Live Encore: Illustration Exercises for Finding New Inspiration | Karla Alcazar | Skillshare

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Live Encore: Illustration Exercises for Finding New Inspiration

teacher avatar Karla Alcazar, Illustrator and Teller of Tiny Stories

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Getting Out of a Rut


    • 3.

      Drawing Random Objects


    • 4.

      Exploring New Perspectives


    • 5.

      Experimenting With Color


    • 6.

      Playing With Composition


    • 7.

      Final Thoughts


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About This Class

Get more playful in your drawing practice using random objects and reference images!

It’s common to feel uninspired in your creative practice, but it’s important that you push through it to challenge your creativity in new ways! In this 40-minute class—recorded using Zoom and featuring participation from the Skillshare community—illustrator Karla Alcazar will share some of the ways she likes to shake things up and bring new ideas into her drawing practice. 

You’ll start with a discussion of why Karla loves using random objects and reference images as part of her creative process, particularly when she’s feeling uninspired or like she’s too stuck in her way of doing things. Then, you’ll walk through several different exercises to challenge your creativity and show you the different ways you can use reference images to inspire your art. 

Great for artists of any level, this class will give you some dedicated drawing time and the chance to push your boundaries, get playful, and do things a little differently than you usually do. While Karla will be drawing digitally in Procreate, you’re welcome to join using any medium you prefer.


While we couldn't respond to every question during the session, we'd love to hear from you—please use the class Discussion board to share your questions and feedback.

Meet Your Teacher

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Karla Alcazar

Illustrator and Teller of Tiny Stories

Top Teacher

My name is Karla, and I'm an illustrator. I work and live in Mexico doing editorial work for magazines and books :)

I'm fascinated by people (I have a background in psychology soI'm always curious about human behavior!).

This is why I love character design and narratives, and I'm particularly drawn to short ones. I also love botanical illustration!.

I'm a passionate advocate of living a life that inspires you to be your best self :)

See full profile

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1. Introduction: I really hope that by the end of this session, you'll feel confident and inspired to try new things, to try and draw new objects, something that you wouldn't necessarily thought of drawing before, and maybe when you're feeling uninspired, you'll remember this exercises, and after that you'll feel more confident and more willing to do playful drawings, and incorporate into your daily drawings that you may be doing. Hi, my name is Karla Alcazar. I'm an illustrator, and I do mostly narrative work and for the last few years, I've been doing quite a bit of editorial work and I've been doing a few children's books, which has been amazing, and I have been a teacher on Skillshare for almost a year now, and that's been incredible. Today, we're going to be doing a few exercises that will help us to feel a little bit more inspired and to try and do things a little bit different than we usually tend to do them. I think this exercises are helpful because sometimes we tend to get into little comfort zones. Trying to do different things like drawing different objects and using references can really help us to get out of that zone, feel more inspired, and also feel more comfortable with drawing something that we don't necessarily tend to draw as much. You can do this exercises alongside me, and we're mainly going to be doing sketches. So anything that you have laying around would be perfect, if that is a pencil and a piece of paper, that's great, or if you have an iPad and you would like to use Procreate as well like myself, that's what I'm going to be using for this class. If you want to do like watercolors or crayons, whatever you have that makes you feel excited, that's fine. Just like you know, this class was originally recorded as part of a Skillshare live session. Now let's start drawing. 2. Getting Out of a Rut: Hey, everyone. My name is Jasmine. I am going to be your hostess with the moistest today. We have an incredible live session with Karla Alcazar, one of our top teachers. Karla, can you share with us what we're going to be doing today. Yes, of course. Well, today, we're going to be doing a couple exercises that I think are going to help us, especially if we're feeling and inspired. I don't know about you guys, but lately, I've been drawing quite a lot of the same thing. I just going into my comfort zone and I think that this exercises are really good when I'm feeling in that place, and hopefully, this will also help us to feel a little bit more playful when we're drawing because it really shows when we're drawing something, we'll feel like oh just drawing for the sake of it, it really shows. So I hope that if this exercises will help us to feel a little bit more inspired and playful. I'd love if you could share just a little bit about how these exercises have helped to you during these times and what the participants can expect to come out of this session with. Well, hopefully, at the end of this session, we'll feel a little more confident and I feel because I feel that for me, in particular, every time that I get into that zone, which I'm always drawing the same, I love to draw characters and I love florals. But as much as I love to draw that it gets to a point in which it's too much of the same, even if it's a good thing. I hope that these exercises will help us all to feel there is more out there and something that we can use to inform our drawing and to feel more confident because when you're doing too much of the same, you're also like, there's got to be something more than this, and hopefully these exercises will do that, just getting us out of that place. That's so important. It's so, so important as creators to remember to challenge ourselves to get out of our routines and get out of used to doing a lot of things to really, to stretch ourselves and challenge ourselves to try new things. I absolutely love that. I know that you'll be using Procreate, but is there anything else that you have? Any suggestions you have for folks who are following along, what they should use, or if they're using Procreate or not using Procreate, any tips for that? Yes, of course. We're going to be mainly doing sketches. The whole point of this session is to be playful and to not be too precious about the outcome. Anything that you have laying around, something that makes you feel comfortable like a pencil will do, if you'd like to do a marker drawings, that's fine too. With Procreate, I would suggest you just use a regular pencil that comes with Procreate because standard is always better. But if you would like to do something a little bit more elaborative, if you feel more inspired using water colors for your sketching or something like that, feel free to that. The whole point of this is just like I said, just to play around and to have fan to play. Before we start with our first exercise, let me tell you all a little story and the reason why I thought these exercises would be a good idea. I don't know why but in the last six months or so I've been getting quite a lot of messages from people saying that they cannot draw or that they wish they could draw better, or that is something they no longer enjoy, and especially that I cannot draw, that really breaks my heart because honestly, it's something so human and we've been doing it for millennia. If you're a human, I promise you that you can draw. It's just a matter of two things. The first one I think is that we compare ourselves to someone else as a standard. You have to do your own thing. Drawing is your own personal voice, it's your visual language. So it's not fair to compare that with someone else's to yours because it's going to be completely different. The second one, I think, is because we rely on our memory way too much. Brains are great, but sometimes our memory can not be the best resource when we're drawing. To prove my point, to some degree, we're going to do an exercise that will show us what I mean by this. If you have either your iPad or whatever it is that you're going to use for drawing today, grab it because we're going to start with our first exercise. There's a couple of things for this exercise. We are going to draw something real quick. This is just a little test so we can go to our actual exercise. But for all this session, there's one rule that is the most important one, we're not allowed to erase. If you have an eraser laying around, don't use it, just put it somewhere else. Also, if you're using Procreate on the iPad, and you double-tap by accident because it just comes as a reflex, just undo it because we want to see those imperfections, so to speak. It's part of the whole process. Just be mindful of that. No erasing is allowed and for most of them, we're going to be using a time limit. Those are my two things. If you have your drawing, you're either sketchpad or your iPad, let's start with this exercise. 3. Drawing Random Objects: Now, let's get started with our first drawing exercise. One of the main issues is that we rely on our memory too much and for this exercise, I would like us to draw something, I'll tell you what it is in a second, we're going to have 30 seconds to draw this object that I will tell you. If you have this object in front of you or if you have a picture of that object, please do not look at it, just try to use your memory as much as you can. We have 30 seconds and we're going to try to draw a bicycle as you can. It doesn't have to be pretty just 30 seconds and we're going to start now. As I said, try not to be too precious about what it should look like. Again, just a reminder, you are not allowed to erase. If it's wonky, it's totally fine. Times off. If I were to look at this image, I honestly would be thinking I cannot draw, because honestly, there is so much that is wrong. I don't think this bike could be able to function in the real world. I really like the straight lines that I've drew and I really like how, as I said before, it's really interesting when you're drawing something quickly and for fun. Your language shows that you have been having fun and it's not tight. But honestly, if I had to draw bikes like this for the rest of my life, probably I wouldn't be too happy. I think I would like to polish this. The reason why I cannot draw bikes like this is because honestly, I don't remember when was the last time I saw a bike. I don't even remember, if you cycle perhaps you will be able to draw a better bike than this one? But because I don't, it's hard for me to, where's the pedal? I think this is a pedal and there was going to be a chain somewhere, but I didn't even get the chance to draw it. This is why referencing is so important when we're doing drawings. I find it so funny because there's been a lot of discussions, well, not recently, but I have had a bit of a discussion with other people who enjoy drawing. They think that referencing is almost like cheating. It's like, well, not really because it is asking too much for your poor brain to remember every single object there is in the world and for you to try to remember how to draw it. The problem with referencing is just to interpret what you're seeing in your own visual language. I think for me, the things that I like about my visual language is how straight sometimes my lines are that I like that are sharp. That's something that I would like to incorporate. For the actual exercise, we're going to do something similar, but the objects are going to be random, which is something that I love. There is this website called Random Object Generator and I think it's great because it comes with things that are completely out of my comfort zone. Whenever I feel stuck, this really helps me to get it going. I'm going to hit "Randomize" and we're going to get an object, and we're going to try to use our memories as well to draw that object, a box of baking soda. We're going to have 30 seconds as well. Try to use your memory as you can. We're going to start in, let me just go to Procreate. I'm going to use a different pencil because I think the other one was a little bit too thick. We're going to start in 3, 2, 1, go. I think, usually they come with a little thing that they open out like that, and the brand usually the baking soda. That's 30 seconds. If you didn't say baking soda, it could be a random box of anything. Whatever. This is my something foreign to use referencing and challenge yourselves to think a little bit beyond what we can see. But sometimes that's tricky because we have our own specific, I think drawing, as I said before, it's like a language and if you're used to speak a certain way, you have your familiar word, it's the words that you tend to use every day. Does it happen to you that sometimes you're reading a book and it's like, "What is this word?" It's a cool word, I don't use it that much, and you try to use it and it just sounds fake. Sometimes drawing can feel like that as well, it just doesn't feel natural, but once you incorporate that word into your actual language, it just becomes second nature and that's what I love about doing challenges like this. We'll do this exercise a couple of times more or just once more because we're going to need three objects for a further exercise. Let's hit "Randomize" again. Let me just get my timer ready. Let's see what happens. Eye liner. That one is good. We have 30 seconds to draw eye liner. Again, don't erase, don't double-tap. We're going to start in 3, 2, and 1. Now this is tricky for me because I tend to draw eyes like that. They're not necessarily accurate looking. Maybe a cat eye. I don't know, actually, I could never do that on myself. I wish I could do this on myself, but I cannot. Times off. We only got to do one eye. Actually, this is interesting because perhaps now it occurred to me that I should have drawn the actual eye liner rather than an eye with eye liner on. I wonder, did you guys draw the actual eye liner or did you guys draw an eye? I'm just curious because now I'm thinking about it, but whatever it is that you drew, stick to that because we're going to use it later. We're going to do this one again, and again, is 30 seconds, real quick. Here we go. A lemon. Yes. Cool. Let's go draw a lemon in 30 seconds, 3, 2, 1. Let's go. You know what? It's really funny because, well, maybe it's not that funny, but I don't like that shape. In, well, at least in Mexico, a lemon, Spanish is my first language, for us in Mexico, a lemon a lime and a lime is a lemon. We use the words like that. I'm actually drawing one of those orange lemons. Anyway, so that's my lemon. It's a funky looking lemon. It's all right. You know it's all right, it's a nice lemon. The point of this quick exercise is just to see that sometimes our brain can, for example, I am more confident during the lemon because I do tend to use lemons for cooking quite a lot. Especially those yellow ones, I love them for pasta, they're great. In my brain, I have that reference and I don't necessarily tend to go to other sources outside my brain. But yeah, but this poor thing, definitely this needs referencing. This is what we're going to be doing in our next exercise. 4. Exploring New Perspectives: Now let's move on to our second exercise. We're going to try and challenge ourselves and draw the same objects we did right here using referencing and challenge ourselves to perhaps come up with different versions of the same object, which sometimes I find it really tricky because in how many ways can you draw boxes, baking soda? We don't know, we'll find out. For this exercise, I would like us, well, I'm going to open my Pinterest. Now what I like about Pinterest is that it can show you the same object in so many different perspectives. You can see it facing frontwards or even this cool. I actually like the packaging of this one, baking soda. I actually think it's really nice packaging. What I would like us to do is to pick three random ways. Like this one for example, this is a good way to reference something because there are two completely. Well, this is not necessarily a box but it's baking soda. I guess for me the challenge when I'm doing illustrations especially for briefs or commissions, is to try to make things look a little bit more interesting and not the standard thing that I had in my head because imagine if I were doing the same object in every single commission, it just will be boring. It is part of my visual style. I think it is important to challenge us to try something different. We can draw a lemon as well, we'll go to that in a minute. I would like us to go back to our drawing. Now you can use these references as well. We're going to have a time limit as well because it is important to have time limits when we're doing this exercises because then we get carried away and if we don't have a time limit, it would just go back to our comfort zone and this is like, no stop, you've done it. Why don't we all try to reference this one because I like the perspective of this image and I like the little open tap here. Then we're going to compare this one that we're going to do now to the one that we drew before and see which one we like best and why. I'm going to set the timer for one minute for this one because I'm not going to lie. Perspectives for me is one of the hardest things so I require a little bit more of time for them. We're going to try and draw this. Again, no erasing. Try not to be too precious. The whole point is not to draw that exact same thing but just to use it to give us a rough guideline of how this box should look like in a different way. We're going to draw this and we're going to hit one minute. Now, let's start drawing that one and see what it looks like compared to the other one. Immediately I can see my first one was really thin. This one has a little tap like that. The good thing about this exercise is that they really show us what it is that we need to practice a little bit more. Because for me, as I said, perspectives is something that I don't tend to feel that confident doing. That's another thing. Sometimes when we say that we cannot draw is not that we cannot draw, is that sometimes we just say like, it's something that I don't like drawing whereas perhaps you would. Like myself, if I drew more perspectives, perhaps is something that I wouldn't necessarily say that I dislike. Can we please compare. This you got like referencing doesn't prove things a little bit. However, I have to say that I do really like the playfulness on this one. I prefer the lines that I did and I think that next time I draw something, perhaps it is something that I will keep in mind that it is something that I think works for me. Because drawing straight lines, I'm thinking trying to overcompensate it because I'm so scared of drawing straight lines. Whereas actually my visual language is telling me that I prefer wonky lines and I think they're going a little bit better with my style so I don't have to feel tight and constrained that they have to be perfect. So next time perhaps I need to work on actually trying different. As I said, this doesn't look like a box of baking soda because I don't know but I've never seen a really thin box of baking soda. They are all quite squared and my brain was telling me something else. That is important. Maybe the sizing is something that I need to consider next time but definitely I would like to keep the wonkiness of the lines and I think that next time I'm going to have to do lines, that will help me to feel a bit better. Should we try with the eyeliner now because as I said before, I think that I got excited and drew an eye rather than the eyeliner, but it's all right, we can work with it. Now let's try and do an eyeliner. Let's see how Pinterest [inaudible] interpreted eyes and stuff. That's good. This is gorgeous, this one. Now, it is important when we feel stuck and when we don't feel inspired to try and draw the same thing a couple of times in different ways because otherwise we, as I was saying before, we're just going to drift back until where it's comfortable for us. We're not necessarily going to feel that inspired. I think for me, finding new things and finding like, I didn't know that I could use this color width like this other color like they seem so well when you showed that they go well together for this particular thing. For this one, if you have colors and you've wanted to use colors, you're welcome to do that as well if that's part of drawing the same thing differently. If it's something that perhaps you do a lot, if you use a lot of color in your drawings, that's great. Now I'm going to be drawing my eyeliner. I'm going to use this one as reference. We're going to have one minute for this one as well. Again, no erasing, no double tapping and you have one minute, sorry. Here I go. In 3, 2, 1, let's go. When I do referencing, the one thing that helps me to feel a little bit more inspired instantly is asking myself, why is it that I like about this image. For me, honestly, I think it's the lines, the really sharp lines that I really like to include in my projects. Sometimes I like them to be wonky, but sometimes I like them to be sharp. Perhaps that cons to contrast is something that I should incorporate a little bit more in my drawings. We have 15 seconds. Now I can see here that I would have liked to do this more a little bit wide. Time is up. Now, I actually really like this one. Again, it's because of the lines. I think that this exercises are good because they make you question your own style as well. In the previous exercise, I was saying that I really like wonky lines where this one, what actually catches my eye is how sharp the lines are to some degree, are they curved and how nice or drawn. As I was saying, perhaps what it works for me is a contracts. This is something really nice about doing referencing and trying to draw things in different ways to ask yourself, why is it that I find good about this? Why is it that I feel the need to draw it in this way? Is there any ways that I can draw that using what I already have, like the abilities that I have, the colors that I have. Asking yourself these questions honestly are the ones that have sparked that inspiration because it's all about having or using what you have not necessarily about subtracting what someone else's doing because otherwise it's not exciting just to copy what everyone's is doing. You're doing yourself a disservice like [inaudible]. Everyone's got their own style and everyone's got their own voice. Your interpretation is what actually matters. We're going to go to our next exercise because we're going to use colors if you have any colors laying around. Our next one is lemon. Let me just [inaudible]. When you look at the lemon, it's pretty wonky. I could have just drawn this one because I love the color of this image. I love the textures. If you look at it, you can instantly tell that it's a lemon whereas this could be a sweet potato. This could be a lot of things if we don't add color to it. Should we try and drop this lemon in one minute. Try your best. Again, no erasing, no anything and just see what comes up. We're going to start in 3, 2, 1. Let's go. Now this one is going to be a little bit tricky without erasing. We have 30 seconds and see what we can. I'm already feeling that this looks nothing like a lemon, but that's okay. That's the whole point of trying new things. We're not going to be the best instantly even if we've been drawing for ages. We have 4, 3, 2,1. Time's up. For me, I just think that this lemon is more interesting but I don't necessarily think that looks like a lemon. This shows me the things I need to work on. I find it exciting when I find things like this that I still need to pay more attention to details. Like the little white bit right here, I think it's too wide. Perhaps it shouldn't be a little bit narrow. I don't know if it's because I draw flowers a lot, but this looks more like a flower rather than a lemon. It is interesting. Next time I'll be a little bit more prepared. Well, I guess this confers my point with my own drawings. If I had to draw lemons for a living from now onwards, I don't think that I will feel too confident. If you're in a position in which you're drawing and you feel that it's something that you cannot do well or something that you are not enjoying or something that you just you don't like doing, honestly is about doing things like this and trying and analyzing what it is that you don't like per se because once you know that, you start to have more control over the fears of not doing something well, I feel. Also we have the constraint of not erasing. But that is good because it show us where our visual language is in our heads and how we can operate from there. 5. Experimenting With Color: Now let's move on to our next exercise and we're going to be playing with some different colors. There's another website that I would like to share with all of you because I think it's really helpful if you using colors. It's a random color, it's called I think this is a cool website because me personally, and again, going into my comfort zone, if I look at my Instagram, all my feed is pink. Yeah, I like pink, but sometimes I do want to try something different. This is a good website to just challenge yourself, like blue. I'm going to show you here things that I have. You can try blue and you can try green. Is it gray or blue? I think it's like a little minty green. Well, I don't have minty green in my actual colors, I am just going to use gray. Well, I'm cheating maybe but I think it is important, as I was saying, to use what you actually have. For this bit, we're going to pick whichever object you liked best, the one you drew best, I'm going to stick to my lemon, and we're going to use the colors real quick that we randomly got. We got the blue, we got the green, and we got this gray one. Now, I particularly don't feel too excited about these colors, but as a way, that's a challenge, how to use them in a way that feels exciting and using them in different ways. I'm going to just draw this on my sketch of my lemon and see if I like that. I'm just going to use random brushes. It doesn't matter which brushes you use, the whole point is just to get your brain going and ask yourself questions like, why don't I like those? Why do I like this? All those questions. I am going to use the blue, maybe for these inner bits, and maybe the green for the outer bit. Again, it doesn't have to be perfect, the whole thing of this is just to do it randomly and see what comes up. We've got the gray. I'm going to set it on Multiply just so we can see the linework. Now, I don't particularly like this, as a lemon, but I do like using little bits of blue in these empty gaps. Perhaps, I'm thinking now that I can use the blue that I used here as a shading option as well, as shading. I don't know what it is about this image, but I actually do feel, yeah, this is something that I would like to try for future, sketches or things that I do, even though the colors are not particularly that interesting it is something that I won't necessarily be using together. I would suggest you try that if you feel. Honestly working with limited color palettes is so liberating. I know that sounds odd, but having limits or having limitations rather, I think it's really good to get the brain working. 6. Playing With Composition: For the next exercise that I would like us to try, I would like us to try to incorporate these random objects into a scene or into a composition. Doesn't have to make sense. Don't feel that it has to be perfect. Don't feel that it has to look amazing. I'm going to have a new layer for that, and I'm going to hide the other three. Now, for this one, since we've used for referencing, I am going to use this baking soda box and I am going to use the lemon that I used for referencing because I actually preferred that lemon than this one right here. My eyeliner, I do prefer the ones that I use references because I feel that there is something that I wouldn't necessarily have incorporated. It makes me want to do something different. I'm going to draw a box of baking soda and I am going to use the references. Box of baking soda. I actually really do like this one though. But this is another thing I want to tell you about referencing. I'm really tempted to use this one, but the problem with this is that I'm pretty sure that I will just be copying this because I think the design is so nice that I think that I will just be drawing the same thing and the whole point of referencing is to use your own visual language and not someone else's. But what I can do for this one, I really like the little sparks, so I may be able to add that without having to copy this. For example, for this one, I really like the typeface they used or the lettering, I think it's really cool. Perhaps for my baking soda box, I can use this, the lettering and the little sparks. This actually looks really good like the baking soda box actually. I'm going to use this one as reference. For this one, if you want, you're allowed to erase, for this one. But I would suggest trying to do it like the least possible amount you can. Because otherwise we're going to just get like well, I personally do get really precious about what I draw and I take myself too seriously and I really don't think that's good for anything in life. But I think when we're drawing, it really shows that you're forcing it. That's why I don't like erasing. I rather staying with a wonky line and maybe feeling that there's just something that I can maybe incorporate into a drawing in a better way than feeling that it has to be perfect or it has to be exactly like the thing I'm referencing. I'm going to try my hardest. One of the things that I didn't like about my first box was that it was too narrow. For this one, I'm going to try my hardest to make it a little bit whiter. That's good. It's not too bad. As I was saying before, I think it is really important that we question ourselves when we're drawing. Because if we don't have a reference point, sometimes we just feel that we're not good at something when we're actually are. It's just a matter of challenging ourselves. I have a friend and she started drawing recently and she's been doing great. She's amazing. She's got a lot of talent, but she constantly feels that she's not good enough because she's comparing herself to a lot of other people. That is so unfair because honestly what she does is amazing as it is. The problem is that especially another thing that I wanted to say is that when we're referencing objects, the whole point of referencing is not to make it look realistic if that's not your thing. If referencing other images that are illustrations, that's another thing. I really like to do that because there's so many talented people and I really would like to incorporate things that they do, but in my own way. I think that also helps with comparison. They're doing it their way, but I can do it my own way. I find that really inspiring as well, just seeing someone else's work and try incorporating in my own personal way. I do like how this thing is looking. I am going to incorporate little sparks that I like, not necessarily in the box but outside. I said that I really like the lettering. Maybe I'm going to go back to my referencing to see what I should draw in this part. I like the idea of having a spoon, but I don't want to copy the logo that I actually really like. I like that it's really simple and clean. I would like my box to look simple and clean, my box of baking soda. Maybe I can use this as reference. There's one right here. Let's open the app. Now, let's reference the spoon. Drawing objects like this one like honestly is one of the hardest thing for me because as I said, I really like to draw my characters and I really like to draw my photos. When it's time to try something else, I always don't feel that is that good or that it could be better. But honestly, it's just that thing in my head telling me that because we can all do it. It's just a matter of paying a little bit more attention and that's it. We're not expected to do things perfectly right away. For some reason, I think as humans we just have that in our heads, that we need to do things really good. I could do better with my lettering. I'm going to back to the one that I liked and referenced. What do I like about this? I think I like the contrast between, it's so pixelated this image. I really like the contrast between the sharpness of the letters that say baking soda and the curved lines that say Red Mill. Maybe that's something that I would like to incorporate in this drawing. I am going to try and do something curved. If you want, you can do that as well. I haven't drawn my lemon or my eyeliner. Oh, you know what I'm thinking? Probably the eye should be the logo. I don't even know where to put it. What I personally will take out of this exercise right now because I was actually feeling or I had been feeling really uninspired lately and as I was saying, with drawing the same thing over and over. It's not been great. I don't feel inspired to draw. I honestly feel that from this exercise, I would like to try and do more contrast in the sense that maybe from now onwards I will try to do a combination of straight lines with wonky lines or with curved ones because I think that that is something that I seem to like. I feel now that need to draw, if that makes sense, just like yeah, I actually do need to draw that because I feel exciting about something that I didn't know. It's all because of just drawing random objects that perhaps I wouldn't necessarily would have thought of drawing together. I don't necessarily feel that I want to draw boxes of baking soda on a regular. This exercises gets us to feel that it's okay to explore. There's another thing that I would like to say because this looks like a flower. I think I did this last time in my last live session. But if you're having trouble drawing flowers or things that are a little bit symmetrical, what I would like to do is, honestly just do this crosses, which is to cross the same spot a few times and then use that as reference. Instead of just trying to eyeball it. I feel a little bit more confident drawing things like this. This one is too high, for example. I'm happy with my lemon, but I'm tempted at this point to just draw the wonky lemon. But I honestly think that I should really force myself and draw this one. Now, if you get to a point in which you actually feel frustrated, I think the best way to cure that is to try a different lemon and that's not necessarily cheating. Just don't draw what you actually are comfortable with. Just maybe take a little bit of LIKE this one I like the curve and is not facing front, if that makes sense. It's easier than the first lemon, but it's not as easy as a lemon that I always draw. If that makes sense, don't feel frustrated. The whole point of this is to have fun and make it playful. If at some point it just feels it's like my reference in the drawing is just not working, just ditch it. It's okay. Just try and find a different reference and a different image and I think that will help you as well. You don't want to feel frustrated with something that should feel fun. It's an interesting lemon, but I actually really like it. Things don't have to look realistic. You just have to like and you just have to be comfortable with what you're drawing. I actually really like this lemon. I would like to show my comparison from my first drawing from memory to the actual one with referencing. It's just like sea of difference. 7. Final Thoughts: These were the exercises that I have for you today. Thank you so much for being here. I really hope that you had fun, and perhaps now you think of a new way to explore drawing and incorporate different things in different elements in any way. Honestly, try them on a regular because especially this last one when you incorporate several elements into one scene, it actually does make you question a lot about your own style and about your own interpretation of things. I think this is a key to feel inspired, I guess; figuring out why is it that I like it, and why can I find more of the same, so I can feel more inspired, and I can create more things that feel the same way I feel. Yeah, honestly, another thing that I would suggest is try restrictions as much as you can. Honestly, the timer thing was a game changer for me because it does make me realize that there are certain things that don't necessarily require a lot of time that I can just draw really quickly and feel happy with. I honestly really love to see everyone's drawing. I found them so inspiring to see, so please upload your project into the project section. It would be so so great to see them there. Thank you so much for being here today. 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