Russian Wedding Ring - learn how to make traditional interlocking rings | Joanne Tinley | Skillshare

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Russian Wedding Ring - learn how to make traditional interlocking rings

teacher avatar Joanne Tinley, Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Russian Wedding Ring - learn how to make traditional interlocking rings


    • 2.

      Russian Wedding Ring - materials


    • 3.

      Russian Wedding Ring - equipment


    • 4.

      Russian Wedding Ring - soldering equipment


    • 5.

      Russian Wedding Ring - calculating materials


    • 6.

      Russian Wedding Ring - preparing the single rings


    • 7.

      Russian Wedding Ring - soldering


    • 8.

      Russian Wedding Ring - shaping, filing and sanding


    • 9.

      Russian Wedding Ring - soldering the rings together


    • 10.

      Russian Wedding Ring - finishing the rings


    • 11.

      Russian Wedding Ring - final thoughts


    • 12.

      Russian Wedding Ring - bonus: how to add texture to your rings


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About This Class

Russian Wedding Rings are beautiful and playful pieces of jewellery - and if you follow the instructions in this class step-by-step you will find them easier than you might think!

Traditionally made from rose, yellow and white gold, Russian Wedding Rings are three interlocking rings that roll comfortable around your finger as you play with them. This class will take you through everything you need to make your own set - and most importantly will teach you how to get the sizing right first time, every time.

The Russian Wedding Ring class continues with Silversmithing for Beginners classes. This series teaches you all the basics you need for jewellery making, helping you to become confident with sawing, soldering and much more. I will always take you through everything you need step by step, and include troubleshooting sections where appropriate too.

The Russian Wedding Ring was made as part of the Ring A Month 2019 challenge. July's prompt was Movement. For more about the challenge visit

if you haven't already watched it, the Simple Hammered Rings class would be a good choice for your next class as it covers important ring making techniques - and then things get exciting with the Stone Set Ring class and the Tube Set Ring class!

Meet Your Teacher

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Joanne Tinley

Jewellery Designer, Tutor and Writer


I have been making jewellery for as long as I can remember, and have been passing these wonderful (and addctive!) skills on through my classes for nearly 20 years. I am self-taught and like many people I started with wire and beads. Learning how to solder, however, opened up a whole new world of jewellery making! There is something so magical about watching solder flow through a seam, joining two pieces of metal together smoothly.

My studio is in Southampton, on the South Coast of the UK. I design and make jewellery for galleries across the UK, teach regular and popular jewellery design workshops, and also offer private tuition. My jewellery design projects have been published in both UK and US magazines and books.

Visit my Etsy shop, Jewellers Bench Shop, for jewellery ma... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Russian Wedding Ring - learn how to make traditional interlocking rings: Hello. My name's John Tinley. I'm a jewelry designer and shooter from South Coast UK on Welcome to the Russian wedding Beings Class Russian wedding rings are very traditional design, but I'm finding that they are increasingly popular in ring making workshops. So I thought I put a class together to show you how to make some traditional Russian wedding rings are made off three different colors off gold. I'm going to be using silver in the class. But everything that I teach you will also translate into using gold as well. So if you want to practice and silver and then investments go to make them in the most traditional form, then this class is going to teach you everything you need. Just do you remember that when you're soldering gold, you need to get the goats soldier that matches up with a character on the color off the gold that you are using. I'm going to be using D shape. Why? As is traditional Andi, it allows the design of the rain to be five a comfortable to wear the rings slept and slide past each other as you put them on your finger and you twist them around making them Avery playful piece of jewelry toe Where as well. If you've made rings before, then you will find some sections of this class rather familiar. But what? I would like you to pay careful attention to how it calculates the amount of why that you need for their size of ring you want to make, because that is where this project difference from other ring classes you've taken. Essentially, you need to take into account that you have got rings going inside each other, so you need to make the rings a little bit bigger to account for the fact that two pieces of why are going to be going inside each ring. Don't worry, though. I'll take you through everything step by step and help you understand what you need to know to make Russian what the wings of any size from any dimension. So if you're ready, let's have a look at materials and the equipment that we're going to need to make the rain 2. Russian Wedding Ring - materials: Russian wedding rings are traditionally made out off D shaped wire. I have seen some made out of round why, but personally, I find that if the wire isn't flat on the insights and as the rings roll past each other to put him on a not for evenings, years playing with them sometimes see skin your fingers, you can get caught in between them. So I find that that keeping to the traditional D shaped why is is the best way to go. This is a length a D shaped wire that I formed from scrap that I melted into an ingot to cast into an ingot on, then sent with the rolling mill to shape it. I'm not going to show you how to do that here, because that would make this particular class rather longs. And we'll save that for a future class. But what I do need to tell you is that this wire is 2.5 millimeters across the D shapes across the flat. On it is 1.3 millimeters deep, and it is that 1.3 millimeter measurement that is going to be the important one when we calculate how much wire I need You can obviously go a little bit sicker, but if you go much thick, I find if you go above 1.5 millimeters in thickness, then you might have to work out the ring size that you need using a set of wide or wedding band sizes. Because you don't be producing quite a wider ring, and usually a wide oring needs to go upper size, so account for the amount off finger that it is covering. 3. Russian Wedding Ring - equipment: This is the equipment that we're going to need to make the Russian wedding bands on. Def. You've ever made any other silver rings, every rings out of wire. Then you have used all of this equipment before. If you don't already know of the site of ring that you need to make, then a set of ring sizes is going to help you to figure it out on Did you don't need to do a few calculations are sure you shortly to work out the amount of wire that you will need for the rings? I'm going to use a ultra fine Sharpie Onda ruler to mark that measurements I calculate onto the wire on. Then the jeweler's saw to cut the lengths of wines I'm going to need. I'm obviously going to support the wire on the bench. Paint, as I normally do on the April underneath, will catch the dust so it's a little as possible with the material will go to waste. I'll be using the jewellers so again later in the project because two of the rings will need to be cut open after their release, Ocean shaped to be up to link the three rings together before you can solder the rings close. I need to make sure that the ends of the wire a nice and square, and I'm going to use the flat side off a six inch, half round file. To do that are also check that the ends of nice and Square using the Engineers Square that you can see here. I'm also going to use the six inch file to tidy up my soul joints on, then also used the emery paper to progressively make thes soldier joint smoother a neater and remove any marks a pair off Niland your pliers or, if you prefer a pair of ring bending pliers, are very useful for bending the wire into shape prior to soldering. But then, after soldering, they need to be shaped into the round. So I'm going to use a ring triplet on a nylon hama. To do that, I've also got a ring sizing triplet here. As I'm in the UK, it is a wheat sheaf stick. I'm going to use that to make absolutely certain Three rings are the exact size that I need before I try into locking them, as this project requires soldering as well. So have a look at this soldering equipment that we're going to need 4. Russian Wedding Ring - soldering equipment: This is the soldier equipment, since I use for all of my smaller projects such as earrings, and so pendants everything sitting on a couple of slate tiles, a heatproof surface to help protect my desk on my work sits on a couple of soldering bricks , soldering blocks while some heating it up. One of these soldering bricks is made of a softer material than the others. Because it's softer, it's picked up some dips and some cracks in it. It's being used over the years, and these could be very useful for supporting work that isn't completely flat. The charcoal block is there because I melt small piece of scrap on top of that on. Do they form nice of my balls as I am used to decorate my projects when I need to pick up my work or to support it whilst I'm soldering? I used reverse action tweezers that you can see here and have also got a pair on a stand through 1/3 hand, and it's there when I need 12 on extra hands to help me out. The blue handled stick is a soldier pick on and that I used to push soldier move it about to make sure it it's exactly what I wanted to be. Soldier usually comes in strips or sticks. Andi, I've got three different melting temperatures here that I using combination for different projects. The soldier gets cut into small pieces or Palin's you ting. The red handles snips as I keep those little pieces in the labeled boxes that you can see do. Make sure that you label your boxes because once a soldier is cut up, you won't be hard to tell which is which. Melting temperature. My curl over the ends off the sticks of solder so that I can tell which melting temperature they are, the more cold over they are, they're higher. The mounting temperature, bright yellow liquid is a flux. Solder won't actually flow out through the joining unless you use a flux with it. Andi, the paintbrushes. What I used to apply the flux to the joints in my work. Small projects like hearings only need a small blowtorch, and I've got two different makes of those here. Both of them are easy to refill with the gas that comes in aerosol cans since the same type of gas, butane gas that you use to refill cigarette lighter at the back of a picture, you can see a slow cooker that Scots a very mild acid solution go to safety pickle in it. When you heat silver up, the surface becomes not darker and dirtier looking that some of the capo in the study silver reacting with the heat and auction flames before cause copper oxides on the safety pickle cleans that Caprock sides up before you put your work in the safety pickle, it needs to be cooled down or quenched in a pot of water. Andi, you need to put your work in and out of the safety pickle with brass or plastic tweezers. Not the stainless steel ones that I showed you before and thus, but definitely not least our have safety glasses. You've only got one pair of eyes. Look after them carefully. 5. Russian Wedding Ring - calculating materials: in this such of the class. I want to talk to you about how you calculate the length of wire that you need to make each of the three individual rings that then go up to make the Russian wedding band Andi. It's a little bit different than calculating the amount of material that you need to just make one normal ring on. That is because each ring has got two pieces of wire, two rings passing through it on those two. Piece of why take up room inside the ring so you have to account for them. So the D shaped. Why that we're using here, remember, is 2.5 millimeters that way, which is interesting to know, but it's not essential for our our calculations. Theme measurement that we need is the measurement not across the flat, but the dimension that's going to curve around the finger on that in this case is 1.3 millimeters. So I'm going to be making a size que ring and from the table that I ever touched. The class materials will be hard to see that the insights of Conference of a Size Hugh is 57.15 millimeters. Obviously, this is the English measurement system for European sizes, US international sizes that you have a different system, but the measure it's a cancellations are going to be exactly the same. Once you got the insight of conference, you then need to add on two times the wits of the materials of two times. This 1.3 on that calculation takes into account the thickness of the why you've got to make sure that you're not just going by the insights a conference, but your measurement really to be the circumference through the middle of the material. If you just go by the inside of conference that is in or the table sitting down from the inside of tables I've talked, got to touch the past materials, and you just go from that, then your ring will be too small, and if you have a look at the table on the ring sizes, you will see that there's a much of millimeters between them, so getting this right is important. So is he. A science conference, plus twice the thickness of the wire gives you an amount of why that you would need for one normal ring. But as I said, the Russian wedding rings have got to extra rings passing inside each ring, so you need to add on extra material that accounts for both of those rings. On this case, I've got to extra pieces off 1.3 sickness wire, 1.3 millimeters thickness y passing inside each ring, so I need to add on another two times 1.3 millimeters. To the length of this, I will show you a, uh written up explanation off those calculations at the end of this bitter class. But essentially, for Russian wedding ring, you want to the insight of Conference of the Side of Ring you want to make plus four times the thickness off the wine. Some details on this A few textbooks might tell you to go up three sizes or go up five sizes, for example, from the site of the ring that you want to make. But there's two problems with that. First of all, it doesn't always take into account which countries system of ring measurements you're using, and secondly, it doesn't take into account the thickness of the wire that you are using. Those situations have come from people who tend to always use the same dimensions of words . Make the Russian wedding rings. And they have found through trying our through a process of my working that they always go up three sides, still five sizes, depending on what I want you to. Really, you're watching. So it might be that you find the same yourself as you are working that you always make, for example, a size all three separate size are rings. It always makes you a size. Oh, Russian wedding ring at the end of it. That might be the case for you, which is far better going to that calculation off insights a conference plus four times thickness to get you a better fit. 6. Russian Wedding Ring - preparing the single rings: I've now marked out my piece off dissect wire with three measurements remarks giving me three pieces off wire that are 63 millimeters and links. I just want to go to break over briefly again. Why, It's 63 millimeters. I'm making a site. Hugh Ring Yes, cites a conference of a side Que Ring is 57.15 millimeters to make one site que ring from this thicknesses 1.3 millimeters thickness of wire, I would need to. I don't twice 1.3 so I would need at all to 0.6 millimeters on that measurement would give me 15 9 0.65 millimeters. But if I may 3 rings like that that size at 59.65 or in reality, 60 because you can't cut two point point of the millimeters. If I had to cut off that 59.65 millimeters into a lot of three rings because of space inside each ring, that it's photos which met were to take up the re would be too small. So I'm going to be adding on another two times, 1.3, which leads me to 62.35 again, cutting two point for millimeter. I can't do that. So I'm rounding up that 63 millimeters. That 63 millimeters will then take me down to a size cute ring once their interlocking. By the way, I have also looked up what size of ring that 63 millimeter inside diameter would normally give me. And normally they invited. Cut off a piece of 63 millimeters of this. Why I make it up into a ring. I would end up with somewhere between a you and you and 1/2 ring. That is a useful to know, because once I've made these rings, I solder them and tight up soldier join. I'm going to put them on the rain triplet and just double check that I have made big enough and knowing what spring size I would normally get from a single one of thes rings of this length of wire, it's going to be useful. Help me check this out. Watch the right amount. But I will go through that again when we get to that stage. So it's all going to do is use that you will sort to cut these three pieces off on might know that I'm keeping the wire across a bench bag. Paige, Bench paper, brother. Up to the top of this slot. If I have it down here, the late has got room to spring forward. Quite a bit. Completes the cut. And if I would have my finger, they were on this side. That could know that. Yeah, that would not be pleasant. So get into the habit of having it up here for this kind of job. Oops, so good. It's a piece I don't need my I will in duckies, not for something else. Eventually, one ring gets a bit longer, like to move. My fingers are supporting both sides. The wire otherwise wise. But tendency as a cut gets longer to close around the saw blade. So if you ever almost completely cut and then feel that you're sober, I can't move inside the wire. That's what's happened. The wire is pinching at your side of it, so having a finger either side is holding, it still helps. Okay, so those are the pieces of wire that we're going to be using to make the rings on, and it's now it will be easier to show you that Maybe that s the rings air into looking. You end up, they cross over each other. Like so I was so into looking. So you've got inside one ring, you've got another 1.3 millimeters taken up and another 1.3 millimeters taken up. So that's why you need to make the wire longer to account for the space that that one takes up. So my next job is to make sure that the ends off each piece of wire a nice and square, because I'm going to bend them around so the ends meet head on. If they're not square, there's going to be gaps at the soldier joint on that will not make for a strong soldier joint. So this is very much the same as any other filing off a ring made from Sheetal while or indeed a bangle made from sheet A Y that you see in my classes before I'm going to hold the wire going across the bench, Paige at right angles so that when I hold the file parallel to the side of the bench, Peg, I'm going to be funny. At the angle. Is I want the Y to end up finding it nice and square only forward motion that cuts well. I'm making the movement quite deliberate. It first. Lifting off the world is going around around around finds go like that. Everyone chicks over a little bit. You end up around in the end of the wire, so make the movement deliver it. That first on what? So to use the engineers where just to check that the end is square. So hold the wire up against the handle, slide it up to the top section up here. So I slipped off you for a moment on. Just have a look to see whether there is any daylight coming through that why at the top, I can't actually see any. They're also going to turn the wire around the other way. I make sure I can't see anything coming through, and then that's fine. That ends. Done what he's saying to this end, that shouldn't take too many files strokes first. This is a really nice quality files. It does job more efficiently, and secondly, my story was quite good. Quite straight. Sectional. Take too much. So again, that's fine, and that's fine 12. Lovely. That's all it needed us quite quick. Doesn't always go that quickly, but it isn't the case. So my next job is to file the ends of the other two pieces of why? Because I'll see they need to be prepared as well. And they were going to come back to you after I have a kneeled each piece because of a set , I formed each piece from scrap. I've sent it through the rolling mill on that has led to quite work hardened pieces of wire on If I was to try and bend those into ring shapes now or bend them ready to be soldered Rather, it would be a harder job. Andi The rings, the resulting shape to be quite springy, they might not stay nice and neatly closed. Azari soldering. So it is far better in this instance to a Neil Andi then to shape them afterwards. So I will see you very shortly. So all three piece of why I have no bean, a kneeled on dive already shaped These two ready for soldering za shaped into a very rough capital de shape. With the end this meeting find out the way the ends of meeting on the fat section here to the ends are meeting head on to ensure that there were no gaps so shaping on the fact that the art the ends of the wire, will fire license square issues that have no gaps in Seoul. Join makes for a nice story, so joined, so we'll show you how to get from that she to that one. My first of all, start out with forming a U shape I find with D shaped or square while rectangular. Why, it's more obvious if, um, it twists as you bend it. So you do have to take time in round wire. I just bend it with my fingers quite quickly. But with wives has more state profile. I use my trusty known your applies to bend it a little Mr Time on the nine on George, don't leave any marks on the wire. So what? My u shape water, when I want to do is flip over the ends so that they form the street section there. So case of bending them over, but they're in this bit of it's not quite right yet. They're not sitting right in that direction or in that one, either. Socially to do is a little bit off leaving the Bucks forwards so that they spring together . Andi more that's lined up that way. But they're still city, but a bit of an angle. They're not flat, if you compare it to to that one. So tricks that I find quite useful is putting the final. Joe applies across the join pushing and both in at the same time. I'm not usually helps to finish off the job with that little bit extra wiggle with the wire . My technical term we go. But, you know, I mean okay, so that is all three rings shaped. My next job is so sold them closed. 7. Russian Wedding Ring - soldering: I positioned thes three rings with the joins of the front on the flats, the flat sections of wire here. I always had to put, um, around this way so that I can see the front of the joints. And that's because I put the soldier on the inside heat. The whole piece of muscle just wants a time heat, whole piece of metal on. Then, once the metal is at the right temperature, I'll tell you how I entrances at the right temperature. I then brush the front of the ring, and that makes the front the hottest part of the whole thing. Solder always flows to the hottest part of your work, so this makes the soldier flow from the inside to the outside so I can see a nice lying soldier on on the joint there. And that tells me that I've created a really nice strong soldier join. So I put my looks just here. I prefer to use that you have seen another class of forties already mixed A. You are our flux, partly because my studio quite warm, and I find that the traditional borax dries up very, very quickly in my studio. Some constantly if I use that constantly having to grind the borax coating to produce more and more, which would have passed. Remember whichever form of flux. Three years. You have to put some on there because without which the soldier we just ball up, it won't actually flow out across the soldier. So I have brushed the excess flux off my brush service. It is allowing me to pick up on a place on the back of the soldier joint, she says. Go one. What? Um, a piece off, hard soldier. Just putting one small piece of heart soldier on the inside of each is what I'm going to need more than that on day, I'll be having to file off access. Okay, Someone in place Now the reason I am using hard soldier, I'm just not certain for peace. Soldier, that passed. You get another one. Um, I will just check the fire Brexit before I start soldering that that piece fell off. My paintbrush isn't anywhere. That it shouldn't be because there's nothing worse than soldering. And then realizing he was extra little stray but a soldier Yeah, I can't see it anywhere. That's okay. A metal strip it of soldier soldiered on your work exactly where you didn't want it to be are the reason that we are using Heart Soldier is that there are going to be too more soldier joints that we're going to do to this project. So if the 2nd 1 I'll use medium soda half the third, the last one I will use Easy Soldier On that would ensure that the earlier soldier joins says I Do will not re melt on those. Second and third soldier joints will happen as we're interlocking the rings together. What I'm going to be doing now is soldering each ring closed so that I can shape it into a perfect ring shape Andi. Then I can also tidy up the soul, join of just one of them on, then going to re cut open the soldier joints off the other two. Andi, I'm going to interlock those rings through this one, some going to end up with three interlocking rings, and I'm then going to solder those to catch open rings close again. The first, while sold with Medium Soldier, the 2nd 1 with ET as a set going down to the lower temperatures soldier each time ensures first sort joins that beam out, but first job is to actually get these solved. It seemed to get on with that. Nothing you always have to be careful of with solder Palin's is that you don't go in there with the heat too quickly and get the flux toe bubble up too quickly and to pop those Palin's off eso. What I like to do is heat up along the front of each ring and make sure soldiers dried. Make sure that Palin doesn't move. If it does move, I turn the torch off and I moved the soldier back. It might be with three different pieces here that one of them is going to pop off and I'll have to move it back. You'll see that in action once it. The piece of soldier is nicely there. It's not gonna pop off. I'm not going to go all the way around the ring heat evenly, and then once everything's a white tent pressure brush across the front. Now there are two things that you couldn't look for to see that you are getting too much silver in check pressure. One is that the flaps takes on a darker go Rossia glassy appearance. The second is that you get a change of red in your silver, and that's most usually obviously seen. But the area is a silver that you're fine. Is it actually on at the moment three rings, three charts is seeing that seems like the front first brushing across the front, but they soldier picked ready just in case. I do need to move. We can see where just about soup for which it might not be showing up on the film. Is it the soldier? So the flux Just a bit of a white powdery appearance in front here that's indicate this is going dry so those onions are off now. So when you're around around, what sparked the flame is just in front that tip. So I'm keeping a section on the wire, reaching up evenly. Such a little bit of a wrecked change. Very brush across the front. Lovely, seen nice. So during one soda that went out the white, I would be saying to this one, we're going to be honest. It was started to drag off because silver with picture heat as I was something the 1st 1 So it is a wonderful conductor. Feet they round around because I could see that Steve Flux. Right? I'm only using small blowtorch because these are small pieces of wire. Really? I don't know. Um, a big blow to show you that much, I'm sure. Stop the torching. Explain why I moved that. I noticed that whilst the soldier hadn't moved, I obviously hadn't pushed in a perfect position to begin with. It wasn't fully touching across the joint, so it wasn't okay. Pulling into getting pulled into the silver when silver, like temperature saw it is just pushed the ring back. And it came in better contact with that but a soldier and then shopped on. So third final one like the seed white. How ordinary appearance of the Fluxus. Definitely dry doctors. I've been doing your so he goes straight round, see with reddish tinge. So just seriously. So three rings now need to go in the, uh, quench particle down pickle to clean up on. Then I will shake from around the triple it 8. Russian Wedding Ring - shaping, filing and sanding: the rings have cleaned up nicely in the pickle, which is why they are this paper white color. Ondas, you can see was this one is still the funny capital D shape that it waas when I sold it. I have already shaped these two into the round on. That is the next job that I need to do on here for a super job. And if you have watched any of my other main classes, you're seeing me do this. So I've done is put still misshapen ring onto a ring triplet. I'm going to use my line on Hama. Do you think it's happy in was I'm not hitting down. I might need to enlarge the ring a little bit, but I want to get into shape before I check that some hitting it straight on. See what I'm doing that this is becoming well rounded. It's also working its way down the triple. It gets properly and steak. I'm gonna go with the room. It's quite in shape, yet it's nice in shape. It's always worth looking at that kind of angle and seeing if there are any Hey gap, since you can see between the silver and the tribute. And I can't see any such really good what I'm going to do of use the week, Chief trip it because I have already checked that these two rings are the correct size. Remember the lengths of wire that we're using I said equates to between a you and you and 1/2 about, you know, quarter, which is not really a true resized, but it gives us a guy, um, office. If you're working and with a non UK system, then it's going to be a different size. But the point is that because I know what incites a conference, this ring actually translates to on the week she stick. I can put the rings on here and meet stubbly. Certainly are that size that I know that I do have. Oh, yes, that blimey is a favorite. Well, I was expecting it to be that small. I do know that I have a tendency to make rings a little bit on the small side. And I too excited, Apollo me Because I will then resize thumb to what they need to be. Um, although I have to say I don't expect to be that small Usually I might make a size small, but not that small. But it gives me the opportunity to show you how malleable silver ISS, and that's like hand stretch your child. So all I'm doing, he's using the same phone number. But this time I am hammering dough. You see? Turn that around. I've made us idly already pre, but no need to make a couple sizes bigger than nothing. When they put these two, they were needy. Are you, um so either I slept with my measurement on this one. I filed off more on this one and the others to get that nice square edge thing I had to see . I have butts saying from something Does go. What? According to plan on these workshops. So these video chances, Mother, I do prefer to keep it in. You can see it can be put right. No, you may be thinking that this is going to be stretching the ring out, making a difference to the sickness, the silver, and you're writing really making a little bit for one, but not enough to actually make a difference. The sizing off this Russian wedding ring. Let's finish me seasonality. You already just want to say it just slightly below that. You can see it is possible. That's a good boy. County rooms. Well, one. Um Anyway, if this was pick a while, But then to make it this much bigger, I would have had to enlarge it, so I would have to renew it on to build for a large it fully I would not have been able to get to the size I needed with Zika wire. You won't go. You go look white. A year and 1/2 which is what we need it no course of it to yourself. You get quite stuck. So something to keep them down makes a difference. So has now the right size, which is good. If I hope three together they feel the right size as well you can was quite surprising. I can always tell whether one ring out of these ask. The set of three is a rich. You small just with my hold them together and with my fingertips, But they feel they feel rather nice inside. So there are things I still want to do with this. One is I want to, um make sure that his nice and flat. It wasn't too bad. Marriage own the bench block a portion of this. Okay, much. Make sure that all three of them slice of flats sit nicely together. That means it's going to lock nicely together. On together. All three of them are the same size. If they're not, they were not into look nicely. So actually, I'm going to do is used my file to clean up Just this one. We're going to talk about the other two. I'll tell you why shortly Just using the flat side of the six inch, half round file on my was just sweet gently across. I'm not really pushing, um, fresher on the file. It's a good quality five quality Swiss file. So I don't cook for you really sweep across. Not fine. Just a soldier joined because that would put a flat section there sweeping across, and that's all that's needed on that point. I also he might be able to see from yester Shine just here. I'm just here that I had also gone across with the flat just on that section on that section there just to tidy up with science and then to do the inside? Well, two. Plus, there's not much cleaning up on the inside, because what little excess older there was? There has definitely some who used out of losses. I was hammering the ring down the triplet, but it's a little bit to do. I was gonna do me a forward motion because every twist afford motion actually does. Cutting a cleaning up gets a soldier, but Twist helps affront to sweep across that sold to join so that I'm following the shape of the wife round. Do from your side as well for to do that because files tapered. So I turned the ring around. It helps to, uh, eliminate a problems. That tape of my putting. There's feeling that I can't feel any excess soldier now, but I can feel most and see marks from the file. So I'm gonna work my way through my grades of emery paper, just working on the area. I filed that way around four grits of memory paper that I use are 240 inside as well Children 4500 1000, 202,000. He always start with the low summer, which is the course of grit on them work your way up to the highest number you'll find any spent its longest, much time with the coarsest to foresee on. Then you get quicker as you work your way through. By the time I get down to the 2000 already be starting to polish moving well, just send it. You can see the container now, Reza, I am only doing this to one of the reasons that the moment is that I need you to cut the other to open. I'll be doing that in a moment, and then I need to interlock those two through this one earned through each other. I don't have to Reese open face again, so if I clean them up now, I'd have to treat him off again. I really don't see the point in doing the same job twice. We'll see shine, but that's not putting on. Can you find. Actually, when I soldier, these two together, obviously this one be getting some heat was well, you'll find that they'll be very lock civilization on this. Apart from where sentiment filed because that something of Hollywood removed the very top surface of the silver and gone from what would be in a finest silver surface up at the top because it's being in a pickle to back to the truth. Sterling silver. So be more also section little bit around the joint. So next time I need to do is to cuts thes open on the soldier joint turned off. See, as I haven't tidied up the soldier doing that doesn't make it so. Showing particularly easy to see makes my life a little bit easier for cutting through them . So I'm going to hold each ring in, turn flat on the bench. Pick afterwards the top of the bench Paige, so that as I cut through my my sword blade and still get access a silver. But most of silver is supported nicely by the bench pig. But most importantly, although I'm not gonna be putting pressure on the saw blade, there is still going to be a little bit of tension release. It goes all the way to as it completes the cut, and it was spring forward of it. If I had to bring up here, then it would spring forward potentially so much that it would damage the other side of the ring or because I have a habit of holding the ring down like that, Some holding both sides, the ring down. It would sit forward earned and cut me. Really Don't recommend that. Actually do recommend having the ring up this section this end here because the blade will not be able to go very far because of the end off, that wouldn, uh, be shape cut, everything lined up. That's one done because I was cutting through nice and straight. There is no no filing to do these ends meet absolutely perfectly so that you see a thing us that means prepared soldering apart from thread it through. Uh, the other two something with this one. But my thinking I own my son. No, mother. My close to where I want to start cutting just to not silly my start cutting second, Wyndham No, no, I need to threaten those To do this one on. It is a good habit to get into to always think about how you are threading them through on DTA do exactly seem to the second ring that you do to this 1st 1 here. So I'm going to twist it open by left hand going back was right hand going Forwards twist open like that and then I'm going to put the ring on that site. So I'm going to put not right hand side of the ring down through the rings. Join it up. So to get I was ends to sit nicely together. A little bit of a wiggle backwards of forwards within the city Nicely. Now, at this point looks very good, But so checking. Okay, make sure that they are sitting nicely. So that was the ring. Here we go. We get this sorted, I tell in shades of always think that's it. There we go, Right. This is why I'm thinking that end went down So I'm holding the ring that isn't hasn't been cut open holding this the angle where that and went down So going on that way, opening up these in the same way but and goes down and they close It's up again Same Wednesday, the previous one. Okay. And you will be out to sea that you have nicely put the three rings together because when you pull them up together, they will look if they spiraling down. If you had put one of thumb in the wrong way if I had put one of them threw away. If I put the right hand side up through the rings instead of down. So if I don't with first ring going through going down the second thing going up they were going, going cross past each other, they would not have bean into over incorrectly on they would not be out to sit like this. So if your rings can sit like this and move the camera so you get a better view that we get So if your rings can sit like this a nice, neat nest spiraling down like this source going in the same direction and if it's you turn it, it still looks as if inspiring the same way, no matter which direction you are looking down in. Then you said it everything correctly. I'll show you what it looks like when you haven't started everything correctly. I have to, um, check this very carefully because I want to know CPR to put back again. So there we go, holding everything. So as I open it up, come off like that sister, that site going down. So we're going to do his turn it so that side Sorry, I just realized you see that mind set off having that side the right hand side going down through the rings as I talked before, I'm going to turn it on that site going down. So I know I'm doing this. They're away. So make sure us my sitting up. I hope you can see that this one is not sitting nice and neat. One of the rings without a sink with the other two. I'm no matter how much I try and push them together, they will not sit nicely together. We just so happen to have another ring there so that I can show you the two side by side. This one with the Weida wire. I'll come back to this one in a late stage of the class. This one is angel locked properly it iss sitting or three sitting of the nice neat nest aspiring round around this one. One of the rings that last one that I did is completely the wrong direction is being threaded through in the wrong direction. So essentially, once you threaded your free rings together, put them like this and have a look of from the top if they sit nice and neatly together like this one. You've done your job. If they sit like this one and obviously checked before you sold to them If they're sitting like this one, then one of the rings is out of sync with the others. It hasn't been threaded in the right direction. So whichever one does not sit nicely together But this one here, open it out. Have a look at how it's threaded through. So the cameras in so close something to remember I've got favor small space to move before you see my hand and not the ring. So instead of going like that Oops, that's that side has gone down. That's how it waas. I don't want that site to go down. Hey, owned. Uh, well, this side down, scoop under. Okay, so whichever one is out of sync, take that one of heart. Watch how carefully it's to remind yourself which direction you are taking it out from Freddie backing for the opposite direction on. There we go. Nice and neat. Nice little nest of rings spiraling round. So they're going to double check concert on over to something table to make sure that those joints are nice and neat. You can see that once I just redone. There isn't neat up against each other. End up neatly held up against each other just yet. So I double checked soldier Florence on soldiers them together. 9. Russian Wedding Ring - soldering the rings together: this ring is nay fish. Now it just need to do a little bit of soldering cleanup. So joins on. Give it a nice polish turned off. See from the fact it's on soldering Rick, you can tell that it is the soldering station you do now. So I have double checked that the two soldier joins as I cut open are nice and tightly close up against each other. Andi, I heard one of thumb out to the front here. Um, so this is the ring A swan here, this is the rings is really sold. It closed. I made sure that the soul join on this one is away from what I'm doing here. Even though that social join with close with hard soldier and I'm going to be using medium soldier for this one. I'm not taking any chances. Are making sure it's out of out of where the director heat is going to be. I'm so I'm gonna close this one with medium soldier on this foot one close with easy soldier. While I will set this one up after went down this one with practice. You can actually, they mouth current like that was so join. This one is Just check. It is over here. So join on this one. Is that and see myself pick Moving on this once here so I could set up both of them at the same time. Andi Heat host thing within Constant on one ring. Get that? So join nice and it's overflowing Ice across that joy. Construct back on this one and then get heats the front door soldier through the joint on this one. However, because neither of these rings sitting flat on the brick the sea Palin's I found actually more likely than usual to jump about. So I still, actually, with all the experience I've got, I still actually prefer to sold to these clothes one at a time. So you get a nice big drop off flux on their members. Soldier will flow out without flux on and and she gets a piece off medium soda. Medium soldiers got low amounting temperature. Remember? Thank you. The heart soldiers. I'm just making sure it is in place. Let me go. Says nice across to so much eyes. So little no matching temperature than the hard soldier we used initially. So this sort joint should be nice and safe by sits. There is a way for the main part of the action, says myth. It more safe. So it was going to do. Please brush across the front here. You're slowly dry off that flux. I am going to do that even more carefully than I do normally, because I just said because the ring isn't sitting for that on the market, sitting up it and angle it is less the hairs where there's no nothing underneath to stop the soldier from sucking down. It could go in any direction it wants. Um, so I don't want it to basically. So I'm going to heat up quite slowly so you might see a little bit off. Uh, what powdery finish, which is the dried flux starting to see if you consider it. I don't see somewhat salvation starting to appear not very much, because remember this Why has already beef in Rolling Mill to form it, and then it's being reached up again, being kneeled. So what happens when I was forming the wireless being pieced up again when the first sold it? So that means that much oxides, a should know a little bit closer, so the hasn't moved. There goes the flame or the hottest part of flame is away from the ring. There is still some of the flame on it on that self drive now, so always ignore the fact that these extra rings are on there. Just teach up this one. Go around around looking for a slight reddish change. I'm starting to see on. There we go. So I watch for the reddish tinge. I was also looking out for whether the soldier had taken on a glassy, dark, glossy appearance, and there wasn't really enough of something soldier to be able to tell that. But so there was a ready change to the metal. So Azari then made the hottest part of the ring. The front, the soldier always facing harsh part, was a Sedalia. I give you watching the other fasters. You'll hear me say it again. It's important to know there's no spark that on your side to the house part right away through. That's so join. Now, if you owe confident that that join has stayed nice and neat, which it has on dure competent it using tools to move the rings safely, then you do not need to quench to make it cool enough to handle with your fingers. Yeah, happy with that? So what I've done is I just turned soldier joins the ones they're on once there. So they are way again for the main action. So I'm going to do on and going to again put a nice drop of flux here. That is all sizzle, miss, because the this was hooked on Get a piece off. Easy, soldier. This time, if you solder having any lower melting temperature in the medium goodness for nicely in place, it's the same again. More That flux bubbling up This time around, we'll see more generous with stone. Float down to the side, Definitely dried, So don't go anywhere sub nicely for me tonight Social seven of a reddish tinge and Russia front For his part I look at that, so just come through beautifully. So there we go rings Nice nest of rings soldiers really nicely together. I need to quench and I need to pick up to get rid of the observation you can see I said about the most oxidation being on the ring, but I had filed and sanded and after they've been in the paper, cleaned up. That is my next job. More firing on more sanding to tidy up the other two soldier joints. 10. Russian Wedding Ring - finishing the rings: I'll come back over to the bench. Bake because the rings are out of pickle, though. No, nice and clean, but one of so joints being tied it up from here. So this one here, father in the middle, these two have not. So branches just show you one very quickly that we took what we do, both of them. But it's essentially is the same as tried. It was so showing that 1st 11 that I didn't cut open again. But I've got these extra two rings hang down. So I just need to make sure they are out of the way that they're not going to get damaged by the file. Inadvertently. Life. I just holding like so my thumb across his kind shoe keep mass of homes way. So it's the same actions before the file sweeping across. I like to turn it around and take it from your direction, sweeping on that side as well. De Schaech. Why you've actually got a Saints side here that needs tidying up. That's all that needs doing there. Inside, I find a little bit more faithfully because I like to hold the, um, the ring like social social joints down here. But if I Those slip that right in the way, so I have. Still, it's a little bit more awkwardly than I would do normally on. But try and do it in a way that you could still see what I'm doing. I'm using my fingers on my thumb to both hold this ring still butthole thes ones up out of the way. So if I can learn still vile inside, it's still Ford much with late with a twist. Find easier holding it down like that. But but the equal right, see what I'm doing. So, like that again a round ST from your site that feels and looks license move so I now need to do. But this one is go through the four great from your paper again. Exactly. Same when I sit with first joint on, then I'll go back and tidy up that one. Once that's being done, these will go in the my tumbler to polish up. So we're file that last soldier joint, and then I use the Emery paper on both of those gang working through all four grades of the Emery paper. But once I want to do is show you now the size of this ring. There we go. You can see you won't go to see the letter Q because it's hidden underneath the ring. But P is there he is there. And that ring the middle of that ring, which is where you take of size from is writes that going on size Hugh. So doing that calculation, that's the start. Taking the insights of Conference for the ring size you want to make adding on four times of the inside the metal that does the trick. It gets in this case that nice side que ring. So I'm going to finish trying. It was sore joints, poppies in the tumbler to getting my SIM polished. I shouldn't show you finished polished rings. 11. Russian Wedding Ring - final thoughts: my ring is now beautifully polished, nice and shiny and ready to wear on just by chance, it fixed me perfectly. So I think I'm going to be keeping this one for myself. I have touched a bonus section to the class. So case you haven't found that yet. Have a look that's going to be coming after this conclusion. Andi from that class appears to see how to add a little bit of a text jetty or Russian wedding ring, which is not traditional feature, but something that I know people quite often like toe ad. And if you have a look up to the texted ring on and the rings are just being making next three shover, you'll see that you can really change the look of this design by changing the sickness off the while using. And, of course, with the cheese toe, the texture. So the ring we've been making is a really nice, delicate one of the ring that she will see in the sports section of class. Definitely have a chunk here, look to it on the texture catches the light beautifully. I hope now that you've got a much better understanding off how to calculate the amount of wire that you need for a particular size ring on that you can now use whatever sentence a wire to make What ever size of ring you need. They would turn out to be a perfect fit If you do have any questions. So please do ask them in the last discussions on, I will get back to assume as I can on I'm really looking forward to seeing what brings you make. So please do at those projects. Section of France Bonanza. Thank you for watching. 12. Russian Wedding Ring - bonus: how to add texture to your rings: Russian wedding bands are usually left UnTech stirred, and that's because traditionally they are made of three different colors of gold. Andi, the interlocking design on the three different cars, is enough to add a great year of interest to the design. But I do get asked by students how you can add texture. So I thought I would put that positional bonus section on you into the video. I started these wings in exactly the same way the project you've just been watching. I cut three lengths of wire to make the site of ring that I wanted together with making a size que but I was using thick of wire. This particular, why has got a wits across the flat section off three millimeters, and it has a sickness. The measuring that we're interested had a thickness of 1.6 millimeters. So though I was making Q, I actually had to make the rings a little bit bigger to account for that extra thickness of the metal. Once they were made, I textured each one in exactly the same way as I would texture any ring by putting told triplet on and hammering wire. In this case, you can see I've chosen to use a Swiss style or across being hammer. Andi. I'm just hammering abandoned down the middle, which I think it's a rather nice effect. - Once all three rings were Hammett, I made sure that they were the right size because if they're not all the same size, they're not going to interlock neatly. And if they're not all the right size that they're a little bit too small than the ring itself in talking gets you joined up a little bit too small as well. By the way, I note about sizing. If you know from experience that your hammering tends to stretch a ring out a little bit, then you might want to start off with rings that are a little bit smaller. Then other hammered texture on, then, if necessary, stretched a little bit bigger pie, hammering them down the triple it until they are the exact right size that you need for your project. I think that two of the rings open, but this is where it differs. Slight play from projects that you've just seen The UnTech stirred Russian wedding ring No thanks. - Instead of linking both of the cast open rings at once and soldering the two rings closed one after the other. What I do when it's a textured ring is to just deal with one at a time on. The reason for that is that after the soldier joins our tidied up again, either need to touch up the hammering again to get soldiers going to match the rest. The ring. I find that finest 50 stew if I deal with just wondering at a time. So I sold wondering, close tied up. So join with the file on and the first grade Emery paper on, then slipped. The ring of that needs a little bit more hammering back onto the triple it. But if you have a look at how I've set this up, I've got the triple it to lying across another cushion on. I've got the ring that is threaded through the ring. I need to hammer hanging down from attributed hanging freely. I haven't pushed the ring that these hammering really tightly on the triplet because that would damage the one that doesn't need hammering the one that started through. So it's personal, quite likely, but still enough to be able to support the ring as I touch up the hammering. And then it's time to threat through soda tied up soldier enjoying and hammer the search one as well before pushing and enjoy your new piece of jewelry.