Paint a Rainy Night with Gouache | Zaneena Nabeel | Skillshare

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Paint a Rainy Night with Gouache

teacher avatar Zaneena Nabeel, Top Teacher | Artist

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome to the class


    • 2.

      Class Overview + Class Project


    • 3.

      Gouache Overview


    • 4.

      Materials you'll need


    • 5.

      Essential Techniques


    • 6.

      Class Project : Rainy Night - Part 1


    • 7.

      Class Project : Rainy Night - Part 2


    • 8.

      Thank you for joining


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About This Class

I am pleased to invite you all to a fun and beginner friendly class where we will explore how to ''Paint a rainy night with gouache''

If you are familiar with watercolor, gouache will be a very interesting transition. Gouache is a very versatile medium - it's as beautiful as watercolor and as forgiving as acrylics. You can go from dark to light and correct mistakes, and that's what makes this medium so interesting. The best part about working with gouache is that, unlike watercolor, you do not need expensive artist paper and paint, just regular student paint.

In this class we will cover all the basics you need to get started with gouache painting. We will explore some techniques to help you become familiar with the medium and make it easier for you to follow along with the class project. Incorporating the techniques we have learned, we will paint a simple but beautiful rainy night.

Materials you will need for this class -

If you are someone who works with watercolor you have the supplies already, you just need Gouache in extra.

  • Water based gouache/ Poster colors
  • Watercolor/Mixed media paper (at least 200 gsm)
  • Small size round, medium size flat brush and detailing brush 
  • Mixing palette
  • Masking tape
  • A jar of water
  • Paper towel/cotton cloth

And that's it, get them ready and join me in the class!

Meet Your Teacher

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Zaneena Nabeel

Top Teacher | Artist

Top Teacher

LINK TO THE CLASS - 30 Day Watercolor Challenge : Learn to Paint 30 Easy Winter Landscapes

Experience the joy of painting winter watercolor landscapes in this 30-day challenge.

Each day, discover the beauty of new techniques, color combinations, and helpful tips in just 20-25 minutes. These projects are designed to easily fit into your busy schedule, so consider joining us if you have some time to spare :)

I believe that everyone can paint, and I am sure we have all had the desire to paint something at one time or another. Painting has a healing, calming and transformative effect on us. It's less about the end result and more about the process and experience. If you have always wanted to paint, or if you'd like to start a creative routine, join me on this 30... See full profile

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1. Welcome to the class: [MUSIC] Lately, I have been playing around with gouache, trying to figure out how to paint raindrops and rain. I always thought painting rain was an impossible task but to my surprise, the first rain painting I did turned out pretty well. I decided to delve more into the subject, painting rain is as meditative and common as listening to the rain. If I had the right medium, the process will be even more satisfying. Hello, everyone. My name is Zaneena Nabeel. I'm a mother, an artist, an architect and a Skillshare top teacher. Gouache is my most favorite medium and honestly, it is such a joy to work with gouache. The major reason for my loud towards this medium is that you don't need to have any expensive brushes or paper and also you can easily cover up your mistakes. In short, it is an absolutely incredible medium that anyone can master. I'm here today to spread the joy of working with gouache. I will show you in detail what materials you will need then we will try some techniques. Incorporating the techniques we learned, we will paint a beautiful rain painting. This is a short and crisp class with well-described sections for those who like gouache and enjoy painting. If you feel inspired and would like to try this painting, quickly go grab your art supplies and join the next section. I'll see you in the class. 2. Class Overview + Class Project: [MUSIC] Before we start, I want to give a quick idea about how the class is organized and what are you going to learn. It's a very short and crisp class that were going to try this gorgeous rain painting. We only have one class project and here's what we're painting in this class, you can either go the same color or you can try and choose a different color for your sky. Instead of blue, you can use a purple or even a gray. It's a beautiful painting and it is quite easy as well, but it might take a bit of a time as we need to add all those raindrops and need to add all those fine details. That's something which might take a bit of a time otherwise it's a very easy painting. Before we start with the class project, I will walk you through the color palette. Then we will try out some techniques. We learned how to create the background and then we learned to create those slides and the reflection will be using the exact same background for our class project as well. This way it would be very confident when you're attempting the class project. Now from there we will try these rain drops. You can see I have tried two different raindrops here. The first one is how you can add them on a blue background, which is a lighter background. Then we'll try the same thing on a black background, which is the bottom. A class project is a combination of this background as well as these raindrops. Technically you will just need to learn to create those raindrops. We will be going with different shapes to make it look more natural. But the technique is the same. It is just a matter of adding that raindrops on a blurry background. Once you have mastered those raindrops, you can try the same painting on a different background. I will show you another painting I did, incorporating the same techniques. For the backroom. I have used a much more complex subject. Here's the painting. Once you have learned the techniques, you can try them on a different subject. You can make it more complex and more interesting. That's all about the class. It is just a matter of creating a blurry background and adding those raindrops on top of it. If you're a beginner, there's nothing to worry. I'll be explaining how you can paint these raindrops and a very detailed manner. If you're up for this rainy adventure time me right now, and let's get started. [MUSIC] 3. Gouache Overview : [MUSIC] Gouache combines the exciting properties of watercolor and acrylic paints. Most people refer to gouache as an opaque watercolor, which is more or less correct, but gouache is beyond that. It has some amazing properties that are absolutely unique and that no other medium can match. I'm very sure you can find all the information you need to know about gouache on Google, so I will not make it too long. I will briefly explain what gouache is. Gouache is an opaque medium, as you all know, which is made from natural or synthetic pigments, gum arabic, and water. It's a combination of all these. Gouache sits somewhere between watercolor and acrylic paints and has some of the amazing properties of both the mediums. Gouache is a water-based medium, meaning you can add water to your paint and use it much like watercolor. Gouache is only opaque in its original consistency. If you add a lot of water, your paint will lose its opacity and it will appear transparent. If you add a lot of water, your gouache will appear more like watercolor and if you use it in its original consistency in a thick and creamy washing, your painting will look more like acrylic or oil. In this way, it is a very versatile medium and you can use it like acrylic paint or watercolor according to your requirement. Now, there are different types of gouache available in the market. There is paint that comes in a tube, which is the most common kind of gouache and then there is paint that comes in a jar and there are jelly cups like the one you see on the screen. No matter what form they come in, they all can be reactivated by adding some water. But when you reactivate the paint, you won't get that creamy and thick consistency back. To get the best results, you should always work with freshly squeezed paint. The opaqueness of gouache comes from the white pigment or chalk that is added along with the color pigment and binder to make the paint less transparent. This is where it differs from watercolor. With watercolor, you have a pure pigment and only a binder. The main advantage of working with gouache is that it dries quite quickly compared to acrylic or watercolor paints. Another great feature of gouache is that you can blend the colors just like acrylic paints and because of the opaque nature, you can use light colors over dark colors. For example, if you're making an illustration or a painting which require some lighter details on a darker background, you can easily do that with your gouache paint, which is not very easy when it comes to watercolor, which also means you can easily cover up your mistake. You can apply a layer on top of your painting and make it an entirely new painting. I can tweak some area and add some detail to give it a more fresh look. [MUSIC] That was a really quick overview of gouache, but there's a lot more I want to talk about this amazing medium. I plan to do this as we paint and learn techniques, so you have more real practice in front of you. This way, you will be able to understand the medium much better. 4. Materials you'll need: [MUSIC] Before we start, let's have a look at the materials you will need. I will start with the gouache paint. I'll be using gouache in this little jar. It's from an Indian brand called Flash. Now for our class project, the major color I'm going to use is blue. This is the color I'm going to use for the sky. If you don't want to use blue you can use purple or violet or any other color of your choice. This is the major color I'm going to use for the sky. Now, if you want to go for a monochrome painting you can just keep using blue and just use a lighter gray or a darker gray for your sky. That's a major color. The blue, I'm going to use this ultramarine blue. Along with that you will also need some black and white. We'll be using black to add the taco tones and white to add the highlights as well as to make the color lighter. Then to add some light and some reflection we'll be using some red, then some yellow and some orange. Those are the colors you will need for the painting. It can be any gouache, whether it comes in a jar or a jelly cup or a tube, it doesn't really matter. You can go with similar colors from any brand that you have got. That's all about the paint. Now let's talk about the paper. Gouache is a very forgiving medium, it actually works on almost all kind of paper and all kind of surfaces, which means you can use any paper that is available with you. I would recommend going with a thick paper because when you apply multiple layers of paint there are chances the paper will buckle. Here's the paper that I'm going to use. It's a Bockingford block. It's actually a paper made for watercolor. This one is a 140 LV paper which is cold pressed, which means it is quite thick and it has got very minimum texture. The paper that you're using for your gouache project doesn't need to be an expensive artist grade watercolor paper. It just needs to be a little thick, preferably with less texture so that it can easily blend the color. This is the size I have chosen for our painting. It's a square shape which is approximately 12 centimeter. As you can see here, I have just torn off all the edges to give it a more rustic and a different look. That's something which is totally up to you. You don't need to tear off your edges like this. If you prefer having clean straight edges you can just cut your paper using a scissor. That's all about the paper. Also if you want to try the same painting on a different surface, this one is actually MDF board. As I mentioned, gouache works on almost all surface. If you want to try the same painting on a different surface that's totally up to you. Here's another one. This one is under the empty of board. Or if you prefer doing the same painting on a sketchbook, even that is awesome. You can go with any kind of surface or any kind of paper. That's all about the gouache colors and the paper. Now coming to the brushes, I will only be using three brushes for the painting. You will need a medium-sized flat brush, obviously medium-sized because the size of the painting, I'm going to go with this quite small. If you're planning to go for a bigger scale you can make it a bigger flat brush. These are the three brushes I'll be using. The flat brush I'm going to use is actually angle shader brush. It just means it has angled edge. You can see that but that doesn't really matter. You can go with any of the flat brush you've got. That's the first brush you will need, we'll be using this one to paint the background. Now, the second brush you will need is a round brush. This one is a Size number 4 round brush. You can go with any of your medium-sized brush. Now, the last brush you will need is a detailing brush or any brush that's got a fine pointed tip. This one is detailing brush again from an Indian brand called Brustro. A detailing brush are any of your smaller brush with a fine pointed tip is really important to add all those key details. Just grab any of your medium or bigger size flag brush, then a medium-sized round brush and also a detailing brush. Those are the three brushes you will need for this painting. The next thing you will need is a mixing palette to mix your colors. I'll be using the small ceramic mixing palette. You can use any palette that you've got with you. It can be plastic or ceramic. You will also need a jar of clean water. Unlike watercolor, you don't need two jars. You just need to have one jar. If you feel like it's getting dirty you can just go change the water. Next to fix your paper onto your board or on to your table you will need a washi tape or a masking tape or a clear tape. It can be anything that you normally use. Finally, you will need a piece of paper towel or a cotton cloth to dab your brush and also to remove the excess amount of water from your brush. That summarized all the materials you'll need for today's painting session. Now it's time to deep dive into the lessons. [MUSIC] 5. Essential Techniques: [MUSIC] Before we start with a little class project, let's have a look at some quick techniques which are going to be really helpful when we do our main painting. Here's the painting that we're going to do. In this section we'll try how we can create that blurry background, then the lights and reflection and most importantly, the rain drops. In short in this section, we're going to try all the elements that is needed for this painting. Obviously the interesting part of this painting is the rain drops. We'll try how to paint them on a lighter background, which is blue and on a darker background, which is black. The technique is the same, it is just a matter of adjusting the color a little bit. Let's try it out. I have all the colors ready here. As I mentioned earlier, if you want to go for a different color for your sky, you can do that. Instead of blue, you can use any other color of your choice. First I'm going to pick some blue. I'm using the same colors that I'm going to use for the class project, but feel free to experiment with different colors. First I will quickly swatch all the colors, so that it can have a look at your similar colors from your collection. This one is ultramarine blue. You can go with any other blue, you have caught or you can go with a different color. That's the color I'll be using for the sky. Next you will need some black, which is the color we'll be using at the bottom. We're going to paint a night scene, so we need some black. That's our second color. Next, we will need some white. Obviously when you work with gouache, you don't add a lot of water to make your color lighter. Instead, you add white gouache into any of the color that you want to turn into a lighter shade. We'll be using white for some details as well. Next, you will need some red, orange and yellow. These are the three colors we'll be using to add the slides. This one is red. Next you will need some orange as well as some yellow. If you don't have orange, there is nothing to worry. You can just mix a little of red into yellow and create a beautiful orange. Those are the colors you will need for our painting. Now let's start trying the techniques. During rains, you will know the visibility will be less, so everything will appear a bit blurry and wage. Our very first step is to create a blurry background, this one is a very simple one. You can see that blurry effect I have made here. Let's try that out first. Then on top of that, we'll be adding our rain. First I'm picking some blue. I'm just going with the flat wash. Maybe we can add a little of white. That's the color I'm using. Now I'm applying that onto my paper. I will just create a solid wash and towards the bottom I will apply black. Then where are these two colors are meeting, I will create a blurry effect. That's what I'm going to do right now. We just need a very blurry and a wage background. It doesn't need to be perfect. You can simply add any color, so I'm just going for a solid wash of blue. If you want to make it more interesting, you can go for gradient wash or maybe you can go with two colors. You can start with the darker blue and make it lighter or you can go with the combination of blue and purple or anything that you prefer. I have just added some blue on the top, which is the sky. It's a beautiful blue. I will add a little more blue towards the bottom, then I will switch to black. Just in case you feel like your paint is too dry, right now you can see the paint is a bit dry. What I'm going to do is, I'm going to dip my brush in a little of water. Just a gentle dip. I'm just dipping the tip of my brush, not the entire brush. That is all you need to make your paint a little loose. Don't add lots of water. If you add a lot of water, the colors will appear transparent and you won't have that opaque matte finish. Don't add a lot of water if you're looking forward to a opaque and a matte finish. That is blue. Now I'm going to pick some black using the same brush. We need an opaque black. Don't add a lot of water. Now I'm applying that at the bottom. But you can see the paint is quite dry, so gently dip your brush in a little water. Only the tip of your brush. That is something you have to be really careful about. Don't add a lot of water. Now let's fill up the bottom. Right now I'm just trying to show you how we're going to create that blurry background. You can either watch or we can choose to do it alone. On the top, I'm just going to add some irregular shapes just to give it a feel that there are some landscape or some trees over there. Just add some irregular shape. It can be any shape. We're going to make it blurry later, so there is no need to put a lot of effort here. Now I'm going to finish out the shape and after that we can make it blurry right away. If the background is a bit wet, the process might be a little more easier. Once you have added the paint onto the background, we can turn that into blurry right away, especially the area where these two colors are meeting. You can see that over here, we're going to make this area blurry. For that, I'm picking my round brush. This one is a clean brush. Simply keep running your brush in a circular way to turn this idea into blurry wage one. Just keep doing this. Again don't add a lot of water. If you add a lot of water, you'll be picking paint from the background. Which means you'll be lifting up the paint from the background and it will distort the background. Just go with a dump brush which is not too watery. Keep running your brush in a circular way or however you want to. We just want to turn this area to a blurry and a wage one. It shouldn't have a proper shape. You can see the way how I'm running my brush. It is quite messy, but that's totally okay. The background doesn't need to be perfect at all. Over here you can see how I've picked up some paint. I'm just putting that back onto the background. I'm adding black. Again I'm running my brush in a circular way to make it blurry. Now I'm going to repeat the same thing on the other side and I'm going to finish up the background. For our class project as well, we'll be using the same technique. At this point your background might not be looking that great, but that is totally okay. We just need a blurry and a wage background. That is the base layer of our rainy painting. This is it. We're going to use the same technique for our painting. You can see that clearly here. The next step and the major step is to learn to paint those raindrops. To try that out, I will quickly paint a blue section as well as a black section. Then we can try the raindrops on a bigger scale on those background. We'll be using the same technique on our main painting as well. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] I have painted a small blue section as well as the black section. Now let that dry then we can try the raindrops on top of them. Meanwhile, we can try adding the lights on this background. You can see those lights on our main painting. We can try painting one or two lights as well as reflection. I just want you guys to have the best rain painting that you have ever painted. That is why I'm trying all these little elements. It's a simple step, we just need to add a small circle, it can be either red or orange or yellow. Then we need to make that outer shape blurry. So I'm starting off with the yellow. I will first add that vehicle light to the center, which is the major one. Once your background has dried completely pick some yellow and add two small yellow circles. Go with a similar size because the painting that we are doing is quite small, so just add a small yellow circle like this. Now in a similar way, I'm going to add a red one and an orange one as well. Once we are done adding all the circles we can make it blurry. I'm picking some red and I'm going to add a red tiny circle onto the right side. In this section, I'm trying my best to explain every little detail that will help you in our main painting then we will put them all together and we will try our gorgeous rainy painting. That is the red circle. Similarly, let's pick some orange and add another one. You can add that wherever you want to, I'm just adding that right next to the red one. I have added all the circles which is actually the lights. Now we can make it blurry, [NOISE] so I'm cleaning my brush. Now to make the outer shape blurry you can either go with a damp brush, which is not too watery, or we can pick a little of paint with that damp brush, we don't need a lot. We can see the way how I'm picking that paint. Now using that damp brush, I'm running my brush in a circular manner around that circle. See that? This way you can make the outer shape blurry. It's a very simple technique. Now we can use the same technique on other circles. That is how I'm putting the paint. My brush is just damp and there is a little of yellow on my palette. Now with that damp yellow brush, I'm making the outer shape blurry. Now we have a red and orange circle. Using my damp brush I'm going to pick some orange, so that is orange. I'm adding a tiny bit of water. Now using that damp brush I'm making the outer shape blurry for the orange light. Now we have one more left, for that, I'm picking some red and in a similar way, I will make that one also blurry. Picking some red paint with the damp brush. Now running my brush in circular way around that light to make it blurry. No matter which color you're using for the light, whether it's yellow or orange or red or white, this is the same technique that we are going to use. In case if you feel like those lights are not looking prominent, you can pick a little more paint and add that too at the center. Right now I'm picking some yellow and I'm adding that too at the center to make it more prominent, only at the center. I'm leaving that outer blurry effect as it is. Similarly picking some orange, adding that at the center. We can do the same for the red as well. This way the light will be more prominent and it will have a glowing effect. Just in case if you feel like your light are not looking too prominent, you can repeat the same step. You can do this for all the lights you have added. Now the next step is to create this reflection, which is also a very easy task, but then there are multiple layers to it. First, we will start with yellow then we'll add some orange and then some white. It might sound a bit tricky, but it is not. I'm picking from yellow. We want some clean yellow. Using my size Number 4 damp brush I'm taking some yellow. Using that brush, I'm just going to add a small arc shape right underneath the line. So right over here, I'm adding an arc then I'm going to push my brush down. See that? Simply create a shape like this. This is the first step. Right now it might look a bit weird, but that's okay. It is part of the process. Now in a similar way, I'm adding a shape on the other one as well. I'm starting with an arc shape then I'm just filling that out. Yellow paint is not 100 percent opaque, if you want to add one more layer on top of this, feel free to do that. You can see that color, it has a transparent film. What I'm going to do is I'm going to pick some more paint and I'm going to add one more layer to make it opaque. It is looking better. That is the first step, we have added a yellow shape. Now, I'm going to clean my brush. [NOISE] I'm just dabbing that on a paper towel so that it is not too watery. I just need a damp brush. Now, we need to create the outer border a bit blurry. So using that wet brush I'm just making the outer border as well as the bottom part a bit blurry. Just put that down using your damp brush. See that? We have really bright yellow on the top, towards the bottom, and towards either side, I'm just making it blurry using a damp brush. It doesn't need to be perfect, just keep running your brush around the outer border as well as at the bottom to give it a big effect. Next, I'm going to pick a little up orange with the same brush and I'm going to add that towards the top along that arc shape. Just add that and you can smudge it into the background. That is the second step. Now there is one more step left for which we need some white paint. I'm picking some white. Just ignore the mess inside my jar. Anyway, I have taken some white paint, it's an opaque white. I have taken that on the tip of my brush, we don't need a lot of paint, just a little. Now, using that paint I'm going to add a line at the center. Just drag your brush down and add a line. You don't need to push it till the bottom, just stop it when you reach somewhere at the center, then you can make that either side blurry. That is how it has turned out. See that? We started off with yellow, we added a very rough shape, then we made the outer shape blurry using a damp brush. Then we added some orange on the top and finally, we added a white line at the center. Now I'm picking some more white and I'm adding a tiny circle at the center of these lights to give it a more glowy feel just like the reflection. So that's our lights and reflection. I'm pretty happy with it. I think this turned out better than my main painting. It is not that difficult when you try it, I'm very sure you will get that in one go. In case if it didn't turn out well, there is nothing to worry, you can just apply another layer of yellow and try the same steps again. This is one main reason why I love gouache, you can keep fixing and modifying your painting. Anyway, that was the background and the lights. Now we can try painting the raindrops. First, we can try them on the blue background, it is really fun and exciting. I'm picking some water and I'm creating a light blue here, which is not too opaque. I already have some blue there so I'm adding some white and a bit of water. I'm turning that into a slightly loose consistency. You can see this is not watery, it does not floating, so it just needs to be a little wet. Now, using that paint, I'm going to add some random shapes like this. That is the first one. On one side we can add a thickness, on the other side, it can be just an outline. Similar way keep adding different kinds of shapes, which will be the kind of shapes that you are adding. Add a thickness onto one side. That the class can be either on the top or on the bottom or on the left or the right. Just add a random shape first, then add thickness onto one of the sides. Also, go with different kinds of shapes, don't make all of them look the same. Some of them can be a little longer, some of them can be a bit roundish. So just call different shapes to make it look more natural and interesting. Look here I have different kinds of shapes, some of them are bigger some of them are smaller. Next, I'm going to pick some black and I'm adding that with blue to create a darker blue. Again, I'm using a paint that is not too opaque, it's a little wet. See that color? It's just a mix of little blue and black. Using this color, I'm going to add a darker tone on the other side. Just the same way how we did earlier, add a thickness on the opposite side. It doesn't need to be perfect, just simply keep adding that darker tone. See that? You can see how messy we are looking, but that's totally okay. This is just part of the process. Keep going without doubting the process. That is second step. Now, I'm going to clean [NOISE] my brush and I'm going with the damp brush. I'll quickly dab my brush on a paper towel just to be sure it does not too watery. The brush just needs to be damp. Now using a damp brush, I'm just going to smudge the colors. Right now you can see the colors are quite strong, on the top we have a darker tone and at the bottom we have a lighter tone. They are looking like two different sections. We just need to smudge the colors. We can either pick some paint or just go with the damp brush. However, we are just smudging the colors to give it a more smoother and softer look. Again, it doesn't need to be perfect. You can see the way how I'm smudging it. I'm not putting a lot of effort here. Just keep pushing and pulling that paint into each other and smudge it. Now, we have few more left at the bottom. If you want to pick more paint, you could do that, there is no problem because when you do this, there are chances you might end up having one single color for that raindrop. You might feel like there isn't enough of lighter tones or darker tones. For example, this one here, I kept matching the pain and I don't have any lighter tones left there. I'm going to pick some lighter tone and I'm going to add that towards the bottom. See that? In a similar way, if you feel like there's any color missing, you can add that back onto the raindrops. Now, the next step is to add the details. Right now it is just the base layer. For that, we need a detailing brush or a smaller size brush. I'm just keeping this one aside and I'm picking my detailing brush. See that? It has a very nice pointed tip. For this step, you will need either your detailing brush or any brush that has got a pointed tip. First I'm picking some black, a really opaque portion of black, not a lighter one. Now our task is to apply this darker tone onto the area where we have applied those medium tones. Over here we have applied that medium tone earlier. Onto that side, I'm applying some black as well. I'm just enveloping that shape and adding a bit of black. Similarly, we can do the same for all the shapes we have added here. It's, again, a simple step. We're just making that shape more prominent by adding a darker tone. Use a smaller size brush or a brush with a pointed tip and keep adding that darker tone along the darker side. It doesn't need to have any proper thickness or it doesn't need to be perfectly shaped, you can add them however you want to. We have added the base layer as well as the deeper tone. Now in case if you feel like they're super prominent, you can just match it, just the same way we did earlier. This isn't really important only if you feel like it is too prominent, you can do that. Otherwise, just leave it as it is. That's how it has turned out. Now, our very last tip is to add the highlights using white. Clean your brush and pick some opaque white. We need a thick and creamy opaque white, so don't add a lot of water, just a drop or two, not more than that. Now what I'm going to do, using this white paint, I'm going to add some highlights, just watch it carefully. We have the darker tone on the top side. Over there, I'm just adding a thick white line and a dot. See that? Similarly, we can add another one on the other side. We have added a line and a dot on the darker side and on the lighter side as well. Now let's try the same on another raindrop. We have one here. See that? You can see how gorgeous it has turned out. I think this one can be a bit more prominent. You have to go with a really opaque and creamy white paint. Don't add a lot of water, it has to be really prominent. Now for the smaller ones, you can just add a tiny dot and a line, you don't need to add lot of detail. We have few more left. Depending on the size, you can keep adding more details. All I'm adding is just a line and a dot. We have two bigger ones and a smaller one. Over here, I'm adding a line and a dot. See that? I never really knew it is this easy to paint a realistic raindrop until I tried. I'm adding another line and a dot, and that's it. See that? Now, we have a tiny one here. Those are our raindrops on a blue background. We're going to try the same thing on our main painting. You can see how pretty it has turned out. I cannot believe my eye, they're looking super gorgeous. Here's our painting. We're just going to put them on that background. Now in a similar way, we're going to try them on the black background. The technique is going to be the same. It is just that we'll be tweaking the color a bit because we have a lighter background on the top and a darker background on the bottom. To make our raindrops a bit more realistic, we need to adjust the colors. That's only difference, the technique is [NOISE] exactly the same. I'm switching back to my size number 4 round brush. Earlier, we started out with a lighter blue. For this one, the blue has to be a bit more darker. I already had that darker blue I created earlier. Into that, I added a bit of white and that's the color I'm using. Now just the same way how we added those raindrops earlier, we need to add this shape. Using this darker tone of blue, I'm adding some random shapes. They can be of any shape. Some of them can be bigger and some of them can be smaller, so just add them in. You can see how quickly I'm adding them. There is nothing to worry here, simply add some random sheets. That's the first step. Now, on one of the side, we can add a thickness just the same way we did earlier. Using the same color, I'm adding some more paint onto one of the side. The base step doesn't require a lot of effort and attention. You can simply drop in that paint. Now I'm picking a darker tone of blue. Some things lead to the same color we used earlier and I'm adding that on the other side. The color I'm using right now is a mixture of blue and black, the same color we used earlier for the blue raindrops. Now just add that on the other side. For this last one, we will be using black, so just add that too. I have one more left at the bottom, and that's it. Now clean your brush. Using that brush, match the paint to give it a more smoother look. This is what I said earlier, the step is exactly the same. It is just that the background color and the color we used is slightly different. The technique is the same. Now it's time to switch to a smaller brush. This one is my detailing brush. Now I'm picking some black, adding that onto the darker side. See that? This is what I said, the techniques are exactly the same. Keep adding black on the darker side. Then if it's too prominent, just match it. When you're doing your main class project, add your raindrops in different shapes and sizes. Some of them can be really big and some of them can be small. Right now we only have a few here. When we do our class project, we'll have to add quite a lot to make it more interesting, otherwise it will look empty. There's some paint missing here, I'm just filling that up. That's done. Now it's time [NOISE] to switch to white. Clean your brush and pick up some opaque white. See that? Now, just the same way we did earlier, we need to add a line and a dot. First we can add that on this one , now on the other side. It is this highlight that makes all the difference. You can see otherwise it is looking quite flat. It doesn't look like a raindrop at all, but when you add that little white line, those shapes are feeling more three-dimensional and it is looking more realistic. This is the most important step. The major thing is to go with the paint that is 100 percent opaque, don't add a lot of water. If the paint is transparent, you won't get this effect. That white has to be really prominent and just add a line and a dot. I have few more raindrops left. Add to them as well, I'm adding similar lines. The summary, fun and exciting step, you can see how easily we created those gorgeous raindrops. We can try the same technique on any background. You can add some buildings, or a car, or a street light, or any background, just make it blurry. Don't go for prominent lines, just blur it out. Smudge the paint and make it a blurry background and then add the raindrops on top of it. There you have your beautiful rainy painting. It's a combination of these effects that we're going to try in our main painting. Actually, we tried all the elements. You can actually paint it right away. The only thing I want to say is go for a smaller size because if you go for a bigger scale painting, it will take a lot of time to add all those raindrops. Because it is for the rain painting, it is better to go for a smaller scale so that you can detail all of them very well and you'll be really happy with your result. Otherwise you will end up hating the process because of the time and you might get frustrated in between and you might not finish the painting. Just go for a smaller size so you can take all the time in the world for your next painting. You can go for a much more complex and detailed subject for your background and you can take your sweet time to paint and add all those details. Now it's time to try [MUSIC] this gorgeous rainy night. Grab your colors, keep your paper ready and join me in the next section. 6. Class Project : Rainy Night - Part 1: [MUSIC] I hope you guys have your colors, your brushes, and your paper ready. I have everything ready here, so I'm going to start by fixing my paper onto my table. I'm using a clear tape and I'm going to fix four sides of my paper. This one is a very normal clear tip I picked from a stationary store. I'm not really sure about the brand. You can use any masking tape or washi tape or clear tape that you normally use for your watercolor paintings. Just fix the four sides of your paper firmly onto a drawing board or onto your table. [MUSIC] My paper is all ready. Now I'm going to prepare the colors. The first step is to paint the background for which I'm going to use blue and black. The blue I'm using here is ultramarine blue. I had some blue paint on my brush, so just ignore that blue paint that came out of my white jar. Anyway, I'm just mixing some blue with white and I'm starting off with that blue on the top of my sky. We just need a flat wash here, a solid wash. You can use any of your flat brush and simply apply that onto your sky. Don't add a lot of water. Just in case if you feel like your paint is really dry, you can add a drop of water. Don't make it too loose and transparent. That's the color I'm using. I has said in the technique section, you can go with any other color that you prefer. Maybe you can use purple or violet or even a combination of gray and black. That's my sky. You can see it's a very simple solid wash. I have just added a bit of white with ultramarine blue so that it is really opaque. Now, just onto the top, I'm going to add a much more darker tone of blue so that we have a little of lighter tone towards the bottom and a darker tone on the top. Right now it was more like a flat wash, but I felt like it is nice to make that tone darker on the top. That's the sky. Now, I'm going to wash all the paint from my brush and I'm switching to black. I'm picking black with the same brush. This one is my angle shader brush. Now I'm simply applying that onto the background. I'm just trying to create a landscape in the background here. You can either go with the similar format or you want to add your landscape in a different way, that's also totally up to you. I'm just adding that. I just added a very irregular shape. On the top of your landscape, just add a simple irregular shape like this. Now fill up the bottom. Simply fill the entire area in black. We just fill that up. Now after we are done with this, we need to blur out the top part. We don't want a perfect shape, we want the top part to be really blurry so as to bring in that mood of a rain. For that, I'm going to clean my brush and I'm going to smudge this area using a wet brush. The step that we're going to do right now is a very simple step, which you don't need to put a lot of effort, you can just do that in a very careless way. But this step is really important to create that rainy mood in your painting, which will be the brush that you're using, clean it properly and use a damp brush and smudge the top part. The major idea here is we don't need a prominent outline for that landscape. If you're going with buildings or any other subject for your background, we don't need a clear prominent outline, we need a very weak background. I think it is better to switch to my hand brush. I'm just making it a bit damp by dipping in some water. Now using this brush, I'm just smudging that outer area. If needed, you can pick a little of paint and smudge it if you feel that is more better. Otherwise you can simply use a wet brush. By wet I mean it just should be damp, it shouldn't be too watery. If your brush is too watery, it will distort the background layer. Gently dip your brush in a little water and using that damp brush, just smudge that outer area. If there's a lot of water, be sure to damp your bush on a paper towel. As I said, if you feel it is good to go the little off paint, you can deep your brush in a little off paint. I'm picking a little of blue and I'm smudging that area. You can go with any method, we just need a blurry background. That's the only thing that matters. Keep running your brush in a circular way until you feel like you have got a blurry and a weak effect here. The outer shape of your landscape should be weak and blurry. Keep smudging the paint until you feel like you have got a blurry effect there. A damp brush is really helpful when you're smudging the paint. All you have to do it right away after you have applied paint onto your background without waiting for a lot of time. Your paint is still a little damp and the step will be really easy. If it does dry it out, there's nothing to worry, just go back with a damp brush and keep running your brush in a swirly circular way and keep smudging the paint. See that? I really like the way it has turned out. The only thing I'm not really happy with is this area. I think there's some paint missing here. I'm picking a little of black and I'm putting that back on the paper. I'm just adding some black over here. I'll be adding those lights somewhere here so I want the background to be a bit dark. I have a little more smudging task left and with that, I'll be done with the background. Maybe we can drop in some black on this corner [inaudible]. The center, we have a little lower area and on either side it's a bit higher. It's just to bring in some interest in our painting and doing this. Otherwise, you can just go with a flat line or anything that you prefer. As I said, all we need is a blurry background. It can be some buildings or any other subject. That's our background. Now we can leave this for drying. Let it dry completely. Gouache dries out very quickly, so you just need to wait for a minute or even less. I haven't washed my other brush, so I'll just make use of the time and I will wash this also properly. I'm very bad in keeping my brushes and my paint clean, so that is something you should not learn from me. When you're working with gouache or acrylic, you have to clean your brushes right away, otherwise, the paint that is left on the brushes can damage the bristles. Be sure to clean your brushes right away after use. Anyway, this has dried completely. Now we can go with our next step. Our next step is to add those blurry lights in the background. I'll be adding a couple of them. You can either go with the same arrangement or you can treat them in your own way. To add the lights, I'll be using some yellow. This one is golden yellow. You can use any yellow you have got. Then I will need some orange and also some red color. If you don't have orange, there is nothing to worry, you can just mix your yellow with red and create an orange color. Along with these, I'll also be using some white to add the lights. I'm picking some color onto my palette that is yellow, now some orange and a little of red. The colors are ready. Now we can start to add those lights. You can either go the same way how I'm adding the lights or you can add them how you want to. I'm starting over the yellow. First, I will add two headlights of a car. I'm not going to show the car as we have a very dark background. You can assume it is from a car or from a building or some other light source. I'm just adding two circles using yellow color. Just add that in wherever you want to. You can follow a similar size. Don't make it too big. That's the first step. Now, I'll randomly add two or three more yellow lights. I already have some paint on my brush, so I'm planning to add the next one here. Now maybe one more towards the bottom. As I said, you can go with any other arrangement. You can add your lights wherever you want to. You don't need to follow the same layout. Now I'm picking some orange. Again, I'm adding few more lights in a very random way. I decided to add that on the right side. That's my orange light. Maybe I can add one more. After orange, I have a larger light using red as well. My only suggestion is not to add too many lights. The painting that we're doing is pretty small. We just add few here and there. I just decided to add my next light over here. That's orange. Now I'm going to pick some red and have allowed two more lights using red as well. First-time adding that over here next to the orange light. Maybe another one also next to the orange here. I have added two lights using red as well. That was red. Now. I'm planning to add few lights using white as well. I'm going to clean my brush properly, then I will pick some white color. I already have a little paint on my palette. [NOISE] Let's pick some white color and add one light next to the yellow. Just type that small white circle. For now, you don't need to worry a lot. Just add that in. We can fix it later. That's the first white light. Now I'm adding another one. Maybe we can add that next to orange over here. Picking some white, making that circle prominent. That's how it has turned out. We have added enough of lights. Next, we need to make the outer shape blurry despite running a vibrational circular movement. That's our next task. This is not a complicated step. You need to clean your brush, any of your own brush. I'm using the same brush and I'm dipping my brush in a little water. We just need a damp brush for this technique. Just the same way how we tried that blurry background? I have cleaned my brush. It is just damp. Now I'm going to run that damp brush around the white circle first. Just gently run it around that circle and give it a blurry outline. Now we need to do the same thing for all the other circles. It became really dull. I'm picking some more paint and I'm adding that back in. Now that looks fine. Now in a similar way, we can make all the other circles blurry. We have one more white here. I will go with that next. After that, we can switch to the other colors. My brush is just damp and I ran my damp brush around that white circle to give it a blurry effect. I'm just dropping in some more paint here to make it more prominent. That looks perfect. Now in a similar way, next, I'm going with the yellow. My brush is already damp, and I'm picking a little of yellow as well. Just a teeny tiny bit. I drop some paint here. Again that is fixed. Now I'm running that damp brush around that yellow circle to give it a blurry outline. We try this in the technique section. It is exactly the same way I'm doing it. You can either go the damp brush or I can just pick colors of paint on your brush to make that process more easier. That is the yellow light. I have two more yellow. Once I'm done with this, I will go with him. Then I have two orange lights as well as to red lights. [MUSIC] This is how it has turned out. But in case if you like, the colors have become dull, you can pick some more paint and add that at the center. Right now I'm picking some yellow and I'm adding that to at the center of all these lights. This will make the lights a little more glowy and prominent. Same goes for the other ones as well. I'm picking some orange and I'm adding that to at the center. The blurry outline has to remain the theme. Just add the paint to at the center. Now some red paint. The white lights are looking okay, so I'm not going to touch it. Anyway, this is how it has turned out. Our next step is to add the reflection of the light, especially for these two at the center. To add [NOISE] the reflection, I'm starting with yellow. I have cleaned my brush properly and I'm picking some yellow. It shouldn't be too bright. If you feel like your paint is bright just dab it on a paper towel and add a curvy shape on the top like this. Simply add that curvy shape on the top using yellow. Do you see that? That's the first step. Now you just need to push your brush towards the bottom and add some paint like this. Just drag it down. There is nothing to worry. Just push the paint down and add some paint like this. We try the same thing in the technique section. I hope you guys were able to follow. [NOISE] That's the first step. Now I'm dipping my brush in some clean water and using a damp brush, I'm just merging that bottom part. I only want that strong and prominent yellow on the top. Towards the bottom, I want a blurry feel. Now I'm going to do the same thing for the other one as well. Starting with that curvy shape on the top and dragging the paint down. Now with a damp brush, I'm just matching the paint at the bottom to get a blurry feel. Then I'm adding some lines at the bottom, which is to even it out. That's the first step. Next, we are going to pick a little of orange, very little. Just pick a little using the tip of your brush and add that on the top. Don't add a lot, just a little on the top of that curvy shape. Do the same for the other one as well. See that? It doesn't need to be too prominent. We're just trying to create a glowy effect here. Just add a little along that curvy part. Now we can add in some more yellow. Yellow paint is not 100 percent okay. To get that bright color, we might need to apply a second layer. That's why I applied yellow again to make it more prominent. Now if you want to smudge the paint again, you can do that right now. Just use a damp brush. It shouldn't be too watery. Just slightly damp. Now using that damp brush, just match the color at the bottom. On the top, we want that prominent color. Towards the bottom we can just match it out. Now to make it more glowy, there is one last thing we have to do. For that, I'm picking a little of white. This has to be really opaque. Now using that, first you can add a tiny dot at the center of these two yellow circles. This will make it more glowy. Just pick some white using any of your medium or smaller size brush and add a white circle towards the center of the yellow light. Do that for both the lights. Now we need to do a similar thing for the reflection as well. Pick some paint, don't add a lot of water. Go with a slightly dry paint. Now, just add a line. Drag your brush from top to bottom and add a line at the center. Do it for both reflections. Now we just match it. [NOISE] Clean your brush and go with the damp brush. Now, just match it out. We're just trying to create that glow more prominent. We started with the yellow then we added a little of orange on the top. Then we added some white towards the center. That is how it has turned out. I'm really happy with the result. I hope you guys are happy too. [NOISE] [MUSIC] This is our base layer. Now we need to add all those raindrops on top of this. As I mentioned in the beginning, we don't need a perfect background. We need a blurry and weak background. That's the background. Now we can start adding the raindrops. [MUSIC] 7. Class Project : Rainy Night - Part 2: We have created a beautiful background. Now the only task and major task left is to add the raindrops. It's the same technique that we tried in the technique section. I'm starting off with the lighter blue. You can see the color I'm using. It's not an opaque paint, it's slightly watery. Now using that color, I'm going to add the basic shape of the raindrops. I will take out a bit of blue and a bit of black so that we can add those darker tones so that is blue. I will take out a bit of black as well. This way we have all the colors ready on our palette before we start. [NOISE] Now I'm switching back to that lighter blue. Maybe we can keep all these colors aside. We don't need them right now. We only needed some white, blue, and black. That is ready. Now using my size and the four brush, I'm picking some lighter blue. See that? That's the color I'm going to use for the raindrops. Now let's keep adding those basic shape of the raindrops. We already tried the same in the technique section. You can add them however want to. It doesn't need to be in a specific shape or size. Some other raindrops can be a little longer and some of them can have a rounded shape. Some of them can be a bit smaller, and some of them can be a bit bigger as well. Adding all kinds of different shapes and varieties, this will make our painting look more interesting and natural. See that? Once you have added the basic shape, you can add some more paint onto one of the side and make it a bit thicker. No matter what is the shape that you're adding, add some extra paint on one of the side like I'm doing right now, and make it thicker compared to the other side. On the other side, we'll be introducing some darker tone. Now I'm adding a smaller one. You can see how easily I'm adding them. There is nothing much complicated here. You can add them however you want to and also you can add them anywhere you feel like, you don't really need to follow the same location that I'm adding here. Just go ahead and add in as many raindrops that you want to add. If you have tried the technique section, you guys already know what is the next step. Onto the other side, we're going to add the darker tone. If you haven't watched the technique section, maybe I will quickly show you what is the next step. For that, we need a darker blue. I'm picking some black, adding that with blue to create a darker blue. Again, this paint also doesn't need to be 100% opaque. Now, I'm adding that paint onto the other side of this rain. On one side we have a lighter tone. Now similarly, I'm adding some darker tone on the other side. Just add that in. See that? Quickly fill up the other side of the raindrop in a darker tone. I wanted you guys to be really confident when you are attempting those raindrops. Because that is a major element of our painting. That's why I showed you this earlier in the technique section in a much more larger scale. Anyway, that's the second step. Now, just dip your brush in a little water and make it damp and match the paint where these two colors are meeting. See that? By just making it a bit softer. We don't want that rough patches. Using a damp brush, gently smudge the paint. See that? Now, I have only added a few raindrops, but we need to do the same exercise for all the raindrops that we're adding. Generally, dip your brush in a little water, then dab it on a paper towel just to be sure it is not too watery. Using a damp brush, gently smudge the paint to give it a more softer look. That part is done. Next, we need to add more details on to this to give it a more finished and a realistic feel. But I think before that we can add the rest of the drops. Maybe for this one, I will add a little more lighter tone towards the bottom. That is done. Now, I'm going to add the remaining raindrops on the lighter side, which is the blue background. Once we are done adding the raindrops on the sky, which is the blue part. We can add them on the black side. Right now, I'm going to quickly add some random shapes. For now, I'm just adding an outline. I just want to get an idea of how I want to add the raindrops. For now, I will just add an outline. Then later, once I'm done with this, I will go back and add some more paint onto one of the side. As I said earlier, go with a variety of shapes and sizes. Don't make all of them look the same. You can see the ones I'm adding right now, they are quite small. It is the varying shapes and sizes that makes your painting look more realistic and beautiful. That's how it has turned out. I think I will add some more on the left side. Then I think we can start adding the deeper tones, the ones I added right now, they're quite small. I'm not going to put a lot of effort. The other ones I added earlier, they're quite big, so for that, I took a bit of effort. The ones that I added right now, they are very small compared to the first ones. We can try to go with the darker tone. I'm picking some black, adding a little of blue to create a darker blue. I'm going to add that on the other side. Then gradually we have to blend the colors. I mean, to match the colors. It doesn't need to be a proper or a clean blend. See that? I think I'll just add some darker tone. Only for the bigger ones I'll smudge it. For the smaller ones, I'll just leave it as it is. To smudge the color, go with a damp brush and gently run your brush where these two colors are meeting. We just want to get a softer look. It doesn't need to be a clean blend. Now let's keep adding those deeper tone for the smaller ones. Now for this one, this one is a bit big, so maybe we can add a little lighter tone at the bottom and smudge it. That's a big slayer of our raindrop. We have to do the same for all the other ones we have added here. We have only added outline. Once we are done with this, we can come back and add the highlights, which is what makes our raindrops look more realistic. I'm going to quickly repeat the same step for all the raindrops I have added here. You guys also go ahead and do the same step. [MUSIC] Alright, so this is how it has turned out. I'm very happy with it. I haven't had a lot of raindrops. It looks quite nicely composed. Now I'm planning to add the remaining raindrops on the black background before I add the highlights. First, I will add a quick outline using a darker tone of blue. I already have some blue here. I'm mixing a little of black. Now using this color, I will just indicate the rough shape. Then we can add the deeper tones and the lighter tones. You can add in as many as you want or as little as you want. You can add them wherever you want to, feel free to compose your painting in your own way. That's the color I'm using. Now using this color, I'm going to add the rough shape. I think we can add that thickness on one side along with this, so while you're adding the outline, add a thickness as well. This way we don't need to come back. Anyway, I'm not planning to add a lot of raindrops over here. I wanted more of them on the sky. Over here I will just add few here and there. Also just like I said earlier, go with different shapes and sizes. Some of them can be a bit rounded shapes, some of them can be a little longer. Then we can have few smaller ones and some bigger ones. Adding in a very random way, I don't want to make it too busy so I'm not adding a lot. I will just add few smaller ones and with that, I'll be done. Adding these raindrops is a very fun and exciting task, but it is also time-consuming. That's the reason why I told you at the beginning, it is better to go with the smaller size, especially considering this is your first rain painting. Once you get the hang of the technique, you can compose your painting on a bigger scale. You can work on a complex background and add more details to make it more interesting. Right now I have just added a few tiny raindrops. I'm just adding a tiny dot, see that? Maybe we can add few more and after that, we can start adding the deeper tones. That looks fine for me. But if you want to add more raindrops, it is totally your choice. You can go ahead and add some bigger ones or smaller ones. Now to add the deeper tones, I'm going to pick a little of black and onto the other side of the raindrop, I'm adding some black color. See that? Your background and the color that you're adding will be more or less the same. But just don't worry about that, add that in. It might not be completely visible, but just don't worry about it. Keep adding dive deeper tones. When we add the highlights, it will all make sense. Once you have added the deeper tone, just like we did earlier, we can blend the paint, only for the bigger ones. For the smaller ones, just add that black paint and just leave it as it is. There is no need to put a lot of effort. We have few more bigger ones on the top. There is another one here. The rest are all smaller. There is one more here. I have added the deeper tones. This is how it is looking right now. You can see how dull and flat the raindrops are looking right now. But that is part of the process. But now comes the fun part where we are going to use black color to define the shape of the raindrops. After that, there is one more task left, which is adding the highlight using white. Those are the two things left, which is going to make a huge impact on these raindrops. To do that, I'm switching to my detailing brush and I'm picking a little black. For this step, you will need a brush that has got a pointed tip. Go with any of your smaller brush or any brush that has got a pointed tip. Now using that opaque black paint, add a darker tone on the darker side. On the raindrop, we have a lighter side and a darker side. The black needs to be applied on the darker side. Just envelope that shape. Do the same for the other raindrops as well. Now I'm going to pick my other brush, it is just damp. Now using that brush, I'm just matching the paint. This needs to be done only for the bigger drops. These ones are quite prominent, they are quite big. For the smaller ones you don't need to smudge it, you can simply apply the paint and leave it just as it is. I have another one here for that also, I'm doing the same step. First, I'm adding some black. There is one more bigger drop here. For all the bigger ones, first I'm adding that black color on the top side or the bottom side there, where you have applied your darker tones. Then using another brush, I'm just matching the paint. I have few more bigger ones, so I will apply black onto all of them then I can smudge it together. It's just a matter of adding that taco tone to define the shape of the raindrop. It's again a simple step. Go one by one. Don't miss any raindrop. This one is going to make an impact on your painting. It will really stand out when you add that deeper tone. If you don't add the deeper tones, the raindrops will look quite flat and lifeless. To make it look realistic and prominent, you need to add these taco tone. Now switch back to another brush and smudge the paint. That's that. I have finished adding darker tone onto the bigger raindrops. Now I have quite a lot of smaller ones left. For those ones as well, I'm adding a deeper tone. I'm just adding that taco tone onto the area that I have applied that taco tone to our view. I'm just adding a line, a slightly thick line. But for these ones I'm not smudging it. I'm just adding that paint and that's it. No more extra effort because these ones are quite tiny. The other ones we did earlier were quite prominent. They were bigger in size. Pick all the smaller ones and just add a black line along the shape of the raindrop. There you have the deeper tones. Only for the bigger ones, you can put some extra effort and smudge the paint. I have few more left at the bottom. For those ones as well, I'm adding a deeper tone. You can see as we have a darker tone in the background, it might not be really visible, but still just add them in. Just take a quick look. Maybe you might have missed one or two. I think I have covered all of it. That part is done. We have added the deeper tones and all the raindrops are looking more prominent right now. They have a much more definite shape. Now the last step is to add the white highlights. [NOISE] Clean your brush thoroughly and pick some clean white on your brush. It has to be opaque. Don't add any water. This has to be really prominent, so we need an opaque paint. Also go with any of your smaller size brush. The paint is ready. Now you see this opaque white paint, I'm going to add the highlights. That is going to make all the difference in this painting. Just watch out. If you have watched the technique section, you might already know the impact they're going to make. Anyway, let's give it a try. I'm starting with this one and I'm adding a line along the darker side. It is just a line along the sheet. Now a dot, maybe on the smaller line along the shape at the bottom. You can already see a difference here compared to the other raindrops. This one is looking more prominent. Now let's do the same thing. I'll go with this one. Adding a curvy line along the shape. Now a small dot. Now on the line. Now let's add another line along the top. I'm adding another curvy line. See that. You can see how gorgeous they are looking right now. In a similar way, we need to add highlights for all the raindrops we have here. Just follow the shape and add a small curvy line. Along with that, add a dot as well. See that. You can see how beautiful they are looking. They are standing out from that background compared to the others. The others are looking quite lifeless and flat. Now for the smaller ones, you don't need to put a lot of effort. You just need to add one or two dots or a smaller line because they are super tiny. See that. Just a curvy line or a dot is all we need for the smaller ones. See that. Once you do one or two raindrops, you will get the hang of it. You will really understand how to approach it. It isn't that difficult. It is really easy. Take a step back, get up from your seat, and have a look at your painting, then you will really see those beautiful raindrops floating on your painting. I hope the idea is clear. We have quite a lot of them to cover. I'm going to quickly finish thing. The only major thing you need to watch out is the thickness of the line. Don't make it too thick. You can see the thickness of the line I have added here, it is quite thin. That's the reason why I told you to go with the detailing brush or a brush that has got a pointed tip. Especially with the smaller ones, it is really important not to make those lines really prominent. We just need a thin line with an opaque white paint. It's a combination of a line and a dot. You can add it however you want to. Also don't add it along the entire shape. We need a broken line. See that. You can see the way how I have split the line, add it in a similar way. Don't go for a continuous line. I really hope you guys are getting a hang of it. If you want to try it on a scrap piece of paper, go ahead and try it out and come back and add them on your main painting. It is really easy. It is just that you just need to get a hang of it. Once you try one or two raindrops, you will understand how easy it is. Don't be scared at all. Just give it a try. Even if you make any mistake, you can apply the color on top of it again and you can fix it easily. There is totally nothing to worry here. You can see that curvy line and another small curvy line because this one was a big raindrop. Now we have few more left. For those ones as well I'm doing the same stuff, a curvy line and another line. Now, another tiny line at the bottom along the side. You can see how I have split the lines. It's not a continuous line. Do it in a similar way. Now we have few more bigger ones left. Let me finish those then we can go to smaller ones. Technically you just need to learn to paint one raindrop. That is all you need to create standing rainy paintings. You can just change the background. You can go with different backgrounds and add some raindrops on top of it. See that raindrop. Gorgeous, right? If you have the patience, you can add in more raindrops. You can start with a basic shape, with that lighter blue then add some deeper tones. Then the black, you can define the shape. Then finally you can add these highlights. There are some space left on the corners. I like this arrangement so I'm not going to add in anymore. I'm pretty happy with it. But if you want to make your painting super rainy, you can add more raindrops wherever you feel like there's some empty space. You can see for the smaller raindrops, I'm just adding one line or a dot. That's it. Not more than that. There is no need to put a lot of effort for the smaller ones. But for the bigger ones, yes, you need to be careful. You need to smudge the paint and add those highlights in a little more careful way because those are the ones that are really prominent. But for the smaller one, you just need to add a line or a dot. Just add it along the shape of the raindrop. Now I have some more left to the bottom. For those ones as well, I'm repeating the same steps. [MUSIC] No matter whether you're adding the raindrops on a darker background or lighter background, adding the highlight is in a similar way. For these ones as well, I'm adding a line and a dot. See that. Just add it along the shape of the raindrop. For the smaller ones, you just need to add a dot like the ones we did earlier. I have few more left, very few. That will be done with our painting. There is one here and there are few tiny ones. I think there's a lot of space left at the bottom, but I think I will just keep it as it is. But if you guys want to add more rain, just go ahead and add them in and you can make it super rainy. That is our rainy night. I'm just adding few dots here and there to make it a bit more interesting. I will just add few more dots at the bottom part because over here I feel like we don't have enough of raindrops. I'm just adding few more dots and with that, I'll be done with the painting. Actually, before we wrap it up, there is one more thing that we can do. For that, I'm picking some more white paint using the same brush. I'm going to add a tiny dot right at the center of these lines to make it a bit more glowy. [NOISE] There we have our rainy night painting. I hope you all enjoyed this process and you liked your rainy painting. Now it's time to peel off the masking tape and have a look at our beautiful rainy painting. I cannot tell you how much I love these raindrops. To me, they're looking very realistic. I think it was easy. I just want you guys to try it out if you haven't tried it and you are going to love this painting. Anyways, now it's time to peel off the masking tape so that we can have a closer look at the painting. [MUSIC] Here is our gorgeous rainy night. Look at that details. Beautiful, right? [MUSIC] 8. Thank you for joining: [MUSIC] We made it to the end. Thank you so much for joining. I hope you all had a great time painting with me. Rain is a beautiful subject which you can explore with gouache in a very interesting way. We already tried some incredible techniques. Just by changing the background, maybe you can go for a building or a road with some cars, or maybe some other landscape or anything that you want to try in your background. Then add some raindrops on top of it and create some styling rainy paintings. If you have tried the rainy painting I taught in this class, I would love to see that. Please upload them to the class project gallery. If you like the class, don't forget to leave a review, it will help my class raise to a wider audience. If you're ready to try the class project, just give it a try, and I'm very sure you will enjoy painting this beautiful rainy night. Thanks again for joining and happy painting.