1. Intro - Visual Thinking 101: our ability to elicit visual thinking and incorporate specific strategies and techniques, and our power point presentations is absolutely crucial when it comes to creating effective and engaging decks. Before we dive into the why of this statement. Let's first determine the what What is visual thinking? Simply put, visual thinking is the ability to think visually. More specifically, it's the ability of process information through non verbal forms. Now, if after reading that definition you're not sure, if your visual thinker or not a really quick way to determine it, it shouldn't take a moment. And think of dog. Did the image in your mind look more like the three lettered word dog on the left? Or some type of visual representation of an actual dog? According the Wikipedia visual thinking is very common in roughly 65% of the population. Generally think the non verbal means. I think the statistic makes sense. However, what doesn't make sense is that when most people are presented with a blank age such as this, and given the opportunity created deck of slides, they discard all forms of visual thinking. In Crete, bad looking power points that resembles something like, Yeah, Hi, my name's I should borrow. I'm a professional graphic designer who has worked in the field alongside large Fortune 500 companies, designing and creating corporate presentations infographics at all kinds of various marketing materials for well over 20 years Now. In this course, I will teach you how to create effective and engaging power point presentations by diving into the various tips, tools and techniques that I use on a day to day basis to keep clients happy. If that sounds like the course for you, then meet me on inside and let's get started.
2. Class Project Intro: for your class projects. I've created various types of touchpoints knowledge checks and exercises for you along the way. Doing any one of these will hope you to solidify and really grasp all the different concepts and things that we talk about during this course. So you can either do all of them or any one of them. But what I'd like you to do for sure, is to upload it and share it with the class in the create projects section of your skill shirt course.
3. Visual Thinking Principles: before diving into the principles of visual thinking. Let's first take a look at this slide. Do you remember what visual thinking is as a refresher? Visual thinking is the ability to process information through nonverbal forms using pictures and images. But it's also so much more than that. Visual thinking principles are at the center of every effective and engaging power point presentation. So what are these principles? Layout alignment? Hierarchy? Contrast in repetition. Visual thinking brings clarity to any piece of visual information that we interact with and allows us to communicate our message in a way that is understood by the viewer Intentionally using visual thinking principles and our Power point presentations allows the audience to absorb the content on the screen, create connections and meaning and take the necessary action. That's required layout is the foundation off all design. It's what holds all the elements on your slide together in a cohesive manner. In design, alignment refers to the placement of visual elements such as text images, charts and so on, and how they are lined up or composed on the page and relationship to one another. Hierarchy has to do with the arrangement of graphical elements on a page in such a way that highlights their order of importance. Contrast, on the other hand, allows for ease of focus by bringing clarity toe where one needs to look. Contrast also creates balance and flow within a presentation. Repetition works as a useful learning aid and that it allows the audience to absorb new knowledge quickly and make needed connections.
4. PowerPoint Deck Dissection: away, right? Let's go ahead and dive into a couple of PowerPoint decks. So I've got this screen pulled up and I'm basically at slide share. You can easily get to this website log in if you want, but where we're at today is just taking a look at the different slides and so forth index that have been uploaded. I'd like to actually dive into this one by a Dropbox and Adam Nash. And it looks like it was a bloated, um, not too long ago. So, uh, also, if you're not sure Adam Nash is the CEO or something such as that of Ah, Dropbox. So let's see what this guy, um, created All right, so starts off really good. We've got a nice logo. The Dropbox logo. Um, looks like he is using the correct one. Uh, their logo was recently updated not that long ago. Let's go to the next slide. So I like that he's got really big on the screen as faras hierarchy. Be agree, product a leader. And then we have his name. So he immediately jumps into exactly what he is doing here. So it looks like he also has nice simplicity as far as knowing. Ah, one line, one piece of information and then this transformer looks like a transformer on their right . Love the simplicity as far as the, uh, principles of visual design go is, I was gonna make it toe where the six item was gonna be. Simplicity. However, one of those things is, Is that sometimes simplicity isn't always something that you can putting your slides. Um, this guy, he's a CEO, Angel investor. He can pretty much create whatever kind of slide he wants. So he can go for one line and one image and be done with it. Sometimes decks, as you know, there, uh, working with corporations and clients. Things are hardly ever simple. So a lot of times you might get a deck that is completely packed full of information. You can simplify it as much as possible, but sometimes the client just want what is in there, and you got to go with it. Other times they're, you know, more open Teoh feedback and making their sides less clutter. We'll say that. All right, so let's continue. So we've got just a white background, which is super super simple. We've got the title off the slide. It's short, it's to the point. There's only three words, and he has his bullet points, just three bullet points on a page. I can already tell that public speaking is something that Adam Nash, just by his power point slide, is something he does. Whether this was something that he has presented to an actual audience or maybe even presented to people like in a Weapon are Siri's, it's It's It's absurdly simple, which I appreciate. Then we go on to again more bullet points and a title mobile. It points in a title on and on and on, and then we've got a little bit of an image. He seems like he's gonna be sharing some type of story here about films. And, uh, I'd be interested in knowing what is Einstein's razor. So that's the thing, too, about Power Point presentations is that if you're doing something that you are presenting a slight to someone, it's fun. And ah, it's a lot better when you can make it to where you just basically put triggers for yourself on the slide and then you have an image which brings the audience, and if you have too many words on your slide, and it's just constantly jam packed. Your audience is going to be reading what's on your slide and not necessarily listening to what it is that you're saying. And in this case, it's all about listening to the presenter. All right, so it looks like we've got a little bit of change in what's going on here. So I assume that he's talking about a case study with Dropbox Spaces looks like a case study because it is very different from the background that we previously saw. And there's a nice screenshot on the page, and then we go into defining MAWR information. This might even be a little bit more about, you know, back to the normal whatever he was talking about here and then we move forward. There's a nice, engaging image as faras Ah, you know, a nice little uh I forget what those things were. Cool. Look moving on and ah, looks like that's the end of Well, no, it's not technical difficulties. I also like how he has a final thoughts here. I appreciate it when a presenter in a business setting, he wraps up everything that he talked about and brings it all together as faras. If you remember nothing about my presentation, remember these 123 things I love The number 33 is a great number and business because it allows people to just focus on, like a beginning, a middle and an end. If you can get away with something like this, go for it. If not, we'll also be deter. Looking at another deck that is a little bit more traditional when it comes to a business sense and then he finishes up would just be a great product leader. Totally make sense. I love it. And then he brings us back to his story that he started off his presentation with which I haven't listened to Adam Nash. Um, Adul, actually. But just from the flow and balance of his power point is that I can tell that he is an amazing storyteller, and I bet you he's got a great story to tell about this little transformer over here and bring it all into business, which is great if you can story tell, you have an audience hooked and then he finishes with the drop box slide. So the only thing that I would have to add to this actual overall presentation is maybe making the image a little bit less crunchy. It looks like it's a low resolution where it's a bit pixelated again. This is where my designer mind comes in. But making it to where? Maybe choosing, ah, higher resolution image of this, Um, or even maybe going in and finding something specific that is larger. Also, let's go ahead and go to is other slides that we have up here. I noticed that on the in slides like in the middle part of his presentation, There's no logo. There's no Dropbox a logo placed over here, Ernie thing. So from a branding standpoint, this is a nice he's got a nice logo or night tight face going on. This is I. I'm pretty sure that this is the dropbox specific font that they have chosen and that runs throughout all their pieces. So you have that branding that runs throughout. However, we missed the Dropbox logo. That's something that I believe needs to be on every single slide. We've, um, got it at the beginning, and it just needs to be echoed throughout. So those are a couple of things that I would add. And then I also like, um, the fact that no, I don't really know that, but I also like the fact that he ended with that. Ah, lot of times people don't have an ending slide. And I think when you're doing a presentation and ending side looks great. So great job. Adam Nash. Just a couple things. I Which week in your side. So let's go ahead and find another deck. Let's take a look at this one right here. A few thoughts on work life balance. Okay, so already my thoughts go to a couple different things, and that is looking at it large. We've got the University of Glass go. We've got the school of computing science and a few thoughts on work. Life balance. We've got the date. What are things that this slide, in particular really benefit from is hierarchy. There's everything on it is pretty much the same color, So in lax contrast, it lacks hierarchy balance, and there's just too much going on on this slide. I wouldn't remove anything. Actually, just a different type of treatment may be moving the University of Glass go over to the bottom if it doesn't have to be at the top left moving the school of computing, just basically, maybe even creating ah bar toe where you can house information that's going to be on every single slide inside of that way, we can know that this is like a footer, and as far as the logo and the science of computing is more of a footer, and the title can really sing and ring out on its own. I would also make the date of it a little bit smaller and maybe even add an image of whim. I like that name. That's a great name. All right, so let's go ahead and dive into this. So it looks like we start off with a screenshot, which it says a screenshot. Ah, the only thing is about the screenshot is it's it's Ah, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be looking at. So it would be nice if there was just a little something on the slide to let me know what I am supposed to be looking at. Um oh, this looks really good. So this is a nice chart. It's simple. We know that it's all about hours worked. I would have hours worked per week a little bit larger and maybe more bold and differentiate it from the data, the survey because those things are all coming together. So we go on to go on this. We've got a nice, simple image. Work life, um, again, contrast. We've got kind of a dem image in the background is very cloudy and gray, which I'm fine with using, but I think that working life needs to be, um, Mawr contrast. They tried to create some contrast here. I think using a white font as far as text will be, help it pop a bit mawr and make it easier for the audience to them. As soon as they see the slide, they could understand what they're looking at more quickly. And then we've got this. I like what they did as faras making it where the work balances the image as faras the color. But again, I would make it white. And just where it immediately pops off and snaps. All right, this is great. This looks good. And then we've got contract and a legal document looks like they didn't begin their bullet points with capital letters. Um, you definitely want to start your bullet points with capital letters. Um, I don't like using punctuation, so I like that they didn't do that because it's not supposed to be a sentence. It's supposed to be just a thought. So doing a lot of snapping here on this one. Uhm and then they try to show a little bit of color. I'm not sure if you can see it on your screen books. Like they used a little bit of a light blue to try a pullout transaction and expectations and legal. However, it really did come across because we need more contrast. So maybe using that yellow that they used in a previous slide here would be good. Also making it may be bold, maybe making it to where it's italics. Yes, that's my version of italics. But things like that, uh, and then all of this is the same slot. Same sides contract is almost, you know, there's not that big of a difference between contract and a legal document. All right, moving on. We've got this. All right, so at least they're consistent. Even though life kind of ah faiths and there's a back around. Maybe that's intentional. And I like the repetition. As far as this slide is concerned, at least they're consistent. Um, here they do capitalize the bullet points. Um, so it looks like there's a little bit of, ah inconsistency going on with that and then happiness from without. Okay, All right, let's go through a little bit quicker. So they have a lot of repetition going on with the slides. As far as you know, we've got one word, and then we've got bullet points to where it's expanded upon one word. Bullet points, one word. Bullet points. That is excellent. That way it gives the audience, um, the ability to predict what is going to come next, even though they can not predict what is going to be said. But that definitely brings balance and makes the user the end user. The audience feel a bit more relieved when they look at something like this aside, such as us, all right. And it looks like they did use some of that yellow. So, um, I swear I have not looked at this Ivy Fork and but it be nice if they used some of that yellow and, um as faras, these looks like they are verbatim, so they're at least trying toe have some type of maybe even, ah, like a word blurb or something like that supposed be going on here. It's a bit unclear, so I'd like to make it a little bit more clear. There's different things they can do with that, and, uh or at least they're trying to be consistent. Got a nice image here, balance benefits and then debunk along it. I not able to pronounce that, but I'm sure there's a nice little story behind it. And then resilience, productivity. I would even here at another slide and put resilience one word. How they had it previously and then jump in here Looks like the same thing. I would add another side before this one, make it productive, ity big, and then jump into productive ity. Bullet points here again, adding value slide and then jumping, adding value here. Oh, and then we've got to stop. All right. Interesting. I'm kind of curious as faras Japanese ministry. Sure there's something going along their practice. We've got another really great looking chart, um, stress level and then we have time. Beginning of time needs to be capitalized, asking for help, planning, taking stock again, having interest slide and then bullet points. Since that is something that they created before, Um, that creates a nice consistency. And then we've got this nice action plant. I like that and looks like they have space for people to be able to reflect and take action . So I really like that and great job ending with a thank you slide. So let's go ahead. And they have. Resource is Look at that. I like that. So let's go ahead and get out of full screen mode on here. But yet that is just basically some real quick thoughts as faras me going through slides that are actually live on slide share going through the different types of visual design and visual thinking principles. That way, you can kind of see them in action and get some thoughts and stuff about when I think about different things. I saw
5. Class Project #1 - Quick Exercise: time for a quick exercise. Sometimes it's much easier to see what others did right or wrong in their presentations. Then to see where our own decks went right and went wrong. For this exercise, go to slight share, dot net and pick any two decks to dissect. Click there each deck and write down five things they did well and five things that need more work. Here's an example. What I mean Next, take a screenshot of your list and share with myself and the rest of the class by uploading your screenshot using the Create Project Green button. Inside the projects and resource is tab below this video. Also be sure to share the slide share leak. That's a tongue twister. Okay, be sure to share the slide share link in the presentations you dissected. I look forward to seeing what you wrote
6. Find and Insert Correct Logos: Okay, so let's say that someone emails you this particular slide, and it needs to go into part of a larger power Point presentation. However, before you can do so, One of the Sam Strategic Account managers is thinking that it would look really good if it had a the client, which is Akram eyes logo placed somewhere inside of it. So it's a simple enough ask. What you'll need to do from here is you'll need to go to some form you'll need to go to Google, and you can easily type in aka my and logo ah, couple things to also type and are P and G and transparent. So P and G is gonna make sure that the logo scripts It's not necessarily pixelated like some of these images. And it's also good to guarantee that the background that there's no background is just basically pure logo. Anyone on Lee because we already have a nice back around this color that we're working with . So we're gonna search for that. Then we're gonna go to images, and now we're presented with a really nice selection of logos, and you might look through this and go Okay, this is awesome. Oh, this logo looks really nice right here, so we'll pull that one up. It says PMG. It looks like it is transparent because it's got this checkerboard behind it, showing that just the waves are shown. But there's a couple things that's wrong with this from the start. One is that the resolution is 300 by 1 29 That's not going to be big enough for what we're looking for. Once we put that in our slide, it's gonna be super small. And if we stretch it bigger, it's going to look really, really bad. So a couple things to is that, um, we need to make sure that we are inserting the correct logo. So what we're gonna do is we're going to check the logo by going to the ACA, my website. So we just type in aka my dot com, and here we can see the logo. However, we don't want to use this logo he either, because it is going to be, um, won. It's not transparent to its ah, just really small. And it's Web based. So what we want to do is we are looking for colors. We've got this nice, bright orange color and a nice blue kind of like a water blue color. But here's the kicker. Is that the difference between this logo right here and the one that we pulled up is that the one that we pulled up has? Let's count them. 12344 waves. And the logo on the back of my website on Lee has 123 waves. So we definitely would not want to use this because those small little discrepancies, um, you know, if we send this toe onto aacm eyes like, Hey, look what we did. We put this into our presentation and for a proposal that we're working on for you as a company. One of the first things they're going to notice is that you've got the wrong logo and that will completely destroy any type of authority that you have built with. Um, so we definitely want to check the logo. We also want to close out of there. We'll go ahead and scroll back up because we're no. We're looking for an image that is three waves, the correct color blue. And let's click on this first image. So this one already is 1200 by 4 90 which is a lot larger than the meeting the 1st 1 and will go back to the ACA. My website looks like it's pretty much the same logo, which is good. And we're going to go here and now from here on the Wicca Media website, which is also really good for getting downloading files and so forth, especially logos, is because it gives us several different options. So PNG is good. SPG is also good. As for as size is gonna have that crisp edge and not pixelated and crunchy looking, we also want to download the largest size that they have. I'd rather have a file that is too big as far as a PNG or logos concern and be able to shrink it down to the size that I need it then something that is way too small and I have to stretch it up. So I'm gonna click this 2001 in looks like now there's a black background. Where's before? It said it wasn't. Let's just go ahead and go with it. So because, um, this image is actually still transparent, so we're going to do a save image as you can Left, click or you can control Click If you're on a Mac and we're just going to say this to the desktops, we're gonna click, Save and we're gonna go back here into this slide And now we can insert by Just going picture from file automatically takes us to a desktop and I want to insert this so already we can see that that indeed this black background is indeed not there, that we've got the correct logo in here and that is super nice and crispy and looks great. So now what we're gonna do is we're just gonna size us and just make it a little bit smaller, and we're gonna put it in this bottom right hand corner just like that and Voila! There we go. We've got a really good looking, crisp logo that is now placed inside this document. We can wrap this up and email it to the next person that needs to get their hands on it.
7. Remove Background Non-Transparent Logos: All right, so we've got a logo to go ahead and insert. So let's go ahead and go to picture and picture from file. So we've got this Ogilvy consulting logo that we want to use that they sent us to put into their deck. The only thing is, is that it's not exactly what we're warning. So here's Here's what I don't want you, Teoh. All right, So I don't want you to take this image and basically just size it down. There we go and go like that. Please do not do that in your decks because, well, first of all, the reason the why behind it is because now it looks like you've got this nice side with a diagram and everything. And then you just basically have this logo that looks like someone took a sticker and just is your right onto your deck. It doesn't look very professional. So instead what I want you to do and let's go ahead and undo all this. So you just inside earthy image. Let's go ahead and get rid of that background because with it being a white background and us having this nice, greedy in and to work with. We don't want it to look like a sticker. So let's remove this white bike background. Power point makes it really easy to do so by going to format picture and then remove background. So now we can see that power point is doing something. So what we're gonna do is I'm gonna make this thumbnail nice and bay, because right now it is basically, uh, a preview of what it is that I'm doing right now. So based off this preview over here, the only thing that's popping through is the old the O in Ogilvy. So we want to go ahead and go to mark areas to keep. Of course, you want to keep the G, the I and the L and the V in the UAE, and we can see over in this area that those areas are indeed being kept. So we want to keep these changes and Walla it knocks out the background. The only thing is, and this is when working with low quality or low resolution um, logos, which coming go, is that you the background like it's really crunchy. It's not as crisp as like this orange and the green instead, it's just super pixelated, but it's the image that we have to work with. Um, one of things I want you to do as well is to get in the habit of checking your logos. So we're to go over to ogilvy consulting dot com, and it looks like the Ogilvy from here is nicely match with the Ogilvy from here. So our logo is correct. And the reason why I want you to get in the habit of always checking your logo is because companies make changes all the time to revamping their logo every now and then. And I want to make sure that you're not making a mistake that doesn't need to be made. So now that we've got our logo, the background knocked out, we're gonna go ahead and just make this smaller and pop it over here in this nice little corner that we can put that logo were ahead and zoom in, and it looks great. So that is how you remove a background using the remove background power point
8. Find Quality Vector Logos Here: way before we dive too far into this lesson. Let's first take a moment to talk about why you need to use a client's vector logo by first discussing what a vector logo even is. According to a logo maker dot com. Ah, vector logo consist of connected points, curves and lines based on mathematical equations that create various elements and shapes. Thes precise shapes and turn allow one to scale vector graphics bigger or smaller without losing quality. Wait, what to simplify things. Let's compare to logo side by side. The logo on the left is a vector file, while the logo on the right is a roster file. Vector logo's are sharp and scalable to any size, while Roster Logo's looked pixilated and quickly lose their quality when scaled. Without deacon out on you too much the most common types of Vector Logo's. You'll want to using your Power Point presentations, R S v G files, E. P s illustrator files, or AI files and some PNG and PDF files. Logo files to avoid R J pegs, gifts, bit maps and tiffs. Using poor or low quality logos inside your power point presentations can and should be avoided especially in today's day and age, as a consultant and or direct representative of your clients or cos brand you and you alone are responsible for protecting the integrity of that brand by making sure that the client or company is continuously being presented in the best way possible at all times. And with that set, let's now discuss where to find high quality vector logos. Here's a list of four excellent resource is brands of the world dot com World Vector logo dot com. Seek logo dot com and if all else fails, Google is an excellent source as well.
9. Know Client Brand Guidelines: knowing what your client and companies brain guidelines are is incredibly important so much that you definitely don't want to make ah, working mistake of using an outdated logo. Plus, clients are updating their logos all the time. Some of them might have had it for a while and then suddenly change. But you want to know what those guidelines are because more than likely, if you're working with a large, um, publicly traded company, maybe even privately traded company or private company, then you want to make sure that you are following exactly what they've laid out. So a lot of times a client won't tell you that they have brand guidelines, and sometimes this is because the person that is in communication with you doesn't know what they are. They don't know that they exist, and therefore they just that's not something that they can help you with. That doesn't, um, negate your responsibility to do a thorough Google search and make sure that you are using the correct logo you're using in the way that it's supposed to be used and that you are following it to a T. So let's go ahead and take a look at a couple of brand guidelines and go to skill share and brand guidelines. Click on this one that looks like this one goes Teoh Ah, someone's piece of their project that they uploaded All right, and let's go to this one. So here we have skill shares that brand new logo. So if I was doing some work, freelance work or working with them as a consultant or whatever it might be, I would want to make sure that Eido accidentally use their old logo and, um, put that in like a Power Point presentation or any type of marketing materials that I create inside. Want to make sure that I use the new logo? Also, the nice thing about brain guidelines is that it tells you exactly how their image can be used. So, for example, maybe if I was creating like a video or something, I would have this skill share with the little squiggle in it and the logo animation there. I also find it helpful. That it shows me, is as far as exactly what colors we use, um, different shapes and stuff, even down to the language that skill share uses for the marketing materials and stuff typography that way. I know that I need to use this particular font. And even what type of photos says Skills Scher, where it's that bright, colorful D I. Y. Type of effect. So we also have a nice tagline and then a promotional brand video as well. So these are really great as faras determining exactly what a client is warning and expecting from you. So let's do another Google search. And this time, let's type in assure Ian bring guidelines. So this is really nice, because immediately I can see that, unlike Skill share, whose brain guidelines was just Web on the Web, this right here is a pdf and I can tell by this. Pdf right here we're gonna go ahead and click it, and this is super nice, because I can see that I have 33 pages of Assure Ian's brand guidelines. The only thing about this is that it was created in 2000 and 13 so that would make me want to go over toothy, assure Ian website. So assure ian dot com, and one of things I noticed immediately is that they have changed their they've updated their logo they've also updated their colors. So here we have this nice teal cream. We also have our I guess it's more of a mint green. And then we've got a little bit of ah ah, purple lavender, kind of nice little color, great, great colors. And that is completely different then the colors and logo that we have here. So the logo that we have in this old book are is the oldest durian logo. However, we're still going to stay in this book because this has a really great, um, different components of brain guidelines. So this is nice because it talks about in detail as faras, the logo type and the typography, the symbol, What's behind it. If you're working with a company, things like this are really great to know. So they talk about spacing and sizing. So these areas of isolation, which is the height and with of their A This is so basically they don't want you putting materials anywhere inside of that that way gives what they're doing is forcing you to basically allow their logo room to breathe and stuff, crowding it up with all kinds of everything. This is great, too, because we also get into different types of colors. They list here. They're assure Ian dark blue, the regular blew the green. We get into P a mass color, So if you're printing something, you need a spot color for like a brochure. You can do exactly that if you're creating something seem like a RGB for the Web or HEX. Also for the Web. And just as a little side note will be getting into more colors and how to extract things, colors and stuff when companies don't have bring guidelines will get in all those detail later. But for now, Hexi Decimal is also a color is just a 66 type of six digit color that is very specific. So we've got even different types of Greece. Scale Logo's again. I feel like I'm starting to geek out on you. And look at this all these different ways of how not to show their logo. So this is one of the reasons one of the many reasons bring guidelines are incredibly important. So let's just kind of keep flipping through. They even have, such as elements how their logo is used for treatments or something like this. You could have your power point have this innit pictures to use. So we see that it is basically casual everyday customers interacting with mobile devices. Which makes sense because assurance all about protection all about the end user all about just blending into one's life and mobile, offering mobile protection. So we even get into more details. So that is a little bit about brand guidelines. What to dio as far searching for them. Some companies, you might search for it, and basically the formula is you take your client name and then you just add brand guidelines to that. Some companies, especially the smaller ones, will not have brand guidelines for you to use, and that's okay. Um, however, it's always great idea to start with a Google search that way, you know, if there are brand guidelines out there how to use their logo and the best way possible Oh , that's helpful
10. Class Project #2 - Working with Logos: time for a knowledge Jack as your class project for this module, I watch to find a logo any logo with a non transparent background insert into any power point slide that has agreed Ian or color background in practice using the remove background tool in Power point, then finish up by sharing your side with myself and the rest of the class. If you're unsure how to export your slide and turned it into a J pay, all you need to do is just go to file export to save this to the desktop and come down here and click J pay. If you're working with a deck that has multiple slides on it, then go ahead and click. Save current slide on Lee. If that's the one that you want to share with the class and then ready click Export And what that does is it saves a file of the J pay. So now we've got this saved at a nice resolution of 381 kill lights, Then upload your J Pake, filed by using the Create Project Green button. Inside the projects and resource is tab below this video. I look forward to seeing your sides
11. PDF Turned PPT Issues: Okay, so there's all kinds of instances why you might get a power point as a PdF, as in, ah, client sends you a power point of something that you need to work on. However, it's actually a pdf. I've had this happened several occasions where I have to take a PdF that had been a power point and turn it back into a power point. The only thing about this round tripping is that there's issues that do pop up. So here's what I want you to look out for. So let's first take this document right here. We've got a nice ah, Social media trends by Ogilvy This is a pdf that had previously been a power point. Um, and what I need to do is to be able Teoh, give this back into power point. So what I'm gonna do is right now I've got Acrobat open right now, so you should have acrobat on your computer. So open up at Acrobat. I'm going to go to export pdf and Acrobat makes it so simple to turn a any kind of pdf into a power point. So we're going to click export now. It might take a minute to go ahead and process. Okay. And power point, Open up the document for me and what I'm going to do now is a side by side comparison of the two files. So we've got one. The acrobat file on the right and the or the pdf file on the right in the power point, um, converted file on the left, and at first glance, everything looks, for the most part pretty good. Let's go ahead and go to the next slide and more girl to the next part here is Well, so we've got a nice welcome page. Um, the Ogilvy consulting logo is showing up, which is great. Um, the experts that we have here are showing up. There's a little bit of kind of crunchiness and picks elation going on in this image. I'm not gonna worry about it because one of the things you're most going to come across is this right here, and that is differences and fonts. So what I mean by this is that at first glance, she might go. OK, Well, what's the problem here? I should the problem is that right here, we've got a nice then san Serif font. um, and over here, we've got a thicker sans serif font. So San serif is basically word Meaning? It's a Greek word, meaning without feet. You know, when you have a fun and it's got little feet on it like, say, a times new Roman or something like that. Um, yeah. Okay, enough taking out back to this. Okay, So what we're gonna do here is that power point shows me that we've got an aerial font that it is using. Now, I want to see what kind of fun they're using in this Ogilvy Consulting document. How we do that, How we find that information out is by going to edit Pdf Now, what I can do is I can select this fun again in the pdf, and it shows me that it's O v Sands. So one thing I do not have is Ogilvy Sands or any of the Ogilvy fonts on my computer, and this is something that you probably are going to run into. I certainly have run into this on all occasions trying to get a font from ah branding company or any kind of company. It's sometimes really difficult, Especially when you're contact you know that's not They're not in marketing there. They're not advertising agency. So it's one of those things where you just have to make best of your situation. So in this case, we've got, you know, a nice thin type of fine here. It's showing up as Ariel Bold. Let's see what happens when we change this to like a ah different type of like maybe a narrow, maybe a different font altogether. What I am going to do, and this is something that you can certainly do as well is you can go in and you can go to Google. Some would open up my Google and I am looking for Google fonts. So we're just gonna type that in. I'm gonna heat go here and now Google Fonts is a really great type of asset because everyone, no matter who you're working with across the world, has access to Google fonts. Google fonts are also really great wing you're needing to swap out, or if you're wanting to use a new type of fun in your presentation, or you're trying to best match a client sold find. Um, because perhaps, you know, no one knows where the original of this document theory journal. Power point. Can't get ahold of fonts. Hum, you just got to keep moving forward. So how to make the best of a situation like that? Go to Google fonts and you can go through and kind of see All right, what type of fonts might I be looking for? We need something that is a sands. So I'm gonna search for a Sands fonts, and then I can kind of see, like, the different ones that we have here and try to match it. So what I'm gonna do? Well, just go ahead and use, um, like, ah, open sans font. There's 10 different styles here, and it looks like I've got there's a nice light thought that might work really well with this right here. So I am going to go in and I'm going to. You can select the style, and it will basically put it over here to the side so you can select all the entire family of fonts and I am going to go and now download family now, depending on your system preferences, as far as your admin system preferences, you may or may not be able to download and install off font on your computer. What you can do is you can go Teoh talkto your I t department. Ah, lot of times if you tell him. Hey, I need a font. This is the actual font. It's from Google fonts. That way they know Google Fonts is verified. It's good font. If you can do that. If that's not the case, another thing that you can do is use a system font, and you can do that by going, um, Calibri is really good. Cross platform cross platform, meaning It's on both Mac and PC computers. So let's pause for a minute and talk about cross platform system fonts. Yep. So what things are is that they are safe fonts that work on both PCs and Mac. So rather, you're sending someone a, you know, Power point presentation you don't have to worry about. Do they have a Mac? Are they? Go open it on a PC? How is is going toe look, is it could to get distorted? If you want to know what fonts will absolutely translate back and forth these air, the safe system finds that you can use their deems safe because they are found automatically installed on your Mac or PC when you get it. And for the most part, everyone has them available to use. We can do something such a zoo, this and now how we find and replace all the thoughts. Aw, for this is we want to change aerial to, say open Sands. And I'm just gonna collect that 1st 1 and then click Replace. You can also switch the font with anything that you have on your system. Um, caliber is a really good one as well to use. Now, click close and let's see what happened. You can. So you'll just have to go through and then adjust and make changes toothy actual document that you're working with. Another thing, too, is that Looks like the number system got messed up. So I have to go through and, uh, just the sizing of themes. And this is just what this is very normal when it comes to going from a power point. Teoh from a pdf into a PowerPoint document is that all kinds of things change and get restructured and rerouted, so you might have to actually go through and change the little things and there, So, yeah, that's one way that you can do that
12. Sourcing Client Materials: e I was Synthes Deck by V. P. And the ask is pretty simple. It's to update the deck and make it look more Cigna. So I'm going to do that now. The first thing we talked about in a previous lesson is going in finding brand assets. So what I'm gonna do here, it's moving side by side, kind of. All right, so the first thing I'm gonna go do is I am going to see if I can find any brand guidelines for Cigna as well as check four once make this little bit smaller again, as well as make sure that this logo that is on this PowerPoint deck is indeed correct because the deck was created back in 2016. So makes sense for the ask us faras updated and make it look a little bit more Cigna. So let's just go through the deck roll quick. So it looks like we've got the logo on here. You've got some confidential information, All right. So yeah, it could definitely use a bit of a no overall overhaul. All right, so let's look for Cigna brand guidelines. So let's go to media. Resource is and this is on the signal page, and it looks like they have a logo here, so yeah, that indeed is the correct one. So that is great. So what I'm about to do is I am actually going to save this image for future use, and I'm gonna create a nice folder to put it inside. So other than the logo, it doesn't look like there are any type of brand guidelines, which is fine, because some companies don't have them. You know, if they're a large company, they may not have. Um So what we're going to do now is we're going to go to the signal website, and what I am looking for are basically things that I can source images from What I mean by that is this So I went to the about us page, and what I'm looking for are pdf's and different things that I can be able to find a use. Perfect. So what I see here are in, Like I said, I'm looking for pdf's that I can download. Okay, this looks like a one page document, which is our right. Gives us a couple, gives me some information, so I'm gonna go ahead and save this file by downloading it to this folder Hunger to see what else I confined as well. So I'm gonna go back to Google and I am going to type and Cigna P D. F. And I am looking for Dean's icons right here. So let's go ahead and click on this one. So this is really nice as well, because it has different icons and so forth icons being images such as this toe, where their little illustrations that just help move the four of the story forward and help everything looked nice and cohesive. So this is really good treatment for, um, icons and perhaps different for bait ums. How they have something like this here and then different ways to use that they're using, um, different ways that they're using their fonts with the funds are how they're using their branding. So I'm going to save this as well. And then again, I'm gonna go back to Google, and I am just doing going to type and sing that. And now I'm going to go to images. And what I am specifically looking for are different types of images, since they don't have a brand guidelines. What I'm wanting to know is what type of photos do they expect to see? So when you think of Cigna and I have it just opposed with a photo, what kind of photos are the call? Is the client going to be wanting to see? So we'll go here? Looks like this is saved as 10 78 by 607 That's right. I'm going to start collecting assets and save image abs. Okay, that's a decent size as well. And I know these are images that they're actually easy because it is on their signal website. So sometimes it's just a lot easier to go to Google thing kind of click through a website. And, um, you know, may or may not find exactly what you're looking for all at once. However, here it's all together. So now I'm going to go back to my power point, and I am going to create a new slide and we'll just delete all this. It's unnecessary, and that what I'm gonna do is I am going to start basically just creating a rule rough idea of what their brand guidelines are even, um, that way I know in my head as far as okay, this is the type of images I want to use these they're kind of fonts and so forth that they're doing that they're using. So I'm going to go to my signal folder, and I am going to play scenes images and make it smaller. It's problem over here to the side. They're not gonna be in any particular order. It's just so I can start seeing that. Okay, this says Cigna. Now I'm going to place that single logo that I downloaded, even though I have it down here, it's not edible, since it is part of the master. And so I'm just gonna tuck it in right up here, make it a little bit smaller, and then I am going to go back to that same signal folder, and I'm gonna open up this Pdf and actually, this brochure right here, pop it up over here. I'm going to go to edit pdf, because what I want to know is what type of font they are using. So it seems like we have a Gotham book that they're using Gotham Medium, which is perfect, because then I can basically go through and I can start picking through different types of , um pieces and using them in my power Point presentation. And that's how you kind of go. That's how I go through and source Brandon materials when there isn't brain guidelines necessarily toe work from because what I wanted to do is even though they don't have a brain guy line for me to downloading, use Cigna has a very specific way that they like showing their photos in every company is pretty much gonna have that in common. You know, they're gonna have, like, a certain style of photos they're gonna have like, for example, happy people, professional looking, more casual, environment, informative. You know, all these three people over here, they are all happy and smiling in one way or another. So it's like, What is it that this photo is saying? It's saying that you know, there's an ease of service and it was gonna make your life better and so forth, and I want to keep those echoes of that branding and whatever document that I am creating
13. Why Color Matters: No way. Remember ask of the Steck, since I wasn't able to find the brand guidelines on the Web. In order for me to move forward on this project and make the deck look more Cigna, here's a couple things I need to know first, and that's the hex code. Sing the uses in their branding. Don't worry, I'll explain. But before I do, let's first talk about what Web colors are. According to Wikipedia, Web colors are used in displaying Web pages on the World Wide Web and the methods for describing and specifying those colors colors may be specified as an RGB triplet, you or and Hexi decimal hex code format or, according to the common English names in some cases, makes sense. Yeah, let's take a look at the signal logo. How many colors do you see immediately? Are I notice is three colors blue, green and orange. Thes colors also have hex numbers as well hex colors or six digit codes compiled from both numbers and letters in such a way that when used, they give us an exact specified Web color. Pretty cool, huh? So the next time a colleague ask you what your favorite color is. You can now answer by saying, Thanks for asking. It's six a. Zero d a d. What's yours? Or maybe not. There's also one more color that we missed. Can you guess what it iss White? It's important to note that no matter what color company uses in their branding, every company also uses white. Some companies even specify in the brain guidelines exactly how much white space their logo needs. Don't believe me. Take a look at how much Whitespace Coke zero requires in order to be compliant. Companies such as Coke and Cigna aren't only being specific about the amount of white space they want you to use or the exact color, but also about how those colors make you feel when you see them. It's called color psychology, and it directly impacts not only your moods and emotions, but also your consumer buying behaviour. Color plays a significant role in how your brand is perceived, whether you're a major health care company or a small consulting firm looking to attract more clients, the colors you using your logo and in your power point presentations either strengthen trust in bill connection or make potential, and existing clients choose someone else who better aligns with their brand
14. Match Color with Eyedropper Tool: Let's go ahead and get into the eyedropper tool. This is really cool Tool That power point has that you can basically separate, taken separate any type of color within power point and also outside of power point as well . So what I mean by that? Is that the eyedropper too? I can go in and pick up if I want to pick up a certain shade of color or something like that, or say this lavender, this very specific lavender in her collar. Then I can use the eyedropper tool to just group pluck it out and use it throughout my presentation, which is really nice. How will be using it for this segment is that we will be basically pulling out the colors of this Cigna brand logo. So what I'm gonna do is I am going to go up two shapes. I like to use squares as my swatches, and I am basically going to make rectangular shapes. Now I am double going to double click That's gonna bring up my format shape. Uh, bar sidebar. Here, it's gonna bring up my format shape sidebar that I can begin to fill in each square with what the color is so we're gonna go to fill and open up a line. So I don't like to have borders around it when I am creating swatches. So I'm just going to turn that off by clicking here in the color. And I'm just going to actually just go up to no line now. We're just working with solid block, so let's zoom, Anna. Bet. And since there are three main colors so we've got the blue, the green and the orange. I am going to copy and paste scenes. So simple copy paste and then paste again. And I'm gonna move these just side by side. All right, Now, those are nice and a line. Let's go ahead and go to Sado. Solid fill for this. We're gonna click here, and now we're going to go to Mawr Colors. This is how we get to that eyedropper tool. So now I can. The eyedropper tool is right here. This is a great little tool. If you're not using it, definitely start using in your presentations. All right, so now we've clicked it. And now basically any color, like I was talking over here. We want to pull out this shade we can. We want to pull out a different shade. We can do that, But let's go ahead and pull out this signal blue. So that's already pretty close to that. Now let's and then let's click. OK, and now I'll click on this image or this watch, and I want to make this one green so I'll go back to more colors. Go to my Swat or my eyedropper tool and click on that click, OK, and that automatically makes it green. And then let's do the last one and this is going to be orange. So do you notice how I am getting? Let's do that again. Let me pull out something specific. See, since the images pixelated, a lot of that is power Point, the presentation itself, since this is all Web color and everything is that it's 100 and 50 dp i. Where is like the Web is 72 d p I. And that is basically quality of image size. Print is 300 Power point is 1 50 Web is 72 Now. I say that because that has to do with picks elation. So, for example, if I wanted to pull out this darker orange that seems to be pixelated along the edge. I could do that as well, so that's really nice. So when you go in and you are wanting to match a specific color wherever that little center pointer is is what the color is is that you'll be matching. So you want to make sure that you're not accidentally matching like a darker color when something more parade in saturated is what you actually wanted to dio. So we'll just go ahead and click. OK, OK, so now we've got those colors. So the next thing I'm gonna do is because I like to keep myself organized when I'm working and right, the different coats. I'm going to put six zeros in this case right up here underneath this color. That way, I know that this is the hex code. If you're just jumping into this video, watch the video. Previously we talked about what hex codes and Web colors and all that good stuff are. But let's go ahead and keep going. So now what we want to do is I'm gonna go back here to my paint bucket. I'm gonna go to more colors we already know that this is this nice, rich blue color. So the hex color that we're looking for is right here. This is Theo. Exact precise. No. Move my cursor. This is the exact precise color that Signa is using for their logo. And that right there is gold. That is the exact color that we wanna use as well. So we're gonna highlight it. I'm gonna go to copy. Click. OK. And now I'm just gonna come down here and paste in that number and then step in. Repeat. And we're gonna do that with every single color here. So I'm going to grab that green. It already knows that this is the green that we're looking at. So now I'm matching just through my eyes. I'm matching the green with the green, so I'm going to grab this color this hex code, I'm gonna click, OK, and then come down here and paste. I'm gonna click on our swatch, go back to my paint bucket, more colors and grab this hex code and put it down here. So now I have a nice little three color swatch that I can use throughout my entire presentation to make anything look Mawr like the logo or the colors game that's already been established in this case, he asked, is to make it look more Cigna. And this is how I do that by echoing those colors throughout the entire presentation in making sure that those accents and highlight colors are all throughout their. Oh, and one more thing to note is I was also telling you about this cool little thing. That eyedropper also does very exciting. Don't want Teoh, miss that, but let's go back to more colors. Go to that eyedropper and say, If I wanted to pull out a color like I want to use this gray color graze a nice color. I can just click up there so I can click basically anywhere. I can even take this tool and open up and decide that I want to click on a website, a Web page that I have pulled up. I can go ahead and go over there, pull out that color real quick and use it. Start using it right away.
15. Get High Quality Pictures Here: finding high quality professional pictures for your power point presentations can be a headache. However. It doesn't have to be it. It doesn't have to be. First of all, I feel your pain. And second of all, there's things that can be done about it. So let's take a look at thes three foot images right here. I plucked themes from Google and popped him in here for placement to just basically trigger me and let me know. These are the type of images that Cigna uses for their marketing campaigns, marketing materials, their website brochures, etcetera. So what I want to be able to do is I want to be able to find images that are like this that I can use throughout my power point. Okay, so I am going to go to Google. But first we're gonna make this a little bit smaller. That way I can have both Google and Power Point open at the same time so I can do a side by side. So where I can go find images that are high quality and professional is one option is stock or shutter stock dot com. Shutter stock is really great for being able to find quality professional photos that aren't going to look good. They already vet the photographers they Onley put up stuff that is quality. And so you've got that going for you. So let's go ahead and type and some keywords based off of the images that are over here on the left. We have Dr Patient and Consultation. Let's get rid of these filters. So now we're gonna do is we're just gonna go through and look at the images that are here on the right and shutter stock dot com and compare them to the images that are on the left . So the colors that we are using in this photo on all these photos you can see that they re use a lot of white singing uses a lot of gray colors as well, and also pastel tones such as purple and green so we can see all those things here, and then they use blue weaken, see blue here and this T shirt in the background blue and her shirt. He seems to be wearing blue and like a purple, so we know it's more of a pastel type of color palette. So an image such as this one right here. I will just click on it, an image such as this one right here, even though he's got on a white coat and purple shirt. This guy, on the other hand, is wearing a red T shirt and nowhere in the signal brand do we see red. Instead, orange will be acceptable. Green, blue, purple, lavender. I know that's purple green weary set that. So you get the point so we could go down here. Look at other images. There's a lot of checkers we don't see checkers thes people are wearing. They're not wearing patterns. So, like literally as a designer, I go through an eye. Check that because I want to be able to make sure that my images match the signal brand as much as possible. So if I was working with Cigna, then I would want to create something that looked like it came from Cigna. Even if I'm a consulting firm who is pitching to Cigna, I want to make sure. Look, I ally, I understand your brand. I understand your brand because I can match your brand, and I understand without you guys even explaining to me what type of images what type of words and things I'm looking for. So those were those type of things that you want to convey when you're creating presentations and proposals, different types of materials and so forth. Um, if you know if your client or your client wannabe is signal or whatever the company is, so let's go ahead and go back here, and an image such as this right here could be acceptable. The only thing is, is that Why is she smiling Type of thing and you know, she has this weird smile. It's not like one of these smiles in here where, you know, it's a warm, open smile. Instead, it's it's a little bit of a creepy smile, so I wouldn't want to use that image. I could use an image such as this. This image might be acceptable. She seems like she's listening, but then again, she's I don't want to use images that are real plastic looking, and this image feels a bit plastic. However, this image right here of the pediatrician and the doctor is a real natural looking image. It looks like she who is the doctor in this case, um, is actually like listening to the patient. Um, she enjoys. She looks like she is enjoying life and has, you know, enjoys her job. And he looks like he feels nice and comfortable. So if I was in this and I've got two little kids, if I was in the doctor's office and I saw this interaction between my pediatrician or my child's pediatrician and my child, I would feel like OK, they are being taken care of. And to remember, as far as back in a few lessons that we did about color and white color matters, you know, as faras the words and so forth trust, reliability, openness. Those are all the things that we are wanting to convey as well in representing the client brand. So this is an image that I would use. So that's how you go through. That's my process without be laboring it. That's my process for going through and finding high quality photos. Now, high quality also has to do with the sites that you go to to download images. What you want to do is just stay away from Google images altogether. You want to use something that you have permission to use the other place that you confined high quality images is I stock as well. So we're gonna type in those same keywords and see what comes up. And already on this first page, I can see that Thoenes images better align to the images that I have over here on the left within the signal. Brandt. Because already we've got that lots of white space. We've got the neutral tones. We've got the blues. We have a bit of a burgundy here. We want to stay away from the burgundy colors and we have a bit of engagement that people don't look as plastic. You know, they're not modeling and going, Ah, whatever modeling faces. I don't know. I don't I'm not a model. Um, so But however, there's different types of things like this is a nice images. Well, because it shows like his confidence, he's standing in the nice, confident pose. Where is her? On the other hand? Very plastic. We don't want to do that. So let's go to another resource that I use quite a bet, and that is adobe stock dot com. We're gonna type in those same keywords and see what comes up so we've got these images as well. These images, I might have to go through a little bit more and make sure that these images match. Um, client branding. This right here is a nice photo. Her smile looks genuine. The same for these photos over here on the left. That signal is using in their branding genuine smiles, friendliness, that connection between doctor and patient and that it's like, OK, you've come to the right spot. That's the type of thing that were wind to show. So that's where you go to find high quality professional photos that you can use. Um, I will warn you that all of the places that I have shown you, they all require a log in require of subscription subscriptions. They change all the time, so you just have to go in and decide. Um, regardless of if you're on a budget or not, this is definitely something that is worth adding to your budget. It's worth paying for high quality images. So it's one of those things Were I mean, I definitely understand that it's tempting to go to Google is tempting to just maybe not have images, but images create overall engagement and connection. They support your story. Whether you come out and say, This is my story or not, it supports your message. It supports the clients branding, and it's something that definitely needs to be added to everyone's budget as far as your photo budget. So I hope that helps you and, uh, way.
16. Class Project #3 - Show and Tell Discussion: time for a quick exercise. So what I want you to do is pick any company or client that you recently had a positive customer experience with. I want you to think about the client or company. Then do some searching on Google and find out if this company, our client, has posted brand guidelines. If so, what are they? What are the hex colors that they use? Do they have a tagline? What are the fonts that they use? Anything that you can find out about the company? Find out about. So the last thing I want you to do is tell me how their colors, images and logo positively impact or negatively detract from their overall brand. And, of course, let's get a conversation going inside this time not class projects, but discussions area of the course.
17. Thank You! : Thank you so much. I appreciate your time and energy and watching my course. If you have any questions, definitely reach out to me. You can post on skill share in the discussions area, and, ah, I'll be happy to answer any questions that you have or, um, things that you like me to discuss. Maurren depth. Also, if you enjoy the course, please leave a review and honest review. Definitely. And if you want to check out more my courses, you can do so by clicking my name and searching from there. So thanks again. I appreciate your time and energy and, uh, have a great day.