1. Introduction: A Little Bit About Me and Our Class: Hi everyone. My name is Antoine and I'm really happy you're here for my very first skill share glass oxide. I spent 25 years living in the lowland rainforest next to the Caribbean Sea and Costa Rica. I originally went there to work with sea turtles that came to lay their eggs on the beach. I met my husband who is native to that area, and I stayed living a very different type of life compared to that of the US. I had a gift shop and painted a few items like t-shirts and journals. But I didn't start painting on canvas until I moved back to the States in 2012. I, I'm a mixed media artist and I use acrylic paint and collage materials such as gold leaf and printed paper. I love adding textures to my paintings using my fingers and the side of my brushes. I paint repetitive patterns of dots and squirrels that add depth and interest to my work. Sometimes I paint faces or just get lost in the process of creating abstract art. I also make these cutout designs and I will be teaching this technique today for our class project or the bird house, or if you can't find one on surfaces like these shown here. So our project today is going to be painting this little bird house. And we are going to paint it nice, vibrant, pretty colors. So that next spring, or if you're already in spring, you can put this out into your garden and it will become the home of a little birdie, or you can have it up on your porch as decoration. In our class today, we will begin with basic color theory, getting ideas from Pinterest and apply that on paper to see what colors work well together. We will add a base combo using analogous colors to cover the bird house, adding contrast and interest. Then we're going to look at patterns on Pinterest for inspiration, practice creating patterns using dots and circles and other elements. Finally, we will use what we learned to paint our bird house and bright beautiful colours. But what I'm really hoping that you'll get out of this is a way to combine patterns and color into any art that you create. The style of my painting goes to painting on my wooden cutouts that I make, to my paintings, to miracles. When I Pam even on faces, I add someone live design style. I encourage you to post your photos in the project section along with any questions you have for me. Let's get started.
2. Project Supplies: Everything You Need to Get Started: Okay, so I'm gonna have a list of supplies in the resource section. But what we're going to be painting today is a little bird house. Now I got this at Michaels in the United States. I am hoping if you're not only no stairs, you have craft stores that would have a bird house. I also picked up a heart at Michaels and a letter, a entrepreneur, you know, if you could not find a bird house, these would be another option. I particularly liked this size of bird house. I painted these just to try them out. And they were so small. And especially this one that has this little overhang that I thought was so cute in the store and just trying to paint up under there was a pain. It's also balsa wood and just sucked up the pain and it's not sanded. It just it just seemed to be a little bit more high maintenance that and I wanted to give the first step is to paint primer, which is an exterior interior, exterior primer paint. You can get samples at any hardware store. Water base. All right, and with that, we're going to use a big brush and we're going to put on a couple of coats. And I'll have that all done before we actually start painting the brushes that I use. I like Dilbert stillbirths, other ones that have the rounded edge. And you'll see that most of these are pretty small. If you want to get one a little bigger, maybe not as big as this or it could be this one a little smaller, maybe a half bench. That would be fine. And then for details, I use around ground brushes, the pants that I enjoy using for acrylic paints is the liquid x basics. You can use anything you want, as long as it's acrylic, you want a good paint that's creamy, that covers well, if you buy a cheaper paint that like a, like a generic brand paint, there sometimes extremely watery and you'll end up using more paint, ends up costing the same. So invest a little bit in some of the paint. For the patterns, along with using those, I'll use deco art metallic paints. I recommend gold, copper, silver, a bright blue. There's also purples. There's green like an emerald green, and always just add extra pops of color and accents. So there you have it. That is our basic supplies. And once we're completely finished your designs dm, we hit it with varnish. Now, I put on the designs that I do for my Etsy shop. I put three coats on, on all sides. And that way it'll seal, seal it completely and it can be out in the garden. The other thing we wanna do is to get some painters tape and just tape up this so it doesn't get covered in paint. As I stated before, I will have a list of all the materials you're going to need. Let's get started. I'm going to quickly apply two coats of white primer paint on the base of our bird house.
3. Color Theory: Analogous and Complimentary Colors: Okay, so we are on my Pinterest page. I have put the links in the resource page. And if you notice, I have three different subtitles to the color palette. One being analogous, you click here, you can see I've saved different color patterns that are next to each other on the color wheel. So you have different shades of green's, different yellows, reds, and Pinterest is such a wonderful tool to get inspired. And I encourage you to use your Pinterest to make different folders for boards with different colors. And so this one will show you Analogous Colors and how they look on the color wheel. So check it out and you'll see what I've saved. And I'm sure you can find a billion more even in different shades of gray paint pallets are great for painting your walls, but also to be used in painting on paintings, complementary colors again. So you here you got the purple and the yellow, green and red, orange and blue. You can use my link for inspiration or create your own, so you have it on vial. Color palettes are also when it comes to designing your paintings. So I wanted to talk about color theory really quickly because the class is more about actually painting. But I wrote out a chart to help you choose your colors so you're warm colors are what we're going to start with. And I have some paints here, and I'm just gonna do a quick swatch here. And you see I've written complimentary coast, so we're going to felt warm, then cool, and then we'll go over some of this stuff. Now, I'm not rinsing my brushes between these watches and when we start painting the bird house, I don't do that either unless I'm switching a cool color because I like the way they blend, you can't really tell it on the paper yet, but when we start painting the bird house, you'll see how things blend. So as you see, we're staying in the warm colors. I'm just picking up a little bit for each one. And I also added pink and like a magenta, any of these colors, if you mix with white, you're gonna get a different, a different tent to the color. The more white you add, the lighter is gonna go. I'm going to wipe my brush off. Again. I don't really rinse my brushes as I'm going go back to the yellow again, and I'm going to add some white to that. It's going to just go really pale, white bit again, we're gonna go to this one and weight, and you're just gonna get different grades of the same color. Orange, which is what we want on our bird house because we want to stay in the same warm colors that we can play with them. The other thing I was going to say is you can mix your own colors from your primary colors, but sometimes it's hard to get a good bright purple doing that. So I just tend to buy the color's already premade. You are more than welcome to do either. So saying with this pink New Guinea, they use pink from brand thought or you can mix your own this color. So there's some colors that are right on the line when it comes to your color wheel, for example, this one, you can see the red in it, but you can also see blue in it. And if I go more blue is going to go into. The cool colors, we're just going to be a more cool color baits, so keep those in mind. Those are kind of like the ones that are right on the edge. The other thing I wrote here was your Analogous Colors, especially in these first four, they are next to each other on the color wheel. So you can blend all of these colors together and they're gonna look really good together. And these are going to be the colors that we're going to use when we start painting the bird house. Before I get into the cool colors, I wanted to show you what I do with all this leftover paint. I always have a canvas or I'll be working on several items at the same time. This is a great way to start other canvases or paint something else in the same colors that you have on your palette without wasting your paint. Ok, so now onto the cool colors. Now this purple is very similar to this, but it has more blue in it because why say it like on the color wheel, they, they would be next to each other, just a lighter purple. So these two colors with your yellows and even the yellow orange look awesome together. So I am wiping my brush off a little bit. We're gonna go into some of the Blues. We have a light blue compliment for blue is orange. We have pretty much, this is ultramarine blue and it's the closest to your primary blue. I also like this kind of slate blue, most gray with a blue town. We can't forget green. So I brought this one green out, the green and red, you know, Christmas colors, those are your complimentary. So blue and orange, purple and yellow, green and red. These go great together, but you don't want them both the same amount, this green next to the red. The ratio like that is what makes it nice if you had the green completely the same, they're kinda competing against each other. So you want to have whatever color you choose. When you want to do these contrasts with a complimentary, you want to have them 11 more than the other. What happens if you mix a complimentary COMSOL? You wanna do that when they're dry to get the complimentary. But if you work on them when they're wet, take the yellow and I mix it with a purple, you're gonna get a mustard color, which is great if you're paintings, realistic work. A lot of times these will be the right color to choose for your shadows under something, the red and the green together under like a leaf would add the perfect neutral shade. But for what we're doing, this is not exactly the color I would want. It's too muddy for me, but it is, that's why you call it a neutral, because it's when you mix your complementary colors, you will get a neutral. And for subtle palettes, if you're doing a color pattern palette that you want quiet or colors, subtle colors, more natural colors, that would be what you would do. We get the blew out here once they're on that orange? This is how you would make brown colors too. You know, it's not that as an ugly color. It has its uses, but not for what I'm doing today. But if I put those next to each other, you take that same Lou. And I want to put it right here because this now dry. They look good together. They accent each other, they complement each other. Alright, so we are going to get going. I'm going to do the same thing with these leftover paints on my canvass like I did last, but I'm gonna speed that up. In the next video, we will start working on our retinas.
4. Painting Analogous and Complimentary Colors on the Birdhouse: Before we start the actual painting, which we're going to do shortly, I wanted to just put some light lines in as guides to where we're gonna be adding colors. So we are ready to paint. And the first thing is to decide which of the colors you're going to start with. So I'm going to keep either warm or cool in certain areas, although I will add a little bit of the opposite. So for example, on the roof, I'm gonna do my cool colors, the blues and purples and greens. But I might take one of these sections like this one right here and make that yellow and red just to add a pop. And I'll do the same thing here. So if my main colors are red, I will add maybe one of these sections in blue, or maybe this one in blue. Once I finished doing all the base color patterns now probably will come in and go over some of them and black. And again, it's just to add a little bit more contrast and patterns and texture to this. So I'm going to start with the roof. I'll always have white on my palette too, and I'll add greens and stuff as well. Choose three colors. If you're gonna choose your warm colors. Same thing, just have good contrast. And so I'm gonna start over here and I don't mix and paints on the palette. I mix some as I'm painting. Alright, so I've painted most of that though I like just because I was concerned by it's covering, I will or won't rinse my brush, but I will rub it off. As you can see on my clock. I will rub most of the excess paint and then I'll pick up another color. So picking up this other color. So just keep going in. I'm rubbing my brush off, picking up the lilac again would pick up a little bit of white to, I'm going to try to smooth out my line as best as I can. And I know I'm kind of going over everything. I'm just making sure that the paints covering well, and I'll probably I think I'm going to tell one another color here as well. But you see it's got a different contrast of colors. Now you know why I don't buy expensive brushes because I'm scribbling on the cloth to wipe off Paint. And I just loved this precious. They work so well for what I mean and poor. And the other thing I'll do too is, is because sometimes mixing these colors, I'm not getting the right contrast. Then I like, sometimes I want to keep it a little bit more of the color directly out of the two doll. Let this dry and then come back with a little bit of one of the colors. So I just kicked back and forth or came the colors that I have on my palette, making sure everything is well covered. I like the colors that are not completely mixed. So which is why I said, once it dries, I'll add more. Because as you can see as I go over and over as blending it almost all the way together. I like the contrast of mines in the paint like that. And this is why you want to get a pretty decent kind of paint a lot. As I said, the student brands that a lot of retailers sell, like their store brands. I've bought them before and regretted it because I ended up having to do this with five coats like just to weigh too much. So now you see I'm being a little more careful. Now I want to have the coverage and blending happening. So I went ahead and pen and my second coat on all the cool colors. And I painted the first coat, the warm colors. And now I'm just gonna do the second coat on those warm colors because of the surface bangs, so porous. I I definitely had to go back, put on two codes, just gonna go over what I've already done and I'll probably speed this up in a minute. But I had mentioned before about painting when it's dry and then coming back in with your solid. And so the solid red right now, it will make it stronger, although I do like the colors to blend here. So what I did right there was I took off all the paint. I rubbed it off and with a dry brush just came through and that helped to blend those colors together a little nicer, right? So stay tuned. I'm going to speed this up for this part and then I'll continue with the black. The next lesson we'll be packing the rest of the blank spaces in black.
5. Finishing Sections in Black: Alright, so I've put two coats on everything. And what I said in the last video as far as leaving the color right out of the tube. So I put the blue right there and just kinda blended it into the purple. But I've still left patches of the straight color, especially next to the complementary orange. I like that contrasts which is really vivid. Now we're just going to go over and paint all the areas and black. Have to go a little careful with some of this, especially under the roof. So this is going to clean up all those lines. So when you're painting, like if you see if you can see it right here, I can see the pencil marks. It doesn't matter because we still haven't done the patterns yet. The patterns, we'll cover all that up. So the trickiest part is going to be under the roof mostly because I don't want to get on that line and paint paint gun on the side where the oranges. So just go carefully and paint all around. So I'm going to speed this up for this part and then I'll come back when we do the others. All right, so I have painted all the underside in black and now I'm just going to go over these last few places. And I also wanted to say, if you mess up and I actually did at 1, I don't think you can see it goes so fast on the speedup, but I got some black on one of these parts. And what I did really quickly was rinse my brush out really well and dry it off. It's not rinsed off right now. Dry it off as best I could and then go right over where I made the mistake and just keep doing that. Rinse your brush, dry it off and it will, because the paint is still wet, it will pick up all those colors. You can't even see where I did it. Don't worry if you make a mess, just quickly go for it. Claiming and you'll be fine. And again, we're not done. We're going to still do patterns throughout this. So if you have any kind of, as I said, the pencil line or any other kind of discoloration that you don't like, you just cover it with one of the pattern designs. So I'm going to finish up this part. So wherever you have bolt up paint, just try to smooth it out so that you don't have globs of paint on places. I don't know how much you can tell from this angle, but I had a couple just go read a couple of times that it smooths it out. In our next video, we're going to look at some photos and Pinterest and get some ideas for your pattern work. See you in a minute.
6. Patterns: Dots, Swirls, and More! Getting Inspired : So now we're ready to start our patterns. I have a link to my Pinterest page called Marx and scribbles. And I want you to take a look through all these different kinds of shapes. You have. This one which I really like, different things like this, which are just dots but aren't they cool the way they're all lined up like that. You can do dots and all different sizes. This one has a pillow with a triangle form of a spiral, and this one has dots with circles of different colors around them. And all of these are things that you can put into the patterns that we're going to be doing on our bird houses. Nature has beautiful things like spirals is one I really like that household the different lines. So just take your time, look through and then we'll start working on our bird house. The idea of looking at any pages and Pinterest is to get ideas, not to copy directly. So I picked out a few of the patterns that I liked from the Pinterest page. And just kind of draw a couple of them here just to get an idea of what you can do on the bird house when we get to that part. So you can make dots which are not perfectly round as I'm sure you can tell, and you can do them smaller. If you wanted to use something. This has got a spongy top and I tend to like to come in really close so that there's not a lot of that back that under color showing. So you can do dots, you can do miracles lines, and then switch direction from patterns like this, circles. Within circles, you can do these in different colors. And I always like to go circles. Sometimes I'd just like to do some free form shapes kinda just blob on color's getting really close, but you want to still show the color underneath. It's all about contrasting colors. So if I have a dark color like the black underneath, I will do, I will paint with one of these. So the other was spirals I really liked. And you can do them and I angle form square or the circle. I will sometimes fill an area with little spirals going in different directions. And it's a bit laborious, but it really looks cool when you're done, when you have all these different patterns happening. Teardrop hook where you press down and then lift that you'd just on the tip, you can do squares. And I'd like to have them like the next row then starting in between, not lined up. This I use a lot when I'm painting. I have sea turtles and my Etsy shop and I'll do these for representing kinda like the scales on their flippers. And then on another one I might do like an elongated spiral. I might just fill up the space with lines like this. The other thing you can do is make your lines, you're gonna either had them really thin. You can make some out, or they go thicker and thinner. But as a cool contrast right there, there's no rules. You do whatever you want. But the idea is to just bring in different patterns into your work. That's gonna make it very unique and very original for you. As an artist, I want to create work that's one of the kind I like, the opportunities that this style of art gives me. In the next video, we'll be working on the bird house. See you in a minute.
7. Planning Your Patterns and Painting: Okay, we are ready to start painting patterns on our bird house. So the first thing is to have a look at what you've done so far and kinda start mapping out and planning what you're gonna do and where I think I'm going to start with black paint just because I still have some leftover from the last lesson, I always want my brushes first and then dry them off on the tau. Also, I'm never leave my brushes face down in water, even though they're cheap brushes, I still try to take care of them. So whenever I finished using them, I'll rinse them really well and then I'll lay them flat on the cloth to try just a sidebar note, I'm gonna paint this light orange with this. And I think I'm gonna do some kind of dots. And when I say kind of dots because they're not perfectly round, they're going to be oval. Some will be small, black. You don't have to do a second layer, so you wanna get close enough to each other. But that you still see the yellow underneath and a little one there could be you're here. What I will do in a second is come back with a smaller brush and just clean up the edges like this one right here has little tip. I'd rather do that with a smaller brush. I'm gonna speed up for the rest of the dots and then we'll do another section. Just keep in mind, you know, if you're going to paint on the other side that you don't mess this side up. So the good thing about this, because it's got that roof overhang, it's not gonna be touching any work. So this one I'm just gonna do, I'm gonna go follow the line. Remember we talked about doing a wider to thinner by pressing down. You always want to make sure your pants not blobby happened right here. So we're the past line was then I'm gonna go thicker. They don't have to be touching my fixes one a little bit, go click here, pull up. Use the tip of your brush so you're just barely touching to get a thinner line. Press down. And then as you come back up, you can twist your brush and that'll help you get like a sharp point. So my paint is also drawing up a bit. So I just dipped my brush back in the water and I come back over this way. So we have dots and we have lines and I'm just filling out like that. Looks pretty cool. I'm getting bored with black though, so I'm gonna stop the black. So I know that looks really messy, but I'm going to go over it one more time. Was spirals probably enlight gold after this has dried. So even when things look messy, don't worry about it. And we're gonna, we're gonna fix everything as we go. I'm going to continue to use this color because as I know, you know already, I don't like wasting pain. I'm gonna leave the dark colors because I can do the metallic right on those and I wanna do in metallic come at one. So this little strip now, this one up here. I am not worried about perfection at all. I got over that feeling of everything has to be perfect quite a long time ago. It's not my style. My style is to be painting in a free form. That makes me happy fan because I do a lot more abstract. There's not a lot of straight lines and that either, there's very few straight lines in nature as well. So I will go back over that for the second coat when it tries things, I wanna do some metallic. Let's do that front. And I go a little bit, I'm gonna go for a small Hilbert. And I am gonna do kinda these square circle preform.
8. More Patterns With Metallic Paints: And most of them are talks, as I said before, I will go a second coat. They tend to be a little translucent. So I prefer to paint another coat. So while I still have the bronze out, I'm gonna do this in a spiral. And if I can't continue the line, I'll just filling the space with a lime. And here I kind of messed up for I touched the other line. I'm going to go back with a black and fix out. Alright, we are getting there, I think when I leave the roof for now, so we can keep on switching back and forth. So this is very loosely based on things that we were looking at on Pinterest. And that's what I mean, you know, you see something you like and then take it to the next level and make it your own. And now as an artist, you know, people, we don't want our word copied. We want people to enjoy our work, be inspired by our work, but direct copies isn't very flattering. And it limits the person who's, who's doing it. Because they aren't letting their own creativity grow. I always pause after I finished because I really don't know what I'm gonna do next. So my pauses are thoughts. I might go back to the Pinterest page and look again. I don't have a problem repeating patterns. As I said, I'll do a lot of the dots and fillers like that. Something really cool. Alright, so because this one has a lot of curves in spirals, I think I'm gonna do like squares are something up in here and we'll leave the pink by itself. But I think I'm gonna do this metallic blue, because blue and orange, remember, are your complementary colors. And then the other thing I do, I keep photos of all my work. A lot of times I'm just painting and I make up a whole new pattern as I'm painting on the fly. So I'll take pictures of those because I won't remember what I did. And that way I can look back as references.
9. A Quick Progress Assessment: Okay, so I put on another coat over the bronze and the blue here. Any other metallic colours I covered? And then I came back in and just kinda cleaned up a little bit of any lines that needed to be worked on. And at this point, I'd like to just take a step back, kind of look at everything and plan what I'm gonna do next. I think here I'm gonna go black over the bronze dots. And I'm going to add this same kind of pattern over here are probably in a different color just to give it some bounce, I'm going to leave this. Sometimes I'll come in with a darker color and just clean up the line there. Especially if there's any kind of pencil marks like this part right here. And then I'll see you on the edge here. I'm going to put silver, silver dots and that's going to go all around everything on the blue squares. I'm going to do either a dark blue or purple and just do like three lines on each of those. So I think here I'm going to go black over the bronze dots. And I'm going to add this same kind of pattern over here are probably in a different color just to give it some bounce, I'm gonna leave this. Sometimes I'll come in with a darker color and just clean up the line there. Especially if there's any kind of pencil marks like this part right here on the edge here I'm gonna put silver, silver dots and that's going to go all around everything on the blue squares. I'm gonna do either a dark blue or purple and just do like three lines on each of those knees. I think I'm going to go back over and claimed the lines a little bit again. But this modest little half circle, I am going to add thing. I'm gonna do the lime. Alright? And then over here, I'm gonna go gold over these dots, silver on this. I'm just gonna do the same lines with the silver, just follow the same shape. So I know this looks really messy, but I'm gonna do the same thing but in gold over them and it doesn't matter they line up or anything is going to add a really cool texture and depth on that part. So on the roof I decided on all of this darker purple coming over here. This connecting line I'm going to just do in lilac, squares might even do like elongated ovals that are bigger. In fact, I think that might be what I'll do, the orange circle here. So I don't like how this isn't connecting kinda bothers, may expect everything's fixable. So what I probably will fix it with a black line. I'll smooth that out and then I'm gonna do like a black, possibly like a square spiral shape over here. And I think that's about it. So it's always good to take a step back. Think about what you wanna do that way you get your paints out yet what you need out and can move forward without being stuck.
10. More Time-lapse and Putting It Altogether: Correct? A chance to get a chance to state spaces such as text. Okay, so I have done a lot of the time-lapse. I've really loved time-lapse. It's so much fun just to go over what I've been doing. So added the gold on top and this kind of design, you can just keep going and I can go pretty far, but I'm done for this part. I'll probably just go back and read touch where there's some blotchy spots. After this code is completely dry, I added the silver, then I put purple on top of that and there is a possibility I'm gonna go over one more color. I really do love putting dot on dot on dot, giving like 3-dimension colors. This part done, I'm not totally thrilled with this. Not really sure what I'll do there. I might just go and maybe with a dark purple or blue or even black and just outline the white lines a little bit just to give it a little bit more Chris lines there. And then on the bottom you see where it's gone over all ClinVar that was blocked just to clean up the edge on both sides. But that's at the very, very end. This one is done. So I added this rural ended that blank spot. I'm not happy with this, so I'm going to probably go over that again. Maybe with white on top of the purple dots just is too dark so I want to make it pop up. So this is what I do, right? I go over everything, kinda take note, look around a love. This is the other texture I really love is putting lots and lots of little dots. I think on this, on top of that, I'm going to go over with white dots and it'll get really cool effect this. Again, I love the look, but I think I want to put on one more layer of swirls. And I might do that in bronze. Other than that, everything is done on the bottom. So the roof, I did these elongated with a lilac almost like I shapes. And then I went over with these long swirls. I decided I'm going to leave the orange as is I. I put white here and then I'm going to extend this so I can extend the orange up to here, but I put white first to kind of block out the purple underneath and then I'll do that. And then over all of this, because it's so crazy busy on the bottom part, I'm not gonna go too nuts, but you never know with me because I really do love patterns. So I think what I'll probably do is I'll do some dots on some of this and some long lines just following the shape, then call cross barriers and to the other colors. So I might do all of this with dots and continue that over here, and then maybe do lines on this one and call it a day. So I'll do that in the next time laps. And then it's just a matter of maybe one look over, make sure everything's clear. As I said, like I like to go check over really carefully On those lines if there's any places where I need to just kind of reinforce the line, make it a little darker. That's what I'll do at the end. And then it's leaving it to dry. This. I might put some white dots on those lines. Yeah, I'm pretty happy with it. It's crazy, but that's the way I paint. I love patterns. I hope you do too. If you paint abstract or you paint a face and you want the background just with one of these textures will just make your work different and cool. Alright, going to the next time-lapse video and that will be putting it all together. Why?
11. Finishing Touches: YAY!!: Just gonna do the last little bit. I'm going to put gold now actually I'm going to put a lilac there. I'm going to put gold here, and I'm gonna put lilac here. So I think I just wanted to add a little dot here and a dot here. When you do that. Wow, we finished. Yea, this took a minute to do. I don't work very fast. I will take my time on the stuff. That's why the time-lapse videos always come in handy. So I put that black line, not a 100% thrilled with it, but you know, it's okay. It'll, it'll blend in with everything. So the only step we have left to do is to varnish. I will not be doing that now just because it doesn't smell great. And you want to be in a very well ventilated space. But you'd shake it up. You can hit a little beat in there to shake for a while, shake on all ten seconds. So you want to have this about that far away. You want to do really even strokes back and forth slowly. If you could hang it by the string, that way you can get all sides at once without it spinning, of course, and it dries really fast. But three photon it will protect it more. It'll last longer.
12. Bonus: Timelapse of the Letter "A", the Heart, and Going Digital with Procreate: Let us say so to do that. Okay.
13. OUTRO: This class gave you some new creative ideas for your art. We talked today about Analogous Colors and complimentary colors, which we put on the base of our bird house. And then on top we put all these really cool patterns. We put lots of dots and lines and swirls and spirals, everything on this. And we use contrasting colors and different metallic To make things stand out a little bit more than is already standing out. This guy is so cute and vibrant. I really love how you can incorporate this process into your art to depth and texture. If you have any questions or comments, please post them here and the discussion board and I'll be happy to answer. Please share your project here in the project gallery so that we can all have a look at what you've created. I'm really looking forward to that. Also. Please tag me at monetary designs on Instagram and I'll be happy to showcase your work in my stories if you'd like to see more of my art, you can also go to my website. You can also find links to my Etsy shop and to my face painting site. Thank you so much for joining me today. Happy painting.