PowerPoint Class: Create a Modern PowerPoint Template | One Skill | Skillshare

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PowerPoint Class: Create a Modern PowerPoint Template

teacher avatar One Skill, PowerPoint Enthusiast, YouTuber

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Class Project


    • 3.

      Getting Inspired


    • 4.

      Laying Foundations


    • 5.

      Defining Style


    • 6.

      Creating a Welcome Slide


    • 7.

      Creating a Boxed Slide


    • 8.

      Creating the About Us Slide


    • 9.

      Creating the Our Services Slide


    • 10.

      Creating a Team Members Slide


    • 11.

      Creating a Portfolio Slide


    • 12.

      Creating a Company Timeline


    • 13.

      Creating Infographics: Icon Circles


    • 14.

      Creating Infographics: Layers


    • 15.

      Creating Infographics: Spinning Circles


    • 16.

      Creating Infographics: Color Bars


    • 17.

      Creating a SWOT Slide


    • 18.

      Creating a Device Mockup Slide


    • 19.

      Creating a Contact Us Slide


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About This Class

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen! In this Skillshare class you will learn how to create your own professional PowerPoint Template step by step. If you are a student, a teacher, a businessman or a designer and want to take your PowerPoint skills to the next level then this class is for you. Knowing how to create your own custom PowerPoint templates will help you stand out from the crowd. Additionally you will know how to customize professional PowerPoint templates and adapt them to your needs. For this class PowerPoint 2016 or higher is recommended (I am using Office 365). Let’s go!

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One Skill

PowerPoint Enthusiast, YouTuber


Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm One Skill, Powerpoint Teacher and Youtuber. Let Me Help You Make Your Powerpoint Presentations Super Awesome!

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1. Introduction: Hello everyone. Throughout this glass I'll teach you how to create your own awesome modern PowerPoint template. By the end of this class, you'll be able to create custom templates for your personal projects, for your company or for other people who knows maybe this glass, it will inspire you to become a PowerPoint template. Create them. My name is one skill and well, that is my nickname. My real name is caused protests. I live in Vilnius, Lithuania and I love creating PowerPoint presentations. I have been creating PowerPoint to turtles since 2014. I have created many PowerPoint templates myself. I have tested many templates created by others. And in this glass I will share with you everything I know about what makes a PowerPoint template awesome. But this PowerPoint clients, you don't have to be a PowerPoint expert. You will become a PowerPoint expert. I do my best to explain everything step-by-step, zoom in when needed. Show keyboard shortcuts on the screen. And for this class I'm using Office 365 on Windows. However, in department version that you have will do this glass is perfect for teachers, students, freelancers, marketing experts, speakers, everyone who wanted to take their presentations to the next level. Alright, so let's get started. 2. Class Project: So for our class project will be building a custom modern awesome Barb on template together. I'll walk you through the whole process. First of all, have to decide how we want our template to look. Will have to choose a custom color palette, custom font pair, insert a logo. After that, we will dive deep into designing awesome slide layouts. Welcome slide about the slat, our services team members portfolio, a timeline. You'll learn how to design attracted info graphics and animations. We'll design creative big letter image placeholders for swot analysis. And finally, we will create a contact us slab with a world map and pulsing office locations. So let's go. 3. Getting Inspired: Hello, ladies and gentlemen. In this lesson, I'll show you where you can find inspiration when you are creating a PowerPoint template. So first of all, let's say that you are creating a template for a company based on a brand book. In such a case, you don't have to look far for inspiration because most of the things that you need to be able to find in a brand book. So in case of patria, and as you can see here, we have many things designed and defined. So the logo use the colors that we have to use and the exact hex codes of the colors. Later on, I'll show you how we can use those hex codes to create our own custom color palette. So let's take a quick look inside of the skill share brand book. Once again, we have defined the logo use, we have the colors defined, as you can see, they're using this wonder green, beautiful color and we get the hex codes that we have to use. So to summarize, when you create a template based on brand books. So the whole process is much faster because many things and decided for you. But let's say you want to have a complete creative freedom and you want to create your templates from scratch. So where do you get started? How you decide which colors to use and what designs to create. And here I have a couple of websites and gathered that I like to use myself. First of all, Graphic River.net. You can check out best-selling PowerPoint templates. You can check out trending templates. And what's also you can select and click on any of these templates and look through all of the slides inside of that template. So for example, when e2, e1, e2 template, as you can see, we have a bunch of slides right here. You can go through as many as you want and maybe you'll find something that inspires you. The next website I recommend to checkout templates for inspiration is Creative Market.com. So once again, you can select any template that you want and you can check out how it looks like inside. You won't find photos of every slide, but still you'll get at these overview slides which will help you to get a good understanding and get a feeling of what slide designs of those templates are all about. And next we have Pinterest, just type in, for example, modern slide design and you will get a bunch of results that you can check out. And the last website I would recommend for inspiration as dribbled.com, just type in, for example, slide design and enjoy wonderful creations of many awesome artists or riot. So next, I encourage you to create your own mood board. Mood board as a place where you will paste and collect everything that you like. So when you're going through these websites and when you find something that you would like, that inspires you feel free to grab it, copied and pasted it into this slide. So as you can see, I have pasted a couple of snapshots from templates that I like. Voodoo, Veneto, signature manhunt. And it's something that I like about each of these slide design. So for example, a voodoo has a nice use of rectangles to create beautiful layout. Veneto has this awesome phone mock-up manhunt has dark color palette with bride x and color. And signature has some nice use of soft shadows. So I think I will use a little bit of everything for my final slide layout. I mean slide design. And make sure you don't copy exactly the slide designs. Make sure you just get inspired. So before continue to the next lesson, make sure that you create your own awesome motor board. And in the next lesson we'll be laying foundations, will be setting the rice life-size, choosing the right aspect ratio so that our template looks awesome. See you there. 4. Laying Foundations: Hello everyone. In today's lesson we'll be laying foundations for our awesome PAR one template. So we have to discuss a couple of important things. And first of all, aspect ratio, should you use 16 by nine or four by three? That's, that's a good question. So let's just jump to a fresh, blank new presentation. Let's just go to Design tab slice size. And here we have a couple of options, four by 316 by nine. So let me just click on four by three so that we can see how it looks like. I just click on maximize. And as you can see, four by three looks pretty much like a square. It has this kind of squarish look. And widescreen 16 by nine has a wire that look. So I would suggest choosing 16 by nine because this is the most common format these days. And four by three was mostly used in the old days, right? So another important setting that we have to take care of is the slight size. So by default, when you create your fresh blank new presentation, PowerPoint creates slice that have 720 P resolution. And if you would like your template to look extra sharp and nice, then you would need to set your slides to full HD resolution. And for that you have to increase the size of your slides. And we can do that at the same place where we have found the aspect ratios. We just have to insert the necessary values for the width and height. So let's get back to this presentation. And here as you can see, we have to insert 67.73 centimeters or the width. Or you can use the corresponding inch values if you have your system and inches for the width, let's use 38.1 centimeters. And let's hit OK. And just like that, we have created full HD resolution for our templates. That's really awesome. It will look nice on screens, and it will look nice when printed or right. So now let's talk about slight guides and grids that helped us to create awesome looking laughs. And if you have an experience with PowerPoint, you might have seen these center guys. Let me just jump back to our presentation. And first let me choose a blank slide layers so that we can see our guides better. So let's just go to UTM and click on the guys. And here we can see one vertical and horizontal guide. And as you can see, they're placed at 0, both vertically and horizontally. Of course, you can change their position. You can change. They're colored to orange or anything else. And of course we can add additional vertical and horizontal guides that super-duper, awesome. And this is only the beginning. We can add slight margins and these are vertical and horizontal guides, which will help us and make sure that we don't place any slide content too close to the edge of the slide. So that's a really important. Next we can add more vertical guides, which are columns. And they will help us to create well-balanced slide Laos. And for more flexibility, we can add rows which will help us to create even more flexible and amazing slant lands. And if we wanted to get extra fancy, we can add gutters are basically spacing between columns and rows. And I will show you later on when it's quite a good idea to use a grid with gutters. But you might have a question, why should we use grids in the first place? So let me show you a couple of examples why grit is pretty much useful. So let me just activate guides. As you can see, I have created some guides and this template. So let me just go to selection pane and let me show you some information about this grid. So I have created a grid 16 by eight. So we have 16 columns. We have eight rows, we have a margin of three centimeters and we have no gutters, so no spacing between the columns. Right? Now as you can see, all of the slight content is nicely positioned on the grid. So the grid really helps us to space out and to position everything nicely. So that's why it's useful to have a grid. So one more example is you can see on this slide as well, all of this light content is positioned on the grid and everything looks so well balanced. Alright, and here is an example of a grid with and gutters. As you can see, we have some spacing between these photos. And, you know, this kind of layout is really useful when you are creating some kind of portfolio slide layout, right? So now let me show you how it can actually set up a grid. We can do it manually or we can do it with a free powerpoint Add-in called Bright slide. Alright, so as before, we can click on guides to see our center of ice. And we can click on the control key to quickly copy and your guide that we want. So this way we can drag one to the left, one to the right. We can copy the horizontal guide as well. And this way we can create margins. However, it might become quite tedious process when we want to create a more complex Grid. And for that reason i using the bright slide to have free part when add-in is a really good IDM. So you can find this head and right here, right, carbon.com. All right, so with this hadn't, we can first of all set our margins. So I'm using centimeters, four units. So three centimeters, as you can see, this margin has been added. That's awesome. Ran for the column number. Let's type in 164 rows. Let's type in eight. By the way, if you don't have this powerpoint ad and I will attach this presentation as a resource in the project and resource section. So make sure you have a nice grid ready. And I'll see you in the next lesson where we will be defining our style, will be looking for nice fonts and picking colors for our custom color palette. See you there. 5. Defining Style: Hello everyone. In today's lesson we will be defining style. So first of all, let's talk about funds. In presentation design, you usually have to choose a font pair. What does a font pair mean? So usually you are using one font for headings or for the titles, basically for the big text. And another font you're using for paragraph or for the body text. So basically for the small text. So you could use the same font family for the headings and for the paragraphs, but you could as well mixed it up and choose a font pairs, basically one font for headings and one phone for paragraph text. So that's where the name comes from, pairs. And at the same time, each font has its own feelings. So as you can see, you can have classical looking, elegant, modern or minimalists looking fonts. So sup to use a creative choice. So there is a good blog post by page cloud.com, which covers a bunch of awesome phone pairs. So feel free to check it out. And if you like anything, you can easily download these fonts there for free. And you can download them from Google fonts. So for this class projects damn, choosing months, red semi bolt for headings and railway lines for subtitles in bodies. So let's get back to our class projects. So as you remember, this is the same PowerPoint presentation that we have converted to full HD slice size. That super awesome, and we have created this beautiful green. So now let me show you how we can set that font pair that we have chosen. So let's just go to Slide Master View, and let's go to funds. And let's click customize funds. And now we can insert Montserrat semi bowl for the headings and railway light for the paragraph text, for the body text. And feel free to name this font pair where you want. Let's just type in one skill. That's super awesome. Alright, and as you can see, the fonts have been updated. And now, if we would choose a slide layout with some titles, as you can see, we can choose our fonts. So Montserrat semi bowl for the headings and railway length for the body text. So we would insert a simple text box and we would start typing. So you can see the font is Railway life, our body font. That's super-duper, awesome guys. You don't have to select your font each time because they are set automatically. So the next big question is how big your font sizes should be. So as you can see, I have created a couple of options. So having big title of 144 points, medium titles, 72 points, and other sizes. Just remember that these sizes are for the full HD is light size. So we would open up a fresh, new default Powerpoint presentation and would insert a title of 144 points. It will be super huge because it's for the default site. So remember these sizes are for their full ij d slide size. Ok, and now here is just the couple of examples. And know how I'm using these titles in action. So there's huge kind of tidal is usually for some kind of welcome slides. And then these smaller titles like medium-size or in all subtitle size I'm using for the smaller titles. And in the next lesson I'll show you how to actually design this about slides. So that's coming up next. And for the paragraph text, I am using 24 points or 20 points maybe for some ion or smaller texts, right? So the next question Are colors palate. So if you're using a brand books, of course, colors will be defined in your brand book. But if you are starting from scratch and you want to get inspired, you can go to this website, colors not comb. And finally, any beautiful palette that you want. Just remember that you need six colors or PowerPoint because PowerPoint uses six accent colors. So for example, I have chosen this color palette and it has only five colors. The wind just had a plus sign anywhere that you want. And this way we get a six colors. So now all that's left to do is just to copy those hex codes and paste them into our color palette. So ledgers goat, slight mass to view colors. My scholars ran. So here at the top we have these four special colors, dark and light colors, which are used in all four text or background depending on the situation. So let's just leave the first color black and the second color white. And let's not worry about the rest of these colors. Let's just think about these six accent colors. So first of all, let's just grab this hex code from our first column, the palette. And now we can click and PowerPoint on this accent color number one, and just update the hex code and let's click okay. So you can see it has been updated. So now all that's left to do is to repeat this copying and pasting of hex code into our custom color palette. So I'll see you in a second. So ladies and gentlemen, we are finished with our color palette. Let's just give it a name, for example, one skill. And we would come back to our normal slight view and we would insert, for example, some beautiful circles. We can quickly make a few copies while holding down the control key is, you can see now we can choose colors from our color palette, so that's really fast and easy. All right, so make sure that you have your font pair selected and set and Slide Master View and make sure that you have your custom color palette created and sudden Slide Master View and when that's ready. And then we can move to the next lesson, where we will be creating our first slide layout. We will be creating this welcome slide layout with a full-screen image placeholder. That's awesome, and I'll see you there. 6. Creating a Welcome Slide: Welcome back everyone. In this lesson, I'll show you how you can create awesome welcome slide, which looks like this. And we have a couple of titles and a full-screen image placeholder. So when we are working with PowerPoint, usually we're working in normal view. That's all good. But if you'd like to have sled layers that you could easily click and apply it to any slide that you want. And that case you would have to do ten Slide Master, View or read. So for that reason, let's just jump to our class project and let's go to slight mass to view. So here on the left side you can see all of those LED lamps that come by default. When you open up the fridge. Blank new presentation at the top we have our Slide Master. Whatever you do on the slide Master will be visible on all of this light layouts. For example, if you place a logo, it will be visible in all of this LED lamps. For now, let me just delete all of the default layouts. Let's leave only the blank one. And now we can duplicate it. Randall is duplicated. And let's rename it to, for example, Welcome slide. This is going to be our first customs land layout. Hooray. Alright, so first of all, let's start with creating some awesome titles. So let's get back to our presentation and let's click on this title checkbox and we get the title. So let's just make sure that we have the correct font size. So as you remember, we have decided to use 144 or the big titles, center align. And let's place this title to the center and middle of the slide. You can use these align options and the align menu. That's awesome. And we can change the placeholder text for anything that we want. For example, your title. Alright, now let's do the subtitle. And as you can see in this light master tamp, We don't have a subtitle checkbox sulfur that we just have to insert a text placeholder. We can type in anything that we want. For example, your subtitle. Let's make sure we removed the bullets. We center align the text. We choose Montserrat symbol for the font, for the font size, let's use 40, and let's add a little bit of spacing, for example, very loose. And let's align it to the center. We can activate the guides, the grids so that we can better see the whole layout. As you remember, we have created this awesome grid that has this margin around the corners of the slide. So I guess we can increase the size of our title and subtitle so that they are touching the margin. This way everything will be looking beautiful. Alright, next let me show you how we can add some subtle shadows to our subtitle and title. Let me just move away in the photos so that we can see the shadow. Alright, so now let me show you how we can do that and our class project. So let's select our title as you go to Format Shape. Text Options and less good shadows. And let's select this preset, which is called offset bottom. Now let's just type in for the transparencies, 70% for the blur. Let's type in 40 in for the distance. Let's type in 30 points. Alright, now let's do the same for the subtitle. All right, wonderful. So we have our beautiful title and subtitle with some subtle shadows. And the next thing we have to do is to create this full screen image placeholder arise. So let's just go to Slide Master tab. Let's go to please holders and let's choose image placeholder. Make sure that covers the whole line just like that. And now we're pretty much done with this layout. We can get back to a normal view. And then from the layout option we can choose our welcome slide layout. That's wonderful. So now we can click on this image icon and insert any image that we want. For example, this one. Let's make sure we send it to back so that sand behind the titles. We can go to selection pane and see all of the elements that exist on our slide. And I usually like to rename my objects so that they better understand which objects as well. So we have title, subtitle, image placeholder. So let's just type in anything that we want inside of title field and inside of the subtitle. This just makes sure that both title and subtitle has white font color. Okay, we're doing wonderful. And the next step is to create this beautiful colored overlay, this gradient overlay that we can put on top of or photo. For that, we just have to insert a rectangle that covers the whole slide. Again in the selection painless, give it the proper name, for example, gradient. Let's move it below the titles. That's awesome. And now we have to add a gradient fill to this rectangle. So let's just choose gradient from the film options. Alright, let's make sure we set it to a radial greed and fill. So as you can see, we have two colors on our gradient. So feel free to choose any color stat you want. I'm using colors from our custom color palette that we have created in previous lesson, right? And for the first color, I'm adding 40% transparency so that we can see the background photo arise. So our welcome slide design is pretty much finished. I guess I'll just slightly adjust the color, the second color, let's make it a little bit darker, just like that. Alright, now let me copy this logo place holder and let's paste it into our class project. That's awesome. And as you can see at the moment, only the logo is animated. And in the next lesson, I'll show you how we can add animations to these titles as well. And in the next lesson we will continue with the animations. And at the same time I will show you how we can create this awesome box slide design. So I'll see you there. 7. Creating a Boxed Slide: Welcome back everyone. In this lesson, we will continue working with the animations. And after that, we will create this box slide layout is first of all, we have to finish those animations for our Welcome slide that design. So as you can see, both the titles are animated and the logos Well. So let's continue with that. So let's go to animations. And as you can see currently the logo is animated. So let me just delete it. Let's delete this animation so that we can start everything from scratch. So first let's select our presentations subtitle. Let's go to animations. Flight in animation direction. From top. Let's make it start with previous duration, two seconds. And in effect options, let's add 1.5 seconds for the bound sent this whole ad and beautiful bouncing and the subtitle. This style looks like. And now we can copy this animation from the presentations subtitle. The rest of the elements, just use the animation painter. You can double-click on the animation painter to make it a fixed. And once you're done, just click again on the animation painter. So this is how everything is looking. So we can add a little bit of delay for the title and for the logo. So for the title and let's add a delay of 0.1 seconds, and for the logo, 0.2 seconds. So this adds a little bit of delay and makes this animation a little bit more interesting. Alright, so now let's continue with the box slide layout. So let's just go to slight message. Here we have our slide lamps. So we have the blank one and welcome slides. Let's just duplicate the Welcome slide and let's rename it. And let's call it, for example, boxed layout. Alright, now we can turn on the grid. We can turn on the guides. And now we just have to reduce the size of this full screen image placeholder so that it touches the inside of our margin. So basically we have to leave this one empty row or column around the corners of the slide. Just like that. This will help us to create this kind of box layout, right? And we're pretty much finished. So let's just turn off the guys. We can duplicate the first slide. And now for the second slide, we can choose our newly created box layout. So let's just delete the gradient. And as you can see, the image placeholder is box. That's awesome. Let's just send it to back so that we can see our titles. Wonderful. And we can switch back to welcome slide layout if you want. And we add a switch again to box loud. Once. That's how easy it is, let's make sure that we send the photo tobacco. And of course we can copy the gradient and paste it right here as well. Let's just make sure that we resize the gradient so that has the same size. As our image placeholder. And in this election, painless, just drag this subgradient, load the titles. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. And of course, if you want, you can always adjust the gradient. You can change the colors of the color stops. And we can play with the transparency options. So let's make this color in the center more transparent so that we can see through the background image. And let's make it fun. And let's just change our photo inside of the image place holder so that it's a little bit different from our first line. And now let's just send the photo at the back. And lets just rely on our gradient descent or a mendel over this line. Right? So this is how it looks like. Also awesome presentation. And as you can see, you still have to add this slide numbers and a footer and add a little bit of shadow. So let me show you how again, add these modern looking slide members and footer. Alright, so for that, let's go to Slide Master. And we will have to work on the Slide Master level at this top slide because we want to do some changes that will be visible on all our slide lamps. So let's grab this box. This box is responsible for the slide numbers. Let's turn on the guides, and let's grab and drag this box in the bottom left corner of the slide. And let's resize this box in that it basically gets this square shape just like that. Alright, let's center align the text. And let's make sure we choose months or at seven bowl for the font size of 20, right? Fun color black. Had a white fill for this textbox. Okay, and now for the shadow, let's add a subtle shadow. So let's go shadow options. First of all, let's choose this preset called offset, right? Right on the transparency lists at 8%. For the bluer 50 points, angle 315, and distance between two points. That's wonderful. Alright, now let's do the footer. So lets just grab the footer box. Let's rotate the left side just like that. Right? Once again, let's set the font to Montserrat. Font size 20. Font color black or right unless a white fill color. So for the width, let's make sure that we drag this full-time box so that it has all of the margin. And for the height, let's make sure it has four rows of height, just like that. And let's do the same shadow as we did Odeh slide number box or right. And as you can see this line numbers and the footer is visible on all of this slide lamps. And that's awesome. All right, now let me show you how we can change our footer. So let's just go to insert header and footer. And here below that flutter, let's type in anything death will want to, for example, or some ducklings template and hit Fly tool. And now as you can see, all of the slightly has are slight numbers and footer. That's awesome. All right, so let's check it out how everything looks in the Normal view. And as you can see, we have our beautiful slight number with soft shadow. Apply it to the second slide as well. We can see the footer, so that's awesome. But sometimes you might want to switch off the slide numbers and a footer. So you can go to header and footer and just click these checkboxes. And this way you can hide the numbers and footers in case you don't want them, right? So that was it for this lesson. And in the next one we will be designing the about this slide layout. So I'll see you there. 8. Creating the About Us Slide: Hello everyone and welcome to this lesson. We will be creating this about us slides. So first of all, we will do the black and white version. And after that I will show you how we can create this gradient version as well. And in the next lesson we'll be creating our services. Right, so let's jump to our class project lands go to Slide Master view. This is where the magic happens and we can duplicate our last that layout. Let's give it a new name about us. Rides home. Let's analyze this lamp for a little bit. So as you can see, this image placeholder in the center takes up four columns. And here on the right side, which is have this black rectangle. And I have a couple of textbox, these small rectangles just for fun. We have slight numbers, footer and the logo. So actually let me just grab this logo from my original presentation. This Logo sits on the slide master level. So let's copy it. Now let's go to our Slide Master top-level, and let's paste this logo right here. And as you can see when we paste the logo and the Slide Master top-level, this load will, will be visible on all slide louse. So that's really useful. Right now let's make sure that this center image placeholder takes up four columns. Just like that. And let's stretch it so that touches the top and bottom of the slide. Right now we can do these titles. So let's use these titles that we have done previously. Let's give it a smaller font size. For example, 72. Let's align it to the left side. And let's align it to the top. And now we can place this title box anywhere that we want. For example, here, it looks beautiful. And now we can reuse this subtitle box to create our second title on the right side. Let's make sure that spacing is normal. Font-size 72 alignment the right side. And let's place it to the right side of this slide. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. And we're pretty much finished with the layout itself. That guess we will do the rest of the elements in the Normal view. Usually I'm using Slide Master only for the picture place holders, for the titles. The rest of the elements we can create an normal view. This way, we will remain much more flexible. Let's just inserted fresh blank, new slide. And from the layouts, let's choose About Us slide layout. That's awesome. All right, so now let's fill our image placeholder with any image that we want. I'm using some images from unspliced.com. My favorite place for beautiful for images. Let's just type in something into our title boxes. Alright, so here on the right side we have this black rectangle. So let's do it in our class project to. Before that, let's just make sure our mission title is white. Now let's just drag this rectangles that it covers the right side. Let's send it to back. Ok, let's make it black. And let's remove the outlines. We don't need outlines for a rectangle. And it's beautiful. And next, lets do these small rectangles. These are just for fun. So once again, let's go to Insert Shapes. Let's grab the rectangle. Let's draw a rectangle. So the width should be one column. And for the height, let's use half a centimeter. Let's make it black and let's align it to the middle of the slide. And now we can just use the control key to make equip copy and make it, let's make this copy White and let's drag it to the right side, right. So now all that's left to do is to create this small text textbox. Small text textbox. So the font size for this textboxes 24. Let me just copy the text as good to insert text box. And let's click to insert a text box that's based on text. And let's make sure it has the font, railway light, and the font size is 24. Right? And I just realized that I have placed all of these three elements a little bit too close to the centre. So let's just move everything one column to the left side, just like that. Okay, and for the title sludge, just go to Slide Master View. We can fix that in the slide Master View. And that's actually a really good example because as you can see, once we update something in that slide Master View, it gets updated automatically in the normal abuse. That's awesome. Okay, now we can copy the text box to the right side, white aligned to the right side. And of course, let's just move this white small rectangle to the right side as well. It's now, everything is perfect. Looking good. So now let me show you how we can add some animations. So here we have a couple of line animations with a bouncing effect. So let me show you how we can do it in our slide. And let's select a small textbox is good animations which choose flying in animation direction from top. Let's make sure it starts with previous, which means it starts automatically iteration two seconds. And for the bounce NF-kappa, let's choose 1.5 seconds. And now we can just double-click the animation pane true and quickly paste the same animation to the rest of the objects. As you can see, all of the animations are happening at the same time. So let me add a little bit of delays for some of the elements. So for these rectangles, let's add 0.2 delay. And for the titles, That's 0.42 delay. Sway the animation looks a little bit more interesting, right? So let's copy the about this slide and let me quickly show you how we can create this gradient version of the slide. So for that we need a gradient and we have already created some gradients at slide number two or slide number one. So let's just copy this gradient from slight number one and let's paste it to our slide. So let's resize it so that it covers this black rectangle and image, please holder. And for these white elements, let's make sure we bring them to the front. But this gradient back to the right side. And we can play with a gradient fill options. Now the gradient is set to a radial, so we can switch it to linear. And now let's just play with colors with a transparency until we get the looked at we want read, ladies and gentlemen. So that was it for this lesson. And the next one we will be creating this awesome, our services slide layout. So feel free to create your own About Us slide, and I'll see you in the next lesson. 9. Creating the Our Services Slide: Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and let's continue building our awesome template. And in this lesson, let's create our services slide. Alright, so let's jump to our class projects presentation. Let's go to slide Master View, and we can duplicate the last slide freely fits our service slightly out. So let's just give it a different name. Our services. And let's just take a quick second to appreciate the layout. Let's turn on the guides. So as you can see, this image placeholder in the center takes up six columns and width. And we have three content blocks on the right side. So I guess we can delete the title on the right side. We will not need it. So we have to increase this image placeholder, one column to the right and one column to the left. So we have six columns and total. Let's reduce the size of this title. And we're pretty much done. So we can insert the fresh blank new slide and select our services layout. Alright, so let's just insert a picture, image placeholder, type in our services inside of the title box. Now let's just copy these two elements from our previous slide to save some time. It's wonderful. Alright, and as you can see, we have three blocks of content right here on the right side. So each of them take up three columns and two rows. Let's create one end and we can just duplicate and create three blocks of content and total. First of all, let's type in 0 to unless you give it the font of Montserrat, font size 14. Let's place it several right here. And now we can quickly copy this textbox while holding down the control key. And let's type in some info. Now let's just grab this small text. Analysts place it below the NFO textbox. So let's make sure that this whole group of content, they accept three columns into rows in height. Just like that. You're gonna hit F9 to switch off the guides. All F9 to switch on the guides again. And now let's just select all of these three guys and let's group them into one group. You can head control G to group, or you can right-click and choose Group from the menu. You can do it the way you want. And Alice just quickly copy. There's group. If you hold down control and shift gear at the same time, you'll be able to drag your copy in a straight line. So that's really useful. Now let's make the last block of content for step number three or some info number three. And we're pretty much finished. Right? So now all that's left to do is to add some animations. As you can see, only these two shapes are animated. So let me clear all of the animations so that we can start from scratch. So let us start with this textbox. As good animations flight in animation direction from top starts with previous duration two seconds. And in the Effect Options less and bounce into 1.5 seconds as we always do. Right now, we can use the animation danger and paste this animation to the rest of the objects that we want it to be animated. Alright, and to make it more interesting, let's add a little bit of delays or some of these elements. So you can always select a couple of elements while holding down the Shift key. So for these guys less a 0.4. second delay. Now we can preview it owned full-screen. Right, ladies and gentlemen, so that was it for this quick lesson. And the next one, we will be building this team members slide. That's awesome. And I'll see you there. 10. Creating a Team Members Slide: Hello and welcome everyone to this lesson, where we will be creating team members. Land labs will create one without any gaps between the image place holders and one version with some gaps between the photos. Just for fun, uracil has jumped our class project and let's go to Slide Master View. And as you can see, we already have you slightly it was created. So let's just pick one of them to make this whole process faster. So lets just duplicate the Welcome slide layout. Let's bring it to the bottom, and let's rename it to team members. All right, so let me get back to the original presentation and let's take a second to analyze how the slide layout is constructed. So as you can see here at the top, we have two titles. Here in the middle we have four images, place holders. And the height of these place holders are four columns and four rows. And at the bottom we have some text. Right? So first of all, let me reduce the size of this full screen image placeholder. We'll get back to this place holder a little bit later on. And for now, let's just use the font size of test title. All right, let's place it at first row just below the margin. Let's grab the subtitle. Let's change the font to railway light. And less position it just below the title. Alright, so let's just put this image placeholder to the center and middle of the slide. Now let's make sure that this image, please holder has the highest off four rows, just like that. And now the big question is, how wide this image placeholder should beam? We would like to have for images place holders in total. So we can go to our slide size settings. So as you remember, the width of our slide is 67.73. So all we have to do is to divide this number by four. And this will be our width of the image placeholder. So let's copy this number. Let's go to shift format would and less space this value, hit enter, and we have a perfect image placeholder. Now we can bring it to the left side, hold down the control key to make a quick copy. You can hold down the Shift key as well to drag a copy in a straight line. And this way we can quickly create four equal beautiful image placeholders. Alright, so let's get back to normal view. Let's insert a blank slide and let's choose our team member slide layout. Let's hire the footer for now. We don't need footer and this slide layout. Okay, so as you can see, we have some titles. Let's type in something. Right now we have four image placeholders, so it makes it faster. We can just select for photos. And just drag and drop them into our slide. And PowerPoint automatically fills all of these place holders with photos. That's really good. And you can always click on the crop options to position your photo inside of the image placeholder. And if you don't like any of the photos, as always, you can delete the photo and insert a new photo. Or right now let's add some text just below the image, please, holders. And we can reuse these text boxes from our previous slide layout. That's hit copy and paste it right here. Let's delete the 0-1 textbox. We don't need it, we just need these two guys. Let's ungroup them so it will be easier to work with them. Alright, and now let's do a couple of alignment adjustments. Makes sure that the text is center aligned side of the textboxes. And make sure that text boxes themselves are aligned to the center of the image placeholder. Right? So once we're done with the alignment, we can group these two text boxes, and now we can quickly copied them and place them below the rest of the image placeholders. Of course, you would probably want to type in some names just leaving some info, right? And in my original presentation we have these kind of animations. So adding, showing how it's done, let's select a team member's subtitle is good. Animations fly-in and choose from top. Starts with previous duration two seconds. And as always in the effect options, let's add bounce end of 1.5 seconds. Just for fun, I think it looks cool with that bouncing. And now let's just let this subtitle double-click the animation painter. And let's click everywhere that we want for the animation to happen. Click on the animation painter again to Deselect. All right, now let's just add some delays for any element that we want. So basically I want the first image placeholder to fly in first. Then with a little bit of delay, the second image placeholder than the third and then the fourth. So you will see in a second how this whole animation looks like. And just one more thing for all of these text boxes. At the bottom, let's change the direction. So they come from bottom. And this is how the final animation looks like. Beautiful. Alright, so now let me show you how we can create this team members slide layout with some gaps between the photos. So we can duplicate this team members slide layout that we just created. Let's just name it for example, team members spaced or red. So let's turn on the guides so that we can see our beautiful grid and the margins. So now let's just drag these image please holders at the size, a little bit in words so that they are touching and the inside of the margin. So as you can see, these two place holders at the sides have this width of 13.93. So let's add the same width to the rest of the image placeholders. Now all that's left to do is to select all of these image place holders can hold down the Shift key, and now we have to distribute them horizontally. This way we get equal gaps. My original presentation, the gaps are a little bit more narrow. So let me show you how we can do that too. Let's select with the Shift key all of these image placeholders Tantalus just drag them a little bit to the right side, just like that. Ok. And for this one on the right side, let's make sure that touches the inside of the margin just like that. And once again, let's let all of these image please holders, analysts distribute them horizontally. Now we have narrow, beautiful, equal gaps. And we can make these image placeholders higher if we want. Right? And now we can just duplicate this slide and the normal view. And we can go to Layout menu and choose our new layout. Ends could do. The layout has updated automatically. That's awesome. Let's just insert a footer. Let's just do a couple of alignment and adjustments for these textboxes because these textboxes where made a normal view. So that's why they did not update automatically. So we have to manually resize them. Alright. And the animations should be working fine. That's awesome. So feel free to create your own awesome team members slide, layout. You can create one with a gaps or one without any gaps. And in the next lesson we'll be creating this portfolio slide layout. So I'll see you there. 11. Creating a Portfolio Slide: Welcome back everyone and welcome to this lesson where we will continue with that portfolio slide layout. Looks like this and what's special about this layout? That for this one, we're going to use a grid within gutters. As you can see, we have some spaces between the rows and columns. And these spaces are called gutters because previously we were using no gutters, and this time we will be using gutters. So let me show you how we can create this type of grid or rice, or let's jump to our class project less good Slide Master you. And this time let's duplicate the whole slide masters. And in the duplicate, let's delete all of the slide layouts. Let's just leave that blank one. Let's give it a different name portfolio. And let's rename the Slide Master itself as well as standard portfolio too. And for good measure, let's rename our top Slide Master to, let's give it a name, one scale. Wonderful. So now we can create a grid with gutters and for that we will be using this right slide. Logan. You can go to Bright Carmen.com and download this plug-in for absolutely free. Okay, so we have 16 columns, we have eight rows and all that's left to do is to insert a half a centimeter spaces for rows and columns. Hurricane. And the grid is ready. As you can see in the first slide master, we have no gutters. And in this one we have gutters. So that's why it's useful to have two slide masters, one with the gutters and one without gutters. So now all we have to do is to create these boxes, these image placeholders for our photos, to Slide Master, insert placeholder, and let's choose picture. So the first big show place holder should be two by four. So two columns and four rows. Let me reduce the width of these place holders to buy four. That's awesome. In next one should be four by four. Now let's fill this bottom space with a big image placeholder. Now here on the right side, we should have two by four. And let's fill the rest of the space below. And now here on the right side, we should have two images, two image placeholders form by form. Just like that. Alright? And we're pretty much finished. As you can see, we have eight image place holders in total, and we can easily filled them with pictures. So let's just insert a blank news line. Let's go to layout options. So you can see we have one skill Slide, Master and we have portfolios master would that portfolio layout. So now we can just select eight photos. And let's just drag them and drop them. Barbara introduced they have automatically they have been automatically inserted into image placeholder or San. Of course, if you want to change any of these, you can delete a picture and choose a new one. Right? So next let me show you how we can animate the savage place holders. To make it faster. Let's just copy lie in animation from our previous slide. And now with the animation painter and let's just click on all of these image plays holders. Now all of these animations should be happening at the same time. And as always, we want to make it a little bit more interesting. We can add some delays. So basically I won the bottom row of image placeholders to come down faster and then the rest of the image placeholders with a little bit of LA. So I'm just adding a 0.12 delay increment, all of these animations. So 0.10.2 and so on. And this is how it looks like the finished result. So ladies and gentlemen, that was it for this lesson, the portfolio slide layout. And in the next one, we will continue with the Timeline slide layout. So feel free to create your own awesome custom portfolio slide. And when you're ready, I'll see you on the next lesson. 12. Creating a Company Timeline: Hello and welcome everyone to this lesson where we will create this timeline layout. Will have to create three slides and total. And with the help of animations and push slide transitions, we will make it happen on the right. So let's jump to our class project, and let's go to slide view. As we always do. Have at this time, we can reuse the team members slide layout. We need all of those beautiful titles at the top. We can delete the image placeholders. And let's rename this slide layout to something that we will remember, for example, titles titled center top as beautiful. Right, let's get back to normal view, cert a new slide. And let's select this new slide layout from the menu, right? So let's type in some text into these beautiful titles. So let's say this company timeline and future plans. Bright planes for the bright future. Right? We can turn on the guys and see how this slide is constructed. I have a couple of bubbles and we have this black line in the middle of this slide. Alright, so let's create this line in our slide. Let's choose the Line tool, click and drag to create her line. You can hold down the Shift key to get a perfectly straight line. Let's make it black. And let's add a little bit of weight, for example, Two and a half points. Let's see how it looks like. Random looking good. Well, let's make it five points will be visible and been better. Okay, so next we have to create these bubbles. So as you can see, this one takes up two-by-two, so two rows and two columns. We can use our grid to help us know create the right size circle. Let's place it somewhere right here. Double-click on the circle to type in 2021. Let's make sure that we increase the font size or the font. Let's choose our hitting font, Montserrat assembled. Let me check with was the font size. So for the font size, let's use 60. It's awesome. Alright, and now let's continue with the rest of the bubbles and slide content. So we can reuse these text boxes from our services slide. So let's just put this textbox some around here. Let's say ungroup it so that we can adjust the positioning. These guys a little bit. Ryan. So for 01, let's just type in 2021 or 2022. And now we can just hold down the control key to copy the circle is hold down the Shift key to resize it. A few more adjustments. Let's change the fill color of this bubble just to make it more interesting. And now we need to find some icons so we can go to Insert icons and choose some icons here. And if you don't have icons and you pop on version, you can go to websites such as the Noun Project.com, lion icons.com or flat icon.com. Make sure you choose SVG icons and then you can download them to your computer and insert into PowerPoint. Let's make sure that the circle and the icon is aligned to the center and to the middle. As beautiful. Once we're happy, we can group all of these elements into one group so that we can easily duplicate this group. Alright, so let's just hold down the Control key, hold down the Shift key, and drag a copy in a straight line. Inlets position does copies some around here. So let's update the year. Let's change the fill color just for fun. And what's also if you are using icons from PowerPoint icon library, you can replace any icon with the different icon. So that's a really useful. So let's choose, for example, this one shield. Let's click insert a and the icon has been updated. Or rats or we are finished with the first slide. So we can duplicate this slide. And in the next one will have to add three more bubbles. So let me just speed up a little bit and I'll meet you in a second. All right, so the second slide is ready. And now really important step we have to set the correct slide transition from this second slide. Let's use Bush transition and push from right. So with the help of this bush transition, does whole timeline animation will look awesome. Just like that. So as you can see currently, we only have applied to the slide transition. But we can as well animate all of these bubbles and textboxes as well. So let me just use the animation painter and let's just, let's just copy this flight and bouncing animation from our previous slide. And let's paste it to all of the bubbles and textboxes that we want. Just like that. Let's make sure that these bubbles, let's select all of them. And let's make sure that these bubbles have direction from right. So that everything looks right, just like that. The animations are happening at the same time. And if you want, you can always add some delays to spice up the animations. Right? Everything is looking beautiful. So let me quickly copy these animations to the second slide. Alright, so let's create the last slide for our company timeline. Should look like this. Two bubbles and one big bubble at the end. So let's duplicate our second slide and let's update the years. Ok, we can delete this last circle because we'll use this one from the first line. Here. Let me check where we should position this circle. Right? So right here. So as you can see, using a grid is really useful because it's much easier to know where to put the objects and the slide. Okay, and once again, let me take care of the animations. Actually, all of the animations are already created. Let me just add a little bit of a delay for this big bubble. Let's add 0.4 seconds. Alright, and this is how the final result looks like, who have this beautiful push transition and these animations in each slide. And this way we have created this beautiful company timeline. And in the next lesson we will start working with infographics. I'll see you there. 13. Creating Infographics: Icon Circles: Hello and welcome everyone to this lesson where we will start working with infographics. Will create three beautiful infographics slides, and I'll show you everything step-by-step rise. So let's jump to our class project. And we can reuse one of these timelines, slice, duplicate one of them, and let's bring it to the bottom. Now we can delete some of the slide content. All we need is this bubble in these titles at the top. So let's just change these titles. Let's type in Icon circle. And for the subtitle, stipend infographic course, feel free to type in anything that you want for this bubble. Let's delete the text and let's use the Format Painter to paste the styling of our Footer, this circle. So it becomes wide and has this beautiful soft shadow. All right, so let's turn on the guides and let's position this bubble to the middle of the slide. Now we can copy these couple of text boxes from our previous slide, and let's position them just below the circle. Let's make it as body texts a little bit smaller, 20 points. Now let's just center align the text and let's center align all of these three objects. All right, so let's make one more textbox just above the circle. Let's call it. Let's name is step number one. Alright, now we need to add some icons. And if your pump on version as the icon tab, so you can use the icon temp. Otherwise you can go to websites such as flat icon.com. We can increase the size of the icon from the centre while holding down the control and shift key the same time. It's awesome. Now let's group all of these objects into one group so that we can make some copies. But before meeting some copies, let me just suggest this line a little bit. Let's reduce sleep just like that. And we can add a dash style to this line as well. And now we can drag a copy to the right side. Now let's make a few more copies. Beautiful. Let's make sure that this line is connected between these two bubbles. Then select all of these groups unless and distribute them horizontally. Beautiful. Let's update these step numbers. And let me add different icons for each of these bubbles as well. Right? So now we can add some animations. Currently, only these two titles have animation. So let me just grab this animation with the animation painter from this subtitle. And let's paste the same animation to the rest of the bubbles. Let's just make sure that we change the animation direction from right. Just like this. And as always, we can add some delays for some of these animations are right, and this is how this slide looks on the full screen, looking beautiful. Now we can duplicate this slide and start working with a second. And for graphic runs for this info graphic, thank we can delete pretty much all of the content. Let's just leave one group of elements. Ok, we'll have to add some Fill Color and group these guys and that we can edit them. So kinda leave this textbox, will have to create these smaller circle just above the big ones. So let's just drag a copy upwards. Just like that. Let's reduce the size rant. And for these two bubbles, let's have you fill color from our custom color palette. And let's make the icon White. And let's type in number one, inside of the small circle. Arezzo font, or the font months writes him a bold. And for the font size, let's use 14. Right? So now we can just bring this smaller circle, closer analogy, select all of these guys and let's group them into one group. And let's make a couple of copies. Alright, so we can select all of these guys. We can group them into one big group. So it will help us to line all of them to the center of the slide and then we can group them again. Now let me just quickly change the fill colors of the DEA numbers and update the icons. Alright. So now as before, we can add some flying, bouncing animation's. This timeless shoes flanged direction from the bottom that these bowls count from the bottom just like that. And as always, legis has some delays to make it a little bit more visually appealing. If I may say so, my friends. Looking good. All right, for this lesson we have one more slide to create. Okay, so let's duplicate this slide. And for this one will have to create four bubbles with some text boxes. So once again, I'll just delete the rest of these guys and group, this group. And you basically just need one circle with an icon. And reduce the size of this circle. Let's bring these two text boxes to the left side. And let's align the text itself to the right side, just like that. Okay, let's group the icon together with the circle. Bring the textbox closer. And now let me turn on the grid so that we can see where to place these elements. So all of these bubbles are more or less around the center of the slide. So let me bring closer this circle closer to the center. As Draghi copy below. It's awesome. Now let's drag a copy to the right side as just Ungroup. And bring these text boxes to the right side. Just like that, has grouped em. Again. Bring closer to the centre analysis, drag your last coffee. And we have four beautiful circles with some textboxes. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Okay, so let me just quickly change the fill colors as you grab some colors from our custom color palate. All right, and now let me just add some animations. Or came. And now we can play would fly in the direction. As you can see these icons on the left side, they come from the left side and these bubbles on the right side of the column from the right side. So just make sure you set the correct flying directions and you will be set to go. Right, ladies and gentlemen. So this is what we have created in this lesson three, beautiful looking for graphic slides. So feel free to create your own awesome infographics. And in the next lesson, I'll show you how we can create this beautiful layer infographic. So I'll see you there. 14. Creating Infographics: Layers: Hello everyone and welcome back. In this lesson, we will be creating layers infographic. As you can see, we have some funny looking doughnut shapes bouncing up and down. So I will show you how we can do them. So let's duplicate our last slide and our request project. So we can delete pretty much all of the content. Let's just leave one circle with some textboxes. Let me update the title of the slide, layers infographic. Now, ungroup these guys so that we can resize the circle. We can turn on the grid so that we can better position everything. And once we're happy, let's select these guys unless group them back into one group. Now let's make three more copies. And once we're done, let's just distribute them vertically so that they have equal spaces between them. As beautiful. All right, and now let me quickly change the fill colors and change the icons so that everything is beautiful. Or rice. And now let me show you how we can create these kind of doughnut shapes. So let's just go to Insert Shape. And let's find this one called circle hollow. Hold down the Shift key to create perfect shape. Let's enter 15 centimeters for the height and width. Again, I use this yellow handle to just the width of this shape. Let's leave it like this. Yellow fill color. Let's remove the outline. And now let's just go to the 3D format options. And for the top row height. And for the top level, let's say it pipelines K. Now let's go to the 3D rotation. And for the y rotation, let's say 300 degrees. And here we have our beautiful donut-shaped. Okay, so now we can make three more copies and each timeless, send the copy to back so that this infographic looks correctly. And let's change the fill color and along the way as well. Alright, and once we're done, we can select all of these donut-shaped San and distributed them vertically so that they have equal spaces between them. And I think that my original presentation, these don't add a shadow. So let me save some time and hit control C to copy this tile and control shift V to paste the style to our Glass project. Once again lists at the fill colors. Alright, we have finished with this slide design and now we can continue with animations. So currently, as we can see, these two titles are enemies. So let me just grab this animation with the animation being true and paste these guys on the right side. Let's just make sure that the flow direction is from the right side. Alright? And as always, we can add some delay, some of these animations to make it more interesting. I'm using 0.22 increments, so Okay, and for the donut shape, we have to add a different kind of animation. You have to choose motion path, line. Let's zoom in a little bit. You should see a green bubble and a red bubbles. So let's just select this red bubble and drag it just like that. So this is how far this hollow shape will bounce up and down. So let's make sure that this line motion path starts with previous Effects options. Let's add a half a and for small start and smooth end, let's hit, let's click, ought to reverse and forward. Repeat until the end of slides. Right? So this is how an animations are looking currently. So let's say actually reduce the duration of this balance enemies. 1 second will look better. Okay, and now we can use the animation venture to paste in this same animation to the rest of the doughnut shapes. Ok, so let's fix the delays as you can see now, 0.6. So let's clear it to 0 seconds. So this bottom shapes should come first. Then this purple shape and the orange and the yellow shirt had to delay respectively. And this is how the final result looks like. Alright, ladies and gentleman, death was all for this lesson. I hope you have enjoyed it. Feel free to create your own awesome layers infographic slide. And when you're ready, I'll see you in the next lesson where we will be creating some all some spinning circle infographics. I'll see you there. 15. Creating Infographics: Spinning Circles: Hello everyone. I hope you are doing wonderful. And this lesson we'll create these beautiful spinning circle infographics. So let's jump to our class project and we can duplicate our last live. Let's delete everything. And malicious leave three textboxes with icons. Are Atlas, spread them out a little bit. Right, let's update the title. And let me quickly update these fill colors and we are ready. So now let me show you how we can create this beautiful triple circle shape. So let's just turn on the grid around the guides. Go to Insert Shapes and let's choose a circle. Hold down the Shift key to draw a perfect circle. For the width and height. Let's type in 12 centimeters. For now, let's just leave only the outlines, you know, fill. Alright. So now let's position our circle so that there is one column and going through the middle of this circle, just like that column in the middle of the circle. And let's make sure that the bottom of this circle goes just a little bit. You load this row, which is a little bit below. Alright, so now let's use duplicate this circle. And let's make sure that the second circle, that the middle of this second circle on the left side intersects with the circle at the middle, just like this. And now we can drag the copy to the left side and make sure that this one intersects at the middle as well. And we are pretty much finished with the shape itself. Now we can ask some Fill color to these shapes. Let's just copy the style from the purple bubble based style control shift. We are circles as beautiful. Let me check if these two bottom circles are aligned. Yes, the ER, so let's continue. Now we can select all of these three guys go to merge shapes and choose fragment. Now we have fragmented our circles and we can delete this middle part. And now we'll have to do some joining of these parts. So let's select these first two. Let's go to merge shapes and choose a union. Now let's select next. And these two guys, let's union them. And lastly, These two guys, let's union them as well. Now let me quickly change the fill colors and add some icons. All right, everything is looking good and now we can start working with animations. So let's check the original Once again. So you can see we have some spinning motion and we'll let sand that spinning motion to our circles as well. Alright, so let's select this bright one. Let's go to Entrance animations. As you go for more Entrance animations. And let's pick this one, which is called spinner. Spinner animation. That's awesome. All right, so let's make sure SAS with previous cane duration 0.5 seconds. And now with animation painter, we can paste in this animation to the rest of the shapes in icons. All right. Now let me just reset all of these delays because all of them are now set to 0.06, religious reset them to 0 seconds. And now let's just had some delays, for example, for these guys and let's add 0.2. And for these guys, 0.4. and here it is, ladies and gentlemen, now we know how you can create your own awesome circle info graphic. And the next lesson, we'll be creating these animated color bars. I'll see you there. 16. Creating Infographics: Color Bars: Hello and welcome everyone to this lesson where we will be designing and nano mating these beautiful color bars. So let's jump to our class project. Let's duplicate the last line. Is you have probably noticed in the previous lessons we have been working only in the Normal view. Because well, we have pretty much created all over the layouts that we need, right? So to create this infographic, it's actually possible to create a purely in PowerPoint, will have to create a couple of rectangles, then copy them, then stretch and this copy. But the big challenge comes when we have to join these two groups. As you can see the original, we have to create this kind of angled shape. And for that we can use this free form shape tool. But the problem is that it's actually not so easy to exactly click on the points and to draw a precise shape. So basically have to eyeball and the result is not, as you can see, pretty precise. So what I suggest, let's just print screen the slant. Let's paste this print screen and torn or slight as the picture. Let me just crop it to 16 by nine. Alright, and let's cut this photo and let's paste it into Inkscape free vector program. So we'll use a little bit of Inkscape to help us create that infographic. So once again, let's create a rectangle. Hold down the control key to create a perfect rectangle. And Eligius create three more copies. Alright, let me change up the fill colors so that we can better see the rectangles. Now let's select all of them, analyst group them into one group. And let's move them to the side of this line. Let's increase the size of these rectangles. Hold down the Control key while you're doing it. And now let's just duplicated this group. Let's move it aside a little bit and let's make it smaller. And now let's make sure that these two groups are aligned to the middle. Just like that. Let's make a slightly bigger gap just like that. And now we can stretch this second group to the side. And now we can ungroup everything and we can use the busier tool. So this is basically the PowerPoint reform sheep tool alternative. And as you can see, it's really easy to draw these connecting shapes because you can easily snap two corners. So that's really useful and easy. Click, click, click. And now we can fill these custom shapes that we drew with the same colors. And wow, we're pretty much finished. We can delete this background photo. And now let me just resize this whole document to the size of our infographic. Let's just hit on this picture, resize. And now all we have to do is to export or to save S SVG. And now we can go to Insert Pictures and select this SVG as we have just created. So now we can convert it to shape and now we can do everything and anything that we want with the shape. It's just a regular shape. It. Alright, so let's resize. And now we can ungroup everything. And let's fill these shapes with our beautiful colors from custom color palette. Just like that. You can see I'm making this middle shape a little bit darker. Just to add to this 3D depth look. Now let me just quickly add some icons from our previous slide. And let me add some text from my original slides just to save some time. Hit control to make some copies. Now let's update the numbers. Let's update the fill color of these bubbles. And Alice just make some groups. So select these guys and make group hits control g to quickly make groups. Grouping these guys will help us to animate everything. So you can see this is a group. That's awesome. All right, so let's continue with animations. Titles have animations, and for the rest of these shapes will have to add animation. Let's choose from right starts after the previous time, 0.25. seconds for that duration. Now let's just use the animation painter. Let's double-click it and let's face the same animation to the rest of us like that. Alright, and this is how it looks like on the full screen. Congratulations, ladies and gentlemen. Now, you know how you can create your own awesome animated colored bars. And the next lesson we will start creating some awesome swats layouts. I'll see you there. 17. Creating a SWOT Slide: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this lesson where we will be creating these awesome image placeholders for what analysis. So let's jump to our class project and let me show you how it's done step-by-step. Let's duplicate our last slide. Let me zoom out and clear everything so we can just select everything and delete. So we are left only with a logo for a slight number. It's actually choose a blank slide land from our layout menu. That's beautiful. Arius of others. The letter I would recommend to use these special font. It's cold winter glycerin. You can go to this website, deaf.com, type in winter, Kristen, and you'll find this free font. So let's just insert a text box. Let's increase the font size to 500. Analysts type in analyst's shoes, winter list and font. And all right. Let's rotate it a little bit. And now let me show you how we can convert this letter to you Victor shapes. So for that, let's insert a rectangle. Let's send it to back. Hold down the Shift key and select the letter and choose intersect. And this way we have converted this letter to vector of shape, which is awesome because now we can do anything that we want for this letter. So let's increase the size of S and position it in a way that we want. Alright, and now let me take care of these guys on the right side. We can copy some information from our previous slides to save some time. Alright, let me change this icon to this beautiful shield icon that's awesome. To more copies aligned vertically. And we can always turn on the guides to help us position everything nicely on this slide. Alright, that's awesome. Now let's just cut this letter s. Let's hit Control X is good. Slide Master View. Let's duplicate this blank slide layout and list-based our letter s. Now we can insert a huge image, please holder, let's make sure it covers this letter and listened to back. Hold down the Shift key to select the letter S. Intersect. This way we have created this customer letter as place holders, and now we can rename this lamp example s. Now we can choose this land from our layout Mini. It's beautiful. Let's insert any image that we want, right? And, and let me just grab this shadow from our footer also. Alright, so now let's add some animations. So as always, we can use some animations from our previous slides. So let me just copy this fly in animation from this subtitle. Right? An animation with some bouncing in and out. Let's just use the animation painter and paste this animation, these objects. Let's make sure that we have the correct direction for the letter S. Let's use from left. And for all of these guys on the right side, let's choose the erection from right? Oh, okay. And as always, we can add some delay. So for this first and full box had 0.2 seconds. While the second one, let's use your 0.4. And for the last one of your 0.6. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, so now you know how you can create your own awesome swot analysis slide lamps. And in the next lesson, we will be creating some device mock-up slide layouts. That's awesome. And I'll see you there. 18. Creating a Device Mockup Slide: Hello and welcome everyone to this lesson where we will be treating this beautiful phone device mockup layout. So let's gender or class project. Conservative, fresh, blank new slides from the Layout menu. Let's choose title center, top slide layout. That's awesome. Now let's just type in some texts for our title and subtitle. Alright, let me copy a couple of text boxes with icons from our previous slide. Just to save some time. Let's base them in. Let's turn on the guide so that we can see where to position these textboxes list, make a couple of copies. Let's make sure we change the alignment of texts for these guys on the left side, right. So now for the phone, let me show you where we can find this beautiful picture. Just go to PNG wing.com, search for iphone mockup and you should be able to find this picture around. So let me insert it into this slide. You find that foam here. Ok, lets resize it. Lets me show us in the center of the slice, slice, in the center of this life. Okay, now let's copy this phone. And now let's just go to Slide Master View. Ok, so now we are currently on this vital center layout. Let's make a duplicate of it. And here let's base this phone. And now we can insert a rounded rectangle. Let's make sure that we cover the whole screen of the phone. Can use this yellow handle for just the roundness of the corners. That's awesome. Now I can delete the phone and insert image placeholder, which covers this whole rectangle. Send it back, hold down the Shift key and select the rectangle. Analysts use intersect. And we have created this custom image placeholder for our phone. Okay, so now we can rename this slide layout. Let's just call it phone. Wonderful. Let's get back to normal view and let's choose this layout and as we have just created. All right, and now let's insert a picture. Let's make sure that we send this foam frame tobacco that we can click on the image placeholder. Alright, now let's send this photo tobacco, so that we can see the iPhone frame on top. That's beautiful. Alright, now let's do the animations. So currently, we have only these two text boxes in the right side of the animated. So let me just grab this animation with the animation painter tool. And let's paste this animation to the rest of the objects. And this time, let's make sure that direction of this animation is from top, all of these shapes just like that. And as you can see, the photo frame is animated, but the image in the background is not. So let me just fix that. Alright. And now we see beautiful enemy to devise mockup. So ladies and gentlemen, now you know how you can create a custom device mockups slide. And in the next lesson we'll be creating the contact slightly. I'll see you there. 19. Creating a Contact Us Slide: Hello and welcome everyone to the last lesson of this class where we will be creating this contact tests slant with his world map and some pulsing office animations. Sincerity, fresh, blank, new slide. Let's choose this layout called, titled centered top. Right. Let's type in the title and subtitle. Alright, now let me show you where we can find this beautiful SVG map. Go to simple maps.com and here you can download this free world SVG map. So unless inserted into this line. All right, OK, let's make sure we convert this map to shape so that we can change the fill color. Let's set it to white for the outline, let's use simple plain black. You can resize this map to any size that you want. Let's leave it like this. Okay, so now let's create some cards for our company office locations. Let's choose a rounded rectangle. We can use the same style. Let's just grab it from the footer space to, to our rounded rectangle type in New York. All right, we can resize a car to a little bit to make it slimmer. And let's outline as well. Just to help with this card, stand out a little bit better. That's awesome. Okay, now let me zoom in. And let's insert a black circle. This will be the exact location of our office. And now we can group the black circle together with the card and zoom out. And now let's just move this card wherever. Our office in New York, for example. Right now let me straight away add, grow, shrink enemies to this cart. Let's make sure it's starts with previous. The effect options. Let's choose 110%. Let's shift to reverse and the diamond options. Let's repeat it until the end of the case. And now we can hold down the Control key and make a few more copies. And as you can see, these copies already have the animation. So that's why it was useful to animation in the first place. So as you can see that or growing and shrinking. And as always, we can add some to make it a little bit more interesting. All right, so now let's create the cart with all of the contacts. Let's close out the animation pane so as just confidence card. Okay, so let's resize this card. We can fit in all of our social media, email website in other contexts. But me just copying text boxes. Now let me show you where we can find icons. So one of the websites can use icons.com slash icons. You can download this whole library of icons you computer. And let me just open up those icons. So firstly, look for Facebook here. So let's just select it, drag it and drop it into this line. And this icon landed somewhere in the middle of the map. So let's grab this icon and let's drag our contact box. Alright, so next let's search for Instagram icon. Here. Now let's look for phone, email, and website. Okay, let's make sure that all of these icons are aligned. Now we can check out the results. So congratulations, ladies and gentlemen. Now you know how you can create your own wholesome contact slide. And at the same time, ladies and gentlemen, you know how to create awesome PowerPoint templates. This was the lattice. Listen in this class. I hope you have enjoyed all of these lessons and I encourage you to share your own projects in the project section for this class. So thank you for watching happy, stay healthy, and I'll see you in my next class.