1. Modulation Intro Skillshare: Hello folks, my name
is Gabriel Felix. When should they going to talk
about modulation battles? I'm going to teach
you everything about modulation paddles. I learned a lot during my studies at California
College of Music. So we're going to
talk about flanger, Carlos, phase, envelope, filter. While a battle or commands
to wow our reverb, delay, compressors, gates, octave, battle look bad and several
types of effects, right? But remember you will
not find less as about reveals nine years
you're talking about what brands
the best brand. Okay. I'm here to talk about
the sound off effects and create the time we're off
our favorite guitar players, such as the ad from YouTube, jack, wide front rights tribes
jump to standby, right? Hostile evaporators, Steve, I and many other artists, right? So scores is specially
designed for you beginner nowadays to have more than 70 thousand
students on a platform. And I hope you'll become
one of my students as well. So thank you so much In see
lesson number one, Bye bye.
2. My modulation guitar pedals : Most of the effects
that I'm going to use in this
course, right here. I have lemma, petals. Marshall petals. Don't want battles. What else? Mosque petals, moist, legato
and several type of brands. All right. I have 150 US dollars pedals, MA as to have what's drink
five US dollars petals. You have been arranged
related to price, okay? But do not think about Bryce. You need to remember
that the brands have there marketing
strategies, right? Yeah, of course, their names. So Marshall have a big
name in the market, do lock as well, but filament, it's not
so big nor even more. So, don't think about price, thinking about the sound and the quality that you
hear, as you can see, have delays, reverbs, mood,
effect pedals, right? I really enjoyed this type of petals because you
have several effects. One single pattern, so
I have chorus flange, tremolo, face vibrato,
and seven and waters. We have one battle,
Fleming and another moot petal from martial
status. Really good. And I think that it's
really nice to talk is about this type of
switch right here. Most of the petals,
we have this option. In this case, he changed
my type of delay. So a half hour long delay, Rio equal delay and
they echo, right? So we have more
options of sound. Same thing here
with my gates cake. So having a soft
gate can be hard. So let's go.
3. Chorus: Now it's time to
talk about Kerberos. It's very common effect and
you can find it Bob Brock, gasoline, and even Hefner. Yes, the chorus effect
double the sound of your guitar and takes a little
bit off the temple twice. So interest if I play it, data curls with the curves. Interesting, isn't it?
You can find melodies, but you can find in
courses as well. For example, under the bridge
by red Huston peppers, even the Krusbar we have Carlos. It's a very common effects. And I think you can find in 95 per cent off the
socks can have metal, you can use cars as well. Zack, YOU use this
type of cars a lot, confining no more tears. But be careful you should
put too much speed. It's going to shoot
dissonant. Check this out. Sounds like a tremolo
lash vibrato. So be careful.
4. Phaser: Now it's time to talk
about a phase effect. It's very similar. If we compare phase Caro's
influential crazy effect, double your guitar signal, and changes a little bit. It's hard to explain with
words from this economically. Check this out. My guitar. He Dao the phasing facts. Now if phase effect, It's almost like a wah-wah, but a different type of flower. This type of effects start to become famous during
the seventies. You can find in songs
such as Barracuda and even in Sweet Home, Alabama.
5. Flanger: Now it's time to
talk about flanger. It's a little bit different. If we compare with the curl, the effect is going to
double your signal, but with a little delay of 20 milliseconds and just as little difference
make the sounds. So cool. Check this out. My guitar, it delta
flange width. Lunch. If we put distortion, is going to sound much louder. It's a very nice effect. And you can find in
Wulf my other joke, in a thief, the neutral
part, I love the sun. You can find the Foo
Fighters breakouts. You make me do. You know you make me break? Several audit pop
and rock songs. But be careful if you've
put shoe might speed. You're going to some
tumor descendants usually put a speeding
40% and the deaf, you should put too much. You're going to have a
Laura Flanders sound. So speeding in a 100%. And the deaf,
that's 50 per cent. So sound like a tremolo, but they are decent.
6. Compressor and Gate: Let's talk about
compressors AND gate. Imagine we have some kind of thermometer right here, okay? If we play very, very loud, our sound is going to hit like what, Two Treatises, bells. But we've compressor, you can set that up when
your sounds rate. One that's Bell War one
that's built in half. You can compress this sound. You can set up the
attack, the tempo track, this compressor is
going to start to work. So it's a very nice bedroom, as can see on a video. All this red bar is
compressing, alright? With gate is exactly
the opposite. If your volume is around the
miners chew or a minus one that's bow or minus three the bench on your asset
that you can cut. The sound. Gate works really well with
distortion. Check this out. If I turn it on,
just my distortion. You can listen to
the noise is sound. But with gate, you
could this nice salt. The best thing that you are, the target sound, very good. If you play live concert
and play with distortion, think dates one of the most important battles on your pedal board, right guys. It's very important
to have one of this pedal board specialty. You sure you're going
to bring a venue and the latchkey system and the
electric pore of the venues. Little bit nicer,
little bit weird. Sometimes gates can
save you a lot.
7. Harmony: Now it's time to talk
about the Armani pedal. And the idea here is to play, once you have this anal to bring right
with the Armani pedal, I can set up to play this note, but sound, as I borrow a chord with a node in a perfect fifth, higher or lower depends on
your pad or inset that. Or I can't attach to play a major or a major seventh
interval is up to you, Okay? You have several type
of your options. Then back dairy from
this kind of effect. Let me see Steve
vine and brings, brings have a great song with
dizzy fact, check this out. I like to put
distortion in Armani. It works really well.
Check this out. I going to set up should play the note and 1 seventh higher. Okay, check this out. Now, perfect fifth works really well, but be careful if
you play with core, it's not going to sound so good.
8. Octave: Let's talk about
the octave effect. So I'm going to explain
the context here. You should play the note
just one single nodes. Nodes. With the octave pedal, you have the option to play one single note and 2.5 notes. So one higher or one nodes, lower, fence on your better. Okay? So as you can see, I have my image right here
it down without a paddle. And if I turn on a battle, I have chewing. Okay? So my irregularly in
a low octave. Okay? I don't like this. Use these effects with
clean guitar, clean tone. That's why I going to turn it on my distortion in fully blue
orchid by White Stripes. Yes, The White Stripes have a great song with
Octave. Check this out. Very nice, isn't it?
It's a great effect. I lead these effects, Jimi Hendrix use it
to Blake as well. So it's a great effect you
have on your pedal board.
9. Ring modulation : Let's talk about the
ring modulation then these effects have more
than two whence years. Yes. It's a really fun effect. It's not so come to find
is effecting music. Just because sound
weird. Check this out. My guitar and I clicked
on the wave modulation. Sounds really weird. Sound like a sensitizer from
the 17th centuries, right? Arms and leads a
different effect. If we compare, if Carlos
flanger in phasor, that's a nice effect. If you want to have a
different introduction for your band or
a different song.
10. Tremolo and vibrato: Now centered talk about
travel and vibrato. And the unique ID definition that you need to have in mind is that tremolo is related to the volume and vibrato is related to the
pitch after nodes. Okay, check this example. We're going to
play with tremolo. First of all, I'm going to
play with my clean sound. Let me click Done. Now we've tremolo can see the sun's
back-and-forth right. Now, vibrato is very similar, but instead of working
with the volume enough denotes the sound
of your instrument. Vibrato works, which the peak
trough, the ice terminates. As you can see, the
sound is really similar. Tom Morello by OBS, leave a composite circle. Be yourself. It's a great song. Yeah, he used this tremolo
device. Check this out.
11. Rotary : So these effectors
simulate your sound. Rude taking 360 degrees. Yes, it's very nice effect, especially if you
have two speakers, at least juice beakers. Okay, she's selling stereo
and you are playing live, so you have very cool
and nice ambient sound. Check this out. If I play, doubt my
effects are going to have this salary or February, if my effect ambiance
sound, that's very nice. You can play with
distortion as well. And it works. Really good. Rain and the skies
refuse to cry.
12. Wah wah, auto wah wah and envelope filter: Now it's time to talk about
why our automatically wow, in envelop future and the concept of wow,
it's very simple. You are a guitar, makes Walla, Walla sound is simple like that. A little bit stupid, but we pay fortunate to have her help our parabolic just
because it's cool. Sounds very nice. Jimi Hendrix composed of a
child with a wall of PEDOT. And we loved his son, right. You can find while we're
in C channel mine and several water and
rock and pop songs. Even during the 17th, when While I was really, really become really a famous
pedal in the disco music, probably you are readily
sense something like this. This is really common
in disco music. When you put your allowing
position number one, you have this sap height sound. In position number two, you have the lowest sound. Good idea, yes, mix
between these two sounds. But you have the options
you have automatically. Wow, that is a lot of PEDOT going
back-and-forth like this. And you can say that the speed
of this, wow, for example, various Louis are very fast. I'm used to walk better, but I'm going to use the
automatic languages. Has example. He gets too fast. Ray. Let's change, just
assimilate my, my other wall of sound. Similar and I can
play the same thing. That's why was the Cynthia's
develop future so you can play some nice funk
music with this battle. Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow.
13. Loop Pedal : Let's talk about
the loop pattern. It's very common to use these
in live music just because this feather just not
everything you read card. So I'm going to give
you an example. Let me see. You're
going to recur very nice blues check
this out. 1234. You have our data
working very good. And it can provide
a lighter gray. So he's a great battle
for live music. If you are a teacher in need, some kind of helped during
your lesson and right, with a backing track or
some thing like that. Usually you, if you press
once, you start to record, if you press twice, you stop this record. And if you hold a battle, you erase the less record 9, 9% of the loop pedals
work like this. A great thing that
you can import MP3 files to this battle. So when you are playing live, you can just active
dispersal and have a backing track or a playback
on your show on the left. This is very, very common.
14. Reverb : Let's talk about reverb and a reverse.
Similarly different. You wore every single room, every single space have
Echo, have a reverb. For example, if you
are in your bathroom at home, you have a river. If you go to the kitchen, can have another river. If you go to the church, he a very big place. You have another type of river, another type of echo. And his photo simulates
this type of NBN sound. So for example, if I play the sound of my guitar
down the river, had the sound with reverb. Have dishonored sound.
Very nice, isn't it? Very cool. Ambient sound. If you listen
carefully, you can, you can find it
echoes site of sound. Right? So if I put a
little rough effect, I have more echo there
and you can set up your reverb with the
features that you want. Can have them more
dry and wet sounds, or you can increase
the time of the echo or decrease the time.
It's up to you. But be careful if you
put too much reverb and timid sign your or wet sound, you can sound a
little bit weird. It's not going to work through
your sound, for example. Too much echo, isn't it? So be careful with that. A grid combination is
Carlos and revert? Yes, If you play another
breed with cars and reverb, going to sound very well. Check this out on a bridge. It bright red Hasidic pappas. Very beautiful combination. You can find reverb in drums, guitar, bass, voicing,
average single instrument. Just because we have
this natural reverb, average single
placing a single room that we are going to record.
15. Delay: Let's talk about delay.
And let's take as exemple my notes right here. I'm playing D E delta effect, but I can similarly they
affect playing guitar. Check this out.
Delays exactly this. You play one note and you have the repetition of these nodes. Very nice, isn't it? Well, I'm going
to use the pedal. I'm going to play just one
single D. The repetition. Once again. As you can see, it's very nice. You can set up the time
of this repetition, the quantity of this repetition, so the feedback and the
level of your delay. Very nice setup,
delay configuration. And I'm going to play a very
famous song called Switch. I do my check this out. You refer, isn't it?
It's a very nice effect. You have several types
of delays that echo. I'll delete and a large
could delay Rio echo hand several artifacts and works
really good with distortion. Check this out. I'm going to
flee juice. My distortion. Dry sound, completely
dry sound with delay works very good
with guitar solos, right? So if I play a lake,
delete sounds very nice. But if you play down
to delay the sound, too dry or key, we don't have the
ambiance of the space, so deletes very nice for solos. Another great thing is that
some digital deadly battle. We have the option to have the loop function inside
the delay pedal. Yes. You just press the
Delete, hold it late, and you can Record a few seconds or even a few
minutes on your delay pedal. So you have two paddles. Once great, to save money, decides that some
delayed battle has the option to have the
reverb function and then delay function inside the same petal do have very
similar effects from this. You have this
option, more money, hence face on your pedal board.
16. Rev+delay+dist sound like U2: Now it's time to talk
about you chew the ageing, a great guitar player. And he used a lot of
reverb delay in stores. A great combination. So let's listen to sound
just with distortion. Very dry, isn't it? But with delay instruction
works really great. The secret here is
reputed store shown with just 4550% of gang, right? Delay and reverb with 45 or
40% in tempo and feedback. If you put a lot of
tempo and feedback, time and feedback,
you are going to sound a little bit
nice. Check this out. I'm going to erase 15% of the time and feedback
and move petals. Excuses sound really weird. And this type of thing
can destroy your sound, the mixing of your song. And we need to remember that we have our
instruments as well. So every, every single week
are meant to work together. So be careful with
time and feedback. I'm not a great
son is elevation. And he uses the
same combination, reverb delay in stores.
17. Pitch shifter + distortion sound like Steve Vai: Let's talk about pitch shifter. It's a great combination. So guitar amp, your
pitch shifter, distortion, and
your guitar, right? So let's listen The sound
of my, my distortion. Now if my pitch
shifter, nice isn't it? Let's listen water again. Be truth and Starship. As can see. When I play
with pitch shifter, I have the sound of
my minor scale blurs this same Peloton. One, One Perfect fifth higher. You can armor nice this type of combinations which
perfect fifth intervals, meters, six meters, salvos. Companies you want in some
big shift turf battles have the option to putting
the octaves as well so you can transform
your pitch shifter. Octave battle, check this out. The dark pitch shifter with
bit shift or inactive. But be careful, does
not work with courts. I put my pitch
shifting in thirds. Check this out with melody.
Fairness, isn't it? But with cards
doesn't sound good. Steve I, one of the most
famous guitar players use this type of effect. He his socks. So it's a great combination. Pitch shifter store.
18. How to order guitar pedals in your signal chain: Where does each better
girls in the signal path? To be honest with you,
there is no correct order. Yes. You can put your pitch shifter as your first pattern
or the last feather, you can put your overdrive and the first one
on the last one, it's up to you, okay. Most of the people
say that we need you. We need to find
some recipes, okay, you're going to let you chew recipes that we can
find on the Internet. But to be honest, there is no correct answer
for this question. Jimi Hendrix, for example, he usage play with his
guitar amp first and guitar. So it's a completely
different order, should have his sound signature. So my shortcut for
you guys is this. Take all your paddles, sit down and find
the best solution. The bass chain should turn
on your guitar pedals. With this, you are
going to develop your own style,
your own signature.
19. Replica guitar pedals: Now it's time to talk
about the replica petals. So I'm here with a golden horse, this PEDOT I've bought for what? She was less than $25. Yes, it's very
cheap to overdrive. And this is a copy off this
entire very famous overdrive. And it's very expensive as well. So he's, I think
is unwanted $1200. So it's crazy. It's a lot of money. And if we compare both pedals, this pattern right here, the rapid PKA is
something around 95% of the sound
of the day center, petal, okay, do regional one. So you need to to shift your
thinking a lot about that. Why this worked for me. Pages, $25 US dollars and have 95 per cent
of the sound or pay 1200 US dollar and have
the Dixie, the original one. You need to think
about your goals and what is the best for you. If you are a beginner,
if you're not work as a professional is just
have this as a Rabi. Probably to have the copy
is much more profitable. But if you have a
studio, a big studio, and you receive
very famous band, it's important you have the
original equipments, right? Just you have 100% of
the sound, of course, have this status that is very important to
develop a business. The choice is yours. Most of the copies you
can find in China, China had several tracker
off brands such as Maschine, Lama, Moir, and several types of brands that produce
this type of petals. But you can find copies
in United States, handmade copies in
Brazil, UK, or afterward. Yeah, of course, we need
to think about the price. The price is very affordable
for most of the musicians, it's a good choice if
you do not want to invest too much money
in guitar pedals.
20. Final: The last lesson of our course, and I have three things to talk. The first one is, please
evaluate my course. This is very
important to my work. This type of feedback is going to help me to
improve my lessons. And of course, the visibility
here in this platform. So this reveal board, this feedback part is
very important guys. Second thing, you can watch
the course over again, okay, it's not a problem at all. We have any kind of doubt. Just come back and see
the lesson over again. This is important,
very important. Because with this, you
are going to absorb a 100% of the knowledge
of our tree is visit my profile have several
types of courses in this Florida form froms going to help in
the future, right? So think is so much and
see you later. Bye bye.