1. Intro : Hi, my name is Flora, and I'm an embroidery artist. When it comes to social media, I like to focus my time on my embroidery and less on styling my pictures. I found one spot that has perfect lighting and the perfect shade of white for me, and that place is my bed. I want to show you how you can use a background for your pictures that is not perfectly smooth and crisp. In this class, we will go over all the tools in the app and how to use them, and how we can add the different parts of your picture, and make it look perfect, which is one app.
2. Using selective tool: The app that we're going to use for editing our pictures is Snapseed. I tried many other apps, but this is the one that has all the editing I need for making my pictures the way I want them to look. It is available for Android and the iPhone. When you open the app, you immediately see a plus sign for you to choose the picture you want to edit. For making pictures, I like to use my bed because mainly it's just something that is just there, and I don't have to set up. Me and my bedroom the lighting is always very good. It's like the nicest lighting in a house. For me it works really well to use my bed. I'm just someone who's not really good at making cell sell pictures. This is how I like to make my pictures in order to be consistent in my social media. The thing that I really like is that the texture of the ripple fabric, of the texture of the bed works really well with this app, with the editing that we're going to do. This way you see when you open a picture and in it you see all the filters you can use. But in this class we're not going to use ready-made filters because I really want to work with different aspects of the picture that we can manipulate in this app. Instead, we're going to look at the tools option that you also see underneath. The first thing I always do with editing any picture is using the crop tool. The square speaks for itself. That's just a square. The DIN, that is just aspect ratio to use for our European page aspects like the ones that I use in Netherlands, such as a4, a3, a2. For this video, I'm going to use the square ratio, and with the help of the guide I'm going to make sure that all the focus of the picture is in the middle. The next tool that we're now going to use is the selective tool. You're going to use your fingers to select an area that you want to adjust. This tool we're going to use for the bad and smooth that all the creases and lines and also adjust the color. We're going to go to our tools. At the top you're going to see selective. That's what we're first going to do. The selective. When you click on it with your finger, you can go in and out to make it bigger and smaller. The center size. This little dark picks up on a color. What you can do is you can go on it and choose any color you want. Here we have a darker crease and it will pick up on all those darker creases. Then you can go with your finger up and down. Up again after the brightness to make it brighter, you go down for the contrast, the saturation. You can add more color or less color and the structure. What we're going to do now first is the structure. Because I want to get rid of this whole bed structured thing where it's really creased and pretend like my bed doesn't look this way. We're just going to center it. Now we're not going to do the whole thing. We're just going to do a tiny area, and you're going to go up and then structure. You're going to go all the way in the zero. I just click again on the plus. We're going to do another section. With this you can just go again with color, and here we go up. I really love this feature because when you hear that you don't touch any shadows, it just smooths it out. We're just going to do this everywhere. In the beginning, it doesn't really matter what color you're going to grasp because it's all white. We're going to smooth it out anyway. We're going to it over here. structure We're going to smooth everything out. This is the most amount of dots you can use. You don't have any list that you can use, but you can just click "Okay". Another feature is that you can look here, and see how it was before. What I don't want to do is we're now going to go to Tools and we're going to go to Selective again. Here we want to have a little bit less structure. Here I still have some structure that I don't want there. Maybe here a little bit. We're almost there. I think this is good. This is what we're going to work with for the canvas. You see, this looks a bit weird. That doesn't look like a natural shading. What we're going to do is you're going to go to Tools, and we're going to go to Healing. We're going to zoom in all the way with our fingers and we're just slightly going to go over it. You have to be really careful because it will pick up on the red. You gently swipe over it. This looks more like a natural shadow. We're going to click on "Okay", again.
3. Overview of available tools: What I know want to do is, I really want to stay true to the colors of the ribbon, because it's a really nice dark velvety color. But what we're going to do is first we're going to go to Tune Image. I want to show you all the features that this app can do. First, we're going to tune the image, and you can see what you can all do. We can go to the Brightness, not too heavy. Especially on Instagram people want to turn up the brightness really high, which is really pretty, I do it a lot. But the problem is you have to stay true to the colors I think. This is such a pretty color that we don't want to over-exaggerate it. But again, with the selective tool, we can always put that back and fix it. We are going to go a little bit up with the brightness, and what I like to do first is the ambiance so that you can set the mood for your picture. Like brightly, how the light shines it, and I really want to have it more down. If we go up, now you can see now is really defined and when we go down, you can see that the shadows are really muffled. But I really like to have it here because I really want to have it a little bit moody. I like to do ambiance first because after that I can play around with the contrast and see what I want to change. Now I'm going to go with the contrast just a bit up. I do want to brighten the picture. But because we set the ambiance low, then the velvet, the red stays a little bit dark. I like the highlights to be up a lot, shadows. We do have a lot of shadows, so we can go up a bit with that, but it's also your preference of choice what you like. I like to have a little bit of shadows, and I'm going to leave it to this. Saturation, I'm not going to do anything with this, because I like the color intensity as it is right now. I'm going to hit "Okay". Then we have our details. Now I'm just going to leave the details as they are now, but I just want to show you what you can do. This is also good if you make a selfie or you can just smooth your skin out. But here we can go to structure and go all the way down, and really like, that there's no structure at all, or you can really amp it up and make it almost look like it's a drawing. We're not going to do anything with the structure right now. You can sharpen it, which is also a really handy tool, for instance, because my social media is all about embroidery, I'm an embroidery artist, and when you have the threads, sometimes it's really nice to sharpen the image, so you really get a sense of the thread. Actually, it looks nice here, but I want to not go in and do the sharpening. However, maybe it does look good. No, we're going to leave it that is. Here we have the curves. I know this is something you also have in Photoshop where you can play around with the curves. The white one is really the whites parts up, so you want to have it high. Then the load zones, what you can do here, these are filters that you can use with the levels. Then you can play around yourself with the filters, so you really are hands-on with this also. You can really play around yourself with it. You can also choose what color you want. You can brighten it, you can darken it, fade it, so it's a really cool feature. But we're going to leave it as it is and not playing around with the curves. The white balance is the same as the temperature, but here it does give really fast results. I see a lot of people who are like, that it's really white my picture, and then you end up getting a really blue picture, so you have to be careful with that. I think sometimes maybe one or two like this is enough. I can go okay, and also I get the tint. This is something that changes really quickly, so I wouldn't do anything with this. Unless you really want to go for a certain look, it is not something I recommend to go into. We did already the crop. Rotate speaks for itself. Perspective, I don't like to play around with that. It's not something I'm good at and I don't like the look of this. You can change the perspective of your picture, which is something you can play around with. This is not a really cool feature that I find really cool in this app is expanded. Because sometimes it happens to me that I make a picture and when I crop it, I'm like, it's too closed up, I don't have a lot of stuff. It's too much in one picture and I wish I taken it from further away, so I can put more of my center focused in the middle. What you can do here, you can obviously change it to black or white, but you can also do the smart feature. What it does is that it automatically makes the background the same as it was. Now it's not perfect. You can see that it's not perfect and that it still needs some covering up. But you can easily with your selective tool go in there and fade it, change the structure, and it will look really good. You have the selective, we have the brush. The brush is really that you can go in and change the exposure, but on a certain type of placement. You can see here that we really can turn up the exposure here. Here you can see how it was, how it looks. We can also choose to erase it. Exposure here can be like, I think it's a little bit too dark. We can just clean it up a little bit here with a brush and make it a bit lighter background. Just swipe on it a bit. You can see a bit the difference. That's what I really like about this app is that you can make differences with your finger, but it's not an eraser. You don't have to be super precise because as soon as you have to be super precise with an app, I go wrong. It's my fingers, it's difficult. That's why I like this one. Yeah, this I'll like. We have the healing brush, I already showed you a bit, what you can do with it. You can go here, and we can heal it a bit. We already did that. I also want to show you that it's relevant for pictures that you want to brighten your pictures and make your picture different is the glamour glow. I really love this one. Double-tap and you go to normal, you don't go to zoom in anymore. The glamour glow really gives a really nice glow to your image. Here you can have different kinds of glows. This is intense and is also really not for selfie, but I also think it's really nice for this product. Like this one I think is really pretty. This is obviously super intense. This is also maybe too much, but if we can go back a bit and make it a little bit less, but I do like to have a little bit of the glow. It brightens it up really nice. So do a really slight glow. Like a 13, I think that's really pretty. These are all things that you can add, drama to vintage to grainy, grunge, black and white. I also wanted to show you is the text because this is a really handy tool. You can add text to your picture. Like a lot of apps have, but what I really like about this one is that they also have badges. Those are really handy because maybe you already seen them on Etsy or an online store, but it's really handy, for instance, if you make patterns, or I don't know something else but like if you have a pattern, or you want to add something else, and you want to have an Etsy shop you can just do like PDF. You can change the color. You can make it this and then you can also change a lot or you can also do that. They inverted over the image, which is also really cool. It depends on what look you're going for. You have so many options, but right now I just want to go in with this image and make it a bit how I want it to be, because right now I want it to be this, the red. I want to have it a bit brighter. I'm going to have some contrast a bit higher. This is what I really like about this, is that you can go in and do different things. Now I can do things without touching on the white, because here at the very end, I feel like the contrast is a bit too harsh. Here, I'm like okay. I'm going to go okay. The last one, I just want to overall have it a little bit and turn up the contrast. That's really the way I wanted it to be. A lot of editing, but I love to do this. I can do this the whole time. In the end, you can say like you're going to use a white sheet or anything but that's my problem. I have a white sheet, I have [inaudible], but it's not the white that I want. The bedroom has the best lighting and this is just easy for me. I rather spend my time on the couch editing things than have a whole construction upstairs with papers and all that stuff. It's what you prefer to do most. Filling iPhone or that stuff.