1. Introduction: Hi, everyone. My name is Leo, and I'm the creator behind Ghost Paper, A space dedicated for art and digital illustration in the special class procreate, advanced, activating your pro mod. We're going to be focusing on the fundamentals off all of the advanced features off appropriate. We're going to be tweaking your preferences. We're going to be showing you all the gesture controls, different ways to fill layers and shapes and many, many more. So make sure you don't miss anything from this glass. Grab your favorite T water, coffee, anything you like. And also make sure to grab your iPad. And I can't wait to see what you can create after this class. So now let's get to it.
2. Quick Menu Hacks: Becoming Super Fast: all right. In this lesson, I'm gonna show you guys how to actually use deep power off the quick menu. So the quick manual can speed up your productivity and your performance whenever you're actually doing illustrations on procreate. And reason for that is quite simple. To give you an example, the tools, as we know that are able to generate things with the exception, of course, of adding text and importing images which is located here in the left side, most of the tools are located on the right side of the menu. So the fact that at least for me, I'm a left handed. As you can see, I have to reach all the time to the top, right to actually go in the sight. If I want a paint with with any brushes, if I want to smudge used the razor tool or just Jack on my layers panel. So the best way that you can do here on procreate to actually quickly access these features is to hold with one finger onto the canvas and then you can access the quick menu. You have to, of course, first of all, go here into preferences were going to go into preferences and gesture controls, and we have to make sure that the quick menu is actually activated by one of these activation options. In my case here, I have as a touch and hold with DeLay off 0.15 of a second, which is also very, very important, for example, could have this delay as Bigas Ah, second and 1/2. But then we'll actually require that I have my finger press for a second and 1/2 here. As you can see, it becomes much slower to actually access that quick menu and the name itself already. You know, quick menu means that the faster you can access, the faster you can go about your illustrations. So once again, back in gesture controls, I would advise you to actually set it off. Set it to a very little number. About 0.15 of a second is quite nice just to show you again how quickly can access these options. And then what's also really interesting is that not only when you access it, you can you don't have to lift your finger from the canvas. You can then just slide into any one off the any off the six options that we have here. And as you can see, for example, we're here with the rays activated. But if I go into paint and I let it go, procreate already searches to the paint mode and the signs of the brush that you had left and also the opacity off that brush. So just to give a quick example, if I'm here painting, if I wanna have into a race how quickly that is and again paint, I can go here and say a new layer. I can select this option and has emerged down. So going to the layers, man, you just to show you new layer. There's a new layer here. I don't even have to actually go into my layers panel Figel merge down that layer is merged into the circle air. And I also didn't have to go into the layers panel and finally here just to give an example . I have flipped horizontally, so I'm showing you a different illustration here that's a little bit more asymmetrical, just to show you that this is a very good I think to do when you're designing something. Ah, and you need to compare. Sometimes the brain gets used to seeing a certain way, so it's good to flip the image so you can compare the balance off the image, how the elements are organized. And if you need to do any changes and then you can flip the image back to its original position. And finally here. Of course I have the eyedropper, which is really useful. There are several ways to actually activate the eyedropper. I do find that having here on my quick access menu is something that I really activated rather easily in a nutshell. Those are the options off my quick menu, and I want to show you guys in practice how those can be actually quite helpful. So let's just say we're going to create a new layer here. I'm gonna set it as a clipping mask. I'm gonna choose to callers. One's gonna be dark. The other one's gonna be a lighter color. So now another really quick hack here is Teoh Change collars between the color that you currently have and the previous color. All we have to do is just click and hold on the color swatch so you don't have to click here and re select that collar either by a palette or by changing the color wheel. So we're gonna leave it at dark. For now, we're gonna click on her brush, make sure I'm using a noise brush maximum size of maximum capacity, one my new layer. And because it's a clipping mask layer, it's going to respect the Alfa off our circle. A lot of these concepts I've already talked about in my other class, which have on skill share, which is procreate essentials, the ultimate guide. So I highly recommend you to take a look at that glass as well. If you're starting on this one or if you don't have all of the concepts from the basically all of the options off procreate because here we're only going to talk about these advanced features. So back here we're just gonna change deep blending mode to overly we're gonna give the nice , really burned effect onto this fear and also that slight shading to this fear. Nothing too crazy. But now you know, I almost went had just kind of like memory muscle memory. I almost went here into the razor, but it could also do it with my quick menu. And now I can go here and start to you soft in this shadow right here. Maybe actually did it too much. So I'm just gonna roll back a couple steps and once again, we're just gonna create a new layer said it's a clipping mask. And now, with the power of the quick menu, I go into paint. I can click and hold here on the collars I'm using bright color So now we can paint some highlights on his own to this fear And now, clicking on the layer we're gonna set it Teoh, probably add and just bring the opacity way down And maybe we can delete just a little bit . And here we have our element all initially shade at at least with the quick Manu hacks So you know, once again can create all these options very, very quickly. And before the final thing here on this lesson, how do we actually customize thes options, which is something as important as also activating this option itself, so also very easy. So in order to activate these options, you just have to first press and hold to evoke the quick menu. And now we just have to press and hold on one of the options themselves. So here I just pressed on hold on the nuclear option. And now I have, ah, full drop down layer off all of the possible actions that we can set it for. This button right here on procreate. I am going to leave a new layer. I just want to show you the you know what you can do. You can, actually, at text you can do Alfa lock on that layer. Clear layers. Copy. Copy, Canvas. There are so many options here, and he really depends how you actually go about your illustrations in your art style. And what are the options that you access the most? Ah, per illustration. So I hope that really clears out the importance and how we can use quick menu in order to make our production much faster and really become pro here on procreate.
3. Finding Any Layer Easy (Without Opening The Layers Panel!): for this lesson. Let me show you how you can find any layer as easy as possible without even having to open the layers panel. If you actually don't believe this possible, I'm going to show you today in this lesson how you can actually achieve that. So here's an example. Often illustration that I did for my YouTube channel. So here on this example here there is an illustration full off different layers, and I want to show you Hung can actually find selectees layers and even be able to add it them by just turning on an option here on the preferences menu. So how do we actually achieve that? And first, I just want to show you, like here is the list of players that compose this picture. Well, we just have to go into the actions menu, go back into preferences in gesture controls, and then we're going to find the option layer select. Once we get into this option later select. We have Teoh. We have a very similar sub panel as the other tools here where we have to tell procreate which one will be the activation matted for this tool in this case, here. I'm gonna let I'm gonna leave as a touch, and I will explain why I'm Yeah, I'm actually using this option rather than any of these other options as well. Well, the reason why I think touches the best one in this case. I'm just gonna rest my pencil here. Once you actually touch and just scrub your finger through the canvas, you can see all off the layers that compose this image and what's also really, really cool. You can stop it. A place that has multiple layers and procreate will tell you what layers are actually are composing this section off the image. So again, if it keeps growing, I'm going to stop at another place. It's a very similar situation, but let's just say stop being, um around here I have three layers. One is deep graphics on the drawing tablet that we see in the illustration. Then we have these shadows of the character. Then we have the fill layer off the shirt pants and three iPad at itself. So, for example, say that we were actually want to do some changes. Studio hair. I'm gonna go script to this section. I know now that is layered 21. I'm just gonna select layer 21 then I'm gonna lift on my finger from the canvas and now safe. I'm with Supan raising. Say, I just wanted to actually do some changes here and take away one of the curves in the hair . I could just go here and start to modify off course. This is a different kind of illustration because it has outlines and a different way off. So what I'm trying to say is like, I can't just, like, make, um, full patch year. So I still have a few more layers than I need to delete. But it just wanted to show you that if it click now on the layers panel, I am only 21 it was able to actually access that layer rather quickly without even having to turn layers on an off year. And that again will really optimize your productivity and make you work much faster on procreate. The last thing that I want to say about the Layer select feature is that I don't have turned on at all times. I usually have that option turned on towards the mid to the end off my illustrations. And that is because, Ah, a few of the time, for example, here, I just want to zoom out out off this illustration and sometimes broke rate can actually activate that option because we did have said it set for a finger touch on the campus. So sometimes that option may come on. So what I do what I usually do is that I have it off until I'm quite satisfied with my illustration and wants a making more changes. I then turn on the ah, finding any layer the layer select. So on the next lesson, let me show you how you can actually create a redo feature for the quick shape option.
4. Quick Shape: A Quick Undo Hack: in this lesson, Let me show you how you can actually create a redo feature for your quick shapes here on procreate. So just to explain for us, what quick shape is in the case that you haven't seen my previous class procreate essentials. The ultimate guide, basically procreate, allows you to create shapes there quite loose and abstract. Whenever you're making making drawings and illustrations, urine procreate by using a brush. But pro great also allows us to draw a line or what it could look like line and just hold the pan onto the canvas without letting it go. And then a quick shape is created, and quick shapes are either lines or they could be circles. If, uh, if you created your shape and then you hold one finger into the canvas and then create a circle, the next one is a square again, holding a finger onto the canvas snaps it into a square, and finally you can make triangles. Once again, I'm going Teoh. Just go here and fix that so that I have a triangle. So that's basically the basic shapes that procreate actually can create as quick shapes. Once you draw shape. That kind of looks like one of these shapes, and then you just have to hold Dheepan onto the canvas, and you can also hold one finger onto the campus as well. If you do decide that you want one of these perfect shapes, you can also change it into a rectangle and tweak it further. You can change it onto a Paula line, and you can have open shapes and so on, so forth. This is also another lesson that we have covered in the procreate essentials class. But what I really want to show you here is that once you create any of these shapes, they look like factors. But in fact they are not. Let's just remember that procreate is a raster program, meaning that is a pixel program where shapes once created, they all become pixels. So anything that you create here on procreate and you save it becomes pixels. So there's no really function like illustrator like Adobe Illustrator, for example, that allows you to keep adding these shapes if you do. If you are using an illustrator, just the you know the factor kind of creation methods of drawing with a pen, drawing with brushes But however, there is a way here procreate that you can really do your last created shape. So once again, the challenge here I'm just going to create a new layer. Delete this one Say they've you've created a circle. So we're gonna draw something that looks like a circle. Hold one finger onto the campus so that it creates a perfect circle. I can click at it shape and I can see what I have draw in. The first place is in the lips. I do want a perfect circle. I'm going to kind of position here in the middle off the screen. And once they click on the arrow arrow here, the selection arrow, we exit this this feature the stool and now there were out of it. I can move this circle I can scale down. It can skill up. But even by scaling up more than its original size, I'm already distorting the odd pixels. I'm creating an alias ing effect that actually makes your illustrations look like lore as illustrations. So what can we do once we actually click away for a za mistake? Say that you're still adding in the shape, for example, making again. Another circle Here, let me just make a better one. I'm actually going to redo the shape, say that you have a circle and you're hearing the ad achieve. You're like tweaking the curves and, like, just the way that you actually want. Maybe you do one of the lips and you're doing all sorts off tweaks to your shape. And then my mistake, it just kind of click away out or something happens, which for sure has happened to be in the past. And then I lose the possibility to further at it this shape, So all that we have to do is go into the actions menu, and we're gonna go into gesture controls. And now we're gonna take a look at quick shape and what we want here. The reason The way that we want this hack to actually work, I come out a hack because actually found out this, maybe like a few months ago, is to actually turn on this option. Here. Tap the little square, which sits between the birth size and the but a brush capacity to evoke the quick shape menu and also just says a quick a tip here as Well, my drawing hold timer for any line to become quick shape. I've set it down to 0.34 of a second. So 1/3 of a second is actually the time necessary for for appropriate to understand that I'm still holding the tip of my panel to the canvas. And I want to create a quick shape out of my lest creative brush or eso to show you what we can do in terms of timing. Here we can go once again all the way up to a second and 1/2. I highly recommend you to keep it down Teoh somewhere around the third of a second because it still gives you time to actually draw a very abstract shape and quickly removed the tip of the pan out of the campus. Or you can just hold on there for 1/3 of a second, and it will create a quick shape. So now that we have that option said it to on, this is what I want to show you. Once again, if you have experienced by drawing any quick shapes, you know that once you exit this menu, there's no going back. There's no way to actually continue to tweak this shape. But now that we've selected that option, I'm gonna click the little square between the brush size and the brush capacity. And you see the option added shape reappears here at the top, off the menu, off procreate. And now, as you can see, I can further continue to tweak my last created shape. So this is really important, guys. Unfortunately, procreate has no way where we don't have a way here to actually quick out to to actually continue to redo not only this shape, but the one that came before. If you're drawing multiple circles and most multiple quick shaped lines or straight lines, there is no way to actually add it. Them all but rather just your last created shapes. Still, this is a really good feature, and it's a lifetime saver, especially if, by any mistake, you click away safe. In this case here, I would have Teoh, you know, go back a few steps with a new or even the lead down layer and recreate that shape. So, having this option on, I could just click on the little square, and I can click as many times as I need. And that's the beauty off the stool. There's no really a limit, a less when you create your next quick shape, then we won't have, ah, once again the option to actually add it, this one. So I hope that makes sense. And I hope that really improves de ah performance as your if you, especially if you wore drawing things that have geometric shapes on procreate. Now for the next lesson, let me show you some quick ways how you can copy and duplicate multiple layers on procreate .
5. Work Faster: Duplicating And Copying Multiple Layers: in this lesson, Let me show you how you can copy multiple layers onto the same file and also between files on procreate. So if you're actually have some experience on procreate while you're making your illustrations, you probably have figured it out that in order to duplicate when layer, it's quite easy, you just slide the layer to the right and hit duplicate, and you can make a duplicate of any layers. But now say that you actually need to duplicate all off the layers here all of the film layers on to the same file. For example, you want to make a test about calorie. Want to change collars for this illustration? So one way that you could actually go about it is select all of the fill layers, group them and then go in a group, duplicate that group, have you know a copy of each group, and now you would select again all of the layers bring them outside off the group or on grouping the layers. So something like this, and then the leading the new group, that was a lot of clicks, right? So let me show you how it can actually duplicate multiple layers rather quickly. We're going to once again select all of the layers that we want to duplicate. Now we press and hold and drag it onto the campus and then quickly procreate makes a copy off all of those layers. I'm just gonna set our outline Lear to be the top most the first layer. And then, as you can see here, we have a copy off those off that group off layers without having to group them or to do multiple things in the first place. So now let me show you how you can copy multiple layers within files were just going to select the layers that we want to copy between multiple files. And now we're going with to select them, bring them onto the canvas. Don't let go. Now we're gonna go back into the gallery using our other hand, and we're gonna go into a new file. And now just drop the layers that you want a copy onto the new file. And once you look here onto the layers panel, you've actually pasted all of the necessary layers. Now, for next lesson, let me show you how you can mask multiple layers with one layer mask
6. Masking Several Layers With One Mask: in this lesson. Let me show you how you can actually mask multiple layers with one single mask. So in this file right here that have prepared for you for this lesson, we have just turning off all the layers so you can see a simple background. Then we have a circle in green, a flat circle, and then we have a few layers here that composed the shadows and highlights for the circle in order to give a little bit more volume in order to give the appearance off a shaded sphere. Let's just say that we actually want to hide. We want to obscure layers here in this file in a non destructive wait. So first, let me show you what is a destructive way of actually working on procreate. For example, just clicking on selecting or circle you're here and going onto the razor with a Supan in making any changes. Let's just say they actually we want something like half of a sphere. So we're going to the elite, the's pixels, or even used the lasso tool Make a selection right here. Something more or less like this. Um, actually, just going Teoh make a new selection here just around this area because it just got part of that half the circle that it don't want. And then it can click back on the layer and select clear. So let's just say that we actually just 1/2 a circle. So not only I've only deleted the first ever earlier here, which is our basically or so meeting. I haven't deleted our shadow layers. Nothing is really being done that I actually need to do in order to just have half a sphere shaded. Not only I still need to do that, but I've done in a way that I call it the destructive way of actually working on procreate , meaning that what I'm doing here unless I go and I undo if I save this file, it's safe forever. And I've lost half of this fear. So the question is, is there a way to work in a known destructive way on procreate? And the answer is yes. So let me show you how we can do that. So first we're going to undo back Teoh the point where we have the full sphere so and that actually is connected to how we can actually mask multiple layers with one mask. So the first thing that we actually want to do is to click on each layer and select the option clipping mask. So what we're actually doing by selecting these options were actually telling. You can see here with the visual with the visual cue off this like little arrow pointing down that we are binding all of for clipping mask layers to one main shape or main layer in this case is our circle. So the boundaries off the circle becomes the become the mask off. All of the layers there are above and set up s clipping mask. So what I mean by that is selecting the circle and then just moving the circle around, I start to mask the layers there that are above off the main layer, as you can see here. So I'm just gonna do that. And now that we have all of these leaders above, uh, set up as clipping masks to arming lier, we're just gonna click on our main lier and select the option mask. So now we've created a layer mask And how does Lear Mask actually works? Well, it takes any value on the from completely white to completely black in order to obscure or reveal parts of that layer. So the if you want to obscure things as we're doing here in this lesson, let's go to the full black value. Because if we stay here on the gray side, I'm just going to use a brush. We don't have to actually use the razor. In this case, we're actually going to paint a mask if I use a great value, as you can see where painting were obscuring partially this layer. So because his painting with a pass ity is interpreting that gray meat means something like 50% capacity off that layer. So first thing that we actually want to do is to go the full value off black another way here on this full value of black. I'm just going to draw that same kind of a dab in a line, and I'm also going Teoh probably select a bigger brush so that we can cover mawr quicker. I'm not actually going to use that selection to unclear because we want to do it in a very non destructive way. And now that I've painted half of that sphere or the circle as it was just saying Not only be because we've painted now that we've painted the layer mask not only with obscured the base layer, but we've also obscured any off the layers there are connected above as clipping masks. So this is what this is, how we actually can't set up one layer mask that actually binds to all of the layers in this file, if those layers air first set up as clipping masks so again in that show, in order to make this work, you have to have all of the layers. The secondary leaders first set up as clipping masks to the main layer, and you're going to play the mask onto the main layer itself. So in this way, you only need one layer to actually hide everything and the best part of this. This whole method is what I was just talking about known destructive work, meaning that if I turn off layer, mask or sphere, or are shape is completely back on its never being deleted, it's only being obscured by this layer mask. So that also allows me to just save this file, not even having to worry anything about changes. Say, if this is some freelance for a client and the clients not requesting these the full sphere , it's no worries at all. They're just turned off, the leader masks, so there are lots of good things about working in a non destructive wait. Another really good feature is that if the client asks for any changes in color, it's much easier to just have a layer such as the base clear here, separated and not merged or flattened with any of your artwork. As gets here. I just changed to a yellow color and was able to drop the caller onto the base layer, transforming everything into this new hue. So another thing that climbing asked you for is to input the specific value that may come from the branding from the guidelines off off his or her brand. And you could do that very, very easily. If you're working in a known destructive wait, I'm just gonna head back to the green as if you prefer this kind of visual, and that kind of doesn't forth this lesson. So in the next lesson, we're going to take a look at what are the quickest ways to actually fill layers with color appropriate
7. The Quickest Ways To Fill Layers And Shapes: in this lesson, I'm going to show you the three quickest ways to actually fill shapes with collar. So the very 1st 1 is a method that you may know or not, which is the reference layer. And how does the reference layer works best? So say you have an illustration here that is all made of outlines. So for that, I'm just gonna tap, click and hold here on the little check mark that it's next to layer, and that actually does solo layers here on procreate. So that's another tip. In case you didn't know how to actually solo leaders and procreate, you just have to hold your pan or finger onto the little checkbooks that is next to the layer in order to solo it in order to get out of thesis allowing mode, you just have to tap and hold us well and procreate, remembers the organization that you've left just before you solo that layer, meaning that leaders there, on and off, are going to keep there's state as before, so again destroy. What reference layer works best is when we have illustrations here that everything is in one layer and is made out off outlines, so there are boundaries that can help you out to fill shapes. So the first thing that we actually want to do is on our outline layer. Just select a layer and select reference layer. Now that we have the leader as a reference layer, I'm just gonna get out of solo mood. And now we're going to go into a certainly or here that I have separated by color. And I want to fill this shape here. The sun With this color you could go. One way of going about it is that you could just paint this region right here. But you have to go with the razor and just like, uh, you know, I just did very quickly here, But you have to find the edges and that even if you were to drew like a quick shape here still takes you quite a bit of time to actually feel that shape. So the best way that you can go about it now they've set up that outlined earlier as a reference layer. You just have to drag. And I dropped that caller onto the boundaries off that shape and procreate understands because that Lear was a reference layer. Procreate understands deep boundaries off that layer and fills a new layer with that color . So I'm just gonna sold this layer off color here. And as you can see, all of the colors that are made with this orange part in this later and they are not in the same layer as the line work. So I'm just gonna get out of thes solo vote here, And I'm not everything that would assure you I'm just gonna undo this drop of color. I want to show you something that sometimes by dropping a color here, there is also a thing called the color threshold. And the color threshold is the basically procreate trying to understand what is the region that you actually try to fill with collar. If we go to 100% as you can see here, the whole picture gets taken with this color. So if that's happening with your shape, just remember to don't lift the pen out off your canvas, but just slide that ah slider to the left side until you find a number that actually works best by feeling the shape that you need. So next up, let's look at the second quick, it's matted to actually fill shapes with color. I'm gonna switch back or color with the famous press and hold all the color to actually switch to the previous caller they have selected. And now we're going to paint those pants here. So I'm just gonna create a new layer in this case here. What I'm going to show you is that we can fill layers with a selection. So we're gonna go into the selection mode and I want to show you how you can actually properly use the free hand selection boat because a lot of people don't know what they do is that they try to fill the shapes of, actually keep by drawing constantly without raising the pan out of the canvas. And the problem with that is that is really hard to be Esper size is possible. In this case, you are just drew like very quickly, but still is really, really hard to be asper sizes. We need to be, as in this case, years to concede. There are lots of outlines and the drawing is quite intricate. In order for me to actually paint the pence really nicely without going into the hands or the pencil here or even on the bench that composed this image. So I'm just gonna again undo get out of this selection mode, make sure that we're on our new layer going to selection, and this is what I want to show you. You can actually draw normally, and then you can stop at any point. And you can continue just drawing like it if you actually drawing with a brush. So now, if you want to do a straight line, you just click on the line, Do you want to create? And if it's a curve, you just continue to draw as a curve. So this is a straight line. Then we have back into another curve here, and you can still use the pinching mode, which is really good. Then we're just gonna click here and here, make another line. This is gonna be a straight line off the pants, and then we go around this section and then we're gonna click here and here and here. All straight lines when were actually don't drawing with straight lines. The selection, of course it is much quicker. So I'm just gonna be drawing a few lines here to go around that iPad there on the illustration and now just finishing it up right here, clicking at the end of the mask. So now that we have this mask selected, I'm just gonna go into the layers panel, click on the layer and select few later. Right here, we've filled the layer that we want with the color of the pets. Off course. We missed a little section here, so we can always go back into the selection mode with any selection and just remember to draw. You don't need to actually do all in one take so you can definitely take your time. In order to make the selection again, we're gonna click on the layer select feel layer. And that's that little patch right here. And this is thes Second way to actually feel layers as quickly as possible on procreate is by using the's freehand selection mode. Now, for the last way of actually filling your shapes with color, I want to show you the power off the re coloring tool. So as we have here, we have some color for the shirt off this character, which in this case is this light. Great. Almost. Wait. So we're just gonna go into the first the layer that this color lives, we have to have it selected. Then we're gonna go into the adjustments menu and select re color. Then although we have to do is just using this cross here. We're going to locate the part where we want to recall her and make sure that we have the caller that we want to recall. Er and there you go. You quickly recall er parts of your illustration just by tapping where you want to recall her. So in this case here, because we also have the skin layer, I can keep tapping on the skin. And I'm still recovering all of those parts with the new caller. So is as quick as just tapping where you want to recall her sections on your illustration. Just gonna do under here to leave just a shirt and dairy Go. Those were the three quickest ways to actually caller Ah, shapes here on procreate On your illustrations. 1st 1 is reference layer. The 2nd 1 is the selection, the freakin selection tool and the 3rd 1 is de recall er toe Now for the next lesson. Let's take a look on how we can set up your preferences in order to get the most out of your procreate experience.
8. Setting Up Your Preferences: all right for this lesson. Let me show you how to properly set up your preferences and how to actually use the most from your gesture controls. So in order for me to be able to show you how properly set up your preferences, we're gonna head into the actions menu and then into the preferences, subtype and gesture controls. So follow me as I actually tweak the settings here, and you may actually want to set up the same way, starting with the eye dropper. I have set up mine with the little square between the brush size and capacity, plus a touch on the campus quick ship menu. As you guys seen on a previous lesson, I have set up with a tap on the little square to actually invoke the Lest created shape on your illustration. The ability to have a redo when quick menu have actually set up with the touch and hold and a delay off 0.15 off a second full screen is a four finger tap on the canvas. Clear layer is a scrub is a three finger scrub on back and forth in order. Do clear whatever late, Whatever graphic you have on that later, copy and paste would be a three finger swipe on a vertical with a vertical gesture in order to cop whatever the contents it are or to cut them and paste onto a new layer. Finally, layer, select as it was, just showing. You can actually activate that towards the end of your drawing with a touch and the touch. You don't have to actually lift from your canvas, and you can then see the contents off each layer on that area that you actually have selected. Finally rotating with Pinch Zoom. It's something that I do have on, and that is for when you have objects selected on the canvas. So now let me show you quickly how these actions actually work once we're here working on illustrations. So the 1st 1 is the quick menu. I can go paint. I can go a raise just by holding my finger onto the campus. The next one is the layer, a select, which allows me with just crabby. I confined whatever layers are compromised in that region where I have selected where have my finger onto the canvas. The next one is the three finger swipe and you can choose to copy or cut the contents onto a layer. I'm just going to copy and paste. And as you can see, I've duplicated the the contents off later, 20 into a new layer. Now say that I want to empty the contents off this layer without the leading the layer. I can just do the three fingers scrub in order to clear the layer without the leading it so that new layer is still there. Leslie, don't forget that you can just tap and hold the color here in order to choose between your , uh, the first color that you had and your previous color. You can also reposition this bottom Manu here, which has the burst size and brush capacity by just tapping and holding onto the square and bringing it outside. And you can see that I'm actually repositioning to anywhere actually want on my u Y on the side. That actually is, if you want to flip that information, all we have to do is remember to go into preferences, and in my case, because I'm left handed, I have the right hand interface. But if I d select that I have, um all of a sudden, you Why on the birth, size and brush capacities here on the left. So once again, I can just bring that out and reposition to whenever I want. So I'm just gonna turn the right hand interface once again. And that pretty much covers for ways to actually increase your productivity, using gesture controls and also setting up properly your preferences. So now for the next lesson, let's take a look at how we can use off the knowledge into a new illustration.
9. Project Assignment: So here's what it was thinking for the lesson assignment for this class. I'm actually being thinking that since now we have learned, ah, lot off the advanced features and procreate. And hopefully you've also taking the other course Procreate Essentials. The ultimate guide, which also gave you Ah lot of the basics and the bays from procreate from eight, is that in all of his options and features, now what I really would like to do for the for the assignment is that so that you go back to one of your first created drawings. In my case here, I'm gonna open this mosaic that have created somewhere around the beginning of less year. Even not you're sure and just head into the actions Manu, and go into the canvas information within the camera's information. You should see your tracked time, which means is your total time you you've actually spent while doing this illustration. In my case, here, guys is somewhere around 12 hours. So 12 hours and some change and now what I would love for you to do is to start illustrating with this new concepts, like what the with the performance off the quick menu copying and pasting layers, duplicating layers the best way feeling shapes and layers ask quickly as possible and using all of these concepts in your new illustration And in my case here, guys just opening another illustration that have done not too long ago. Now, this time, when I go into the actions manual and I go into cameras information, my total time is now around three hours in a little bit. So the assignment itself, then, is for you to compare how much time you were taking when you just started using procreate or when you had a little bit of knowledge and procreate. And how much time are you actually saving now by having taken this course. So now, going back into the gallery for me, I actually saved about nine hours of my off my time by using these principles. So I'm actually making an illustration here with the with the number nine, which is the difference between of course, 12 hours and out, three hours. So I would love to see, um, any artwork that you guys can create by using a number. So, in your case, if you had a difference off six hours three hours. Just make an illustration. Anything that comes to mind, there's no rules in terms of collars, there's no rules in terms of like graphics and how many numbers you actually want to display. If you want to do multiple numbers on the screen, that's also totally fine. In my case here, I'm saving about nine hours, and I'm including one of my illustrations here at the center using the the clipping mask feature. So just show you guys, if I click here in this layer and I uncheck clipping mask, here's my illustration, and I'm just making a mask into my text layer, which is the number nine. So, anyways, guys, this is just a quick video here. I just want to you if you want to practice the all the things that we've learned learned now in this class. This is a great moment to actually include all of the features that you've learned in terms off, like optimizing your performance, optimizing your speed and making better and faster choices while working on procreate
10. Conclusion And Graduation Day: welcome back. And congratulations on finishing the course. Procreate, advanced. Activating your pro mode. By now, we have the fundamentals off the advanced features appropriate. You know how to set up your gesture controls properly. If also set up, your preferences were using the best ways. When we're actually filling shapes with color, we have ways to redo our last created quick shape. We confined leaders easy without even having to open the layers panel, and we've learned how to properly use the quick menu. So I hope you have enjoyed this class. And I do also hope that you go through the class assignment and you make an illustration off. How many hours you've saved so far by going through this glass? I also encourage you to take a look at my other glasses and expand your knowledge on digital illustration. Thank you so much for watching and again. Congratulations on finishing this glass and I'll see you on the next one. Joe