Music Production Bootcamp For Beginners - Module 6: Bouncing Down Your Music | Joseph Evans | Skillshare

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Music Production Bootcamp For Beginners - Module 6: Bouncing Down Your Music

teacher avatar Joseph Evans, Make Better Music Now: Follow Me

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to Mod 6


    • 2.

      How to create your own beat tag (Part 1)


    • 3.

      How to create your own beat tag (Part 2)


    • 4.

      Audio Quality Settings


    • 5.

      Thank You!


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About This Class

Welcome to Module 3 - Building The Beat

This module will cover:

  • Which audio settings to use 
  • How to bounce down your track

Enroll in all 6 Modules:

1. Build Your Own Studio

2. Music Production Fundamentals

3. Build The Beat

4. Arranging The Beat (Song Format)

5. Mixing The Beat

6. Bounce Down Your Music

Start making professional beats & instrumentals in any DAW using these music production fundamentals and techniques!


If you are looking to create quality beats & instrumentals that will attract serious artists, get placements in TV/Film, and gain you respect from peers in the music industry, then learning the fundamentals of music production is the first place to start. Just like in the game of basketball learning and applying fundamentals wins games, and in music gets you better opportunities.

Make beats the way you imagine them!

Practice your beat making skills while you learn! This course includes downloadable resources and practice video files so you can Learn while doing each production technique or principle!

By the end of this course you will have created an itemized budget for your dream studio and a professional hip hop beat from start to finish.

I will be using GarageBand to teach the course. But, the principles and production techniques you will learn are universal, so they can be applied to any daw.

What Qualifies Me to Teach You?

My name is Joseph Evans and I have been producing music for over 10 years. Plus I'm the creator of some of the world's best music related video courses online - with over 14,000 students and hundreds of 5 star reviews.

My promise to you

I am a full time music producer and online instructor.  I'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, feel free to post a question in the course or send me a direct message.

What Is This Music Production Bootcamp Course All About?

In this complete beginners guide to producing professional beats and instrumentals, you'll not only learn several proven production techniques and principles to improve your sound, but also how to use them in real life with the mindset of a music producer.

Learn from someone who is currently working in the music industry, and has a Recording Arts Degree from one of the top entertainment schools in the nation.

BONUS: As a bonus, you'll receive supplemental audio clips to practice with while I teach you.

By the end of this course you will gain elevated confidence as a music producer; And thoroughly understand how to make professional beats and instrumentals for fun or business.

So click the enroll button now and I will see you inside! 


Joseph Evans

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Joseph Evans

Make Better Music Now: Follow Me



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Welcome to my SkillShare course page.

If you are new to Music Production... then this is the perfect place to start!!


I have taught over 20,000 producers and hobbyist around the world in over 100 countries how to: 

Get started making beats Produce music in Logic Pro X and GarageBand Understand Music Theory & Drum Programming Copyright and license your music And more....

All of my courses are designed to help BEGINNERS quickly and effectively learn music production.

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Image what you will now be able to do after improving your music production skills and learning how to operate and make beats in GarageBand and Logic Pro X!!

- Produce P... See full profile

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1. Intro to Mod 6: be making basis. Welcome to this. Final module module six of the music production Boot camp Siris for beginners. My name is Joseph Evans. And in this module, what we're going to cover is audio settings and how to bounce down your music. This is the final step in the production process where you're going to actually have a finished track after completing this lecture lecture series or if you have it. Okay. So without further ado, go ahead in a row in the course. I want to see you in there. And if you have it already, go ahead and roll in all of the modules. If you just check this one out of whatever, okay? 2. How to create your own beat tag (Part 1): be making basis. All right, So what's going on Your in this lecture? What we're gonna cover is how to make your own beat tank. Now, I'm gonna be using GarageBand, but you can do this. Using any doll is a universal principle that I'm gonna teach you when it comes to making your own beat be tag. So let's talk about a little bit. What is a beat tag? Okay, for those who don't know, a B tag is a way to brand your beats or instrumentals. Okay, You usually will hear it right before the beat comes on or write directly right after the B comes on. And it's a catchy phrase or your producer name or a production company name, and it has effects. Or sometimes I even have sounds or music behind it, okay? And I'm gonna show you how to do you make your own be tagging here is actually very simple , but to take does take a little bit of, you know, creativity. So let's go ahead and jump into it. First thing you want to do is create an audio track in garage band. You could just go over here to the plus sign or you can click on track and do it like that . But you want to create an audio track, So we're clicked the little microphone. All right, I'm recording out of input once I'll click there to keep that dare. You could see my have my, um my digital audio interface year, Scarlett. Okay, um, if you want to hear your instrument, you play or record you click that. I don't need to necessarily need to do that, because I'm doing it while I'm doing this course. So I will click, create, and then we have that they're going right here. So as you can see, you see my voice, you know, coming in and do the signal, all right? Or the signal of my voice coming in. All right, so let's just say that the production company is lava beats. Okay, so we're just gonna make up. Ah, you know, an imaginary production company. Lava beats. So what you do is record Love of beats, love of beats, love of beats, love a beats. Okay. You saw how I just did four different takes. What you would do is and go back to and listen and see which take you like the best love of beats. Love of beats love a beats. So let's say we want to go with that. Take. All right. What you would do is go over and trim the audio. Okay? You could do that. Do your editing features. Just come over to edit, and you could say split reasons at play head. Okay. And then crystal eat, then come to the beginning of that particular, um, you know, audio sample, or did you just created and split the reason there, Move that to the beginning of the track and you played it just to make sure everything sounds right. Lava beats. All right, so we have our be tag now, usually, what you want to do is start adding some effects to it. All right, um, again, Garage band. You know, the affects are listed right here. So what I'm gonna do is just give me a second. Pull this up, Click on his low. I all right. Plug ins. All right. So the first plug in I want to put on this is a plug in for my vocals. So you could basically play around with the different presets and make adjustments. If you want. I'm going to go with, say, vocal compressor one. Let's check that out. Love of beats. Now, as you can see, it was peaking right there. You don't ever want it to peak, so well, we can also do is add a limiter. And we could just control with the output levels gonna be and everything like that. Let's check this out. Love a beats, love of beats. All right, so now we haven't sounded a little bit more full usually. What? I also add onto it, and you could e que it if you want to as well. Um, I usually add a delay effect onto it. So used to come over here, you can pick some presets. Priest presets. I used to keep it simple and do a cart PSINet pan or a dot it Pam. Basic. Okay. And where is going to be? What controls the actual effect dries What controls actual signal of a dry other original audio foul. So I use the term is wet down again. This is going to be universal in any doll. Just might look a little different, but it's same thing, so just check it out now, love a beat. All right, let's check it out one more time. Love a beat. All right, 3. How to create your own beat tag (Part 2): be making basis. And basically, what you're gonna do is keep on adding different effects if you want to. Um, there's other things you could do like you could mess around with. Let's say C pitch have, ah, vocal transformer. You could make a sound even like something crazy work voice. Let's do like a, you know, a plasma tunnel alien. Let's put that on there. You know, that doesn't really sound right, but, you know, you get what I'm saying. You want to play around with this, do this disguise one. That sounds kind of cool. So you could keep that. You just basically playing around with this until you get something that you'd like. I used to put like a little flans on there. Yeah, and see that will go before you all your beats. If your production companies called lava, be so you're you're as a producer. Your called lava beats. So when it says mix up here, you know, saying has turned that down. You're gonna just how much you actually get? Check this out. Yeah, Okay. And so that's basically get the picture on that. Now, if you wanted to I don't know if you'll listen to a lot of trap music, or I know you heard of Metro Boom, and they got the, you know, top single. He had a several hit singles out there, but yes, the future says Metro Buhman wants the mud. I think you know what he says, but, um, or is 80 V and even has some type of little piano riff. OK, so you could also do something like that. So what we do is go to this instrument track. If you already have one. Created this. Go to your instrument track and you can pick out a particular sound. Okay, so you can come over here. Let's say we get some type of civil defense synthesizer sound. Um, let's go with this idiom cores, and I'm gonna go with, say, and these dark hordes, it could be something as simple as that. See here. So we're gonna have the core come in and in love A beats? Yeah, something real simple, real basic. You can actually double that if you wanted to. Maybe add another sound is Well, if you want to make it a little bit more interesting, let's go with something basic. See, that's out a little bit cooler. Right? So, essentially, now we have this professional. Um, I'm gonna take some of this. Some of these facts off of here, actually. Kind of don't like that Flander on a leave it a little bit more basic. Yeah, And there you have it. That that's your that is your beat tag on. The last thing you're going to need to do is go ahead and export the FAO. Or was this a bounce? It and I usually take this guy right here to the very end of this, and I see here. Yeah. Okay, cool. So now what we're gonna do is go ahead and share it and export, it's a disk. I always put everything on my desktop. If you want, you can put it is a high quality wave or a i f f foul. But MP three is justice. Fine. So I'm gonna say lava beats tag. Okay. It was an ER. Boom is right there, and you're going to see how messy my desktop is. Uh, sorry. I need to clean them mug up, but it's right here. So basically, push this. My iTunes gonna pop up. It's going played his love of beach tag. Voila! All right, so thank you for watching. That's basic tutorial on how to create your own be tag. Used that with your beats and you're gonna have your beats branded so that, you know, ultimately people can't still in they'll Noah's you okay? 4. Audio Quality Settings: be making basis. All right, so in this lecture, where we're going to talk about is audio formats. This is important to know I'm not really gonna cover just the basics, but it's important to notice, so that when you bounce down our exports or track, it's going to sound at the best quality. And the people who are going to be consuming your music are gonna be able to easily do that at the best quality. All right, so they're two different types of foul major fouls. Okay, You have MP threes and you got way vows. Um, I'm using GarageBand throughout this course. And so how you would do this is you would go to share and export saw on the disk. And this is pretty much the same type of situation that you're gonna have in, um, any doll you're gonna be, buddy. Either exporter of bounced down your track and get some absence here. Now, let's go ahead and deal with this. I'm as you know, MP threes are like a smaller foul, and it still has a pretty good quality, but it's not as good as a way found, which is a larger founding. Basically there's different types of MP three Earth, you know, quality settings. So you might be asking. Okay, well, which setting? Should I yet or what? Seven. So I use now, I would always recommend is going with this high quality setting the 1 92 kill obits. The reason why is because the foul size is get enough quality for basic consumption, but it's not too big of us of a foul. So, for instance, yes, you can get more higher quality by going up to the 2 56 kilobytes. But most players, most MP three players and online services, etcetera, etcetera, is this. This foul size is going to be a little bit too large for that. And so the reason why we even have this larger foul size is more so on a creative level. So, for instance, say, if you're working with another person on your music and you want to maybe get them to boost the frequencies or edit certain things, and you will sit him over this higher quality foul and then when they bounce it down, you'll keep all of all of the data and tech intact is really the same thing with your way Fouls. Now, let me give you a secret here When it comes to, you know, apple computers, the A i f f foul is the same as away foul. Okay, is the same as a way found. Don't don't get it. Twisted is basically just another name for away foul. But this is the founder Apple uses, So you can use the A i f f foul on a PC or on a Mac, just like you can use away foul on PC or Mac s so it works the same. Okay, now, just like what I was sharing before with the MP three foul. You want to go ahead and go with a 16 bit? This is seed equality. And the reason why is because the foul sizes it's not gonna be too big for basic consumption. Meaning, like the average consumer is not gonna You know, we'll be able to use this foul size, but when you go over there to 24 bit is gonna be too big for basic of safe assumption even know it's a better quality. Okay, so you're gonna use the 24 bit if again, if you're working with another artist's producer or mixing engineer. Okay. And these, like Francis after you makes your track, say you might What, you're gonna send a mixing or mastering Engineer away, found you're not going to send him to 16 bit. Okay. Could ask for basic consumption. Going to sit on the 24 bit to get all of your data intact in the particular track. Okay, so I really wanted to talk about that. You could see un compressed here again and you see compressed, which is the MP three fat. Let's talk about that for a second when it says un compress. Basically your fouls made up of data, OK, and this is something that they call a Kodak. Now I don't want to go over your head or whatever, but basically, when it's un compress that miss means that you have all the data that's in your particular foul. It's all in there. But with the MP three is compressed and is basically diminishes the quality a little bit, but it's still good enough quality, you know, to be consumed on a you know, overall scale. Okay, but that's desk foul sizes and Essam all everything you need to know about fouls for the most part. Go within 1 92 killer bits for the MP three fouls and for away foul or for a a i f f foul go with a 16 bit for basic consumption. Okay, so basically, if you're gonna get this, I'll put this on the CD, go with 16 bit. Um, Now, if you're gonna work with somebody and you know you want to get it due to foul master, go with the 24 bit same thing with the MP three. Go toe to 56 k kill a bit. All right? And that's basically it. What, you're gonna do it? Of course you would name this track. You're gonna pick a place to put it. Always put my fouls on the desktop because it's easy to find them. And you could just to keep it as it is or not. Name it. Whatever you want to name it. But that's pretty much it. Thank you for watching 5. Thank You!: be making basis Now, you should be able to have a finished track that you can get out to artists or you can, you know, submit to TV and film opportunities or whatever you're trying to go or where your lane is. So I mean, thank you for watching man, and I want to hear your track. Go ahead and finish the project and posted in the course. I want to hear it. And all the other students do, too. So thanks again peace.