1. Introduction: Hello. I am stepping. Killed. Yes, and I'm a contemporary artist. I've been sculpting with Paul McLay for the last 10 years, and in today's video, I would like to share with the two essential techniques in the polymer clay, the skin of land technique, which is all about Grady ins and polymer clay canes. I am going to apply these two techniques in order to make lily flowers in three variations . I'm going to show you how exactly you can do them, how you can easily do you own variations and give you tips and that bias along the way. While this flower project doesn't require any specific prior knowledge, if you really are a beginner and never use publicly before, I would recommend watching my polymer clay basics video first, so you get to know the material a little bit more. This flower class is easy, but a little bit. Finley's. You are going to need a bit off patients, lastly, is a bonus. I'm also going to show you how to transform those flowers into fund dangling earrings. I very much hope you are going to take this class, but most importantly, that you're going to enjoy it
2. Materials: for this class, we're going to need polymer clay in the colors you like best, but also in green and whites. Liquid politically, some sculpting tools and blades passed a machine, plastic covered beating wire in 0.45 millimeters stainless steel wire and also some cutting players optionally. You might also need some tweezers before diving in a note on color mixing, Paula McLay looks best when it is a bit on the translucent side. So when I use female, which bakes very opaque, I always makes half the color I want and half translucent clay. However, with other brands like CERN it, you do not need to do that as turn it. Colors are already slightly translucent, so I simply used them as they come.
3. Flower Stem: for the stem cut out of peace off wire. I like using stainless steel as it is on the story side. Rollout. Thin sheet off olive green clay While this I mixed CERN it olive, and soon it's lime green. Place the wire on top of the clay, unfold the clay around, then roll until the clay meats way out excess clay, then pinch and roll between your thumb and forefinger to close the gap.
4. Pink Lily Flower: for the first flower. We are starting to make a skin of land from pink to white. Roll out the same thickness off clay in pink and white. Cut the pink following a coup. This is important to have a smoother Grady INTs. Pink Tates more than white does so if you'd cut in a straight line, you would have a very short radiance. As a general rule, darker colors taint more than lighter colors, so the curve goes on the darker one. At an extra punch off whites, start rolling the clay through your pasta maker. Fold into making sure borders on the side of the wheel meats. Your focus should stay on that side. Just keep folding carefully and pushing with clay through the pasta maker until you see the colors fading into each other. In order for the Grady INTs to be smoother, full the clay and push it together. Then repeat the same process off folding and rolling through the past a maker until you have a lovely Grady Int, - you might want to cut out bits that went wrong like I did. I would also like to state at this point that we are not aiming on the most perfect Grady INTs. Remember, we are making flowers, and nature always has some imperfections. Now roll your skin or blend, then shape it into a petal. Now we're going to add a fine line in the center. Use a light colored olive green, roll it out and then cut out to the size off you Keynes Heights. Push down on one side to flatten its. Could I ask you to remove excess? Cut the petal in two and placed the green and signs. Now we can reduce the flower petal cane. For that, you want to push on all sides, making sure you don't distort the petal shape. It is easier to push against the tile and turn the cane at every push. So push, turn, push, turn and so on. You can't roll out this cane, so it's really about pushing down to the desired signs. The approximate of size I used on my flowers is 23 millimeters, which is almost one inch. Please note this is not a specific scale, so you can make these bigger or smaller to fit your needs for the stomach. I am using white colored, plastic covered beating wire in 0.45 millimeters. I cut the wire into pieces off about 20 millimeters. I roll out a snake off Hinkley, cut six small pieces. Then each wire is dipped into liquid polymer clay, and then you push a small bowl off clay on top of it. Press around the wire gently. Repeat six times. I chose not to do the pistol here. It is a choice off simplification. Now take your pre baked stem dipped into liquid clay and put some white clay on top, each stomach into liquid clay and push into the white clay. Repeat for all. Using a tool. All your fingers pushed the clay around the stamen to in true, everything is tightly in place. Big for the petals. Take your cane and cut out six thin slices, pushed them down on the edges to make them think. Pushed down the center with a tool or toothpick. Draw lines with a needle tool are toothpick. Then, using a blade, remove each petal by slightly folding it into two. Start placing the petals on the stem. Place 1st 3 petals all around, Then on the next three petals at the intersection of the previous petals pinch the ends and fold down playing and pushing gently each petal to give the flower and natural look Okay, bake.
5. White and Green Lily Flower: for the second flower. The technique is a little similar. The variation lies in Juho. We are making the metal cane. This time we are making a Grady int between olive green, yellow and white cut and covers to have a better working radiant, placing the yellow between the white and the green. The yellow is going to be overlapping the green and twice blend the colors by folding and rolling through the past. Our maker for better radiance, Roland pushed down to size it down and roll until you have a lovely looking radiant. Now it's different from the previous one. First roll the radiant following the colors way and now Rooth Pastime maker again, however, in a 90 degrees different direction. Then, before you're going to get very long but not very large sheet off clay, and now you are going to start on the green side and roll it completely until the white ends. Thus, you are having a Grady int from the inside out start to shape it into a petal, and now we're also going to add more white around. It's just add a few layers off white around the hole and a little bit more on top reduce. Like the previous Cain, it is a martyr off pushing and turning, being very careful not to distort the cane shape. If they appear, remove air bubbles with a blade or scalpel for the stem at some white clay on top, making sure you dip it into liquid clay. First. Smooth the clay down For the stamen. Use some white plastic covered beating wire and yellow for the Poland. As previously, simply roll tiny balls of clay. Dip each wire into liquid clay and push the tiny ball on top. Then dip each wire into liquid clay and then the white clay way . Push around and bake for the petals. Cut out six thin slices of the petal cane way pushed down the edges to make them sin. Brush your finger over to remove fingerprints. Draw a line in the centre. Whether petal is going to fold, you can make the edges even thinner by using a metallic too old really flattened everything down. Then draw lines with needle tool. Ah, with blade removed carefully from your tile, folding slightly in two and then placing on to use stem. Placed the three petals first and then the three. Next, - adjust the petals and bake
6. Dotted Lily Flower: for the last variation. We're going to add dots in the cane. We are starting again with the skin of land using three colors pink, yellow and white. Cut in curves, placing white in between the yellow and pink. Start to blend the colors using the same technique. Wooded before. Once you like your radiant, roll it and flatten its into long rectangle. Cut this one in two and placed the pieces in symmetry. Now cut everything into stripes. We are now going to add the future dots. For that, roll out a snake off pink colored clay and place in between the layers while you layer. Make sure the yellow is going over the pink. Keep on layering until you have a full petal. - Add a thin layer off pink in the middle of the petrol and, like the previous Cain's study, reduce it to the desired size by pushing and turning the cane. - The same technique applies for the rest of the flower. Make the stomach with beading. Wire this time in ping with pink Klay. Add some clay on top of a stem. Dip all the stamen in liquid clay and onto the stem and big cut six thin slices of the petal king thin out the petals using fingers and tools, draw deep lying in the center and decorative lines all over each petal place petals around the stamen to create the flower. I just the petals as needed and beach.
7. Bonus: Lily Flower Earrings: this is a bit of a bonus. I am simply going to show you one way to use thes flowers as dangle earrings. For that, we're going to need some wire. I am using stainless steel wire, and I simply cut out to small pieces. Create one loop each at every end, so you have a double looped wire. Form a lemon shape out off clay, cut it into the one loop into liquid clay and push into 1/2 lemon, then push the other half on top. Now create the six stamen. Dip them into liquid polymer clay and push them in. Bake after baking. Cut out six thin slices off petal cane, flattened the edges. Draw deep line in the middle to fall it easily and draw their cooperative lines. Place around the stamen and bake again. - Now repeat this a second time to make a payoff, earrings and simply place the flowers on an earring hook
8. Conclusion: and now he knew how to sculpt flowers. You might want to varnish the flowers if you want a shiny look. I didn't do it because I like how politically looks natural. Since I didn't use any acrylics. There's no need to seal the sculptures, so they are fine as its on the same principle off making petal canes. You can imagine applying least technique to other flowers. I decided to show you on Levi's because ladies just have six petals, so it's not too overwhelming. Also, don't be afraid to play around with shapes and variations are on the cane and co scheme. If you would like to make things a lot more colorful and don't really know what you stop, I have a class on colors as well. If you would like to share your project with the class, please do so. I always love to see what you come up with. And if you want to share what you did on social media, please don't forget to tell me. I go by the Monica particular pretty much everywhere and especially on Instagram where most active. I really hope this was a fun class for you to watch and that you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for watching. I really hope to see you in my next video by