1. What You'll Get in This Course: Hello and welcome to the Level 4 of the mastering Spanish from beginner to advanced series. So my congratulations on making it this far into the lesson. And this lesson will also build upon from what we learned in the previous lessons. So if you're skipping to this one and you'll find this level a little bit hard. You can check out some of the previous lessons, or if you find it to ISI, check out some of the more advanced lessons. And also if it's the first time you are joining, make sure to check out the Quizlet on their project and resources section. And there are many different types of games and modes. And you can also practice your speaking abilities in Spanish. So let's get into the lessons.
2. Lecture 140 - Using "Again": Okay, so now we will learn some words related to saying. Again, let's try it out. The first word we have is then WEBO, then where bore. So knowable means new, then MY day means off. So it's kind of like saying off new. But basically it means again of new, again, then Weber. And the next word we have also means again. It also means one more. So you're doing something once again. And for that we have bought that our base. So once more, author of S. So whatever's on that basis once more. So you're doing it once again, once more, once more. And the next one actually means once again. And it also means again. And this word is nowhere BAM, men, day and wherever men D. So this means once again, but it's a little bit similar to saying newly. So yeah, again, newly and whoever mentee. Once again. Okay. Let's try it one more time. The Nuevo, again. Ot thereof is again, once more. And no, Min d. Again, once again, noise, minty bouquet. Let's try some examples. The first example we have is gonna NMOS. The Nuevo. We want again Ghana most, then WEBO. We want again gonna NMOS the Nuevo. And the next example is author of S is thus commando. Are you eating again? Otra vez is thus commando. Are you eating once more? Or are you eating again? Ot that I have is, is thus commando. Okay. And the next example, lope been Sadie Nueva mentee. I'll think about it again. Or I'll think about it once again or I'll think about it. Knew Lee. So yeah, envelope in setting new whoever mentee lobe been set if I'll think about it. And wherever mentee again. Okay, this is a little confusing, but I think it's understandable. Okay. The next one, bombers the Nuevo a friend, Cm, Let's go to friends. Again. Vamos, then WEBO, a friend, Sia. Let's go to friends again. Okay. And the next six simple. In Norway, s2 squared in there, good and bad. Mondo estaba, whereby men in gara. So this one is quite a long phrase. In 1940 in melanoma Santos quote into much of the world, gun, mandu was at war. Again. Estaba was whoever meant the, again in getter at war. So yeah, it's a long phrase. But I think you can understand it. In Milne obviously intos squared into gran parte, they'll Mondo is wherever minty in gear. Okay, So I think you can understand this race. And let's try the next one. Bomb more self-aware, bought this. Let's play again. Bahamas, F word, oprah, various. Let's play again, or let's play once more. Let's, let's play once more. So let's try. The next example. Is stoic and saddle. Boy or mere, then webgl is stoic and several means, tired. Boy, other mirrors and wherever I'm going to sleep. Again. Boy, Vermeer than level is stoic and settle. Warrior Vermeer didn't well. Okay, and the next example, Nueva mentee, once again as luminous. Whereby mentee is luminous. Once again, it's Monday. And whoever mentee is luminous. Okay, and let's try the next example. Where this rapid deep blue, why does it repeat year law? Then you repeat it where this repetitive low author of S again or once more? Can you repeat it once more? Where this repeated law ought to have is actually in this phrase, you can always use pointers, repeated load then Webvan. Can you repeat it again? Bought thereof is one small or whoever mentee once again. So it doesn't have to be specific because you can always use either another one of these ones. So let's take a look at the next example. For example. Or travails, noisy still at that area. You can say, Oh travels. You can also use the table. Then we have one moist sea Stella. Or you can also put in, we have a mentee and whoever mental noises, Deloria, once again, you did not do your homework. So these three words script, you can kind of use them together in, in, there's no like specific one you can use. You can kind of use then Weber, in place of 0 travails or in places when we have often wherever mentee. So by default, I will probably say then WEBO is the most versatile one which you can use in most of the examples, most of these scenarios. Okay, Let's see, Let's try this one. Author of is noisy still at that area. Again, you did not do your homework or you did not do your homework. Again, what did I have is noisy Stella area. Okay. So that's it for this one. And if you have a doubt which one to use, Let's go back. You can always use the Nuevo, which is kind of like simple. It just means again. So if you do not know which one to use, just go for it, then wherever it's most likely going to work. Okay, so that's it for this one. And thanks for watching.
3. Lecture 141 - Celebrations: Okay, so now we will learn about some different types of celebrations. So let's try it out. The first word we have is whom plan numerous, whom Palais annulus and complainers basically means birthday. Boomplay annulus. Birthday whom plan annulus. And the next celebration we have is Navi dead. Navi. Navi, that means Christmas. Nabi that. So yeah, this one is not at all similar to English. Navi dead, Christmas Navi that. And the next example is high, low when. Allo when. Or it also means not shared. Or you can also say not shared the Broca's. So basically Halloween, we use the English name catalog when. Or you can also just say not shared the Broca's, which basically means and night of witches, witches night. A night of witches, Halloween witches night. So yeah, instead of saying hello when with an English accent, you would say hello when Hello going OK. Next one. And your wearable and your means here and whoever means new, so new year and your Nuevo New Year. This one is quite simple. Let's try it out. Whom one more time. Whom plan numerous birthday navi that Christmas, Halloween I use, I usually just say hello when other people might say nutshell, the Broca's. And the next one and your Nuevo new year annual Nuevo. Let's try a few more. Then we have Thanksgiving and we call it df, the that grass. Yes. So the means day, the means of giving gracias means tanks. So day of giving, thanks. So basically Thanksgiving. Does that get us? Yes. The Day of Giving thinks via the that are gaseous. And the next one, another big holiday. And your Chenault, the Chinese New Year and your own wellbore China, Chinese New Year, Ano Nuevo new year, genome, Chinese, Chinese New Year. And another big celebration would be a drama then, which means Ramadan. Ramadan, Ramadan. And then, so yeah, Ramadan, Ramadan, simple, it sounds the same. And the next one is bus square, bar square, which means Easter bus square, Easter baskets. So here are some of these celebrations are celebrated in some countries and not so much in others. For example, thanksgiving is American Chinese New Year for China, Ramadan for Muslim countries. But squa for Easter. So yeah. Okay, Let's try one more time. Dia de gracias and your knowable Cimino. Drama then last square. Okay? And let's try some examples. Is McCone blandness, Kuehn, Keen said annulus S meek in Santa Clara. So tomorrow is my birthday. My nirvana is me, complete genius, complete keynesian. Yes. I will be 15 years old as me Qin sending era. So in Spanish countries, in Latin American countries, when you turn 50 and is like a big celebration. For example, in the US, you might call it sweet 16. In Spanish countries, it's Qin Sunyata, it's kinda like your sweet 15. And actually they do really big parties. Some families do very, very big parties. Some people say that it's cheaper to buy a car or buy a trip to Europe than to pay for such an, such a big party. And yeah, I went to some chins and yet us and some of them can be quite, quite luxurious, quite big. So yeah, if you ever go to a Spanish speaking country, I think you can enjoy, you can enjoy going to Akin Sunyata. So yeah, it's a cultural events. Got a nice cultural celebration. Okay. And the next one sent back close that our whole loss, the Navy led. Santa Claus, brought Christmas presents regardless means presence gifts regardless. Presence or gifts regardless. So yeah, One more time. Sent that close that Aho regardless, the Navy then I got those gifts or presence. It's the same. And the next example, joe made these for ESY, their own bread. In Halloween. These for us means to disguise or basically to put on an ostium. It either means to these guys yourself or to put on a costume. So he'd these guys to himself as a long banana Spiderman, a long breath, a man, RNA, a spider. So yeah, the man, Spider, Spider Man. So you had these for us as a means to put on a costume or to disguise yourself. Okay, one more time. Joe made these for us, say the lumber. In Halloween, I dressed up as Spider-Man on Halloween. So you had to dress up this facade or to disguise yourself, or to put on a costume. Okay, next one in Hispania is that are these Xian, four mega dose if fruit us, those Roombas, those sue us. In non your own web war. In Spain, it is a tradition to eat well grapes on New Year's. So yeah, if you go to Spain and it's New Year's, you will see a lot of people eating 12 grapes, one for each month. So yeah, I think in Mexico too, I've seen people do it in Mexico too. So yeah, in Espana is that I did. In Spain, it is a tradition. Is that adhesion. Call Mare dossier, bu bus. Move AS means grapes in Nanyang level. Okay, so I think it's simple. Next example. In Ramadan is oneness, say Libra Suan is salami gun. Ramadan is an Islamic celebration. In Ramadan. As soon as silly, but as soon as Salonica, Ramadan is a islamic, is an Islamic, Islamically Celebration, Celebration, Islamic celebration syllable assume Islamicate. Okay, I think it's simple. Next one. In its third, those who need us less familiar serotonin. But as say Libra, LDL, the ladder gaseous. In the United States, families gather to celebrate The day of giving thanks. Think I wrote it a little bit weird this time. Ldl, the day the, that of giving thanks, Gracias. So basically Thanksgiving in the United States, families gathered to celebrate Thanksgiving that day of giving thanks. Ldl, the VAT gaseous. So yeah, it's a little interesting the way I wrote it, but it means thanksgiving, like the literal meaning, the idea that a gaseous and Ranier means to meet or to gather. So yeah, Joe Murray, 10 and there you have the translation and the conjugations. Okay, Next example. In China, Eden flavours artificiality is Durante annual and wearable. Cheonan way was at the FAC or less means fireworks. The data means to throw. So they should fireworks. So basically they throw fireworks. The data warehouse at DVC, Alice to throw fireworks. So in China, they should fire works during that Chinese New Year. In China. Didn't flag was at the FEC. Alice do it on the land known whereby durante means during free it was artificial, less fireworks and a thin. You can understand the whole phrase. Okay. And the next one, El Nino. Where was the best one? The boy collects Easter eggs. So reco here means to pick up and you have the conjugation on the right side. So it means to pick up or basically yet to pick up. So in English you can say I pick them up or I collect Easter eggs. If you want to say exactly collect you can say colleagues. To collect colleagues, Your Honor. Board collects urine is more related to you collecting things. For example, you collect cards, you collect stamps. So things that you collect. So collects Fiona is more related to that type of collecting. So what in this case we would say break O'Hara to pick up the boy picks up Easter eggs. He collects the Easter eggs that I recall here. Okay. Where was the past while Easter eggs. So that's it for this one. And thanks for watching.
4. Lecture 142 - During / Since / While / It's been: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to dual ring scenes, while, and it's been whatever that. Okay, let's write out. The first word we have is Duran. Duran. And it's very similar to English and it means during durante. During Durante. And the next one is DES The which means since this the since this day, he has since this day. And the third one mean that S, which means while for example, well you are doing something. Men, that S, while mean that S. And the last one is asc, gay. And it's kind of like saying it's being whatever, whatever, whatever that whatever, whatever. Say as a gay or acid. The MPO k Not every year. It's been awhile that I haven't seen you. So you had things like that asic and you have to continue it after. So one more time. Durante. During this day since MEN dress while and asc. It's been that. Okay, let's try some examples. Here. Says Bhutan. What do you do during the day? So Dorothy during the day? Yes. Is do it until the what do you do during the day? And the next one? Acid, the MPO cannot avail. It's been awhile that I haven't seen you for just long time? No. See as if the tempo cannot avail Long time, no, see, that's it. The UK and not available or cannot have a year that I haven't seen you as a DMP book and not the very year as at the MP. Okay. Not avail. So yeah, you can use bowed. It's been awhile that I haven't seen you or you cannot avail or cannot have a year? Both can be. Okay. And the next one, EC ill this I you know, I mean thrust dormir. Yes. I made breakfast while you were sleeping. You sit in this, uh, y'know, mantras, Vermeer's, there's a, you know, breakfast. Isa, I said I made it. I did it while you were sleeping. I made breakfast while you were sleeping. And another example is joy in life square law. This the last CAT email via dilemma piano. I have been at school since 730 AM, Is story in life square law. This the last Societe made the IMA or dilemma piano. Or you can also say CNR tree into C at the train-test 730 CFA Emalia 7.5. I may the or dilemma piano. So simple. And the next example, jaw it up below to durante lag era. I was a pilot during the war. Joe it up below to Bhutan, the lag era. I was a pilot to draw it up the lotto durante during lag era, the war. So simple, I think you can understand this one. Another example. As sick quatro the S in nor Salvo, the mucosa as say quatro dS. It's been four days. Hey, that I haven't gone out of my house. That I don't go out of my house. As C quatro DSK, no cell wall, the mucosa. It's been four days that I don't go out of my hell, out of my home, out of my house. So yeah, I think we can all relate to this one nowadays. Okay. And the next one. This is the cuando sick or no sin. Since when have you known each other? There's the cuando sequence and so there's the cuando since when synchronization kinda like Do you know each other? Scenes when do you know each other or have you known each other? Okay, I think it says simple 11 more example. Let's see. No scorn or CMO's. This the La universidad. No scholar cmos, we know each other this day. Since la universidad University, since college. We know each other scenes college. And, oops, that's it for this one. And it's a, it's a short lesson. And thanks for watching 0. We get a black screen. Oh no. Okay, Thanks for watching.
5. Lecture 143 - Religion (People): Okay, so now we will have a class about religion, but related to people. So basically people's religions. Let's try it out. The first one we have is that totally course, which means Catholics. That toilet because Catholics. So if you're a Catholic, you can say Joe soy got dolichol. So we only add the S to make it plural. So Catholics, catholic ojos, one Catholic person got colliculus Catholics. And the next one is Christiano was, which means Christians. It is the anos Christians. So if you're a Christian, you can say Joe soil Cristiano. I am Christian. It is Deanna. So yeah, and the third one is more solid monies, which means Muslims, most so luminous. Muslims. If you're Muslim, you can say Joe soil, mueoseul man, because it's singular. Muscle man if it's more than one edges. So on Mussolini's, they are Muslims, mueoseul money, yes. Okay. One more time. Got autologous Catholics getting a stenosis, Kristen's mueoseul monies, most luminous Muslims, most pseudomonas. And the next example is induced AS, which means Hindus. In doing this and this one you can also just say induce to refer to Hindus. Induce. So yeah, in US or induce with or without the e, It's both okay. In US induce Hindus. And the next one will be yours. Deuce, deuce audios. And the third one is bu these tests. Buddhists. Bu these tests. Yeah, so yeah, Buddhist as Buddhists. So most of them sound just like their English counterparts. So it should be easy to remember. In US or induce Hindus audios, dues or Jewish people, Jews with the OS and Buddhist test. Buddhists. Yeah, Buddhist people. Buddhists, buddhism, thus Buddhist this. Okay, let's try some examples. Loss got Polykleitos been a Missa. Though those los Domingos Catholics go to mass every Sunday. Loss gotta follicles, ban Missa, those laws, Domingos. So means, means mass. And yeah, let's try the next one. Loss Cristiano. Christians. Quran in Diaz gets crazy air means to believe. So. Christians believe in God. Green edges get n, they believe edges, edges with steadies get en los Cristiano screen in Dios, Christians believe in God. And the next example I chose by E says mueoseul man is in L, maybe your audience theme. There are many Muslim countries in the Middle East. So maybe you're oriented means Middle East. El medio de Oriente. The Middle East, el medio oriented. So one more time. I muchos by E says mueoseul money's. There are many Muslim countries en el medio audience theme in the Middle East. Okay, so I think it's understandable, very similar to English. And the next example, loss in doing this is fun as CNO. Silly. But as soon the Hindus are doing a celebration or they're holding a celebration, is Stan haciendo. They are doing they are holding our celebration. Lawson DOAS is done as CNO celebration. Another example, low smooth Solomon Enos is then usando Rapa, drag this Jonelle. The Muslims are wearing traditional clothes. Laws, mueoseul mannose is done, usando, Rapa. Are these urinal? So yeah, Rapa means close, traditional, traditional, traditional clothes and other exemple. Loss. Who the OS is done? Raise sender. So red means to pray. The Jews are praying. Loss Hoosiers is done resemble the Jews are praying. Presser means to pray and then you can conjugate. But in this case, Cassandra is an NGO word, which means ING in English. It is Sando, praying. And another example, loss Cristiano, most land, Liberia. So Biblia means Bible. The Christians or Christians read the Bible. Loss Cristiano LAN, Liberia, Christians read the Bible. And another exemple, a long break. Buddhist. Is that maybe tandem? The Buddhist men is meditating. So yeah, maybe it means to meditate. So you can say Joe magneto to mellitus edges Mehdi then meditate. But when we use estab before we have to make it an I-N-G word. So is meditating, is that maybe tender? A longer Buddhist step is maybe tender. They are Buddhist men is meditating. Okay. And another example, muchos in doing this, even in India, many Hindus live in India. Muchos indu is B7 in India. Many Hindus live in India. And another exemple, Joe soil, Catalan little boy, is Square Law and Catholic. I go to a Catholic school. Joe Soyinka. Boy is square. So a square law catabolic means Catholic school. So yeah. I think that's all. Yes, that's it for this one. And once again, as always, thanks for watching.
6. Lecture 144 - To prepare / to be ready: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to prepare and to be ready. Let's try it out. The first word we have is LI store. Lr means ready. List though. So if you are ready, you can say joy story, LR. I am ready list though is toil, leads to ready list. And the next one is very, very para, means to prepare, to prepare for a parallel. So maybe you are preparing food. You can say estoy haciendo comida. I am preparing food. Is stoic been committed? So you have to prepare. Okay, so list already prepared, prepared. And the next example. This punitively means available. These punitively, these four naively. So yeah, to be available, to be available. So if you are available, you can say Joyce story this punitively. I am available, Joy Story these positively. And another word, Let's hope you don't confuse it. It sounds similar, but it's these points. These points though, it sounds a lot like this punitively. But this still means willing, willing to or ready. I am willing to, or I am ready. I'm ready to do it. I'm willing to do it. These Western willing to already. So yeah, these punitively available, this storm willing to already. And let's say it's a short one. So let's check out the examples. Is thus least that Allah fiesta. Are you ready to go to the party? Is fastly step, but I eat. Allah Fiesta is specialists that are you ready? And you can reply no noise toilets that no. I'm not ready yet. No. I wouldn't know is toilet step I am not ready yet. I 1 means yet noise toilet. I am not ready. Okay. And the next one, jab, but it bought us to la comida. Have you prepared the food already? Japanese Stella comida? Have you prepare the food already? And you can say, see, yes, GEL Lab. I prepared it already. So on the right side you have the conjugations for PayPal to prepare. But this one is pest, so we're using but a territory. You prepared it in the past July. If you are using this, the present tense, you can say Joe prepared to prepare, a preparer and whatever. But everybody, job buddy, I prepared. So pest past tense. And the next one is task these punitively. But as Sally is the VNS, instead this punitively, are you available to go out this Friday? Is thus the spawn evil, as bad as Sally, SDV agonists. Are you available to grow out this Friday? And the next one is stick Clara. Is that this punitively? So this one is a question. Is this car available to buy? Is thick arrow? Is that these punitively para is this car available to buy or to purchase? To buy? So yeah. S thick arrows studies pony blade. Is it available but a comparator to buy? And another example is this fresco. That the drain dollars for ora. I am willing to give you $30 per hour. So yeah, it looks quite good. Is steroid the adaptee that into dollars per ADA. However, if you are a women, for example in the picture I put a women. So you would say is story these points with an, a, I am willing estoy these quests that if it's a man you can say is toyed these presto, I am willing. But in the picture, since it's a women, you can say estoy these quests that an, a, these points that either the drain dollar is prototype to give you $30 per hour. And another example is thus, these eyes, Skylar is 10 Montana. Are you willing to climb this mountain? Is thus this quest to I Scholar is stem Montana. So a scholar means to claim, are you willing to claim S, The Montana, this mountain? Another example is thermos, least to us. But our Hogarth basketball, we are ready to play basketball is thermals leaves to us. But a Hoover basketball. We are ready to play basketball. And one more example. This one is interesting. So in English you say, On your marks, ready, Go. And in Spanish we say, ensues marcus On your marks and sues Marquez. Least us, ready, list those. We just learn this one. Out, four out. So in English you say go. But in Spanish we say fluid out on your marriage, Ready out and sues Marcus, least toss four. So yeah, if you're in a race, this is what they will probably say. In Suez Marquez leads tos for readies said go On your marks. Ready go. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
7. Lecture 145 - Travel and Travelers: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to travel and travelers. Let's try it out. So the first word we have is BIA, BIA higher. And Bihar means to travel BIA, BIA head. And on the right side we have the conjugations. So job, yeah, who has LDF via Hamas, via highest BIA. Bia had. And another word we have is the first one is laws not D was, which means the natives loss, not divorce. So the natives, so basically the native people that live in the country are going to, for example, if you're traveling to Mexico, mexican people would be the natives. If you go to Spain, people from Spain would be the natives. So yeah, laws, knotty was lost in that D was. And the next one is loss extra and heroes, which means they're foreigners. Loss extra and heroes. The foreigners. So low snappy was the natives and low sex drive heroes, the foreigners. It's quite common sometimes that if you travel abroad and you're a foreigner, you will make it easier to make friends with other foreigners. And sometimes it's a little harder to make friends with the natives. So there's sometimes there's kind of a division depending on where you go to Bourdieu. So loss notables and loss extent heroes. The next word we have is most Tuesdays tests, which means that tourists, law students tests tourists. And the next one is l, get the tourist step, which means that tourist guide L gear the bourree step. Loss duties test the tourists. L get the bourree step, the tourist guide. And let's try one example. Hero BSR at CIA in Alverno. I want to travel to Greece in the summer. He had Olbia had Agadez yet in El Nino. So aggressive means agrees. Vietnam in summer, Grassia. And the next example, loss net DeVos who San Francisco, los tourists who send in glaze. So for example, in friends, the natives use French. Tourists use English, some other tourists no French. So maybe they can use French body. A loss in that DeVos who San Francis lost tourist test, Hussein in Glace. Okay? And another phrase is, I muchos extra and heroes. Bc will happen. There are many foreigners visiting Japan. I muchos extract heroes BC Dando. So extra heroes, foreigners busy Tambo visiting and happen in Japan. And let's try the next one. Is those duties, tests via phone or via the bourree step. These tourists travel with a tourist guide. So yeah, there is always some tourists that like to travel in big groups when I'm in a big tour group. So yeah, S 2's duties test, then gone on gear, the 2D step. Okay, Gaea that tourists, the tourists guide. And another exemple loss, not the boss. Ellos, extra and heroes say Hoon, then in S They are bad. Natives and foreigners meet at this bar. Laws not divorce the natives ILO, six different heroes and the foreigners say 100, then they meet in SDR at this bar or in this bar. So yeah, this is also common sometimes. And the next one, L gear that I have occur in a cell. So you can say a year referring to the guide or a idea that boorish stem the tourist guide. So in this case we just say LGN, to make it short. That guide works in the museum a year that I've asked that in Elmo sale. Sometimes if you say lag, yeah. It can also refer to like a women tourist guide. Or it can also refer to like the guidebook that maybe you get it in a museum. We also call it Ligia guide, for example, that tourists gate Ligia. So it refers to the book that trebled tourist guidebook. Lag. Yeah. So yeah, LG or for the main person, Ligia, for their female tourist guide or for the book, that tour guide book. Okay. And another example is the Vaca sourness. Where do you want to travel on vacation? Add-on day. Where to add-on day key it is via the Vaca sourness. And one more example. Loss is through the end of this extra and heroes is, then, is do the Endo is final. So S through the external and heroes means the foreign students. So the foreign students are studying Spanish. Loss is through the NTS extent heroes is Stan, is to the Endo, is final. So if you're maybe in college and you want to go and study abroad, It's strongly recommended. I think it was one of the best experiences I've had. Some of the most fun memories in my life are from these, from studying abroad. So I recommended, okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
8. Lecture 146 - Boring and Fun: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to boring and fun. So let's give it a try. The first word we have is S. S sub would reveal, which means it's boring as Abu receiver. So a burrito means boring as Abu Aporeto. It's boring. A burrito. And the next one is the opposite as DVR. Dvr, which means it's fun. As DVR TiVo. It's fun. So yeah, abu ribo barring the TiVo fun. So if you're a fun person, you can say soil DVR, TiVo know. So yeah, yes. So on up better, sooner the better Theta. I am a fun person. If you're boring, you can say, soy Una up better Sana. I'm a boring person. If you're bored, you can say estoy Abu River. If you're having fun, you can say maybe VR2 actually made the VR2. I have fond, made the Viet Minh the VR2. Okay? Oh, for example, right here. And we actually have it right here, a story board. And maybe via having fun. So yeah, I think we discussed this before, is Steuerberater ego, maybe VR2. And the third one is estoy, a more SEO Netherlands. And in most your novel means excited. I'm excited is a more SEO Netherlands. Okay? So in most united means to make someone excited, a more SI unit is the most unesco. I'm excited. So one more time. Abu ribo, using the verb is that the next one is maybe Vietnam. So I had fun. I had fun myself. I'm having fun. This one doesn't use stat and the legs. The next one is the most you another excited focus. So I think it's simple. And let's go for the examples. The first example is, is, as said, LAD diarrhea. It's boring to do homework is as said, last area. It's boring to do homework. And the next example is story Abu ribo, the atlas SCOTUS. I'm bored of playing cards. So yeah. Unless Curtis means playing coats, who are to play, GOT this cards, is the who where Alice SCOTUS. Okay, and let's try another example. S DVR TiVo. Who? Dennis, It's fun to play tennis as DVR TiVo who that tennis. It's fun to play tennis. The vertigo and the other example, barrow, But bear or a burrito. Golf. But it's boring to play golf. Promis, our burrito who had a golf. But it's boring to play golf. So yeah, and let's try the next example. Maybe VR to go near manner. I have fun playing with my brother, made if I'm having fun, maybe VL2, Uganda, one-year manner. Uganda means playing. I have fun playing with my brother. And the next one is a most your novel. They either Australia, even AMI, familiar. I'm excited to go to Australia and see my family. So it is a monsoon other, I'm excited. They either Australia to go to Australia, even AMI familiar and see my family. So yeah, I think it's simple. The next example here we have law, Montana Rousseff. Montana Rousseau means the Russian mountain. So basically the roller coaster. The roller coaster, but in Spanish we call it the Russian mountain law Montagnier Rousseff. The Russian mountain law, Montagnier Rousseau, is diversity that e, emotionality. The roller coaster is fun and exciting. So yeah, and the next one here, a more C11 day. How exciting? K more CNN D. How exciting. Yeah. So yeah, if you're ever excited, you can say, Whoa, how exciting game ASU 90. Okay, let's try another example. The same thing can be said for the opposite. You can see how boring, hey, our burrito Gab or how boring. And the next example, how fund? Good DVR, DVR, GAVI, Vertigo, how fun? Yeah, even. Okay, so that's it for this one. It's a short class. And as always, thanks for watching.
9. Lecture 147 - To ride, To walk (Andar vs Caminar): Okay, so now we will learn the differences between to ride and to walk and versus cameo. Let's try it out. So the word to ride is mom, dad, mom, dad. For example, if you want to ride a motorcycle or ride a horse, you would use Montana to ride. And what that also means to mount. For example, if you want to mount USB, you use Montana. Montana it was survey to mount the USB or whatever. If you ever need to mount something, you use Montana. But the most common one for Montana is to ride. And let's try some examples you can save. Is DOI Montana, though. On GVD you're riding a horse, is thawing Monsanto own Gvd, Yahoo. And the other example is boy alto, Navaho, Montalto, NBC Goleta. I go to work writing a motorcycle. So basically I go to work mount mounted on a motorcycle. And this is basically how it works. I go to work mounted on a motorcycle, but basically riding a motorcycle. So yeah, Montana to ride a horse to ride. And month ago, mounted on a motorcycle basically. So you're writing month ago, NBC later in motto Seek letter, motorcycle, motto, Seek later. And another exemple. El Nino savvy, Montana be Sikh letter. That child knows how to ride a bike. El Nino savvy, modern BC glitter. So yeah, I think this one is simple. And the next one month that is say Bay in lack competence Laura. So the word for USB, we actually say, Oh, SC, be. So basically the same but in Spanish or SAP, the same letters. So basically mount their USB on that computer. Mantissa l always say, Hey, Laura. So I think this one is simple. Okay. And the next word we have is gummy narrow, which means to walk gummy bear. So I think everybody, you probably know this one already by now. For a, Let's do some examples. Bahamas at Camino and parking. We are going to walk to the park. Bahamas sec Amina, I'll Parquet. We're going to walk to the park or in the park. And the next one, it will be vey know where they come in. The baby cannot walk a little baby, not where they can be null. The baby cannot work. So this one is pretty simple. And the reason why I wanted to show coming up is because we actually have another word which is very similar. And let's show it right here, which is and that, and that also means to walk, but it has different additional uses. So coming out is basically when you're actually walking and that it kind of has different ways. So the first way is we use and dad to express movement of a transportation mean. So or yep, to move from one place to another, to move. So gummy noun would be just to walk. And that would be kind of like when you move from somewhere to another place. Okay, let's try one example. In trend and that door, the law not shame that train runs all night. So this one is basically using this rule right here. The movement of a transportation mean in this case is the train is under though the law notching. It's running all night. It runs all night. And the next one, if you are going in the subway, you would see jaw. And in metro, I ride the subway. And in metro I ride the subway. Let's see, montage and metro. You do not say Montana in metro to mount the subway. If you say Montana in metro to mount the subway, it basically means that you are on top of the subway and you're mounting the subway for a leg, for example, use. The line you found a way to the roof of the subway and now you're mounting the subway. So it's very different. It means you're actually on top and illegally mounting the subway. Like surf. How do you say it? Subway surfing, something like that. But yet and that is basically I ride the subway the legal way. Joe Endo in metro. And another additional US is and that can express functionality of an object such as a car at clock or anything. So basically to work, for example, if the club doesn't work, you would use and that, Let's try some examples. You can also use foods, which means to function. So let's do the first example. Eldridge not and that scene but DDS. The watch does not run without batteries and no end scene but DDS. You can also use phone CNN, which means to function. So you can say it alone. No phone sooner. Seem batteries. The club doesn't function without batteries. So you can use any data or phone sooner. And the next example, no, under the car does not write those not work. So basically the card does not work. The car does not, right? That's more literal. Literal. Know under the card does not work, is not writing. You can always say no from Sienna, the card doesn't work. No fools, you are not electron. That doesn't work. Okay? And another example for and that is that it can be used to express a state of mind such as your feelings. Ok, and let's see some examples to understand this better. So if you are sad, you can see and the 360 or estoy three steam. So for example, you can use the verb is stead to be. We'd said is 33 Stan said, or you can also say NO3, stay. I'm going said I'm going around sad. I'm sad. Anecdote that is thin. If you're sick you can say Endo and furthermore, if you're happy and affiliates, but if you're happy, somebody can ask you. Again, that's felice. Why are you happy? Okay? And thus file's you can always use, of course, is that port okay, is that file's is toiletries thing is Toy in federal law. So here you can either use and that or is that and the next one. And both families. As me complainers, I'm happy because it's my birthday and their families board is MY land uses. So yeah. And that to be happy, too. Yeah. And that to go around happily. And that and another exemple yeah. This is, it's along, There's a lot of stuff that and darken mean. And that. Another example would be problems or situations. So basically when you get yourself a situation, let's see some examples. Diabetes and the same plateau. David is unemployed. So he has a problem. He's unemployed. The VDD and the simpler model, the bead is unemployed. And the next one, and thus your drunk. And thus Borat. Of course, you can always say if you're drunk, but it's also common that people will use and dad, and thus braccio, you're going around drunk. You are drunk basically. And there's burrito. And thus this plateau. Or is thus this in Plato, both are okay to use another one and another additional US. It can be used to express actions, to pursue a goal or to be in the process of achieving something. And we need the examples to understand this better. The first example. And whose scandal on the Navaho Nuevo looking for a new job. So you can always say is tollbooths scandal Nuevo or under boost scandal own Theravadan Nuevo. And the next one. And the Quran though, own Negroes, you creating a business. And Though Crandall own a Guassian. Okay. So I would probably say that if you have a doubt related to using undo, you can actually just use gummy narrow to walk. And is that for whatever feeling you're having? But just keep in mind that some people will use and that, but if it's too complicated, you can just use S that I'm looking for a job is stoic, random negotiation is stored, will scan, don't travel, whoever. So yeah, this is another way that people will say it. But you can always use a stack if you're in the metro or you can say boy and Metro, I'm writing a metro, I'm going with the metro. So yeah, this is a little bit more advanced, but you can use the previous vocabulary. Okay, the next example. It can be used to express the action. To walk around. Basically when you go around sightseeing or you go out on a stroll around the city. For example, boys and their board, luckily, I'm going to walk down the street, walk around the street. Boy. And poor lack gallery. If you find this difficult, you can just say commoner, boy, a commoner por La Raza. I'm going to walk around the street. So you can use under or commoner, in this case. The next one. And do vapour Mexico, durante less badass Yunus. I was going around Mexico during the holidays. And do the border Mexico do ran the less Baca sourness. In this case we are using and dad bought in the past form and Doobie. I was around Mexico and do vapour Mexico. If you need an easier word, you can say S2 with that is to be a poor magical durante Las Vegas Yunus established, once again, you can use that to save your life. Another one, approximate age. You can also mean approximate age. For example, Lupita, and they're bored or losses into Lupita is around 60 years old. So we can say Santa annulus. But in this case we say, we say loss season. And people know that you're referring to 63 around his 60s. So basically Lupita is around her 60s for around the sixties. So basically the 60 years 60 year range, Lupita and Board Law Center. So yeah, we use it for age. Another example. And por los quite into around my forties and dope or low squat into I'm around my 40s. So low squat into the forties around for these losses into around sixties. So yeah, you can also, this is how it works in Spanish Law Center, us around sixties seemed centers around fifties. So yeah, you understand how it's going? Okay, so it was a long lesson and thanks for watching. Feel free to check out the Quizlet.
10. Lecture 148 - Noisy vs Silent: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to noise Si, and silent. Let's try it out. The word for noise is Rui though. So you're basically noise ru, ru, ru either. And the word for silence is similar to English. See len, see you see lens, you silence, see lens CIA. And the word for sound is also similar. So neither. So neither. So yeah, so neither sound. Okay, so the only one that's different here is r2, either noise, room either. So really the salon CIA. So neither. So I think these ones are quite easy to remember. And another one. So if we look back, we have R20 them, and then we have R20 those. So which means Noise. See Rui, those noisy movie read also very noisy through either ASO and cylinder. We also have silane COSO, which means silent. It's very silent movie ceilings COSO. So yeah, see lens COSO, silent. And the next one is Gij shadow, which means quiet guide shadow. Cast shadow can be, can be used for, for example, with a person. That person is very quiet. Esa persona is gaggabda. And maybe you're walking around the streets. You can say, oh, is that a movie together? It's very quiet. Week guys, yellow AQI, very required here. So yeah. So one more time. Ribo means noise, grew it also right here means noisy, silent, sullen COSO. See len COSO and Gadget either quiet Bajaj auto. Okay, so I think it's understandable. And let's go for the examples. The first example is a spam rugae, those sought Anki. It's very noisy. Here. Is family reverse. So AQI, it's very noisy here. So yeah, I think you understand it. The next May 1 lose stat LC lens CEO del Boesky. I like the silence of the forest, may lose that LC lens CEO. They'll Boesky. El salon CEO, dead, silence. Boesky of the forest. Bill Boesky. Okay, Another example. I mood shorter vivo in lacA gene. There's a lot of noise in the street. I moved Short Rui though. In lacA gene, there's a lot of noise in the street rhythm. Noyce. And the next example, SUV, ill Sony will turn up the sound. So yeah, severe survey in Sunnydorf, severe to turn up. Severe survey is Sony though. Turn up the sound SUV in Sony though. Okay. Severe. Actually there's a mistake on this one. If you look on the right on the right side, it says severe, but it should be to turn up, not to design it, to turn up. So be it is Sony them. Okay. And the next one is the animal is lentil. Ec lens COSO. This animal is slow and silent. As the animal is Len though is sealants COSO length or slow silane COSO silent. So yeah, I think you understand it. The phrases are simple. The next one, the NN, k is static casual dose. In la biblioteca, ENM K, You have to, you have to be quiet in the library. The end in case that gadget others. And la biblioteca, you have to be quiet in the library. Okay, aesthetic digesters, be quiet. If you want to tell somebody, be quiet, you can see, you cannot say it. It's very, you can say Be quiet. There's a word which means gadget day, but casualty actually means shut up. So yeah, we do not say gadget, be quiet. You can say this. We do not seek gadget because it's kind of like more is more related to shut up. Shut up. If you want to make somebody be more quiet, you can say where this Baha'i elbow aluminum. Can you turn down the volume, something like that? But not casualty. Casualty. It's two on polite. For example, this one, gadget the shut up gadget, they shut up gadget d. And another way you can say, Sullivan, CEO, pore for water, silence, police. But this one also sounds a little bit very aggressive. See lends to your portfolio, your silence please. So these last two phrases are a little bit more aggressive. Gadget, hey, shut up. Ceylon CEO, border for water. Silence, please. So you might want to tell somebody pointers, Baha'i L balloon, can you lower the volume? But it's still a little bit aggressive. Hmm? Okay. Not so aggressive as these two, but it depends on the person. Okay. So that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
11. Lecture 149 - Asking for Directions: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to asking for directions. Let's try it out. The first one we have is good, then lead horse is and then followed by whatever you want to see. So get the lactose is, that means how far away is and whatever whatever whatever kid then lithos is. So levels means far how far away is good then lactose is there. So yeah. And then whatever you want. The next phrase is Como boy. And followed by whatever. How do I get to whatever, whatever. Como boy, for example, the metro, Como boy, al metro. How do I get to the metro? Cuomo boy and move cell. How do I get to them? You see them? So yeah, you just use como boy and whatever, whatever you want to see. And let's try some examples really fast. The first one is good, then lead horse is 10. Now, how far is the mountain get then lactose. Is that how far it is the mountain? It then leftwards? Is that law Montana. The next example? Cuomo boy at tu casa. How do I get to your house? Gamow boy at GSA. This phrase actually has a mistake. Let's see if you can find where the mistake is. So como is supposed to have an accent on the first letter O. So whenever you make Como into a question, you have to put an answer. Go more boys at Ducasse, how do I get to your home? So yeah, if you're using Como in a question, you put an accent on the first row and the first one, first. Oh, okay. And let's try the next one here. Then. Lactose is Mexico. They are hint, Tina, how far is Mexico from Argentina? Here? Then left was, is that Mexico? Argentina. And you can replay is stem movie Lucas. It's verifier, is lactose. It's very far more levels. Okay. Another example. Gamow boy, address that warranty. How do I go to the restaurant? Or more boys address that warranty? How do I go to the restaurant? And you can always replay where this door mad. Alenia, Rockville Metro, or a loud tollbooths, numero dos tres quatro. This one is a very long phrase. So let's break it down. Where this domain, you can take La Linea rho hat del metro. In some countries, Metro, the subway system is defined by the colors. So you can say the red metro line, linear del metro. So yes, some cities might have different colors for the metro. And you just say whatever the color name is. Other cities have a number or a name, things like that. What do you have in Mexico? I think it's by colors or a loud tollbooths, numero Kenyan tos quatro, or bus number, Bible for in Spanish, we have to say the complete number. We do not say cinco said Aquadro. We have to say Kenyan tos quatro outdoors, numero tres quatro 500 and for bus number 504. Okay. And another example here, then lactose is there. Who is square law? The two kasa. How far is your school from your home? Kit then left. Was is that a square law? Did to kasa your school from your home, how far is it Get and levels is that? And another example you can replay is AD DS minute those gummy Nando. It's at 10 minute walk or eats 10 minutes walking. Is that at ds minuss, tos, gummy Nando, it's 10 minutes walking. Okay? Another example. Cuomo bus, allies square le. How do you get to school? Well, more versus less sequella, how do you get to school? And you can replay, boy in Cairo. I go by car. Boy in Cairo. If you take the boss, you can say boy in outdoor boots. If it's the school bus, you can say, boy in our taboos is squalid. School bus outdoors. A scholar. If you take the subway boy in metro, by subway, metro. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
12. Lecture 150 - At the Museum: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to being at them, you see them. Let's try it out. The first word we have is the bu wo, which means drawing. The bu wo, drawing the book War. And the second one is picture for door fought door, picture, photo. So you have photo, for example, like a photo, photo. And the third one is being Torah, which means a painting, being Buddha, a painting. So this painting when the picture was actually done by my mom. So she painted this one intuitive painting being to them. And the last one is, is cool. Which means as sculpture is cooled to them. Sculpture a school today. So we can try one more time. The Bu Hui Xero wing, the Woohoo photo, picture, photon. Being today, painting is cool to them. Sculpture is Kaltura. Okay, and here we have this ones because if you go to the museum, you will hear a lot of millennium, centuries, things like this. So the first word we have is DECA, which means a decade. Deca, deca, the decade data. And the next one is Siegel law, which means century. See good law, century. So if you know the word century, it sounds like Cn, cn, and this is where it comes from. 100 years, century, Siegel. If you know ds, we have day, decade DS, D, deca them DS. And the legs one, you know the word meal, which means 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, meal. And we have millenia, millennium, millennia, millennium. So yeah, let's try one more time. Ds, ten deca, CAN 100 C glue. Meal, one, millennial. So yeah, I think it's quite easy to understand. And a few other words. If you go to the museum, you can buy, for example, una, post a postcard or post that post postcard for staff. And the next one is boss there, which means a poster here. Very simple. Boss, their poster. Pause there. And the next one is the end that there regardless, I give shop the end that there regardless. Gift shop. The end that they are regardless. So yeah, Tn dash shop regardless gift. And the next one cast CJ arrows. This one does sense, is different from English. Guys see gyros, which means lockers, gassy Jarrow, the locker, gassy gyros lockers. So one more time for the postcard. False there poster. The end that they are regardless. Gift shop and gas CROs, lockers, gassy gyros. Okay, let's try some examples. The first one is S is on DB2, h4, h show boardroom. Nino. Sds own DB2. This is a drawing. It sharp or Nino made by a child. This is a drawing made by a child. Okay. And the next one, S that is una, is cool Dora edge chaperone at this step. This is a sculpture made by an artist S day is owner, is cool daughter. He or Rouen at the stem. This is a sculpture made by an artist. So this sculpture, you can actually see it at the United Nations in New York City. So yeah, if you go there, you can actually see the famous sculpture. Okay, the next one is, that, is. Una, been, they'll see, DAC sees. This is 16th century painting. Sds is cool to them. They will signal the SEC's as 16th century painting. So your Seagull, the SSAS, sixteenth-century and wherever century, for example, see glow Kinsey, 15th century, Siegel obeying the 20th century. So in Spanish is a little more simple because we just say Siegel uno, first century, seek low-dose, second century, Benton, 20th century in English you have to say 20th, 21st and things like that. 19th, th, things like that in Spanish, it's more simple. Usual say the number, signal, the SEC's. The next example. Estoy haciendo means photos. The cuando era Nina. I'm looking at my pictures. Rum when I was a child. Estoy haciendo. Ms. Photos. The cuando era Nina. So yeah, it's three BN dot I'm looking nice photos. My pictures, the cuando era Nina from when I was a child. Okay. And the next example, Monday may own up post dad, poor man, Dann nehmen, send me, but it's affirmative. So Monday me, send me a postcard by mail or postal. Pour Quirrell, send me a postcard by mail. And the next example. Yet, oh, come on boasted. And let the end there. Regardless. I want to buy a poster at the gift shop. Hero, but our own boss there. And let the end that they are regardless. So yeah, the end that the irregardless gift shop. And another example, this one is interesting. Jonas see in lab deck cover the loss Novell into me as CEO in a signal been tuna. So this one is a hard one because I used a lot of words here. So let's break it down. John C, inland deca, the loss November them. I was born in the 19th. So basically the 19th does send a decade on the decade of the nineties in LA Decca that Delos know Bentham. I was born in the decade of the nineties. So yeah, if you remember the nineties, if you're old enough to remember. And here I change it. Me. C0, C0 globin tuna. My son was born in the 21st century. So yeah, Cebuano into, I mean, decade ANOVA into the night is decade. And then we have Sigma when tuner that 21st century. So yeah, we usually refer to those time periods like the eighties, the nineties, and then we have the new century CE globin tuna. Okay, and let's try the next example. Then go gap or near me much Sheila in gassy. And this, they interact almost sale. I have to put my backpack in the locker before entering them. You see them? Then go gap or near me more Sheila in gassy. And this the cell. So yam what Sheila backpack, gastro Gero locker, museum, Mozilla. Okay. So that's it for this one. It's okay. It was a good class. So once again, thanks for watching.
13. Lecture 151 - Talking about Favorites: Okay, so now we will talk about favorites. So let's give it a try. The first word we have is Bob body to, which basically means favorite. Bob or ito favorite. So 532, if it ends with the letter o, means it's referring to something masculine. If it ends with the letter a, it's feminine. For example, here I have a water bottle. For example, I'm Korean water bottle. And you can say Isthmia fab body. Then here's my favorite water as me, I bought ITA February them. And if you're referring to something masculine, for example, take a, take a phone for example. You can say S me for burrito. It's my favorite as me. They left for ANOVA. What burrito? My favorite phone, me, delete fname, you said a lot of fabric. Favorite cell phone. So you have 50 ditto for masculine fabric, for feminine. And the next example here we have a ferry them, which means either preferred. It also means favorite, and in some scenarios it means rather. So once again, but a fatty though. And for female, but if Eddie them, but if at either end but a ferry them. My preferred, my favorite. Okay. And the next one we have is but a farrier, which means to prefer. So this one is the verb. And on the right side you have the conjugations. So I prefer you prefer job. But if hero to put f here is homestead Asia ill. But if Eddie most peripheries, but if he hadn't. So yeah, you can read the conjugations on the right side. Okay? So let's go straight into the examples. The first example is, is, is me liberal fab or ITO. This is my favorite book, SDS me lever off what ITO? This is my favorite book. And the next example, for example, beer, in this case, beer is female, is feminine. So you can say S, That is me, Sarah best, PSAT, February them. They'll meet me set of ESA, but a ferry them. This is my preferred beer, SDS me, Sarah best SAT but a ferry them. This is my preferred beer setup as SAP, but if any, then preferred beer. And another example you can see, but if you add one gig coca, I'd rather drink water, then kook. So we have put a fatty though, which means my preferred. And if you make it into porifera, it means prefer. I prefer job, but if you don't, I prefer to drink water then Coke. But I fear not tomar, gig coca. But if he hadn't, I rather, I prefer. And the next example. But a fear or E it up through in business, they own duress. I prefer to go to Peru instead of Honduras in base day instead. But if hero, I prefer, but I fear or eat up Berrou in business, they own Burrus. So yeah, on doulas is a country if you didn't know that before. Okay. Next one. St is me login, body is through the adder. This is my favorite place to study. Sdrs, me legato, body too. But I as Studio, this is my favorite place to study. Mid February to my favorite place. And another exemple. But if you can see, gap per year is, what do you prefer? Their profit is cafe, coffee or tea, or tea. Here put a fee. It is GFP or day. What do you prefer? Coffee or tea. And another exemple. Media for body to the last semana is LB harness, water, loss. The FES, them. So it's a long phrase, media for body de la semana. My favorite day of the week, SLB hardness is Friday or Cape where those Sally, the FES step because I can go out to party for k puedo Sally, the first step. Okay, and one last example. But a field doma B naught into GAVI not blend cool. So yeah, be not deemed means red wine and be no, Blanco means white wine. So we do not say B naught. We say b naught Tinto, because rho whole refers to a corner like this one like my microphone Rocco. Theme though is kind of like maroon, the maroon color. So why it looks a little bit more like maroon? So we call it maroon colored wine. B naught Tinto for red wine, b naught. And b, no Blanco, of course, wide one. So yeah, I prefer to drink red wine than white wine. But if u dot v naught into KB, know Blanco. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
14. Lecture 152 - Instead of: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to saying instead of. So let's try it out. The first word we have is in business day. So yes, simple instead of inverse b. So bares means each time, for example, una, events once, those bases, twice, threads, bases three times. So in this case we say inverse d instead off in Bear's day. And the next one we have is in lieu that they, which means instead of as well, but it's more related to emplace off in Lugano D, in place of in D. So yeah, in best day instead of and in Lueger, D, instead of or in place of n logo. The, okay, so let's go straight into the examples. Boy, who are baseball in bears, the golf. I'm going to play baseball instead of golf. Boy, who are baseball in bears, the Gulf. So yeah, play baseball instead of golf. And the next one. But a fear or lack. Some soon. In Lu De La Dell. So yes, some song means Samsung, but we have to put a Spanish accent some soon. And del means Dell Computers. Dell some soon. So yeah, I prefer the Samsung computer over the Dell. So basically instead of the del over the Dale, instead of the Dell computer. But a federal law can put some in the lab. Or you can also say embarrass the law del, del. Both are actually okay. The next example, nuestro Maestro, SCLC in your data set in this del Senor Gonzales. Our teacher today is Mr. Garza. Instead of Mr. Gonzales, nuestro, Maestro SLC, newer Garza in bears del Senor Gonzales. So you have Mr. Garza instead of Mr. Gonzales. And the next example in Lueger, data France here, or their most eat IS banner. Instead of going to friends, we can go to Spain in the era of Florencia or their most, IT IS spinner. So yeah, n Lagarde, instead of an int, we can also use this one this way, for example, is thus in dabble. In a Lueger, the Sophia. You're sitting in Sophia's place. So it means the place off. So basically Sophia's place, the place of Sofia, L, L E D. So if you say n log n, N log n, It means instead of, if you say l, it means the place of a logo, the Sophia. So this is confusing. And Lagarde, L, L, D, the place of n instead of is thus in dabble in this Sophia. And the next example, TRO year, a McDonald's in Lugano, the Buddha get a king. So yeah, we also have to put a Spanish Jackson with this two words, McDonald's and Burger King. I want to go to McDonald's instead of Burger King. Hero eat a McDonald's in the border, get a king. So yeah, McDonald's means McDonald's and Burger King. Menes, Burger King. Burger King, Burger King, OK. And another example. Or kin no assets to invest the Ugarit be the way worse. Why don't you do your homework instead of playing video games? Or can know acids to invest the Hogarth be the waivers. And another exemple the law. Bar, loss plateaus. In the bear lateral AUC on. I should wash the dishes instead of watching TV. They vary, yeah, Lava loss plateaus in Lugano, lateral edition. Okay, so that's it for this one. It's a short lesson. And thanks for watching.
15. Lecture 153 - Restaurant Phrases: Okay, so now we will learn some restaurant phrases. Let's try it out. The first word we have is pretty simple. Beware, which means to drink. So you probably know this word by now. Beware to drink. And the second one is Cool mail to eat. Go Mayor. So these two, I'm pretty sure you know already. They bear it to drink, to eat. Okay, next ones. So once you get to a restaurant, you can ask for L Meno, which means the menu. L menu. The menu. So yeah, it looks just like English, but with an accent on the letter U, L menu, the menu, menu. And the second one is lack when that, which means the bill lack when there. The bill lack when there. And the third one is laparoscopy, which means that tip, lap Europeana. So when you have to tip your server, we call the tip but OP, libro pinna. So one more time. L menu, the menu lack when the bill and laparoscopy that tip laptop. Okay, and let's try a few more. So different things you can eat. Some of them can be food. There were, you know, this one already. Fruit, Beckett talus, vegetables, you know this one already too. And you can also have muddy scores. Mary's schools is basically seafood moriscos. Any type of seafood moriscos. So your moriscos seafood. So I think you know this one's already. So next one. And here are two different words. We have the word gone, which means width. So whatever you were having with something else you would say gone. For example, pan coin, gesso, pan, pan bread with bread. Bread with cheese. Been gone. Gesso. So yeah, gone with Khan. And the opposite without is seen. So yes, scene without seen. Gone With scene without like math seem cause sink or something like that. I'm not a math person. Gone with scene without and the next one, the next word we have is on worse, or champion Uranus, which means mushrooms. Champion Younis, or on goods. And I normally call them champion Younis. Whenever somebody says on goods, I think of like fun glove fungi, like fungus omegas. I feel like mushrooms that are still on the ground there onwards. That's how it feels like like fungus, mushrooms on the ground. And the most rooms you eat, you can call them, I call them champion Younis, other people might say on goes for those, but I call them champing honest mushrooms. Okay? And another thing you can also ask for, say barges, which means onions. Say barges. Onions say barges. And the third one is Apple, which means garlic. So yeah, I who say voyages on goods or champing Younis, mushrooms. Mushrooms, onions, garlic. And the next one though Matt this, which means tomatoes Though Matt this. And then we have Bypass. Bypass means potatoes up us. And if you add an accent on the letter and the second a, you would have papyrus, which means parents bypass parents. But bus potatoes bypass parents. So yeah, you can tell the accent difference there. Bypass, bypass. And the third one is Santa order. Yes. Which means carrots. Santa RDS. Carrots, Santa ODS. So one more time. Doormat, this tomatoes. Potatoes. And sent out yes. Carrots. Sono, yes. Okay. And let's try some examples. The first one is the school pave puerto el menu. Excuse me. Can I see the menu? The school pay? Excuse me, whoever bare, Can I see El Nino el menu. The menu. And another example, the school pay, excuse me, La Quinta border fabric. The bill, please. The school PE La Quinta, por favor the bill, please. So yeah, La Quinta, the bill. This one is also simple. Another example, boy, at the Cinco anos, the pinna. I'm going to tip by bureaus. So I'm basically am going to leave by bureau's as tip. That's the more literal phrase. So basically I'm going to tip €5. Boy, they had seen a rose, the subpoena seem core elders €5. And another example. Laparoscopy is the DS port 80. So the word porcine means per cent. That tip is 10 percent. Laparoscopy is the DS port 80. So we would say del, the Esperanto of the 10 percent, the tip is off 10 percent. Lab Europeana is the LDS portion. If you want to give a 20 percent, you would say libro pina is del Bain tip port 80, port 80 percent. And another example here is spaghetti seen Murray's course, I want spaghetti without seafood. Here is spaghetti seen moriscos. So this is the way we write spaghetti, is spaghetti. Is spaghetti. Seen my discuss without seafood? And another example, hero on muchos, big hit Dallas. I want a dish with lots of vegetables. Hero own palette, con muchos, Becky talus. So you have Plataea means dish, MOOCers, many or lots and Beckett, Alice, vegetables and other example. Superlative BNA on fruit them. Your dish comes with fruit, soup, blood supply, digital BNA on fruit them. So blood Deidre BNA, your dish comes cone fruit with fruit. And another example is stapler Deidre. This dish gone DNA moriscos contains seafood. Stapler, digital coin DNA moriscos. This dish contains seafood, meniscus, and a few other examples. You can ask somebody, what is less SOPA? What's the soup of the day? Wireless last SOPA, the idea, what's the soup of the day? And they can reply. Well, let's try this one. Last Carnegie BNA coin owner's SOPA. They say Voyager II champion, champion Younis. So whenever somebody says Latin avionic con, it means that the meat comes with an onion and onion and mushroom soup. So basically the soup has onions and mushrooms. And the meat, which is the main dish, comes with a mushroom and onion soup. So let's try it out. Locarno BNA called SOPA, the Sibos. Each amping Younis, latitudinarian in the meat comes, the meat dish comes. Okay. And a few more examples. Soy allergy, Chico, alos Murray's course. I'm allergic to seafood. So alert hippo alos Murray's course. So if you go to a restaurant and you're allergic to something, you can say soil lead pico. Hello, Smarties, scores, alos, and whatever you're, you're allergic to. Just make sure you maybe Google the name, like translate the name of the thing you're allergic. For example, peanuts. You can say data. What is soy allergy? Alaska, what is so yeah, just make sure you translate that specific thing you're allergic to. And then say soil lead and whatever it is. And the next one, hero in Salonica, DeBakey, talus, soy Beckett, Arianna. I want a vegetable salad. I'm a vegetarian. Hero owner in saliva, DeBakey talus, soil Beckett, Ariana. So yeah, I think it's understandable. So that's it for this one. And good luck going to the restaurant in Spanish-speaking countries, I think you know, you have the vocabulary for it now. So once again, thanks for watching.
16. Lecture 154 - Careers Actor, Artist, Player: Okay, so now we will learn some careers. So some of them are going to be actor and an artist and players. So let's try it out. So the first word we have ys at t-stat, which means an artist at this artist at this step. So this one is simple, and the next one is 3s, which means actress act threes. And actress at threes. And the third one is at door, which means an actor at door. So once again, at this artist at threes, actress and actor, actor. So these ones are simple. And the next one we have is cool. Which means a player who gather. So maybe it's a football player, a tennis player, or any type of player. We would say UGA door. And the next one is that S, which means races that address. So when you are erasing, you are doing, you are having gorillas races. Gorillas if it's only one race. And the next one. Core radar, which means a runner or radar runner coordinator. And then we have gum bayonet to compare that to means championship component to the championship component two corridor comes from Korea. So to run the runner. Okay, one more time. Who had layer, Who god or goddess races for radar, runner and gum pinata Championship Campaign Monitor. Okay, let's try a few examples. The first one is a larger t-stat, is tapping tandem openness orbiters, the RT, the artist is painting some works of art. A lot of this is being done, do oneness over us. They add theme. So openness, dad, k-means works of art over S DRT artworks, works of art. And the next example, Law, Act trees. But as Sally in una Bella Coola. So the actress is going to come out on a movie. The accuracy, the accuracy is going to be in a movie lacked threes, but as a leader In one nap, Bella Coola. So if you ever come out on a movie, you would say Joe, Sally and went up Caligula. I came out on a movie. I actually came out on a movie once. It was South Korean movie, but I never got to see myself. It was only for a cinema. It was a very specific cinema. And yeah, I think I was in a movie once. It was called the Flower in Busan, South Korea. I would like to see it. If somebody has the link to the movie, you can send it to me. It's very hard to find, however. Okay, the next one. So most accurate thought is the telenovela. We are soap opera actors. Somos at Taurus, the telenovela. We are a soap opera actors at thought is that telenovela. And another one saw your own who profess Jonelle, the tennis professional tennis player. So on whoever professional tennis. So Yahoo, professional, professional player of tennis, whoever professional. And another one In sous Marcus, list those four in ECL law. So On your marks, ready go. The race begins in sous America's On your marks list us ready for out, go. The race begins in ECL law. So this one is a, is a phrase, a nice phrase. And the next example, el numero or chew, gum. No, lack Garreta. The runner number 8, 1, the race el numero auch Ganz. No, lack Quran. And this phrase actually has a mistake. Let's see if you can actually figure it out. So that mistake is that Ghana is supposed to have an accent on the letter O, Goneril. He won Gan know lambda delta L guenon. If you just leave it without the, OH, without the accent is Ghana, which makes it present. Joe, Ghana. Ghana. So here you can tell the difference. Ghana, I want Ghana. He won Ghana. Ghana. So yeah, make sure you, whenever you're writing gonad it, you know the accent, guano. Guano present. Okay, and the next example, Sega step, our TiVo. I'll come to, in this case Ghana is impressment. See Ghana if it's past these, Ghana once again. So if I win this match, I'll go to the championship. Sega step our tibial component too. So yeah, interesting. Next one. Nos vamos, I'll come pinata. We are going to that championship. Nos vamos al Campaign Monitor. We are going to the championship. Okay. And there's a few more words. The next word we have is tobacco, which means your work or your job that are vacua to travel, your job or your work. And the next one is Passat temple, which means Hobbes. By some means to pass time. The sample means time. So how you pass your time, basically pass that the ample time passing pass at the MPO. So basically your hobbies pass at the MPO. That tobacco work job bus at the MPO, hobbies. And let's try some last examples. The Navaho in una, companies, international necessity apprehended is final. I work in an international company. I need to learn Spanish that are in companies. International necessity happening there is Spaniel. So yeah, if you work for an international company, learning Spanish can be very, very useful. Okay? And another example, me Passat tiempo is add regular me out though. My hobby is fixing my car. So yes, some people like to fix cars as a hobby. Me bus at the MPO is add a glad me out to my hobbies at a glad to fix my car. My hobbies to fix my car. Okay. And a few less examples. Me Passat is and that NBC letter. My hobbies, riding a bike is to ride a bike. Me pass that. The MPO is and that NBC clutter. So we learned the word and then it before to ride a bike. And the last one, Meet Rava who is in senior spinal. My job is to teach Spanish. Meet the Navaho is in Sinead, a spinal. My job is to teach Spanish. And that's it for this one. And it's a long lesson. But as always, thanks for watching.
17. Lecture 155 - Together vs Alone: Okay, so now we will learn how to say it together and alone. Let's try it out. So the first word we have is DOS, which means together. Couldn't, those together couldn't US? And alone is solo. Alone. Solo alone. So yes, simple wooden toys together. One does solar alone, solo. And let's go straight to the examples. Here. Let us travel in waves. Strike IPO. Do you want to work together in our team? Yet estaba her phone toes in West Drake IPO. Do you want to work together, kid or Strava her photos? Do you want to work together in West through a keeper in our team? So this one is simple, EQ IPO means team IPO. And another example, si podemos, that I couldn't us. Yes, we can work together. Si podemos Theravada hunters. So this phrase actually has a mistake. And let's see if you can figure out where the mistake is. So the mistake is in C, because C with no accent is. If. So, if you just write C without any accents, you're saying if, but if you put C with an accent, it means yes. So here you can see there's a mistake. See if so, yeah, Keep in mind, keep that in mind. See with an accent, yes, C. Okay. And the next example, boy, couldn't talk con mi mama. Allies sequella. I go together with my mom to school. Boy whom talk con mi mama, allies sequela. I were I go together with my mom to school. This one is very simple. And another exemple, boys, sono, allies sequella. I go to school alone. Boys saw no allies square le boys solar. I go alone to school, boys solo, ls cola, and another exemple bombers. Serbia had a Rapa, couldn't those? We are going to travel to Europe together. Vamos suburbia had a Rapa, couldn't those? We are going to travel together to Europe, to Europe together. And another May 1 use the BIA had solo. I like to travel alone. And me may use Tabia had solo, amigo step. I've to me I like basically I like to travel alone, MMR booster. So yeah, if some people like to travel alone, that's actually quite nice. I did it for a few months before. It was really enjoyable. And the next one here is called Punto con nosotros. Yes. Do you want to eat together with us? So no sutras is feminine for nosotros. So it only, you only say nosotros if everybody else is girly, so is female. So you have no sutras. So in the picture there's two women. Here it is. Commerce con nosotros. See, do you want to work together with us? So yeah, no sutras with us. And another example is stoical meanders solo. In me, this kind of soap Pala compare. I'm eating alone on my lunch break. This concept, but I compare means my break for eating basically. Yeah, so my lunch break me this console is stoic commun those solo in me this console para compare. This cancer means to take a rest, basically to take a break, I short rest. This can set. Okay, so that's it for this one. It's a short lesson. And thanks for watching.
18. Lecture 156 - Senses (See, Touch, Taste, Smell, Hear): Okay, so now we will learn some different types of senses, such as the sense of hearing, tasting, seeing, smelling, touching. Okay, let's try it out. So the word for to feel is sin. Sin t hard to feel. So you can say Joe siento, I feel to CNT this L Asia who stayed CNT send demo's. Cynthia's CAN thin. Okay, so yeah, sin dear to feel. And you can just look around the conjugations, sin deer. And let's try the first one. The first sense we have is lobbies there. So this one is there sense basically the sense of sight, lobbies that the sense of sight lobbies stack and also mean the view. So if it's a nice BYU, you can say all lobbies step is we will need the lobbyists, the view. And it also means there's sense of sight. Levees stem. And the body part where it comes from is lost or horse, the ice loss or horse. And what is the verb? And the, so basically the birth, the action is bear to see. Bear to see. So yeah, lobbies. The sense of sight comes from the eyes LOW, so hose. And it's called bed to see. And the next one, the next sense we have is all facto, which is the sense of smell or olfaction. The sense of smell. All facto. So this is not similar to English. All facto. A little fatter. And the body part where it comes from is land IDs, which means their nose. Land N400s than nows. Lambda is, and the verb is or lead to a smell, or lead to smell or lead. So one more time. All facto, the sense of smell or Phyton land at is the nose and, or lead to smell layer. Okay, and let's try the next sense. The next one is el vivo, which is the sense of hearing. A lawyer. A lawyer also means your ear, but oh, ego is kinda like something inside of your ear. So basically the, the sense of hearing, a lot evil. Some people use it to refer to their ears, or rica EL, or a low ego. And the real way of saying the ears is less or FAS, the IRS, but some people will call them loss or EBUS. Some people also say that LOW, so EvoS or less or fs. And there are two burbs. The first one is or ER, which means to here, or here, to here. And the other one is as co-chair, which means to listen is Chad. So yeah, or year 2 here is to listen OUT is Coachella. So one more time. A lawyer though, the sense of hearing as well as N here, last so DFS or low, so egos, the ears. Or year 2 here and is co-chair. To listen, is co-chair. And another one here we have el gusto. L would still means the sense of taste. And Wooster, the sense of taste, el gusto. And this is not similar to goose that booster means I like ME Wooster, I like L. Wooster is the sense that sense of taste. The next one, language. The language means law. Language means that Tang Law Len where that tongue Law, Len. Len, what? It sounds like language. So this is where it comes from. The language that Tang Law language, the language. This is where it comes from, lowland gorilla. And the next one. The bird is savoir-relier. Subarea means to taste, basically to savor savoir-relier, to taste, or to saber to feel the flavor. To saber Savoir-Relier. So one more time, el gusto. The sense of taste on the tongue and savvy, rare to taste or to savor. And another one is tac toe, which means the sense of touch back though. The sense of touch back though. And the body part where you can feel it can be lab PAL, which means that skin Lab. The skin PAL. Pal. So this is not at all similar to English lab PAL. And you can also touch with la mano, the hand la mano. So yeah, the hand, la mano. And the birth action is tocar, to touch. So to touch Dakar. So one more time. So you can actually see as similarity Toccata to touch L attack. The sense of touch. Ihl attack too. So your lab PAL, la mano and Docker to touch Dakar. So that's actually it for this one, we do not have any examples because you cannot really make much examples. Many examples with a backhoe with the sense of touch. So yeah, this is just a vocabulary lesson. As always. Thanks for watching and maybe check out the Quizlet. It would, it would be very helpful. Thanks for watching.
19. Lecture 157 - Ideas, Creating, Designing, Made in: So now we will learn some words related to ideas creating the signing and made in. Let's try it out. The first word we have is get a ad, which means to create good, dad, to create good. So yeah, and from there you can conjugate joke 30 to press L gray hair, nosotros, nosotros, estamos, gray eyes, Gran, and don't confuse graveyard with gray hair. It means to believe gray air. Graveyard with the letter a means to create body. The first conjugation is the same one, joke I create. And it also means, I believe, job, career, body, or it depends on the context, joke real una McKinnon, I create a machine or joke ratio in, in Dios or whatever God or whatever, whatever you believe in or what you believe in. Georgia girl, I believe or I create joke Rio. When you come to create greater, the other conjugations are different to press L gray. So it's different from Joe Creole took radius area. Okay. Let's try the next one. Then we have Joe D senior to the sign. The sign yet to design. So this one is similar to English. Joe, the 70 to descend. Yes. Ld center. The senior most of these guys, these anion. So you had the same yet to the Seine. And then we have this one in. And this one means made in. So it can be atrial in China, made in China, H0 in Vietnam, made in Vietnam. It show in Sweezy made in Switzerland, some Swiss chocolates. Ho, HO, in, made in ETO, in, okay, and let's try a few other ones. We also have e there, which means Idea e there. This one is simple E there. And then we have when E there, good idea, when there. And MLA II, they're bad idea. Mla II there. So yes, ie their idea when E there, good idea, MLA II, they're bad idea, MLA II there. So yeah, these ones are simple. And let's try some examples. The first example is Gamow SQ3R, una, company, set out, wound up when i then we want to create a company. Instead, a good idea. Good MOS company set out Una, Una e there. So yeah, created to create. And another example. So here we have Sarah, will it be? So Sarah is more like to be, but in the future, set out, wound up when a there, will it be a good idea? Is it a good idea? Okay, and the next example, estoy this innuendo, own projector. But amygdala who bear or karaoke es Una MLA II. There. I am designing a project. My work, but I think it is a bad idea. Is stoic grandeur, own projector parameter Navaho. I am, I am designing a story descend, gender is three, this agenda own projector. I am designing a project. But Navaho for my work. Pharaoh karaoke is una MLA II there. But I think it's a bad idea. So here you go. Here we have gray hair. Joe Creo to cress. So do not confuse it with gray add to create. So yeah, they sound similar but they're different. And another example, as a true when the Navaho you did a good job today as sexual wound when that ABA hope. You did a good job today when, when tobacco, a good job. And another example, boy, Riyadh, una, over the Add theme. I will create a work of art. Boy, career. I will create una over they add a work of art. So again, this one is simple to orbital, that means work of art. And another one is when E there, j bar left lot is at 10 via. It is a good idea to bring flowers to your girlfriend. As ordinary when i e there, it's a good idea. Giovanni, live load is to bring flowers at two labia to your girlfriend. So yeah. And the next example, es Una MLA II, their money. Ebay where Sarah base al mismo temple. It's a bad idea to drive and drink beer at the same time. Es Una manet, their money is a bad idea to drive eBay beta set of bursa and drink beer. Al mismo tiempo at the same time. So yeah, that's a bad idea. And the next one, a large detector, is that the same Jamendo own ADP CEO. The architect is the signing a building. A large detector, is that the same Yan Bu own AD physio. The architect, is the signing a building. And another example is that good as soon where IT shop in Europa, in a seagull, the SEC at theme. This creation was made in Europe in the 17th century. S stack resume for it shot in Europa. In L Siegel the SEC at the seagull or the SEC, it is seventeenth-century. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
20. Lecture 158 - Floor levels: Okay, Now we will learn about floor levels. Let's try it out. The first word we have is, but he made it pisa, which means the first floor. L premed a piece on the first floor. But he made Pisa. And then we have pisa, the second floor, Segundo be so second floor. And then we have data said b. So the third floor, they had a sad Pisa. So in Spanish, in Latin American countries, will, in Mexico, we tend to say it the same way as in the US where you had the first floor, second floor, third floor. European countries, they tend to have the first floor being the second floor. And the first floor is like the lobby or something different. And then the first floor is the second floor. But in Spanish or well, in Mexico, they go the same way as in the US. The first floor pre-med piso Segundo, PSO, second floor dataset, a piece of third floor. Some European countries, they put a floor like floor numbered 0 beneath first floor. Okay. And let's try this one. Then we have core radar, which is hallway or the hallway, El Mirador, the hallway. And then we have best DB2 law, which means lobby. This DB2 law, the lobby be vestibulo. And then we have bio, which means the bathroom banner. So the word vestibular. If we go back to this one, this one in some countries can be the floor numbered 0, like the very ground floor can be best Ebola. The lobby, basically the florid 0. But I mostly in Mexico is the first floor, same way as the US. Other countries call it the ground floor or different names. Okay. One more time. Go radar, hallway, be vestibulo, the lobby and bad news. The bathroom. Ill banner. The bathroom. Okay. And you you also have is Galerius which are stares at the, you know this word. Then there's escalate US electric gas, Electric stairs is Galerius electric guess. And you can also take the elevator is a lever door, and some people call it as since s4. A last sensor. The so as sin there means to go up. So as sin so basically like the machine that goes up, elastin Sawyer. So yeah, elevator, the elevator in a Levodopa or a lesson, Sawyer, different people say different words. So one more time, less is Galerius the stairs, let's say Scalia's electric gas. The Electric stairs in Ecuador, or a lesson answer, elevator. Okay, let's try some examples. Laco Sina is that in a premier piso ELK is that then we'll say window. Then go, guests will be less is Galerius, though those laws, ds is a very long phrase. That kitchen is on the first floor. Laco Sina is stat in pre-med Pisa, and the room is on the second photo. Is that in El Segundo. I have to climb the stairs every day, then go Case severe. Lastly, scholars, though those laws ds. So yeah, one more time. Let's do the long phrase again. Let's do it fast. Okay, ready? I'm going to do it fast. Laco Sina is stacked in a premier piso yellow CARTO. Is that in El Segundo pinwheel case, soviet losses, Galerius to-do's loss ds. So yeah, this is kinda like the fast native, native way where they actually speak faster. Many of them, many of the native speakers. Okay, one more. A lat decode the mi casa is that in a data set p? So the attic of my house is on the third floor. In the attic, the mucosa of my house is that in Pisa, is on the third floor. So one more time. The normal fast way, elliptical, the mucosa is stack in Pisa. So yes. Okay, next one. Let's try this one. Me or feces is dead in LP. So being the dress. Then go kit, tomar, el el Salvador. My office is on the 23rd floor. I have to take the elevator. So yeah, MY office CMA is that NLP. So been the dress. Then go kid tomar, el a lever door. And the next one. So mirrorless cameras, electric, guess, I'll talk piso. So quarter the fourth. Take the escalator to the fourth floor. Dogma less is Galerius Electric as the Electric stairs take the Electric stairs to the fourth floor. And another example in Obasanjo is that in LB Steve, hello. Dhamma, a levadopa, and premier piso. The bathroom is in the lobby. Albino, is that in? It'll be vestibulo. Take the elevator to the first floor. Doma a live adore. I'll Premier. So okay, and the next example is stoic can saddle the severe losses. Galerius, I'm tired of walking up the stairs. No, I live at or AQI. Is there no elevator here? Is stoic and saddle the Soviet less escalators? No, I believe other icky is there no elevator here. Okay. And another exemple, il centro, commit to Seattle. The end is solo seen copy sauce. So El Centro commercial, the shopping mall, the mall DNS sono syncope Jesus has only five floors. And another one. Oh, this one is, this one is a tower in Shanghai. And it's the second tallest tower in the world. So you have is that DNA mass, the CNP source. S is levees that this, they'll be so CNT obeying the this tower has more than 100 floors. This is the view from the 128 floor. So we actually claimed I actually went up this tower once. The elevator is massively, massively fast, super, super fast. Okay, one more time. Let's do it the normal way is that Dorothy, TNM as the CNP source S days lobbies this del piso cn. Okay, and that's it for this one. So as always, thanks for watching. Take a look at the Quizlet and listen to music. Watch videos. Have fun with Spanish. That's the best way to learn a language. Just have fun with it. Thanks for watching.
21. Lecture 159 - Client meetings, Dates, Reunions: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to client meetings, dates, and reunions. Let's try it out. The first word we have is that one term means a meeting. Their meeting on there. And then we have neon. Neon also means a meeting, but it's more closely related to our reunion, draconian reunion, radio neon. And then we have Sita Seat there. So CPAC can mean an appointment, for example, a doctor's appointments when they're seated, corner doctor. So doctor's appointment. And you can also mean a date. So if you go out on a date with a beer with someone, it would be a seat that oneness seat there. So yes, seat them means both appointment and a date. And the next one. In contrary, Kwon Cleon, this, this one means to meet with clients in corn Cleon. This to meet with clients. So yeah, let's try one more time. Couldn't there a meeting couldn't neon reunion or as well as a meeting seep there, an appointment or a date. And in contrary conclusions, this meet with clients. So in this case you would conjugate. In contrast, Joe may include intro conclusion tests. They in contrast hunters. In contrast sick when client is. So yeah, you will conjugate ng-controller. In contrast a continent this. Okay, and let's try the examples. Oil then go ordinary. Dad in a basileus for newness Cleon, this, today I have a business meeting with some clients. Then go una Hoon that the osseous corn unos Cleon this. So yeah, Today, boys, I have a business meeting with some clients. Okay. And the next one. So 1 third in a basileus means business meeting. Couldn't that enable osseous. And another exemple their Nemo's, neon, the tobacco. Unless ds IMA. We have a work meeting at 10 AM. The enamels on the Theravada and as ds IMM. So yeah, we have a work meeting, draconian, the Navajo word, meaning allies, DSI, me at ten AM. Another example. The innermost una, neon, the x-component zeros the square law. Enormous risks that would end the inland Noachian. We have a reunion. Their name was Una reunion. They X company heroes, the square root of x schoolmates in wondrous that would entail in a restaurant in La Dolce at night. So yeah, we cover reunion of x schoolmates in a restaurant at night. And I'm going to say it the fast way. The NMOS, una, the zeros, the square law in wondrous inland, Archie. So yeah, hope you understand that one. Okay. Next one. Then go on as seed. They're gone. Left cheek came a Wu's Boyz, n latitude of them. I have a date with the girl that I like this afternoon. So you had cheek at USTA can refer to the girl that I like. Lead cheeky came a goose step. The girl I like, if it's a boy, you can say El Chico came a booster. Boy that I like. If it's a women, you can say lamb O'Hara chemical step. So here you can just change checkup. So you get a booster that I like. Then go on as seed that go and let Shikai came a booster or n let that thing. Okay, and another exemple. Then go Sita, Cornell Doctor. I have a doctor's appointment today, Una Sita corner, Dr. doctor's appointment. Then go on as seed that Cornell dock door boy. And another exemple, boy in me, Cornell Cleon. But at the squatted L contractor, I will meet with the client to these costs. The contract boy, I in Cornell plenty. But at the L contractor. Okay. And yeah, so the scooted means to discuss the scooted contract or contract Boyer in contrary, I will meet meet with him. Boy, yeah, in-country army. And another one, Bahamas. In contrast, notice Cornell, clin, the para bromo sank entrepreneurs. We are going to meet four nucleons with the client. But Elmore said to basically for lunch or having lunch para el more sad. Bahamas saying controller knows Cornell client, but I'll more self. Okay, Next one. The school PE Senora Garza. Dna openness seat that boy. Unless quatro pay me. Excuse me. Mr. Garza, you have an appointment today at four PM. So one more time. The school-based senior Garza DNA or RNA, Sita oil, unless quatro BME. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
22. Lecture 160 - Going Exploring: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to going exploring. So there are some other vocabulary in this one. So the first word we have these Explorer, which means to explore Explorer. To explore Explorer. So it sounds similar to English. Then we have an outcome which means to go camping. So you can see compare camping at comparator to go camping at Campari ad campaign. This one also sound similar. And the next one is x, which means to go on an excursion, in an excursion, or to go hiking, excuse? To go on an excursion or hiking. Iq scores soon. So yeah, One more time. Exploring to explore, outcome pad, to go camping, X score soon, to go on an excursion, to go hiking. And then we have a canyon, which is the Canyon. Canyon. So these are some places where you can go a ganglion, they're Canyon. There's also a law receive the corral, the coral reef, a CFA, the quarreled the coral reef. And we also have lacked gas gather the waterfall. So gaskets waterfall, it's not similar to English. Lack as SCADA. Rsc fed the coral. So I think the only word here is an IC50, which means reef. Coral means coral. The coral reef. And the last one, the other one. L canon, means that canyon LCA neon can also mean like the Canyon. For example. Like those big old canyon where they threw cannonballs. We also call them canyon, like the ones they use for worse. So you blow the canyon, you put the fire and the cannonball goes ill Canyon. Then we're also refers to the Canyon. Canyon. We call it a canyon. So yeah, l Canyon. Canyon. The machine a law received the Quran, lacA scatter the canyon machine. Remember that one? Okay. And the next one in 30, which means the river. A real yeah. The river I think you know this one already. Then we have lack. Which means that Kb lack, whereby the cave lack webcam. And the last one in 10, that volcano, El ball, 10, that volcano. So one more time in Rio, the river, laptop wherever the cave, L Balkan, the volcano, El Balkan. So these ones are as simple. Okay? And there's also a few other words, for example, ALC and difficult. Which means that scientist, L scientifical, the scientist and L photographer. The photographer. In photographer. Photographer. Okay, and a few more. Lactam, which means that camera simple, lack camera. Lean. This one means that flashlight, Loehlin, trna, the flashlight lean trna, and L thermometer. The thermometer. A thermometer. So one more time. Lapse. Camera, the camera, trna, the flashlight, thermometer. The thermometer. Thermometer. Okay. A few more words. Lab pillar or law bacteria. So this one means the battery. So some people call it laba. Others say, for example, he's like the pile, the pile lap ELA. So yes, we either say happy law or law bacteria, but both of them mean the battery, la la la bacteria. And the next one, daughter that charger, LCA. The charger and lack where then the rope. Lab, wear them, the rope, lap with them. So one more time. Whoops. Law or law bacteria in the charger lack whether they're the RUP. And let's go for the examples. The first example is Bahamas, I explorer, una quaver, DNS, una lean. We are going to export. Let's explore the cave. Bahamas exploit adequate. Let's explore the cape. Dns. Do you have a flashlight? Dns, una lean the retina. Okay, this one is simple. And the next example, C, then go trna, fair or not? Dna, P LA. Yes. I have a flashlight but it doesn't have Battery. C? Yes. Then go una early Internet. I have a flashlight. Fair or not? The NLP LA, but it doesn't have battery. Okay. And the next example, sara una man-like E there at compiler circa, they'll Balkan. Would it be a bad idea to go camping near the volcano? Set out what normally there wouldn't be a bad idea at GMB part circa the Balkan to go camping near the volcano. Okay, so I think you understand this one. And the next phrase, see, get ALK es Una my law, ie there may hold Obama's the X score soon. Alkyl anion. So yes, si creo que es Una mallei there. Yes, I think it's a bad idea. May hoard Obama's, let's better go. They IQ score CON Alec canyon or to the Canyon? Hiking. Hiking through the canyon. Let's go hiking to the canyon instead. So yeah, I think you're probably understand this one's by now. And the next example, low scientific cause is done is through the Endo, receive the corral. The scientists are studying the coral reef law scientifically is 10 to the n. Do a lateral EC50, the quartile, the scientists are starting the coral reef. Another example, a photographer photo. I lacked guess sky that one, sukha Amara. The photographer, takes a picture of the waterfall with his camera. In photography, lead to coma photo. I lacked a SCADA on sukha Mara. So yeah, they'll photographer takes a picture of the waterfall when his camera. Another example, norm is cn vn, where this data may thermometer. I do not feel well. Can you give me the thermometer? Know Missy and Toby and I do not feel well where there's that may bear more metro. Okay. And another one. Meet the layer four. No, Jan not DNA. But the idea is that Ilkka Gadara, my phone is out of battery. Where is the charger? Meet the left 4-node January DNA bacteria. My phone no longer has battery. Don't this style carried out? Where is the charger? Add a few more examples. I drew their help. I drew that make I0 and Rio land summit neck where their help, I fell into the river. Throw me a rock, a rope, throw me a rope. So here we have Landsat. You can see the conjugation on the right side, which means to throw or to launch. So he says, Landsat, una acquire them, throw me a rope, Lanza. Lanza may not wear them. They owe me a rope. Lanza una wear them. And the next May 1 go study i yr, IE explorer where bores in Mexico. I would like to go explore new places in Mexico. Mabou study, I eat, I explore new labels in Mexico. I would like to go explore new places in Mexico. So that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching. Make sure you go watch some movies in Spanish. Just have fun a little bit. So as always, thanks for watching.
23. Lecture 161 - To leave / Come back / Visit / Move: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to, to leave, to come back, to visit and move. Let's try it out. The first word we have is Sally. Sally. So Cellular means to leave. Sadly it. So if you're going to go somewhere or to leave, you would say Sally, it okay to go. You can see E IR. But in some cases, for example, if you're going to go out, for example, you're going to go out to a party. You can use Sally, I'm going to go out to a party. Sally, year. Yes, Cellular means to leave, to go out basically. And the next word is rigorous said, Drag Race said. And rigorous means to come back, to regress said, to come back or to return an array grid sadder. Okay, so yeah, Sally or to leave, to go out, to come back, to return. And the next one here we have BC dead dad babysitter means to visit BC. So if you're going to visit a friend or someone, you would use BC. And the next one is move that C, which means to move, basically to move to another city or to another house. Move that C, we have the word to move. Like if you move yourself, it would be mobile. So yet to move more aware and move that same means to move to another health or to another city. So in English we say to move when you move yourself and when you move to a house. In Spanish, we divide it into two words. Moving to move yourself, move that C, to move to another house or city. So yeah, BC to visit. Move that, say to move. And let's try the next one. Then we have let's try the first example. Cell wall. They mi casa altro tobacco allows OT. Sure. I mean, so you have cellular? I leave my house for work at ATM or I go out of my house for work, basically cell wall, the Mika set as brava whom are true at EMI. And yet this one is simple. Let's try the next example. Regress. So del travel. Unless say, pay me. I come back from work at 06:00 PM, regress. So delta Navaho unless say, Hey, Amy. So you have to come back delta tobacco from work. I come back from work at 06:00 PM. And the next example, Vamos CBC, dad. And West throws up willows. We are going to visit our grandparents. So yeah, Obama's, which means to go abbc to visit. And with Thrasybulus, we are going to visit our grandparents. So you had this one is quite simple. And another example, boy. And we've had York, fiat terrible. I'm going to move to New York for work or am moving to New York for work. Boy, amo that and revise York. But at thereof ahead, I'm going to move to New York for work basically. And let's try another example. So this one is with Sally, or if you're going to use the imperative affirmative conjugation, you would see the AKI, centi means to live. But telling somebody, get out of your live here. Scented the key, get out of here. Celtic the key. So yeah, salad with a different conjugation, imperative. Get output, cell, cell, cell, and then pay for you. So sad. Get out, pay for you, sell to their key. If you're going to tell, for example, saddle, maybe another person in formal you would say saddled gassy. So if you wanted to say somebody related to stead, we have cell guy and then say for reflexive sagacity, icky. So that's telling somebody to get out of here. But polite, being formal, sagacity a key, get out of your formal. Santa Fe. They are key in formal. And the next one, boy, APA sad, abbc, that thing. Unless you pay Amy. I'll pass to visit you at 07:00 PM. Boy, APA sad abbc that day. Unless you pay me, Passat means to pass. So basically I'll just pass it by Goya Passat. Pass by to visit you at 07:00 PM. To pass by. Asara. Bizarre means to pass and it can also become passive by depending on the context. For example, if you're going to say, boy, who lobbies of pass a pencil for you. And if you say boy a passer, obesity is more related to a pass by, a pie, pass by to visit you. And the next example, here we have 0, this one is the next, the first one. Regular basis state laws, liberals and la biblioteca. Did you returned the books to the library? Gregory says still lost, leave rose, la biblioteca. So yeah, I guess asked it to return. And it's a question that I guess AS telos liberals alla biblioteca. So this one is the first one, the one in yellow, actually not the green one. And the next one now is the green one. Regress me, me bloomer, give me back my pen. Regress semi me bloom. So yeah, regressor may give me back my pen. Okay, so that's it for this one. We just learned a few new burbs, a few new phrases. So as always, thanks for watching.
24. Lecture 162 - Mail Words and Phrases: Okay, so now we will learn some words and phrases related to mailing, to sending mail. So let's give it a try. The first word we have is L 0, which means the mailmen. Il 0. Yeah, the mailmen a car Darrow. And the second one we have is ill receptionist step, which sounds very similar to English. There receptionist, receptionist. And the third one is left for granted that they're a part two, which means that delivery Ben, so for Goleta can can mean Ben. You can also say lab ban, the reporter, law, van or lack community, that truck. Or some people might say laugh full gonad then. But they're all related to the van, the lab for lab ban, the reporter or lactam unit or L commune. So yeah, depending on how it is in your country. So yeah, one more time. The mailmen so Carta means letter and cartel is basically the letter man. So yeah, the mailmen in receptionist then also for female receptionist, our receptionist, even though it ends with the letter a. And the next one, love for going into the reporter. That delivery Ben. Okay. And the next one we have is L Busan, which means the mailbox, ill Busan, the mailbox Wu Sun. Then we have a male. The male. The male. And the third one is lateral, which means the letter LacA. So yeah, this is where it comes from. Lack Carta, the letter L Carter, the letter men or yeah, basically the card men. So one more time. Elbows, sun, the mailbox in the mail and lacA, the letter lack Carta. Okay. Let's try a few more. Then we have is soberly, which means the envelope is silvery yet the envelope. And then lamppost stele, which means the postcard. So yeah, lamp post. So Postal is similar to post. And we just add ALL the postal, basically the postcard. So yeah, it sounds quite similar. Postcard and the postal. So yeah, lamppost, the postal basically. And the next one, less a stem pgs, which means the stamps less is stem pgs, the stamps. And then we have a packet that package. A package. The package. So your packet is sounds very similar to package. Bucket. Stampede sound similar to stamps. Postage sounds cellulose, similar to post, Ao, Ao postal, Postal Card. And in soap today is not similar to English. The envelope, Ale somebody. So yeah, last try. Insomnia, lampposts then less a stampede address, L bucket. Okay, and then we have a few more words, a few more burbs right here in the Daguerre, which means to deliver or to turn in. For example, if you're going to turn in your homework, we would use Enter again. If somebody is going to deliver mail, we also use in trigger. So it means deliver and turn in in that regard. Then we have in VR, which means to send in B.Ed. To send it. And the third one today, CVE ID, which means to receive received in Riyadh, to send their severe to receive and in regard to deliver. So yeah, the only similar one to English would be really severe. Okay. So one last time in today again. To deliver, turn in, in VR, to send and receive, to receive, receive it. Okay, so let's try some examples. The first one is LCA Darrow, is that in each bucket this now postmen is delivering letters and packages. Ale. Is that in three gondola, cactus, eat bucket this. So yeah. The postmen is that in London is delivering that test EPA Katie's letters and packages. And another exemple sips your niece that major more. Ev who received the packet? The the receptionist called me and said you received a package. Receptionist that the receptionist major mode called me. And she said, good recipes wouldn't packet that you received a package. So you had this one is a little long, but I think you can understand it. And another exemple, Joe Wood enough for oogonia into the particle. I drive delivery van, Joe Manetho, una oogonia that the reporter. So you know, delivery van and money had means to drive. I drive Joe maniacal, draw Manetho wound up food when eta. And the other another example, L Busan DNA. Yes. Tess. So yeah. L Busan, the mailbox DNA has bad yes. Several that this letters that does also means cards, but in this case it refers to letters. And it also means carts. For example, if you're playing cards, we we also say carpus. So yeah, the mailbox has several letters, L Busan, DNA, various tests. And the next one here we have jaju war, Al Gore, which means Has the mail arrived yet or has the mail arrived? Judge? Has arrived. Has the mail arrived yet? Has the mail arrived already? So judging well, so in this case we use j God in the past because we are referring to arrived. Arrived, but in the past, has it arrived? Jaguar. And you can replay, see Jaguar. Yes, it arrived or no. Not at G Gabo. It hasn't arrived? No. Adg Gabo for just nudge. Nudge ago. So yeah, you can say see Judge ago. No, no GIGO or no. No. It hasn't arrived conjugated to have a beer. And the next one here we have necessity own sovereignty. Yes then pgs, but I embed meet them. I need an envelope and stamps to send my letter. Necessity ago. Soberly, I need an envelope ES them pgs and stamps, but I embed me to send my letter. And another example may go stat in Beata post-analysis. Amines Sammy was one. I like to send postcards to my friends when I travel. May use that in BR post Dallas. I'm Amy Sammy was Yahoo. So yeah, I like to send postcards to my friends when I travel. And the last one lay into the gas, the lack daring Moon CEA at too heavy. So here we have a new word, which means a letter of resignation. Letter of resignation. So did you give the letter of resignation to your bus? Lay still lack the renewed at two hyphae. Did you give the letter of resignation to your boss? And you can say c, line 3 gay or no, no line 3, gay or not. No law in three Gatto. I haven't turned it in yet or I didn't turn it in. Non-line. No law a intregal, you can use either one of those two phrases. So that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
25. Lecture 163 - House (Chimney, Balcony, Wardrobe, etc: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to things that you can find in your house. Let's try it out. The first word we have is she mania, which means a chimney. She may Neha yeah. Chimney. She may need. Yeah. So yeah, it sounds similar to English. She mania chimney. And the next one is, is then the Barra Lebbeus. A bookshelf is 10 rows. Bookshelf is ten tes, kind of like a shelf, but I leave it to us for books. So basically a shelf for books is spent by relievers. And the third one is the one which means a drawer. That Han draw our guy Han. So yeah, ga Han. And let's write one more time. She mania chimney is fibrous bookshelf. The Han draw our gut one. And then we have Bal cone, which means balcony by Khan. So yes, similar to English, balcony, bulky. And then we have unless sin there, which means that cup board unless center, cup board unless center. So yeah, that thing on the top where you can take things out, Alesina cup board. And then we have our Mario, alar Mario. The class it Mario lawsuits are Mario. So this one is not similar to English. Alesina is also very different from English. So one more time. Balcony, balcony, unless sender, cup board and Mario and ultimately your closet. So let's try some examples. The first one, son back, gloss, interrupt Portland Shimon air. So this is how we actually say Santa Claus in English. You say Santa Claus in Spanish. We kind of changed the a for an OH, AU for an OH. So we just say Santa Claus. Santa Claus is like CL OS core loss. So yes, Santa Claus enters through the chimney. Santa Claus interrupt por la Chine mania. Santa Claus. And the next example, I muchos leavers, the CNCF in this state is certainty. There are many science books in this shelf. I muchos Libertas, the CNCF in this state is 20. Or you can say in S3 is 10 para liberals. But in this case you're repeating books twice. So people know that there are books in the shelf. You don't have to say there are many books on the shelf in this bookshelf. So that's kind of it sounds weird. So yeah, I muchos Libertas. The CNCF in St is 1030. There are many science books on the shelf. The next example, jab is estaba en in LCA Juan de la cosine. The keys where? In the kitchen drawer. Last job is estaba en. In alcohol. They lack cosine. So you are the keys where in the drawer, in the kitchen driller. And another exemple me or tell DNA on. My hotel has a balcony. Me or tell DNA, wound bell icon. So you had this one is pretty simple. Dna to have Balkan balcony. And another exemple. Less fruit us is 10. In Alesina. The fruits are in the cup board. Last fruit us, the fruits is then our en la la Serna in the cup board. So this one, this one is simple two. And another example with closet at a median. Dns mugshot Rapa in a la Mario. Bendy, I'll oneness. You have a lot of clothes in the closet, sell some bended, I'll witness. So in this case we're using an imperative version of bended cell. Bendy. Been there, I'll oneness sale some when they're agonists. Selfsame. Okay. And another example. I wou more Sally-Anne, though, the Pucci mania. There is smoke coming out of your chimney. I wou more. Sally-anne though, the two g mania. So homo means smoke, Zalando coming out, chimera chimney. So you can tell what it means. There is smoke coming out of your chimney. And another example, here is a liberal, the 30 potted into a Stan. Do you have the Harry Potter book on your shelf? Dns illiberal, Dick Harry put it into a stenting. So you have the Harry Potter book on your shelf. So yeah, and that's it for this one. So it's a short lesson and yet it's a few new vocabulary words. As always, thanks for watching.
26. Lecture 164 - To miss someone, Friendly / Unpleasant Udemy: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to, to miss someone. And if that person is friendly or unfriendly, unpleasant and those type of words, Let's try it out. So the word for to miss somebody or to miss something is aches that I need x. So yet to miss somebody, to miss something extra that I, that I NADH. And then you can conjugate it. There's the conjugations on the right side. Joe extract new to extraneous, extraneous, extra dynamos, externalities, extra anion. So yeah, thank you. Quite used to the conjugations by now. Let's try the next one. Then we have a few more words. The first one is a monopoly, which means nice or friendly. A very nice person, a very friendly, nice person. I'm avidly friendly. It's a little bit more related to AMI globally friendly, AMI gravelly. So from the word amigo, I'm Eagly friendly. I'm madly can also be, in a sense, friendly like a friendly person is, and we are madly. He's very nice, very friendly. So yeah, but the more correct word would be AMI gravelly, referring precisely to friendly, what America is like, a nice, friendly person and nobly. And the next one, this means on unpleasant. So we have the word agora, which means it's kind of like policing agora there. And this makes it negative, unpleasant. This Agora WE kind of like pleasant. The second hadn't really unpleasant. So yeah, I'm Madeline, nice, friendly. This is not nice, not, not pleasant, unpleasant basically. And let's try some examples. Extract new AMI bedroom. I miss my dog. Extra annual AMI Barrow. Do extra knew I miss my dog. So yes, simple. The next example, me know. I'm avidly CM prim me, try dual says, My boyfriend is very kind. He always brings me candies. Me know, V0 is I'm actually my boyfriend is very nice, very kind. Cm prayer, always. May try, brings me. Rule says, candies. See on-premise. Try dual says he always brings me candies. So the word for dual says means candies. Candies means bool says, dual says. Doses can also mean sweet. For example, if a person is very sweet, you would say, Oh, we'll say, git will see such a sweet person. How sweet get we'll see so sweet. So your dual says candies and you can kind of use it as a wave for saying sweet to somebody. And another exemple. Add the secondary experiential. What an unpleasant experience, her experiencia. What an unpleasant experience. And another exemple edges cm per day. Yeah, hard means to complain. She's always complaining. Edge SCM. She always complaints. Is this lovely? It's very unpleasant. She's always complaining. It's very unpleasant. Edges. Cm policy, Geta es muy, this lovely. So you have to complain. This incredibly unpleasant. So yeah, if you ever need to use the word jihad, would be to complain. Now you know the word GO maker who I complained to the ghettos and whatever. Let's try it out. Let's try the next one. Here we have Yeah, massively better sooner. What a friendly person, what a nice person. What a friendly person. Yeah, Mad Lib persona. What a nice person, what a friendly person. And another one is WB, that is the movie The second. This drink is very unpleasant. Stdev There is. The second adaptively. This drink is very unpleasant, is stem with the second additively. Okay, and a few other examples. Extend your elbow. Badges, your assay barriers, messes. I miss my grandfather. He passed the way several months ago. Extra annual yeah. Pueblo by JOCO assay values, messes. And yeah. So you know, the word phi just said it, which means to pass away by JOCO, he passed away. So this one is the past. The past for passing away, the past tense Past conjugation. And so in this case, extra value is the present because you're missing them right now. By just Europe, he passed away in the past. So yeah, one is in the present. I miss him. He passed the weight and the other one using the pest. And the next example, X3 and your jammies by that is I miss my parents extract armies batteries. I miss my parents. Okay, So yeah, that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching. So now it's your turn to practice Spanish. You can find the lessons Quizlet by going into the lecture resources folder. Thanks for watching.
27. Lecture 165 - Plumbing Words and Phrases: Okay, so now we're going to have a long class. We are going to talk about different plumping words and phrases. So if you ever need something related to plumbing in your house and the person speak Spanish, or you happen to be in a Spanish-speaking countries, this can be helpful. So let's try it out. So the word for plumping is hello Maria, which means plumping her. But no media. So yeah, you can see a lot of similarities below media, lumping below Maria, below Maria. And the next example, the next words. Then we have L grief for L. So L grief or refers to the faucet like that, exactly that thing on the picture, basically that thing. All grief for the faucet and grief that you spin around or up and down. L grief for the faucet. And then we have el toma, Korean day, the outlet. So the word dhamma, Korean t is basically two different words, Dhamma to take and Korean like current, like electricity, current, leg, you know how electricity travels through like a current for something I might be thinking is Spanish. So yeah. The thing that takes current, electric current. Okay, I think I'm speaking in Spanish, but L-Dopa Korean, the outlet, the electric outlet in Dodoma, Korean P. And the next example, last Sarah during the lock. Last Sarah dura. The dura. So you have Sarah dura basically the thing on the picture, basically, cetera, Dora. And one more time, L grief.
28. Lecture 166 - Even though / However / Anyways: Okay, So after the previews long lesson, now we get a shorter one. We're going to talk about how to say, even though, however, anyways, so let's give it a try. So the first word we have is seen embargo. Seen embargo means however or nevertheless. So basically you keep on saying whatever seen embargo, however. Nevertheless, and whatever you're going to say, seen embargo, however, see an embargo. Nevertheless, however, seen embargo and whatever. The next one is, our k. And k means even do or although I'll do whatever, whatever. Gay. Even though. Although again and yeah. So basically that's how we say them in Spanish. So one more time, seen embargo. However, nevertheless, I'm gay, even though, although our gay. And let's try a few more. Then we have the to-do's models, which means anyhow, we're anyways and then whatever you're going to see, any ways, I think bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. The to-do's models, Pn, so k, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Anyway. So I think that they told those models anyways, anyhow. That those models and another similar word, you can also say they told us formas, which basically means almost the same as the totals models. So what do you saying any mode and the other one is saying any forms. So yeah, you can either use one of these two. They told us formas anyhow, any ways that those formulas, the totals models. So yeah, they're both the same. And yet Let's repeat them again. The Adorno's models, the toddlers formats. And let's try some examples. The first example, alkyne know the honesty. Ec stay on when Trayvon even though you didn't when you did a good job on K no gun St he sees on when tobacco and cannot honesty even though you didn't when he sees the wooden went through, baffled. You did a good job. And another exemple, sin embargo, however, see an embargo. Nevertheless, however, no puedo that it is I can't give you a job this time. Sin embargo. However, not whether that data baffle is database, I can't give you a job this time. So you see an embeddable. And another example, Bahamas surface. They had the toggles models. Let's party anyway. By most office they had the totals models. Let's go party anyway. Anyways. Let's go party anyway. So yeah, bomb oesophagus. They had fist economies to make IF celebration, let's go celebrate anyway. Bembo surface, they had the to-do's model's face, the head to celebrate. Let's party anyways. And the next one. No, S, when CAN Pharaoh. They told us formas sarcastic, when Grotto. So let's see if you can see the mistake. There's actually a mistake in this phrase. So you have to add day. They told us formats. So instead of saying just any ways, but anyways told us formas, you have to put there before, but they told us formats. But anyway, the Tatas formats, sarcastic when gravel. So basically it's not a 100, but you've got a good grade anyways. Noise when Cn beta 0, the togas formas, sarcastic. When grab. Ok. And let's try another one. No boost Kenobi, Pharaoh Podemos, cetera, amigos. Seen embargo. I'm not looking. Or a boyfriend. Nabucco, labial, Podemos amigos sin embargo. But we can be friends anyways. No boost Kenobi apparel Podemos said amigos, that was for my spot to be friends anyways, but we can be friends Anyways. I'm not looking for a boyfriend, but we can be friends anyways. And another example, Anki not Yaro, boy as settler. Although I don't want to, I'm going to do it alone. Cannot yet. Oh, boy. Said law. Even though I don't want to, I'm going to do it. Or you can actually put it. They told us formats. You can also add another one. Even though I don't want, I'm going to do it anyways and cannot hear. Oh boy, I said law. They told us formats. Boy, a Sandlot. They told us formats. I will do it anyways. So yeah, you can kind of add a few extra words. And another example, noise when Ferrari fed or the to-do's models based on when camera. It's not a Ferrari, but it's a good car anyway. Noise would Ferrari pair or the toes models? Assume when Kiara, it's not a Ferrari, but it's a good car anyway. And another one. Not banned most AB buddies. Barrow, they told us for mass Vamos Aida friends here. We are not going to Paris, but we're going to friends anyway. No vamos a euro buddies, Pear Deck Toys for mass. Bahamas. I have friends here. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
29. Lecture 167 - Toys (Muñeca, Globo, Papalote, etc: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to different types of toys. So let's try it out. The first word we have is Munoz aka, which means UDL, una Monika. Monika. Monika. So yeah, UDL or pneumonia. Actually the word Munoz aka also refers to your wrist. Monika. Your wrist. The wrist. And it also means UDL. So yeah, it depends on the context. You can also say la Munoz, aka the risk of that dole or tango. And me Monika. I have adult on my wrist. So yeah, a lot of this depends on the context, but I think it's very simple to understand. One time when he aka adult or a wrist, Monika. The next one who knows Globus, which means balloons or nose globe was some balloons. Globus, balloons, Globus. And the third one, some people say wooden bat by latte, which means a kite on pappa latte. And I personally say papa latte. But other people might say one commit, which also means a kite own committee. But I do not say cool matter that much because commit them, it can also mean a commit. So when there's like a comet flying through IRT at comments, we use the same word on committees. So if you're on the street and you say meter, one commenter, look at comet. Most people would think, Oh, like, Oh, where's the comment going through, flying through. They will think of like a space comet, but it also means a kite. So some people would be like CPU L2 norm committee, he has a kite. But if you say Meta own commit that people might think of a space commit. So that's why I tend to say, wouldn't Papa latte? Because it's a little bit more, there's no other definition. There's no other word with the same name, Papa latte. And it's only one comment that there are two different things. So you have, let's try it again. One now ammonia, aka adult, who knows Globus, some balloons wouldn't buy balloted or one kilometer, since the kite looks like a comet too. So yeah, we wouldn't commit that. Wouldn't Babylon. And the next one, or notice any malice. The who get the sum toy animals. Who knows any malice? The so yeah, any malice, they forget that means toy animals. And the next one or nose blockages, the Lego, lego blocks. But we actually have unos block is an owner's block is means, some blocks, block is blocks. And you can say the Lego of Legos, some lego blocks, if you say Windows lock is they bled the Lego that refers to Lego blocks. One knows blockers, Joe's refers to blocks, any type of blocks. Unos block is, block is the Lego, lego blocks. And the next one on Rome Picabia says, which means possible own Grom pika VSS, a puzzle. So these are actually two words, grumpy me, which means to break. Gaba says head. So you break your head. Head breaker basically owned Ram pickup SS ahead breaker. So basically a puzzle, wouldn't Ram pickup SS, so you break your head trying to fix it. So that's kinda of like how it goes, I guess. Okay. So one more time. And the malleus, the toy animals block is blocks. Block is the Lego, lego blocks and Ram pickup SS, one from peg OSS, puzzle. Grumpy cat guesses your head breaker basically. Okay. A few more words. Then we have lab but the Neta the skateboard lab, Bowtie Neta lab but the net that the skateboard. And then we have a score, which means the helmet L school. Now helmet GAS score. And the third one, loss, Audi cooler is the headphones. Loss, our equal Larry's. The headphones. I would equal areas. And the fourth one, the fourth one would be would be there whoever video game own video waiver. So one more time. Lab Bettina, the skateboard, L, GAS score, the helmet, laws out equal areas, the headphones. And the fourth one would be, wouldn't be the Weber video game, be the ego. Okay, let's try some examples. I'm Mia MIGA, Amika, my daughter, Amiga leg, whose stack who their coin? Munoz guess. My daughter likes to play with dolls. Amiga leg USTA, who their coin money because my daughter likes to play with adults. And the next example, BAM, most Ireland sad Globus. The AG, well, Landsat means to throw banned. Most Allen said, we are going to throw Globus, the AG well, water balloons, globals balloons, the agora of water. So basically water balloons. But most Allen said, we're going to throw Globus the AdWords, water balloons. And another example, en la Primavera. Or they're more salary. For nil bipedality. In the spring, we can go out to play with the kite. In la Primavera Podemos on LPA penalty. In spring, we can go out to play with the Kate and another exemple. Then go muchos, any malice. The whole Getty. Me fab body is LT. Bourdon. Tango muchos any malice? The who get it? I have many toy animals. Me fab or ITO is LD burrata. My favorite one is the sharp mi fabric is LT burrata. So di means shark teeth. Okay. Another example may use that as Sara Waters. Corn Laws block is the Lego. I like to make figures with Lego blocks. May start as Sarah fee would s. Bone loss block is the Lego may booster selfie. Good as I like to make figures on those block is the Lego with Lego blocks. And another example, Ramya, Lagerstatte. Rome Picabia says cornmeal eagle. Call me ego means with me, go amigo. So yeah, my grandmother likes to do puzzles with me. Um, yeah, boy, USTA, ROM Pigovian says for Negro. Okay. And another example, grumpy, I broke grumpy to break in the past from P. I broke grumpy me, Patty Neta, boy, at the regular lab, I'm going to have to fix it wrong. P, me, Patty Neta. I broke my skateboard. Boy, at the generic. Glad LA. I'm going to have to fix it. I'm going to have to fix it. Boy, a tenor. Adding glad law means to fix it or add regular law if it's masculine, adult, glad to fix. And another exemple, a scope, miss Salvo. The goal pair me in lacA versa. When DO make guy the lobby seek lead that. So a cascode, the helmet, miss elbow saved me. They will pair me from heating and lack of ESA in the head or hitting myself in the head. One though, when make IE I fail their lobby seek letter off their bike of the bicycle. Della be sick later. So yeah, I think it's a long phrase, but I think you can understand that by now. You have the vocabulary to understand this. And another example, AS could show music. I listen to music. Porn miss out equalities with my headphones. In nailed metro, one Doughboy, ultra vacuum in the subway when I go to work. So let's try it one more time at normal native speaker speed. Okay, Ready? Is cutural more sika called me Saudi Polaris in al metro. Cuando boy. Okay. I listened to music with my headphones on the subway when I go to work in metro, on the subway. Okay, So yeah, I would equalize headphones, metro, subway, most sukha music. So you know it's head then you can understand this by now. And the next one, mi, mi vi, the way warfare body is Jak and Daxter theater. My favorite video game is and then the name Jak and Daxter. So in the Quizlet, I will not put the video game name because the translation is not going to work. And you will probably not know how to write Jack with a k instead of a CK. Bourdieu. You will, I will just remove that part. Me video. Waiguo fabric is my favorite video game is and then you say whatever it is. In my case, it's Jak and Daxter. And if you look for my age, I think you know what I'm talking about, and it was a great game and you will most likely agree with me. Okay, so that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching and listening to music. Maybe play some video games, play them in Spanish. You can learn a lot. Try the multiplayer, tried the online multi-player video games in Spanish. See how it goes. So yeah, as always, thanks for watching.
30. Lecture 168 - Using about to, just: Okay, so now we will learn how to make braces using about two or I just am about to. So let's try it out. The first word we have is a story board, which means I'm about to and whatever, whatever you're going to see, a story, pore, maybe Landsat lap a lotta. I'm about to throw the ball. Land set, Landsat or whatever. Whatever you're about to do is toys board. I'm about to. And the second one is almost the same, is toy towards a, which it also means I am about to. But this one is more like saying, I'm on the point of the, catching the ball. At the point of catching the ball, for example, M at the point of the story up punto de maybe hear me, I'm at the point of living. Is Toya point to the human. And in the other case is toy report is more like about two. I'm about to whatever his story upon today, I'm about to or I am at the point of this is how this one works. But they're both basically mean the same. They're meaning is the same actually, the words are a little different. Same meaning. The next one at Gabo day, which means I just at Cowboy the for example, in the picture she just graduated. So you can say a cowboy the groundwater may I just graduated at Cowboy the groundwater me. I just graduated a cowboy the groundwater me or accommodate and whatever whatever you just did. If you just ate, you can say a cowboy they compare. I just ate a cowboy day. I just had food. Okay. So one more time AS toys board, I'm about to is punto the, um, about two or M at the point of and at cowboy day I just, and whatever. So let's try some examples. The first one is, Is toy or comin, sad me glassy in cinco me notice I'm about to start my class in five minutes. Is toy or comin saddened me glassy. In CME communitas is toy port comment said, I am about to start me glassy my class in sin communitas in five minutes. So this one is very simple. And the next example is punto de ganache is the waiguo about to win this game. I am at the point of winning this game is punto, the gonad is the waiguo. I'm about to win this game. Another example, at Cabo, the mayor DOS am vote against says, I just ate two hamburgers at the dose ambush guesses. I just ate two hamburgers. So in this case, a cowbell means is similar to that amino, basically to finish or to end. At CVD day I just finished. I just aid to hamburgers at Cabo the command, those guesses. And the next one is toy. For comments said, I layer on WEBO, liberal. I'm about to start reading. A new book. Is toy. Portico means sad layer. I am about to start reading on web or liberal, a new book on liberal or leave it on level, you can mix it around and we're believable or liberal rebel, both are the same. I'm about to start reading a new book. Okay. The next one is punto. They eat pizza. I'm about to go home. I'm at the point of going home. Is punto la casa. I'm about to go home. And so yeah, unit means to go to is reflexive basically to go for myself, either me, a point to the ER, me. I'm about to take myself go to make myself go. I like as a home. The next one at Gabo, the sand with air at Puma, Which which means I just said hello to your mom, a cowboy. They said that a tumor is like maybe you meet somebody. And he's like, Oh, I just said hello to your mom back there at Gabo, this ALU that add to my mouth and I just said hello to your mum. Another example, estate row is that punto, this Korean dog. This dog is about to run outside. So basically cellular Korean though, is to go out running of water outside. To go running outside is the pair row is punto. Using the point of this earlier Korean do a footer to run outside, to go outside running. And an excellent. The next one is toy poor Jager at Picasa. I'm about to get to your home. So maybe you're with a friend and he calls you and you can say, oh, it's foia punto or estoy porters. You've got at Picasa am about to get to your house is toy or as fully a punto disregard. So basically they both mean the same upon today or a stripper. So that's it for this one. It's a short lesson. And thanks for watching.
31. Lecture 169 - To share vs to fight (Ashamed, Worried, Surprised, etc.): Okay, so now we will learn some words related to, to share or to fight. Being ashamed, worried, surprised, and a few extra words. Let's try it out. So the word for to share is comb. Comb, which means to share. Bad tear. So yeah, go to Share. And the next one is the LAD, which means to fight a ladder to fight the layer. So you have to share, come partied the layer to fight the layer below. So yeah, competitor to share, to share, failure to fight. And the next one, bear gone saddle. A very unstable means embarrassed, and it also means ashamed. They're gone saddle embarrassed, or ashamed. They're essentially one word in Spanish, the word for pregnant is embarassing. And this is not at all related to embarrassed. And this is a problem that many, many Spanish speakers make in English because we have the word embed Asada to be pregnant and embarrassed in English. And a lot of people tend to say, oh, it's the same word is one of those words. And use some things they say, Oh, it's toy am, but Asada, I am embarrassed or KM, but also what an embarrassment, KM but azo. So yeah, do not use the word embed Asada, which means pregnant for embarrassed. It's completely different. And Spanish speakers make that problem. English speakers make that problem in Spanish too. So yeah, this is how it is 11. Okay. So yeah, the word for embarrassed is a Virgo and Southern. Virgo and saddle, not embarrassed, not MBA, to be pregnant in Bahasa, pregnant. And yet they're gone southern embarrassed or ashamed. Then we have Bataille cool Pebble, which means worried. Worried. And so yeah, it's kinda like saying preoccupied, worried. But Yoko pebble reoccupied. And the next one, sort of Brenda either surprised, oh, sort, sort of Bendigo. So priced. If you're female, you can say sort of pretend diva, or preoccupied or sad them. Embarrassed or ashamed. Ever consider. But oh cool bubble. Sort of Petain, devo, sort of Pandita. And the next one, well, let's try the examples. Here is compare the sandwich. Do you want to share the sandwich? Here it is compared, is the sandwich. Do you want to share the sandwich? And another one? Loss book, sad or is C is ten. Alien do the boxers are fighting? Laws book Saturdays, see Stan barely handle those books. Yellow is the Boxers says 10 are billion-dollar fighting. They're fighting each other. So yes, simple. And the next one is a boy of Aragon saddle, Forky, NVA. Incorrect or I'm embarrassed because I sent the wrong email. So sometimes you can say for the email or L for the regular post mail. But he has some people would say, Oh, MBL, correct or incorrect, I send the wrong email. So if you say, well, some people would say like, Oh, they will think straight into an email or body, or it can mean email or postal mail. A is Toyota Virgo and saddle pork in via incorrect. Oh, I'm embarrassed because I send the wrong e-mail. And the next example, not cowpeas, don't worry though is that our bn, everything will be fine. Not the cowpeas, don't worry. Although is that IBM? Everything will be fine. Okay, so yeah, these are simple phrases. The next one is toys, sort of R&D, that order k, call me state dress plateaus. The Camila. I'm surprised, is three sort of blend DDA, order k coming stay because you ate it as plateaus, the comida three plates of food. I'm surprised because you ate three plates, so food. Okay. And one more time we didn't normal fast, speed, estoy, sauropod and DDA per gecko, mystic dress plateaus the comida. So that is the normal native speaker speed. Okay, next one. For demos, comparative taxi securities. We can share a taxi if you want. For their most comparative taxi securities, we can share a taxi if you want. Okay, this one is simple to compare to share. And the next one, oops, all V, they may span Polonius. Ever Windsor. Oops, I forgot my pence. What a shame. So yeah, this happens happens to everybody. Some days you just go to work and you're like, Oh no, I forgot my pants. I guess it happens to everyone. Oops, all be there, Ms. Pan Polonius. Yeah, very well. Nsa. Okay. And the next one is toy political battle for sweet, known as the law. I'm worried about your son. I'm worried about or his son or her son. Your son basically. Is Topo Chico, poor, Sweet, nunca axilla. So your soup can refer to him, her or you formal. I'm worried about his son. Her son. Your son. He never does homework. Okay. And the next one is is that billion though. This couple is fighting, estab break at C. C is tap billion-dollar. This couple is fighting. And another example, deca, the police stop fighting. They had the bilayer. So this one is affirmative, imperative, affirmative conjugation. So you're telling people to do something. They stop. They said they stop fighting. If he eats a lot of people, you can say decane, deck and their PR, you all stop fighting. They can deploy. The canvas is us. So if you want to say, Okay, let's stop fighting the Canvas. Let's stop fighting the hemos dip earlier. Let's stop fighting each other. Okay. So yeah, that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
32. Lecture 170 - Street and Cars (traffic light, Parking, Intersection, Engine, etc: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to the street and cars. For example, traffic lights, parking, intersections, car parts like the engine and things like that. So let's try it out. The first word we have is in una, intersect Xian. So just as the name says, and intersection, intersection and intersection, ordinary in their C6, C7. And the second one is and say my photo, which means at traffic light or red light, basically a traffic light. Some people call them red lights on, say my photo. A traffic light, one semaphore. And the third one is thus your naengmyeon to a parking lot. So we helped the word is thus your NAD, which means to park. And then we have this test you on Ambien the parking lot or yeah. Basically the parking space. The parking lot on is that tsunami into parking lot or parking space? If it does you not to park, is that tsunami into parking spot. Parking place. So one more time. Una intersex union and intersection. One semaphore or a traffic light on is that tsunami into a parking lot. And the next example on crusade, pay at pedestrian crossing. On crusade, periodontal. Pedestrian crossing on a cruise ship, bad doornail. So this one is really hard. Beta1 L means pedestrian crusade crossing. And the second example, una as SETA sidewalk. Una as Sarah. Sidewalk and the sidewalk as Sarah. So you add this word is not at all similar to English. Una has set up a sidewalk. And the third one on to nil at tunnel. So just like in English, on to nil at tunnel, but without the double n h2 nil tunnel. So the next one, so let's try one more time. On crusade bet. Pedestrian crossing. Una as Sarah, as sidewalk on tunnel, tunnel, boon to nil. So yeah. And the next one now we go into car parts or yet. So yeah, the first one is own motto and engine on Mordor and engine. So your motor is like the motor of a car. And engine basically wound motor, the motor of the car, the engine of the car. And the next one, L coffee, the hood, L coffee, the hood L coffee. Some people also say a couple, which, which also means the hood, L capital. L capital. But I tend to say L coffee, I think it's a little bit better. L coffee. L kapo kind of sounds a little bit like, I don't know, like hmm, like Narcos like from the movie shows a chapel Hill couple. So yeah, Those type of things. So the first one, L coffee, the hood or coupled, depending on the country you are. The next one, lacA where the trunk lacA where LA or some people call it a mallet arrow. So you're both mean that shrunk? L military is more like it sounds like the luggage area. L, delta L military where you can put your luggage Lama the luggage. So yeah, in Mexico they tend to say lacA hula, but other people might just say L military. So yeah, depends on the country and he also depends on the person. Ill military or lacA hula. So yeah, One more time. Inhale mater. One more thought. An engine. Coffee, the hood or ill kapo. Laca where LA or ALE military. That trunk. Okay. And a few more words. It's a long lesson. A lot of vocabulary words. The first one is SAP, which means oil. So yeah, as safety, it can be, for example, as sated the Oliva olive oil as safety. The Oliva As safety the Cutter, car oil and basically SAT boil. So anything that's foil, we would say SAT. And then you can specify what it is. I'll say till they got Rrose car oil. I don't know if there's a specific name, maybe car Foil, I say to the liver, as say to the whatever, any type of oil. The next one, Jan we'll jam into a wheel. So yeah, we'll jump into Gen 10. And the next one, moon mechanical mechanic. So here's just like in Spanish. Spanish, just like in English on mechanical, mechanic would make unequal. So one more time as safety boil, una agenda, a wheel on mechanical, mechanic wouldn't make unequal. And let's try some examples. The first one is l Cairo is that is barren. Do AQI, ill semaphore to say Banga in bed. The, it's a long phrase. The car is waiting or that traffic light to turn green. Lca, the car see the Cairo is status. Brando is waiting at K is summit photo for the light SIP ANCA in Verdi to turn green. So yeah, let's try it the normal speed in. Okay. I kill semaphores upon guy and where v. So that's the normal native speaker speed. And one more time, one another example. Dns keck, commissioner for a cruise ship, bad donald. J. Is that in line? Their sex urine? You have to walk through the cross-walk that is at the intersection. Dns, gag, pol, a crusade bet Donna, and you have to walk through the cross-walk. Could recipient, donor here is that that is at endline tariffs Xeon, that is at the intersection, en la intersection. So one more time. Dns cake gummy, not put a collusive periodontal case that in 1961. Okay. It's a little fast. So yeah, let's try the next one. Both boys IS does not meet God row in L is thus your naengmyeon. Don't I'm going to park my car in the parking lot. Boy, I establish your NAD, me Cairo in a list as you know, immune to boys. Thus you're not, I'm going to park my car in a list as you know, immune to in the parking lot. And the next example, law mohair gametes board. As Sarah, Me and decompress. The woman walks on the sidewalk while interests, while by the competence, well, she goes shopping while shopping. So yeah, lamb or here coming up or less, theta Min dress while MY interest. But the compass, she goes shopping. Okay, so yeah, I said a sidewalk. And another example is that punto they interact al punto de about to the car is about to enter the tunnel. Cairo is that punto, they interact about to enter that tunnel. And another exemple. Then go El Mirador delta rho. I have to repair the car engine. Then go carry ALL Mordor del Cairo. I have to repair the car engine. And a few more examples. El Cairo is stuff agenda, every coffee. But our wireless cell problem. And it's a very long phrase. So let's break it up. Let's break it down. By gender. The car is not working properly. The car is failing. The car is not working properly. Average coffee, open the hood. But are there Qualys sale problem to see what the problem is. So yeah, L corona stuff agenda and have real coffee but wirelessly prove lemma. So here it's a little long. And the next phrase, metal as motionless in lacA hula, methane is telling somebody to do it. Methane, you put it metal as modulus, put the backpacks and lacA hula in the trunk. And the last few examples. Me can't rudeness is cede their own Gumby or the SAT. My car needs an oil change. So yes, can view the SAT means oil change. Mikado necessity, my car needs Gambia, their safety and oil change. And the other example. So if I hope this doesn't happen to you, but if it does, you can say this semi poncho una Ajanta, my tire got deflated. So poncho, here we have the conjugations for Panchen and these ones are in the predator it in the past form. One chair means to puncture. So basically my tire was punctured. My tire got deflated. Basically it was you've got punctured, semi-open. Ajanta, my tire got deflated. Born shot to one-shot to puncture. Might die was deflated. Okay. And a few more of a boy at Gambia ligen that del Cairo. I'm going to change the tire of the car. The car's tire. Boyer can VR into the camera. I'm going to change the tire of the car, the car's tire. And this one, boy, Azure. Cornell mechanical. But I k l bear wireless cell problem. So long, It's a long phrase. I'm going to take the car to the mechanic so he can see what the problem is so that he can see what the problem is. Boy, yeah. Cornell mechanical. But I KL bad quality cell problema. So yeah, boy, I am going to take the car, Cornell mechanical to the width, the mechanic basically. But I k l bear so that he can see Wireless a problem. What the problem is. Okay, so it's a long lesson. It's fully packed with vocabulary. Feel free to check out the Quizlet because there's a lot of new words. So as always, thanks for watching.
33. Lecture 171 - Doing Laundry: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to doing laundry. Let's try it out. The first word we have ys, Lavender, Law, Lavon diarrhea, the laundry, lavender area. So laundry so Levant area means like the laundry place. Like the place where you go to do laundry, law, Lavon, diarrhea. So it can even be in your house if you have like a like a laundry room, you can call it la la land area, the laundry room. Or if it's a shop and you go to do laundry at a specific shop. It's also a lot Lavon, the idea, the laundry, the laundry spots, the laundry place. And the next one is Latin for ADM, that dry cleaner, letting that dry cleaner bientot idea. So there are some things that you have to take to a dry cleaner and they will do it for you. So we call them thin area. Dean thought dry cleaner. So yeah, Lava and diarrhea. The laundry place the place you do laundry area, let indoor area. If you're going to do laundry, we actually just say lava Rapa to wash clothes. Basically, we don't say I'm going to do laundry. Oh yes, we are selling. I'm Andrea. I'm going we're settler love Andrea. Yes, we do say it. I'm going to do the laundry boy, sur la la land area. But the most common one is boy, Oliver La Rapa. That's the most common one. Boy and Levallois Rapa, I'm going to do laundry. So basically I'm going to wash my clothes. Boyle's Law, Boyle's Law, Roper. So that's the most common one referring to laundry, levodopa. So yeah, love Andrea, thin podium. The next one. But let's try it like this. So every time we have examples, we have the examples to, whenever we have vocabulary, we have examples here. So yeah, boy Oliver, me Rapa. In LA, LA area. I'm going to wash my clothes in the laundry. Boy. Yeah, Lava meter APA in La La Land area. So this one is simple. I'm going to wash my clothes in the laundry in LA area. And the next one, boy, Guevara, me Sacco, Aladdin. Yeah. So the word sacral means coat. I'm going to take my coat to the dry cleaner. Boys. Me Sacco, I let the indoor area. I'm going to take my coat to the dry cleaner. And two more examples. Let's see. The first one is lava. La, la, la daughter. The washing machine. La, la, la Dora. Love adore him. Washing machine. Lalla Dora. So your lover means to Wash Lava. Daughter is like the Washington yeah. Basically washing machine. Lava Dora. And the second one is sick our daughter. That dry, you're sick. So this one comes from sick, which means to dry. And you turn it into a machine, second-order dryer, that drying machine. Sacred aura lava lava order. Basically, you make it into a machine. Lava daughter. Second-order. So you had this one is simple, sake of aura, lava Dora, and a few more words. We also have lava. This is basically where they come from. Lava to wash, Sekhar, to dry, level, to watch cigar. So this is similar to the previous ones. Lava Dora, lava, sick daughter. Sick, too dry to wash, end too dry. So you had this is where they come from. So one more time, lava to wash, sick, to dry. And let's go for the examples. Miro passes that lavender in Lala daughter. My clothes are being washed in the washing machine. In Miro passes tell a vandal in Lalla dora, in the washing machine en la la Dora. And the next example, me storage S says density condo in less second-order. My towels are drying in the dryer. Miss? Yes. Say Stan sich Dann do in last Sega daughter. My taboos are drying in the dryer in laissez Kadoorie. So yeah, la la Guerra. The washing machines sick, I thought a dryer means to, I guess my towels. Okay. Let's try a few new ones. Here we have 80. Get that. The shirt label. Or the tag, their shirt, tag, it the cat. And the second one is L bowl syndrome, which means the pocket hail ball seizure. The pocket. So like the cat that the shirt label their shirt tag. It will boil, seizure, the pocket. Ill ball CJEU. Okay, and let's do the examples. Check like the cat there. But our lab de la comida. Check that tag. Check I like the Quetta, check that tag to see the size of the shirt. But our Van de la comida check the tag to see the size of the shirt. Check I let the kid. But I've heard law, the law Comitia. The next example, 0, 0, 0 in, in for the Mariposa. In me boil CJEU. Oh, I found a butterfly shaped dollar in my pocket or in $1 in for the Mariposa in Moneyball seizure. So you're in-country. I found in format means in that shape off in format, the, in the shape of Mariposa. Mariposa means butterfly in the shape of a butterfly. In me, ball seizure. In country on donor in Forma, the Mariposa enable. See you. It's a hard phrase, but I think you can understand it by now. And a few more words. Here we have gallbladder, which means to fold, dog. To fold though bled. And the next one for lunch. Which means to iron. But land Shad to iron. So maybe think of the word plank. There was a plank challenge, wait, several years ago where people were like this. So think of it like to Poland to plank, to iron for land shed to Iran, to Planck who lent chat iron. So yeah, it's a little bit like double. So you kind of make a shirt into a double. You double the shirt, you make it into a double into two parts. Gallbladder. So you have to fold gallbladder to make it into a double into two parts though bladder, twofold Planche to iron. So let's try the examples. Don't overlap. To scummy says, This Place de Laval, ladder APA, full your shirts after doing laundry. Doublet to scummy says this de Laval ladder APA. And the next one, job blend tool, Ms. Gametes says, saw those laws ds. And this year, it's a long phrase, drop lunch. I, I run, miss gummy says my shirts, those laws DS every day and this day before going to work. So yeah, I I run my shirts everyday before going to work. And let's try a few more heats alone course. It's a long lesson. Here we have that it has God, which means to tear, that it has got to tear through terrorists something that has a good. You can also use ROM pair, which means to break, Grom pair it as a guide to tear from pair to break from pair. And the next one, Coursera. Coursera means to ASU. Coursera to sue. Goes said. So it has got to tear. And after you tear, it goes to ASU Coursera. And let's try a few examples. The first one S more than being NAD loss been Polonius, that has goddess. It is fashionable to have repents. So this one refers to the first, first picture is more than the low spontaneous, regardless, it's fashionable to have ripped pants. And the second example, MIA, When may cause COO laws both Don is demi sweat did my grandmother sued the buttons on my sweater? Mi abuela may cause CON laws. Bhutan is they me sweated. So mi abuela, my grandmother may Cassio suit for me. Laws Bhutan is the buttons. Demi sweater off my sweater or on my sweater, basically off my sweater. So that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching. Maybe play with a Quizlet a little bit if you believe you need more practice. So thanks for watching.
34. Lecture 172 - Clothing Accessories (Earrings, Gloves, Rings, Scarf, Suit, etc: Okay, so now we will learn about different clothing accessories like earrings, globes, rings, and things like that. So let's try it out. The first word we have is L bar. So which means the handbag. It'll boil. So, so yeah, the handbag, L balls. So and so this one is interesting because we have La Bolsa, which means the bag. So La Bolsa kind of just refers to a normal bag. And elbow also refers to a handbag. So La Bolsa, it's feminine and it's just a bag and boil, so is like the women's handbag, L balsa. However, some people would also call La Bolsa for a handbag. So some people will say level. So when you have a handbag, so yeah, you can either say it'll boil sooner or labile, say both are actually okay. Referring to the handbag, elbow also or La Bolsa, the bag or the handbag. But both can be, you can either say both of them. So the next one, lab Bu Fen that does scarf, lab Bu fun there. The scarf Bu fun there. So yeah, Lab blue fundus, the scarf. And the third one, less blood tests, which means the boots less BOD tests. The boots last bought this. So yeah, it'll boil. So por La Bolsa for the handbag lab, who funds for the scarf? Last boat? Tes or the boots? Okay, let's try some examples. The first one mean no BO may come on WEBO boil. So my boyfriend bought me a new handbag. So yeah, I mean, OBO, my boyfriend may accompany, bought me on web or balsa, a new handbag. And the next example, as same mucho 30 Ines tests you that necessity or Mabou Bu fun that grew s. So the word grew S means thick. I need a thick scarf necessity to una Bu Fan digressive. So basically as a MOOC or 30, it's very cold. In this test you that in this city necessity though, I need una Bu Fan digress, a thick scarf. So yeah, that's how it works. Okay, and the next example, necesitamos, who's bought this inland ERV? We need to wear boots in the snow. Necesitamos 2-SAT bought this inland Heavy. So your boaters boots, Nieves, no necesitamos we need. So you know this one, it's quite simple. And a few more words. The next one is OBJ, which means the wallet, lab e j Theta. So bijective means the bill and b j theta means the wallet. So basically a Beall. Wallets are basically appeal thing. Labia data, the bill, the place where you put your bills, think about it that way. The place where the bills are, lab BJ, BJ the bill. So again, it's a good way to think. It's an easy way to think about. The next one. Laws one, this the globe, the gloves laws one, this the gloves. So yeah, one this gloves. And the next one. Which means the watch. The watch L. So one more time. The wallet laws one, this the gloves in the watch, El Reno. So these ones are simple and well, actually reload can also be used for those types of clocks. For example, a wall clock. We also say it's not only the watch, but also the beak clocks. For example, in a wall. Yeah, one of those big Klux, we also say it. In English. You divide between clock and watch. In Spanish, there's only one word. It'll reload. And let's try the examples. Guess it. What will it be guessed? Set out when I visit data? Will it be a wallet? Guess cetera. What will it be set out? Wouldn't OBJ data? Will it be a wallet? And the next example, age. Who said this? But Olympia, lacA. She wears gloves to clean the house. And there's actually a problem here. There's a small mistake. So it should be this picture, the one on the right. So this one she is using gloves to clean the house. So yeah, we have technical problems, but it should be the first picture right here with this sentence. Edge out. Who said this? But Olympia la casa. She wears gloves to clean the house. So yeah, she's cleaning the house with some gloves. Okay. And the next example, then go Andre law, intelligently. I have a smartwatch. Then go intelligently. So your intelligentsia means smart watch. So basically a smartwatch, then go Andre law, intelligent. The same thing can be said for a phone, Tango and telefono IntelliJ healthy. I have a smart phone, the left 10 intelligentsia, but most of the time we still say sale ruler, I have a cell phone. I have a cell phone. Even if it's a smartphone, I have a cell phone ON sale ruler. Okay. Now a few more examples. The next one is bloody war, which means the coat, elaborate ego, that coat. And the second one, a alanine draw the ring L, unusual. So yeah, a ring on your finger. A alanine Zhu. And the third one, loss at, at this, the earrings loss added this loss edit this, the earrings. So one more time. A library rule, the coat, a alanine ring. Low set it is that earrings loss at it this and time for examples. Then go free or for estimate to a very good. Then go for you, I'm cold. Then go for you. But estimate led me to equity. Will your coat lend me your coat. I'm cold. And the next one. St is Mia unusual? The matrimonial. Matrimonial means wedding. So this is my wedding ring. Ester is Mia unusual the matrimonial? This is my wedding ring. I need your their matrimonial wedding ring. Okay. And another exemple wireless at it. This, there was then mass, which your rings do you like the most? Wireless? Sad it is they will stand mess. Which earrings do you like the most? Okay. And let's try a few more. Then we have lap pool, cetera. So lap pool, Sarah means the bracelet. Lap pool Sarah, the bracelets. And the next one is, so think about this one like the poles era. Like there's something in your pools so people can check your pulse around here or something. So think about it like the pools. Into pool Sarah had right there pulls lap pool, Sarah the bracelet. So something on your pulse. Okay. Next one, El Cajon, which means the next chain in the neck, chain. Red. So think about it like a color. El Cajon, the next chain. And then we have lacked Katrina. Lack adeno means that chain lack Katrina, that chain. Some people say gardener instead of Qajar, Buddha. That's also normally a lacA Vienna, the chain basically. So yep, El Cajon, the next rain or lack adeno. Some people say it like that. Body I like adeno can also mean like a real proper chain, a big chain like the picture Law Katrina, that chain. So let's write the examples. Estoy haciendo, ms for RPS pool setup as I'm making my own bracelets. Estoy haciendo means put up. Yes. Paul says, I'm making my own bracelets. So yeah. Gropius means my own ms. Prop yes. My own wholesalers bracelets. Next one that I co-chair, una. So this one actually has a mistake. Let's see if you can find the mistake. That mistake is that L has to have an accent in the letter E. So L with an accent, which means he. If you do not put the axon, it basically means this type of hill there. So yeah, that's a difference. That or he, so end with an accent. He's wearing a necklace with a stone. And that I own quadratic corn una piazza. He's wearing a necklace with a stone pier that stone or rock. So the word for peer, that means a rock or a stone. English has two words, Spanish, just one. Yeah, biota. And the next one, Michael Jagger is una Gavin Coluna, JV. My necklace is a chain with a key. Meiklejohn is 0 NACA then gonna JV, my necklace is a chain with a key. So that's it for this one. It's a long lesson. You can play around with a Quizlet because there's a lot of vocabulary. Also, maybe go checksum, watch some movies in Spanish as always, listen to music, even play video games, try them in Spanish. Troy, the multiplayer option in videogames. I mean, if you're Spanish is not so good. A video game players, they say, they say a lot of weird things. So if you speak English or Spanish, they will say the same things anyway. So as always, thanks for watching.
35. Lecture 173 - Beauty (Perfume, Beard, Makeup, etc: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to beauty, such as wearing perfume, having a beard, putting on makeup. So let's try it out. The first word we have is lab, bad, bad, bad, bad. Which means the beard, lab. So yeah, Beard, bonobo. And the second one is il pelo, which means the hair. Il pelo. Pelo, hair el pelo. And the next one is LB. What theme? Which means the mustache. Lb, what the mustache? So all of these are quite different from English. Maybe bad, it sounds similar to Beard. So yeah, la Barca, the beard, il pelo, the hair, and L BOT, the mustache. Mobility. Okay, so let's try some examples. The first one is a long Brit DNA ladder, get the man has a very long beard. A long Brit DNA ladder. Ladder again. So yeah, Larissa long. So yeah, this one is simple. The next one, John not then go be goatee. I don't have a mustache. John not then go BUT I don't have a mustache. Ok. And let's try the next one. Then go on and be what they are. This decal, which means I have a very artistic mustache. Then go on begot the more artistic well. So your artistic, artistic, I have a very artistic must dish. And the next one job, then go il pelo. Cto. I have short hair. So yeah, Bella means here. Goto short. Yo tengo il pelo quarter. If you, if your hair is long, you would say lanugo and jotting Goyal, pillow Largo. Okay, so this ones are simple. And let's try a few more. Then we have L here, which means the makeup. And Mackey Jackie. Mackey Jackie. And the next one is l pair for me, which is just the same as perfume. Ill better for me than perfume, L pair for me. And the third one is LD so Doran, which means that the other end in this, so the warranty. So yeah, this is like let it go away like this to make it out. And other anti other end. So this all the warranty, the sovereignty. So it's kind of like the older removal L the sovereignty. And the fourth one is loss lentivirus, the contactor, which means the contact lenses loss, lend this. They contact or contact lenses. So one more try, one more time. L Mackey jacked him. Makeup in better for me, perfume. This other end. The other end. And loss lentils day contactor. So we have the word loss length IS which means the glasses and the contacts of contacts. So basically the contact glasses. So you have contact lenses. And let's try some examples. Then go. Mackey, Jackie and this, the solider. I have to put on makeup before going out. Then we'll care anatomy, Mackey, Jackie and this, this allele. So your opponent, me, Marquis de Lafayette to put on makeup cellular means to go out. Cellular means basically to, whenever you go out, for example, you go out somewhere, you go out of the door, anything. But it also means going out with friends. So you can say, Salyut economy goes Boy a salad, I'm going to go out. Boy a solid. So you had to go with friends or to go out somewhere, go out of the door. And the next one is better for me. Where labor bn, these perfume smells good. As step barefoot. Where Libyan. So yeah, well M means to basically or letter. Or letter means to smell or lead. And once you conjugate or later, it becomes wildly with the letter H. So Joe, well-off, too well to wireless or lemmas or less willing. So you're on the right side, there's the conjugation and still perform well. Bn. Okay, and the next word, then X-rays, where live fail. And when I smell myself, I myself smell bed, when off fail, I smell bad when you fail. Similarly, b though. This so Doran, boy, so well-off, I smell bad. I forgot to put on the other end today where law fail semi albedo. I forgot or near me to put on this so the warranty. So yeah, this is a long phrase, but it's simple. And the next example, this is sometimes a basis. Also lent, this E of S is lentils they contact too. So a veces, sometimes I wear glasses. Mussolini, this E of S is and sometimes contact lenses. So yeah, we're using a veces, sometimes these and sometimes that. So yeah. One more time. This is also lend this ER visits, lentils, the contact. Oh, okay. And let's try a few more. Then we have aphasia data c, which means to shave off a data, see, fake data See. And some people say F8 Darcy, others say raster RC, which also means to shape. So there are two words, rest, Sue Darcy to shave. I personally always say that Asura, other people say f a, f a Darcy. But it's basically the same job depends on the person at rest Sura seem to shape. And the third one, being bad in bellum, which means to paint your hair, being that L pillow. So if you ever need to paint your hair, the word is been Tyrrell payload. And you can conjugate Pienta Joe pinto. Pinto to the Pinto, Yes. So your conjugate Pindar and the next one, Mackey Java C, which means to put on makeup. We just learned about the word for makeup, Mikey, Jackie and Mackey jazz say is to put on makeup. So your Mackey Jeff here, the makeup, Mikey jettison, that becomes a verb, an action. Okay, one more time. Our fate that a, C, C being that el pelo or being Marcell pillow, if you do it to yourself. And Mackey data seem to put on makeup. Mikey jar basically said, makes it reflexive. Mikey jealousy. And some examples. Then go k, the data me, I helped to shape. Then we'll fade that amine. And the next one. Job. Pseudo told us last month, Janice. And this the travel. I shave every morning before I go to work. And Joan Miro, as pseudocode told us, less Meninas, I shave every morning and this before they eat ultra backhoe going to work. So Darcy or FARC, same word. The next one. Day, il bello, the cafe. Maybe. I painted myself el pelo, the hair, the color cafe brown. So basically, I dyed my hair brown, may be in bellow, the color caffeine. And another example is thawing Mackey, John domain. I'm putting on makeup. So if somebody calls you and they say, hey, hurry up, you can say, oh, it's flowing. Mackey gentlemen, I'm putting on makeup. So yeah, it's thawing Mackey, John Doe, me. I'm putting on makeup. So that's it for this one. And as always, thanks for watching.
36. Lecture 174 - Hair Types (Straight / Wavy / Curly / Blonde hair, etc: Now we will learn some different hair types, such as straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, blonde hair black here. Okay, So let's try it out. So the first word we have ys, band law, which means hair band law, hair fellow. So we learned this one in the previous lesson. Fellow. And there's also another word you can also say, which also means here, God angel. So yeah, you can either say gov atrial or bellow. Gavi Joel, Bella, what I personally always say, pelo, that's my choice. I say Bella. But a lot of people might say COVID. I think a lot of the times women say to refer to their hair. And men, you spend on to refer to their hair. But basically both of them mean hair. You can use either one or the other. And there's also another word that you, a lot of people get wrong, which is the word gaba drool. Carbide room means horse, gov, Agile. But some people tend to confuse it with garbage, which means here, because they're very, very similar. So yeah, but make sure you know the difference. Gabe's has the letter E, has the gaba. Gaba agile has the letter a. So your Gavin I drew, it sounds super similar. Gaba. Gaba agile. The garbage or Guevara. So yeah, make sure you know these difference. It's a common mistake when people first started to learn Spanish, that they confuse both of them. But yeah, you can either say bento or cabbage. Oh, okay. Don't take a value o. Okay, next one. Here we have fan law last year. You can also say garbage or Lao-Tzu, Both are properly the same. Both are okay. Ben nor less you. Fellow last year means straight hair. So unless you is kinda like straight, but it's only referring to here because straits, the real word for straight would be miniature. Straight did I chose straight? But when it comes to here we say less you only for hair, straight hair. Baylor Law CEO. And the next one is fan law on do lateral. And this is a hard word. It's a long word. Or oligo means wavy. So basically like way be here, below on doula either way be here. And law on gelato or cabbage onto level. Both are okay. And the next one is banned law, the saddle, which means curly hair. Fan law, the saddle. And it's also very common that people will call it band lot China. So some other people say Pan Latino, referring to curly hair. Others might see Ben Laurie saddle. So yeah, there are two ways of saying IT. Band Latino or payload resettle. But pellucida actually means Chinese hair. And I have no idea how that happened. But yeah, Ben lot, China, chinese here, basically curtain here. I don't know why, but because Chinese people tend to have straight hair. But yeah, that's how does one we see Ben lot Sheena, curly hair or bellow on DO level. So one more time. Bell or less, you straight here. Bellow on doula, wavy here. Payload Roseto or bellow China early here. Okay, and a few more words. We also have bail or lateral for long hair, Bellow, Bellow, CTO for short hair. Fellow CTO. And bent elbow. Gullible means bold. So when you don't when you don't have here, you would say that elbow, bold that elbow. So one more time. Ben law, latter go long hair, bellow Largo, Bay, low CTO, short hair, elbow, bold elbow. Okay. Let's try the examples. So the first one, he is no sought dress. The NMOS, il bello, saddle know sutras is we for female. So we have curly hair. So everyone in the picture is women. So you can say, no sutras. Know sutras. The name was el pelo resettle. We have currently here. You can also say no sutras, tenemos, a payload China. We have early HER2 Chinese here. Ben Latina. And the next one, tengo il bello CTO IE last year. I have short straight hair. Then Goyal bellow CTO, CIO, I have short straight here, fellow CTO LSU. And another exemple L. So level is that Cabibbo. The soldier is bold. Il sole Dido is that elbow? The soldier is bold. And in this case you can use Word, if you were to say in salt level is scalable. That means that he's always bolt Joseph Di Salvo and bold, but he's like always bold. Is that Galba is kinda like temporary in stoic elbow and temporary really bold. So yeah, this is the difference between ser and estar once again. So yeah, l Soledad 0 is stack Galba. He's bald, temporarily bold. Escargot, always pulled. And the next one. Then go il pelo Largo E on Duolingo. I have long wavy here. You can also remove that L. You can just say tengo payload largo. You can also say it that way. You can remove el pelo pelo largo, you undo logo. I have long wavy hair or tengo el pelo. Both are basically both are the same there. Okay. I have long way be here. And let's try a few more because it's a long class. Let's see here we have garbage or negro, which means black hair. Garbage or negative. This one is simple or bellow negative. It simply because a negative means black. But after that it becomes quite hard. And I don't know why because brown hair, we see Gavin, agile, gas, Daniel. So yeah, we have a word for it is Gus Daniel, garbage or gas Daniel Brown here. Some people might say garbage or cafe. That's also okay. Actually garbage or cafe, because cafe means Brown garbage or cafe, that could be much easier than Stana even confuses me sometimes because some people have like a little bit of dark here and this still say dasvidaniya. So I don't know where the line between brown and black is with this word. So if you're in doubt, you can say garbage or cafe, brown hair, garbage or negro black hair. And the next one. Here we have Gabe's agile Rubio, which means blond hair. Rubio, learn here. Rubio basically means belonged, garbage or Rubio. And the next one is garbage. Bailey Rocco. So yeah, you know the word row, which means red, barely comes from pillow. So it becomes one word, barely, Rafa, bellow, Bravo, Valley, Rocco, and some other sub n, we actually add cabbage or two bellies or payload, payload. Payload, belly logo, Yes, garbage of payload, period, Rocco. Rocco means ginger. Ginger hair. Bailey Rocco. Okay, so one more time. Garbage or negro black hair. Garbage will cast standards. But one more thing, some people might actually say, Gavin, Gothic, Astana, like brown gas, Danio Gothic, That's steiner. Some people say it that way to a cafe cast Daniel for brown here. So yeah, garbage. Okay. Daniel, garbage or cafe graphic us Daniel. Many words but it's okay. One of them will work. The next one, garbage or Rubio blonde hair, garbage value rho, ginger hair. And we also have this one, Gabe's Israel, Greece. But whenever you say Getty's, it tends to be like you painted your hair gray. Kinda like a type of fashion. Silber gray leg. You want to be fashionable, you would have gray hair. Gavin Israel, Greece. And the other one is Gabe's dual diagnosis. And this one refers to gray hair, but the one from aging. So whenever you age and your hair starts to turn gray, we say gun Asa Gray here. Gavin can also WHO Greece is more like, fashionable gray, gray color. That visual Greece can also refers to H, cafe cavernosa. So sometimes if you have a light gray hairs, they would say, Oh, DNS, kindness. Kindness basically means you have some gray hairs, DNS, DNS. And whenever you have all the gray, you will say garbage or can also do bellows. Can also. Your hair is gray due to age. Okay. The next one, me, Ben law, is negative. My hair is black and we have a technical problem because that's not the right English word. But okay. We'll let we'll pass it by. Me. Bella is Negro. My hair is black. Me Ben law is negative. My hair is black. Ignore the technical mistake with the English translation. Okay, next one. My band law is the cafe standards. My hair is brown, so basically my hair is colored brown. Gas Daniel, I don't know what cosine means, but it basically means Brown. I know what gestalt means, it means brown. But basically in English, like saying, my hair is brown, brown. Gothic as Daniel. Gothic as Daniel Brown, Brown. My hair is brown. Okay, next one, soil Ruby, a blonde. Soil, Rubio, simple, Saudi Arabia and belonged. And the next one, soil barely raga. A redhead or M, ginger soil barely Rojas. I'm Ginger and red hair. The next one, law t stat DNA, il pelo, Greece. The artist has gray hair. Grease is more like fashionable gray Law, dna, el pelo, Greece. And the next one, mi abuela, AS can also. So this is another way of seeing it. You can see me abuela, DNA, pelo. Pelo can also he has gray hair or S can also. He is gray haired. Basically. My grandfather has gray hair. Mia Bueno es Dann also you can say S can also DNA, el pelo can also. Both are okay. And that's it for this one. And thanks for watching. Make sure you check out the Quizlet for this one, it's a little bit of a long lesson. There's a lot of vocabulary words. Thanks for watching.
37. Lecture 175 - To zip, To button, To tie: Okay, so now we will learn some words related to zip, to button or too tight. So it's going to be a simple one. So the first one is to zip. And we can say Sarah lack Karima. Which means basically can imagine a means test, Sippar, lack gray majora, that zipper. But most, the most common word related to zipper is LC pair. So we actually use the English word more commonly. So we would say Sarah will see better To sip. Basically, Sarah is CPR, Sierra ill super, close the super basically sip the zipper, Sierra ill seabed. Some people might say get a magenta. But the more the one I hear the most is insipid Sierra L CPR. So we use the English word. And the next one is I borrowed chat or a bottleneck. So this basically means two button or a bottleneck. So your Avro chatter about tonight. So I bought an arc comes from the word button. I will Donna. Both are okay. You can say either one or both. The next one is at bad, which means to tie at dad. So you're at that maybe tie your shoes at that to sublattice, tie your shoes are too tight. And let's try one more time. Say like gray image. To zip your zipper, or cetera, insipid, soup, this zipper. Alberto chair or I bought donor to button. And I dare to tie at dad. And let's go for the examples. The first one is as if 30 Sierra LC pair, the law Chiquita. So a Sierra were being affirmative, we're telling people to do it. It's called closed that zipper on your jacket. Close a super of the jacket. Sierra ill CPR della Jakarta, Asif 30 Sierra LC pair della Chiquita. So close that zipper off your jacket. So in Spanish we would say Close that zipper. In English you would say like sip your super CIP, that zipper. But in Spanish we say CRA, close that zipper of the jacket. And the next one is broaching. Ill bought on the lacA Missa. Button up your shirt, burrowed Shakti on the lactam ISA, but on up your shirt Abdullah chat or e-mail button. But the problem with saying is like Bhutan is already included in the word. So it's like button up your button. So it sounds a little bit weird. Ab Autonoma de la comida. That sounds better. Aptana like amoeba, Watanabe, your shirt. Or approach at the bottom. So which basically means the same. Alberto chair means to faster and faster than your button. Basically a brooch at the elbow. The lactam is faster than your button. And the next one misstep at those is 10. This satellite office, my shoes are untied. So this one is simple. Me Sepah RTOS is, then the satellite goes. My shoes are untied. And the next example, necessity at me sup atlas, I need to tie my shoes. Necessity to add that means sublattice. I need to tie my shoes. And the next example, EN is LC pair. The two. You have that zipper off your pants. Open. The ns l CPR. You have the zipper did to plant alone of your pens. I've yet to open. So this one is simple. And the next example, brooch at D. It'll seem to run this agouti dead. Best in your seat belt. So the word for a seat belt in Spanish is LCME to run this agouti bed. So it seemed put on means the belt, this equity that of safety. So basically there's safety belt. It'll seem to run this equity that the safety built. But in English you say the seat belt, which is the same. So yeah, fasten your seat belt. Abroad, shut the LCME to run the subquery that okay. And another example where this LB Stephen, can you button my dress where this flowchart me. Lb steel. Can you bought in my dress whether several Chade-Meng, Shelby Steele, and the next one at Tuskegee L Barkow. So this one comes from attack. And yeah, it's a question at st. Ill Barkow. Did you type up the boat? Did you tie the boat at that still Barkow. Did you tie up the boat? So yeah. And then when somebody does surgery like a dusty to access the L Barkow, you tied the boat. And you can turn it into a question by saying that still Virchow. Did you tie up the boot TSO E depends on the accent you give. You can say at that scale Barkow, you tied off the boat at dusty Alberto. Did you tie up the boat? So it depends once again, on your what accent you're giving, what kind of boys you're giving. Okay, so that's it for this one. It's a short lesson. As always, thanks for watching.
38. Lecture 176 - Materials (Wool, Cotton, Silk, Leather): Okay, so now we will learn about different types of materials, such as wool cotton, silk, leather. So let's write out. The first word we have is Lambda, which means wall. Land will land air. And a small thing about this. In Mexico, some people call money Lana. So they use the same word for wool. Say, Oh a dummy, la, la Nina, give me the money. So if you ever go to Mexico and you hear people referring to Lana in whenever you have to pay. So you know, now that you know so you now know that they might be referring to money. Bodya is not so common actually, some people say La, La Nina, the world, but it's money, but it's a little bit rare. It's quite rare. So yeah, Lehner, wool law, Lana, the wolf, or money in some cases. And the next one, I'll go down, which means cotton and Gordon Cotton. I'll go down. And the third one is sad there, which means silk. Sad they're silk. And number four is where or, which means leather. Where or leather Puerto. So number one is Lana hoops might think. Lana, rule number 2, I'll go dawn cotton, I'll go down. Sad. They're silk and quiero. Leather. Where Room. Okay, so let's try some examples. The first one is Mi Bu fun, that the landowner is that Galilean deep there, which means my wool scarf is warm. So profunda means your scarf, blue funder. Lana means will value, and you can say gallium peta or calendar data. Both are actually okay. So this comes from the word Galilean, which means hut, WNT. And in Spanish we tend to add EPO or eat there to make something like smaller. So you would say respectfully and it's hot. A stack gallon people, Galilean people, a little hot Galilean people. So we use ITO and ITA for making things into smaller things. For example, Chico, small Chiquita, small tube, smaller, kind of like Chiquita, very small Chiquita, gran, no, we do not say grandiose C2 and that one doesn't work. For example, 30 staffer, you establish three ETL, which is a literal called Frito. So you had, this is where this one comes from. Me, boo Fonda, is that Kotlin data or Galilean peter, both are okay. The next example is that the end they're binded gummy, says HS, the algo don. This store sales shirts made of cotton. Is that the end that Ben Day gummies says, HS, the codon. So this one is simple gametocytes, the algorithm, cotton shirts. And the next one is stabilise devo happen is, is that it shows the say them as they're St.Louis dress happen, happen is Japanese. These Japanese dress is made of silk. Stb stego happen is, is that it true? The center? And this one is simple. The next one? Me check it there. My jacket. Me check it. That is that it shot. The arrow is made of leather jacket. That is that the quiero. My jacket is made of leather. Her the Puerto made of leather. And let's try a few more examples. Leilani, BNA, the last OF US. Wool, comes from sheep. La, La Nina. The wool BNA comes the less OF US from sheep. So the word for sheep is all BFS or DFS, and do not confuse it with Arabic S with the letter a. Basis means BCE are bases or base pairs with the letter o means sheep. So yeah, obey has a sheep because bees. And let's try the next example. I'll go out on their own. Upland. Cotton comes from a plant, a law logo, dawn BNA. They won't blend their cotton comes from a plant. Okay. And a few more examples. Is that the end there been the sender, this store sales silk. S that the end. Bendy sever. This store sales silk. So you're in the picture, you can see some silk. I don't know if they're late. If you're supposed to say some silk maybe dresses or something, but it looks like just silk sheets. So you're say that Ben there, Scylla or pedestals the seller pieces of silk. That doesn't sound too right. But yet cetera, is that the end there? Bend the center. And the next one, Ms. bought, this is Dan hs. The quiero. My boots are made of leather. Me is boaters is hs, the quiero. My boots are made of leather. So it's a simple class. And as always, thanks for watching.
39. Lecture 177 - Health and Sickness: Okay, so now we will learn some words and phrases related to health and sickness. Let's try it out. So the word for sick is in fair more, in fair more. Sick in fair more. And the word for healthy is Sandro. Sand know. So yeah, in fair more. And if you're female, you can say in fair man, with the letter a and center Santa. So Sino four male Santa for female. So yeah, in fair, more sick, sono, healthy. And in furthermore, you can actually, you can actually turn them into burps to, for example, in pheromone, which means to be sick joy story. This is different because you would say joyous, joy in federal, I am sick. If you make somebody's sick, you would say George day in Furthermore, I made you sick. So the verbs are a little bit different with this one. Okay, and furthermore, center. And let's give it a try. So the first one is a story in fair more, I'm sick. No boy, yeah. Altro Navaho. I'm not going to work today. So yeah, estoy. And furthermore, we use a stat, we do not have conjugate in fair more joy. And furthermore to infer mass, a lymphedema, and a photosynthetic mammals, because it's basically like saying, I sick, you're sick. We seek they sick. So it kind of doesn't work well in Spanish. So we tend to use it together with estoy, estoy en furthermore, am sick. And the second one is toys Santa, I'm healthy. Cell go daughters, less moneyness. I go out for a run every morning. Is toys. Sando Sando Hua. Though there's Las Meninas. I'm healthy. I go out for a run every morning. And the next example, here we have a store new there, which means to sneeze, is store new data to sneeze. And we also have doors said, which means cough. Doors saying. So yeah, is toward new there to sneeze or sehr to cough is still present. And let's have some examples. The first one is, is toy, is store new, then do a mutual Israel came a boy, I infer matter. I'm sneezing a lot. I think I'm going to get sick. Is Toy Story, new Dando mutual. I'm sneezing a lot. Grayer. Okay. I think that may avoid eye in fair model. I'm going to get sick. Okay. And the next one, L baby, is that those CNO mutual. Boy, ADG, var law, al doctor. The baby is coughing a lot. I'm going to take him to the doctor. Lbj is that those CN door mutual? The baby is coughing a lot. Boys are Giovanna al doctor. I'll take him to the doctor. And the next ones, we also have the embedded tutor, which means temperature, the embedded Buddha, and fear buddy, which means fever, fear but a. So the word tympanic, bulla and fear today we cannot use either, both actually. So whenever you have a fever, we tend to say, oh, a DNS template at Buddha, you have temperature or 0, the NS5A, you have a fever. So we kind of use those two words to refer to the same thing. Okay, let's try the examples. The first one is ENS the impaired at Buddha. Good day in Gaza. You have a temperature. Stay home today. The ANS them paradata here that they in GSA. So yeah, this one is quite simple. Let's try the next one. Dns fee every, you have a fever. Boy at dryer Medici now, I'm going to bring you some medicine. So you had this one is also very simple. Ens fee every you have fever. Boy, yeah, tri-party Medici. Now, I'll bring you some medicine. So yeah, these ones are quite simple. And the next one here we have Sarah evil. This is a new one side of pudgy. That means our rash. Sadder put either a rash. So yes, sadder Poggio, not at all similar to English. The second one is now says, which means no shear. Now says. So here's kinda like the same word, but we pronounce every letter and the letter S. Now CS. And the third one is a layer here, which means allergy. A layer here. Allergy a letter here. So one more time, sorry. A rash. Now says Natasha. And a letter here. Allergy our layer here. And let's try some examples. The first example we have is dorky openness blend. This email is that vendor setup, TDL. I touched some plants and it's giving me a rash. Okay. Own as planned this I thought some plants. E-mail is the oven door syrup, Poggio. And I'm getting, sorry, I'm getting a rash. It's giving me a rash, Mr. then it's giving me a rash. And the next example, in God now cs, boy, at tomorrow, on day. Nauseous, I'm going to have some tea. I'm going to drink some tea. Then go now OCS, boy, at all my own. Hey, okay, and the next example, soy allergy and loss gamma rawness, am allergic to shrimp. So this is a very important phrase. If you're allergic to something because you can use it in a restaurant. For example, if you go to a restaurant, you can say soil loss Gaga, what is, am allergic to peanuts? Or soil loss gum erroneous or whatever. Whatever you're allergic to, soy allergy and whatever it is. And let's try a few more. Then we have in JSR, which means to plaster basically to put, to put something on a cast. And just sad to put it put maybe put your arm, your leg on a cast. And JSR to put on a cast inside the guest. To put on a guest. The next one. Factorial means to fracture just like the name says, but act. And the negative. The next one is the pKa means to sting, be Guard. And it also means two each. So if something itches, you can say, Oh my pizza inches beaker may pick. And pick out also means kind of like to stink. Maybe you're poking somebody with, uh, with, uh, also to poke. Actually, if you're poking somebody will append. We use the same word. Misstep began to is poking me, is stinging me. So you pick are mostly refers to two or two. And number four, which means to cure. So yeah, just like the name says, Cura to cure. So let's try one more time. In just said to read. Began. Cool. So yeah, and let's go for the examples. Oh no, we, we don't have examples. We have more vocabulary. Her. The next one is ill, just saw L j, so means the cast. So if you have a cast, you would be a JSR. That cast L JSR. The next one is less more lead this, this one refers to the crutches, lasts more lettuce. The crutches last letters. And the third one is in shadow. Shadow means swollen in shadow. Swollen in shadow. And number four is Roboto. Roboto means broken. So yeah, roto, it's broken. Maybe you break something or even break your finger or something. It would be grotto. It's broken. Is that roto? So one more time. It will just saw the cast last mellitus, crutches in shadow, swollen, roto, broken. Okay, So now it's time for the examples. Now first one is may peak, then throw the muj saw. It, itches, may bigger inside my cast, may peak and then throw the media so it reaches inside my cast, my beaker, the intro. And the next one is rotten me Rosseau mellowed to be Arun K in GSR. Is that wrote Tommy browser. My arm is broken. Mellow to Vietnam. Kn just said they had to put it in a cast. So yeah, this one is simple to understand too. And the next example may refract today. Our eye is that in shadow. May fracture L devo I fractured my finger outta is stay in shadow. Now. It's swollen. Is that in shadow? It's swollen. And the next example, then go cake, gummy, narrow our corn Meletus as tacky MCU. I had to walk now on crutches until I heal. Then we'll kick Amina. I have to walk now and monetise with crutches. So basically on crutches, Aztec him equity until I heal. And that's it for this one. And make sure to check out the Quizlet because there's a lot of new words, a little vocabulary. As always, thanks for watching and listen to music. Watch some videos in Spanish. Have fun with the language.