How to Edit Your Instagram Photos on PicsArt | Floor Giebels | Skillshare

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How to Edit Your Instagram Photos on PicsArt

teacher avatar Floor Giebels, Embroidery Artist

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      How to use Picsart


    • 3.



    • 4.

      sketch tool


    • 5.



    • 6.

      Class project


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About This Class

Take your Instagram account to the next level and create more interesting selfies, cool collages, and a new platform to shine on.

This course is for anyone who does not have photoshop, Ipad and is not so handy when it comes to line art. and while I focus on Instagram, Picsart also has it own social media network that you can discover. By the end of the course, you'll have a set of skills to make collages and line art on your pictures and know the basics of Picsart

  • How to use Picsart
  • Overlay
  • Sketch Tool
  • Filters

Meet Your Teacher

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Floor Giebels

Embroidery Artist

Top Teacher

Hi, my name is Floor and I'm a Dutch embroidery artist living in The Netherlands.

Originally from a design background, I found my artistic freedom and expression through the more traditional art of embroidery. Entirely self-taught, I started my journey in 2016 and am continually learning new skills and applying them to my work. I also like to explore the boundaries of traditional hand embroidery by creating some pieces as mixed media, to contrast and compliment the thread itself. 

I have found that embroidery has led me to explore the textures present in the world around me - living on the coast, the beautiful beaches, scenery and animals constantly offer me inspiration for new projects. One of my favorite topics to explore in my pieces is the interplay b... See full profile

Level: Beginner

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1. overview: When looking at social media, you can always see a trend when it comes to collages and creative editing. This might look really difficult and something you probably need Photoshop for, but I'm going to show you that you can do it all with just your phone in one app. My name is Flora, and I'm an embroidery artist from the Netherlands. Many of my embroidery pieces are collages. I get asked on social media about how I make them and if I use Photoshop. But to be honest, I like to focus my time more on embroidery than on graphic design. I found this app that makes it really easy for me to just get my phone out and create collages on the go. In this class, I'm going to show you how to create these collages in PicsArt. PicsArt is an image editing, collage, and drawing application, and also a social network. You can share your images with the PicsArt community and other networks like Facebook and Instagram. 2. How to use Picsart: When you open up the app, you will first see the homepage, and the homepage is filled with edited pictures, because Picsart is not only just an editing app, but it is also a social network. You can see that some users are also verified. That means that they create popular original art that users can use to re-mix with. A re-mix means that you can take the picture and use it for your own edits. This is how it looks when you open up your Picsart profile. Well, let's start with editing and we're going to tap on the plus sign and choose a picture that we want to use for editing. You also can go down on a page and pick one of the free images they have. But for now, I'm going to use a picture that I downloaded from Unsplash. What is useful to do first is to cut out the post in the image, so we can use different effects on it. You can see underneath that you have a cutout symbol. Tap on that and use the person icon. If you click on the eye symbol, you can see what you have and haven't cut out. I can see that there is still some pink and I want to remove that. We're going to zoom in and use the eraser to remove it. When you are done, you can save it as a sticker, and choose your own background. I'm going to use a white background with a sticker. In the discovery field, I'm going to put in glitter and use that over my white background. I'm going to make it a bit transparent, so it blends well with my other image that I just made. Now we go back to the stickers and go to my cutouts and use our image that we cut out before. I want the cut out to be a bit lighter, so I'm going to use a filter. If you want to go to Filter, we go to Effects and use the filter HB3. That is the filter that I want to use. We want it to blend, so we use the screen blending option and use the option overlay. To make the picture in a circle, we're going to use the shape mass and have the opacity. I'm Doug, I don't know how you say the English word, but I think opacity. I think that is right all the way up. Go to Fit to make this circle nice in the middle. I also want to use a filter on this picture. Here you see some of them, and I'm going to go for the Galaxy one that I will lighten. For the finishing touch, I want to add a golden tier job. When you have a sticker, you can move it all around anyway you like. Now we have all the edits done, and we are ready to upload it to our Picsart and make it private or not make it private. You can use hashtags for your picture to make it more seen. If you use the hashtag free to edit, then people can use your collage to edit it for their own pictures. 3. overlay: Now it's on to the next edit where we take the original picture without getting it out, but we're going to have more fun with the overlays. I'm just going to open a picture and go to Stickers. I was browsing and I found this glittery smoky sticker and I love it, and I'm going to blow it up and use it. To make it a little bit more sparkle, I'm going to use some rainbows sparkles and tap on "Overlay". Because it has a little bit of this rainbow look, I want to have a more rainbow look, and I'm going to use another sticker that is a rainbow and use it as an overlay. As a finishing touch, I'm going to add bubbles as an overlay. If you want, you can use a filter. I'm going to show you all the filters they have so you can see how they look later to make your picture stand even out more. 4. sketch tool: This is a tool that I love the most and that is the sketch tool. We are again, opening our picture and go to Effects and Tools. You can see that the image will look like an outline with just one tap. If we fade the picture, you can see that we have an outline going over the picture. You can also want to have certain parts show through more than others, you can just simply use the brush and go over it with your fingers to make it more visible. 5. Filters: I'm using an embroidery piece as a picture just so you can see how it will look if you would like to use filter on your art. I'm going to go through all the filters and speed it up a bit so you can see what effect it'll have on my embroidery piece. 6. Class project: I'm so excited about this class project because I know that so many people are crazy talented on Skillshare and it would be so much fantasy, which you all can do with this app. In the class overview, I have all my links to my stickers that I use in PicsArt and they can use as an overlay. I'd love to see what you can all do with those stickers and see what we can get out of this app. The app is available on all mobile devices and also the tablets. I would love to see what people can do with it, who have an iPad pencil or other type of pencil. I would love to see what you all can do with it.