Mastering Anki: Create a Flashcard System for Straight A's | Zach Highley | Skillshare

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Mastering Anki: Create a Flashcard System for Straight A's

teacher avatar Zach Highley, Medical Student + YouTuber

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Class Trailer


    • 2.

      1.1 What is Anki?


    • 3.

      1.2 Why use Anki? The Power of Spaced Repetition


    • 4.

      1.3 Downloading and Opening Anki for the First Time


    • 5.

      1.4 Getting to Know Anki


    • 6.

      1.5 The Anki Algorithm


    • 7.

      1.6 The Anki Learning Phases


    • 8.

      1.7 The Graduated Phase


    • 9.

      1.8 The Ease Factor


    • 10.

      1.9 What Happens When You Hit "Again?"


    • 11.

      1.10 What Happens When You Hit "Hard?"


    • 12.

      1.11 What Happens When You Hit "Good?"


    • 13.

      1.12 What Happens When You Hit "Easy?"


    • 14.

      1.12.5 Take a Break!


    • 15.

      1.13 How do Learning Cards Work?


    • 16.

      1.14 Avoid "Ease Hell"


    • 17.

      1.15 Anki Settings Explanation


    • 18.

      1.16 Optimal Medical School Settings


    • 19.

      1.17 Optimal Normal Semester Settings


    • 20.

      1.18 Optimal Year-Long Settings


    • 21.

      1.19 Optimal 1+ Year Settings


    • 22.

      1.20 Optimal Single Exam Settings


    • 23.

      1.21 Anki Addons


    • 24.

      1.22 Anki Keybinds


    • 25.

      1.23 Use "Browse" Better


    • 26.

      2.1 Types of Flaschards


    • 27.

      2.2 The Best Flashcard Type


    • 28.

      2.3 Creating Your First Flashcard


    • 29.

      2.4 Things to Avoid with Flashcards


    • 30.

      2.5 Tips for Making Great Flashcards


    • 31.

      3.1 When to Use Anki at School


    • 32.

      3.2 My "0 Note" Strategy


    • 33.

      3.3 My School Study Plan


    • 34.

      3.4 Preview


    • 35.

      3.5 View


    • 36.

      3.6 Review


    • 37.

      3.7 Test


    • 38.

      3.8 Repeat


    • 39.

      3.9 0 Note Summary


    • 40.

      3.10 Using Premade Decks


    • 41.

      3.11 Example Study Day


    • 42.

      4.1 Mastering Anki, Common Pitfalls


    • 43.

      4.2 How to Catch Up on Cards


    • 44.

      4.3 Using the Forget Function


    • 45.

      4.4 Using the Custom Study Function


    • 46.

      4.5 Understanding the Stats Function


    • 47.

      4.6 IMPORTANT Understanding Goal Retention


    • 48.



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About This Class

Flashcards are the best way to memorize and learn anything. But are you using them right? This class is a complete and in-depth tutorial on the flashcard application Anki. A tool that top students w use to achieve the best grades because it has made studying more efficient and effective using the magic of spaced repetition.

It is up to date. Many previous classes and YouTube videos on the subject are simply outdated. The settings have changed, the application has changed, and applying those settings won't only be nearly impossible, but it will harm your learning.

The Insane Power of Anki

When we learn something, we forget half of that information in as quick as 30 minutes. After one day, only we will remember only 1/3rd of the content we initially learned. So how do we remember that information in the long-term ?The answer is Anki. Anki is a flashcard application that changed the way I study and changed my grades, forever.

Anki uses the magic of spaced repetition to perfectly test your brain right before it forgets that information. However, the application is a little tricky, and it needs to be tinkered with to maximize our its ability to help us remember information. In this class, I’ll take you everything I know after using Anki for over 3 years, 3,000 hours and reviewing over 500,000 flashcards. That’s a lot of time, but the time was well spent on this glorious application. By the end of this course, you’ll know how Anki works, how to create the best flaschards for learning, and how to actually use Anki during school.

Chapter 1: What is Anki? What are the best Settings?

In these first sections, I'll take you through the specific algorithm that has changed the world of studying forever. I will also give you the optimal settings to make sure you aren't wasting any time or brain space when you are studying. This is where the hard work comes in, but will pay massive dividends as you continue throughout your educational career.

Chapter 2: Creating Flaschards

In this chapter I'll explain the best standard operating procedures for creating and setting up flaschards. What to do and what not to do.

Chapter 3: How to Use Anki in School

In this chapter we will go over how to actually start implementing this amazing resource in your education. I'll go over my complete studying strategy, using premade decks, and an example day of studying.

Chapter 4: Advanced Features

In this chapter, I will go over how to take your Anki use to the next level. This is the part of the course that I don't think I've seen anyone talk about. The forget function, the forgetting curve, the custom study function, catching up when you are behind, goal retention, statistics, and much more.

Who am I?

My name is Zach. I’m a fourth-year medical student in Philadelphia. I make videos about medical school, studying, and growth. I began using Anki in my first year of medical school and saw a grade jump that I couldn't believe. I started making videos on YouTube ONLY about Anki to show people the power of it. This is my most complete class ever on Anki. I hope you enjoy it.

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Zach Highley

Medical Student + YouTuber


Hi, my name is Zach. I'm a medical student in Philadelphia. I make videos about medical school, studying, and growth.

See full profile

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1. Class Trailer: Flashcards are the most powerful ways to improve our grades quickly. Hi everyone. My name is Zach and I'm a fourth year medical student in Philadelphia. And on the side I make YouTube videos about medicine, studying and growth. I also tutor other medical students here, specifically about flashcards and the power of Anki. I discovered this application halfway through my first year of medical school and my grades went from lobbies to hallways. When we learn something, we forget about half of that information in the first 30 min. Then the next day, we'll have only retained about a third of that information. Now, that's not great, right? Especially when we want to score high on our exams. And how do you score high on your exams? Well, you know the information, you know the material that the exam is testing you on. How do we make sure we don't forget that information, not only 30 min later, but also a day, a week, or even a month later when maybe we're gonna get tests? Well, the answer is Anki. Anki is a flashcard application that changed the way I study. It changed the way I look and retain information, and it changed my grades on key uses the magic of space repetition to perfectly time retesting you on information. So you don't forget that information, so you remember that information in the long term. However, the application is a little bit tricky and it needs to be tinkered with. It needs to be mastered to get the full effect, the full amazing power of it. In this class, I'm going to take you through everything I know about using Anki to the best effect possible. I've been using it for over three years. I've spent 3,000 h on it and I've reviewed over half 1 million flashcards. I think I know how Anki works. This class is meant to be skipped around each title of each section. You can see on the right-hand side and you can go through it and see, okay, I want to learn about what add-ons to use, Okay? I want to learn about the algorithm, okay? I want to learn about how to use certain flashcards during my classes, skip around and learn more. However, this class is set up, it's organized for a beginner. So if you've never used Anki, I'm going to walk you through step-by-step of what you should do, what you should know, what you should learn if you're using Anki for the first time. So e.g. one of the first lessons is installing funky for the first time. Chapter one is all about understanding anki. What is it? Why is this such a powerful application? How does the algorithm work? How do I install it for the first time? What settings should I use for the first time? And more. Chapter two is all about the flashcard. What is the best format of flashcard? What things should I do when I'm making a flashcard? What things should I not do when I'm making a flashcard? Chapter three is all about integrating Anki to your actual studying, to actual school. When should you use it before a lecture, during a lecture, after lecture? When should you study certain flashcards? When should you study the new flashcards? I'll talk you through how the best way to integrate into your life. And finally, Chapter four, this is all about mastering Anki. How can you adjust the settings to get the perfect retention you need? Are there certain tools, certain add-ons you can use to get the most out of this fantastic, fantastic application. So you're ready, I'm ready, I think I'm ready. Let's get into it. Let's learn Anki. 2. 1.1 What is Anki?: So Anki literally means memorization in Japanese. And that's exactly what Anki is. Just figuring out the perfect intervals for when to learn something. So you memorize it. These intervals are an increasing intervals of time. So e.g. you might review that information 15 min later than a day later, than three days later. And these are all purposeful. And the idea behind this is after we learn something for the first time, we usually forget it really, really quickly. Our brain isn't trained to remember information that we don't think is important for the long term. If we don't test ourselves on that information, if we don't practice active recall and space repetition, we won't retain that information in the long term. But how do we know when to exactly retest our information while introducing the first character of our story, Ebbinghaus. Now Ebbinghaus with this guy in 18 80 that had people memorize really random connections of letters. So like XYZ or GY S. And he designed something called the forgetting curve. And what he learned is that when you ask people to memorize these certain random combinations of letters, they forgot about 42% of that information in 20 min and 66% of that information in one day, That's a lot of information you're forgetting. That means if you go to lecture one day, you've forgotten two-thirds of the information one day later. However, that was over 100 years ago, we must have advanced our knowledge of the space repetition idea a little bit further since then, right? Yes, introducing the next character, super memo. Super memo did a couple of studies and they figured out, okay, what is the exact spacing we should do to test people so they retain information in the long term. And they developed a certain algorithm based on actually testing real people's memories on when they should retest people on pieces of information and super memos. Spaced repetition option is very similar to Anki because Anki is based off of super memo. And what's super memo did is it would say, okay, answer this question. Do you think this question was really, really easy? Easy, easy, a little bit hard, super hard or nearly impossible. And then what it would do was used that answer to space out the question in a certain amount. So e.g. if you answered this question was really impossible. I really didn't know what to do. You would see that question sooner, right? But if you said this question is super, super easy, you'll see that question farther in the future. And this was a revolution in learning because it meant you could retain information in the long term for the least effort possible. The most efficient method of studying was invented in super memo slogans sums it up exactly. With super memo. You can forget about forgetting. And sometime around after super memo came into play around super memo to a new application was released called Anki. Anki took this super memo to algorithm and adjusted it a little bit. It also allowed users to adjust the settings a little bit as well. Now, why didn't people start using super memo more? Why did people take up Anki? Well, I think more people started using Anki because it's so adjustable and it's open source, meaning everyone from the Internet can contribute and add and make it better. Also, Anki is free, super memo is not. And finally, AGI is a little bit more straightforward, a little bit easier to understand than super memo, although it's still a little bit complicated, which is why I'm making this class. 3. 1.2 Why use Anki? The Power of Spaced Repetition: Why use Anki at all? Why use the software? Why can't I just buy some flashcards and start studying based on those? The reason is there is significant evidence and power and timing your space repetition perfectly. I'm not gonna go into a lot of studies, but I just want to talk about one study in particular that took 250 students and have them study 60 physiology topics. One set of students reviewed those concepts at fixed intervals. So one days, ten days, 20 days, 30 days and so on. The next group did it add expanding intervals? So one days, six days, and then 16 days later. So that's an interval of one day, five days, and then ten days spend the next group didn't do any recall practice at all. How did these three groups score on testing? Well, the group that didn't do any practice tests and got around to 35%. The group that did fixed interval testing that 57%, and the group that did expanding interval testing got 71% correct students who use the expanding interval got 14% more correct answers, which is a letter grade and a half, and 36% more correct answers. And the people did no intervals at all in one little quote here to show you the power of space repetition. Even people from Yale telling medical students how to study, say this, okay, They say whenever students learn factual knowledge, they should test themselves while learning. Actively recall information and retest the facts at expanding time intervals to make learning in medical school most effective. These learning strategies help students learn the most, in the least amount of time. And that's the sentence I want to hear. Learn the most, in the least amount of time. 4. 1.3 Downloading and Opening Anki for the First Time: Okay, but that's it. Let's take the training wheels off and download Anki for the first time. Okay, so really simply, all I want you to do is Google Anki. You'll see, oh, this thing comes up. What is that? Then? Very simply hit Download. I would download the most recent version for whatever computer you have. I have a Mac and I have Apple silicon, so I'll download this one. And when you first opened on key, these kind of things, you won't have example profile, you'll have user one and I'll just add a user so we can do this together. And this will be called Anki class. Good. And then we'll go into that first thing. Here we go. This is Anki. You've downloaded it and you set it up for the first time. 5. 1.4 Getting to Know Anki: Now it's a little intimidating all this stuff. So we're going to start breaking it down step-by-step, what each piece of information on Anki means. So I've made it a little bit of a show here to show you guys and talk you through everything on Anki. So right now, remember we're in understanding anki phase number one and then we'll go to Chapter two, the flashcard, Anki and school and finally, mastering on key. So the first thing is what is a card? The card is exactly this. It's just the front side of the card and the backside of the card. These are terminology things that I'm gonna be teaching you because they're gonna be important for the rest of this class, you need to understand these terms. So you can really understand Anki and that's all this is. That's the cart. The front side will say hello and the backside will say Ola. So e.g. I'm translating into Spanish. I'll see translate the Spanish. Hello, and I won't see the back. So I'll think of my head. Okay, Ola, and then I'll hit the space bar and I'll see the backyard and say, Okay, I got it right. The next thing is deck. So if you go here, you can see you're all going to start with a default deck here. There's going to be nothing in it. But if you created a card that said what is two plus two. And then the backside you said four. And you hit Add on the bottom here. And you hit close. You see, okay, there's a carbon here. There's a new card in my first ever deck. So now we have a card in our deck. Now I want to go over the notes and the fields. So the notes is the general class of the card, e.g. this card that we just created, you can go to Info by the way, to check at anytime with the card is called and this is a called it, this is just a basic card which is just a front and a back. So when we hit this card, what is two plus two? We don't know. It says four on the bottom. That's the very, very basic card. However, there's these little things under it. In each one of these boxes under it are called fields. And we'll talk about this more later. But you can add more spaces here to add more information under each flashcard, e.g. if you want to reference questions you got wrong, you could create a little box, a new field under that where you put your incorrect questions, which we'll be talking about later. Okay, Now let's talk about the note types. Now. The note types that come with Anki, our basic, basic and reverse card, optional reverse card, basic type and answer and close. The only one I want to talk about with you guys is basic and close. So we just created a basic card, right? Which is when we see two plus two and on the backside we see four. That's a basic card. What if we want to create a closed deletion card, which is a really, really nice kind of card. So we do two plus two equals four. Now this is a basic card, so we're going to change it to close. And again, all you do to change the car type, the note type is you go up to the top left here, are you select Close and hit Choose. And now the important part here is we have this stuff in extra. This isn't the back of the car in anymore because all the questions are going to be based off what we put on the front side of the card. What do I mean? So you see this here. So if e.g. I. Scrolled over the two and I hit that, that creates a new flashcard, that creates a new clothes card. And it's only put into our deck once we hit Add. But I also want to test myself to make sure, okay, I know two plus blank equals four. I can figure that out, it's too. But one of the best ways you can test yourself is using reverse studying as well. So the other thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a card here. It says, Okay, Two plus two equals four. Now I want to know, okay, this card, I want to test myself on what two plus two equals as well. This will create two cards. It'll create blank plus two equals four. And it will also create two plus two equals blank. And this is where the real power of AGI comes in, because that's much better. So if we look at our first card, we created What's two plus two, we see the flip card, That's the basic card, it's four. Now we go into the next card. Blank plus two equals four. Okay. Blank plus two equals 42, I'm pretty sure, plus two equals four. But then we're testing ourselves in another way right here. Two plus two equals blank equals four. And this is one of the best ways we can retain and learn information because we're learning it backwards and forwards as opposed to just forwards. Okay, so if you haven't already create your first flashcard, just see what it does. Go, go to your decks here. Now, if you're following me exactly, you should have three cards here. Go to your decks, click the deck, hit add a card and just play around with it. See what all these little buttons do and everything like that. So I'm just going to walk you through kind of what all these buttons do very simply fields are here. We're going to talk about those later. Don't worry about that. On the top left you have clothes here. This is the type of note type we have. Remember I said just use basic or just use clothes. I don't worry about the others types. This is like your basic text file. So if I say a liquid is defined by volume, but not shape, or a liquid has a defined volume by non shape. If I wanted to make this card a little bit nicer, I can say, okay, this is the important information or liquid has a defined volume and shapes. I bold that information. I can change the color if I wanted it to blue, but I usually just like to keep it as white. You can add bulleted lists, but I wouldn't do that because that makes cars too complicated. You can do attachments, you can do voice memos, which are really helpful as you can record yourself talking. If e.g. you want to use the Feynman Technique to say, okay, a liquid is something that has a defined volume but not a defined shape. Well, what does that mean? Well, e.g. when you measure the amount of liquid in whatever container you have, it will always have the same volume. But if the container changes, so does the shape. Then I would save that in there. I have my sound recording in here. And I could create this into a new flashcard, I could say, okay, I want to test myself on the liquid part. And then I want to also test myself on the volume question here. So I did that. And then I have flashcard, flashcard, bam, bam. This question would go something like, okay, we already did not find volume and shape. Oh, I have my texts. What am I doing here? I explained it. That has a defined volume but not a defined shape. Well, what does that mean? Well, e.g. when you measure the amount of liquid and whatever container you have, it will always have the same volume. But if the container changes, so does the shape. That's really helpful. I explained myself it and this is a great way you can use the voice memo to learn information. Okay? So again, I'm just going to walk you through more of this information on this first screen, we have our decks, we have our new cards, which are cards that are still we haven't even looked at yet. And we have our learning cards, which are on the learning phase. Du is going to be review cards. We're gonna go over all this soon, so don't worry, I just want to walk you through what all the basic things are here. Finally, let's talk about all the things on top here. Dx that's just shows all the decks you have ADD, we did write that adds new cards browse section. This is really complicated for a lot of people that have never seen it before. They've made the browse section a lot, a lot better. So you can see tons of things on the left here. You can see what cards are due today, what cards are added today? All these kind of things, that's fairly straightforward. Flags, if you want to flag a certain card. So e.g. if cards that are really hard, you want to flag red, you just do Command one that'll fight it red. And then command 234567 also change the color of the flag as well, which is helpful later on. But I don't want any flag there, sorry, just hit Command one twice. The other thing here is card status. So you have new cars, Learning Cards, review cards, suspended cards, which are cards that if you hit Command J on, they won't appear to you, so those are suspended from your learning. And then you also have buried cards, which again, we'll talk about later. There's a lot of complication here, and I wanna make sure I'm giving you the information in the order that makes the most sense. So first we're getting oriented. We made our first few cards, and then we're gonna get into the nitty-gritty and note types. Remember we talked about that there's all these different node types, the only ones we really care about our clothes and basic. And really all we care about is closed. 6. 1.5 The Anki Algorithm: Okay, now let's talk about these seemingly scariest thing, the Anki algorithm. This is what defines this application and this is what makes AGI so, so good this algorithm. So at an extreme basic, when you're first learning a card, it's in the learning phase. And the only thing that means is when a card is in the learning phase, it's subject to a certain set of rules. When you learn the card enough, when you hit good on the car at a certain amount of times, your card enters the graduated phase, which all that means again, is it's under a different set of rules. So there's two different sets of rules. One set of rules for learning cards and one set of rules for graduated cards. And what I'm gonna do now is tell you about the set of rules for learning cards and these set of rules for graduated cards. The Anki algorithm works on the Graduated cards. So one's cars are graduated, the Anki applies it's magical algorithm to those cards. All the algorithm is doing is figuring out when to test you on the certain cards. So e.g. cars in the learning phase might test you at closer intervals. So a day, two days, that kind of thing. But graduated cards might test you ten days, 30 days, 70 days. Okay, So we understand at a very basic level, there's learning cards and there's graduated cards. Well, on every single card you see, you're going to see at the bottom here, again, hard, good or easy. And these are important things because these are going to adjust the next time you're going to see the cart. And these options do different things to cards in the different phases. So hitting again hard, good, uneasy. It does something different to cards in the learning phase as opposed to what it is two cards in the graduated phase. So at a very basic level, don't worry about these timestamps above the each of these things here. But when you hit again, that means you didn't know the card when you hit hard. That means, you know, you could figure it out, but it took you a little bit to figure it out when you had good. That's the most basic answer that means okay, I knew what it was. And when you hit easy, it means the card was so super quick and easy. You're annoyed that you just saw it because it was just so easy. So let's talk about cards in the learning phase. When you hit again, the card is going to appear sometime in the future. Whenever when you hit good, the card is going to appear sometime longer in the future because right, you got it right. When you hit good Again, maybe the card is graduated. So really to explain this simply, when cards are in the learning phase, you need to hit good a certain amount of times before those cards are graduated. And this depends on the settings. And I'm going to talk about our settings soon. But depending on whatever settings you're using, maybe if you hit good, only twice, the card will be a graduated card as we can see here. But maybe you'll need to hit it three or four times before it's a graduated card. Again, all this means is a learning card is you're going to see these cards at different sets of times based on your settings. And then when you hit good, that means you knew the card a certain amount of times. The card is graduated. Two cards that are graduated cards, and those cards are under a different set of settings. 7. 1.6 The Anki Learning Phases: Okay, Let's talk about the learning phase. But before we get into that, I wanted you to change a couple of quick settings because this will make it more easy to understand what the learning phase really does. Go to Options. I don't worry about any of this stuff and just go to learning steps here. Now what I want you to do is change this to 15 min, 14, 40 min, and 43, 20 min, then it's giving me an error, go away. And then I'm going to change this to six days, and I'm gonna change my easy interval to eight days. Let's look at what that means to a certain card we did. So remember, I want you to change the learning steps. You 15 min, one day, three days graduating interval to six days, easy interval to eight days. Just go to your options, go to your deck settings and change that just for now so I can teach you the way these cards work. So we have this new card with our new settings. The first time we see a two plus two equals blank. And we don't know what two plus two equals. So we hit again. We're next going to see the card 15 min in the future. Because remember, our learning step is 15 min and we hit again. The first step of the learning step is what happens when you get the question wrong? When you hit again for cars in the learning phase, okay, so we hit again. So we see that card 15 min in the future. We see that card 15 min later and we say, You know what? I know what two plus two equals, I hit good. That means we're going to see that card one day later or 1,440 min later. Because hitting good once it goes us into the next learning step, which is one day later, okay, so we're still on day one now because it sent one day in the future. We're on day two. We see two plus two equals Mike. And we know what it means, so we hit good. That means we go to this next setting here, which says seeing that card three days in the future. So again, we saw at day one we hit good. That's one day later we saw at day two, which is one day after one day later of day one, and then we hit 43, 20. So we should see this card. Can you guess when the next time we're going to see this card is? We see it on day two. We're sending it three days into the future. So what day will we see this new card? Then? Did a great job. We're going to see this card on day five, right? Because that's three days plus two days and that's this setting right here. The next time we see this card on day five. So it's day number five. This question, we see two plus two equals blank and we say, You know what? We know what it is. Now, we've entered into a completely new phase because we've gone through all our learning steps here, right? We've done it at 15 min, we've done it at one day. We've done it at three days. Now. We're on the next part, which is three days after that interval, and we hit good on day five. Now we send our card into the future and we've graduated our card. So we went through all our learning steps. When you go through all your learning steps, the next step is the graduating step, which is just a certain amount of days that you set to see the card in the future. But the card is also shifted at that point from the learning set of cards to the graduated set of cards. This card is now graduated at day five when we hit good for the third time. And we see the card six days in the future. So we'll see it again at day 11. Okay. And I talked you through that one more time because it's kinda complicated. The first time we see that card and we say, good, we'll see that card one day later. That's still in the learning phase. When we see that car that day two, we hit good. We'll see that car to three days later. That's still in the learning phase. We see that card day five, we hit good. That card is now graduated and we see that car to six days in the future because that's what our settings are. Again, one day, three days, six days. This 15 min is just when we hit again. 8. 1.7 The Graduated Phase: Now we're onto graduated cards. Remember, we just saw that card on day five, we hit good, which means because of our settings of the graduating interval, we'll see that card six days later on day 11, and it's also a graduated card. So what happens to a graduated card? Well, graduated cars are under a different set of settings. They are under the amazing Anki algorithm settings which we will go into. I just want to show you what happens first before I explain it because I feel like it makes more sense to see what happens to an actual card before I tell you what each settings mean. So we see this card on day 11 is a graduated card and you know, we know what two plus two equals again. So we hit good. Well, what happens then? We will see that card 15 days later. Well, why is that? I don't want you to think too hard about this, but basically, the interval calculator is 2.5 times what the interval was before. So remember the interval isn't 11 days, the interval is six days, right? That's our learning cards, That's our graduated interval. So six times 2.5 is 15 days. That means we're going to see the card 15 days after day 11. So can you guess what day we will see this next card. 15 plus 11 is day 26, right? Let's say we see that card. We know what it is, we hit good again. Well, what happens to it now? Well remember our integral at this moment is 15 days based on the algorithm of Anki, the new interval is going to be 15 times 2.5. So what does that equal? 38 days. 38 days is the new interval. An interval is the difference between the day we're at right now to the next time we're going to see it. So 38 days plus 26 days, it means we're going to see it on day 64. And now we hit Good Again. We're really good at this card. You can see how it builds up quickly. And this is important because if we know the card, we don't want to see it over and over again. We want to be testing ourselves at this perfect time determined by Anki, okay, So they're learning interval right now is 38 days times 2.5 means it's going to be 95 days later. So we're going to see the next card, 64 plus 95, 95 days number, remember comes from 38 times 2.5. 15 times 2.5 is 38. 38 times 2.5 is 95. And then we'll see their card a day 159. And then we're going to see a crazy interval here, which is 238 days, which is 95 days times 2.5. Okay? Does that make sense? The basic Anki algorithm for a graduated card without changing the settings at all is 2.5 times the current interval. It's not that simple. And this is the whole reason this class is here because it gets a little bit more complicated, but that's the basic idea and that should make sense. You want to be reviewing these cards at expanding intervals because you know what's going on. You don't need to see it the same time every single day. You can see it farther and farther apart. This is what Ebbinghaus discovered on his forgetting curve, and this is what super memo discovered when they tested, experimented on people's memories. So now I'm going to show you how the algorithm actually works. Okay? So we have all these random things here. What do all these mean? This is kinda confusing. Well, imagine you have a card that the current interval is 100 days. That means the next time you see the card is 100 days, right? Now, when you see that card and you hit good, a couple of different things come into play. You have the current interval, which is 100 days, ease factor, which is the magic Ivanka. This is the magic magically determined by these experiments and super memo and ebbinghaus and they discover it, okay, it's about 2.5 or 250%. And then you have the interval modifier, which is a number we can change. Now we can change these factor too. I would never change the initial East factor and never, ever, ever. Because remember this is what's determined by all the experiments and the research and all this kinda stuff. The interval modifier, I'll talk about playing with around with that a little bit later. So we have the current interval which is 100 days times 250 per cent, which is the ease factor, and then times 100%, which is the interval modifier, which means 250 days, 2.5 times one times 100 equals 250 days. And that's the whole Anki algorithm. You did it. Congratulations. Grab a soda and chill out because you're done. No, Not really. There's so much more to do. There's so much more to do, but isn't it fun? I think it's kinda cool to start to really understand the way the algorithm works. And then you can figure out, okay, this is why it's testing me in these certain ways. And when you start to figure it out, you can start to play with it. And that's exactly what we're gonna do in a little bit of time. First, we still need to learn what happens when you hit all these different buttons. Because there's not just good, right? Because again, there's hard and there's easy. What happens when you hit those buttons? 9. 1.8 The Ease Factor: So let's talk about the ease factor. Remember I said that this, this number that was determined by a bunch of, bunch of research and they said, Okay, 2.5 seems to be pretty perfect. But the way Anki is so, so good is that it starts to play with this ease factor depending on the difficulty of each specific question you do. So e.g. if you hit again on a question, which means you got that question wrong, these are only cards in the graduated phase. Remember, I'll talk about the learning phase later, but these are only applied to cards that are in the graduated phase and that's purposeful. Okay? But remember for now that this ease factor modification only happens to cards in the graduated phase because this is where the magic of Anki comes into play. Okay. So you didn't know a certain one of these cars and you hit again, what happens to her? 250% 0s factor number? Well, according to the algorithm, we lose 20%. So now instead of our ys factor being 2,250% or 2.5 times our current interval, it's gonna be 230% or 2.2 times our current interval, okay? If we hit hard, we lose 15% of that ease factor. And the East factor is just kinda figuring out where does our card lie, how hard is it to us? Because the harder cards to us, we want to see more frequently, Lower East factor and the easier car is we want to see less frequently. So a higher east factor when we hit good, there's no change because that's kinda where like, Okay, it's not a perfect kinda level. When we hit easy, there is an additional 0s vector. So if we hit easy on a card, it means, okay, we're seeing this car too frequently. We really know we can up the East factor, so make it easy. The new ease factor is 265% as opposed to 250 per cent. Okay, I'm gonna show you how each of these ys factor comes into play when we're doing an actual card. 10. 1.9 What Happens When You Hit "Again?": The first thing we're going to talk about is what happens when you hit a again or you lapse on a certain card. That means you didn't get it correct. And this is what applies to graduated cards. Cards you've already gone past the learning phase on. But why are there, why is there a learning phase and why is there a graduated phase? Well, the idea is we don't want to start playing with our East factor when the cards are still in the learning or New Mode, there is much more randomness in this new learning cars because we've just learned this information. It might not actually be harder information to us. It's just kinda new and floating around information. So we don't want to play around with the E's interval because remember that's going to affect how often we see that card. When we're first learning about that card, we only want to play with the E's interval when we graduated it, when we've taken it from a very new and kind of immature car to a more mature card. Okay, So that's the reason why a lot of these settings only apply to graduated cards, because that's where the magic of ***** comes in. It's not on these kind of new topics that we're just learning and stuff like that. And that's why I have my settings. The way I have my settings, which I will again go over in due time. But first you need to understand the way what happens when you hit again, hard, good and easy. So let's talk about what happens when you hit again. So the first thing I want you to do is just change your lab settings just a little bit. You're re-learning steps should be 20 min one day. And I want you to go down here all the way to the very bottom where it says new interval. And I want you to change it 0-0, 0.1, Okay? And then hit Save. So when we hit again on that first card because of our re-learning steps which we set up right here. We're going to see that card 20 min later and one day later. And I did this again for a reason. I want to make sure I know it now and then I know what the next day and then I can play around with it. So day 100, I'll see you that car 20 min later because I hit again because I didn't know it, but now I hit good. I didn't know it. So I'm going to see it one day later because again, the settings I have here are one day later. Now again, I don't want to tell you about why I have these settings a certain way I do. I'm going to talk about that later. I just want you to know what happens when you play with these settings in here, what the actual effect is on the cards. So I hit again. So my, remember this is a graduated card so I hit again. So my ease factor is taking a hit. Just keep that in your mind in the background. So my ys factors now not 250, 50%, but as 230%. Now I did it 20 min later I knew what it was. I hit good. I'll see you the next day. The next day, day, hundred and one. I knew it again and I hit good. And now because of my setting down here, which is 0.1, the new interval is gonna be 10% of what the current interval was. My current interval was 100 days. So the laps modifier setting or the new interval setting is 0.1 times my current interval, 100 times 10%, which means I'm going to see that next card on day 111 for ten days later. Okay. So now let's take this a little bit further. If you're getting confused, Take a break, rewind a little bit, go back to a previous section because we're also going to talk about the ease factor here. And again, the best way to do this is just with an example, okay, so very beginning really quickly. So you know what's going on. The current interval is 100 days. You hit again, the card goes into lapse mode or re-learning mode. You're going to see that car 20 min later. You see that car 20 min later on day 100, you hit good because of your settings over there, you're gonna get a day later. They 101, you know what it is again. So you hit good. And now because of our settings which says okay, 10% times our current interval, when we got a question wrong, we're going to see that card ten days later, which is 100 times 10%. So we're going to see that card on day 111. What happens when we see this card on day 111? And we hit Good. Remember, ease factor modification went into play because we hit again. So our East factors no longer 250%. It's 230%, right? We have our card here. We have its day 111. But now instead of the East factor being 250%, the next time we see it on day 111, or East factor is 230%. This is the magic of Anki. This is why Anki is so powerful. This is why Anki is the goat. Because of this, we got that question wrong. What does that mean? Well, maybe that means we don't know that card as well or that information for some reason is a little harder for us. So there should be some kind of adjustment. Now if you were just looking at your own flashcards on a physical sheet, you might say, Okay, you know what? I need to review this cart a little bit more frequently so I'll put it in another pile. But how do you know when to review it? There's no thing that's telling you, okay. You need to review this card at a certain time. Well, with Anki, they did research. They know the perfect time to see that cart and they did it to do -20%. So our new interval is 230%. So instead of seeing it 25 days later, which would be if the ys interval was 250%. We're going to see at 23 days later because our new intervals that we're going to see it two days earlier than we would because we got the question wrong. And this is key to understanding Aughie because this is the power of how it works and it's so cool. I think when you get to know how it works, you're like, okay, these things make sense when I hit again, I know what's happening when I hit hard. I know it's happening when I hit good. I know it's happening and knowing these things will help you use Anki to the best potential possible, okay? 11. 1.10 What Happens When You Hit "Hard?": Take a breath. You know what again does. It's a little bit complicated because there's all these different settings. But now let's talk about what happens when you hit hard. Okay? So when you hit again, remember we're lapsing. When you hit hard on a next interval, we're going to see that card in a different kind of time. So remember when we hit again, the card goes into lapse mode. So we see their card 20 min later, a day later, and then 10% or whatever are modifier is, times the current interval later when we hit hard, it's just a straightforward flat application of 1.2 times the distance. So e.g. if the current interval is 100 days and we see hit hard, then we'll see that card 1.2 days later times whatever our interval modifier is. And remember we have it as a set of one. So it's gonna be one times 1.2 times 100, which is 120 days later. So really, you should only be hitting hard if the question was a little bit more difficult to understand, not if you're getting it wrong, because if you're getting it wrong and you're hitting hard, you're using Anki completely wrong because you don't know what it is. It's a lapse. And you see that car to 120 days later when you got it wrong. That's dumb. So I'll save that for now. Let's talk about what happens when you hit hard, okay, remember current interval times 1.2 times interval modifier. Very simple. Ease factor doesn't even come into play here because it's just a straightforward flat factor of 1.2. But when you do hit hard, the East factor is changed. Remember what we talked about before? When you hit hard on a card previously, the East factor goes down 15%. So now instead of the card being 250%, the ease factor is 235% and that'll come into play the next time you see the cart hit 100, 101 point to the RACI the car 120 days later. If that's easy, hard, it's kinda easy to understand. It's just 1.2 times this. So now what happens when we hit good on the card? Well, it's got this new ease factor modification. So if the card is say, 100 day interval, we hit hard on it some time previously. Now instead of this being 250%, we're going to see it at 235% because we hit hard, which affects the ease factor. Remember if you hit again, the East factor is subtracted by 20%. If you hit hard, it's subtracted by 15%. So now, instead of seeing it 250 days later, we're going to see it 235 days later. I hope it's making sense. Again, click around, pause, rewind to whatever you need to do, because I know this is confusing to me when I first learned it. Okay. 12. 1.11 What Happens When You Hit "Good?": Now let's talk about good. Okay? So what happens when you hit Good? Well, when you hit good, You have the current interval times ys factor times the interval modifier. Okay? We know that, that makes sense to us. Remember these settings are only applying to graduate ID cards. And I wanted to talk about that because that's the power of *****. That's the way the algorithm works, the little settings with the learnings that learning cards you don't really need to worry about, but I'll tell you about them anyway, okay? But okay, we're still on the good cards, which is current interval times ys factor times the interval modifier. So when we hit good on a car, and remember we went over this earlier, right? So you should kind of know what's happening here. You could test yourself. What does the East factor on a card that hasn't been changed at all? 250%, right? So we hit good on a regular car and 100 times the experimentally proven Ebbinghaus prevent all these fancy people proven number which is 250%. So we're going to see that car 250 days later, okay? 13. 1.12 What Happens When You Hit "Easy?": So we know what happens when you hit again on a graduated card. We know what happens when you hit hard on a graduated card. We know what happens when you hit good on a graduated card. What happens when you hit easy on a graduated card? Superman, again has elapsed hard. We know easy. Well, there's this new thing that comes into play. Remember this is the same as a good card, right? Current interval, ease factor interval modifier, that's the same as a good card. What does this easy bonus? There's an easy bonus. Well, all the easy bonus is, is it just makes you see the card farther in the future than normal. Remember when you hit hard, you'll see that card sooner. When you had easy, you'll see that card farther in the future. And this makes sense because if we're hitting easy, you should rarely be hitting easy, but when you do it should be because this card is super-duper easy. I don't need to see this car this frequently. I need to see it less frequently because again, when you hit easier, also adjusting the East factor. Okay, so let's talk about what happens with the easy bonus. Now the easy bonus setting is a setting right here. I actually like to change this to 1.4 because I like my easy bonus to be a little bit greater. But you know, you can have it as the base setting as 130% and that's fine too. You have it at 130%. So it's basically a good card when you hit Easy, right? Ten times to 50% times 100. That's a good card. But now we're adding a little bit extra time running 130%. So if you have the card, which is a current interval of ten days, we'd normally hit it, and if it's a good card, it'd be 25 days. So our interval would be 25 days. But because of our easy bonus, we're multiplying 25 times 1.3. So we're going to see that card 1.3 times 25 or 33 days later. But now Remember, our ys factor is also changed because when we hit again, the East factor is reduced by 20%. When we hit hard, the East factor is reduced by 15%. When we hit good, the good, the ease factor isn't changed and when we hit easy, ease factor is increased by 15%. So we're going to see that card less frequently. We're gonna see it farther in the future. So if we take a car that has 100 day interval, we hit easy. We're at our regular hundred days, which is our current interval to 165% because we hit Easy before. Remember 100% because that's the interval modifier we have and then 130% because that's our ys bonus. We're gonna see that card that initially is 100 days a year later. So when you hit easy, it really throws that card into the future. Okay, Take a breath. Do you know what happens when you hit again? You know what happens when you hit hard, you know what happens when you hit good, you know what happens when you hit easy. This is a great time to take a little bit of a break. Next thing we're going to talk about is learning cards. What happens when you hit again? What happens when you hit hard? What happens when you hit good? What happens when you hit easy on learning cards? Because that's the first phase of times you're going to see the cars, right? When you first look at the cards, they're going to be in the learning phase. And then after you hit good, a certain amount of times are easy ones. We'll talk about that later. The card goes into the graduated face. Okay, so get ready to take a break. The next step is learning cards. 15. 1.13 How do Learning Cards Work?: Okay, So that's the hardest thing to understand, how the interval is affected, how the algorithm works on graduated cards. Now we're going to talk about something much easier, which is the way the learning cards work. So remember, our learning card settings are set up based off those settings which I showed you in the very beginning. 15 min, one day, three days graduating interval, six days, easy integrals, eight days. We didn't talk about the easy integral yet. When you first see the card for the very first time, It's a new card and you hit again, what happens? Well, it goes back to the beginning of our learning steps, which is 15 min. Remember, the card is in graduated, so we're not having those 0s factor modifications and all those kind of things. And that is purposeful. The card is still in the learning phase. So the only thing that happens in that card is you'll see that card in 15 min. Okay? So when you hit again on the new card, you'll see at 15 min later when you hit hard on that card, There's no change to it other, in the learning phase, other than you'll see it 1.2 times the distance that you just saw it. When you hit good, it goes to the next learning step. So when you hit good for the first time after seeing the card, it'll go to one days. It'll go to 15 min later if you hit again. So this is when you hit again. This is when you hit good for the first time. You hit good for the first time. Remember, we're going back to what we talked about. What happens if you see the card a day later. So you saw the card on day one, you hit good. Right? So you saw it on day two, but then you hit again? Well, you just see at 15 min later and then in one day and you can go back and forth in this forever and ever and ever and ever and the card, it will have no change to ease factor because it's in the learning phase. Eventually, you know, you hit three days. So it's days or a day number one, you said Okay. I got it. I'll see you on day number two. Okay. I got it again on day number two. So that means I'll see you on day number five. If you hit good again, remember the card is graduated, so you'll send it six days into the future. So you'll see it on day 11, and the card is now in graduated mode. Okay? So it goes, all that happens on learning cards is when you hit again, it goes back to the beginning of your learning steps, which are just these three numbers right here. When you hit good, it goes to the next learning step. And when you get to the final learning step, it'll go to that one and the card is then graduated. Okay? But what happens if you see one of these new cards and you hit Easy, easy on a learning card. Just plops, the card right into the graduated phase. When you hit easy on a card that you already know, it's sent straight into the graduated card pile and you also get the easy bonus. Okay? So when you hit easy on a new card, it's just sent eight days into the future and it's a graduated card. The interval is now eight days as opposed to six days because this isn't an easy, Easy card, right? You want to get rid of it. You want to send it as far into the future as possible. Okay. So e.g. you see the new card you can again, you didn't know it. You see it 15 min later, but you had good. Okay. Now you see at 14:40 minutes later, now you see it on day two and you're like, wait a second, this card is way too easy. I shouldn't have you need to know this. I don't I don't need to send myself or study this that much. You hit Easy. Card is instantly graduated and you'll see it eight days later on day ten. Remember, if you hit good here on day two because of our interval here, it would be sent three days in the future. You'd need to hit a good again one more time before the card was graduated. But if you hit easy at anytime in the learning process, the card is immediately graduated and the interval is set to eight days because that's what our easy interval is set to you right here, okay? And you'll see that card on day ten. So what happens if you see the card and you hit Easy right away? Well, it's an eight days in the future, right? You'll see that day nine and it's a graduated card. So now we know what happens whenever we hit certain cards. Now we're going to talk about something really, really important and that's called ease ****. And that's the reason why they're learning phase cards and graduated cards because we want to avoid these. Okay. 16. 1.14 Avoid "Ease Hell": Okay, Let's talk briefly about what ease **** is. This is the reason we have cars that are on the learning phase, in cars that are in the graduated phase. The reason is we don't want to start adjusting our ys factor. And still cards are in the graduated phase because if we start adjusting our ys factor before cards are in the graduated phase, we're going to be playing around with it too much. The new cards, it's gonna go up, it's gonna go down. And it's not gonna be true to actually how hard that specific card is. I just wanted to go over a couple of examples for you. And then after this, I'm going to go into my exact settings and y I have my settings the way I do to avoid ease health and all 0s **** is, is that you're just seeing the card super, super, super frequently because your ease factor is super low. Okay. This is Mike. What happened if you graduate the card super early? If you graduate the card super early, you might be hitting again and again and again and again over and over and over again because the current is still new to you. But remember every time you hit again, you lose 20% of your ys factor, which can go all the way down to 130%, which makes you see the card much more frequently than if the East factor was at its original 250%. Let me show you exactly what you mean. Okay, So remember on our normal card, say the intervals ten days, we hit good, it's 25 days and then 63 days and then 158 days. Okay. But if we started learning the card right away and we start to hit again and again and again because we're just learning the card, the East factor was instead of 130%. So we'd see that card ten days, then 13 days later, then 17 days later than 22 days later, even after we hit good the same amount of times. So we're going to see the card about six times and the amount of times we would see the card once, if the East factor was 250%, this gets really, really big, really, really fast, and you start to see the cards way too frequently. So we don't want to be an ease ****, because we'll be doing way too many reviews, too many reviews that are not manageable, which makes us not finished our review all our views every day, which is breaking the golden rule of Anki to finish all your reviews every single day. Okay, So we want to avoid ease hail, and how do we do that? Well, we have longer learning steps before we graduate our cards. We're really trying to save our ys factor from being adjusted until we're pretty sure we understand what's going on with the card. 17. 1.15 Anki Settings Explanation: Okay, We're onto one of the most important sections and that's getting your settings perfectly right. How do we adjust our settings perfectly for what we want to learn more first, we have to understand what all the settings mean. But now you know really the main crux, the main important thing about Anki, how the algorithm works and how different things we push effect the algorithm. There are certain changes that I make depending on what kind of thing I'm studying. E.g. my settings might be different for a year-long plus course versus a quiz I want to prepare for one week later, okay? But right now I'm just going to go into the individual settings that I think are important across the board. And this is where my individual preferences come in. Before when I was talking about all these things. These things are true across the board. But now I'm going to tell you my settings and the reasoning behind certain settings I have. The basis is I want to make sure that I'm not messing with the funky algorithm as much as possible. The Yankee algorithm was developed by really, really smart people and lots of experiments and I want to keep it as close to the original as I can. So let's start all the way on the top right here and just go to preferences. Okay? I like to have it as dark because this helps me when I want to change my custom background, which we'll go into later. But I like to have it as dark. Show Play button on cards with audio. I like that. Pays clipboard images as PNG. I like that. Piece without Shift keys from ignore all this. Now, scheduling, show next review time above answer mountains. We want that because that shows us if anything funky is going on. We'll say if we hit good, it appears this much days later. If we hit easy, it appears this many days later if we'd hit hard, it appears this many days later. Okay. So we want that. Okay. So we're still in scheduling. The other thing I'd like to do is show remaining card count during a view. I like to disable this. And the reason I like to disable this is what this will do is it'll show you the amount of car do you have left to study when you're studying? So e.g. you can see this bottom number four here. That's what that thing does. I don't like that because that makes me every time I hit a card, I was like, okay, I got this many cards. Let's do okay, I got this many cards I have to do. I kinda like to just live in the moment of Anki and just focus on what I'm standing right now. So I disabled that legacy time zone handling, I don't do. And V3 scheduler I have enabled. This is really important because this is what's going to allow us to randomize cards. And a couple of other little things which I'll go into later. But most importantly, one of the things is the fudge factor. When you study a bunch of cards on one day, like a bunch of new cars on one day. Without the fudge factor, they would all appear at one time or certain time later. I'd like to have these cards spread out a little bit more. And that's exactly what the fudge factor does, which is part of the V3 scheduler, Okay? This setting is just next day, starts at night means the next day is going to start at 04:00 A.M. so e.g. when the card say review the next day, the next day is 04:00 A.M. of past midnight. Okay. The learn ahead limit, I like to set this to 0 min. The default is 20 min. Again, the reason is I don't want to mess with the Anki, Anki algorithm at all. I want to keep it as close to normal as possible. And what this does is if the card your mental learn was meant was set 20 min in the future, but you have this setting, you could learn it right now. So you're messing with the algorithm a little bit, right? Because the algorithm is saying, okay, we're going to learn this, this card, maybe 15, 20 min later, or the learning steps which you said are saying 15, 20 min later. But we're changing that based on the setting. I don't wanna do any of those changes. I want to keep them exactly as they are, so I'll keep them like this. Okay. Network. Don't worry about any of this, don't do that. Annexing force directions and backups. You can keep these as they are. They'll all backup on the Cloud. Make sure you're logged into an Anki profile that you know the information on and all this kinda stuff. Because Anki will backup stuff and this is really important, especially when you make changes. Okay, now let's talk a little bit the deck settings. This is the most important thing and we kinda started to go over this before. Okay? I want to show you go through every single thing with you though, so you know what's going on. Anki recently changed the way this looks before it looked a little bit different. It's always going to change, but usually the settings are gonna be pretty much exactly the same, okay, so new cards per day. Now this depends on you. When I'm first starting out learning or learning new topics, I like to cap it around 100. I did a couple of tests and a couple of studies that showed kind of when you do about 100 a day, the amount of reviews is manageable. If you've got a lot of time, honestly preferable is anywhere 25-50 and then you can space it out and really get into understanding these cards a little bit better. But I think 100, 125 should be where new max out your maximum reviews a day. These little things are good because they show you what it is to the maximum reviews today should be 9999. The whole point of Monkees making sure we do all of our reviews every single day on. He has figured out the perfect time to test us. We want to listen to that. We want to make sure we're retaining this information in the long term. We want to do all our views every single day. Also, the way the new v3 scheduler works is we want to have this number high, because if the number is not high enough, we won't actually get to all our new cards a day. It kinda works that the new cards play into the amount of reviews we're gonna do every single day, learning steps, okay? This is where things get a little bit tricky. Okay? My favorite settings for medical school that I'm in right now, or 15 min, one day and three days. The reason I have these settings. Is because in medical school, we have to learn kind of things during the week for a quiz on Friday. Usually. I like to see that stuff the next day and three days later then I'm learning on a Monday. Because if I learned it on a Monday, I want to see it one more time before the test on Friday. I might play around with these settings depending if I have to learn longer-term information. But for me in medical school, these are the best settings I had. Okay. So 15 min, one days, three days, there are a couple of other different settings which I'll talk to you about later. But this, you can start to play around with it a little bit, but I think this is a pretty good setting, graduating interval six days. So that means I'll do six day interval after that and even or interval is eight days. We went over all the examples which shows you what happens to that too. That's how I taught you the way this Anki algorithm works. This is why this algorithm works the way it does. Because of this, if you change these learning days, these learning steps differently here, this would be different, okay? But these are the settings that I think are best insertion order. We're gonna make this sequential just because I'll show you later, but we can play around with it in a later section of scheduling to make it more random. So we're trying to focus on understanding as opposed to memorization. But with V3 scheduler, we want to keep it that way for now, learning steps. I went over, I keep that at 20 min one day, minimum interval that one day, that means if e.g. I. Hit again on a card, that interval was five days, which should never happen based on my learning accepts, but e.g. that was instead of it being half a day interval, it would be one day. That's the minimum interval. Leech Threshold is eight. That means when I hit again eight times is tagged as a leech. And then when it's Elise, I tag it only because I want to identify these cards later as leeches and see what I can do with them. There is also something that I'll show you again later, which might be a reason why we don't want to fully suspend this card. Okay, Here are some newer important settings for this new version of Anki. Okay, so new card gather order. This is what I like to do. Random. I like it to be random cards, okay? Because random notes would be closed deletions together. Random cards is closed deletions separately of the same card. We want to really focus on understanding here. We don't want to learn cards because, oh, we just saw previously so we know the right answer. We want to focus on understanding. We wanna do everything we can to do to not fall into the trap of memorization. So that's why this is random cards and a lot of this other stuff is going to be random to this. I'm gonna do card type because don't worry, because all the cards really are going to be the same type that we're working with. New review order. I like to show my new cards after my reviews because I want to go through That's the most important thing, right? Doing all your reviews, keeping on the space repetition timeline. And then once you finish all your reviews for the day, you can start learning your new cards. This is also what I like to do because when I'll go over later, I'd like to go over all my reviews, then learn the new content, right? Because I want to learn and understand the new content and then do the flashcard because I want to push it into my brain for long-term retention. Okay. So I'm showing the new cards after reviews in today learning review order. These are just cards that are still in the learning phase and cards that are pretty close to one another in terms of intervals, steps, we can just mix those in with our views. The idea behind this is okay, maybe we want to finish our reviews for our more mature cards sooner, but we're doing all our views every single day anyway, right? So it really doesn't matter what order we're doing them in. We should be doing them all every single day. So I mix those, review and review sort order. This is just for cards that are we really like lost and haven't really been keeping up with. Then we're going to do those ones first and then do all the rest of the cards in a random order. Don't worry about that, just have that due date and set random. Really the most important thing is having these random cards set kind of mixed in with everything going on this way, all the cards were doing. We're seeing kind of randomly, which is really, really important. Again, remember, for understanding as opposed to memorization, maximum answer timer is 60 s. That means just if you stare at the question for 60 s, it will immediately won't count as an answer. Here's another thing we're gonna do. So bearing, bearing or boring or I don't know how the heck you say this word bearing. This is just for cards that are really close to each other. So new siblings, so new sibling is imagine you create a cloze deletion card. So imagine we have the card here. I'm just going to save this so we can come back to it. You see this card, right? Two plus two equals four. So I just did this card, but then the next card is that, right? I can just remember that I saw the four earlier and memorize that in my head without actually understanding two plus two equals four, we want to avoid that. So what we wanna do is make sure we bury these new cards, which means when the cars are related, when they're closely related. So there's a close deletion on the same card. We won't see that card the same day. We'll see that card the next day again over and over and over again, I'm going to say we want to focus on understanding As opposed to your memorization, okay? And this is another way to save ourselves from that. So this is for new cards, for review cards and intraday siblings as well. I want to hit Save. Don't play audio automatically because that's just annoying. Here's some more advanced stuff that we want to be really, really, really, really careful when we play around with the maximum interval. Now this is something I'll talk about later. But honestly, if you're using Anki correctly, the maximum interval shouldn't really matter. Them interval is perfectly spaced for your retention, for your ability to learn information, even if the card is sent three years in the future. That's okay. Because one year later, two years later, you should know it anyway, because you've been using the algorithm the correct way. If you're scared that you're not going to see the card beforehand, maybe you can lower it, but really, I really urge you to just keep it at a super, super long interval just so you can understand what's going on. And so you understand the interval when I first started using Anki, I think I had it at something like 280 days or something like that. It really doesn't matter. Some people get scared and set it like that. But I would keep it at the max interval. I really would if you're using the intervals correctly and you're using Anki correctly, just keep it at the max interval. Remember, we don't want to play with this at all. This is the thing that was figured out by all these really smart, fancy people. We don't want to change that easy bonus. This is originally 1.3. I changed it to one point for just because I feel like if I hit easy on a card, It's really easy and I want to send it even farther in the future. Integral modifier, we'll talk about this later. But if you change this, remember it's just gets added to the algorithm that we talked about earlier. It just gets modified right here. So if you had 110%, you'd see that car farther in the future. If you made it 90% or 0.9 down here, you'd see it sooner, Okay, keep it at one harden interval, keep it at one point too. That's fine. This, again, doesn't really affect the ease factor or anything like that. It's just the time we're going to see when we hit hard, okay, and this applies to graduated and learning cards. New interval. This is when we get a card wrong and this changes the interval. So remember I went over it earlier, but if we get a card wrong, remember it gets multiplied by 10% and the new interval is 10% or whatever the interval was. So it becomes ten days as opposed to 100 days. And that's it. Custom scheduling, don't touch it. You're not ready and then just hit Save. And then to make the settings go into effect, whenever you do a big change in oncologists exited out and restart it. And you'll see now, wait a second. There's three cards here. I thought there were like four or five cards here. Remember we buried the cards that were close to each other, that we're siblings, so we won't see siblings together anymore. We'll see the sibling the next day. So those are the settings I would start off with and those will serve you well, pretty much in anything you do. Now I'm going to talk about individual settings I would set for individual classes or courses or structures. The first one we're going to talk about, the one I'm most familiar with is what settings I would use is if you're using Anki to study in medical school. 18. 1.16 Optimal Medical School Settings: So the settings for medical school, what are the best settings? Now, I played around with these settings a lot. And really in your pre-clinical years, that means her first about two years of medical school, you're going to be learning a lot of information really quickly, but you'll usually be tested on that information pretty quickly too. I had a quiz every single week, so I wanted to make sure if I learned information on Monday, I would definitely see that information again before Friday. That's why I have my learning steps at 15 min, one days, three days. That means the first time I learned it, I'll see you at a day later and then I would see it on Friday again the day before my exam if I wanted to. But I based these settings off of the gods, the gods of Anki. And who are the gods? Monkey. Well, of course you have on King who said 25 min one day, and then he said three days to be as graduating interval. You have Canada who I use these settings now in my post, in my clinical ears. But in pre-clinical years I didn't do that, which is 15 min, one day, six days. And then 15 days is the graduating interval. This was spacing things out farther because he felt I can space these things out a little bit farther so I understand them before I studied them in applied the effect. This is another good one that uses similar settings to Canada, except it gives you this extra day of studying this extra, because again, it's one day, three days. So this is three days and six days. So this way you're seeing it twice during the week and the learning steps, you're seeing it a little bit extra. This adds to your study time, remember, but you're getting to know the information a little bit better. Now what did I do? Well, I combined all these settings and said, Okay, what do I wanna do? I don't want to add this extra thing of studying, but I also want to get a little bit extra time in the learning phase. So I'll graduate at six days. So the 15 min, one day, three days, and then six days, those I think are the best settings, in my opinion for medical school. And my justification for this is I'm trying to maximize my retention in one to two years. Conan has justification is he's trying to maximize his retention in like five plus years. That's why there's the longer interval here. And I'm kings justification here is he's trying to, he doesn't mind studying a little bit extra. He wants to get really, really high retention because he thinks you should be like 93, 95% retention. So that way you can score the best you possibly can on exams. I think that adds a little bit too much studying, a little too many flashcards. And this is kind of a happy median I fell into, I think An Bu settings are pretty good as well. But I preferred to do this. But after your first two years of medical school in your clinical years when you're starting to go into the hospital and stuff like that, you want to start remembering information in the longer term. Okay, So that's when I would change to Kaunas settings, which are perfect for that, which you would go here and make the intervals longer. Because remember, we're trying to remember this innervate information and longer intervals, okay? And I would still keep all the settings exactly the same. 19. 1.17 Optimal Normal Semester Settings: Okay, so we just talked about the optimal settings for medical. What about if you're in regular college and you wanna know what the best settings are for your normal semester, for your normal ear. So what I would do is I would keep all these settings the same. You can change your new cars to maybe 50 cars, 100 cars a day. But importantly, if you're creating your own cards, you don't want to create more than, I'd say 30 cards a day because it takes so much time and effort to create these cards. And also you're gonna be adding your own cards. So if you go up higher 5,100, 200 cards, you're going to be overwhelmed by the amount of cards you're doing every day. Okay? I still think this is a good amount of time to repeat the information. These settings are fine if you're really scared about not seeing the material before your end of term exam. You could set this, I guess, to maybe 100 days, which should make sure that you see these certain information you're gonna see before your final exam, because that'll make sure, okay? Uh, cards won't get sent more than 100 days in the future because that's the longest on mute that information. Importantly, these are the settings I would use if this information you won't need in the future. Right? Because if you're going to need this information in the future, I would go back to unlimited time because you want to keep retaining this information in the long run. But if you don't need to obtain this information long run, right? You just set it to 100 days. You keep studying these cards, starting these cards, and then you take your final exam, then you just spend all the cards, right? You don't need to study that information anymore. You suspend all the cards. You create a new deck for your new classes and all that kind of stuff. So if you're studying for a semester, really the only changes I would make is only do a certain amount of new car today, maybe 30 to 50, especially if you're creating the new cards. And then also set your max time to about 100 days. And then this is only if that information you don't need to know after that semester. If you need to know that information after the semester, set the max days much longer. 20. 1.18 Optimal Year-Long Settings: So settings for about a year long course. Similarly here we want to just change the maximum interval to maybe 150 days. Again, just so we make sure we see these topics before the end of our semester, before the end of our year long course. But again, all these settings are going to work perfectly for you when you're studying. Just if you're making your own cars, try and stick to like 30 to 50 cards, okay? But these settings will work perfectly for you no matter what you're doing. 21. 1.19 Optimal 1+ Year Settings: Okay, If you're trying to study information and learn information in the long, long term. So maybe a year, two years, three years. We're gonna make a few more changes than we did than any of the other settings. Okay? The first change we're going to make is our learning intervals, okay? Because we're trying to remember this information a bit longer term. We don't need to see these things 234 times a week before we graduated the card. So we're going to have the 15 min, we're going to have the one day. But then instead of seeing it at three days, we're going to see it at six days. And then instead of graduating at six days interval, we're going to graduate it at 15 days interval, okay? And then instead of our easily interpretable being eight days, we're gonna do 20 days. This makes things spaced out a little bit more. And this is important because if we're learning this information in a long term, we want to make sure we can understand it in the long term. If you can remember this information from one day to six days, that means it's pretty well solidified in your head. If you can't, however, you want to send it back to the beginning of your learning interval. Because remember, we don't want to adjust our East factor until we're comfortable with these cards. Okay? So I will just change this to 50 min one they six days, Same thing here, new cards a day. If you have a premade deck, you can do 100. But if you're doing your own cards, I would max around 30 to 50. And then your maximum interval obviously shouldn't be 150 days. It should be a long, long time because you're gonna be studying these cars for a long time, right? 22. 1.20 Optimal Single Exam Settings: Now say you want to prepare for a single exam really near the future. And it's like a week away and there's like thousands of new cards, e.g. a. Really good example of this is studying for anatomy in medical school. So what would I do here? I go to Options and I would say, okay, I'm going to create a clone. I'm going to name this cram. So these are gonna be the cram settings. So the cram settings, you're going to have a lot of cards that you're going to need to learn, except the fact that you're not going to need to remember this information in the long term, you're only going to need to remember it and maybe like a week or two weeks or something like that. So we're gonna be going over tons of cards, right? So we can set this as like 1,000 new cards a day if we need to remember that Maximum things, the learning steps are still pretty good. Remember these learning steps are good because they're going to test you really frequently, no matter what, the other thing, our maximum interval, it doesn't really matter because we're going to spend suspend these cards pretty soon, right? But the only thing I would do, especially if you're gonna be going over tons and tons and tons of cards and you need to learn all this information within a week is I would unclick all of these burying things. Right. Because you don't want to have cards that are related, sent to the future because you might be tested on that right in the future, right? And it's okay to use this shirt short-term memorization for now, because that's exactly the way we're using the stack by the exactly the way we're cramming for this exam. So I would get rid of all this bearing stuff. Keep the random stuff on, keep the 20 min one day. Make your new cars a day like 1,000. Make your views like this. Increase your max interval days, get rid of the bearing, okay, save that as your cramp. And then what I would do is make sure you have a certain deck. So I'd create a deck that says cram. Okay? And then what I would do is I'd go through all my certain cards. Maybe I tagged them as anatomy, maybe they're under a different thing over here. And I'd move those cards into my cram deck, okay, and then I start studying and smashing through all this stuff I need to cram for. The important reason we're doing this is because when we're done studying all this stuff, we don't want them to get mixed up with our normal long-term retention cards, right? So the only thing we'll do is we'll go to Browse, we'll be able to go to decks, will go to cram, and we'll see all the cards in here, right? And then we just hit Command a, Command J and suspend those cards because we're done with them. All we needed to do with them is study them in the short-term to memorize as much information as we possibly could in a short amount of time. Okay, so those are the cram settings, those are the most different settings, but it's really not the way you're meant to use Anki. It's really not the whole point of this video, the whole point of this class. You should be using Anki the other way. But if you want to cram stuff, That's the settings I would use. Okay, But let's change that because I don't want my regular settings to be that. Thank you. 23. 1.21 Anki Addons: Okay, Let's talk about add-ons. Add-ons are amazing. They make AGI so much more fun, easier, and just better to use. Okay, so first let's talk about how you install an add-on. So very simply you go to Tools on the top-left, you go to Add-ons. You can see I have a bunch here, but I'll toggle enable them now so you don't really need them. Kotlin able to toggle enabled and you just click Get Add-ons and you'll see this little box pop up here. And luckily they hit a browse add-ons here. And when you go to browse add-ons, you'll see all these different atoms around here. And you can see there even ranked from ratings modified, all this kind of good stuff. So there's a few add-ons that are pretty great. But again, I'm gonna go through those in a second. The first thing I want to talk about is how to install an add-on. So if you want to install an ad on, everyone loves review heatmap, view, heatmap very simply for any of these add-ons, you scroll down to where you see these numbers in the blue box. You hit Command C. You go back to your Anki, you hit Command V, and then you hit Okay, and the add-on installs. So I would go through all these add-ons that I like, install them, enable them, and then you restart Anki for them to go into effect. So someone's I would install our true retention, which is code 613-68-4242. I'll enable that assuming you've installed it. I would enable advanced browser. And I'm going to talk you through all of these atoms, don't worry, but I just want to install them first and then we can go through each one. So advanced browser here. And that code is 874-21-5009. So you've installed that if you have an boss, it's the best ad on there is it really is the best ad on there as they've sponsored me in the past is full disclosure. They are not sponsoring this video, but I use an loss a long time before they even reached out. Sponsor me, it's amazing. It basically underlines the cards. So you can tell like what's the definitions mean? Only use this add on if you're in medical school. But it's amazing, paramedics school is like the best add-on from it. So I toggle that enabled simulator, That's pretty good. I toggle that enabled. So Anki simulator and look and find that 817-10-8664 button color is good. Again, I'd like that. So that's 249-438-4865, custom background image and gear icon. This lets us customize our background and has made much easier by the ganglion King is a God. So we'll enable that one-to-one 0908941 Image Occlusion Enhanced. Another amazing add-on toggle that enabled 137-477-2155. And the final one we want to enable is true retention. This is going to give us some good statistics, which we'll look at later. She'll go through retention. Scroll down here, 613-68-4242. Okay. So you should have all of these now in here, they're all installed. Hit Exit. Whenever you update your settings are your analysis, you want to restart Anki. Wait a second. What's going on? My Anki looks all different. Why is that? Oh, wait, because all these add-ons are now enabled. You can see I have my cool little background here. I have the heatmap, which is not much right now, right? Because we're using this kinda fake deck that I just created. It says the amount of cards I studied the days are in all kinds of good stuff. So let's go over these new add-ons that I added so you know, the way they work. So the first thing I want to talk about because everyone likes aesthetics, right? Let's talk about customizing our Anki background. So it looks pretty, pretty cool. And luckily the ongoing has made this very simple. You just go to on King, He's even got his own tab. Now, what a guy. You do custom background and gear icon. This will pop up and then all you gotta do is just download a background that you like. And you can put that right there and download a gear icon that you like. And you can put that right there. You can even find it in here by hitting this thing and finding it. And that'll make your background and stuff like that even has a video tutorial on how to set up. He's just, he's just a great guy. And what you can do is you can also adjust the opacity so you can make it appear a lot. I like to bring it down just a little bit. So that way it's a little bit see-through. There we go. Then I like to disable Show interviewer. That way when I'm studying, when I'm doing my cards, I don't have the background is just this thing. You get this nice little toolbar up there, right? But that's it. Again, you can change whatever you like. I like this kind of Starry Night background because a lot of times I'm doing, I'll get to the next atom we're going to talk about is advanced browser. I'm gonna go to my real account so I can show you why advanced browser is so popular, so powerful. So if I go to one of my decks right here, browse, you can see there's a bunch of other little things here that we didn't see before. The most important one is time. So in the browser section at the top here, if you right-click it, you will see these little things that you can enable and disable. You can adjust these however which way you want. But there's this advanced section here, which only pops up when you have advanced browser. And what I like to do is show flag, and I'd like to show time. Time is really the most important thing. So I'll rank it by decent. So as I go higher at the time spent against lesson, as I go lower, the timespan gets more. This is important because you start to be able to identify cards which are taking up way, way too much time. So e.g. this one, which is acetyl-CoA carboxylase, is regulated via positive feedback by insulin and citrate 49.7 min on a single card over a couple of years, That's too much time. 39 min, 33 min, that's too much time. When you see these cards you have a decision to make. You can either say, Okay, I'm going to really, really, really try and learn this information, study it hard, and then I'm going to reset the card so I make sure I remember it in the future and learn it and understand it. Or what you can do is say, You know what, this information is, really isn't that important to me? It's taking up too much of my time. It's taking away study time from things. That I should be focusing on, that I should be studying more otherwise. So I'm just going to flag it and never study it again. Remember, you can flag it, read which I did for this one with command one. Then you can command J to suspend it. Then for review heatmap, I actually don't like the color of that. So there's this little Setting Options bar here. And I want it to be a different color. I like it to be kind of ice. And I wanted to be continuous timeline. Actually, I do that yearly overview. I like that. The yearly overview, fine tuning, ignore date, whatever, whenever ice, I like that because it kinda matches my background. You can adjust the color, you can play with certain things. And you can see for uncertain days, I do loves her view is like, Oh my God, at 08:22 then I mean, look at this. This is just craziness. This this is a great streak here. 869, the lighter it is, the more cars you do. 11761313. This is when I was getting ready for Step one, studying so much, so many flashcards, It's just a nice thing to look at. It's cool when you have these nice like fully, fully good review heatmap. Okay, let's talk about Image Occlusion because this is kind of an important app that we can create. So let's e.g. I'm gonna go to, going to go to Google. And I'm just gonna do spinal cord. I'm just going to look up some images. And I'm going to do just so I don't get good, don't get killed here. The Creative Commons licenses here. So here's a nice picture of the spinal cord when I download this. So let's use Image Occlusion because Image Occlusion is a great way to test yourself on things that you need to see picture wise, okay, so I got to tons of things here, but don't worry, I'm just gonna type in Image Occlusion Enhanced. Okay. So I'm going to pop the image in here. So it's like okay, look at all these cervical nerves, look at all these kind of things. Now I'm going to say define whether each section is cervical, thoracic, lumbar or sacral. Okay, cool. So that's like that. The next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to say, okay, now that we have this image here, I want to actually start doing some Image Occlusion questions. So now you see this little purple thing here. That's because we have Image Occlusion Enhanced. So I have this nice little purple thing here, which is my Image Occlusion and this whole screen will pop up. It's a little confusing, it's little complicated, but really, it's really simple to remember. I wanted to test myself on saying which is the cervical spine, which is the thoracic spine. Thoracic spine, which is the lumbar spine and which is the sacral spine. So all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just put little squares. That'll create one question. This will create another question. This will create another question, and this will create another question. So now I have this nice image which is testing me on all these different ones I like to hide all guess one, that means all of them are hidden and there's gonna be a different card created for each little thing I did. So hide all guess 14 cards were added because there's four different things. Then when I go to test myself, I'll be like, Okay, what's that one? That's the cervical spine and then I'll reveal it. What's that one? That's the thoracic spine. What's that one? Lumbar spine and that one sacral spine. Okay, So this is just a very simple way, a great way to use. You can see there's a bunch of colors and you can even draw with it and all this kind of stuff. But the best way is just to find nice pictures of the internet, occlude certain things you want to study, and then create cards based off that OK, and then make sure you hit Add at the very end and then you're done. Okay, true retention we're going to talk about later. But really it's important, but just for a certain reason that we want to be able to say, okay, these cards that we've been learning, what is our percent right, that we're getting right on the mature cards. You can see over here, the mature cards I'm getting right 90% of the time. The young cards, 90% of the time, in the Learning Cards, 86% of the time. There's some other cool things which don't really matter. I'll just walk you through the stats really quickly. These are the amount of reviews are doing. This is your heat map here. The amount of reviews are doing, we downloaded all are add-ons. Those should make studying a little bit nicer. Now let's talk about a few little knick-knacks when you're doing, when you're studying. 24. 1.22 Anki Keybinds: So I just want to go over a few quick key binds that makes things really nice while you study. So whenever you're studying, right spacebar hits good and goes to the next card. If you hit one, that means again, you've got the card wrong. If you hit two, that's hard. If you hit three, that's good. If you hit four, that's easy. If you hit B, it will enter you straight to the browse section. If you hit E, it'll make you go into a section so you can edit this card if for some reason you don't like the way the card is written or you want to change something like that, which I often do. If for some reason you said Wait a second, I hit space, but I didn't actually know that you just can hit Command Z and undo that just kinda like you would do regularly when you hit Command Z. And those really are the most important key minds I would use. If your index, what you can do also is you can hit F to create a filter deck. And the filter debt can be based on certain things. Whatever you want to study, whatever you want to baba, baba and filter decks are great and we're gonna go over later ways. I would use a filter deck to study. 25. 1.23 Use "Browse" Better: Finally, for using Anki better, this is the last part of Chapter one. We're going to talk about using browser better. So the only real reason that you might want to use browser better is because when you're looking for cards, especially when you have thousands and thousands of cars, you want better ways to look at certain cards. So e.g. if you wanted to know all the cards that were suspended, uterus do is colon suspended. And that'll show you all the certain cards that are suspended. But you can say because they're highlighted in yellow, if you want to see all the cards that aren't suspended, you just use minus is colon suspended. And that shows you all the cards that aren't suspended. So the cards that you can actually study right now, if you do minus in front of anything, it'll just do the opposite on the browser section, if you want to see all the cards that are new cards you can do is new. If you want to see all the cards that are new cards and cards that are not suspended you to is new space minus is colon suspended. So now I see all these different cards, but red cards I labeled as card that I'd never want to study. I think they're bad really written cards where I think their information that I'm not really going to need to know that much. So if I want to do that, numbers one through six are associated to different flag colors. Number one equals red, number two equals orange. Number three equals green number four equals blue number five equals pink, number six equals turquoise, and number seven equals purple. So if I want to go through all my cars, remember that our new not suspended and are not read. I do is new space minus is suspended. Minus flag one, which is means it's a red flag. And now I just have AT ones card selected, which are my new cards that are not suspended, suspended that aren't labeled red. Okay, so this is just a great way to start searching better. If you want to see cards that are due tomorrow, you do prop du equals one, and that just shows you cards that are due tomorrow if you do too, that are cards that are due in two days, three days, four days, five days, and so on. If you do zero, it's the cards that are due today. If you do edit it, three that I'll show you cards that you've edited in the past three days or four days, or five days, or one day, okay, or zero days. A little bit more complicated of a search here you could do rated 3014. So that just means you can search all the cards you've done in the past 31 days that you've labeled as easy. Because remember, easiest for good is three hardest. 2.1 is again, if you wanted to see all the cards you hit again on, you could do that and hit One. And you'll show you all the cards you hit again on or hard on or are good on or easy on. Okay, That's just really nice to be able to play around with browser a little bit to see, okay, how do I use this better? And finally, you want to make sure your decks and your tags are all nicely organized. This will make it much easier to study later on, but that is it. We did it for this chapter one. I'm gonna go and take a break. You should probably go take a break. And when we come back, we're going to talk all about creating your first flashcard, your first amazing flashcard. What makes a good flashcard? What makes it bad flashcard? And what you should do to make the best flashcards ever. 26. 2.1 Types of Flaschards: Okay, welcome to Chapter Two of our Anki masterclass. Now we're going to learn how to make flashcards, right? This is the whole point of Anki is making and using fantastic flashcards. So we're going to start off really, really basic. If you want to just start in your default deck, which we're going to start in. You just hit Add and then we'll add it. When you hit Add inside of whatever deck you're clicked, it will add it to that deck. Of course, you go to the type on the top-left and you hit basic, right. So if we go to our basic card, again, we've already done this. But you know, if you do two plus two equals and then on the four, you would do on the back, right? So that creates a card and when you hit Add, that adds that card to the deck, that'll create a card that says that the cloze deletion, that's the volume very than that. That'll be that That's the basic cars. You'll see two plus two, then align equals four, okay? Now, if we do a basic and reverse card, basically that just makes the front card and the bank card. So do you mean two plus two equals four? And this will create a car that creates two plus two. And it'll show you four, which is kind of a weird way to show. But let's just say two-plus. You want two numbers added together equals to this. Now of course you could do one plus three or two plus two, but this is just for the sake of examples he had ADD, and this will add two cards to your deck, right? Because this will add the forward and the reverse, right? So we know two plus two equals four. And this you're seeing now the reverse card, right? Four, even though we didn't add a card that starts like this, it's showing you the reverse card. And remember, because we were showing bearing siblings, we don't see the front-facing card because that's a new sibling. Right? Okay, So let's add another card. Let's go through all our card types here. This is basic type in the answer. It's kind of a confusing kinda little bit of a question. But e.g. if you say, what is two plus two, right? And then you have four on the back. Now instead of just seeing a front and back card when you see this, it's gonna have you do a fill in the blank as you would think, right? So you're gonna do two plus two and you see there's an antibiotic, so I could say smelly pickles. And that's wrong, right? It'll show me it's wrong. The right answer is that now I don't like to fill in the blank cards either. Now, I'm going to show you my favorite card type, which is the closed deletion. So if you do two plus two, which we went over before, right? We've already been over this equals four. And then I could say, learn math. So now if we wanna do okay, what does two plus two plus blank? This one with the plus will create one card. And then if I do this without the plus, it will be in the same closed deletion. So this would say two plus blank equals blank, which is a little bit tough. So instead, you can do Command Z to go back this, which will create a new flashcard. So this would be two plus blank equals four. And then in the second flashcard it creates which you can see with C2, right? It'll say two plus two equals blank, and it will create two flashcards like that. We've went over this before, right? And this is the best way to do flashcards because this is the simplest and most straightforward way to use them. So you see two plus two equals, I can fill in four. That's correct. Nice. But now I know two plus two equals blank for and then because we're burying unrelated siblings, we won't see the two plus myc equals four, but it would create a two-plus blank equals four card. 27. 2.2 The Best Flashcard Type: So now let's talk about my favorite type of note type. The note type I would definitely always use. And that's just close with a little bit of bonus extra section. So I'm gonna walk you guys through how I would make my perfect car. So to make your perfect credit card, just copy the exact card I use red. Just go to Manage note types. Go to, let's add one that says we're gonna make it a clone of clothes. And we're going to name it close. Zack. All we're gonna do is we're going to go to fields and we have text, we have extra, I'm just going to rename this extra. Of course it's back on the backside, extra. Now we're just going to add a couple of fields to this. These are certain fields that I like to add so I can plug in things to each one of my notes because remember when you add a field, it'll add a little box under the flashcard where you can fill in things. Okay, so I'm going to add in missed questions, which is just a place where you can put questions you got incorrect that are related to that flashcard. I'm going to add lecture notes. This is where you can add specific notes from your lectures, from your PowerPoints from school. I'm going to add one that says textbook. This is where you could add pictures from a textbook or screenshots from a textbook that you use for that class next time, any unhelpful links. And this is usually where I put links to videos or explanation things on YouTube, anything that can help me more understand this topic. And then finally, the bonus thing here is make a connection. Or I'm just going to rename it connection question. And this is what I'll talk about later. And all this does connection question has at the very end is I like to put it here so I can add a question connecting one topic to another topic. Because as I described earlier, if we use Hebbian theory, the idea is if we make connections between topics, maybe we're making nerve connections between these topics and we'll understand things better. And then of course, just hit Save. Now what I would do is every time you create a new card, I would make sure it's the closed type, Zach, and you can see you get all these little bonus extra sections. So you could do a question that says, liquid is defined as something with a defined volume but no defined shape. And what you could say here, extra section, say e.g. think of pouring water in something of a, of two different classes. Once they go. In the other class, the shape of the water in those classes, in the glass envelope will be different. But the amount of water in each wealthy the scene. And then you can put a mess question if you've got a question wrong on a test, lecture notes, textbook connection, helpful links. And then if you had a connection question, it could be something like, what is the difference between a liquid and a solid, a liquid and the gas. And then I would put the answer down here that says a solid has a defined shape and define volume. A liquid or a gas has no defined shape. Node find. Great. And then you would add that card. And here's the great thing. Alright, sorry. We'd need to make this a closed as a, so here's another quick thing which I didn't mention before. If inside of these brackets you want to put an option, so e.g. defined volume or shape, but it's gonna be a blank here. I might not know what I'm talking about. So I might want to tell myself to choose between a volume or shape, right? So if you just do to Colin's like this and then you can type volume slash shape. That way, when this question actually pops up, you'll see volume or shape. So you'll know, Okay, in this close deletion in this place, I'm picking volume or shape. And then here I'd also put volume or shape. That way I'm testing myself. Okay. Is it a defined volume or shape or is it no defined volume or shape? And then I'll know what to put in each one of these things, okay? And then you'll add that card, okay, So we've added all those extra fields to our new note type, right? Our new clothes, Zach note type. So you should have kind of texts, extra missed question, lecture notes, textbook cufflinks and extroversion. If you want all these things, I think those are helpful. And then what you need to do, because it gets a little bit more tricky, because every time you display a car, there's an actual format that the card is displayed on. What you need to do is you need to edit the back templates. So when you hit the spacebar, it displays all these things. I just did some basic CSS coding here, really, really basic. If you know more about CSS, you can probably make this look a lot nicer. But all I did is I just had it say, okay, here's the extra category and then whatever text you type in under the flashcard, Here's the midst question category. Here is whatever text you type in, any questions category. Okay, I'll leave this text somewhere on this class so you can just copy and paste it into your back templates on the cars and then hit Save. And then you'll be all good to go. Okay? Styling as well. You can make it look different, but it's very basic. You can play around with it as you want, just Google CSS coding and you can kinda changes as you want. But this is the way the cartel look, right? You'll define volume and shape. That's cool because, okay, I don't know if it was going to be volume or shape. So now I know I'm just testing myself if the volume is defined or the shape is defined, which one is defined. And then when I hit Spacebar, it displays all those things we've talked about, right? So I put in some texts for the extra section here. So that's popping up with the extra in bold right here. But I didn't put anything for mixed question electronegativity. So there's nothing under them, right? But for my connection question, I did put something, I put that there. And this is just a very basic way I like to customize my cards just to get a little bit bonus, a little bit of extra stuff in there to study. Now, if you want it to look really, really nice, you should just use the on kings built-in premade deck pre-made kind of card class type. So e.g. if we go into my back to my regular account here, you can see that whenever you do a flashcard, Let's do one with more. It will automatically display this kind of nice information here. And then I can click it and say First Aid. Okay, now I can see that stuff or sketchy, okay, now I can see that stuff. Of course, this is not gonna be relevant if you're not in med school. But what you can do is you can download as pre-made class type and then just put in whatever names you want here. But it won't really work for different coatings. So what I would do is if you're in medical school, just use the oncoming pre-made card type and then you can create new cards based on that. If you're not in medical school, I just use my card type and you can use that for lectures, for whatever courses you're in. It'll work for anything. And then you can play around with CSS to make it look nicer if you want. 28. 2.3 Creating Your First Flashcard: So let's walk through creating an example cardia, right? I would go to close Zach type and just play around with this, create your first cloze deletion and just see how it feels. So if e.g. I. Wanted to differentiate, if I wanted to learn about mitosis. Mitosis is when the, what divides. Okay? So you could do cell divides, create a thing there. And then extra section, you might say mitosis has the phases. Forgetting this, but I think it's metaphase, anaphase telophase and so on. Ms. Questions, you could put a mixed fashion there. And then for helpful links, you could just go to just Google mitosis. Khanacademy. Khanacademy is a great place to learn information for free. I'm like, okay, wait, this is helpful. I'm just going to copy and paste that into my little flashcard here. That way I can learn about mitosis a little bit more if I'm lost. And then I might ask myself a little double connection question here and say, what is the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Mitosis is when somatic cells divide. And meiosis is when sex cells divide. I think that they're called gametes are sex cells divide. That's a good little question. I'll hit Add there. Now that's a question that's been added to my deck, right? My deck right here. So if I look at that card, it would say mitosis is when they walked divides what divides the cell, right? And I can say, okay, mitosis as the phase is metaphase, anaphase, you can see these parts aren't filled in because I didn't put anything there and it pumps struggling here. I don't really understand this card I need to understand before I memorize, right? I could click this video and watch it. And then the connection question, what's the difference between meiosis and mitosis? So I think about that a little bit. Okay. No mitosis is regular somatic cells, so not sex cells. And then I check my answer down here in gray. And that's a great way to create and learn flashcards. 29. 2.4 Things to Avoid with Flashcards: So here's an example of what not to do. Okay, so if I wanted to create another card and I said define mitosis. Mitosis is a complicated process where the cell divides into two, separate, into two equal daughter cells depending on the amount of chromosomes inside of. This is an example of exactly what not to do. Because what would I do here, right? I create a cloze deletion card and then I just have to think and define this. It's not a good way to learn because you're honestly going to forget it. You're not going to say it word for word. And then what do you do? Do you hit again? Do you hate good? Usually what ends up happening is you just read it and you hit good without actually testing yourself on any knowledge. So this is what I wouldn't do. There's a couple of other things I definitely would not do. So first of all, what I said, I would not put really, really long explanations when you're trying to create flashcards. You'll just waste your time. You'll waste your mental effort, and it's not a good way to learn if you want to do that, you can use the Feynman Technique to do very occasionally. So not frequently at all, to test yourself on general big themes in general big topics. And I would just create a card that says something like, okay, Feinman mitosis. Then you can write a nice long explanation here, but not copying from the Internet. This needs to be your own explanation and only use this sparingly because we want to test ourselves general understanding and not specific topics for the Feynman technique. Imagine you're explaining it to a 12-year-old. Another mistake I often see is, okay, what is mitosis? A, when she gets y, be one, sex cells divide. See, when somatic cells divide. Or D, when your brain grows. And then someone will say, okay, the answer is C. And then you do a close deletion like that and you do that. The problem with this is that you might memorize the answer, but more often than not, you might just memorize that, okay, C is the correct answer for this flashcard. Again, we want to avoid memorization. We want to focus on understanding this is what we're going to see on our test. So maybe you could copy and paste one of those questions here into the mix corrections section is to remind you, but this is not the way we want to use Anki. We want to use Anki to understand and memorize certain topics. And when you do this, you're going to focus more on the memorization aspect instead of understanding. And that's the classic trap that most people fall into when they're using Anki. We need to use Anki as a memorization tool and assistance to our understanding which we should already have before we use Anki flashcards. Here's another mistake I see people, people making with creating way too many cloze deletions for their flashcards. So this is actually in the pre-made, pre-built deck here. And I just think this is too much. So this is going to create eight flashcards for memorizing this pneumonic. Some angry ladies fight off PMS for the branches of the external carotid artery. Don't worry about this fancy mumbo jumbo, especially if you're not in medical school. Just look at the format of this card, okay, so what's going to happen? Remember, new cards are going to bear it, be buried until the next day because they're related, they're siblings related. And this is because we're choosing understanding over memorization. So what happens is you're going to see all these cards over eight days. And then if you are viewing the same card or it's intraday learning, it might be 9101112 days when you see this. So what happens is you don't actually use them a pneumonic to memorize, to figure out what's going on here. You just start to try and remember it as the day goes on and it just doesn't work. The better thing to do here, it would just be to make this one single card. So instead of C4, it's through eight, you're going to make this C1, C1, C1, C1, C1. And the reason is because we want to use this mnemonic as the way it's meant to be used in one go and memorizing all the branches and saying them out loud. Now this is gonna be much harder to do in the very beginning, but it's going to pay off a lot in the future because you're just not gonna be able to memorize all these things when you go into the future. And also you're not gonna be fully testing yourself when you go into the future if it's already giving you seven out of eight of the answers, right? You just want to use the mnemonic the way it's meant to be used. So you just want to use it in that way. Okay, that's the thing I would do. So pretty monarchs with lots of different closed lesions just do one closed or deletion to understand them. 30. 2.5 Tips for Making Great Flashcards: Okay, now let's talk about making good flashcards. And I think we made a pretty good flashcard before. I'm just going to go into back to my other profile here. And I think the key to making good flashcards is making them simple and making sure they make sense to you. So e.g. I think this flashcards really good that we made here. Mitosis is when the blank divides, when the cell divides. And that's one piece of information leakage we can think about in our head. Okay. It makes sense to understand that, it makes sense to test myself on that. And then on the links down below, we're adding really helpful links and all these connections. This is how you make good flashcards. And over time you'll get better at this. You maybe you'll put a little bit of a screenshot in here, which puts a nice image of what mitosis is. Maybe I'll put a question that you got wrong here. Maybe I'll put a PowerPoint slide and so on and so forth. So you get a better, fully rounded understanding of what you're trying to understand as opposed to memorize. Okay. Because I want to go back to my most important tip for getting the most out of Anki. And that's you need to understand and not memorize. Again, understand and not memorize. My next tip would be making connections. So this connection question at the bottom here is really key. If you can even start to link to and connect to other flashcards that you're making. Or maybe other questions, or even you create test questions that you think the teacher is going to ask, you're gonna start crushing your exams. Trust me, the next thing is, creating these flashcards isn't the easiest thing necessarily to do, right? You wanna make sure when you're creating these flashcards, when you're spending all this time to create these flashcards, you're spending that time on things that are worthwhile. So e.g. I'll talk about this later when I go into how to use Anki dry my classes when I'm making flashcards during my lectures. Maybe only make like three to five flashcards per lecture. But that's because I'm trying to understand the general big themes of what's going on and all these nitty-gritty things really aren't as important unless your teacher is like, Okay, let's, you need to memorize XYZ be ZZZ, and then I'd make 20 to 30 flashcards that says, okay, I need to memorize all these annoying things. But Anki is just a tool. It shouldn't be the entirety of your studying. You should be understanding things based on their textbooks, your lectures, and kinda third-party videos, then you should be creating some flashcards to help you memorize bits and bobs of this information. And then you should be doing practice questions to really solidify and hone your understanding. Anki is just a tool. It shouldn't be all of your studying if you include too many things here, especially things that are too easy, It's just a waste of time. And remember, we're trying to become the most efficient study are as possible. Finally, when making flashcards use mnemonic devices, you can Google mnemonic devices. But a really good example one is something like Roy G Biv, which are the wavelengths of visible light. And they say, Okay, the wavelength of visible light are changing based on they're going through this and Roy G Biv is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, right? And I'll never forget that because I remember Roy G Biv and that way I can know the order of wavelengths of physical or visible light. So use some mnemonics and plug those into Anki, okay, hopefully a nice shorter section there, but that just tells you everything you need to know about creating the perfect flashcard, what not to do with your flashcards, and how to start actually getting the most out of *****. The next chapter of the course is a very important chapter. And this is where we're going to talk about actually using Anki in real life, right? How do we use Anki in our lectures? How do we start creating flashcards? How do we make sure we're not creating too many flashcards or too little flashcards. How do we make sure we're understanding as opposed to memorizing? Let's get started. 31. 3.1 When to Use Anki at School: Okay, so onto Chapter three, actually using Anki in school. So how do you go about using Anki for your classes? Well, it really depends on what classes you're taking. As a quick side note, for this class, there is only one thing I think that's more powerful than flashcards and that's practice questions. And the reason I'm saying this now is because certain classes are better suited for Anki than not. And you have to figure this out for yourself, e.g. in math class, you shouldn't be memorizing answers, two equations and all these kind of things. You should be doing lots of different practice problems to figure things out. However, if you need to memorize formulas or certain equations for the test, that would be a perfect use for AGI, put the formula in their memorize it, and then use it on some practice questions. Now, could you use Anki to memorize different languages and learn different languages? Yeah, 100%, That's a great way to use it. How about biology class? Well, yeah, that's another great use for Anki. You're going to need to learn it and memorize tons of information in biology, chemistry, yes, but not as strong as biology, right? Because chemistry involves a lot of doing practice problems and equations and all these kind of things. So you should probably use Anki less in your chemistry class and do more practice questions. Do more practice problems for your English class. Really, I can't think of many uses at all for AGI, because for English class you need to do lots of writing and reading and all these kind of things. It's not so much about memorizing. Remember, we are using Anki to help us remember pieces of information that we already understand. Anki isn't a learning tool, but a memorization tool, a tool that helps us keep this understanding inside of our brains. And in regards to the end, never-ending debate of whether you should use your own cards or create a premade deck? Well, again, it depends on your course. In most normal undergraduate colleges in America, there's no real super standardized course structure for what you're going to learn in college for a biology class or chemistry class. Most of your grade, if not all of your grade comes from your performance on the tests. So what should your cards be about? Well, they should be about the stuff that's gonna be on the test and what's gonna be on the test? Well, the tests are normally written by the professors at a certain college, right? The tests are usually based off what they teach you in lecture. So you should be creating flashcards based of what you learned in lecture. However, for a more standardized curriculums, like law school, medical school studying for things like the M cat, the LSAT, or the step one exam and medical school, these are standardized curriculums with a very standardized test. So there are premade decks that are amazing, that are formatted just for those tests, just for those exams. So in those situations, it's best to use a premade deck because these are edited and combined with the help of tons and tons of different people, and they usually provide great formats of information. Now, in medical school, e.g. I. Just use premade decks, but I would make maybe one or two or three of my own cards every single lecture, just so I get a basic understanding of what's going on in the lecture. Also, we have tests during our first two years of medical school that are based on lecture content. So I wanted to make sure I did well on those tests. However, I focused mainly on the pre-made contents, the premade deck because that was the standardized material that would be tested on my most important exams, my step one exam and my step two exam. So e.g. recently in medical school there has been a switch from step one being not graded. So step one is actually pass fail. In the first two years of medical school. It might be more important now to do better on your tests for lectures. So what I would do is maybe use the pre-made deck, but don't use all the cards and pick and select certain cards that apply to your lectures. And then make even more of your own decks. Make it even more of your own cards based on the lecture content. Now, I'm gonna go into my exact strategy exactly how I would use Anki during an example class. And this is my zero note strategy because I talked about this and tons of my other videos which you can check out on YouTube, but notes don't really helped me out that much. And there's not much evidence for summarizing at all. So I don't really use notes, I just use flashcards, practice testing. 32. 3.2 My "0 Note" Strategy: Let's get into my zero node strategy with Anki, the core of the strategy is active recall, space repetition, and practice testing. These are my three pillars of studying. My entire study strategy is based around this. And now we're going to use Anki to integrate into this study strategy. So in one sentence it's plan, preview, view, Review, and repeat. 33. 3.3 My School Study Plan: So let's break this down. Every single week. Before I start my week, I plan out exactly I want what I want to study. But to do that, I need to figure out exactly what I'm gonna be doing the next day, exactly what I'm doing in class. So e.g. let's just take an example we might look like. So I know I have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. And I only have lectures on Monday and Wednesday. In the lecture on Monday is a biology. Lecture on Wednesday is chemistry and physics. In the lecture on Monday is biology and biochemistry. Okay, So this is what my schedule looks like. Now. I'm going to create my studying strategy under that. So my studying strategy. So that would be, that would be Sunday. And I'll show you why I'm including Sunday in a second, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. So if you are studying strategy, I want to review the information that's important the day before lecture. The reason I'm doing this is because studies show that the information actually consolidates in your brain overnight. So if you show up to lecture with this consolidated information, you're gonna be much more preferred, much better prepared to learn this information when you go to lecture. So Sunday, What do I do? Well, I'll preview and I'll tell you what previewing is, is a second Biology. And I'll preview biochemistry. And we want to be as specific as possible here. So say I know we're going to learn about Chapters 1.2 that day. I say Preview biology chapter one, and chapter two. And say we're proving biochemistry, but we're only doing chapter one. I'd say chapter one. And then Monday because I'm not doing anything the next day, I wouldn't put anything yet. I'm just doing my preview part for now. So Tuesday because I've chemistry and physics and exhale say Preview chemistry chapter one. And chapter is to preview physics, chapter one and chapter two. Now what am I doing on Monday? I'm viewing chapters one and chapters to write. So I would know I have those viewing chapters one in Chapters two. But after I come home from those lectures, I want to review that to push the information even farther into my brain. Again, I'm gonna go over what all these things mean, all these different terms mean. But first we want to make our study schedule. So that means on Monday I'll review biology chapters one and chapters to our review biochemistry chapter one. And then Tuesday I'm previewing. And then Wednesday I'll review chemistry. Review chemistry, chapter one, and chapter two. And I'll review physics, chapter one, and chapter two. 34. 3.4 Preview: So what does preview and tail now normally some teachers will tell you what chapters are lecture is gonna be based off of. Or they might even send you the lecture slides before the day. If they don't, you'll know what the general topic is going to be about and what the lecture is gonna be about for that day. Or you should hopefully in that class. So you want to the night before, just get a general understanding of that topic. Now, that could entail reviewing all the bolded term. So you wanna kinda no, no, all the bolded terms. So one thing you might want to do is know all the bolded terms. The next thing you want to do is get an understanding of the topic. So maybe you'll read that chapter of the textbook. Chapter textbook. Or watch a third party video on that topic. Read that chapter of the textbook, or watch a third-party video on that topic. Just again, you're getting a general understanding of that topic. The next thing we're gonna do is we're going to plug in on key to this. What are the major themes of the topic you just learned? What are they teaching you in the textbook? Are there some major points in the textbooks that you think you should probably know and understand. Now, we're going to use Anki after we understand it from our third-party lecture and stuff like that, use Anki to make flashcards based on this preview. And I would make maybe around five to 2020 being the max flashcards for whatever that content is you just learned for that particular class. So as we talked about before, go into your Anki and make five to 20 flashcards based on the content you just learned. Or if you have the luxury of using premade decks or something like that on suspend all the relevant cards from that content which are about to learn. And then what you're gonna do is study those flashcards. So you should study those flashcards once you get a basic understanding of the things you just learned, you're consolidating that understanding of what you just went over and guess what, then you're done with preview. That's done with preview. So if we looked on Sunday night or Sunday day, what would I do? Well, I would preview biology and I preview biochemistry. What does that mean? The first thing I do is I'd quickly glance over the chapters and see if there's any bolded terms, which I don't understand. I'd look those up to make sure I understand it. Then I'd read the chapter or watch a third party video on the topic to see if I can get a more in-depth understanding of the topic we're going to cover the next day. The next thing I would do is based off this understanding, based off the textbook or the video I just watched, I create five to 20 flashcards based on the content you think you're gonna be learning the next day. And then I would review those flashcards to make sure you're consolidating this understanding of the material you just learned. That way, you'll be ready for class, super-duper preferred, and super ready to do awesome during class to just pay attention and listen. 35. 3.5 View: Now let's talk about viewing. What are we going to do the actual day of our class? Well, what we're gonna do during that class is just pay attention, sit there, enjoy the lecture. Usually someone, if not yourself, is paying a lot of money for you to be there. So just kinda focus on what's going on and see if you can understand what's going on. Oh, wait a second. Did the teacher just make a pretty important point or say, listen, this is something really important? Or do you think something's important just by being there and focusing and paying attention, this is a great time to create a flashcard. And the important thing is here, we've already created a bunch of flashcards the night before, right? But right now during class, maybe there's something we learned. Maybe there's something that the teacher said, which we didn't cover in our previous learning. This is a great time to create more flashcards. What I usually do during the lecture is it only happens maybe two or three times when I'm like, Wait a second, the teacher just said something really important about having a better general understanding of what's going on. I'm going to make a flashcard. So during the view part, just watch and pay close attention. Then if something pops up as particularly important, create a flashcard around that information. Max, five flashcards per class. Great, So you've completed the view section. Remember, you've completed the view of figuring out what you're doing during lecture, what's going on during class. And again, remember, this might not apply to math class, this might not apply to physics class, but this will probably apply pretty well to biology class or a chemistry class. 36. 3.6 Review: Next what we're going to do is review. So we're going to review the topic by going over back over the lecture we just talked about, maybe back over the lecture slides that we saw or back over in our minds, all the information we already covered. Were there certain pieces of information the professor focused on? Were there certain pieces of information that the professor made sure to talk about? Or he said, You know what, this is more important things. The next thing I would do is then make maybe five to ten. Create five to ten additional flashcards. So I would go home after the class, take a break, go to the gym or whatever. But sometime after you have that class, create another maybe five to ten flashcards about what you learned during class. 37. 3.7 Test: And finally, the most important thing now that you've got a good understanding of the topic, do like at least a couple of practice questions to really solidify your understanding because this is where the real work comes in. This is what you're gonna be doing during the test, right? I know this is an Anki class, but the practice questions are where the real magic happens. And also what you can do is if you get a practice question wrong, you can say, okay, I got this practice question wrong. Is it the reason? Is the reason I got this wrong somewhere in one of the flashcards I covered. And if it's somewhere in one of the flashcards you covered, you can paste that question into that flashcard and make sure you really understand that flashcard. Or if it's not in one of the flashcard you already have, you can create a new flashcard based on the question you got wrong. And this is where the true power of monkey comes in because it makes sure wherever your gaps in knowledge are, you're capturing them with flashcards. Okay, so now review. Do practice problems. If you get a question wrong. Either find that card in your, in your deck or create a new flashcard based on the information that caused you to get the question wrong. And that's it. That's my zero note strategy. 38. 3.8 Repeat: But now what you need to do is you need to repeat this. You need to repeat this for all your classes and you need to keep reviewing your Anki flashcards that you've made every single day as the semester goes on, every single day until the semester is done. And trust me, you will kill your exams. You will do amazingly well if you use this strategy. 39. 3.9 0 Note Summary: So in summary, this is what you do the week before your classes start or the week before your normal class week, you need to plan out where you're going to mean you're going to be doing. What are the exact classes and the topics you're gonna be studying in class every single day. Then you need to plan to study and get a basic understanding of that topic, creating a fully flash, few flashcards the day before that class. Then when you go into that class, sit there, pay attention and focus on what's going on. Maybe create 1234 flashcards during class about something important that professor said. Then take a break, go home and when your at-home create another five to ten flashcards that are based on some stuff in the lecture that you kinda didn't remember, they talked about or you reviewed the slideshow and said, Okay, wait, this is an important point. Then do some practice questions about what you learned that day. This is the practice questions, the best way to make sure and test your understanding of the topic. Then whatever questions you get wrong, either identify those flashcards and you're already made deck, or create new flashcards based on the information that caused you to get those questions wrong, okay, but what if you're using a premade deck? How does a zero node strategies work? Well, that's what I'm going to talk about in the next section, exactly how to use premade decks to do amazingly well in school. 40. 3.10 Using Premade Decks: Okay, So if you're using premade decks, it's going to work exactly the way you would do is if you are creating your own cards, the only thing is you might be unsuspecting or studying a few more flashcards than usual. Okay. So you might be studying maybe 100 flashcards a day as opposed to 25 to 50, which is where I would max out if you're creating your own flashcards. So again, it's gonna be the same strategy as before, and you plan out your week. What exact things are you going to study during that week? What classes, what lectures do you have during the week? And then what is the content that is going to be covered during that class that week, you need to know exactly what content you're gonna be studying that week so you know how to prepare for that content, so you have it all planned out. And if we went to kinda what I showed here before, we can say, okay, I'm gonna be studying biology and biochemistry on Monday, chapter one and chapter two. That means Sunday I'm going to preview biology, preview biochemistry. And now instead of doing this part, which is what you would do for making your own cards. We're going to do what we do is using a premade deck. So when you use a premade deck, the preview section is the same, right? You're just gonna know all the premium know all bolded terms. Read that chapter of the textbook, or watch a third party video on that topic. But instead, instead of where you say use Anki to make flashcards, now you're going to spend the relevant flashcards to the subject you are learning. So e.g. in medical school, say I'm doing a class on atherosclerosis, Sam doing a class on atherosclerosis. Well, that's nicely tagged on the left here and related to third-party videos. So what I might do is watch a video on atherosclerosis the night before. I'm going to learn about atherosclerosis and lecture. And then what I would do is I do Command a, Command J to suspend all those cards. So that way I can be tested on these cards. But importantly here, because we're not creating our own flashcards, we need to walk through each one of these flashcards and make sure we understand exactly what's going on with them. If we don't know what's going on with them, we're going to fall into the trap of memorization as opposed to understanding. We need, need, need, need to understand before we go to argue. Otherwise, we're just gonna be memorizing terms and not realizing what's going on. So I would do this, I would go to this section in my browser section and just go through okay, atherosclerosis. What does that is? Atherosclerotic embolus is due to atherosclerotic plaques. Okay, that's that. And make sure I understand all the words that are being written here, okay? And then what you can do is go back to regular Anki and start actually studying these flashcards and going through them. Okay, so that's the preview section for using a premade deck. Again, we know what content we're gonna be learning in the next day. So what do we do? We figure out all the bolded terms and then textbook or whatever the lecture slides or what's going on just so we understand what's being said. And then we read the textbook or watch a third-party video so we understand what's going on. Then we unsuspected or enable the flashcards that are relevant to what we're gonna be learning the next day. Then we go through those flashcards because we didn't make those flashcards to make sure we understand what we're going through, to make sure we understand before we memorize and then we go through the flashcards so we're consolidating or understanding with the magic of Anki, Okay, now it's the next day when we go onto view. Now we're showing up to lecture with these nice knowledge, this great knowledge of what's going on during our lecture, right? So we just sit there again. We pay attention, we see what's going on. But this time we also do create maybe three to five of our own flashcards based on what we learned during lecture. And I don't know how relevant these actual flashcards will be. Maybe if you've in-house exams, it's more relevant. But I think it also helps me pay attention and stay focused because I take zero nodes, I really don't take any notes. Creating these flashcards helps me stay focused and figure out what's going on during lecture. Finally, when we come home, we should have already went over all the relevant flashcards, right? Because we created those beforehand. We unsuspected those flashcards before we actually showed up to lecture. But just in case maybe there's some flashcards we missed out on or something like that. You can go into Anki and see if you can browse and find certain terms. You can even search terms up here like aortic regurgitation and see if there's anything you're missing from the premade deck that you already use. And then unzip, spend those to make sure you can figure out what's happening. And then because you're doing your Anki, your views or your should be doing you're onto your views every single day. All you do is you just go over your ankle your views again, but Anki will tell you when you need to study that, don't worry, you don't need to resuspend or do anything fancy with alkene, then what I would do is do some practice questions based on topics you've just learned. Remember, practice questions are extremely, extremely powerful, so you need to do some to make sure you understand what's going on, Okay? And when you're doing these practice questions, see if there's questions you get wrong. If there's a question you get wrong, see if you can find it here and Anki. Oh, I got this question wrong. And Anki it isn't because I didn't unsuspecting this card. So now we need to study this flashcard or is it because I already went over this flashcard, I just didn't actually understand what's going on. And if you didn't understand what's going on, you need to right-click that flashcard and hit forget because you forgot what was going on. And this will reset the card basically as a new card. You can make sure you understand it in the future. Again, I'm just going to repeat it all because it gets kind of confusing. The day before we learn a certain topic in school, we want to go over that topic and get a broad understanding and unsuspected the relevant flashcards to that topic. Then we're going to study those flashcards. The next day we're going to show up to lecture and pay attention during lecture and maybe making three to five flashcards about what we learned during that lecture. Then we're going to take a break. We're gonna go home and we're going to review all the flashcards we already learned from the next day, the previous day, which argue will do for you automatically. But maybe there's a flashcard or certain topic that you missed out on suspending. You'll learn that topic now and study that topic now, the next thing you're gonna do is do some practice questions based off the content you just learned today, during lecture. And then whatever questions you get wrong, you're going to correlate to Anki cards and make sure you have that information always in your flashcards. Or you can even create a new flashcard based off that wrong piece of information, but you probably won't need to because pre-made decks have everything this way You are the most efficient study are possible. And there's never a piece of information you don t know because he's got it. So e.g. what are topics that I think have really good pre-made decks? Will anything biology has some pretty good pre-made decks, e.g. memorizing the amino acids. Pretty much everyone in certain chemistry classes or biology classes is going to need to know that. So you can download a premade deck, which I will link down below in this Skillshare class, you can understand that chemistry, certain topics are definitely going to bode well to understanding pretty much everything in med school, you're going to need to use Anki for pre-made decks for that are amazing. Anatomy. If you need anatomy for nursing school or some other subjects, there's amazing pre-made anatomy next, which I will link down below the M cat and the L SAT are also other places which premade decks work very well for. 41. 3.11 Example Study Day: Okay, so now let's talk about what an average day should look at. I'm assuming your lectures or whatever you're learning is early in the morning. So this is what an average day should look like. In my opinion, you wake up in the morning and you do whatever life stuff you need to do. And then you get through your Anki flashcards as quickly as you can. Because remember you're reviewing these topics. You want to make sure you're understanding these topics every single day. Preferably you're reviewing all the topics you need to know before you get to lecture. So e.g. we just talked about using flashcards, creating flashcards, all this kind of stuff. I would make sure you create a deck based on different classes. So if you're in four classes, right, you'd have class one, class two, and so on, right? You should create the cards inside of these decks. And that the only way to do this, or the best way to do this is you just go into next and you hit Add and you start making cards based on what you're learning in this class. You can even get a little bit more in-depth by this. So you could be, you could create a deck that says semester one. And then in semester one you can drag and drop class one and class two. That way you can study all this stuff in class one and class two together, or you can just study semester one, semester one, class one and class two. And then in class one and class two, you create your topics. Okay? So this, the reason I'm showing you this now is because we're talking about the perfect example day for when you're going to study or something like that, right? So you should have been creating lots of different cards for this class, 123.4. What if you have a lecture at 10:00 A.M. and then you have a two-hour break and then have another lecture at one, and then another lecture at three. Well, what I would try to do is make sure you get through all the reviews, all the reviews of your flashcards for lecture one before lecture one. That way you're showing up to lecture with all this knowledge inside of your head and you're ready to smash lecture. And then I would take a break. And then students try to do your views for class two before you get to class too. That way you're prepared for class two and then do all your views for class three before we get to class three. That way you're prepared for class three. And then when you come home near the end of the day, when you wanted to your nighttime studying and preparing for the next class. This is a lot of work, remember, but this is, I mean, you want to do well, this is what you gotta do to do well, I would review the information from that day. So you're gonna go over the review section. Remember we talked about what you do during your views for classes 12.3. And then when you've done the reviews for classes 12.3, then you can start to do previews for the next day, okay? And you can get ahead of the game on the weekends or by waking up early or doing all these kind of things. But I would make sure you preview the stuff before you get to that class for the day, and then review that information after all your classes are done, and then start to preview the class information for the next day. This is a nice way to organize and sort your day. 42. 4.1 Mastering Anki, Common Pitfalls: Okay, we're on to Chapter four of this class, the final chapter of my Anki class. So in this part we're going to cover how to master Anki. And these are fit, more advanced topics. But things I think if you integrate every single day, you'll see pretty big gains from these. Okay? So the first thing I want to talk about are the most common mistakes I see when people are using Anki, the biggest pitfalls that people fall into, the biggest pitfalls, the biggest, the biggest mistakes. And again, I'm going to say it again. I think I've said it at the beginning of every single chapter of this class, the biggest pitfall I see is people memorizing as opposed to understanding, you need, need, need to understand before you use Anki to memorize, the easiest way to fall into this trap is using premade decks. I use a premade deck so I know how easy it is to fall into this trap, but even using someone else's deck or something like that. The reason this is so it makes it so easy to fall into the trap of memorizing as opposed to understanding is you're not creating these cards in a logical way that makes sense to you. You're just reviewing the cards based off the way someone else thought it would make sense. So it makes it much easier to fall into the trap of memorizing as opposed to understanding. So be very, very careful when you're going through premade decks to make sure you don't fall into the trap. Memorizing as opposed to understanding the next biggest mistake I see people fall into is just feeling overwhelmed and getting overwhelmed with the amount of cards they need to do. There are usually two possible reasons this happens. Number one, they are making too many new cards every single day, are trying to learn too many new cards every single day. Or number two, they're just not studying consistently in regards to the amount of new cards to do every day if you're making your own cards, I think 50 is a pretty good high cap point per day. Can, if you're using a premade deck, I think 100 cards is a good cap to have four premade decks. Once you get above 100 new cards a day, it just becomes almost unreasonable to be able to do all your views every single day. The numbers get up into the thousands 2000s and then you're spending like seven 8 h studying on today, which isn't possible. Then in regards to consistent studying, people think they can take a day or two days or three days off. Really, you can't take days off with Anki. It's really annoying, but you really need to study these flashcards. Review these flashcards every single day. And if you review them every single day, it should get quicker and quicker every single day. Remember, because you're understanding these topics over time. You're not falling off, they're forgetting curve. The problem is if you miss one day and say you have 500 views, then the next day you'll have 1,000 reviews. And the next day after that, maybe like 1,500 reviews. These numbers quickly add up. And also you're breaking the cardinal rule of Anki, which is to do all your views every single day. If you're not doing all your views every single day, you're not really using Anki the way it was meant to be used. Because remember the whole point of AGI is we're testing ourselves before we fall off that curve of retention, we want to make sure we're testing ourselves right here on this upper limit of the curve, as opposed to down here when we forgotten 50, 60% of the information. And the other thing which people don't really realize is when you take a day or two or three days off and you review that information at a later time, you've actually probably forgotten a lot of that information. So when you go to that flashcard and you go to do that flashcard, you might get that question wrong more often than you would if you took that flashcard or did that flashcard three days ago? I don't remember what happens if you get a question wrong, as we discussed at the very beginning of this section, Well, if you hit again, you lose 20% on your ease factor. So not only are you going to see that card the next day and the next day after that because that's the way we've organized our lapses. But you're also going to see that card in 2.3 times the future interval that instead of 2.5 times the future integral. And if you keep hitting again on that card, you're gonna see it more frequently and more frequently and more frequently. So not only does not doing reviews every day make you not remember the content as well. But when you don't remember the content as well, you'll answer the question wrong more frequently and you'll see the card more frequently causing you to have more reviews every single day. And it's a really bad feedback loop for not understanding and having tons of reviews. So make sure you're doing all your flashcards every single day. Make sure you're understanding the flashcards that you're doing and make sure you Max their cap out at about 100 new flashcards per day. Another mistake I see people often falling into is when they get near the end of their studying and they feel really tired, they just smashed the spacebar really fast to get through all your cards. I have maybe done that once or twice, but I know I know when I'm at that point I either need to take a break or take a step back. Because when you're smashing through the space bar, it's going to do what we just talked about previously. You're not actually going to understand those cards. So when you go to do this cars at a later time, you're going to hit again on those cards and you're going to see those cards more frequently. Lots of reviews, baba, baba blah, another common pitfall. And I know it's weird that I'm saying this during the class and especially at the end of the class, Anki might not work for you. Okay? Nothing happened. The world didn't explode, but it might not work for you. There are people that Anki just doesn't work for. You need to figure out for yourself if this is something that you can do in the long term and sustain it, because that's what's going to make it work well for you. That's what's going to give you the good grades. If you really don't like the way Anki works, just don't use it. I know tons of people that do well that don't use Anki, but I love AKI, I'll always use it again. I talked about this before, but making too many flashcards are making the cards too detailed is another common mistake. I see. The final mistake I see all the time is trying to treat Anki flashcards like reviewing Anki flashcards is something you can just do in your downtime, like when you're at the gym or when you're in line at the grocery store or something like that? No. Should be a part of your everyday study routine. You need to get through all your flashcards every single day. Whether that means you do them first thing in the morning or after lunch, or before you go to bed at night. You need to do them every single day. 43. 4.2 How to Catch Up on Cards: Okay, in this section, let's talk about what to do if you fall behind. If you fall behind and there's tons and tons and tons of flashcards that you need to do. How do you get through these flashcards? How do you make it through all these backlog of questions? Remember, you shouldn't have this because you should be doing your views every day. But life happens sometimes you need to catch up. So what would I do? Okay, So this is a perfect example of the way to catch up on all stuff. What you're doing. You can use my example here because I'm not really reviewing things currently right now because I'm actually using a separate profile, but this is one of my older profiles we can use to kind of see what's going on. So if e.g. I. Have 2,100 cars I need to review. That's a ton. I can review those all in one day. Well, I could, but I mean, I'd be a sad person. What I wanna do is create a filter deck crate to filter decks. And I want to create one deck based off the most recent content I learned, because that's the most important stuff, the stuff I need to keep up with. And that's gonna be a filter deck with the stuff that I learned or what's due in the past seven days. And then I'm going to create another deck with everything in the past. This way it'll show me all the stuff that I need to catch up on. And maybe over time slowly I can get through that information. So this is why number one. And then I'm going to show you a much more simpler way, which I usually use sometimes. So all you do is, is when you're in your deck that you want to catch up on, hit F. This will allow you to create a filter deck and then you're gonna put in is colon do space prop colon do greater than negative seven. All this means is that hopefully the stuff that's due within the past seven days and I'll just write this as recent information and limit it to 99999. So you're doing all your other stuff and then it'll build this, create a deck down here. You'll see there's a special deck called recent information. The next thing you can do is create another deck. So I could do F type in is due prop, do less than or equal to negative seven. That means these cards that have been overdue for like seven days, right? So your seven days behind, more than seven days behind on these cards. And this will be like old content I'll name this, will limit this again, 299999. And you can see here's all the old content. So if we go back to this, we'll see, okay, my own king, right? Only has the new cards in it, right? Because all the other cards have been put into these two subjects which are going to use to catch up on old stuff, the old content. This will cover everything that I've missed, everything that's been due for over seven days. And this is the recent information and this is the stuff that's been for the past seven days. So what I would do is I'd go through the recent information deck, make sure I can understand what's going on there and then start to review the old content deck. So I might say, Okay, I'm going to try to get through 500 of these old content cards every single day. So that way and maybe four or five days, I'll be caught up in everything I need to learn. Okay? And then what you do, all you can do is when you're done with the deck, just hit Delete and simply they'll just be put. It's not like the contents deleted, don't worry. What happens when you delete these filter decks? Is there just put back into where they were originally, okay, So you do that content and then they get put back to where they were originally all when you're done. Okay. And then what you do is just study regularly. Another way I like to do this is I like to just try and get through a certain amount of cards every single day. So you're always going to have this do number and it's going to increase every single day if you don't do any cards. But what you can do is you can say, okay, day number one, I'm gonna get down to 1,500 and then you'll get down to 1,500. But the next day maybe it'll be 1,700 or 1,800. Then say, okay, day number two, I'm gonna get down to 1,000. So you get down to 1,000. You make sure you get down to the 1,000 final number the next day, five-hundred the next day, zero. Now you might be doing more cards every single day, but this is a nice way I like to do it when I don't want to make the filter decks, but the filter decks is a great way to catch up on old material. 44. 4.3 Using the Forget Function: The next thing we're going to talk about is using the Forget function. Now the Forget function is an amazing thing that I only really started using about a year ago. And this is when I realized, okay, I've fallen into the trap of memorization more often than I would have hoped when I'm learning this information. In very simply, the only way to use the forget function is whenever you get a question wrong, just try and figure out what piece of information you got wrong on that question. Was it because let's just look at a random card here. Bilateral lesions of the amygdala resulted in clue for bushy syndrome. Maybe I got this question wrong and I realized, okay, I didn't know where Lucy was, Clifford boost say whoever this person was. I didn't realize where in the brain is affected in this syndrome. So I found this card, but listen, I don't really understand it. I need to re-learn this card because clearly that question is testing that information and I got it wrong. So I'm going to reset this question is basically a new question. So I'm gonna go into the question in the browse section and I'm going to hit forget. Importantly, I'm going to reset the repetition and laps count because I want to reset my ease factor back to where it was in the very beginning because I felt like this is really a new piece of information for me because I fell into the trap of memorizing it for it. I just want to go back to the beginning with it. Have a blank slate. I do this, I hit. Okay. And then it's a new question. And then what we'll also do is I'll use Command Shift four on the Mac to take a screenshot of the question and then drag that into the missed questions section so I can say, okay, this is the reason the question I got wrong. This is the reason I'm reviewing this information and then study that information again, like you would on the normal flashcards. This is a great function that I wish I started using earlier. Because again, you'll find out as you do practice questions. And remember I said practice questions is I think the only thing more powerful than Anki, you'll find out what topics you're understanding is lacking on and you can use the forget function to reset those topics and chunky so you can re-learn them because you really didn't understand them before. You just memorize them. 45. 4.4 Using the Custom Study Function: Okay, another advanced topic we're going to talk about is using the custom study function. So the custom study function is just when you click on a deck, you'll see this little button at the bottom here which says Custom study. And the only thing important about the custom study thing is sometimes I just increased the new card limit, e.g. if I'm learning a certain subject and that current, and that topic has 125 new flashcards in it. And this is assuming we're doing a premade deck or for some crazy topic I'm doing that day. I've made over 100 cards. I want to make sure I study those cards the same day as I do those other cards, right? So what I'll do is maybe say, Okay, I need to increase the amount of cards by 25. And that'll help just for this day. For this day when I'm studying, increased the limit on the cars by 25 cards. You don't need this because your review limit should be 999 anyway, forgotten cards is not important. Review ahead, I would never do because that's messing with the algorithm, right? But if you really, really want to, if you want to get like a day ahead so you can really take the day off the next day. You could review ahead of one day and do all your views for the next day if you really, really want to, but I wouldn't do that at all. Preview new cards, don't do that. Steady-state bicarb and said I wouldn't do that because remember we figured out specifically what we wanna do. We wanna do randomization of cards. We want to learn our new cards after we do all the reviews, okay, So this is a good way to use it. As you get more advanced, you can just create filtered decks, which I talked about before. And this is just using the Browse function to create a specific kind of deck to study a specific piece of information. So you can just study that information if you want. But again, I wouldn't really use this unless you're catching up on old information. Because if you're studying specific information, you're prompting yourself into memorizing as opposed to understanding because you're gonna be, if you're studying or aortic regurgitation. And you've studied only decks that I've talked about, only cards That's aortic regurgitation. What if a card says what happens when you hear this murmur? Because you know, you're studying all about aortic, aortic regurgitation, you're gonna say, oh, that's aortic regurgitation, even though it could be mitral valve prolapse. Prolapse or mitral regurgitation or something like that. Okay. 46. 4.5 Understanding the Stats Function: Okay, now let's talk about understanding the stats function. And this is important because we're going to use this to perfect our studying to a perfect amount. And we're gonna get into the interval modifier, which I promised we would get into at the very beginning of this class. Okay, so you should have downloaded the special add-on which I talked about before, right? And the special add-on is called true retention. And this will show you some good percentages. So what you do is you hit on status just regular click stats. You don't need to do any regular special clicks. And I would do three months or a year and scroll all the way down to where it says this information here, how many times are you hitting the answer buttons? This will show you what your retention is for mature cards, Young cards and learning cards. This is the really important number on the right here, this mature information. What's your percent retention on cards that you should understand? So keep this in mind because we're going to go into this when we go to adjust our interval modifier later. But for now this is a good thing you can look at to say, Okay, this is all the stuff I've been studying. Well, look at all the cards I did this time, look at all the reviews I did this day. I can see okay, in 2021 I did this much studying. In 2020, I did this much studying. I did all these reviews. Baba, baba, baba bar, it's really not that match. And it's cool because you can, as you scroll through this, it hasn't really nice explanation, but you can see, okay, I did this mini reviews this way. Oh, my running total is over 500,000 views. That's crazy. Card counts as well. You can see what cards you have left to do. You can see that by suspended cards or you can see that by unclicking that. And you can see, okay, there's 21,000 new cards. So do I've matured 33,000 cards. That's pretty cool. I have 5,000 young cards and I'm relearning all those kind of things and stuff like that. No worry about that car to ease. This is an important thing because you can show you, okay, wait a second. There's about 131,527 cards that have a zero the bottom of the barrel for my ease factor, that means I've hit again on that card so many times that it's East factor is 130%, it's going to be showing up a lot. It might be helpful to click on this, because when you click on it, it'll go to browse and I'll show you, Okay, Wow, look at all these questions that I just really don't understand that well. And you can go through these and say, maybe these questions I need to redo or permanently suspend or trying to understand. You can see for me the things that are pretty tough larvae are all these biochemistries and these weird steps and stuff like that. Those are the ones that are troubling for me. But then you can see these stuff are easy for me. There's ones that 290% is. I really know that stuff, right? But most of your cards should be sitting around this area and the 250% 0s, That's where we want to be. Okay, you can go down to this hourly breakdown thing, which I think is pretty cool because you can see, okay, what percent of the time am I getting questions correct? And that's kinda don't worry about these big tall bar graphs and the various colors of blue. Look at this kind of faded color around it. And you can see at certain times of the day what percentage of the cards you're getting, correct? It seems that at 03:00 A.M. I'm not getting very many cards, correct. For 05:00, my percentage is better and then maybe 78 or nine my percentages the best. And then I also do some good studying at 10:00, it looks like. But you can see where I do the most of my studying as well. It seems 9-10 am. I do most of my studying. It's just a nice little thing to look at. Remember, we talked about this the beginning, we'll talk about this later. 47. 4.6 IMPORTANT Understanding Goal Retention: Okay, Now we're on to the final section of mastering Anki. And that is using the interval modifier and the stats function to perfect the amount of time you're seeing cards so you can perfect your percent retention. Okay, so let's go back to our settings here and remember This thing we talked about at the very beginning, when I talked about our interval modifier down here, this number 1.0, that means whenever we're doing is studying or wherever we're studying cards, it's multiplied by one. So it's not changed at all. If we had changed this number to 1.1, that means the frequency which we see the current will be decreased by about 10% because we're multiplying the new interval by 1.1. If we make this 0.9, that means the interval into it, we're seeing these new cards will be increased by about 10%. Because now instead of a car that's gonna be seen at 100 days of the intervals, 100 days, it'll be seen 90 days later. Again, if this was 1.1, it would be seen 110 days later. So when you first start using a new deck or studying, I would go to this about every month or two to see what your retention rate is. You go to stats here, go down to where we talked about right down here, and go down to one month or three months and see what percent retention you are hitting. You want to see what goal you have in mind. Now there's a couple of studies that indicate you want things to be difficult but not too difficult. Around 85 to 90% seems to be this perfect number. Now this is where it becomes more of an art and we have to pick your personal preferences. But I chose that I want to have a retention between about 88.90%. That's when I feel like I'm seeing cards frequently enough. That's where and I feel like I'm actually retaining this information well enough. If I wanted this number to be 95% as opposed to 90%, I'd have to see the cards much, much, much more frequently to keep that information in my brain. Now some people want that. And if you want that, you need to realize you're going to need to see the cards much, much more frequently. So what you could do is change the interval modifier so you see the cards more frequently, right? So if you wanted your percent retention to go up, you would increase the amount of times you see the card. So you would lower this number. So you might make this 0.9 or 0.8, that would make you see cars more frequently and should theoretically increase your retention percent. So the first thing you need to do is figure out what percentage retention you are aiming for. I think 85-90% is a great way to go for. But some people, e.g. the king wants to be like above 90, 95% or 100% because he wants to score the best possible on exams. And that makes sense, but the added time, the added amount of cards is just becomes unreasonable. So there's actually an equation that super memos showed, you showed us that shows the amount more studying basically that you're going to need to do if you want to increase to a certain retention, and that is the log of your percent desired retention over the log of your current retention. Okay, So if you want it to hit 90% desired retention, but your current retention was 85%. You need to do log of 90% divided by log of 85%. And if we plug that into Google, we get about 0.65. And what this number means is that you're going to have to review the information much more frequently. It's actually a perfect number that you can plug exactly into this stats function right here at the interval modifier. So theoretically, if you want to increase your retention by 5%, you need to increase the frequency that you see the cards by about 35 per cent, which is a lot more cards that's about nets are close to double the amount of cards you're seeing every single day, which is honestly too much for me, that's too crazy. So figure out where you wanna go, what retention and percentage you want to be in, plug it into that equation and then see what it looks like to you. What I would do after much trial and error of doing this, I would see your retention every month or every three months and see where you're at. So if e.g. I. Would go down to stats, scroll down to here, change it to one month, three months and see, okay, where am I on here? Okay, my mature cards, because that's the only important cards that matter, right? Because these cards that are young or learning, we're going to have lots of variability between those cards. And that's okay because we're just in the initial stages of learning those cards. Cards that have intervals greater than 21 days aren't in this initial state of learning. These are the cards that should be hitting are about retention, the retention rate that we want to hit. So I would look at this number. So e.g. for me, I'm at 90.96%. I'm pretty much perfect. I'm exactly where I want to be. Maybe I'm even a little bit high. So what I might do is I might go to my options and I might say, Listen, my retention rates a little bit high. I want to see cars less frequently. So I changed that to 1.05 and that would just multiply all my cars by a little bit greater distance. Okay? And that's about the interval I would change. I would change it between 0.05 and 0.1, maybe once a month and then go back and check it a month later to see what the change in your retention percentage is. This is a really good way to evaluate your learning and evaluate your percentage of retention. And that's the best way you can also adjust the frequency are seeing the cards, remember the cards are gonna show up more that you don't understand as much. And if you want your attention percentage to go up, you need to see the cards more frequently. But if you're seeing the cars more frequently, that means you're seeing more cards. So this is the trade-off that you need to decide for yourself. How important is this goal percentage retention, you need, need, need, need, need to be at 90%, or is it okay to be at 88 per cent? Is 88% too high for you? Do you feel like the cards are too easy? Then maybe you want to be at 85%. So you want to see the cards less frequently, so you'll lower the interval modifier. Maybe everything seeming a little bit too easy for you, you're seeing the cards too frequently. Your percent retention is at 98 per cent and you don't like that, you feel like you're just smashing through the spacebar to easily, then you might increase the interval modifier. And I would only change the interval modifier about once a month. Just change it once a month and see how it feels doing Anki for that month. And then at the end of that month, go to the stat section here and see what your mature card percentage looks like. Has it gone down? Has it gone up? Do you want it to keep going down? Do you want it to keep going up and change that interval modifier accordingly. Okay, that was pretty complicated. That's probably the most complicated thing we'll talk about, but can be really helpful and perfecting your percent retention. 48. Conclusion: So that is it who? I've been sitting here for, like 8 h talking about Anki, It's a dream. It's a dream come true, but we made it, you made it to the end of this class. You now have a really deep understanding of Anki and you will do better in classes if you implement these strategies correctly, taking this course is a great step and a great sign to yourself that you care about your education and you care about doing better. And I'm sure you'll do better if I had three final points that I can leave with you about using Anki. These are the three points, I would say when doing your flashcards, you need to be honest with yourself, you're competing with no one except herself. You hit again when you don't know it, you hit hard. When the question is hard, you hit good. When it's good and you hit easy. One It's easy. If you don't know the card hit again and don't hit the spacebar until you've come up with an answer in your head that you can compare it to the answer that's on-screen. If the answer on-screen isn't the same answer that's in your head, then you hit again. You must continuously edit and adjust cards so they make sense to you. Practice the Feynman Technique as much as possible. And make sure these cards are making sense to you and make sure you understand what's going on. The thing I will repeat at the end, the thing that I've said at the beginning of every single chapter here for a reason. As you must understand before you memorize, you must understand before you memorize. You must understand before you memorize, understand the topics before confirming and solidifying your understanding with Anki. But that is it. I really hope this is helpful. Anki really has changed my life. It's made me see a whole new world of studying and I'll never go back. Flashcards for life. Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you in the next one.