Metahumans Creator - Create 3D Digital Humans | Serpent Academy | Skillshare

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Metahumans Creator - Create 3D Digital Humans

teacher avatar Serpent Academy, Passion for teaching and learning

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Intro to Metahumans


    • 2.

      Metahumans Creator Overview


    • 3.

      Requirements -Creating & Exporting Metahumans


    • 4.

      Create a Metahuman


    • 5.

      Viewport Controls 1


    • 6.

      Viewport Controls 2 Influences, Sculpting, Moving Facial Features


    • 7.

      1 Face Guide Skin


    • 8.

      2 Face Guide Eyes


    • 9.

      3 Face Guide Teeth


    • 10.

      4 Face Guide Makeup


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  • Advanced level
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About This Class

Metahumans Creator - Create 3D Digital Humans for Unreal Engine 5, Maya.

One of the most powerful tools of Epic Games and Unreal Engine the creators of Fornite. 

With the mission of being inclusive and empowering people, the Metahumans Creator is Free you can access the cloud based app here:

Anyone can be an Indie Developer, and create an Epic Game Studio and inspire with storytelling!

You will learn:

  • Requirements
  • Viewport Controls
  • Face Guide (Skin & Eyes)
  • Blend
  • Sculpting
  • Lighting

Meet Your Teacher

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Serpent Academy

Passion for teaching and learning


Hello, I love coding, science, art, creativity. We are in a great era a Renascence of knowledge is happening right now.

I also love sports and reading, when i was in high school I read poetry a lot, and for sports I was all about basketball and soccer. 

I will love to teach programming and art tutorials, have more than 10 years programming and in robotics.

Let's share this journey together!


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Level: Beginner

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1. Intro to Metahumans: Welcome to these metal humans character class. Very sad revolution happening right now. Now, telling stories is more important than ever. With decentralization. Freelancers and indeed developers can have them we approach on company, anyone can guess, gaming studio, what hat and dream big asthmatic teams can be either gains. I'm beautiful animations. What is meant by humans create cloud-based app that algae to create high-quality digital humans. Mainly foreign railing giant bought also, now supporting the best part, it's free. What you will learn on this course, you will learn to create them into humans that are really fully read it, the heat and humans that can be exported to my audience for creating video games and animation. Finally, something about me, that feature of this class. I have a little game studio. I have polluted myself some video games for iOS and Android built on Unity. Glia. I am very passionate about programming, about art, and I hope anybody happy to have you here in this course? I can wait you to start the school. 2. Metahumans Creator Overview: Okay, So welcome to this method humans create a course in which you will learn to create your own digital humans. For movies, animation, and video games. What is meant by humans creator? He's an application in the Cloud that hellos do to create high-quality digital humans. Mainly for Unreal Engine, both work in my year 3D software. It works in pretty maxi studio format here for unity, for Blender. So you can, for example, create a human and then use blender to create something unique. And you can use media, for example, to create to manipulate the human. Given more properties, AMP, make it singular. Metal humans and animation. Metal humans include a fully Reagan skeleton so you can animate your DTL human. You can animate the hands. You can animate all the bodies so you can dance with the metal human. You can perform actions, jump, anything we imagine, and you can put your sense cap, your suite for detecting motion capture. The way you animate. You can animate manually with software or you can have a motion capture that you put the sweeping your body and you move. You can animate. Metal humans is a powerful tool for creating storytelling. Remember everything, all the world is about the stories. Unreal Engine, for example, has a special controls for phase manipulation. Also, you can animate using your iPhone with the application labeling. Also on real engineering has controls for volume manipulation. So reading animation is powerful and free. Metta humans creator is the most powerful tool for creating 3D humans. It's easy, free, and inclusive for everyone. During the revolution. What are you waiting for creating that the stories that will inspire the world. 3. Requirements -Creating & Exporting Metahumans : Meta humans created requirements. How to create your metal humans and export them to other softwares. The requirements, you do need an Epic Games account that is free. So you go to Epic slash ID is less pre-history and you register with any of these providers. You can use Google, Facebook, et cetera. With this epic Games account. You can go to mete human dot Unreal Engine. You can connect to the application that is in the Cloud to k1 beta human. For exporting the metal human, you will need to download Excel breach. That is free and we did. You can export and downloaded metal human mass FBX as that object. You can use it or you can export it to Blender Maya file and you can use it. So now let's see how all this is done. First you go to the Epic Games register page. We'll say Nope, with woul will use an account in with all. Then I will go to metal human dotted real angina may refresh. Okay, So then I will go to mete human dot in real I will refresh and I will reload. This will take a minute and you will connect to a server. We will be able to create them into humans. So I'm going to fast-forward through usually application. I may enter. It can take a few minutes, so be patient. Okay, so as you see, I have created two Meta humans. I have created Madeline, Madeline and origins. Here you can click on and it selected. Here. You can see all the application working. Here. You can stop the preview. Here. You can scoop. Finally, when you have created your metal human, you need to export it. For example, I can change the nose, the eyes. Even. For example. When you finish your map a human, you need to export it. So we're going to quick sell dot breach. We ought to Quicksilver reach to export them into human. You need to download breach. When you download your open. Once you have downloaded weeks and breach, you can go, you open the bridge and you click on Sign-in. With Epic Games. We say Ghoul. Here must be you epi games account. The idea is that you can, you can export your Meta humans. You can see all the presets, metal human presets. You can see your metal humans moment the humans. This is Madeline. I created this matter human. And also you can set the resolution for exporting. You can choose here newer export settings. If you are exporting for on real NDI or my yet only only gain supporting. I don't have Maya installed. I haven't real whenever it is. Okay, you need to open your unreal and you actually click on here on export. 4. Create a Metahuman: Let's create our first not a human. You need to go to mete human dot Unreal You need to refresh, reload. New session. As I said, it will take some minutes. So I will fast-forward to start with the application that is in the Cloud. We see you in some seconds. Once you have loaded, you can see your metal humans here on the amendment or humans, or you can create the numerator human. We click on Create. Here under the gradients are human. You can take someone as a base. So for example, let's take a manual as a base. The chapters where we are people or they utilize using databases and big data. It was an epic work from Epic Games. You click on Next. And as you can see, we can start modifying from this base match the chapter. You can stop the preview. And we can start in the sculpting mode. And we can change the face. We can click on. We can move these these body parts. In the next tutorial, we're going to see the viewport control that resists. Went to see the face, the hair, and the body. Finally, how to export it? We have created our first met a human here you can change the name. Let's rename the metal human name. I'm going to try to build my grandfather. This is the way we call him here in Latin America. So I'm very happy to have you here. And in the next tutorial, we're going to see the magic happen. 5. Viewport Controls 1: Okay, so now we're going to see metta human skater viewport controls. What is the viewport control? The view port is where you set up a template view, all the changes that you have made to your metal human. We like the container for all the changes you look at artistic and technical level to the human needs are human. The first element of the viewport using the upside. Okay, so at the top we have the viewport environment and quality toolbar. So we can see as first the environment, second camera, the quality of rendering for the level of detail. Find the clay six remote all her groom and saving the hotkeys. Now let us see this in action. Okay, so here we have the application. We can see here the environment. We can change the environment. For example, this is you can change, in some cases, the rotation. Okay, So for example, let's see this far side. You can change the background color. For example. The second element is a camera, and it has these shortcuts with the number one I click, you get the phase. Number two, I click it. You get the body. Number three, you get the torso for the legs, five feet, and six, you get the parcel. Number one of your keyboard. You get the face. Next is equality. We can, for example, select epic quality. Is the level of detail. You can, for example, change the less, just for example, seven minimum level of detail. So 0 is the hanging. 1170 is, for example, how it will render in an ambulance, for example. Next is to work clay material. We can work with clay, useful for seeing some extra details in some cases. Then we can hide the hair to work better in all the patterns, the face, facial patterns. The seventies, the hotkeys. They appear. Hotkeys for example, here the cameras we can do, for example, for rotate, we click L. We click the right-click. We can rotate the camera. Width L, pressing L and moving the mouse and clicking the button of the mouse. You can rotate light by clicking the L and only moving the mouse. Not clicking a mouse. We can put the leg here, for example. These are the most important. You can also focus point or I'm in this compartment, we went to see the DOM panel. There is also a viewport control. 6. Viewport Controls 2 Influences, Sculpting, Moving Facial Features: Okay, so in the bottom panel we have the viewport, That's cool thing and animation to the human, and this is the bottom toolbar. The first thing we're going to learn is to blend. The blend means finding initial influences, like imagine that their ancestors, he will inherit some of the traits by adjusting the fetus specific features of the face. So blending is a destructive operation and is recommended to be set at the beginning. Before sculpting, we can quickly get a rough approximation for some initial feet to. So for example, in this case, let's choose them. Now since those are the influencers. As influencer. Maybe these. Now for example, if we go here, we press Control and Life bleak, little date. For example, choose the influence. We can choose these fluids for these, credit Caelian for the g's. Okay, So next let's make some sculpting. Okay, so now let us begin sculpting. The first important tool is the symmetry tool. There is this. There are three presets of symmetry. We click it. We have left to right. That is, copy the positions of the left side to the right side. We also have bright left that copy the positions of molecules from right to left. When really the average that finds a new midpoint by averaging both members of both sides. So when we're using the symmetry, remember that this is a destructive in operation. The next tool from school thing is this one. Select Split been playing. For beginners, you can select closest plane that these works by, depending on your camera angle, will work by sculpting in the plane. Or YZ, depending on the closest view. For advanced users, there is a screen plane that these kelp you, that this allows you to sculpt very similar to my yam, that depending of the angle, would create an slip planes. For example, weekend scoped the nose. We want to make a bigger nose. Your nose bigger and also why they're soulless, changed. Now let's, for example, make the lips more open. Let's give him bigger years. Closer to his. Now, the eyes bigger, more chick. Once you're happy with the sculpting result, we can move to the last viewport tool. Finally, let's see the moving facial features. So as you can see in the official documentation, is recommended to put the hair off. So we can put the hair off. Also. For example, in the moving mole, the eyebrow, this control Marquis is a single qubit line following the EIDL is quoting Mark years, three for the eyebrow and one for the nose. This for the nose. But when you click and hold LNB of this material contract, the group is more cues alone. To position them. You can synchronize all the jumble. I can move. This is a row. As you can see, it has four. We can move and position all of them. Make it pull the nose. These GK want to make it bigger. When you are happy with the result. Where continue working in the face. To give this chapter the correct hair, the teeth, dice. We are also aging this chapter because it will be a grandfather. 7. 1 Face Guide Skin: In this tutorial, we're going to see the steam from the face panel. The first thing we need to stop the animation, we go to esteem. We can select the skin color. This pilot is from real colors for real people. So it's important to say that meant that humans is built on big data of real humans. They are constantly improving the data set. So this tool will be amazing and it's great for initializing a 3D digital human that can be upgraded using MATLAB or another powerful 3D tools. And for integrating for animation, movies and video games. We don't real engine. You have all the legal requirements to. Next. In the skin we have the texture and the textbook definition Green Card details the surfaces of the face. By changing the HCL. If you move to the right, it will age. My grandfather was here. You have the contrast is the colors are going to give it more contrast. And the roughness is for dry or oily, putting less contrast and we're making this gene G. You can see more orally, he is more delay. Now, let's see freckles. So you can see no freckles, medium freckles. More than medium. And a lot of records my father had lake. These freckles. You can also change the density here. Strength. There's operation. Shift. Finally, the accents. You can select. You can work in any specific. For example, we can put more grandness and the cheeks. Also in the upper part. If you don't like it, you can click on clear that selected or click Clear will delete everything. So let's start again. This gene is done. Now let's work with the ice. 8. 2 Face Guide Eyes: Okay, so now let's work with the ice. As you can see, we can pick some presets. Presets as a starting point. There are properties that you can use to customize geometry human as a initial state. For example, we can pick these preset. From this. We're going to work first with the iris. The base color is this the main ring? The detail color is the outer ring of the eye. So for base color, for example, let's work with the person that has eternal chromium. We work first with the left. And it's going to be like black, is going to be brown, going to be green. We see someone that has it below chromium. The color balance. Here we can adjust the color balance. The smoothness. For example, for size. Here we can select other patterns. For example, you can test with other patterns like this one. For the left. Picking this one. Remember, no human has two same eyes. They are different even of color, sometimes with a thorough chromium. Both at least never twice are the same. So for example, we can see in this panel, the way scholar, as we see is the ice primary colored. There it is operation. This one is, it intensifies the base color of the IDs, making it less or more vibrant. For example, let, let's give more vibrant the left color. Now the size and pattern. This is the patterns. The size easy one. So we can change the size. Varying the size, for example, let's do it with the right one. It will change the size. We will make a smaller. You can see it changing both the base color and detail color is changing. Now, let us work with the sclera, the white part of the eye. As you can see, we can pick the colors. These are colors from real humans. So we can pick, for example, both. We can pick the left one. We can have more brightness. So let's see. You can configure both eyes simultaneously. Or when I buy one ie, we can use a tint to set a realistic I don't for the sclera, the brightness property is essential of the intensity of the color. The tint color can be more brightness or LED brightness. Then there are two layers of veins that can be rotated. Here we can see the veins rotation. We can add more vascularity. This means that divisibility of the secondary layer of veins being 0, not BC wall and being one. A lot of Bain's. Let me see, we cancel. As you can see here. You can see the veins. No bates. I think this is common. On the Explorer. You can see here. This cleaner rotation. Brightness. Amazing. With this, we have finished the tutorial for the eyes. 9. 3 Face Guide Teeth: Okay, so now let's work with the teeth. So for this we need to stop the preview and we go here to the teeth. You can zoom out or you can all be leaking the right mouse button. We can zoom in to see TD attributes customize the look of metal humans did the look, and the color combination amount. Here in the topmost section. You have various control points that you can adjust. Each control point corresponds to a different part. The teeth and gums available for the drop-down menu. So for example, this is a length. So there are three ways to change. One attribute you can change by switching here. The attribute you can change here. You can enter acute stone value. For example, if you went very big, one being the greatest and 0 being the lowest, minus one being the lowest. You can also change the attribute by dragging individual control points in this slider using this slider or entering the value. Now let us see how to adjust the teeth. Gums and black gum color is also the tongue. So you can do both. You can put that has black color. You can control the job open, how wide the mouth is open so you can work and you can see the black amount. Wonderful. This tool is very powerful to customize the tip of your metal human. Keep ongoing. 10. 4 Face Guide Makeup: Okay, so now we're going to see the makeup. So we click on Merlin and we're going to click on Edit. We're going to stop the preview. We're going to go to the makeup a little bit. From this side. The first step is to enable, to apply foundation. And you can test all the colors like this one. Also, you can adjust the intensity, 0 being the less likely this and the roughness. The consilience affects the area on the genome into humans eyes. Use the slider to control the intensity. As you see. Here is changing. So here you see, I like this way. Now let us go to the eyes. Okay, so for the eyes we have a selection that help us define shallow and the net. For example, I like this one. You can control the color. You can further control with the roughness, transparency, the metal. When you have the one you like, let's go to blush. There are different shapes. The shapes, you can select the color and make a pink. You select your you can control the intensity. Roughness. Make more amorphous. When you like. Let's go finally to a leaps. We can choose I like contest. I liked the first one. You can see transparency, the roughness. We can pick the color. You like it. We can click on play to see the preview with animation. So perfect, we have covered makeup. Finally, you can see our character modelling without width makeup.