Learn Punjabi - Words and Sentences | Punjabi Charm | Skillshare

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Lesson 1 - First Set of Punjabi Words and Sentences


    • 3.

      Lesson 2 Second set of Punjabi words


    • 4.

      Lesson 3 - Third set of Punjabi words


    • 5.

      Lesson 4 - Fourth set of Punjabi words


    • 6.

      Lesson 5 - Directions in Punjabi


    • 7.

      Lesson 6 - Time of the day


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About This Class

In this class you will learn lot of Punjabi words and sentences that you will see being used in daily Punjabi conversations, Punjabi movies and songs. This class will help you improve your Punjabi vocabulary and speaking ability. This class is suitable for Punjabi learners of all levels.
See you in the class!

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Punjabi Charm

Learn Punjabi in a Fun & Interactive Way


Hello, Welcome to PunjabiCharm. I am Gurmeet - native Punjabi speaker and I am here on SkillShare to teach you sweet Punjabi language. I have years of experience teaching Punjabi reading, writing and speaking to students of all ages. I am excited to see you in one of my courses. Please feel free to connect with me in case you need any help in learning Punjabi language. Keep learning! :) 

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1. Introduction: Hello everyone. Welcome to this course. My name is good meat and I'm your instructor on this course about Punjabi words and sentences. In this first lesson, I would like to introduce myself and will tell you about the purpose of this course. I'm passionate about teaching this sweet language for Debbie, I have been creating the sources to help students learn Punjabi in a finite interactively for over seven years now, I have a YouTube channel to each Punjabi, and I give one-to-one Punjabi classes to students of all ages. In this course, we will go over some words and sentences we use in our day-to-day lives. Some of these words and sentences you will see being used in daily conversations around you is Punjabi movies and songs. This course will be a good start to create a mental model and get a feel of this language. It will also help you in improving your vocabulary and speaking abilities. At the end of this course, I will give you an exercise to make your own sentences using the words you learned in this course. You can also share your sentences with your peers in the community section. So if you are ready to learn the sweet language with me, I hope you will take time to enroll in this course. Thank you for watching and see you on the other side of the course. 2. Lesson 1 - First Set of Punjabi Words and Sentences: Welcome to the first lesson of this course. Before starting this lesson, let's see how the presentation is organized. The first line at the top shows a word we're learning. The word is written in good walkie script, Punjabi language visited and induce clips, good rookie and charm. Oop. We had using good rookie script derived Punjabi words in this presentation. The second line shows a transliteration of the same Goodman keyword in English. And the third line shows the meaning of the word in English. For each word, I will repeat pronunciation couple of times, and we'll give you some time in between to repeat the same board after we. It will help you in understanding correct pronunciation of the words and improve your Punjabi speaking skills. With the presentation structure out of the way, Let's jump right into the class content. The first one we're going to learn is such reoccur, surely call. It means hello or hi in English. This word is used to bleed in multipy. Let's practice the pronunciation once mode. Should we a girl? You can repeat after me. Sub Sri, a col. Great. Let's check out the next word in the set. The next word is Get down. Get down. There is an informal way to say, how are you are, what's up? Let's practice this world. Once more. Get down. Get down. Let's move to the next word or the next word is peak. Peak. Peak means good in English. Let's check out a sentence for the word peak. The sentence is mad. Man, pecan. It means I am good. Let's repeat the sentence once more. Man, pecan. Great. Let's move to the next sentence. The next word here is our amines. This. Let us take up a sentence for our meta Godhead. Meta Godhead. This means this is my home. Here. R means this. Meta means my god is full. Our meta Godhead. This is my whole. Let's check out next what? The next word is, Gant. And you will see this word being used in a lot of conversations on social network or Punjabi movies and songs. Exhibit descendants wants more. And CAD. In English can, means cool or awesome. You can repeat the words after me. Can't CAD? The second sentence for the word cat. The sentence is our Navarre garner can have Navarre garner can't hair. It means this new song is so cool. R means this. Navarre means new. Garner is song. Gad is cool. So this sentence means this new song is so cool. For practicing pronunciation, you can repeat the sentence after me. Are gonna head. Navarre garner, Gantt, hey, great. That's all for this set of words. In the next lesson, we will learn next set of words and sentences. See you there. 3. Lesson 2 Second set of Punjabi words: In this lesson, we will learn next set of words and sentences. The first word we will learn is what Kara VOC Kara Walker means are different or unique. Next factors, this word, you can repeat after me, vodka, VOC Cara. Who? Lets take a sentence for the word worker. The sentence is Style, Book Kara, He had a Siddha style vodka he had. It means his style is different or his style is unique. Here. Is.me, his vodka means different or unique. You can practice this intense after me. It's not style VOC Kara He hair salon style. Voc Kiara. He had. Great. Let's move to the next word or the next word is Han Ji ha. On. All these three words means yes. Yes. Han Ji HA or bow. You can repeat after me. Han Ji. Hon ha ha ha ho. Ho, ho. The meaning is yes. Let's check a sentence folders. Haji to see Sahel. Yes. You are right here. On t is yes. You'll see is you Sahid is right on G to C. So he Oh, yes, you are right. Let sublease haunting the sentence with the two words HA and OH, and make new sentences. The first sentence would be ha, ha, to see Sahel. And another sentence we can make as a whole, to see Sahel. Our whole to see Sahel. Cool. Let's move to the next work. The next word is man, new key. Man knew p. It means, I don't care. Man, new key. You can repeat after me. Man, new key. Let's move to the next word or the next word is contained. It pay. It means where? You can repeat after me. It pay. It pay. Let's check out a sentence. Forget pay. The sentence. Is it pay, jar, rehab? It's excluded group sentence. John, Radiohead. Where are you going? Where are you going? You can repeat after me. In teh job, Radiohead. Hey, John. Great. Let's move to the next word or the next word is any AMI. It means just like that. Me. This word is difficult to pronounce correctly. So let's split this translocation and you can beat after Lee. And and when I got wrong. And just like that, man means I am a, means just like that. Means rod. And the sentence meaning is, I'd got drug like that. And the sentence is Magda, ME, look there, man, AMI. Cool. That sync for the set. I'll see you in the next lesson. 4. Lesson 3 - Third set of Punjabi words: Hello everyone. Welcome to lesson three of this course. In this lesson, we will learn more Punjabi birds and we'll practice some formal and informal words and sentences in Punjabi gets chart. The first word we, we learned is Sita. Sita. The word CDO itself means and end of the rod autistic. But when it is used as a slang in Punjabi, it means impressive, outstanding, or top-notch. In a sense to say there is nothing beyond it, it sent and you will see this word being used at a slang in Punjabi movies, songs, and many conversations on social networks. Let's take an example of the word Sita. In this example, Person, a, Person B, meter, gamma, good dialogue. Meta, gum, Gallagher. How was my work? And the Paulson bead applies? Siddha VD, which means top-notch row. Or impressive. Bro, coming back to this question. So the person asked made up gum, get done logger. Which means how was my work made IS mine. Gum is work. Get diets, how ligase, how you felt about it. And the reply was suitability to expense, that it was impressive. It was taught notch. It was outstanding. Let's check out next word. The next word is Django. Django Jacobins, good or ok. You can repeat the words after me. Jenga. Jenga in Punjabi for DHEA is another word that can be used in place of Django. Yeah, check out and sentence. Subcu, Django hair, sample. Django hair. Which means everything is good. Sub means everything. Jenga means good. We can also see subcu, Radiohead. Let's move to the next section. Here is a tip for you. In Punjabi, the word g is added at the end of a word or sentence to make it formal. Let me show you what it means. On the screen. There are two words, HA and handy. Both means yes in English, ha is an informal work, whereas handy is a formula. So whenever we want to see yes. So whenever we want to see yes, in Punjabi, in an informal conversation with a friend or someone younger, we can use harm or a via informal conversation with someone. Or we want to say yes to an editor person, we will fuse hunting. So you can see there's a G attached at the end of how to make it formal. Let's take an example. Ha met teacup. Yes, I am good. Aig means good. Harmons, yes. And this is an informal conversation, will be used with someone younger. Let's take out a formal conversation sentence, Han De Matt pecan. Han Ji, murky cup. You can repeat after me. Handy man, tea cup. It means yes, I'm good. So this is a formal conversation sentence. We will use this word handy with someone elder, stranger in some formal conversation. Let's take out next word. It means you, Who is used in informal conversations. And to see is used informal conversation with someone elder. Let's take an example. Descendants is an example of an informal conversation. Donkey curry ha, had to pee, gotta hand. What are you doing to mins? You key is what got rehab means doing. What are you doing to pecan Radiohead? The formats and dense will be to see key. I hope to see key Godrej. Whoa. This sentence is being used in a conversation with the grandpa. In Punjabi, grandfather is dot, dot, dot, dot g. You can see we are using g with respect to this relation. That G to C, P, o, that desi, to see key Colorado. Grandpa, what are you doing? So here's a difference between English words and in Punjabi. In English, for formal or informal, the use you. But in Punjabi, if you're talking to elders, we will use to see. And if we are talking to someone younger or friend or in an informal conversation, we will use to. That's something to note down. Let's move to the next sentence. There's a tip for you. In most of the cases, the grammar rules applied to the subject we want to give respect is seen as a rule spot to rural subject. So what does it mean? It means here that dodgy or grandpa is someone we want to give respect. So we used to see, hear, and thus intense following sentences to see key Carre, Whoa. To see key karaoke is what? Gardener he means, what are you doing? And then hole. If you take a look at the sentence, four milliwatts. So here the sentences to see, sorry, key car radio here to CSR is you all. It is a plural subject. So if you see the subject here is the URL to see, sorry. There are a bunch of people there, more than one people. And we are wanting to them. And we are asking, what are you all doing to see Saudi pKa radio? If you match this sentence. We just made for two rules. Object with the sentence earlier we use for gamba. Far respect. It's exactly the same. The grammar rules for to see key, guard, array and whole, everything is same. So here the person is singular, but we want to give respect. We will feed them as approval subject and apply all the grammar rules for plural subject. So going back to the dip, in most of the cases, the grammar rules applied to the subject we want to give respect. So here in our sentence IV strategy, the grandpa, same as rules for plural subject. Here to run subject in our example was you all. So plural subject was you all. And subject we wanted to give respect is grandpa delta G. I hope you got the point. Let's move to the next sentence. So the next word is VDD. Vdd and beauty. All of these words mean better, but different respect level. Field and vD are informal, whereas realty is formal. You got the point because we have G, a dash at the end of the world. This is formal. This we will use with someone in formal conversation with strangers and with interpreters to only be worn to give respect. And VDD and VD we can use with our younger breeders and our friends. Let's take an example. Example is V, two key Radiohead feed on 3D. You can use either of them to keep. It means brother, what are you doing? So you can see we have used two here because it's an informal conversation. And we're talking to a younger brother, pia using weed on really. Let's check out a formal conversation sentence. Fealty to seek economy. Who? Vlc, to see key car radio prepared. Bro, what are you doing? Our dear brother, what are you doing? So we always give respect to our elders. So there are two different ways to see that VLT, there's a geodata to it. So it means it is a formal conversation. And we're talking to someone elder than us to CQI car radio. Dear brother, what are you doing? Next? Take out an x one. The next word is for Sr. For system, we use ban, ban Annie or Ban Jie. You've been to beat after me all the three words. Ban, band or band D. There's an iron then. So you must have figured out already that these 2 first 2 words are for informal conversation. And the last one is to be used with the under system. Let us take an example. The example for the informal conversation with the younger sister or with a friend is banning. To which our cottage Arna, it means, says, when are you going to the market is used for informal, which means you have already learned in this lesson. By jar means market. Godot means when Gianna is to go any two bizarre cut-off genre, you can repeat after me, penny, to buy job, codon Jana. So here we are using Bernie. You can also use ban, ban to Madonna. Madonna. So we are asking, our sister died when she planning to go to the market. Let's take out the formal sentence. And a G to C which are outta ban, D to C, Which are coupled Jana ESS, When are you going to the market? You got the point. We are using perigee and the word pussy here for you. Let's check out the next word or the next word is what they are. What they are. What they are is a word used in Punjabi for young girls or women. We can check out an example. Saudi mcdr Punjab, dy sony, Medea Punjabi, which means beautiful young women of Punjab. Saudi, Saudis, beautiful wood they are Madame means young women or young girl. But Job D is off Punjab. It should be Punjab here, not Punjabi. Saudi Medea, Punjab D. Let's jump next word. The next word is goo. Goo, gaa blue means young boy or man. Let's take out the example. Example is got brew, Punjabi. God guru. Punjab. The, it means a young sons of Punjab. Got blue means a young. What means sons? But job the means of Punjab. So young sons of Punjab. You will see these two worlds, modality and go brew being used in Punjabi movies, songs and Punjabi conversations a lot of time. That's it for this class. I will see you in the next lesson. Tilden, keep learning Punjabi. Sought to your garden. 5. Lesson 4 - Fourth set of Punjabi words: Hello friends. Welcome back. In this lesson, we will learn some more Punjabi words and slags. The first word we will learn is goody. Goody. Goody means a girl. In the previous lesson we learned award and UTR, which means a young girl or a woman, could ease another word in Punjabi, which means a girl. And this word is more formal and more often used in Punjabi conversations. You extract is this word once more, goody. Goody. Yes, tickled. Next word, the next word is wound up. Wanda. Muda means a boy. In the previous lesson, we learned a word Grb2, which means a young boy or man. The word Mondays more commonly used in Punjabi conversations. So let's practice this word again. Wound up. Wouldn't up. Let's check out next word. The next set of word is or what. And where d. Both these words mean big R, L during for data is used for masculine subjects. And what D is used for feminine subjects. For example, if you want to say big boy or editor boy, we can say Vada. Wanda. Wound up. Similarly if you want to say elder girl, C over D, where D, E. So when and where D represents masculine and feminine respectively. Let's move to the next word or the next word is taught and told me. To die is used for masking subjects. Until these use for a feminine subject. Both the words mean small or younger. For example, if you want to say younger boy, we can say wound up. And if you want to say younger girl, we can see Toby hoodie. Your second next word or the next word is, but ordinary RNA. Buddha words mean baby, good. But aren't near Anna. Extract it once more. But our nirvana, nirvana, H20. Let's move to the next word or the next word is daka. Daka. Daka means baby, infant on newborn. Let's practice this word once more. Cop, cop, cop, cop. Let's move to the next slide. The next I don't words are, it takes an OTA. It means here, and obtain means there. It takes. And 48EI. Let's practice the pronunciation of these words. It pay it t or t or t. Here and there. It t or t. Let's take old sentence of each of these words. May it take gum, cardamom, man? It p, gum, Canada, ha, which means I work here. Man means I. It means here. Gamble gotta Dao means work AT garden. Let's practice this sentence. Man. It t, come. Ha, you can repeat after me. Man. It, hey, come, got a doll. Ha, great job. Let's move to the next sentence. Or the cone here. Which means who is there. This is an interrogative sentence. Who is their forte? Gone? Where? O means dear, means Who. Gone, means who? Who will take gone. Hey, let's practice this one's more. Will pay gone. Hey, let's move to the next sentence. The Nixon to birds are bad. Hey, Patsy. Order by all of these words means money. These are the words that it presenting specifically Indian currency. Root wy is Indian rupee. And bassy represent coins, the change. For example, quarters, dimes, and sense. These all represent money. So let's practice the pronunciation of these words. Hey, hey, hey, hey patsy. Patsy. Patsy, repay, repay her by. Great. Let's move to the next word. The next line here is high or above? High and above, which means, oh my god. Oh my god. Here. A rubbed means God. So the slang here is height above, height above xx and xy military sentence. So let's practice once more. High it above, high and above. Let's move to the next word or the next line is the the means leave it. Ran. They ran the you can repeat after me. Randy. Great. Gifts to complete sentence for Randy. The same densities to the mat, gotten longer, which means you leave it. I will do it. Means you ran the means leave it. Man means I. Garden Lubanga means we'll do it. To Randy MCA Lubanga. You can repeat after me. Who ran the man? Guard Lubanga. Great. Let's move to the next sentence. So the next line here is a deep bow. May evolve, mints, ignored it, or leave it with the bow. Mid-day bow. You can repeat after me. Muddy. Muddy actually means sand and bow is to put the sad. So for example, if we want to suggest someone that ignore this matter, don't bother about it. We can say midday bow. With the bow is to wind it. Ignored it to leave it with the bow. That said, thank you for joining discuss. I'll see you in the next class. Till then, keep learning Punjabi. Such a god. 6. Lesson 5 - Directions in Punjabi: Hello friends. In this lesson, we will learn directions in Punjabi. Directions are called the shower in Punjabi. Let's practice the pronunciation. The Sharma. Sharma. You can repeat after me, the shower. The first selection we will learn is 1 third, 1 third, 1 third means not. You can repeat after me what the what the next direction, the next election is, the current. The current. The kinda means salt. You can repeat after me. That can, that can. The next election is Buddha. Buddha. Buddha means is you can repeat after me put up. The next election is but tum, tum, tum mean to rest. You can repeat after me, but TOM. But TEM grid, we have covered all the forward direction. Let's repeat them once more. That current. But TEM grid. Let's move on to other words. The first word we will learn is what day, what that means up. What? The next word is, totally. Totally. To living down or below. You're going to be the pronunciation. Tell me. Let's move on to the next word. The next word is a good means in front. Let C be the pronunciation once more. Again. Great. Next word is between bitumens back bit too. Let's take out next word. The next word is or t. Or t. Or t means there. Let's practice experimentation or T. Or T. And the next word is it take. It means here. You can repeat after me, it pay it. And the last word is, which God? Which God? Scar means between. Let's practice the pronunciation of this word. Which God? Which God? Grid. So in this lesson we learned all the directions in Punjabi. In my upcoming lessons, we will learn some more words. Deal then keep learning Punjabi, sought to your garden. 7. Lesson 6 - Time of the day: Hello friends. Welcome back. In this lesson, we will learn some of the words related to the time of the day. The first word we will learn is so weird. So surreal means modeling. Let's practice this word. So weird. So weird. Let's move to the next word. The next word we will learn is the bad. The bad. The bad means afternoon. Let's practice exponentiation. The bad, the bad. Grade. Let's move to the next word. The next word is Sharm. Sham means evening. Sham. Sham. Let's move to the next word. The next word is an odd. Route means night. Let's practice its pronunciation. Let's move to the next word. The next word is turkey. Turkey. Turkey means early morning. Let's practice it directly. Dedicate grid. Let's take our next word. The next word is umbrella. Is sacred and bronchial, divine time of the day, and it is in the early morning. Let's practice it pronunciation. I'm going to ungroup. Let's take a look. Next word, the next word is la. La. La, la, la wi is afternoon. Let's practice it. Lord, DRA, le, le, le. Let's move to the next word. The next word is that a coulomb ELA villa that evening or the time of the dusk? Gullah villa. You can repeat after me. Villa. Let's check out some more words. I do. I do means today. I do. Please repeat. And the next word is color. Color means yesterday, our tomorrow. Unlike English for representing yesterday and tomorrow, Punjabi has one word which is Karla. Karla. Please repeat color. Let's move to the last word. Password is parcel. Parcel. Parcel means day before yesterday or day after tomorrow. Let's practice it. Parcel per song grid. That's all for this lesson. I hope you enjoyed the lesson. If you like this lesson, please hit the like button and leave a review. I'll see you in the next lesson. Till then, keep learning Punjabi. Such fear, God.