First Steps of SEO: Keyword Research and Website Optimization | Marjet Wullink | Skillshare

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First Steps of SEO: Keyword Research and Website Optimization

teacher avatar Marjet Wullink, Boost your business by ranking in Google

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction of the class


    • 2.

      1: Google search results: How to customize


    • 3.

      Extra note: Never change existing url without 301-redirect


    • 4.

      2: Use of keywords in your website


    • 5.

      3: Keyword Research: how to analyse


    • 6.

      4: Summary of SEO knowledge


    • 7.

      5: SEO last example


    • 8.

      Bonus KWFinder - keyword tool


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About This Class

Getting on top of the Google search results is what every small company wants! From my experience I noticed that a lot of companies have no ideas where to start their Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Often the load of information about SEO freezes people to start SEO at all.

That's why I decided to make an online SEO training that takes you through the knowledge step by step and with examples.

This class will teach you how to start your optimization and get your website to the first page of the Google search results. 

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Meet Your Teacher

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Marjet Wullink

Boost your business by ranking in Google


Marjet has 10 years of experience in SEO. First in a Dutch publishing house and after 3 years she started her own company Minimalist Marketing in Amsterdam. From there she already helped over 200 entrepreneurs to make their SEO strategy.

Her background is in business and coding, but Marjet's strong social skills and patience make her drawn to being a teacher. Her goal is to combine humorous elements with seemingly boring subject matter - learning should be fun!

Getting serious stuff to people in an amusing way is one of my top goals. She wants to make it more exciting and more tangible to reach your goals in small steps.


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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction of the class: As a small business, you want to end up on the first page of the Google Search results, but how do you get there and how do we attract the right kind of people? This is what I'm going to teach you today. I'll give you all the information, the tools, the tips, and the examples you need to outsmart your competition. My name is Marjet Wullink. I'm a SEO and WordPress specialist based in Amsterdam. This class is about finding your own SEO strategy that will boost your business. In five lessons, we'll discuss the most important steps in SEO. Step 1 is to know your keywords. What are the most important keywords for your business? I'll show you some easy web tools that you can use to find your keywords. Step 2, after you find your keywords, you can put them in your online strategy. Your online strategies is actually just a fancy word for using your keywords into your website, into your social media, or your newsletter, whatever you use online. But today, we're only going to focus on your website. After this class, you can optimize your own website to get to the top of the Google Search result. So what are you waiting for? Enroll to this course and give your business a boost. 2. 1: Google search results: How to customize: Thanks for enrolling in this class. This first video is about the search results. If you type in Google a few words, you'll see all the search results. How they are coming up is depending on Google, but you can also do something about it yourself. This is what we're going to talk about. How can you change these results actually? How do they look like the title and the description? A Google search result consists of three elements, a meta title, a domain name, and the meta description. For example, here you see a search result like you can see it in the Google search results. The first blue text is a meta title. The second green text is your domain name, and the gray text is your meta description. Your meta title is a title that describes your website in a short sentence of 96 characters, you could use something like Best Coach in New York. It is important to put keywords into your meta title. A keyword is a word that describes what you do and also what your audience is looking for. In a later video, I will show you how to do a keyword research to find your keywords. Furthermore, it is important that you make your meta title too tempting to refuse to click through. Most of the times you already have an existing domain name or URL. That is a nice domain name, but it is not consisting of keywords. Think of Apple. This is also another domain name that tells something about what they are selling. Drastically, changing your domain name is not necessary. You can then use your keywords in the URL of the sub-pages. For example, with dashes in between. The meta description is a summary of the page it is referring to. It is a little bit more than the meta title. If your title is Best Coach in New York, then your meta description could be, give your life a fix at the Best Coach in New York. Feeling tired and stressed? Make an appointment. It should include the title, also keywords. It also should be written that it's too tempting to refuse to click through. The next example illustrates the necessity to put the right keywords in the meta description. In Google, I inserted the search terms, business coach, New York, Brooklyn and this is how her meta description looked like with my search terms. If you analyze it, you see some words in bold. These are the words that Google assumes you're looking for according to your search terms. Career, it assumes that I'm working on my career when I'm searching for a business coach. Second is the word coaching, then also coach, Brooklyn and New York. Let's make this clear. This is a meta description made by Google. Google made this according to the idea that this suits my search terms better. Most of the times, it picks up some sentences from your content and attaching one sentence to the other one with three dots in between. This way, your description is less attractive to your audience because, for example here, this last sentence is a little bit weird because it is the footer of the content of the soulfulcoach. The soulfulcoach would probably prefer to have another attractive texts here. The next example shows how the soulfulcoach intended the meta description to be. An attractive short sentence, but without the needed keywords like New York. Google just added an extra sentence to make it longer and so it would include more keywords. In the end, it is important to make your meta description the right length, 156 characters, and also to add the right keywords. What the right keywords are for your audience will be shown in a later video about keyword research. How can you then customize your Google search results to attract your audience to click through. In your CMS like WordPress or Joomla, there should be the possibility to define your meta description and your meta title. Define these description and title per page differently. For WordPress, it is easy. You can download the plug-in Yoast SEO. This example illustrates how to customize your meta data with the Yoast plugin. Once you install the plugin to your WordPress website, you can enter your focus keyword. This is just to check for yourself to see if you really use this keyword in your meta description and your content. The SEO or meta title is the next to be inserted. My insert is Best Business Coach in New York, Brooklyn. This example is just made up for now and is not the result of a long research for the best keywords so don't just incorporate these metadata. I would also not directly call myself the best coach in New York. But this is all possible and it might even trigger people to really click through. Then the meta description. This would be around 156 characters. With this tool you can easily adjust it to the right length. It does not have to fit perfectly, but make sure it is not so short that Google can add a whole sentence. You see now that this checking tool indeed gives a green yes for both the page title and the meta description. Use this tool to customize your search results. Now that we've covered the search results, we're going to see how to use the keywords in the website. How is the soulfulcoach using the keywords on her website? 3. Extra note: Never change existing url without 301-redirect: Important note about URLs, never change an existing URL without making a 301-redirect. Otherwise, you get 404-errors. For WordPress, you can download the 'Simple 301-redirect plugin' to do redirections. 4. 2: Use of keywords in your website: In this video, we'll discuss the use of keywords. How is the soulful coach using the keywords on her website? Just as a little start, what I want to tell you about the homepage and normal pages is that on your homepage, you can have several keywords, not only like business coach, New York, but also, if you are maybe a life coach, you put all these different types of products that you offer next to each other on your homepage, and you can see your homepage as a shopping window, where you can put all your products. You can put them all together, maybe not too many. Just keep it down to five. So I see this business coach product and I click through there, it's only optimized for your business coaching, but not anymore for the other products. You have to keep this in mind for the whole optimization of your website. Now we're going to look at the website of the soulful coach and see how many times she uses the keywords that I was looking for on her websites. So there's business coach, Brooklyn, New York. How many times does she use it on her website? I find the soulful coach by searching for business coach New York, Brooklyn, and she popped up on the first page of the Google search results. So she probably does something good with her keywords, otherwise, she would not be on the first page. If I type in Control or command F on my keyboard, I see in Google Chrome, a search field pop-up on the right side of the browser here. For Firefox and Safari, it is also possible to search, but it does not light up the words in yellow, like with Google Chrome. Important to know is that you have to keep the use of your keywords on your page between 3-5 percent of the total use of words on that page. You see that the soulful coach uses the word business 19 times on her homepage. Is this too many or good? We can check this out with the tool. You find this tool at You could copy all the text of your page into the left content side of this tool. Then you see the keyword density of your page on the right side of this tool. Here you see that business is indeed mentioned 19 times on a page, which is only two percent of the total amount of words on this page. So she could even use business more on her page because total words on her page is quite high, over 860 words. So it totally depends on the total use of the words on your page. To give Google a good overview of what you are writing about, you should try to write at least 300 words per page. If your content is less, you can write more, but never only write for Google. So don't make your content of less quality just to get more words on this page. What is important is that quality is always more important than quantity. We saw that the soulful coach is using 19 times business on her page. Next to that, she uses two times business coach as a combination and zero times New York. Why does she then show up with this keyword? This is because Google also sees abbreviations, words that are shortened as the whole, longer meaning. So NY is seen by Google' as New York. Both Brooklyn and NY are mentioned in the footer of the page, the lowest part of the website. If these are your keywords, it is better to use them also on the top of your page. Best is already above the fold. We just spoke only about how many times keywords are used on the page, but it is not only important how many times keywords appear, but also where they appear. To see how Google values the keywords on the soulful coach website, we are going to put her website into an online tool, which is called Important to keep in mind is that this tool is trying to analyze websites like Google does, but it can never totally analyze like Google because Google is using a secret algorithm. For analyzing a website, you go to, you scroll down a little and there you see free demo reports. There you fill in your URL and your e-mail address, and then you click on the button Request Demo Report. In this demo report, that will be e-mailed to you, you see on the top left side, a circle diagram. There, you see which words are, according to this tool, most valued by Google. For this report of the soulful coach, you see that the word life is valued the most on her website. Also, other single words like coaching, business, and women are important. After that, you don't only see single words, but also combinations of words. Here we see coaching for busy women. If you scroll down a little more, you see a long list of single words and also two-word phrases. In the list of single words, you see at first life, and the third one is business. The funny thing is that business is mentioned eight times more than life, but business is not mentioned on the places that are valued the most. That's why there's two things that life is more important than business. If on the tool itself, you hoover over the letters, so if I would hoover in the online tool of this letter, there would be a little explanation popping up. But here, I will explain the values with some examples to make this a little bit clearer. First, we get to the T, and that stands for title. In this little video, I will show you where to check your title. Here you see that if you hoover over the top, there's a yellow field popping up. I will show it again. In this yellow field, you see life mentioned by the Soulful Coach. In her title, she did indeed put life. The H stands for heading. This could be a heading 1 or a heading 2. I will explain how you can check this also, again, with a little video. You go with your mouse on the heading that you suspect to be a heading 1 or 2, and then you click on "Inspect Element". There you see that there's an h1 between brackets, and inside there's together also business and life mentioned. Both these words are mentioned in a heading 1. In almost every Content Management System, for short, CMS, you can add headings. Ask your web developer to explain you how to do this or Google for adding heading 1 and the name of your CMS, like WordPress. The A stands for anchor text. It is actually a text link. I found life as a text link in the footer of the page. As you see here, yellow marked. Putting also a text link with life on the top of the page, or at least above the fold, would even be better. Also using an important keyword in a text link more than once on your page is a good thing. The D stands for meta description. I already mentioned meta description and explained it in the previous video. Also here the tool asks for you to put a keyword in the meta description because it's important. The K stands for keywords or actually meta keywords. The meta keywords were made to provide information about your web page. This is often to help search engines to categorize your website correctly. They are not directly visible to a user visiting the website. But due to abuse by website owners, Google tends to ignore the meta keywords nowadays. This meta keywords are actually not any more important, so don't focus too much on these keywords. Also, the Yost tool that I mentioned before in the other video, is not using meta keywords anymore. They use only a focus keyword for checking if you put in your keywords in your content. Also, this tool is writing about these meta keywords that they're not anymore so much valued. Now, we go to the keyword, business, and there we did not explain yet the B. In the side of the Soulful Coach, business is marked as a bold text because B stands for bold or strong text. It's also marked as italic text. You also should use your keywords in italic text. Maybe you can use business in a bold text, in italic, something else on the coach. You make it a little bit natural where to use italic texts and bold text. The LI stands for list item. List item is a bullet point. Most of the times this is a summary of your text. That is why Google appreciates bullets, because it gives a nice summary and it explains the content in some clear points. How clear the text is for the audience, the more Google appreciates your content. With the video, we check the Soulful Coach, if she really uses these bullets that Google can read. Here, we see three little suns. This could be a bullet point, but it could also just be an image with texts. This last thing is not understood by Google as a list item or a summary. If you do again, inspect element, there pops up a field and I will move it, so it makes it clear that this is a list item. There it goes. You see I inspected element and there you see the code. There's business here. You also see that it's in the list item, there is business mentioned. Indeed, these are list items that are mentioned here. The next one is STM, and this stands for expanded stem format. On her homepage, the Soulful Coach uses coach as a plural form, coaches, and also as a verb, coaching. Because we naturally tend to communicate using plural and singular forms of words, we should not restrict ourselves to only use of coach, but also use expanded forms, as in verbs or in plural forms. The more natural your text seems to be, the better Google appreciates it. iA stands for image Alt tag. This is the alternative text that can be used for images. Google cannot read images, but can read the alternative text that you can add to images in your CMS. The Soulful Coach uses somewhere, soulful coaching in her image texts. But in this example of this little video, she's using Joanna Lindenbaum behind this image. You can see that again, when you go on the image and inspect element, and then you see Alt is Joanna Lindenbaum. For this website, I would recommend not only to use her name, but also keywords. Maybe life and business coach, Joanna Lindenbaum. This way, Google starts to understand that life and business coach are important keywords for this page. Also for this element, it is good if you don't know how to add this to your CMS, to Google alternative text for images and name of your CMS, or you ask your web developer to explain to you how to add the alternative text for images. The next letter to explain is the U of URL. Soulful Coach is using the URL, but this whole word is not a keyword because there are not many people searching for Soulful Coach, only the last part, coach, is a keyword. Google can easier see words as different words if you separate them with a dash. You don't have to change your URL to make this happen, that changes to drastic. I would suggest if you want to be found good on the word business coach New York, Brooklyn, to make a new page called, for example, business coach, the URL would then be, with dashes in between the words. Summing it all up, when Google indexes your website, it first sees your URL and looks at the words used there. Then it sees your title and maybe a different major title, if your CMS allows this. Then that meta description. The headings, especially a heading 1 and 2, anchor text, so text links, bullets which are the list items, italic text, bold text, alternative text for images, and also, if you use written texts naturally with keywords used in verbs and in plural forms, as well as only the singular form. We now saw what keywords the Soulful Coach is using on her website. But are these the right words? Will the right people get to her website, and are there enough people that search for these keywords? That's what I'm going to teach you in the next video. How you can do your own keyword research. 5. 3: Keyword Research: how to analyse: In this video, we're going to talk about keyword research. For research, it's very important to know, like we already saw, that I'm not searching only for a business coach, but it's more. This is called a long-tail keyword. It's business coach, Brooklyn, New York. You have to remember that it's not just one word. Let's take a look at the keyword planner. This is a tool made by AdWords, so also a Google tool. For keyword research, we use an online tool, the AdWords Keyword Planner. To get there, you type in Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Then you click on this search result. Google AdWords Keyword Planner is actually made for website owners that want to use this tool for their AdWords campaigns. Adwords are the paid advertisements that you see on the top of the browser or in the sidebar of the Google search results. Here, you see some examples. These are in Dutch, but look similar in English with the yellow little banners. This tool does not only help Adwords users to get information about search behavior, but also helps you as a website owner to rank better in Google in the organic results. Organic results is a nice name for the non-paid search results. At the keyword tool, this Google AdWords Keyword Planner, we click on the top right to sign-in or create an account. Important this here, not to fill in your email address and website, but click on "Skip the guided set up." If you don't skip this guided setup, you have to make an ad in Adwords and fill in your billing info. When you have to fill-in billing info, you know that you skipped a step. Don't fill-in your billing info. If you do this anyway, I am not responsible for your expenses. This step is very important and don't miss it. On the next page, you fill-in your email address, your country, your time zone, your currency, and then click on "Save and continue." Here, you click on the "Next" button if your email address is right, and on the next page, you fill-in your password and click "Sign-in." You receive an email with the link and click on this link. You get redirected to the Google Adwords, then click under tools on Keyword planner. If you don't get to Google Adwords right away, Google again, AdWords Keyword Planner, Now I will show you a simple example of how to use this tool. Open the first gray triangle before "Search for new keywords using a phrase website category." Then, you insert the keywords or search terms. I inserted here "life coach" and "business coach" and also the same words but then without a blank space. You don't see them, but they're underneath. After that, you can insert your landing page and your product category. I targeted on the whole United States to get a global idea of these keywords and the language is English. After that, you can click on the blue button, "Get ideas." You get a new window where you have to click on the tab, "Keyword ideas". There you see the list of the search terms that I inserted. Next to these words, you see the Adwords monthly searches. If you click on the first tab, you see that the items get arranged in order of the highest average search. Life coach, in two words, is the most searched-for Adwords per month. As you see, 22,200. This little research already shows you that it is important to use a keyword in different ways, in one word or as a combination of two words. Next step shows the competition. This is the competition of AdWords users that are bidding on keywords. Simply said, it means that a lot of people are bidding for the keyword phrase, "life coach", written in two words, and less people for "life coach" written as one word. The competition on AdWords keywords is most of the time similar to the competition of the organic results where we are dealing with. If you want to go for the underdog position and try to get rid of so much competition, you can go for a similar keyword, but with less competition. Like "life coach" as one word, but "life coach" as one word is not the right spelling. For that reason, you might consider not to take this word. It would also be good to add keywords based on your region. If you work regional. Adding extra keywords can decrease your competition. I would add "New York" as a long-tail keyword to the keyword "life coach." Even though the competition is still high, it will always be less than with only "life coach" as a keyword. Also take a look underneath your list of search terms where you see keywords by relevance. These can give you inspiration because maybe you also provide a service as a health coach, but you don't mention this on your website. Keyword ideas can give you inspiration for your business to start new products. Not only will you rank better in Google after having done this keyword research, you'll also get your whole strategy clear and start to create a more focused business. In the last videos, you learned a lot about keywords. I'm going to give you a summary in the next video. 6. 4: Summary of SEO knowledge: To give you a good overview of what I taught you in the last lessons, I will give you a summary of all the knowledge discussed. This overview shows you the three most important points. One, find the right keywords by doing a keyword research. Two, use keywords not only in your content, but also on specific places. Three, use keywords in meta titles and meta descriptions. Not only for a better ranking, but also that people click through when they see your search result. For keyword research, it is important that you, one, use the Adwords keyword planner. Two, insert all the words you can think of related to your product and see which of them has the highest search volume and the lowest competition. Three, or you can add words to create a keyword set to lose competition. For example, words that make clear in which region or city you're working, like New York or Brooklyn. Four, get inspired by the keyword planner that provides you with keyword ideas that you might have not thought of. It can even give you ideas for adding products to your existing product line. The next step is to use keywords into your content. Here are summary of some general points I mentioned throughout the video. One, never use your keywords too much. Too much is more than five percent of the total use of words on your page. Always try to keep the uses of keywords between 3-5 percent. Use at least 300 words to give Google a good idea what you're talking about. But keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity. If your content is less than 300 words and writing more than 300 will not improve the quality of your text, then keep it less than 300 words to preserve your quality. Three, on the homepage, you can combine more keywords or keywords sets. A keyword set is a long-tail keyword like business Coach New York. On the homepage you can use business coach as well as life coach. But when you click through to the sub page of your business coach activities, you should only talk about business coach, and try to save the use of the keyword life coach only for the page about your product, life coach. This makes the structure of your website more clear for Google and for your visitors. Let's sum up where it is important to put your keywords. First, Google will come into your code and find your URL. So put your keywords in the URL if it's possible, so you can make a permalink in your URL that has the keyword inside. Second, you can put them in your meta title and in your meta description. These you can also see when you are searching for yourself into the Google search results. Third is in the headings. The heading 1 and the heading 2, especially. Forth is in the anchor text, so in links in your text. The fifth is in your bullets so a summary on your page, it makes your website a little bit less bulky if you put some summaries in it. Six is bold and seven is italic, and the last one is the alt tag. That's the alternative text that you can put behind your images. Use naturally written text with keywords, use not only in singular forms, but also in plural forms and verbs. The first video we talked about how search results look like. Important is that if you are there on this first page that people get tempted to click through. You can do this by writing attracting meta titles and descriptions and include keywords. Next bit you should write different meta titles and descriptions per page, so they are clearly focused on different keyword sets. A lot of people ask me if there is a quick and easy way to get high in Google. But unfortunately there is none, and you have to get started with these basics. Though may be it's actually fortunate that there is no quick fix because this way you start to pay more attention to what you're doing, which products you're selling, and you get more focused and clear in your whole business strategy. Don't waste time and get started to give your business a boost. 7. 5: SEO last example: This last video, I'm going to show you an example where we use all the information that I just taught you. We're going to do it a little bit the other way around. We're not going to search for somebody because I already have a website that I think is a good example to use this information in. The website that we're going to use is called She has a nice and bright website and see does already a lot of things, but it can be better. This is how the homepage of looks like. She uses her name in her URL. There are no direct keywords. She focuses on three things; online text, online video, and research. It is very good to make clear in your menu bar, like FEMKEDUS which products you have to offer. As I already mentioned, you can see her homepage as a shopping window, where you link through to other pages. We will focus in this example only on video and go to the page of online video. Not just using the keyword video, but already adding on line to it will beat some of the competition. Here we see that she already uses the keyword online video in her URL, and also in her heading. But is this the best keyword? Lets first do a short research. I inserted all the words in the Google AdWords Keyword Planner that she's using right now in this page, and I added some synonyms. These words are Dutch, but you can recognize also English words because we use the same words for film and video. I added seven words, but you can only see the first two. You can feel in the landing page and product category, but it actually does not make a lot of difference most of the times. I leave it out this time to make a quick research. Because clients are most of the times Dutch and her content is in Dutch, I will also target the Netherlands and Belgium where they speak this language and take Dutch as the language. Then I click on "Get Keyword Ideas". Click on "Keyword Ideas". Here you see the search terms that I inserted. I already clicked on this tab, so the average monthly searches is now ordered from the highest to lowest. You see that the Dutch word bedrijfsfilm, which means movie for businesses, is the most searched for, but this search term has a high competition. The three lower search terms, online film, filmmaker, and online video, are also very interesting, especially because they have a low competition, but still quite a high search volume. Online film and online video have almost the same meaning, so you can choose one of them and then it might be good to go for the first one with the highest search volume and the lowest competition. But if you already you're ranking good on online video and you are using this already, you can keep this so you don't have to work so hard to get these 480 people because you will get higher on the first page on online video within less time and without hard work. You can then in a later stage, even make another page with online film. But you should optimize this space then only for online film and write distinctly different things here. These are hard decisions to make in your online strategy, but this makes it also challenging. For the search term filmmaker, I would recommend to make a whole new page where you write more about the filmmaker. Here you can write about the background of your film making career. But before we forget, it is very important to consider if you did not forget any keywords. Always look below your inserted search terms where you see keyword by relevance. These are keywords that Google considers to be also relevant according to your inserted search terms. In the list here, I would consider video editor to be relevant. It has high volume and low competition. You can make a new product called video editor and sell yourself as a video editor as well. Last but not least, if you want to get rid of competition, for example, you do want to compete on low word, but rest film, so movies for businesses, you can add your city or region. I edit here Amsterdam to the keyword, but you see that the competition is still high. These strategic choices are hard to make, but you also have to make these decisions on some gut feeling. If you don't want to make movies for big companies, maybe you can let this word go and focus on other words. So you don't have to compete with big companies so much. Some last remarks to this research. You can also take a look at your competition. Are they already doing so well? Or can you actually do better? Make a decision for your keywords? This research has to lead to a decision for your keywords. If you want to go for all of them, it is not a clear and focused strategy. Google will also not understand what you are exactly talking about. Start with one keyword set and the belonging page, and then after you optimize this one, then you go to another product and the belonging page. Otherwise, it will be too much. Now use your chosen keywords into your page. I chose for online film as my focus keyword set, and I will add Amsterdam sometimes to the content when this seems to be appropriate. We first can put our keywords into the URL when we are using a sub page like here; FEMKEDUS.NL/ONLINE-FILM-AMSTERDAM. Then we get to the metadata, the title of your page, the meta title and meta description. The title of your page can be inserted in most CMS' on the top of the page. The meta title and meta description can, for example, be inserted with the used WordPress plug-in. We use the focus keyword online film, and you can, for example, put it in a SEO title like here; Online film made for your style and taste, Amsterdam based, and meta-description like, boost your business with an online film. Our film production team creates attractive online films in your own style and taste. We are based in Amsterdam. Here you see search result how it will appear in Google if people are searching for online film, and you see that both the title and description have focused keywords incorporated. Next important keyword element are the headings. I edited in her page some phrases, and a for here, I translated it quickly with Google translates to English to make it a bit clearer for you, though, don't take this as an example. Heading 1 is, for example, here the first one, I changed it to online film, and then I used the heading 2 before another paragraph with also online film incorporated. These following four elements are explained in the next example. Anchor text is used here in the content, and I added the words online filmmaker to it. There's online film in the anchor text. You don't only have to use just one word, it can also be a longer phrase. Text in Italic can be used within the content. Also here you can just make a whole sentence Italic, if you like that. But you can also just put a few words in Italic, is just how you like it to be. Here we see bullets with some keywords, and here some strong text with keywords. The next element is the image alt-tag, or as you see here in work pace, it is also called alt text. Fill in the keyword and also add text that describe the image. Describe the image in this text in a way that blind people who get alternative texts of images read to them, can also understand what this image is about. Don't make the alt text too long. As you can imagine, this would also not be nice if it would be read to you. Here for example, describe the image like online film flower. Use verbs or plural forms. So use not only film, but also films and film maker to make the text sound natural. Then after you edit this, you can check in if your keywords do not exceed the 5 percent, and if you at least use 300 words. I based edited text of online film of FEMKEDUS into The page of online film could have some more words added. As you see here it's only 229, and it could be 300. We also did not totally finish editing. This will only make the text of a better quality. Google measures quality, among other things, to the time people spend on your page. If it is nice to read, has some nice pictures and it's interesting, people stay longer on your page, which tells Google that the quality is good. On the right side, you see that online as a word is used a little bit too much, and film can be added a bit more to the text. After you make these changes, you can put the page into Only test your page in this tool after you made it almost perfect because you can only get a few demo reports for free. This was a quick example to put all the information in practice. All the information you can find in the reader that you can download in the link below. You can now start your own research and optimize your website. Just be daring and try something out. Try to be better than your competition, and after three months, you can check how it went in your statistics, and then maybe change a little bit and do another research. Because in three months, the keyword research can change again. But the next question is, of course, how is it possible that my competitor is still higher in the Google search results than me and we both use the same keywords on the same places? This is what I am going to teach you in the next e-course. 8. Bonus KWFinder - keyword tool: So today I'm going to show you this cool SEO tool for keyword research. It's called the Kw finders. So that's XB Keyword finder. You find it via and then you go to SEO tools to Kw finder. And so here, e.g. if you make illustrations, you can enter like Christmas illustrations. And now you think, I'm crazy because it's not yet Christmas. But if you start already right now, then your blog post or your portfolio post might be high in Google by the end of summer and by the end of summer, e.g. so this was last year and people started to search for it already. In June. It started to pick up. And then in September after summary was 4.4 k, people that are searching for it and then it only gets more towards Christmas. So I would really do that. Start now with your Christmas illustrations if you'd like to sell via Google. And of course, there you have oldest Pixabay and freak, Pinterest and everything is a competition. But I think that if you write a blog with a lot of keywords in it and a lot of texts. Because most of these have a high, this is orange, a green one doesn't have this LPS. So link profile spring. So it means that they have a lot of authority that other people are linking to them. Okay, read really good, but they're not even on the top because maybe there's not so much text that is in these on these pages, we can check it. Let me see. If I click like this. You see there's not so much text on these pages. Or maybe it's really on the low side, but there are a lot of people coming there. So that's why they have a lot of authority. But you could make it happen. I mean, these are it's hard. But I think if you're really good and people, christmas might be too broad. So Christmas tree is already more specific, or like only a Santa hat illustration. And then you will see that in the highest time they're still like 1.9 key people searching for it. So that's a good thing. You can still find a lot of people that would like to have a Santa hat illustration or a snow globe illustration. So here you get to get a lot of ideas to make it really specific, like a reindeer illustration or just the snowman. To start just illustrating and PR. Keyword set. You make another portfolio. Maybe you put the same illustrations in this theme for it, like in the same blog that you say, Okay, I made a few snowman illustrations. And you start to write about the blog about one snowman illustration with the hats and one snowmen with illustration with this car for something like that. And they are all a little bit different. One is a Smiley 1.1 is a little bit of a not so happy one, something like that or a funny one. Then you get ranked for all those different, like a funny snowman or a red or a Ritz carved snowman. And maybe people are searching for them. Probably not like thousands, but then you can search for them Like what, what do people want? And start to make a little bit your illustrations towards what people are searching for. So you can really start selling in all of your own website or maybe in the, via your shop, Etsy. So that's how you could start to make your illustrations really work for you if you start to make them right now and not just before Christmas. Okay. That's how I would like to talk about the Kw finer and it's really easy. You can see how it all works and how, how well you can, you can find out if it's possible for you to do. I mean, you should still look at it like this. But if you think that you're better than, you know, all these kind of things that are not really fun. It's not really nice. If you say, okay, I know a lot better how to do it. So I will put it into Google. And here you see all these axes and they are for sale like they're sponsored. So this is all in Dutch. I'm sorry for that. I have my language in Dutch. But you see here, you could be here to number one, if you would do it really good. If you follow my SEO course in Skillshare and you see the images and what I talk about there. Do that, make the filename already with the Christmas light illustrations in your file name and in your alternative text. That's a really good idea. And if yours is like much better and nicer than all the other ones, they will for sure. Look at yours. Also in Google Images. This one will go on top. If your whole blog with including the text that's in it, is used in the right way with Christmas lights illustration. So not just the image, but also the whole blog. So it's not just about the, you put it onto the image, but also the text in the blog will help to get the image here. And then maybe you get even here if you write a really good blog about the Christmas lights illustrations, because most of these ones don't have text in it. So I think it's possible to get higher in Google than these guys. And I would really try if I would be a Christmas Illustrator. So try and go and do this. So you can start setting on your blog or via Etsy or wherever you would like to sell this. And I would say, good luck and I'd like to hear how it's going.