Mastering the ActiveCampaign CRM | Uday Gehani | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Components of the CRM


    • 3.

      Pipelines and Stages


    • 4.



    • 5.



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About This Class

If you're trying to use Email Marketing to grow your business, ActiveCampaign is by far one of the best Email Marketing and CRM systems in the world today. 

But, like any software, if you get the setup wrong in the beginning-  you'll have to spend countless hours and work much harder to get things RIGHT later. 

In this class, I teach you how to set up ActiveCampaign CRM correctly and all the basics pf the ActiveCampaign CRM such as 

  • Pipelines
  • Stages 
  • Deals 

At the end of this class, you will go through a class project to test your understanding.  


Meet Your Teacher

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Uday Gehani

Dedicated to make complex topics easy!



The most essential learnings in life come from Failure. 

The classes below are a result of some of my epic failures and the lessons I have learned from them. 

I used to fail in Business and Investing and so I mastered ACCOUNTING & FINANCE to change that. 

I learned that 'Revenue' is the most important metric in Business so I learned MARKETING to change that. 

I learned Time is as important as money and so I learned PRODUCTIVITY hacks to maximize it. 

Having my fundamentals of Accounting, Marketing and Productivity clear has had a BIG IMPACT on my life and I am passionate about teaching what I have learned to others.    

I hope you enjoy the classes.

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Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction : If you're a user of active campaign, then you probably already know that it's a robust and versatile software with lots of bells and whistles. It's got email, marketing, site tracking, contact, segmentation, automation, the CRM and so much more. While I've created other classes on Skill Chair covering the other topics, this class is meant for those who want to learn the active campaign Sierra. What I consider is a highly beneficial, often underrated piece off the active campaign infrastructure in this class. Recover the basic components of the CRM and lecture one and follow it up with a deep dive into these components in lectures to 13 This will be followed by a project will test your understanding at the end of this class. You should be able to set up, implement and navigate the features off your own active campaign crm correctly and be able to see your whole sales process at a glance to make sure that no potential customers slip through the cracks. So if you wanna have active campaign running like a well oiled machine, I recommend taking out the next 20 minutes off your life and enjoy the benefits for years to come. Thank you so much for watching this video, and I hope to see you on the inside 2. Components of the CRM: the active campaign. CRM is a really, really powerful tool, but the fully grasp artworks you'll have to first learn the language associated with the CRM. And in this lecture, I'm gonna be doctor knew about the three must know components of understanding the Sierra, which are pipelines, stages and deals. If you've been in the digital marketing space for any length of time, you probably already have heard of the concept of for sales funnel. But let me take a moment. Explain it for those of you that are new. A sales funnel is the party of potential customer takes on the way to buying a product er source. So, for example, ah, visitor could land on your website through a Google search. He or she is now a prospect. The visitor might then check out a few off your awesomely written block posts or browse your stellar product line. Now, at some point during their journey, your website is built to offer them a chance to sign up for your email list. If they sign up, you now have a lead who you can market toe outside your website where email, phone or text and see if they can work. This entire process on map off your customer journey is called the sales fund, and the reason it's visualized and call a sales funnel is that, like any funnel, it narrows as visitors moved through it because naturally will have more prospects who show interest in the product on the top, which is called the top of the funnel, then buyers at the bottom, which is referred to as the bottom of the fund. Now pipelines are active. Campaigns version off a sales fund. So to be clear, it can have some pretty innovative uses and doesn't have to be limited to just funnels. You can use biplanes for pretty much any step by step process your team customer or any employee has to go to. For example, if you run a software company and you have a sequence where when someone buys your product , you send them a sequence off emails teaching them how to use your product. You could take the sequence and turn it into a pipeline where you'll be able to instantly see by looking at their by plane. How many customers are part off your own boarding process and which stage off their email sequence there. If this concept is sounding but foreign to you right now, just hold on. By the end of this course, you'll get it as clear as day. So while biplanes, an active campaign, are convinced the best fit for acting like sales funnels, the reality is that the use of pipelines once you learn them, it's simply limited to your imagination. But to keep things simple for the purpose of discourse, and I refer to pipelines, I'll always be referring to them in the context off a sales fund where a customer moves from one stage of the customers learning to the next. Now that directly other. For the purpose of this course that a pipeline is a sales funnel, let's examine the next component of the pipeline, which is called the States Eat Step within your pipeline. A scholar state. I built out the spy plane for you to show you what stages look like within a biplane, how they work. For example, take a look at this pipeline to see what stages look like within a biplane and see how they conceptually were. Now remember, stages are completely customizable, and you can have as many or as few stages as you would like. So let's say you're a freelance Facebook marketing consultant, and you provide free first consolidations, and you've set up a nice website for the webpage, which has a form which potential Flynt's fill out to show interest in your free consulting . You can have an automation set up with this form. It's ads each of those potential finds through a pipeline. Once a client enters the biplane, they will always enter the first stage of the pipeline. You can now call the state's new inquiry or inquiry receipt. Then you could have a second stage, which is called Call Made. But you tell your admin staff to call any new enquiries within 24 hours to book appointments. And when they do, the instructor to move, the person from the new inquiry states the call made states. The third stage could be called consolidation called Book, and the last age could be called consolidation called on. In the final stage. Deals can be marked one or lost. Now, each inquiry you receive a scholar deal and a deal represents leads. There are potential customers. It's always awesome to have a larger deals because you can see the potential revenue sitting there right when you look at your pipeline part by now, you get the basic concept of pipeline stages and deals. Let's dive into using biplane stages and deals in the lectures that follow. Thank you so much for joining me in this lecture and I will see you in the next one. 3. Pipelines and Stages: Hi there, and welcome to the lecture on pipelines and stages. In this lecture, we're gonna go from theory to practice. What I suggest is that you have your active campaign screen open on another tab so that you can follow along as we go through this video. So from wherever you might be on active campaign, click on their deals. Icon on the left hand side. If you're new to creating pipelines, you'll have an icon on the top, right, which says I the pipeline. But if you've already set up a few pipelines in the past, then you'll be able to create the pipeline by clicking the drop down at all. Right here, on top in selecting are the pipeline. Let's go ahead and Neymar by plane with the original Best Buy plane. After that, you can select the default currency from the drop down menus. I'm or select U. S. Dollars. Next, we have something called group access. While I have this, it may not show up for you on your screen if you've not set up groups yet. Basically, group access is a useful feature for people working routines. So if you run an organization or a business with several staff members. You can set up permissions based on groups off users in your team, such as admin staff, managerial staff, receptionists and so on on what are digress here just for a few seconds and show you how to set up group access. If you are working with teams, so let me cancel out of the screen. Let me go to the setting section, and you can set up your groups by going the users and groups and clicking that button. And when the two tabs show up, just click on groups and go ahead and click at a new group. Or here you can give the group name or tighter. For example. Like I mentioned, I'll show you some of the groups that I have exhorted the screen. So I have a group called Receptionist, which I give partial access to. I have an other group or receptionist who has full access. I have a group for probation for any employees that might have gotten in trouble, and I want a district access to them. Then I have management for our operations manager, and then I have admin, which controls pretty much everything inactive camping. So, like I said, to set up a new group, you simply click are the new group. Give the group name right here, and you can read her description and to set up permissions for the group. You can click on the permission stab, and you concert up permissions based on whatever access that you would like to give their group. Okay, so that's a quick run through off Harper set up groups. If you need them, let's go back and complete building our pipeline. Let's cancel out of this and let's go ahead and click their deals Barton again and to create a new pipeline. I click the Drop down Arrow and I click had a pipeline and I give up I playing a name called Test by Plane and the D four currency is USD. I'm gonna give all groups access to the spy plane. After that, we have something called assignment method where you will have a few options. You can choose to manually assigned deals, or you can click round robin or round robin deal value. Basically, in round robin, deals are signed evenly based on whoever stone. It is where all your company reps get the same number of deals, or you can automatically distribute them to certain team members based on the deal value. Once you've assigned the method, you simply click out and click add and wala. A new test pipeline has been created. Any new pipeline that you create comes with its D for three stages, which are to contact in contact and follow up. Everything in these stages can be customized or the leader to push the night the stage. You can click the gear icon on the top right and click added the states you can Then go ahead and click the name off any states that you would like. So, for example, I'm gonna change the name from off the states to contact toe you inquiry. You can also change the color off the states. If you were like so let me change it in tow orange, and you can change the size of the state if you would like. Basically, you can increase the size or you can decrease the size. You can go ahead and customize the stages for the by sorting out their deals. How are you were born toe? Or you can also change the card appearance by clicking on this and clicking whatever feature you would like to appear. So I'm gonna leave it at this and I'm gonna click, Save. And as you can see, our stage has been customized. You can make adjustments in a similar way if you want to change the rest of the stages. Well, that brings us to a close of this lecture. By now, you should have an understanding off water pipeline is how to set up a pipeline. How to also set up group access and permissions. If you're working with a team as well as their different stages, which can be added or edited in any pipeline in the next lecture, via genetic our knowledge a bit further and get into the nuts and bolts of the crm by learning more about deals. I hope you're excited because I'm so excited that I'm going to start dancing, but not quite as well as this guy. Thank you so much for joining me in this lecture. I will see you in the next one 4. Deals: hi there. Now that you know how to build a pipeline and create as well as edit straight is within a pipeline. Let's power up your knowledge by learning about creating deals. You may remember that no previous lecture I mentioned that a deal represents leads or potential customers in this lecture. I'm gonna teach you how to create deals manually. But the most efficient way to create deals is having an automation do it for you. Depending on where you're watching this video, you can refer to my other class or section about mastering automation to learn how to best use automation. So let's go ahead and create a deal while you can pretty much big any feel that you would like or you may be in a completely different field. I'm gonna pick what's thought office, traditionally a boarding feel for most people, but I really enjoy. So let's say I'm running a big accounting form and I received an inquiry from Microsoft. When I get this new inquiry, I want to create a deal in the new inquiry states. So to do this, I click add a deal, and in the deal title section, I give my dealing, which could be something like Microsoft in. Quite now, I'm gonna sign the deal of value. So I'm gonna put this as $2 million. If I'm thinking and imagining, I might as well imagine really big. Right. Then I'm gonna give my deal or description where I can put the summary of the deal. So, for example, I can put something like John Doe warrants, uh, proposals for accounting and order it. So this is the next three options, or do you see give you the option to change the pipeline from right here, But I'm gonna leave this in their test pipeline. You can also change the stage from new inquiry toe in contact to follow up. And you can change the deal owner because this is a pretty big deal value for my company. Since I'm the deal owner, I'm gonna be handling this. Although you could give it to some of your other stuff by selecting the drop down menu and selecting your star for team member right here, you can Then go ahead and put the contacts email address. So I'm gonna put John doe at Microsoft dot com and the name of the contact, which is John, and I'm going to select the account. Now you can add a account right here. Let's if this inquiry wasn't from Microsoft or it was from Facebook or Google, I could add account. Facebook and I could click Add and I could have added Facebook. But for right now, because I've already created a Microsoft account in the past and we're select Microsoft, and then you put a phone number. So there's my imaginary phone number. Please don't try to call it, and then I'm gonna click. Add after you've created the deal. Now they're deal appears in this particular stage. You can also move this deal from states to save by clicking and dragging and dropping it in whatever stays that you would like. While this is your deal, this is also called a deal card. If I click on the card, it gives me a lot more information about my contact, and it gives me a few other options. So it shows me work by playing the contact seen and what stage the contacts in as well as I can use these three features right at the bottom of the screen to add a task related to this inquiry to add a North related to this inquiry or descend the personal one off email. So let me show you her creator task. Once I click, add a deal task I've already written or description here, but you can change your description. How you would like introductory card to John from Microsoft. Then I can select whether I want to call or email the client or the potential client, I should say, and I can select the date and time and amongst these three options right here, you can also choose to assign the stars to another staff member. You can add an alert for this stop task, or you can add the stars to an automation. After that, you have their deal North section, which is also pretty straightforward. Here. You can take notes about the deal and click. Add received the note. Finally, you can use the send an email Barton to shoot off one off emails. Whatever action that you choose to take it will always appear in the recent activity section on the right. What you also notices. Their deals have multiple tabs on top. Apart from their deal. Stab you also have the personal in four time. So even if their deal closes, you'll always be able to go to the personal info section off the client and be able to see the personal information, which has a lot more feels, which are custom made. For example, you could also a date of birth course off interest, which is actually related to my business and so and so forth. Okay, so let's head back to our pipeline so I can show you a few more things relating to the pipe by clicking their deals. Barton right here, and that's our pipeline. Now, as their deal progresses through your pipeline, you're gonna either of in the customer's business or you're gonna lose the customer business to a few window deal. Let's have in this Microsoft deal, and Microsoft decides to give me a project for $2 million. After I throw my big party, I'm gonna click on their deal card, and I'm going to see these woods drag or deal to mark your is one or dragger deal to mark your has lost, which would then mark this deal is lost. But since I've wondered deal, I'm gonna go and drag and I'm gonna put it right here. And Microsoft inquiry has been marked one super If I want to see any of the one deals or if I want to see any of the lost deals, I can click this drop down menu right here and I can go and see my one deals and I'll see they're joined from Microsoft was one. So this is just one inquiry. But as your enquiries pile up, you'll be a prissy what deals you one. And you will be able to see where deals that you've lost. So super now on that happy note of winning this deal off. Two million. I'm going to wrap up this lecture and enjoy my money. You keep learning and practicing. Thank you so much for joining me in this lecture. And I will see you in the next one 5. Project : I would like to thank you so much for taking this class back yourself on the back because you learned a lot. But let's not conclude this class just to be good at anything in life. You need toe practice, practice and practice some more. It's time to put your newly found knowledge toe one final test. Simply look at the project section off this class and complete one of the assignments that follows. You can either do the easy project or take the road less traveled and do the tough one. And if you're really ambitious, you canoe boat. If you have any questions for me, you can click the community dam and ask them I would love to help. If you would like to see any off the future classes I create, please click the follow button on your screen. And if you want to see any off my past classes, please check out my profile. And for one final time, it was truly my pleasure to be with you. Thank you so much for joining me in this class and I will see you in the next one