1. What Is Mind Mapping: Hello, my name is Aisha
and welcome to my course. In this course we're
going to be diving into the nitty-gritty
of mind-mapping. How do you use it? I think using
mindmaps for a while now for maybe 15 plus years, I have found them to
be incredibly useful. Anyone who knows me knows
that I love mind-mapping. And it's something that I
enjoy sharing and teaching with others just because
I find it so beneficial. So in this course you're gonna
learn all kinds of things. We're gonna cover
mindmaps, what they mean, exactly what they even are, how to use them. And how you can basically take mind-mapping and do
all kinds of things. The best way to show you mind-mapping is through
an actual mind-map. So let's take a look
at this right here, which might be a little complicated as far
as looking at it. If it's the first time you've ever even looked at a mind-map, then it might be a
little odd at first, which is perfectly fine
because like I said, I love teaching about my
geeking out on this stuff. So this is what
we're going to be diving into in this course. For example, this
mind map right here. We're going to be learning
different concepts and notes like how to
take better notes, how to have greater solutions. And I would say even
ideas and easy. So things such as
brainstorming with mind-map, I think is amazing. I took some people through a brainstorming
session the other day. And it was pretty phenomenal. I'll just say they were all, I think they're all
going to start using my maps in the future. That's a plus. They allow you to organize
your thinking and thoughts. Also problem-solving. Like me, I am very, very visual in regards
to the way that I think. And it's not something
that everyone else does. So me being a graphic designer, Instructional
Designer, and doing all these things that
are super creative. Sometimes it's difficult
to basically get my ideas across to
others because I'm so visual and I'm great at
thinking several steps ahead that I often lose my
viewer or my audience, or my client, or the person
that's in front of me. So I am learning all about infection control
for body artists. And instead of it just being all this new
information in my head, it's like, all right,
let me use my maps. That's kind of how I think. And that's like a
real broad picture and idea of what you'll be
learning in this course. But if you step inside with me, I think that you'll at
least get entertained. If nothing else. I think that you'll
enjoy mind-mapping. And maybe even my goal
is to basically walk you into my world of
mind-mapping and why I think it's so great and
how I've used it and, um, how I believe that
it can help you too. If that sounds like something
you're interested in without a bunch of marketing bells and
whistles and stuff. But if you're
interested in learning those things from someone who is naturally passionate
about mind-mapping, then this course might
just be for you. I hope to see you on the inside. Take care.
2. Class Project Mind Map: So for your class project, what I'd like you to do is
pick any mind-map topic. It could be planted event, brainstorm ideas,
outline a lecture, or even choose your
own adventure. The next step is to upload your mind-map to the project
section of the class. You'll just click the
Create Project button. You'll go from there and
upload it to the course. The third thing is to
receive insight, applause, feedback from myself and fellow classmates regarding
your class project. I can't wait to see
what you upload.
3. 7 Principles of Mind Mapping: Mindmaps can look
as simple as this, as complicated as this, even as creative as this. Regardless of how your
mind-map looks in the end, whether you're using an app or you're actually hand
drawing your mind-map, it doesn't really matter. More than likely,
you're going to be using one of these
seven principles. So what are those principles? The first principle
that you want to use is the ability to create
a central image. Central images are drawn in
the center of your mind-map. They're based on his
central theme or topic that your minds
centers around. Central images are drawn in the center of your mind-map and represent exactly what the idea or topic is for your mind-map. Central images are
the most important, and I see images, but it can just be a
word or a thought. But their most important because everything that stems
outward is going to be associated in related to the main central thought or
idea that's in the center. The second rule requires main
branches and using those. So here we've got a main branch and we'll
just highlight it in color. And this has to do with
brainstorming an idea. We'll add this color over here, and we'll look at this. We've got brainstorm and won't even doodle out
some like a brain. This is a little brain
doodle in someone's head. And we're brainstorming ideas. We've got different types of ideas and thoughts
radiating outward. Each main branch, you
using your mind-map, connects the central image
with each associated ideas, thoughts, and doodles
radiating out from the center. The third rule
involves using color. You don't have to
use color at all. A lot of my mind-map skip that part just because it's
not feasible for me to carry around a set
of markers or always be looking for some color and so forth just to
create a mind map. Other times I'm out in public and I am at
work or something, and I'm needing a quick way to just capture my
ideas and thoughts. Which means that I'll be using
black and white markers or pens or whatever I have on
hand using colored markers, pencils are lines in your
my-map allows you to quickly distinguish information contained
within your mind-map, making them easier to
remember and understand. The fourth principle, a mind-mapping centers
all around keywords. Basically, you can't create a mindmap without
using keywords. For example, everything
listed here on this mind-map. Everything here,
such as brainstorm, information, knowledge,
notes, easy ideas, solution. Every single word listed on
this mind-map is a keyword. Keywords are the linchpin of mind-mapping because they
sum up an entire idea, sentence or phrase into one
or two essential words. In this course, we'll
be deep diving into keywords and I'll
be showing you ways for drilling down lots of
information into basically, essentially just
one or two words that represent an
entire phrase or idea. So we'll be diving way deep into that and the
rest of this course. But for now, know
that keywords are incredibly important when
it comes to mindmapping. The fifth principle of mind-mapping is all
about sub branches. Sub-branches allow
you to connect even more associated words to already existing
main branches. These additional
connections enabled further exploration
and expansion of each new topic or idea. We have the main branch
and then we have the supporting
additional branches, which is everything else or all the additional
keywords that pop off of the main
supporting branch. So this right here, communication, this would
be the main branch. While all these
additional elements would be sub-branches. Number six, the
sixth principle or rule to mind-mapping is all
about additional branches. Yes. If you thank you. Haven't had enough branches already added to your mind-map. Adding even more
additional branches can really help
you deep dive into certain key areas
and focuses that you might want to just
basically dive deeper into. For example, revising. In problem-solving. We might want to add
additional branches to these, such as revising
the format ideas. And I have ideas
listed a lot here. And I'll also be
going into how to connect those and
how to basically just work with multiple
things that might be listed a few times
on your mind-map. We have revising, we have
clarifying will put ideas up here. This right here. These would be additional
branches that are added. I could even go through
the mind-map and dig, deep dive even further and further into specific
areas of the mind-map. For some topics,
it's essential to dig deep and not be afraid to keep adding additional branches within branches
within your mind-map. For every new ideas section
or thought you have. Feel free to add a new branch. When it comes to mindmapping, the possibilities are endless, so don't limit yourself. The seventh principle
of mind-mapping is all about images or what I
like to call doodles. Images make your mindmaps more awesome simply
by using them. When you take the time
to draw pictures, symbols, and icons
on your mind-map, something happens within
your brain that unlocks your creative thinking and
your ability to recall it. Remember all the details
within your mind-map.
4. Mind Maps Quickly Explained: All right, So what do you think? Do you think you understand
what a mind map is right now? Alright, let's go ahead
and take a pop quiz. Yes. Pop quizzes are fun. So we've been looking at this
mind-map quite a bit today. So we'll just put this off
to the side and alright, we've got this right here. Let's bring it up. Alright,
so according to Wikipedia, a mind map is a visual diagram. With that said, let
me ask you this. Would this be a mind-map? It's definitely a
visual diagram. What do you think? Yes, no. Or because I was that
kid in school, maybe. Alright. So if you answered and let's get a different
color marker. If you answered no, then you are correct. This this is not a mindmap. This is a visual diagram because what it represents is
just basic information. All right, before we go too far, Let's take a look at
the next pop quiz. Is this, is this a mind map? With this be a mindmap. If you answered yes, then you are correct. All right, so let's
take a look at these two differences
between visual diagrams. So this is not a
my-map because there is sure a central image that's
in the center of the page. However, there is no information that is radiating
outward from there. This right here, however, is a mind map because
it has a central image, which is this right here. And there's information,
different thoughts and associated information
related to the central topic,
which is family. So family restrooms, food, kids, see how it can stimulate and
go anywhere out from year. Whereas with this right here
is just information based.
5. How to Draw a Mind Map from Scratch: Okay, So we've
talked a lot about my maps and we had a
nice little pop quiz. So let's go ahead and draw
our first mind-map together. So go ahead and get as far as like tools that you
need to get started. You can use a number
of different things. If you have some markers
on hand, use those. If you have some pens
and crayons or pencils, you can use any kind of
things that you're wanting. Just go ahead and grab some stuff and meet
me back here o in, grab some paper, you'll
want that as well. So now that I have
my central image, what I'm going to do next
is not focused on color, but instead focus on
words and keywords. I think that with my mapping, a lot of times the interest
gets caught on color. Whereas what needs
to be focused on, especially in the beginning, is all about the actual items that need to be created
or need to be gotten. So I'm going to go ahead and visually start
to walk through my favorite grocery store and decide what it
is that I need. So first up is produce, and then we've got bread. And what I'm doing is
just walking through the store and getting different
departments down here. Because that'll help me to organize my thoughts and
organize my thinking. Either that or I could just
basically be like, okay, here's a list of
groceries that I need 12345 and have the
traditional list that right there
is not a mind map. Instead, what we want to use is something a little
bit more organized. We have produce section
and the bread section. We've got meat, dairy,
frozen section. And we'll also put
on there what else? And of course we
got to have snacks. All right. I think this is
a good start, of course, if I think of more, I can go ahead and
fill it in as I go. But at least this gives me different little areas
to try to think of that. Okay, what do I need
in regards to dairy? What do I need in
regards to meet? And this is ways
to get me my brain stimulated, immediate
keep thinking. So in regards to meet, I think I definitely
need chicken. Think about the kids. They're always in
need of something. So let's say chicken nuggets. And this also allows me
to jump around as well. So bread, English muffins, that makes me think as far as bread always a need a butter. And then let's put down here to miscellaneous items that don't necessarily go into a category. So when I thought of
bread in English muffins, I couldn't help but think about like blueberry
preserves and so forth. I'm going to put that over here. It looks like I put
butter over here when it's actually a dairy. So I will just switch this
and put it over here. So if you mess up your mind
map, It's perfectly okay. What you wanna do is
focus on just getting your ideas down and not
making your mind-map. Super pretty or being really
precious with your mind-map. Instead, focus on the ideas
and getting everything down. So we'll put butter over here. And if you spell something
wrong, that's alright too. Next, start to fill in your mind map with
doodles and so forth. Doodles will help you to
be able to really see are in your mind-map
and being able to like, start to remember it and recall information that way when you're walking through
the grocery store, when you start at the beginning, say it's the first
dial is produce, then you can start to
think of, all right, what is it that I actually drew? Did I draw a picture
of an apple? Orange? Actually do need more apples. In that way, your
mind map starts to really take hold and mean something have some
actual meaning to you and what it is
that you're doing. All right, I think that's good. Let's take a look
at the mind-map. Now, all this mind map needs
is a little bit of color. If you've got the time. Hello.
6. QUICK START - Mind Map Challenge: Creating a basic mind-map
is as simple as that. Now it's your turn to share your mind-map with
myself and the class.
7. Radiant Thinking and Mind Mapping: So let's talk about radiant
thinking for a moment. Now what radiant
thinking is and what it has to do with mind-mapping
is quite a bit. But before we get into
what radiant thinking is, let's first play a
little bit of the gate. Alright, so what I want you
to do is to think of Apple. Just take a moment
and think of Apple. Do you have an image in mind? All right, so what did you see? Did you see a red apple, green apple sliced apples? Applesauce have an Apple iPad, an iPhone. Apple iPhone. Did you see apple
as in Steve Jobs, the originator of Apple? There's all kinds of things
when you can think of a word. Maybe even some of you saw
the letters AAPL, apple. It doesn't matter what
matters is that your brain automatically starts thinking of different ideas and
associated thoughts, which is exactly what
mind-mapping allows you to do. Mind-mapping allows you to start with one idea right
in the center, as in your central image, and then have bridges or radiating thoughts that
move outward from there. So much like a, Let's use some workers. So much like a light bulb
radiates out from the center. So much like a light bulb where the energy starts in the
center once it's turned on, and then just radiates outward and fills up
the entire space. Our brain does the same thing. However, with our brain, we think of words and ideas, and thoughts and actions and different
things that have to do with one thought after
another, such as bread. You might think
of the word bread and think of butter
or think of jam. They've got preserves. Think about what you have to
do with grocery shopping. In speaking of grocery shopping, let's take a look at this
mind map once again. All right. So with
this mind map, this mind-map is all about
radiating thoughts and different images and
different ideas in a very creative yet
structured type of way. So later on in this course we'll be talking
about brainstorming. But for now, just know that
my mapping in radiating thoughts work hand in hand with the brain and how the
brain naturally think.
8. Radiant Thinking Game for Mind Mapping: Alright, Guess what time it is. It is time to play a
radiant thinking gain. All right, so the first
thing I want you to do is grab some materials. I've got standard 8.5
by 11 paper here, and it's just basic
printer paper. And I've got some
markers and some pens. So go ahead and grab
your materials. Meet me back here. And oh, one more thing. Is that the first thing
I want you to do? Also, once you grab
your materials, is to grab any kind
of random object, anything that is close to you. So I've got like a
fidget spinner here. I've got a water bottle pins, like a lens cap,
stuff like that. I'm going to go with
a water bottle. So grab your items, grabs something randomly,
and then come back here. Okay, so now what I want
you to do is take that item and draw in the center
of your mind-map. You want to draw it small enough to where you can
still have plenty of space and room for all the
different things that are going to be surrounding
the central image. I didn't write anything. No, right under
here, water bottle. Spell. Now, don't worry if you don't spell
something, right. I do that all the time. I've a little bit dyslexic, so I'll just I'll just
write things incorrectly. So if you do that,
just keep moving on. The next thing we're going
to do is now that we've got our central image drawn in the center
of our mind-map. Now the goal of this radiant thinking
exercise is to be able to strengthen our ability
to think radiant Lee. And what that means
is taking one item, putting it in the center, and then drawing or writing associated thoughts
and ideas outward. So let's see, water bottle
makes me immediately think of hydration
and self-care. So the next rule is to use
one key word per line. Make as many related, associated and
thoughts stimulate or stemming out from there. So one key word per line, so I've got hydration here. I also have self-care, and that is one word since it
has a hyphen in the middle. But we'll go ahead
and just take as many different types of thoughts and ideas
and capture them. And if you want, you can also, you don't have to
stay in one center. Instead, you can grab
as many colors in different types of associations from there based
on the branches. All right, So what do you think? How did your mind-map
end up looking? Do you see how different
types of thoughts and starting with one idea, putting in the center, in
this case a water bottle. But I'm putting that in the center and then writing
things down such as plants and how plants
lead to Window and sun. And thinking about the sun and everything led
me to thinking about my kids and the
beach and nourishment. And, and that's the
power of mind-mapping. Speed of kids, my little one my five-year-old's calling
with right now, so all right. See you in the next lesson.
9. Mind Maps in Action: Alright, so now that
we know what a my-map is and how to generate
them from scratch. In the next few lessons, Let's dive into
mindmaps in action.
10. Planning Events with Mind Maps: Alright, so my maps are also
really great at helping you to plan for various
events and things going on. A couple of the items, a
couple of the topics that I chose are planning a garden, planning for a vacation, and also planning
for accompany event. I'm going to choose planning a vacation because I could totally use
vacation right now. I want you to grab
your materials, pens, whatever you might
need, some paper, and let's get started. Now remember when
creating your mind-map, you want to have your
paper at landscape mode, you'll also want to draw
your central image, which helps anchor your mind-map and keeps you on
topic in the center. So what I'm gonna do is if you haven't figured
it out already, I am really wanting to go
to a beach as a vacation. Since I have my central
image in the center of my mind-map going to title
this beach vacation. Then the next thing
I'm gonna do is go ahead and grab my pens and start drawing branches
and so forth. I'm gonna be focusing
on words again, I like to add the
colors at the end. One of the things I first have
to do is I have to decide where do I want my
beach vacation? There's Florida, of course. Now you'll notice
that a couple of things that I'm doing is I am sticking to one key word, poor line, or one
keyword per line. That's one of the
rules of mind-mapping, is to use one key word per line. This helps you to be able to draw associated
thoughts and ideas. Basically from anything
to where if I wanted to, I could go in and go
to June and pick. These are a few of the
things that are going on in June or even jump off into birthdays or whatever associated radiating a thought
comes out from there. This also reminds me going through here as far as packing. That course, packing close, close led to this one, suits, kids be definitely
New swimsuits. Maybe even to swimsuits each. If we're going to a beach
and swimming all the time. Even looking at the word drive, that definitely makes
me start to think about how many days is it
going to get down there and thinking
about different days? Are we going to spend
one day on the beach, two days on the beach. How many days total do we have? That makes me even
think of time-frame. Also looking at the
word beach vacation, I'm going to start to highlight
that in even think of, right, a couple of
things down here. As far as questions that I might have as far as
working out dates, certainly have to
consider school. I think I have a really
good mind-map going, as you can see here. Now the next thing I'm gonna do is come back with some color. I'll put maybe some doodles
in here and call it a day. All right. There we go. The my-map all about
the beach vacation. I totally want to go on. But you can see that as far as going from black
and white to color, you get to see those
distinguishing pups. And I can also add in here
all kinds of different things as far as going in
with a ballpoint pen and getting those details
such as being able to research exactly like what days and get into the logistics. But at least this
gives me an idea of what needs to occur next.
11. Organize Your Day Mind Map: Alright, let's talk about organizing your
day for a minute. When it comes to mindmaps
and organization, mind maps are great because
they allow you to really structure your day and
structure your thinking. What I mean by that is that let's go ahead
and grab a pen. We've got your day here. You can organize your day, all kinds of different ways. You can organize your day. We'll just create
rural simple mind-map. You can organize
your day by morning, afternoon, and evening. Then you can go through
and you can decide, alright, what is it that I
need to do this morning? What do I need to do
in the afternoon? What do I need to
do for the evening? For the morning, it might
be in regards to work, and it might also
be in regards to personal things that you
need to take care of, such as errands and all kinds of different
stuff that you might have to do in the morning. You could also save
your errands for the evening or have different errands that you
need to one during the day, such as during the day if
you're at work air and you might need to take care of
our doctor's appointments. Going to the grocery store. It's always about
the grocery store up going to the grocery store, doing something such as that evening errands
could of course, be things that you do
in the evening for me picking up my kids from school depending
on what day it is. Afternoon might be, you know, meal prep or something depending on how your
day is structured. So that's how you go about
organizing your day real quickly by creating
structure of your mind-map. This is by evening or morning,
afternoon, or evening. You could also take your
mind-map and create something. I'll just drop that on the floor switch to
a different color. Let's do purple. Purple. You could also take your
day and at the same time, organize your day by events. With mind-mapping, you'd aren't limited to a particular
way of doing something. Which is why, well,
one of the mini, multiple reasons why I love mind-mapping
is that you're not, the structure is
dependent on the need. What is it that
you're meeting to do? Such as if I look at my day, I might think of
it in regards to an errands only type of day
where I'm thinking, Okay. I've got a lot to get
done today such as yesterday I had a ton to do. I just took a post-it note. I wrote down all kinds
of different things. Let's see if we can
get this in focus. But I wrote down all
kinds of different things that I needed to be
able to take care of. And I chunked it into stores. I need it to go to like such as, Alright, I have a, I need to go to the UPS Store because I have an Amazon return. I love shopping on Amazon and I love
returning things on it. I do, which it's
part of the benefit. I think about returns, I might think about, all
right, what do I need? I need that barcode or the QR code that they give you so that
I can do my return. I need to make sure that I
get the printed receipt. That's how mind-map start to trigger instructor
and then I can go. All right, what else do
I need to take care of? Well, of course
there's always a food. I'm always running out of food because I
prefer to just buy it as needed instead of
throwing stuff away constantly. Food, snacks, etc. I might even go okay, food. I'm going to be at a
particular stores such as Myer or something like that. I might structure my day. This is going to get messy, but you get the idea of
what I mean as far as taking your day and looking at it in a
different type of whale, me grab this as well. But that way you get
an idea of your day can be structured
however you want. You could also take
your day and decide, okay, today is all about
work and productivity. I need to get stuff done, which are the moods
I'll get in as well. So I might focus on my day
being split up by work. Only. I might be thinking about
projects, certifications. I need to be able
to create videos. I might have to do a voiceover. I might have to email someone, such as subject
matter expert and get information from them. I might have to do a
little bit of writing. So I start thinking about my day as far as work in a
completely different way. So that's how you can start
to use mind-mapping in a way that is
beneficial for you, The Mind Mapper, when you
create something such as this, don't be limited to, I have to do everything in
a specific set kind of way. Let your mindmaps get messy. Lit only use one marker or pen. Focus on the details and
what it is that you're doing instead of all the rules and everything that we've
been talking about. So for me, that's how I use mind-mapping
to structure my day. And it works great.
12. Brainstorm Idea Generation EXERCISE: Next up is brainstorming. However, before we dive into the nitty-gritty
of brainstorming, I think it's best to do a warm
up brainstorming exercise. What I found super-helpful
is thinking of brainstorming as in
warming up the mind. Just like you wouldn't
go outside on a cold day if you're
used to living anywhere that gets below
32 degrees Fahrenheit, you might have to go
outside just like today and warm up your car first before
you actually drive away. So what we're doing is we
are warming up our brain by doing this idea
generation exercise. And then we'll get into
brainstorming in the next module or lesson for here, for this, what we're going to
do is I want you to grab your phone or hop on the Internet and you can go to whatever website best
suits your needs. However, the one that I'm on
is random word generator. Let's see if I can
get this popped up. You can see that the word
that I have here is Pioneer. Just got a random word or whatever
website you find best. You can just go
there and type in. I've gotten number of
words which is one. Then also I've got it
generated the word pioneer. That's what I'm
going to write in the center of my mind-map. Don't get caught on color or
anything, Larry, right now, I want you to just take a black pen because we're
just going to generate as many words as possible
using radiant thinking, what we've learned
from radiant thinking. I'm going to correctly
spell pioneer. Write it in the middle. Then just put a simple
circle around it. The rules of this game are such. First of all, I want you to
be able to move fast. Do not. This is not an exercise
that is done slowly. It should be done
five minutes or less. If you need to go ahead and
set a timer and get going. However, the next rule
is deferred judgment. I want you to not
think about spelling, even though that's
something I do think about, but I want you to defer judgment if you spell Baddeley,
that's fine. If you are like This
isn't a good idea. Does this even match? Just get it close
enough because again, move fast, defer judgment, and then move on
to the third one, which is build on each rule. Also encourage ideas
wild and stupid. And let's see, keep
the goal focus. So keep focused on the goal. The goal of this exercise is
just a random word place in the middle that is not generated by you,
something that is. And you'll want to also do a 100 branches or
a 100 keywords. Pioneer, we're gonna go
ahead and start the time. Go, Oklahoma, real,
the Oregon Trail. Definitely a rub
makes me think of a back rub in a massage. Also, old places and discovering old places such as
I've never been there. Let me discover this old place
that so many people know. Next once you're done with that, whether you reach of
five-minutes or a 100 branches, what I want you to do is when
you get to the point of RA, this is a little bit, you've got a good flow. Just go in and start counting
how many branches you have. All right, so I've got
56 words degenerated. I need 44 more. This is where you can see, wow, this is definitely going to
take a little bit of time as far as being able to generate different
types of ideas. And for me, I'm used to brainstorming and using mind
maps for brainstorming. But if the goal is 100 branches and we'll
just write it here, then I need to start
thinking more radiatively as far as being able to go in and have different
kinds of thoughts, I'm going to switch
pens because I want to know where was my where did I drop off as far as width
this so I dropped off at 56. So I need 44 more and
I'm gonna keep going. Now this is where I
start getting light, more particular and more detailed about my different
types of branches. Because right now I'm
basically going for numbers only today time place. And there we have it
100 branches created, all starting with Pioneer and then generating
outward from there. Radiating outward
by associations and different thoughts
and triggers and one thought leads to
another and everything. Again, this is a great
exercise for just warming up the brain in getting you
in that brainstorming. Which is what we're going to dive into in the next lesson.
13. Brainstorm Mind Map: Alright, so now that
our brains are all warmed up, what happens next? Well, the next stage is to
take those warmed up brains and get them ready
for problem solution, all kinds of things. So what we're gonna do is
keep your materials out. You'll need that
black pen still. What we will end up
doing next is taking, making a mindmap and putting
a question in the center. So we'll start off with
a really basic question. B, any question,
then we are going to create solutions around that. This is the kind of myMap
that will be creating next. However, this right
here is really basic. Of course. There's so much more that goes
into than just being like, oh, you just put your
question and then you start to come up with ideas. Because if you've ever
brainstorm before, some things, sometimes things just aren't that cut and dry. So I want you to think of any question you could
go ahead and put your question in the middle
of your mind-map and then start generating
solutions from there. Or you could do this
exercise with me. And that is, what you want to do is think
about your problem. Or think about the question
that you have at hand. Such as, how can I increase
sales in my business? Or you could just write how to increase sales and then
put a question mark there. Just put a basic
circle around this. And you can start to
think, okay, let's see, I could increase sales
through e-mail and different types of
email marketing and will leave email
marketing as one word. You could also write, oh, I wanted to do podcasting or something like that
to increase sales. If you're thinking about
this as a business, I want to increase sales within my business
and everything. If you think about all kinds
of different stuff such as I could do funnels, which a lot of times have to
do with e-mail marketing. I could do social media. You can come up with all different types of
things from there. What kind of social
media you could do, YouTube, YouTube, Facebook, etc. And podcasting like, oh, you might have to learn
about podcasting. You might have to
get a microphone, email marketing, campaigns,
and so on and so forth. Those are great for really
basic types of brainstorming. This will definitely
take you really far, especially if you are a new employee or if you're
starting a new business, you're an entrepreneur
and you're just looking for
basic things like, how do I increase sales? Oh, I need to do
more social media, I need to do more email
campaigns and stuff. However, when you're in like say if you're
a businessperson, your company is wanting to
do a brainstorm session. They might have a question. Well, more than likely
they're gonna have a question that is very specific and very smart
because they know that smart goals
are the way to go. They might go, your boss, you might get an
email that says, we need to come up
with a brainstorm of how to increase sales by 25%. Then you go and you write down increase sales
twenty-five percent. Then a couple of days later before you're
brainstorming session or a little while later, someone's like, why don't we
just do an e-mail campaign? And so we're like, Okay, increase sales
twenty-five percent with e-mail marketing
or campaign. You write that down
in the center, you maybe give it a
little thought bubble or a little cloud around. The only thing that's
wrong with this is that it is way too
solution based. You do not want your mind-map
and you're brainstorming mindmaps to be solution-based. In this center. What I mean by that is increased sales is
perfect, That's good. However, twenty-five percent. Then email marketing. Those are very specific. Almost in dare I say too specific because right
now what we have, let me grab another pen. Actually, we'll
grab him workers. But what we have right now is Twenty-five percent
might be great. However, maybe the
question needs to be, how do we double our marketing? How do we double our sales? How do we do 200%? What would work to do? Can we triple our sales? This is what you need
to be thinking about, whereas May 25%
be very limiting. Maybe the best you can do with email marketing is just have
people open up your emails. And so that's where
you start to go. Well, that's where you
look at the other item. Such as email marketing. Again, this is a solution-based, like it's really, it's too specific when you think
about brainstorming. A lot of times executives and so forth and people you
might work with, they want to make sure that brainstorming sessions are
actually helpful in don't limit people or they want to they want to limit
the conversation. They definitely don't aren't
looking for wild ideas. Wild ideas are bad. Saying something stupid
is definitely like if you've ever heard anyone
say in a meeting, oh, there's no such
thing as a wrong answer. There are There's totally such
things as a wrong answer. And the thing with this is
that focusing your campaign or your mind-map or your
brainstorming session to be email marketing
based only. That might be not be
the right way to go. The right way to go might be maybe we shouldn't
do email at all. Maybe the problem is
that people aren't opening their email
campaign, campaigns from us. You should be able to
have specific numbers and stuff if you're looking for growth such as
that to be like, what are open rates right now? Maybe they're only 10%, which is actually really good. Maybe they're less, then
one-percent, not good. So therefore,
directing people to an email marketing campaign might not be what
your customer wants. Instead, the better question is, how can we just increase sales? How can we maybe
email marketing? It's the way to go. Maybe social media is better. Maybe we have a younger audience and they don't look at email. What they look at is our
videos and everything. You might want to go, well, actually videos
would be much rat, better for our
audience and stuff. And that's where you get into the specifics and
the nitty-gritties and you really start to drill down the brainstorming session. But one of the things
are a couple of the things that
you'll want to steer clear of when brainstorming are. One cognitive bias. Cognitive bias is when
you tend to favor information that
reinforces things that you already believe, such as email marketing
is the way to go. And that's all our
customer is interested in. Things have changed and customers change their
buying patterns change. If you come in with e-mail marketing and
this is what works. Or even someone suggest, well maybe we should have an
email marketing campaign. You're like, Nope,
it'll never work. You don't want to be
that person either. That's just like, Nope,
This doesn't work. Oh, we've tried to podcasts
before in the past, didn't work of funnel air. The guy who used to
do our funnels will use college dropout or whatever. I don't know, but I've heard all kinds of things
during meetings to where it's just like it
becomes more of a someone's throwing an idea out there and someone else
coming along and be like, Nope, won't work, then
you're like, Okay, so you've shot down all the ideas and
now we have nothing. That's where bosses
and everything can be helpful and not so
helpful and being like, Okay, everyone was just
focus on email marketing. Twenty-five percent
growing things that way, whereas the better solution
is increased sales. Let's see what does work. Let's try some different things. So that's where brainstorming
and mind-mapping really creates all kinds of fun.
14. Note Taking Mind Map Overview: The trouble that I
experienced the most when taking notes doesn't necessarily have to do so much with mind-mapping
in general, but it has to do with
the materials at hand. When I'm out and
about and I'm at work or somewhere like a library
or something such as that, and I'm wanting to take notes. The last thing I usually have
on hand is simple paper. Instead, what I do
have is papers such as this trusted notebook that
is super used and love. I usually have a pan, of course, and a marker on hand as well. Let's go ahead and look at
some notes that I've taken from a course that I signed
up for a little while back. This right here, these pages are actual
notes that I've taken from this blood-borne for body are infection control
for body artists. A while back I was thinking, maybe I wanted to
become a tattoo artist. Why not? Why not look into it? One of the first things
you have to do is get certified and
bloodborne pathogens and be able to know the safety
and guidelines and rules and be compliant with
things such as using gloves, clean needles, etc, etc. I won't go into all
the details here. However, I think that it's
worth looking at this style of notes that I took from actually trying to
learn something, this actual discourse
that I was taking. We started off with a
little illustrations. Now in this you'll be
able to see that my notes run up from top to bottom
and left to right. Just like as if I was taking notes doing just
regular note-taking in something such as this
where I'm just wanting to see I do all kinds of doodles
and notes in my notebook. So I have all kinds of things. My notes go from top to bottom. So that's where my mind
mapping does change, is that it becomes more of a
hybrid type of note-taking. Now you might be on YouTube, he might be on some other. You're looking at some other
mind-map or everyone has a different style for taking notes and everyone has a different style
for mind-mapping, which I think is rather
cool because then you can be unique and individualized. Your mindmaps to fit your needs based off of what's
going on in the moment. With looking at this, I've
got a lot of little doodles. I've got my maps, I've got branches and so
forth steaming outward. I go to the next page. I do a little bit of
color here and there. Talk about bloodborne
pathogens and infections. I've got a checklist down here, different types of headers and aseptic techniques
and so forth. The next few pages I get into more light charts and
illustrations such as, Alright, let's take a look at the human body and I've got a sketch of the human body here. How do you bloodborne
pathogens enter? What, how, you know, what's the different types of definitions that we
have about this? Then I finish up with more lessons and
everything such as that. So I think that when it
comes to being useful, mindmaps can be
incredibly useful when it comes to taking notes
and learning new things. The only thing is, is that
you just have to change them and make it unique for you. In the next lesson, we'll be going through
an actual lecture. I'm gonna find something
that I liked that we can go through and start to you can watch me
take notes based off of that.
15. Note Taking Mind Map In Action: Okay, so let's go ahead and see what mind-mapping looks
like when you use, or what note-taking looks like when you use
mind-mapping techniques. This is not going to be a traditional mind-map
that I'll be creating. Instead, it's based on a hybrid system that I've
been using and have found beneficial as far as blending mind-mapping techniques with traditional
note-taking techniques. So with that said, let's go ahead and take a
look at my screen here. We've got we're on And there's a lot of TED
talks that are available. I'm going to choose
one of the things that not too long that we can dive into and you can see me create this
my-map in action. Let's go ahead and
click on the benefits of a bilingual brain. For me, I think that sounds
the most interesting, since I do like the brain and benefits and language
and everything. So it's kind of fun. I'll go ahead and turn
all this stuff off to, since I don't need a
keyboard at the moment, I will leave my
mouse available in, on and off to the side. What I'm gonna do is
I'm going to start with putting
information upfront. Information such as the title. We've got the benefits here. We've got TED Talk, lecture and benefits of the
bilingual brain. Let's see, Let's look at the description
a little bit more. I like reading the
descriptions and stuff preparing ahead of time
that way I can know, okay, these are a few of the things that perhaps
we're gonna talk about, such as brain health. How to be more
actively engaged as possibility that we will be going into all of these things. And I also see that they
have a transcript here. However, I'm going to take notes by listening, by pausing. Let's dive in. By watching an ad. Last Espanol put a roof. Osi. Jom Emma. If you answered C, we, or why? You're watching this in English, chances are you belong to the world's bilingual and
multilingual majority. And besides having
an easier time traveling or watching
movies without subtitles, knowing two or more languages means that your
brain may actually look and work differently than those of your
monolingual friends. What does it really mean
to know a language? Language ability is typically measured in two active parts. I like that the subtitles are on here because that helps me to be able to see what it is that I'm looking at at
the same time as hearing. That helps with learning
something new is when you can engage
more and more senses. Taste, touch. I know it's hard to in a cage taste and
touch when learning. However, the touch, the feel of having a paper in
writing and so forth does make a difference
that engages in that sense when you can see what the words are and learn
through subtitles along with hearing that
engages more senses. I'm gonna go ahead and start
to break this up into bits. I'm going to have, I'm going to draw a doodle of a brain here, since this is what
it's all about. I'm going to have the brain divided into a couple of parts. Then some squiggles to show the folds of the
lobes and everything, all that good stuff. Let's see, measured into active parts,
speaking and writing. You'll also notice that
when I take notes, I will doodle a lot. I'll do a lot more doodles when I am actively
learning something. Then when I am necessarily
just trying to get like brainstorming ideas out might
seem counter-intuitive, but that's the way I do things. Language two parts. I'm going to divide this up
here, speaking and writing. And then have another
branch coming out here with writing on it. Speaking and writing
and to passive parts. Listening and reading. Language themes are active that way because I'm already
running out of room, as you can see over here, I guess I could keep
going this way. However, I'm going to. Just start to separate things
into active is over here, passive is over there. While he balanced
bilingual has near equal abilities across the
board in two languages. Most bilinguals around
the world know and use their languages in
varying proportions, depending on their situation and how they acquired
each language. They can be classified
into three general types. For example, let's
take Gabriela, who's family immigrates to
the US from Peru when she's two years old as a
compound bilingual. Alright. Now we're getting into some more of the learning. I'm gonna put it over
here because mindmaps, the thing about mindmaps
and learning and stuff is that they are incredibly messy. It's one of those things
where you don't know. The best thing to
do I found is not control how the
mind-map is flowing. Instead, control how the
information is written. That way I can have all
kinds of different things. I just started
jotting stuff down. I'm sure she'll jump back to other things and
then I'll be able, my mind-map will
basically essentially get messier and messier until it starts to resemble
something such as this to where it's
just kind of like messy. And that's the
beauty of mind maps, is that they do not have to be neat at all with
regular note-taking. It's very systematic,
very linear, very much a, B, C, outline based 123. And that's not how
learning occurs. Learning occurs in all
kinds of different ways. So I've got a little
checkbox over here. I'm gonna write
compound bilingual. Gabriele develops
to linguistic codes simultaneously with a
single set of concepts, learning both English
and Spanish as she begins to process
the world around her. Her teenage brother,
on the other hand, might be a coordinate bilingual, working with two
sets of concepts, learning English in school while continuing to speak
Spanish at home with friends. Finally, Gabriele is
parents are likely to be subordinate
bilinguals who, who learn a secondary
language by filtering it through
their primary language. Because all types of bilingual people can
become fully proficient in a language regardless of
axon or pronunciation, the difference may not be
apparent to a casual observer. But recent advances in brain imaging technology
have given neuro linguists at glimpse into how
specific aspects of language learning effect
the bilingual brain. It's well-known that the
brain's left hemisphere is more dominant and analytical
and logical processes. While there right? Now I can start to fill out my mind-map by adding
things such as this, like the left side analytical, something that I already knew, but I want to write down
just to support that. And then the right
side of the brain being more logical based. Chemistry and emotional
and social lens. Also like white out. When it comes to mind-mapping
notes and everything, because sometimes I'll write
the wrong thing down there. I need to have something to
be Ubuntu, pop that on there. Change it especially
when working with a pen. Though this is a
matter of degree, not an absolute split. The fact that language involves
both types of functions, while lateralization
develops gradually with age, has led to the critical
period hypothesis. According to this theory, children learn language is more easily because the plasticity of their developing
brains lets them use both hemispheres in
language acquisition. While in most adults, language is lateralized to one hemisphere,
usually the left. If this is true, learning a language in
childhood may give you a more holistic grasp of its social and
emotional contexts. Conversely, recent research
showed that people who learned a second language
in adulthood exhibit less emotional bias and a
more rational approach when confronting problems
in the second language than in their native one. But regardless of when you
acquire additional languages, being multilingual gives your brain some remarkable
advantages. Some of these are even visible, such as higher density of the gray matter that contains most of your brain's neurons and synapses and more activity in certain regions when
engaging a second language. The heightened workout
or bilingual brain receives throughout
its life can also help delay the onset of diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia
by as much as five years. There are also talking
to some of the woods, just say medical
benefits as well, such as keeping the brain
neuroplastic inactive. Going to put on there more use. The idea of major
cognitive benefits to bilingualism may
seem intuitive now, but it would've surprised
earlier experts. Before the 1990's, bilingualism was
considered a handicap that slowed a child's development
by forcing them to spend too much energy
distinguishing between languages. So I understand you based
largely on flawed studies. While a more recent study did
show that reaction times in errors increase for some bilingual students
in cross-language tests. It also showed that
the effort and attention needed to
switch between languages triggered more activity
in and potentially strengthened the dorsal
lateral prefrontal cortex. This is the part of
the brain that plays a large role in
executive function. Problem-solving,
switching between tau. Since I'm not using really a
lot of this area right here, I'm going to start to
pop this up there. Under the benefits
and everything. I'm going to put
executive function here. And we've got problem-solving. Or even put multitasking. Let's see what else. Tasks and focusing
while filtering out. And focusing. Going to add this,
filtering out. Irrelevant information. While bilingualism may not
necessarily make you smarter, it does make your brain more healthy. That's kind of cool. Benefits, continued benefits are it looks like it's
wrapping up here. I'm going to put
another benefits. I'm going to make a
little checklist. More healthy brain. This is where I'm writing more
sentences and everything. Complex. Active engagement. And what else? Complex and actively engaged. And even if you didn't have the good fortune of learning a second language as a child. It's never too late to do
yourself a favor and make the linguistic leap
from hello to hola, bonjour or knee halls. Can see when it
comes to our brains, a little exercise
can go along way. I like it. I like it. We'll put another benefit
is just exercise. Your brain. I think that's the conclusion
there is that bilingual, even just learning
a second language, I used to actually
know how to speak Spanish on a fluent level. Back when I was in my twenties, I lived in the
Dominican Republic for a couple of months teaching English down their two kids
near the area about a Honda, which is right super close
to the Asian border and on right along the Caribbean
Sea, I guess that is. But it was right
next to the beach. Very under privileged children. And if you want it to speak In, wanted people to understand, then you had to speak Spanish. People just didn't. I mean, they knew a couple
of words of English, but other than that
you had to speak. So I learned and it
definitely was something that I still have to filter
my language through. I have to think, okay, how
do I say this in English? And then filter through? And Spanish is just
really arduous. Whereas kids who learn a
language at the same time, like my daughter's friends, they learn Spanish and
English at the same time. And so their brains
are just different. They don't have accents
when they talk, when they speak English, like
Matthew's five-years old, he doesn't speak
with an accidental, but then he speaks beautifully
when it comes to Spanish. In his brain just filters
information differently. So his brain is receiving different benefits than mine is. However, it seems like based on this video and all the studies and stuff that have come before, is that it's just a
great way to keep your brain very neuroplastic
and moving and everything. Which is another reason why like mind-mapping is that it
keeps your brain plastic. It keeps things moving. It makes you to use all the parts of
your brain instead of just the right hemisphere or the left hemisphere when
it comes to learning. So I hope that with note-taking, something as simple as this, watching a TED Talk
video and taking some notes and just seeing me
do it helps you to be like, Okay, that's how it's done. That is one way to do things. Someone else who's teaching the same class on mind-mapping, they are very different. So again, choose which
one is best for you. Adapt it to meet your needs and then move
forward from there. Maybe your brain is used to taking notes the traditional
old-fashioned way. And you would like to
just basically use more doodles and everything
in your note-taking. Great. Do that. If you're like, Oh, I can't stand
traditional note-taking. I need my brain, likes to be able to be
all over the place when I'm learning in jump back
and forth and be like, Oh, let's do some
research and find out more about
compound bilingualism. As far as what happens in children's early
developmental stage, or when someone moves to a more of a coordinate bilingual, that kind of a thing to wear. For me. I'm more
of a subordinate bilingual if you want
to call it that. So even just looking
through this video, watching it for the first time, my brain, since I am
used to active learning. In passive learning,
note-taking, I'm able to learn things
faster than maybe someone who isn't used to. Mind-mapping isn't used
to learning their brain, isn't plastic or in a state of neuroplasticity
all the time. So anyway, I'm not going to
dive too deep into this, but I hope that you're
able to find something that is useful when it
comes to note-taking.