Learn to Paint Magical Watercolor Butterflies from Scratch | Step by Step Watercolor Painting | Meenakshi Muthuraman | Skillshare

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Learn to Paint Magical Watercolor Butterflies from Scratch | Step by Step Watercolor Painting

teacher avatar Meenakshi Muthuraman, Artist and Illustrator

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Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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About This Class

In this class, I will show you how to paint beautiful and colorful butterflies using watercolors. I've explained a lot of fun and easy ways of painting butterflies. This class is perfect for anyone who likes to begin his/her journey in watercolor and also for those who know the basics but want to experiment more. Watercolor might seem challenging, especially for those who come from other mediums like acrylics and oils. But, it just takes a little bit of practice and proper materials. That's it!

In the class,

  1. I start off with the supplies you'll need and I'll explain what kind of paper and paints are good for beginners.
  2. Then I'll be teaching you how to draw the butterflies from scratch.
  3. After that, we will do a quick and fun project using wet in wet technique.
  4. At last, I will be teaching you to paint two realistic and magical butterflies.

When you're done watching the class, you'll be able to able to paint your own colorful butterflies. This is absolutely a fun and relaxing class!


  • 100% Cotton Watercolor Paper (I have used papers from Art Essentials)
  • Paints [I used Mijello Mission Gold Watercolor set of 24]
  • Watercolor Brushes with a nice point
  • Waste cloth 
  • Water Jar
  • Palette

Paint Brushes

  • Detail Brush (I have used an all-purpose brush for the detailing part. It doesn't hold a lot of water)
  • Round Brush (Medium, Small)

Meet Your Teacher

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Meenakshi Muthuraman

Artist and Illustrator

Level: Beginner

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1. INTRODUCTION: Hi. My name is Meenakshi Amman artist and an industry I love to draw and paint. I welcome you all to my class. I love what the colors and one of my recent favorite thing is butterflies. Classes designed for big nose. We will be discussing right from the basics, like what supplies? A good for bigness. We'll be doing some comparisons for your better understanding, you'll be able to see my palate and how I makes the colors. Then I'll be teaching you five different race off painting butterflies. You feel threatened Red technique. I'll also be using few close up shots to make you understand how the pigment moves in the water. Then you'll be painting with me too realistic by the flies. I'll be teaching you how to draw amazing patterns on their wings. This is absolute feel, super fun and relaxing class. You don't need any prayer experience in watercolor. If you love art, then this glasses for you. I'm so excited to see in the next listen by 2. REQUIREMENTS: Let's now discuss about the supplies you need. Let's talk about the pains First. Amusing mission. Watercolor pains such off 24 colors. When comes to watercolor pains. Qualities that important. Make sure your pains are highly pigmented and spreads well. Then you move your watercolor brushes. You mean at least three sizes. Make sure they all have good point. Good quality brushes. We make a huge difference in your project, and then you need a good palate to mix the colors. You'll also need a paper tape, but this is optional, and then you need a tissue or a waist cloth to clean your brush and wipe off Texas water. Last but no, the least you need a surface to paint on. For today's class. I'll be using this 100% court and watercolor sheets. You can use any brand. No problem. Let's see what happens when you paint a low quality paper. I try to use watercolor on my drawing paper. The quality is really bad, and the paper starts to peel off this. Does it absorb any water? Now let's try painting on 25% court and she eats. It started off well, but as I tried to add more water. The quality is damaged. You can see after some time the paper start to pee off. So when you paint on low quality papers, it leaves you frustrated. So always use 100% watercolor sheets. Use any brand, no problem, but make sure they're 100% cotton. These are my 100% court and sheets. These cheats especially designed to observe the water you put on them. Just a recap I'll see in the next. Listen, guys, but by 3. HOW TO DRAW BUTTERFLIES: Now I'll teach you how to draw the butterflies. Start off by drawing the body part for the wings. I draw a covert anong off 60 degree, now withdraw and the girl from the waist and I connected to the previous one. This forms one wing off the butterfly. Similarly, draw the left wing again. Start off by drawing a covert an angle of 60 degrees and another girl from the waist connected to the previous Want to make a ring, Let's know, draw the lower wings. They are similar to the upper wings, and they're drawn below the waist. Finally, I draw two girls for the Anthony on nd goes by drawing small beings. But the flights come in so many different shapes. I usually draw the wings using reference photos, check out Internet and explore the beauty off the butterflies. Some angina are short, and some are long used. The reference for does the wings off the butterflies come in different designs. While preparing this class, I was checking the Internet and I was so amazing the varieties of butterflies. There are so many designs more than you can even imagine. I now do the lower wings for this butterfly. As you can see the reference, the lower wings are kind of protruding. That is an extension in their lower wings, so it can even draw the extensions and add more drama to your butterflies while drawing the butterflies. You just have to keep one do in your mind, that is, their left wings and a right wings are symmetrical, but, you know, keep the same carves ups and downs. What I'm talking is the left wings and the right wing's. They have the same design, this butterflies off different angle. Imagine about a fly sitting on a flower, drawing beneath. Finally draw the head and the antenna. Similarly, imagine about the fly, which is sitting on the other side. Draw apart off wings. And then the ring, which has been need, finally draw the head and the antenna. So that's how you draw the butterflies, all seeing the next listen. Bobby will start to paint the by 4. FUN PROJECT (WET-IN-WET) WINGS: This is the outline that I'll be using for this project. You can find it below the video, have already joined outline so that I can concentrate on the painting part for this project . I'll be using just one brush. Medium sized, drowned. Read your brush. Red and red technique is nothing but adding wreck paint on red paper, so the first step is to read the area While you were too pained. Right now, I'm waiting one wing of the but it's life. Use the right amount of water. You don't want it to be too damp or do dry. The next step is to add the colors right now. Amusing permanent orange If you feel you have too much war dug a trade off them using of people double no music. Contrast color for the at the end of the ring. I'm using red brown, but you can use any color of your choice now. Smoothly blend the two colors for blending. Always use a dry brush. Get rid of Texas. What if you have some? Once you have a nice radiant is a concentrated drowned on the edge of the ring. Similarly, do the right wing I'm waiting the lower one. Slowly add red brown to the lower part of the wing. Can you see how beautifully leads out? Read and read a super fun, but want disadvantage with the technicals that you'll have less control. So that's why applying the right amount of water is very important. You don't want a too damp or dry. Now imagine concentrated dread brown to the lower part off the wing. Similarly, do the right wing no at the pigment. I'm just tapping and let the pain need out. Clean your brush and use the paper double whenever it is necessary. Tell him to move to the next butterfly. For this I'll be using Peacock Do. This is a monochrome butterfly for this Instead off using clean water washed I'll be using mild peak off you wash So do the wash on one wing off the butterfly. Take one wing at the time. I'm carefully moving Tow us edges. I'm trying to get the shape. Now I'm mixing a concentrated peak off Luke on. What I'm doing now is I'm just moving along ages. Just carefully go around out flowing. I'm going to write a load off paint on the center part. Now clean your brush traveling and start your blending process. Make sure your brushes dry. You may wonder why to use a clean brush for blending. The reason is because while you do the outlying your brushes concentrated with pigment and when you blend using the same brush without cleaning, you are going to call sentry the center, which is no desired. You don't want to make a mess, so always for blending, clean your brush, keep it dry. Similarly, do the other wing starting off with a nice because blue wash and then adding concentrated because blue or without line, can you see how beautifully the pain leads out. It's so relaxing to watch and also to paint, adding a little bit more pain to the center and starting the blending process again. Use a clean brush for blending. Clean your brush and let's move to the door by the fly as all reason. Starting off by reading my selfish this part of flies off different angle. For this one, I'll be using bright opera and clear violet. Start off bright opera under stopping Bages. My brush has concentrated pigment. I think we have too much water Let's take it out later. Right now. Concentrate on the painting part as he moved towards the centre. Make it more transparent. Blend the colors. Moved me. I'm just uplink now. I'm going to take out excess water using a dry brush and a paper tower. Kenya brush and then start adding violent to the other side of the ring. Take your brush out then and that and see what's happening on your paper. Then continue the blending process. Slowly. Bring the violent to the pink part. Blend the two colors very carefully. No, let's pain the lower wing on. Starting off with dry topped up. Can you see how beautifully the pigment leads out on water as he moved towards the centre? Decrease in density in this process are not clean. My brush it all When I started painting, they're just my brush. It a lot of pigment on acid. Moved was a center the pigmented uses and so the intensity. Now I at your violent to the other end of the wing. I'm stopping right about why the pink paint has blended a making they just crisp. This is super highly pigmented. So in this case you have to clean your brush before blending smoothly. Glenda do color Violet is so dominant. So be careful. I'm gonna let this dry. Meanwhile, it's paying the fourth butterfly for this. I'll be using sap green again. I'm gonna make this a monochrome butterfly. I'll be giving a mile sapling wash. So I'm adding a lot of water. Shake the pasties. He will run for the color paper. I think we need more water, so I'm adding a little bit more water and shaking the consistency. Do this until you get the desired color. I think this is good for the wash. I'm gonna give this mind Saqlain washed with apple rings. I'm trying to bring the perfect sheep. Similarly, dude, Upper right wing. It is just a wash. And I think it's very simple regarding the designs and the colors it is up to you now. Go away for despite a flight to dry. Meanwhile, it's paying the previous butterfly. I'm now reading the ring that is behind. Start off with bright Oprah and give it to the upper end off the wing, slowly blended as you move down. And now a magic right here violated the lower end off the wing, and now I'm taking a lot of pigment on tapping it on the upper end of the But it's life. Let the pain lead out, and they didn't do its own work. With this, we have completed at all but a fly. Let's go back to a previous one. I'm giving the same sapling washed to the lower brings. Before doing this, make sure your upper wings are dry. You don't want them to bleed out and spoil the work. No, I'm taking a lot of suffering, and I'm painting on the lower end of the butterfly. My lowering is still dry, and so the pain leads out. No senior brush and started lending process again, unclean in my brush, using the paper travel and starting to blend. Now we got a smooth, radiant, similarly knew the left wing. Now let's paint another lay all the toppings for this. Use clean water to read your offering. Oh, I'm not Lima brush properly. While I was waiting for to dry, I was trying out some techniques and at knocking my brush properly. And so I got this brown wash. But sometimes this happens, but that's okay. Let's try to correct it. It's no longer a monochrome butterfly again. I'm using a concentrated dream on the upper part of the ring, and I'm smoothly lending. I think it's beautiful. This brown shade is nice. Sometimes you do what you don't want to do, and it turns out to be good. It's really amazing just to make it symmetrical. Amusing Miles have been washed without the wing, but this was known. My plan. It was an accident. Add. It turned out to be good concentrated, scattering on the tip off the ring. You can give some brown if you want. That's it. We have completed our fourth butterfly this time. I don't want to make any mistakes, so I made sure my brushes clean as usual. The first step is to give a nice wash, then just nice colors. This time. I'm going use prominent Fred. I will make this product so colorful. That's why I have used a lot of bright shades. Reds bring violet, green, orange, lose a Madden concentrated read over the center, part on As we move out, I'm refusing it over the margin, and it's very light anyway, so I'll be adding a little color over there. Make sure you have a smooth radiant. Then I'm gonna paint indigo over the margin off its wings. Similarly pained. Other wing. Let it dry. Till then, I'm gonna paint another wing. This butterflies Nofal issue only a part off its wings. I'm adding permanent Tello. Add a contrast color to the tip off the wing and smoothie vented out. You have to keep in mind a few things before painting butterflies. The upper two wings are saying, and the lower two wings are saying, but the upper wings and the lower wings are different by just keeping this in mind. You can paint your own by the flies for the lower wing, um, adding a lot off and ego. And with the upper part of the world being a little bit off permanent trade, I'm not concentrating it just a little bit on smoothly blend the two colors. Do this under your satisfied with a radiant do the same thing to the left wing off the butterfly. The next listen will do the abdomen and Antonoff the but it's like I'll see you there. Goodbye 5. FUN PROJECT (WET-IN-WET) BODY: to paint the abdomen and the antenna. I'm using my small brush. This is a no purpose brush. It doesn't hold too much of water. Mix the colors Sonia Pilot and check for the right opacity. The column using is Indigo Amusing morale for two color paper to check for the opacity. Let's not play the body of the butterfly. The body part has two sections. The torso on the abdomen. These two sections are connected with the slim braced after giving us mood. Indigo Wash. I'm increasing the intensity on the body part. Give a smooth, radiant. We are doing this to indicate the shadow part. Now let's draw go for the antenna and each girl by drawing tiny means, by the way and drawing the head off the budget fly. Similarly, do the odd antenna these anti nominal be symmetrical. We are flying so we can change the length of the carb. Or you can make it mocha for realistic Look, do the body part for the next butterfly. I'm using Wallace at Green. I'm trying to bring the sheep regarding the color for the body part. Choose the same color that you use for the wings with a mild touch off brown or black amusing red brown to create the shadows smoothie blending colors. Then I'm gonna draw do cause for the antenna. It may not be a car. It may also be a line. Now let us paint this part of life, which is off different angle, forced the fallen, starting off by giving a gentle, valid wash paying the head also. Now I'm increasing the intensity by adding more pigment. I'm adding a touch off Brown. Also finally paying the antenna follow the same steps to paint the body part. For that. The two butterflies use a similar color that they used for the wings with a mild touch of brown. You can leave the butterflies as such, or I can do some patterns on their rings like these anyways will be discussing wrote off these in the forthcoming lessons. We'll be painting too realistic by the flights with wonderful patterns, so I'll see the next listen the by 6. REALISTIC BUTTERFLIES - LAYER 1: Let's do some realistic butterflies. For this. I'll be using my medium size drawn brush with a nice point. Clean your brush, traveling and give a gentle wash. I have already drawn out line. I'm going to paint this butterflies using shades off lows and greens. I start off with the watering I'm using Lemon yellow. First as he moved, was a sent urgently diffuse it. Now clean your brush and let's are the next color amusing permanent orange For that end of the ring, this will be the first layer. The first layers Betty light, so we'll add another layer, and this will be concentrated. I'm using the same Carlos. I start off with lemon yellow and painted to the first half on the other end, amusing Parliament Orange I smoothly blending the two colors for the next half, using permanent orange and use a dry brush to blend it. Similarly, do that a wing to paint up of its I'm giving a nice wash. I'm going to do a green share to the Boeing's amusing sad green, so paint the first half off the wing using sap green. For the second half, I'll be using lemon yellow this will be the first layer for the second layer. Increased intensity. I do this by adding more pigment to water again for the second half. Amusing lemon yellow, this time a concentrated pigment on dime, slowly blending the two colors. If you want about the fly, even root dried. You can add another Leah, but I will stop this similarly paying the right wing. Now I'm doing the body part of the butterfly, a new SIM undated rush for this, as we have discussed before, the body part has two sections that also, and the abdomen. I'm giving indigo for the torso and a mixture off orange and brown. For that demon. I paint the head using the same color, no one darkening the door. So but finally a draw the angina, each one into this, more being cheap. Let's do the bad. Don't of the wings. Later, now we'll go to the second part of life again. Start off by giving a gentle wash, then, um, adding lemon a load of the first half. I'm doing my up owing paint a little money for the first half. For the second half of the wing, I'm giving bond Ziana now for the second layer. Increase intensity now smoothly blend the two colors if you wanted to be even more great. Chicken ad. Anatolia. Similarly, do the right wing Rachel lowering this butterfly has an extension of this lower rings, um, adding them in a Lola's lower part, paying the lower half using them in a little I'm using. Bones are not adopt 1/2 smoothly. Blend the two colors. This will be the first layer. The first layer is very light, so I'll be adding another layer using the same colors. The stand. Take a load off pigment. Lead the two colors for a smooth radiant, likewise to the right wing. Now let's do the body part this time for both, but also and for the abdomen. I'll be using black you through the day brush. To do this, I'm painting the head also. Now I'm increasing the intensity to create the shadows being the head, and now I draw the antenna. This can be a cup or the need regular lying the next. Listen, I'll teach you to draw patterns or their wings. I'll see you that, but by 7. REALISTIC BUTTERFLY 1 - LAYER 2 : let us know design the wings for our first. But if, like for this, I'll be using two brushes small size drawn with a nice point. And the detail brush said your palate for the entire process will be using one. The black color. I'm mixing a lot of pain. I wanted to be rich. Check capacity using it off paper. If you think you wanted to be more concentrated, add more paint but started design on starting with a low well being. Draw a diagonal line. Use your small brush with the nice point. Now color the lower part of the diagonal line. Black is very rich, so if you make a mistake, it's gonna be awkward. Take your time. Relax. No drawing the margins using my detail brush. These are the places where the cells fall, so I'm drawing a chain off cup shapes. Similarly, paying the left wing start off by doing the diagonal line and pay the lower part of the line. Then usually did rush to draw the margins Forest road outline and then colored in apart. Let's do the cells later. Now we go for the upper wings. I'm using my small brush with a nice point to draw the margins. But unlike the margins that we have drawn before this plane, this doesn't have any cop shapes. Start with a nice point, and as you move increases with, I do this by holding my brush straight. When I do the point on to paint the white areas, I apply more pressure to my brush. After you complete the margins, do the Ark. This art falls out from the body part, and it ends on the margin. It is pointing the center and its wide near the margin. Make this a smoke. Go after you do this. Take your detail brush and let's do some details. I'm drawing 3 to 4 calls from this arc that we have drawn before. These calls are super pointy. I draw one last card to the center. Similarly, do the left wing. Now I use my d did brush to draw another Are this false outs and the first arc, and it ends in the margin. It starts wide and it ends pointy. Finally, I draw two girls that false out from the priest. Now that the soft and ages for this on adding a lot of water to my black color, and I used my detail brush and I just go without line that we have drawn before similarly soft and other three wings. Now let's draw the reins on the butt of flight for this. Imagine a lot of border to my black pain and I'm making it more transparent, and I just draw few regular lines and curves that fall out from the Ark like rice, draw the veins and upper part of the wing for the lower wings. I start off by drawing a big be sheep and draw many lines that fallout from the speak the sheep. So that's how you do the rings. Now I'm going to add more drama by adding dogs to the cells. 3 to $4 will be enough. No soft, and they just by adding more water to the paint. With this, we have completed our first realistic butterfly else in the next listen the by 8. REALISTIC BUTTERFLY 2 - LAYER 2 : Tom. Let's designed the things for us again. Butterfly, for this amusing small size John brush with a nice point, I started by doing the margins. Amusing black color, unlike the previous by the fly by the margins, were cup shape. It was neat and uniforms, but this one the irregular without any proper shape. I'm just giving a rough outline with the Lord off absent downs. And as I moved down, I'm making it pointy. I'm making a would ship batch after you do without nine. Start to paint. Leave the pageant paint and diary gin to design the lower wing. I'm taking my dated brush. This is a no purpose brush. Doesn't hold too much off water on drawing appointed line on the attention. Likewise, I'm drawing 3 to 4 lines on the wing. These lines are pointing when you start, and as you move down, make them right. By doing this, you are debt to your work. I'll be doing a lot of patches for this butterfly here and that without any proper positions, because nature's always in perfect John irregular outline and then painted in between the two line stroll circular patches. I'm not drawing an exact circle or noble. I'm just making my brush to move freely. It's an irregular shape. No draw. One more big patch in this easier. I started off by giving outline. This falls all the way down to the line. Similarly, do the left wing I start off by drawing the lines, these pointed lines that fall on the wings. Perfection is very important that they get time and then I do the small batches first. No one will make a larger patch here. First, do the outline and then colored in area. You don't have to see my design and follow the exact absent downs. Just leave me a brush to go freely. No, I draw another patch in the center and one last patch on the left side. With this, we have completed the first step. Let's do the veins now to draw the rains. Um, adding water to the paint, I started drawing a big V shape and the side wings for loud from the shape. Similarly, a draw big reshaping the bottom ring and small veins for a lot from this big reshape connect the reins to the lower lines. So that's how you draw the cells on the butterfly. Likewise, draw the veins on the left side, start off by drawing a big reshape and then draw small greens. With this, we have completed our realistic painting. I'll see in the next listen Vibe will discuss about at last project, but by 9. CLASS PROJECT: Finally, we have come to the end of the class. I'm so glad you took this class. Andi. I hope this works useful for you. I hope you learned a lot of new techniques for your class. Project. Search for a nice by the fly photograph. You can check out the internet. There are thousands of beautiful photographs on paint about the fly using the techniques we discussed in the class. First, try out the red and red technique. This gives you freedom to explore the medium and have fun. Then try painting a realistic budgets Life. I know this takes a long time, but the results can be good enough for framing. Finally, do no. Forget the post your projects. I would love to see them. If you have any doubt regarding any part of the class, feel free to ask me. I will get back to you as soon as possible. On please to show your feedback that would help me to create better classes in the future. Thanks again. Bye. Have a nice day