1. Intro: Hi, I'm Julie Hans, an artist and urban sketcher
based in the Netherlands. I'm the founder of
Break Brushes Stadium, a membership for amateur
artists in urban sketches. I also have a blog
for Urban Sketchers and a Youtube channel
with weekly videos. My membership, my
Youtube videos, and my blog all
serve the same goal. To help amateur artist be happy. I want to help you make room
for art in your life and develop a consistent
practice routine so you can grow and thrive. I want to help you connect
with minded people and equip you with tools to
develop your unique style. Thank you for stopping
by to watch my tutorial. Let me tell you a
few words about it. In this tutorial, I will
show you how to create beautiful textures with
alcohol based markers. In the first part, I will show you how to draw a tile truth. In the second part, you will learn how to draw a brick wall.
2. Materials: Be using Copic markers. Here are the colors
I'll be using. You will also need fine liners. I'll be using Winson Newton
waterproof fine liners, sizes 0.3 millimeter
and 1 millimeter. Any other brand is Crito? Just make sure they
are waterproof. As for paper, any
marker paper will work. Oh yeah. We will also need a graphite pencil and
an eraser. All right. Well set, let's sketching.
3. Sketching a Roof Texture: I started by drawing
the outline of the roof octangle with a pencil. Not too big.
Something like this. Add a chimney to
it, somewhere here. And a few bricks on the chimney. Okay, now I take my fine liner, 0.3 millimeter, and start to draw the
ridge tiles like this. A short rounded part, then a longer part, and then a short one. And then I draw some
vertical lines not too close to each other,
something like this. This is good. Okay, now I can start
drawing the tiles. And the idea is that we create a wave and we do it like this. I draw, oh, circles on
the same level each time, skipping a section like this. I start here and
then go here, here, and the last one on this level. And then I go to the next
level and do exactly the same and the next level. And here we go, a little bit faster now. And the last one will be here. And you can draw them closer to each other if you want to. Now I draw the lower half
circles connecting their ends to the upper half
circles like this, we create a wave. I fill the whole of surface. At the bottom here. I take my thick of fine liner and just
draw a wave like this. Because it's in the shadow, it's a little bit quicker than a normal wave
will be like this. And add a little bit more
shadow to this side. I assume that the
light sources here, and this part will
be in the shadow. More in the shadow, Okay. And now I want to throw my
chimney with a fine liner like this. Also here
we have a wave. Keep in mind that it
should have pretty much the same shape
as the wave below. I draw the bricks like this. Now we can add
more shadow with a thicker in it's 1 millimeter. And I do it here, maybe also here, definitely
here from the chimney. And also under the hang on parts of the chimney,
something like this. I think that's beautiful, but I also want to
add some color to it. I do it with my markers. Let me show you how to do this. We decided that the light source is in the top left corner. The shadow will be on the opposite side with the
lightest of two markers. I color the part with lower half circus and a half part with the
upper half circus. Like this. I color this part entirely
and the half of this part, and I do the same
on the second one. You can also see that I
leave this stroke white. This part will also
be in the shadow. It will be like this. Now
I had the darker shadow. I can also add some
color to the parts, the ridge tiles and a
little bit to the chimney. Okay, Like this. Now
I had a darker color, somewhere in the middle to
emphasize at the shadow. If you draw with markers, you also can blend a little bit, but it's not necessary. I also love this sketchy
look just with lines. We also need to add some
shadow to the chimney parts. And also here some darker
shadows like this. Okay. And you were our beautiful roof
tech. Sure. Is done.
4. Sketching a Brick Wall Texture: Okay, now let's
draw a brick wall. And we, again, we'll
start with a pencil. I draw a frame like this and a few lines for the rolls. They cut this. And then I draw the bricks in the
middle of the brick. Pretty much in the middle. Maybe we need one
here or a little bit closer to the
edge like this. This one will be
on the same level. Of course, they are
all on the same level. Here will also have a few lines. Okay, this is what we need
to draw with a pencil. Now we can use the pine
liner and the bricks. And the bricks, we
will draw them like this, not very straight. We need some space between them, maybe a little bit more. They shouldn't be
exactly the same. If you look at the bricks
on the real walls, you will notice that they are
all a little bit different. The shape is different, the color is different. So with all them, like this. Okay, so now we have our bricks refined with a fine
liner and we can erase the pencil lines. Okay? And be sure that your fine liner is already dried so that you don't smarg the
lines of the fine liner. Okay, the next step is
coloring the bricks. For that, we will use different
colors of red and orange. If you don't have
a lot of colors, just use one light
red or orange color and one darker color. For example, if you
use a color like this, this will be the light orange. And this could be the darker
version for the shadows. Okay, we also need a
gray, dark grey color. Or at least this is not
exactly a gray color. It's more like grayish purple. And we will need a white pencil, a white marker if we want to. But pencil works a
little bit better. Okay, let's start, for example
here with a light color, with a light orange like this. And I color it with a chisel, nip, with a thicker nip. We need to spread the
colors a little bit. And let's draw the
light bricks first. This orange, the lightest
orange I have here. And let's this one
light like this. And we also can leave some white space on this side because the
same as with the roof. We will assume that the
light comes from this side. On this side, the
highlight on that side, we will have shadows. The most important
thing for now is that if we want to
leave white space, it will be like this here. Okay, let me see the next color. Let's try this one, for example, and color this brick. And let's color this one too. And this one, and maybe this one. Well, let's do this
one too, okay? The next color will
be red for poor. And let's do this one with red and this one, and this one. Now I want to use my
darkest orange and color this, it's almost brown. And this brick, and this one, let me see. What color can we use here? Or maybe the same
color actually. Why not? Okay. And for the parts, we can use the lightest color. The lightest oranges. This one. This one, I use a brush nip. It's easier to draw such
a small stroke here. I will also use my darkest orange also
with the brush nip. And if you don't
have a brush nib, you probably have a
bullet nip and you can use it to Okay, now we need to add shadows to the bricks
and how we add shadows. So as I said before,
the highlights, the lightest parts of the brick are on the left side
and on the top. And the shadows will
be at the bottom of each brick and also
on the right side. Okay. So let me show you. It will be like this. For example, For colors, for the orange colors, Brown color as the shadow color. I use bus nip to create
the shadow just like this. I also can refine the
edge a little bit. Okay, Here, here, a little bit. Here, not too much. We still can see the
other color. Also here, I don't use this color for this orange
because it's too dark. Instead, I use my darker
orange for the shadow, that the difference
between the light and shadow wouldn't be that big for the red bricks. For the shadow on
the red bricks, I use a dark, dark red color like this. Here we have the last one. Okay, actually we have our bricks with a
highlight, with a shadow. And now we need to add
some shadow color. There are gray between
the bricks because the bricks stick out
a little bit and we'll always have some
shadow on the wall. Objects that stick
out like this. And I don't try to
color everything, leave some space
here and there, and we get a very playful
and nice picture. And we can press a
little bit harder here and there to make it darker, to make the shadow darker
and more impressive, To create more depth in the
picture here and there, we can draw over
the brown color. That's okay. It's even better actually, like this. Okay. So now what I want to
add to this picture is some, some oddities. And I do it like this. I just
put my marker, the brush, sip on the paper and I
create some dots and press sometimes harder
and sometimes less hard. This textures. And that makes our bricks a little bit more
interesting actually. Okay, and now we can add
a highlight to them, like this actually,
to each of them. And add a shadow
on the other side. A little bit more shadow
with the darkest smarker. Okay? And let's add some
more shadow here and there, like this, okay? And to make this highlights even more beautiful, we can add some white pencil so they don't look
that straight. And we can add just a little bit more
color to all of them here, for example, make them more sketchy by adding
different colors.
5. Final Thoughts: Thank you for watching
my tutorials. Now we have two more textures in your urban
sketching tool kit. Using a variety of
textures is a great way to make your sketches more
realistic and lightly. I personally love textures. I think they are the
best part of sketching. I would love to see what
you come up with and also to stay in touch with you
after the sketching or treat. Share your sketches
on Instagram. Tag me, add Julia, underscore Hansen
and a break brushes. I'll be delighted to
see your sketches and to feature them in
my Instagram stories. If you're interested in
learning more about textures, I've got a great course
in brick brushes studio. You can learn how to draw
stone, brick, glass, wood, and pavement
textures with fine liners. And also how to paint brick
textures with watercolors. If you're interested in markers, I've covered that too. You can find more marker
resources in the PDF workbook. You can download it
using the link below. It includes links
to my blog post, Youtube videos, step by step, market tutorials and much more. That's all from me today, but I hope to see you
again at the sketching.