MuseScore: Mastering Music Notation Free Software | J. Anthony Allen | Skillshare

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MuseScore: Mastering Music Notation Free Software

teacher avatar J. Anthony Allen, Music Producer, Composer, PhD, Professor

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Welcome & Overview


    • 2.

      What is MuseScore?


    • 3.

      About MuseScore


    • 4.

      Version Information


    • 5.

      Installation And Setup


    • 6.

      Playback Tips


    • 7.

      The Start Center


    • 8.

      Creating A New Score


    • 9.

      Adding Brackets


    • 10.

      Assigning Playback Instruments


    • 11.

      Downloading From The MuseScore Community


    • 12.

      The MuseScore Interface


    • 13.

      Toolbar Options


    • 14.

      Note Entry Tools


    • 15.

      The Pallets


    • 16.

      16 TheInspector


    • 17.

      Other Interface Elements


    • 18.

      Types Of Note Input


    • 19.

      Mouse Input


    • 20.

      Key Pad Input


    • 21.

      MIDI Keyboard Input


    • 22.

      My Working Method


    • 23.

      Editing Notes


    • 24.

      Text Types


    • 25.



    • 26.

      Other Text Types


    • 27.

      Chord Symbols


    • 28.



    • 29.

      Drum Set Notation


    • 30.

      Repeats And Endings


    • 31.



    • 32.



    • 33.



    • 34.



    • 35.

      Making Parts


    • 36.

      What Next?


    • 37.



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About This Class

MuseScore is a music notation program that is powerful, open-source, completely free and runs on Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems.

In this course, I'll show you all of the ins-and-outs of using MuseScore for your own projects. I'll show you some of my own workflow techniques, as well as how other people do things. This is a fantastic program for learning to write music in any style, or just to help you learn the basics of music notation.

I've been working with MuseScore for a number of years now. I've worked with major American orchestras, film studios, and video game designers, so I've got more than a little experience in professional music notation. I'm also a Ph.D. in music composition and a university professor (of music composition). 

Recently I was named as a semi-finalist for the Grammy Foundation's Music Educator of the Year award because of my in-person university classes. Now I'm taking those classes to Skillshare in an online format in order to reach more students and give them the joy of Music Theory.

In this course we will cover:

  • The history of MuseScore
  • How to get involved in the MuseScore Community
  • Installation and Setup
  • The Start Center
  • Creating a new score
  • Assigning playback instruments 
  • The MuseScore interface
  • Toolbars
  • Pallets
  • Inspector
  • 3 methods of note input
  • Using a MIDI keyboard with MuseScore
  • Adding lyrics
  • Adding text
  • Guitar tablature
  • Drum set notation
  • Repeats and Endings
  • Dynamics
  • Articulations
  • Playing your score back
  • Making parts
  • And much, much, more! 

And of course, once you sign up for this class, all my other classes are yours at steep discounts! Over half off for all future sections!

You will not have another opportunity to learn MuseScore in a more comprehensive way than this. Start here.

Dr. Jason Allen is an Ableton Certified Trainer and a Ph.D. in Music Composition and master of Electronic Sounds. His music has been heard internationally in film, radio, video games, and industrial sound, as well as the concert hall and theater. His 2015 album, Aniscorcia, reaching the CMJ Top200 Charts and radio broadcasts nationwide. In 2014 he was named a semi-finalist for the Grammy Music Educator Award.

He currently is a professor at Augsburg University and the CEO of Slam Academy in Minneapolis.

Praise for classes by Dr. Jason Allen:

  • "Without a doubt the best explanation and east of use that one can get. It leaves you enough room to go explore. The classes go by quickly, so you can be on your way to being proficient. What are you waiting for!"

  • "Amazing - Seriously Loved It! I took all his courses and have to say I'm so happy! Learned loads! Jason is an awesome teacher!"

  • "I have never had any formal training in music at all. Trying to learn all the notes and how everything translated was a serious challenge. After going through this class, Dr. J has totally brought down the barriers. The content was very useful and was easy to grasp for me."

  • "I like these courses because you can get up and running quickly without having to spend hours of time wading through TMI (too much information!). Jason hits the high points but shows you what you need to know. Thanks!"

  • "I've watched many other videos on scales and chords before, however, this one has been the best. I now understand minor scales and chords and even how to analyze songs. It really gave me the confidence to start producing music because I feel like I have some structure and guidelines to follow. AWESOME!"

  • "Clear and Informative - Jason has a clear uncluttered style (with the important dashes of humor) of presentation that is focused on the important key aspects of this course. Recommended for those starting out!"

  • "Dr. Allen does it again with his music theory series. This course really opened up everything I learned from the 1st section, and now I understand more about the composition side of things for music. I highly highly recommend this course to anyone!!! Really opened my eyes to many things I wasn't aware of."

  • "The Best Teacher Ever, who makes you understand the ins & outs of Music Theory by all means without giving what you don't want to know."

Meet Your Teacher

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J. Anthony Allen

Music Producer, Composer, PhD, Professor


Dr. J. Anthony Allen is a distinguished composer, producer, educator, and innovator whose multifaceted career spans various musical disciplines. Born in Michigan and based in Minneapolis, Dr. Allen has composed orchestral works, produced acclaimed dance music, and through his entrepreneurship projects, he has educated over a million students worldwide in music theory and electronic music production.

Dr. Allen's musical influence is global, with compositions performed across Europe, North America, and Asia. His versatility is evident in works ranging from Minnesota Orchestra performances to Netflix soundtracks. Beyond creation, Dr. Allen is committed to revolutionizing music education for the 21st century. In 2011, he founded Slam Academy, an electronic music school aimed... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. Welcome & Overview: everyone, welcome to my new score class in this class, we're gonna be covering a lot of stuff on how to use the new score program. If you're not familiar with new score, you score is a free program. It's totally open source. You can download it at mu score dot board. We're gonna talk about how to set up this program to input your own musical scores so we'll start with starting from scratch and building a score in New score is using the word score a lot. But that's just kind of the nature of the game, because that's what this program does. So we're going to set up a score we're going to talk about in putting notes. And then we're gonna talk about how to input text and lyrics and chord symbols and all that stuff, and we'll talk about doing tablature in new score, which is really cool. You can enter notes either as the numbers and tablature. If you need to do that or as the notes and they'll both update, it's really slipped. We'll do drum notation like for a drum set. We'll talk about all the other articulations and things that we need to put into a score and then how to make parts from that score if we need to do it will also be talking about in this class of the playback of the score. So one of the biggest advantages of using a program to write music in is that it will play back for us right away so we can play back just as piano if we want, or anything up to a full orchestra so you can enter a full orchestra piece in here and write it and listen to it as you go. So we'll be talking about how to tweak some of those playback settings, and I'll even give you a few tips on how to make it sound really good by exporting and importing to some other programs. So it's gonna be really fun class. I hope you join us. Let's take a quick little preview of the course in the next couple of seconds, and I will see you on the inside. We have rests so we can say eighth note rest, and that's gonna have us enter an eighth note. Rest Okay, so we'll talk more about that as it comes in Ah, we have ties and then accidental. Double, sharp, sharp. Natural flat doesn't tell you how I actually work. Eso We've seen the various ways of in putting notes. Right? And this is where a lot of the tedious nature of putting in a score into a notation program lives right. Um, it's putting notes in, and you're gonna have to do this over and over and over, and it's going take a long time. So when I'm working by making those linked, what's happening is that when I put notes on to one of them, it automatically is figuring out the other one. Right. So here it's figuring out the tablature. Now, that might not be what you want. Um, you might want to enter the tablature on your own and have it figure out the notes. You totally do that. So to enter the notes, we just entered the notes like normal, and it figures out the tablature as long as we've set it up as a linked staff to enter the tablature. We go into note entry mode here, and I let it go and I get this mess, but I contract it out to its destination and that tells the performer to play it a little more connected all the way through. I can also do weirder things like connected all the way out to here, connected all the way here, in which case it's Theo. 2. What is MuseScore?: Okay, so let's dive in by talking about what actually is muse score. Now, perhaps you've come to this course because you've been in a bunch of my theory classes, and I've talked about this, and you probably already comfortable with it. But if you're looking for traditional audio software, this might not be what you're looking for. What muse score is is a notation system. Okay, so it's notation software we've had. Ah, for I don't know. Well, as long as I've been doing music, So, um, on computers. So 20 some years we've had software that we use to put in music notation in order to print out nice scores that we can give to performers. Right. So I might write this a piano piece like this one I have here by Prokofiev, and I might write it out by hand, but I don't want to give my hand written sloppy Ah, notation to a performer. Right? So I'm gonna put it into the computer, just like, um, I would type up a letter to look nice. Ah, instead of giving someone a hand written letter, right, it's the exact same thing. So we're gonna make it look nice so that we can print it out and give it to a performer. And then they can read it and play it. Um, and it's very clear and easy to read. Programs like this have existed for a long time. The oldest one as far as I know, um, is called Score. And it's, um, a lot of professional publishers have used it for a long time, and some still do. It's really hard to use those, so it's, um, not exactly user friendly, but ah, in the last I don't know, 15 years or so there have been kind of two on the market. Ah, that you could buy One was called Finale and one was called Sebelius. They were both rather expensive and rather tricky to use. And recently, a couple of years ago, Sibelius was acquired by another company and then, uh, kind of killed off. So you can still buy Sebelius, but it's not being developed anymore. It's gone. There's a new one in its place called Dori Co. Just put out by Steinberg now all So basically your options air finale or Doric. Oh, those are both good programs there. Great programs, actually, Um However, there's some things that sets Muse score apart from those the main one being that Muse score is not super expensive. It's actually totally free. This is the Onley music notation software that's free, um, that I'm aware of. I have used Finale Forever, and I only started using you score seriously a couple years ago because I had some students coming in with new score files that looked really professional. And I was like, Wow, I I could hand this out to an orchestra, which you wouldn't expect from open source free software. Um, so it's gotten really good. It's gotten really powerful, and it's really impressive. So, um, I think it can compete easily with Finale ord Orrico. But, um, remember the goal of these programs, this program. Let's talk about this program. Um, the goal of this program is to display notated music correctly. Okay, The second dairy element that these programs do is play it back for us, right? So I can listen to whatever it right, and that's neat and just clarify. I didn't write that. This is Prokofiev, but, um, I can listen to it, and that's neat. But if you're relying on these programs to playback perfectly and make it sound human and awesome. And like it's a real orchestra or pianist or whatever, you're going to be very often disappointed. Remember that that's not their primary function. That's kind of a secondary thing that they can do. So if you want really amazing playback, you can actually get one of these files. You can make a file in music or and then get it into one of our professional audio sequencing programs. Um, there's a way to do that. We'll talk about how to do that later. Um, but the primary goal of these programs is to make professional looking notated music kept sheet music. This is for making This is a word processor for sheet music. That's what these are. Um, they're great. Programs are invaluable programs. Um, they're invaluable composing tools. Ah, theory tools, as you've seen, probably from some my other mind music theory classes here, and they're great, great tools. Uh, I just want to be clear about what these programs, what this program is and what it isn't. I think I think I've drilled that home, so let's move on and let's talk a little bit about this program and kind of where it comes from 3. About MuseScore: okay, as I've already mentioned music or is a free program music or comes uh, music or is an open source program, which is something that may be required a little bit of explaining. What that means is that, um, if you are a programmer and you want music or to do something that it doesn't do, you can actually get into the code and modify it, and you can change it. You can download the raw code and use it, and it's totally okay, Um, that's allowed, actually, and it's encouraged because if you do something really cool, you can then submit it to the new score organization, and they will consider adding it to the official version of you score. But if you don't want to do any of that, you don't have to. You can just download it and use it, which is what we're gonna be doing here. We're not gonna talk about how to open up the program and recode something. But, um, if you go to mu score dot org's, you can kind of read a little bit about the organization. So ah, it's an open source community. So that means that there are programmers all over the place, contributing to making new score better. Um, no one gets paid to do that, except for maybe, Ah, a couple people at the top. If I go Teoh the team down here, there are kind of three people in charge of the whole organization. Ah, there's a CTO, a lead developer and a CEO in charge of the organization. So and then probably a group of other people as well. I'm not really sure, So I don't know much about the company or the organization, but you can use it. It's free. You can download it from here from you score dot org's. And if you like it, you can remember that these programmers, largely for the most part, aren't getting paid their just contributing to this program and making it better because they like it and they think it's neat. So you could, uh, go in here and give them some money just for doing awesome work. If you go to this contribute, donate, you can donate some money. You don't have to, but if you want to, you can. And if you use this program to make money, then I would say the ethical thing to Dio is to give them some money. Right? Um, but if you're just screwing around with it, then no, don't worry about it. Okay, Um, so a little bit about music or where it comes from, uh, let's move on to a couple other little things, and then we'll dive into our set up in things. 4. Version Information: Okay, Super quick one here. I just want to point out one important thing. Uh, there are new versions of music or coming out all the time. Almost always there. Very slight changes to a version I am using. Muse score to here. Um, So if I go to new score and then about music or I'm, I'm using version 2.1 point zero. So all the examples in this class are going to be using 2.1 point zero. If you're on a newer version than that, then, um, you might see some slight changes here and there, but they'll all be very, very slight. So, um, don't worry about it. Um, you'll be almost always unnoticeable if you're on, like, 2.1 point eight or something probably won't notice. Hardly anything different in what we're going to do in this class. If you're on version three point something, then there might be significant changes. Um, when version three comes out, I'll probably update this class. So look around and see if in this class there's like a notes about version three or something like that. Otherwise, that's the version I'm on. So if you want to be eggs. See exactly what I'm saying. That's the version you should be on. If you're on a higher version, there might be some very slight changes, but I doubt anything that you'll need to worry about. Cool. Okay, moving on. 5. Installation And Setup: Okay, let's talk about Ah, installation and set up of music or it's super easy, but I just want to go over it. So if I go to new score dot or guy could just hit download. But there's a download button there. Here is Well, if I can go to software, I get to this page, so I'm actually I'm you score dot org's slash e en for English, then slash download. So here I can see all the different versions. Right? Here's the Windows version. Here's the Mac version. Ah, and there's a linen version as well, and then some other mostly Lennox versions down here. They have tons of different versions for tons of different operating systems, more so than most software does. That's kind of something you find in open source software. A lot is that there's a lot of Lennox and weird versions. If you don't know what Lennox says, don't about it. Um, so I'm on a Mac, so I'm going to download the back one. But if you're on Windows, download the windows one. Just hit those buttons pretty simple right for me, and this is pretty much true on a Windows computer as well. I'm going to download this file, and that's going to look like this after it downloads. And all this is telling me is this is the program. It wants me to drag it into my applications folder have already done so that's gonna copy into my applications folder. And then I just need to go to my applications folder and launch it so applications and you can make shortcuts and do whatever you want to do. But just for the purpose of being thorough Ah, here it is. You score too. I'm gonna launch it. And for me, it's gonna give me a little warning. Um, the first time you launch it, it says it's been downloaded from the Internet, but a lot to say yes, and that takes us here So you might not see these these air showing previous things I've opened. So you can just say create a new score, and that's going to say, give it a title. Let's call it, um, class one whatever. And you can skip the stuff or fill it in whatever you want next. Ah, gonna say a grand staff give it a key. Will go over all this in more detail in a minute and we're in. That's it. That's all you need to do to install it now with the playback stuff. There are some other things that you might want to do. Um, we want to take a visit to your preferences. Uh, worry about your midi set up a little bit. Um, actually, let's talk about her midi set up really quick. More on this when we get into putting notes into music or but for now, ah, for many set up. What that means is that I have a MIDI keyboard here in front of me, and that's just a keyboard. You know, it looks like a piano kind of a keyboard, and it's connected via USB to my computer, and I want to be able to play notes into Muse score. So what I need to do is let's go to the preferences. Let's go to note input enable midi input. That should be. All you really need to do is make sure that's checked and then make sure your MIDI keyboard is already working with your computer. As long as that's all set up. And for me, I would do that by going into this audio midi set up and going to the MIDI studio, and that takes me here, and this shows all my Mideast stuff, which is a lot more than you probably see, and that's okay, but, um, this is my keyboard, so everything's fine. I know it's working from here, so as long as it's working and MIDI is turned on in new score, which it is by default, then you should be good to go. We'll talk more about MIDI input when we get into the in Putting notes section. For now, that should be all you need to do. Okay, one more quick thing about playback tips and then we'll, um, be often running. 6. Playback Tips: Okay, let's talk about our playbacks duff. First of all, let's make sure that were set up. So let's go into Mu score preferences. I'm going to go to this. I owe Tab UMBC io in audio or music software. That means in out So our ins and outs. So this is gonna look different if you're on a PC. So on a Mac, so say, a P I What I want to be using, basically, this means my main audio engine. And then this is what are my speakers connected to so you might want built in output. They'll be like your headphone jack on your computer or internal speakers on your computer . Whatever. I have some fancy audio stuff set up here, and my fancy audio thing is called a quartet. So my speakers are plugged into a little box called a quartet. Basically, um, and here's more info about our MIDI input. You shouldn't need to modify that. That's gonna be for that keyboard that we were just talking about. So let's leave that for now. But if Midi isn't working for you, you might want to check here. Now. This jack audio server is another way that audio can be routed on your computer. Hopefully, you don't need to use it. Jack is. It's kind of like another AP. I hear it's like another way to route audio around in your computer. It's a little tricky to use, so if you can avoid it, please do. Um, I love that they have included Jack here, but, um, jackets didn't to some low level stuff. The people unlike Lennox and the that whole world, they probably need to use Jack a lot more than those of us on a Mac or a Windows computer. Need to, um, so the odds are you want to leave that off, Okay, So when you're doing playback, remember what I just said that you're not that I said in the first video in this section that playback is not the most ultimate function of, um, these programs. If you really want to get good play back what I would recommend doing, we could go to file export and we can save a file as a MIDI track. And in doing that, we can open it in any other audio program that's more designed to do this kind of thing. So I go to the bottom here could do music. XML will sometimes work, but standard midi is probably a little safer. So if I do that and save this file, I can open it in able to live logic. Even garage band Um, all of those programs will have more instruments built in, and then we'll sound pretty good. However, if I want to stay inside new score, I can go to view mixer and see some more controls. So here I can select a different sound that it's using second use, and they give you kind of a bunch of stuff that you can play around with so I can switch to this bright Yamaha grand. Let's hear it, and I can adjust some controls over a little more weaver. Maybe let's hear what that did. It sounds a little bit different, more honky tonk, but that's OK. Um, so there are some playback options. We'll talk more about the playback options as we get ah deeper into the class. But I just wanted to throw that out there so that you had some control right away of how things were sounding and eso that it wasn't like super frustrating that you were stuck in like, weird playback mode. So check out that mixed review that's under view mixer, and you'll see more of these for every different track you have. If you have, like four instruments playing, you'll see four things. But, you know, I change it to a heart scored. That's probably fun. Good old harpsichord. You know you can goof around with it all you want. Okay with that, let's dive into the meat and potatoes and let's talk about setting up a score first. 7. The Start Center: Okay, let's talk about setting up a new scar. So I'm gonna close this one they don't save. And now I'm gonna go to music or just from scratch. Okay, so this is what's called the start center, and I can do three things here. I can create a new score, which I would do with this button. I can open a recent score or a score of already created. By using one of these, I can scroll down further to see other things I've opened recently. Or I can search my hard drive here to find an existing score. So new scores existing scores, including this button down here or third thing Aiken Dio is I can look on the you score community site four scores. Now, this is really fascinating to me and something that I don't know that any of the other notation programs have done. Um, this is a really vibrant community site where you can find nearly well, I don't want to say nearly everything because there that there's a lot of music. But if you think about all the possible pieces of music you white want to poke around with , there are an insane amount of scores on here and there in Muse score format, and you can contribute to this community. We're going to talk more about that in just a minute. For now, Um, let's talk about creating a new score, Okay, so I'm going to click on new score and it's gonna walk me through the set up process. So let's go to a new video and go through the process of setting up a new score. 8. Creating A New Score: Okay, Now that I've selected new score, the first thing I can do is put in this information and with everything that's about to come up, remember that we can change this later. So if you want to leave something blank, you can. And if you want to change it later, you can eso I'm gonna try to fill in some stuff. But if you don't know your title, don't worry. You can fill it in later and just leave this blank. But let's say a new super awesome piece. I can give it a subtitle if I want, I'm gonna put one in just so I can show you how that shows up on the page. Um, it's a I like to use dedications in the subtitle area Dedicated Teoh Um, my online students. Sure. Composer. That's me lyricist. Let's say there's not one and copyright on say, 2017. Me, um let me Actually, I'm just going to write ah, Jane Smith because I want to show you where the lyricist will show up on a score. It'll show up right where it's supposed to show up. Um, so let's file that away for a second. I'm gonna hit next down here. Okay. What instruments do I want on my score? Okay, now there's a bunch of different ways we can do this. Um, we've got a lot of options here. Here's the way to think about this If you want, um, a simple score. Here's a single staff Single trouble Chlef single bass clef. Ah, and a grand staffer like piano or a keyboard instrument for something. If you want a big ensemble, a standard ensemble, scroll down and see if you can find it. It will be a lot easier than making it yourself. So here are some choir choir plus organ choir, plus piano, barbershop quartet, chamber music, string quartet, wind quintet, um, sex phones, brass, etcetera, guitar guitar with tablet Scher, solo piano, jazz lead sheets, rock band, bluegrass band and then big orchestra and concert band stuff. Okay, so we could make a full orchestra score. If you're gonna make a full orchestra store, click this or this or this one of these orchestra bonds don't do each instrument individually. It'll take you forever. But let's say I'm going to do something super weird with, like, I don't know, five instruments. Um, I can go here and say, Choose instruments. Now what? This This brings me to in a page that's gonna let me build my ensemble. Ah, one instrument at a time. So let's open up woodwinds and let's say I want Oh, let's stick to see instruments here. So let's say a flute. I'm gonna click on flute and then click. Add. So this is what's actually in my score. Let's go to Brass. Do a C trumpet. Let's go to maybe percussion and add vibraphone and his ill a phone. Maybe one more thing. Let's go to strings and add a violin. That's a lot of high stuff. Let's have a cello. Okay, so I have this five instruments, super goofy ensemble flute, trumpet, vibes, zyla phone and cello. Weird. But that's okay. So, uh, before I continue, there's a couple things I can do. One thing is I can rearrange these if I want, so I can click on one and use this up or down arrow if I want to move them down. And this is something you can do later but is much easier to do now. So if you know what order you want them to appear vertically on the staff. Try to decide that now, if you can. Ah, and this is pretty good the way we have it. Now, also, we can decide now what kind of staff we want. Now again, we can change this later. Um, in all of these cases, the standard staff type is normal. Standard staff type is going to be your normal five line staff. This is a standard staff type, but we could change it. Oh, this doesn't give me an option. I see. So this isn't doesn't give me an option to change it, because it would just be too weird to have a flute on here. Let's add, um, percussion drum set. That probably has an alternative. Okay, so here's drum set staff. I can put it on a three line staff, a one line staff or a five line staff. Right? Because that those are three different ways that percussion is often notated. Okay, So if there are other options, I guess for the staff type, you can select it here. All of these used the standard type, though, so I'm gonna get rid of my drum set now, so I'm gonna click on drum set. I'm gonna hit. Remove. Get that out of there. Okay. Next I'm gonna hit next. Now I can decide my opening key signature. And like everything else, you can totally change this later. So if I'm in, like, composing mode, then I'm going to select this. So this is technically see, Major, but it's also no key signature. Um, and so I'm gonna leave it at that so I can add a key signature later which, even if I choose any of these, I can always change it later. If you want to specify the tempo, you can click this box. Let's say 86 sounds good and I can hit next. You can add your opening time signature again. This could be changed at any point. You can also specify cut time or common time if you like. You can put a pickup measure. So if you don't know what a pickup measure is, it's like one beat before the song starts. Like, think of, um, the national anthem. Oh, say, can you see? It starts on beat four instead of beat one. Anyway, that you would do here and you can put in the number of measures. Now we can always add or take away measures later. But just to get us started, Weaken say I don't know, 100 measures. It's gonna be a long piece. Okay? The next button is now great out. That means we are out of options. So let's hit finish And here's my score. Okay, so let's look at what it did. Here's my title. Super awesome New piece. Here's my dedication. Smaller funds underneath the title. Here's where the composer goes and here's where the lyricist goes. That's totally standard stuff, right? Lyricist goes over there now. I'm not gonna use lyrics here, right? I don't have a singer. Hear anything? So I'm gonna click on this so it turns blue, and then I'm gonna press the delete key on my keyboard. But not God get, uh, if I want to move anything around, I can click on it and just drag, and I can put it exactly where I wanted to go. Okay, let's say I want this to be a little bit lower, this right on top. So here's my beats per minute. Here's all of my, uh, instruments arranged. I have a pickup measure that I specified no key signature for four and 100 measures of stuff, right? Great. So that's set up my score exactly how I wanted it to, which was great. Um, there's a little more I could do, though I should probably add some brackets and things here. So let's go into another video and let's talk about brackets and beans. 9. Adding Brackets: Okay, so I want to show that some instruments are part of a family, and this is typical common stuff. If you're familiar with how a score normally works, Um, so I'm gonna add first a bracket around some of these instruments, particularly these two percussion instruments, these air both of the percussion family. So let's put them in a bracket. So to do that, I'm gonna go over to the palate over here, and I'm gonna find brackets, and I'm gonna select that from my palate. But we don't see brackets here by default, but we need to do is go to the bottom of our palette where it says basic change. That too advanced. I like to keep this on advanced as much as possible. So leave it on advanced, if you if you like. Now that I've done that, I have brackets here, so I'm gonna open that up. So now what I'm gonna do is choose which kind of bracket I want. Um, I like what I really like doing is putting one of these around all instruments and this around families. So I'm gonna put this bracket here, and then I'm gonna stretch it down to cover everything. So I'm skin, double click on it, grab that handle and pull it all the way down to the bottom. And now, if I have a bracket around all the instruments and that continued through the whole score Now I'm gonna drag the curly bracket or the brace, I suppose, to the instrument family, double click it, extend it down, and then we have it. Okay, I could also give this a name if I wanted to, but I don't really want to. In this case, that's gonna get flattery. So now I have this set up rather nice looking, right. I have a bracket around the whole thing and then embrace around my percussion instruments. I could read, put where these names are if I want to sneak him in. Just a little bit of that Looks a little weird. So leave it now. The next thing that I should do is anything that's braced. I should have the bar lines drawn all the way through the instruments. This is just good practice. So I'm going to click on a bar line, double click and pull it down all the way. And when I click out of it. It changes for all future throughout the whole piece. Okay, so the bar lines continue all the way through. That's the way you'd want to do that for anything. That's a family. Most of the time, there are a few exceptions, but not many. So now this looks great, right? I have a really good looking score set up. Now. Remember that if I want to change anything in my instruments phone, add an instrument or taken instrument away. I can go all the way back to the start center if I want or or I can go over to ed it instruments. And now I can rearrange these. I could move them up or down. I can add stuff. I can take away stuff. So if you go back to that edit instruments window, you can get back there to make any changes that you want. Okay, now that I've added my own, uh, score and create created my own score, let's stick, take a step back and look at how we assign these to play back in the instruments that we want them to. Let's go to a new video and let's talk about Instrument played back a little bit 10. Assigning Playback Instruments: Okay, So we aren't You know how to do this. We think. Right. Um, let's try it. So we looked at this really quick before, so let's go to our mixer windows. We're gonna go to view mixer. Now, we see a whole bunch of stuff, right before we only saw piano. So I'm gonna pull this window a little bit bigger so we can see everything. And let's see flute. Okay, so our first instrument is called flute, and the sound we're using is flute. Okay. I can dig through here and find other things. Um, if I want to try a different sound, for example, of Shaka Hachi is kind of like a wooden flute. Maybe that's the sound I'm looking for. Um, all told I when I made this staff as a flute, new score assigned it to a flute sound. So that's pretty good. Um, I can adjust the volume of it here. I can turn it up or down in the mix. Panning means the kind of left and right balance of it reverb. Uh, you know, if you want something to sound a little more realistic, sometimes reverb helps and chorus kind of same thing. Getting a little bit of chorus can help it make it sound a little more realistic. So that was good. Trump it. Same deal that looks good. Now you'll notice I have two trumpets here. This is interesting, right? Because I only have one trumpet in my score. What's happening here is it's assigning two different sounds for the trumpet, depending on what the trump it is doing. So when I just say trumpet and start putting in notes, it's going to use this sound sound of the trumpet. When I tell it, it's a muted trumpet. If I say this trumpet has a mute on it, it's going to use a separate sound, and it doesn't seem tohave a muted trumpet sound in its library. So it's using a bassoon, which, if we think about that for a minute, I guess that's kind of not a terrible idea. Um, a really high bassoon does kind of sound like a muted trumpet. Now that I think about it, sure, so that could work. Um, if I had another sound of, ah, muted trumpet, I would want to load it in there. Okay, So depending on what I've told the trumpet to do in the score. It's going to switch between these again. I'm gonna add just a touch reverb and a touch of chorus. Both of these. Okay. Vibraphone set to a vibraphone zyla phone set to his ill. A phone. That's great. To give them a little bit of reverb. A little bit of chorus I need Okay. Cello has three sounds. Right. Um because if I've told the cello to just play normal, then it's gonna just play normal, and it's going to use the cello sound. But if I have told it to be pits Ocado, that's really short. Um, it has a separate sound for pizzicato string section. Okay, so it's going to switch to a pizzicato sound If I've told it to do tremolo. That's if it's like going back and forth really fast, like a like a roll on a drum. Kind of Then it's gonna use a tremolo sound. So that's good. It picked three different sounds and music or is going to know when to switch between those for me. Okay, so I can adjust these. You don't have to turn up reverb and chorus. I just kind of like to makes it sound a little bit nicer. Don't turn it up too high, though. Okay, so that's where I can change these sounds if I want, You know, my xylophone to sound like a glockenspiel. I could do that. Right? Glockenspiel like a metal zyla phone. Kind of, um, I can also mute in here, so turn them off, keep them from playing, making any sound at all. Um, we could do that. Weaken solo. It solo means a mute. All the other instruments and Onley play this instrument. Or I can set it to be a drum set. In which case I have a variety of drum set, uh, sounds to choose from here if I don't want that Simon unclip drum set. And then it went back to a default here, so I need to go back in fine vibes. There it is. Okay, so what? This window, this mixture Windows where you're gonna control all of your instrument sounds. Okay, so we've made our own score. We assigned sounds who made brackets. We made it look very professional looking. Score. Next. Let's take a step back and talk about working with something from the Muse score library like we saw when we initially set up this, uh, file 11. Downloading From The MuseScore Community: Okay, I'm gonna go back to the start center going view. Start center now. We're back here. Okay? Now I'm going to search for something right through the start center. And you can also do this on the news score website. You can just look for interesting music. Ah, that you want to play around with. But, um, you can do it right through here as well. So let's search for something that we think might be here. I'm just gonna start for a Mozart search and that actually pops open the, um, new score website. So this is what just opened up for me. So here's all this music or files of stuff, right? Let's find something good looking. Here's what started. Aggio Rondo Alla Turkana. That's fun. You probably will recognize that piece when we play it. So if I go here, I'm on the music or website. Now I can play this right in the music or website. Now, if I want to get it into music or I can download it right here and it's gonna give me some options, music or PDF Music XML, midi or MP three. So if we want to open it in music or we need to download it as a muse. Score file, talking to click new score. And it is downloading the file. Oh, it wants me to sign it. So you have to sign in Macon. Account on you. Score. Um, this is free. It doesn't cost anything. You can do it just with Facebook. I go back and download it again. And there it goes. Case and I'm gonna close this window. And now it's an existing score. So I can say open a score. Go to my downloads. Where's my downloads? There. This and there it is, open and here we have it. So now we have this piece in music or waken Play around with it. You know we can We can change notes. We can mess with the form of it. We can reform at it. We can copy and paste stuff more things that you'll learn to do throughout the course of this course. That was a weird sentence, but I think you understand the sentiment. Um, we can change the sounds. Let's do that really quick. Let's go to view mixer. So we have a piano sound. Let's play it through. Uh, Let's do a cello. We were just talking about Tello's Let's see what this sounds like. Telus section very high for that. Sounds like a weird. Okay, I think you get the point so we can have a lot of fun with that. The point is, um, searching on Ah, the music or community page, either through the start center or through the new score website. There's tons and tons and tons of stuff there that can be really fun to play with toe analyze, um, to use for ideas, whatever you want. So explore that and have some fun with it. Okay, up next, let's talk about Mawr. Details of the Muse score interface and what all of these things are around here. 12. The MuseScore Interface: okay, in this section, we want to look at the mews score interface a little bit deeper. Um, and we just kind of want to know what everything does and in particular where we can look to find something that we want to do. So we have three main areas, actually, kind of four main areas of new score. We've got the tool bar up here, which has two rows of stuff, and then we have the pallets over here, and we have the inspector over here, and you may or may not see the inspector if you don't, uh, go to view and be sure Inspector is selected. And then the fourth thing that I almost left out is the actual everything where all the notes are in our actual score. So let's go through each of those sections in turn, in the next couple videos here. 13. Toolbar Options: Okay, let's start with the toolbar and in particular, the top row of the toolbar. So first thing to point out is, if you put your mouse over anything M and just wait for a second, you will get ah, little tool tip little yellow box that tells us what that thing is. So if you ever don't know what something is, just put your mouse over and wait a second and you'll get a clue as to what that does. So moving across here, we have created new score low to score, save a score, print the score and then undo and redo buttons. Here, here we have our zoom settings so we can zoom out are we could zoom way in and I can scroll around with my track pad there. So this is handy when you were working on a score and your really getting in. Or in my case, you've been working on a score for 12 hours and your eyes were getting tired. Then it's time to zoom in a little bit more. Um, I find that handy. This here is this menu here we have paid view or continuous view. Page view is what we're looking at now where we see everything laid out in terms of pages, Right? Um, continuous view shows us one long scroll of everything. Okay. And it will just keep going and going and going and going and going until the end of the piece. Um, I actually like toe work in continuous view. I don't like to worry about Paige turns and things while I'm writing. That's kind of a second process to me. So when I'm like writing Ah, and in putting notes for something I like to focus on I like to work in continuous view, actually. But let's go back to page view because it looks awfully nice in this case. Here we have some of our playback settings. So are many settings. Ah, this is Samos thing we've looked at earlier. Or we turned many on and off could do it with this button here, play from the beginning, play where wherever we've clicked. So if I click somewhere and then hit play place from right there, you can also always use the space bar. Teoh play and stop, uh, turn on looped playback. So we could Lupus section play the repeats, and, um pan the score during playback. I don't actually know what that does. Oh, I do know what that does. That means the cursor is gonna follow the pages. And then we have a Metrodome here that we can turn on or off if I turn it on way here. A very big and clunky ah metric home display. A concert pitch or not, doesn't Mellott matter here because all my instruments are at a concert pitch. This is for if you're writing for some instruments, like a horn and F, and you want to just show everything in concert pitch, um, and not transposed, you can select that here, um, explaining that in a lot of detail. That's complicated thing. And it's kind of beyond the scope of this class. But if you look up concert pitch and transposed instruments, you'll find more info about that. And then here we have This is a really cool thing. This is ah, image capture. So if I do this, that's a grab an image of this page. I can just put this box how I want it. You have to go down first, then up. I can say cool. Grab that image and I just captured an image that went to my desktop of, uh, this image, I If when I have the box, I do a control click, I get a couple more settings for it so you can capture images, which is nice when you're working on something and you want to just send it to somebody or something like that really quick. So it's the top row of toolbar. So one last thing about the toolbar is appear. If I control Click was a couple extra windows, I can pop open here like a floating piano keyboard at the bottom by selecting that I can close it or this selection filter, which shows up down here, which shows my voices, which we'll talk about later. So it's a little bit of customization that can happen there. 14. Note Entry Tools: Okay, The second row of the toolbar is our note entry options. Okay, so we're gonna cover this in a lot more detail once we start talking about putting in notes . But just to give you a clue of what's going on here, what we have here is this enables note input mode. And then we have our rhythm divisions here, actually, All the way to hear, technically, have a dot in a double dot Eso this is going to just have a select which rhythm were using at any given point when we're entering notes. And then here we have rests. So we can say eighth note rest, and that's gonna have us enter an eighth note. Rest. Okay, so we'll talk more about that as it comes in. Ah, we have ties and then accidentally double, sharp, sharp, natural. Flat, double, flat. Flip the stem. If we want Teoh, flip the stem of something, we can use this. So if I select a note and I want to stem to go the opposite way, you go that way. And then here we have our voices. That's what we saw in this window down here when I popped it open. This means that we can enter things on multiple voices at a time that essentially means weaken layer music on a single staff in the same way that you would like layering in like a graphics program. It gets pretty ugly pretty fast, so you have to do it very delicately. But there are instances where we do need to do that, uh, in music, so we'll talk about how to do that once we get deeper into the note entry stuff. 15. The Pallets: okay. The next area I want to talk about is the pallets. Now there's a lot of options here, right? There's ton of stuff here. First of all, remember that we went to down here and switched us over to advanced. Let's stay on advanced so we can see all of this stuff. Most of these pallets work the same in that we can open them, Let's say, um Dynamics. So I'm gonna open dynamics, and then I have a list of all my possible dynamic markings that I can put in. I can grab one click and drag and place it on the score. That's all you have to do is drag out of a palette and into the score. If I want to get rid of it, I can click on it until it turns blue and then press the delete button on my keyboard. Okay, so most of them work the same. Some of them you need to drop in certain places like a slur, for example, these I it's not gonna let me just drop it here. I have to connect it to a note, so I put it over a note until that little note head turns blue and then I can let go, and then I can grab the end of it and move it to another note. And that gives me a slur. If it hits against a note, I can click on it again. Double click and adjust the shape of it a bit by moving these boxes around. Soon as I click out of it, those boxes go away. Okay, so almost everything in the palette works this way where you can just click. Let's look at text one more. So here's some staff text. I can just drag that out. Put that where I want hoops. I have to attach it to a note, double click on it and write whatever I want. So text is text, whatever I want there, okay? And then I can move it around if I want, and that's okay so you can put text anywhere you want. But the point is, what we do here is we drag with, find the thing we want in the pallets. No, I already did that one. There's a for Mata that needs to be attached to a note, so I just drag it, put it on a note. And that's where it goes. So almost all of the pallets work that way. Drag it, put it where you want. 16. 16 TheInspector: okay, up next. Let's talk about the inspector. Okay, so that's this window over here. And right now it's saying nothing selected. The inspector shows us every nitty gritty detail about whatever we have selected. Right? So if we select something, let's select. Let's see, like this Allegretto tempo indication here. So I click on it. Then we look over at the inspector. We see it's visible, which we can turn off. We could make it invisible. We can change the color of it. We can very finally control where it's displayed. We can change in this case. This is text Allegretto, so we can change. Ah, what style it is. So what kind of text it is in this case. Ah, And then if we want to go in detail there, we could change the font in the size and all that stuff. It is a tempo marking. So it's saying, uh what we wanted to do basically. So here we're saying, set the tempo to 100 beats per minute. If I click on something else like a note, I get other options. Right. So this inspector thing shows us different options based on what you've selected. So Now that I've selected a note, it's saying I can hide this note if I wanted to change the color of the note where it is. Ah, what comes before it and after it Is it part of a cord is a small note. A big note. What kind of no head it has what no type is a mirror head. Ah, Is it tuned different? What kind of velocity doesn't have? It's kind of how loud it is. And is it fixed to the line in which line? So the details of all of those you will never really nearly, ever have to get into. So don't worry about all of this stuff too much. Just know that if you're looking to do something a little out of the ordinary, look at the inspector, see what's there. Um, let's look at this bracket. There's nothing further bracket. Okay, that's cool. How about our key signature? Okay. It gives me a couple options here. The title. Okay, I can change some things about the title. Um, there's not much else to show here. Here's a page numbers and give me any options for page numbers. No, no options for page numbers abbreviations. Here's a natural. I can hide it. I can make it really small. I can put it in a bracket. If you look at the natural while I turn that on, we'll see what that means. Puts it in parentheses like that to make it a courtesy. Accidental. That's okay. So the inspector shows us a lot of detail about every little thing. Most of the time, you won't need to go into the inspector, but when you're doing something, you should know it's there so that you can find that weird setting in the inspector. 17. Other Interface Elements: there are a few other interface elements that are worth pointing out. They're not always shown, though, and I don't have them up at the moment. If you go to this view venue, these are other areas that can that we can bring up the mixer we've already seen. Right? This floats in a new window and we can close it with the red button. The play panel is something you'll want to see every now and then. This control some of our playback elements, like the speed and the volume. Now the speed is being set by our tempo marking. So this is a percentage of that temple marking. We can slow it down or speeded up. We can also see a navigator, which shows us our entire score in a tiny little Ah, many window down here, and we can click and drag to zoom through it often or quickly. It is a handy if you're on a really big score, and you just need to like zoom to Page 20 or something. This is where we can also find that floating piano keyboard that we saw earlier. Um, it's here. If I just click on the title bar and drag it out. I can put it wherever I want. I could put it up here. I could put it off the screen. Um, whatever I want. If I double click on that title bar again, it goes back to being docked into the bottom of the screen. And that is true, by the way, on any of the windows that are built in. If I double click on the inspector window, it turns into a floating window, and I could move it around. If I double click on it again, it locks itself back into place. Any window down here, I can click on the little X and make it go away. So don't forget about these extra things up in the view menu that you might want to see or not see. Okay, now that we know our way around quite well, let's start talking about in putting notes like the main meat and potatoes of this program , Right? Let's dive into that in some new videos 18. Types Of Note Input: Okay, so in this section, we're going to talk about in putting notes. There are three main ways we can input notes. So to get started, I'm gonna go to a new score. Let's go to start center. Let's make a new score on. Let's call it note input. Sure, get rid of my lyricist. I don't need them anymore. And then let's just go to a grand staff. No keys in nature. Actually, let's put in a key signature just because it's gonna let me demonstrate something interesting. Ah, couple of videos from now. That's all fine and finish. OK, zoom in a little bit that zoom in. I just did, by the way, is I'm on a track pad where I could do a two finger zoom. I could do like a pinch zoom like you can't on your phone. It's handy. You can't do that. You consume enough here. So are three types of in putting notes. The three different ways we can do it is by using the mouse by clicking in the notes by using the keypad. And by that I mean like you're typing keyboard, you can actually kind of type in notes in a way on that's useful. And then the third way is by using a midi keyboard. So we're going over all three of those ways, and I'm gonna tell you along the way which ones I use most, uh, most which ones I use most. Um, there's one of them that I use more than the others by a lot, but ah, it's really interesting. I know people that use one of, like, some of the ways that I find really tedious. Some people use, um, exclusively. And so it's all about style and how comfortable you are learning this these different methods of going, um So everybody likes to do this different way, But there are three main ways I'm gonna show you all three. So let's dive in with mouse input first. 19. Mouse Input: Okay, So for a note input, here's what we're gonna do. Um, we're gonna use the mouse for all of this. Ah, this technique anyway. And you basically want to think of this in, like, a three step rhythm. Okay, so we're going to click note input, Teoh, enable note input. Then we're gonna click a rhythm. Then we're gonna click a note. Okay? From here on out, as long as you don't do anything else. If you're just entering notes, click a rhythm and then a note, click a rhythm and then a note was going back and forth between more them and notes. If the rhythm doesn't need to change, then you can just keep clicking notes. Okay, Then you can go back, turn off note input and add any accidental. So I already had click the note and then accidental. So let's change that back to natural. The easiest way to do that is with undue. They could have also done right here. Let's make our sharp are efs sharp. So I click on f and then the sharp. Then I click on F and then the sharp okay, f is already sharp because of the key signature, so I didn't really need to do that. If I wanted to make him natural, though, I could click on the natural here. Okay, um, maybe I want a flats. Couldn't click the A, make it flat. The next one automatically goes to natural. Unless I also put it to flat. Okay, Now, I might want to hide this accidental here, right? I can actually, just in this case, delete it, I think. And it's in a flat now. I just hid the the flat symbol because the flat is carrying through the measure. So rhythm note accidental, so you can do it that way. Rhythm Note. Accidental. I like to enter a whole measure and then go back and put the accidental is in a little faster for me. Um, now what if we want to make arrest? The easiest way to do that is to do note, input, rhythm, make it arrest, and then put it down. Okay. And it's automatically going to fill the rest of the measure with rests, too. But let's say I want 1/2 rust. I say half note, half rest and put it in there. No, I want 1/4 arrests going to say quarter note, rest quarter note. Now I just want 1/4 note. So I turn off rest and put in the note. Okay, so you kind of arm your pointer with different things. This means it's now gonna be putting in notes. This is the rhythm of the note. This is if it's arrest and then we put it down and then we can decide if it needs an accidental or you can put in a whole measure or the whole piece and go back and put accidental. I find that if I'm putting in a whole piece and then go back to put in accidental ist, there's a likelihood that I'll miss some. So I do it by a measure at a time. So that is the mouse method of just pointing and clicking your way through. Next, let's talk about the keyboard method. 20. Key Pad Input: First of all, let's clear out. These notes have already written so I can click on a measure not on a note or arrest, but on the measure. So kind of empty space within the measure that you get the box and then I can press the delete key that's gonna clear out that measure. I can click on a measure and then shift click on another measure to select all the measures in between and then press the delete key to clear out all of it. And that works between staves as well. If you want to clear out stuff between staves. Okay, now the keyboard entry method. This a lot of people swear by this and use this for everything. Uh, I find it to be rather tricky. So what we're gonna do here is first, we're gonna select which rhythm we want to use on the number pad. So five means quarter note. And then as you go higher in numbers, you get two smaller. We're sorry. As you go higher in numbers, you get to bigger rhythm. So five is quarter note. Six is half note. You can see it moving at the top of the screen in my note palette. Seven is half or whole note. Eight is double. Whole note, uh, etcetera. So back to five. If I go to four, I get an eighth note. 3/16 note, 2 32nd note. So, um, I can select my rhythms just using the numbers on my keypad. I can select my notes using just letter names. So here's where it's a little weird. So let's say I want to put in Ah ah c major scale. Okay, now note my key signature here. Ah, is going to make me have to change some notes to get a C major scale. Right? So I'm going to say, let's do it as a thin notes so I can press four and then I'm gonna press the letter C. Okay. Now I'm gonna press, uh, I'm gonna stay on quarter notes, so I don't need to press another rhythm, but I can type in d e f g a t. I see. Okay, now it new, which see, to use their, which is interesting if I didn't want it, and I'm gonna try to do all of this by not touching the mouse. Right? So I'm gonna use the arrow key to go back to select this note. If I wanted it to be down, I just use the down arrow key to move it down, inactive or anywhere, actually, so I can move anything around with arrow keys. So let's go now. Make this a C major scale, which means I need to change my efs toe f naturals. So when they move the cursor over an f in press the down arrow to make it enough natural imagenes to be natural And I need my seized to be natural, actually, So any note you can make sharp or flat based on the arrow keys up or down so up is gonna make it sharp down is going to make it natural down again is going to make it actually moved to the next note in this case. So here's where one would make more sense to have a flat so beef up. So as you're entering notes, just remember that it's going to enter them Diatonic Lee in this way, meaning in the key. Okay, so let's go out here and let's try this again. So I'm gonna try to mix up my rhythms now So I'm going to go to eighth notes and type in C D. And then quarter Note the see eighth note. Ah di a be 16th note. Ah, you have to a Okay. Ah, and we'll stop there. Okay. So I can move this all down and active if I need to, either with the arrow keys. Or if I want this whole thing to be down inactive. I can select the whole area, Same as we did before and go to notes, transpose and I can shift it down. The easiest would be by interval down. Perfect active. Okay. And that shifts the whole passage down. Inactive. Um, So if you're shifting just one note down an octave, the arrow key is probably the fastest way to do it. Um, if you're shifting Ah, whole passage down, inactive, then, uh, select it and go to that octave transposition menu. Okay, so I find using that keyboard thing just too much to think about, Um, it really stumps me up way too much, So I don't use that one very often, but I know some people who use it exclusively and there they just sit at a keypad and it's like they're writing a novel and they're just do do, do, do, do do do typing stuff. Um, and it blows my mind. I find it to be frustrating, but you might like it. I just think my brain doesn't work that way. Okay, so the third way, let's go into the third way, and this uses a midi keyboard. 21. MIDI Keyboard Input: Okay, now we're onto keyboard input for MIDI input. Now, what this means is that now I've kind of got to devices to keep track of here. I'm still going to use the number pad on my keyboard, but I'm going to use a mini keyboard for entering the notes. So if you don't have a midi keyboard, you'll need one to do this. Um, you can find Midi keyboards fairly cheap. They're actually not very expensive. And if you're going to do a lot of work with music or I'd recommend getting one, you know, it's, ah, you can find them that look like a lot of different instruments. Actually, they don't need to be piano keyboards. You can get many guitars and things were a bit more expensive than Midi keyboards. But you can get many guitars that will input notes for you in the same way that I'm using a midi keyboard here. But I have a midi keyboard. So what I'm going to do here is essentially the same thing that I was doing before, except I'm not gonna type in the letter names in my typing keep had I'm going to use the keyboard so I'm gonna turn on note entry. I'm going to select my rhythm with the numbers, so I hit five. Now I'm gonna play a note on my keyboard. Okay? And now I'm going to say four for an eighth note. I'm gonna say three for 16th notes, and then let's finish off this measure with, ah, quarter notes. Um, t. Okay, so it solves the octave problem, right? Um, it solves the accidental problem because we can just type in the notes that we want. It also is a little more intuitive as a musician because I'm used to finding the notes on the keyboard. I could do that also and cause I haven't turned off note input mode. So it's just going to keep trucking. Now that I've turned off input, I can play my keyboard on here it through music, or but it's not, uh, playing notes or capturing notes, I should say so that's another way to do it. Um, we can just use the keypad to control the rhythms and type in the notes with the MIDI keyboard off 22. My Working Method: okay. And this lesson, uh, gonna get a little bit full philosophical, I suppose. Um, let me tell you how I actually work eso We've seen the various ways of in putting notes. Right. And this is where a lot of the tedious nature of putting in a score into a notation program lives. Right. Um, it's putting notes in, and you're gonna have to do this over and over and over, and it could take a long time. So when I'm working, I used the first method the point and click method. Uh, select a rhythm. Click it in, put another note in another rhythm rhythm. Now, you might think that sounds insane. How could you possibly do a full orchestra score? Ah, by doing that and I will say it is a little insane, and it does take a long time, but, um, that's just how it work. I like using the note input step in the process to kind of be a revision. Step to me. What I mean by that is I write all the music by hand, which is what I I prefer to do. You don't have to do it that way, but, um that's what I like to do, and then I'll put in each note I have to kind of tediously click into the program. And in doing that, I kind of makes me rethink every note and, like, do I really need that note? I want that note and it becomes a process of revision for me, So I actually like doing it. Um, it does take a long time. I do end up having been very sore wrist after putting in a large orchestra score after working on it after for days and days and days. But that's my style. That's what I like to do. So, um, don't be afraid to do that if you want to. I do use a few key commands like I'll use the arrow keys to add flats and sharps. You know, if I'm trying to work really fast like that, Um, so there are some key commands that I'll use to help speed things along. But you know, I don't use the Midi keyboard input all that much because going back and forth between the Midi keyboard and the number pad, I just get confused and it actually usually ends up taking me more time. Um, doing it that way. So, um, so there you have it. That's how I do it. Um, one last thing on the in putting notes Let's talk about the kind of copy paste method of in putting notes. This isn't really in putting notes, but editing notes that we already have in Let's talk about that in another video. 23. Editing Notes: Okay, so let's say you're working on a repeating pattern or something where this bar repeats a few times, you can just copy and paste. Remember how I said at the very beginning of this that what this program is is kind of a ah , text editor for music, right? It's just like Microsoft Word, except we're working with music instead of words. So all of our copy and paste, um, functions still work. So I can select this whole measure and go to copy or command. See, I can click on another measure and go to paste or command V. I can put in that whole measure there so I can do command V Command v Command V all I want . I could even select partial measures. So, like shift click between two notes. I just have those two notes. I can put them here and here. You know, I could fill out the bar that way, if I want by just pasting them in, you know, and I can do it between clefts. They're gonna look really high in this cleft because this is basic laugh and I copied or pasted something from trouble Cliff in there. If I wanted this measure to be here and here and here. You know, you can actually work pretty fast that way if the music you're working on, um warrants it right, So don't forget about copy and paste moving things around, and you don't have to do it for just one measure. Let's say this whole passage happens again over here. Put that whole passage right back in there. Right. Don't forget about copy and paste. 24. Text Types: Okay, now that we've entered a bunch of notes, let's pretend that we entered all of this. But I'm gonna jump back to this piece because it will be useful for the next thing we want to dio, which is talking about different text. So there's a few different types of text that we can see here in the text palette. But there's also a few more that don't show up here that are probably gonna be more useful than even these. So we're going to talk about all the different kinds of text that you might want to enter onto your score. In this section, text appears all over a score. You'd be surprised when if you really looked at a finished piece of music, How much text is actually on it? Just already. We have our title, are tempo. Marking is in text. In this case, our instrument name is in text and our instrument abbreviation is in text. But we also have measure numbers which are text. We have page numbers which are text, and we might even have more like rehearsal numbers, score instructions, things like that. There's a lot of different text that can appear So let's start with lyrics and talking about how to put lyrics onto a piece of music. And we'll treat Mozart's Rondo Alla Trica as though it has words which will be fun and maybe humorous. Let's go to a new video and add lyrics to this. 25. Lyrics: Okay, so we're gonna add lyrics to this. So when if we go to our text pallet, we see different types of text staff tax system, text swing this be one will talk about that in a minute. And instrument. All of these we're gonna come back to in a minute. Point is, none of these are lyrics. Says not the best way to enter lyrics any of these. It's actually pretty horrible way to enter lyrics. All of them. Here's how we're gonna enter lyrics gonna click on our first note that needs lyrics, and then we're gonna go to add and the menu at the top text and lyrics. We could also get here from command. L Okay, now we get a cursor that shows up. Now, the lyric tool, which were in now has some special functions. So let's type one word per syllable. Um, this is Ah, fun suck, period. Okay, I'm gonna click out of it now. So a couple things just happened there. Every time I hit the space bar, we advanced to the next note. So the space bar pushed us to the next note, and each word is attached to the note right. And another thing that happened is it took care of spacing for us. So if I would have typed a really long word, it would have spaced out the notes a little bit wider so that it fit that all in in a way that you could read it. So that's how text lyrics works. Let's click here and let's go back to add more text lyrics. Case. Who said This is a fun song? Let's say that same thing again. This is a fun song again, right? For this I don't actually need the lyric tool. I'm gonna go here and click on This is a fun song. I'm going to you control, click and say, select all similar elements right on. The word this is going to do is select this whole phrase, right? That's a fun trick. Tohave. Now I'm gonna hit. Copy. Now I'm gonna click here on the next note. It's the same with them. So I'm gonna hit paste and it put those words on that rhythm. Right? So this is a fun song. This is a fun song. Now I need to come up with something clever to say here, So let's add some new text here and say lyrics. This is, uh, notice how Every time I hit space, we moved to the next note. So now I'm gonna use the word, really, which is two syllables. I would say rial, And then I'm gonna do hyphen, which is gonna put a hyphen in between them and move us over to the next syllable. Lee real, I fend Lee Space. Um, Now, let's say fun, but I want fun to extend over the next five notes. Seven years underscore. Underscore, underscore. Underscore. Every time I hit it, I'm going to the next note song, period. So what I did is this is ah, really, really far Ah ah ah ah Song, right. Weird. That's kind of funny what I did. Uh, now when we hit play back, Obviously new score is not going to sing this back to us. That doesn't work. But you can sing it in your head and get a little chuckle if you want. This part's a little hard, but that's OK. So that's how we do. We deal with text, our lyrics, I should say so now that we know lyrics, let's talk about some of these other text types that happen 26. Other Text Types: so of these five types of text, the main difference in them is what they get attached to. So staff text needs to get attached to a note. So I put it on a note. I can then move it around a little bit, but you don't want to move it too far. I can delete that one. And let's put one right here. And let's say in this case, we want to use this for some kind of score instruction like, um oh, do something simple, like short. So play all these notes short. Sometimes you just want to say it in English, and that's fine. So we have a little score instruction right here. Okay, if I double click on this, I can get into where I can edit the text, or I can click on it once and go over and look at the Inspector, and I can change its style if I want to. But let's leave that one like that. The system text also needs to be attached to a note, and it looks slightly different who put him side by side. I think the system text is a hair bigger. Ah, I think it's a hair bigger fund. So with this, we can say we could also do score instructions with this because so similar. Or we could say something like a Tele Rondo if we wanted to. We can put it in italics if we wanted. I just did. Command I fright, Alex. Just like you would in a, uh, text editor gonna make this a lower case? A no. You go swing. Now, the only thing you really need to keep track of here is that this ones in bold it looks different, right? So let's put that right there. And this is a notation to swing at the moment, but it can say whatever we want to say. Um, we can use it to say tempo. Uh, let's say Allegro here. Okay, so now we have allegro marking. So the only difference between this one is that it really needs to its it's bigger font and its in bold. So it just looks different. This one is for a rehearsal marking. So let's say right here to put that one and this it automatically changed to an A right. The more of these you add, they're always gonna be in sequence it's one turned into a B. The next one's going to turn into a C right, and the reason you would do that is so that in a rehearsal, the conductor can say everyone start at letter A. And everyone knows to go to a everyone started rehearsal. Be That's what these are so there for rehearsal letters. So instrument is another bold one, and we can put it anywhere we want. And what it's designed to do is show an instrument change. So it looks a little bit different than when we say the instrument here, because we want to draw a little more attention to it, to say, Here, I want you to switch to the cow bell with your left hand that would indicate that so different types of text. 27. Chord Symbols: Let's say you want to write the chord symbols into a piece of music that's gonna be a little weird to do. And Mozart, Um so let's go to something new. So I'm gonna go to start center again and let's look for something. Let's look for just, I don't know, jazz piece. Do I have just any jazz pieces? It's gonna search for one of my favorite jazz artists. Um, classic Django Reinhardt. See if I have any pieces of hiss. Okay, so I found one and downloaded it. Now I'm going to open it up, Okay? See how we have these court names up here. There's a very specific way to do that now. The reason I wanted downloaded jazz pieces. I wanted to look at using this jazz font. It's a little bit more normal for accords to occur in a jazz fund. Ah, you wouldn't have like the court names in Mozart just sent is something you wouldn't really encounter. So let's try adding another chord right here. Let's say this is gonna be ah D minor accord. That would be a little strange, but that's OK. I'm going to do is click on the note on this in the same way that we added lyrics by going up to add text lyrics. I'm gonna go to Cord Symbol or we can get there with Command K. Now, I'm just going type it in. I'm gonna say, let's say D minor seven just so I can show you a bunch of different symbols. And then I hit return, and it figures out what that's closest to in its library of stuff. So if I said here the cord B flat, I'm just using a lower case. Be for the flat, um seven sharp nine. So I'm just gonna type in, you know, be lower case, be the number £7 sign nine. And when I hit return to get out of it, it figures out where those symbols are supposed to be in the court. I'm trying to write, right. Um, I believe it even tries to play them. No, it doesn't. There is a setting somewhere where you can ask it to play the court, but I'm not exactly sure where it is. It never sounds very good to have the computer like comping chords like a jazz player. It's just not going to be very pretty, so it's probably best to leave it off, but that's how you get chord symbols in there 28. Tablature: Okay, let's talk about a few of the different kinds of notation styles that come up. We kind of saw these earlier when we were making a, um are stabs and we looked at the type of notation system they were using. Most of them use standard five lines staff. Some of them use other things. Um, one of the most popular to work with his guitar tablature. So let's make a new piece of music and let's create a new score. And let's call it guitar thing. Say, next Choose instruments and I'm going to say, See, you can see some of these Aaron tablature already, So I'm gonna say acoustic guitar with tablets were actually first. I'm gonna say acoustic guitar. Now, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make a linked staff case. I'm gonna click this, and I'm gonna go over here to this tablature one and add linked staff. Okay, so now I have what looks like two standard. Some is going to make sure we change this Teoh six string tablature. Okay, Now let's go to finish. Okay. Now, by making those linked, what's happening is that when I put notes on to one of them. It automatically is figuring out the other one. Right. So here it's figuring out the tablature. Now, that might not be what you want. Um, you might want to enter the tablature on your own and have it figure out the notes. You can totally do that. So to enter the notes, we just entered the notes like normal, and it figures out the tablature. As long as we've set it up as a linked staff to enter the tablature, we're going to note entry mode, and then we select our rhythm, do eight notes. Now here. We're gonna move around with the arrow keys, and then we're gonna type in the number. So, um, I don't know on I'm hitting the over key and then I could move down here, slide back and let's do right and figuring out the notes for me. Well, I play this little crazy little thing called Love em, except it doesn't swing, so it doesn't sound all that great, but that's OK, but that's how tablature works. We have to make a tablet. Your staff, you don't have to have a link to staff for it to work. Um, if you don't want to see the normal notation. You don't need it there. And then you just put in the numbers using the arrow keys and the number pad. It's relatively simple, actually. 29. Drum Set Notation: Okay, let's have a drum part to this. We can look at some of this drum kit notation to another popular one. It's good to edit instruments. We'll get back here. So let's go to UNP itched percussion and go drum set ad. Now it's going to use a percussion five line staff. It's a little bit different than normal staff type. Okay, so it looks the same. Except it's not exactly the same. Look at our Chlef. This is a cleft that says this is drum notation, cliff percussion notation. So what we see now is at the bottom of our screen. We see all our percussion elements, right? So I can see my possible percussion notes at the bottom. I can click on them to hear him, Right. So let's find a high hat. There's a high hat. Okay, So I can click on that, and we're going to do this. Basically, this is our note select by clicking down here and I've got my rhythm and I'm gonna put that Okay, now let's put in, Put in a kick. That was cool. Okay. And a snare. Kind of like I like the 1st 1 Okay, so there's my beat. That's OK. It's maybe the world's most boring beat now. I'm not gonna do this 100 times, right? I'm gonna copy this and paste it toe. Have my beat continue. All right, let's hear what we've got. And you know, I didn't hate what this just did. So let's do that again too. That's not terrible, right? So that's drum notation. It works a little bit different than everything else. 30. Repeats And Endings: Okay, let's talk about working with, uh, repeats and multiple endings. Okay, let's go back to our Mozart example for this. Let's look down here. How about right here? Let's say at this point we want to repeat back to the beginning. Okay, That's fairly easy. We can add a repeat from our palate right here. We would go to this one, and we'd say, repeat back. So we drop that right at the end of that mark measure, and then we could put one back at the beginning as well. Well, that we don't really need it necessarily here, but it will help it to playback better. Now, um, you score is gonna play from the beginning to here. That is gonna jump back. And then when it gets to hear the second time, it's gonna keep going forward. No. What if I wanted to have a multiple ending situation? You can get rid of those two repeats. Then what I need to do is let's say this one bar is going to ah, be the the first and second ending. First thing I need to do is duplicate it. So I'm gonna select this bar Then when you go to add measures. Insert one measure. Okay? And it put it before. But that's OK. So now I'm gonna highlight this bar and copy it and paste it. Understood. Shift, click. Pace it there. Now I have this bar twice. Okay, Now, let's walk through our repeat process. So we wanted to get to here and repeat back to here the second time. We wanted to skip this bar and go onward from there. So this for this, we need to go to the Lions palette and find our first repeat and put it here. Let's pull it up a little bit, so it's easier to see. Okay, first ending. Now, let's do a second ending. Put that here. Oops has changed some notes, if that's okay. I went to grab that and pull it up, okay? And that's all we need. Now. We should play from beginning all the way to here back to beginning to here, and then jump down to here and then continue up. That's repeats and music, or should know how to do that automatically. Unless you have this turned off up here, this means skip all the repeats on playback. So when you're working on a bigger piece of music that repeats a lot. Sometimes it's handy to turn off the repeats. If you're just going through and checking your notes and rhythms and things, let's check to make sure it worked way . Oh, okay. It did exactly what we expected it to dio. It wasn't a very elegant repeat because we repeated back to here probably should have repeated back there. Here, it would have sounded a little bit better, but, um, all my repeats worked exactly as expected. 31. Dynamics: Okay, let's add some dynamics to this. So for that we need to be back in our pilot, and this time we're going to be on the dynamics. Pallett. And so let's say off, let's say right around here we wanted to get louder so we can click and drag, uh, fortissimo right to that note. So you see that little red line trying to grab something? That's what note it's attached to. So we don't put articulations right on a note like this or dynamics right on a note like this. We put him either above or below the staff, depending on what the instrument is. So that little line shows you what it's attached to, and that is going to be important. Ah, what note it's attached to. Once we make parts that will be important. We'll talk about that soon. Another way we can do it is we can click a note and then just double click over here, and it automatically puts it there that that's true of anything in the pallets. We can just click a note and then double clicking the palate if we want to do it that way. So in order for this to really work. We need to set a dynamic up here. Uh, let's make it piano. Okay. See how that put it all the way under there That's attached to the bottom staff. I can attach it to the top staff, and then it will be a little easier. And since there's lyrics here, maybe we want to put it above. It doesn't really matter other than it's not great notation all style to put it above. Um, but because there's lyrics, it would be This is a very strange situation because I have a piano part that has lyrics in it. Ah, and no singer. So I'm kind of this should go in between the two staves, But, um, when there's lyrics that should go above this Dave the staff. So I'm just gonna put it right there right there, and that will just have to do. But that's how we put dynamics on something, and our playback controls should latch onto those and do them get louder and quieter. 32. Articulations: Okay, let's add some articulations now. Articulations would be like How we want that note played short, long, staccato mark Kado, etcetera. So let's go to articulations in ornaments palette. And here's a bunch of different stuff. Let's say staccato, Let's say we want Let's go back here where we already said we wanted it short but let's really put it in. So I'm going to drag a dot That's the symbol for staccato under that note. Okay, easy enough. I could do that all day long if I want this whole section to be staccato right and keep putting those dots on there, or I can select a whole bunch of notes and double click this staccato button that's gonna put a staccato on all of those doughnuts. Let's do that for the left hand as well. And here what that does plays it nice and short would be better if it sounded on a piano, which I could switch it back to. Yeah, let's do it. So I need to go into the mixer. You know how to do this, and I have this set to cello for both staves of the piano. And so let's take it back to Piano PM Wait. Sure. Why? My It developed a little bit of a swing here somewhere. We've developed a swing, probably through, ah, all of the different turning on and off of things that I did. Um, something turned on a swing. But that's okay. It's kind of fun. Um, all the other articulations work the same. We can put an accented note right on there. Or we can click a bunch of notes, whole measure or multiple measures and double click to put a bunch of staccato or ah accents on the notes. 33. Crescendos: Okay, Maybe you noticed just now that when we got to hear everything got suddenly loud, right? Let me first go back and delete all of these, selecting them, impressing the delete key. And then what I'm gonna do is try to avoid that huge jump from quiet toe loud. I didn't do it with a crescendo. So at a crescendo, this one's a little bit trickier. It's under this lines palette. And this is my crescendo and my day crescendo. So I'm gonna just drag one of these down here and put it right there, Okay? And it automatically fills out the bar. I wanted to be longer in double click on it and pull it back. So what that should do is ramp up the volume now. Fair warning. Ah, these programs have always had a hard time interpreting crescendos. So let's see how it does. I wasn't that bad. That did a pretty good job. Um, if I wanted to then get quieter again. I can use a day crescendo, but there double click. So it gets quieter throughout this whole section. Good crescendos and day crescendos 34. Slurs: last thing let's do is add in a slur. Slower. We've added in right here. But let's add another one in now that we really understand how these articulations are working. So I'm gonna grab this up here. This is their slaughter. And let's put it down right here. Well, that won't make a lot of sense because we have those notes, all nice and short. Let's go from right here and I let it go and I get this mess. But I can drag it out to its destination, and that tells the performer to play it a little more connected all the way through. I can also do weirder things like connected all the way up to here connected all the way to here, in which case it's gonna draw the line across all the measures from top to bottom. So you probably don't want to do that. Here we go. Let's go back to here, double click on it and drag it out. Make sure we land on the note and remember, you can adjust where the shape of the slur as you need to and where it actually is. That looks pretty good 35. Making Parts: Okay. One last thing thing that's super important when it comes to notation software, and that is the ability to extract parts. So this is really cool, Um, and in music or it works. Really? Well, actually, this was something that notation software started introducing and, you know, about 10 years ago, the ability to do this, and it was kind of a disaster for a while, but, um I mean, I think new scores got it down. It works pretty well. So here's gonna do. I'm gonna go to this guitar thing. So I have two different instruments here. Guitar and drum set. Okay. Now, what I want to do is I want to print out a piece of music for the guitar player and for the drummer. The drummer doesn't need to see what the guitar players doing. And the guitar player doesn't need to see what the drummers doing. So they don't need to look at a whole score each. So what I'm gonna do is go to file and then parts. Okay, Now, this is my parts editor. The first thing I would do is click new. All okay. And I've already done that, and that's going to generate these two things. If you don't see anything in this list, just click new all. Now I'm going to say what goes into what? So the electric guitar part is going to have the electric guitar, okay. And the drum set is gonna have the drum set. I could it have it. So the drum set has also the electric guitar if I wanted to, but I don't want to. Okay, so now I'm gonna make those parts by saying, OK? No, What we have here is here is the electric guitar part. And here's the drum set part right. And it automatically did. These big multi measure rests into the parts. And here's the score. Now, what's really cool here is that if I change something in the score there, I changed a note in the score. Now I go to the electric guitar part. That note changed, right? So this is what's called linked parts. So those separate parts are going to stay in sync, so to speak with this score, so that when I print these off, they're always accurate toe what the score is doing. That's super important. You never want a handout parts to someone where the score is different. Right? Um, that's a recipe to ruin your rehearsal and maybe your performance. So that's how you do it. Your two file parts and then that gets you to this window, and then you could make your parts from there. 36. What Next?: all right. Ah, we have reached the end. There is a lot more to muse score, though, so I want to point out a couple things just to wrap up in this class. We've gone over all the essential stuff to make music with muse score and to generate scores and parts with music or that look professional. There is all kinds of other stuff here, though. Couple things explore the pallets. There's a lot more in the pallets that we haven't looked at. There's some other options in the style menu here. There's some general settings that you might want to look at that we didn't look at, Um, and some other stuff that's hidden underneath that can really only be learned like when you encounter it. But I think we've done a good job of going through all the main stuff in this class and getting you really up to speed on, uh, using you score. So if you came here from one of my music theory classes, I hope you had a good time, and I hope this helps. Ah, you too get a firmer grasp on what I'm doing in those theory classes when I'm using you score. Hopefully you can do some assignments in new score. If you came here from somewhere else, I hope you know how to use music or better. Right? Um, that's the whole point of this class. So with that, let's do one more quick video just to wrap things up and then we'll be on our way. 37. SkillshareFinalLectureV2: Hey, everyone want to learn more about what I'm up to? You can sign up for my email list here, and if you do that, I'll let you know about when new courses are released and when I make additions or changes to courses you're already enrolled in. Also check out on this site. I post a lot of stuff there and I check into it every day. So please come hang out with me and one of those two places or both, and we'll see you there.