1. What are you going to learn in this course: Welcome to multiplayer patterns online course. My name is [inaudible]. I'm a textile designer with more than 10 years of experience and over my career, I have built more than 5000 repeat pattern designs. How I did that, you would think that 5000 is a lot. It really is, but I had special ideas and tricks that I developed over the years of how to make my portfolio grow faster. Why do you want to grow it faster? Because you want to have more people finding your designs. You want to have more different options and you want to practice your skill and get better and better as a designer because you try different ideas, which I will show you right in this course. We're going to start with one pattern. It is an existing pattern that you create, and I'm going to call it a parent pattern, which will be the beginning of a whole family of patterns. The patterns that we create with it, we are going to call children patterns. You can change the style, the colors, the composition and I will show you all this and more how to create in this course. All right, you guys, in this course you will learn how to grow your repeat pattern designer portfolio super, super fast. Please note that you need a basic understanding of Adobe Illustrator and understanding of how to create repeat patterns designs in vector already. But today, we're going to dive deep into making the repeat parent design portfolio grow and grow, and grow even more. All right, you guys lets jumps right in.
2. Benefits of multiplying your patterns: So why do you need to multiply your patterns? Great question. The point of making many bit patterns as fast as possible, is to practice and get better as fast as possible. Also to be a prolific in a way that you will show the world your work in a more efficient way and you will get better as a designer faster. So I' have three main reasons for you to consider. First, is you need to practice and get better. Because I feel like in my own work, I also have seen it that if I had just stuck with 10 patterns in 10 years, or maybe even a 100 patterns in 10 years. I would definitely not have practiced as many interesting ways to create a repeat pattern as I have. So this is practice and get better. Second one is to grow your portfolio faster. As you have more and more pieces, you will get better and better, and you will see that you have more and more art work to post. Whether it's on social media, on your website on other outlets. This will get more attention to your work as an designer, as an artist. So this is very important, and if you are very slow in your work, this is definitely will not have as much to post and market yourself. A final piece of this puzzle is to sell on microstock websites and print on demand websites. I started out myself on microstock websites as a children's book illustrator, and then over time, I learned how to create the repeat patterns design. I started creating them as fast as I could. They were not as good, exactly in the beginning. But I didn't give up and I went as far as I could and as fast as they could, and in the end this big exercise really, really helped me and to sell on microstock websites, what do I mean by that, if you're not familiar, is that you can create vector repeat pattern designs as I did, or you can create raster designs as well, and you can sell them on websites that are called microstock websites, good examples are Shutterstock and Adobe Stock. There you can see the photos for stock. But also, a lot of actual vector illustrations and icons and also repeat pattern designs which I had been selling there for many, many years. If you are not familiar with these and you want to learn more. I have a free webinar recording available and will link it down in the video under this video so that you can check out what is selling on microstock websites, and print on demand websites are in for fabrics, in particular, its spoon flour. I also talk about that some more in the webinar if you're interested. But what happened with me is that over time I was able to create more than 5,000 vector repeat pattern designs. They are unique vector repeat pattern designs, and I am still selling them, eight years later. I create more every week and I make a stable income for my family in this way. So this is been my business model for many, many years, and this year I started teaching my fellow creative artists and designers as a way to give back. If you want to keep the ideas in this course to refer to them later, please request my bonus PDF workbook, with 15 ideas from this course. The link is in the project section under this video. So let's jump right into the ideas how to grow your repeat pattern portfolio faster.
3. Multiple artboards trick: Here is an awesome Multiple Artboard's Trick that you can use in Adobe Illustrator to multiply your patterns faster and to save them as separate files, faster as well. Alright, so let's jump right in. First of all, what we are going to do is we're going to open a pattern and I will show you what an artwork is. First, to see an artboard you need to go to view, show artboards, there you go, and artboard is this black line that appeared around this pattern. Now this pattern is, this is a group or a vector button of mine and if I drag it to the side, you can see that the artworks stayed in place. Comment Z to return back. There is this awesome artboards tool shift "O." We're going to click on it and you can see that now we are in the art board editing mode. You can adjust the size of our artboard, we can move, position the element embedded into the silence. If we drag it, you can see that the artboard stayed around it. But here, there is this move copy artboard, artwork with artboard button. We click on it and now you can move the artboard to the side independently of the artboard. If you have this happening, you need to click on the "Artwork" and you need to go to horizontal alliance center and horizontal, vertical alliance center. But you need to make sure that in on the left here you have align to artboard not align to other things align to artboard selected and this way where you have perfectly aligned artwork here. One artboard, one pattern. But now let's say you will start creating multiple copies of your patterns. What you can do is you can go into the artboard tool shifts "O," and now you can move and check the move artwork with artboard. Press down option "Out" and drag to the side and press "Shift" to stay on the same height. Dropped it off and you can see that now we have two artboards one over here, one over there. You can confirm that by going into artbords tool. Now this artboard is number 3 and this one, number 1. You can rename your artboards. Double-click you can see which one that you have and you can rename. Let's say Rose's, Let's call Roses 1 and this one, let's call it Roses 2. Now that you have your artboards named, I'm going to show you how you can copy this pattern and write into this empty artboard. click on the "Pattern," make sure it's grouped come and see. Now, click on this artboard and you can see that it's little bit blacker. The line is more black. Hit Command "F" on the keyboard and again, make sure that you have this artwork align, aligned to artboard on and they've have exact copy, exactly in this, right inside this artboard. Double-click with a black arrow tool on this group to go into group editing mode and use magic wand tool right here. Magic wand y and you can change things up. I will show you how to do that later. So you don't have to worry about it for now. But basically here just this fast, you can already start creating a new pattern. Alright, but let's say, let's delete this one for now. Let's say that you are created already a few patterns right here. I have just a few brought in a few patterns from the course and let's say that you want to align an existing pattern. You already know how to do that vertical and horizontal. Make sure that correct artboard is selected and in this case, let's say that you want to create a new artboard around this artwork. It has no artboard, right here, you can see right here it has no artboard on it, around it. How to create a new artboard. We are going to go into artboard tool shift o. And we're going to click two times, but not double-click, just click two times on the group. Make sure that it's a group and it's now you have perfect 600 by 600 pixels artboard around this pattern. To check that you go to artboards. By the way, to open the artboards pan out, you need to go to window and check artboards right here. Let's again click on this last artboard that we created and let's name it Roses 3. Now we have all of these artboards right here. What we're going to do is we are going to, I will show you another trick and then I will show you how to use this is artboard tool to your advantage while to save your repeat pattern designs. Basically you would start with first pattern, turn it into second pattern, turn it into third button and go as far as you want. But just keep in mind that over time, the vector file, Adobe Illustrator file will start being heavy. I will not go too far, but just you can create five, six patterns easily if the artwork is not too detail. So you have your patterns right here and let's say that you want to change the shape. Let's say you want a vertical image. So let's copy this, artboard down. and let's group them together. So we have a group. But now you can see that the artboard stayed here is that didn't go all the way down. So what we're going to do is we are going to double-click on your R2 group. If you are in the artboard 2 double-click and you can see that it automatically snapped to the size of the group. So that's another check. What we're going to do next, we are going to export quickly these elements as EPS files, these patterns separately. I recommend saving this particular collection together. But what we are going to do is we're going to file and that next Save as and we're going to say, let's stay in this lesson. Let's call it Roses and maybe we just call it one for now. Then we're going to choose EPS and then it's very important. Click on the use artboards and check all or that you can pick one or two three artboards that you want to keep depending on this number right here, 1, 2, 3. Then click save. Illustrator EPS. It's going to save. Let's see what we are going to have now, a new finder window. And let's go to lesson three. Here you have it. We named our AI file one. So you can have one, one roses one, one roses two, one roses three, and inside of each of them is only one file. So let's just open it with Adobe Illustrator and here we have only one pattern. So each of them will open in a separate EPS vector file. You can see that it is a vector. So really really handy trick for creating your pattern multiplied versions right into inside of one file. So you don't have to copy and paste between different files and then you can save each of them separately quickly as EPS files as well, using this trick. All right, let's move on to the next video.
4. How to prepare your pattern for multiplication: How to prepare your pattern for multiplication for making more repeat pattern design. First of all, let's open up my vector repeat pattern that I'm using for multiplication purposes. I'm going to give you a few tips. If you are new to repeat pattern design, this course is particularly geared towards people who already know repeat pattern design and can create a basic repeat pattern design. This one is more complex design. I do have my YouTube videos on my channel which I will link down below with the video how I created a pattern like this. You can start understanding the process of repeat pattern design and also my unique system of creating repeat patterns I will link down in the video. Let's jump right there. Let's say that you already have your repeat pattern design. For those who already have experience what I recommend is that your pattern does not really have to be square. I create my pattern square because I have my system as you will see if you are not familiar yet. But basically, patterns can be all kinds of patterns and you can actually have even raster patterns created in Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator you can edit them and create versions of them as well but not as easily as in Adobe Illustrator in vector patterns. Though in this case, this is a vector pattern, I can scale it and see and it's still crisps. It's a vector artwork. Another way to tell is if you open it and you see all kinds of outlines this is again a vector artwork. Let's say that we are preparing this pattern. First of all let's ungroup it. I will show you how I have it built. You can see that if I click on these roses, they are all separate objects as same as with these leaves. What it means that I can basically pull them apart and reconfigure them. So I can create a new pattern by just moving around these elements. So right here you already see that I can start building a new pattern with more of a scatter composition with leaves away from the flower. This is how important it is to have your elements grouped properly. I hit control Z to undo everything and go back but every leaf and every flower is a group. What next? What i recommend for successful multiplication is that you can see here that I have outlines and I have fills. Let's say this is on the outline and this is only fill and this is actually outlines and fills together. You can see that I created different types of elements based on basically one drawing right here. This is very helpful outlines and fills only fills color fills and only outlines. Elements like that in this style they are very good for a quick pattern portfolio groves and multiplication. Let's hit undo to get them back. Another thing that I wanted to mention is I have them cropped already but it is also helpful to have uncropped file. By crops I mean that you can see it right here width is 600 height is 600. In this case, this flower will repeat below. Let's click on this button artwork, drag it to swatches. You can open swatches in window as watches right here. What we are going to do next is we're going to create a circle and we are going to fill it with this pattern. You can see here that this is a tile of this pattern. This is this swatch in the swatches panel,this is a shape filled with this pattern that we created here. This flower repeats down below and in this case it shows up as a one flower. This is what I mean by a pattern fill, this is what I mean by a trimmed patterned tile. It is not clipping mask. Once again, it is a trimmed pattern tile. Alright, this is how I recommend getting your patterns ready for multiplications.
5. IDEA: Black & white and flip final: Let's look at our idea, where I can take a pattern and then I will create black and white pattern, and I will flip it vertically. We will open up a pattern. Let's take your first pattern that you want to start multiplying, and as I showed you before using our multiple Artboards trick, we are going to go into Artboards tool right here, Shift+O, and then we're going to make sure that this Move copy Artwork with Artboard is enabled, then we're going to press Option first and then Shift later, second to drag it to the right, your pattern, and release. This way, you will have a copy of your pattern exactly positioned and a copy of your artwork as well. Next, we are going to lock this pattern right here. We're going to select it with the Blackarrow tool, go to Object, Lock, Selection. Now, it's basically there, you can see it, but it's locked. What we are going to do now, we are going to ungroup this pattern, and we are going to press Zoom a little bit to zoom it a little bit closer, like that. Next, what we are going to do is we are going to start, let's start with the leaves. What we are going to do next is we're going to select all the elements that are simple. These element are multiple colors and these ones have only one color. So we're going to select them and we're going to recolor them all at the same time. To select them all by the way, I have press down Shift and Click with Blackarrow Tool on each element. I think I selected all of these for now, and now I'm going to recolor them black. For that, I will just pick any color and then I will double-click on the Color Fill, and I will click on Black. Also, what we are going to do, I'm going to click on Fill and drag it to swatches panel. This way, I have the black right here. You can see that some of the elements already started being black. If your elements are simple like this, with only one color, they are easier to recolor. But in this case, I chose more complex pattern so that I can show you how I do it. Next, what we are going to do is we are going to click on the Magic Wand, Tool Y, and we are going to click on this light blue here, and then click on black. Let's see. Actually, it clicked on the dark, let's undo. One more time. Let's try again. Maybe let's zoom in a little bit. What we are going to do, we're going to again Magic Wand, click on this light blue here, and click on black. This recolored a few colors at the same time. Now, we have a few slides that I want to turn white. They are all of these darker green. I'm going to click on Eyedropper tool I, and click on the background. Now, we have our white, let's drag it to the Swatches. This way, you can build out your colors as you go. I see that one color is still lost, so I'm going to zoom in, and I'm going to select this color again. If you select with a Magic Tool, it will find it everywhere on your artwork that is not locked, and click on white. Already, you can see that we have a pretty distinct pattern created just like that. If you want to keep it, it's already a pattern white version, but I will take it further and I will show you how to recolor these other roses. Let's say that you want to recolor at the same time, but you have white here and you have white here, and let's say that I want this black to be black, and white outline in the flower to be black, and this one to leave alone. So I'm going to select all of my roses the same Shift and click, hold down the Shift don't let it go, and select all of my roses is even small pieces, if it's possible in the your case, hit the Command Group. I'm going to double-click to enter only into these roses. Now, I see that some of them have these little black and white pieces, so select them, ungroup, then let's take these black and white pieces, and let's send them to another layer back. Normally, in most patterns, it's actually this process is faster, but I chose the more complex one, Command X over here, the rose is Command B. These little pieces are back, but they are just a part of the black and white group. Again, select the roses, group those roses again, black arrow, double-click on any one of them, and we have them right here. Let's click first on white. You can see that we selected white fill and click on black. Just like that, we already have the white selected. Now, let's click on this little veins right here. Again, click on black. Now, we're going to select the black, anything that's black, and with Magic Tool, and then go to select and Inverse right here. We have multiple colors selected, that's why you see a question mark. Let's click on white, and just like that, you switched to a black and white drawing. This makes a very distinct pattern, but at the same time, the composition and elements are still in the same place. Let's ungroup these flowers, and let's marquee around the pattern, select All, and Group. Let's group this pattern and select it again. We are going to click with the right button on your mouse and go to Transform, Reflect, and let's select Vertical Angle 90 percent , Preview, what's happened is you can see here, so it's basically a vertical mirror image of this pattern. Now, you see that we kept all of the elements in the same spot, but we have a distinctly different pattern created from this pattern. Don't forget to save your patterns as you go so you don't lose them in the process. Let's move on to the next idea.
6. IDEA:Add color: Next idea is to add color to your black and white or one color patterns. So here we have our black and white pattern. Let's start again with the same trick of copying together the pattern and the artwork. Again, "Object", "Lock", "Selection." These two are selected, locked, and this one is active. What we're going to do is we are going to basically, add some color to this pattern, but in a different way as this one. Let's say, what we're going to do, is we're going to open up some colors. I recommend having a collections of color libraries, created that you enjoy. For example, I have basically color libraries that is called Colors Version of Science, I created myself and here it is just some colors that I like. I'm going to put it right here. What we are going to do is, I'm going to show you how to recolor. Again, "Magic Wand Tool", white. We're going to click on black. and let's just click on this super soft pink. So immediately right there you can see very different result was our artwork. Let's say, we want some of the leaves, to have a pot of gold. Let's just select a few here and there. Maybe this one. Let's just color them this gold color. Maybe it's a little bit too bright, if we want to change it. Use your Magic Wand again. Maybe let's do some different colors that we want to try. Maybe this one. Basically just try and see what you are going for. I just scroll through my inspiration colors and try different things that I like. This is interesting. Then let's select a few of these leaves again, in the same way I showed you before. Let's select this and maybe click on as the same column and see how they work. So it's interesting to see the results that you can create with this method, so that you can add some color, but still keep it very soft and pastel at the same time. So this way, you can have a quick button that is distinct from this one, from this one all ready and will be a good pattern for Microsoft websites or your print on demand portfolio as well. Let's move on to the next idea.
7. IDEA:Rotate: Let's create new patterns using rotation. You already learned of what it means to flip patterns vertically, also, you can actually flip them horizontally as well, just like in these two, the main one and that this child pattern and same as here. Let's try now to create a pattern using rotation. They still are more distinct from each other. Again, let's copy using our artwork method, and now what we are going to do is we're going to select this pattern and we are going to review selected and with black arrow tool active, we are going to position our black arrow tool on the corner and it will turn into this double arrow tool. We are going to click and drag, while we're doing that, basically this will let us position. Now, I saw that I did not group my pattern. It's good example, to mark here around it and hit common G to group. Try it again, position on the corner and rotate it. We'll see that it stays the same in the middle, same position, but it will not give you an exact rotation. To have an exact rotation you need to do the same thing, but press down shift and drag and this way, it will give you exact position in the center and it will rotate by matching the corners of this art board. You can see here, it rotated once and let's do one more time, rotate it again. Now you can see this big flower right here is actually on top. Two things that I want to mention about the rotation. First of all, I do not recommend only rotating the pattern. I recommend changing background as well. Let's say the changes to this. Now we need to lock this one, two lock. Let's say we want to color the burgundy color, blue. Let's say that we want to use another color for this. You can see here that now we have a rotation already. We have colors, different colors that we applied. Combining two ideas as you go will make more interesting patterns. We can go even further. We can even recover our roses. Again, magic tool helps a lot with that. Let's maybe try something. Just, you can see here that we are trying and experimenting and looking what's works. You can go really far with this. But basically, you can go along and try different ways of creating your patterns to make them look distinct from each other. I will just keep this version and you can always go and do just like I go here. I can keep this version right here so that, I like this one. But just try and then save the version that you like. Let's move on to the next video. But before I go, I wanted to tell, just a second that this is a non-directional pattern, so you can rotate it freely and it will work. By non-directional, it mean that the roses can go up and down and the leaves can all go up and down and still look good. Here's an example of my directional patterns. Basically the stars are non-directional. We can rotate them. But if I use the same method of rotating like this, for example, rotating my Christmas trees. You can see that this pattern does not look well anymore. It doesn't look good. Basically the trees are on their side. The same if we go on top is like the trees are hanging from the ceiling or something. You can see that this is a good example of non-directional pattern that you cannot use to rotate your artwork to create more versions of it, but you can use other ideas from this course. Let's move on to the next.
8. IDEA:Change background color: In this next ideal lets change the background of our pattern drastically to create a new version. All right, let's go in, and this pattern is now unlocked and these two are locked. Let's go to object and lock all. You will see that now all three are unlocked. What we are going to do, we are going to marquee around these two. Select, go to object block selection. We are locked in and this one is unlocked. Lets again, create our armored going down like this and now we unlock this one. For this, let's press command 2 and it's locked. I wanted to add a background to this particular pattern. For that, let's make it a drastic background because in this case it's a white background. Let's make it really drastic change and let's make it black. For this, let's click on black,then let's click on a rectangle tool M,and let's click with this tool anywhere on the screen. Let's input the exact size of this artwork, 600 by 600 pixels. We have our rectangle. Now let's go to align to art board, make sure that it's selected, and let's click horizontal and vertical. Now our pattern is on top. Let's click with our right button on our mouse and lets go to "Arrange", "Send to Back". Just like that, we see that our pattern is already different. Let's apply. It's still very similar to this one. I recommend applying a few different techniques and combining them at this point so that we can create our patterns. Let's say this white is standing out too much in my opinion, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to magic white and I'm going to click on white, and let's color it, this burgundy color right here. All right, now it's a little bit more smooth, and let's say we want to change this color to something a little bit different and let's just go and open up my swatch library again, and let's see if we can change to a little bit of a different color or even like this, right there, creates a very different style. It's still similar, but it's already different enough and again, what we are going to do it marquee around all of them and transform, reflect, vertical preview, yes, it works. Right there you have similar patterns, but they are already rather different. You can do interesting things with it, just for example, adding some white, you can change up different things and play with the colors, and you can see that the opportunities and possibilities are endless, in this case, on a distinctly different background. Let's move on to the next video.
9. IDEA:Make a texture: In this video, we are going to explore how to make a texture, as I call it, based on an existing pattern. Let's jump right in. Here is a black and white pattern that we have. It's 600 by 600 pixels pattern. What I'm going to do is I'm going to create a second artwork right next to it. Let's uncheck the "Artboard 2", so we just have one artboard here. What we are going to do is we're going to have a smaller texture based on this exact pattern. Let's select it and let's click on this artboard onto the right and paste in this artboard, Command-F. This preposition style, put the artboard exactly in the new artwork. Let's click on this artboard once again. By the way, make sure that it's grouped and check that it's in exact dimensions, in this case, 600 by 600 pixels, and this is the dimensions of it. I want it to be two times 50 percent smaller. Let's do 600 divided by 2 is 300, so let's do 300 here. This is the smaller pattern and it's right in the middle of the artboard. Then, by selecting it again, we will go here. Make sure Align to Artboard is selected, align to left and align to the top. Now, it's right exactly in the corner over there. Let's hit "Command-C" and then "Command-F" to have a copy exactly on top. Then this copy will be selected, go to the panel over here, align to the right, select them both by holding "Shift" and clicking on the other tile. Again, Command-C to copy, Command-F to paste in front, and then they are still selected, Vertical Align Bottom. Now, you have more of a textured version of your pattern. Let's marquee around both of them, all four of them, and hit "Command-G" to group. Now, we have our pattern group. What we are going to do in this case, we are going to lock this original pattern. You know how to do it, Object, Lock, Selection and we are going to recolor this pattern right here. For this purpose, lets open, again, my swatches, Open Swatch Library and Color Inspirations, so that you can start working with these colors, but you can make your own of course. Then using the Magic Wand Tool Y, we will click on black color. We can check that this is black color here in Fill and we will click on some light pink color. Just like that, you have already a new composition in totally new pattern, totally new feel, and it's basically a light, I call them textures. This is not exactly the texture that you would get from a marble or wood grain, but this is how I call patterns which are very uniform and have this kind of a smaller elements with subtle colors style. Here you go. We created a very simple texture, so that you can work on your patterns and have more patterns like that. This is a good method to create coordinating patterns for your main patterns, you can just keep two colors, the background and one color version and use subtle color combinations for them to make a nice coordinating subtle pattern. Let's move on to the next video.
10. IDEA:Add color to B&W: In this lesson we're going to add color background to a black and white pattern. Let's jump right in. Again, we have our black and white pattern that we are working with, and let's make a copy with the art Part 2. Let's activate the move copy artwork with our board. Let's go back inside the Art Board tool, Shift O. Then let's go back and then let's press the "Option" key, and drag to the left this time. Let's press down Shift together with Option key to constrain the movement to the left, release, and we have our artwork together with a copy of our artwork here. Let's look the original one. For that, let's press "Comment 2." This one is unlocked, and this one is unlocked. Let's unlock that one too. So now we have our copy here. Let's select direct selection to A and click on the background. There is no background right now. Let's create the rectangle to square, which will be 600 by 600 pixels. Let's click anywhere with the rectangle tool and let's input 600 by 600. Here's our background, and now is randomly in on the right, we needed on this artwork. So with the line to avert selected, let's click to horizontal, to the left and to the bottom. Now it's on top. What we are going to do, we can go to arrange and send to back. Just like that, we have already interesting pattern. So let's select it again with the white arrow 2a and let's just click on a different color. At this point I think that the black is a little bit too black for this background. So using the magic wand tool, why? We will click on the black again. Let's maybe select a little bit of a lighter color. So it already creates a very different effect. Of course, as you've learned already, let's select both of them, group. Now it has a background. Let's go to transform, reflect, and reflect it vertical. So we have now another pattern, which is a version of this black and white pattern reflected vertically and it has a background. So already it creates a different effect. Of course, if you want to go even further, you can select a dark blue for this to create a little bit more of an even different effect. You can take it even further by coloring some leaves or some flowers different color. But this is just the beginning for your imagination. All right, let's move on to the next video.
11. IDEA: Simplify your elements: In this video, I'm going to show you how to create a new look for your patterns based on existing patterns, by simplifying your elements or changing the style of your elements. By elements, I mean the flowers in this case and leaves that comprise all this pattern. This is our existing first pattern that we're working with. Let's say this would be one of the element that I mean over here. Of course you would have to change all of the elements that you want to use, or you just pick and choose which ones you want to continue working with for the next style. But this is the element that I created based on this first version. A lot of things are very similar and the flower is pretty different but it took me a shorter time to change this flower into this style instead of drawing it all over again. I had a new color scheme created right here and I'm going to lock these elements over here by pressing Command 2, and I'm going to copy and drag this one down and see how I change it to a different style. Let's look this one too for now. So what we're going to do first, we are going to ungroup and let's use our magic wand tool Y and click on this darker leaves. Then now let's hit I to go to Eyedropper tool. It's right here, over here, Eyedropper tool I, and let's click on this darker green color. Now let's press V to deselect over here and now let's repeat the same for the colors that we want. If you have your colors in swatches you would just click on swatches but we have our colors over here and let's just do the same thing. Y for magic tool, click to select the colors, I to select over here on the colors, and then V here. Let's say we want to color a few of these leaves a different color and not the same. Let's undo V and then our magic tool right now is magic wand tool y, is not set up to pick up all these subtle differences. Let's double-click on it. This is the magic wand tool options. Let's decrease the tolerance to zero. It picks up exactly the color that we want and nothing else. I have to go back and click on this light color. Now again, I for eyedropper and light green. Now you can see that it didn't color all of the leaves here, but it's just colored some of them. Let's do the same Y for a magic wand. Now let's click on the green but let's go in here and adjust it a little bit darker as you go so you can develop your color palette. Again, they already created the new color. Now our leaves are almost done, let's zoom in here and I see that there is this detail lost, which is a very light blue, lighter blue in the element here. Let's select it. You can check by going to the fill color here and now let's go to I and click on the dark green. V to deselect and let's zoom out. Our leaves are colored this way. What should we do with our flower? Let's double-click to go into the element editing mode, isolation mode right here. We're going to click on the white, and then click on this dark red here. Then again, Y for magic tool, let's select all the stripes and delete them. Now let's select our pink color and then select red and go do the same for our other petals but let's make them a little bit lighter in this case. You don't really have to have all colors picked out before you color your elements, but just have the idea of the direction that you want to go into and then adjusting the light, go lighter or darker as you want. Again, do the same thing. This is the method that I'm using in this case. Zoom in. Let's just color all of these. Let's try again and let's just color all of this, add little bit of a darker red. Also what you can do you can just pick the colors with the white arrow tool A. Oops. It looks like this little piece. I'm not sure why I cannot pick it up, but it's okay. That's the background. Looks like there's a background here. Let me just color it this way and color this piece. We have our rose colored. I didn't go exactly as the other one just to save a little bit of time and just to give you an idea how to do it. Let's do the middle to three pieces over here. Let's select them. Zoom in a little bit more if you cannot find it, pick the shape that you want, and let's make it even darker, got it. The last thing that I did here, I added this little highlights in two different colors on the petals. I will show you how I draw these highlights. Let me switch over to my Rackham drawing tablet. Then I'm using here. I'm using the pen. I will use the blob brush Shift Plus B, and I will draw highlights. I will just draw a few so that I can show you how to start and then you can work on it as you go. I just go and draw the highlight over here and I connect the two together and then I go to the white arrow to a and then I click on the outer shape of the stroke and then I hit "Delete" two times. This is how you have this little highlight created. Then I go to the opacity by selecting it, I go to the opacity and then input 20. Not zero, 20. Maybe even 30 would do. This is how we have our little highlight again and the same I will just go in and create these little highlights again. Light o to a, click not on the whole, on the inside of it, but on the edge of the stroke, I'll show you very closely. I have this stroke over here. If I select it with the black arrow tool you can see that the whole of the stroke is selected. I deselect and then I click a for white arrow tool, and then you can see that if I select just outside I basically select one point on the curve of the other side, the inside is not selected. Then I hit "Delete" one time to delete that point and "Delete" one more time to delete the rest. This way we can have another highlight right here. Let's go to the opacity again and click 30 percent and this is how I created my highlights in this rose. Basically, this is how I would recolor and create a different style for the elements that I created before, and I will show you that. Then what I will do, I will create a totally new pattern based on these elements. In here I created a different composition. If I copy this pattern to show you side-by-side on Object, Unlock All, click on this, select that pattern. Go to a different file and select Command V to paste it. Then I'll drag it just to the side to show you the comparison and you can see here that this is not a version of the pattern that I created before. This is a totally new composition. I would go in and create. Just use the elements, but create a new composition. Because you can take this exact composition on the as far without it being too many, whichever the exact composition and layout. I recommend at this point trying creating a different layout. This is another scattered layout with a little bit more of negative space in between with different style of roses. I hope this gives you some ideas how to create different versions of your elements. Let's go to the next video.
12. IDEA: Make elements smaller: In this video, I'm going to show you an idea that you can make new patterns by making your elements smaller. All right, so I'll show you an example how I do this. Let's say we have this pattern from the previous video with our new elements in different new style and this is the layout that I created. You can create another pattern that is called, in particular with florals, is called a ditsy pattern with small elements or small flowers or small clusters of flowers and leaves and a lot more negative space around them. It is kind of a scattered competition. I changed the background as well. This creates a different style. More of a vintage style which is called the ditsy pattern. All right, so a few tips how to make this. First of all, if you already have a pattern like this with a scalar composition, what I would do is, I would copy down below as I showed you before. All right. Let's lock these two and ungroup and I still have the elements grouped inside so I can move them easily. What I do now is, I delete all of the elements that are cropped in any way. I just marquee around them like that to delete multiple and release the selected, I delete. All right. This way I have this kind of a cluster of elements. They don't have to be perfect, just the elements that you already organized before. This will give you a starting point for the ditsy pattern. I select all of them and now they are not one big but a number of smaller groups. What I do next, I click with my mouse, the right button of my mouse and then go to "Transform" and then "Transform Each." This pops up and what I'm going to do is, I'm going to make them, let's say, maybe 60 percent horizontal and 60 percent vertical. Then let's scale strokes in effects just in case. Then even though everything is expanded, but sometimes you have strokes that you want to scale too. Then let's click on "Preview." You can see here that we have much more negative space. Now let's click on "Okay" and immediately we made a good start of our ditsy pattern right here. From this more of a less negative space into much more negative space. Then I will just drag it into the new art board and I will start creating a repeat pattern with that. This is my tip on how to create new repeat patterns with smaller versions of your existing elements. Let's move on to the next video.
13. IDEA: Add a geometric background: In this lesson, we are going to explore another idea, adding geometric background to your pattern. Let's go back to this pattern on the white background that we created a few lessons ago, and what I did next, is to create a new version of the pattern, I changed the color, and rotated the pattern, and also, I added this black textured stripped background behind the elements. Let's explore how you can do the same for your patterns. Let's look this one for now, and I have ungroup this one, and now, it consists of two patterns. One is the roses on top, and this is the very simple horizontal lines, stripes with a little of texture. To create these kinds of patterns, you need to create first, one stripe like that, and then make sure that this stripe matches is seamless horizontally. On both sides, on the left, and on the right, it's seamless, and then after you do that, you need to copy this stripe. You need to copy this stripe down, and then you select them both, go to object, blend options, and then what you do next is, you decide how many more stripes do you want to fit in? Let's say we want five stripes to be within this space right here, and let's say hit Okay, and go to object. Once again, go to object, blend, Make, and it will create your stripes for you. This is still a live editing mode, you can make changes to this in the blend options. But to have your stripes a ready for the pattern, you need to go object and expand, Object and fill. Now, you see there is no vertical stripe, red stripe here. This means that these are expanded elements. Now, that you have your stripes created, you can go to a center on the art board, vertically, and center -horizontally, make sure that the flowers are in there, or, you can just build the pattern on top of the stripes if you prefer, and it will have this effect with the stripes behind. This is how you pattern will look like. You can also get very creative, and some triangles behind it, the trellis, and you can do a polka dots as I did here, the possibilities are endless. You can add interesting elements on top, and some special or even very simple geometric pattern behind, have fun with combining your floral elements or other types of anthem elements, whimsical elements with your geometric background. Let's move on to the next lesson.
14. IDEA: Create silhouettes: In this video, I'm going to show you how to create a new style for your pattern using silhouette. You can use any pattern for this purpose. The ideas behind it stay the same. But of course, the techniques will depend exactly on the type of style and element that you created all ready in your initial pattern. But let's just show an example on this particular one. Sometimes it will be super easy to create your silhouette. Just switch all of the color that you want to make a silhouette to one color and you're done. But in this particular case, it's a little bit more complex so that I can show you how to go about more complex situations. All right guys. Here is a pattern I created so that you know what we are working towards. Basically it is a simplified flower, the leaf stay the same and the background is white. I change the color and I flipped the image vertically. Let's see. First, let's copy this pattern down for that. It's becoming a little bit complex, but it's okay. Let's go to the Artboard tool and let's copy the artwork down, but I forgot to turn on this button to drag the arts work together. Try again. You can see that there's a little bit of a trial and error sometimes. Now my key around these two top patterns. Let's hit "Command 2" to lock them so that we can see what we are working with. What we're going to do is we are going to ungroup all of these elements, ungroup. I see here there is another group here, so ungroup. Well, basically your idea is to create elements that make sense to you and ungroup to the point where you can work with the elements and create silhouettes from them. First things first is I select all of the flowers. I do this by pressing down Shift and then just clicking and all the flowers in there. That's not a flower and their pieces like that. Depending if you have a lot of elements or not, this will be easier to do. Now let's group the flowers. I double-click on that group. You can see that all the leaves are grayed out. Now I'm going to click on the Magic Wand Tool. I'm going to zoom in a little bit. I'm going to click on white and then click on this blue color in the original pattern. It can be any color that you want to use. What I'm going to do now is let's say I want to take away all of these stripes. You can see that I drew them in a way that those little stripes were grouped because I knew that I might remove them later. I just delete them and I have a flower like that. In this particular case, what I want to do, I want to delete all of these little stripes. I will speed up the video here so that you don't have to go through the whole thing with me. I deleted all the little stripes. You can see that this is a new pattern by itself. But what we are going to do, we're going to go one more time into the flowers. I want to make this little black leaves and stems of the flowers. I want to make them blue as well. What I'm going to do, I'm going to ungroup. Oops. I'm going to select all these black little leaves. Don't forget the ones that are on the opposite side of the artwork since you are editing an existing repeat pattern. Need to be careful not to move any elements around. If you click, try not to drag. Takes a little practice. I have these ones and I hit "I" for eyedropper and I click on this blue color. Escape. These are colored. Let's go back again. Now I'm going to hit "Y" for my magic wand. Click on black, then hit "I" and click on the outside of the artboard here. Here what we have is our roses are colored white and our stems are blue. Now hit again, "Y" for magic wand, click on black and the black leaves. Then "I". Again on blue. Escape, we click. Here you go. That was quick. Basically if I have to delete all the stripes, it would have been faster. But in this case, I just showed you that sometimes you need to delete a few things and color them, but the rest were super quick and easy. All right you guys. This is how you create a silhouette version of your existing pattern. Good luck with it, and let's move on to the next video.
15. IDEA: Make a horizontal pattern border: In this video, we're going to try another exciting idea, it's creating horizontal borders. Borders are patterns that are repeating only one direction, which I've seen less one direction and not the other. You can say that can be a trim of the skirt, it can be the edge of a tea towel, all things in a product use decorative borders the same as could be a wallpaper, many different applications. They are also repeat patterns, but just they are repeating on the one way. Let's try this to turn this repeat pattern, our original pattern, into a horizontal border. Let's say you have a pattern like this. Again, what we are going to do is we are going to go to art board tool. Let's just hit "Shift O" and then make sure that this move copy artwork is selected and then press down "Option" and drag to the side. Let's drag this time a little bit further out so that I will show you how to create the border like that marquee around this month. It's locked now and this one is active. What we are going to do is we are going to ungroup. Yes, they are ungrouped. Now, we are going to marquee around the top portion of our pattern and delete. You can see that now we have a little of a mess, but it's totally okay. We are going to adjust this little pieces so that this leaf is not in a very good play, so I'm just going to delete it and delete these flower portions. But I do like this flower. Let's just make it a little bit smaller and bring it below lower Command X, Command B to place this little piece behind the flower. What we can do is we can just use a few different leaves, maybe like this one, and position them. Command X, click on the flower that you want to put the leaf behind, Command B to place the leaves behind there. Let's say we want to put a few leaves in here, copy the leaves, turn them over, and use the same Command X Command B to place them behind. These two, repeating too closely together, so I'll maybe just try something else. Let me see. Maybe also the dark leaf will be nice here. Just make it a little bit bigger. Place it behind the element. All right. Now I can see here that maybe I'll just make this flower a little bit larger. Just a little bit. Command-X, Command-F to bring it to the front. Just this one. The idea is that you want to create a frame that is not perfect, but basically has this similar height on this line right here. It's a rectangle. It already can be a frame, so you can add some text over here to make a greeting card like a, Thank You, for example here. But basically this is a pattern that will repeat on this side, on the left and on the right, on both sides of it. Let's select it and hit "Command-G" and now what we're going to do, we are going to select that again, Command-C and then Command-F. Now we have a copy of it on front. Now there are two of them, let's move this one. Let's move it to minus 600 on top here in the x value. It moved exactly 600 to the left, and you can see here that it repeats so that you can see better. Let's go to "View" and "Hide artboards" right here, and let's limit. Basically you can see that this is a seamless pattern, is just this two pieces of this piece and this piece are identical, but together they create a nice horizontal border. It gives you interesting, exciting opportunities. But also what I will do now, let's show the artboards again, so artboard. I want to group it together, Command-G, so now it's one group. What I am going to do now is I'm going to hit "Shift O" to go into artboard mode. I'm going to click on the "New Group" a few times, one or all the time, and then try it again if it doesn't work right away. Then click on this little x to delete the old art board. Click back on this. Undo on this artboard. Try again,and then adjusted it little bit. You can have a nice border tile. Now this will be a repeating tile right here, and for comparison you will see that this is our pattern that repeats all four ways. This is a border that repeats horizontally. Alright, you guys. Let's move on to the next video.
16. IDEA: Make a vertical pattern border: In this video we are going to be creating vertical borders. We already created horizontal border in the previous lesson, but now, we will apply similar principles but make the border stripe vertically seamless. It entails a few new concepts so that we can create our vertical borders as little stripes matching our pattern. Let's go back to our original flower pattern. Let's repeat the same. Make sure that the "Move With Artwork" is locked. We are going to make a copy with our art-board together. Lock this one again. I explained in more detail how to lock and move in the first lessons of this course, if you are just jumping in at this point. What we are going to do, this one is locked, and we're going to work on this one on the right. Ungroup. Let's try. So what I do often to start with, I just marquee around the left side, delete, and marquee around the right side, delete. This is a little bit of a beginning point for our pattern. Let's delete the ones that we don't want to keep. Let's see how to fill out. This side is actually pretty even. You can see it's almost a straight line right here, but this one is bumpy. We want to make it more even. What we are going to do is we're going to make this little portion a little bit smaller. We're going to turn these leaves to make them, and command. Select this leaf if you want to put it behind the flower, command "X", click on the flower, command "B". If it's not positioning in the right place, there might be that the "Align To Art Board" needs to be selected over here on top. Now this leaf is behind. Let's try and move this one a little bit to the side. Let's position this little piece. See, again it's on top. So command "X". Check the flower. Click on the flower, command "B". Let's move this onto the side a little bit for now. Let's put a little flower over here, rotate, arrange it a little bit higher, and let's place these leaves behind. Make it a little bit bigger and probably. Now we can see these things are starting to evolve. Let's move this behind this flower. We are starting to have something here. I might want to add a little cluster of leaves like so, and position it. It's already behind. Now you can see. I'll move these leaves to fill up. So this is how you are going build out your border so that you have more of a straight line on the right and straight line on the left. We might add a little leaf behind this flower here. Command "X". Command "B". Just to show you the concept quickly, let's say you might keep this one as your border. But we're not done yet because it's just one piece of the border. Let's group. Let's hit on "Horizontal Align Center". Now it's perfectly aligned in the center. What we are going to do now is we're going to create a longer border so that your customer who is going to license this border can see that this border is going to fit well with their longer form product. We're going to click on it, and we're going to copy it, command "C", and place it exactly in front, command "F". Now we're going to go to "Y" and input "+ 600". Six hundred is the height of your art-board and it also happens to be this width of your art-board as well; it's a square. Hit "Return", and repeat it exactly below. Again, now we are going to marquee around it with a black arrow tool, group, command "G". Now we're going to go to "Add Word" mode. We are going to click a few times on this group, here. Takes a few times to understand what you are doing. But let's say this is your art board like this. I'll actually like to go in, select this art-board and make it a little bit wider. Then I click on the "Border," and again, I click on "Horizontal Align Center". This way, you can see that there is a little bit of a negative space around it, but you already have a nice matching vertical border for your repeat pattern. All right you guys, now you know how to make horizontal borders and vertical borders based on your existing patterns. Let's move on to the next video.
17. IDEA: Add gold: In this lesson, we're going to add a bit of golden shimmer to our patterns to create a totally new style. It's a very exciting interesting way to experiment with your patterns and your style, and it is also a trendy style right now with gold and silver. I have also an exciting bonus for you so stay tuned for this exciting lesson. All right guys, let's hop over here and I'll show you what I mean. This is the pattern that we are going to work with. Starting out is our silhouette pattern. Silhouette are really awesome for this type of application. This is what I mean by gold. I created a simple gold foil gradient that I will show you how to make in this lesson. I applied the cut out based on this silhouette on top of it, and I created this imitation gold pattern. Okay, to get started first, I will show you that this pattern consists of two things. First of all, it's actually cut out of this pattern based on this silhouette pattern. It's white and there is a gradient on the bottom. So this is how this type of pattern is built. There are other ways how to work with gradients. But this is how I make these patterns, and the only warning is in here, that this pattern is then you can edit the colors, you can edit the background. But you cannot move the elements around anymore, just like you can move in the blue version because it is cut out. But the actual pattern still works very well. All right, so this is what we have here and I will show you how to build both of them. I also created a silver version to go with it and I will share exciting bonus at the end of this video. So how do you make this type of pattern? First of all, let's make the cut out. You can make the cut out based on different patterns that you have and they all will produce different styles. First of all, you can see here this is not a cut out, this is actual elements that you can move around, let's go into this inside of this group and we can basically move the elements around. I will show you what I mean by the cut-out. Now, what we're going to do is we're going to select this pattern, make sure that there is a white background in the back of the pattern. Then we are going to open up Pathfinder, window, "Pathfinder". All right and we're going to go to Divide. Right here, Divide. You click on it. You wait for your pattern to work and now our pattern is all cut up. You don't see it happening anything right now but it is basically cut up in pieces. Then we're going to select Magic Wand Tool hit "Y", and we're going to click on the blue. Make sure that it's only blue is selected in the fill here and we're going to hit "Delete". It will look like as if everything is deleted but if you click again, you will see that a lot of elements are shown. You can see here that it will be white. Let's create a 600 by 600 rectangle. Fill it with a color green, and then align it on the art board. Comment X, Comment B and you see what I mean here. Now we have a cut out based on our silhouette and the background in behind. If you go inside this cut out, you will see that is literally as if you would cut out holes in this white sheet of paper. That's what I mean by cutout is almost like a laser cut. We have our cut out prepared. Let's prepare our gradient. This is whatever we are going to be building. First of all, create a rectangle, 600 by 600, and color it. Let's color it with this dark gold color,no just try again. If you have a gradient and you want to pick a color from a gradient, this is a tip. You need to hit Shift and then click with the eye dropper tool. You will have that exact color where you clicked on the gradient only. Let's position it here. So you can see better and double click for the, another art board and let's look at this object. Look selection. So let me first of all sample a few colors so that you can copy exact colors here. This color is, I will drag it here, double click on it. You will see here, you can copy the CMYK numbers into by number so that you can create the same number for yourself. I will click on this again, Shift click on this light yellow color, light gold double click. These are the numbers you can copy them and to get the exact color. Let's click on this a little bit darker, gold Shift click and this, these are the numbers again. Just in case you are going to build this for yourself these are three colors. What we are going to do next is we're going to select this square, solid filled color square, and double click on the "Gradient Tool (G)". This is the gradient menu right here, gradient panel. Now let's grab the color that you want to use for our gold and drop it on the gradient. So you can see that now we are having some process for the gradient. Then let's drop the light gold somewhere here and the medium gold here and let's drop one more copy of this darker one in the middle and just double click on this little bottom square. Let's just make it a little bit lighter so it's not as permanent a little bit more. Basically this is how you can build your gold gradient. Now let's copy this gradient and let's go to our cut out. Let's delete the green background, and he hit Comment B to paste our gold background. Now you have white laser cut out on top and our gold gradient on the bottom, just like that. Then of course you can create all kinds of gradients as I did here, I created a sill reversion to illustrate the point. But also you can create different types of gradients, not metallic, but other gradients as well. Just you need to make sure that on this side, on the right and on this side of the left is the exact same color so that they can be seamless. Because if you drop a lighter color here and darker color on the right, then it will not be seen as it will be a sharp cut out, which will be an issue. Just in this type of work very important. This exact same color dropped on this edge and it's that same color dropped on this edge on the left. This way they will be seamless horizontally and vertically as well. This is the, how to make these type of gold and silver patterns. I have a little bonus for you all. I will show you right here. So I decided to share this gold and silver gradients that I created on my website for you as download for this course, you can go to for this course. The name of the course is Multiplier Patterns. There you will have the e-book that you can download to remember these ideas. You can download your bonuses, including the gold and silver gradients that you can play with and create your own cut outs and create your own patterns this way. I hope you enjoy your bonuses. Let me know in the comments, what do you think about them. Have fun creating your own gradients and patterns. All right you guys, let's move on to the next video.
18. IDEA: Add transparency: In this lesson we are going to use transparency. We're going to make things transparent and use opacity and different settings so that we can have a new style of pattern. Go to the silhouette pattern that we created recently. I'm going to be creating a style, something like this one, very close to that. You can see here that we have our silhouette elements from this pattern. I have a color change here, and I also created a copy and pasted it in the back and brought that transparency down so that we have this interesting texture and depth to this pattern. First of all, let's create a copy of the blue pattern below. Let's lock as always our patterns. Let's start creating our transparency filled pattern. First of all, let's use the magic wand y. I have this pink color here. Here are the number for it, CMYK, click and I recolored it. Then I double-click inside of the pattern and I wanted to add a little bit of interest. I double-click a number of times until I have my roses here. Again, y for magic wand, click on the white lines and I have this yellow color here. Here are the numbers for it, click and I colored them yellow. Exit. We also have the same on this smaller flowers. I'm going to go in again and I'm going to select these flowers. I think I've got this one. All right. I think I've had them all. What I'm going to do "Select", "Inverse" and I'm going to go ''Object", "Hide", "Selection". So that we have only temporarily these flowers. Again, y for magic wand, click on the white, make sure that the white is selected and click on yellow. This way we have the yellow here. Go back to "Object" and "Show All'. This way, we colored all the yellow lines in our flowers without coloring the lines in our leaves anywhere else. Got it. This is already an interesting version of the pattern, but let's add that depth. Exit. We have our nice group here. What we are going to do, we're going to hit command "C" with the pattern selected, command "P" to paste in the back. Make sure that on top here you have a line to artboard. Now we have two copies, I'll show you, two copies one behind each other. What I noticed just now is that we have the white background. Click on the "a" for direct selection for a white arrow tool. Click on the white background here, it is just plain white background and hit "Delete". You can do it one more time for the second copy, if you have a second copy already. What we are going to do, we are going to click on the top layer and go to "Object", "Lock', 'Selection". Now we have the second copy. I am going to grab the corner and just rotate it and press "Down Shift", so it snaps in the corners there. Now we have a big texture right here. I'm going to click on it and I'm going to go to "Opacity" on top over here and I'm going to input 20. Let's see. That's already how to create interesting effect. Maybe we'll go up to 30 to match a little bit more the original pattern that we're going to create. Basically I got pretty similar pattern here. This is a very interesting method to create more depth in this pattern. You can also do interesting effect if you have some shapes and then you want to paste some shapes and texture on top and bring down the opacity. It will also create interesting effects in your elements and interesting textures as well. Just make sure that everything is seamless. Don't forget, go to "Object", "Unlock All". Let's group this together, command "G" and we have our pattern right here. This is how you create another style of your pattern using the depth, using opacity, and the transparency in your pattern. You guys let's move on to the next video.
19. IDEA: Overlay patterns: Here is another idea. How about you can overlay your existing different patterns or create a new pattern to overlay? I will show you what I mean. Here's the pattern that we created in the previous video, and here is the pattern that I created by combining two of my patterns, the bold silhouettes of hearts pattern on top of a version of this pattern. If I delete the top version of this pattern, let me ungroup first and I will show you what I mean. See this is the heart portion, the cutout as in the previous lesson, and this is a version of this pattern. I want to make a more homogeneous pattern, or if I put the white on top of these vital shapes, then the shapes of the hearts will get lost. So I make it light pink background and I colored the yellow elements in this pattern on the left white, and then I place the heart cutout on top. I combined. To create this pattern, I combined this pattern on top with this pattern on the bottom here. I created a cutout from my existing hearts pattern, and to create a cutout, please revisit the add gold lesson in this course. Over there I explain how to make a cutout, and then I placed it on top just like so. You can have so much fun with this pattern. You can create very simple circles pattern, polka dot pattern with bold circles and bubbles, and lay it over your colored patterns to create this interesting effects and texture, and have lots of fun honestly. All right, you guys. Let's move on to the next video.
20. IDEA: Add text: Here is an idea of adding text to your existing patterns so that you can create templates and cards and stationery and menus and invitations, all kinds of interesting things with your patterns. Let's show you an example. For example, this is the horizontal border that we already created in one of the previous lessons of this course and here is a card that I created. A little thank you card that I created based on one half of this border. So I copied the border to a new art board, half of it, and I added some text right on top. This is an interesting way to play with your borders that you create it from your patterns, so that you can create interesting combinations of text and your pattern. Your portfolio doesn't really have to be only patterns. You can create an even should create different types of products and mock-ups with your patterns so that you can show off your skills. You can also learn how your patterns can be used by designers, by stationery manufacturers, it's really awesome to work on these types of projects. Another example, which is also an interesting way to use your patterns combining with text is, for example, to turn a pattern like this, a full tile into a better like that. You delete a few roses over here, and I added a leaf in the corner here, and then I added the same text with the same font below. So you can create interesting looking frames based on your pattern tiles, which is always fun to look at it and it creates visual frame around your text. It's a very good graphic design exercise for any repeat pattern designer. The opportunities with this idea are limitless. You can create a lot of different interesting combinations by playing with different styles of fonts and different styles of patterns. I can recommend a resource for finding interesting fonts. It's called Font Squirrel. I use that and they have a lot of nice three fonts there so that you can pick the one for yourself and you can also expand them. If you expand them, I mean, you select the font, now it's a font and you go to Object, Expand Appearance. It still hasn't responded yet, so you go one more time, Object, Expand, and then you expand object and fill. Now you can see by the outer red outline is that this is now not an editable text, but this is an outlined path that looks like font. This is needed if you want to submit your patterns of your vector design for sale to Microsoft websites as I talked to you before. This is what you need to do before doing that. Also you need to make sure that your fonts are free for commercial use, or that you have proper license for your forms. Alright so this is how you do it, let's move on to the next video.
21. IDEA: Make rectangular patterns: Here is a video where I'm going to show you how to make rectangular patterns based on your current square pattern type. We are going to work with this pattern that we created before in this course and what I mean by a rectangular patterns is that, this is the layout that you can present to your customers and on Microsoft websites as a file so that you can sell your repeat pattern designs and create another different version, which not only uses the color difference, but also a composition difference in a presentation. How to do this, is, first of all, I will delete this for now and I will delete the rectangle too for now. I'm going to create a copy of this pattern. We already know how to do this I explained in detail in the beginning of this course and let's work this one. Now, let's recolor first. Let's click on the blue. I have the colors for this, a new version already here. This is the number for the dark gray, dark blue color. Now let's click on the leaves. Now let's click on the flowers. Is like severely light beige color. We have our beige. Somehow I forgot to change this one. What I'm going to do, I'm just going to pick a light color for the background for now. I'm going to look at it as well. This is our pattern. What we are going to do is we're going to create a rectangular presentation for it. The horizontal and vertical rectangular presentation of a pattern can be good to show off the flow of the repeat more, and as the square one is the actual title, even though it can be rectangular by itself, I normally use the square tiles and a swatch of your fabric, which creates the repeat. But if you create a horizontal presentation for it, it will also give your future customers ideas how the pattern will look on fabric. We have the tile colored, what we are going to do is we're going to click comment C and then comment F to put pasted exactly in front. Now we have two copies, one on top of the other. We're going to go to x axis and we're going to hit plus 600. Six hundred is the width of the tile. What happened now that I didn't copy the background. What we are going to do is we're going to group the background together with the flowers. Okay. Let's check. Yes, it works. Then go again we say yes. I just double-check it, comment C comment F. Then we are going to hit again plus 600. Now we have our two copies side-by-side, then select them both hit comment G. Okay, and now let's hit shift, all for the board too. Let's double-click on the part of the repeat here, which was the outside of the existing square art-word. Now we have a big rectangle here, and I deleted the original square art-word. Here is our new pattern right here. One word of warning for this type of pattern, if you are going to sell it as a vector file, I recommend that you take one tile and drag it to swatches so that your customer will buy your file and they will have this swatch right here, which is a square repeat tile. This is this swatch over here, new pattern. This is another interesting way to grow your repeat variant portfolio faster, especially on Microsoft websites, because this way you can present your patterns in a new way, in your portfolio. All right, you guys, let's move on to the next video.
22. IDEA: Use only some of the elements: In this video, we're going to create a new pattern with only a few elements from the existing pattern. So this is a totally new direction, then you can go where you can extract only flowers or only leaves, or maybe some geometric shapes and the core elements from your patterns and go on a totally new direction, creating more and more patterns. I will show you what you need right here. All right, this is our original pattern, parent pattern as i call it. What we are going to be creating is, we are going to be creating a pattern only with the leaves. Here I extracted a few leaves. What I did, I just clicked on the first leaf and then press down Shift and then click on the few other leaves that I liked, and then I copy pasted them right here. After that, what I did, I just went into my pattern-making system in Adobe Illustrator, and I recolored the elements a little bit, and I created this pattern with leaves right here. A few tips is that it is always interesting to try new things when you're making a pattern. So you can try with only one leaf, let's say this one, or you can make a geometric pattern was this leaf, or just use two. So there are different opportunities how to create these types of patterns and your imagination is your special tool where you can grab any of the elements and create interesting textures and pattern combinations with them. And of course, you can take this leaf pattern and go on a totally new, a stream of patterns based only on that one just as I showed you in this course. So this is an awesome creative adventure to go into by picking only a few elements from your pattern and combining them in new ways. All right you guys, let's move on to the next video.
23. Course project: I hope you enjoyed all the ideas that I shared with you in this course, and let's jump into the course project. We are going to create a course project, and you are going to start growing your big pattern portfolio today. Here is an example of a course project I created based on the ideas shown in this course. They are not all of them but I wanted to show you that even just with few patterns already will grow your portfolio and make your, more versatile. You can show off different styles, you can share it with your friends and community as a collection like this or you can create and post them separately wherever you wish but you can do actually even both. I will give you a few guidelines how to create this type of project and how to share it. First of all, here is our step 1. Create an art board in a double illustrator by 800 pixels on shorter side. The art board can be of different size. It can be square, it can be long, vertical, horizontal, whatever you want. But this is just approximate so that you know not to create very large art board. Number 2, is to paste your "parent" pattern right here, this is it, and make it large. To make it larger than the other solid we know that that was your original pattern. Number 3, is to add smaller "children" patterns just like I did right here with these ones and I arrange them next to your main "parent" pattern. Include your name and business name as I did here, somewhere next to your patterns, it can be below, it can be on top or you can just fill it in as I did here next to my horizontal border. Also include your website. Here is my website, you can include Instagram if you want as well, so that people know how to find the creator of these patterns. Then, create a new project in the course and publish it. We are super excited to see what everyone comes up with and we are going to give feedback and suggestions on your project. Now let's share with your community too. You should be sharing the work that you are creating even if you're just a beginner, you can still practice and share your work. I do recommend it, you will receive valuable feedback from your friends and community and people will start finding your work online. Even if you're just starting out, please start sharing and build up that portfolio online and as start also selling your designs as I share in this course the ideas how to start doing that too. Also let me know in the comments which of the ideas, were your favorite? Which ones were the best inspiration for you and you saw yourself creating all kinds of interesting pattern variations using those ideas? So very excited to find out which ones you liked.
24. Next steps + BONUSES: Congratulations, you've reached the end of this course. I'm so excited that now you know, there are many, many different ways to create a repeat pattern designs. And you don't have to draw special separate pattern elements for each pattern. You can build and create on what you already have and combine different elements from different patterns. That's something else that you can consider for growing your repeat pattern portfolio much faster. What are the next steps for you? First of all, maybe you are already selling and licensing your patterns online on their websites like Print on Demand website for examples, Spoonflower or micro stock websites, for example, Shutterstock. I have been building my repeat pattern design business over there and making full-time income for years and years now on those websites. I know that it is a struggle for people to grow their repeat pattern portfolio consistently so now, based on this course, you know how to create that portfolio quickly and start making side income that might one day turn into full-time income. If you want to learn more about licensing and selling, repeat pattern designs online, I have more free resources about that. You can go to, where I'm going to attach all the bonuses that I prepared for this course and also my other free videos and resources so that you will know how to license and start selling your repeat pattern designs while you're growing your repeat pattern portfolio. I wish you good luck at your creative journey. Grow, love and create. Bye.