Mastering Midjourney: Advanced Techniques for AI Image Generation | Jonathon Parker | Skillshare

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Mastering Midjourney: Advanced Techniques for AI Image Generation

teacher avatar Jonathon Parker, Passionate MoGraph and VFX Lectu

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Course Promo


    • 2.

      Lesson One - How to access Midjourney


    • 3.

      Lesson Two - How to blend images with Midjourney


    • 4.

      Lesson Three - How to generate images with different aspect ratios in Midjourney


    • 5.

      Lesson Four - How to use the chaos parameter in Midjourney


    • 6.

      Lesson Five - How to use the 'No' parameter in Midjourney


    • 7.

      Lesson Six - How to use Niji in Midjourney


    • 8.

      Lesson Seven - How to use the stylize parameter in Midjourney


    • 9.

      Lesson Eight - How to create tileable textures in Midjourney


    • 10.

      Lesson Nine - How to generate progress videos in Midjourney


    • 11.

      Project Task (Assignment)


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About This Class

Midjourney is one of the most powerful and accessible AI Art Generation programs on the market. It is comparable to the popular ‘DALL-E’ and has its own defined style, with multiple engines/styles to choose from making it highly versatile. Generative/AI art is a new and fast emerging area and this is a skillset that should be in every artists toolkit!.

This course aims to build upon the previously uploaded Midjourney course by showing and demonstrating more advanced techniques to give you true mastery over Midjourney. The artwork you create can be deemed final artwork or it can be used in the idea generation and competing phase of bigger projects.

For this course I will be using a paid version of the program, but that is not a necessity! You will not be limited within this course by using the free trial. The free trial only limits you to generate your first 25 images and if you wish to make more you can purchase a licence on a monthly basis further down the line.

The only pre-requisite to this course is that you need a discord account and access to the internet. If you have not used Midjourney or Discord before it is recommended that you first check out the Introduction course ‘How to create AI art with Midjourney’.

Course outline

Lesson 1 – How to access Midjourney (A refresher walkthrough showing you how to access Midjourney via Discord)

Lesson 2 –  How to blend images with Midjourney (This session will show you how to use Midjourney to blend pre-existing images to create new and unique images)

Lesson 3 – How to generate images with different aspect ratios with Midjourney (In this session we will utilise the aspect ratio command to generate images of differing aspect ratios)

Lesson 4 – How to use the chaos parameter in Midjourney (In this session we will utilise the chaos parameter to give our generated images more variation)

Lesson 5 – How to use the ‘no’ parameter in Midjourney (This session will show you how to rule out some aspects of your generated images using the ‘no’ prompt.)

Lesson 6 – How to use Niji in Midjourney
 (This session will show you how to use the Niji engine in Midjourney to generate Anime-esque images)

Lesson 7 – How to use the stylize parameter in Midjourney (This session will show you how to alter the amount of stylization within the images that Midjourney generates)

Lesson 8 – How to create tileable textures in Midjourney (This session will show you how to use Midjourney to create tileable images that can be used for creating seamless patterns/textures)

Lesson 9 – How to generate progress videos in Midjourney (This session will show you how to generate progress videos of your creations using Midjourney)

Project Task (Assignment) – (This lesson will walk you through the final assignment that you have been tasked with, summarising the skills and techniques learnt in this course.)


As mentioned above in the course outline, the course will finish with a really fun assignment where you will have the opportunity to practice the skills that you have learnt in this course! I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys create so please upload your work!

I hope you enjoy this course as much as I enjoyed creating it!

For the Class project, please see a detailed outline in 'Project Task (Assignment)'.


Meet Your Teacher

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Jonathon Parker

Passionate MoGraph and VFX Lectu


My name is Jonathon Parker, a Motion Graphics and Visual Effects lecturer from the UK.


Firstly, a little background about me! I have always been the creative type and always strive to improve and push my creative skills further and further.


As stated above I am already teaching in the UK as a Motion Graphics and VFX lecturer – The difference with my courses will be the fact that they come from an educator, not someone doing this just in their spare time! All my courses focus on teaching and assessment. I will teach you a few skills and then set you an assignment to check that those skills have been learnt. I also see the importance of generating handouts and resources for the student, so I have included these in my courses also!

&nb... See full profile

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AI & Innovation AI Tools
Level: Intermediate

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1. Course Promo: Hi guys, and welcome to my course on mastering mid journey, advanced techniques for generating images. Now I've done a previous course on my journey, and this one is a step up from that because loads has happened since I published my last course. There's loads more parameters, loads more commands that we can use to create stunning, truly, visually stunning images. So for those of you who don't know, mid journey as an AI which generates images based on prompts that you give. It meant journey, lives, and functions within discord. So you will need a Discord account. And there was a free version of med journey and a paid version. The free version only limits you to 25 generations. So it's really up to you whether you stick with the free version or with the small basic plan. Like I said, this is a more advanced course than the previous one. So we're really looking to build on the skills that you've learned from the previous class. We'll be taking a look at the different engines within my journey and some of the more popular advanced commands such as chaos, stylize, the nib CI engine, and a whole range of other stuff. We'll be finishing off the course with a class project where you can create your own stuff and then upload it for me to look at me. I'm really excited to see all that. So there's not much more to say. Let's jump on into the course. 2. Lesson One - How to access Midjourney: Hi guys. Just a quick reintroduction to mid journey because like I said, I already have an introductory course on this, so make sure you check that out first. But just to remind you, mid forward slash home, what you can do, a sign-in. And there, here's, here's my sign-in. But what you will also need to do is you will also need to use this through the discord. So you'll need a Discord account and then you'll need to join the mid journey discord. And from there you'll have all your less just dismiss that on all that. There we go. Got all your notifications coming in, and then you've got the announcements and all the information that you want to read through here and the rules which is important to read as well. And then if you're a three member, what you'll do is you'll want to start doing your generation within these new channels. Now, if you are a paid for member, which is about $10 a month or whatever it is. You will then be able to do all your image generation generations directly with the med journey bot, which you will see pop up in here. And you can do yours with all your image generation within here. However, if you are using a free plan, then you'll just be doing it within the newbies. By here, there's loads more stuff for you to look through here, all these image generation stuff. So make sure you have a look through that. Now, in terms of actual subscription plans, if you were interested, you can go to manage subscription. And I'm on the as you can tell, the basic plan monthly and I just played $10 per month and you've got between yearly and monthly there. I pay monthly. It's a little bit more, but it's in order that I can just kind of if I'm not using it too much, I can just drop out and then I can rejoin so I can cancel it and join as needed. On the mid journey website, you have got obviously your home, you've got to explore the community feed. Like I said, manage subscription, help an FAQ. There may be a lot of stuff here, so e.g. your quick start guide. So it says join the discord, Join the beta, or go directly to mid journey discord. And this link, if you were to click it, will. You can just click. Once you've installed discord on your computer, just click Continue to another. It'll actually open up your discord within the browser here and it will help you to join. Okay, so again, if I just go back, I've got loads of other stuff in here actually using Discord, discord interface. So this will help you do that Quickstart. But again, like I said, we've got an introductory course on this. Within the next lesson, what we're gonna do is we're going to jump straight into some of the advanced features which I was talking about in the first welcome video, the first course video. So yeah, brilliant. I look forward to seeing you then. 3. Lesson Two - How to blend images with Midjourney: Hi folks and welcome to the first lesson of this course. Now, in this lesson what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna show you how to blend two images together. These can be images that you photographed, images that you've generated, a mid journey, images that you've got. I don't know from anywhere else really, any images. So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to start off by going to the bottom. I'm typing slash blend, and then I'm just going to click this option. Now, med journey gives you the option to drag and drop or click to upload. But what mid Journey wants is it once images of the same ratio. So both images to have the same ratio. Now you can do images with different ratios, but it kinda works better and smoother if they have the same, I'm going to show you both. So first of all, I'm just going to click and I'm going to go right. I'm going to go for chess close up. This is an image I generated in majority and another image and the generated image journey is the stormy city. And you can see that they're both square images. If I click Open, the problem with this is you can't add a prompt to this. You've just got to go with what it says. You'll notice we can add something called dimensions, but we won't go with that and I will do that in the next example. So I'm just going to click Enter. And then what bot will do or what mid journey will do is it'll start blending these images together. Okay, so mid journey is finished and it is now giving us this lovely result where it's blended or attempted to blend those two images together. So let's just have a look. This was, if I open it for you now, this was the original or one of the original images. Let's just bring that back. This was one of the original images, and this was the other one. So you can see how my journey has attempted to blend these two images together when it's done it quite well really. So let's just bring this back. There we go. Now, I really like this one. I actually really liked that one as well. And actually that one, but I think it's kind of screwed things up a bit there. So that's the blend function. And what I'm gonna do is I'm going to actually show you how to deal with when you've got two images which don't have the same aspect ratio. Let's go to Blend again. And I'm going to click to add an image. I'm going to go for a pirate ship yard, which you can see as a rectangular 16 by nine image. And I'm going to go for, Let's go for cyber punk zombie. I really don't know what's going to obviously square one. I really don't know what's going to happen with this. So what I can do now is, now I've got two different aspect ratios. I'm going to go to dimensions. I'm going to add landscape, okay, it's giving me these options. Portraits, square landscape, and I'm gonna go with landscape because that's my desired result really. And I'm hoping that it'll be able to squeeze this into that one. So when I'm doing two or more images with different aspect ratios, I'll always kind of then pick the dimensions that I wanted to add. I find that does help a little bit. You can see that I can add image 34.5 if I wanted to. But let's just have a look at what turns out with this. I mean, to be fair, that isn't a bad job tall. If we clearly blended the pirate ship yard with the zombie image by just open that zombie image for you, that's it there. And this is the pirate ship yard. So you can see how these two images have relatively seamlessly come together by here. So now let's do one final example where we blend three images together. So I'm going to go forward slash blend. I'm going to pick chest close up. Let's go with that. I'm going to go for this Cyberpunk, a zombie. And I click Open. And I'm also going to go ahead and I'm going to add image three. And let's select Jupiter. And I think just to see what it does, I'll click down here and add image for as well. And I'm going to go for stormy city. No idea how this is going to turn out to be honest, but we'll find out. So I'm just going to click and then I'm not going to bother adding an image five. Or the only other option is to dictate what dimensions we want. We could go ahead and Chuck are landscaping year and say take all these but go landscape CC. What happens is all about experimentation. I'm just gonna go with this and we'll see what it brings us. Now, it's interesting to note that that actually took a lot longer than previous merges or blends have. And it's probably because it had to blend the fall and figure out how to do that. Now, it looks quite interesting. You can see the hand from the chess piece. You can see the sky from the Jupiter and Jupiter there, the zombie, clearly that does look like some sort of dystopian sort of movie poster or film poster. It would've been cool to actually generate this with a portrait dimensions. Obviously you guys know where those dimensions are. So that's the blend function. I hope you guys have loads of fun with that. In the next lesson, we're going to actually look at generating images with different aspect ratios just to make sure that you guys are aware of that. And then we're gonna move on something called the chaos parameter, which is really, really cool. So chase for joining, and I'll see you in the next lesson. So cheers for joining in. 4. Lesson Three - How to generate images with different aspect ratios in Midjourney: Hi folks and welcome back. In this short lesson, I'm just going to show you how to generate images with different aspect ratios. I was just conscious that we were using some in the last lesson. And if you didn't know how Well, that's my job to now explain that. So we're just gonna go down here and we're going to type slash imagine. And I must say, Oh, I don't know, a pot of flowers on a window ledge. Summer. There we go. A pot of flowers. I can't spell today on a window ledge at summer. Now, if I just click Enter, it's going to generate images of a square ratio like you already know. However, what I can go ahead and do is I can actually dictate what I want that aspect ratio to do. The way I do it is put space then dash, dash AR for Aspect Ratio. And now what I can do is come forward and I can do an aspect ratio of 16 by nine, e.g. and now I'm going to hit enter. Okay, so you can now see this generated these images at these widescreen formats. Now I can do that for portrayed as well. So if I just type slash imagine, and I'm going to say a vintage poster, advertising, advertising a car. A vintage poster, Apollos, MCAR, just go space dash, dash, AR. I'm going to go, Oh, I think I'm gonna go four to seven. So it's gonna be four along the bottom and seven. Hi, Let's just hit Enter and see what it brings us. So there you go. We've now got some portrait posters. Now, Darley isn't very good at generating texts. So I mean, if you'd probably want to use these images and replace the text e.g. but you can see that it's got some nice vintage poster stuff going on. Now, in terms of what aspect ratio is Darley can use, if I show you the user guide, depending on which version you're using, you have different limitations. So if you just go to this web link by here, you can see all this and it'll show you the limitations of each different version, e.g. if you use a nib, which we're actually going to cover later on in this course. You can see that you've got these limitations of using version five. Then you can see those limitations as well. Also, just quick Google search. It's interesting to see to remind you of what different ratios you can use. It'll be interesting to just look through this. Again. If you're using version five, as we said, you can basically do any aspect ratios to see which version you're using. By the way, if you just type slash and then Settings, you can then just hit Enter. And it'll show you your settings and you can say mid journey version 1,234.5. There we go. There's all your stuff and we'll be using Ngugi mode later. So anyway, in the next lesson now we're gonna be looking at the chaos commands. So I'll see you in the next lesson. 5. Lesson Four - How to use the chaos parameter in Midjourney: Hi guys and welcome back. Now in this lesson we're gonna be looking at the chaos value. Now the chaos value, if we look at the mid journey user guide, which I think is really important, the chaos value basically says how varied or unexpected each job is. So if we use this plumped word, watermelon, our hybrid, they're all quite similar in these four tiles, aren't they? If you've got high chaos value of 100, you can see that they're very, very different types of images. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna put that into practice. Let's type forward slash. Imagine a car driving through the cosmos. I'm just gonna go for that and hit enter with no additional chaos added. So let's just see what that brings us. All quite similar, but also quite cool images. Same time of day, same sort of style, different colors obviously, but same style, very similar cars with those headlamps as well. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to actually this time I'm going to type the command prompt properly. I just got a spelling mistake there, but I'm going to add a chaos value. So let's just go slash, imagine that a car driving through the cosmos. I just bring that. There we go. And what I'm gonna do this time is I'm going to hit space and do dash, dash C. And I'm going to put a chaos of 50. And let's see what that brings us. Okay, so let's have a look now. In this one we've got quite a little bit different examples. I mean, this one's very different to these three. And a little bit different style, but let's, let's crank this up a notch. Let's type in. Imagine and let's go Driving through. I spelled it correctly this time. What I'm going to space. There. We go, the cosmos and I'm going to hit space dash, dash C, and I'm going to go 100. And let's see what this one brings us. There we go. So now we've got chaos 100. I think it is fair to say that the images within these are very, very different from each other. So if you compare this to where we didn't have any chaos, quite similar images. I mean, three of these images, you've got the car facing directly the camera. Then we've got quite different things to cars on the road. You could argue this is a load as well, but few different angles and this is just, I don't even know what that is. And then this last one, yes, we do have two roads, but a very, very different images. You've got globe, you've got the car actually floating. You've got what looks actually I say I stuck a black hole kind of thing, isn't it? Then you've got almost like in a desert but with these sort of Nova things. But here, that is the chaos prompt. If you imagine it, it adds very big difference between this grid of four images, especially when you compare it to that. It just adds an element of chaos. Chase for tuning in. And I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson where we'll be going through something new again. Cheers. 6. Lesson Five - How to use the 'No' parameter in Midjourney: Hi guys. Now in this session we're going to have a look at the no parameter. Now, I've just generated an image at dinner table in a summer garden with yet another typo. I'm sorry, it's late. But you can see that I've got this really lovely picture. And the no parameter tells the software what to remove. It's almost like an empty prompt. So what I'm gonna do is I like this, but I don't like seeing the chairs there, e.g. so I'm going to go imagine a dinner table in a summer garden. And then I'm going to sculpt vector. Then I'm going to type dash, dash, no. And I'm gonna go and say chairs. Let's hit Enter and see if it generates what we want. Okay, So you can see now, okay, so you can see now if I go into here, it's actually done that and it's removed any instances of chairs. So I think I'm gonna try that again. And I'm going to say this time, no flowers. So imagine a summer garden. A dinner table I was using was, and I ate dinner table in a summer garden and then maybe go dash, dash, no flowers. Now, I don't know if it's going to manage this, but we'll see. Okay, so let's have a look. We've now got some flowers there. But this is, I mean, I would say that plants or shrubs. So in a flower, petal, flowers, I think it's done okay, apart from in this image by here. So that is the no prompt. So let's now see if we can do the same prompt with dash, dash no flowers and then dash, dash no chairs. So let's put the software to the text this time. Let's go imagine a dinner table in a summer. Garden. Dash, dash no chairs. Dash, dash, no flowers. Okay. I may even go dash, dash. No green nurses. This is being really, been really harsh. Let's see what it does. Let's see how it copes. Well, it's saying invalid prompt. I think it's too much. So let's try. Imagine a dinner table in a summer. Garden. Dash, dash no flowers, dash, dash no chairs. Let's see if it copes with this. Okay. So it did cope with that one. I think I was probably in this case, I did try and click resubmit but it crashed again. I think it was just saying, look, I need something to work with. I find it really interesting that this did work, but it's put each of them in frame. I just find that like interests really interested in that there's no flowers, there's no chairs. Yes, they're sitting down but I could have put no people may be. But yeah, it's really interested is gone for a very particular kind of style here and they're all in frames. I just find that just completely bizarre. So that is the end of that session. In the next session, I'm gonna be showing you how to use a different engine within my journey called Ngugi, which has an anime specific engine. So choose to lint and I will see you in the next lesson. 7. Lesson Six - How to use Niji in Midjourney: Okay, so in this lesson we're going to look at using the Ngugi engine. Now, looking at the user guide, you can see that there are loads of different versions. The newest version, like we've discussed being version five. However, the Ngugi model, if we come down here, is a collaboration between MIT Julian spelled brush, used to produce anime styles. Okay? So if you would go into an animated look, then this will really be good. It says the Ngugi model has vastly more knowledge of anomie, anomie styles and alum aesthetics. So if you want to go for that, it's really important to use this now, we will be looking at stylized parameter in the next lesson, I think. Yeah, that'll be the next lesson. And that doesn't work with Ngugi. Just important to bear in mind. So if I go into mid journey and just type slash settings, you will and then hit Enter. You'll see that I've been using misogyny version for now. In order to change the energy, you can just go ahead and click Ngugi. And now everything will be done in the Ngugi style. However, what you can also do if we come back here, here's an example. We don't want to change. You can just type your slash, imagine and then whatever you want with dash, dash and a G at the end, I'm going to choose to do that. I'm going to go back to version four just because knowing me, I will probably forget to change it. So if I go slash, imagine, I'm then going to type, What's my prompt going to be? I think I'm gonna go for a sum of i wielding a sword just because that's how hot are my anime stuff. But I feel that, that could work really well for a samurai kind of vibe. So I'm just going to check that I've spelled samurai correctly and I have, that is awesome. Now I'm gonna go dash, dash Ngugi just to make sure that I am using the Ngugi prompt. So if I go ahead and click Enter, we'll see what this gives us. Okay, so you can see that it's got the Ngugi thing than it did just put version for almost to tell me, Look, you're still using version four. Thanks for that mid journey. Now if we click and look, I would say that certainly looks like anime to me. In one sense. What I am going to do is I'm actually going to change to Ngugi mode. And I'm gonna try that again. I'm just going to put the Ngugi at the end, but just to, just to give it a good shot. So if I type in imagined and a Sam wielding a sword, and I'm just going to type in a G at the end, just to remind it. You could put in the word comma and Anime if you really wanted to, if you really go for that, but I'm not going to bother at this point. Okay, so you can see this time I put in a G and because it was selected than a mid engine was selected, it also put it itself. So I'm going to remember that it's on. And I'm going to go ahead and do another prompt. Now, these do look pretty cool. And I would say sort of anime style, but I'm gonna go with something a little less anomie specific this time, I'm not going to type the prompt at the end just to kinda prove that it'll still use that engine. So I'm going to go for a teddy bear, sitting on a stool. Could actually type imagine first and I imagine, Let's go and delete all that. Imagine a teddy bear sitting on a stool. We go and I'm not going to type the dash dash energy at the end because I am already in that mode. If I hit Enter, it'll tell me yet that's the mode that we use in just to remind me because otherwise I will forget. Let's see what that generates for us. Okay, So these are the results. Is it an anime style? Perhaps, perhaps not, but what Julia telling us that this will give you more anime ask results. I wonder now let's just do a version when we're using version four. So let's just go slash, imagine a teddy bear sitting on a stool. And let's see what results we get from this and how it compares to Ngugi. I mean, there you go. You can certainly see this is a very different style to this up here. Can you certainly more cartoony at least than this? So that is the Ngugi engine which you can use and you can access it again just by going settings. You don't have to type. You don't have to type dash, dash energy at the end. I was just showing you where you can and we don't have to as well. So brilliant. That's the end of this lesson. And in the next lesson we'll be looking at these stylized command. So I look forward to seeing you guys then. 8. Lesson Seven - How to use the stylize parameter in Midjourney: Hi guys, and welcome to this lesson where we will be looking at these stylized function. Now, again, this is important to note. This will, this command, how it performs will depend on what version you're using. You can see I'm using version four. And you can see that the stylized default number is 100 by default, but you can go 0-1000. Now, what stylized does is each engine we've just looked at Nietzsche and how it has its own style. Unfortunately, you can't use stylize with that. But each version will have its own style and the versions are trained. It'll say up here, they're trained to produce images that favor artistic color, composition and forms. If you compare mid journey to other ai image generators like Darley, you will see that majority certainly has its own style. Now to what degree that color and composition is applied can differ. Now, each version, version 4.5, so I use 100, but you can go 0-1 thousand. So let's have a look at model for. You've got illustrated figs, stylize of 50 all the way up to 750. And I think a nice way of saying is it just looks more cinematic and more moody and more almost like digital art. Again, stylize of zero on modal five colorful visor graph of effect. And you can see again more, hide higher detailed in this one I would say version five is bringing the stylize is bringing out a lot more detail. Whereas on version four It's just a lot more sort of digital art. So each, each model will perform differently. Let's give this a go. I'm on version four. Like I said, that's my preferred version currently, although I am really excited by version five. So let's go ahead and just start having a look at this. So let's just type imagine, and I'm just gonna go with the default. First of all, I'm going to say a magician casting a spell. There we go. I'm just going to click that. And now that that's generating, we know from the documentation that version four, which is what I'm using, is going to be using a stylized default of 100, but I can, and we'll push that up to 1,000. But let's see what this gives us. Okay, So these are pretty cool to be fair. I'm not going to lie. I love that. That is really cool. You can certainly see that digital art style. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna do the same prompt. So that was default of 100 member. I'm gonna go, imagine. Let's go a magician casting a spell. Then I'm going to hit Space and dash, dash, stylized. Let's go 250. Let's just make sure I'm spelling that correctly. Stylize 250 and let's hit enter. Okay, so let's have a look. I think I can certainly see, see that digital art style coming in a lot more in comparison to here. So let's go ahead and I'm going to push this. I'm going to jump up. I can't wait. I'm going to jump up all the way to 1,000 because, why not? So slash, imagine a magician casting a spell and I'm going to go up dash, dash stylized 1,000. Let's see what this brings. Okay, So I would say yet more cinematic lighting, higher detailed arguably. If we do compare this to the 100, I think these are sort of flat or images, but I'll be honest. And these are kind of more contrasty and detailed. There's not a great deal in it. So what I'm gonna do is just a little bit of a test is I'm actually going to go and type it again. Imagine a magician casting a spell. And I'm going to go dash, dash, stylize 25 just to see what that does. Okay, So this is the 25 version. And in all honesty, is that less stylized than this one? Possibly. Yeah, it's all It almost feels a bit flatter. Was these ones up here for your sort of more dynamic and more contrasty light. However, I don't think there was a lot in it, but it's important for you to know this stylized function if you're getting results, like I just want a bit more cinematic look a bit more this, that is an option for you to try. Cool, right? That's it for this lesson. I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson where we'll be looking at Thailand. Awesome, cheers. 9. Lesson Eight - How to create tileable textures in Midjourney: Hi guys and welcome back. In this lesson, we are going to be looking at creating Tyler, tyler textures or images. Now, this is gonna be really, really useful if you are a game designer or anything like that. Now, just one thing to note, this tile function only works with model versions 123.5. Okay? So what I'm gonna do first of all is I'm going to change my settings to go that I'm going to change it to version three. And I'm going to go slash imagine. And I'm going to go wash like if my thing, I'm going to go car tire marks. There we go and I'm going to go dash, dash. I'm going to type in tile. Now let's see what this brings back. Okay, so what I wanna do now, I don't think that one looks tolerable, if I'm honest, I think this one will be tolerable. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to upscale image one. And then what that'll let me do is I'm going to use an online seamless tile in software where you upload an image and then you can check whether it's tolerable. So once this is upscaled, we'll jump into that. Okay, so I've generated that and I've scaled it. So now what I'm gonna do is I've logged on to mid And I'm going to click this and I'm just going to go Save, and I'm going to save that and drag it to my desktop. It is on my other screen at the moment you can't see, but I'm just going to call it Tyre marks. Now I'm gonna go to this website here which I'll upload. It's a seamless texture checker. So what I wanna do is I just want to drag in my image and then I can alter this. And I can see that yes, it is in fact a seamless texture. So that's good. But what I wanna do now is I want to push my journey a bit. So that's an easy one, even though this does not look to me that if it's going to be maybe it would be vertically. Title will possibly. Yeah, I think that would be on top of each other like that. Anyway, what I'm gonna do is I'm typing, imagine colorful feathers. So this is something a little bit less uniform. Seeds can be quite straight, colorful feathers and then I'll do dash, dash, tile. So let's see what this one brings. Okay, so I'm liking this. What I'm gonna do is I'm going to upscale this one. And I'm going to upscale this one to number one and number three and then check them both. Okay, So I've now scaled these two and they look like the most achievable to be honest, although I'm not sure. Yeah, possibly this one. So let's go and have a look. So if I jump back in now to my mid journey profile, and I'll just do a quick refresh and download these two latest. So go for this one and I'm going to call it oh, it looks like it's a square. It looks like it's Thailand itself. We go if I just open it on its own, there it is. It looks like mid journey is actually Thailand it for me, which is really, really cool and that's kind of answered my question, but I still want to chuck it in to this, this, this seamless texture checker. So if I click this one again, yes, is tiling it for me, that's that's pretty cool. I didn't even realize it did that. So I'm going to save this one as well. And I'm just going to rename and very quickly. Fair. But one, and I'm gonna go rather to just now. I'm just going to bring them up here just to check. But we already know. Yeah, there we go. That is mad. I'm going to go further one as well. There we go. That is pretty cool to be fair. Okay, So that is our text title, bold textures. So that's it for this lesson. And there's gonna be one more lesson in a minute. Wishes going to talk about saving out your progress as videos with the video prompt. So cheers for tuning in and I look forward to seeing you then. 10. Lesson Nine - How to generate progress videos in Midjourney: Okay Then guys, and welcome to this lesson where I'll show you how to generate a video, a progress video with maturity. Now, this only works with mud journey versions 123, test and test P. So we'll have to change. Let's just go No, sorry, let's just go settings. And I'm going to go ahead and change to mid journey three. Oh, I was still in that familiar I forgot to change C. That's all I'm like. Cool. We could do my journey test, but I'm just going to stick in three. So if I now go slash imagine. And let's type in a wizard. In a sports car with a gonna go. Waving is one. So a wizard and a sports car waving his wand and I'm just gonna go, okay, hits no dash, dash. And then I'm going to type video. And what it'll do is it'll generate a progress video. So let's click Enter. And this will only do it on the image grids rather than upscaling images. Okay, so now that that's generated, what you wanna do to get the video is you want to go ahead and add a reaction. And what you'll wanna do is select the envelope reaction. So if I type in envelope by React, now with this, what it'll do is mid journey will now send me a link that we go to the video so I can now click Play. And I've got the video of its progress of how it created the above images. But like I said, unfortunately, it won't actually do that when you're upscaling an image just to your image grid. Now, if you want to download this video, what I'd suggest is just click this link and then click, Yeah, that's fine. It'll open here and you can go right-click, Save Video as. And I'll go mid journey, progress, and I'll just click Save. And now that is on my desktop. So if I close this down and open up, there, we have it. There is our video generation. Okay, cool. So cheers for joining me in these classes, folks, I'm going to set you a task in the next video, a project task. And I'm really hoping that you'll all do that so you can share your results on the course page. So again, choose for tuning in and I'll see you in the next lesson. 11. Project Task (Assignment): Hi guys, cheers, join into this course. I really hope you enjoyed it, and I really hope you found it valuable. What I'm gonna do now is I'm going to set you a mini-project where you're going to be creating three things and uploading them for me to see. I really can't wait to see them. First of all, I want you to create anything you like, but with a stylization of 1,000, it's going to look crazy and I'm really excited to see it. Secondly, I want you to create anything you like, but I want it to be a portrait aspect ratio, so nine by 16 or something along those lines. Then lastly, I want you to create something that's tolerable and then upload that as well. Anything you like. Remember guys to upload everything that you make because I'm really excited to see you all. And thanks once again for tuning in.