1. Intro to SEO content Audit: Ask your content audit, "Is the first crucial step on the path to understanding a content heavy website?" Even though it might seem very boring and tedious at first, doing an SEO content audit will provide you with a lot of insights to make good SEO decisions. We know exactly where to start optimizing your content and you see opportunities. The content as a whole on the website will be of much better quality and you'll get a lot more traffic. An SEO content audit doesn't require a lot of years of experience. It just requires a lot of patience. My name is Marjet Wullink and I've been an SEO specialist for the last 15 years. I've worked on very heavy content websites and made choices for SEO by doing content audits. In this class, I will guide you through the process of doing an SEO content audit with the metrics that are important for SEO. I chose six metrics that are very important for SEO. I will finish off this class with a more personal approach towards SEO content audits. It will be more focused on opportunities that you see in a content instead of error optimization. Because if you show the opportunities to your teammates, it will be much more motivating to work on a website and optimize it than if you only show the errors and they have to fix it. Okay. Let's dive into this class and we will start with a little bit more why you should do an SEO content audit.
2. Why: A content audit means that you make an analysis of a website's content. You can do an analysis on several matrix. For example, you could check how many social shares a content has, or how the page speed is or the metadata if it is added or not, but SEO content audit is very useful if you want to improve a website, especially a large and older one for ranking in Google because you get to know where to start your SEO and you can start to prioritize some content because otherwise, it is so much content, where should you start? Prioritizing, plus, if you are a big company and you put a lot of money in making content, then it is good to know if this content also brings back some traffic, if it is worth the money that you invest in writing all that content, and it becomes clear which content works very well and what content doesn't work very well. To improve better content later, you can talking about other different content than you started with in the first place. Maybe you have to change your content strategy because of your SEO audit. Identifying opportunities and to increase your performance of specific piece of content is also one of the things that is important. You can see suddenly a new business opportunity even because of an SEO content audit. What do you do with the content audit if you have all the matrix and all the data? You clean up the pages or the posts that are actually not useful anymore. For example, pages that don't get any traffic by Google or other resources and have not real use or are actually unrelevant. Prioritize the pages that are already working well in Google and make them work better by optimizing them. You can make an SEO evergreen list, and this means that it is a list way you rank very high with very important keywords, you get a lot of traffic, and the people that get to your website through these keywords are also an audience that will buy from you. These are really important pages, and this content should not be changed. That is what we will talk about also in one of the later lessons. Let's get started with where to start with an SEO content audit.
3. Tools: Which tools do you use for an SEO content audit? Well, we'll start with the inventory of your website. So the inventory of the content, and we do that with your XML sitemap. We'll tracked down the XML sitemap and add the different types of content into an Excel sheet. Then we'll use Screaming Frog, where you get some data from, how many words does content have? We'll add the content or the data from Screaming Frog into the SEO content audit Excel sheet. Then we'll use Google Analytics. I hope most of you have Google Analytics, and then you know this tool. I think everybody has it, and any big website should have it. Also use here, for example, the organic sessions that the content has and add it into the audit. Then the last tool that we're using is the Google Search Console, and I love this too. One of the metrics that we use here is the impressions, or actually if your content shows up in Google for any keyword at all, and it's been shown by the impressions. The more impressions you have, you can start optimizing those content, because probably, the clicks will also start to come later. Let's dive into what the metrics are and that we're going to use in the next lesson.
4. Metrics Inventory: How to start a content audit. We will discuss in this lesson the metrics, and also how to do the inventory. To start a content audit, it is important to know which metrics you want to use. The six most important metrics are the ones we will discuss today in this class. You can say, "Are these really the six most important ones?" Well, some websites suggests these are the most important one, so we'll take these ones, but you can add your own or you can have another opinion about it, it's fine. We'll start with the organic sessions, and we'll get them from the Google Analytics. Then, these are the number of users that get to a page, and they come from Google. So they might also land on another page, and then come to your page, what they think it's really interesting. Another metric that we get from Google Analytics is the bounce rate. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that just get on your page, and leave it again without doing anything. Another metric is the word count. We get it from Screaming Frog. It's the total number of words that a page contains. If it's not enough or maybe it's too much, well, too much is not reveal. It's okay if it's not too densed, but let's say this is one of the metric. Another one is the internal links and you get it from Screaming Frog as well. An internal link is a link that comes from a page on your website, and it goes to another page. We will look at the total number of internal links that go to one page. Then we get backlinks. A backlink is an incoming link from an external website to a page. We'll look at the number of backlinks each page has. So the more, the better. We'll end with the impressions for keywords in Google. It's like a keyword audit. If you would not have any impressions for any keywords, that's not so good. The more impressions you have, the better. An organic keyword is a keyword that's used to attract free traffic through search engine optimization. It's good to start your content audit knowing which metrics are the most important to you, and where you want to shine your light on. Also, what is important is that you don't start to fix a lot of small things or enforce it to be fixed for all the page at once, like adding metadata to all the pages but not really doing it precisely with the right keywords. So that's why I never would take this matrix because, first, we'll look at if there's an opportunity, and then you fix the metadata. This is how I would suggest to do it. For example, a lot of automatic SEO content audits are, of course, also great to work with, but you might get distracted by all the mistakes there are, and you start to fix that. While it might be more efficient to start working on your best content first, and even redirecting a lot of content that's not of a lot of worth. That's why in this class, we focus on prioritizing within your SEO audit. The first step of an SEO content audit is to create an inventory of your website. To find all the content of your website, it can sometimes be a hard job if you don't know where to start. Luckily, there are a lot of tools to do that. One of them is the XML sitemap, and that is ultimately created by your CMS. If you have a CMS of course, but most of the times that's how it is. If you don't have one, you can, for example, use Screaming Frog to do the inventory of your website. I will explain what an XML sitemap is to use it for your content audit.
5. XML-sitemap: Doing an inventory of your website's content with an XML sitemap is a good start. Examine your website's XML sitemap can be easy, especially if you use WordPress and you use the Yoast plugin, then you can just go to your domainname/sitemap_index.xml. If you don't know if you have a sitemap, you can search for your sitemap, or the sitemap of the client by adding the website URL into an online tool. For example, seositecheckup/tools/sitemap-test. Here, we use the example of the She uses a Shopify website. There the XML sitemap is structured in a way that you just cannot easily subtract it and check it. It is on That's where we find it. Also, if you do the check into the SEO Site Checkup tool, you'll find it here. It has this structure. This is the main structure of the sitemap, but it's structured in SAP categories, or you can call it taxonomies, as in WordPress is most of times these kinds of types of content are called. You have types of content products, types of content pages, collections, and blogs. Collections are the categories of the products. Because this is a Shopify website and this is how they structure their sitemap. How do you get the URLs that are in this sitemap into an Excel sheet? Well, you go here and then you see a lot of data, and what you actually need is these URLs. You don't have to copy them and paste them into Excel. I found out a little bit of an easier way. Let me check. You can put your mouse, your indicator here, and then you Command A or Control A. So you select everything and then you copy everything, and then you go to an Excel sheet. You make a new Excel sheet and you paste the selection that you just copied into this sheet. Then you go to "Data", and there you sort from A-Z, sort it by column A. Then on the top, you see images. You have to scroll way down. Still with images. Also this one we don't need. This one we don't need. These are images, so you also don't need it. We want the normal URLs, and that starts here. You select it, and you move down until the HTTPS stops here, you copy, you make a new tab, and there you paste this. Then you call this sheet products, and you can move the sheet to keep it nice and clean. Delete. Then you go with all the other different content there is, and you do it exactly like that. You also do it for the collections, which is the categories of the posts. You also do with the blogs, and you also do it with the pages. Then you have all the content categorized in tabs in your content audit. One tab is all the products, all the categories, and all the blogs, and all the pages. That way, you already have structured your website. Most of the times, the XML sitemap gives a good structure of the different types of content you have. That's why it's good to use the XML sitemap as a basis.
6. Screaming Frog: Screaming Frog is an important SEO content audit tool. A lot of big companies also use this too. Above all, you can use it for free if you have not more than 500 URLs on your website. From Screaming Frog, we can get the metrics like the word count and the internal links. How do we do that? Well, you insert the link URL of the domain name that you want to audit and you let it run and then you filter on HTML and you export. There might pop-up, this pop-up. You can just say OK, if you're a website's not more than 500 URLs. It also says, it first takes always the HTML and then it takes most of the times the other URLs. Here you see that you have like 73, 74. This is all, so first it comes to HTML and then the other ones. Most of the times the HTML is to most and that's less than 500, then you're okay, then you don't need these. It's fine. If you have already more than 500 pages, then it's a good idea to upgrade. If you have the paid version, you can Uncheck some boxes like CSS, GS, and images. Then if you don't have it, you can just also remove it by hand from the excel sheet. You make a new tab in Excel and you click on File and then import. Then you go to a sheet and you call it Screaming Frog all. You import the data. You go to file and then import and CSV. You choose CSV that you want delimited. Then you click on Commas well and the new seals, so that makes into different columns. You keep this too general and it's in this existing sheet. Yes. What you then do is you will select all the data. Then you go to data and you sort by Column A. Then you go, for example, to the pages. I take here the pages because it is, there are not so many. But you can imagine how, why these pages are existing. It makes it a little bit better to comprehend. Let me see. There you can, for example, take here the first pages. That's 287-293, so I'm copying this and then I paste it here. I'm sure I have all the data from this. Then you can delete the columns that you don't want, for example, I do like to keep this status. That it has a status 200, for example, and if it's a 404, then you also know that. Then you can delete the columns until you find the right column. As I know, here, there's the word count, so I delete. There are, of course, a lot of ways to do this. Maybe you have a quicker way. That's always possible, of course. You have here the word count, and the status code, and a text ratio we don't need but, so delete, in-links, unique links in this one, and that's what we actually only need from these data. Here you have it, what you want it to have. State scopes can be smaller. You copy this and then you paste this here and then you also have this first up bar and you copy that on top there and here we can delete it. Then you see that there are sometimes things that are overlapping and maybe there are some times the things that are missing. One you can do is did you copy or select, and then you filter by Column A. Then you see here if they're two blocks, then you know that this one, for example, is an extra one, doesn't have any data from the Screaming Frog at this moment. Here you also see that there's two and then the top one is the extra one. If there's two cells open then you know that there's one extra and you can remove it from here. Sort by Column E and then you can just remove these. Those are the empty ones and then you add the ones that don't have any data here. You can then always check in the Screaming Frog if there is really no data or if it's because of the export, if it really is good. What you export and how you did that. If we look, for example, at the stores page and we look at the word count, we see that it has 271 word count. You can also put that in. If there's information missing on page that you really would like to know, then it's good to add it here, because sometimes there's data in the XML sheet, XML sitemap and sometimes there's more data into the Screaming Frog and it's not always the same. You can never really trust any of these tools, and exports, and things. Just do some double checks and then you probably find out if they are important pages what to do with it. In the next class, we will look at the word count and the in-links how you can audit them.
7. Wordcount: Word count audit means that you take a look at the total amount of words that are on a page and screening frog, takes a measure of 200 words. But the standard is what you think is good as a standard for your pace. I do want to talk here about the unique content and why you cannot trust that generator to report for words without checking it yourself. If you look at this column with the word count, you think, well there are all above 200 words, so that's not so bad. But if you look at the pages itself, you see that the real count in, it's much less, so how many words appear in analyzing two is always depending on the CMS that you're using, and also on the analyzing tool. Let me show you an example. You see if this would be the real content and I copy it. You can also put it into, for example,, then you paste it in here. You see that it has 21 words and characters is 144, but it's about words. That means, if its 21 words, that you can subtract 21 from this. Actually thinks like a basis of 250. There's a basis text on the page of 250, you have to actually subtract all the words minus 250. Here, there should be two words, let's see if we're right, and guest artist coming soon. Those are the words that are there. That's why it's good to check for your CMS and also per taxonomy, so if it's pages, if it's blogs, if its collections, how many words there are ready on the page? You can of course, subtracted it, or you can say, for all these we say you move these, and then you can get the real word count, so is minus 250, copy and paste. You will give a orange color to words that are 460 because you still want to make it better. If they're under 460 because it means that they're under 200. Then you can give green, a green color if they are over 516 because that means they're 300 words. That's why it's important with word count to really check what is true and you check it per tap. Probably you can say that if these 200 default is good for all the pages are for one page or each check two pages. Then we say, let's say that this is counts for all the pages. Then you check the blog post and then you take the products pages. How many word counts are there and how many are really unique for disposed. That's why you cannot just say, okay, it's 200 words, it's all fine. That's what you have to take your own responsibility in checking their real data on a pages. Give your word count the colors, so you can check easily if you want to change or if you want to keep it like this if necessary.
8. Internal Links: The internal links; you see a column with all the internal links that are coming into the several URLs that are on the left side. But it's also more complex than it actually looks. You see that there are two more columns next to it saying unique links and percentage of links. Unique links what it means is that, for example, you can point from product page three times to the frequent asked questions page. That's one unique internal link and three normal internal links. The percentage of the total is the percentage of the links that come into URL, including external links. Then you can see if there's enough internal links and you can have a balance between internal and external links. If you point on a product page to the frequent asked questions, for example, or you want to know more about framing, click here and then you go to the frequent asked questions. That's very likely that it's this internal link that gets from all the pages. From all the product pages it gets a lot of in-links. For example, all they go to the size guide or they all go to the trade information. That's why it's all 651. Because apparently there on all the product pages and a contact page, you can imagine that they're on all product pages, but maybe also on other pages of the website, so they have a little bit more. That's why you see that these have just even more. Then the start page just has really little in-links in comparison to the other ones. What you could do is that you could, for example, if you want to be known more about where you can buy your art, in which stores and you want this page to be ranking better. Then you could add, for example, if you make more blogs, then you can add it there or you could also add them to your product pages. The percentage of the total means that they have a 100 only coming from within, from the in-links and not from anything else. Here you see that these 31 are only two percent of the total links that are coming in. Probably Granada, who sells this nice artworks. She will share the stores page with a lot more people, but somewhere around so she doesn't share it inside the page. That's how you can understand what it all means, what the numbers mean. You can think about that. I would actually think here indeed, that it's better that because it's not such a big percent of the total here that you could balance in a bit more. You could make sure that there's also other links coming into these pages. That's how you can work on link building if you want. But it's normal that, for example, the frequent asked questions only has internal links. That's like you not go to them. A lot of internal links for these pages is okay. This travel landscape photographer page. It's about herself. It's about who she is. It's her about page. She also already has travel landscape photographer in her URL. This is one that you could think of to start to become better with. I would do the stores page on red. I would also put this one on red because I think that at least these one and this one, well not for the in-links. For the in-links, it's already okay. Or if you do more blogging and then you can start to get even more to this page so that all the pages go to the box. Could be, it should have the most links to it, if you want these two pages to excel above the other ones. You want to start blogging more then you can think of these ones, so you can just make them red and think about, these are my most important ones. For example, the collectors gallery or this one. Framing serves. This is so internal that it could already be green trade information, could also already be green and size guys, also really internal information. That's fine. You will do that when it's needed. The content page is an important page or if you make new content, then you need to know. Let's go to that one. This one doesn't need extra, but it's just that in your mind, you should know that these are important pages that you link to, that you make the in-links to. Then you have the collectors gallery. You can also search for, why's that one 651. Is it really an internal one or not? Well, we'll just say here, yes, it's an eternal one. Then we just have the ones that we think are important here on red, so you can keep them in mind as important ones for in-links.
9. Google Analytics: Organic Sessions is one of the matrix that you get from Google Analytics, and it's the total number of users entering your site through search engines. Not via the advertisements of Google, and a session is a certain amount of time that the user was on your site, and maybe viewing a few pages and then also getting to this page, what do URLs for. It means that the same user can have visited a few URLs, and organic sessions are important as an SEO matrix because it shows that for visitors from Google, it is important that they get to this page. It might be that they land on it, but it also can be that they land on another page and then go to this URL. That's why it's important, because it can be very interesting for them, to see this page. How you do the audit, we will explain later. Another matrix from Google Analytic system, bounce rate. Bounce rate is metric that measures the percentage of people get to your website and do nothing and go away right away without clicking anything. Did just stay in one page and do nothing, and that's according to Google, not so good. But I will explain also later in the audit itself why you should not say it's not good. It has very high bounce rate. Everybody doesn't do anything because it doesn't have to be bad. You have to look at it individually. But first, let's get this data from Google Analytics into your content audit. If you want to export organic sessions, and the bounce percentage, you can do that by going to acquisition. I'm sorry that it's in Dutch. I couldn't find how to translate it, I tried it already because my languages in English, but apparently it's not listening to me. But well, I will explain this, acquisition and then you click on all traffic, and then you click through. Actually if you go here to overview, you click through on to the organic sessions because that's why we want to be, and then you see a lot of organic sessions, but I also took one year. If you have a lot of data, you don't have one year, but because this is a small Website, doesn't have so much traffic. I take quite a long year, I can show you also with the page's few pages that have some organic sessions. Some don't have organic sessions, that's also good to know. But I take whole year because then for example, you can click on the stemming sparkling, which is lending page, and there, you see that there are indeed some collections. Then you also conceive there are pages. You can see if you have for the taxonomy that you want to see right at this moment. For example, if there are at least some music here, there are some. How do you export it? Of course you have more if you have a very big contents, you don't have to worry so much about this. But it's good to see it in a smaller scale to understand how it's done. Here you export the excel, and then you go to excel and you open that last download, there it is. You will see here taps overview data set, data set 1 and 2. You go to data set 1. this is the second tab, and it's Hefei from sets in Dutch, but its data set. We only need the sessions and the bounds percentage. We take out what we don't need, and this is what we copy and we go back to the other sheets here and we paste it. You can always cut this one and put it there, and then take these good here. I didn't paste it. Let's do it again. Copy sometimes doesn't want to cut and paste solve just delete it here and paste it there, and then what do you see is a difference, here you see the whole URL, here you see the relative URL. How you can do that it's a bit of a puzzle and lot that's at least it's good to know you have to take a little bit apart. You take this bottom one we don't need actually, because we have four pages. That's just a sum up of what it's all. We don't need to all at this moment. You have one column here and one column after. Here, you put the URL without the slash, do some domain name slash. All this data copy that one and paste it all there. Then here you make a formula. Do this come search on it. Then you take the first one, you do a space, you taken, and this one. The second one, and then you click on Enter. Here you see that it has the whole value. What you do is you copy and paste it, here you see that it nicely makes it with the formula. Into a whole URL with this slack together. Now, you see [inaudible] and I can leave this and I have this but this is just a formula. Now, you have to copy this, base it again here and paste it with the special one, and then do values, and then you see that it's not anymore a formula, but it's real. That's why you need to do, to get this straightened out, and now you are all set, to see where this goes together. What you then do is that, you do it again later. Both lending space for this first column, you send them together. Then you seem that actually this one should be there as you see now, and you see again the old contact page has again some extra, actually you can delete this one because this one was the one with the 404 error. That's something that you need to actually track down again, if there are these mistakes inside, then you see that there's only three pages now left with some Google Analytics data. But what you do is that you take this and you put it one up. That's what you can do it took out the 404 errors that you already had before. Then you're sure this is going to work. You can always check a few, and if it still works from the bottom one and the top one, then you got it right because then what you can do is take out extra leftovers and that's what you do by again sorting it. Then I have to sorted on word count for example. Then you see that there are three that are leftover that have no data at all. So those are the ones that are extra. This one's already there, this one's already there and that was there. So these are the ones that don't have any data and then you can delete those. Then we have again, a clear view of all your data. Open the last download. See that I tried a few trials to see how it works and yes, now we do see pages and you see bounce rate, so that's good. We remove this and we also remove this and then we get to the pages and the bounce rate. Now we can go back to the sheet that I was working on. Do you need to copy? Good, with this excel and that we can, not this one right here. Remove it, then you can do the same trick as we did before with the adding the domain. Now I can just do quickly because it's not so much. I can just edit here and collectors gallery here and then frequently asked questions and shipping here stores. It's nothing my existing contact one zero is perfect. So this one is at least green. Maybe me don't have Info about the size guide and trade information. Size guide 100. So everybody leaves which is our Prince. I think we don't even have this one so thats a funny one. You can always just add it and check out what is this page? Maybe it's an old page and she moved it, but it's always good to know. Maybe it was a very good page. I think we have a binary seemed like not the trade information, but I think it's just not there. You can do it like the other way if you have much more data. How I showed it, in the beginning.
10. Organic Sessions: Apparently, your page is interesting for a user that comes find organic search. This metrics indicates which pages are interesting, that's why this is one of my favorite metrics. Difference with organic clicks to your site that you can see the best via the Google Search Console is that these pages might be visited by people that have searched on Google, and then came to this page in the end. It might have not been the first page they visited but a later page. How interesting is this page for people that search via Google that's what it indicates. Then about the audit. For the most sites, the homepage has a lot of traffic especially if they do not blog for [inaudible] reasons. So you see that the page get the most results because people are searching for the brand name, and get them to the homepage most of the time. Check which of these pages has the most organic sessions, and then you can see if this session, this has five sessions, so that's a good one. What you do is that you make these red. This one, it is an opportunity. It's good that you see that that's a good one. We can check that one out or this could be better, so we make it light orange and this one again, dark orange, and this one again, light orange. That's how you can set it up for yourself, and of course, you have more data, it might be easier. It's good to see that the URLs that have a lot of organic sessions for which keywords are ranking high, and can you improve them for those keywords? You can start for example, with the URLs that have the highest organic sessions, and you can make them green, and you can say, " Okay, the first ten, the highest ten of organic sessions, I will start with those." [MUSIC].
11. Bouncerate Audit: A user bounces when they don't have any engagement with the page they're visiting, and it's just a single visit of that page. It means that the quality of the webpage is not so high. That's what the metric means, or that the audience that is visiting is not the right audience. Having a high boundaries can mean three things. One, is the quality of the page is low. There's nothing inviting to engage with. Two, is your audience doesn't match the purpose of the page, and as they won't engage with the page, and three, the visitors have found the information they were looking for and they leave again. This last one, for example, is what I have long with my blog posts. Because for one of my blog post, it's about the size of the LinkedIn that they want. They want to have the right size for LinkedIn images. So they go through your page, they get the images and leave, but if you rank high, it's okay. If you don't rank high yet, you might want to engage more so you'll get ranked higher, so if they get to your page that they stay longer. You can do that for example, by showing the information a little bit lower on the page, and above that, you can add some more interesting information that they click through. But the bounce rate is sometimes high if you make landing pages that only have one goal and that's sales. Now the sales conversion sometimes not so high as a conversion for a lead or a free gadget. To make the conversion higher, most convergent landing pages are made without any distractions, so no header, no menu bar, no sidebar that can distract you from doing a sales. I have an online course and I have different slots. So I make this slot when you can enter the online course, and I don't have any distractions, so no menu bar, and then if it's closed, I again add the menu to the landing page. Check which of your content has really high bounce rates in comparison to the other content. Do we check these data? What is good? Zero percent boundary is very good. Hundred percent boundary is not so good, but for a size guy which says coming soon is okay because there's nothing, so it's normal. Also for storage page, you can make this better to add links to the stores for example. There's some improvement possible here. I would make this at least light orange, and because this is an important page, I think 45.45 it's okay. I would not do so much about that actually. Ninety is a bit much so you have to see what kind of a page is it. Up here it also says that it has a session. Check out what kind of a page it is. Is it a lot? Then you could make it better with things that I already told before if it's 50 percent. I think that's good for frequent to ask question page. For me, that's okay. I just only see for framing service, it's also okay to have these things. I think most of the page are actually okay except for the storage space. You could add some links to it so people really go to the store pages themselves. Of course, you can also add some links to travel landscape photographer so they go to other pages, but I think it's okay. Maybe check out this page to see if you can make it better. I can make this orange because it hard, or maybe make it even dark orange. Check it out. What is it? The framing service. I think it's really this internal page, so I would not really do so much about it actually. I would maybe give it even not a color. Both are percentages. You can think to put it like this, or you can think about yourself if you want to say organic bounce rate and other bound. I would just add this here, and maybe just here to make it a little bit less hard. There you go. The sessions and the bounds percentage, what you get from Google Analytics. Then we go to checkout, search muzzle.
12. Google Search Console: Get the Search Console metrics. Actually, this is very easy because you only have to go through search console, and there the time slot is already for three months. It should be the same as for your Google Analytics. Then you just export all the data on the right hand side. You don't have to click anything else because the default already has all the metrics inside the export. You go to the search console, and there you go to the performance. I start this, [inaudible] and what do you do then is, you can also click these and these if you want them, but it just exports everything. Also the impressions which you want. Then you go to export and Excel spreadsheet download. Then you open it into your Excel sheet and you delete the columns that you don't want. You go to the Pages tab. There you have deleted the other columns. There are more columns here. You delete them, so you only have the impressions [inaudible] for toning it. Impressions column, and what you do then is then you get the pages that you want. We want only the pages and we copy them and take them here to this tab and then we put them in the same height underneath here and you sort them by column, so landing page. There what I do is, I adjust more one up. There's always one empty spot. Let me see. Did I do this right? Yes. Because this one can actually be thrown away. These two are actually empty because this one is not existing. It's a 404 error. You can remove that, you can remove this one that's empty, and you can remove this one that's empty, and this one empty, and this one that's empty. Then you re-sort by landing page. There you are. You got all the impressions in place. In order to export the linked data from the Search Console, you just go into the left sidebar and you click on Links, and then you go to the More Pages and there you can download the Excel sheet. It's again good because there's the entire URL. Because not to shed prints does not have so many external links, we will use my website for this Search Console to add external links. I will also add this, if this makes it clearer how to export the external links. In order to export the linked data from the Search Console, you just go into the left sidebar and you click on "Links," and then you go to the "More Pages" and there you can download the Excel sheet and it's again good because there's the entire URL.
13. Organic Keyword Audit: If a page is ranking for any keywords, and it's not able to attract any new visitors. The metric to see if the page is ranking for keywords is the impressions column in the Search Console. If there are no appearances, your content is not ranking friendly keywords. What we then do is check, just like with the organic sessions, where are the most appearances? Then we start to check those URLs in Search Console. There you can start to look at which position you have and how you can rank high with that keyword. Here we see the impressions, and actually, this page is the only one that has a lot of impressions you see. It also had a lot of sessions, and it also has a lot of impressions. We could also make it green. I would also check out why these maybe have a lot of sessions. But it's less important than this one because this one, there might be a lot of people looking at it and they're real keywords for it. These are so minimal that we are not taking a look at it right now to see what it does. But I will now show you how you can go to do impressions and show you what it does. You see here the last three months. You can also do longer if you want. Then you go to the pages, and there you see already that the second one is this truffle landscape photographer. Well, it's this page, as you see here. A lot of people make a session through it because it's like the about pitch-spot the story behind the photographer. You see that if you click on the pages, then you see the URL. But if you click on the search terms on the searches, then you see here how people searched for these keywords, and then you also see these are the impressions. There's quite a lot of impressions. That's what you see here. For example, photographer Amsterdam, she comes high. But now we're not going to look at these because she also has another website which is called, where she shares more about her name. That's where her branding should be more involved and also the photographer Amsterdam, that's what she does there. But these things like editorial landscape photography might be something that will be interesting. Maybe for another page. Because this woman, the URL has this landscape photographers. What I would do here, check out how this goes, for example, with the position. You see, it's sometimes on 80, sometimes 70. But why is it not ranking higher? That's it because she actually doesn't really mention landscape photographer. If you click on Search on the page, or Command F. Then you see that she uses landscape photographs but not landscape photographer. If I would be sure, I would mention it here, the story of the landscape photographer and travel photographer, for example. Then you mentioned it a few times here. She does use travel photographer, so that's already good, and you use it behind the image and in certain elements, which you can see in my other class about how you optimize pages. That's not what I want to go into today, but that's how you can see what you score for. Landscape photographer, I would use that as the keyword and put it behind here because it's about the impressions, and it will work. This one, we can also print it back because there's anyway nothing for these pages. Show me as External Links for down page, but we'll see that in the next video. I'll show you another example then. Here what you can add is landscape photographer. That's a nice when you can also make it [inaudible] If you want, you can add a second keyword, you can go back, and then you cancel this one. You know that in the URL, that was not only landscape but also travel photographer. That's also an aim. We also see here travel photographer has only two impressions, but still, if she would use it a little bit more, she might be getting higher on it. Also, if you do the rest better. If you would say, maybe let's get some external links to this page, then you might rank higher on this page. You can add another like the second organic keywords. You can add another column and call it travel photographer. That's what you could do. If you want me to do it for you, I would do it like this. The second keywords and then travel photographer and I'll make it green. Then this would be like the evergreen as your page. For a page, one of them and with the pages and you can put it on to the evergreen list that we will make in a later video. You can also see which content is not at all having any impressions, and then you can see, okay, is it content that we can throw away, or should we improve it? That's how you can do this organic keywords audit.
14. Backlink Audit: For the backlinks, it might be better to show my own website as an example. There you see a lot of links to the homepage, for example, and you see two of my most important pages, the life group course and the normal group course or the online group course that get a lot of backlinks. The most interesting is when a URL has a lot of appearances or impressions, but almost no backlinks. That is the way to make it better and grow into search engines. Let me show you with my data. I see here this URL, it has a lot of impressions in the search result, but it does not have any backlinks. This is the IGTV format and it's about how to create an IGTV format. One of the pages we could start is this one. What I also like to know is for which keywords is this blog ranking so well? Then what I see in the Google Search Console is that it ranks well for totally different keyword than what I optimized it for, or what actually the blog is about, because it ranks for follow IGTV, IGTV volgen in Dutch and the thing is then, shall I change the post to these keywords? These are some tough decisions. If you should change your post content, then change it totally, or can you write a new piece of content about this? Because apparently there are a lot of people searching for how to follow a IGTV, so that's what you can find during your optimization. You can find keywords that it's actually appearing for and getting the impressions for into the search results, so you can create new content and you can think of, ''Okay, I'm not yet getting so many impressions by the keywords that I'm intending to get ranked for, like IGTV format, so I will get more backlinks and try to get more backlinks that are relevant for this content.''
15. Opportunities: An opportunity content audit is what I love. If you see real mistakes, of course, you have to fix it, like 404 errors, but at the same time, start to make good content better. Don't start with getting backlinks for pages that are not having enough backlinks. That's not working. You have to know what that page is ranking for, which keywords, and see if that's really the right keyword. Or, can you find better keywords for that page? Sometimes, a blog post is only attracting visitors via social media. But it seems to be very relevant, but it's not ranking yet. Then, you can start to find the right keywords and optimize. For me, I would always add the matrix, all the traffic, because, if there are a lot of people coming to page, there must be a reason and they might have already some test for Google. So optimizing it might be very beneficial and you can grow fast. It happens a lot that companies have an "about page" and then, they optimize it for about and for their brand name. But you can easily take benefit from there, to change it to, for example, SEO specialist Amsterdam or boutique fitness store, and make new pages that might be indeed missing on these websites. Like the services pages make individual pages for services, or make new pages for content keywords that you are already ranking for, like the IPTV following. So for me, auditing is also making what was already missing. Looking at content that might need improvement, but it's already good quality. That's very nice. For example, if they get a lot of traffic via social media or other sources, then you can check how are they optimized for which keywords and can we do better? How is the competition and this is worth to try, and then, just go for it.. One more metric that might be interesting for your best ranking content, if your content is already on the first page, why do people not click on it? That's the CTR, the click-through rate. If that is really low and your continent's ranking high, check the metadata. Is it written like an advertisement or very boring? Then make it more juicy so you get more clicks. I can go on about what is interesting as a metric, but start small so you can start your own content SEO with a website that you know. Maybe you start with smaller website. That makes it a lot easier to get the hang of it. So, let's get started on your own content audit.
16. Evergreen List: What is an SEO evergreen list? It is a list that shows the content that you've worked on so hard to get high positions, top positions in Google and it attracts a lot of traffic. What is important is that this content stays on top of the Google ranking. Communicate this list through your company. Nobody is allowed to touch the content because it is now ranking very good. Make in Excel a list of the URLs, the keywords, and the positions thereat. This will help you not having to monitor the pages every week on being still untouched. It is set in stone. Next to that, you can monitor it if it's still ranking high on the keywords that you wanted or is it changed? Is the competition getting better? Can you promote a little bit better on social media? Can I get more back-links because the competition was crazily doing SEO? Or you optimized it too much that you over-optimized it? It's all possible. Keep track of this SEO evergreen list if you're still on the right position. But at least you know that nobody in your company touched the content.