Python : cours ultime pour débutants pour 2025 | Arno Pretorius | Skillshare

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Python : cours ultime pour débutants pour 2025

teacher avatar Arno Pretorius, Developer | AWS Solutions Architect

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction du cours


    • 2.

      Aperçu du cours


    • 3.

      Qu'est-ce que Python ?


    • 4.

      Ressources du cours


    • 5.

      Accéder et utiliser un éditeur de codage en ligne - [Lab]


    • 6.

      Processus de pensée


    • 7.



    • 8.

      Conventions de dénomination des variables


    • 9.

      Types de données


    • 10.

      Déclarer une variable


    • 11.

      Créer nos propres variables - [Lab]


    • 12.

      Opérateurs arithmétiques


    • 13.

      Travailler avec les opérateurs arithmétiques - [Lab]


    • 14.



    • 15.

      Utiliser les commentaires simples et multi-lignes - [Lab]


    • 16.

      Données d'entrée et de sortie


    • 17.

      Utiliser les fonctions input() et print() - [Lab]


    • 18.

      Concaténation de chaînes


    • 19.

      Effectuer la concaténation des chaînes - [Lab]


    • 20.

      Arguments de position


    • 21.

      Formater la chaîne par position - [Lab]


    • 22.

      Méthodes de chaînes


    • 23.

      Utiliser diverses méthodes de corde - [Lab]


    • 24.



    • 25.

      Coulage sur différents types de données - [Lab]


    • 26.



    • 27.

      Créer une liste et produire ses valeurs - [Lab]


    • 28.

      Les tuples


    • 29.

      Créer un tuple et exporter ses valeurs - [Lab]


    • 30.



    • 31.

      Créer un ensemble et sortir ses valeurs - [Lab]


    • 32.



    • 33.

      Travailler avec les dictionnaires - [Lab]


    • 34.



    • 35.

      Définir et appeler une fonction - [Lab]


    • 36.

      Portée locale vs globale


    • 37.

      Déclarer aux niveaux local et mondial - [Lab]


    • 38.

      Comparaison et opérateurs logiques


    • 39.

      Conditions IF


    • 40.

      Créer une simple logique Si-Elif-Else - [Lab]


    • 41.

      Supplémentaire : pratique If-Elif-Else - [Lab]


    • 42.

      Conditions SI imbriquées


    • 43.

      Créer une condition SI niché - [Lab]


    • 44.

      Supplémentaire : pratique conditionnelle IF niché - [Lab]


    • 45.

      Pour les boucles


    • 46.

      Courir pour des boucles - [Lab]


    • 47.

      Boucler une liste de dictionnaires - [Lab]


    • 48.

      Pendant les boucles


    • 49.

      Courir pendant les boucles - [Lab]


    • 50.



    • 51.

      Expérimenter avec des modules - [Lab]


    • 52.

      Mini-projet de pratique - Introduction


    • 53.

      Mini-projet brief #1 : créer une simple calculatrice


    • 54.

      Solution : créer une simple calculatrice


    • 55.

      Mini-projet brief #2 : créer un programme de vœux


    • 56.

      Solution : créer un programme de vœux


    • 57.

      Mini-projet #3 : créer un vérificateur de notes des apprenants


    • 58.

      Solution : créer un vérificateur de notes des apprenants


    • 59.

      Qu'est-ce que la programmation orientée objet ?


    • 60.

      Que sont les classes et les objets


    • 61.

      Créer et utiliser des cours et des objets - [Lab]


    • 62.

      Méthodes personnalisées


    • 63.

      Travailler avec des méthodes personnalisées - [Lab]


    • 64.

      Qu'est-ce que l'héritage ?


    • 65.

      Prolonger les cours avec l'héritage - [Lab]


    • 66.

      Gestion des erreurs avec try except statements


    • 67.

      Gestion des erreurs avec Try-Except - [Lab]


    • 68.

      JSON dans Python


    • 69.

      Travailler avec JSON - [Lab]


    • 70.

      Créer votre propre projet


    • 71.

      Merci !


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About This Class

Ce dont vous avez besoin :
Ce cours est conçu pour les débutants absolus sans expérience préalable en codage. Vous n'avez pas besoin d'installer de logiciel sur votre ordinateur, et aucun équipement avancé n'est nécessaire. Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est un ordinateur de bureau ou portable et une connexion Internet.

Pour éviter l'installation, nous utiliserons un éditeur de codage en ligne. Vous aurez le choix d'utiliser ou pendant que vous apprenez à coder avec Python pour la première fois, les deux sont gratuits et ne nécessitent pas de vous inscrire pour un compte. 

Ce que vous apprendrez :

Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez les bases de la programmation Python, un langage polyvalent et adapté aux débutants. Le cours équilibre la théorie avec la pratique pratique, vous apprenant à écrire et à comprendre le code Python tout en évitant la complexité inutile.

À la fin du cours, vous aurez une solide compréhension des bases de Python, la confiance nécessaire pour créer de petites applications et une appréciation du potentiel de Python dans la résolution des problèmes quotidiens.

Voici les sujets clés que vous maîtriserez dans ce cours :

  • Variables et types de données
  • Comment utiliser efficacement les commentaires
  • Saisie et traitement des données utilisateur
  • Formatage et méthodes des chaînes
  • Listes, tuples et ensembles
  • Dictionnaires
  • Fonctions
  • Conditions IF
  • Boucles
  • Modules
  • Mini-projets de pratique
  • Les bases de la programmation orientée objet
  • Gestion des erreurs avec les instructions try / except
  • Travailler avec JSON

Ce que vous allez faire :

Tout au long du cours, vous commencerez par apprendre les bases théoriques des concepts clés, puis vous ferez des exercices pratiques de laboratoire qui vous permettront d'appliquer ce que vous avez appris. Ces exercices pratiques vous aideront à renforcer votre compréhension et à vous assurer que vous êtes prêt à vous attaquer à des tâches plus complexes.

Au fur et à mesure du cours vous travaillerez sur quelques mini-projets qui rassembleront toutes les connaissances et les compétences que vous avez acquises jusqu'à présent.

Enfin, dans la section « Projets et ressources », vous créerez votre propre projet. C'est là que vous prendrez les compétences que vous avez acquises et les utiliserez pour concevoir et construire quelque chose d'utile pour vous-même, en assemblant le tout de manière pratique et personnalisée.

Avantages du cours :

Ce cours comprend :

  • 5+ heures de vidéo à la demande
  • Leçons théoriques pour apprendre les concepts fondamentaux
  • Exercices pratiques de laboratoire pour appliquer vos connaissances
  • Mini-projets de pratique avec des solutions
  • Plus de 70+ leçons au total
  • Accès à toutes les versions mises à jour du cours à l'avenir

À propos de votre instructrice :

Bonjour, je m'appelle Arno Pretorius, un enseignant informatique qualifié avec une expérience de l'enseignement en classe et en ligne, ainsi que des connaissances professionnelles en AWS et en développement de logiciels. Je suis passionné par le fait de rendre la programmation accessible et agréable pour tous, quel que soit leur milieu. J'ai également eu l'occasion de créer des cours pour Udemy Business, et je m'engage à fournir des expériences d'apprentissage claires et précieuses.

Vous voulez en savoir plus ?

Si vous avez apprécié ce cours et que vous souhaitez rester à l'affût de peut-être d'autres cours à l'avenir, n'hésitez pas à me suivre sur Skillshare !

Rencontrez votre enseignant·e

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Arno Pretorius

Developer | AWS Solutions Architect


Arno is a software developer and a solutions architect who has a passion for web development, cloud computing and DevOps. He specialises in creating and deploying Django applications to AWS.

Holding a BSc in Information Technology, he is also an AWS Certified Solutions Architect and Developer. In his spare time, he enjoys content creation, reading and discovering new hobbies/interests.

To stay up to date with his courses, follow his Skillshare profile to receive the latest updates and announcements.

Voir le profil complet

Level: Beginner

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1. Course Introduction: Hi, eon, and welcome to the PySonUltimate Beginners course. So a little bit about me. Hi, my name is Honor, and I will be your instructor for this course. I'm a software developer and a solutions architect who has experience in creating and deploying PySon Jango based applications to the AWS Cloud. I also hold a BSE and information technology, and I am an ALBS certified solutions architect and developer. I'm also very passionate about IT in terms of all of the technologies available to us and also teaching. You could say my greatest calling is combining these two fields and just sharing all that I know about technology and teaching together. Trust me, you are in good hands. What will you learn this course? You're going to learn how to master the fundamentals of PySon programming with ease. You'll also gain insights into object oriented programming to further enhance your coding skills, and you're also going to learn how to solve real world problems efficiently using PySon. Now, you probably wonder, Okay, who is this course for? So this course is designed for complete beginners who are new to programming and eager to learn PySon from scratch. So whether you're a student, a professional looking to switch careers or simply someone that is just curious about coding, then this course is tailored to help you bring a solid and strong foundation in PySon. In this course, we will have a combination of both theoretical and practical exercises within this course. So we'll first learn the theory and all of the concepts behind PySon and then we will also learn how to apply this knowledge in a practical based setting. Now, each lesson is structured carefully in order to maximize simplicity and efficiency to make sure that you are enjoying the lessons and to make it more fun and enjoyable to learn in the process. Now you will also have access to the discussions section of this course. So you have any questions or anything of the sort, you're more than welcome to ask ahead, and then I will gladly assist you with whatever questions or queries that you may have. So enroll today, and let's take your career to new heights. Thank you, and I hope to see you in this course. 2. Course overview: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson which is going to be focused on the course overview. Let's go ahead and take a look. A question that's probably on a lot of your minds is pertaining to the prerequisites. Are there any prerequisites for this course? There are no prerequisites for this course and this course is specifically designed for beginners who have no experience in PySon. Now this course is ideal for those that are learning programming for the first time or for those switching from another programming language. I'm just giving you a bit of a layout here as to the expectations and who this course is more geared towards. Just keep that in mind here. The bottom line that I just want to say here is there are no prerequisites for this course. As long as you have a computer and access to the Internet, you are good to go. Now, that's all that you need to really keep in mind. Right. So the next big question here is, what will you learn? Now, in this course, you will learn the core concepts of the PySon programming language. In addition to mastering the fundamentals of PySon you also gain an introduction to object oriented programming, which will be covered near the end of the course since it does tend to lean onto more intermediate concepts, focusing on PySon. Now, a full description of what we will cover in this course will be listed under the about section of this course. So here, you'll see all of the detail into what we will cover in this course exactly. So please do keep that in mind if you want to know the heavy detail. Now, another question on some of your minds may be pertaining to support. Now, is there support in this course? So the answer is yes, there is. So if you have any questions or need assistance in any regard, please feel free to make use of the discussion section of this course. Now, I will be glad to assist you and answer whatever questions you may have, and it may even be the case another fellow student helps you before I'm able to respond to your question. So please also keep that in mind. But yes, there is support for this course, should you have any questions or need assistance in any regard. A. That's just a bit of information I wanted to convey to you in terms of the overview for this course. 3. What is Python?: Hi, Ron, welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on answering the question of what is PySon? Let's go ahead and get started. What is PySon? Now, PySon is one of the most popular programming languages worldwide. It was also created in 1991 by programmer Hideo Van Rosa. A very key feature here and advantage of PySon is that it has a simple and easy to read syntax, making it ideal for beginners. Let's say, for example, you are starting off with your programming journey. Now, PySon would be one of the best programming languages to start, not only because it is very high in demand, but it's also as we can see here, very simple and easy to understand syntax. That's why it's very ideal for beginners. Now it is also a highly readable language with a very clear structure that emphasizes simplicity. The whole goal and aim of PySon is to make programming fun, clear and efficient. Now, it is also a very diverse programming languages, since it is widely used in a variety of fields such as web development, data science, and even AI, of course, standing for artificial intelligence. I just wanted to give you a few facts here about PySon and some features, advantages, et cetera, as to what we are going to be learning and the benefits of learning PySon itself. So that's it for this lesson. 4. Course resources: Hi, eon, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on course resources. So let's go ahead and take a look. So a very important question that all of you will have on your minds is, how will we code? So, don't worry. To keep things simple, we'll be using an online coding editor so we don't have to go through the hassle of downloading software and configuring it, such as with an ID, such as visual studio code or anything of the like here. We want to keep it simple, straightforward. We want to learn how to code. We don't want to have to configure all of those things. Now, I suggest that you either use the online coding editor available at or at Now, for this course, I will use So this is the online coding editor that I will utilize. So keep in mind here, I just want to give you some options here. So some of you may prefer one over the other, but for continuity, I'll be using Now, don't worry. I will show you how to get started here. So you don't need to stress here about navigating or heading onto this website or anything. I'll show you how you can get started and how you can get organized. All right. So just a little bit of information here in terms of the course resources. So that is what we're going to utilize. So there's nothing else that you need to worry about. Don't need to download or install anything, right? So we're going to keep it very simple. So that's all I wanted to mention for this lesson. 5. Accessing and using an online coding editor - [Lab]: Avon. Welcome to the next lesson which is going to be focused on accessing online coding editors. Now there are many online coding editors out there for Python. I'm just going to show you two of them, and I'm going to be using the one in this course. In this course, I'm primarily going to be utilizing online I'm going to be utilizing this coding editor. Now, to access this coding editor, you just need to type in in your URL. Now there is an alternative which you can use as well if you prefer. That is at All you need to do is you need to just go ahead and type in and then it's going to take you to the following page here. As you can see here on both of these online coding editor websites here that we have a space here to type our code and then of course, to run it and then to see the output here below. That also goes for online PySon here as well. Here you'll add in your code, and then of course, you'll run it and then you'll see the output down here as well. So it is how you prefer. I'm just going to write some sample code. I'm not going to be explaining it right now. I'm just going to give you a demonstration of how you can decide to follow along. So let me write a very simple script. I'm going to say name here, equals, and I'm going to say my name, I'm going to say no, then I'm going to say print. And in parentheses, I'm going to say name. So I'm writing some code here and we scroll down. I'm going to say run. Of course, that's going to compile and there's my result. Let's say that you want to instead use Pi twel instead and not online Python, of course, you're going to write the same code in that editor here. Let's say, for example, you say name and here you're going to say no, and then you're going to say French. In princes you put name and you say run here, it's then going to go ahead and compile that code and there is the result down here that says no. Right. So here we are, you have two options. All of the code that I'm going to demonstrate, you can apply this in whichever editor you prefer. It's really up to you as to how you want to code along. There are two options for you. All right guys. That's on this lesson on how you can access your coding editor of choice online. It's really up to you as to how you want to proceed. That's it for this lesson. 6. Thought process: Hi, Eon. And welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on sort process. So in this lecture, I'm going to just give you some words of advice, which you can follow if you would like to on how to structure our salt process when undertaking this course. So let's go ahead and get started. So sort process. Now, before we dive into the course, we need to structure our sort process. So I just want to give you some words of advice. So let's go ahead and get to it. So the first bit of advice I would like to give you is to take it one step at a time. So take this course one step at a time. Please don't brush, take your time. If a particular lesson is taking you a lot of time to master, don't lose hope. You will understand it with time. Some people understand various concepts immediately as a first time. Others take a longer time to understand certain concepts. And as myself, as a learner to certain subjects in my life, I have, of course, taken lots of time in certain areas of concepts to understand and in other particular topics I master almost instantly. For everyone, it's different. Everyone is going to have a challenge at some point of something, please don't be discouraged and just take it slow and easy and steady. Another tip I would like to give you is to set a schedule and stick to it. Now, of course, you don't need to be extremely rigorous and detailed in your schedule. What I mean by this, you don't need to plan it by the minutes and the exact hours and the timing, et cetera. What I mean by that is have a schedule that is not going to overwhelm you, but it's going to push you just enough to stay consistent and disciplined and even motivated to complete the course. Do keep that in mind. In my experience here, I'd recommend you choose a schedule that is more flexible to you. I myself don't like to sit rigory and exactly by how can I say the times and the minutes spent and the hours spent? I don't like to go with that approach, or with dates, I like to keep it more flexible and say, Okay, I want to spend a certain amount per month working on this course, and I just want to finish about five to ten lessons. So that would be my approach and how I do it. So it would depend on how you prefer to go ahead. I'm just giving you an example. But anyway, it's good to have at least a base schedule to follow along with. Now, the most important advice that I want to share with you here is the last one, which is to stay positive and know it's not a race to complete the course, but rather a slow and steady journey to acquire long term knowledge for the best results here. This is what I mean here. You don't want to rush through this course, rather take your time, even if you feel that the concepts are very easy to understand, rather take your time. Take it steady and work on it on the course occasionally or regularly, depending on your schedules. That's a very important thing that I want to mention here. Again, this ties up a lot of things here on the focus of staying positive. Again, of course, if certain concepts take some time to understand, work through it, put in the effort, and you will get there. Stay positive and know it's going to take some time, but take it slow, take it easy, and relax as you go through the course. I've done my best here to make it as simple as stress free throughout this course, do keep in mind here just to relax, take a deep breath in, and calmly go through the course and enjoy yourselves. Guys. That's all I wanted to mention here in terms of thought process. 7. Variables: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on variables. So let's take a look at what a variable is. So a variable is a memory location that is used to store a value in a computer program. Now, I know this is going to sound quite abstract, but let me help you understand a variable further by the use of an analogy. So let's go ahead and take a look here. So picture this for yourself. You have three boxes, and you have a tennis ball, you have a PC, so this can be your monitor and your keyboard, so your PC, and a football. So let's say it's time for you to move out. You're moving out of your apartment or out of your flat, out of your house, et cetera, and you need to pack all of your items away. So here, for example, in box one, we are going to put our tennis ball in this box. In our second box, we're going to put in our PC, and in the third box, we're going to put in our football. So here is a way that we can define a variable. So try to think to yourselves of what you think that particular variable would be in this case. All right. Now, after taking some time to think of where this analogy comes into play, let's break it down further. So in that particular scenario, we want to refer back to the definition of a variable, so it is a memory location that is used to store a value in a computer program. So if we bring back our previous analogy that we looked into, in our case here, the variable would be the box because it is storing our items. In other words, in terms of programming terms of PySon, we would be having our values. All right. So let's bring this in again. So variable is a memory location that is used to store a value in a computer program. Now, with our analogy, the location or the memory location, you could say, of course, is going to be our box as the variable. And what does it use to store? So essentially, we could see it as in our analogy, the tennis ball, the football, the PC. But in computer terms, these can indicate the values. So this is how we can better construct what is a variable. All right. So this was just a lesson just to give you a bit of a theoretical background into variables. 8. Variable naming conventions: Everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on variable naming conventions. Let's get started. Let's take a look at the common variable naming conventions that you need to follow when you are defining your variables in pyson. First of all, variables must follow specific naming rules and these are known as variable naming conventions. Now, these conventions dictate what is allowed and what is not allowed when we are naming our variables. This is a set of rules that we're going to have to follow. Now, don't worry, I will explain these rules with a few examples to clarify how to go about naming your variables. Let's start off first with what is not allowed. For example, here we have two name. A variable name cannot begin with a number. Remember when you're creating your variables, they cannot begin with a number. Another rule here is that a variable name cannot contain spaces. Here you see my name, then you see a space in between it and then you see it says name, my space name. Variables cannot contain spaces. Now the next one I want to mention isn't strictly focused on what's allowed or not allowed, but it is just something to keep in mind. Here, for example, we have name, name, and name. The first instance here, we have a capital N, then we have a lower clase N, and then we have all caps for name. These are seen as three different variables. Always remember that variable names are case sensitive. It's very important that you remember that. These will be treated in a program if you set up these variables like such. Going to be seen as three distinct variables that are different from each other since variables are case sensitive. Remember this is very important to keep that in mind. All right, so let's take a look at what is allowed, a few examples. So a variable can only include letters, numbers, and underscores. So let's take a greater look. So here, for example, we have my name. So in this case, here, there are no spaces, and we have letters in that particular variable. Here, next, we have M underscore name. So here we can see we have got letters and we have underscores. Here, of course, we can see another example. We have my name, but of course, we starting off on an underscore, and after the MPa we add in another underscore. This is allowed. And here, for example, we have M underscore name two. So previously in the not allowed example here, you cannot start a variable with a number, although you can add numbers into your variables, but you just cannot start them with it. So in this case, here we say M underscore name two. That's fine. As long as the variable doesn't start with the number, you're good to go. And of course, in this case here, it's also permissible. You can have variables that are in a CAPS form, so all caps is also perfectly fine. Just keep this in mind here and I'll recommend you just rewatch this lesson if you just want to have a refresh on the rules here, et ce before you start coding practically. That is some of the key points to note. Now you probably want okay. What's my preference and recommendation? How do I go about setting up my variables and such? What I do is, I want to just keep a sense of reason here. Or single word variables, start off with a lowercase letter, such as name, for example. That's how I would go about it. For multi word variables, I'd recommend using camel casing. And here, for example, we have first and then for the second word, I have a capital for it. So this is how I go about it. So for single word variables, I just use a lowercase letter to start off. And if I have multi word variables such as first name, my name, my age, my date of birth, I'm always going to use camel casing, so that implies that the first variable, is going to be in lowercase and the first word lowercase and the second words going to start off with a capital letter. But this is a little bit too abstract. Let's look deeper into what is camel casing. So what is camel casing? Camel casing is when you join words in a phrase capitalizing the first letter of each word after the first without using spaces. So do keep that in mind, that is camel casing. Now here we have a few examples. So my forename, my surname, and my age. This is how you can employ camel case. Of course, this is just a recommendation of what I recommend you utilize if you're dealing with multi word variables here. Of course, if you have lots of words in your variable, this is a good approach to go but it's also very clean to do this approach because you can clearly see what variable you are essentially declaring. Guys. So that's it for this lesson on us focusing on our variable naming conventions. 9. Data types: Hi, eon, welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on data type. Let's get started. The question on our minds, what is a datatype? A data type is essentially a data item or element that is defined by its value. So let's go on ahead and take a look at the types that we get. So what data types do we get? So first of all, we get SDR, which is commonly referred to as a string. We have Int, which is, of course, short for integer, we have float, we have Bool, and we also have list, tuple and range. Now, don't worry. I'm going to go into a deeper sense of detail for each of these data types. So that's going to be in the form of either seri or in a practical format. So let's continue. So first of all, let's look at STR, which is commonly referred to as a string data type. The STR datatype represents text, which can be letters or words and it is enclosed in either single or double quote. Let's take a look at a few examples here that will denote a string data type. As we can see here, first of all, we have ABC in single quotes. We have John Smith in single quotes and we have Alpha in double quote. Here are a few examples. Next, let's take a look at Int. All right? So the int datatype represents whole numbers, including both positive and negative values. So here we would have, for example, zero. We can have minus eight, and we can have 91. So you can see here the variety in place for an integer Int data type and the representation that will be coupled together with it. We also then have float. A float data type represents numbers with decipels also known as floating point numbers. Hence, we have float instead of decimal because we want to refer to it in Pierson as floating point numbers. Of course, a few examples here would be 22.6, for example, 96.1 and 7,342.14. If you are thinking of utilizing the float datatype sink, decimal. Right, so let's continue. Next, we have Bol Bol is quite interesting one and also a very simple datatype, probably the most simple data type to comprehend. The bull data type can have only two values, either true or false or one and zero. But generally speaking, true or false would be the best way to elaborate on that. We would have true or we would have false. Usually, true will be denoted in certain cases of programs with the tick and false or the next or one or zero. We have two states, true or false. That would denote the BL datatype. Now, you're probably wondering, Okay, what about the other data types? Because of course, we had the list, the tuple and the range. So not to worry, we will dive deeper into these data types later in the course and we'll go further into them. However, it's a little bit advanced to dive in straight away. We want to gradually move along towards it. All right. So that's guys for the lesson, just to give you some information on data types and to explain how they are correlating as a whole, essentially. 10. Declaring a variable: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on declaring a variable. So let's take a look. All right. So first of all, we want to learn how we can create a variable. So first, we need to give our variable and name. Then we assign a value to S variable, and the value we assign determines the data type. So let's take a look at a few examples that we have here in place. So here's an example. So try to think to yourselves of what the variable and what the value would be in this case. So, the name will be the variable, and the value here is John Smith, and the data type is based of the SDR string data type, because as we can see here, the value is a string because it's in quotes and it's based on text. Let's continue Let's look at another example. The variable in this case here is going to be num and the value here, it's going to be 564, which is also going to be an int datatype because remember, an int is focused on whole numbers. Here we have 564, the datatype here is an int. Let's take a look here again. So as we can see here, the variable is num, and the value is cety 2.8, making it a float data type. Now let's have a look at another example here. Our variable here is accepted. Our value is, of course, true, and that's based off the Bol data type. As you can see here, we are beginning to form a pattern here with variable value and the data type that is associated with s value. Is it a string or STR? Is it an int? Is it a float? Is it a bool? As you can see, this is the process for how you can declare a variable also how you can learn to understand the distinction between a variable, a value and the data type associated with said value. All right, guys, that's it for this lesson on how we can declare a variable. 11. Creating our own variables - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the first lab exercise which is going to be focused on creating our own variables. So let's go ahead and dive in. So, of course, like I mentioned in the accessing and online coding editor lesson, you have the choice of easy using the online coding editor or editor as well. Okay, so decide which one you want to use Tlins really up to you. So I'm going to be using You can use Pytwddle if you desire. It's really up to you. All right, so let's get started. Right. Now, the first thing that I want to teach you is how you can utilize a print function, first of all. Now, the print function is going to be utilized to output our coding result in the console, which of course is going to be down here and in PTwittle it's going to be down here. Okay. So let's go ahead and do that. So to declare a print function, we can see print. And in parentheses here, we can add in the text that we want to output in the console. So you can either use single quotes or you can use double quotes. It's really up to you. So I prefer to use single quotes, and I'm just going to say here, hello world, just like that. That I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to run this coding script, and here you can see it outputs hello world. That's how you can output all of the statements that it's based in your print function here, and we can see here it says hello world, based on that result. So don't worry, we are going to go into more detail with outputting our data into the console. So a print statement is used if you want to output your data. That's the simplest way to explain it. All right. Now, of course, you can type anything here that you wish. You can just say hi, and then you can just run your code. And then here it's just going to say in the console Hi. Now, of course, you can have multiple print functions as well. So here we can say print and I'm going to say here, my name is honor, and I'm going to add another print function here and this print function in the parenss I'm going to add in the text that it must output, and that's going to be my age is 28. Now we can scroll down and we can just say run and it's going to print out all of those statements. Hi, my name is Ano, my age is 28 and outputs all of that for us as we can see here. That is how you can go on a head and utilize the print function to output data into the console. All right. Now the reason we are learning this first of all before creating our own variables is because we need to know how to output the values that we've assigned to our variables. And we're going to use the print function to help us to output those values into the console. All right. So let's do that. Let's go ahead and delete all of this and let's start declaring some variables. First of all, I'm going to say first name and notice here I'm using camelcasing and I'm going to say equals, and here in single words, I'm going to say no. Then I'm going to say last name equals, and then I'm going to say Pretorius. Perfect. I've declared my two variables, first name and last name. The data type for both, we can see is a string, and of course, we can see that the values are no and pretorius. Let's say I want to output the data. I want to output these values onto the console right here. To do so, what I'm going to need to do is to utilize my print function. And what we can do is we can add in our variables here directly to output the value associated with S variable. So here by the print statement here, I can add in first name, and it needs to match exactly to the variable that you have set up here. What I'm also going to do is go ahead and specify another print function to output the last name. We want to see in our console now, we want to see Arno because we are printing the first name and I want to see Pretorius because I'm printing out the last name. If I scroll down and say run, it's going to show aro Pretorius. Remember, two lines because we have two of those print functions here set and applied. That's so you can simply create your variables and also utilize the print function to output the values that have been assigned to S variable. Let's go ahead and go a bit further now. Let's say we want to have a bit more. Let's say we want to have age. I'm going to say age here 28. So we can see He, of course, is sent to the value of 26 26 is the int datatype. And here, we're going to say bank underscore balance. And that is going to be 114.23. So we're using a float data type. And then we want to also we want to work with the bull data type. So here we're going to say post graduate, underscore student equals, and I'm going to say false. So we can see we're using the bull data type here by utilizing false. So let's go ahead and print that out as well. So we can just scroll down and let's say print age and print, and we're going to say bank underscore balance and print. We're going to say postdate underscore student. We want to output the value of our age, our bank balance, and the postgraduate student status. I'm going to scroll down and run and here we can see it's going to print what we had previously Anno Pretoris the values here of these variables are being output in our console. And we can also see the age here, the bank balance in per grade graduate student is output here, so 28, 114.23 and false. And that all pertains to the values assigned to these variables that we have set up here and into place. Right. Perfect. That is how you can go on a hedge and you can essentially create your variables and how you can output them in your console by using the print function. Essentially, our print function on its own looks like this. I'm going to say print and opening and closing princes. This is known as our print function. And you can either directly insert values into it in a raw sort of format, or you can add in the variable within the parentheses of this print function to output the value associated with said variable. For example, here, I can also put in a value directly. I can put in 23.4, like a float value and let's go ahead and remove everything else. What I'm going to do is I'm just going to delete everything here. Let me move this to the first line and just run that. And directly, it outputs 23.5. All right. So that's how we can go on ahead and essentially create our own variables and output them into the console window that we have down here. All right, guys. So that's it for this lab exercise. 12. Arithmetic operators: Ron. Welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on arithmetic operators. Let's get started. All right. I've decided to sum everything up for you in a table here of all of the various arithmetic operators that we commonly utilize in PySon and of course, the purpose associated next to them. As we can see here, according to the operator on the left hand side and the purpose on the right hand side, first of all, we have addition, we have subtraction. We have division, we have multiplication, we have modulus, we have exponentiation, and we also have floor division as well. So we can utilize all of these operators in our PyCon programs and we can integrate them as we desire with our own use case and programs that we plan on building itself. Right. That's all I wanted to mention on arithmetic operators, just give you an overview of the various operators that we get and just to mention their purposes as well, foresa operators. 13. Working with Arithmetic operators - [Lab]: Hi Iron and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on working with arithmetic operators in this lab exercise. So in this particular lesson, we're going to be working with our variables as we did before. We're also going to be building up on that and also incorporating and working with specifically, as the lesson states, on arithmetic operators. So our recently acquired knowledge on our operators that we are going to be utilizing. Specifically in this use case as our example here, we're going to be working with our addition, subtraction, division and multiplication operators, and we're going to apply it to a particular use case which will be dealing with our money in a bank account and of course, expenses and profits and all of that jazz. Let's go ahead and get started. So first of all, we want to create two variables. The first variable here, I'm going to define as my savings account one, and the total in my savings account one, let's say that as 500, of course, it's going to be an inch, so that will be the datatype. Then let's say I have another savings account as well. They're going to say my savings account, and of course, the value here, I'm going to set as 400. Perfect. Now, let's say I want to get the total of my combined savings accounts, so the total. So let me create another variable that says total savings. And to obtain the total savings here, I'm going to utilize the addition operator. So to do so, I would need to incorporate my two variables here. So my savings account one. Then I want to say plus space, and of course, incorporate spaces before and after, my savings account two. So the value now of total savings is going to be whatever my savings account one plus my savings account two is. So we can envision this as 500 plus 400. So all I need to do then is I need to go ahead and utilize a print function here. So I'm going to use my print function, and it's going to output the value that has been assigned to total savings. So to do so, I need to add in the value here, which is the variable, excuse me, which is going to be total savings. So we can scroll down and we can say run that outputs 900 for us. That's how we can simply go on ahead and print out our value here from total savings, which utilized addition here to get the total. We utilize the plus or the addition operator here, and we assign that value here of the result of to the total savings variable. Of course, the value here was 900, which was output as soon as we said we wanted to print out the value of the total savings variable, which in turn turned out to be 900. Right, so we've got addition in place. Now, let's go ahead and let's go a bit further and let's go ahead and set this up with expenses. For example, now what I'm going to do is I'm going to set expenses here. I'm going to create a new variable called expenses, I'm going to set as 250. Okay. Then what I want to do is I want to go on a hedge and create another variable called my total profit or net profit. So let's say my net profit. And I'm going to say equals, and that's going to be equals to my total savings, which, of course, as you saw was 900. So here I'm just going to say total savings was 900 and minus my expenses now to get my net profit. So I'm going to say total savings minus, and we're going to say expenses. Okay. And that value is going to be associated with my net profit. So now what I want to do is I want to say print, and I'm going to go on ahead and say my net profit. I want to see what my profit is at the end after deducting expenses. So now I'm going to go on ahead and scroll down, say run, and here I can see I have 650 now, which of course is my net profit. The first result here was 900 and that correlates to this print statement here to print the savings. Now, of course, I had 900, which encapsulates total savings minus expenses. 900 minus 250 essentially is 650, which is the value then of my net profit, which we just output here in our console. All right. That's how you can go ahead and work with addition and subtraction. That's what we have so far in place. Okay. Now, of course, what we can also do is we can go ahead and add in some text to make it a bit more clear to actually see what is actually going on here. What you can do to make this a bit easier is here. We can just go ahead and add in a space between total savings and total savings. We can say print and we can add in a value here and we can just say here, my total savings. Like such. We can also go ahead and just above mint profit, add that above mint profit here. We can just say print and we can just put on here my net profit and a colon there. Now when we say run, it's going to be a little bit clearer and it's going to show my total savings and underneath it 900, my net profit and underneath it 650. That's going to make it a bit clearer and a bit more concise to see everything in action and in place. So we've got that now in place, and now what we want to do is we want to go a bit further, and we want to go ahead and work with multiplication. So what I'm going to do now is I'm just going to add in some lines here, so you can just press Enter, and that's going to essentially give you some space here to work with your code now. Now I want to add in a bonus amount. The bonus amount is going to be set here. Let me create a variable. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go on ahead and say let's say bonus amount. I'm going to say equals, and that's going to be equals to the net profit. I'm going to say my net profit and I'm going to say times. I'm going to say two. Here I'm directly going to be adding in a value itself. I'm not going to set a variable. I'm going to add in a value this time. I'm going to say my net profit times two. That's going to pertain to the bonus amount here. That's what I want to do next. All I need to do now is I need to add in a print statement, and here I just want to add in a value that says my bonus amount. And then next line, print, and I'm going to say my bonus amount. I've got that set, then I want to scroll down here and run. Here we have it. Here I have my bonus amount, and of course, I have 1,300 and that pertains to what we said here. Let me just add in that colon actually. Just to make it a bit cleaner. So my bonus amount and a salesman 300, that incorporates what we just did here. All we did here was essentially we took the net profit, which was, of course, 650 and we times that by two, so we multiplied it by two and we printed out that variable assigned to the bonus amount, which of course is the salesman 300. That's how we can work with our multiplication operator in place. All right. Perfect. Now the next thing that we want to do is we want to go on a head and work with division. Okay, so let's go ahead and do that. So in this case here, we could make an example that works with. So let's go ahead and do that. So we can just say, here, M V equals, and we can utilize the bonus amount again. They're going to say M bonus amount. Then we're going to say divide it by and we're going to say 1.25 as an example. What I'm going to do like before is just add in some texts. I'm going to say print. Here I'm going to say the amount hol on. Here I'm going to say print and here I want to actually print out the vat. I'm going to say M at. Here we can see my va equals the bonus amount divided by 1.25 and we're going to output that particular value of the vat. Let's scroll down. And let's just make sure we added the print statement, let's say run, and we should see that new line appear. So here we can see the vat amount thousand and 40. Okay. So it's just a few examples here of how we can go ahead and incorporate everything here into place and how we can work with addition, how we can work with subtraction, how we can work with multiplication, and how we can work with division. All right. So that's how we can go on ahead and integrate everything into play, and that set for this lesson on working with arithmetic operators. 14. Comments: Hi, eon. And welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on comments. So let's go on ahead and get started. All right. So the main purpose of a comment is to explain the code and improve its readability. Now there is another use for a comment, and that is to comment out code. In this case here, what you can do is if you comment out a code that's going to prevent specific lines from being executed in your program that you have set out. Now, in the Python programming language, there are, of course, two different types of comments that you can utilize in your programs. Now, the first type of comment is known as a single lion comment, and that is denoted by a hash tag. The second type of comment is known as a multi line comment, and this is denoted by three starching single quotes and it's ended by three single quotes as well. We'll as a start, we would have three single quotes, and then anything that we want to add a comment about or code that we want to comment out, and then at the end, we would have three single quotes at the end. So how can I explain it in this way? We would have three starching single quotes anything we want to comment out or anything we want to comment on and then we'll have three single quotes ending the comment. Now, this will make more sense when we work in the practice itself and when I show you examples in this lesson. Let's take a look at this lesson for examples, and then of course, in the lab exercise, we will really learn how this is all coming together. Alright. So the first example is a single line comment. So of course, as we can see here in this code snippet, we have a hash tag, and then we can see the comment that says, This is a single line comment. That's an example of how you can utilize a single line comment. Now, of course, if you want to declare a multi line comment, it's going to be as follows. So here, as you can see, we'll have the starting three single quotes. We'll have the comment inside. Of course, you can add code in here as well, which we'll get to in the lab exercises, and then the ending three single quotes right after. That is how you can utilize, of course, the single line comment and the multi line comment. All right. 15. Using single and multi-line comments - [Lab]: Hi, Ron. Welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be a lab exercise that's focused on working with comments in Bison. Let's go on ahead and get started. Now, the first thing that I want to do is to declare some variables. Let me go ahead and set it as follows. I'm going to say first name equals and in single quotes, I'm going to say honor is the value. Then I'm going to say my age and I'm going to say here 20 H and then I'm going to say my nationality and here I'm going to put in quotes. I'm going to say South Africa. Right, there we go. I have my variables declared and the associated values. Let's go ahead and test out the use of comments. Now, of course, comments, as the first case can help to improve the readability of our code and to better explain it as well. What I can do, for example, here is right at the top here, I can just add in some lines of space and I can add in a single align common denoted by a hash tag. Here I'm going to say declaring personal information. That is my comment right here. Hey, and let's say I want to output the values of these variables. I'm going to use my print function to do so. And what I can do is I can go ahead and just go ahead and say print first name, print my age, print my nationality. There we go. And what I can do is I can also add in a comment to explain what is occurring right here. So with this print function, what I want to do is I actually want to explain what I'm doing with it. The print function is helping to output personal information. Now, the useful part of comments here is, especially when you need to show your code to someone, and they don't want to have to rebuild the will and have to struggle and see what your program is about. This is especially important when you have lots and lots of code in the project and someone wants to get to understand or learn how you built your project without having to start from scratch and comments help to make it more readable so people can be like, Okay, so this part of this person code does this. This part of someone's code does that. So that's the importance of comments. So as we can see here, if someone were to look at our program, they can see here, Okay, they are declaring personal information. So first name, my age, my nationality. And here they outputting that personal information with the print functions. And of course, that would be available in the console here and output or rendered, however the code is set up in interplace. Perfect. Right. So that is how we can utilize our single line comments. Now, let's say, for example, we want to use a multi line comment. So let's say we don't want to use a single line. So what we can do is you can just remove this hash tag, and we can just right here at the top, add in the three starting single quotes. And then right after that, we want to add in the ending single quotes. There's three of them. And then you can press Enter for space, and here is how you can use a multi line comment. Starting three single quotes and ending three single quotes. Here we having the statement declaring personal information. Let's do the same here for our second comment. Output personal information. Let's do that. Starting three single quotes and ending three single quotes. Let's just add in some space here. That is how you can utilize multiline comments. And of course, it's going to serve the same purpose, and of course, if we run our code, it's still going to execute perfectly fine, but it's going to print out according to the values of these variables. So that's how we can go ahead and set that up into place. Now, let's say we want to go on ahead and ensure that we don't run a particular line of code. Let's say we're doing some testing and we don't want a particular line of code to run. So for example, let's say, I want to run my program and I don't want to output my age. I just wanted to output my first name and my nationality. Now, you could technically remove your code, but sometimes it's easier just to comment it out quickly, just so you can do some debugging. Let's say I don't want to show my age, but just the first name and my nationality. I can add in a single line quote here, for example, in front of print age, I can add in the hash tag, which means single line quote. Let's say run. And now it only outputs the first name and my nationality here in the console here. Okay. So essentially, that is how you can stop a program from executing a particular line of code or particular lines of code by adding in a common in front of said code. So here, for example, you're adding in the hashtag, and this is suitable if you just want to prevent one line of code from executing. You can do so. Let's say you want to comment out multiple lines of code. Here we've only commented out one line. Let's say we want to do multi lines of code. Then it would be appropriate to use a multi line comment. It will be easier because you could technically just put in hash tags here, but that can be tedious. If you run here, you can see it's going to output nothing because we have essentially just gone on ahead and just decided to manually add in the single line comments. Let's say we want to do this all in one go. So what you can do is you can just go ahead and remove that remember, let's just add in some spaces. Before the code that you want to comment out, you need to put in three single quotes at the top and at the end, three single quotes at the end. All right. So now, if you were to run nothing is going to happen because you've commented out all of the code here in between these starting and ending three single quotes. So this is how you can use a multi line comment to prevent code from running. Now, let's say, for example, I go ahead and only do it for the first two print statement. So here, I'm going to remove this, and I'm going to add a line and just comment out the first two. If I were to say run now, it is going to Prince of Africa because I am outside of that comment. Okay, so anything that's in it is not going to be executed because it's going to be treated as a comment. Alright, so that is it for this lesson on how you can work with single line comments and multiline comments and the various uses of them. So like I said, they're very helpful to make things more readable, to explain code, to explain what's happening, and also to prevent certain lines of code from executing in the program that you are setting up and utilizing. All right, so that's it for this lesson. 16. Input and output data: Hi, Aon, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on user input and output. So let's go on ahead and get started. Right. So first of all, user input. So with user input, we want to be able to allow our users to enter information into our program and to allow our users to do so we would utilize the input function. Now, the input function prompts the user for input and captures their response as a string. And we can then use this input to perform various actions or calculations in our program. Now, in terms of user output, we already have learned how to utilize a print function. So to display data in our console or terminal, we can use the print function. Now, the print function outputs the data, allowing us to view it during the program's execution. Now, this can be very useful for debugging, displaying results or for providing feedback to the user. All right. So this is the difference between user input and user output and the functions that we can utilize to perform them. So remember, user input, we would utilize the input function, user output, we would utilize the print function. 17. Utilise the input() and print() functions - [Lab]: Hi, Ron. Welcome to the next practical lab exercise, which is going to be focused on working with the input function to input data and the print function to output data. Let's get started. Now, we want to ask users to input their name and we want to output their name to keep it very simple. Now, in such a program, we would want to enter in some comments just for following best practices. Let's add in a comment here and I'm going to say here, input user name. And then I'm going to add another one here that's output username. Okay. Let's go ahead and get started. The code that we technically need to use is the input function, just like so. However, this isn't going to be very user friendly, what you usually would do with this input function is you're going to want to add in a prompt because the code will run, but it's not going to display anything as is. For example, if you put input and you leave it as an empty parentheses here, there was nothing in between and you were to say run is just going to keep on running. It's not going to do anything or anything of the sort. It's very difficult to know what is going on here. So let's just stop that for now. Let's go back, let's go ahead and put in a prompt. Typically, here you put in a prompt like a question or a statement. Here you can say, for example, please enter in your name. Okay, just like that. Now if we go ahead and scroll down, we can run that again. And here the prompt comes up. Please enter in your name. So we can just say Ono. And as we can see here, you can then press Enter and the process ends and the code is done. Okay. So when you enter something, if you enter in your name or you enter any sort of data that you need to press Enter afterwards. But you can see now the process ended, and that was all there is to it. Okay. So what we want to do is we want to use our print function to make this a little bit more concise. So what I want to do is, of course, just a tedious detail. I want to add a colon there. And once I've entered in my name, I want to say, welcome, no, for example. But before I can do that, I need to assign value of whatever is entered in the input like I did now with no, whatever is entered here, I want to store the value that I enter in here as a variable. To do so, I can say my name equals, and it's going to be as such. Whatever I enter in here, it's going to be assigned to my variable, my name. So what I want to do now is I want to output a message here with my name. I can just go ahead and say print and let's go back up here. And I'm going to say here, let's say, for example, welcome. And then below that, I'm going to say print and it's going to be my name. I'm going to grab the name from what has been input. Then then I'm going to press Enter after I've entered in my name, then it's going to execute this line of code that says welcome and then under it my actual name. Let's do that. We can scroll down, run it. The input has triggered, the input function triggers here, please enter in your name. Then as soon as I've entered it in and press Enter, it's going to store it in the myname variable. Then it's going to carry on with the next line of code and print to welcome, and then the name that was stored that I entered for the input function. So remember, in this case, the input function runs first. That will give the value for the variable, and then six and seven, print to welcome and print my name will run. So let's go ahead and add in the value. So here I'm going to say Arno. And then once I press Enter, it's going to associate that with the variable, my name. There we go. I then runs welcome and then no. That's how you can utilize an input function and how you can also then go ahead and utilize the print function together as a whole. Now, let's go ahead and build upon this. Let's go ahead and work on another example. Let's change this up. Let's please enter in your name. Let's do another one. Let's say my age calls input. We say, please enter in your age. Okay. And we can also say another one. Let's say my favorite color equals. We can say input. Please enter in your favorite color. All right. There we go. So now we want to input our user's name, age, and favorite color. Then here we can just change our comment, output our user's name, age, and favorite color. Okay, so we can just adjust our code here now, so let's remove that. I want to add in a space. To add in a space, we can just keep it very simple and have an empty print statement. That helps you to have space in your code because as you'll notice here, we didn't have much of a space. It just said, please enter your name, Arno, the value, and then welcome. We need a bit of a space. You can use a print function, and in quotes, you can just leave it as an empty string here. Empty single quotes. That will give us a space. Then here we can just say print and we can go ahead and put in a generic message saying your details are as follows. Then we can say print whatever value is assigned to the name, whatever values assigned to my age, and whatever value is assigned to my favorite color. Just want to make it a bit more concise so there we have it. We've got that all in place now. We're going to have my name age and favorite color and we're going to grab the input value for the name, the input value of the age, and the input value of the favorite color. Then we want to output these as name age and color. But first, we want to create a space. We could technically move that comment here for clarity and here we can just say make a space between our code. That's a simple way to make space between the code output in your console in the console. Okay, so we want to explain a bit. Let's go ahead and do that and then we'll have a space and then we output our user's name age and favorite color. We have a message here that just says you these is as follows. Then it prints out the name, age, and favorite color according to what our inputs are here. Let's get started. The order in which this program will run will be from top to bottom. Keep that in mind. Once you've got that all in place, let's go ahead and run our code and see the output. So let's start it and say run. So first, it says, please enter in your name. That correlates as the first line here and the value is going to be assigned to my name of what we've entered. Here I'm going to say no, Enter. Then it says, Please enter in your age. Then it goes to the next line of code and prompts you for your age. Then I'm going to go here and I'm going to click here again and I'm going to say 28, Enter. Then it says, Please enter in your favorite color. It's going to execute this line of code now. It's going to ask for the input. The value we add in and press Enter afterwards will then be assigned to the variable my favorite color. Let me click here and I'm going to say Brown, and there we go. It added in a space for us, and that was correlating to here. So make a space between our code, so I just added in empty line. So whenever this print function runs, it generates a line of code. And if you enter in nothing within it, it's just going to have an empty space. So that's the purpose behind it so you can understand the principle. Then it outputs the details. You details are as follows. Here we have it and we can see it says name. It says the age and the favorite color according to what we set up right here. We can see that's been output and input as we want it to be in place. Right. So as you can see, the, the prompting text that you have within your input function here is going to automatically appear here in your console or your terminal, and then you just enter in what you want to assign to the input, and then you want to save it to set variable here on the left hand side, and of course, we then printing out the values based on what we have input. All right, guys. So that's it for this lab exercise on inputting data and outputting data, the input function and the print function. 18. String concatenation: On, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on string concatenation. So let's get started. Right, so string concatenation refers to combining a variable with a string. Now, this can be achieved by using the plus operator. Now, you're probably thinking, Okay, hold on. Wait. Isn't this addition? Technically, yes, it is. However, you can also use the addition operator or the plus operator, you could say, when you want to perform string concatenation. So let me give you a typical example of how you can utilize this. Let's say that you have two variables that you've declared, your name and your nationality. And what you can do is you can perform string concatenation by combining the variable and the string together. For example, if you have a print function here in place, you can add in the string, the strings, myname is and I am from. You can see we have the two variables included here, name and nationality. You can see that essentially what's going to happen is it's going to print out my name is Anu and I am from South Africa. We can see these two plus operators are being used here with our strings and our variables for string concatenation. Now, of course, this isn't the only way in which you can carry out string concatenation. You don't need to necessarily put it in a print function itself. There are other ways in which you can go with the process, but this is just generally the basic concept of how you can combine everything together and perform string concatenation. But not to worry, we are going to have a lab exercise on this. I'm going to show you all of the various ways in which you can perform this. 19. Perform string concatenation - [Lab]: Hi Ron and welcome to the next lab exercise which is going to be focused on performing string concatenation. Let's get started. First of all, what we want to do is define two variables. First of all, I'm going to say name equals, and here I'm going to say no. Then I'm going to have nationality and then say equals, and that's going to be South Africa. Then I'm going to utilize my print function. Now, of course, the string conctnation. We are going to combine our strings with our variables together using the addition or plus operator, which in this particular case, it's going to recognize that it needs to perform string concatenation and not addition. This is where the distinction lies in place. I'm going to add in my string and it's going to say, my name is then going to add in a space and say plus space, and then we want to get the value from the variable, we're going to add in that variable here, which is name. I'm going to say plus then and then our next statement and then I'm going to say and I am from, then plus and then we're going to have nationality. All right. With this output, it's going to say, my name is Ano and I am from South Africa. As you can see, we're combining our strings with our variables using the addition operator, which essentially is known as performing string concatenation. So now what we can do is scroll down and say run and you'll see it's going to look quite ugly here. It's going to say, my name is Ono, and I'm from South Africa, but you can see there's no spacing here. Now, what I always recommend that you do here is when you're working with string concatenation, especially in this context is where you see your strings here before you are adding in or combining with your variable and after need to add in a space. Here is before I'm performing string concatenation with my variable. I need to add in a space. And then here is after the string concatenation of the variable or space again, and then here it's before, and I will need to add in a space as well. Now if I go ahead and scroll down, it's going to adjust and it's going to look a bit cleaner now with a space. We can now see that it says, my name is Ano and I am from South Africa. We can see it's a lot cleaner and a lot more concise. Right so that's how you can go on a head and ensure that you have spacing when you are performing string concatenation. All right. Perfect. So let's go ahead and set up another example here. So let's go ahead and set up a variable, and I'm going to set this as let's set this one as, um I'm going to call this one about me. And what I'm going to do here is I'm going to utilize string concatenation to set up a value for a variable. So here, I'm going to go ahead and set this as I like, and I'm going to add in a space here, I'm going to add in plus. And then what I want to do is I want to define a hobby, which I'm going to add to this variable. So I'm going to say here sport equals, and I'm going to say football. And then I'm going to go ahead and specify another one. I'm going to say here movie. I'm going to say interstellar. And then about me, I'm going to say I like plus, and then I'm going to add in a sport plus, and then the space, and then I'm going to just say and and then to add in plus and then I'm going to say movie. So this variable now, I've utilized string concatenation to add in a line here of what will be defined as this particular variable. So I'm going to now say print about me. So let's go ahead and comment out this code for now with a single line comment, and I just want to see what it outputs here. Scroll down, say run and it says, I like football and Interstellar. Okay, so that is how you can also perform string concatenation if you want to assign it to a variable. So that is another way in which you can go ahead and do it. So there's many ways which you can utilize string concatenation. This isn't a way I'd recommend you do. It's just to give you some practice and some understanding with how it works and how it formulates. So essentially, what we can then do is we can just adjust this so I can just say I like watching and it's going to say football and I like to watch the movie and then space there. It's going to be a bit more concise now, if I run that going to say, I like watching football and I like to watch the movie Interstellar. That's a bit more coherent. Now what I want to do is I want to add this about me to our long print statement form earlier. Let's do that, remove the print here. And what I'm going to do is I'm just going to add in the plus now and I'm going to say, and I'm just going to say and a bit about me. I'm going to add in a colon space plus and we're going to say about me, just like such. A wretch. We should see everything now in the output. Wha I'm going to do is scroll down, say run, and there we go. Is my name is Ano and I'm from South Africa and a bit about me, I like watching football and I like to watch the movie Interstellar. There we have it. We can see we've added in all of that in one single line with our print function here. That is how you can utilize string concatenations. Remember, it's when you are combining your strings with your variables using the addition operator, which can be utilized. Was in string concatenation and not only was the operator. PySon is very intuitive and it can tell whether it needs to perform addition itself with numbers adding or if it actually needs to perform string concatenation. As we can see, it is a very intuitive programming language. 20. Positional arguments: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which will be focused on positional arguments. So let's get started. So positional arguments. We can use placeholders to insert variables into a string. So let's take a look at a basic coding snippet. So here, for example, we have a variable, my name with assigned value of honor, and we can see here in the print function, we are setting up a string here that says myName is, and then in curly braces, we have name. Now, this is essentially known as a placeholder. We can insert our variable into this string here. Now dot format is essentially a method, which inserts values into placeholders. It allows us to do so. We also then can see here that we have name. Now, name here is the keyword argument that it is used to pass the value to the placeholder here. So notice here, I've used the same name to describe what we are setting up here. So I've matched the keyword argument with the placeholder name here for continuity because what's going to happen is the value here of the variable which is no is going to be assigned to the keyword argument, which is name, and that's going to be placed into the placeholder. And you'll see as the output here in the console, it will say, my name is no. That's how you can essentially utilize placeholders to insert your variables into a string. Now, don't worry, we are going to have a lab exercise on this, and we're going to work through a few examples here so that we can cement our knowledge on these positional arguments that we have in place, right. So that's for the yetical part. 21. Format string by position - [Lab]: Hi on and welcome to the next lab exercise, which is going to be focused on positional arguments. Let's go on ahead and get started. What we want to do, first of all, is to declare a variables. I'm going to say my name calls and I wait to see no. Next, what I want to do is I want to go ahead and define my print function here. I'm going to say print. W the string here, I'm going to say my name is and then I'm going to set up my place holder, which can be anything. I'm just going to set it as name. Then after the string here, after the quotes, I'm going to say dot format. Then I'm going to open a new set of parentheses here was in the print function itself and I'm first going to define my keyword argument. In this case, I'm going to refer to whatever I name the placeholder as. I'm going to say name equals and then the variable that I want to assign, which is my name. Okay. We have our placeholder. We have our keyword argument, which is essentially you could say is our placeholder without the curly braces, and we're setting that equal to the value of the variable my name, which is no. Essentially, what's going to happen now is the name here is going to substitute the value here in our curly braces of nu. It's going to print, my name is no. Let's go ahead and test it out so we can scroll down and we can say run. And it says, my name is Arno. Perfect. Right. Let's go ahead and make this a bit more interesting. Let output our first and last name. What I can do here is I can do a bit of reformatting. I'm just going to set this as my first name and I'm going to switch this to F underscore name for first name and here, F underscore name. Here I'm going to say my first name. Let's just make sure this works here. All I've done is I've changed my variable name to my first name. I've changed the keyword argument here to F underscore name, which matches the place holder F underscore name. However, the place older does have curly braces within the string itself. I can scroll down and run. And it still says, my name is on it. Perfect. Right. So we can now get everything prepared for our last name. So I'm going to say my last name equals, and I'm going to say Victorious. And we can change this here to say my first name is F name, and then I'm going to go on ahead and say N, my last name is. And here in the placeholder, I'm going to say L underscore name. And what we can do now is we can put in multiple keyword arguments here. What I can do is put in a comma and then say, L underscore name is going to be equals to my last name. I want to say my last name. Okay, so as we can see here, it's now going to append that accordingly here. So now we're going to have name, which is going to reference position, this placeholder, excuse me, with the value of my last name which will be Pretorius. At the end here, we're going to see that it's going to print my first name is Ono, and my last name is Pretorius. Now if we were to scroll down, we can say run then we go, my first name is Ano and my last name is Petors. Perfect. We've got that in place. Great. Let's go ahead now and let's create something from scratch. Let's do another example. Let's say my favorite car equals. Here I'm just going to say heslaF the next one, we're going to have my favorite color and we can say brown. Right, so let's go ahead and get started here. So we'll start with our print function, and we're going to set the checks up for us. So I'm going to say, I like the car. And in my place soldier, I'm just going to set this as F underscore car for favorite car. And then I'm going to say N, I like the color. And here I'm going to say F, underscore color. Perfect. So we've got my place soldiers set up, then I want to say dot format, and now I need to add in my keyword argument. What I'm going to do here to make it a bit cleaner is I'm just going to zoom out a tad bit here and I'm going to add in my keyword argument, it's going to match whatever's in the place older. F car first F underscore car. Equals, and that's going to pertain to my favorite car. So I'm going to say my favorite R. First, done. Next, we want to have the color. So F underscore color would be the next keyword arguments. I'm going to say F underscore color, and we say equals, and that's going to pertain to this variable here, my favorite color. So we can say MP color. There we go. So we've got that now all into place now, and what we can do now is scroll down and we can say run but I like the card Tesla and I like the color brown. Perfect. That is how we can essentially go ahead and ensure that we're able to fully utilize positional arguments and how to add them all into place. Guys, that's it for this lab exercise. 22. String methods: Hi, eon, and welcome to the next lesson which will be focused on string methods. Right, so string methods. In PySon there are various string methods available to us that we can use in our program such as capitalize and upper. There are various other methods which are focused on setting our data to lower case letters, uppercase letters, capitalizing them, and also to change various positions of letters, to add and remove letters, et cetera. There's a lot of methods out there that we can utilize and we're going to go through quite a few in the lab exercise. Now these methods allow us to modify and manipulate our strings in different ways. You can decide if you want to modify your strings in this way or in that way, it really depends as to how you want to proceed and go forward with that. Now, as I mentioned and just to elaborate further, a few examples. Some examples may include changing the case, trimming white space, or even replacing characters. This is what you can expect in the lab exercise. We're going to go through a wide variety of all these methods and we're going to focus on them as we work on manipulating our strings. 23. Utilise various string methods - [Lab]: Hi, Ron, and welcome to the next lab exercise, which is going to be focused on working with various string methods. Now, as you can see here, I've already added in some comments here, and that's just to structure the process of teaching more efficiently with the message that we'll be learning. So the methods are going to pertain to capitalizing, making everything lowercase, making everything uppercase. Of course, also getting the lengths of the strings, replace starts with ends with and a lot of these are actually methods themselves. Find position is numeric and of course is Alpha numeric. We're going to be going through a lot of methods as we work through this practical lab exercise. Let's go ahead and get started. Now before we actually do anything, we need to have a variable that we want to basis of with associated value. What I'm going to do I'm going to start off like that, and we're going to delete each comment for each particular method that we have mastered. So I'm going to create a variable called my first name equals, and I'm just going to say to like so. Perfect. So let's learn about that capitalize method. As you can see here, it's probably going to be to capitalize our string values here. So if I were to go ahead and test it, so we're going to use the print function to help us to test all of this. I'm going to say here print and in the function, I'm going to refer to the variable, which is my first name. Then to set up the mesod, we want to just say dot caps with an empty parentheses. So we should see in the console that it should just capitalize the first letter here of string. The A here should be a A. Let's go ahead and test that out. If we were to scroll down, we can say run. And it says Ono. Notice here that the A now is the A and it's not just a lowercase A that it's shown here because this dot capitalize method went on ahead and ensured that we capitalized our value here in place. Perfect. Great. That is how you can use capitalize. We can now remove this next, we want to make everything lowercase. Now, as of the moment, we can see everything is in lowercase, so we want to do a good test for this. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to set this to honor. I'm going to purposely make it uppercase, and then here, I want to go ahead and say print. Let's refer to the variable, my first name, dot, and then of course, the method here is just going to be called lower and then we want to open and close a parenss here in place. Now what's going to happen is it's going to take the value here of honor and it's going to apply the dot lower message to it and everything here will be in lowercase. Now if we were to run the program, you're going to see here it just shows all in lower case because we utilized as we can see here the dot lower mesod. That's how you can go on a hedge and set that up so you have that in place. Perfect. That's how you can make everything lowercase. Great. Let's move on to the next one. Now we want to make everything uppercase. Now, as you can see, it's already an uppercase. As a good test, we're going to put this all in lowercase now, and now we can utilize our print function like before, you want to refer to your variable. We can say my first name, you don't want to say dot upper, opening and closing parentheses. Now what's going to happen is the value here is going to transform into complete uppercase letters. A, R N and O right. Now we can just go ahead and scroll down and we can say run, and you'll see now that it's going to show onom here in all caps due to the message that we just went ahead and set up. All right, perfect. So we now know how to use pergas. So we can remove that next, we want to get the links. So this is going to be a very interesting one. So let's go ahead and focus on that. So we want to get the links here. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and say print. And what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to use the LN function here. So we're going to use a type of function. So I'm going to say in here within the print function, we're going to say Lang. And within the parentheses, you want to put in the variable. Here we're going to say my first name. When I say print length and in parenths, I put my first name, it's going to print the lengths of your name here, the total number of characters. We can see here we have one, two, three, four, it should print out four. Let's go ahead and check that out. Now if I scroll down and say run, it's going to print out four. Perfect. That's how you can get the lengths of your strings. You just put embed ng within your print function with pareness. That's how you can get the lengths of your string values. We've got that done. Next, we have replace. This is quite an interesting one. We want to now go ahead and set this up for replace. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to use my print function. And you want to just refer to your variable again, my first name, we're going to say dot replace, and this is where it gets interesting. You need to open up your prenss and you need to put in what you want to replace and what you want to replace with. The first argument is what you want to replace. I want to replace the A. A, and I want the A to be replaced with a B. Though it becomes Brno. The A here is going to be switched out for the B. What's going to happen is with this dot replace method, it's going to look for the As or the A in your string and then it's going to replace it with a B. We can see here it should now be BRN O with the dot replace method. Now let's go ahead and run that and test it out, if I say run, the Bro. Okay, so that's so you can go ahead and replace, of course, values set up in your string. Okay. Perfect. So we've now learned how we can utilize the replace method. Next, what we want to do is we want to start off with the starts with method. So we now know how to replace. Okay, so starts with is next. Right. So again, we're going to use our print function for demonstration. We want to start off with the variable. So we're going to say My first name, and then we're going to use the dot starts with message. So starts, excuse me, starts with and opening and closing pareneses so make sure you put starts with here. Okay. And what we're going to want to do is we want to check. So this serves as sort of a check here. So if I were to say, A, Okay, so we want to check if the first name starts with A, and it's going to either say true or false because this method returns a bull. So BleanRmember, true or false states. So this should output true because the string here starts off with an A. So what I can do now is scroll down and say run. And it shows true because the string starts with an A. Let me go ahead and change this to maybe let's say O. So does it start with an O here? The string? It does not, but let's see what the result is going to be. So if I were to say run, it is false because it starts with an A and not with an O. All right. So that's how you can utilize the starts with method. All right. So we've got that in place. All right. Ends with this one is going to seem quite obvious. So it is very similar to what we had with starts with, so we're just going to check the end. What does the string end with? So we can just simply say print, and we're going to say first name. This is what we want to apply this towards dot. We're going to say ends with A. And then what do you want to check if it ends with? So we're going to first check if it ends with an O because it should end with an O because, no, the end of the string will be an O, and then we can go ahead and evaluate this. So let's go ahead and say run. And it says True. Perfect. So that works fine. Now, let's say we wanted to just say A to actually see if it ends with an A, which it doesn't, but just for some proof because the dot ends with method is also evaluated on the result of a bool. So let's go ahead and check now, so it should be bols and there we go, it says false. Perfect. So we can see that that method also works nicely. So we've also learned now the endswith method. Great. Next, find position, and this is actually quite an interesting one, which I feel is definitely something that you'll find interesting and we're going to learn quite a lot about it in the near future. What we want to do is to find the position. We want to start off with our print function. Then, of course, the variable that we want to apply this to and then you want to say dot find. So we want to find a particular character or letter within our string. Let's say I want to find N. So I'm going to say N. I want to find N, the position of N in my name here on it. You can scroll down and we can see run. And it shows two. So we can see here that it's in position two. But you're probably thinking, Okay, this doesn't make sense because A should be one. R should be two, N should be three, and O should be four. But it's showing two for us. Now, the reason for this is when you are working, for example, lists in Pyasin or anything of the sort, Okay, what's going to happen is it's going to evaluate positioning starting off on zero for your first character. And this also applies when you are utilizing the dot find method. So for clarity here, let me go ahead and write some notes here. So we can say A is in position zero. R is in position one. And then we're going to say N is in position two. And we can just say O is in position three. That's how it works here in Pison here. It's going to start off from zero, one, two, and three, especially in case it doesn't start off with one. Even though you can see here earlier when we counted the lengths, it showed four because technically, one, two, three, four, we have four instances. But here, when we are dealing with this and looking for a particular character, the positioning, we always start at zero. We can see now that N here is going to be in position two, which we found out here to be in the output. Let's go ahead and test this out now. Let's go ahead and say, Oh. That should print out position three. Now let's do that. Run and it shows three. Let's go ahead now and set this up for another position. Let's say A. That should print out according to our notes, that should be position zero. Now if we were to scroll down, we can say run and it shows zero. Perfect. That's how we can go ahead and set this up. Now, I know this is a bit foreign and a bit confusing and out there possibly, but don't worry in the later lessons, this is going to make more sense, especially when we're dealing with lists, Topols and sets, et cetera. I will make more sense in the process. Don't worry about that if it's a bit overwhelming or confusing for now. We can just go ahead and remove this. That is how you can find a position with the dot find method. Okay, so the last two messages are going to be quite easy to understand. So let's go ahead and do that. So is numeric. So we're going to set up our print function and we're going to pass through our variable, and we're going to say dot is numeric. And here in parentheses, we just want to leave it empty. So it's going to check if our string here is essentially a number. So as we know, it's not going to be the case, so it's going to show out false. So we can scroll down and we can just say run. Right. So we can see that the output is showing false. So that means we got it correct and it is perfectly in place. So we can check that the string value here is not numeric. Hence, the reason why we're seeing it false in the console. Great. So we can remove this. Okay, so now Alpha numeric. So again, we're going to say print. We're going to pass through my first name. Then we're going to see dot is, and here we're going to say is for opening and closing parenss. So there is Alpha numeric method or there is Alpha method, we are going to be checking if this particular value has any um, text characters or numbers are part of it. In this case here, we have letters and checks, so this is going to output true because alphanumeric deals with characters as well. If we were to scroll down now, we can say run and it's going to output true because alphanumeric deals with not just numbers with numeric, but Alpha, it's also going to be dealing with characters and texts and so forth. All right guys, that's it for this practical lab exercise. I know it was quite long, but there were quite a few messages that I wanted to teach you so that you are aware of them. 24. Casting: Hi Avon, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on casting. So let's take a look. Right. So the question on our minds is, of course, what is casting? Now, casting refers to converting a variable's value from one data type to another. So for example, you could cast a string to an integer or an integer to a string. Now remember, integer, of course, is a longer way of saying int, okay? So if I were to rephrase that, you can cast a string to an inch or an inch to a string. Now, this can be very useful when you need to perform operations that require specific data types or when working with user input. So it really depends on how you prefer to go about setting up your program, what are your requirements and how you want your data to be received? All right. So in the lab exercise, we're going to go into a bit more detail and work with a few examples in performing casting within our program. So let's get straight to that. 25. Casting to different data types - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next practical lab exercise, which is going to be focused on understanding casting. Now, there is quite a lot to it, so we're going to gradually build our way up. So let's go ahead and get started very simply. Right. So first of all, what I want to do is to create four variables, with the four data types of string or SDR, Int, float and Bool. So let's get started. So first, I'll have name, and I'm going to put this in double quotes now, and it's going to be honor. That will be my string. Then we'll have Int. So here I'm just going to say fave favorite number, and I'm going to say here searchin as my Int. Then I'm going to, of course, have a float. So here I'm going to say account savings equals 405.75. And then I want to essentially have a bull. So here I'm going to say is active. Going to say true. Okay, so there we have it. So we have our data type settled. So we have SDR string, we have Int, we have float, and we have bull. Okay. Now, what we want to do, first of all, is we want to evaluate this. We want to actually check if this is based on a string, int, a float, and a bull. So we're going to evaluate these variables to see if the value that we set to them is indeed based on the correct data type that we have learned. To do so we can utilize a function known as a type function which we can embed within our print function to check that. What we can do here, for example, is underneath, we can go ahead and say print, and then we want to add in a type function and we want to add in the variable which we want to check for the type of its data type. We want to check its data type of a particular variable. Let's check name. Name should be string or SDR, so we can put in the parenses here of type and name. If I were to scroll down, and run this, it should show the following class string. Here we can see SDR, which means that this is based on a string. So the data type here is string that is associated with the variable name. Let's go ahead and check this out for favorite number account savings and is active, so we can go ahead and write our code. Print type and in parencs for type. We can put in fave number. Then print type, we can put in here account savings, and then we can say print, type, and in parentheses of type, we can put in is active. Just like that. So it should show STR, int, float, and ball. So let's see if we scroll down and we see run there we go. We have STR for string, int, we have bull, and we have float. That is in accordance with what we have defined here. This is how you can get the current type of your data types that you have set up and whatever is in place. Let's go ahead and go a bit further. What we can do is we can now remove this. Let's make it a bit more interesting. Let's say, for example, we have number one, and this is our first number and we have 43. Then we were to say print number one. Run. Print out 43. Perfect. It shows 43 in that output. Now, let's say print 43, but it was in strings. Print that out now. We can see it also prints out 43. Now, we cannot see on the output here what is the distinction, so we can use our type function to figure it out. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say type and encapsulate number one within parentheses here. So now, try to think to yourselves of what that is going to be because it's encapsulated in quotes. So since it's encapsulated in quotes, and if I were to run this program, going to show string because remember, whatever is in quotes is going to be treated as a string as text. If I were to remove these quotes now and keep it as the raw number with anything else attached, and if I were to run this, you're going to see that a data type is going to be int. Okay. So this is just a short depiction here that I just want to show to you so that you can understand that there is a difference in how we are going to figure out what is the difference between what we are working with. Okay. All right. Perfect. So we can now understand that. Now, let's say, for example, we want to change an int to a string, and we want to change a string to an int or an integer. So let's go ahead and work with two numbers. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to keep it simple. I'm going to say here my first number, and I'm going to set that to 42. Then I'm going to say my second number, and I'm going to set that to let's say this to 50. Okay. So we have our two numbers here. Right. So what I want to show you, first of all, is what's going to happen if you decided to add these numbers together. So if I were to say print and I say my first number plus my second number, and I were to scroll down and say run, it's going to add in these numbers together and display the result of 92 since 50 plus 42 gives you 92. Hey. Now, just to demonstrate the whole point of working with addition and a bit of string concatenation here, just to build an understanding of casting, if I were to change this to 42, and 50. These two variables here are going to be assigned based on the string data type because we put it in text. So now, technically, we're going to perform string concatenation now because we are working with strings and we are adding them to our variables. So now if I were to scroll down and say run, you're going to get the following, which is 42 50. So it's just added in 42 and 50 together that it's appended to string concatenation. So remember, there is a distinction with integers and strings. Remember that when you are trying to cast. Okay. All right. Perfect. Okay, so we've got that in place. All right. Now what we want to do is, of course, we want to go further and really get to changing the integers to strings and strings to integers. All right. So let's go ahead and get started. The first thing that I want to do is I'm going to go ahead and keep it simple and I'm going to say number one for number one. Here I'm going to set this as 43. Okay. And what I want to do, essentially, is I want to now change this integer to a string. So I'm going to cast it now. So to do so you can say print, and you want to add in the data type of string, which is STR. And here in parenses we want to refer to that number. So we're going to say num one. So now what's going to happen is it's going to print out that number in a string format. So if I were to say run, it prints at 43. But now what we can do is we can evaluate this by looking at the type that we'll be working with. If I were to now go ahead and put in the type function around all of this, we can go ahead and say run and it's going to class it as a string. That means whatever is printed out here is now in the string format. If I were to leave it as it is and remove this casting of SDR and just say print type one as is and say run it's going to print out Int because it is an integer. But as you can see, what we did was, we cast it to a string. Okay. All right. Perfect. So that is how you can go ahead and change your integer to a string. Now, let's do it the other way around. Let's set this to a string. So let's say we want to change a string to an integer or Int, of course, what we would do is we would just go ahead and say Int. And we'll put number one, and of course we can just say run. It's, of course, going to show the same result either way. So 43, but the real difference here is when you put in now the type function right around the Int casting function here, it's now going to print the type of an integer. So now if I were to say runs just going to say Int. So we've casted from a string to an integer or an into, using the casting of Int. Okay. So that's how you can change around depending on what you want to have in place and how you want your integer to change from one side to the other side ultimately and add that into place. Okay, so that's very important that you know how you can change the differences. Right. Perfect. Now, let's go ahead and work with our inputs. So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say my first name equals, and I'm going to use an input function. And here, I'm going to say, please enter in your first name, adding the colon and a space here at the end. And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and set my print statement, and it's going to say type and I'm going to put in my first name. So essentially, what's going to happen now is we're going to be expecting a value to be entered, and it's going to output the type of the value that was entered. Okay, so let's go ahead and test this out. So I'm going to say run Okay. And it says, Please enter in your first name. I'm going to say no. Then I want to press Enter. And then it says, Okay, class string. Okay, so it can track that the data type here is that of a string. So that's how you can go ahead and figure out that particular type that was entered in for you. Okay. So that's how you can go ahead and figure that out. Now let's go on ahead and work through this process with numbers and also work on casting now. We can go ahead and remove this. Let's say we were to say number one equals and we're going to use the input function. Here we're going to say, please enter in a number in the colon and space. Then we're going to have number two, to say input, and here we're going to say please enter in another number space. What I want to do now is I want to just say print number one plus number two. So as you can already expect, what the result is going to be, but I'm not going to say it just yet. What we are going to want to do is we're going to want to see the process as it unfolds, so we can see run a number, let's say ten, Enter. Another number, let's say five enter, and we can see say 105. Remember, we are performing string concatenation now, so it's adding the ten and the five together to get 105. Okay, so for this to work, we're going to have to go on ahead and adding casting with our integers. For this to actually work, what you're going to want to do here is you're going to want to put casting with your int around your variables for number one and number two, so that it's effectively going to allow us to add those numbers. So should be 15, not 105. So we're now casting it, so our type now is going to be in number format when we add them in. So let's go ahead and do this now. Now that we've added in casting, we can go ahead and say run and let's say ten, Enter, five, enter, and there we get the result of 15. So we added in some casting here with our integers here in place so that we're able to convert this properly as it should be. Okay. So that's how we can go ahead and work with that process and how we can implement casting when we are casting our numbers in fact. So that's something that we want to ensure that we are working in detail with. Okay, so it's very important that we do just that. All right. Perfect. So that's how we can go ahead and add that in. Now, something else that we can actually do is we can change the process up a bit. So you don't need to implement casting at this level. You can also implement it at the level here with our inputs. Meaning you can just keep it here as number one plus number two. But then what you need to do is you need to make sure that you implement casting here around your input function. What you need to do is you're going to want to ensure you put an int like so right around it. I automatically knows that whatever value you enter here is going to be treated as an int and not as a string. By default was the input function. Everything will be as a string. Now you just need to say number one and number two because the casting is already done here for you. If we were to say run now, and let's say 20 enter, and we were to put in five Enter, we're going to get 25. So the casting is already done for us at the following level. So that's how we can do that. Now, a good way to inspect this as well, just for your own sanity is what you can do is you can go ahead and you can actually test this out. So if I were to remove the following here and just do this simple chest, I'm just going to look at the type for number one, I'm not going to focus on the calculations. I just want to see the type here and we can actually remove number two for now. It's automatically going to be transcribed as an integer. If I were to say run, and I put in 20, it's going to be classed as an int. We're printing in the type of whatever numbers entered. But now, if I were to remove the casting to an int and leave it as is and get the type now, it's going to be as a string. If I say run, and I put something in such as 50, it's going to be treated as a string. So remember, by default, the value that is assigned based on your input function is going to be a string by default. So please keep that in mind. Very important that you keep that in mind when you're working with this. Okay, perfect. So let's go ahead and do this for floats. So we're going to say number one equals, and we're going to go ahead and do this for float. So you can also say float and input. So you want to automatically change this to a float. And we're going to say here, please enter in a number. And then number two, we're going to say float input. Please enter in another number. Now, I know this is a lot of doing things again, but I just want to work with you through practice and lots of coding. So I'm doing this all again myself, so it's just for your benefit. And then we can say total equals, and we can just say number one plus number two, and then we can just say print Total. Okay, so let's go ahead and chess this out in this format. So we're going to be expecting a number there to be assigned to number one, number two, afloat and then add them up and then print the total. So let's run this. So float. So remember decimals, 24.2, enter and then another number, let's say 40.1, Enter. And these our results 64.3. There we have it. Great. So the floats also working. And you can also put in the type function here just to see that you're getting the correct total as well. Just make sure you add in the correct number of penses when you open and close. So of course, we can run that again and we can just check the type that we're going to receive 243.1 12.2 we get now that it's going to be a float. We can see now excuse me, we've got the float here. We didn't print the total, we focused on the type. That's how you can use a float as well. 26. Lists: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on lists. Let's take a look. The question on our minds is what is a list? A list is an ordered, mutable collection that allows duplicate values. Now, for those that have programming experience, let's say, for example, you're coming from a Java background or C sharp background, et cetera, a list is very similar to an array. Now a list is also represented by square brackets. Now I'm going to give you a coding snippet just to make this a bit more clearer to understand. So here, for example, I have a list of names. Now I have my variable name list, okay. And of course, the data type in this case would be a list. So in my list here, which is denoted by square brackets, I have various values within my list such as John, Mark, Sarah, Kim, and Kate. So this is a list and what we're going to be doing. In the next lesson is we are going to be learning how we can utilize lists and how we can go about them and query them effectively with understanding the process behind them and just learning a bit more about lists in Pison. 27. Create a list and output it's values - [Lab]: Hi, everyone. And welcome to the next lab exercise which is going to be focused on working with lists in Pyson. So let's go ahead and get started. Now, first of all, what we want to do is we want to declare a list. So of course, we'll start off by declaring a variable. So I'm going to go ahead and call this names equals, and then I want to define my list. So remember, it is represented by square brackets, and then you want to insert the values here. So we'll have multiple values for our list. So I'm going to go ahead and say, Jack, and I'm going to say, Jessica, Evan, let's say, Marcus, and we have David. Okay. So here is our list in place, and all of the values or items you could say in our list. So we can see we have five in place here, five items or five values. And what we want to do is we want to output all of those values in our console. So we can utilize the print function, so we're going to say print, and you can just say names. So let's go ahead and scroll down and we can say run and we can now see all of the items in our list. So we have Jack, Jessica, Evan, Marcus, and David, and that correlates with what we have up here. Perfect. Now, let's say we want to get a specific value from our list. So let's say I want to output not all of the items here. Let's say I just want to output, let's say, Jessica. So in terms of Pison and in the list, okay, the first item or value that you have is going to be noted by position zero. So Jack is position zero. Jessica will be position one, Evan position two, Marcus position three, and David position four. Now, if I were to go ahead and say position one, that's going to output Jessica. But let's correlate in the console for sure. Let's say run and it outputs Jessica. Perfect. Remember, again, I will also add this in a comment here. Let's go ahead and break it down here just for us to understand. In a list here, of course, we'll have position zero. That's going to be Jack. Then we have the next one, which is position one, that's going to be Jessica. Then next, we're going to have position two, that's going to be Evan. The next we would have position three, that's going to be Marcus. And then next, we will have position four, and that's going to be David. So this is how the process works in the list. So we'll always start counting from zero, and then that would be the order, so one, two, three, four. Okay. And that's also how you would grab out a particular value or item from your list by referring to this pattern ordering here. If I were to want to output Marcus, I can just switch this out for three and you can also add it here, zero, one, two, three, and that's going to print out Marcus. So now if I were to scroll down and say run it prints out marks. That's how you can get a specific value. That's how we can go ahead and do just that. Perfect. That's how we can do that. Now, what we want to do is we want to dive in a little bit further and let's say that we want to not just get a specific value, but we want to get the links here. To do so, we can just go ahead and within our print function, we can add in the Lang function and then we can just put in names. Now we're going to get the lengths of our list. Let's scroll down. So run and it's going to show five. Now the reason that we have five here is because what's going to happen is our leng function here is going to count how many values we have here. So one, two, three, four, five. Okay. So that is how it's going to count. So it's like a counter just for us to count on our hands. How many do we see? How many do we have here and into place. Right. Now, let's say we want to add an extra value to our list. So we have Jack, Jessica, Evan, Marcus, and David, let's say we want to add another name to the list. So let's say my name no. So what we can do is we can go ahead and refer to our variable. So we're going to say names, dot, and we're going to utilize the append method. And within that, we're going to add in the value that we want to add to this list. And this value, of course, it's going to be added to the end of the list. So we're going to say dot append, and I'm going to say no. And to check that this change has been made, afterwards, we can say print. Names. Let's see if that's been added. So we can run our console. There we go. Jack, Jessica, Evan, Marcus, David, and now it's appended no at the end of the list, right at the end. That's you can add in an extra value to your list. You can utilize the append method and then you would add in parentheses that particular value that you want to add to your list. That's how you can go ahead and add that into place. Okay. Now, let's say you want to remove a value from your list. Let's say we don't want to append a value, we want to remove a value. So we can just remove the following here, and we want to use the dot remove message. So we can say dot remove. And here in penses quotes. So you want to choose a particular name that you want to remove. I want to remove, let's say, Jessica. So I'm going to go ahead and put in the value as is. Remember, it will be K sensitive, so you need to be exact. I want to remove Jessica. Then it should output in my console just Jack, Evan, Marcus and David. Now if I were to go ahead and scroll down and say run, we should now see it show Jack, Evan, Marcus and David and it just skipped ahead where Jessica was because Jessica has been removed now from our list. That is how you can essentially remove a value from a list. That is how you can go ahead and do that in place. Now, there's something else that you can also do, and that is to insert a value in a specific position. So first of all, let's just reiterate on the append message that we had. So I'm going to go ahead and then go ahead and say dot append, and I'm going to say ono again, and this will appear at the end. So let me go ahead and rerun everything. Then we get Jack, Jessica, Evan, Marcus David Arno Anno is at the end. Let's say I want to insert Arno into a specific position. So I don't want it to be at the end. So remember what I taught you about positioning, okay? So what you're going to want to do now is you can remove the dot a pen mesod and we're going to utilize the dot insert method to insert a value in a specific position. So we can say dot insert, and we're going to open and close up parenss then you want to choose the position. I want Anno to be in front the first value in front of Jack. So I will say zero, comma, and then I'm going to put the value that I want to insert, which is going to be no. So no should now be in front, and you should see now it should make a change here. If I say run, you can see now it says Anno, Jack, Jessica, Evan, Marcus, and David. And you can now see that was there a Pen mess that automatically will add your value to the end, but with the insert mess it is specifically going to be pushed to the particular location. So since we put zero, that's going to be the first value in your list. Okay. Now, let's say we want to add it to just after Jack. So that would mean in Jessica's place, which is one. So we can just go ahead and put in one here. And scroll down, say run, and you should now see, of course, Jack and then no and then Jessica. So that's how you can insert particular values in particular positions. All right. So that's how we can go on ahead and ensure that we're able to have that in place. Great. All right. Now the next thing that I want us to do is I want us to learn how we can reverse our list. So let's say we want to list the other way around. So we want to showing David, Marcus, Evan, Jessica, and Jack. So we can just say names dot, reverse empty pareneses and then we can just say print names. So let's go ahead and scroll down, and this should reverse the list for us. And there we have it. So we can see we have David, Marcus, Evan, Jessica, and Jack. So our list is now backwards, so we have reversed our list successfully, and it's now in place as we can see it. Right. Great. Now the next thing that I want us to do is I want us to sort the list. So this is going to be sorted, of course, alphabetically for us. So let's go ahead and do that. So we're going to go ahead and say names dot, and we're going to use the sort message. So that's going to sort this alphabetically for us. So, of course, we're going to definitely have our name list starting off with, of course, David, and then it's going to be then set to, of course, Evan, and then we'll have, of course, the rest in place such as Jack. Then we'll have, of course, Jessica, and we'll have Marcus. Let's go ahead and do that. Let's run this. Now it's going to be in alphabetical order. We can see we have David, Evan, Jack, Jessica, and Marcus. That's if you want to alphabetically sort your values in alphabetical order. You can utilize the dot sort method to go on ahead and do so. You can go ahead and integrate that as you would prefer. Now let's say for argument's sake, you want to change a particular value. Let's say you don't want it to be Jessica, Jessica is not a part of the list anymore and Kate is instead. What you can do is you can utilize the following, which is to directly change a value according to its position by referencing, of course, the value and then the position. What we can do is we can say names and with our square brackets, we can look at the particular location. Jessica is in position one, so we'll put in one and we then going to say equals and that's going to be now Kate. Then we want to see if this took effect, so you can say print in parenses you can just put in names. Now it should show the whole list saying, Jack, Kate, Evan, Marcus, David, we're replacing and changing the value. Now what we can do is scroll down and we can say run. And here we go, Jack, Hate, Evan, Marcus, and David. So as we can see now, we have changed, and we've swapped out. You could say the value of Jessica for Kate, since we went ahead and modified the value in position one, which is Jessica because Jack is zero, Jessica would have been one, which is now Kate, since we changed it, and we printed the whole list with that updated change that we have set up into place. All right guys. That's it for the lab exercises on lists. Hopefully now you'll have a better understanding of some comprehension exercises that you can do with a list and the various messages that you can incorporate into them and how you can utilize them. Remember, a list is one of our data types. It took a while for us to get to it, but here we finally are with incorporating it in HSN. 28. Tuples: Hi, von, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on tuples. So let's take a look. So what is a tuple? A tuple is an ordered collection that is immutable and allows duplicate values. So it is represented by parentheses. So a distinction between a list, which is with square brackets and a tuple is that it is represented by parentheses. Here is an example or a coding snippet, should I rather say, of a tuple. As you can see here, it is very much similar to a list. However, two key differences is to note, of course, that we have parentheses here and that a tuple is immutable. You're going to see what I mean by that in the practical activity. We will be working with a tuple and you'll see what I mean by immutable. That is something that we will cover in the lab exercise. But at least now you know what is a tuple. 29. Create a tuple and output it's values - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab exercise which is going to be focused on utilizing tuples in pyson. Let's go ahead and get started. This is, of course, another data type which we are learning, which is tuple. What we're going to do is we're going to create a tuple, and of course, it's going to be assigned with a variable. Let's go ahead and do just that. I'm going to say names, I'm going to say equals. Here I'm going to create my tuple because remember, tuples are created with parentheses and not square brackets like a list. I'm going to enter in some names. I'm going to say on a then I'm going to say pen, and then I'm going to say Sarah. Okay, so there I have the names. Now, to keep it very simple, let's go ahead and output all of the values of my tuple so I can just simply say print. Names. Then I can head on over to my console, say run and it's going to output my list of names. There I can see my values, Anno Ben and Sarah all in a tuple. Perfect. That is how we can go on ahead and output the values of a tuple. Now, let's say we want to get a particular value. It's going to be very similar to a list. What we're going to do is we're going to say print names, but we're going to also add in a square parens here to refer to the position. I want to output Sara. I'm going to say zero, one, two. I'm going to put two here in my square brackets. Chose my print function, and it should now output SRA. So if I scroll down and say run, I can now see it outputs Sara. Perfect. So that is how we can also get a value as well. So if we wanted to get a value, we can go ahead and do the logic of adding in our square brackets next to our variable names and then just inserting the value as it should be. Now, something that I do want to mention is that tuples are unchangeable. So if we were to try and change a value, you're going to see the result of what's to come. So let me show you all about that. Let's say I want to change a value. Let's say I want to go ahead and change, for example, the name Ben here to, let's say, Luke. So what we would do or what you'd think we would do is we would say names. Look at the position. Ben is in position one. And then what you want to do is you want to say equals, and we're going to go on ahead and say Look. Then you want to say print names, and let's take a look at what's going to happen. Scroll down, say run. And there we go, we can see we have an error here. So type error tuple object does not support item assignment here. So this is the part of Tupols here where you need to understand that they are unchangeable. So you cannot change a particular value. For example, as we can see here, they are strict as they are, as they are created. So you cannot do this. So no matter for what value you have here, you cannot change them. Unlike with a list, you have the opportunity to change them, but with tupels you cannot go on ahead and change them. Let's go ahead and get the lengths of a tube. What we can do is we can of course remove this line. And of course here by princh names, what we can do is we can just encapsulate that in a Lang function. We're going to get the links. So we have that in place. Now let's go ahead and run our program. And then we get three. Okay? So we can see we have three items or three values, one, two, three. So the length function is going to work perfectly fine with a tube. All right, so that's how we can go on ahead and integrate that into place. Right. Now, the last thing that I want to show you is how you can delete your tuple. So what we can do is we can remove the following, and we can just simply go ahead and add in Dell, and then you want to refer to your tupel, we're going to say names, and then you want to see print, and in prenss you want to type in names. Now this is going to result in an error if it is correct because that means that the names tuple no longer exists, so we can scroll down and we can say run. Now we should see an error that says names is not defined. This is a bit of a short and sweet indication to us that our names list our names tuple, no longer exists. Perfect. That's how we can go on ahead and utilize tuples. 30. Sets: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on sets. So let's go on ahead and get started. So the question on our minds, what is a set? So a set is an unordered, unindex collection that does not allow duplicate values. So that's a very important key point here with sets. Unlike tuples and lists, a set does not allow duplicate values. Now it is also represented in a different way. A set is represented by curly braces, unlike a list which is represented by square brackets and a tuple by parentheses, a set is represented by curly braces. Now, let's take a look at a short coding snippet here just to get a bit of an understanding of the set. Here, for example, I have a variable defined for name set. As you can see here, it's very similar to our list and our tuple in terms of formatting. The only difference here, of course, is that a set is represented by curly braces as we can see here in this coding snippet. Now, of course, this is, of course, a data type as well, a set, we have learned the three data types, a list, a tuple, and a set. Those were the three additional datatypes that we were going to reflect on and go into greater detail later, and of course, that time has come. All right guys. That's all on sets. We will dive deeper into a lab exercise just to solidify our knowledge. 31. Create a set and output it's values - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab exercise, which is going to be focused on working with sets. Let's get started. First of all, we need to define our set. In this case, I want it to be a sport set. I'm going to say sports as my variable and I'm going to add in some sporty and curly braces because of course, remember, a set is denoted by curly braces. First of all, I'm going to say football. And then I'm going to say golf. Then I'm going to also add in rugby. And cricket. So we've got some values assigned to our sports set. Now, let's say we want to keep it very simple and just output the values from our set. So we can simply say print and with our print function, we can refer to our sports set, and then we can, of course, scroll down, say run, and that's going to output all of our values. As you can see here, we have cricket, rugby, football, and we have a golf. All right. So we can see it outputs everything. Now, something to note here is that it printed it out in a different order than you would expect. So not football, golf, rugby and cricket. I printed everything out from cricket, rugby, football, and golf. So it went ahead and set up the order in a different fashion. Let's go ahead and run the program again. And you're going to see it outputs in a different format, again, so football, rugby, golf, and cricket. So the output here is going to be in a different order. Okay? So it's not going to be in the same order, it's going to be in an unordered fashion. So one of the things to keep in mind when working with a set. Perfect. That's how we can go on ahead and output the values from our set. Now, the next thing that we want to do is we want to check if a particular value is in a set or not, and it's going to return a bull response, either true or false, if it is or is not. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to say print, and then I'm going to look for a particular sport that's in the sport set. So let me look for, let's say, tennis in, and then we want to say sports, like such. So it's going to check if the value of tennis is in the sports set. So we can see football, golf, rugby and cricket, but tennis is not in it, as we know, but let's see the bull response here. So if we were to scroll down and run this in our console, we can see false and rightfully so because tennis is not in our sports set. However, let's switch this up to Golf. So we know we have golf in our sports set. Let's see if golf exists in sports. So let's scroll down and run this, and we can see true. Now, please keep in mind here, of course, that it is also K sensitive. So if you were to make it or caps or anything of the like, it's not going to return the correct result as you desire. So do keep that in mind, but golf exists in the sports set. So this is how we can check if a value is in a set. You would need to just refer to the value and then of course, say in. Right. Now, the next thing that we want to do is we want to add to a set. So what we need to do is the following remove this print statement, and we want to refer to our variable. So sports, we're going to utilize the add message that we're going to say don't add, and we can utilize our pareneses. And here, we're going to add a new sport. So let's say now we want to add in tennis so now we can say tennis, and then you just want to say print and sports. So now it's going to add in the tennis value to our set of values with football, golf, rugby, and cricket, we'll now have tennis. Now if we were to run our code, we can now see we have rugby, football, golf, cricket, and tennis. So tennis has in fact been added to our set. So you need to use the add method to add a particular value to your set. Now, you're probably wrong, Okay, I can add a particular value to a set. How do I remove a value from a set? So, good question. So to do so, you would refer again to the variable sports, and you would say sports Dot, and you're going to want to utilize the remove messed. So you want to remove something from your set. So here, I want to remove football, for example, so that when I print sports, I can only see golf, rugby and cricket was football removed. So let's scroll down and run our code and see if that does the job. So here we can see we have rugby, cricket, and golf. So we can see that the code worked. So it removed the football value from our set. So to do so, remember to utilize the dot remove mesod and that's going to remove a particular value from your set. Okay. Okay, so the next thing I want to show you is how you can clear all the values from your set. So how you can just make it empty. So an empty set. Very similar to delete, you could say just a little bit different in how it works. So what I want us to do to observe this is to do the following. First, I want you to print out all of the values in your set. So we're going to say print and then we'll say sports. So with coding, it's going to happen in a linear approach here, so with line execution. So first, we want to print the total, not the total, all of the values in our set. Then what I want us to do is to clear all of the values in our set. So then I want us to say sports, and we want to use a clear method to remove all of the values in our set. And then I want us to say print again and then to say sports so we can print everything that is in our set. Okay, so we should see was the first print statement. It should show all of our values, then it should clear it, and then it should show an empty set once we've printed it because the previous statement cleared all the values that existed in our set for our sport variable. Let's go ahead and run this code, so we should see the flowing. There we go, rugby, football, golf, and cricket, and then we have an empty set, which is the second line here that prints everything out. The Dot clear method is going to essentially remove all the values from a given set that you have gone ahead and assigned it to. So that is how you can go ahead and integrate that into place. Right. So the last thing I want to show is how we can delete a set, so it's going to be very similar to a tuple. So we can remove the following, and we can just say Dow sports. Then you want to say print, and you want to say spots. So we should get an error message to show that this sport set no longer exists to ensure that all the values are gone. So let's go ahead and test this out now. So we can go ahead and say run, and we should see an error here. Name sports is not defined perfect. So that indicates to us that it no longer exists since we have deleted it accordingly. Guys, that is it for this lab exercise on working with sets in PySon. 32. Dictionaries: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which will be focused on dictionaries. So let's get started. So what is a dictionary? Simply put, a dictionary is an unordered collection of key value pairs where each key is unique and maps to a specific value. So the important part of note here that I specifically want you to focus on is key value pairs. So remember that key value pairs. Now it is represented by curly braces. And just to give you a bit of a coding snippet example, as you can see here, we have a dictionary, and we can see we have name on age 26, nationalities of Africa. So this is seen as our key value Paris, but we will look deeper into it to look at the composition of a dictionary. So let's go ahead and take a look. So the composition of a dictionary. So here we have our dictionary maximize that we just saw earlier, and let's take a deeper look here. So our dictionary is composed of key value pairs. An example here is name and RO. So the key would be name and the value would be RO. Next, we would have age, which will be the key, and the value would be 26. Nationality would be the key, and the value would be South Africa. So this is how you can distinguish key value pairs in a dictionary, and this is the big part that forms a dictionary itself. A. That's it for the theoretical side. We will then next go on ahead and dive into the practical side of the lab exercises on working with dictionaries in Bison. 33. Working with Dictionaries - [Lab]: Hi, everybody, and welcome to the next lab exercise, which will be focused on working with dictionaries in pyson. So let's get started. Now, the first thing that we want to do is we want to create our dictionary. So we'll set up our variable, and we're going to set it up as person equals, and then remember to set up a dictionary. We need to use curly braces. So here's an opening curly brace, and a closing one should be there. If it hasn't automatically been created for you, you can just add it there right there. So now we want to create our key value pairs. I'd recommend you add in some space and keep it a bit adjusted. What we want to do is we want to define our key value pairs. First of all, I want to have first name as my first key and then I'll assign a value to it. The first key is going to be first name. Then you want to add in a colon and a space, and then you want to add the value next to that. I'm going to say Jake. You want to add in a comma for your next key value pair. This is one key value pair. First name is the key and its corresponding value that it's mapped to is Jake. We can press Enter and we can go to the next line. Then we want to add in last name colon here I'm going to say, let's say, Jake do. You want to add in a comma. That's our second key value pair done. Another key value pair, we're going to have let's say age you can just click outside and then add in your comma and then space here, we're just going to add it as an int. Here I'm going to say 24. Then you want to add in a comma. Press Enter, go to the next line. Then we'll have nationality. That will be our final key paraphernal outside of that, add in a colon. Then you want to add in the value here. Here I'm going to go ahead and set it as Germany. Right, there we go. And now, what I want to do is I just want to remove some of the space and we are good to go. So this is our first dictionary, and we have one, two, three, four key value pairs in place. Now, let's say we want to output this dictionary with all of its key value pairs for person. So what you want to do is you just want to underneath, go ahead and say print and then refer to the name of the dictionary, which is going to be person. So we can just say person. Then we can go ahead and say run, and in our console, you will then see our our dictionary keep value pairs. So first name Jake, last name Doe, age 24, Nationality, Germany. And that is all incorporated here in this particular dictionary that we have setup for a person. So that's how you can output all the values. Now, let's say, for example, you want to go on ahead and get a particular value or item. Let's say you want to get the value of the first name and the value of age. What you're going to want to do is you want to keep it at print person, but then right next to person, you want to add in your how can I say it your square brackets to refer to the particular key of the value you want to output. I want to get Jake. What I'll do is I'll say person and then in square brackets here, we can refer to that particular key, which is going to be first name. Here we can put in quotes. First name. That will output Jake in our console. Let's say I also want to get the age. What I'm going to do is we can say print, refer to the dictionary, which is going to be person, and then here in square brackets, you want to refer to age. So it needs to be identical because it is going to be as sensitive. Now it should output in our console Jake and 24. Now if I scroll down and run my console, and I'm going to see Jake and 24. That is how you can go on a hedge and get a particular value or item. Now the next thing that we can do is we can remove a particular value or an entire key pair, you could say, because if you go on a head and remove the key pair it removes the value as well. So what we can do is we can remove this for now. And you want to go ahead and utilize Del, the keyword Del, and then here in parenses you want to refer to person. That's what we have assigned as our dictionary name here. And then in square brackets, you want to refer to the key value pair that you want to delete and you're going to want to set it according to the key itself. If I just wanted to show my first name, my age, and my nationality, when I call this dictionary, I need to remove according to the key of last name, which is going to remove last name and the value associated to it, which is do. So here I can just put in last name. And if I were to go on a hedge and add in my print statement, if I were to say print person, you're then going to see it's going to output everything except for the last name now. So we're going to delete the last name and that will be removed. So if I say run, you can see here at outputs first name Jake age 24, nationality, Germany. So we have utilized a keyword to remove the last name out of this dictionary. Since W we printed person, it skipped over last name and printed first name, age, and nationality. So that's how you can remove a value from your dictionary or key value pair, you could say. Let's say we want to get the links of our dictionary. What you can do is you can remove this and we can just say print and we want to incorporate the link function, so in, and then you can put in person. This is going to go on ahead and give us the lengths of our dictionary. If we were to say run, it's going to say four. The reason for that, of course, is because we have, as we can see here, four key value pairs. One, two, three, four. That's the reason why it's showing four. If we were to have another key value pair, if I were to add one more here and I'm going to say p and then here I'm going to put BMW, and I'm going to keep that as is and say run, it's now going to show Corus five because we have five key value pairs, one, two, three, four, five. Okay, so that's how we can get the lengths of our dictionary. Now, there's a lot of things that we can do. Next thing I want to show you is how you can get all of the dictionary keys, all of your keys. In this case, first name, last name, age, nationality and car. What we can do is we can go ahead and remove this and we can start with print and the opening parenses and you can refer to your dictionaries. You can say person dot keys, and then opening and closing parenes and close it right there. You're going to use the dot keys method here, and that's going to list out all of the keys in your dictionary. First name, last name, age, nationality, and car only. Now if I were to scroll down and run this program, you can see here it's going to output my dictionary keys. First name, last name, age, nationality, and car, that's all going to be output by utilizing the dot keys method that we have incorporated here. Perfect. That's how you can go on ahead and ensure that you're able to do just that. Now, what we can also go on ahead and do is we can also decide to get all of the dictionary items, so everything. To do so, what you can do is you can go ahead and replace dot keys with dot items. We will utilize the dot items method here to get everything, and then you can say run that's going to get everything for you in a specific format. First name Jake, last name Doe, age 24, national AD, Germany, car BMW. That's so you can get everything in a more structured form, you could say. Right. We've got that setup and interplay. That is a few things that you can go ahead and do with dictionaries. Now, the next thing that we want to do is we want to learn how we can add a particular key and value to what we have set up here. We don't want to manually add it, we want to automatically add it with our code. What we can do is we can of course, remove the following line. What I want to do just to make it a bit more uh, easy to read, so easier on their eyes. What I want to do is I just want to change the style that I have set up here. I just want to remove some of that extra white space just to make it a bit more concise and clear. What we're going to want to do if we want to add a particular key value pair to what we have here is we're going to have to first of all, refer to our dictionary. Person, and say person and here we want to open our square brackets and we want to add in the new key that we want to add. Here I'm going to say, um, Field of study. Then I'm going to say equals, and the field of study here, I'm going to say law. Then what I want to do is I want to say print person. I want to see what it's going to output now. I've added in the key value pair now that will appear here in our dictionary. So if I were to say run, you can see now that it's appendage that new key value parall to our dictionary. So first name Jake, last name Doe, H 24, Nationality Germany, CarbMW and field of study law. Because what we did here was we went ahead and added in the new key and assigned the value to law, and then we just output what is part of our dictionary and it has included that latest change that we have added into place that we have there. Now, another thing that we can actually do is we can go on ahead and copy a dictionary. Okay. So let me show you how you can go on ahead and do that. So we can remove what we have here and we can go ahead and set everything up as follows. We can go ahead and copy our dictionary. We can say second person equals, and we're going to copy everything in the dictionary that we have set up here. Here we have person. And we can say dodge copy. We'll be using the dot copy method and we're going to copy our dictionary to second person. What we're also going to do is we're going to add in an extra key value pair to the second person. We can then say second person. And here we want to add in a square bracket, and we're going to add in university as a new key, and the value here, I'm going to go ahead and set up as the university of Capetown, then I want to say print second person. Now if I were to run this, we can now see what is happening over here. So now it's printing our second person variable. So this is our new dictionary here, and this dictionary, second person, of course, is encapsulating all of the key value pairs that we have here from person, and you can see here it's outputting all those key value pairs. So now it's also included University, which is the University of Cape Town. Now you'll notice if I were to say print person, it's only going to show the following here. So I below, I say print person, and run that, it's not going to include the university part. Here it only goes up to the BMW. You can see here we of course have two dictionaries. Now, to confirm that second person is now a dictionary, you can just simply use the type function and just encapsulate second person and you can just remove this line for now and run the code. And we can see here it is a dictionary. So we declared a variable known as second person, and it became a dictionary when we copied over the key value pair structure and the dictionary of person to second person. So that is how we can essentially create another dictionary by copying its contents over and setting up a new dictionary and then adding in a new key value pair to this new dictionary that we have essentially created. All right. So that's how we can go ahead and copy a diction, also just migrate and move some data that we actually have. Right, so we can just remove this now. Perfect. Now, let's say we want to clear our dictionary. We want to empty it. So that will be very simple. You can just go on ahead and say person, and you're going to use a clear method to clear up your dictionary, and you can just simply say print, and you want to refer to your dictionary, so person. Now we can just say run, and it should show an empty dictionary, and there we go. We've got nothing in it. So the dot clear method will allow you to clear up your dictionary. Okay, so that's how we can clear a dictionary. Now let's say we want to go a little bit further and we want to create a list of dictionaries. We can create a whole list of dictionaries. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to remove everything we have here, and we want to create a list of dictionaries. You'll have multiple dictionaries in a list. I'm going to go ahead and set up a list, first of all, it's going to be people equals, and remember a list you will create with square brackets. I'm going to add in some space here and just just it. All right, and I'm going to go ahead and add in some dictionaries now. So first of all, I'm going to open my curly brace, and I'm going to actually close it at the end as well. So let's add in our key value pair. So this is our first dictionary. So we're going to have first name, colon, and here we'll say, Kate. And then we'll have our next key. Then we'll have last name, colon, value, we'll have Johnson, add in our next key, which is going to be age, colon, we'll have 28, and then we'll have favorite sports favor sport, colon and then here we add in the value, we're going to say golf. There we go. Then you need to add in a comma. What we're going to do to make this easier is we're going to go ahead and copy this here. This is going to be one dictionary. Let's go ahead and base this in that will be our second dictionary. I'll just change the value. Here I'll just say Jane and we'll say Jane Linus, age, 24, favorite sport. We'll say tennis, and we'll create one more dictionary. There we go. And here we will have Luke Jacobs G six, and we'll say rugby. At the end here, you can remove this last comment, you don't need that. So these are our three dictionaries that are part of our list, people. So that's how you can create a list of dictionaries. Let's say we want to go ahead and we actually want to query this list of dictionaries and to get a particular value per se. So let's say for argument's sake that I want to go on ahead and I want to get the value. The value I want to get is golf. I want to get this particular value and I want to ensure that I'm able to output that. Okay. So what I would want to do is I'd want to go ahead and do the following, and that is to say print and a moment to refer to my list here, which is going to be people. So I'm going to say people, and then I'm going to add in a square bracket to refer to the position. Okay. So the position here, okay, I'm going to treat my dictionaries here as the first in the list, so zero, one, two. So golf with person one, which means zero in the positioning because remember with a list, the first value or item is going to be zero. So here we'll have zero. And then what I want to do is I want to refer to that particular person that is, of course, playing golf. All right. So now we want to do is we want to refer to the key. Since we want to get the value golf, we need to refer to the key, the corresponding key, which is favorite sport. Here we can go ahead and add in favorite sport. Now if we were to say run, it outputs golf. Perfect. Now, let's say we want to go ahead and obtain the age value of the third person here. So this will be the person who has the age of 26. So let's go ahead and refer to it. So let's get our print function. So the person, so zero, one, two. So that's going to be according to the position in the list, so we can see people. And in square brackets two, and then we need to refer to the age key, which is going to give us 26 as the value as the output. Then we can say run and there we see we have golf and 26 output for us. Perfect. That is how you can go on a hedge and work with a list of dictionaries and how you can also manipulate it to obtain the value of particular values here in your dictionary by referring to that particular key. That's it for this coding exercise. 34. Functions: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson which will be focused on functions. So let's take a look. The question on our minds is what is a function? A function is simply a block of code that executes only when it is coded. Here is a coding snippet to just get your head around it. We define a function by using death and then we refer to our function name which we can customize and choose such as my function and opening and closing parentheses and then a codon at the end and nested within that particular function is where we enter in our code. Now, there's a lot more to it, such as parameters, arguments, et cetera, because technically, here by the parentheses, you can also add in various parameters to work with your function at hand. Right, so there is a lot to it, like I said, but we'll get really deeper into it as we work on the lab exercises together. But I just wanted to quickly introduce you to a function, just to familiarize yourselves with it a little bit, and we'll get to it in the next lab exercise. 35. Define and call a function - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next practical ab exercise, which will be focused on working with functions in PySon. Let's get started. As you can see here, I've already gone ahead and added into comments here. I'm going to explain and utilize comments here quite a lot in this particular lesson because there is quite a lot to it, so do bear with me. First of all, we want to learn how to define a function. So to do so, you would need to start off with the keyword of, DEF, and that's going to be the starting point for defining all of your functions in Pierson. The next thing you need to do is you need to name your function. Now, this can be anything. It's really custom and depending on what you feel. Now, I'd recommend that you choose a function name that is going to be relevant to the program you're creating with your function. In this case, I want to create a very simple greeting program. My function name is going to be my 310. Then I want to add in parentheses, opening and closing pareneses and you want to add on a colon at the end. That's the basis for defining a function. Then you want to add in some code. So we can press Enter and automatically will nest for us. The code you're going to see here is going to be not on the same line as def, but it's going to be more in the middle a little bit. That will be automatically nested code for us. Then what you want to do is you want to actually add in what you want this function to actually do. We just want it to print out good morning, so we can use our print function and say, good morning, or. Perfect. So we've defined a function. Now the next thing that we want to do is we want to actually call this function. Now, to do so, you need to refer to the function name and of course, the parentheses right here. So to call it, you would need to say my greeting. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to call the function, but before we do that, I just want to show you something. Now, even though you have your print function in here, if you were to go ahead and run your code, going to see nothing happens because we haven't called our function. Now, everything that is defined to run with this function has been stated, we want this print statement to be executed, but it won't run until we've called the function itself. So to do so, you need to refer to the function name and you need to say my gaeting and then opening and closing parentheses as you have set up here. So now we're going to call that function and it's going to execute this function and all of the code within it that's been nested. So now if I say run again, it's going to say good morning. As you can see there, it's done just that, it's going ahead and it's run whatever code was in this function that you've defined. Perfect. That's how we can go ahead and define and call a function. We're going to go ahead and do another example here and I'm going to go down here and I'm just going to say depth. I want to define my function and here I'm going to say my sport, opening and closing parencs at the colon and underneath I want to say print in quotes, I'm going to say I played football today. Then all you need to do is you need to call your function, it's going to be my sport, opening and closing pen. You can say my sport, and then it will execute that line for you as well. It's going to execute what we'd had before first and then it's going to execute this function. Now if I say run, it's going to execute both of them. It's going to say good morning all I played football today. That is how we can define and how we can call our functions in PySon. We're going to go a little bit deeper and we're going to look into parameters and we're going to look at arguments. What I'm going to do now is we can just remove this extra function that we created, and we've learned now how to define our function and how to call it. But the next thing I want to learn is how we can add in parameters. So to add in a parameter, you need to add it in here, here, I'm going to go on a hedge and I'm going to set it as name, and I'm just going to add in a comment here just to assist you. And what I want you to visualize is the following. That is to treat parameters as variables. So try and see your parameters as variables. So here we have a parameter called name, and that you could see a variable as an example. Then what you can do here, when you're calling your function, you want to add in an argument. So here, for example, we can put in Ono. And what I would like you to do here is to treat arguments as values. That's the simplest way you can go ahead about it. Essentially, what's going to happen is whatever you put in here is your argument and that's going to be sent here where your name is and it's going to be treated as, of course, the value that's been assigned to set variable. Everything here within the paress of your function will be known as parameters, and anything that you enter in here within the function that you're calling is known as an argument. Okay, so what we can do now is we can go ahead and go a bit further with our code, and we can just go ahead and do some string concatenation. So add in a space here, a plus, and then I'm going to say name. So now what's going to happen is it's going to say good morning all, and it's going to say plus no. But to make it a bit more specific, let's actually go ahead and say good morning, add in a comma there and just to say good morning to make it a bit cleaner. So now I want to run my code. You're going to say, good morning, no. Let's take a look at the process. We defined our function my greeting, which takes in a parameter called name. Name is then passed through here to this print function that we are using with string concatenation and we are then executing, of course, our function called no, which is going to run this program and it's going to take the value no, throw it in as a placeholder for name, and then it's going to correlate here as a value of name which is no. Okay, so essentially you could also treat name here as a placeholder for your values here that you're inserting. Try to envision this now as no and no. This argument here we are putting in place of name and it's just being taken down into the code here where we can execute it. That's how you can define and call a function by utilizing parameters and also how you can also do it with the process of utilizing arguments here. Let's go a little bit deeper and let's make this a bit more interesting. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove the following here that we have set, and let's go ahead and rebuild the wheel. So we're going to say death, and let's create another function called get total. And here we're going to have two parameters. We'll have number one, and then we'll have number two, and then we have our colon. And then what we want to do is we want to go ahead and define a variable here, where we add the two numbers that we're going to say total equals number one plus number two. Then we want to return the total. So we're going to say return, total. So that's going to return the result of what we have here. Then the next thing that we're going to want to do is we're going to want to go on ahead and call that particular function that we have here in place. Now, what I would recommend you do is you can go ahead and create a variable even, and we're going to go ahead and set it as follows. And we're going to say, let's go for final result. We're going to say equals, and then we're going to add that function to our variable. So here's the function, get total. And remember, we put in our arguments. So here we can put in ten and five. This is important with the place. Ten is going to be the placeholder for number one and five will be a number two because the place matches and the position. So ten is going to go here, five is going to go there. Then we have a variable inside this function that's going to calculate the total. Number one will then be ten and number two will be five. The total then will be 15. Then we want to return the total, which is essentially going to be 15. That's the result that we want to return. And what we're doing down here is we're going to be calling that function. We're going to say final result is going to be equal to get total where we pass through our arguments. Then at the end, what we want to do is we just want to utilize the print function outside. You'll notice here that we're just saying returning total. We're going to be returning the total, but we're not going to be printing it. To output this, we need to say print. Then we can just simply go ahead and say final result. Now if we were to say run, we will get 15 there at the end. Okay, that's how we can go a little bit further and we can work with more parameters, more arguments, and we can return the result of arithmetic operators and how we can output them right there in the end. All right. So that's how we can go ahead and do that. Essentially, what's happening here, the total is going to be returned. And what we're going to be doing then is we're going to have that value stored here in the variable final result based on what we have performed here. So this particular function is going to be called, that total is going to be returned and it's going to be stored in final result where we printed. All right. So that's it on understanding the basics of functions. We will go a little bit deeper, but that's just a bit of an introduction into it just to give you some experience. 36. Local vs Global scope: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on local versus global scope. So let's take a look. Right, local versus global scope. Now, a variable that is declared locally can only be accessed within the local scope. In comparison, a variable that is declared globally can be accessed from any scope. We're going to be working with local scope and global scope in terms of our variables that are declared, right. Let's go on ahead and prepare ourselves for the lab exercise on local scope and global scope. 37. Declaring at the local and global scopes - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab exercise which is going to be focused on local versus global scope. So let's get started. Now, the first thing that we want to do is just a quick refresher into functions. Let's define our function. So we'll say Def. Here again, we're going to say my greeting. Then we're going to go ahead and add in our parenths. Then we're going to add in a parameter, which is name, add in the colon. Then we can just say print, and we can actually make that higher up, and then we can just go ahead and say good after noon. Add in the comma and the space there, then we can add in plus name. Perfect. And then we want to call our function so we can say M greeting and opening and closing parencs. And just remember we need to add in those pareness the actual value here to be assigned as follows. So we're going to say no. Great. Now if we were to run our code, we'll see, good morning, H. Good. We've got that in place. Perfect. That is how we can define and call function. Now, let's work on local and global scope. Let's say for argument's sake that we don't work with our parameter and we don't work with our argument. Let me keep it very simple. And we do need name here to be defined somewhere. So an example of local scope is as follows. Let's say you define a variable. In your function. Here I'm going to go ahead and say name equals, and then I'm going to say Arno just like that. Let's say I want to run this code, it's also going to say good afternoon no, but let's go ahead and run that. Here it says good afternoon no. This name here is referring to our variable and we've assigned that value arno. Let's try and see if we can actually print this name outside. So by default, it's going to execute the function, but let's say I want it to print out my name. So I'm going to say print name. So let's see if we can print this out. So it's going to run the function that says, Good afternoon Arno, but let's see if it prints out the name. Let's run this. There we go. I prints out good afternoon Arno. But it has an error here saying that name is not defined. The reason for this is because our variable is declared at a local scope, which means that it can only be accessible to our function within our function itself. We're trying to call it from outside of said function. This is not allowed. We are going past the rule of passing by local scope rules. And this is the reason why we're getting that error and it cannot be executed. Now, let's see if we can execute our program at a global scope level. So let's do that. So what you can do, for example, is you can go ahead and remove this variable here, and you can define before your function, you can go ahead and say name equals no. So now we want to see if we will be able to grab that name variable here and if we can also print it. So let's go ahead and say run. And there it works. Good afternoon no and no. It prints out my name here and it also runs this function. It calls this function in place. Now, you can see the difference here. We declared our variable above, so we could see that this is working on a global scope. We're able to axis this variable and it's value from anywhere in our program, and we have defined it right above it. Remember, there is a difference with local scope and global scope. Local scope as an example, can be a variable that's defined at the function level and you'll only be able to utilize axis that variable and its value in your function. Here we defined a variable outside of our function right here before any of the following code was executed and ran, and this is an example of global scope, meaning we can access this variable in a function and we can access anywhere else in our program. So there's the differences between local scope and a global scope in PySon. 38. Comparison and logical operators: Hi, Ron, and welcome to the next lesson which will be focused on comparison and logical operators. So let's go ahead and get started. Now, first of all, we want to look at comparison operators. I've compiled this table here to make it very simple for you to get the general gist of it. So on the left hand side, we can see our comparison operators and their purpose on the right hand side. We have our double equal sine which means equal to. We have our exclamation mark symbol and the equals sign, which means not equal to, greater than symbol, our less than symbol are greater than or equal to symbol, and our less than equal to symbol as well or operator, you could refer to them as. And that means less than or equal to. So these are various comparison operators that we can utilize in pyson with our logic. So especially useful in our if conditionals and also with loops as well, and in many other cases where we need to use a operator, especially a comparison operator. Now we don't just have comparison operators. We also have logical operators as well. So let's take a look at that. Now, the logical operators that we have include and or and not. Now let's look at the purpose of each of them. So the and logical operator returns true if both statements are true. We then have an all logical operator which returns true if one of the statements are true. So let's say, for example, we have two statements. One of them is false and the other one is true. That means that we're going to get a true result in the end. Okay? Now, I know this may go on ahead and go over your head a bit, but don't worry, we will go into the details of it, and it will make sense, I promise you. We then have a not operator as well, and this reverses the result. So it returns true if the statement is true and returns true if the statement is false. So it's exactly an operator that deals in opposites and reversing. Right, so these are two sets of operators that we get. So comparison and logical operators, that is one of the two sets that we have here in place for Pison. 39. IF conditionals: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which will be focused on I conditionals. So let's get started. Right, so if conditionals. Now, we get, of course, IL statements, and I L statements, decide actions to take based on specific conditions. Now we also get I Else statements. And these if ELFL statements allow you to select actions depending on a variety of conditions. Now, I know this might be a bit confusing at first, but to help you absorb this information and to contextualize it, I'm going to give you a few analogies along with coding snippets to make this a bit clearer. So let's start off very simply. Right, so let's look at a Is condition analogy. So traffic lights. So, of course, with traffic lights, we have our car, and our car is going to stop at a traffic light when it is red, and when it is green, the car will continue driving. Now, let's take a look how this can be placed into context with IL conditions. So we have our car and we have the traffic light above and now let's put this into code. For example, what you could do to create a simple Is, you could say program, you can define a variable called traffic light and we can set that value to green. Then we can set up an Is conditional. We're going to say if the traffic light is equals to green, then we want to print, you may drive. Else, we want to print, you must wait. Here is a very simple way in which we can use an Is condition and apply it to a traffic light situation. Take a look at another one. So analogy to student grades. So let's say we have a student that, of course, is studying for an exam and they get their grades back or anything of the like. Let's go ahead and formulate this into a program. So let's take a look at a coding snippet based on this use case. So let's say that we have a variable which is student grade and that student's grade is 83. Now we can use an Ile conditional to check if that student's grade, if the student grade is greater than or equal to 50, then it's going to print past, else it's going to print failed in the console. All right. Let's have a look at another analogy. So hopefully by now, this is making more sense as we go through a few use cases and have a look at some coding snippets for a program you can create based on that situation. So let's go ahead and look at another one. So this one now is going to focus on the I if else conditions. So election votes. Let's say we have someone voting and we were to put this into a context of a PySon program. We can go ahead and create a program that takes in the voters age, the variable will be voter age, and the value will be 17. We can then go ahead and set up our E if conditionals. We can start off by saying if the voter age is greater, this is 17, we can output, you may vote. E, we can check if the voter age is equals to 18 and then we can print, you can vote. Else, we can print, you are too young to vote. In this case, the voter's age is 17. So if voter age greater than 17 isn't going to run and the print statement won't be working. The ELIFs statement here, ELIF voter age is equals to 18 will output you can vote. However, the voter's age is 17, not equals to 18 and not greater than 17. That means it's going to print out you are too young to vote in the else statement that we have set up here. So as you can see, for the statement that is true, it's going to execute that particular print statement. And in this case, the only um, statement that's true is based on the statement because the voter isn't older than 17 or 18, so they're going to get the message you are too young to vote. All right. Those are a few analogies just to hopefully make it easier to understand the concept of if conditionals, but not to worry, we are going to do an exercise just to become comfortable with utilizing if and L conditions in Hisen. 40. Creating a simple If-Elif-Else logic - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the practical lab exercises. So in this particular exercise, we're going to focus more on conditionals. Specificly with IL statements and if EFL statements as well. Let's go ahead and get started with a simple IL statement. Right. So first of all, we want to define our variable that we want to evaluate. So we're going to say student grade, and the value here that we're going to associate it with will be 45. Then what we want to do is we want to start off our if statement. So we're going to say, if the student grade is greater than equal to 50, then we need to add in our colon, we want to execute the following code, which in this case is going to be a print statement, which of course is going to have asked. Was in it. So we want to print past if that particular student grade is greater than equal to 50 if for some reason it isn't, okay? We can then utilize an else statement. So we can say else, curl on, and enter, and then we can then just say print sorry, you have failed. Okay, so we can just go ahead and add it in like such. Now, do keep in mind when you press Enter here, it's going to add in a space for you here to nest in the code that you want to execute if that particular If statement requirement has been reached. Okay. Do keep that in mind here. It will go ahead and nest that space for you. If for some reason it doesn't, you can just go ahead and press tab, and it's just going to move out for you and structure your code accordingly. So according to what we have set up here, student grade equals 45. If a student grade is greater than or equal to 50, we're going to print pass else print sorry you have failed. In this case here, the first conditional here fails, it's going to skip this and the code, of course, that comes along with it and skip straight to the statement where it's going to print, sorry you have failed. Let's go ahead and run our code and see it. Sorry, you have failed. So let's go ahead and change this up. Let's switch this up to 51. Now the first statement, we're going to evaluate if student grade is greater than equal to 50, we have 51 as the student grade, and that's going to then print r. So the thing with our if statements here are IL statements. So essentially, speaking, once it reaches the first conditional that is, of course, true, it's then going to print out the code that is part of that conditional and then it's going to stop the program. So it's not going to continue to anything else because it wants to evaluate to what's true and the first statement that's true. So here we're going to say print pass. So in this case, it should say pass, so we can then say run and there we go. It says past. Perfect. So that is how we can use a simple if else statement. So what I want us to do now is I want us to go a little bit further and to take a deeper look into an if ELF statement. So let's go ahead and start. So first, I want to evaluate colors. So let's say my favorite color, I'm going to say equals, and here I'm going to say green. So let's start off I ELF L statement. So first, if my favorite color is equal, so we're going to use the double equal sign. And here, we're going to see if it is equals to, let's say, red. You can add in our plon. We can then go ahead and print and say your favorite color is red. Perfect. Then what we can do is we can also add in another statement. So we're going to say ELIF statement. ELIF my favorite color equals, double equals here, we need to add in, and we're going to say green. We're going to go ahead and say print. Your favorite color is green. And if for some reason, we aren't checking for any other color. So let's say brown or blue, we can see else print, you have a different favorite color. Right. What we can do is execute this. Let's just evaluate it first. The variable here is my favorite color and the value is green. First, we're going to check if that color is red and it's not red, so I'll skip to the next line, the Elif line here. It says, My favorite color is green, and it is green. That means it's going to print your favorite color is green, and it's going to execute this line of code and end the program at that. I can scroll down and say run and it says, Your favorite color is green. So it went ahead and ran this statement and it was true because the first statement here was false, and of course, there's no need to go to the last one if this passed. Let's, however, go ahead and set this to brown. So now the first I statement is going to fail, which means our program goes to the next statement, which is our Eli statement, and that fails as well because it is green. And then it's then going to go ahead and go to the statement and print what is otherwise the case. And in this case, it's going to print, you have a different favorite color. So I'm going to say run there go, it says you have a different favorite color. So that's how we can use our I E, and our se statement. Okay, so let's go ahead and make it a bit more interesting in this case here. Let's go ahead and work with our input functions as well. You can remove this, and let's go ahead and create one that is your password. So let's say my password. I'm going to set this to an input function and here I want to prompt users to enter in their passwords. I'm going to say, please enter in your password, colon, and we want to add in space here. Great. Now we want to do a simple if statement, so we're going to say if my password is equals, we're going to use the comparison operator here and we're going to say password one, two, three, we need to add in a colon, then enter, and now we can say print. Welcome. In the event that's not the password that's entered, we can use an Al statement here. As colon, enter, we can see print, invalid password. Please try again. All right. So here we can see we're going to be prompted, first of all, to enter in a password. The value that we enter will be assigned to the variable here in my password. Then we're going to use our I statement here to check the password and if it is equals to password one, two, three, if it is the case, we're going to print welcome. If it's not the case, we can use our statement to print invalid password. Please try again. Let's go ahead and evaluate this process. So I'm going to go ahead and run this. So we enter a password, I'm going to put something completely different in going to say pass three, four, three pass and Enter. Then it says invalid password, please try again. So here I put in pass 342 pass, which means that the first constraint here failed. So it went to the next line of code that says else, and it printed invalid password, please try again. Now, let's go ahead and put in the correct password, which is password one, two, three, so we can re run this code as it is. And we can say pass word one, two, three. Let's double check that here, there we go. And you just want to then press Enter. And then it says, welcome. So that first if statement here was ran and it was a success, it was true. So it went ahead and executed that welcome message from the print function. So that's how we can set up our IL statements with an input function as well just to make it a little bit more credible into the whole process. Okay. Now let's go ahead and make this a bit more interesting. Let's add in an I ELF and L statement this time. What I'm going to do here is I'm going to set the passwords and assume that there's a specific user. What I'm going to do is as follows. I'm going to say if my password is equals to password 123, I want to say welcome, I'm going to say John. Then what I want to do is I want to add in an ELF statement here and I'm going to say my password. Is equals to pass word 321 colon on to say print, and let's assume that this is no, so I'm going to say welcome no. And we can do the following. So now we can check if the password is 123. It's going to say, welcome, John. If the password is 321, it'll say welcome no. And if it is neither of these, we're just going to say invalid password. Please try again. So let's go ahead and run this code here. First, we're going to check for one of these passwords. I'm going to say pass word three to one, Enter. Welcome no. What happened was the password was not password one to three. The ILS statement caught this correct input of password three to one and it prompted output welcome no as we can see here. Let's go ahead and run this again. Okay. And I'm going to say pass word one, two, three, Enter. And then it outputs welcome John, and that correlates to what we are checking here is the above your statement. Let's put something that is not password three to one or password 123. So let's go ahead and rerun everything. And we're just going to say pass pass 321. Invalid password, please try again. All right, so there we have it. So that is how we can utilize our I conditionals in a variety of different aspects and add them all into place. 41. Additional: If-Elif-Else practice - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab exercise. I have decided to add in an additional exercise on if conditionals, and I'm also going to delve a little bit more into utilizing logical operators as well. Let's go ahead and continue. Right. So the first thing that I want to do is I want to define my variables as always. So we're going to have my first name equals, and I'm going to say on then I'm going to have my last name equals, and it's going to be Pretorious. I've defined that. Next, what I want to do is I want to go ahead and set up an if statement here. I'm going to say the following, which is going to be if. My first name is equals to n, double equals no. And my last name, double equals is Pretorius add in my colon. Then what I want to do is I want to say print, and I'm going to say, welcome Arno. Now, of course, you can add in spaces here for your print function as well. And if this is not the case, I'm going to say else, which will be in line with my statement. I'm going to say print, and here I'm going to say access, Dno. So let's see what we are checking here. So we're checking if my first name is equal to Anu and my last name is equal to Pretorius, which, of course, it is. It's going to say, welcome Arno. If either one of these checks here fail, it's going to go straight to the statement and print access denied. So remember, with what we learned with logical operators with A. So both of the comparisons that we make here need to be true for it to return a true statement, in other words, to execute the line of code beneath it. If that's not the case, it's going to fail and print access denied. So let's go ahead and test it and run this code. It says, welcome no. So that means that the first name and the last name matched the constraints that we were checking. Let me go ahead and change just the one. So I'm going to change this from nu and I'm going to say Yaku, okay? And I'm going to leave the check as is. It's going to check if it's still Arno and the last name Pretoris. Now I've changed it to Yahoo now. So only this statement here, my last name equals Ano Pretoris is going to be true, and this is going to fail, which means it should print out access denied now. So if I were to scroll down and run this code, it's going to say access denied because both statements need to be true in order for it to run. So if I revert this back to no, okay, both of these statements are going to be correct. So if I were to run it, it's then going to give me welcome Arno. That's how you can also see how we can utilize our logical operators with our and statement. Let's switch this up. Let's do it with or statement. If I were to say or, in this case, I'm going to switch this to Yahoo as an example. It's going to go ahead and pass here and I'm just going to say welcome as something general. It's going to pass because one of the statements are true, and that is the last name, which is Pretorious, but the first name is wrong, and it just says Yaku. So if I were to run this, it's going to say, welcome, which means this line of code was ran because one statement was true, which is the last name. And that's the reason why this executed because of this. All right. So that's how you can also utilize the or statement as well and to have that into place. All right. Let's go ahead and change our examples here just to chat a bit. Let's go ahead and do this with something a little bit more different. Let's go ahead and set this with a bull, for example. We want to test the not operator. Here I'm going to keep it simple and say, let's say, undergraduate student. Let's say equals true. Then what I can do is I can set up my if statement to say, if not, undergraduate student I want to say print, and we're going to see if this is not an undergraduate student, we're going to go ahead and say, welcome, and we're going to say, you are not an undergraduate student. Please use library one A, an example. We have that set and then we can see else if it is the case that they are a postgraduate student. Here we're going to see print and we can say, welcome. You are a undergraduate student. So please use Library two A. But let's go ahead and run this. It says, welcome. You are a undergraduate student, so please use library two A. This is what we set up here. We set the undergraduate student status to true, and we're checking with this if statement if you are not an undergraduate student. It's going to print, welcome. You are not an undergraduate student, so please use library one A. S. So if it's the case that this line fails, it's going to print the following line, which says, welcome. You are a undergraduate student. So please use Library two A. So this is how we can also incorporate logical operators with not as well. So we've learned how we can utilize and or and not here. So this is how you can go ahead further and combine a lot more together to get different results depending on your use case. All right, guys, that's all for this extra lab exercise, and we're going to continue in the next lesson on nested if conditionals. 42. Nested IF conditionals: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which will be focused on nested if conditionals. So let's get started. Right, so a nested if conditional. If statements can be nested within one another, hence prompting the term nested if conditionals. So if the condition in the first if statement evaluates to true, the next if statement will be executed and you can see this in a short coding snippet here was a nested if conditional. We will have our first if statement and then under it, we'll have the next if statement so remember. If the condition in the first if statement evaluates to true, the next if statement will be executed straight after. Let's take a look at an analogy to make this a little bit easier to understand. So let's say for example, we want to become the president of the USA. You have a person and you want to evaluate their citizenship status, if they were born in the United States, and we can go ahead and have a look here and look at the requirements. For example, you need to be over 35 years of age and you need to be a natural born citizen, a theoretical example. Then of course, we can utilize this example and put this into a nested if statement. For example, we can say the voter age here is 37 with the variable set. Another variable which we can utilize is the citizenship. We can say they're from the United States and that was the country of birth. To be more specific, you could even say it in that way. Then you want to check on your first if statement. You want to say, if the voter age is greater than equal to 35, then you want to go ahead and execute the second if statement since that first if statement was true, then you want to say if then in that case, the citizenship or the country of birth is United States, then you want to print, you are eligible to run for president. This is a typical way in which we can utilize a nested if conditional, you can nest your if statements under each other instead of having them line by line and having them evaluate a particular constraint. That is how we can focus on nested if conditionals. 43. Creating a nested IF conditional - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next hands on lab exercise for nested I conditionals. So let's go ahead and get started. So we'll start off with a very simple and basic example here that will be focused on running for the United States presidency, which will take in the person's age and the country of birth. So let's go ahead and get started. So you can say voters age is a variable in the snippet I provided in the theoretical lectures or you can say applicant age. It really depends anything that you want to do. I'm going to change it up here a bit. So I'm going to say here applicant age, and I'm going to set this equal to city eight. Then I want to create a variable that says country of burs. Here I'm going to say as a string USA. I've got my variables defined. Applicant age and country of birth. Now I can start off my nested if statement. I'm going to first of all, check if the applicant age is greater than equal to 35, then only then I want to execute the following if statement, which is going to check the country of birth. Then I want to say if the country of birth is equals to that of USA and then going to print out here at the end, you are eligible to run for the US president C. So we can check everything here in place. So the applicant age is study A. If the applicant age is greater than equal to study five, we can go to the next I statement because it's true. And then, of course, we can see here that is also true. They also from the USA, is then going to say you are eligible to run for the US presidency. So now we can go ahead and run this code and it says, You are eligible to run for the US presidency. Perfect. Now, let's say, for example, this first if statement here is false. Let's say we want to catch that out with an statement, before we go to this line here. For example, what I mean by that is if, for example, I have Sety four, I already failed this first E statement and it's not going to even bother the program won't go and carry on. If I were to run this, the first E statement will fail, but nothing's going to happen. Maybe we want to add in a message. We can have an else statement that will be ran if if statement fails. In the same line, let's press Enter. You want to backspace and in the same line as this first if statement you want to see else, what you want to do is you can go ahead and add we can actually make this a bit. Let's move the space like that. We can see print and we can say there, you are not old enough that will go ahead and execute here. If the applicant age is greater than equal to 35, it's going to continue with the line of code under an set. If not, it's going to run this statement in line of this if statement that will print you are not old enough. Let's check that first so we can say run. It says, you are not old enough. That's what's going to be executed. Now if for some reason you are old enough, so let me say Sety six. This line is going to pass and then it's going to go to this line of code here that checks if the country of birth is USA, print, you are eligible to run for the US pregnancy. Let's say, for example, you are of the age, but your country of birth is different, you can go ahead and press Enter and here with this if statement you're going to check. Remember, the spacing is very important, so the indentation you can say print. You are not from the USA, your application is rejected. Quite brutal, but we can now see how this is ran. Now if we are above study five with sty six, it's going to go and evaluate the next if statement. I am not from the USA. I'm going to switch this to another country, let's say South Africa, for example. It's going to fail and it's going to go it's going to go to the L statement and print you are not from the USA, so your application is rejected. Let's run this then it's going to run. You are not from the USA application is rejected, I purse past the first stage. Then when I went to the second stage of the if statement here, the nested if statement, it printed out from the USAC application is rejected. That's how you can essentially go ahead and utilize nested if conditionals. You can set up your nested if statements and you can also use statements to complement it as well and build something a little bit more how can I say involved and a bit more structured. 44. Additional: nested IF conditional practice - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab activity, which is going to continue to focus on nested if conditional. We're going to work on another exercise just to solidify our knowledge and to just go a little bit further. All right. Let's go ahead and set up another nested if conditional here in place. This next one here is going to be focusing on a student that's trying to apply for a postgraduate program and they are a bachelor student who has recently completed their bachelor's degree, and they've got their final year results and they want to apply. So let's create a nested if conditional for this. So first of all, what we're going to want to do is create our variables. So first, I'm going to set the variable for the degree. So here I'm going to say degree equals, and this is going to be a bachelor degree. Then I'm going to say final grade, and here I'm going to say 77. Then what I want to do is I want to set up my nested if statement logic here. First, we have our first if statement. So first, we're going to check the degree of the student. We're going to say if degree is equals to that of a bachelor degree. We can continue and add in the nested if statement, which if that's true, we want to then check their final grade. We can then go ahead and say if final grade is, of course, greater than or equal to 75. Then we can see print. You are eligible to apply to post grad. There we get. We can see you've got that in place. The final grade is 77, our bachelor degree the bachelor degree, we'll pass the first test and the second test here and it should print out in the console you are eligible to apply to post grad. If I scroll down and run this, it should say, there we go. You're eligible to apply to postgrad. Now, let's go ahead and add in some extra factors. Let's go ahead and switch over the statements here. In this case, I'm not going to add in an L statement for the bachelor degree part here. I'm just going to add in an statement for the final grade. Here, I'm just going to say s and I'm going to say print. You are not eligible to apply for post grad. Then here I'm going to say, and I'm going to say here, grade to low. So let me switch, of course, my grade 272. The degree is still going to be a bachelor degree, so that's going to pass. But the final grade here is going to be 72. It's going to be under the requirements. That means this, of course, print statement won't be executed further. We're then going to skip to the next statement, and that's going to say you're not eligible to apply for postgrad, grade two low. Let's go ahead and run this. And let it go, you can see it. It says, You are not eligible to apply for postgrad, grade to low. So that's how we can also just get more practice in with our nested if conditionals. All right. So that's it for the activities and lessons on nested if statements and the like. 45. For loops: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on four loops. So let's go ahead and get started. So the question on our minds is what is a four loop? So a four loop is an iterative statement that is used for repeating or iterating over a sequence. And this can either be a tuple, a list, a dictionary, a string, or even a set. So you can see there are multiple use cases for a four loop. Now let's go ahead and take a look here at a few coding snippets for examples. So here, for example, we have a list. Okay, so our variable defined here is people. And in the list, we have a list of names such as Maria, John, Eon, Kate, and Sarah. Those are the values in our list. Let's say we want to loop through the names in a list. We can go ahead and utilize a four loop and to declare a four loop, we would start off by saying four, and then we want to decide on the variable that will take on the values in the range that we have here. We're going to say four person, person will be your variable, and in want it to be in the people list. And then as it loops through this list, we want to print each value in that list by saying print person. So this four loop is going to execute until it has printed out all of the values in the list. So when we start off and say four person in people, it's first going to look at Maria, and then it's going to say we say print person, which essentially is going to print Maria to the console. Then it's going to go to the next value, which is John, and then it's going to print John. Eon, Print Kate, and Prince Sarah. Now, this will make a lot more sense. Will we actually go ahead and apply this in the lab exercise? Now, here is another example where you're going to be utilizing range. Okay. So by utilizing range, this is very helpful when we are working with numbers per se. So again, we need to add in a variable where these where the assigned values will take focus here. So we can say four I in range zero to 11, print I. So it's going to print all of the values in the range of zero to 11. Now, it's going to be very specific in this case. So when you are setting up your four loop with range here, you're going to print out from zero all the way to ten in this example, not 11. Okay? So whatever you specify at the end in the range here is going to be the limit and not include that particular number. Now, I know this might be a bit confusing to wrap your head around, but don't worry, we are going to work on this in the lab exercises. So this is just a bit of an example when T's are into four loops. 46. Running for loops - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next practical lab exercise, which is going to be focused on follow. So let's get started. So we're going to work on a few examples here just to solidify our understanding. Right. So first of all, I want to work with a list. So I'm going to create a list here of sports. So I'm going to say sports equals, and here in my list. Let's put in golf. Com let's put in football. Put in rugby, put in tennis, and let's put in Bd ten. Okay, so we have a few sports here in place. Now, we want to loop through all of the values in this list. To do so we can create a basic four loop. So we start off with the four keyword here. Then we want to define a variable which is going to be assigned to all of these sports. I'm going to say for sport in sports. This is the variable that we will declare, which is going to take in all of the values that are in sports here that we've defined in this list here for sports. Sport is going to be assigned to golf, football, rugby, tennis, and badminton, and it's going to be in place. Then to close this floop we need to add in a colon. Then we want to say print. Port. So it's going to be in order, and this loop is going to keep on running until all of the values have been output here. So we are first going to have golf. So it's first going to print golf. Then the four loop is going to run again. Then it's going to grab football, assign it, print football, grab rugby. The four loop is going to run again. Then it's going to look for rugby and print that, then tennis, and then badminton. Let's go ahead and see this test here so we can go ahead and see run and there we go. So it prints golf, football, rugby, tennis, and badminton. So this loop is going to run until all of the values have been printed out in the list here that we have essentially gone ahead and declared. That's a basic way in which you can utilize a four loop. Now, another thing I want to teach you is how you can add in breaks in your four loop. So if you want your program to stop after a specific value has been hit, let's say I just want to print out all of my values here in my list up until let's say tennis. I don't want to include Badminton. I want to stop at tennis. So what we can essentially go on ahead and do is we can go on ahead and set it up as follows. We can add in an if statement. So we can we here, say I sport is equals to Badminton. And remember, you need to spell it exactly. Then I want to say break. This is going to break the loop, not break it as in give it a stop so it's going to say, stop the fall loop from running. I don't want you to iterate through all the values in the list. I want you to stop when you reach Badminton. It's going to print golf, football, rugby, and tennis. It's going to loop through everything. And of course, if the sport is Badminton, it will break. If it's not, it's going to just keep on printing the sport so golf. Okay, it's going to go straight to printing it, football, we'll go straight to printing it, rugby, printed, tennis, print it. But as soon as it reaches Badminton, this statement is going to be true, and it's going to stop the fall up there and then, and it's going to be stopped before it has been output. So let's go ahead now and run this code. And there we go. So we can see it prints golf, football, rugby and tennis. So that's how we can utilize the break statement here. Now, let's say I want to only print golf and football. I don't want to print rugby, tennis, and Badminton. You can already stop this already by putting in rugby, and then it's not going to continue to print the other values because it has stopped here by the break statement. So it'll only print out golf and football now. So now if I were to run this code, we can see it only prints golf and football. Right, so that's how you can integrate break statements within your four loops as well. Okay. Right. Now, the next thing that I want us to do is to learn how we can utilize the continue statement. So this is a little bit different from the break statement. Now, let's say, for example, we want to prevent a specific value from being output here. Okay? We can go ahead and add in specific code or anything of the like, but let's say for argument's sake, I want to go on ahead and print out golf, football, tennis and Badminton, and I want to actually, let's do it this way. Let's say I want to output golf, football, rugby and Badminton, but I want to omit tennis. Okay, so what you can do, you can say if sport equals, equals, and we can say tennis. Okay, I want to just say continue. So essentially what's going to happen now is it's going to print out the sports like usual golf, football, and rugby. And then when it reaches tennis, we're just going to say continue and keep on running the four loop. Okay, so it's going to say continue. And then before going to print out the sport, it's going to go ahead and start the fall loop, of course, again, and go to the next value, which is Badminton, and it's going to omit tennis. Okay? So this is how the continued statement will work. So the continued statement allows us to continue as the four loop. Of course, it's going to restart the four loop you could say, and it's going to go to the next value and emit what it previously was set here as tennis. So now if we were to scroll down and say run, you're going to see here or just play golf, football, rugby, Badminton, and emitting tennis here, but continuing with the four loop afterwards and just carrying on with the list here and the values that we have in place. So that's how we can use the continue statement. Now, another thing I want to teach you is how you can utilize range. So we can go ahead and remove all of this and what I want us to do is to say four I in range, and we want to put in a start and a stopping range. So the first value will be where we start, but I want to start at zero, and I want to end at ten, which means I need to put in 11. I want to explain now why this is adding a colon. Then we can say print, and in parenthes we can just say I. So again, here I is going to be a variable, which is going to be assigned to each value here. In this case, it will be zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and the 11 here is going to be the upper bound. You will never print out the value here, and you will only print the value minus one to it. So let me show you here. So this should print out zero to ten, so it scroll down and say run. And we can go ahead and see here that it prints out zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 910. Now, if I were to set this to, for example, 51 and I put in one here, that means it's going to print from one all the way to 51. So now if I were to scroll down and say run, it prints all the way from one straight to 50. That is how we can also utilize the range in our four loops to print out specific values as we can see here in a given context. All right guys. That was working with four loops. A few exercises and examples just to solidify your understanding. What we're going to be doing in the next lesson is going to be utilizing four loops with a list of dictionaries. Stay tuned for that. 47. Loop through a list of dictionaries - [Lab]: Hi, everyone. And welcome to the next lab exercise, which is going to be focused on utilizing four loops with a list of dictionaries. So essentially, what we'll be learning is how we can create a list of dictionaries and how we can loop through our list of dictionaries. So let's go ahead and get started. So of course, what we want to do is we want to go ahead and create our list. So let me throw down here. And we're going to call this people. I'm going to say equals. And remember, this is going to be a list, so we need to have opening and closing square brackets, just like such. Then we can define our dictionary. We're going to have three dictionaries that we want to define or three instances. Remember dictionaries, you start and you open them up close them with curly braces. We're going to have to define our key value pairs. We're going to have, first of all, name and then colon afterwards. The first key is name and then the value here after adding a space here, we're going to go ahead and set this as let's say honor then we need to add in a comma for our next key value pair. Then we're going to go ahead and set this as we can go for favorite color. I'm going to say fav color and then curlon space, and then here I'm going to say brown. Comma. That's another key value pair. Then here, I'm going to specify another key value pair, and this is going to be let's set this as non analogy. And then we're going to have our colon space, and then here I'm going to say South Africa. Then we need to add in a com at the end, and we're going to create two more dictionaries. Now, I don't want to reinvent the viel especially with the keys that we've defined, I'm going to paste this just like so. Then I just want to replace the values here. So here I'm going to say mark, favorite color, red, nationality. We can say Germany. And the last one here, we're going to set this as Kate, favorite color. We can say green nationality. We can say, Australia. Remember for that last dictionary that you have in your list, you can just remove that comma at the end. This is a list of dictionaries. Now you're probably wondering, how are we going to set up our four loop so that we can loop through these dictionaries? It's very simple. What we want to do is we want to set up our four loop, so we're going to say four. Then what we can do is define our variable. I'm going to go on ahead and set this as just go ahead and set this as we can say for I in people. On. I is going to be assigned as the variable that's going to be assigned to the values here of our dictionaries in the list here of people. Then we can just say print and within our parens here, we can just refer to I and then here our square brackets, we want to refer to a particular key, any key here. Let's say I want to get, of course, all of the values of everyone that has favorite color, fav color. Here in my square bracket, I'm going to put in fave color. Now if I say print and run, it's going to output brown, red and green. As we can see there, what's happening here is we have defined our variable here, which this can be anything. I is just an example. You can call this person, you can call this human, or you can call this applicant or anything that you want. That's going to be assigned to all of the dictionaries that we have here and it's going to loop through each and every one that is present in this listue in people. It's going to go through all of the data here. Then we're going to print all of the values based on the key, which is favorite color. We can do this for anything. Let's say we want to get all the names in all of these dictionaries. You would just refer to the name key, which is, of course, name, and you can say run that will output Ano Mark and Kate. Let's say we want to get nationality. We can do the same thing. You can just put in the key, which is nationality. And you can run, and that will print out all the nationalities. So South Africa, Germany, and Australia. All right. Let's say you can do just that. Now, let's say for argument's sake, you want this to be a little bit more concise. And let's say you want to get out all of the records, and you want to treat it as one person, the second person, and the third person. Okay? So what I'd recommend you do is to go ahead and put all of those keys in order. So first, you'll have name. Then you can copy that and you can go to the next line and you would then have fav color and paste another line here and that's going to say nationality. We're going to print out the name, favorite color and nationality in terms of all the values, and this is going to be grouped, of course. If I were to say run, you can see here it prints everything or Browns of Africa. Mark red Germany, green, Australia. It's all linked to each of these dictionaries values at a time. Now, it doesn't look very clean, what you can do is you can actually add in some space remember add in the print function with an empty string. So you can just simply say here, print and add in an empty string here, and right at the end as well, print and an empty string. So that's going to give some space. So each dictionary here with its own data is going to be separate. So Anno's data will be more clean to read, Marks and Kates, as well. So now if I were to say run, you'll see there'll be more spacing here. So you can see here, Okay, this belongs to no, Browns of Africa, Mark red, Germany, and green Australia. So that makes it a bit more concise and cleaner to read. Right. That is essentially how we can set up our four loops and utilize it with a list of dictionaries. This is going to be very important, especially if you are planning on working with data and you're going further with Python. For example, if you decide to learn jango for example, this is a very important thing to understand in terms of looping your data with dictionaries and understanding loops. It's very beneficial if you go further into web development, for example. Guys, that's it for this lab exercise. 48. While loops: Hi, Ron, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to be focused on Wil oops. So let's take a look. Right a Wile loop. A Wile loop is very similar in nature to a for loop, but unlike a for loop, a Wile loop continues to execute a statement as long as the specified condition remains true. To help us to solidify our understanding of Wile loops, let's go on ahead and take a look at an analogy. Now, this analogy here is going to be focused on password management. Let's say that you were to enter in your password to access an online portal or to login on your computer or anything of the like. Going to base our analogy of understanding while loops on that. Right. So we have our user that is attempting to log on to a site or onto our computer, and programmatically, we can create a very simple program where with the WLloop process, we can define a password here. So, for example, we have a variable core password, and of course, the value is password 123 here as an example. Then we can have our input function here and the value of that input function will be assigned to the variable enter password attempt. So we're going to ask our users to enter in the password. Then we can utilize a while loop to keep on running here. This wile loop is going to say while that password attempt, whatever password was entered, that attempt is not equal to the actual password. We're going to print out in the console to the user incorrect password, please try again. Then what's going to happen is we're going to be prompted again to go ahead and enter in our password again. This Wilops going to keep on running until this condition here, how can I say until this condition has not been met. As we can see here, as long as the password is not equal to the password, that is the operator here, the comparison operator here, not equal to. So while it's not equal to the password, it's going to keep on saying incorrect password and prompting us to try again. And once that particular statement, once it, of course, has not been met, in other words, while it is equal to the password, it's then going to exit the Wile loop and it's going to print welcome. So that's one way in which you can utilize a Wile loop in terms of handling a password that is being entered by the user. Oh, that's it for the theoretical side. So in the coding exercises, we're going to delve into while loops. 49. Running while loops - [Lab]: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lab exercise, which will be focused on utilizing WOW loops in PySon. Let's get started. Now, first of all, we want to declare a variable that we want to utilize. I'm going to say here, my number equals, and I'm going to say zero for now. Then I want to set up my WOW loop. I'm going to say while my number is less than ten. I wanted to print the following, which is going to say this number is less than ten. So the condition that this while loop here is evaluating is constantly going to run and execute this print statement as long as the number here is less than ten. So in this case, it's going to be infinity. So let's go ahead and test this out so we can scroll down and say run. And we can see here it constantly says this number is less than ten, this number is less than ten, this number is less than ten. You want to go ahead and stop this code from running, so it may take a moment and then it stopped. That is what will happen here if you have an unchecked while loop, you could say. It's constantly going to execute because what's happening here is the condition is true, that the number is in fact less than ten, so it's just going to for the end of time print out this statement. Let's say, for example, you are working with a number that is equals to ten or greater than ten. That's going to essentially not run this while loop at all because the first condition is not met. Now, if you were to do that, let me just say 11 here, for example, and run the code is just going to output nothing. So you're going to see here, nothing is going to be output at all. We can just go ahead and stop this. The reason for that is because there is nothing that we are outputting. The number, of course, is clearly greater than ten. So what you would typically do here is outside of your while loop. In the same line of it, you can say print and here we can say the number is greater than or equal. To ten. And that's what you can do to set this up now. So then I'm also going to say the Wile loop was not executed, and it won't be. So let's go ahead and run this now, and now you will, of course, see that outputs the number is greater than or equal to ten. The Wile loop was not executed. So what happened was we evaluated this statement to see if it was true. It was not true, and it went straight to the print statement here and it didn't execute the code in it because the statement was false, and it went out and printed the following line of code here. So that's how you can utilize wil loops in Biason. So that's the simplest way to understand their logic with it. Now, let's say we want to make it a little bit more involved and we want to execute some code, but don't execute forever, but only to a certain limitation. What we can do is we can go ahead and do the following. We can remove what we have here. I'm going to set the number to zero. While my number is less than ten, I want to say print my number. Okay. Now remember, with our Wal loops, we need to ensure that we are coding underneath it. So if it's on the same line here, that's not how it works. You need to make sure you press chap and make sure you was in your wall loop. Same goes for the four loops and your if statements as well. So do keep that in mind here with nesting our statements. Okay. Now, if we run this code as it is, again, it's forever just going to, in this case, print the number over and over again. But what we want to do is we want it to essentially print the number one by one and we're constantly going to add plus one to each number and increment it by one. When this while statement here, this logic here, this statement is not true, it will exit the program at the end and not run forever. To increment, you're going to want to say my number. Equals my number plus one. So essentially, what's going to happen here, we're going to take zero. We're going to evaluate if the number is less than ten. So zero is less than ten. Then we're going to print zero, and then we're going to add one to it and assign it to the variable so that it is going to then be one. So then one is less than ten, print out one, and then we're going to add one to it, so it's going to become two, and then two is less than ten, and then we're going to print two, and we're going to keep on doing this until the condition here is going to be false and once it's been false, we can add a print statement outside saying that we can just say that the program and counter is done. Just a simple example. This is what we'll see at the end after we have gone ahead and proven this WAL statement here to be false. In other words, once it gets to 11, 12, 13, for example, it's not going to constantly print out those numbers, it's just going to end the program here. Let's go ahead and test this out. We can say run and there we go. It goes all the way 0-9 and it says the program counter is done, so it exits the program, it doesn't keep on running forever and ever and constantly after that. All right. That's how you can go ahead and set that up here in place. Do keep in mind once the number is nine, it's going to say nine is less than ten and then it prints out nine. Of course, when it adds the one to it, it becomes ten. While ten is not less than ten, this is not going to work. I will just immediately go and print out the program and counter is done once it gets to ten in this case. Okay. So that is the basics of how we can utilize our wild loops. Now, what I want to do now is I also want to give you a bit of a more comprehensive example here that will solidify your understanding a bit better. And that's the password. That's the best way to learn understand wild loops. So I'm going to say here pass word equals, and I'm going to say pass word one, two, three. And then I want to have input function that will be assigned to my variable. So I'm going to say entered, underscore password, and I'm going to say equals input, and I'm going to say, please enter in your password, adding a colon and a space. Then I want to set up my Wile loop, so I'm going to say, while the entered Password is not equal, so I'm using my comparison operators not equals to the password itself. I want you to display a message to the user that says in valid password. And then I want to prompt the user again to enter in their password, and then I'm going to go ahead and say entered password equals, and I'm going to use this input function again. Please enter in your password. Like so. Then if in the event this statement here, of course, is not true. Okay? So if it is a password, if the entered password is equal to the password, so the opposite, we can say print here and say, welcome user. Okay, so let's go through what's going on here. So we're setting up our password here and we are then prompting the user to enter in a password, then our wile loop is going to check. Okay that entered password if it is not equals to the password, we want to say invalid password each time. Until the user enters in a password, that's correct. What's going to happen is this loop here is then going to repeat itself. Anything either side is not going to be run, just everything here. That's why after we say invalid password, we need to add in this input function in this WOW loop so it keeps on running this program here and checking as long as that enter password is not equal to the password, it's going to keep on saying invalid password and prompt you to keep on entering a password. Once the password is correct, when this statement is false, when it's equals to the password, we're going to print welcome user. Let's go ahead and test it out. Let's say run. So we know our password is password 123. I'm going to say here pass 21, two, Enter. Invalid password, please enter in your password. I say pass four, three, two, Enter. Invalid password, enter in your password. So it's going to keep on running. And what I'm going to do now is put in the correct password, password 123, then it should output welcome user. So now I'm going to say pass word one, two, three, Enter. And then it says welcome user, and the program, as you can see, stops running as well. Alright. So that is how you can go on ahead and set this up for a password management use case and how you can utilize WOW loops in PySon. 50. Modules: Hi, everyone, and welcome to the next lesson, which will be focused on modules. Right. So modules. Now, a module is a file that contains PySon code that can be included in our PySon based applications. Now, the benefit of modules is that they help you to break your code into smaller reusable pieces so to make it easier for us to work with our own custom made applications. Now there are a lot of PySon modules out there, and I mean a lot. There is a list that you can read and take a look at the following URL. You can have a look here at the URL, type it in and this website here is going to list out to you a vast array of PySon modules that you can include in your application. I'm just going to take you through a very short exercise here on how you can utilize a module in PySon. But there are a lot of other modules out there that you can read about and experiment with, so just keep that in mind and take a note of that. Modules. 51. Experiment with modules - [Lab]: Hi, Ron, welcome to the next lab exercise, which is going to be focused on working with modules in PySon. Now, that link that I shared in the previous lesson, which focused on the list of modules in PySon, you can just head on over to the following website and here you can see a list of all of the PySon modules that are available to us that we can utilize. As you can see, there is a vast array and there is an explanation given and you can also even read more about all of these modules that are given to us. We're going to work with a few modules in this lab exercise. Just wanted to give you some insight if you want to learn more and go into more detail, perhaps after this exercise or after the course. Let's get started in any case. I'm going to keep it rather simple. When you want to import or work with a module in Pyson, you need to add in the import statement first of all. That's the first thing you need to add in if you want to work with a module. You want to say import. The module you want to work with. In this case, I'm going to use the datetime module because at the end result, I want to get the value of today's date. I'm going to say, date, time, and that is the module that I want to utilize. That's going to contain a whole list of functions and classes for working with dates and times. Now the next thing that I want to do is I want to import the date class from the datetime module. To do so, I can just simply say date time, Import, and then I want to import the date class. Perfect. Now, the next thing that I want to do is I want to set up a variable. I'm going to say today, equals, and I want to reference that date class. So I'm going to say date, and the date class has a specific method attached to it, known as dot today. So you can say dot today. That's going to get the date for us today in the format of year, months, and day and it's going to assign that value to the today variable. Then we can say print in parentheses, we can say today and that will output it for us so we can see there's a date that has been printed out for us. That is how you can go ahead and create a simple program using a module in pyson. Let's go ahead and make this a bit more interesting. Let's try and work with the mass module in Pierson. Let's try and calculate the square root of a number, for example. We can remove this. Let's say import mass, inputting the module. Then we want to prompt the user to input a number. We're going to say my number equals and we want to cast this to an integer automatically. We don't want this to be a float, so I'm going to say int. And then I'm going to add in the input function within that. Whatever is added in here will be treated as an integer, the value. I'm going to say, please enter in a number to find its square root, colon, and we leave it as we can add a space here as well. So we have that set. Now the next thing you want to do is calculate the square root. I want to have a variable to store that value at the end. I'm going to say SRT for square root, underscore value equals, and then we're going to grab the mass module that we imported, say dot, and then we want to apply the SRT function, which comes from the mass module, and it's denoted as SQRT. And within the parentheses here is where we want to perform this calculation of the square root was the number that we want to check the square root of and in here, we can put in my number. And that will get the square root of the number that you've inserted, and that value essentially is going to be put in here to find the square root of that number and it's going to be stored in square root value. Then we can set up our print statements here. I'm going to say print. And first of all, I'm going to go ahead and add in my number. So here I'm just going to say my number. So the number I put in, then print, I'm going to put a statement here and it says, the square root is, and then right below here, I'm going to put in SQRT under square value and then I'll print out the square root for set number. So once you've got that in place, we can go ahead and run our program. And it says, Please enter in a number to find it square root. I'm going to say 64, press Enter, and there we can see it printed out 64, which of course was Acho to. And then it said the square root is, and then it said eight here at the end. Okay. And that printed the square root value. So that is a very helpful use case that we can add into place here if we were to go on a head and essentially work with our modules in Pyson in this case, a mass module, very helpful. There are a lot of things that we can do and set up in this example here, but that's just an example to give you a feeling here. Of the modules that we can use. Of course, you can explore in further detail all of the PySon modules here in this index and you can just explore and see how they can best benefit your PySon application. 52. Mini-practice project - Introduction: Hi, Ron, and welcome to the next lesson, which is going to serve as an introductory lesson into the practice projects which you will be creating in this course. So let's take a look at the projects that you will build. Now, the first project is going to be a simple calculator. So you're going to be expected to create a simple calculator program in PySon. The second project is going to be focused on a greeting program. And the third and final project is to create a student grade checker program. Now, with each of these projects, I'