1. Midjourney Class Trailer: Imagine the hours you spend creating visuals
for your project. Now, picture generating unique and captivating the
signs in just seconds. Thanks to AI. In this course, I'll teach
you the skills to master midterm and easily design logos, product images, website designs, photos, portraits,
and any art using AI. My name is Diego di
villa and I have helped thousands
of students under businesses to change their
life using AI technology. In this course, I'll
guide you through a journey to elevate
your creative skills to new heights will start by learning about mid journey
and creating your account. Then you will create
your first ai image, opening the doors to
new possibilities and transforming the
way you create visuals. After that, you will
master the parameters and advanced options to create truly unique and
engaging visuals. We have a case study where
I'll show you how I use meet journey to create all the graphic for a new
product launch campaign. This course is designed for
anyone interested on using mid journey to create
amazing images for us, visual regardless of their
background or experience, right in the first lessons, you will be able to design
logos, product, images, photos and portrait, and any art using mid journey and
artificial intelligence.
2. Creating your Midjourney Free account: In this video, we'll talk about mid journey and how
you can use it to create a Mason and professional
images for your business, for personal use or for
any goal that you have. This is the best AI image and our generation we have
today in the market. And you can use it for free. That's the great thing. And I'll show you here in this section and
the next one's also how we can use these to generate
any image that you want. I'll teach you
step-by-step how to do it. And also we will do a
case study where we will create a complete
product design. So we are launching
a new product. That's the case study. We will create product
images, rendering photograph, and also a mock-up, an example of a website that we can use to sell this product. Also a logo for the product
and for the company. All that we're
doing for free here with MIT journey to
sign Tommy journey. You can go right now
to meet And this is the page
that we have right now. Of course, this page
changes frequently, so if you see
something different, just follow the steps here. Right now they are on Beta. So you can click here on
the bottom, join beta. Or if you have an
account already, you can just click on sign-in. On this case, I already
have an account. I'll just go sign-in.
This is my user. You see, I already
created 32 jobs, 32 images with this user. Also we see here on the left, the left menu where we
have the home explored, the ranking, and also
you can subscribe. If you are not a
subscriber, you can up, you have the option to pay
for mid journey so you can generate many and many
images on your membership. But if you, if you
are in the free plan, you can still do so far today, 25 images on your account so you don't worry
about paying right now. I'll show you how
to use it for free, but just wanted to let you
know about this area here. So in order to start using this and you are
maybe asking, okay, DAY like this, I
want to generate images right now.
How can I do that? You can come here to
your user at the bottom and you click on the
dots and go to Discord. Maybe if you don't
have this option here, you may have heat on the center to access the
discord, a platform. Discord is a platform where meet journey is
running at the moment. This may change at anytime. If these changes, we will update this lesson
in the course. So we click here
on go to discard. And you will see
that this court, this program will
open right now. And this car is not exclusively
for mid journey discord. Are there many gamers and websites and communities that
use this card every day. For some reason, meet journey
decided to start to run their program under artificial
intelligence software that they have here
within this card. So this is what these
curves look like. The first thing you see, the, how do we know that
we are majorly, we see here mid
journey at the top, we see all the list
that they have. And you can start right now, here on getting started. So if you want, you can
read this to have an idea. You don't need to
do this because I'll teach you here
how to use it. So now you have access
to meet journey. You have your free account. We have all the elements, all the tools we need to
start creating wonderful, amazing, outstanding images for your personal use or
for your business. And we will start doing
that in the next video.
3. Generating images with Midjourney: Excellent. Let's have a general
overview on this card and how you can start using
this software right now, by the end of this lesson, we will create your first image. So stay here with me. So here we have this card. Again. In the left, we have the left menu. If you are a free user, you will see these,
these groups here. On this case, we have
the new commerce room. We have on this right now. Newbies, 15 new with 20 newbies AT these names
changes all the time. I suggest you now, if you are following
with me to go here to one of these
specific channels. In these channels you
can see everybody that is on the channel
is creating images. And we can see all the images people are creating
here right now. So let me go to the 20.
So you see the images. People are creating
these great images. This one looks great. All these images are created by artificial intelligence
bit journey on this case. And you can see what the community is creating
if you like one of these, you can also create a version
of variation for you. You can use these or add as
a favorite if you prefer, you can use that
on your marketing, on your personal
life is up to you. So you see here that
mid journeys works very similar to chat GPT as we're
studying here in the course. So basically you need to, you need to write a problem, you need to write a
method, a command. Tell him, telling the
mid journey system, what do you want
to create exactly. So that's how it works. Similar to chat DBT, you will write down
all the details about the image you
want to generate. We will enter these
details here on discord, and we can generate great
images by doing that. So let's do a test here. We come here to
the free channel. Let's go to newbies to
any on this example, you can go again to any channels that are available at the
time when you connect. The way to create
these images is by doing a forward slash. And you see that when I
do the forward slash, we have all these
commands that we can use. We will talk about the
commands in the next lesson. For now, I want to show you
how to generate the one that we are always using
in this course is image. So you see here forward
slash, imagine. So forward slash, imagine, I click on this and we'll
now you see that we can add the prompt so it's ready to receive your
prompt right now. So here I can write
something like, okay, generate beautiful
landscape with a volcano at the end and the
beach to the other side. So let's do that for a test. So here I'm entering the prompt. This is the I created. This is a complex
problem and I'll show you how you can do
these too easily. You can just copy and
paste my formula here. But basically, if you are trying this with me while you
are watching the course, you'll just enter forward slash imagined, and enter the Peron. Create, something you can
describe with your words. Just hit Enter and
you'll see the result. So in this case,
we're doing this, create a beautiful
landscape with a volcano on one side and
the beach on the other. I am adding also
some description, some more details to my prompt. The more details we add, the best result we
will have is like imagine you go to the
signer and you say, Okay, I want you to draw a frame and art for me
to put it onto my house. So what do you want
me to draw it? I want you to draw these, these, these with these details will be scholars with this style. So you need to describe
all these as the same as you are talking to an artist that is
creating an art for you. So in this case, let's
take a quick look here. We're saying to create a landscape without a
beaten-up volcanoes, stunning landscape features. So we're in Vulcan on one side, It's speak shoulder with clouds. On the other side,
a pristine beach. Stretch it out with crystal-clear waters,
blah, blah, blah. All these is ready to go. And at the end, as you can see, we have some parameters. I'll show you, I'll teach you all the secrets
about parameters. So you can even
customize the size, the style, the version
of your images. So right now we are
on the newbies, the new channels you can see if I go here and I hit enter, we see that is thinking about
our job, as you see here, is thinking about what we are generating and we need to wait, usually takes up to 60 s,
sometimes even longer. And you see that
my prompt is here, is waiting for the
AI to generate this. While we are waiting, you see other images from the community being
generated here. If this is too
confusing for you, stay with me because I'll
show you how to do all these in a private channel
if you have a paid account, which I think is a
great investment on the beach and the
force are ready, hit it a description. We had the prompt and we click
on the image and you see that we have actually
four versions of the image that we requested. And y is on this dimension. What is not like a landscape style is because we asked that
on the parameter, so I'll give you the details
about that in a second here. So here we have the images. If I want, this is version one, version one, version two, version three, and version four. My favorite, I mean, I like version two, version three, and also the reversion four,
they're all beautiful. So if I go back
here to the prompt, you see that below the images, we have some buttons right now, but we can press. So you see 1234 and
v, one through four. So what are these buttons
here they use is to upscale. So let's imagine that
I like version two. I love version two and this
is good enough for me. That's what I want. I just want to upscale these
two have like a huge image with full resolution that I can use to print out and
put in a Canvas, maybe on my house, or I can use on social media
any goals that you have. So I can just click on YouTube, so it will upscale the version, the image number two. Or with that I can
download that image. Or if I want, I like version two
and I want to create mu for new versions that
are similar to version two. I can go to the variation, so I can create four
variations of version two. So I click this V2, it will create four
variations of this. If I create, if I
click on YouTube, it will upscale number two, I can download, and that's it. So let's do for fun a
variation on the version two. I will click this
variation version two. So now we need to wait for a few seconds to see
that happening for us. You see the problem is here, is ready for us if thinking
about it is waiting to start. So now I will wait
to see the need for new variations of
version two that we just generated is ready. You see here we have four new
variations of version two. If I look closely to these, we have variations on
the clouds in the sky. We have a difference
on the coconut trees, on the palm trees
as you see here, and also on the water, on the way, the rocks
here on the water. So my favorite, I think the
one that I want to upscale will be version one on this
image or let me check. Yeah, version one. So now that I liked version, I can create even
more variations of version one or do they use this button here to
create a complete new set of images based on the
problem, the original problem. I like, I really like
version one on this one, so I will click on u1
to upscale version one. You see that it's already
creating the job right now. This is wonderful.
We just want to wait now for the AI to
create these new one. This high-quality images is
ready really fast this time. So you see here, I can
just click on here. And we have the upscale version. I can add these two
favorites to my favorite. I can make variations if I want. If I click here on
open in browser, you see that we have
a bigger version. I can even zoom this and you see all the details of
this beautiful image. This is actually
not a real *****. This is not a real place, is just an AI generated. So that's mind-blowing because look surreal and so beautiful. So now I just right-click here. If I want to save the image, I can save the image. And that's it. I have the image,
the high-quality image here, ready to use, as you see here on my screen, this is how you generate images. In the next video, we will
talk a little bit about the parameters on how you can improve your images
and do variations. This is really important.
See you there.
4. Midjourney Parameters, Prompts, and advanced options: Let's talk about
the structure of the prompts here on my
journey and how you can use advanced prompts and advanced parameters to
optimize your image even more. Because sometimes we have, we can have a difficult time
having the best result, the one that you really want, the one that is reflecting
your thoughts and your ideas. So with these parameters and
advanced prompts, you will, you will have some tools
that will help you to get the best results
from your journey. So let's tell me we have here, this is the docs dot
mid We have we are in the
documentation area of meat journey and we are inside
the prompts you see here. This is just a basic structure. We saw that in the last video, we see the basic
prompt is like this. Forward slash imagine. And you entered the texts, the description of the
image that you want. Again, it's important that
this description is rich. It has all the details
that you want. E.g. if I asked you if you are an artist and I want you
to paint a Canva for me. And I go to you and I say, okay, payer Canva of our landscape
on a beach. That's it. I open all the possibilities
because your idea of a landscape with a
beach is different. Maybe that my idea. So I need to give
you all the details, as many details as possible
so you can reflect, you can create the art with my ideas, with my instructions. So that's the same
for meat journey. So if you want a landscape where you have a
beat and a volcano, maybe you are imagine that
you have like coconut trees. Maybe you don't have
forgone traits. Maybe you have somebody
walking on the beach, maybe a couple holding
hands walking on the beach. Maybe kids are with them. Maybe they have a
dog, maybe not. Or maybe you just
want just nature. Maybe you want birth flying. How many birds you want, what kind of birds? So you can define
all that is morning this afternoon you have the sunshine in on
his Cloud is raining. You can define all you need to define all these to
have the best results. So let's go back here. We have the basic problem they
advanced problem is where you can use three main elements. The image you can use another image that
UVA that you have. So let, let's imagine you have an image of your product or
any image that you have. And you want to create
a similar image in a similar style, but you want to have
different composition. Or maybe you want to have a whole new image with the
same style of the first one. You can do, you can do that. How you do that? You do the same brand. Forward slash, imagine
and you enter the prom, the first thing would be
the URL of the image. So you need to have
the URL of the image. You can have many image or
just one image if you prefer. After that you have
the second array. You do a space and
you text prompt. So you describe what do you want exactly as we are
doing right now. And the third thing is
the parameters that I will teach you in
this lesson in 1 min. So you can add parameters
to make sure you customize this
image as you wish. Okay? Next we have some nodes you can read if you
want about the grammar, about the prompt length. The focus on what you want, all the tips that they have to help you create
better images. If you want to combine images, you can do that also
with the image prompt. This is the same that we saw. We can add more than one image. On that case, you, you are asking the AI to
combine these two images are to use these two image to generate a new one and the next, the rest of the
problem is the same. We have the text, the
parameters, and all that. And now I want to show you the most important
thing of this lesson, which is the parameter list. What are parameters? You see here? Parameter
is an option add to the prom that change how
the image is generated. Parameters can change
an image aspect ratio, switch between mid
journey model versions. So majority have a few versions that they are
releasing constantly. So if you want to
generate on version five, you have a parameter that
request that if you want to generate that on version
ten or bearish on 20 or 50 in a few months, you will have that option two. Okay, So let's take a look
on how this actually works. We have the basic parameters and the advanced
parameters here. So the basics are these. We have the aspect ratio. This is the one that
I use all the time. Every time you generate
an image, I use these. And you can use
these on this way. You can add dash, dash AR, and you can add
the aspect ratio you want. Let's see, what is that exactly? So if you add e.g. the prompt and at the
end of the problem you add a dash, dash AR. For column five, you will
have this image size. If you add one column 11 by one, you will have a square image. You have also the
seven by 43 by two. All these aspect
ratio are available for you on meta-learning. Let's see this in the real life. Let's go right now to
discard and take a look. So here we are. Let's see somebody that is using that here on
the newest channel. Let's see, somebody is
using that. Where are we? Here we are. This is
using dash, dash V5. They are using, they are
requesting that meet journey US version five to generate
this image specifically, let's see if we have
an aspect ratio here. Aspect ratio, nobody's
using aspect ratio. Where are we? Here we are. This is our image. So you see here we have the prom and at the end
we have two parameters. The first one is
the aspect ratio. So for this image, I asked
aspect ratio is two by three. And I am asking also
to use the version five of meat journey that's optional to
create this image. So if I go back here, what we're doing
is two by three, we are using this version here, the aspect ration two by three. Next, we have the chaos. So you can change the, you can create higher values and inspect the items that
will have on your image. So if you want to create
a more abstract image, you can use the cows. You, of course, you can come
here and take a look on the examples you see here. All the examples are here. Parameter being use
on the real life. Also we have quality. You can select the
quality you want, the seed or the style, the upper-right, the better. So all these are
ready for you here. Also, we have the
Advanced Parameters. If I go here, we have
advanced parameters. The first one is E matched
prompts that we already saw combining images on one. Hit our examples. We have the Remix. Remix is a mode that
you will, you can have. We'll take the general
composition of your starting image and use
it as part of a new job. So if you have an image,
the general composition, the style they can
meet journey can use that to generate new
images if you like, e.g. here we have a
real life example. We have the starting images, model change and subject
change and medium chain. So you have all the
different changes that it can be generated. With. The remix option we have
the multi-pronged to wear. You can create these advanced to consider two or more separate
concepts individually. So you add two columns
to this specific one, and it will create e.g. in this case, you see hot dog, hot two columns doc, you will create these two
different compositions, one for dog and one
for hot dog, e.g. so this is how it works. Now you have the basic
parameters if you are confused, if you think it's too much, I recommend you to
use the basic one, which is the one that
you really want, which is the aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is
really important because it will help
you. Let me go here. Aspect ratio, it will
help you to generate the image in there right
size that you want. Think about this, put
this on your favorite. And in the next section here, we're doing a case study
where we're creating step-by-step from the
start to the end, a complete product concept
for a sunglasses brand. Let's imagine that we are launching that from
start to finish, from rendering the products, creating photographs
for the products for to use on social media, to use for marketing, to create a website, all that in a few minutes, you will be surprised. I
hope to see you there.
5. Creating product images with Midjourney: Okay, in this video, we'll start creating
our product concept. We will, by the
end of this video, we'll have a product rendering for a sunglasses brand
that we're launching. And you'll be surprised
how great this looks generated by
artificial intelligence. And you can use these
to create an initial, an initial model for any
product that you have. And again, this is not just
for product and just doing a case study to show you
how you can use these. But there are no limits guys, on the ways you can use mid
journey on your business, on your life to take
everything that you have, that you are spending
money on this signers and marketing to the next
level, stay with me here. So before we start, instead of keeping ourselves
here on the new channel, I decide to pay
for meat journey, which is not expensive. I think I pay $10 a month or
something in the basic plan. Now I have the chance instead
of generating my images here with all these people and images that is
creating noise for me. I can send a direct
message to the bot, to the mid journey AI. So I will have exclusive
channel now because on a basis driver where I can create these images is the same. The same image will be created. The most important
thing is the prompt. So if you want to stay in
the free plan, that's okay. I just doing the the paid plan to make
our life easier here. So I have here, this is my channel
with meat journey. So I can just come here and
create the first prong will, will be imagined, and
this is my prompt. So we imagine that we're
creating here sunglasses. This is not a sunglass, but imagine that we
have sunglasses, products that we want
to lounge and we have, we don't have a clear ideas on how the design
will look like. We want inspiration. We want to create
a first version of a first render of this
product using meet journey. So I'm writing this, this is
simple look at this problem. The peroneus. Imagine a product rendering for a retro sunglasses fashion line where we have bold the
signs, rare, retro style. And I won, I put
the eight K to make sure is the ultra
high-quality and the design, the render looks real. So that's what I want. So I just send these
two meet journey where we're waiting for it to start. Here is coming. You see we have 93
per cent ready, let's say 93% layer ready. Let's wait a little
bit more. Here. Here it is. So let's assume this. This looks fantastic
guys. Look at this. This is what we were imagined. So you see, we have four
variation of sunglasses. This is for women. We can add more details to the
prompt saying, Hey, this will be for men or for kids or for men and
women are unisex. So you can add more details. But let's say that we love
all these for the sites. We love all these.
So what I can do is just upscale
each one of these. So I will have the
download to my fall to my local computer so I
can meet with my team and I have some initial
ideas or we can start using to create more products. So now let's imagine
also that we did. The old favorite
is diversion one. Let's imagine that. I can just come
here and say, hey, let's create four more
variations of version. One for this specific brand, but I like all of them. So I can just copy this
to my computer and I have the signed the
initial rendering ready. So you see here we is
coming with a new version, a new variations of version one. They look very
similar now because he's a variation of exactly
how version one looks like. So you see here is ready now. So here we have four
variations of version one. So if I like this, I can let say like
number one here. So I can upscale number one. And now we have
an initial render off sunglasses that we
can use in our business.
6. Creating product photographs with Midjourney: Now the next step
is to create some. Now that we have the product, Let's say we like
these sunglasses. Now we need to create
photograph of people, of models or with
the product itself of the product being
used in real life, e.g. so we can come here and
do the slash imagine. And we will try this brand initially same
product photograph. This is why we want to create, imagine a product photograph for a retro sunglasses fashion line, bold assigns, retro,
retro style, aka, this is, this is we'll generate new models, new
sunglasses, okay, It won't use necessarily,
maybe it does, but it's not necessarily want to use the same ones
that we already created. So if we want to
use the same words, let's say we like
this one version for what we can do is we
can upscale these. We can get the URL
of this image, and we can do the
advanced problem IT2. In the last lesson, we're in the last model where we can provide to meet journey a URL and meet journey will create new version
of a new image, a new art and U4 on this case a photograph of
that first image. So if we say Okay, use version four and I provide the URL here, it will use that sunglasses or something very similar
to that in models, in photos on daily use for
this specific product. So this is the sending. Now let's see what
we have with these. Hopefully you all
have a great results. And also guys, while it's generating this
photograph for us, we could, let's say we have these four versions
and we want more. So we can also click this
button here that will generate completely new versions based on the initial prompts. So if I liked these four, so I can download
this right now. And I say, okay, I
have four already, but I want four more. Let's generally for
more, click here for more instantly
different variations. And you can keep doing
that until you have all the versions U1
and you can meet with your team and start
creating this product if that's your goal.
Okay, excellent. We have more version here we can photograph of data
science omega. These are great. I
love this one version, one, version two,
they look fantastic. So this is how you
create photographs. Of course, if you want
this being used on people, you can create a new
prompt saying, Hey, create new photos
of people were in the sunglasses per
sample or men or women wearing these sunglasses. And you can give more details, being on an office, being on a beach, or
been playing tennis. You can add all these
details here on my journey. In the next video, we will generate another really
important image.
7. Creating website ideas with Midjourney: Let's create a website
for this brand, for these products that we
are creating right now, we're not printing
the website itself here on mid journey, but we are creating
an interface design. We want to have some ideas on how the website
will look like. Imagine if you have a
website and you want to have an idea of how your website, other styles that you
can use on your website, other colors that you can use, other ways to do it, or are there ways to
organize the information? We can do that with my journey. This is the prime we're using. We're saying, imagine
retro sunglasses sold on a website with a beautiful
interface design where we have these colors, teal, orange color, and
mid-century modern style. So this is some ideas
that we're using here. And hopefully my goal is to have four images of a website on
how the website looks like. So we can use that initial inspiration and
send that to our developer, off to the web designer or
shared that with our team. So the team can have an idea on how to organize the website. So you see it's coming here, 62 per cent ready. Let's see if thinking
about is working on it. I already like what unseen, 62 per cent, come on. Come on. Is ready. So
let's click on this. And this is what we have. The, I think this
looks fantastic. We see a model here
wearing the glasses. We have all the different
designs with a description. The price. Here is a deep look on how the
product looks like. So let's imagine we click
on one of the products. This is the pace that
we will have e.g. where we can change the
color of the frame. And here is another view, and here is a third one. So this is a great first step on how the website
will look like. And you see that it's using the same colors that
we requested that the similar colors that
we generated before here on my journey on the
prior image generation. So I can upscale, these are download
this the whole thing, or also generate
even newer versions, different versions
of the website if that's what you want. If you want to have more
ideas, this how you do it. In the next video, we will work in the logo for the product.
8. Creating a Logo for my business with Midjourney: We have the website, we have the product rendering, we have the follows. Now it's time to create what
a logo for the business, and this works for
this business. We are doing a sample and imaginary case
study here together. And also it is worth for your business or
for any business. You can also do logo creation
services if you want. There are many people doing this on,, on, people
that are charging 50, $100 per logo creation. You can use easily meet
journey to do that and provide these similar service to earn an extra income
if that's your goal. So let me show you how
you can do the logo here. So we go forward slash, imagine this is the parameter
we're using, minimalists. Imagine a minimalist logo for
a retro sunglasses brand, mid-century modern teal
and orange color scheme. So this is, these are similar
instructions and given the, the AI journey over and over, so it is using the same
color, the same style, and repeating all
these structures on each prompt in here. If you want to create a
logo for your company, all you have to do is just come here and describe the logo. Imagine a logo for a company about these,
these and these. So you can create this
logo in a really easy way. So you see here 62% ready. Let's see, the
colors are the same. This is exactly the
colors that we want. The same colors we
are using so far, 93 per cent ready. Let's wait and is ready now. So these are some logo
ideas that we have. I love this one here. I love the logo. I love the
look of the sunglasses. We have like a banana sheet on the back reflecting
on the lens. We have the brand name here. Also, if you'd like
different styles, you can use this one or
these two models here. And if you don't like
any of these, of course, we have all always
the option to come here and redo the job. So click here and it will generate new versions
of the logo. And of course, you can create a brand new problem
from the beginning. So you can go back here and do it and try a
different prompt. Instead of minimalist
logo retro, some sunglasses brand, you can write different description. Remember the more details
you give to meet journey, the best results you will have.
9. Create better prompts with Midjourney: Grading the best prom can be a difficult task,
especially amid journey, especially when you are
starting and you are a beginner using these AI, the
regeneration AI. To help you with that, I'll share with
you in this lesson a problem generator tool
that you can use online, 100% free, that will
help you to generate the best possible for your
project, for your ideas. The way to do this. And you can go right now to
prompt, as you see here, prompt dot num This is the URL. You can go to this URL and this is the
page you see right now. We have made journey
prompt helper. You can type here,
start your idea. So it started with the
instructions that you have. The problem will
be generated here. When it's ready, we can
just click on Copy parent. And below, this is one of
the most powerful thing. We have some parameters. Remember the parameters we will learn here in
the beginning of this section about
the aspect ratio, about the size, about the
version of meat journey, about the style and the camera that you want
to use, the colors, all that you can use this
tool to define this, right parameters for your
idea and for your art. So let me show you that.
Let's do an example here. Let's say we want
to create flying robot over New York City. Let's say that we want to create an image where we have a
flying robot over New, New York City during sunset. So let's do a little bit
more complicated thing. So this is the
idea that we want. This is what we want to
create on this example. Now we see that the promise ready here
for us is saying slash, imagine we have an insane
flying robot over New Jersey, New New York City during sunset. And we have colon,
colon version four. So you will be
using parameter for version four of the
journey software. If we want to change
this and we want to get some inspiration, we want to optimize
the image even more. We can come here to styles e.g. and you see all the styles
that we can create that we can use to create
images on mid journey. All these styles here, this is outstanding guys. You can choose any
of these on your, on your image, on your art. Also, we have the lighting. So you see here backlight
acts and lie candlelight. So you see all the
ultraviolet light, all these options that
you can use camera, same thing, panorama,
foreign lands. So different ideas for
your, for your prompt. If I select e.g. let's go to style
and I go e.g. to. Let's see Here we
go to Khartoum. Okay, continue. We see that now on
the problem we have the cartoon parameter
that we added here. Artists, you can
create these images like these famous artists
like, let's see here. Francis Bacon, like Leonardo da Vinci,
monads, Michelangelo. So all these options
do you have, if you want to costumers
even more colors, you can choose any
of these kinds of colors that it can be used. Size, aspect ratio. So let's say that we want like TV style to buy
one in this case. So it's ready at the aspect ratio here on
the prom quality style. So you can use all
of these also. If you want to use an
image as an inspiration, you can upload the image
here and it will generate a new prompt with a URL of that image
that can be used here. So let's do a test. Let's try this one first. So we have imagine a flying
robot over New Jersey, New York City during sunset in a cartoon style with the
aspect ratio Chou by one. So widescreen and we
are using version four on this case
of meat journey. I will copy the prom, going to meet journey
and pays the problem. Of course I will delete. Imagine because we
already have that. And I hit Enter. Let's see what we have. And of course, sometimes in the first shot is
not the ideal image. It's not ideal. But you want to create
and that's normal. We need to try several times until you have the best design, the ideal, the sign
that you are imagined. Again, we're not
given a mid journey. Many information here,
we're just saying, hey, flying robot over New
York City during sunset. I mean, this can be, there are millions of ways
to generate art on this way. So the more details you provide, the best result you will have. So this is actually not what
I was imagine telling me. If this, if this is what you imagine when you
are watching here, these lessons 62% ready, I'm just waiting
for meat journey to finish this so we
can take a look. This is definitely not
what I imagine here. So let's open. This. Looks great. We have New York City, we have the buildings here. We have the robot flying. I can add e.g. a. Happy robot. I can add a robot on.
This looks great. I mean, now looks great. Look this one. I like this
one here, version two. So we have the sunset going on, we have the robot line. I can add birth. Here are four planes
flying on the sky. Or I can say, hey, add like here we have some birds actually
talking about that. At a rainy day or dark
night or New York City. So I can customize
even more if I prefer. So let's do a test and
let's upload an image here. Okay, I upload this image. You see here we
have our robot and you see that the
problem now is bigger. So we have all these. I will remove the
cartoon style here. I don't like that. Let me remove the cartoon. Here we have what
is the cartoon? This one. Okay, safe. Let me copy this and let's see, now that we have this image
to use as inspiration, Let's see, we have
a different result, more closer than what
we were imagined. Okay, So let's see flying robot, New York City, blah, blah, blah. Let's see what happened. Here we have the new
version of the images. They are the weird created
a different kind of robot. The robot is more Inspire on the initial rubber on
the robot we suggested, which is this one here. So these rubber here you see
how the robot looks like is very similar to this
one here and these, so it has the same
characteristics for short, mid journey. Use this robot style to
create these new art. I like this. This is
what I was imagined. I'm not sure if this is
what you were imagined, but I hope you start creating
these images right now.
10. Midjourney: Bringing it all together: Okay, in this section
about my journey, it was great because we talk
about how you can access me journey for free and start generating images right now. Will learn about the prompts, how you can construct this
prompt with a slash imagine, and they advanced prompts and parameters also that you can
use to create any image. On my journey, we also did a great case study
that I was impressed. I hope you were to creating product renders from start
for an a sunglasses brand. But we are, we imagine that we are creating just
for this class. We created that, we created
the render for the products, the four of the products, we created a logo for the brand. We also created a EID as and mock-ups for the website where we will sell
these products. So all that we did
in a few minutes, literally in a few
minutes with me journey. I hope you use this.
This is powerful. If you have a hard time
creating the right image, the right are that you
are trying to create. I hope you use the
prompt helper. I show you that also how you can generate better prompts with
the prompt helper is free, you can use it right now. And the secret here guys, is to start trying. There is no way. I mean, you can be
lacking. I wasn't. It's difficult to go there to meet journey and rider generate the best image I wonder you are imagine you need to
practice with AI, with me journey and
you will improve the prompt that
you are creating. Once you get there, you will start creating
beautiful images that you can use for your business
or for your personal life.