convenient in the design
ideas from PowerPoint or even helping us to
set them up good. Let's use a placeholder. You most likely to not want
to use the design ideas. Alright? Another very interesting thing is if you have another
presentation like here, I have a presentation
with layouts. Let me delete everything. Let me right-click layout. And I saw another
inch template like, wow, this layout is so great. I'm selecting this layout. I'm taking this slide Control C, and I'm placing it
in my presentation. Control V or Command V. If you're on a Mac, there's a good chance that the
layout copied over because PowerPoint somehow has
to display the same slide. Right-click layout. As you can see,
PowerPoint imported this layout from another presentation
into my presentation. So what do I have now? I have an empty slide, yes, but I imported a
layout very quickly. All right, This is it When it comes to teaching
you about layout. Remember, layout are added
in the View. Slide Master. Just as Mr. slides, you can insert
layout and insular an unlimited amount of
placeholders into those layouts. In a couple of lectures, I will show you advanced
tricks which you can apply to those layouts
and how you can make, for example, this picture
layout to have a custom shape. In the next lecture, we will firstly go about XML files and th MAX files because
you also need to know what this Design
tab is all about.
5. XML files - Usage and Importing: At first I want to explain you X ml color schemes and how to import them into power point. If you want to create color schemes, you go to the design type on the right side, where you have variant, you open up this. You have colors and you can create your own custom color sets. Or use the pre defined power point color sets, which we have here, which automatically change off many parts off our presentation. If you on the customise colors, you can click here and you can customize certain accents and elements off a color scheme. But let's say that you've bought a powerful in template, and the PowerPoint template was professional enough to include its own color teams variants here to make everything a bit more unique. So I have a folder like that here. This is from a template I want bought, and this template has plenty off color schemes included. In order to use them in Power Point, we need to copy them over to our system folder, so it's important this is not included in a power upon template. This is not included in a Power Point file. Those are separate files which you need to copy over to your system folder. I'll show you were to copy them. Exactly. You can pause the video here to see where you should copy them to the best. If I information because I'm not a Mac user. This is where you copy them on the Mac. And this is where you copied them on a windows machine. Simply go to your P C C users, your user, and you need to select epic data. If you do not see up data, then you need to go to view options in the view options you need to select the second option show hidden files, folders and drives. Once you have that, you will have access to the appetite. Er f data roaming. Microsoft won't. You are inside our Microsoft. You can go to templates, document themes and here you have or your theme files and your callers in the cars. As you can see, I've just copied over those files. You can delete those files or copy over new files and a new file that you copy here an XML file, and once you reopen power point later on, you'll have a new color scheme to use like that. Those files will be already on your PC and any future like PowerPoint file you create open . You will have those color schemes available so it's very convenient to copy them ones to have a couple of them and just to use those primate regiments on a side note. If you want to create those kind of XML files, you need to simply select customized color. You can customize the color to your liking and then just name it. For example, my caller hashtag one. Once you click safe, you have now created a new XML file for your PC, and it will be located in the folder I shown previously. Then you go to the colors, and, as you can see, not custom one. But maybe here on the bottom, my color hashtag number one. So this is a new XML file. Would you can click on and you could support it with the template you've created. This is a crucial part off information when it comes to template creation, and in the next lecture there will be something even more important, and you will be under an elite few users if you know about this, so stay tuned for the next lecture
6. THMX files - What They Are: here. I want to explain power point themes to you What our power point themes and those designs, And do we actually use them? As you can see, we have a couple of template here within Power Point. Once we purchase template, they most often come as a normal PowerPoint file. This is one way off making templates. But another way off making templates is to save them as a theme file. Both work well. The advantage off a theme file is that once you install the theme on your computer, you will have it saved. And each time you open power point, you can quickly click on this team, and this team has won embedded color scheme into it, so it makes it very easy to stay consistent. For example, if you are making presentations for a company because right now, since the color scheme is embedded here, if I goto insert, if I go to a shape and I insert the shape you can see, the shape automatically gets a color from the color scheme, and those are the schemes who have. So let's say you are working on a PowerPoint template as I right, click layout and you already know a little bit about a slight master and layouts. So this presentation has plenty off layout and it's really cool, because if you would like to showcase pictures, you just pick one off those layouts like this and I could insert pictures here but about power point themes. Once you already you have created layout. You've established a color scheme by going to design variants collars and you've customized your own color scheme. For example, you've set up a red color scheme. If you want to save this for future use, you can just pick up this drop down and you can save current theme. I will call this my company Theme number one. Okay, I'm saving this and no each person I sent this file to and double clicks on it and import it into his power point. They will have access to this kind of fly out. They will have all the layouts to work with. They will have the egg embedded color scheme artist embedded into this presentation, and they will basically, each time they open the power point, they will have access to this Power point theme file here from the design tap Now, this is a bit convenient, but I do prefer to, like, open separate PowerPoint file with all the layout. What's even more important? And that's really hidden knowledge. Is that this This theme, this T h of X file? This is actually just let me called a zip. Yes, I will change with this Will corrupted this final. But it doesn't matter. I want to show you what's happening behind the scenes behind the scenes. This is just a package folder. And this folder contains information about this theme, which is because all this light layout in separate files we can see we have about 80 slightly out. It has all this light masters. In our case, this is one slight master. It has a few additional theme files. Like this color scheme is also embedded here somewhere. What else do we have? We have some pictures because this year this is a J pic and all that. It's just packaged a theme thumbnail. You can see if you would like you could even change this team someday. I'll press OK. Power Point generated this kind of time. Nail, You could possibly change that. This is what I wanted to teach you within this lecture about power point themes. Themes are simply packaged up folders off items which power point draws information from how to display a given theme. Everything sleight, master slightly out the color scheme will be embedded into this zip folder. In reality, this is just a package. But Power Point is able to read it this package and turn it into a template. So this is the difference between using a designed PowerPoint template and between simply opening a power foreign presentation file, we could open a Power Point presentation file. That's no problem. And this Power point presentation file this is from like, another template. I have this presentation. As you can see, it has its own layouts. But if this would be my company and I want to go to design and I want to work on my company colors and my company layouts, we just click here. We, like, make plenty of changes to this presentation. But as you can see, not everything is changeable because this appears to be a found right click layout. What happened there? We again have access toe our previous layouts. So this is something to remember about when working with themes. I'll not say to you that you should create templates like that, but you need to know what PowerPoint themes are.
7. How Color Schemes influence shapes: You don't have to do anything
within this lecture. I just want you to understand the principles where
PowerPoint takes the colors from and how do they actually influence
the shapes we have. Okay, I have inserted
four shapes. As you probably notice, always when you insert a
shape into PowerPoint, it's a blue shape,
but why is that? This is because the
default theme color has the first accent
color set to blue. If I click on a
shape, shape format, Shape fill those are
the theme colors. So we have text colors, and then we have those
colors x and one, x and two, and three, and so on. Below that, we have
shades of the same color. So actually, we only
have those colors, But the colors on the
bottom here are simply lighter and darker shades
of this particular color. Now, the first one is blue. This is why the shapes
always turn into that color. If we go into the design
tab, open the variants, colors, and we
customize the colors, we have access to the
actual accent we have here. And let's say you have
a presentation and you would like to
everything turn green. Then you can change
those accents to, for example, more colors, something like this,
accent number two, I'll do it a more green color, and accent number three. More colors. I will
give it something blue. Okay. So I have three new
accent colors. I perceived. You see everything has changed
to the new color I have set up because if I click
on a shape shape format, the new theme I have used for this presentation has those
three colors I have set. So what happens to shapes if you recolor them to either theme
colors or custom colors? This is what I wanted to show
you within this lecture. Let's say I'll select
color number one here. And for the second shape, I'll select another color
from the theme colors. For example, this
last color here. Okay. But for those shapes, I'll set a completely
different custom color. I take my pick whip. I can go to Shape
Phi eye dropper. I click with the eye dropper, and I pick a color that I've
imported into PowerPoint, a completely different color. So PowerPoint doesn't
know this color. It's a new custom color. It's not on this palette. It's a completely custom color. And for this, as well, I select Shapefil
more fill colors, and I'll select a
completely custom color, which PowerPoint doesn't
have in our basic palette. Now, what will happen if I change the color scheme
of this presentation. Let me show you. I
go again to design. I open the colors. Oh, sorry,
I opened the template. Variance colors, custom colors.
Now watch what happens? If I change the accent one and I believe the
last one was green, so it is accent number six, I change it to a yellow color, and c number six, I change it also
to a yellow color. And per s. You can see
those two changed it, but those two didn't. Only the shape outlines
changed. Why is that? Because here, PowerPoint knows that I'm using from the shape
format, colors I have here. So I only changed the
physically the color, but it's still for PowerPoint, it's accent number one
and accent number six. So PowerPoint knows
that PowerPoint should use this color for this shape, and this color for
this first shape. No matter what color that is. For the items on the right
side, on the other hand, I have selected custom colors, so PowerPoint cannot
change the color of those. There is no right way to
set colors in PowerPoint. It depends if you want to use the basic themes or if you want to change
the colors later on, or you want to go for
something completely custom. In my opinion, it's very convenient to have a
color scheme here, and I just click on a shape
old Tree boom because I have my eye dropper set on
old and a tree shortcut. So I can always very
quickly change the colors. On the other hand, it's convenient that I do not
have to do anything. Only go to design, variants, and depending on how many
color variants you have here, the first two shapes will change because I have
different accents here. Thank you very much
for listening. I hope you understood what I wanted to get across
here, and if not, please ask me some questions
and we'll see each other in other tutorials
very similar to this.
8. Leave a Review, Please: Hey, it would be extremely helpful for this
class if you go to the Review tab and click on leave a review and
write something there. If you don't see
this button yet, you need to watch a
few more lectures and it will become available. Sculpture now requires that classes have recent
reviews on them. So it would help me greatly. You just click here, you tell if you'd like
to class or not, and you write a simpler
view and click Submit. I would be very obliged if
you can do this right now. Thank you so much
and see you soon.
9. Creating a Layout - Pros and Cons: Hello. Welcome back. I would like to tackle with you how I would create such a slight with master slides. And what are the difficulties? What are the benefits? Let me show you on an example. So I have a photograph here on the top side and this photograph is covered by such a overlay box. So we will try to create a similar design which will be easy for us to replicate. Let me simply create a new slight and I will try to create layout for it. I will go to view. I will go to slight Master. I will even create new layout. So I have my clean lay out. I didn't need a title. I didn't need footers. But I do definitely need it'll you know a bit difficult because we will have toe jump around. We'll need a place over for the photograph which you can automatically add. We can decide if we want also those icons letting may be copied us over so I don't have to design everything from scratch. Go to view again to slight master And let's continue the design. I'll insert a placeholder boom and I'll inside the picture. I want to insert a placeholder for the picture. It was about off this size boom. Perfect. Now will place control V and I'll place my icons here. And let's say that this slightest set up to have different Aikens, Can't I click them? Okay, I can. So I leave placeholders just for my Aiken. Now, my little problem here is that those items were grouped, so I'll go to group on group and I'll, of course, delete those objects. Okay? It's really goes well. Even better. Even better. Yeah, I'm perfect at that. Well, that's the problem. Group on group. Sorry. I am having so much troubles here. There will be a time where I will be able to click that. Okay, those icons, we are nearly done. This group One group. Okay, so this light is nearly complete. The picture should be to this extension. And on the left bottom side, As you couldn't remember, we had text no problem view slight master. Our crazy slight and insert a placeholder. And this time, a text placeholder. This place holder was too about this size. Now edit Master textiles we can set up manually or we can go to slight master funds, and we can set funds for the entire presentation to be used here. Now I'll try to set it manually. My selecting open sense as we had. Okay, The last thing I remember it was this orange color which was used for the text. I don't think it's the same, but let's do it the same. Okay, so I have my layout ready, and you can notice that I could design that straight in sight of Power Point. Or I can set up this layout if I think that I'll use this layout several times in my presentation. In my case, it's not entirely true because I know that I only have one slight like that. Okay, go to slight master select close master view, and I'll try to create the same slide. I'm adding a new slide, and this is not the layout I want. The layout I want is the custom layout, I said off. Okay, boom. You can see I have the same layout and what's great here. I can drag and drop the image. I can start writing the text and it will immediately look close to that. So I forgot about this title but that's not important. I wanted to show you how I would set this up to have it to use in my presentation. And what are the benefits? The benefits are that I can use any photograph. I just drag and drop it. And boom Power point snaps this photograph here. And this object is an object merged into this very layout. So my only adjustment, which I could do is to delete those objects because the box is perfect. I have text here in the text is orange the pictures also Okay, But then again, this little object this overly had to be placed inside here. I couldn't make that in slight mist because if I would go to view to Slight Master and I would put this overlay here like I put those icons here, let me delete them Close master view. I could not move it, not change it. It would bring me nothing. The disadvantages that everything placed here is non movable. Only those placeholders. So you should use a slight master and set up templates only by using place holders. As you can see in the slight Master, This would not be a way to go. This is okay. And this place holder is perfectly OK and what's cool here? This would be a very clean slight, which could be adapted. So as I close my must review, I have a new slide. I select this custom layout created and this can be changed. And this is how I lay out. Should be Okay, let's say that I wanted this picture to be like this on the left. Maybe I wanted the picture to be like this on the left side. I wanted the text to be bigger. This can be adjustment. And this is perfect. Usage off layout in PowerPoint. In the next lesson, I would like to start to show you advanced power point tricks which can make your templates amazing and how professionals design advanced template inside PowerPoint by using sleight, master and all its features.
10. Creating a Layout - Advanced Usage: Hello. I'm so happy that you arrived here. Now comes the real meat. There really advanced content, which professional template creators and powerful interests like you very soon should use. I want to set up an entire template with rounded corners. I have a concept for my entire presentation that it should be a little bit rounded or pictures or items. Everything should be on rounded objects. Let me go to view and select and creed one new layout. This layout will show you all again benefits and problems, which you can have while working in Power Point. I'll insert layout. And on this layout, I want pictures to be shown in a bit of text. I don't want any title or footer because it will only crowd my slide. I want to go toe, insert placeholder and insert to picture placeholders. I'll select my shift and I will select one on the left side. Control C. Control the one on the right side, and I want to show you the troubles which you can face. I wanted rounded corners here. This doesn't look like it, but you can click on this place holder. You can go to edit shape in the form attack, change shape and select any shape you want. So I wanted this rectangle, this rounded corners rectangle to be used here. I can even a click to adjust it a little bit. Okay? And this is what I was Half the little problem I have with PowerPoint is always when I click on it, it shows me the rectangle placeholder. Only if I d selected. It shows me the actual object which will have here. And But I wanted it to be like this. So how could I do that? So I have good and bad news for you. Depending on what PowerPoint version you have, you will or will not be able to do this. So I wrote it is 45 degrees because I wanted everything to be set up in such a style. And as you can see, the picture is now skewed. Now we'll see how this looks in the presentation. The good thing is that you can use subtraction to create any shape you like. And this is the best trick in PowerPoint you can possibly imagine. Let me show you insert shapes and I could insert, for example, the same shape. I agreed the shape like this with my shift key, not control shift. I would make it round it. I would rotate it over. I had put it here. And as I believe, power 0.2010 didn't have subtractions. I'm not entirely sure, but I think that PowerPoint 2013 off course 2016 and all newer versions have this. So if you have powerful in 2013 you are safe. You can simply click on the picture shift, click on the object, and in the former type merch shapes just intersected. Boom! You have this object prepared. And now look how beautiful this light could be set up. I could have several off those here like this, and we have a beautiful, slight set up. I will close my master view and I'm creating my presentation news site. And I know that you want to have pictures on this slide. You just right click your wrist layout and you just select your beautiful layout. Now imagine if an entire presentation would be set up like this. It would be really beautiful and easy to use. So let me know, select any picture and show you this example. Doom. I have the water This water applied here. What happens when I put it here? Boom! And now you see the problem with the skewing The problem curious that I had do rotate this object. And here this object was cropped. So I definitely, definitely definitely recommend cropping objects to the little object you want to have because this is a no go this. However, we can't change the format off this object and we can change the forward here. So again, I want to always show you advantages and benefits and disadvantages and those those bad things which masters lights sometimes help us. And sometimes they limit us in our design. But basically what you want to do You want to create layouts like that where it's super simple. And now I could create several very similar slides by, for example, just selecting new slight and any new site I add Boom, boom, boom. It will always use the last layout used. So if I change my layout, I select a new slight. It'll have the same layout. But since I wanted to set up several slight like that, for example, this would be slight one. This would be slight, too slight to would be entirely made up of images. So I want to make it like that. Like that like that. Since these placeholders can be copied, we only can use as many as we have in this layout because I can't press control. See, Contrave? It doesn't work like that. Sadly, we can only create photographs and duplicate those photographs. Boom, boom, boom! But sadly, we cannot duplicate those objects. We would have to go to view to slight master duplicate this layout and make, for example, a few more boxes which can be used later. Okay, beautiful layout and who you would create. Ah Newsnight. I would write the clay out and I know that to custom layout is the crazy layout with all the images here and I'll to use them, I place them here and this is how you use effectively. Slight Master, how you operate on templates, how you prepare templates, how you create entire presentations with a consistent design. Now, if you have a low, let's say that this is my company logo. I go to view, I go to slight master and I know that this logo has to be everywhere, absolutely everywhere. You just go and paste it onto the slight master. You place it here, you make it small and this little object would be on the entire presentation, no matter what you do. So this is how operating on slight side masters and templates work. I do hope that this tutorial was really beneficial for you. And you learned a lot how to set up custom shapes for your super cool presentations.
11. Designing Templates - Multiply Layouts: Okay. I see you are on fire today and you would like to learn even more so how Professional template creators are creating templates. Now I'll show you a real life example how I would set up a slight with the picture, but not adding too much into this light. Okay, so I'll combine working within Power point and working within master slides. So I'll create and you lay out go to view select slight Master, if you would like to create the same thing that I am creating, so I will select new lay out. Okay, I'm inserting it and I want to create text boxes within PowerPoint but the picture placeholder within this master slight This will be also without any title or footers because I really don't like this crowded set up. And I will go to insert placeholder Answer picture and I would insert the picture if you would like to follow, please do so. So we will create together a slight with slight master. Okay, take the picture and resize it to the left side off the screen. You can select the size if you wanted to be big or not too big. Ok, I have the picture. Now I'll go to insert shapes and I'll simply insert a dark shape. Okay, I'll place the shape here. I'll make sure that the shape is the same size as the picture. Okay? It's nearly s. I will go to shape. Old line. No, old line. I will. Not it a bit to the left. I will resize it. Okay. And this is the left side off my slide. Now I'll take this object. I'll select a shape Phil and I would select a color for my design. Let me go to more phone calls and I want something darkish darkish blues like this. Okay. And I have my layout prepared. I close my master of you, And this will allow me to create things within power point without having toe always go to slight Master. Now I'm creating a new slide. This new slight should have my layout, which I preferred right now. Okay, this is the layout and the rest would be created here within power point. So I go within power point to create insert shapes or I mean textbooks and create text boxes here. Here I would select what they cooled. Template. I click on that, I would make the text white. And of course, I wanted to use open sense because I'm using open sense in this presentation. Okay. Selected like that, Control V. Then this will be the main color here. Let's say that it's yellow or something. And I'm adding those text boxes inside the normal PowerPoint Creator because I already have my layout. I want this box to be always here, this picture to be on the left side. But those things can be added separately now can migrate somewhere. Example Text. Yes, I can. I mean, maybe even the entire one. Okay. Argentina. Maybe the text should be white here around. Okay, This actually, it looks really cool. So I'll copy also those here whom Okay, this is making up my slight. And then I want maybe two icons like this and this boom and those icons would be here on this site. Then I would select the main color insert shapes, maybe circles for the icons. Maybe some texts. I don't really know. I would select both. Now you don't have to follow my steps. Exactly. I just wanted to show you how I would set up this template. And I want actually this yellow color boom. Then I would select text off course. The text is, like, now invisible, but I would make it visible by making it black and big. Okay, control C control V and Wola. There you have it. This would be a template which I would create within power. Point off course. This should be grouped. This circle should be smaller because it looks a bit weird with this. I can. Okay. And this is somewhat how I would go about this. Now, if I select this templates to to use, I can also create new slights with the same layout with similar design. And if someone were to receive this presentation for me, if someone would like to change this design, no problem. You can delete that. You can delete that. If you want an image, you just go here. You take me example. Image boom. The mushroom, for example. Boom. I have to image. I can even go to crop and move the image here. Crump, Boom. You are ready with the slight. I see. I wasn't perfectly precise here, but this can be easily adjusted. And this is how I created a template for my part upon presentation and new layout. And if I would follow this color, perhaps all my layouts, which I would create, would have a similar color. Another layout view. Slight master. For example. Copy this existing layout and place the picture on the right side and this object here, you close everything, and you have already to cool out to use quickly in your presentations.
12. Custom Bulletpoint lists: You can change PowerPoint fonts with one-click. This is the nice trick I found out with slight master and layout. The way you can set it up is by going to View opening slight master and creating a new layout below the title slide, for example here. And creating a new text placeholder, I'll right-click, Rename this layout due to tutorial fonts. Then I go to insert placeholder. I will simply insert a text placeholder, which is usually the base of any PowerPoint slide. All right, we have the text place holder, and as you can see, by default, we have these super boring bullet point list. What I'm doing here is selecting all six levels. Taking all six levels here to the beginning. So they are all in one line. And I'll also go one step further. And in the home, I removed the bullet points because I prefer to have a clean look like here. Now, what you want to do, you want to increase the size. Let's say my default size is 84. All the levels, I do not need the next level to be smaller because this is not the style I'm looking for. The last thing I wanna do, I want to adjust the actual font you see here to achieve something like this, where I set up big bulky fonts for myself. And each time I went, I wanna use them. I'll just select this layout. But we are doing this year node. So the first text, it doesn't matter how much text. I can even write text here, it doesn't matter. Powerpoint will recognize this as a separate level. What I'm doing, I'm just selecting big fonts I like and I probably will use in my presentation. Of course, do not go crazy. Just set something you assume you want to use and you want to have it somewhere close. Montserrat luck. Yeah, perfect. This is a great font. I will most likely use an I remember that Monserrat is on my level four. Okay. Once you are ready, go to Slide Master and simply close the master view. Right now, each time I select a new slide, and I remember that I wanna use Montserrat or another big font. I just right-click. I select layout. And I make sure that I select the layout I've created, which is tutorial fonts. Okay, tutorial fonts for there was the first 1, first font. You know what? I don't like the first font. I just go here and I change the level of this font since I have four levels specified, level number three, level number four, we have Montserrat with a couple mouse clicks. No need to change fonts here to search them around. And this is a super convenient way if you want, you can enable bullet points again, because we have specified on this particular slide within this particular text layer that bullet point should look like that should have one of those funds. And they will always stay at the beginning. They will not move with each level because we have specified them to start and be adjusted to the left side. What's even more amazing, you can take this particular layout, this, I will call it tutorial fonts, layout Control C. Take it to another presentation, make sure this line appears control V, and this layout is now in another PowerPoint presentation. This is how you can utilize the slight master even further by using different fonts for different levels specified in your text placeholder, remember, you do not always have to use those default bullet points.
13. Summary: you won't have to do anything in his lecture. So just stay a while and volition because I'm going to summarize what we've learned in the previous lectures, starting with slight master and layouts. Yes, we right click. We see layout. The slight master is a parent for all the layout we plan to create everything we want to apply to. The entire presentation could be made on a slide master, but more useful are layout. When creating a slight like this, I would just replace text boxes and photographs with picture placeholders and text placeholders. As you can see, the rest of the icons, the overlay about us text in the middle. Everything is just copied over from the previous light, but they have created a new layout and right click layout. You can see it here. What is the advantage here? That someone could take any photograph. He has, for example, mountains. Drop it in the rec tick on the mountains, send them to back, start typing, and everything would be exactly like I've created here just very quick and convenient. If you want any changes, like change the text or make more text here or a duplicate this textbooks. You still have to do this here within power Point normally. But what is the advantage and when should you use layout? If I would Creed 100 slight each off, those slice would have a picture. This presentation would become very heavy without any or any reason. So using layout makes the presentation quick, lightweight, and everyone can adjust it to its liking. If you are creating a ready presentation for someone, you'll create a slight like that. If you are creating a template, you will use layouts so you would lead this photograph elite any text, and you just put placeholders there, going to the next topic themes and color schemes In Power Point. We were talking about themes, and those are a bit tricky because you need to meet. Remember that any layout you created when you click on a design from here, they'll will be deleted if there are other layout. Within this design, we have one color scheme member that here and a bunch of layout. So if I click on it, I'm changing the presentation. The presentation changes severely as a right click. Click on layout. You see all my previous layout were deleted and I have no those new layouts. Which leads me to the next topic color schemes. Do you want to use it? The unique does XML files And what this actually is here? As you can see, not everything in this presentation is changing. Why are those colors staying the same? Why are those icons still having white backgrounds? What is going on here? Let me explain. Those are two identical objects. Box on the left in the box on the right, the box on the left. When they go to shape former, I will select a color from the existing color range. This is the existing color scheme, and those are just shades which power point creates automatically. If I click on any of those traits or a color from the color scheme, I'm staying within that examine the color file. But if I click on an object, I go to shape Phil and I think, well, I need a unique color. I go to marvel colors and I select a color which is completely different from the normal color scheme. It can be even read, but a different now what? What happens as I go to design variant colors when staying within the color scheme. Partly note. I should change this red color into a green one. I should change this green one into a blue one. But when it comes to the right box, power point doesn't know what to do. This This is why I do prefer toe import The color scheme. Yes, you can say that I can goto colors, customise colors and I could bring those collars here. It will be a ba tedious unless PowerPoint gives me here. Ah, color picker. I have toe place them rgb by hand. And the problem here is I have only color for text for hyperlinks and for a couple of accents which are mostly used in graphs and charts. So, as you can see, the XML color files do have severe disadvantages to sum everything up. It's perfectly fine to create ready presentations or to create presentations with layouts. It depends who will be using that. If someone has only basic part with knowledge and wants to buy a template to not do any work, you have to use layouts because those layers will crop out pictures automatically for you when it goes to the design themes and color variants. It's a matter off if the person knows how themes work, and very many people do not know this, so be cautious when using them. The same goes for XML files. In order to use XML files, someone needs to know where to copy them, how to use them and what they actually do to your presentation so it's safer and easier. I know this will take up more space, but it's safer and easier to duplicate. An existing PowerPoint file created the color scheme yourself and just naming this PowerPoint file this presentation template blue or this presentation complete green. This is how it looks in reality. I hope those were very valuable and useful information, and there's a lot more great power by knowledge coming. Let's continue our apartment journey in other ones, and we'll see each other in the next tutorials