Professional Portrait Editing | Skin, Face Photo Retouching | Adobe Photoshop Short Master Class | M Amir Naseem | Skillshare

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Professional Portrait Editing | Skin, Face Photo Retouching | Adobe Photoshop Short Master Class

teacher avatar M Amir Naseem, Graphic Designer / Creative Director

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro retouching 1


    • 2.

      Detail Mainting Retouching technique


    • 3.

      Extra smooth retouch


    • 4.

      Pimples and scars removeing


    • 5.

      Face modification


    • 6.

      Lips color


    • 7.

      Change eye color


    • 8.

      Hair color


    • 9.

      Retouching action


    • 10.

      Final result, Advice & class project


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  • Advanced level
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About This Class

In this class, 

I will teach you basic techniques and process of Professional Skin Retouching & Portrait Editing, its use in different  projects, and a streamlined workflow for Editing portraits for Fashion brands and Commercial use

Programs needed: Adobe Photoshop

The skill required: Beginner & intermediate photoshop skills

What You'll Learn In this class I am revealing my secret of professional skin retouching and face editing for commercial and artistic purposes. I created a very easy technique of Face Retouching to get realistic Look in  photoshop, without any professional skill requirements, the class is divided into a few parts from the introduction - Skin Retouching - Smooth Skin - Pimple Removing - Eye color - Hair color - Face modification - Speedup Action - Project 

you will learn

  • Professional Skin Retouching workflow
  • Smooth Skin Retouching
  • Retouching Action
  • Pimple & Scars Removing
  • Face Modifications
  • Lips Editing
  • Hair Color change
  • Eye Color Change
  • Face Skin tone

By the end, you'll have enough Photo Editing skills you can use for any number of projects, such as Photography exhibits, posters, album arts, and commercial use 

feel free to ask any questions. 

you can also follow me and visit my profile for resources 

Agency Portfolio  •  instagram  •  Linkedin  •  Behance

here is also my class that can help you bring more creativity 

Meet Your Teacher

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M Amir Naseem

Graphic Designer / Creative Director


Amir is an Award-winning graphic artist working for the past 7 years internationally, he worked with many companies his clients including majorly United Nations, the Government of Canada, the Government of Pakistan and Punjab police, National Television, Atlético De Madrid Academy.

he has been published or featured in numerous global media outlets including Business Insider, Boston Art Gallery, Daily Telegraph, United Nations, and many more.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” 

As a multiple skilled person. he does films, VFX, graphic design, digital art and creates content for different aspects of life for social change I be... See full profile

Level: All Levels

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1. Intro retouching 1: Hello everyone. My name is I'm a I'm a digital artist and director working from past seven years. I've been very lucky to work with major brands including United Nations. They are not dedicated me, Pepsi got rid of Canada algorithm itself. This class I will teach you basic techniques and processes for professional fees, retouching and portrait editing. The class is divided in full force. And in this class you will teach some basic techniques and procedural professional fees that you're touching and portrait editing. It's used in different projects and streamline workflow of editing quarters for fashion granted and commercial use. You're going to learn fear through teaching advanced imaging techniques, advanced section to speed up your workflow faith through teaching. Professional workflow, extra smooth skin retouching of being present, skin liquefying, changing the phase shift and, and things are already changing the color of eyes, enhancing the lips scholar. In the end, we will go through the rendering and class projects solar start the class. 2. Detail Mainting Retouching technique: So here I have opened our example picture of a quarter of a boy and we will try to retouch it your skin very professional way. And we will follow the workflow. First of all, we need to duplicate the layer. It will select the layer and we will duplicate it. After that, we will go to the Filter and go to the blur, and we will select Surface Blur. Then we will select the radius according to our, our requirements. We can select it around 16 and we can select the threshold around 30. So it will, it will not too much detail of the picture. And after that we will select, Okay, and then we will duplicate the layer diagram earlier. We will duplicate the layer we treated with the surface blur filter. Rule. Duplicate it and then we will go to the Filter again and we will select the other, and we will select the boss, the high-pass, we will select the shadow radius according to our requirement, 10%. So we will be Peeps the detailing save. Ten is perfect. We can change the radius off offset according to how much detail we want in our picture. I think Jen is perfect, so we'll select the ten and then we will change the layer opacity from normal to linear light. Then we will select it 70%. And then we will select both layers. We will group it and we will select the Layer, Layer Mask and hide it all. Here. It created our group part of the face retouching. And then we will select the brush tool and select the soft round brush. And we will start selecting the area we want to detach. Just zooming the fixture and slightly start retouching the area we want to return. To smooth it. We can change the opacity and we can change the flow of our brush. So it can control, it can, it will give you the control of brush tool. If your face into teaching very professional, like mostly keep my floor to the 60. Give me a decent look and feel. We will select it and we will start tracing out our details. This is a very professional way to keep our feces retouched and keep the details of the pictures alive. Stick your climb. It will take little time and start focusing on the areas that you want to detach and then keep the opacity around 73%. It can give you a realistic field. This is the first part where we teach our portrait in a decent, professional way. The details of the picture, the beauty of the face is the same, but enhance your beauty. This is the before and this is after. So we almost retouched a decent amount of picture. 3. Extra smooth retouch: After that, we will just merge it, merged both layers and keep it one. Now if we require to add more detail than we want all the phase smooth, we can duplicate this layer and we will go to the Filter again. And we will select the stylize distort. It will go to the noise and selected dust and scratches. And we will change the radius according to our requirements together will be the face features are hiding and the scars and the pupil marks are hiding. Then we will select OK. And after that we will go to the blur filter and then Surface Blur again. And we will select it according to our requirements. Keep the details of the picture are live. Then we will select Okay and go to the Layer Mask again and Pi D doll. And the use of brush tool with the lower floor around 2037 or maybe 45 is perfect. We will start revealing our layer mask. So it will start hiding the mask. I think 16 workflow is perfect. It's giving a very smooth effect. We can repeat where we want more smoothing. It will take a little time to smooth it down all the parts of it, of the face. It will give a very realistic and very plastic field effect. Usually it's a quick way to reattach the skin. That's how we can give our face-to-face teaching very smooth effect. And we can hide more marks and more scarred and Morpheus details and p bit more makeup like fill in our portraits. And then we will dump. So here is before and here he is after all for our scene. 4. Pimples and scars removeing: Here I opened another picture for the workflow of how we can remove the impulse. We will simply select the spot healing tool. And we will increase the size of sport healing tool and market around where we want our impulses removed. There is another way we will just select the patch tool and select the area of the pimple we wanted to remove. And we will select the skin nearby and it will compute it immovable pimple. We have to select the skin area nearby so to keep the distance, it will keep the color, tone, and color theme, same of the picture. A little time taken process, but the practice, you can keep it perfect. Just select the area I don't pin falls and just keep your batch of a little bit so it can highlight the other parts of phase and merge it over. Just a little time taking, but it's a very professional way to remove the pimples and to give your, your portrait photogenic and realistic look. And there is a shortcut as well to remove the pimples, you can use it just to select the color of the dead area and select the brush tool. Keep the brush size a large, and keep the workflow, the flow of brush around 50 and just mark slightly. And it will give a little makeup look. I don't want to your PC and hide your all the field for them give you a very, very small standard, very skin. Professional makeup, the skin. But you have to keep the floor for your filter. 47 or 50. And you have to keep it very little. This is how we can remove from the portrait and p bar very professional, very smooth skin without going through the face, rotating. 5. Face modification: Now we will explore how we can change the phase shift. We can change the lips and eyes shape with the use of LIGO of liquefied tool, we will go to the filter and we will select the Liquify. Liquify tool will open. And then we will select the fear severely confine, and it will select the faces. Then we have options of eyes I highlight, I can change it accordingly. And it will increase the size or five. You can increase the height of five degrees vertical files accordingly. You can change the direction of also directional. If I use in order goods twice, then you can change the options. You can change the height of nodes, you can change the width of nodes around your all your requirements or face shape changes can be filled through this filter. You can change the forehead just because you have to experiment with it and you can change it. You can smooth out your jaw line. You can increase or decrease your your jaw line. You then change the face of yours. Who mirrored that changing to keep it more heart look. And then after that we will select, Okay. This is before and this is after. The change of jaw line. 6. Lips color: And now we will explore how we can change the lips scholar and he ends the ellipse. We will go to the Brush tool. We will select the smooth brush again. Then we will select the color tone from the swatches we weren't. I will select the light pinkish tone and then we will go to the layer. Then we will select the layer mode as color. And then we will start coloring. It. Will give your portrait lips ready. Enhanced, very beautiful look. You can play with the law, but you have to play with the best year as well to keep the things that realistic. I will breath around 4623. So it will keep realistic and then you can smooth out the corners with the eraser tool. It will start giving more realistic approach to the lips of our portrait. 7. Change eye color: Now we will explore how we can change the color. For the eye color. We have to select the Quick Selection tool and zoom in and select the area after debt. Duplicate that area Layer via Copy, and we have our eyes separate. After that, we will select Hue and Saturation, and then we will give it a clipping mask. So the hue and saturation change will only effective on the IEEE selection. And then we will increase a little saturation to increase the eye color. And we can change the brightness and contrast. So if i, and then using a few section, we can change the color of the eye. This is a very quick way to change the color of eyes. But we have also other way where we can use it already professionally highlighted. This is how we can change the eye color. But the other way to change the eye color is just select that dodge tool and it will highlight and start highlighting the retina bar. Select the mid tone and start highlighting your 13 up part of your eyes. And it will start highlighting the Eichler. That third method to use is to enhance the eye color is using the brush tool and I brush, I have different brushes available in my gallery. I will share the eyebrows with you as well so you can use it to change the colors. Just select, go to the gallery. It will take a little time to find us the eye filter, and here it is. We have different brushes. I always slept 652 wire brush. And just create a new layer and select the color you want to. I selected the red. Just brush it and keep it over your eye and zoom in a little bit. Degree their size, much you want. Then you can duplicate it for the more loop. Then you can select the overlay. It gets all depending on the experiment. You can keep doing experiment with it and see the formula. You can use two different brushes as well. Part of that, I offer that, just select the smooth tool again to smooth out the corners of your eyes. Then you can use the other brush as well. For the I, which is three, it will give more realistic effect to your eye. Just keep the brush size according to the size of I market. And then it is the outer corners of the eye. So it will look. This is how we can use it to different brushes to change the eye color and give it to another realistic login. It's a very beautiful technique to enhance their portraits. And after the debt, we just merge it down with your main. 8. Hair color: So now in this part of class we will explore how we can change the hair color of our model for it, we will select new layer and we will select the required color. We want to change from the swatches. I'm selecting the cyan color and then I will select the brush tool, keep your brush flow down 49 and select the area you want to change. Then go to the layer opacity and select the option into color. And then keep Lord the flow of your brush around 14 or 20. And selecting the hair colored area. Do it very slowly because it's a time taking process. I'm doing it in a speedy manner to give our class to the point and very direct and short. Because here we are to understand the technique and understanding the procedure of how things work. After selecting the area. Just like the eraser. And keep your opacity around 17 years perfect. And then zoom in and start refining the details. More time you will spend on it. The more details get refined. Do it slowly. It will take time. And then you can change its opacity to around 74 to give it more realistic effect on them, you can define it, find your highlights accordingly. It's a time taking process. In short, it will take time to keep things ready, perfect. You can change your float around 17. Keep it in realistic field. And then you can predefine the face area with small size of eraser. Also, we have options where you can change the style in the field of parallel. You can change it into the multiple. It will give us other fields. You can change it into the lightened, into the overlay. It will give you another field, but the perfect feel is keep the Layer Style in two colors. It will give you the perfect feeling of how we can change the color of for our model and give you very close to the reality effect without even doing any makeups or anything, then we will merge our project. Same thing we can do if we want to change the skin tone, we will just select the brush and select the skin tone we wanted. We can select the reddish, we can split the brown from the swatches. We will just select the color, layer style to the color and start painting our skin. Start brushing over our skin and it will start giving your skin remodels skin required field. We can keep it little brown. We can do it later, reddish, do it a little bright. It's totally on our personal choices. Who can change it anytime. And it will give you more control over the editing. Both your portrait, you can lower the opacity for the controls were just, it's just another way to keep the colors of your skin according to your requirement. 9. Retouching action: Now we will explore how we can speed up our workflow, PSU touching it by using their chance for the action. We have to do it one time and after that, we can use debt speedup workflow to create it one time we have to just select a new action by clicking on it, change the action name to retouching. Then start recording the action. Now our action is starting recording. And then we will duplicate the layer. Then we will go to the filter, we will go to the blur, and we'll select the surface blur. We'll select our radius to 60, a threshold to 34, universal use. Then we will duplicate our layer again and we will go to the filter. We will go to the other and select the offset. And then we will select the radius around ten or 10.5. Then we will select OK. We will change high-pass layer style into a linear light. Then we will select itself St around 70. Then we will group these two layers. We will select our layer, layer mask and hide it all. And by the use of brush, we will start doing the retouching. And till this, our action is recorded, we will go to our action. We will pause it. And our action is recorded and all set. Now, just delete it and you can just select your action and play it. And it's already all done. Just choose a brush tool and start retouching. This is a very sweet of workflow. You can use to retouching portraits in just a five-minute, in a very professional way. 10. Final result, Advice & class project: So here is the final result of our class. If you have any questions regarding the class, you can ask it in the discussion section of the class for the class project followed by procedure of face retouching and retouch a picture and show me before and after of your face rotating. You can use different pictures or picture from the project resources or from your own gallantry. Use my technique to reattach the picture. First of all, clean the pimples and then start retouching the picture and then play with the phase shift, then enhance the eye color and hair color. And then after retouching submitted In class project section, I can give you feedback and critiques and get a chance to win Amazon gift card, Instagram Photoshop preset. Thank you.