1. Promo Video: not being productive is a waste of your life. Think about it. The time you're wasting each day will never come back. This is really scary, because if you lose some money, it's not a big deal. You can always make more money, but if you waste time, that's it. It's gone. The good news is that I've made discourse extremely short and straight forward. You will learn on Lee the things that are really important for being a productive person. I appreciate your time and my time also and designed this productivity compact guide so it can change your mind Set in a very short amount of time. The strategist you learned can be applied in every area of your life, such as personal life, business board, school and basically any area you can imagine. If you feel like there's simply not enough hours in of a your struggle, getting things done minutes your activities through the day so you can no longer feel that you have to be in 10 different places. Plants. This is the perfect course for you. Take action was the course on one go and transform your life. I will see you on the other side
2. Introduction: Hey, welcome to the course. I'm so happy to see you here. Now, in this video, I just want warm you up a little bit and tell you what discourse is so about. I think you should know what to expect. So discourse is a compact guide, which means that I will share your only strategies and concepts that I test it on myself and find very useful in my everyday life. This is a productivity course so that I've designed it in a way, I believe you have to watch it in one. Go, don't procrastinate. It's a short, very actionable course, So please watch it immediately. Don't fall in that drop. When you buy some expensive course, leave it for the next week and up Week never comes. Be an action taker. I've only included the most important topics. I believe the Pareto principle Parkinson slow busy versus productive. The one thing the power off preparation, speed of decision making and how to avoid burnout. If you want to finish the course even faster, you can change the speed of the video down here in the timeline and please, if you have any suggestions or any questions posed them here in the Q and A section. Don't forget, I'm here to help. And also tell me, What do you think I do? Appreciate all the reviews and now let's go to the first lecture.
3. Why is being productive so challenging: one of the greatest things in life is being capable off, making decisions many centuries, people who have struggled to achieve their freedom and the ability to make decisions. Now a base when we've gained a great variety off human rights and independence were confused about how to use it properly in order to make it clear. Let me give you an example. In a completely busy day, we don't feel the time passing. We follow our daily routine and look forward to going home, but were finally released from all kinds off obligation. We can decide how to use our time most effectively and how to spend the rest of the day we lie around instead of doing something valuable for our life. The situation has become so global that has even turned out to be one of the main issues in our life. Were unaware off the ways we can be productive and spent our time in a useful way. Now you're probably thinking that is not true. But the reality is that we're all facing this problem every day, and we need a conscious bush, so deal with it. Have you ever imagined what your life could have bean, if being properly organized cautiously or not, were constantly meeting people who are being extremely productive and, as in the result, a chief everything they want. I know you wish to be more productive, successful and to have a better and healthier life. No matter. It may sometimes seem impossible. It is completely achievable when working really hard. Just start right now, really. Don't overthink it. Start right now. Grab a piece of paper and pen and write your weak spots. That's actually a very powerful for step. The first thing you have to do is to realize what or where your weak spot is. For some people, it might be the way they said your activities through the day. For others, it may be the luck off energy at motivation in their life. So, for example, I would write something like, I'm easily distracted. It's really hard for me to say no to some friends. I've missed the workouts last week. I know it sounds pretty obvious, but that's exactly the reason why people fail because they think they know everything and don't take action. Trust me when you write down your weak spots on paper, you're a lot more likely to realize that you have a real problem and take a conscious action to fix it, be in the action taker. So now, before we begin, let's answer one crucial question. Why is being productive so challenging? I cannot define one specific answer because we're all unique and different. So giving a simple answer will be so smart, don't you think? Instead of this, I will help it realize why you don't achieve what you want and are not as productive as you would like? In this way, you will be able to convert all of your response into a giant machine for success. Some of the main reasons for people not being productive are one they neglect the importance off time shuttering. Do they think that they're doing enough and don't make an additional effort? Three. They're doing plenty of activities at the same time, not focusing on the quality but on the quantity for they do not violate their time. And five, they do not try to refine themselves. These are the main reasons why people fail in being productive. But don't worry, even if you have seen yourself in one of the cases above. I'm here to lead you through your progress and carrying a productive action taker. I already let's get started. I don't forget to write your rick spots.
4. The Pareto Principle: time. We often don't appreciate the time and use it in effectively. I mean, think about it. The time you're wasting each day will never come back. The clock keeps ticking. That's it is gone. All the productive people realized that, and all they want is an outcome off proper time distribution. This is the reason why we need to realize what is really important. Do it. We will be able to organize our dean properly, and you finally achieve the devoted success in our deeds. I realize that you're obligated to include a great variety off activities in your routine work daily course and time for your family and yourself. We don't have time to perform them always simply one day, even the ones we would really like toe. What if I told you you could dual every world in one day? Although you would probably consider that this is not applicable in your case, I can assure you the contrary. The trick is that you can easily change your daily life. Following one simple step is the so called the parental principal. Most of you probably haven't even heard about the Pareto principle, which can change your life so before diving. In this principle, let's learn more about it. Also known as the fight off you. The principal specifies that 80% off consequences come from 20% off the courses, or vice versa. The Pareto principle is used in plenty of areas such as business, economics and sports. To sum up, almost every area can achieve significant progress because off the Pareto principle, I won't put great importance or definitions. It is completely unnecessary because the only thing that matters is applying it in your daily life. So a simple example for your personal life would be that you're probably wearing 23 of your favorite T shirts 80% of the time. I don't like the main idea is based on 80 20. Separation off percentages, depending on the particular case, is being used in. Does it seem familiar to you? Probably. It doesn't. So let me give you an example how to use it. Hearing it in mind will definitely help you to achieve better results in all of your activities. Imagine you have 10 things to your to do list for the day. It probably reminds you for a great stress and dynamics. You need to do everything while running from 1 to 1 hour. Because of having plenty of activities to do, you will need to complete them in a hurry and under stress. Who wants to execute their tasks so fast that they cannot squeeze in every detail? The proper attitude to complete your tasks is based on the Pareto principle. Just do out off 10 things which are most important for you to do. Then start your day with completing these tasks. When you finish the essential walls. Jack your to do list. Doing this, you're certainly few much better. It all has to do it. Our emotions, when you work under a great amount of stress were tend to perform faster, but worse then went performing in a peaceful atmosphere. So when you finish are most important to were, if you emotionally released and we will be more productive when finishing the list, in other words, when you complete the two most important, you have already done 80% off your work. But why is the Pareto principle so effective that you can become more productive, although you may not be able to understand it now? Want to try it you see the difference Toe illustrated Better imagine the following situation. The most important thing for everyone is how they feel right in a room full of 10 people. Eight of them are complete strangers and to the love of your life and your mother, for example, how would you feel if each of those eight people is married? You you won't care, even if they scream at you or say, how about you are. But how would you feel if the most important people in your life are angry at you? In this case, you're certainly few lost and devastated. It is because of the pain caused by something which is valuable for you. Well, finishing your tusks. The situation is similar. Always do the two most important once and only then start with the minor one. After completing the top part off the activities, the rest off them well seem much easier. It's amazing that wants to know that golden rule. If you ask me, we can improve ourselves. It's so many areas in our life, for example, in language around 20% off words make up 80% off the conversation in most languages. So when learning a new language start with This world's first. Next example is when reading or hearing the news are out. 80% of the information you read or hear only adds 20% off new or useful information. So think about how much time you're wasting doing that. Be smart with your time. Train yourself to see that 20% of the minimum effective those when performing some tasks in your daily life. And now I'm sure that only 20% of the tips I will give you in discourse. We'll make the 80% off the value U. S. Truck from it. But that doesn't mean that you should skip the health of the lectures. That's why discourse is the camp of guide to give you 80% value from 20% off the information available in the productivity field.
5. Parkinsons Law: What is your strongest desire since you're still watching? It must be the wish to finish discourse and finally put your life in order, right? I hope that's the case in this part. We will explore Parkinson's low, and you learn how to use it properly in order to be more productive. First of all, we shall clarify the exact definition off this law deriving from its name. We can obviously connected with his founder cereal Parkinson, who is British historian. The definition that was given for this low is work expense so as to fuel the time available for its completion as any other things in life definitions are formal and do not give enough information about the mechanism, and it's usage to make it clearer. Let me give you an example. Believe it or not, you have a blight Parkinson's low plenty of times during your life. If you look back to your high school days, you Yuriko all tasks, projects and homework you had to finish due to a certain deadline. In those situations, you had only two options to start working on the project a few days before the deadline, which would allow you to finish it literally and to start working on your tasks at the last moment, standing it just before the final deadline. How many of you have put themselves in situation one or in situation toe? To be honest, the majority of us have passed high school and college. Using situation to this opportunity has always looked much easier. Instead of working every day, missing parties and hanging out with friends, you finish your project at the last moment and have fun the rest of the time. Don't get me wrong. Partisan slow is used in every guide of situation in which we wait until the last moment to finish our tasks. Because of this, it seems like a low meant for lazy people used to facilitate their life. Actually, isn't that the main idea? By using specific techniques, we can ease our life for the better. Researchers have found out that people tend to be more effective when they work less. You would probably think How is that even possible? But before judging, remember all situations when had a limited amount of time and much more tasks on your to do list, then compared them toe the moments you're given days even weeks to finish on Lee. One tasks. What was the result? You're procrastinating wasting time, and we're Inc out to handle the pressure being on you. I will give you some simple ideas on how to use Parkinson's law in your daily life. In order to make it much more effect, give yourself a deadline when you have to finish a project at school, college or work. Do not waste weeks for doing it. Give yourself a deadline in which you have to finish the tasks. For example, you have to do a presentation of do 20 today stent. And instead of wasting 10 valuable days for simple project, shed your your deadline in this way, you'll be able to complete this task on time. What It's more, you even have a plenty of time to take a second look at it. In order to decide whether something needs to be changed, you may ask why we don't follow the real deadline for the project. In this case, you need to know that although this is a good idea, you plant could easily go wrong. Because of this, you may not be able to complete and would feel guilty to work less but harder. Instead of working for hours and taking lots of coffee breaks, finish your work now and relax later. One of the main mistakes people who work in the office often make is that they pose. Pound their tasks or don't complete them effectively. If you have to send 10 emails, start writing right away. And don't waste your time for coffee breaks. Be focused on your work, not on the time you have. You would immediately notice how fast to finish your tasks. Only then you have enough time to relax and drink coffee. One of the main mistakes often made in our society is that salary is based on the working hours, not on the actually done work. Instead of spending eight hours to finish your work, you can complete it on Lee for two. But if you take little breaks and aren't focused in the end of the day, you if you tired and inefficient in order not to feel this way, is that off longer. Work harder. Plenty of people are worried that they won't be able to manage their tasks at the last moment. Believe me, if you know that you don't have time. You you certainly finish off your project time. It's really valuable. And if we don't use it properly, we can put ourselves in an awful situation, exhausted and without anyways to escape. You have to complete all of your tasks. Using Parkinson's low, you feel full of energy and happy with your life. Because of this, you have plenty of time to do everything on your list and opportunity to relax as well. Try Parkinson's slow right away and I will see you in the next lecture.
6. Busy Vs Productive: all right. I hope by now you already use the previous strategists. In this video. We're talk about the state of being productive and of being busy. Both of these are, well, Noto, all you. Even if your day is not one of the busiest, I'm 100% sure that you have had days which are impossible to be completed. What is that supposed to mean? When you have many things to do in only one day, you're feeling completely exhausted even before his beginning. Why is that foreign? How it can fix it. It all has to do it efficiency and our ability to handle more stressful days. As you saw in the title, our topic is busy versus productive. However, why do these essential elements off our lives need to be in inverse? Plenty of us considers that being busy is eager to being productive. Actually, there's a huge difference between the two of the states, which is the one you are referring to. Let's see an example off busy person and a productive person. Imagine two workers in a building. Both of them have a task to take 200 packs with sent to the last floor off the building for eight hours. So the busy person without even think we'll grab the first back and run to the last floor using the stairs, and the productive person will say, Wait a second, that's not effective. I will be still tired after only 10 bags. Is there any way to do my job for one hour? So the productive person attached a bullet to the last floor, and that way he finished his work in one hour. So the person that uses the stairs will feel so busy, so productive. But the reality is that he worked harder for eight hours, and you have the same result as the person that worked for one hour and left the building to spend some time with his family. Ah, busy person tries to do a great variety of tasks in only one day, they said. So many goes that are impossible to complete them for the current beard off time, however, productive people begin with their priorities. They know what it's most important and concentrate on finishing it first, but find ways also to do it efficient as possible. First Complete does off the tasks which are really important and only then take time to finish the insignificant wells. Being done with the essential tasks is always better because they better mind your success in the future. One of them stay explained. Your first do happen when we have lots of things to do. We first decide to take off the minor tasks. Are there much easier? No, almost put on effort into something difficult when they can just relax while doing insignificant tasks. All in all, don't fool yourself that the more tasks you do, our guarantee off efficiency truth is completely different. In order to clarify this, let me give you another example. If you want to learn French, you concentrate on turning it, and we'll practice every day on Lee. When you already knowing it, you can pay attention, toe other subjects. The second difference between busy and productive people is not the first. Can't say no during a day filled with a great number of activities. The only missing element is the additional obligation. People who can't say no often happened upon this type of situations. If you agree to do all your back for you, always add more and more activities to your schedule this will undoubtedly elite on endless to do list. Productive people are aware of that. They realize how important saying no to the necessary authorities is time is really valuable, and if we don't use it properly, we will never become productive. So next time a friend asked you for a favor, think about how it would affect your schedule. If you have plenty of time, go ahead. However, if you're already too busy, refuse them. The easiest way to handle our loaded schedule is by being productive. If we implement some basic techniques for efficiency, we can make our lives completely easier. Discourse is a perfect example for them, and we leave you perfectly able to be responsible for your life. In conclusion, don't consider that being busy always ensures efficient. This elements are completely different and if you don't fall the upper example, you always be busy, but never product. However, don't worry. If it turn out to be too difficult, you have enough time to practice and learn. Start right now in order to find how easy being productive. ISS
7. The One Thing: we have all happened to be in situation when we have lost our sparkling life, were simply lying around and complaining about life. But they're so hard to get out of this mess, never less. When you do it, you feel amazing. You feel inspired to start again, even more powerful. Because of this, you realize what needs to be done and work for it. You have drawn up a full schedule for the following day, starting with the workout in the gym, you commute to work. After a day overflowing with assignments, you go back home and complete your day. Working on your personal development. It sounds like the best day. By being so productive, you're able to complete everything you want. I regret to inform of that. This is not going to happen to begin with your human being, and you have a limited amount of energy. Because of this, you can't expect to have the capacity for doing anything to simply one day. Despite being quite hard to get your store completely new, shadow this method. It's not sufficiently effective by dedicating your energy into plenty off flight activities . You actually do not achieve anything. For example, If you want to lose weight, you have to go to the gym regularly and exercise harbor. In addition, you need to focus on your goal and completely disregard all additional activities. The wheel power is limited. It's like a muscle. When you want to achieve something, no matter off its area, you have to focus on it. That's the only way to achieve the desired success. When you finally accomplished your wish, you free your time to continue with other activities. Remember, you should always concentrate on one thing in order to do it effectively focussed on one crucial tasks and consciously block some time from other activities and work on Lee on that one task. So people on task that is the most important for the day and say, for example, I will work on that task for one concentrated our and the last thing you want to happen is that some of CO you or you open Facebook for a couple of minutes. What is going to happen is that you lose that momentum and it will be extremely hard to get back into the zone. So don't multi task. I will give you right now a personal example. Today, when I was planning my day, I had to do a lot of tasks. Real of meetings with people, writing, editing videos. Take my governor from Jim A lot of stuff. But they realized that in the evening when I go to the bed, I want my date. Few Great. So I just fuming these videos to be my number one priority for the day I Bloxham hours. And when I complete this videos and for example, I sleep maybe the writing part and anything, I will not be worried because I finished this videos. I consciously choose the one thing that matters most for the day. I give you useful trick to use. If you find yourself in a situation that distracts you. Set a reminder on your phone in every hour. Hey, has really set a reminder with the message. Hey, are you avoiding the most important task? It's super effective. We're just humans. It's normal sometimes would get distracted. For example, you lost truck and you're jumping on Facebook for a while and your phone rings. You see Hey, men are avoiding your most important task and you'll be like, I guess and you cautious to get back to work, so try it. Another important factor is being able to see the overall picture there. Plenty of people who think about future instead of living in the reality. It's completely normal to dream about future success. However, you first need to work for it nowadays so that you can achieve it in the future. And this is exactly where the or a picture takes place. Anyone should know the way they want their life to develop. Only then they can dedicate their time. So the so wanted go. This is the key to building quants perfect life. However, it is impossible to give a definition. What's the best perfect life is because everyone has their own priorities in life. For some people, their wants, like the luxury home, new fast car and face close. For others, the priorities are consistent off having quite knowledge and learning something every day. They're even people who only live to be happy with the ones they love. So decide what your perfect life looks like and start working on it. However, I don't think that everything is going to work out that once. Remember that you have to be patient, even though you're be working on your go for a few weeks, even a few months and don't see results. Keep going. Don't let the most often make mistakes for you. If you really want to see results, don't give up. One of the greatest examples in history for constantly working person is Steve Jobs. During the development of Apple, he faced the great variety feathers. However, he never stopped 20 1 day, he finally achieved what he wanted. Although plenty of time has passed since then, his example, we lost forever. This proves that the effort you may be giving for a month, a year or for even a couple of years. We results sooner or later, I promise. Doctor, you accomplish anything you want as long as you're persistent in your work. Probably the most important factor for achieving success in life is to have someone by your side. You have hard moments in which the one thing to make go on, we will be your closest person. It doesn't matter who this person is going. Tobe A. It can be your mom doubt your left or your best friend, the only condition for him to become one is being by our site. When you need support, it is hard to go through all of this alone. It is always better to find someone to encourage you. The last thing that I will discuss in this part is blaming our people. It is somehow connected to the previous talk. If you experience failure, we shouldn't blame the ones who are around us. They're only here to help. Not to fail is down. So the next time you face some kind of failure, think about your mistakes and try to correct them. However, don't blame yourself for everything. Sometimes things like this happen and we cannot change anything but peacefully accept all the current situation the way it this remember that can achieve anything you want. Just keep in mind to do it. Gradually finish with the primary goal which will lead you to the next step. Then get ready for the next one. You notice how to get closer to your most important goal. Step by step. You finally solved the puzzle when putting all pieces at once share all little achievements with your friends and family. Enjoy. Every day off your life you will notice how your life turns into the one you have always wanted to have Ah, productive and fulfilled one
8. The Power Of Preparation: during the whole course, we have been talking about productivity. We went through some principles, useful piece of advice and other hugs on how to be more productive to base topic. It's a little bit different from the others. We will discuss why preparation is so important for productivity. Finally, the connection between them we will finally be able to explain ourselves. May we begin with a simple question. What thus preparation mean to you? Give a response right now, Right down your answer. Some of you will connect the work preparation toe, the ability to be organized and to do everything on a schedule. Others will link it with the idea off Eric obligations. And third with freedom, the pentacle. What you associate this word with would be able to define what kind of person you are as well as this. It would review how you can adopt being productive in your own life. What do you associate the work preparation with? Let's take a close look at the three most often given answers so that we understand the power of preparation and how it affects our life. If you consider preparation as a part of your freedom, then you are definitely a really organized person. Order is the most important thing when it comes to the people who have given this answer. For example, if they don't clear their room daily or don't work on schedules, they would feel really worried and uncomfortable. I have seen many people that are so obsessed with the process of preparation that they even look mad sometimes in order to understand what I mean, Imagine you move the vast for an inch out of its place. Although this would be obvious for ordinary people, these who are obsessed with order were immediately notice. Dislocation what? It's more that it's highly possible that they even get mad about it despite initial South. Weird. It happens, believe me, I have experienced it my own Everyone is Nick, so it is not surprising that they're passionate about plenty of different things. They're even people who desire to be planning something and get their life in order. Although it may sound totally unusual, it is actually extremely useful when it comes to be productive. For example, based in your daily life on the schedule, you hear people filter the important from the insufficient tasks at the beginning of the day. By doing it, you will be able to complete the crucial walls first and free some time for other activities. Then it will be much easier to sort your tasks, as you would have already used this meddled and would know how to follow a plan. For Ahlers. Preparation is painstaking, and their life is constantly based on spontaneous decisions. They don't plan anything because it requires giving Frankie off effort. So if you recognize yourself in this type of people, you would probably consider making some basic changes in your life. For example, if you're always waiting to do the last minute to do something one day, you may be easily tricked by your own habits. This would make you regret no preparing on time for that specific location. This leads us to another interesting detail about preparation, East preparation, mental or simply expresses in some kind of physical activity. Experience shows that mental preparation is much more important than doing the actual activity. Then you you probably ask, What is that supposed to mean? Let me explain. Imagine that you have forthcoming interview for a new job. There some activities you need to do before the actual meeting. For the current position, for example, you have to choose an outfit and think about what you would initially say which of these activities seem more important to you the way you're going to look or what you're going to say. Although appearance in this case is also very important, 90% off the chances whether you're going to get the job or not depends on your speech. So it is crucial that you prepare yourself for the interview by refining the way you speak in front of your friends or off the mirror. Carefully think about what you're going to say, and the impression and the body language you're going to express only after having prepared yourself mentally choose a suitable all fit for location. Another example is going to the grocery shop. You lose so much time. If you're going to the store every day, you have to choose the food. Think about what to take and waiting line. Ah, better option is to make a list for the week or for the month and go to the store prepared . That wave is the store wasa month or four times a month, and you save some bucks. Also, I know that's not the best example, but think outside the box is the same. And when you have to say the same thing to 100 people, what do you do? Go 100 people. A better option is to record a short video and steady to everyone. Do you understand the importance of preparation better now? I hope so. Let's finish this lecture by deducting the connection between preparation and productivity . If you want to be a productive person, you should definitely learn how to be prepared. One. Productivity is not self contained. It is a combination off a great variety of habits which are going to make you more organized and you save your valuable time. So if you are the type of person who knows how to share your their time and act in different situations, then you would surely not have any problems in the future. You you be ableto easily prepare yourself for anything which is about to come up in your life. Don't underestimate the power off preparation. It is as important as the rest of the factors needed for being productive and successful
9. Speed Up Decision Making: making the decisions. It's one of the most important actions in life. He did termites. What is going to happen onwards and respectively, are plenty of people suggest that what we have already done is irreversible. That might be simply because everything in life happens in a specific way according to our destiny. I am sure you have all hurt off such things plenty of times. However, if you're watching discourse, you know that everything in life is completely based on our actions. Even though we find ourselves rational because of the fast development off our nervous system making the best decisions, it's not guaranteed. So it shouldn't be surprising that there is a great variety of situations when we are not able to react properly. For example, if you have to make an important decision, you might become absent from what is really happening. For that reason, you wouldn't be able to decide what is the best to be done, and we will spend valuable time just hoping to pick the optimum decision. But what exactly does the decision making have to do it productivity? If you can quickly make the best decisions, having in mind what your priorities and goals are, then you could easily separate the valuable from the insignificant. Now, remember all that we have discussed in discourse. The most important part of being productive is realizing what your major go and priority should be. If you do no doubt, then you could easily pick the best decision about the specific moment. If you still don't trust me, though, let me give you an example. Imagine that you are on a diet and someone bought on ice cream. Would you in do it yourself with this desert old would just skip it. The answer to this question is obvious. You would resist the temptation. No, just because you fear getting fat by eating some ice cream. But as you are being on a diet and that exactly has to deal with productivity. If you're ago is to loose weight, then you have to follow your diet strictly. Any distractions will simply make it worse by distracting you from that time. But how can you apply this principle in your life when it comes to more important decisions ? Luckily, I'm here to help you decide this. After watching this video, you finally know how to speed up the decision making the previous example we discussed is the first step to quickly speaking the optimum decision. If you have a goal, then you should carefully decide what you need to do in order to achieve it. Imagine what would happen if you took the first decision that come up to your mind. What could the potential response of this be and how would it affect your life? If the consequences are bearable, then go ahead. However, if it has a great impact on your life, then think twice in order to find the best solution. When you want to know what the perfect decision for the current situation is, think about three essential questions. One. How would it affect my life? Do we would help me to make my dream come true? Three. We would take something important away from me. By answering these questions, you could easily make a decision. If the potential solution might have negative consequences, then think twice before finally deciding. Whenever you make a decision, always consider your priorities. In the current situation. How will this affect your goal? Is it going to stop your progress or we'll just help you to achieve your ago. Plenty of times people pick up in appropriate decisions that hinder them. Because of this, they become unable to continue their personal development in order to analyze the ant off such a situation. Think about what would happen if you acted in a specific way at the beginning. Picking the best decisions won't happen as fast as you would like. Toa. Even though this may initially seem unpleasant, you gradually get used to it, making a decision after decision, you will become more and more confident until the moment you do it right away. Just remember to believe in yourself and trust your mind. This is the only way in which you could speed up the decision making. Moreover, improving into that expect we'll make you us productive as you have ever expected.
10. How To Avoid Burnout: there plenty of situations when we forget how important taking a break is. We work for days, weeks, months and neglect. Health. Tired were, however, Don't worry. If you recognize yourself in this description as this a frequently made mistake as where wasn't pleasant results? It also can give you a great experience. So if you ever happen to be in this type of situation, you will probably know what the effect off wasting time for taking a break ISS. Most people consider their and happy simply because they feel exhausted, however, is completely wrong, as this are two totally different states. For example, when you finally find the key to your personal development, you feel the desire for simply working. So you invest hours of your time into this wish every day. As time passes, you can already feel the exhaustion. But don't quit, most probably because you experience the fear of failure. The truth is quite different, though. Despite being hard for you to believe taking a break is actually as important as the work you have been doing lately. Our bodies Foshan similar to machines. Imagine the following situation. You have been working on your laptop for eight hours without stopping. You don't feel exhausted, but at some point you laptop is overheated and you need to turn it off. While it's cooling down. You decide to finish your daily workout, and here comes the conclusion off this example. Like anything in the world. Your body, especially your mind, also need some time to refresh the results off. Not spending enough time for taking a break are more than scaring. Firstly, you if you constantly tired and that will hinder your work because of this, you're going to need more energy to finish something in comparison to the moments when you feel relaxed. If you happen to be in this kind of situation, think about having convocation with your family or friends for a few days doing it. You will be able to free your mind, so when you come back, you will be provided with additional energy for completing your work. They're great variety of service focusing contest topic, which proves the importance of taking breaks regularly. Moreover, these leads is to the something even more important, taking sufficient time to sleep. If you don't sleep for a police 78 hours a day, you if you exhausted all the time? Ah, sleep is the most important part off your relaxation. If you don't sleep for a least 78 hours a day, you If you exhausted all the time, asleep is the most important part of your relaxation. This is the moment when our brains slow down and process all the information from the past day. So if you don't take enough time to sleep, you re most probably end up stress angry and totally exhausted. However, if you experience sleepless nights and you can take the proper amount of sleep, you can always comprehensive by having a quick nap. Actually, there is a research which explores the effect often up. It shows that having the one or two hour nap stimulates the release of four months that are responsible for our ability to concentrate. Another research suggest that our brain is most effective during the 1st 3 to 4 hours after waking up. So the next time you wake up, think about it and pay attention to how easily you can finish your assignments. The last advice I will give you how to avoid burnout is to change your activities. For example, when we constantly do something. There comes a time when we wouldn't want to do it anymore, even if we love doing it at first, imagine that you're eating your favorite ice cream daily for the next few months. In the beginning, you feel happy as this your favor. Desert. However, after two or three months, you're going to hate because you have bean eating it constantly. The same comes with doing an activity. Ah, first, it is always exciting. You feel motivated, but after doing it all the time, you're no longer locked it in order to avoid coming upto this up more and different activities. This who ensure that you never hate what you do. Since we're discussing the ways we can avoid a burn out, there is one more thing to talk about. Why is the burnout so unpleasant? It is so as you happened. If you are stressed and exhausted and no longer if you happy with your life because of this , it has nothing to do with the store desire state of being productive as our main goal is to be effective. We want to be happy with completing oh, our tasks on time. However, if you don't feel satisfied with your work and do it simply because you're obligated to. You can never feel complete. It is good to be productive, responsible and organized, but it's most important to be happy. Do whatever you want, work what you would like to and don't forget about your dearest people. Take some time to have a break and toe. Evaluate the current situation. However, if you ever happen to think that your life isn't fulfilled and feel the breast keep in mind , it's probably because you're experiencing a burnout. Guys, I'm talking from experience. The last time I've experienced burnout, it felt so sick. No energy, no motivation. I felt so empty. It was so strange. Like I was completely different person. I thought, I will never get back to the old me who was always happy and positive. With so much motivation and passionate for new work and opportunities. I even visit the psychologist to help me deal with this problem. So how I managed to get back on track? Well, I realized that I was constantly over working late nights, early mornings, but it was too late, so I realized that I need help from a professional, and I trusted him. So he said to me when I feel stressed to focus on my breath, take a deep bread five seconds in five seconds out and to do it as long as I get rid of that, just paint and stress and that technique worked for me even since, and probably the most important thing that I realized is that is a moment in time and it will pass. It's impossible to be the same all the time. We change constantly, but the problem when you experiencing burnout is super heart realized that it will pass. You feel it will be like this forever and does the thing that scared me the most. I was so scared that I will never feel the same as before. I really hope to help you guys with this video because I know what it's like. If you're never experienced burnout, please be careful car. You work and try to avoid it. And if you're dealing with, burn up right now, use these techniques we've talked about in this video. If it still doesn't fix the problem, please seek help from a professional realize that it's a moment in time and it will pass. The good thing is that when it fades away, it's like never happened. Thanks for watching guys they care.
11. Thank You: Hey, you've made to the end of the course. Congratulations and thank you. You've made it. I really hope that this course will give you a different perspective on how to manage your time and activities. Don't forget, the most important thing is to be happy with your life. And this productivity tricks are only to help you achieve this goal. I'm sure you will become more productive. But on Lee, if you buy everything you've learned immediately and you develop, your own strategy is down the way. Lastly, are you ask you for a small favor? If you haven't left the review for discourse, please tell me, what do you think? I really aim for a five star experience because I want this to be the perfect course for you. Thank you so much for completing discourse and take care.