1. Welcome to Pin It Like a Pro: Hi. My name is Peg Fitzpatrick and I am super excited to be here on Skillshare to share my love of Pinterest. I love Pinterest. I'm a social media writer, I am an author, I'm a blogger. I'm the co-author of "The Art of Social Media." I work in the Pinterest Expert Program helping people learn how to use Pinterest, and I'm super excited to share the things that I know people need to learn about Pinterest with you. Maybe you have the same questions that other people have about Pinterest, the terminology, how to use it. We're going to cover all those things in this class, all the basics that you need to create a really rocking Pinterest presence for yourself. Are you ready to get started?
2. What is Pinterest?: What is Pinterest you ask? It is the best bookmarking site on internet. Pinterest is not a social media site. They just recently came out and clarified that, said that they are a bookmarking site is a quiet network. It's not a place where you need to chat with people and socialize. It's all about inspiration, creativity and aspiring to be your best. So what people use Pinterest for is to create resources for themselves, for their clients, for customers. They create boards that share things with the world or they could keep it secret because you can have a secret board. So if you want it public or private, that's your choice, but you're creating a resource, a digital Pinterest board, you're pinning items to your boards to save them, to find them later, to share them with other people or just to look at when you want to look at your inspirational things. So that's a little bit about what Pinterest is. It's the best place for getting long-term blog traffic. Pinterest boards give you the longest shelf life of anything that you can do on the internet. If you pin something, it lasts for years and years and continues to bring traffic unlike Twitter and Facebook, which are very short-lived. Pinterest can bring you pins today, next week, in a month, a year, I had pins that I pinned in 2011 that are still getting repins. So it's very long-term traffic to your blog or website that's very valuable because it links back to everything that you want it to. That's what Pinterest is.
3. Why use Pinterest?: Why should you use Pinterest? Because it's really fun. But also, Pinterest is serious business. People are on their smartphones all the time. 85 percent of the people on Pinterest have smartphones. 73 percent of the people that have used their smart phones have bought something directly off of Pinterest. So that means when you are pinning your great products or services, you are directly in the hands of the people you want to click and buy. It does not get any easier than that. Pinterest now has buyable pins, which are set up so you can literally one-click purchase things and it's easier than Amazon, and it's right in your hand. You can see the pin has a little buy it now, bam, done, one-click. You set it up ahead of time to purchase something and it's so easy. So think about how you could use that amazing marketing for your products, services or whatever it is that you want to sell and get into the hands of your ideal customer because Pinterest is the place to do it.
4. How to create a great board: We are going to look at how to create a new Pinterest board, which we would click right here, Create a Pinterest board, and we get a pop-up menu, Create a Pinterest board. The first thing you need to do is come up with a name for your board. It is really important to pick something that's keyword search friendly, not too clever. At the beginning when I started at Pinterest, I went a little bit too clever with my board names and they were not searchable. I loved my blog task blogs, but that doesn't really tell people why they should find it. If I was going to start one today which I'm doing right now, I would do how to start a blog. That's something that people exactly would search from Pinterest. So when you're creating a board that you want to use as a resource for people to find, you want to give them a reason to find it, help them to search it, you're leaving breadcrumbs that are going to bubble up through Pinterest search. How to start a blog. Description of my blog is going to be tips and tricks for creating a blog from scratch using WordPress because I like WordPress. What kind of board is it? It is always important to add your category to every board because again, that pulls it into search. You never want to leave those blank. I'm going to add this in technology, there's no blogging on social media, so I put my things in technology. There's a choice to add it to a map, but this is going to be a no because this isn't a business or a travel post. I'm not going to make this as secret board but if I wanted to, I could just click yes, and then I could build this board out without it being public but I usually just open them up right away, so I'm going to say no to it being a secret board. If I wanted to collaborate with one of my friends that's also a blogger, I could add their name in and names will pop up, there's my friend Rebecca. I can click on her name and invite her right to this board with me, and then we could share this board and both pin on that board. Then you just hit Create. There is the brand new Pinterest board. It doesn't show Rebecca's name up here because she hasn't said yes, she wants to join yet. All that did was invite her, so she'll get a notification that will say Peg Fitzpatrick has invited you to join how to start a blog, and then if she wants to, she can accept that and join this blog. When you're just starting out, you may not want to start group boards like this, but I just wanted to show you the process if you didn't have somebody that you wanted to work with right from the beginning so you could. Now once I have the boards set up, you can see it has the title, How to Start a Blog. Tips and tricks for creating a blog from scratch. If I want to edit the board, I can click "Edit" right there and again, I can change the same elements that you just saw. You can see Rebecca's down here. It's grayed out because she hasn't accepted and if I changed my mind, I can just remove somebody from the boards at any time. You want to add pins is the first thing that you would do to your board to populate it, and then you can do it either with the Pinterest button which this computer doesn't have yet, which is really easy. You just click here to get the Pinterest Browser button, which is how they prefer that you add your blog content or you can just hit the plus sign. Why isn't it doing that for me? It should let me add a pin that way, but for some reason it is not. Let me go back to my main menu and try a different board. I'm not sure if that's a glitch on this computer or this board. Let's see, add a pin right there so we can add a pin. You just click this little Add a Pin button because this is an existing board, so it looks the same as when you're on your profile out there. It says Add a Board and when you're in a board, it says Add a Pin, which is definitely what you want to do. You can click your device. You can choose your Pinterest image that you've created to add it. We'll learn a little bit about that in the next step, which is how to create a Pinterest pin.
5. Let's dig into Pinterest : While you are on Pinterest and you've created your board, you can now add pins to your board. So I'm going to scroll down to the bottom. You can see my lovely 108 boards. I will find Pinterest marketing 101, which is a board that I created for this course. You can see that I set it up with the title. I gave it a little description I made this board secret because this course is not live yet, so I can't link it anywhere. So I have added a few pins on here. As you can see, these are all related to the presentation that we're talking about. This is going to look just like your final project. So this helpful hints along the way here. When I want to add a pin, I just click "Add a pin". This is going to be from my device. I click choose Image, and I have loaded my images on my computer because I created them in Canva. I'll talk a little bit about tools for Pinterest and a little bit. So when I hit the pin button, it pulls in this great image. It says, "Pinterest marketing, 101 for creative entrepreneurs." It has my name and skill share, so I have a little branding on there. Then I want to write a description. Take this super fun class, and learn all about Pinterest. It helps if you spell it right. So that's just a quick description, but it does say learn about Pinterest, which is the key little phrase that I want people to find when they're looking for learning Pinterest. So then I just choose which board I wanted to go. You can see all these on the side of the the boards that I have already created, but I want to add it to my pinterest marketing class. I hit pin it and it adds it right onto my board. Once I do that, when I add it, I went to edit it. Every pin that you add you want to edit and add right here you want to add your URL that leads to wherever you want people to go when they're on pinterest. As I mentioned, I don't have this course setup yet. I'm skill share because I'm just recording right now. So I will go back later and edit each one of these pins and add the website and then I will save it. Once I have the mile saved with the URLs, then I can actually make this board public by going into edit board and then I would make this, I would unclick this. So it said no. So its a secret board now, then everybody would see this pinterest board. So one thing to remember about Pinterest boards, when you make a secret board like this, when I make this public, all these pins will show on this board, but they're not going to go out into the News Feed because they were honest secret board and going out. So if I was doing a product launch, I would want to load some pins onto my board that I would make it public and then I would add some new pins. So those pins would go into the pinterest smart feed mix and pop-up in people's feeds when they were searching for things. It's just a little extra, something that you should think about is, it's great to create a pinterest board ahead of time. But you do want them to go out into the News Feed and be fresh pins for people to find. So you can just go in and add as many pins as you want to a board. I honestly don't know if there's a limit to how many pins. I think people have thousands of pins on boards. So you can just go ahead and upload your pins again. The great pin pops in. This one says ideas that spread when, that's my little Maddow for our class. Because ideas that spread when is exactly the idea of Pinterest, people have great ideas. They get repaid and then it's a viral thing that just pins around like a pinball for months, all over Pinterest and it's your great content that other people are pitting, clicking on things and going to your website doesn't get any better than that. Much better than a tweet where it's going to be gone in 20 minutes. So again, I'm just going to save that on my board. I can see it now and add it. I would add it and add that in this, the really important that staff that a lot of people miss when they are new. If I just added these into Pinterest, it didn't add the Website. Nobody would ever find my website or this course and that would be really sad that be a 100 percent waste of time. So you don't want to do that. It's really important to make sure that you go in and edit each pin. Add the link, save it, create your great Pinterest board.
6. Elements of a great Pinterest pin: Now we're going to talk about the elements of a great Pinterest pin. After you've created your beautiful profile, you've got your board setup, now you need to add some great pins. Let's look at some pins that can help inspire you and teach you the elements of a great pen. I'm going to search for Pinterest marketing because that's our topic, and right at the very top of the news feed is this cool pin that I created, let's see if it tells me how long ago down here, a year ago. This pin has been on Pinterest for a year, it's how to use Pinterest for marketing, which is what we're learning today. It has been repinned 1,600 times, so it's pretty popular. There is pins that have tens of thousands of re-pins, I saw one that had a million repins, no kidding, a million repins, can you imagine? But anyway, this one is good, it has 1,600. The average pin gets nine repins, so 1,600 is way above average. If we look at anything that's at the top of the search that you find, those are pins that are really popular and so it's always great to reverse engineer what's popular, to see what can help you make a great pin. So this is a pin that I created, it has the Pinterest logo on the top, it has really easy to read text, strategic ways for Pinterest marketing, it has a few little logos, it has my website and then I did a little I had Canva because I made that in Canva. It says found on PegFitzpatrick and then you see that little teeny p logo with my name, that's a rich pin, that's when I applied Pinterest for business, I got that little rich pin validation, it adds a nice bold title and it also pulls in the metadata underneath. Passionate pinner and social media marketer Peg Fitzpatrick pinpoints the 12 most strategic ways to use Pinterest for marketing. So you can see it gives people a couple different ideas of what this pin is about, what they're going to learn when they click through. The reason that is important is it has the essential elements that every Pinterest pin should have, it should be helpful, it should be relevant, so what your Pinterest image in your text says should be what people click on to get through, and it should be easy to read. It has just a very small amount of branding on it, it does have my name on here, but it's not overwhelming, it's not too bright, to bold. Pinterest really wants you to keep your branding low key. Also it doesn't have a border on it. It's a tall Pin, and what I mean by that is when you look at it here, it's a long vertical pin. Horizontal pins do not do well on Pinterest, they end up being very small and they don't stand out. If I scroll down a little bit, you can see all the ones on the top are tall pins and the ones that I create our 735 pixels by 1102 pixels, which is the exact ratio that Pinterest likes the pins to be. 735 is the widest, when I click on this and it expands, that's 735 pixels across, so that gives you the maximum view. If you create it in 735, it makes it perfect. When it gets bigger, it doesn't change your image at all, so it really makes a beautiful image. I'm going to scroll down a little bit to show you some other sizes of pins, but you'll notice that all the ones at the top are big tall pins because everybody that's in the top here knows that that's what's good. That doesn't show any bad examples, so we'll go into the popular pins and see what we see here as far as sizes for pins. There is all different sizes. This one is a smaller vertical pin, there is another smaller vertical pin, and then the other ones are taller pins. There are pins that are smaller sizes that get popular due to whatever the topic is or what they have on there. It's a little bit subjective, but in general, what Pinterest asks you to do is to create really great Pinterest pins with a beautiful image like this one. There is no branding, it's just talking to you about it, whoop, there's a little branding right there, but it's very low-key, it's not obnoxious. This person also has a rich pen, there's their little logo. It has where they linked it out too, and it has their little metadata. They could have added a little bit more, it just repeats their names a couple of times. They could have added some more description, that you could learn how to make this cute little breakfast bar, something like that. But this pin is really popular, it's already got 989 pins, so people like it. Those were the elements that make a great pin, and I'll just show you a couple other examples. I mentioned my friend Rebekah Radice, she makes amazing pins and her pins are so popular. I will show you some of her pins. She uses oranges as her brand color, and her pins are custom-designed, this one is one of her most popular pins, this is a repin of it, but her original pin has over 10,000 repins. She makes these beautiful graphics, they have a little girl in there, she has her URL. Again, she has rich pins so people can find it really easily, it has her name and her metadata. So these are the things that you want to think about when you're creating it. If I click over here and more from Rebekah Radice, this is going to show other things that people have pinned from Rebekah's blog. That doesn't mean that Rebekah pinned them, that just means that somebody was on her blog and they just loved to this image. Somebody actually rewrote this, so it has a Spanish description underneath it, so that's pretty cool, it's going all different. You can see some of these are smaller images that people pinned from Rebekah's blog posts, and some of them are actual images that she created for Pinterest, like this one, 8 Pinterest Tips And Tricks, A Cheat Sheet for Newbies. Again, it has her branding, it has her metadata, it has all the great information. If you click on that, that's going to take you right to her website, right to this article. You can see, this one in particular has 10,000 repins. That was just a guess, I don't know which blog posts of Rebekah's to choose. Her images are very popular, so if you follow her on Pinterest, you will find great staff. Another one of my friends, Jeff Sieh, creates amazing pins. We'll pull up and give you some examples of a different kind of really great pen. Jeff has a retro style. He's the host of the Manly Pinterest Tip Show. If you're a dude and you want to learn about Pinterest, you can definitely follow Jeff, he'll make it comfortable for you to jump in there with all the women, it's okay, you can do it, it's not so hard. Got to go back there, we lost Jeff's pins. So we're going to look in Jeff's pins and I'm going to find one of his pins. He does retro style pins that are much different than anything else that you see on Pinterest and that's what makes them awesome, because you can tell, I can go fairly fast through this stream and I'll know when I hit one of Jeff's pins. Clicking on Jeff's Manly Pinterest board, Manly Pinterest Tips, we will see some of Jeff's original pins. This is a pin that Jeff created and he has some cool fonts on there, tells about his show. Again, he's got some nice branding on there, but not too much. He's got his rich pins. He's got his little Manly Pinterest Beard logo, it leads out to the blog post, it has his metadata, all the essential elements that you need to create on your pins. You want to create a unique, fun image that tells about what's your blog is about. This is visual marketing, and Jeff used a little artist palace, which is really creative. We click on his Manly Pinterest tips, more on the sidebar and we will see other pins that he created. Again, some people have repinned just this smaller image in the blog post, and that's okay, it's fine. I just always go back in and add my bigger images on Pinterest, because I think they get more interaction, but if people pin anything from your blog, that's okay. More pins are good. This one says Using Pinterest and Etsy Together. If you pull up any of these on your smart phone, you'll also see a great thing to check is how do your Pinterest pins look on your phone. So if I go into Pinterest right now and I pull up a pin and I want to see what the text looks like, super easy to read. You want to check everything that you load. If I created this pin that Jeff loaded here Using Pinterest and Etsy, I would load it into Pinterest and then check it on my phone to make sure that it looks okay, because if 80-85 percent of the people are finding all your pins on their phones, you want to make sure that your pins look great on the desktop and on your phones. That's just something to keep in mind. I always go back and check my pins on Pinterest after I load them. That gives you an example of different pins. I'll give you one more example from my friend Donna. She is socially sorted and she's out of Australia and she loves visual marketing as much as I do. She creates really cool graphics and she has a really bold design style, so her pins are super fun, this one is cool. Five ways to leverage the newsfeed, she's got a little thrown, she has her little logo. Again, it links out to her website, she doesn't have rich pins. Oh, no we got to tell Donna she needs to get rich pins for your blog. But her Pinterest pin is amazing, and if I click it, it does lead to her blog posts which is awesome. But she would get more traffic I think, if she had rich pins, so I'm going to send Donna a note later. Just so she could do that, I want Donna's Pinterest to be awesome. Those are some examples of great pins, examples from Pinterest of pins that are doing really well that you can use these examples to create your own great pins. The basic things to keep in mind, you want to use a tall image in 735 by 1102 pixels, you want to consider the image, make sure that you use the best image possible. If you're going to use text, make sure it's really legible, don't use a whole bunch of crazy fonts, use one or two and make sure that they're very legible on your pins, on your phone and on your computer, make sure that you link out to the source that you want to lead people so people can click to your website and find things. All those things should keep you in pretty good shape for as far as creating a Pinterest pin.
7. Create a great presence on Pinterest: To create a great Pinterest presence, it's not enough just to create boards and add your own pins, you need to join the whole Pinterest community as a whole, and in doing that, you'll reach out to new people, build a new community by repinnig other people's content. Eighty percent of the content on Pinterest is repins, so that means only 20 percent of the pins are new content coming in. So of the 80 percent, those are things that you could also add to your boards. Most of the things 80 percent will just guess, would be things that you would repin from other people. For example, I only write one blog post a week. Every Monday I publish something new and that's a brand new pin that I add to Pinterest, and everything else that I pin throughout the week are repins from other people's boards, like the little gingerbread houses, holiday pins, whatever trends are going on, things that I see, that I like, that fit on boards that I've created. When you start out, you want to create at least 10 Pinterest boards. That's a minimum for a good Pinterest profile, and each one should have a minimum of 10 pins and keep each board focused. You want to think, this is my Christmas holiday board. This board is for recipes that I love, these are my Pinterest tips boards. Give each board its own separate theme because what happens is, people follow individual Pinterest boards more than they follow one whole Pinterest profile which is a really good thing to know. When I started, I've pinned a lot of whole profiles, I followed people instead of boards and sometimes I wasn't interested in all the categories that they pinned on, but if you follow the boards that you love, then you'll always know that the things that you see in your Pinterest feed will be things that are interesting to you. So taking the time to make great choices when you start your Pinterest account and follow topics and things that really interest you like photography, travel, or cooking will help more great things pop up in your Pinterest feed every time you go on and then you can repin them to your great boards. I also love Pinterest e-mails and I hate getting newsletters. I don't know about you, but I do not enjoy them but Pinterest sends me amazing e-mails all the time saying, "We've found these great pins you might like for your travel bug board or your friends are pinning these things, and they really know what you like based on what you pin. They follow what you love, they know what you like and what your favorite Pinterest boards are, and they've just share more of that great content with you that you can then repin, it's a really awesome thing, it really loops you back into pinning more content. So those are a few of the things you could think of when you're building a great Pinterest board. You want to start minimum of 10 boards, 10 pins on each board, add descriptions to the board, add great pins that have descriptions, that link out to great content or repin other people's content. Another really fun thing to do is once you get all set and you're really happy with pinning is to find some group boards that you can find and pin with other people. It helps expand your network a lot. I do have some boards that I share with other people and they also show up on my profile. If I start the board, like the one that I showed earlier where I added Rebecca to a board, that will also show up on her Pinterest presence. So that gives you double audience, if you start a board and share it with people. So it's a great way to get more virality to your pins and more people to see the things that you are pinning. So think about those things to create a really solid Pinterest presence. It's not just about you, it's about creating niche boards that will be interesting to people, but it doesn't have to be and it shouldn't be all your own content. It'll be pins from all different places on the web that match your theme. So that takes a lot of pressure off you when you think about it for creating a great Pinterest presence because you don't need to make every single pin on your own, you just need to find things to repin which is honestly the easiest thing that you can do today. I hope that inspires you to get in there and really create a great Pinterest presence for yourself. In the next lesson, we're going to talk about tools that you can use to help make that easier for you.
8. How to Use Rich Pins: This section is going to be about Rich Pins. There's four different kinds. There is app, product, recipe and article pins. Within these four different ways that you can create a Rich Pin, they have different information on it. I'm going to show you in the next screen and how to do it, how to create Rich Pins, and why you should do it. These are with Pinterest for business. You have to have Pinterest for business, which you should have already set up because we talked about that earlier. But if you haven't set up Pinterest for business, you have to set that up first, before you can add Rich Pins. With Rich Pins, it gives you more information. On each pin, It gives you that bold title at the top, it gives you your logo and a little bit of a description from the metadata of your blog post. It's really important. I hope as a blogger, you already know that that information that you put in there for your metadata gets carried over with your pins and with your Facebook and your Twitter posts. It's really important to fill that out, because it's a little snippet of information that people will read that you wrote. You want to think about keywords in there. Those are Rich Pins and we are just going to dive right into how you can create them and where you can find them. Now we're gonna look at Rich Pins and they are very important for your Pinterest account and helps more people find your pins. It gives people more information than just adding an image with the link. When you have Rich Pins, we'll pull one up here. This is a Rich Pin from best friends for frosting, which is a cute plug name. This is a Rich Pin and you can see it has the pin. Then this bold text over here that says "Volume 10, quotes that will make your day." That is Rich Pin information and then it has other information below. Now this isn't one of mine, it's giving me the impressions the saves in the clicks and my re-pin of it. But if this was her pin and she was looking at it, she would see different information. It's very important to add it. Let's see if I can find a pin. I usually pin Rich Pins, but let me see if I can find something, maybe this one. This is irregular pin. See how this doesn't have any of the other information notebook title, no link to their information. You don't want this to be your pins. On your Pinterest account, once you already set up as a business account, you're going to scroll down and you want to make sure that you do the little claim your website. Then you are going to enable Rich Pins. I do have all the information as text and links on this lesson. But basically, what you have to do is go into that back end of your WordPress site, and you need to add some code in there so you can do Rich Pins. If you're not really good with the back end, this could be one little step that you want to hire someone to do the coding section for you or you can use a WordPress plugin that I like called Yoast. The Yoast plugin actually adds the code for you in that section, the open graph. Then you're going to go through, and you actually test. They have a Rich Pin validator, and you test it. You put the URL of your blog and then you validate in it. It checks to make sure you're all set. If you do get stuck on this and you need help at anytime in Pinterest, you can always click that little help and you can get questions. If you need help, you can just click on that button and you can ask them questions. It's not as complicated. Once it's set up, it's super easy. It seems complicated while you're in there, but here's the thing. It's a one-hand setup and then it's always set up. One time you have it. It's awesome. All you have to do is do that Rich Pin validator and make sure you have Rich Pins. Once you have that validated, then you will always see that information on your pins with the bold title. That's a lot of people ask me,"Oh, I'm surprised this one does not have." This person doesn't have Rich Pin set up. Let's check another one here. The rich pins just give you that bold title, warm metadata, more information on the pin, it has that nice big arrow. It just looks better. They look better and they give more information for Pinterest. Take the time, make sure you're already have Pinterest for business, of course. Then you're just going to validate your pins. There's four different kinds. There's app pins, product pins, recipe pins and article pins. I have recipe, I'm sorry, I've article pins on my blog. Let me see if I can find a recipe pin. That's not one, I just had one at the top on my Pinterest. Re-refresh. This Pinterest looks a little weird at the moment. I think this one is one. If you click on here, this is a Rich Pin for recipes. If you're a food blogger, it has the title, you have your little meta-description. This is what she has on her blog. Then it has all the ingredients. What it doesn't have is all the steps that you need to do it. Because of course they want you to click through. Then if I just click on this, it takes you right to her recipe where you will see the same image. If you remember, they like to see the same image on the blog and the pins. We'll get into that a little bit more with images. But this is just what the Rich Pins look like. If you can see this has 8,000 re-pins, which is really good compared to a 114 shares on Facebook, which was probably right when she did this recipe. That's basically what Rich pins are and why you need them. The set up, as I said, is only one-time. If you're feeling overwhelmed by it, you know, that is the step where you can hire someone to help you out and let me know if you have any questions in the comments. But I know that having Rich Pins will make a big difference for your blog. Good luck getting your pins validated.
9. How to Get Your Hashtag On: In this section, I'm going to talk about how to use hashtags on Pinterest, which was a big no-no for years. I spent a lot of years, if you've see me at conferences in social media marketing worlds. You may have seen one of my Pinterest sessions where I said, don't use hashtags on Pinterest, because that used to be the thing. But now, Pinterest is like, oh yeah, use hashtags, so we are going to go there. They have recommended that you use up to 20 hashtags. What you're going to have to do is first, do some hashtag research to figure out the best hashtags for your brand. If you're already an instagrammer, you can use the same ones. What I would do, is create a couple of different groups of hashtags of 20, and then cut and paste those into the description of your pin. If you're adding your pins to Pinterest, or you have other pins on Pinterest, you can edit the pin and add them to the description. At first, I was freaking out about this, because they had a whole lot of years where I didn't add pins and hashtags. What I decided to do was go into my Google Analytics, I found my top 20 posts that have got the most traffic of all, ever, on my blog, and I went into those posts and I added hashtags on to those. I didn't try to do it for all my pins, if you don't have thousands of pins like I do, then go ahead and edit your pins and add them in, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm just working forward on my blog. Maybe you just do your top 20 like I did, go into Google Analytics, get your top 20, and then get your hashtag groups together. You want them to really be relative to your pin, you want to make sure if you're pinning an article for a children's birthday party, that all the pins are like, clown party, clowns, I love parties, children's parties, toddler party, all those things. You want your pins to be very targeted and always relative to what you're doing, if you want to do branded pins, you can do that. You could do the name of your blog add all of your pins so you can search for it, and if you have people who are fans of your blog maybe they would add them or be searching for that. Think about different ways that you can use them for your brand. You could also use hashtags for different campaigns. For example, this pin it like a pro class, I will add things and I will probably use Pin it like a Pro on all my Pinterest pins that are related to this or blog articles that are about Pinterest for my blog. Everything will be back to that, if people see that and they're like, Pin it like a Pro? What's that? That sounds interesting. They might click on it and then they might see other pins of their blog posts or maybe how to join the class or things like that. Think about ways that you can use targeted relative hashtags for your pins and as I mentioned, you can use up to 20. I would create a couple of different groups, based on the different topics that you share on your blog. As I mentioned before, if you're a food blogger and you have different themes for your recipes, you could do breakfast Pinterest hashtags, lunch hashtags, you get the idea. Break it up, get organized, do the work once and create your Pinterest hashtag groups, and then just save them and cut and paste. I like to use Trello for that. In the next video, I will show you on the screen where I've use hashtags, how do we search for hashtags, how you can edit the pins, and a little bit about hashtag research, where you can find some great hashtags. I hope you're ready to use a hashtag on. Let's look at the next section. Hey, now we're going to look at hashtags on Pinterest. When you add hashtags on Pinterest, you actually add them in the description. This one looks like I, did I put no hashtags on this one? You add them in this description right here. Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm going to go back one. Click on that, I'm looking for the little. I can't edit this, I thought it was my pin. Somebody else pinned this, it's Lexie Day's pin, she pinned my article. When you're on the pin, you can actually, I'm going to go up to one of mine to show you where you add it in the description. When you add hashtags to Pinterest, they recommend that you're specific and descriptive. If you look at this one, on how to use hash tags. That's the metadata right there and down here is my description, quick and dirty guide to hashtags on Pinterest, and then I have some hashtags down there. This is a pin that I added so I can edit it, if it's to my article, but I didn't re-pin it, then I can't edit that pin. You can only edit the pins that you actually add. When you edit the pin, it says at the top edit, you can change the board, you can add a section, and then you can also see the descriptions. I have, quick and dirty guide to hashtags on Pinterest, and then I added the pin. I don't have 20 on there because I just stuck with really relative related hashtags, but you can use more. You can be objective and use hashtags that makes sense and are relative to the pin. It's really important that the content goes together, and you could use timely hashtags like, back to school, Halloween, Christmas, because those things seasonally will reoccur and pop back up. For example, I have some holiday pins that come up every year. I could hashtag them like, do-it-yourself Christmas ornaments, decorating for Christmas, things like that. What happens when you have hashtags, is you can click on that and it shows you the results for that hashtag. It's pretty new on hashtag, on Pinterest. Not all pins have hashtags, but the ones that do, when you search, the freshest pins are going to pop up at the top of the feed. These aren't necessarily the most popular pins in Pinterest marketing, but they are the freshest pins. When you search the same phrase without the hashtag, it will pull up the original search results. This one is the most recent content for Pinterest marketing, and then if we just type in Pinterest marketing, sorry, it froze on me here. [NOISE]. Our pins are going to look different because these are the top pins now. These pins are the top pins for Pinterest marketing, and the other one was the most recent pins using the hashtag Pinterest marketing. You see a little bit of a difference with the content. It's important to remember, if you search for the hashtag, you're going to see the newest content, so those are good to use for your new content. In hashtags, they don't currently show promoted pins, but if you have duplicates of that pin that isn't that promoted pin, you could add the hashtag on that and it would go into that. But when you promote pins, you can't add hashtags on there. That gives you a little bit of overview, I definitely recommend that you use hashtags. If you're not really sure what ones to use, you can just try typing it in. I'm going to start over again. If you see up here, you get predictive text that has the whole thing, so let's just try one for Christmas. Oops, that's all caps. Christmas cookie, Christmas ornaments. If you type it in, you get other ideas, so if you click through to Christmas cookie, these are going to be the most recent pins that were pinned with Christmas cookie. I have to say, this Home Depot ad, does not fit in this hashtag cup, so I don't know that happen. Let's see what else do I want to say? If you're not sure you can do that predictive text, you can type something in, and it will give you ideas. It'll give you ideas for, these would be pins. Christmas wedding in July, Christmas cards handmade, Christmas wedding centerpiece, or people that pin a lot of Christmas, or boards that have the name of Christmas in it. Those are a couple of ways that you can use hashtags on Pinterest. You can actually reuse your hashtag groups from Instagram to Pinterest if they fit your Pinterest pins. That's basically how you get it going over there. I hope that gives you some ideas on how to use Pinterest hashtags. You can add up to 20 hashtags on your Pinterest pins, make sure that they're related to the image and to the article, and that you save after you edit. I hope that this helps you get more engagement and interaction on your Pinterest pins.
10. What are PinCodes and how to use them: Now I want to talk to you about Pincodes, which are really cool thing that you can use and create in the Pinterest app. So in the Pinterest app on your phone at the top there's a little camera and you use the camera to take a picture. Then it searches and you can see the little it's thinking. Then it pulls up other things that look like that. Isn't that crazy? That one did pull this menu. So look at this Pinterest, but they look pretty close to that. So when you use the Pincodes, it makes like a little QR codes. So you can also find them on your profile and share that so people can scan it. There's a couple of different ways to use Pincodes. You can use them like that to search for things or you can actually share that little QR, it looks like a QR code but it's a Pincode. It has a little colored dots around it. Then people can scan that on their phones and it will pull it up. So I've seen Pincodes in magazines event. So say for example, HGTV magazine uses a lot of Pinterest which they do. They can have a Pincode on a page and it can have a board with all the products on it. So you can have it in the magazine. You know it's a Pincode because it has a little Pinterest circles around there. You take a picture of it in your app and it will pull up that Pinterest board and it will have all the different pins to buy whatever it is on the Pinterest board. So they're really handy. It's a way to pull information together and then share it with other people with a click. So I will show you a little bit more on the desktop about what Pincodes are, but they're pretty cool. So I hope you'll give them a try. Now here we are looking at a Pincode. So this is a lot prettier than QR codes, but it works very similarly to a QR code. So in your Pinterest app on your phone, whether you're iOS or Android, you would take a picture of this. You would open the Pinterest app, tap the camera, and then you can snap a picture of that circle and then the little circles with the little dots around it. It can shows you this working and searching and it pulls up. So they're very cool and you can create them, they're free to create. You could do all different kinds of things. You can link it to a board, you can link it to a pin. I've seen them in magazines, I think I mentioned that earlier. So basically they work like a QR code. You just open the app and you take a picture. You can take a picture of anything at any time and it will search on Pinterest for you. So if you're looking for visual searching, Pinterest as a place to be. Anywhere you are, target the grocery store, you can take a picture of something in the Pinterest app and it will search for recipes, ideas. It's so cool. So if you want to create a Pincode, you can open the app or we're just going to do it on desktop because we're on desktop. We're going to go back. We're going to go to a board. So say for example, I want to create a Pincode for my berridelicious delightful berry recipes. See this little icon up here is my Pincode. So you can open Pinterest and tap for ideas. I could do this right now and use the Pincode or I can download the Pincode. That should save to my computer. Then you would pull it up and you'd have that little image and you could use that at places. So it's a really cool way to share your boards, share your pins. If you're doing outfit of the day, if you're a fashion blogger, you could create Pincodes and then you can create a board that had all your outfits with linkable pins that people could go and buy those. You do want to make sure that you legally own the images. So if you're going to use it for commercial purposes, like this would need to be my blueberry muffin recipe. So make sure you're not using other people's images for it and make sure your Pincodes are in a place it's easy to scan. So say for example, you are at antique shop and you wanted to put QR codes around. You could put them around for products and people could scan it, pin it to their boards. So once they pull up the Pincode, you can actually save those to your boards from there. So it's a great way to help you give people information to save or to save the information for yourself as a resource. So that's basically how Pincodes work. They're super easy to make, super easy to use with a Pinterest camera. So I hope you'll give it a try.
11. What are Promoted Pins?: Here we are in Pinterest and we're going to look at how you can promote Pins and Pinterest. It's similar to the same ideas as in this procreate to use audiences and all different things. You have these different choices, you can do awareness campaigns just to have more people find out about your brand. Engagement to get clicks and views. Traffic, which would be great if you're a blogger. Promoted app, if you have an app and video awareness campaigns. These are some of the different things that you can do. I'm going to click on "Traffic", so you can see what this looks like. In traffic campaigns, I haven't done any, but you can see you can choose all different things. This is very in-depth. If you are just starting out blogger, you probably don't even know what all these things are and you might even want to hire people to run your Pinterest campaigns. At least America does a great job with all the different sections on promoted Pins, but you can see it gets very in depth. I wanted to show you audiences, because we picked at this before. But you can create a different audience. We'll pretend that you're a blogger because I'm guessing that you might be. You can do a visitor who went to your site, a list of customers that you upload, and engagement audience with Pins from your domain, and then act like audience that behaves similar to what you already have. We'll save visitors to our site and we'll call this blog readers. We would need to create a Pinterest tag first, but I'm just going to hit the Create button and see what happens. That's not going to let me do that until I have the tag. Well, this is the section where you do it. If you want to create a Pin, create an add, upload a video, because you can do video for video promoted Pins which are very popular. This is the section where you can see everything. Honestly, this could be a whole another in-depth class because there's a lot of information in the ads. Then as I showed you before in the audience insights, you can decide which audience you want to target based on people that you already know, follow you. If you know, for example, that you have 18-24 year old women who are interested in events and they are very interested in Christmas, because who isn't? If they're interested in Christmas, you could find your most popular Pinterest Pins and you could promote them, and you could target those people specifically. As I mentioned, there's a lot of information on Pinterest for business. They have whole little sections that you can learn more about it to do promotions, but it's pretty deep in here. If you're going to do it, I would look into it a little bit more. Before you decide to set your budget, decide what she want to do, which awareness campaign is going to be the most important for you. I have done engagement, but usually I do traffic, when I do them and then when you have them, you'll have a whole lot of reporting in here. But like I said, I haven't done any absolutely, all my Pinning is organic. The two million impression is almost three million impressions that I have, three million monthly viewers is organic. None of that is from promoted Pins. You can promote your presence if you want to have more people find you. The promote button is everywhere on different Pins. Anywhere where you click it, it's going to take you and to get more information. Anywhere where there's a little question mark, you can get help. There's a lot of different ways to get help. You can set up the campaigns this way, or you can even do it right from an individual Pin. Usually when I do it I go into there, but just for example, I will show you if I'm honest, specific Pin and it's one of mine. We'll say this one. I could just hit promote on this. If I don't want to get super fancy, I can just create a traffic campaign right from hitting promote. I could set a daily budget of $10 and I could run that for 30 days. If I was a big brand and have lots of money, I would do that, or you can just run it all the time. There's different ways you can do it. It gives you an idea of how much you'll pay per click. You can click on that to learn more about it. As I mentioned, there's a lot of information in the Pinterest help section. I will have a link to this in the text base for promoted Pins, but that's a little overview and what it looks like. There's a lot of different ways that button will pop up everywhere once your Pinterest for business, it'll pop up on Pins and other places, so you can learn different ways to do it. If you're selling things, if you have a shopify shop or via products, it's a great way to reach more people and they really do a good job with all their targeting. I hope that if you have some money for a marketing budget, you think about doing some promoted Pins because they think they'll do really well for you. But like I said, I haven't used any, I did when I wrote The Art of Social Media, we did promoted Pins done. Because they had a bigger budget, and typically I don't have any budget for promoted Pins, but you can still do a great job without them. If you get to the point where you're working with brands and you want to, then this is a great option for you, but you don't have to do this to be successful on Pinterest. I hope you'll give that a look.
12. Tools for pinning on Pinterest: There's some great tools for Pinterest that can help you do an even better job than just on your phone and your desktop. One of the tools I love the most is Tailwind. Tailwind is amazing for creating a really spread out Pinterest presence. But you don't want to do is go in and paint a whole bunch of things at one time because that can overwhelm your Pinterest stream. What they do is they let you just go in and schedule pins on Pinterest, and I'll show you what I have scheduled for this week. There we go. We got a pop up. This is actually my schedule and it shows that I have pins all scheduled out today. If you click on it, it will pop up and I'll show you what the pin is. This is from Everybody Writes by Ann Handley. It's a little infographic on writing, so that will go on my writing sparks board. I couldn't get it to close sometimes, there we go. When you're in here, you can actually just drag and drop them, you could move them. You can move them around really easily. You can change them over in the sidebar. It's really easy to set Tailwind up. I do love scheduling the pins the most. You can also add them to more than one board. So if I want to add writing sparks, and also, I have an infographic board. I can just go right in and add it to more than one board at a time, which is helpful when it's your own blog content. Then it has just switch the boards. That was easy. It also has really great analytics, which is one of the best things about Tailwind. It shows how many repins I had last week, which was 3,400. It shows a little graph if I want to see my most repinned pins, which I always want to see that because then you know what's popular. When you see what's popular, you can pin more of that. Let's get this open for me. This shows you your most popular pins that you've had. Wow, this is like ever, the filter that it has is ever. The most popular pin I ever had is this little Do It Yourself Ideas, and there's these super cute little owls that I love. Then you can find more cute little crafty owls, like this one has 5,600 pins. That's a lot of pins. These are just little pine cone owls and people just really loved it. If you notice, it does have all the rich pins on there, so those are great. In 19 weeks since I pin this, it's got 5,600 repin. That's a lot. I wouldn't know that if I didn't have analytics. You either need to do Pinterest for business, or use something like Tailwind, which is what I love. I can just scroll down and I can see other pins that I've added and created. It tells you when I pinned them, how many repins it has. There's a lot of information so it's super helpful. You can also discover new content while you're in here. If I want to find something for my Bacon Board because bacon's good, right? So I could just click "Recommended Board Bacon", and then it's searching for bacon pins. Then we got the Honey Bacon Pork Tenderloin that has 69,000 shares. That's just crazy. So if I see what I like, I can just hit Schedule, and see how easy that is, it just pops it up. If you want, you can edit the description. I'm just going to write yum!, and then I'm just going to hit "Schedule", and then it's going to add that pin right into my schedule. How easy is that? Really easy. There's a lot of different ways that you can use it. You can monitor your website. You can get suggestions on content. You can pin from Instagram, which I usually don't do because I like to use the big long images. In Instagram, I use square images. So if I wanted to, I could actually just sign in and hid from Instagram. You could also see the pins that you've already published. You can see you can do a lot of things in Tailwind, it's super handy. They also have a Chrome extension so anything that I see when I have the Chrome extension on, anywhere I am. If I'm in Pinterest, I can actually show you the little Tailwind logo will be on things. For example, if I pull this up. I shouldn't have logged into Tailwind. I don't have Chrome extension on this computer, but it normally at the top where it has Pin it, will have the blue Tailwind logo, and then I can actually schedule this pin right from Pinterest. If I'm on Pinterest and I find myself going on at Pinterest spree and pinning way too many things, I just remember that I should just add those into Tailwind instead of pinning them directly. It just makes your Pinterest presence a lot better. So that is Tailwind, I highly recommend it. I love the team at Tailwind, they are super nice, super helpful. There is a Safari extension as well, so that's good to know. That is the first tool that we have, and then another tool that you can use is Buffer, B-U-F-F-E-R. Buffer, you can also schedule your Pinterest pins. There's not as many bells and whistles, this is more of a simplistic platform, but you can do a lot of things on here. These are examples of some pins that I've scheduled. You add the image, you add the text. I'll add a new one and just to show you what it looks like. It's not as fancy as Tailwind, but it's easy. I can check the board pinning to best blog sites, what do I want to share. You're going to have to add a photo. I click on a "Photo", it pulls it in there on the side then you want to write your description for your pin. Then I have to grab a URL because you have to have a URL, all of them, to enter them into Buffer, then you enter that here. Then you just click "Add to Queue", and that is in there. If I wanted to make a new Pinterest image, I could hit "Create an Image", and actually make one. They have their own thing called Pablo. When you're in Buffer, it shoots you right out there. You click "Select", "Tall", and then "Pin to Pinterest". They had the image in there and text. You obviously can customize all of that yourself. Click the board that you wanted to go on, better change that. Enter a source, so that it added the quote, it added the image. It has the board. It shows you that the image is connected and it has a source, and you can either share it now, share it next, or you can schedule it. I'm just going to add it to the queue and let Buffer choose what time to send it, and there you go. You can see Buffer is a little bit more basic than Tailwind. They do have analytics in the Buffer for Business which I do not have, but there is more information in there, so you can use that. You can work with a team when you're in Buffer for Business and you have other people pin to your Pinterest account and you can also do that in Tailwind. You can have multiple people on your account, which is super handy. You can create a schedule and choose when you want to post. That's also handy. So that gives you a little overview for Buffer, and one more site is a Ahalogy. Ahalogy is also another site where you can discover great Pinterest content and schedule it. They percolate up some really popular content, and they have hand-picked bloggers to be on this network. So if you want to be on Ahalogy, you go on their site and you request to join. I believe that it's free. There's a little cost for Buffer, and there is a cost for Tailwind, but it's very small for their basic plans and Ahalogy, I just like the interface. It's very pretty. It looked very Pinteresty. If there's anything on that I wanted to re-pin here, I can just scroll and I can click on it. It gives you great ideas for some keywords to add that would help more people find it. So the description is, "15 Traditions to make Christmas Magical," and they're suggesting that you add Christmas ideas, sayings, or life. You can pick on the board, which I'll put it on my "Frosty family crafts" because it's a little traditions. Then you just click "Schedule Pin," and that's going to add it right into my queue. I do love the suggestions for pins that I get on Ahalogy, and you can pull all your own blog content in here, so that's really nice. So those are three different ways that you can schedule your pins. So if you just want to work on your Pinterest marketing once during the week, you could just load in a whole bunch of Pinterest pins on either of these platforms, and then just pin whenever you have time on your phone. You could create a really amazing Pinterest presence that way. I have to say, I do like all these, but Tailwind is my absolute favorite that I just use all the time. Ahalogy would be my second favorite because I love the interface. It's super beautiful, but with any social media tool, it's best just to test them out and see which one you like the best and which one is the most comfortable for you and fits in your price point. But you can see how easy this is. You just pick a board, schedule the pin, and that's awesome. So those are the basics for the different places that you can use the tools for posting. Now, we are going to talk a little bit about design. How you can make great graphics for Pinterest. I make 98 percent of mine in Canva. So I'm going to log in to Canva, and this is where I create my graphics. As you can see, there's actually the one that we were just talking about. So if I click on that, this is an existing graphic, and this shows you what the Canva interface is like. Super easy. I do not know how to use Photoshop, but I do know how to use Canva, and I love it. They have templates where you can create designs that are already in here. But once you get used to Canva, you really want to make your own things and not use the templates, so your things stand out more. If you're just learning, it's a great place to start though. For example, this is a pin that I just did. I can go in here, I can change the text really easily to anything I want, but it doesn't look as good, so I'm going to switch it back. It's very easy. It's a drag-and-drop program, and I'll just show you how to make a Pinterest pin from scratch. So if I'm in Canva, I can click on "Pinterest Graphic" up at the top, and this is perfectly sized at 735 by 1,102 pixels, which I've already mentioned. If I want to test one of their templates, if you click on it, look at that, it just pulls it right up, gives you a picture, it has a message. How easy is that? Then if you want, you can just find a different image if you want to change it. It's not giving me photos here. Here we go. We'll change it to different cookies, and you just drag it and drop it in the back. Change the message, "Warm wishes from the Fitzpatricks" of course, if I could spell my name. That's how easy it is to do a quick and easy pin using the templates that are in there, but they also have a lot of other elements that you can add. You can customize these in anyways. This is how I create all the Pinterest pins that you see that I make. I make them in Canva, and they go back in. If I just show you a little bit what are my designs, this was my blog posts this week. Canva keeps all your designs right in here, so you can go back at anytime and edit them, which is super handy. This is a Pinterest pin that I made this week, and then there's some other examples below it, which you'll find on Pinterest because I have already pinned them all. So you can see how easy it is just to go in Canva and create really great things without having to mess around with Photoshop, which is complicated and maybe you don't have it. I would recommend giving Canva a try and see how you like it. It is my favorite. It's easy to use, and like I said, it holds all my designs in there. Another easy site to use is PicMonkey. My caps is on for some reason. PicMonkey is another graphics design site which has really great photo editing. I do love this, but one thing I don't like about PicMonkey is that it doesn't save my designs. So anything that I create and save, if I want to make a change on it, say I had a typo on it, which that can happen, you have to recreate the whole thing, so that's a bummer. But I'll just show you quickly. You just pull in a photo, and that's already sized because that was my other one. But you can go in here into Resize, and you can change the size, you can add different filters. They have a different array of products than Canva does. You can add patterns, shapes, stamps, all different kinds of things. They always do really cool little holiday things that you could add. So if you had a photo of you, you could go in and make yourself look like Santa by adding a beard, some rosy cheeks, a cherry nose. They really do acute job with holiday-themed things. They have great fonts in here. They have unlimited fonts, and you can use any font that's on your computer in PicMonkey. Canva, you can use any font on your computer if you have Canva for Work, but for PicMonkey, you can use any that's on your computer, and then they have this big, huge range. Both of those are great options for creating graphics, and then there's one more site I wanted to show you, which is Relay. One last tool that you can check out is They create some really cool graphics. They have an infinite scroll of choices when you go in. When you're in Relay, all these different little designs pop up, and you can customize a few things like your image, the colors, and then it transfers it to an infinite scroll down of different choices for graphics. So you can go in, it will save them if you choose to save them. You can one-click resize them, and it will create a whole bunch of different designs for you. I do like Relay's designs because they're super streamline and they're pretty quick. They aren't as fully customizable as something that you would create in Canva, but if you're creating a promotion for an event, you could create a bunch of different tweets, a Facebook posts, a Pinterest pin that all matched and coordinated pretty quickly. So they do have different themes, you can get different colors, it saves the fonts that you love. It's pretty easy to use, so I would give those a try and see what works best for you. If you like Canva, if you like PicMonkey, or if you like Relaythat. Again, like I mentioned before, it's important that the tools that you use are something that you enjoy and that you have fun using. If you are a Photoshop user, by all means, make everything in Photoshop. It's really about just what makes it best and most comfortable for you.
13. How to Use Tailwind: Now I wanted to share one of my secret weapons for Pinterest, and that is Tailwind. I've used Tailwind for, I honestly don't even know how many years I've been using it. It's my favorite resource for pinning your Pinterest pins. I do like to go into the Pinterest app and do some live pinning every day or every once in awhile. But I do schedule most of my pins out through the Tailwind app. It's not free, but it's very inexpensive. I think it's maybe $15 a month, depending on the different plans that you have. But it saves you a huge amount of time and it makes your Pinterest pin schedule perfect. So there's a couple of different features in Tailwind and that I like. One is just that you can schedule all your pins in there and they have a smart schedule. So they pick the best times for you to pin and they recommend times to add to your schedule. You can decide how many times you want to pin per day, per week, per month. That is up to you. I recommend if you're a serious blogger and you really want to get traffic back to your blog that you're pinning 10-12 pins per day. That doesn't mean that you're pinning the same pin over and over again. That means you're mixing things and remixing things. So what I like about tailwind is you can add the pins in and then you can reschedule it by hitting a button and it will mix everything up in there. So you could pin a whole bunch of your own blog posts, pin a bunch of recipes, pin a bunch of holiday pins. Then you can reshuffle it and it will mix them all up. Or, you can also schedule things to be at a certain time schedule and have them not move. So there's a bunch of different ways. I will show you right in Tailwind how I use that. They have tailwind tribes, which is a group just like the Trimer tribes if you use that as a blogger. But if you haven't used that before, basically it's little groups. It's like a Facebook group where you set up, you have certain people in there and you just share your content in there, and then they can re-pin it. So they all have a certain topic, I have an Instagram board that is only about instruments. So I've invited different people to share things in there. Everything has to be about Instagram. I do have rules on the board. If people aren't re-pinning things and they're only adding articles in, I do remove them from the tribe because the whole point of a tribe is for people to add their things in and also to share other people's things. So helps build community. It gives you great content to share, and it's a really focused place to go and find new pins. You can also in Tailwind find new content based on your certain boards. They have a new feature which is really amazing called looping. So you can create a Tailwind loop. So basically you can just pick certain pins that you want to go through. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in the Tailwind app and I'm going to show you all these things and show you how to use that. Another tool that I sometimes use that I've just got to into a little bit more recently is co-schedule. Co-schedule also has Pinterest in there with all of your other social profiles. So if you're using co-schedule to plan your blog posts, to write your blog content, and to share on social media, Pinterest is one of the choices and you can add multiple images with different descriptions. So it's actually a really awesome place to do everything for your blog. But first I'm going to show you Tailwind and how you use their tribes and their are other features. Then you can decide how many pins you want to pin. I'll show you how to make a schedule that will really help you save time. It will make sure that you're sharing all your best content over and over again without spending more time. So it's going to be really awesome. Are you ready to look at Tailwind? Now we are in the Tailwind app. So Tailwind is a paid program that I use to schedule my pins and I get even more analytics than with Pinterest for business. So in here, this is just a dashboard overview. You can click on everything, you can see everything in the sidebar here. It tells you how many repins, it shows you your most repinned pins, top domain pins, which is things that people are pinning from my blog. So if you wanted to get ideas for things to repin or pins that maybe you should create images that look like these. This is where I will get some ideas. So you can repin right from here, or you can just check it out to see. So sometimes I will go through here and repin. Then there's also this nice word cloud that tells you things that are popular annual or so. Social media. How to use Pinterest, Pinterest vision board, which is nice because my last blog post was how to use Pinterest to make a vision board. So these are the things that are popping up. So the things I'm throwing out there, people are picking it up, so that's good. So there's tons of insights in here, just tons and tons. I have enterprise tailwind, so I do have a few more things than most people might have. But it's really great just to get these insights. So from July 28 to July 5th, I pinned 277 things. No, I'm sorry, these 277 things were re-pinned from my blog with 9.2 million potential impressions, 1.3 million daily average, 227 visits a day. Then you can also get this little report on your trending images. Again, this helps you see what's popular, what people like, what people are re-pinning and you can click on that. There's always little arrows that you can click on to get more information. So this pin, quick and dirty guide to hashtags on Pinterest has been getting a lot of impressions. It also says what pinners are saying. So these are some of the hashtags people are using in there. So you can see there's just tons of information. I do try to go into Tailwind at least once a week to find information. You can also use Tailwind tribes, which are great because they're focused. So this is a tribe that I created called Instagram fans and it's only for Instagram blog posts. So when people pin on here, everything should be about Instagram. So you can see how many things I've added. These are Instagram posts that I've added here, articles on how to use Instagram. Then it tells you information on the different tribe members. So it shows Molly and Marshall, she writes about Instagram a lot. I can sort by gesture content. It shows what she shared in here. Mostly, I mean, look at what a great tribe member, Molly is, she adds a lot, but she also shares a lot. So she added 104 things and she shared 200. I added 54, and I have shared 210 because I use this a lot for Instagram work that I have. So you can see how many people are adding things and sharing. You can see what people have added. You can just click right on there. If you want to invite them to another tribe, you can do it there. So there's a lot of great information or you can just add right here, you can invite a new member there. Every once in a while I will get people that ask to be in this tribe. So you can find new tribes by searching up here, or you can create your own. So we'll just wait a second. I'll show you what's in the find a tribe. Find like-minded people. So open tribe requests. So there's travel, lifestyle, education, parenting, holidays. So we'll just look at the marketing one just to see what's in here. We'll look at Pinterest marketing. Creative entrepreneurs, all Pinterest all the time. So you can request to join if you want to see more about it, you can look there. I think I'll just request that one. So if you do send that an email goes to that person. So some of them you'll see request to join, join now. So these are open tribes where they let anybody come in. So you just want to decide what's the best thing for you. Like do you want to have an open tribe, do you want to have a closed tribe? I'll show you a couple of my other tribes, the Instagram one I own. If you go up in here, this tribe has a potential reach of 4.5 million. This is a really good one. So you can click on there, you can see what I've added and if people I re-pinning. Get all of that. So you can see this board could possibly be why my little pin has been doing so well. 103 re-pins. So there's a lot of things you can find out in the tribes. I highly recommend Tailwind tribes, creating a tribe of your core topics and then joining some other people's and pinning your content. It also gives you a place to re-pin other things. So another great thing to do, mine is pretty much done, but when you're brand new to Tailwind you can go into these suggestions and it will give you great ideas for your boards like add a photo. I already did on mine, but if I hadn't; let me see if I go back and go into kreusslerinc, because maybe I have some in there. No, I've done that still. Okay. Well, I was going to show you in here, if you don't have all these things done, it will tell you things like add pins because the boards don't have enough pins. It will tell you to add your website, select an industry. So it gives you all of these great ideas that you can do. If you're just getting started, it's a great place to go in and get ideas on how to get your Pinterest account up to speed. So in here, this account has about 500 followers and it's not super huge, but it's still getting some good traffic. I'm putting blog content in there. So in the scheduled pins, I'll show you what your Pinterest schedule looks like. This is where I schedule most of my content. So in here you can add pins and you can create a little schedule in here. If you want to see it, you can see it in a row or you can see what it's going to look like on Pinterest. So this is what these pins will look like. I always use this layout just because I like to see what I have going on. I try to pin to different boards at different times. You can add a whole bunch of pins in and then you can hit this Shuffle button, which is my favorite. Sometimes I will go into Pinterest, and I'll pick one board, and I'll add a whole bunch of things like say add a whole bunch of Green Home Tips, and then later, after that, I add a bunch of Dream Closet pins. Then I can hit Shuffle Queue and it will mix them all up, which is really nice. I do need to go in and add some more pins. When you're in Pinterest, we'll just look for green cleaning. Quick to add to boards so I can show you how to add in to Tailwind. In green cleaning, you see that little tailwind logo pop up. When I go here. You can add it to your board and add it right there. I'm going to add that to the queue. Then that's going to go on my schedule, super easy. That's how I add most of my pins is I use the Chrome extension for Tailwind and I add the pins in. Or you can also go in define content, and then you can search by board. Then I just find my green cleaning. It will pull up things that are like other pins that I have on here. You can look at them and you can decide. Some of these do not have big images, so I won't pin them. I like to pin really nice, like this is a good one. How to spring clean beauty products. Great article. I already pinned it but this is an example of a great pin that you can find in here. I personally would not pin a small rectangular pin like that. This one, I would, where to find green products that actually work, and then you can just hit Add to Queue, and that goes right into your queue. That is the basics for Tailwind and Tailwind Tribes. One more section that I wanted to show you is a really awesome new feature they have called SmartLoops. With a SmartLoop, you can click on here and you can add a SmartLoop. I have one already setup for Kreussler, so let's set up a new one. If you haven't done this before, you can watch this little watching, Watch Mastering SmartLoop. It's a great video with tips on how to do it. But looping basically, it's just exactly what it sounds like. It loops your content. It's even easier than adding it as a new pin to schedule. These are just going to repeat and reschedule based on rules that you set. You could set an evergreen board, which will just keep going all year round or seasonal boards. We'll just click a seasonal board and we'll call this "Christmas Spirit." We'll just say that, I'm not really going to make this board, but I just want to show you guys how it works. If I have boards and I wanted, we'll write green, green and sustainable that would fit. We would add all things green and maybe green cleaning to this board. How often should we loop your pins? If this is going to be a seasonal loop, we'll just pretend this is for Earth Day, so we'll do this Earth Day's in April, so we'll do it a month before, and we will close it at the end of May. These will be Earth Day green things, and if you look on the right, there's all kinds of suggestions for organizing your loops, adding boards to loops, and choosing when you should pin. After you hit set your schedule, share an existing smart loops schedule or a new one. I want to click "New", and then it asks you some questions. How many times a day do you want your smart loop post to publish? Now you need to think about these based on how much other content you're going to pin as well. What I do is I put my blog content into my SmartLoop schedules and then I fill it in with other repins so it's not all my content. My loops are my solid business posts and a lot of my other content, those boards that I really like. Think about using your SmartLoops for your sales for your promotions. Like if you have Christmas specials, you could do it for 30 days. If you have post that trend every year on a holiday, you could schedule those around them, and then you can add these rules, how many you want to pin per day, and don't pin the same one every seven days. Those are just the basic ones. I'm just going to hit "Create Loop". Now the loop is created. I can set rules if it's a group board or I can add new pins, and it pulls up suggestions from things that I've already pinned. It's really helpful and its really great for getting your content seen, and then when you're on your schedule, you can see the difference between this is a regular scheduled and then this is a looped post. See how it's brighter red. I hope this gives you some ideas for using SmartLoop and how to schedule some pins. There's a lot of other ways you can look around and get information on tailwind it's very robust program. I highly recommend it. If you're going to be a serious pinner, you want to make sure that you are getting content scheduled out over time. You don't have to worry about your pins not going anywhere. You don't want to just pin things and forget it. You can put things in rotation and add other things in your loop. I'm just going to go back to my schedule for a second just to show you what I mean by that a little bit. In my publisher, in my schedule pins, I have a lot of new content and I have repinned content. I have a really wide variety. Think about how you can make a balanced Pinterest present. It's not just about you. I really feel like that's better. If you look at my schedule, these are regular pins that are just being pinned once, and then this one is, I'm just trying to get over the lock so you can see it. These are the ones that are in the SmartLoop, so you can see your full schedule, and you can also see that SmartLoop up here if you just want to see your SmartLoop pins. Lots of information. I hope that this helps you with some ideas on how to add content to Pinterest and get more analytics in Tailwind, I highly recommend it. They're a Pinterest partner so everything that they do is part of Pinterest Terms of Service. They don't break any rules at all so you don't have to worry about breaking rules and you can use Smartloop to repeat your best posts and save time, as well as just looking at this great schedule and you can find new things to pin. Schedule your own things. Oh wait, I forgot to talk about Board List, wait I'm going to go back in for one thing. Sorry about that. Not to confuse you. But Board List are another great way that you can schedule content to go to more boards. If you want to have a list of boards, you can create a list. I'm going to call this, let's see, I already have designed blog quotes. What kind of board would I make this? I'll make it business tips. Then I can add different, I just have to hit Enter. Maybe I don't have another board. Anyway, when you're in here, you can add different. Okay, that was the name up their sorry. Haven't added any in a while. This can be biz tips. When I want to add business tips, then I can go in and add boards. When I add boards, on here. We'll just add a couple. Then when you go to pin something, you have a choice of repinning it to all these boards. This is a huge time-saver. I'm going to go back into my Pinterest and I will find a pin that I like and I'll add it to one of those. I usually only loop my pins. I don't always do other people's pins. But let's see if I can find one, okay, this pin I like. If I'm in here, this just clicking on the Pin in Pinterest and I hit the Tailwind Schedule. I can add this to a SmartLoop. Now these little loops, I needed the Board List, sorry, that's a Smartloop. But up here you can have your Board List. When you have a Board List, you can see we've just created that biz tips. If I click on this, it's going to add it to all those boards, or you can add it to more boards. It's a great way if you have this. This is a blog post from my blog so I can either select each board that I want it to go on. Like I can start typing Pinterest and you can see all these boards that I've, they've Pinterest in the title. I can just click to add them, or I can click the Pinterest Boards. See and it adds them all, isn't that great. The Board List is another great time-saver. You have loops, you have board list and you have tribes. All great ways that you can maximize your pins. I hope this gives you some great ideas for how you can use Tailwind to help your Pinterest get fantastic and schedule things so you don't even have to worry about it. This is the best thing about Pinterest is that you can put things in there and they will just schedule and pin all the time. You don't need to worry about it. You could even just do this like once a month or pin way in advance. I have to tell you some people pin like a year in advance. They have everything way pinned out. You don't have to go crazy with it. You can just get started and get some ideas. But I hope this gives you some ways that you can use Tailwind to make your Pinterest even better.
14. Putting the Pieces Together: If you're wondering how to put all these pieces together and create a really great Pinterest presence. It's important to remember that people don't come there just to see your blog pins. It's important to create a really balanced Pinterest presence. I would say a minimum of 10 boards. You could do use 20 words if you're just getting started. Honestly, I have over a 100 boards. I'm an active pinner and I do actively pin on like all of them for different things. You don't have to have that many, but I would say through just starting do 10-20 Pinterest boards and you're going to do all the smart board things that I talked about earlier. If you didn't watch the board video on how to create boards, go back to that, but you want to have smart boards set up with keywords and descriptions and you're going to actively pin. It's important to keep pinning overtime, not just going into Pinterest, and pinning a whole bunch of things and then not going back for a long time. That's where a Pinterest tool is going to help you out a lot. I use Tailwind as I mentioned. Tailwind will help you schedule things out and do it over time not just one big burst. Pinterest smart feed does actually keep everybody from seeing it if you do a big, huge blast, but you want to make sure when people go to your Pinterest presence, they see a nice variety. What you don't want to do is pin 20 pins of the same blog post. You publish a blog post today and then you just pin it to all your different boards. Then the next 20 is, I'll one of another pin. When somebody goes to your Pinterest presence obviously is a big, huge groups of your pins, people will now follow you, if that's the way that you're pinning. You want to create a nice balanced presence and so you can, if you're going to do it all manually, you just want to make sure that you're mixing it up. Don't pin the same pin over and over again. You're going to need to mix it up and mix other things in there. I think one of the things about Pinterest is it really does show a lot about you. Let people see the things that you really truly like, I've cupcake boards, I have travel boards, I have craft boards, recipe boards. They're not all for my blog, but all of those different boards actually help my Pinterest presence a lot. Because right now there's not a lot of people that are just going on and searching for only what I do and maybe not just what you do, but they might be searching for other things that you like and that you've pinned, so those pins help your whole Pinterest presence be more popular by just getting those repins. As I mentioned, I've holiday pins, they get a lot of repins that helps my whole Pinterest presence. If I didn't have those and it was only on one topic, then I wouldn't have as many different people following me or follow my boards. People can follow just a board or your whole presence. They might tell me for everything or they might just follow certain boards. Make sure that you're making your boards and your Pinterest pins so people click on your boards or your pins in your profile, it is very interesting. Make your boards interesting. Rotate them based on the holidays and then add pins in, not all in a big group for the same pin, spread them out over time and people really like what you share and they'll enjoy your Pinterest presence. I hope you're ready to get pinning some more.
15. Closing and Class Project: Now, you have everything that you need to really rock your Pinterest Presence. You know how to make a great board, set up a fantastic profile, rate a little bio for yourself, and get in there making some really great pins using everything that we talked about. I hope that you're inspired and really excited to go start on your Pinterest project, which is going to be making your own Pinterest board. I can't wait to see what you choose for your topic and what kind of pins you add to your board, whether you create them all yourselves, or add some pins that go on your Pinterest board. Just create something that's unique to you, create a fantastic board which will help showcase your projects, products, or your services, and add them into the class projects after you view all these videos. I really hope this was helpful and I can't wait to see what you create on your own Pinterest Presence.