Learn to Draw Digitally: Create Cute Animals | Shelley Seguinot | Skillshare

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Learn to Draw Digitally: Create Cute Animals

teacher avatar Shelley Seguinot, Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      V1 Penguin


    • 3.

      V2 Owl


    • 4.

      V3 Fox


    • 5.

      V4 Raccoon


    • 6.

      V5 Mouse


    • 7.

      V6 Bunny


    • 8.

      Class project


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About This Class

About This Class

A beginner's guide to drawing in Adobe illustrator. You will learn how to create cute drawings using only basic shapes. No art experience needed! We will go over some of the basic tools in Adobe Illustrator to get you started. By the end of this course, you wil be able to create cute animals using mostly basic shapes. This is a step by step class that you can follow along. 

Who is  this class for? Everyone! If you are just starting out in Adobe Illustrator, or you think that you cannot draw, this is the class for you. Even season artists may learn a tip or two along the way. 

Class Outline:

- We will discuss basic shapes

  • Draw a penguin
  • Owl
  • Fox
  • Raccoon
  • Mouse
  • Bunny

Lastly we will discuss the class project.

If you do not own a copy or have a subsciption to Adobe Illustrator, you can get a free 30 day trial here: FREE 30 DAY TRIAL

Below is are a few sites where you can find free fonts, just check for copyright use and licenses prior to downloading:


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My Pinterest Color Board for inspiration: Color PinBoard

Meet Your Teacher

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Shelley Seguinot

Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer


I am an illustrator, surface pattern designer and momma of 3. I have been doodling as far back as I could remember and work with various mediums. I love crafts, color and all things cute! my passion is character drawing and surface pattern design.

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1. Intro: Welcome to Learn to Draw Digitally, Create Cute Animals. This is an Adobe Illustrator class where I'll be teaching you how to draw cute animals using basic shapes. There's going to be a bunch of cute little animals and they're so easy to draw. It's an easy step by step class that you're sure to love. I'll be showing you step by step videos while you'll be following along, and creating the characters that you see here. It's going to be a really fun class, so make sure that you do not miss it. The course outline is as follows. You're going to learn basic tools to get you started. We're going to learn to draw a penguin, an owl, a fox, a raccoon, a mouse, a bunny, and then we'll discuss the class project. This class is for absolutely everyone. Even if you're just learning how to draw, if you'd like to learn how to use Illustrator, if you don't know how to draw at all and don't think that you can, this is the class for you. Even if you're a seasoned Illustrator, there may be some tips and tricks inherent that you may have not known. So there's something here for everyone. The class project is going to be how to design a pillow. We're going to use the characters that we make, and turn them into cute little pillows that you can either upload onto a site to have them printed, or just design for your own fun. So please join me. This is going to be a really fun class. 2. V1 Penguin: Hi everyone. We're going to begin now by working on our first character, which is the penguin. Before I dive right into that, I just want to show you a new feature that Creative Cloud has established since about, I believe 2014 and it's their live shapes. I'm just going to go quickly into here, so you can see on the palette here on the left you'll have this whole slew of shapes here that you can use. Not all of them are live shapes, but the rectangle, the rounded tool and the Ellipse are live shapes for now, and the polygon, the star, they're not live shapes as of yet. I'm going to select the rectangle tool, and I'm just going to drag down pulling towards the right, and that's going to give me my shape. Now, I already had my transform palette open, but if you don't have it open, the minute you drag a live shape, this transform palette will populate. This is a unique feature, we've used transform in the past, but now it gives you these rectangle properties, and basically what that does is here it's giving you the width and the height of the shape. Then here you can select the angle if you want it at a 90 degree angle it will change it here for you, when in the past you had to do that manually. You still can, you can go here when you get the little cursor with the double-sided arrow, you can just click and drag and that alone will drag that for you into your desired angle. Then another feature we have here now is angles for each corner, and this is pretty nifty, it's a time saver in the past, we've had to use all sorts of compound shapes in order to create basic shapes, so this is what we're going to be using today to create our penguin. The first thing I want to do is this is going to be a side view of penguin, he's not going to be facing forward, because I just want to show you different angles for different animals. I know for a fact that out of this shape I want to make, this is going to be his beak on this area, this is going to be the head, and he's basically going to be looking in an upward motion. I want to round out this area here for the back of the head. You can start by clicking if you know exact dimensions, you can just put those in, but we can start by clicking, and I think I'm going to have it at one point five, that's pretty good there, and now you can see he's taking shape. This is the back of the head, this is going to be his little beak, he's looking up, and what we want to do is further to his belly here, we want to mimic the shape appears. Now we know that in this bottom right corner, we want the same exact dimensions. So now that we know the dimensions, we can enter it, that's one point five as well. You see, that was pretty easy. All we have to do now is to continue building him, but now we have the basic body shape. There you go. Now we're going to select and another nifty tool that Illustrator came out within several versions ago is the drawing inside mode. We're going to go here to the pallete on the left, and if you have it over here, it says drawing modes, or you can select Shift positive to switch the modes. Right now we're drawing and draw normal, and we're going to go into draw inside. We're going to select that, and then this is where you have to be careful because you have to click away from the shape, because if not, it will alter the shape itself, so we'll click in outside of it. Now I know that I'm going to create the beak, and this really just takes a little bit of thought, but it looks intimidating at first, but once you learn it, it's just in responsibilities. The beak is going to be orange, so we'll select that, and then right now I'm just going to click and drag. I don't want a huge beak, so let's just make it that way. Using the arrows, I'm just going to go, okay, maybe I don't like that, beak that yellow. Okay, there we go. A little bit more yellow versus orange. That's perfect there, you can obviously play around with where you want it, but the only thing is that once you create these inside shapes, I'll show you a little later. You can change them around, but you have to go into the Options palette in order to find it. Go into that layer and then edit the layer. You have to really, before clicking out of this commit to the shape that you want. For now that's pretty good with the beak, and then I'm just going to click away and I want the same type of half-moon shape here for his belly. I'm going to go back to the Ellipse tool, this time I'm going to select white and I'm just going to drag from here. That's going to be his belly, and I think that's pretty good. I mean, maybe I'll just move it out a little bit instead of in. That's on the direct selection tool, and once I'm pretty happy with it, I can go back to my drawing mode and go back to your normal. Now as you can see, the only thing I can do with this shape is move the shape itself around the body of it, but I'm not able to alter this circle, I'm not able to alter the belly, I'm just unable to alter any other, unless I go into my options palette, into, I'm sorry, my layers palette. I select the layer, this is the clip group, and then from here I'd have to select it and change the colors or move them around as much as I want. For now I think he's looking pretty good. Let's just give him a little eye, I selected the Ellipse tool one more time. Let's just make a little eye, it's going to be black, back to the selection tool, it's angle a little bit. Now you can see I'm using the manual angling, and he's looking up, he's looking mighty cute. That's good for there, the Ellipse tool again and let's just give him like a nice little flipper here. Let's make that into a dark gray, maybe that's to why as well, but let's just place it here. See, I maybe just a little too big, there we go. Maybe I want to pull it down a little bit because he may be just a little, there we go, and you can get as crazy as you want with these. Obviously it's just a guy, you can tailor it whichever way you want. For now I think we have a pretty good looking penguin. The next thing we're going to do is his little feet. I'm going to drag an Ellipse tool, an ellipse shape again. We're going to get the same color of the beak, and now we're going to do some freestyle drawings. So we're going to go here to the pencil tool, select pencil, and I'm going to go to this anchor point here. I'm just going to draw three toes and join it right here. It's not going to be perfect, you can go over it if you want. Sometimes it doesn't come out as smooth as you want. You can always go here, select the smooth tool and smooth over the anchor points and that gives you just a much more defined shape there. Back to the direct selection tool, I'm going to just turn this around because this is the way his little feet are going to be facing. Now with it selected, I'm going to hold down Option, and then I'm going to go here. These arrows are going to help me move it up or down. So by holding down option, it's not allowing me to alter the shape, is just allowing me to flip the dimension of it. I just want to flip it a little bit like that. Now you're going to say, well surely what couldn't we just have drawn this from scratch and we could have, but it would have been a bit more tedious and we would have had to do a lot more freehand drawing. For beginner drawing, because we're trying to stick to the basic shapes, this is a better method. For now, let's drag that over, let's go to object arrange sent to the back. There we go. Let's duplicate it by holding down the option key, clicking and dragging. Now we may just have to move these around a little bit, just turn till they look at the proper dimensions here. If you're not happy with it, you can flip it a little bit more. The second foot, obviously, the foot that's closer to us is going to be a little bit bigger, and if you want to get really crazy about perspective. There you have it, our first little animal we drew together. This is the penguin, and you can add all sorts of fun details to it. But for now I think this is a pretty good starting point. 3. V2 Owl: Now, we're going to dive right into our owl. The owl is also created by a series of basic shapes. I'm going to start here with the Ellipse tool. I'm going to drag out his little body first. If you hold down the control of the Shift key while you're dragging the ellipse, it'll give you a perfect circle. I sometimes like it to be a little not so perfect. A little on the oval side just gives you an illusion of a fat belly. Let's see, he's going to be this pretty blue color or sheen. That's going to be the body. Now, I'm just going to hold down Option, and I'm going to drag another copy of it. If you hold down Option and just click and drag, it creates a copy of it. This is going to be just one side of his face. There we go. Now, I'm just going to work on one side for now. Because if I work on one side, when I'm done creating the eyes and everything for the one side, then it's easier to make a symmetrical second side. For now, this is good. Now, I'm going to go here to the pencil tool. Owls have this little hammer head look. It's the way they're depicted. It's not really the way they are in real life, I guess, but they're just depicted with a little hammer head. Some of them do have that shape at the top, but they don't all do. Some of them have pretty round heads. But the common owl you see illustrated usually has these little points on the top of their head. I'm just going to create that to give that illusion. You can shape this in whatever way you want. It's like cat eyes, eye glasses. That's good for now. I'm going to hold down Option so I can make a copy of it. Holding down Option, I'm going to go to this point here and you'll see I'll get the double arrows if I hold down Option, I'm just going to flip it and that's just a quick way to work but it doesn't give you exact mirrored image. You can always go to "Objects, Transform and then Reflect." That'll give you the exact angle that you want. I always cheat and just go that other way. I think that looks good. You can always go here to align it perfectly, Vertical Align and it is aligned. I'm going to select them both and go here to my Pathfinder palette, and I'm going to select the first shape mode, which is Unite, because I want them to be just one shape. As you can see, it is almost like cat eyes, eyeglasses. Obviously, I don't want this little V-shape here, I'm going to go back to the Pencil tool and while I still have my shape selected there, I'm just going to drag from this point to this side because I want to straighten that out a little bit. I don't want that V there. As I said before, when were creating our owl, we can go to the Smooth tool and smooth out these points and then you'll get a much more precise shape. There we go, perfect. Now, I'm going to create the one eye. They're always exaggerated. The eyes for owls. I want to make sure I give him nice big eyes. First on Ellipse tool, an ellipse shape just in white, and then I'm going to zoom in here just so I can see and you can see what I'm doing a little better. His pupil is going to be pretty close to the center here. That's also an exaggeration, just so he looks a little more goofy. I'm going to give his eye a little bit of a shimmer. I'm going to drag another ellipse here and that's going to be white. Let me take off the stroke on that there. I'm just going to drag another little glimmer of light here. Again, this is just preference. You can do whatever shapes work for you and whatever pupils work for you, any color. It's really basically up to you. I'm going to zoom out a little bit. Now, as I've said before, I'll try to create once and then just do symmetrical. Because if not, you're just doing double the work to try to figure out the dimensions of everything you did on the left side to recreate on the right side. I'm just going to select it all and I'm going to hold down Option and drag, and that creates a copy as I said earlier. Now, you can leave them this way where he's scared and looking to the right like that. But I'm actually going to use Transform and Reflect. I won't cheat this time. I'll go the actual route. There we go. It's got a cute look to him. Let's see, maybe we can make his pupils just a little closer and everything's adjustable. You can just fix it whichever way you want. There we go. That looks good. Now, we can go ahead and unite all these shapes together, and the reason why I didn't do it earlier is because I wanted to keep the contour, the perfect dimensions between while we were setting the eyes onto the face like that. But now that we don't need these lines anymore, I'm going to select both blue shapes and go again to the shape molds and click Unite. There we go. Now, let's move on to his nose. His nose is just going to be a little triangle. It's a beak. A little triangle beak works well. It's going to be green. I'm going to go to my arrow here and flip it, just going to rotate it a little bit and bring it to here. Perfect. Now, using the Pencil tool again, I'm just going to create a little bit of a V here so it gives the illusion of a mouth. Like that, not too much. Let's do that one again. That just gives that little bit of an illusion there. Now, we'll work on his belly. Let's just drag out another Ellipse tool, and his belly, let's make it perhaps in this orange. Animal shapes are usually good in children's products. Bold, bright colors attract more attention.If you make them in dull colors, it just doesn't give it that spunk. But you can find a bunch of color palettes inside of Pinterest or on any of these other colors sites where you can use them as a basis. I just happened to have these four colors already created here in my swatches palette. But you can import any swatch color palette that you want to work on your project. I always try to have the color palette available first before I start creating. It just helps me create the character better. Obviously, nothing is written in stone. I can always go on and change the colors. But for now, I always like having a basis of where to start from with a color palette already established. Now, let's work on his wing. I'm going to just drag out an Ellipse tool here, an ellipse shape, and that's going to be pink. Similar to how we did the penguin's little feet, we're going to go here and select the Pencil again and I'm just going to drag out and make these little rounded feathers. Once you do it, if you don't like the way it looks, you can always go back in and change it. That looks good to me. It's going to be on a little bit of an angle. As you can see, it's in front, that's not where we want it. We want it behind. Object, Arrange, Send to the Back, it's going to angle a little bit more and maybe make it a little bigger too so it has like an exaggerated wing. Now, I'm going to hold down the Option key and then click. I'm going to drag a copy of it over here. I can cheat again and just hold this anchor point here and flip it. We can just rotate it into position there. I thinks it looks pretty good. I think this guy's supposed to go a little more angled up high. Now, we're going to do the same thing when it comes to his little feet. I'm just going to drag out an Ellipse tool again, ellipse shape using the Ellipse tool and going into the pencil here, I'm just going to draw little feet. I always go for just three toes. I'm not sure really how many toes they have. How many little fingers they have, their toes, but I always go for three, it's just cute. Holding down the Option, I'm just going to go to this anchor point and flip it a little bit just like we did on the penguins, just to give it that illusion that it's got a little bit of perspective. Let's send this to the back. I think that looks good. I'm going to hold down Option, click and drag. That creates a copy. Let's turn it out a little bit and a little bit of an angle there. I think that looks good. It's a cute little owl. The other thing we can do with this owl is put them on a perch or a branch. I'm just going to drag it out from the rounded rectangle tool, drag out just a long little branch there, and I'm going to send this to the back. If it was a real owl and he was holding onto a branch, those would not be his feet. I'm going to just move his body up and get rid of these, and then we're going to give the illusion that he's holding on. Here we go. Just going to create these little circles. Option, click, drag. Option, click, drag. This gives the illusion of his little toes holding onto the branch, and then I'm going to select them all, click and drag them all to create a copy. I'll bring this down and he needs to now be in front. His little belly will be resting in front of his little toes, and there we go. Now, he's holding on to dear life. Just like we did with the Pencil tool, we can add a little bit of more interest to the perch. I'm just going to drag from here and make a little bit of a wave shape. I'll do the same thing down here. We can even create a V shape here. [inaudible] gives like you can do it. I mean, several times. Branches are not perfect, so they have little knobs here and there, little imperfections, but that just gives a little bit of realism without getting too serious in your illustration. There you go. A couple of options for an owl. 4. V3 Fox: To our fox shape. I'm going to use a particular shape because I want you to see that after creating it through this one shape, you'll be able to create a bunch of different animals. So it's not in your traditional animal form. I'm going to slide down here now to our "Rectangle Tool," and I'm just going to drag the tool down to the right to create a rectangle shape. It doesn't have to be exact proportions, you may want it a certain way. But for now I just drag a simple shape, just so you can see. As I've discussed earlier, I already had my color swatch palette already figured out here and I've dragged it into my swatches palette, so I don't have to fumble around for colors, especially for purposes of the class. So now that I have the rectangle shape, I want to bring in just the top corners and round them out. I'm going to start with the left hand corner, and I'm going to keep dragging until this point here reaches the center. Just going to keep clicking the "Up Arrow." As you can see now the points have met. So that's 1.5. So now I don't have to do all that clicking for the other side. Now I know that it's 1.5 for the right side as well. This gives us a pill shape. I'm going to now select it by holding down ''Option," I'm going to drag and that'll create a duplicate copy for me. I'm going to change the width of it to about two now and drag it back over here to our shape, try to center it the best I can. Then I'm going to bring this guy down because I want to make sure that he's all centered there. You can also select both shapes and go here to "Horizontal Align Center," and that'll align it for you as well. So now, I'm going to actually drag out the sides a little bit more just because I have a vision of how I want this. I'm going to go now and select my "Pencil tool." Starting at this point, I'm going to create just an M for the face. So I'm dragging down and again up and don't worry about jagged lines or anything. Remember, we can always use the "Smooth Tool" to smooth that out. It doesn't have to be perfect. All the animals in nature don't have perfect proportions either. So that actually it looks pretty good, but maybe I'll use the "Smooth Tool" and now, I'll smooth out some of these points here. So now as you can see, it's forming the face of the fox. I'm going to now go back and select the "Rectangle Tool" by holding down ''Shift'', I want to create a perfect square. I'm going to change this to the darker brown. I'm just going to rotate it just so we have it standing that way. So now, I'm going to change the proportions of this. So I'm going to go to 0.3, and that gives me a good shape. So I'm going to turn it back around. I didn't have to turn it around originally but it's just I was trying to figure out whether I wanted the rectangle in that shape or not. I think this is actually better if we round out the nose and make it this way. So he has like a little button nose and that can go here. As you can see, just from this stage alone, you can see different animals. This really could turn into a fox. It can turn into a bunch of different animals just using the same pill shape that I'm using now. So now, let's go ahead and create some eyes just using the "Ellipse Tool" on the same brown. I'm going to go drag one eye and then I hold ''Option," I'll drag out another eye. He's taking shape nicely. I'm going to now go ahead and create his little feet. For his feet, you can use the "Ellipse Tool" and just create little feet like this, this tiny little pause, send that to the back. Or I can use the "Pencil tool" and just create something a bit more whimsical. I'm just going to drag out so it's not a perfect shape. This is going to be the same sienna brown. Let's send that to the back. I'm going to hold down ''Option'' and click again and drag so I can create a copy. Then holding down ''Option'' and going to these double arrows, I'm just going to reflect it. Just remember, sometimes the mouse gives you a hard time and you can't really figure out, just don't get frustrated. You can always just select the one that you want to copy and go to "Object," "Transform," "Move," or you can go to "Edit," "Copy" and then "Edit" "Paste," and it'll just paste it. Once you've pasted it, you can go to "Object" "Transform," "Reflect" and reflect that at a 90 degree angle and that does the same thing as the other cheek shortcut that I did. I like his little feet together like that, so that's good. I'm going to now create his ears. By doing so, I'm going to go back to the "Rectangle Tool," hold down "Shift," and drag out a perfect rectangle. I'm going to move it up. That's actually going to be in a little darker brown. Maybe I'll leave it in the same sienna brown. Then for the inside of the ear, I'm going to select the same shape, drag that out. That's going to be a lighter color. Let's do it in this pink, slight cream. Then I'm going to move in some of the corners here. So I want this to be 0.4. Then this bottom side to be 0.4. That gives me a pedal shape. I'm going to put this inside of our ear. Now as you can see, I have to send this to the back and bring this down. You have to bring it out some more. That just gives him cute little ear. So we'll select it, hold down ''Option'', drag it, then hold the "Arrow" keys here we're holding down, ''Option'' and turning it. Sometimes you have to play around with it just to bring it back down to the same exact location. Great. So now we have the world's cutest little fox. The same way we created this little triangle here, I'm going to just take it and copy it, Hold down ''Option'', drag. I'm going to copy it out of the way there and make it into this really light cream. Then now I want to bring him in just a little bit, make it just a little smaller. We're actually going to have it face up. Then let's just make it 2 by 2. Let's see how that works. That's actually scale perfectly to 50 percent. This is just to add a little bit of dimension, this isn't mandatory by any means but I just want to be able to move this little guy around. I'm going to select them both now, ''Option'', click, drag, maybe do one more ''Option'', click drag. It's not a perfect science, it's just so we have some dimension to his fur. So now that I've selected, the more I'm just option click and dragging, just to fill the space, and that just gives him a little bit of texture to his fur here. We're just filling in the gaps. I think you look good like that. So now he just needs a little fuzzy tail. For the tail, we can free-form draw it. So if you start from here just about halfway in the middle of his foot and just drag it out, almost like making a spiral, bringing it back out and meeting up at the point again. Let's send it to the back. "Object" "Arrange," sent to the back. Let's just try to align it the best we can here. We can smooth it out as well to make sure our fox looks pretty cute. Now, in the same fashion, we're going to explore other animals as well. But as you can see, the possibilities here are endless. You can move him around. You could round out the body here. It's really a matter of preference, but I just wanted to show you just the basics. 5. V4 Raccoon: Now we're going to begin by morphing the same pill shape of this fox into another animal. I'm going to select a full shape, and I'm going to hold down option and click and drag it so I can create a copy of it. So the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to get rid of these scales, these are little for indentation things here that we made for texture. We're going to delete those. We can probably keep his feet, but his body that creates his face we won't need. We probably will not be using this tail. So as you can see, even here you can see that you can turn this into a bear or a bunch of other different animals. It could be a dog by changing on probably a couple of the shapes, and the colors. I'm going to be working on a raccoon now. So raccoons have a bit of a more rounded out ear. So let's bring those in a little bit. Select the rectangle, go to this point right here and drag down and that creates the circle for you, in your life shapes. We're going to actually be using a dark gray, maybe a little lighter than that. The body is going to be in the same light gray. So we could probably leave like that but for now we can leave that like that, and then his little feet. So we're going to go back to our technique of drawing inside, and raccoons have a little bit of that banded look. That's how they're depicted. So we're going to go in here and go to draw inside. We're going to click outside of that to deselect. We're going to go to our Rectangle Tool, and we're going to create a band and let's do that in black actually. We're going to create a band that's going to go right over the eyes like that. Then I don't want it to be a straight band like that, although it is cute, we can go to here, the object, envelope distort, make with warp, and that's going to give us different. If you can see here there's a arc, you can do bulge, there's show lower by moving around a lot of these vertical, horizontal signs, you can create a bunch of different characters this way as well. There's wave, as you can see, that makes him a little funky. But for now, I'm going to use the squeeze and I'm going to move the slider over. I'm going to move the slider in actually the bend further this way to create that band and I click "Okay." I'm actually going to move it up a little bit because I want it more over the eyes less over the nose. So once I'm happy with where I have it, I'm going to go back to draw normal. Let's see. I think that looks good. He actually doesn't need that rectangle nose, and his eyes now are going to be a lighter gray, like that. Maybe a little darker, I'm sorry, I get a little naughts when it comes to my animals. We can give him a little button nose. That's more like a raccoon and I'm not sure about this pink in here. Maybe this will be a nice light gray. Perfect, so for the tail, we're going to drag the Ellipse Tool, and raccoons have a fuzzy tail like the fox does, but let's see, going to make it maybe longer. Send that to the back, see how it looks. Now, I think I like how about that works, I can't make it a little narrower, but you'll get the idea. So it's going to be the same color as the body. As you can see, I'm not happy the way it's joining here, but I can sort that out later as well. Now we're going to draw on the inside of a tail to give the tail its stripes as well. So let's go to draw inside, I'm going to click outside here so we can deselect it. You always have to do that if not, it alters this shape and it won't let you draw inside. So always click away, and it will keep these marks on here. But this is what going to be drawing inside of, but if you stay with this selected, it won't draw inside the way you want it to, so always click out. I'm going to go now to the paint brush tool and I'm going to select black as my fill color, and I'm going to draw stripes. How cool is that? So it's trying draw everywhere. There we go. So once you're happy with the way it looks, you can go back to draw normal and there's your raccoon. There's a bunch of other things you can do. The raccoon can also have the belly, the same way we did out at the beginning, or you can also make him where he maintains this pale shape the way we did with the fox. He can maintain this pale shape and be square at the bottom, but I think I like the way he looks this way. So as you can see with this pale shape, you can create a bunch of different animals. The possibilities are endless, it's you have to put a little bit of thought and imagination into it, and it will come to you. So study the way animals are illustrated and study the way they are depicted, and usually something's exaggerated. As long as you maintain the actual look of the animal, like raccoons are always identified by this bandit look and their stripe tails, and the fox will almost always have this face when depicted and the fuzzy tail. So as long as you stay within some of those elements, chances are that you're going to wind up with something that looks like that animal. So we'll see you in the next. 6. V5 Mouse: The next character we're going to work on as a mouse. We could have used the same pill shape and just added to it, but instead I'm going to use a different method. I'm going to go here and select my ellipse tool. Just going to drag out a shape. That'll be the head, and then I'm going to drag it out another round shape and I will take this shape and duplicate it. So as you can see, just trying to make sure that all my shapes are even here and you can do that by holding up here, you see that even devout for me. So right now it just looks like an upside-down Mickey mouse. So I'm going to select the all and go into my pathfinder and click "Unite". Now using the pencil tool, I'm going to reshape it. There we go I'm just smoothing out this hard angle here, and down here, I just want to level this surface well. We're going to go those smooth tool, just to smooth out some of these edges. Just don't like how some of these look. I'm going to bring this in just a little bit. So this isn't your typical mouse shape, but it's a nice little chubby mouse that I'd like to make. So now let's create the ears. For the ears, I'm going to select and drag, so I can maintain the proportion. So this is going to be the first here. Then I'm going to go inside here again and drag, and that's going to be the inside of the ear, and that'll be a different color, will be nice pink. So we'll select them both, object arrange, sent the back. I'm going to select both shapes, hold click "Option" and drag it to create a copy. Then this time I'm just going to actually go to object transform reflect 90 degrees and hit "Okay". So there we go. We have the beginnings of the world's cutest mouse. We're going to create the nose, the way we did for the fox. So let's go and find the rectangle tool. Click and drag, we're going to make the, let's see here we're going to go to transform and we're going to move in on one of these corners. We didn't want to do that. Apologize. Let's go back to the rectangle tool. Then let's make sure that this is not linked. So we're going to bring in one of the corners. There we go, 0.5. So let's rotate this a little bit more to make this just like that. He couldn't have an exaggerated nose or he can have a tiny nose. So we can make it a bit smaller. So perhaps 80 percent. Maybe 80 percent again. Okay? Now let's go to the ellipse tool make some cute little eyes, and his eyes are going to be black. I like black eyes because they just are like they create so much contrast, but you can make them gray or any other color you'd like. Going to hold down option and copy it. Unchecked, transform, reflect 90 degrees and there we go. You can always select them both and just make sure that they're even if you really want to make sure that it's exact dimensions there, and everything's all even. So there we go, you look super cute. Now I'm going to just take this line segment tool and go from the bottom of the nose straight down just a little bit. I'm going to actually make that stroke color into a gray. You see, he's taking shape. So now we will go to the pencil tool. With that same gray, let's create someone whiskers maybe that one's a little too long. There we go. One or F I went, go any of those, look, let see. Be shorter whiskers onto. Perfect. Some of these, I mean, you can play around this for hours, but some of these I don't particularly care for, but you get the idea. So let's just make little ellipse. That's going to be in the pink. Let's set that to the back. Bring it here towards the center I want to copy it, smoother more towards the center here. There we go. This is the world's most adorable mouse. Now, just using the gray again as the stroke. Let's just draw on some hands, like we did their wings on the owl. There we go. They don't have to have a fill or anything. It's just so, it's like chubby hands on a mouse. Chubby little pause. So I actually want them to be identical, so I'm going to copy that, reflected there we go. Let's bring this one down a little bit. That gives you illusion of little chubby hands. Now the last thing we have to add is the tail. For the tail, I'm just going to freehand it. I'm going to start just about here, and bring it in this way and then just repeat it. Send that to the back. Let's give that same pink color, range sent to back there we go. We can play around with this, we can bring it in more or whatever you'd like and there we go. We have a little mouse. 7. V6 Bunny: Now, I'm on this last lesson, I want to show you how to transform this mouse shape into a very easy bunny shape. We're going to start by changing out the ears. We won't need this tail. Neal already looks like a bunny. Let's drag out the Ellipse tool. Actually need that in this lighter gray. Let's send that to the back. Then we're going to drag out another shape right in front of it. Let's make that one pink. Let's use the Selector tool this time, just to select the color. That's one cute little ear, then let's select them both option and drag. I am going to use the Reflect this time to make sure that we're reflecting it correctly, so they stay proportioned. Put him out a little bit more. I think I want this one a little further in and get a little closer together. There we go, totally adorable bunny. Now, he just needs a tail. Holding down Shift, let's drag out an ellipse just about here. Now, I want that tail to be pink. Then here's a little trick to make it buzzy. We're going to drag out another tiny ellipse like this. We're going to select it and drag it into our brushes palette. Let's just drop it right in there. When you get this popup, you're going to leave Scattered Brush selected. Click Okay and all of these settings, you can leave them preset the way they are. Just click Okay to that. We won't need this anymore we can delete it. Let's select our tail and arrange, send to the back. Now, we're going to apply the brush. You can adjust the settings of the sizes of the little round browned fuzzies on your tail there by going to your stroke. If the stroke is thicker, the round circles will be thicker around the edges there, and if you make it really thin, it'll be really tiny. I like 0.75, and you can even make it, if you resize it, it'll stay just the same. You can just keep adjusting it, adjusts your stroke. There you go. World's cutest little bunny. Now, I can also add a little color to him. Let's see, let's drag this out, let's make this orange. For the carrot, we're just going to do a series of circles. Let's drag another one out to just go in here. That helped us shift down there we go. Resize that a little bit. Let's take another one, reshape that and make it just a little bigger. Each one just needs to be a little bigger. Don't worry about lining it up, I'll line it up in a minute. Let's go up here, let's line everything up. That looks good. Let's select them all, go to our Pathfinder tool, Unite and then using the the Pencil tool, let's just free hand some leaves here. Doesn't have to be anything fancy it's just carrot leaves. Let's send that to the back. I don't like those leaves at all so let's change that out. Just so it can give it some greenery nothing fancy. I'm actually going to make them a little thinner, maybe longer. Let's group this together, object group. Let's drag our carrot here. Let's turn it and then we can bring this hand out to show that it's holding it. Let's bring that a hand to the front. If you remember when we drew it, it didn't have a fail, so we are going to add a fail to it. It's going to need the stroke back again. There we go. Now it looks like he's holding his little carrot there. Let's just angle it a little more towards his mouth. We can actually make a little mouth here. Just an oval shape. There you have it, finished bunny. 8. Class project: So the last thing we're going to cover is the class projects. The class project is going to be a design of a pillow. Now, you can mock it up, if you're familiar with Photoshop, there are many pillow mock-ups online that you can use, and if not, you actually can just make up your own, just using the square the way I've done here. So you can just create a rectangle, insert your animal and then put whatever saying or name you'd like on the top or you can get fancy and put it on different angles. Just as I've done here with love bandit, I've changed around the coloring of the font, there's a lot of free fonts online that you can use. The other thing you can also do is if you go to zazzle.com, they have pillows that you can purchase. So you can actually go to click here "Add Image", and once you've uploaded your image, you'll be able to see it live here. Once you create this mock-up, you can share it, e-mail it to yourself, and see if you'd like to commit to purchasing it or not, if not, you can just save it for future reference in your story of your file on the computer. So that's another great way to mock-up your work as well. So make sure to go and share your work with us. Everyone in the class would love to see what you guys are up to. The animals that I've drawn today are just my interpretation. You can copy them just step-by-step or you can add your own twist. Thank you so much for joining me in this class. I always have so much fun teaching them. Thank you for being a part of this journey and I hope to see your beautiful projects come to live. See you soon.