1. Intro: Hello everyone. My name is Ahmed. I'm a digital artists and creative director working
from past seven years. I've been very
lucky to work with major brands including
United Nations, guide me, Pepsi, Government of Canada
are going out of focus. In this lesson, I will teach you some basic techniques and
professional process of retouching and
editing pictures like Kim Kardashian and
her Instagram feed. What you will learn
in this class, I'm revealing all my secrets, two different methods
and technique to create different photo editing
styles and looks. And it's used in
different projects and a streamlined
workflow of editing. Then for traits in harmony, you will learn how to identify a colored style and
moods of picture, how to edit hue, saturation and lightness
of your colors. You will also explore
Adobe Camera Raw, photo editing, fashion
photo editing, how to create presets and
specific photo style, and how we can manipulate
coded features in editing. The class is divided
into a few parts. Introduction,
identify photo style, correction, retouching,
editing picture. Three, unique editing style. And in the end class
project and final third. So let's start the class.
2. Identify Photo Moods : So first of all, we need to identify
the picture style and the color mode of picture of
** Kim develop their style. On her Instagram feed. I selected different
pictures from her profile so we can
identify different colors, styles, and editing
moves he is using. Here are the pictures. As we go through these pictures, we can see there are three different major
style she's using. Number one is this, which have very dark, very
black-and-white feeling. Because she is just
highlighting the body colors, which is mostly orange and red. And all the colors
are faded out. Teams using it for our professional, more
commercial pictures. This is also a second
editing style sheets using where you can see the main skin tones
are mostly very, very red. End the audience
side of the body. And the third picture, or the third photo editing
tone she is using, which we can see the switches. She is using very magenta
and very Sian and tale tone. You can see the background, all that blue colors, all that blue background, all the blue sky is turned
into the cyan color and more shadows and
highlights are almost merged. So it's creating almost
balanced in that picture. And also, if we explore
her pictures little bit, we can see she is also
applying some vintage effect, some green in her picture to keep the pictures
very classic. Also, when we explore areas that are very
different editing style in that dark environment
with tears and where the body colors
are more prominent. This is also an example of
vintage field in the pictures. So this is the way we can, we can read the color
tones and photo moods, recharge she's using
or developing. In this method, we can develop
any picture and any color. For example, in this,
in this picture, you can see the blue color and the body colors
are more prominent, everything else, the saturated. So I just developed ISL, collected some stock
pictures that we will experiment and create color tones similar to her profile pictures or
her Instagram pictures. So we will try to develop that same vintage effect
in these pictures and some different presets which Kim is using
in her profile. So let's start.
3. Basic & Body Retouching: First of all, we will
select the first picture as a reference and
open it in Photoshop. And then we will select
the other pixels that we want to develop in the
style and edit it. So we will open it in Photoshop. I will add all these pictures
in the resource section of my class so you can use it or you can use your own picture. After that, click
on Window and range and press enter and click on it. It will help you to create better editing and to
work more efficiently. So let's start the editing. First of all, we need to do basic retouching of this picture and basic body retouching and
body modification for it. We will first of
all, auto tune it. Auto could cross it
and auto quality. So the picture get into
its original form. After that, we would need
to crop this image a little bit so it gets in a
better proportion, like the Kims picture always have a solvable crop
it a little bit. I think this is perfect
and it's giving a same perspective as
the Kims picture have. After it, we need to enhance some body features which
Kim's picture always have, which is enhanced curves. So we need to enhance the
curse of our model also. First of all, we will go to
the Liquify. Liquify tool. You can do basically
any body modifications and any enhancement
in the body of our. For example, we need to select the first liquefied tool and increase its size
just a little bit. Afternoon, you can enhance the curves of our model and
you can go all the way. So pretty much
everything that we need to manipulate or modify in
the body modifications. Because curves are most
prominent in the Kims picture. So we will focus on
the manipulating our highlighting
cursor father model. It also depends on our tastes and our
requirements for the shoot. You can also use different tools or
explore different tools. For example, you can use
the Reconstruct tool and you can undo all the
editing in the liquefy. And also you can use
blog tool to enhance the curves off your
modal little bit more in a bloated feeling. And it will also give you
a very realistic effect. We can also use up the CO2. It will slimmed down the
waste of our model basically are so-called every material
from that center point. If there is anything you want to undo or you
want to delete, you can always use the Reconstruct tool so it will get into its original form. With the face of it. You can pretty much change everything with
the face features. You can just click on the face, liquefy and you can
change the size. You can just change
the height of wise. Also, you can change the width. You can change the height
of nodes and everything. You can change the smile. Just take your time and give every process time and focus
on the model beautification, the model elements
so you fulfill all the requirements
of your shoe. And after finalizing,
just click Okay. Here is before and after
the body modifications. If you focus on that point, we can see there is some realistic issue in the
stores near the body curves. So we will try to
resolve this issue. To cover this, just
duplicate this layer, layer of our background
and just click okay, and after that, go to
Filter and apply Liquify. Liquify is directly applied
on our Duplicate Layer. And then you can use
the eraser tool and smooth eraser tool to delete the bag is a bag which is
disturbed by the Liquify tool. Just take your time. Zoom in that picture so
you can you don't miss a single detail of the
victim because it's a fashion show and you're just going to print on a large scale. So we need to focus on
every single pixel detail. Just focus on the editing and
it's a time taking process. But if you invest time on it, no one will understand that. It's photoshoot,
audits, Photoshop, and it will look very realistic
and it will help us to achieve a better fashion
editing in the photographs. And after that, we can
just merge both layers. Then you can do the basic phase, refreshing our body retouching for the photo and
face retouching, I have a very detailed
class which will lead you every step in the
very professional manner. I will post this debt class in the project section and also
the information section of this class so far now
in this project we will use a shortcut way
or searching for it. We will duplicate the
layer and we will go to the Filter and then Noise
and dust and scratches. And we will click on it and we will try to apply the radius around 22 where everything gets a little blurred and most, I think 12 is perfect. And then we will click Okay, and then we will go
to the Filter again. After that, go to the Filter
Noise and go to the blood, and click on Gaussian blur and
apply a little bit of God. And after that, go
to your layer and layer mask and select
the brush tool. And with the brush to apply
some photo retouching. So very, very basic method or photo retouching
are facing today. And it's just a shortcut way. You can lower the
opacity of your brush. Florida very smooth. And you can just apply brush on everywhere on the
face and body parts to make the skin
little smoother. So where you think you
need to apply it more, you can apply double time. But I Shan't. It will smooth it out more. Just take your time and it will be great result if
you give time to it, you can increase the opacity of your brush and then apply it anywhere you
want to smooth this out. Increase the size of brush
lettering lived on the body. So you will get a basic retouching and
then merge it down. So you will achieve the basic
retouching and the zinc. So pretty much for now, we are done with the three editing and
basic body editing. So now we will go and develop
the style for this image.
4. intro to adobe camera raw: To develop the style
like Kim Kardashian and we will help with the
camera raw filter. And to use a camera raw filter, you need to introduction
of the Camera Raw Filter. So first of all, I
need to give you the introduction for
the Camera Raw Filter. So I will select this picture and go to Camera Raw Filter. And then Camera Raw
Filter is open up. We have different styles, we have different options. We can use in the camera
raw filter, for example, we have basics of the picture where you
can change the exposure. Contrast highlights,
shadows, textures, clarity, vibrance, for example, and temperature of the picture. Then we have curves and we
have curves in channels. We can edit that. We have colored mixers where
we can change the hue, saturation and luminance
or single colors. Then we have color grading
option where we can add some colors and shadows and highlights for the building. And then we have
some options for the use symmetry to
change the angle of our image and optics to add
some distortion in the image. Also, we have effects like we
can add green in the image, or we can add with
knitting in the image. Also dead, we have calibration options
in the image where we can calibrate our image
according to our requirement. And after that, there are
also many other options. For example, you can
select the presets, already available presets
to edit the image at all. So you have Brush tool, you have gradient filter edited. So this is a pretty
much introduction of the camera raw filter. And we have the mirror
options where we can see the before and
after of the image. So let's start
editing this image.
5. Edit style 1: So to editing this image, we will open the Camera
Raw Filter again. And we will decrease its size. So we can see the previous image that we want to view that
as a reference, which is games picture. So let's start. First of all, we need to play with the basics. So we need to decrease
some highlights a little bit and
increase some shadows. After that, we need to increase some familiarity and decrees
or texture a little bit. To make this picture
very smooth, we need to decrease our
vibrance little bit around 27. It's all according to our
tastes and requirement. After that, for the curves. We can see there are little
fade in the picture and there is a very intense shadows and highlights we are
seeing in the picture. So we will use three points and lift our
shadows a little bit. And lift our highlights. That will go and decrease our mid shadows a
little bit and increase our mid highlights a
little bit. After that. We will keep saying
both pictures so we can see the color tones and color balance in that
picture as it happened. After that, we will go to
the color mix charity. This is the place where
all the magic will happen. So we need to decrease that red and we need to
increase the orange. So it gets the same color
as that Kim's picture. Then we need to decrease all
the other colors around 70. And then we'd need to play with the reds and
oranges little bit more. And then we will go
to the calibration and change our blue
Brian reading minus 18. And our ed friendly towards
about experimenting. You can do the
experiment and see where you can
achieving that motto. I think we achieved that
all these settings, we need to degree the
saturation a little bit more. Blue primary aging. I don't 60 minus 60 is perfect. And no primary or minus 14, you can use a hue
saturation at 0. Then you can also
increase contrast. This picture where to look more and increase
the highlights, literally the commode,
develop a style like came. In the end. We can
select the effect and add some vegan eating
in debt with Chip, and also add some greens. And we can lumen to see how much beings are applied
on our picture. And after that, you
can just click on these three icons and reset to save these
settings for further use. We will use it as name. It came dark, urban dark because you can use it in any urban environments and very highlight and
shadow beast pictures. And we will press Okay. So here is our final result of our before and after pictures. The way she edits or
fixtures for the Instagram. So now we can try
to experiment this preset or this tile
on other picture. So we'll select this picture for the experiment
and open it in. Photoshop. Tool
takes a little time and then just set
your workspace. And then we will go to the
Filter camera Raw Filter. And after opening the
camera raw filter, we will go to Insert, select the might've been taught filter which
we create you. After that, we can
change anything. If we want to further filter, for example, we can
increase or decrease that. We can increase or decrease
the exposure, our shadows, whatever we want to develop, it's totally on us. And we can do anything. We want to, even though
we created up dessert. After that, we will press Okay. And here is our final
result for the reset. After that, we can also make any body corrections
in this picture I also heard for it we will select the liquefy and we
will select the main tool. And we can, for example,
add the curves. Are, we can develop more curve
in the picture of model. So it's all depend on us, whatever the requirements
of the shoot. After finalizing your
picture, just click Okay. And it is the quickest way to develop after
making that preset. So now we will
explore how we can.
6. Edit style 2: So now we will explore another editing style of Kim's Instagrams with
zeros, which is this one. Does cyan and magenta with a little vintage
and cranial lobe. It's widely used. Her Instagram
pictures, for example, in these images, in this
image, in this image. So we will try to replicate
this effect especially. So we will first open this picture in Photoshop
as a reference. Then we will select our stock picture that we want to replicate
in their style. We have different pictures. We can choose any picture from other stocks that we want
to replicate in dead style. I think this picture
will work fine, so we will open it in Photoshop. It will take time to open these files and
correct these files. So I will open both
pictures separately, enough staff sections,
and I need to crop this picture a little bit to make this picture
more proportional. So here It's looking fine. And then we can first of all, made some initial
yes reattaching, body retouching
and enhancements. For example, we need to
auto color this image, Auto Tone this image, and auto draw this edge. So it gets in its original form. After that, we need to add some body changing
the need for it. We will go to the slack and
we will select Subject. In this, our subject will
get separated and it will be easy to make
anything in the subject. So our subject is selected. We will just click on
it and Layer via Copy. And here is our subject
is selected separately. And we can make anybody
changes in their clear, and it will not affect the
layer behind and it will look very professional and
very smooth body changing. So we will select this layer and click on the filter
and dignified. In the liquefy section, we can change any
possible body trainings. For example, we have different
kinds of tools here. Forward wrap tool,
reconstruct to smooth tool and pucker
tool, bloat tool. So first of all, we will choose our firewall to smooth out that can change that enhancement of body figured The girls. So we have different sizes here, we have different densities
here, and pressure here. Just increase the size of
the tool a little bit. And it will help you
to make body changes. Just increase the size. And then you can add
a little curve in the body to make it
more like Kim photos. And then you can use a bloat tool to make
little body enhancements. And then you can use that tool. Also forward wrap
tool to make any body changing or movement in the
shoulder or in the hand. Then we have on this side
face severe tool there. We can change phase shapes. Her hide, anything
related to the face. We can even change the face. After that, we will click Okay. And now we have all our
team is in that separately. Or when we are done
with these changes, we will merge it
with the background. After that, if you want to read this that picture,
you can reattach it. But I think we don't need
to retrace this picture, so we will keep this class very, very glossy, very
straightforward. You can get what you want to learn and you get the idea of how this picture gonad it
instead of making this class. So after that, we will
go to the filter section where we will do all
the editing style. And in the camera raw filter, we have our reference
picture here. So first of all, we need to analyze it. We have shadows and
highlights very balanced. In this picture we have
Sian a very highlighted, and the magenta tone
very highlighted. So first of all, we will do the basic retouching. We will increase the
shadows a little bit, just a little, and decrease
the highlights a little. Just a little. So you
can change it anytime. We will load the
texture a little bit and increase the clarity. Just a little bit. After that, we will go to
our color mixer and we will enhance the red and oranges. And we will lower the yellow. And after that, we will
select the Hue section. And we will keep our reds. And two minus 20. And then we will keep our
blues into minus 30, minus 41. So we are getting the nearby
to one of their team. What do we need to do? A
little more enhancements. We need to lower the saturation of purple and
magenta little bit. And after that, we will, we can select the calibration. And then we'll do the red
primary or little to minus 20, minus 13 and blue
primary two minus two. And we will decrease the
saturation a little bit. And we will keep these
pictures added a frame. So if we're going on
our right direction, after that, we need to increase
the priority little bit. I think. Now we are nearby. We need to play with that
curve's a little bit more. So we will add three points in the curve section to lift
some shadows and highlights. Just lift a little bit of
shadows and highlights. So we can get the exact details, update their kin style. It's all about experimenting. You need to keep experimenting so you can achieve the results. You want it. So I
think we are close by. We just need a little bit of elaboration of
the red primary. Keys match dusk and dawn. So just take your time and keep doing them
accessory chains. After that, we will go to our basic settings and we need to play with the
vibrance just a little bit. And after that, we will
go to our mixture. And we need to lower
the red a little bit. And here we achieved
our dessert. After that, we need to add
some greening effect in it. We will go through the
facts and some grants that Richard and add some texture to. These are just a little bit. So don't look like
you are editing the picture just to keep the effect very vintage
and very class. After that, increase the
contrast a little bit. So you can have that look. And then just a
little color mixer. Grading, we need
to add some blues, are some Sian shared
in the shadows and some warm orange
shade in the highlights. This keep experimenting so that you can achieve
your required. We are almost nearby that don't. So we need to just leave the saturation
of Blue Primary little bit, just a little bit in the
direction of red primary. Around minus to the 18 is fine. After that, you can
save it as Kim's beach. And just a little enhancement
in the color mix here. For example, for the blue, Yes, These little bit. And then left liberation
enhancement in blue. And here we go. We created the resembled
look with a skills profile. After dare, you can
just click on it and save it as a preset. Create presets for further use. So we'll name it, can be, and it will
save it in our presets. And click Okay. So this is how we can
achieve that result. Same grainy, same vintage style. So here we will try this effect that we created this pretty
set on other pictures. So as experiment if we
achieve that same style, so for example, I have
some pictures of fun here. I will apply as a vector on it. And we will try to experiment
if we reach that same term. So we almost dead effect. There is a little
changing due to the different colors
of the bodies. So here is the perfect
result of our research. We will also, I figured out an accurate
picture of the game. So we will directly
apply that filter on it. So we can achieve that. We achieved exactly
perfect skin tones in our color in our research.
7. Edit Style 3: So now we will explore the
third and last effect, which came mostly used in her profile pictures and
in her Instagram picture, which is this high, very blue vintage loo effect. So we will try to replicate this vintage blue effect
in our Photoshop. So first open this picture
to show as a reference. And now we will
select the other file from overstock which
shows which will be this. And we will try to give this
picture that games affect. So let's start. So first of all, keyboard with your Minitab. So you can have main
idea and reference. Decrease your size
that we need to crop this image a little bit so we can get a
better perspective. I think it's perfect. And after that, we're
going to go to our camera. We can make some body
curves retouching this. You want to just do a very quick read just to keep it to
like with alkenes effect. Just to decrease curves
and select the blog to just give a quick shape
or enhanced body features. And after that, just a little bit of enhancements
and then press Okay. So here is before and after, after dad just go to the Filter camera Raw Filter here we will
do all the math. But before doing it, we will auto controls. They see maize and auto colors this image
and Auto Tone this in it. So we can exactly get
the row effect of this. So if there is any editing
happened on this picture, it will be automatically
until Monday. So we will go to the
Camera Raw Filter now. And we need to add a little bit of blues
in it in this picture. And we need to lower
the saturation. So this is the main part, molar. So first of all, we will increase some shadows, just little decrees, some
highlights, a little bit. And after that, we need to lower the
vibrance a little bit. And after that, we will go to the and viewpoints in the curve watts so we can be timestamp that will
enhance the curves, enhance the shadows
and highlights to. And after that, we need to
analyze it a little bit. So we'll go to our color
mixer and saturation. We will increase the saturation
of blues and equals. And after that, we need to load the other saturations and
opera that we need to increase the saturation of pathetic little bit and
pouring into it also. And after that, we
need to see the blues to cause you to lead us to
the blue side just a little. And after that, we will go
to that calibration section. And we didn't create our blue primary
just a little lower. And we will try to
copy that effect. We will experiment by
increasing the side. To think this is perfect. Yes, we need to
lower the saturation of the primary just
a little so we can get things like body tone
and just lower the midterm. And after that, we will go
to the color mixture again and we will increase the
saturation of the blue. And we'll play
with the luminance and decrease a little bit, just a little, just a
little in the airport. And after that, we need to
keep playing with the effect, with the color
experimenting so we can achieve the exact required
reserves that we wanted to. So for example, we need to
change the orange hue desk per liter minus 13 and
red excuse also. And after that, we will go to our color grading and
we will add some red, some blues in the. The shadows and some red, some yellow in the
highlights and midtones. And after that, we will go
to our color mixture again. We'll go to the saturation
section. We will try. And after that, we will go
through the basic section of our Camera Raw Filter and try
to increase the vibrance, just see if we are
retaining their hand. Increase, decrease some
whites in the picture, and increase and
increase and contrast. Two. After that, we need to add
some Beardy in that picture, just a little cylinder. And after that, we will go to the calibration again and lower the saturation just a little lower the saturation just a little all pred primary. Just lifting. So we can get the same body
tones like Pimm's. I think minus 52 for that
quantity is perfect. And after that, we will go to the effects and add some
greens in the picture. So it will start giving, maintain it and add
some vegan eating. And after that, we see some
difference in the blues. The worst victims have. We will try to correct it. In Dr. Lecture section of that, you will try to add some blues towards
the plus four. And here we have. It's also we always can achieve this effect nor the same way, but very close to that picture, the goal according to the
environment and according to according to it depends according to the
environment we have. And also according to the shoot light and
choose saturation. So in the color mixture section, we can click on the
color and we can just reattach to
exactly blue color. We will increase the saturation
just a little 89 per cent and we can decrease your school minute
just a little minus 14. And the hue plus 11 plus nine, I think is perfect. And we can also
add some play with the reds and oranges because the red and
orange, the body colors. So far, No, This is perfect. And after that, we
will just click on these three doors and create
preset and we will name it, came blue and press. Okay. And here we
have this preset, exactly same looking creatures. We can increase its
contrast little bit to get them more
resembling that. It's all about
experimenting in the end. We can also experiment
this picture, this effect on other pictures. So we can see if we have the perfect result
that we wanted to get. So this is how we can
achieve any effect in the, for the show by
referencing a picture. So I applied this
effect on this picture, typically giving the
same effect that Kim's picture have exactly
recreated that picture. So here is the final
result of our class.
8. How to Import Presets : So now we will explore how
we can import research. In the show. We will go to the filter, we will go to the
Camera Raw Filter. And then we'll go
to a doctor twice. And we will select
Load Settings. And then we will select
the folder where our filters presets
are. Just slip. I'm selecting the orange and tail filter, select Download. And it's typically
applied on this picture. So this is how you can apply
this preset on the picture. But if you want to keep the research in your
default settings, just go to the presets section and important files and presets. And select the preset from
the location you saved it. And if it's not
working this way, then go back to your
application and your finder, and click on Go
and press Alt key. And it will show
the library here. When you press the Alt key, it will show the Library, click on the library folder and go to the
application stored. And then go do that. And then go to the camera roll. Then go to the settings. And here we have all
our presets folder. Now, you can copy your
preset where you saved it. I saved it here into your
preset floss. Just copy this. But he said and save it, paste it in the settings folder, and then refresh your instantly updated in
your freezer section. And if it's not coming
into the research section, then just restart
your Photoshop and it will be imported on your camera. So this is how we can
import our presets. In Photoshop. It's a little tricky
and difficult, but this is just
onetime process. And then it will be always
in our camera setup.
9. Final Project & Results: So here is the final
result of our class. If you have any question
regarding the class, you can ask it in the discussion
section of the class. For the class project, follow my procedure and edit a picture of yourself
or your friends in that Qin style also show before and after of editing you
can use different pictures. Are pictures from the
project resources or from your own guilty. And upload it in the
project section of my class. Hello, My procedures. First of all, select
the reference picture, select the main fixture to edit, body retouching
and create style. And after that, save and
upload it as a class concept. So I can give you feedback
and critique and get a chance to win Amazon gift card or
Instagram Photoshop preset. Thank you.