1. Introduction: Hello everyone.
Welcome to a class of photo editing with
Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and Light Room for learning advanced level
image editing skills. So if you're planning to learn advanced level image
editing skills, then you are in the right place. Because in this
class we will cover everything to get you
started with photo editing. Let's take a look what you
learned from this class. Transparent text
effect in Photoshop, spotlight effect in Photoshop. Simple color grading
in your image, face retouching in Photoshop. Image editing for social
media in Photoshop, realistic perspective
text edit in your image, changing an image
color in illustrator. How to cut out our
in illustrator, removing background
in illustrator. Image tracing illustrator. Basic image editing in Va. Blur background of
your photo in Va, photo, collage editing in Va. Double exposure effect, transparent blur
effect, splash effect, cinematic photo
editing in light room, creating fake color
effect in light room, HD image editing in light room. After completing this class, you will be able to
learn photo shop skill, understand about
vector graphics. You will be able to customize
templates in Canva. You will learn about
impoding and organizing photos and also adding
text in your image. This is a project based class. During learning, you will have class project, what you learn. You will be able
to participate in class project and you can do practice while you are learning. You'll have supporting
resources in this class so it will be
easier for you to learn. Learning, if you face any issue or if you have any question, then feel free to ask me. I'm always there for
you to help you. Let's start learning
photo editing together.
2. Transparent text effect in photoshop: Hello everyone and
welcome you all to the first chapter of photo editing with
Photoshop Illustrator, Canva, and Lightroom Tutorial. So now as this is the
chapter number one, we'll be learning transparent
text effect in Photoshop, like how you will
be able to give a transparent text
effect in your photo. Okay, so here in this
whole tutorial we'll be mastering about
different photo editing ways of photo shop in Illustrator and also in Canva
and Light Room as well. Okay, so first we'll
start with Photoshop, then we'll go to Illustrator, then Canva, and lastly, we will go on with Light room. Okay, so we'll see how you
will be able to do that. So let's not waste time
and let's get started. So over here as
you guys can see, now I'm here in the
home page of Photoshop. Okay, so if you
guys are familiar. Okay, so from here now what I'll do is if I do want
to open up any file, I will click here
onto the Open option. And now I will click
on your computer. Okay, So it will bring
you to your desktop file. And from here I will go
to my resource file. And from my resource file, let's take this
particular photo. And let's just open it up. Okay, so I will just open
it up here, my Photoshop, and here as you guys can see, this is basically the work space in which I am going to work on. Okay. So over here I do have different kind
of tools over here. Okay? As you guys can
see, the crop tool, if you do want to
use the frame and here you do have the quick
selection tool. Okay? And also over here, I will just come here and
let's say I want to take the Quick selection tool so I can have the quick
selection tool as well. So the first thing what
I need to do is you just need to come here
into your layer spanel. And from here just unlock
this particular image. And if you want to rename it, you guys can double click, click on backspace, and now
you guys can just rename it. Okay, so I will just take
this one as the main. And what I'll do now is I would just create a
duplicate over here. So I will just drag this
down and over here, this plus icon over here, I do have a copy. Okay, so I will come
here and now I will just type this one as
duplicate over here. And after that what I'll
do is from my tool bar I will select this
particular tool called the quick selection tool. Okay, and the shortcut key for the quick selection tool
is W from your keyboard. And you need to make sure
that you're selecting this particular
duplicate layer and your quick selection
tool is selected. And after that, on top here, you guys can see there are
a lot of options, okay? But from here what
you can do is you can just select this
Select Subject option. Okay? So I will come
here and over here I will just click onto the
Select Subject option. Okay, so over here it will
basically select the subject, which I have over here. Okay, so now over here, if it's also show you like that, go to the edit option. From edit option, make sure
you go to the preferences. And from preferences what
you're going to do is you are going to go into the
scratch disks, okay? And over here in
the scratch disks, if the bar is selected, make sure you choose
the other one where the space is available. So now I'll click on Okay. And now if I click onto the Select Subject
option over here, you guys will be able to
see that my subject over here on my screen will
basically get selected. Okay, so now let's wait for it. And over here as
you guys can see, now I do have selected
this particular subject. And now what you need to
do is you need to come here and you need to
add a layer mask. Okay, so I will just click over here onto the layer mask option, and here into the duplicate
layer as you guys can see. Okay, so now I will just
click on Inters Ask. Okay, so I will just
come here and as I have selected a mass over here. Okay, you guys can see this
one is getting loaded. And again, if you
want to cancel this, you guys can come here
and you guys can just cancel this thing
right over here. Okay? So now over here I will
just deselect everything. Okay, so let's come here, let's just deselect this one. Let's come here and
let's take my move to. And again, what I'll do is I
want to type down some text. Okay? So I will come here, I will just take my horizontal
type tool over here. Now I will just change the text. Okay? So let's
write witness day. Okay? So I will come
here and I will just type witness day
right over here. Okay? And again, I
will take my move too. And if I do want to
increase the size, I will be able to increase
the size from here as well. Okay, So let's come here and now let's click on Shift over here. You guys can just increase
the size quite like this. So after selecting this one, what I'll do is I'll just
double click over here. And now if I do want
to change the font, I can come here and
basically I will be able to change the font
which I want to use. Okay, so let's come here and let's go with something bold. So now again here in
the properties panel, let's select all of
it out over here, I will go a bit down here
in the character panel. Okay, so let's go to color. And from here now I will just change the color
to a white color. Okay? So I will come here, I will just click on, Okay. If I want to give
on anything bold, I can come here and I can
search as well. Okay? So if you want me to search, I can basically search as well. Okay? So let's come here, let's take this one. Now what I'll do is I'll
just select this thing out, and now I will just
centralize it. Okay? So I will just
come here and I'll try to bring it
here in the center. And after that what I'll
do is I will just make a duplicate of this
particular text as well. Okay, so if you
want to duplicate, come here, select this one, drag over here, and select this particular
option as well. Okay, so now I do have both of this text box on
top of each other. Now what I'll do is
I will come here and I will just right
click over here. You guys can see there
are a lot of option. Okay, over here you guys can see there are a lot of
options right over here, if you want to convert
it to a frame, you guys can actually do that. If you want to convert
it to a smart object, you guys can do
that as well, okay? So you guys can come here and let's go to this copy option, okay, And go to
convert to shape. Okay, I will come here, and now I have just converted this particular
thing into a shape. And now over here you guys go and select our rectangle two. And now go here on
the field option. And from here select
no fill, okay? So come here, select no fill option over here and
over here into the stroke, what you guys can do is
you guys can just increase the stroke and also you guys can change the
stroke color, Okay? So if you do want to
put up any solid color, you guys can come here
into the RGB panel, okay? Otherwise you guys can
double click over here and you guys can select
this one as well. So now I will just click
on okay over here. And now over here I will
just click on Enter. And let's come here. And lastly, what I need to
do is I need to come here, bring this particular layer just below this duplicate layer. Okay, so let's come
right over here. Let's select this one. Okay, let's come here and or, well, not this one basically, just bring this one down. And this one I will
just put here on top. Okay, Here you guys can
see how it actually looks. Okay, This is how you
guys can actually create. If you want to come
right over here into this particular text option
as well, just double click. And what you guys can do is you guys can come
here and you guys can actually change the stroke size. Okay, So you guys can come
here and you guys will be able to change the
stroke color as well. Okay, come here,
select this one. Now if you want to
change the stroke size, you guys can actually come
here and you guys will be able to change the stroke
color here as well. Okay, so now again, I will just make
another one over here. So let's come here and
let's type down hello. Okay, so I will come here, take my text too, and now I will just type hello. Okay, so I will come here and I'll just type
hello over here. Let's select my move tool. And now if I just
click on control R, okay, so let's come
here into one corner. And now let's just
increase the size. Okay, so I will just increase
the size quite like this. And now let's put
it right over here. And now I want to put
it over here on top. Okay, So I will just place it
or put it right over here. And now again, if I want
to duplicate, okay, so in that case what I'll
do is I will come here and I will duplicate the same
thing over here as well. And before that, let's come here and let's select this part. And let's click on control R. And what you can do is you guys can basically move
this thing around. Okay, so if you do
want to move this, you guys can come here and move this thing around
quite like this. And again, what I'll do
is I will come here, let's select and duplicate, let's come here and just
duplicate this one. And now I will come here
onto the first text. And what I'm going to do is I
am going to come over here. And from here now I want
to convert it to a shape. Okay, so let's click
right over here. And now let's go here to
the convert it to a shape, so you guys can come here. Let's select this. And from here you guys go to
convert to Shape. Over here you guys can see
I do have a shape as well. And over here if
you want to give this one up a
different color, okay, So for that, come here and go to this rectangle
tool option. From the rectangle tool, now go to the field
option and give no fell over here and under stroke, if you do want to give
up a different color, you guys can come here
and let's take black. Okay? Otherwise, if you want
to give up any red color, you guys can come here and give up this red color here as well. Now let's come here and let's increase the stroke
from here itself, Okay, So you guys
can come here and let's get this ticular color. And what you're
going to do is now just click somewhere outside. And again, I will just bring
this particular layer. And what I'm going to
do is I am going to bring this layer just
here in between. Okay, So now as
you guys can see, I do have a transparent text
over here on my picture. Okay, So yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this class. And lastly, to save it up, if you want to save
this particular image, go to the file option. And from file option, let's go to export. And if you want to
export as a PNG here, you have the Quick
Export as PNG option. Otherwise, if you want to
go directly to export, as you guys can click on Alt, Shift plus Control, plus
W from your keyboard. Okay, so come here, Let's click
on Quick Export as a PNG. Okay, so I will come here, Let's go to my desktop file. And from here I will just
go to my resource file. Let's come here and I will save this one as transparent text. Okay, so I will come here
and I will just save this as transparent
text over here. Let's click on the
save option over here. This is the PNG which has
been saved into my system. Let's come here.
Let's go to my file. Let's go to Desktop. And from here let's go
to the resource file. Okay, let's come here and let's come to this
option over here. Let's try to just save this
thing up. Let's come here. And now I will just click on
Saves to save a copy Lou, let's go to Dekstop
again. Let's come here. And from here, now I will save this one as transparent
text again. Okay, so come here and
just save this one as transparent text and
click on to Save, Okay, so over here this
is the window which will pop up and I just
need to click on okay. And here you guys can see, could not build a preview because the scratch
disks are full. Okay, So I will click on Okay, right over here.
Let's go to Edit. Let's go to the
Preferences option. And from here let's
click on Scratch disk. Okay, from seed I will come here and I will just save it
here in the option, okay. So come here, go to the D
drive and click on, okay. Now if you try to save this
thing, it will get saved. Okay. So I will come
here and over here, let's go to Desktop. And from here now let's
go to the resource file. Come here and just type
the transparent text. Okay, So transparent
text over here. And now click on to
the same option. Let's click on, okay. And this particular file
has been saved right now. Okay? At the same way,
let's go to File. And if you want to export
again, let's come here. And now let's click on Export. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my file. And let's click on
Safe over here. And this particular file
will basically get saved. Okay? So now if you want to check this one again,
let's come here. And now I do have the
transparent text image, so now I will just
click on just once, and let's view it
right over here. And this is how it
actually looks. If you want to go
onto the right, this is the image which I had
just edited in Photoshop. So yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this class on how to do a transparent text
option in your photo shop. So yeah, I hope
to see you all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more about Photoshop itself Then see you all
in the next chapter. Till then. Goodbye everyone.
3. Spotlight effect: Hello everyone and
welcome you O to another chapter of the photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Atma, and
Light Troop tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number two where I'll be showing you guys about the spotlight effect
in Photoshop. Okay, so we'll be learning how the spotlight effect is
applied in Photoshop, so we'll be learning about that in detail over here in
the particular chapter. So let's not waste time
and let's get started. So now, over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Photoshop. So now over here again, I am going to work
with another image. So for that I will come
here into my file, and from here I will just
open this particular image. Okay, so here you guys
can see I do have this particular street
lights over here. Okay, so for that
now what you can do is if you want to edit
this one, come here. And the first thing what
you're going to do is you are going to create
a simple layer. So come here and add up a
new layer right over here. Okay, so I will just
close this thing down. And once you come here
into the layer option, let's go to this
option over here, and let's select the overlay. Okay, so I will come here and
I'll select Overlay option. After selecting this
particular layer, what I'll do is I will
come here and I will just take this
rectangular marking tool. Okay, I will just select this rectangular
marker tool and I am going to make a selection quite like this right over here. Okay. I will just make this particular selection
quite like this. Now, if I do want to move it up, I can come here and I will be able to move it up
over here as well. But let's keep this
particular selection for now. And now I will come
here and I will just select this
particular gradient tool. Okay, after that I will come here into my gradient option. If I do want to work on with the gradient, I will come here. And now I will just select
this gradient tool from here. What I am going to do
is let's come here and if I want to see more
options about gradient, I can come here
and I can just get more options of my
gradient itself. Okay, so let's come
here and let's go here. On top, let's click on Windows. And from Windows now I will
just select the gradients. Okay, not the chips. I will go to Windows
and let's come here and let's click onto
the gradient option. Okay, so over here I do
have the gradient option. And over here if you want to work with anyone individually, you guys can come here
and you guys can actually work with this one individually. So let's come here and what you guys can do is
just double click. And from here if you
do want to delete it, you guys can come here and you guys can basically
delete this one as well. Okay, so come here and if you
do want to delete anything, you guys will be
able to come here. Otherwise, if you don't
want to give up any color, you guys can come here and you guys can give
no color as well. Over here again, I will go
here to the gradient option. From the gradient option, what I'm going to do is
I am going to select, create a new gradient. Okay, once I'm right over here, I will just go to
this basic option. Let's take this foreground
to background option. Now I will select this
particular apart, okay, I will just
cancel this one. Once I have selected this, I will just delete this
particular apart right from here. And again, on top
what I'll do is I will come here onto
the Stops option. And now I will just decrease
the Swats opacity to zero. Okay? So I will just stage
its opacity to zero. And now I will just click on. Okay. And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to come here and I will just give out
this Sdicul color. Okay? So I will just give this
sperdicular color up. And again, if you want to select this thing
up and from here, if you want to click on
control D to deselect. And now I will come here. And now I will just click
on Control to transform. Okay? So if you want me to transform over
here, right click. Let's go to skew from here. Now I will be able to skew this particular thing
up. Let's come here. And if you do want to bring
it down a little bit, you guys can come here and
bring it down a little bit. If you want to give this one
a shape quite like this, you guys can come here. And now I will just
click over here. And now here you guys can see it had given a place like this. Okay, so I get come right
over here, back again. And if you do want to click
on control to transform, I will just right click again. Let's go to skew. And from here now I
will be able to skew. This particular thing up, let's come here and let's just put out this ray over here. And now again, what it'll
do is come here and just skew this part on this
particular side as well. Okay, so now I will
just click on Enter, and this is how it
actually looks. Okay? And if you want
to change anything, you guys can always come here
into your particular layer. If you want to change anything, you guys can come here. And again, if you want
to create a new one, you guys can come here
and create a new one. Okay? So if you want to
create a new preset, you guys can come here
and you guys can just select the preset from
here itself, Okay? So if you come here onto
the basics option, okay, so here you guys
can see I will just cancel this one and I will just go back
and I will just keep this thing quite
like this, okay? And again, the same way, if I want to come
right over here, if I want to duplicate this one, I will just click
on Alt and I can just move this thing out. Okay, so I will come
here, and again, if you want me to move
another thing out from here, you guys can see I can
just move this thing up. And let's click on Shift. And over here you
guys can just put this one in other
street lights as well. Come here if you want
to put out any light. Let's come here and let's just decrease the size from here. Okay, so let's go
back. Let's come here. Let's just select this thing up. Let's come here, and
let's just place it somewhere over here. Now let's click on
Enter. Let's go back. And the same way,
let's come here, and let's just put this
thing up over here as well. Okay, so come here
and I will just put this thing up right
over here as well. Make sure you keep
the alignment fine. Now again, I will just
click right over here. And I will just click on Enter. Let's select outside if
you want to duplicate it. Let's click on Alt. Let's come here, and let's try to duplicate this part
over here as well. Now let's click on Shift
to decrease its size. Come here, I will
just click on Shift. Let's place it right over here. Let's click on Enter, and this is how it
actually looks. You guys can come
here and select this particular gradient option
to some light over here. And if you do have some more
light, it will look better. Okay, so you guys can come here and if you want to
save this file, let's go to the file option. Let's go to save As. And from here, let's
come to the desktop. Let's go to my resource file. And now I will just name
this one as Straight Light. Okay, so I will come here, click on to the Save option. Let's click on okay. And lastly, if you
want to export it, let's go to Export. And let's click on
Quick Export as PNG. And I will save it
right over here. And my file over here will
get saved accordingly. Okay, so over here also, what you guys can do
is you guys can just make this ages quite perfect. Okay, so if you do want to make some changes over
here in the ages, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to make this quite well. So come here, let's
click right over here. And if you do want to change
the field color, okay, so you guys can come
here and you guys can basically change
the field color. And also you guys can basically change the
opacity as well. Okay? So come here and do the same thing
over here as well. Let's go with 25 and over here, let's go to 22. Okay? So let's come here. And now I will select this one. And over here let's increase the opacity to
somewhat around 60. So I will come here again and
what I'll do is I will just change the field to 16. And now over here I will
change the opacity as well. Okay, so I can just come
here, do this thing, let's come to this option, let's decrease it to 50. Okay, Over here I
will also change the opacity to 50 as well. So come here, change it to 50. And now here you guys
can see this one looks better over here on
the far side as well. So this is how you
guys can change the opacity and make it
look more realistic. Okay, so come here and
maybe I will just increase the opacity to 50% And
now over here also, I will just increase the
feel by 50% as well. Okay, come here.
Let's click on Enter. And this is how it
looks right now. So I will just save up a
PNG of this one as well. Let's go to Export. And let's click on
Quick Export as PNG, I will just click and type final over here.
And now let's save it. And over there my PNG
file will get exploited. So this is how you guys can actually create a
street Laugh plight. Okay, so here, this is the whole process of how
you will be able to do that. If you want to give on
some different colors, you guys will be able to give on some different
colors as well. Okay? So if you want to work with any kind of gradient fill, you guys can come here
and always you guys can just double
click and you guys can actually change
the properties if you want to work on
more with the feather, if you want to put that. Okay, so let's come here, let's decrease the feather. And if you want to increase
the feather over here, you guys can see how
it actually looks. And over here, if you want
to decrease the density, you guys can come
here and you guys can just give out a density of 80% So this is how
you guys can work with individual lights
as well over here. So yeah, I hope to see you all in the next chapter
where we'll be learning more about Photoshop and its way of editing photo. So see you all in
the next chapter. Till then, take care. And goodbye everyone.
4. Simple colour grading in your image: Hello everyone, and welcome to a class of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number three. And here we'll be learning simple color grading
in your image. Okay? So if you do have an
image of yourself, okay, so how you will be
able to color grade it using different Kya tools. Okay? So we'll be learning
about all of that here in detail into this
curricular chapter. So let's not waste time
and let's get started. So now over here as
you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Photoshop. From here, what I'm
going to do is I am going to go to Open option. And from here I will
open up an image. Okay, so I'll have
downloaded this image from From there
you will be able to download some free
images over there as well. Now let's take this image
and let's open this up here. Now as you guys can see, I do have opened up this
image over here in my screen. Okay, from here you
guys can see what are the basic problems
of this image. From here, let's go to
this layers option. If you do want to increase
the layers option, you guys can come here and
increase the layer option. I want to make a duplicate
of this particular Let's come here and a duplicate, let's go to this copy. So I will just rename this
one as copy over here. And now the next thing
what I'm going to do is I will select
this particular copy. And from here now I am going
to put on some filter. Okay, So now let's come
here, let's go to filters. And before that, let's
convert for smart filters. Okay? That afterwards, if I do want to come here
and change anything, I will be able to come here
and change things out. So I'll click over here
and I will just click on. Okay. And it's just
converting into apart filter. Okay. So again, I will come here and let's go to
the filter again. And now what I'm going
to do is I am going to take this camera
raw filter, Okay? So the shortcut key for that is Shift plus control plus
A from your keyboard. So let's click onto
this particular option. And now over here
on my left side, you guys can see I do have
different options, Okay? So from here you need to know what are the basic
problems here. Now over here I will have a page like this as
you guys can see. And from here now I will work on with the highlights
and the shadows. Okay, over here. For that what I need to do
is I need to come here. And if I do want to decrease the highlights of this
particular image, I will come here. Over here, I will decrease the highlight as
you guys can seek. Now, in the same way, if you do want to
increase the contrast, you guys can come here and maybe increase the
contrast a little bit. If you do want to
increase the shadow, you guys can maybe come to
the 75 option over here. And now this is how
it actually looks. And if you want to put on
some exposure as well, let's give this one up a
little bit exposure over here. And now if you want to work on with the
whites and the blacks, you guys will be able to work on with the whites and
the blacks over here. And let's say now you don't
have any manual number, okay? You want to do it automatically, like photo shop, we'll
be doing it for you. So in that case,
what you need to do is you need to
click on Shift. And now over here,
all of these options here you guys can see
have turned into auto. Okay, so I will just come here, click onto this auto, and over here, the same way I will click onto Auto Blacks. Okay, so this is the image
which I have right over here. Okay, So I had actually
changed the exposure. Okay, I had changed
the contrast. Over here, I have
put no highlights and also our 73 plus shadows. And here you guys can see, I do have the auto whites
and the auto blacks. And if you want to
see how it used to look before and
how it looks now, let's come here and let's
click right over here. This is how it used to look, This is how it looks
right now after I have actually edited
all of this part. And the same thing you
guys can see if you come here and if you just
turn this back off. Okay, if you just click here, you guys can see I
have turned it off. And if you want to see it, I do have turned it back on again. Now, over here, if
you want to work with the temperature and
the tint and the vibrates, you'll be able to
work right over here as well with all
of these options. Now again, over here, if I do want to basically change the sharpening or the texture of this image in total, okay, I'm not talking about like skin blow up or skin
retouching over here, but if you want to actually
enhance the beauty of this image in total by just
smoothing the texture, in that case, you
need to come here in the property panel and let's
go with effects, okay? And what you can do
is come here into the texture and if you
want to increase it, you guys can just increase
quite from here as well. Okay, so now if you
want to zoop in, you guys can see,
now I had zoop in. And if I do just
decrease the texture, how it actually looks over here. Let's come here and
just let's increase the texture and this
is how it looks. Okay, so now again, if you want to do
it individually, let's come over here and
let's just click on. Okay. And now if you want to zoop out control
minus over here. So you guys can come here and
go with the control minus. So now over here again, I will just click on Shift. Okay, let's click on Shift. Oh, over here. Let's
come to the screen. Let's click on Shift And oh, if I do want to just
zoom out from here. Okay, If you want to just
check all of this out, you guys can come here. And now just click on Fit. Okay? So this is how it
basically looks right now, okay? So if you want to come here
onto the effect option, you guys can basically see all the effects which I
had put over here, okay? And also here you guys
can see the temperature, the vibrance and stuff, okay? So as you guys can see, this is how it used to look
before and this is how it looks right now with all the effects which
you had put over here. So you have changed the
texture, the clarity. Okay, So now let's
come here and you had also changed all of this
basic option, okay? So if you do want
to just fit it, you guys can come here
and let's just fit it. Okay, so let's click on
Fit in View over here. Let's come here, and let's
click on to this option. Let's come here, and from here, let's click on Fit in View. Let's come to this Fit
option right over here. And now if you want
to go up here, you guys can see we had
work on the lights as well. Okay, so now let's
move deep over here. Okay, let's try to make it more interesting with
some different editing. Over here, again, over here, if you want to
individually change all of its faces or if
you want to sharpen this, what it can do is you guys can come here into this
detail option. From detail option, you guys can just make it a bit sharp. Okay, let's go with
somewhat around 40. Okay, let's come here
and let's place it somewhat 50 or 40,
anything as such. So this is how it used to
look with the sharpening and this is how it is looking
without the sharpening. Okay, so I'll just sharpen it a little bit right over here. And if you do want to
use any noise reduction, you guys can come here. And also if you want to decrease or increase the
color noise reduction, if you want to add anything, you guys can come here and add those things up
over here as well. Now over here, what I want to do is as this one is the
subject over here, I want to actually give
them a more bright color or more strength to their color according
to the background. Okay, for that, what I need to do is I need to come here and I need to click this
particular option known as the masking. Okay, if you guys click
on M from keyboard, you guys will have this
particular option in PC as well. Let's come here, let's
click on Mask over here. You do have this option.
Let's come here. Let's go to this subject over
here as you guys can see. Now over here, you
guys can basically see that it has actually
choose the subject. Okay? If you want
to change anything, just click on Shift. And now if you just come here
or let's click on Control, you guys can come here. And if you do want
to move up and down, just click on Control and
the wheel. Okay, come here. Let's click on to this particular option if
you want to zoom in Control. Plus from here, if you don't
want to see the overlay, you guys can come
here and you guys can select Show Overlay option. The first thing what I'll
do is I'll just click here. In the Show Overlay
option over here, I will just increase the
exposure a little bit. Okay, I will come here, increase the exposure
a little bit. I will just decrease
the contrast from here. Okay, I will just decrease
the contrast from here. Let's come down from here
if you want to, decrease. The highlights. And over here, if you want to
increase the shadow, you guys can come here
and you guys can actually change the shadows
over here as well. So if I take too
much of white here, you guys can see
this particular part is basically losing its detail. What I'll do is I'll just decrease the whites
a little bit. And over here maybe I will just increase the blacks
a little bit. Okay, So I will come here
and I'll just decrease the blacks a little
bit over here as well, to give this one
up a more color. And also here you guys can actually check on the
temperature, okay? But I will just keep it more
realistic, quite like this. And now over here, if you want
to work on with the U and all you guys can come here and let's come here
and let's go back. So come to this particular part and if you want to go down, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually work on
with the texture. Okay, let's increase
the texture from here. Okay, so I will just
click on this one. And now let's come down. And from here what
I'm going to do is if I want to add another one, another mask over here. So what I'll do is I
will just click on A. And from here now I will select the sky in
the background. Okay, I will come
here and I will just click here and
select the Sky option. Let's come here into
the Sky option. Now if you want to
see the overlay here, I will just click on See Overlay over here.
Let's come here. Let's just click on the sky now, let's go here onto
the Subject option. I will just turn this off. Let's go to the sky here. Let's click on Show Overlay. And what I'm going to do
now is I will come here. And from here now I will change the exposure and
each and everything. Okay, so let's come here
if you do want to go back. Okay, so come here and I
will just turn this back. Okay. Otherwise let's
select this one. And let's just click
onto the delete option. If you want to
invert it as well, you guys can come here and you guys can actually
invert it as well. So let's come here and from here now let's try to
create a new mask. Okay, so I will go here and I will just click on Select Sky. Okay, so now this one is a different mask over
here, you guys can see. Now if you do want
to see the overlap, you guys can come
here and you guys can just tick this mark
out. So I will come here. And from here, let's go down and if you want to
change the exposure, you guys can see I am able to change the exposure
from here as well. Okay, if you do want
to increase it, you guys can come here and
increase it from here itself. And now, if you want to
decrease the contrast, you guys can come here,
decrease the contrast. And also let's come here. If you want to
increase the contrast, you guys can come here and
increase the contrast as well. Let's come here, Let's work on with the shadow a little bit. If you want to work on
with the highlights, let's come here and let's work on with the whites
as well, okay? So if you want to work
on with the whites, come here and keep
it somewhere here. And the blacks to actually
give some detail. Okay, So come here,
select the blacks. And what I'm going to do
now is I will come here. Let's move this particular
thing down from here. If you want to work on
with the saturation, you guys can come
here and you guys can work on with
the saturation as well if you want to give
this one up u blue color. Okay, so you guys can come
here and you guys can basically give this
one up a blue color. And if you want to work
on with the saturation, if you want to increase it, you guys can come
here and increase the saturation over here itself. Okay? So make sure that
you don't do it too much. Okay, So now once
you are done here, so let's see how it
is to look before. So this is how it used to look before and this is how
it looks right now. Okay, So now if you want
to create another mask, okay, So I will just
create another mask. And what I'm going
to do is I am going to select the whole background. Okay, So I will come here, click on Create New Mask, and from here I will
select Background. Okay, so I will come here and this whole background is
being selected right now. Okay? Now, if you want
to turn off the preset, okay, or the overlay, you guys can come
here and you guys can turn off the overlay from here. From here, you do
have an option, if you want to
subtract anything, you guys can come here
and using the brush one, you guys can come here and you guys can basically subtract. Okay, I will come
right over here. And now let's come to this
particular mask from here. If you want to work on with
the size of the brush, let's come here and if you
do want to add anything, you guys can come here and add basically thing up
from here as well. Come here, let's increase the brush size and if
you want to move it, you guys can come here and
you guys can move it as well. Okay, so come here and if you want to select
this particular part, you guys can come here and select any particular
part over here as well. So now let's select this
particular new brush. Okay, so if you
want to delete it, you guys can come here
and delete it as well. So now let's work on with
the exposure in total. And also, I will just decrease or increase the
contrast a little bit. And also now let's
decrease the highlight. And also, if you do want
to put up some shadows, let's work on with the whites. Let's increase the
whites a little bit. And also, I will just decrease the blacks a
little bit over here. And if you do want to give this one up a temperature, okay, so let's come here
and let's give this one up a war temperature. So I will just come here and
I'll just increase this one. And if you want to work on
with the hue and saturation, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically work on with
the hue and saturation. Okay, so now I will
just go back again. So let's come right over here. And if you want to go back, let's come here, let's put
up this particular color. Okay? So let's come here, and let's give out this particular color
over here onto the sets. So I will come here, I will
give this particular color, and let's go down. Okay, if you don't
like this one, you guys can come here and maybe this one gives up a
more realistic look. If you want to work on
with the saturation, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically work on
with the saturation. And also if you
want to come down, if you want to work on with
the texture in detail, you guys can come here and also increase the clarity as well. Okay, So if you want to
decrease the clarity, you guys can come here. And also here you
do have a curve. This is the color wheel which you guys can come
here and you guys can basically add some detail to your image over
here itself, okay? So come here and if you
do want to decrease it, you guys can come here and
decrease it quite like this. So let's see how it
used to look before and how it looks
right now, okay? Now, as you are done
basically over here, you guys can come here
and if you want to change anything in
properties in general, you guys can also
do that over here. As you guys can see, this filter is basically being applied over here in
this particular image. Now if I want to save this
file, let's go to File. And from file,
let's go to Export. And let's click on
Quick Export as PNG. Okay, now let's come here. Let's select where do
I want to save this? Let's come here into
my resource file. Now, I will just name
this as color grading. Okay? So I will just name
this one as color grading. And let's click here
onto the same option. And over here my file will
be saved in my system. Okay? So let's just
wait for that one. And I will just take
you to my PC where it will be saved and I'll be showing you how it
actually looks. So now let's come here. Let's go to my file.
Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to the resource file. And this was the four image, okay? So let's come here. Let's click on just on here, This is how it used to look before and after color grading. This is how it basically
looks right now, okay? So hope to see you all in
the next chapter where we'll be learning more about
Photoshop. See you. Take care, everyone.
5. Face retouching: Hello everyone and
welcome you over to you another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number four, where I'll be showing you guys about skin retouching
in Photoshop. How you will be able to
make skin retouching. You will be able to change
the color of the skin. Okay? You will be able to give it some nice
shades and all. We'll be learning about all of it here in this
particular chapter. So let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Photoshop. So the first thing what
you're going to do is come here into
the open option, and from here select the file in which you
want to work with. Okay, I will come
here and I will just open this
particular image up. Okay, so here you guys can
see I do have one image. So the first thing
what I need to do is I will just unlock this
particular thing. Let's double click over here. And now let's name this as main. Okay, so I will name this
one as main over here. And now I am going to duplicate this
particular same layer. Okay? So if I want
to do it from here, I can just click on control J. And over here you guys can see now I do have a
copy of this one, so I will create another one. But now from here I will
just drag it right over here and it will create me another copy of this
particular layer. Now over here, what I'll do is I will just select
this first one, and I will name this one as LF, okay, which is low frequency. Again, I will come here, I will select this
top part from here. And now if I want to invert
this particular image, I can click on
Control from here. Otherwise what I can do is
I will just go to Image. And from image I will
go to Adjustments. And from adjustments I will just click onto the invert option. Okay, so over here
as you guys can see, my picture over here
has been inverted. And now let's go here
onto the filter. And let's go to blur. And from blur, what I'll do is I will just click
on gauge and blur. And over here I need to
make sure that my radius, or the pixels over here
is around 15 to 20. And it totally depends up to the image which you're using. So let's give 18 over here. Okay, let's check
out the preview. Okay, so I will come
here and I can just move it on with the
slider as well. Okay, so I will come here and
let's just give it somewhat around 16 or 18,
right over here. And now I will just click on. Okay. As you guys can see, now I do have this
picular image. Before going to the next one, what I need to do over
here is I need to come here and I need to desaturate
this pedicul image. Okay? For that again, what I need to do is
I need to come here, or the filter option now, instead of going here
into the filters, I will come here into the
image option From here, let's go to adjustments
from adjustment. I will go to the and
saturation, okay? And the shortcut key
for that is control plus our command plus,
on our keyboard. Okay, let's come here. From here you will have
a page quite like this. Now make sure to decrease
the saturation to -100 Okay, you can come here, you can just decrease the saturation
quite over here. Now let's click on. Okay. Now over here I will
come here on top. And from here I will take
this vivid light option. Okay, I will just select
this particular vivid light, and this is how it
basically looks. This particular top layer, okay, This was the layer and this is the layer which is there on top. Now over here, as
I have actually put on the hue and
saturation over here, what I can again do is after combining both of this or
merging both of this layer, I will be able to do that. Okay? To get to its
normal setting, what I will do is I
will come here first. And now I will just go to
this hue and saturation. Okay, So let's come here, let's go to image, let's
go to adjustments. And from here let's go
to hue and saturation. So now I will just keep
it quite like this. And I'll just click on, okay, right over here. And now I will just select
both of these layers. And now I will just
right click Okay. And if you do want
to merge this layer, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically merge both of
this layer from here. Okay, so let's come here and let's just select
this particular part. And over here you guys can see there are a lot of options. So you guys can come
here and over here you guys can see the
merged layers option. And now I do have merged
this particular layer. Now again, I will come here
and let's go to Image. Let's go to Adjustment. And now I will be able to put
on some hue and saturation. Let's go to adjustment. Let's click on hue
and saturation. Okay, so I will just
come here and I'll just fix this thing
up. Let's go to Edit. Let's go to my Preferences. And from here I will
go to scratch disk. And now I will just select
any of the other file. So I will come here and let's just select
this one as well. And I will just click on
Okay, right over here. So now let's go back again
here in the adjustments, let's go to the hue
and saturation. And from here I will just
decrease the saturation. And I will just click on, okay, right over here. So now I will just invert this particular
layer using control. And so I will just click
on Control over here. You guys can see now I will come here and now I will just
go back with normal. So I will come here into the normal and this is how
it looks right now. Okay, so we'll change
this one more now again from here I will change this
one from normal to overlay. Okay, let's come here
and let's select this overlay option here you guys can see the
natural color a little bit. Okay, Over here
you guys can see, I want to smooth in all
of this part over here, but not all of it, okay? I want to also keep the natural texture of
the skin over here. For that again, I
will come here, I will go to filter. From filter, I'll go to blur. Let's go to the Gaugian
blur from here. What I'll do is I will
come here and I will just take till I
get the texture. Okay, so I will come here
and I will try to get the texture of the
whole scheme, Okay? So I will come here and I'll
try to smoothen this up. So I will come here and
let's say I will just give it around 44, okay? So I will just
give it around 44. And let's click on
okay, right over here. And you guys can see, now I do have this particular
scheme quite smoothen up. Okay, so now again, for that I will come here
and now I will just take, or I will use a mask first. Okay, So I want to do
the masking over here. So I will come here
and let's say I will just add up a layer mask. Okay? So if your layer mask
over here is basically white, you will be able to see all
the white parts over here. Okay? And if your layer
mask is basically black, okay, so which I will do, you will be able to see
all the black parts and the white parts you
will be able to erase a little bit over here. So from here again, what
I'll do is I'll come here, I will select this
particular layer mask and I will click on control Eye. So now over here what I'll
do is I will come here. I will just increase the
size of my brush from here. Okay, so I will increase
the size of my brush. And let's now click
right over here. And let's smoothen
this image up. Okay, so you guys
can come here and just smoothen this up over here. This particular part over here in the forehead area as well. Okay, so you guys can see
over here in my mask, you guys can see I am just masking over this
particular thing. So I will come here
and I will just mask this thing up
quite like this. And yeah, this one basically
looks good over here. Again, if you want to
work on with the detail, you guys can again come here. Let's take a duplicate
of this one. Again, let's come here and let's try to merge both of this. Let's click on Control. Let's right click, and from here you guys can
basically merge layers. Okay, so you guys can
basically merge layers. And if you want to duplicate, let's click on control
J and control J again. And you guys can actually
create the same way. Okay, so come right over here. And the same way
what you guys can do is come here,
select this one. And now again, you guys can basically change the
overlay from normal. And now you guys can just
use up a vivid light, okay? You guys can use up a
vivid light, otherwise, if you want to use a soft light, you guys can come here and I will just use this
particular overlay. And now again, I will come here. And from here I will
just go to filter. And if you want to put up any Gaugian blur
you guys can see, I do have actually put up
a Gaugan blur over here. So now I'll go to
filter again, blur. Let's go to Gaugian blur. And from here you guys can
actually set the tone. Okay, So you guys can come here, set the tone
basically from here. Now just click on. Okay. And now if you
want to mask this thing, you guys can basically mask
this thing over here as well. Now if you do want to merge
both of this, come here. Let's click on Control. Okay, so now let's click on
Merged Layers Over here, I have just merged this
particular layer again. And from here, basically
you guys will be able to select this particular
pink light option. Okay, so let's come
right over here. This is how it looks, this is how it used to look. So I will come here again, I will just add up a
layer mask over here, and I will just invert this
particular layer mask. And what I'll do is
I'll come here and I will just clean this
particular area. Okay, So I can just
drag this one down and I can just make this
area quite more visible. So you guys can come
here and you guys can basically see the changes
over here in my picture. So you guys can come here and you guys can basically select the whole face out and you
guys can just work over here. Okay, So you guys
come here and let's just come to this
particular place. And over here I will
try to do it slowly. Okay? So I will just take
my time over here to do this thing up as I cover
the whole face around. Okay, So I will come
here and now I will just click here on
the edges as well. Okay, So I will come here. And over here in this
particular part as well, I will just finish this ages, so I will come here and now
this is how it used to look. And you guys can
see the basic blow up over here in this
particular image. So yeah, I hope you guys
have understood this class. And if you want to
smoothen it up, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically smoothen
it up as well. Okay? So if you want to
smoothen up the whole image, you guys can come
here and let's say if you just put it too much, okay, So this is how it will
not look that great, but keep here somewhere
in the 50s, okay? So I will come here
and I will try to keep it somewhere
here in the 50s. So now over here, if I do want to save this
particular image out, okay, So what I can do is I will come here into the file option. And from file, let's
go to export, okay. So now I will export it
using the Export As option. So I will come here, I will
click on the Export As. And over here you will
be able to select in what format do you want to
save of this particular image? Okay, so you guys can come
here, you guys can select, do you want to PNG or you
want a JPG or a GIF file? Okay, so you guys can come
here, select that one. And also you'll
be able to select the width and the height
of the image, okay? And how much you
want to scale it, what way is going to be
the canvas size over here? Once you're satisfied
with each and everything, you guys can come
here and you guys can click onto this
export option. So let's come over here. Let's go to Desktop. Let's come here, let's go to
my resource file from here. Let's name it as
Face Retouching. Okay, so I will come
here and I will just type face retouching. Okay, so come here,
let's type retouching. Now, I will just save up
this particular file. Okay, So I have just saved
up this particular file. It is basically getting
saved right over here. Okay. So I will just wait
for it to get saved, and my file over
there has been saved. So that one I have just
downloaded a PNG of which I did. But here, if you want to save
this particular work file, what you need to do is
you need to come here into the file option
and from file, let's go here as safe
as option, okay? And here the shortcut
key is shift plus control plus
from your keyboard. Otherwise, if
you're using a Mac, it's option plus command plus
from your keyboard as well. So I will just click here
on the save as option. Now let's go to the desktop. And from here, now let's change
this one to large icons. Let's come here. Let's go
to this particular file. Let's change this one to
this particular icon. And now I will just save
this one as face retouching. Okay, so I will just come here, I will save this one
as face retouching. But over here I need
to make sure that the file type is the
Photoshop file, okay? Which is the PSD, PDD, or the PDT file. Okay? So I will just come here, I will just save this one up, and this type of pop up window will appear on your screen. Make sure to click on, okay, right from here. And your PSD file has
also been exploded. Like if you do want to
make any changes later, okay, you do have that
particular fight. So you guys can just delete
up a particular layer, then add up a new or
modify the other one. Okay, You guys can do
all of it over here, so in that case you
don't have to do all of the things or
all of the effects, you don't have to put
again all together. So yeah, I hope
to see you all in the next chapter where
we'll be learning more about Photoshop
and in other types of effects or different kind
of color grading options. So see you all in
the next chapter. Till then, take care
and goodbye everyone.
6. Image editing for social media: Hello everyone and
welcome to our class of photo editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on this chapter
number five where I'll be showing you guys about image editing for social
media in Photoshop. Okay, so we'll be learning
about a profile picture that how you will be able to change the background of your image, how we'll be able to make
your image popped up. Okay, then you'll be
actually inverting the lab. We'll be learning
about all of it in detail here in this
particular chapter. So let's not waste time. Hell, let's get started. So now, over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Photoshop. So the first thing what you
need to do over here is let's click over here
onto this new file. Otherwise, let's come here
and let's open up an image. Okay, In which I am
going to work on. I will come here and
maybe I will just select any damage which
I want to work with. Okay, so you guys can come here. Let's go to my resource
file right over here. If you do want to come down, you guys can come down. You guys can check
all of these images. So let's come here.
Let's select this one. Let's open it up
in my Photoshop. So over here you guys can see, now I do have this
particular photo. So now what I want to do
is I do want to change the background and also I want to make it kind of
like a profile picture. Okay. So if you do have
your Facebook account, if you do have
Instagram handle, okay, in that places how
you will be able to put up all of those
profile picture. Okay, So I'll be showing
you guys about that. So the first thing you
need to come here, you need to unlock this one, and over here you need
to make a duplicate. So let's click on Control. Okay, so let's come here, and let's click on control
J over here to Duplicate. And now come here into this
particular duplicate layer. And from here, now let's
take the selection tool. Okay, so let's come here, and from here, let's take
the quick selection too. And now I will try to select
this particular part out. Okay, so let's come here, let's try to select
this particular part. So you guys can come
here and you guys can basically drag this thing out. Okay, so you guys
can come here and you guys can actually come here, and if you do want to drag this, you guys can come here and
drag this basic thing up. So come here, let's again come down somewhere over here
if you want to do minus, let's click on Alt. And over here you guys
can just select this one. And over here you
guys will be able to deselect this particular
parts as well. Come here and deselect all
of these parts over here. Let's come here and let's try to disselect this
particular part as well. Okay, let's come here, let's go here onto the sides. Okay, so let's come here, let's go onto the
sides over here. Let's come here and let's
just move all of this up. I will come here and I will just remove all of
these things up. You guys can just take your
time while doing this thing. So over here you
guys can see now I do have a kind of a selection. Okay, so now what I'm
going to do right over here is I am going
to mask this one. So now over here I will
just click on Layer mask. Okay, so if I just
turn this off, this is how it actually looks. But over here you guys
can see all these edges. Okay, so what I'll
do is I will try to fix all of those edges as well. Now, over here, let's go
to this pain brush tool. Let's come here and let's try to select this brush
tool from here. Now what I'm going to do is I am going to zoom in
a little bit, okay? Using control. And plus from our keyboard, I
will just zoom in. And let's say over here I want
to make some part visible. Okay? So in that case, I
will come here and I will try to make that
particular part visible. So as you guys can
see over here on top, I am just trying to make this part quite visible so
you guys can come here. And if you want to do that, you guys can come here. And you guys will be able to
do that from here as well. Okay? So if you do
want to go back, you guys can come here and you guys can just
go back as well. Okay? So you guys can come
here and you guys can just make this top part over here
so you guys can come here. And if you want to
give out this color, you guys can come here
and you will be able to give up the background
color from here. Let's come here, just give
up over here onto the edges. Let's come here and let's keep this particular part
quite like this, Okay, So if you do want to put out
any part over here as well, let's come here and let's just fill that particular apart. Okay, so you guys can
just fill this one. Quite like this. So
let's come here, let's give this one up
a shape so you guys can come here and just
give this one up a shape. So come here, I will just
select this particule apart. So now once this is done, basically what I'll do
is I will come here and now I will take up another
layer. So let's come here. And now over here, let's
take another new layer. And what I'll do is now I will give this one up a
different color. Okay, So I will come here. And from here now what
I'm going to do is I am going to give this one
up a new color. Okay? So I will come here and
now I will just give this one up a new color
from the color swatch. Otherwise, you guys
can come here if you want to give it
something lighter, you guys can come here and give this one something lighter. And if you do want to increase the brush size now you guys can come here and you guys can just increase the
brush size now. And now you guys can come here and you guys can just
erase that background. You guys come here and if you do want to increase it more, you guys can come
here and let's say I will just increase
this one over here. I will just increase
this white over here. Let's go in all the sites. I will just make
the background as pink over here as
you guys can see. Now the background
over here looks pink. Now, once I am done with all of this over
here, you guys can see. Now if I do want to
add some shadows, I can basically add
some shadows as well. Now once I'm done with this one, what I'll do is I will take
my move tool right from here. Now I will select this
particular first layer. Okay, I will just select this particular layer
right over here. I am going to put out
some effects onto this. Okay, let's come
right over here. And now let's come and
put on some effects. Okay, if you do want to
put on some drop shadows, and from here, make sure you go over here into the
blending options. I will come here into the
blending option and I will go here onto my drop shadow. Okay, I will come here
into the drop shadow. And now if I do want
to see a preview, I will go to the blend mode. Okay, let's come here and
I will just give multiply. And from here now
I will be able to select the drop shadow
option. Let's come here. And from here, if
you want to see it, you guys can come here and
you guys can see it as well. So you guys can just
increase the size if you want to
increase the distance. Okay, If you want to
increase the spread, you guys can come here
and let's just decrease the opacity maybe
to 35 over here. And now I will just
click on, okay. So I will just click
okay, right over here. And you guys can see how
this image basically looks. So if you come here, let's
go with normal again. Okay, with normal also, this one looks quite great. So now I will just click on control minus, let's come here. Let's go to this
particular brush tool. Let's come here, let's just put it over here on top as well. So let's come here, let's
put it over here on top. And now again, let's
take my move tool. And now what I'll do
is I will come here and I will take a
elliptical mark tool. Okay? So if I'm trying to
put up a profile picture, okay, So in that case how I
will be able to do it now. Let's come here, let's take
a elliptical marky tool. And now I will create a circle. Okay, so I will come
here and I will just create a circle
quite like this. And what I can do is
I can just come here. Let's go back. Let's come here again. Let's create a circle. Let's come here, and
let's create up a circle. Let's go here on top. Okay, come here, and if
you do want to move it, you guys can come
here and you guys can just save it
quite like this. Okay? If you do want to
increase the size again, you guys can come here
and you guys can just make up one size
quite like this. And now if you do want
to move it up over here, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically move it
up quite like this. Come here and just move
it up wherever you want. Now, go here into the move too. Okay, come here and what you're going to do is you are going to come here and you are going
to right click, come here. Now again, let me select
both of these layers. Okay, I will come
here, select this one, and with control, I will select this particular
layer as well. Now right click, and from here, you guys can basically
merge both of these layers. Okay, Now over here, both of these layers
have been merged. Now from here I
can do two things. Okay? I need to
inverse this image. So I can do it with control
plus I from my keyboard. Otherwise I will go here
into the Select option. And from here I will
just click on Inverse. Okay, I will just
click on Inverse, and I will just delete
this one over here. Now I will click on
Control plus D to select. Okay, over here
you do the image. Okay, So I will
come here and now I will just save this
particular image up. Okay? So over here, if you want to give this
thing up any shapes, okay, if you want to
convert it to a shape, you guys will be able to
convert it to a shape as well. Okay? So if you want to do it, you guys can basically
do it from here. And also you guys can
create clipping mask. Okay, so you guys will
be able to create a clipping mask
over here as well. So now let's save this file. Let's go to file,
let's go to export. And now let's go to
export as. Okay. So from here now I am here
in the export as option. Now I will transfer this file, okay, into a PNG format, okay? So I will have the
transparent background. So now I'll come
here and now I will just click onto
this export option. And let's rename
this file, okay? So I will name this one
as Profile picture. Okay? I will come here, name this one as
profile picture. Let's go to my desktop. Let's come here, let's
go to my resource file. And let's save it right
over there itself. Okay, so my file over
there have been saved. Now if I do want to save this
PSD file, I'll come here. I will click on Yes. Let's go to the desktop. And from here, now let's
go to my resource file. Now here also, I will name
it as the profile picture. Okay, so I will come here, name this one as the
profile picture as well. And I will just click
on Okay. Over here. Okay. So my file
has been so yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this. Plus on how you will
be able to create or edit an image for your
social media handle. I've showed you guys
about drop shadow. I've showed you guys about
how you will be able to invert your layer
and also how you will be able to
actually crop out your image and give this one
up a different backdrop. So hope to see you all
in the next chapter. Till then, take care.
And goodbye everyone.
7. Realistic perspective text edit in your image: Hello everyone and welcome. You owe you another chapter of photo editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our chapter number six
where I'll be showing you guys about some realistic perspective text
edit in your image. Okay, so I'll be selecting
up an image over there. I'll be putting
on some per text. Okay, First we'll make
a perspective path. Then we'll put on
the text over there. And we'll just do some
editing over there as well, so let's not waste time
and let's get started. So now, over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Photoshop. Now over here, let's open up the file in which I am
going to work on from here. Okay, so I'll try to open
my file up over here. Now let's come down over here
and let's take this image. And let's just open it up. Okay, Over here. As
you guys can see now, I do have opened up the images
of this particular was. What I'm going to
do is I am going to write down some
text over here. Okay. In this side, basically I'll be
putting on some text. Let's take the text from here. Now, I will just
type my things up. Let's click on this one. Let's come here and
let's type street cap. Okay, so I will just right here. Street cap. Okay. And what I'm going to
do is now take my move tool and if I do want to change
the color of the font, I can come here and
I will be able to change the color of
the fonts as well. Let's come here, let's
select the color. And from here now let's
take up a black color. And now let's just
change the font as well. Let's come here, let's try to select up some different font. Let's come here. Let's take this particular font over here. Let's click on okay. And now I will just select this particular
thing up again. Let's come here, and let's
take this particular thing up. Let's come here,
let's click on Enter. And what I'm going
to do is now I am going to align both of
this here in the center. So again, let's go back. Let's come here, let's
select both of this. And now if you want to bring
it here in the center, this is how it will look. Okay, so if you do want
to increase the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically increase
the size of the text. Okay, So click on
Shift, and over here, this is how you guys
will be able to increase the size of this one. Now let's put up this text somewhere over here in one side. Let's come here.
I will just give on transform. Let's come here. And from here let's
go to this text box. Let's come here, let's delete
this particular textbox. Let's come here, and let's
just delete this one. Otherwise, let's come here and let's click on Delete
from here itself. And now I will just
unlock the background. Okay, So I will come
here and I will just rename this one as the Main. I will come here, rename
this as the main. Now again, I will create a perspective right over here
in this particular point. Like at what point
do I basically need this particular
text to be pasted? Now let's come to this
particular option over here into the textbox, Right click over here. And let's select Select. Pick Els option. Okay, I have just clicked on the
Select Pick Els options. Now let's click on
control C to copy. Now what I'll do
is I'll just click on control D to select. Now over here, basically I
will hide this top layer. Okay, after hiding this layer, what I'm going to do is I am going to create
a different layer. Let's come here,
let's try to add up a different layer right over here into this particular layer, what I'm going to do is I am going to create a perspective. Let's come here and let's go to this particular options
over here Under filter, you do have this
vanishing point option. Now I will just select this
vanishing point option. Now let's select from over here. Okay, let's select
the perspective. Let's come over here. And from here, let's take off to this particular part till
right over here, okay? So I will just select this particular point
quite over here. And now I will
click on control V, okay, to put this
one right over here. And what I'll do
is I will just put this one right over here. And if I do want
to scale it down, I can just come here. Let's apply this one. And now I will come here and I will just click on Control. Okay, control. And if I do want to drag. Decrease it, I can come here
and let's just go back. And from here, if you do
want to decrease the size, you guys can come here
and you guys can just decrease the size
from here itself. So you guys can come here. Let's just go back. So let's come here, let's go back again again. What I'll do is
I'll just click on Control to pace this one. Now over here, let's basically
select this thing up. If you do want to move it, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically move this thing
up quite like this. So let's come here, let's put
this one right over here. Let's wait for this
one to get settled. Now, once I am done
resizing this image, what I'm going to do is
I am going to click on. Okay, right over here. Okay? I will come here
and I will just click on. Okay. And this is how this one basically looks,
okay, from here. Now what you can also do is if you want
to make it visible, you guys can make it visible. Otherwise, you guys can just
delete this one from here. Exactly, Let's come here, and if you want to give
out some more effects, you guys can come
here from here. What you can do is you guys can come here and select
some different layers. Okay, so you guys can come
here and you guys will be able to select out
different layers over here. So now let's go to
the blending options. Let's come here into
the effects panel. And from effects panel, let's go here onto
the layer style. Okay, let's come here. Otherwise, let's go to the
blending options over here. You guys can see I do have the blending options over here. And now let's click on Alt. And let's just move
this thing up. If you do want to see how it actually looks, let's come here. And if you do want
to move this one, you guys can come here and you guys can just
move this thing up. So come here and
let's click on Alt. And using Alt, what
you can do is you guys can just make this more natural. So you guys can come here. And on top also, if you want to do
the same thing, you guys can come
here and you will be able to do the same thing. Let's click on Alt if you
want to work on over here. And this one looks more
realistic right now that it is basically painted
over here on the wall. Okay, so this one
now looks better. You guys can see it
had bended well, with the back rod color. Okay, So the same way what
you can do is you guys can create a text here onto
the other side as well. So let's come here, let's
just delete this one. Okay, so now I do have
this perspective text. So now again, over here, let's come here and let's
take my horizontal type two. Okay? Now from here
let's type, okay, I will come here and from
here let's type summer. Okay, I will just
write Summer days. Let's come here,
let's type Summer. And I will just click on Enter. And now I will just
write Summer Days. Now let's take my move too. If I do want to increase
the size, I can come here. And using shift I
will be able to increase the size
quite like this. Okay, So this one
basically looks good. And the same way now I will just transform this one over here. And now I will have
this particular layer. Let's bring this
one down over here. Let's take this particular text, let's write click and
let's select pixels. So I will just come
here, select pixels. Let's click on
control C to copy. And now control D to select. And what I'm going
to do now is I am going to create
up a new layer. Okay, so I will come here, I will just take this
particular layer over here. I will just hide
this basic thing. Okay? So I will just hide this particular layer
over here as well. And now from here, again, I will go to filters. From filters over here, I will come here and I will just select
the vanishing point. Okay, I will come here, I will just select the vanishing
point option over here. Now, I will be able to add
more points over here as well. Okay, if you want me to
actually select more points, let's come here and let's try to select more
vanishing points. Let's come here, let's
select this particular side. Now here, okay, I will just create
these vanishing points. Now let's click on
Control plus V to select. Now let's just move
this thing up. If I want to put it
right over here, I can come here and
basically I will be able to put it
right over here. Let's click on control Now, let's decrease the size. Okay, let's come here. If you do want to
decrease the size, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to decrease the size
from here in the corner. Okay, let's come
here if you do want to move it onto
the sides as well. So let's come here. Let's
click onto this one. Let's now place it
right over here. Okay, let's come here. Let's increase the
size up a little bit. Okay, in all the sides. Let's come here, and let's just increase this one on top also. So I will just increase
this one on top also. And I will just place
the down part as well. So now I will just click
on Okay, right over here. So once I'm done with
this particular part, what I'm going to do is I am going to add all some
blending options. So let's come here, let's
go to this effects panel. And from effect panel now I will select a blending
mode. Let's come here. Let's take this blending
option from here. Let's place it here in one side. Now I will work on with
the underlying layer. Let's come here,
Let's click on Alt. And I will just move one up. Okay, so I will
come here and I'll just move one up over here. Now let's click on Alt. And now I will just move this
particular part as well. Let's come here.
Let's move this one. Now let's click on altre. Let's just move the
whites a little bit. Come here, if you want
to move the old whites, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically move these
parts as well. Let's come here, let's put the whites quite like this now. Yeah, this one looks good. And now I just decrease
the opacity as well. If I do want to decrease the
opacity, I can come here, maybe keep it to 85, which gives this one a
more realistic look. I will come here now, this
is how my image looks like. Okay, if I come here and let's say I will just
delete this part. I will come here
and now I will just delete this particular
layer as well. And now over here I do have to perspective text in the walls. Okay, so you guys can use it in any scenarios if you think
this one actually suits. So over here, let's see how
it actually looked before. Okay, so this is how
it looked before, and this is how it looks
after you have edited. Okay, so this one looks
quite natural over here. Now the last thing
you need to save up this file, let's go to file. Let's go to Export. And from here, let's select
Quick Export as PNG. Okay, so I will just select
this one as a PNG file. Let's go to Desktop. And from here I will come
here into my resource file. Let's click on Backspace. And now I will just type fixed, and I will just save it up. Okay? So this file will get
saved as a PNG over here. And now if I do want to select
up any other file, okay, let's say I want to select now in a PSD file that I can
work on with later as well. Okay, for that now I'll come here and I'll just select text. Let's come here, Let's
select text file. Okay, I'll come here and I
will just type on text file. Let's go to Desktop from here. Let's go to my resource file. Now, I will just click on Yes, let's click on Ok. I will be able to save
this particular file. Like if I do have to
change anything later, I will be able to change
those things later as well. Okay, So yeah, I hope
to see you all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more about
photo editing in detail. So take care of everyone. See you all in the next chapter.
8. Changing an image colour in illustrator: Hello everyone and
welcome you over to you another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom Tutorial. So now we are on this
chapter number seven where we'll be starting
on with Illustrator. Okay, so using images, we'll be working in Illustrator, and here in the
chapter number seven, we'll be understanding
how you will be able to change the color of an image. Okay, so I'll be
showing you guys about that here in detail, so let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the Audobllustrator. Now, first thing first, I need to select using which
image am I going to work? Okay, for that I will come here, I will select onto
this open option. Let's go to Desktop. Let's come here into
my resource file, okay. So let's come here. And from here now I will
just cancel this thing out. Let's click on Open. And from here now
let's leg this image. And now let's open this
image right over here. Let's click on Control
minus to zoom out. And what I'm going
to do is I am going to decrease the
size of the image, otherwise let's come here. Let's go to the file. And from here, let's
create a new document. So I will come here,
I will click on New. And what I'm going to
do is I am going to take this one as
inches right now. Okay? So let's come here. Let's put 20 over here. Let's come here,
and let's put 30. I will just come here and
I'll just put 30 over here. Now what I'll do is I will
just click on Create. Okay, over here you
guys can see now I do have created a
particular page. Now I will come here, drag this one up over here, and place it right
over here on top. Let's click on control minus. Now let's decrease the
size of this image. Let's come here. Let's just
place it right over here. Now let's again zoom in. Okay, let's come here. So I will just zoom in right over here. If you do want to decrease
the size from all the sites, you guys can come here and maybe decrease the size of the
image till the frame, okay, or till the artboard. So I will come here and
as you guys can see now, I do have this particular
image right over here. So now what I'm going to do is select this particular image. And from here, if
I do want to give this one up a different
color, let's come here. Let's go to this particular
properties option. Let's come here. Let's go
to this properties option. Now from here I will
just go to my windows. From here, I will just select
the option called gradient. I will come here, I will select this gradient option over here, come here, let's select one particular gradient over here into the gradient option. If I do want to give this
one up a transparency, you guys can come
here and you guys can some transparency as well. Otherwise, if you can also
look for the blending options, you guys will be able to get different blending
options as well. Come here, let's go to Windows. And from here you guys can see a lot of option right over here. Now let's come here
and let's search. Okay, so here you do
have the blend option. Let's come here to
the blend option. And from here you
guys will be able to change the spacing and
also the orientation. I will just cancel
this one for now. After selecting the
gradient option, I will just keep this
thing right over here. Now let's take a rectangle
from here in the tool bar. And I will just come
here into the age, okay? I will come here onto
the age from here, the same size, I will
create this rectangle box. I will come here and
what I'm going to do is going to select up
a solid color. Okay? So let's say I want to give
this one up some red color. Okay? So let's come here and
let's give it a red color. Let's click on, Okay. And now what you are going to do is you are going
to come here, and you are going to go
here into the blend option. Let's come here, let's
select this one. And from here, if you want to select this particular
ingredient, you guys can come
here and you guys can select this gradient option up. Okay, so come here,
check all of this. If you want to recolor this one, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to recolor this one
from here itself. Okay, And now if you want to
see how it actually looks, basically you guys
can just change the opacity of this one, okay? So you guys can come here and
basically you guys will be able to change the
opacity of the image. Let's come here and you guys
can see how this one looks. The same way if you just
change the field color, you guys will be able to change the theme of this color as well. And any time what
you guys can do is you guys can come here
and let's say you guys will be able to change
up the color from here if you want to go
on to the dark inside. Let's come here.
Let's click on okay. And this is how it
basically looks. So come over here if you
go to this layer option. And from here if I just
turn off this rectangle, this is how it used
to look before and now this is how it
actually looks, okay? So this gives more of a
subtle color over here, and this is how you
guys will be able to change the color over here. And now if you want to go here
into the blending options, you guys can come here. And from here onto
the gradient option, you guys will be able to choose different gradient
color here as well. Okay, let's go to the
properties option. In properties option,
I can actually change the quick axis as well
under this gradient here. You guys can see I do have this gradient color
and stuff over here. Now again, there is another
way of how you will be able to do this or change
the color more perfect. Let's go to Windows,
and from here let's come to this
transparency option. Okay, over here you
guys can see I do have this transparency option right over here instead of normal. What I'll do is I'll
come here and I will just select
color over here. Okay, I will come here and
I will just select color. And what I can do is
I can come here and basically I will be able
to change up the color. Okay, let's come here, and let's click on
okay, from here. And now let's come to this particular layer
from here again. And now what I'll do
is I will just come here and I will just
delete this rectangle. Let's come here. Let's
select this rectangle. Let's delete it. Otherwise, I will just right click over here, and let's come here. Now, I do have deleted that
one now, the same way. Again, come over here, select up a rectangle. Let's go to the Age. Come here, and just put out
this one in all the ages, come here, place it
right over here. Let's go on top a little bit. Let's come here and let's
just arrange this one. I will just come here
onto the age over here. In normal, what I'll
do is I will just come here and I will
just select color. Okay? So I can come here and if I do want to change
up the color, I can come here and
basically I will be able to change up
the color as well. So come here, and if you do want to change up to a
different color, let's say I want
something in blue. So let's come here and let's
go with the blue color, and this is how it
basically looks, okay? So you guys can basically
use colors quite like this. So this is how it used to look and this is how
it looks now, Okay? So I will try to give
this one up a dark color. Okay? So let's come here and let's go down up a little bit. Let's come here, and let's
give this one up a dull color. So I will just keep here. Okay, let's come down and yeah, this one basically looks good and this is how
you guys will be able to work on with
images over here as well. Okay, so you will
be able to work in Illustrator over here on images. So now if you want to save
this particular file, what you need to do is
come here and from here, now let's select this part. Let's increase the size. Let's go to file. From file. Let's go to export. Okay, I will just come here, and let's go to file again. From now, I will
click on Export. Okay, I will click here, Export S. Now I will
save this file name. Okay, I will just
come here and if I do want to take it
in other format, let's say I want to
take it in a PNG. I will come here and I
will just name this file as Editing in Illustrator. Okay, I will come here and I will just save this
particular name. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my Resource Fund. From here, I will
just click on Export. Over here, you guys can
see what is going to be the background color and also what is going to be
the resolution and also the anti lisi. Okay? So I will come here and
I will just click on okay. And this particular file will
basically get saved, okay. So over here you guys can
see it's getting saved. And if you want to put this
particular image on anything, let's say come here and I will just try this one up and from here I will be able to
check it on a mock up. Okay, suppose if you
do have a cup or if you do have any
kind of design, you will be able to
select that one and you will be able to see how
that particular sticker or how that particular
print looks on a particular device or
in a particular element. Okay, so you guys can install
this mock up from here. Now this file is
basically saved. I will just click here. I will just save this one. And if I do want to save the
illustrator file as well, what I'm going to do is
I'm going to go to File. And from File, let's
click on Save Us. And I'll click on Save
on your computer. Let's go to Desktop. And from here let's go
to my resource file. And now come here. And now
I will just select Color. So I'll just select
coloring over here. And now let's click
on Safe over here. This type of window
will basically pop up. And over here I just
need to click on Oaken. And my file over here in the AI format or the other Illustrator
format has been saved. Okay, You can come here and you can just rename this layer. If you want to change
any of this layer, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to change this
particular layer as well. So yeah, I hope you guys have understood this
particular class, so I hope to see you all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more
about Illustrator. So see you all in
the next chapter. Tilda. Take care. And
goodbye everyone.
9. How to cut out an image: Hello everyone and
welcome you O you. Another chapter of photo editing with
Photoshop Illustrator, Canva, and Lightroom tutorial. So now this is the chapter
number eight and here I'll be showing you how to cut
out an image in Illustrator. Okay, so I'll be showing you guys how you'll
be able to cut out a particular point which you want of your image
in Illustrator. And we'll be actually
making a clipping mask. And also we'll be exporting only that particular
part itself. Okay, so we'll be
learning about that. So let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see, now I'm here in the home page
of the Autob Illustrator. The first thing what I
need to do over here is open up the file in which
I am going to work on. Let's select that
particular file over here. I do have actually exploded. Okay, I will come here, and if you do want me
to decrease the size, come here and let's
click on Shift Now, let's come here and let's try to decrease the size accordingly. I will just pace this
one quite over here. And now let's just zoom in. Okay, so I will just
zoom in right over here. And what I'm going to do is I am going to make out
a different layer. For that, I will
come here and if you do want to make up a new layer, you guys will be able to make up a new layer from here itself. So let's come here. If you
do want to see more layers, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually select up a
new layer as well. Now let's click here. Let's click on
Create a New Layer. And from here I will delete one. And I will work with
one right over here. Now let's select
this layer three. Let's come here, and let's
just delete this thing up. Now let's drag this one down. And let's just delete this one. Now over here, now I'm
in the layer number two. Okay, once I'm here in
the layer number two, now let's say I want to cut out only this sparticulapart, okay? Only this particular leaf. For that, again, I will
just click on Control plus. And Control minus. Again, to zoom out from here, I will take my Pin tool. Okay? I will come here and
what I'm going to do is I am going to create up an anchor
point right over here. Okay, So what I'll do, I will come here and now I will just double
click over here and make sure that there is no color over in
your field as well. So I will come here and
what I'll do is I will just select out a
particular part. Let's come here and let's just get this particular
point from here. And now let's come down, let's go over here. Let's try to come down. Let's try to give this one up a rotation if you do want
to give. Let's come here. You guys can basically take your time while you're
doing this one. Let's come here from here. Now, let's take out this
particular part, okay? I will just try to
cut this thing out. I will come here and say, if I do want to give
this one up a rotation, I need to hold and drag
over here the same way. Come here and make sure that you are holding and dragging. Come here, just hold and drag. Quite like this. Come here and let's just
place it right over here. And let's place it
over here as well. Let's come here and we will just put out this anchor point. Now let's come here
and I will just put it up right over here in
the anchor point itself. And here you guys
can see I do have created a particular
selection right over here. Let's click on Control minus I have just
done it quite fast. Okay, You guys can basically
take your time and you guys can actually cut
out this particular thing. Now if my first layer
over here is unlocked, I can unlock this one from here. And if you want to lock
it, you guys can come here and basically lock
this one over here. You guys can see
there is a red dot. What you can do is you guys
can come here and you guys can give it in this
particular layer number one. Okay, I will just put this particular selection
in the layer number one. Now from here what I'll do is once I've selected this
particular layer up, now I need to come here
and I need to select each and everything over here
into this particular layer. For that, what I can
do is come here. Let's take this
selection to now, from here, let's
click on Select. And let's click Select All. Okay, over here now I
have just selected all. And now what I'm
going to do is I'm going to go here into
the objects option. From object, now
I will come here. And from here now I am going
to make a clipping mask. Okay, and the shortcut
key for that is control plus seven
from your keyboard. So I will come here
and now I have made this particular
cut out of my image. If I do want to move it
around, I can come here. And basically I will be able
to move it around as well. Okay, so now I have just pasted this particular thing right over here if you want to finish it, okay, Towards the sides, you guys can do it from
here itself, Okay? So now the last thing is how you will be able to export
this thing out. Okay, so let's come
here, let's go to file. And from file, let's come
here and let's go to export. Okay? So from export
option I will come here, I will just click on
Export on Screens. And now here I will be able
to select the location, Where do you want to export? Let's come here.
Let's go to Desktop. And from here I will just select this particular folder
right from here. Now I need to make sure that
I do have a transparency. So I will just come
here onto the assets. And if I want to change
the format and all, I can come here and I
will be able to change the format and all of these
things from here itself. So if you want to export it, you guys can come here and
you guys can export this one. And the other way is, let's go to this file option. Let's go to export, and let's go to
export from here. You will be able to export
this particular thing as well. Otherwise let's go to file and let's go and save for legacy. So you guys can come
here and you guys can actually check that this image will be transparent or not. If you want to zoom out and see, you guys can come here and basically zoom out
and see as well. Okay, so here you guys
can see the preview, how it will basically look. So now let's go back again. And now let's save
this thing up. So now I will click on Save. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to Resource File. And from Resource File I will just save this one as Cut out. Okay, so I will just rename
this one as Cut Out. And let's click on
Save, right over here. And that particular
image has been saved, and if I want to
save this AI file, which is the Illustrator
file in that case, again, I will go to file. But instead of export, I will come here and I
will just go to save As. Okay, so here you guys can see the shortcut key for save as is Shift plus control
plus from our keyboard. Okay, so if I come here, otherwise if you're a Mac user, in that case it's option plus. So ma plus is from
your keyboard as well. So I will come here,
click on to this option. If you want to save it into
your Creative Cloud account, you guys can come
here and basically save it into your
creative Cloud account. Now I will just save it
here in my computer itself. I will come here, Click
on Save on Computer. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my resource file. Now, I will name this
one as Cut out again. Okay, I will just name
this one as Cut out. But here in the file type, make sure that you
do have Ti, okay? So that means that this one
is a AI file where I will be able to change things later if I do want to according
to the layers. And all of the things
which I will apply will be saved over here into
the AI file as well. Now let's click on Safe. And once you click on Safe here, you will have a pop up window quite like this on your screen. So make sure that you
click on, okay, from here, and you guys can see my
file was getting saved and now my file has been
saved in the system. So yeah, I hope you guys have understood this class
on how you will be able to cut out an object in
Illustrator from an image. Suppose if you do want a particular part of an
image and if you want to transport that
particular graphics and make something new, you guys will be able
to do that quite easily using the
help of illustrator. Yeah, I hope to see you
all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more
about Illustrator itself. Take care everyone. See you
all in the next chapter.
10. Removing background: Hello everyone and
welcome you all to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Light Room tutorial. Now this is the chapter number
nine where I'll be showing you guys how you will be able to remove background
in Illustrator. Suppose you do have
an image and now you want to change the
background of that image. We'll be learning about that
one in detail over here. If you want to put some kind of gradient color into
your background, you guys can also do that
right over here itself. So let's not waste time, let's get started Over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the home page
of the Adobe Illustrator. Okay, so the first
thing what you need to do is click here
onto the new file. And from here, basically
you guys will be able to select what kind
of size do you want. Right over here, let's
take up a letter size. And from here, let's name this file as
removing background. So I will come here
and I will just name this particular file as
removing Background. And now let's click
on to Create. Okay, so I will just create this particular page right
over here on my screen. And if you do want to put
on any kind of image, what you need to
do is you need to come here into the file, okay, So let's come here
into the file option. And from here let's go to this
option called place, okay? And the shortcut key
for place is shift plus control plus P
from your keyboard. Otherwise, if you're
a Mac user it's command plus option plus
from your keyboard. Now let's click onto this place option over
here into the file. Now let's take this
particular image, and let's click on Place. Now this particular
image is actually waiting for my command
that I will select a particular zop
where this image will get pasted over
here in my new document. Now let me just
create up new page. Let's come here back again. Let's go to file.
And from file again, let's go to Place
and from place. Let's come down and
let's take this image. Let's click on Place. And now over here, you guys can see the size of this
ppardicular image. So now if you do want
to increase the size, you guys can come here and
you guys will be able to increase the size of
the image as a whole. So now let's come here, let's select this one. And now using control plus, let's try to zoom in over here. So now as I had zoom in here, you guys can see this
particular image over here basically do
have a white background. Okay, so now I will remove
this white background and I want to give this one
up some different color. So in that case, the first
thing what I need to do is you need to
log this thing up. Okay, so over here there are different ways of
how you will be able to log this particular image in this particular place
of your document. One is you come here into the
layer panel and from here you guys can just on
the toggle lock option, otherwise there
is another option from where you guys
can come here. Let's go to this object one and from object
let's go to lock. And from here you guys
can click on selection. Okay, so you can just lock
this particular selection up. The shortcut key for that is control plus two
from our keyboard. Otherwise, command plus
two if you are a Mac user, I will click here on Selection. And now once I have
log this thing, what I'm going to do now is I am going to take up my pain tool. Okay? So once I have selected
this particular pain tool, let's come here into the
property spanel from here. Now let's search for a point. Okay? So let's come here, and let's go back. And from here, let's
try to find up an age. Okay? I have found
age over here. Let's come here, and
now let's take out this particular place,
quite like this. Let's come here, and also let's select
this particular part. And what you're
going to do is you need to come right over here. And now I will just select this particular apart
over here itself. So I will come here, I will just select this
particular apart. And now if you do
want to go back, there is a small
change which you need to do right over here. So over here, as
you guys can see, select the field color when you are selecting your pet to. And now make sure that your field have
none of the colors. So again, come here
onto the age exactly. I will come here onto
the age over here. Let's come to this
particular age here as well. Let's go back. Let's come here. If you do any
mistake while doing, make sure that you click onto the escape option,
let's come here. So I will just take
out my pen tool. And what I'll do is I will try to make out a straight cut. Okay, so I will try to make out a straight cut right over here. Let's go back and now, if you do want to come down at some place
quite like this, come here and now
give this one up a cut into this
particular point as well. So let's come here, let's
give out a point over here. Let's come to this
particular point as well. Okay, so let's come here, let's give it a cut over here. Also, I will try to give
this one up a better cut. So let's come here,
and you guys can just take up your own time. So let's come here, let's give this one up a cut. Let's come here onto
this position as well. Let's come to this
H. And now again, what I'll do is I will come to this particular anchor point and I will just join this particular anchor
point right over here. So now I have just selected this whole thing out
here with my pen tool. And the next thing
what you are going to do is you're going to go
to the object option. Again, from lock what
you guys can do, you guys can just unlock all the shortcut key is all plus control plus
two from your keyboard. Otherwise if you're a
Mac user is command plus option plus two from
your keyboard as well. I will just click on
unlock all over here. Now to the Shape over here, using the Pen tool
which I have created. If I want to give up any color, let's come here into
the color option and let's give out this color. If I just click on Okay, over here, that will
basically be applied. Okay, let's come here. If you do want to
give out any color, you guys can come here and
give up any color accordingly. So now let's try to give
this one up a color. Okay? So let's come here, let's go to this color option. And from here, let's try
to give out this color. Okay? So I will
just click on okay. And over here you guys can see how my image will
basically look. Okay, so over here
you guys can see the total cut out of the
image right over here. And the next thing
what you need to do is you need to go to object, and from object you need to
select this clipping mask. Okay, so let's come here, Let's select this object. Let's go to Clipping Mask. And let's click on Make. Okay, so I will just click
on okay, right over here. So now over here, let's select both of this. Okay, so not only one object, not only the thing which you
made with your pen tool, but also the image
itself can right click, go to make clipping mask. Over here you will get a clipping mask made
quite like this. Okay, once you are done
making the clipping mask, if you want me to zoom in. And over here I will also
be showing you guys about the corners over
here and how I'm going to actually give the
feather to all of this. Now let's come here, let's
go to this effect option. From effect, let's
go to Stylize. And from Stylize, let's come here and let's
select the feather. Okay, so over here you guys can see how the feather
basically looks. Okay, so if you do
want to decrease it and if you want to
check out the preview, you guys can come here. And from here you guys
will be able to check out the preview
itself. Come here. And if you do want
to increase it, come here and make sure to increase the feather
of this one. Okay, so let's come here
and now let me just decrease the feather maybe
to somewhat around six. I will come here and I'll
just decrease it around six. Let's see the preview
quite over here. Now, also, this one
looks too faded. Let's come here. Let's see
the preview over here. Let's come here, Let's
check out the preview. And now once I am done, what I'm going to do is I
am going to click on Okay. So now let me just zoom out
from here, let's come here. And from here let's
just zoom out. Okay. And what
you're going to do now is if you do want
to increase the size, you guys can just
click on Shift. And from here you guys will
be able to increase the size. So the same way, let's come over here onto the other side. And from here now I will be able to decrease
the size as well. So now let's come here, let's maintain this
particular line. And now what I'm going to do is if I don't want
to bring it down, I will just select my
arrow key from my table. And now I will be able to
bring it down as well. Now from here, let's just place
it somewhere around here. And now, if you want me to give this one up a different
color for that, again, I need to create
one rectangle shape. I will come here. And
from here I will try to create a rectangle
shape all over here. So let's take this
whole page up. Okay? Now, let's try to create. A rectangle box. Okay? So what I'll do is I will come here and now I will just put this thing over
here on top itself. And now if you want to work
on with the sides as well, let's come here and let's just give them some sides
over here as well. Okay? So now, once you have selected that
particular rectangle, what you're going to do
is you are going to put that one here on top so
you guys can come here. And if you do want to give
this one up a different color, let's come here and over here
you guys will be able to give this one up
a different color and any color you guys want. Let's come here and let's try to give this one some dark color. Okay, so let's come here. Let's click on okay. And now you guys need to select, you move to, or the selection
to gain right click. And let's come here and
let's go to Arrange. And from here now
select Sent to back. And this is how it looks. So I will come here and what I'm going to do is
going to right click. Let's click on orange. And now I will just
send backward. Now over here as I have created this
particular rectangle, what I'll do is I'll
come here and let's give this one upper
color, which I want. Now let's go with
something green. And now I will just
click on Okay. And over here you guys can see my whole page has this
particular green color. Now again, I will
take my move tool, or the selection
tool, right click. And from here, let's
go to range from here. Now I will just click
on Sent to Back. Okay, so I do have this
particle icon right over here. Let's click on Shift if
you do want to increase the size and shift from
this corner as well. Okay, and over here,
as you guys can see, now I do have my particular
image right over here. So now let's come here. Let's click on Shift. Let's match this one. And now this is how
it actually looks. Okay? So if you do want
to change up more colors, you guys can come here. And let's go to this rectangle. And from the rectangle, you guys will be able to choose some different color as well for this
particular rectangle. And lastly, if you do want
to save off this PNG, let's click here on File. And from file,
let's go to Export. And let's come here and
let's save for wave legacy. And the shortcut key is all
plus shift plus control, plus S from your keyboard. So now I will click
right over here, and this is the image, how it actually looks. And now I will just click
onto the Save option. Let's go to Desktop. And from here, let's go
to my resource file. And let's name this one
as Background removing. Okay, I will just name this
one as background removing. And I will save this
particular file up. Okay? This particular file has been basically saved over here. The same way if I want to
save up the Illustrator file, let's go to file from here. Let's go to Saves
instead of export. Now let's click on Save. I want to save it
here on my computer. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my resource
file over here. Let's name this one as
Background Remover. And now I will make sure
that this one is inti file. Okay? The other
illustrator file. And now I will just
click on Safe. Okay? And this type of window
will basically pop up. Make sure to click here. Okay? So now over here
you guys can see my file is getting saved and it
will be saved now itself. And if I just close
it right now, you guys can see
I do have closed down my perdiculaar image, which I do have actually cropped and change
its background. And let's say now you don't
want green background again, you guys can come here into your autobi illustrate a
file and from there just make sure that you change the color of the rectangle
but not the whole thing out. Okay? As I have already used the clipping
mask over here and also I have used other things like using
the pen tool and all. So make sure just to change the color in which you want
the background as well. Okay, so the same way
if I come here again, let's say I will just open
this particular file, okay? So now over here instead of
this color, let's come here. Let's take out this rectangle. And from here, what
you want to do is you want to take some
gradient color. Okay, so let's come
here from here, Let's click onto this
gradient option from here. Let's try to place up
a gradient over here. Now what I'll do is
if you want me to merge all of these
layers, let's come here. And let's just
select all of this. Let's come here, and let's just select all of this
layer right over here. And now let's click on Control. M, otherwise you guys
can come here and you guys can merge
from here itself. Okay, so let's come here, let's just bring this
particular thing down. Let's select this layer. And now from here, let's try to delete this one. So now I will just
drag this one and bring it over here into
the delete option. And from here now let's say
if I just come right down, okay, let's take this rectangle. And from here now I want to
apply some kind of gradient. So let's say let's
come over here and let's try to
apply some gradient. I will be able to apply different kind of
gradients over here. And also I will be able to
change up the color as well. Let's double click, and from here you guys
will be able to choose the color in which you want
your middle part to be. So let's come here, let's
go with something yellow. So let's come here, and I'll just go with something yellow. And now over here I want
to add another layer. Okay, so let's come here. And from here, now let's go
to this particular option. And now I want to add
up a different slider, so you guys can come
here and let's take up a different slider
out this place. And now again, let's come here. Let's select this one. Let's just move it up
somewhere over here. Let's double click
And from here now let's try to take out
a different color. I will just try to take
out a different color. Lastly, for this black, I will just change its color
to something different. So let's come here and let's
select this ticular color. And what you can do is you guys can just click outside here. This one is applied. You guys can come here
and make sure that how this one will
basically look okay. Make sure you just keep all
of these things properly. Right over here.
Let's select this. And now I will just
delete this one. Okay? So I will just delete
this particular stop, let's come here, let's
place it quite like this. And yeah, this one basically
looks quite good if you do want to increase the color or if you want to decrease it, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically work on with
all of this color itself, how your gradient
will look like. Okay, so again, if you
want to save up this file, let's go to export. And from here let's
go for Safe for wave. Come here and let's select
this particular color. Let's click on Safe and
Background Remover one. And now let's go to Dekstop. Let's go here onto
my resource file. And from here I will just save
this particular image up. Okay, so this is how
you guys can create some stunning
visuals by removing the background and
duplicating or replacing it with a different background which is just
created by yourself. Okay, so now let's
close this down, and I hope you guys have
understood this class on how you will be able to remove the
background of an object, okay, in an image. So here this was quite an interesting and quite
an important chapter on how you will be able to
remove a background, okay? Using Illustrator, you guys
will be able to edit or cut out an image quite properly
and quite smoothly. So I hope to see you
all in the next chapter where we'll be learning
more about Illustrator. Till then, take care. And goodbye everyone.
11. Image tracing: Hello everyone and
welcome you all to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on this
chapter number ten where we'll be learning about image
tracing in Illustrator. Okay, so now I will
be showing you that how you will
be able to turn a JPG image or a PNG image
into a vector illustration. Okay, So from a
rusterized picture, how you'll be able
to make it a vector. So if you want to work in
with the graphics, okay, in any other pages, okay, you guys can able to easily
work with those images, okay? So you'll be able to
see that when you zoom in or zoom
out asters image, it will just look kind
of distorted, okay? But once you use a vector one, okay, you won't be able
to see any differences. Okay? So you'll be able to increase the size as
much as you want. You will be able to decrease the size as much as
you want as well. Okay, So now let's see how the image tracing basically
works in Illustrator. Now, over here, as
you guys can see, now I'm here in the home page
of the Autobi illustrator. So the first thing is you
need to come up over here, create up a new file. Let's take this particular size, and let's name this as one. Okay, I will just
name this one as one. And let's click on Create to create a
page quite like this. Now, I will just keep this
one over here in one side. Let's come here, and
let's just bring this thing down over
here in the center. Let's come here, let's place it somewhere over here
in the center. And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to bring up an image. So for that again, what you need to do
is let's go to file. And from file, let's
click on place. Okay, so the shortcut
key is shift plus control plus P. So
let's click over here. And now first what
I'm going to do is I am going to take a
black and white image. Okay? So you need to
know that once you place up a black and white
image right over here, let's take this pardicular image down here into this
pardicular place. If you do want to move it,
you guys will be able to move this one up a little
bit over here as well. Okay, So now if you want to basically trace this
particular image, what you can do is you
guys can come here and let's select this image up, let's go back and from here now I will just select
this image over here down you guys
can see I do have an option called
image tracing, okay? So if you want to
make this one up, a vector just by one click, you guys can come here and
this is a JPG image basically. So I will just click
on Image Stress. And what I can do is I will come here and I
will just click on, Okay, so I'll wait now. Now my particular image right over here have turned into a JP. Okay, let's come over here. Let's go to image tracing. Let's come here, if you do
want to increase the size, you guys can come here and
you guys will be able to increase the size from here
itself. Let's come here. Now, over here again, what I'll do is I
will come here. And from this
essential work space, okay, this was the essential
workspace, I will come here. Let's go to this essential
classic workspace. Once I come over here, I will come here on
top and I will just click on this image
trace option. Okay, before that, if you
want to rasterize this one, you guys can come here and
let's select this one. If you do want to rasterize, you guys will be able to rasterize this particular
layer as well. Okay, I will come here and let's just trace this
particular image. And I will just click on. Okay, And over here this
image has been rasterized. So now what I'll do is
I will go to Windows. And from Windows now I will go into this image trace option. Okay? So the first thing what
you need to do is over here you guys can see I do have
a lot of preset, okay? So you guys can use this black and white logo if you do have a black and white image. And also if you do have colors, you can use all of
this which I will be showing just after this one. So now I will just keep this
one as default and in view, make sure to put the
tracing result, okay? So put the tracing
result over here, and as this one is a
black and white image, you guys can come
here and you guys can select black and white, okay? And over here you guys can see this one is one of
the important option. Suppose over here,
this particular lines, if I do want to make
them kind of wide, okay? So in that case I
will come here and maybe if I just
increase too much here, you guys can see,
it will just go all dark and if I
decrease too much, it will just go all white. Okay, So I have to come
here in the center. Okay, So over here you guys can see the threshold of my lines. If I just click on control and if I just
zoom too much over here, I'll be able to see
out the differences. So let's come over here. And now let's increase this one. And now over here
in the path option, okay, how I want my path to be. So if I just decrease
it too much, it doesn't look that great. Okay, so over here you
guys can look at the path. And now let's just increase
it and it's somewhere good. 70-80 Okay, so over here you guys can see
how it actually looks. And now over here
in the corners, what I can do is I will
just decrease the corners. Maybe I will just keep
it somewhere around 20. So over here you guys can see the corners so great as well. Okay. And now over here, if you do want to
increase the noise, okay, you guys can increase
the noise over here. Okay, let me just give
it around 85 over here. Now, as this one is also done, and here you guys can see
this particular Jpeg image. They also do have
the white color, and it will basically select the white color as a
background as well. So now I will just click
here on Ignore Color, okay? And now I will just
click here on Preview, and this is how it
actually looks. And now on, this is basically done once you
have created this thing, let's click here onto
the Expand option. I will come here. Let's
just go back over here. I have just made this
one as a vector image. Now if you do want to
ungroup all of this, you guys can come here and you guys can just
ungroup all of this. Let's come here
if you do want to give this one up any color so you guys can come here and if you want to
ungroup this again, so you guys will be able to ungroup this all again as well. So let's come here. If you
want to put out any color, you guys can come here and
select any particular part. Let's say I just want to
come right over here. And from here. Now if you
want to select this part, let's say I will just
select this part. And from here now I will
just try to give some color. So let's come here
into the color option. And from here you guys can
see there is three lines. So I'll just click here onto
the three lines option. And as this one is in the
gray scale, right now, I will come here and I will take this one to the RGB mode, okay? So I will come here and I'll just take it to the RGB mote, and over here you guys can see how this one actually looks. So you guys can basically
change the color. Okay, So you guys
can come here and also what you guys can
do is let's come here, let's select this one. Again, what you guys
can do is come here, and from here you
guys can basically select this life
paint bucket tool. Okay, so come here,
select this swan, let's select the RGB color. And from here you guys can actually give out
some color as well. Okay, so come here, and
from here you guys can basically put out some colors
over here in the outline. So come here and maybe just
put out the colors over here. Okay, so now I will just deselect and I'll just
deselect outside. And if you want to select anything else, you
guys can come here. And let's say you want to select this whole body, in that case, you guys can come here, select this live paint bucket. And from here, let's
go to the RGB color. And from here, basically
I will be able to select what color
do I want to put. Let's come here, let's select
this particular color. And what you can do is let's just paste it right over here. And also, if you do want
to put it over here, okay, you guys can come here. And basically, if you do
want to change the spot, you guys can come here. And let's say I will just
take up a white color. And from here I will just put up a white color over here as well. So now let's just create or
take some different color. Let's go with
something dark blue. Okay, so I will just take this color and let's
come to this part. And also I'll just put it over here into this
particular part, okay? So now if you want me to
give some color over here, you guys can also
give some color. And here you guys
can see this is how my vector file
basically looks, okay? So if I just go back and if I do want to
group it all again, I will just select all of it. And I will just click
here on Group, Okay. And here you guys can
see now I do have my Vector file ready
to work over here. Okay. Now this was basically about a
black and white image. If you do have now we'll see
if we do have a color image. And from there and how I will be able to change it
into a vector For that, again, I will come here
into the file option. Let's create a new
file from here. Now I will just
click on to Create. And again, what I'll do is I will come here onto
the file option, and from here I will
place up an image. So now let's go to
my resource file, and again, I will
just go to file. And from here let's go to place. And what I'll do
is I will come up over here into
this color j peck. And I'll just take this image. And what I'll do is I'll
just click on place. So I will come here. I will just place this one. And now again, what I'll do is I will just place this
image quite like this. Let's just delete this image. And what I'm going to do is I am going to come right
up over here. And if you do want me to increase the size
you guys can see, I can basically increase the
size of the Spdicula image. So this one is basically a JP, okay, this one is a Jpeg image. And now after selecting
right over here, what I can do is I can
click on Image Trace. I'll come here, and from here I will just click on Image Trace. And I will just click
on okay, over here. And this one has got traced. But here you guys can see it's showing me in
black and white. Because if you remember in just our previous
page over here, we do have used the
black and white image. For that, what I'll do
is I will come here and I will select the
image trace option. Okay, so for that
I will come here, I will just select this
image trace option. Let's keep here onto the sides. Let's come here and let's
view it quite like this. So from here the first thing you will change is
you'll come here. And from black and
white you will just click on color. Okay. So over here there
is one thing about illustrator is that it can basically work with
around 30 of the colors. Okay? So at the same time it will be able to take
only 30 colors, because sometimes we do have some complex images in which they do have
different kind of shades, different kind of gradients, which actually consists
of a lot of colors. Okay, So over here, let's see. How many colors do I have? Okay, I will be able
to set this one, okay, and the quality
will be better. Okay? So let's come here and
let's take around 15, okay? So let's come here and I'll just put it somewhere around 20. And over here you
guys can see it's basically working
right over here. Okay? So here as this
one is basically done, what I'll do is
I'll come here and now from here I will
increase the path, if I do want to increase
the path over here, over here you guys
can see I am just increasing the path of my image. Right over here, you guys can see this one
basically looks good. Now, over here, if you
want to decrease corners, let's come here into 15. And I will just put
the corners to 15. Now, over here, let's
select the noise Now, I will decrease the
noise from here as well. Let me just keep it around 15 or ten is also good.
No problem with that. I will just decrease
the noise because I don't want a clattered one. Okay, I will come here and now I will just click on Ignore Color. Now this is basically done. I have actually changed all
of this preset over here. You guys can see in the palette, I do have a given limited. Now again, what I'll
do is I will come over here and I will just
click on Expand. Okay, I will come here, I will click on Expand. Over here, you guys can see it's basically tracing all
of the parts over here. Again, if you come to
this particular place, if you want to work with
individual parts over here, you guys can ungroup this one. Let's come here, let's
select this one, and let's ungroup again. Now individually,
you guys will be able to select this
particular apart. And if you do want to
change up the color, let's come here and
let's just give this one up a different color. So you guys will be able to give different colors from
here itself, okay? So if you come here
and let's say if you want to change a
color of this one. So I will come here,
and now over here I will be able to
change up the color. So the same way, let's
select this one. Let's come here, and now let's give up this
particular color, and this is how it
will actually look. Okay, so now I
hope you guys have understood this class
on how you will be able to change a PNG
and a Jpeg file into a vector file in which
you will be able to work on with each and
every part individually. Like if you want to
put something extra. If you want to
make it look good. If you want to change
up the colors, okay, you guys can do that and
use it in your vector. So now again, once you are
done with each and everything, let's say I will
come here and let me just change up the color. Let's come here, let's
put it quite dark. And the same way
I will come here. And maybe I will just put
it right over here itself. So I'll come here and
I'll just click on Okay. And here now I will just select each and
everything once I'm done. And I'll just group it up. Now if I just decrease the size. Okay, let's click on Shift. Let's decrease the size. And this is how I am able to decrease the size
of all of this. Let's come here, Let's
select all of this. And now the last
thing what I'll do is I will just save
up this files. Let's go to the File
option from here. And from here, let's
click on Export. And let's go for Safe for
Wave. Let's come here. And from here, now
let's click on Safe. And now let's go to Desktop. And from here, let's
select my resource file. From here, I will name this
one as black and white. I will come here and I'll name this one as black and white. And I will click on to Safe. Okay, so this file will
basically get saved, and the same way I will do with this one,
let's come here. Let's go to export. Let's go
for Safe for wave from here. Now I will just
click on to Safe. Okay, so I will
come here and now let's just select the file name. I will just name this
one as color vector. Okay? I will just
name this one as color vector over here. And I will just save
this particular file up. Okay? Now, if I do want to save this particular vector for that, I need to come here, go to
file instead of export, I need to select Save Us. If I do want to save
it here in my system, I will go to Save
on your computer. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my resource file. From here, I will name
this particular file as black and white vector. I'll just come here and let me just save this
particular file. Let's click on, okay, over here in this
particular window. Let's click on, okay, This particular file
has been saved. Let's come over here. Repeat the same thing
with this vector as well. Save on a computer. Let's come here, name
this one as color. Okay? I will just name
this as color vector. Let's go to dest, let's go to my resource file.
Let's save it up. And just click on, okay, over here into this
particular window. And this is basically done. So, yeah. I hope you guys have understood this class on how you will be able to use Illustrator
if you do have any image. Okay. So I haven't
showed you guys many ways of how
you will be able to do photo editing in Illustrator. Okay, So we have learned
about Illustrator, we have learned about Photoshop, and now we will learn
how you will be able to do in Canva from the next class. So I hope to see you all
in the next chapter. Till then, take care.
And goodbye everyone.
12. Basic image editing in canva: Hello everyone,
and welcome you to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrate, Canva, and
Light Room tutorial. So now we are on this
chapter number 11 where we'll be starting
on with the Canva, okay? And here the first
chapter of this one is going to be the basic
image editing, okay, So how you will
be able to upload your file here in this
application and also how you will be able to
edit the image and if you want to put it as
the new document as well, how you'll be able to do that. So let's learn all of it right over here in
this particular chapter, so let's not waste time
and let's get started. Over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the home page
of the camera over here, you guys can see, now I do
have all of these options over here onto the left hand side if you do want to
merge up any app. Okay, we'll be
talking about that. And also over here you
will get different kind of templates if you do
want to create one. Okay, so now we will be talking
about image specifically. Okay? So if you want
to come over here, create up a new document
from Custom Size. Okay? You guys can see what were the recent sizes used over here. And also if you come here, click on Create Design. And suppose if you
do want to make Instagram post or if you do want to make up any thumbnail. Okay, so we'll be looking
for that as well. But now from here, let's come here and let's
upload one particular image. So let's click over
here on Uploads, And let's click on Choose Files. And from here, basically
you guys will be able to upload any image
you want to work with. So you guys can come
over here and from here. So now let's come here, let's take this picture. And now let's click on open. Okay. I will open this
image upright over here. And now what I'm
going to do is if I don't want to use
it in a new design, I can click on
using a new design. So another design will be
actually created by its own. But from here, if I
click on Edit Photo, it will basically give
me a photo itself. Okay, so over here
as you guys can see, now I will have that
image right over here. And now I will just
click on Skip Tour. And here there are
different kind of options. Okay, so I will come here, I will disclose this
thing down and over here you guys can see I do have
the effects panel over here. I do have the adjustment panel. If you do want to crop it, you guys can actually
come here and basically crop this
thing down as well. Okay? And this is
another option. If you do have the
Pro version of Canva, you will get this
particular feature called the BG remover and
also the magic eraser. Okay? So over here, if you use this BG remover, it will basically remove the background of
this image, okay? So these are basically used
for thumbnails and all which will make your thumbnail
quite interesting, okay? So now I will come
here and let's come here and if you click
in this magic eraser, you guys can come here and
you guys can basically select the size of the brush and you want to remove anything, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically remove things as well. So now over here I do have clicked on that particular area. So now let's come over here. You guys can see it's
basic loaded over here. You guys can see I do have disappeared this particular
part a little bit. Okay, so now again, I will just go
back and from here I will come here and
look onto the filters. Okay? So there are different
kind of filters here. You guys can see there are different options
under that as well. Here you do have the
natural looking, okay? And here you do have
the verb looking. If you do want
some vivid colors, you guys do have the vivid
colors right over here. If you do want to
soften this image up, you guys can soften
this image up as well. So these are the vintage modes. Okay, You guys can
come here selling the vintage ones and over
here you do have the mono, and also you do have the
monochromes one as well. Okay? And if you do want
to pop up any color, you do have different
color colors as well. Okay, so now what I'll
do is I'll come here and let's take something
from the vintage one. Okay, so let's come here, let's select this and I will keep this
particular vintage, and also I will
be able to change the intensity of this vintage. Okay, so I'll just
come over here, let's increase this one. And now again what
I'll do is I'll come here on top. Let's go back. And now what I'll do is I will come here and
go to effects. Okay, so if I do want to
give out some shadows, I can come here and I
can basically give on different kind of shadows
if I do want to give up. Drop out shadow,
you guys can see. I can basically give this one
drop out shadow over here. Okay. So if you do want to
give this one up a glow, okay, So you guys can come here. Let's go back and from here let's say if you want
to do all to focus, okay, you guys can
come here and you guys can just blur the
intensity, okay? So you guys can basically increase the intensity
of the blur. And also if you do want
to work with the focus, you guys can basically work
with the focus itself. So come over here and now, make sure to keep it
somewhere around here. Okay, so now let's
go back again. Let's come here, let's go back. And now I will just change
the focus to quite like this. And now I will come
here, back again. Okay, so here you guys can see how this particular image looks. Over here in the hand side, you guys can see it,
kind of looks blur. Okay? So I will just come here and I will just undo this one. Now, again, back over here. Okay. And now what I'll do is I will try to see what
all options do I have. If you do want to do the
face retouching in detail, you guys can come here, click on Face retouching, and over here you guys can basically smoothen the skin up. Okay, if you do want to
smoothen the skin up from here, you guys can basically smoothen the skin
from here itself. Over here, you guys
can see the changes. If I come here, let me just
focus right over here. Okay, let's come here,
let's just decrease it. And here you guys can
see that changes. Okay, so let's come here, let me put it
somewhere around 90. Okay, so I will come here, I will just put this thing
somewhere around 90. And now let's go
back and from here, if you do want to
give out any blur, you guys can come
here and you guys can just add blur from here. Okay? So over here you
guys can see if you want to get this area up blur, you can come here
and you guys can basically give this
area up a blur. Let's if I want to get
this area up blur. So let's come here and over here you guys will be able to
give up blur as well. Okay, so I will come here, I will just go back
using control minus. So let's come here and
let's click on Remove. Okay, so I will just
come here and I'll just remove this
particular part. Okay, so over here you guys can see I have removed
the blur as well. So now again, I will come here. And from here I
will just go back. So here, done with
the blur as well. And now let's come here. And if you do want to
give this same image, another different tone, okay, You guys can come here in
the dioton option and over here you guys can see there
are different colors, okay? If you do want to customize, if you do want to
give some dark color, okay, If you want to give
this one black and white, you guys can come here. Click on the Classic option. And this one is being basically
applied right over here. And if you want to select none, you guys can come
here and select this option from here on top, and it will be going back
to its same original thing. So now if you do want to come over here on
the right side, I have showed you guys
about shadows and stuff. Okay, so let's come here and if you do want to save
it, you guys can come here. Click on Save option and you guys will
be able to save it. Let's see on the scoping
option right over here. Let's click onto the scop
option right over here on top. And now over here
you guys can see I do have different
kind of aspect ratio. So here are some presets
of aspect ratios. What do I want to use here? You guys can see the size, four by five and four by
five over here as well, and three by four, okay? And here you guys
can three by two. So you guys can come
here and if you do want to give this
thing up a rotation, okay, you guys can
come here and give this thing up a
rotation by itself. And if you want to give
this one an auto rotation, you guys can come here and you guys can give some auto
rotation as well, okay? And if you want Canva to do the cropping for you by understanding the
size of the image, you guys can also select the
smart crop option from here. Let's come to this
particular part. From here, I will just crop
this particular part as well. Now let's click over here on, I will just apply
this particular crop. Now over here you guys can see my image over here
happen crop, okay. Now I will come here
and let's go back. Okay, now let's save it up. Okay, so let's come here, Let's click on Safe from here. If I don't want to
download this image, I will just click
Download from here. Okay, so it will get downloaded. So the image which I had, I'll show you guys
the difference of how it actually looks and how I edited my photo
over here in Canva. Okay, let's go to Dektop. Let's come here into my
resource P. Let's name this one as Canva. Okay, I will come here, save this file over
here as a PNG. I will just come here and that file is being
basically saved. Okay. If I do want to
cancel this thing, I will come here and I
will just click on Discot. Now let's come here over
here in my downloads, or let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my resource file. And from here you
guys can see this was the image which I had. So now let's see. This was the image
which I had before, and now after editing, this is how my image looks like. Okay, so this is
how it looks like. Okay, so over here you
guys can see the changes. And now I will just cancel
this thing up over here. And now we will also see that if you come here
and create a design, and afterwards if you want
to work on with the image, how you will be able to do that. So now let's come here, let's click on Create a Design. And from here, let's
just take up a size. Okay, so let's come here and
let's go to Custom size. And from here let's take out
this particular blank sheet. Okay, so over here
you guys can see I do have this blank sheet
right over here. And now if I do want
to upload an image, let's go to Uploads. From Uploads, what I'll do is I'll just click on Upload files. And from here now I will take this particular image over here. I do have my image, which I will just paste
it here in my document. Okay, so I will come here. It's getting uploaded now. Okay, so I will
just wait for that. Here my photo has been
uploaded, so let's come here. Let's click onto this image, and over here you guys can see into this
particular document. I do have my image
actually over here. And now I will be able
to change the placing. Now from here, If I do
want to change the size, I can just click
on Shift and I can just increase the
size from here. Okay, if I do want to
crop it, let's come here. And if you just want to increase the size
quite like this, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to do it from here itself. Okay, so let's come here. And from here, if you do
want to select this image, and if you want to edit
this one from here, let's go to Edit Photos. So let's come here,
let's open design. Let's go to Elements. And from here, let's
select this photo. Let's go to Edit Photo. And over here you guys can see you do have a
different option. If you do want to see
this image in a mock up, you guys will be able to see this one in a mock up as well. Okay, so now let's
go to mock up. If you do want to open
this thing up here, you will get different
kind of options. Suppose you do want to see this particular image
inside a phone, okay? So how it will look, or over here inside this
particular frame, okay? So let's come here,
let's click over here. And now let's just
increase the size. Okay, so let's come here, Let's just put this
image right over here. Let's select this frame. Let's increase the
frame size from here. Okay, So I will just keep
the frame right over here. Now let's select this image. So now let's come here. Let's select this image. Okay, now I will come here. I will just select
this whole image. And what I'm going to do is I am going to bring
it here on top. So let's come here,
let's go to position. Okay, so let's come here. And from here, if I do
want to put it on top, I will be able to put it. So now over here, if I just delete this one and
over here you guys can see I do have my photo inside
of this particular frame. Okay, so I can just
select outside from here. And if I do want
to edit the photo, I can just always click
on this one over here. If I do want to detach image, I will be able to
detach image as well. I can check on with
the alignment. Okay. And also if I want to
do smart crop and feel okay, I can come here and I can just click on Fill option as well. Okay, So if I do want
to increase the size, I can come here and I can
just increase the scythe. So now let's come here
and if you do want to go to detach image, I can come here and I can just detach image from here as well. Let's come here,
select this one, and let's click on Delete. Okay, so now I will just select, and now I will just
delete this one as well. And over here, the same way if I want to see this Sdicul image, let's say on this spicul glass. Okay, So I will come here, I will just put out this glass. And what I can do is I can
just put out this image or I will just wait for it to
get transmitted over here. Okay, like I have already
applied the basic command. Now over here you
guys can see I do have this particular
image over here. Okay, So if you want
to increase the size, you guys can come here and increase the size
from here itself. Afterwards, if you do
want to edit here, you guys do have the
option for editing. Okay, So you guys
can come here and if you want to detach
the image again, you guys can come here. And from here you guys will
be to detach the image. Now let's link this one, let's delete and let's
keep the image over here. And now let's come here back. Okay, I will come back again. Let's come here, let's go
to this Elements option. And from here, let's
go to Edit Photo. I will just click over here. Let's go to Edit
Photo over here. If you do want to
upscale your image, you guys can come here into
this image upscale option. Let's see about this
background removal. Okay, now let's click over here and let's remove the background
of this particular image. So now over here you
will be able to see, I will have only the subject
or this picture over here. Okay? So what you
can do is you guys can just increase the size. And over here if you want to use the magic eraser, you
guys can come here. And those particular parts
where you guys can see it's actually been shaded or
it was not cut properly, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually select those
spendicular parts. Okay? So come here and if
you do want to change this, you guys can come
here and you guys can just remove using
the magic eraser. Okay, So you guys can
come here and you guys can basically use this
spardicular thing. And now over here
I'd have applied to. So now for now let's
go back again. And from here I can just
send this image up. Let's go to Edit Photo. So I will just click onto
this particular image. Let's go to Edit Photo. And now let's come here and
let's put on some shadows. Let's click here
on Drop Shadows, And over here you guys
can see I do have a drop shadow on
this vertical image. So if you want to give
this one up a globe, you guys can come
here and you guys can just see how
it actually looks. If you want to increase
the size, okay, you guys can come
here and increase the size of the
shadow over here. If you want to increase
the blur amount, you guys can see the image
also gets smaller with it. Okay? So if you do want to
work on with the angle, you guys can do
that if you want to work on with the distance. And also you guys will be able to select the shadow color. Okay, so you guys can
come here and let's give this one up a fade red color. So I will come here and
I'll just apply this one. Let's click on Edit Photo again. So now I will just click
over here on Edit Photo. And now what I can
also do is I can come here and if I do
want to grab text, if I do have edit
text over here, I can basically
grab up any text as well if my image to
have any kind of text. Okay? And over here you do
have the magic grab option. Okay? So you guys
can actually use this magic grab option as well. Okay? And also here if you do want to give up
any border style, if you want to save this one, you can come here and
go to the share option. Okay? We'll be learning
about that as well. So now if you do want
to save this one, okay, what you can do is you guys can just select a particular size. Let's put it right over here. And I will just give this
background up a color. Let's come here, and let's give this background up a color. Let's come here, let's select
on something gradient. Let's come here, choose
this gradient color. And what you can do is
you guys can come here. And if you do want to work
on with the gradient colors, you guys can come here and
change the colors accordingly. So you guys can come here,
let's give out this color, and let's come
here, and over here you guys can just
give a white color. And if you do want to add more, okay, you guys can come here, You guys can just add up a
different color over itself. Okay, So you guys can come here and let's add up this color. And now over here,
I do have applied three colors over here in
this particular image. And also, if I do want to use the photo colors as
my gradient color, I can also do that. Okay, And also here you do
have a lot of preset options. So now again, what
I'll do is I'll just go back. Let's come here. And from here now
let's click on Share. Okay, so I will just click
here onto the Share option. And from here I will
click on Download. Okay? And now here you guys can
see now they're asking me in what file do I
want this file to be? Okay, So I have
choose PNG, okay, which is the suggested
form for an image. And here this is best for using images and
for illustrations. Okay. And also if you do want
to share the JPG format, you guys can also share
the JPG format as well. So I will come here,
I will select PNG. And also if you do want
to increase the size, you guys can increase
the size accordingly. But if you do have a image and the background you don't
want of that image, you guys can come here and turn on the transparent
background option. So I will come here and let me just download the
background as well. Let's click on
download over here. This particular file is
basically getting downloaded. Now over here on my screen
as you guys can see, I do have this pop
up window which is asking me in what name
do I want to save it. Okay, I will come here and
let's name this one as basic edit of Canva. What I can do is I can
just save this file. Let's go to Desktop. And from here let's come
to this resource file. Let's just save this
particular thing up. Now. This is how you
guys will be able to work on images in Canvas. These are the basic things, okay, of using the
image editing options. I have showed you guys how
you will be able to do the image itself without
any kind of background. Okay. Also I have showed
you guys how you will be able to do it with a
create and design as well. Okay. Existing design. Okay. How you will be able
to work on with the photo. So, yeah, I hope to see you all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more about Canva
and its designing itself. So, see you all in the next
chapter. Till that take care. And goodbye everyone.
13. Blur background of your photo: Hello everyone and
welcome you on to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva,
and Light Tutorial. So now we are on our chapter number 12 where
I'll be showing you guys how you will be able to blur background of your
photo in Canva. Okay, so we'll be learning
about how you'll be able to make your background
blur of your image. So let's not waste time
and let's get started. So over here as you
guys can see now I'm here in basically the
home page of Canva. Okay, So over here from here, the first thing what
I'm going to do is I am going to take up a custom size. Okay, So I will come here, let's take ten eight
into ten eight, okay. So now it will just
create me a new document. Okay. So once I am done
uploading this one, what I can do is if I do
want to work with some of the images which are
available in Canva itself, okay, I can come here and I can work with those images itself. Okay, so I will come
here and let's go to photos from the
elements option. So here now if I do want to use all of these photos
available in Canva, I can use from
here itself, okay? So from here you guys
can basically check what were the ending or the trending
images over here, okay? So you guys can see these
images were trending. And now if you want to search any kind of niche in detail, so let's come here and
let's search for model. So I will just click on Enter, and over here you
guys can see you do have images of different model. Right over here from
here what you guys can do is you guys can
basically pick up one. Okay, so from here if
you do want to pick up any image or any of
this model image, you guys can come
here and let's take this particular image up
and let's select this one. And from here let's
just select this one. Let's just duplicate one. And what I can do
is I can just come here and place it
here in one side. Okay, so let's select
this image first. And now let's go to
Edit Photo from here. Okay, so I will just click
onto this Edit Photo option. And from here what
I can do is I can just click onto the BG remover. Okay, so I will come
here and I will just select this image as BG remover. And now let me just keep
this thing right over here. Now let's take up this
particular image. And what I can do is I will
just select this image. And from here, now let's go to this blur option
under Effects, okay? So you guys can come
here and if you do want to give up
some different color, okay, you guys can go here
and click on Adjust option. And from here you
will be able to out to unjust all
of this option. Okay? So to use the
background remover, you need to make sure that you do have the Canva Pro account. Okay? Because this
feature for now is basically available in
the Canva Pro only. Okay, so you guys can
come here and let's say I do want to bing this image. Let's say, let's come here,
Let's select this one. Let's just decrease
the temperature of this pedicul image. And what I'll do, I
will select this one. Let's come here, Let's
select this image. Let's go to edit photo. Okay, so I will just click
over here on Edit photo. Let's go to adjust. And again, from here I will just place it right over here. Now I will select this image. And now over here,
if I do want to increase or decrease the
tint, I can come here. And if I do want to decrease
the brightness, okay, I can come here and I can just decrease the brightness
a little bit. And over here, if you do want
to increase the contrast. And also if I will
come here and let's just decrease the highlight
a little bit as well. And over here you guys can
work on with the whites. And also you guys can work on
with the blacks over here. And if you want to
saturate this image, you guys can come here and
saturate a little bit. Let's come here, let's increase the sharpness and let's
decrease the clarity over here. And I will just decrease the
net from here a little bit. So now let's go here
into the effects option. And after applying that one, I will come here and I will
select the blur option. Okay? So instead of
brush now what I will use is I will just on
whole image, okay? I will come here and let me just increase the intensity
of the blur. Okay, I can come
here and let me just decrease the intensity maybe to something around 80% So
I can come here and I can just type down from here
itself, Let's come here. Let's click on 80. Now over here you guys
can just go back. And from here what I can do is I will just
select this image. Right click. And from here, let's go to Layer and
click on Bring to Front. Okay, so I will come here, I will just take this
image up from here. And if you do want to
increase the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically increase the
image size from here. And now the same way
you guys can just increase the size of the image
quite like this as well. Okay, so you guys
can come here and you guys can just paste this pendicular image
on top of this one. And here you guys
can see that you do have a blurred background. Okay, So this is the image which you
have right over here. If you do want to crop it, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically crop this image
up. Let's select this one. If you do want to move
it down a little bit, you guys can come here
and you guys will be able to move this one
sideways as well. Okay, So I'll just
move it sideways, let's keep it right over here. And also you guys can see by the blur you guys
can see over here. I do have a shadow as well. Okay. So once you're done, this one looks quite nice. You guys can use it for
your image editing, this particular app
option as well. If you do want to make
your background blur, you guys can basically
use this one, okay? And now if I do want
to save this up, what I can do is
I can come here, click on here, let's
go to download. And from here,
make sure that you download the PNG file, okay? So you guys can come
here and you guys can basically download
this PNG file. Okay, So I will come here and
I will just click download. And over here you guys can see this pardicular image
is getting downloaded. And now I will just
set up the file name, So let's click on
as Blur one, Okay? And I will just save
it over here in my desktop resource file. And let's save this one. Okay? And now let's
create another one. Let's come here. Let's
click on ten 80. And now over here I will be showing you guys
a different way. So now let's come here. Let's go to this elements
option from here, and let's search for photos. So let's go to photos. And from here, now let's
come here and let's just select this
particular photo. Let's come here with more
complicated background. So I will come over here
and what I can do is I will just come here
and let's say I will just delete
this one from here. This first image, I will
just try to fix its size. Okay, let's come here. Let's just increase the size
from the sides as well. Over here, I will just
do it up the same thing. Okay, I will come
here and if you do want me to decrease the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically decrease the
size from here itself. Let's come here, let's increase
the size quite like this. And I will just place
it right over here. Let's press this one, and let's come over here
onto other sides as well. So now I do have this
particular image, and now what I'll do is
I will go to Edit Photo, and from here I will
use the BG removal. Okay, so I will use
this BG removal. Over here here you guys can see how the background
have been removed. Okay, now what I'll do is I will come here and I will
go to the Share option. Now first I will just
download this one. And I need to make sure that I choose the
transparent background. So I will come here, I will select Transparent Background, and I will click on download. Okay, so over here
this particular image will basically get downloaded. Okay, so here I
will just tell me. Okay, so I will just name
this one as in over here. I will just spell it. Right. Let's click on Safe, and this basic file
has been saved. And from here, let's
select another page, okay? And from here, the same way what I can do is
I can come here. I will just take this
particular image up. Let's come here. And if
you do want to come here, let's go to Edit Photo. If you do want to
remove the background, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually do that
from here as well. Okay, so if you come here, if you do want to erase or
if you do want to restore, you guys can come here and
you will be able to do that. So now let's come over here into this particular
option, let's delete one. And now again, let's come down, or let's go back. Okay, let's come here, let's take this
recently used image. And from here now
let's just increase the size of this sericul image. Let's come here, let's just
place it over here on top. And from here, if you do
want to increase the size, let's increase the
size up a little bit. And what I can do is I can
just paste this image. Right now, I will come
here, paste this one. Let's select this image. Let's go to Edit Photo, the same way we did
with the other one. If you want to adjust the color, you guys can come here
and let's make it more yellowish using
the temperature. And if you do want to more tint, let's go with more
brightness over here. Let's decrease the contrast. Also, I will just select the highlight option.
Let's go here. Decrease or just keep the
vibrant quite like this. Let's increase the
saturation a little bit, okay, so I will just
increase the sharpness. Let's decrease the clarity. And also I'll just put the
vignette option over here. And now again, I
will just go into the effects option once
I'm done with this. And let's go to effects
and let's go to the blur. Okay, so I will come here, and from here I will
select whole image. Okay, so I will come
here and now I will select the intensity
of blood here, which I want over
here in my image. So I will come here, let's
give this one up a 70. Or let's say I will give
this one up a 60 over here. And what I can do is
I will just go back. And from here now I
will go to uploads. Okay, so I will
just go to Uploads. And from here I will just upload this particular file
which I had downloaded. So I will come here. Let's click on Upload Files from here. Now I will just take this particular image
which don't have any background and let's come here and let's
just open it up. Okay, so over here you guys can see this particular PNG file. And make sure that you download a PNG when you are trying
to create this effect. And what I can do is I
will just click here once. And now I will just increase or just match
the size over here. I will come here,
let's just match the size over here with
this particular image. Let's come here, let's
place it right over here. If you do want to
go in one side, you guys can come here and this is how it basically looks. Okay, so if you do want
to give up any shadow, let's go to Edit Photo, and let's go to Shadows. And also if you do want to add any glow shadow or if you do want to add up any
outline shadow. And if you do want to
increase the blur amount, you guys can come here. And if you do want to
increase the size and from here now if you do
increase the blur amount, this is how it will look. Okay, so now I will
come here and now let's just decrease the intensity
of the shadow over here. And now I will just decrease, or let's keep the blur
shadow over here. Let's come here and let's decrease the size of the shadow. Maybe somewhere till five. Okay. So I will
come here and keep this one someone
till five over here. And this is how this
particular image looks, okay? So yeah, I hope you guys
have understood that, how you will be able to blur background in
your image in Mva. Okay, so over here I have showed you guys first about this one, just only in one palette. And now over here in
this one as well. Okay, so now let's save
this particular file. Let's select this one. And from here what I'm going
to do is I will come here. Let's go to Share, and
let's click Download. And from here, if I do want
to download only one page, I will come here and let's
deselect the page one. Okay, so I will just
deselect the page one. And now I will just
click on Done. Over here I will choose the
file type as PNG, okay? But over here I won't be giving this one as the
transparent background. So I will just click
here on download. This particular file will basically get download
it right over here. Okay, so I will just
go to file name. Let's name this
particular file as Blur. Let's go to my desktop. And from here let's go
to my resource file. Let's come here and
let's save it up. Right over here itself. Okay? So yeah, I hope you guys have understood
this class on how you will be able to create a blur
background for image. I hope to see you all in the next chapter where
we'll be learning more about photo editing in Va. See you all in
the next chapter. Till then, take care.
And goodbye everyone.
14. Photo collage editing: Hello everyone and
welcome you over to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
Chapter number 13, where I'll be showing
you guys how you will be able to use photo
collage editing in Ava, I will show you guys about a
few of the basic colleges, some of the precepts which
are already there in Kanva, how you guys will be
able to use those. And also if you do want to edit a collapse type structure
in your document itself, I'll be showing you guys
how to do that as well. Throw in some
graphics into that. I will show you how
to do that as well. So let's not waste time. Let's get started Over here. As you guys can see now I'm here in the home
page of the camera. Okay, So the first thing
what you're going to do over here is you want to
create or custom Azize, let's take ten into ten pixels. Now over here, this particular
page will get created. Okay. So as I have created
this particular page, now if you do want
to use most of the basic or the presets or the
collages available over here. In that case, you need to grow here into the elements option. And from here let's
search for collages. Okay, so you guys can come here and you guys can
search for collage. And over here you guys can see, now if you do want
to go back, okay, you guys can come here and
you guys can come here. And also you guys can see this is present over here
named as Green. Okay? So over here you guys can actually use all of those. Okay? You guys can see different
colleges over here. Okay? If you do want to put out any here, you guys can see. Now let's go back and from here, let's search for photos. So let's come here,
let's search for photos. And over here under
photos, let's see. Okay, here, you do have a lot
of photos. Let's come here. Let's put out this
photo over here. Let's select this one. Let's come here. Let's put
out this photo over here. This one right over
here, and this one. Let's keep it over
here in the last. Okay, so this is how your photo collage will
basically look like. And if you do want to work on with any image individually, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically work on with
image individually. So let's come here if you do
want to decrease the size. Okay, so you guys can come here, let's just select this image. And from here let's
just decrease the size. If you do want to
come over here, let's click on Shift. And now this is how you guys
can just decrease the size. Let's click on Shift, and this is how you guys
can actually feed it, okay? And if you want to expand it, you guys will be also able
to do that. Let's come here. If you do want to unjust
all of your image, you guys can come
here and you guys can just unjust all those
images as well. So let's come here, let's just put this image
somewhere like this. Let's double click and
this is how it looks. And in total, if you do want to decrease the size, you
guys can come here, click on Shift, and in total you will be able to move
the whole collage. Okay, so this is
how you guys can basically make one
side of your magazine. Okay, You guys can use
all of these things up. Let's say if you do want to
put out any text over here, you guys can come here
and you guys can put on text and individually if
you want to edit all of it, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically change
the temperature. If you do want to
increase the tint, let's increase the brightness over here in this image as well. You guys can
individually work with all of this option right
over here as well. Let's make it dark.
Let's decrease the tint. Let's increase the brightness
over here as well. Okay, so this is how you guys
will be able to put out. And now let's come down, let's select another page
right over here from here. Now I'll be showing you
guys if you do want to make your photo
collage manually, how you will be able to do that. Okay, so now from here, let's go into my Uploads option. From Uploads, let's
go to Upload files. Okay, so I will come here, I will go to upload files. Now from here we'll select
this particular file. Let's select four of this. And let's open this one. Up right over here. Now let's go back here on top, and let's just select this
whole collage itself. If you do want to
increase the size, you guys can come here
and individually you guys can increase the size
quite like this itself. Now let's log this one down. And here you guys
can see my photos over here are getting uploaded. So now the first thing what I'll do is I will just
select this image. And what I will do is I will
just crab this image down. Okay, so I will
come here and let's just crab this image
up. Quite like this. And now what I will
do is I will just give this particular
thing up a rotation. Okay? So I will come here, let's just give this thing up a rotation from this
particular corner. Okay? So let's come here. And from here now I
will just keep it. Quite over here. Okay? So maybe I will just keep it quite over here in one side. Okay, so let's come
over here again. Okay, let's come over here, and now let's place
it right over here. Okay, So now if you do want to give this one up more rotation, you guys can come
here and you guys can give some more rotation, okay? So now, once I have put
this one right over here, if you do want me to
give a bit rotation, you guys can come here and give this one up a bit more rotation. Let's place it right over here. And now it's time
for this image. Okay, I will come here and I
will just select this image. And also the same way what
I'll do is I will come here and I will just make
this one as a strip. Okay? So I will come here and
what I want to do is I just want to give this
thing up a rotation. Okay? So I will come
here and now I will just give this thing up a
rotation, quite over here. Let's just place it
over here in one side. Okay, So I will just place
it over here in one side. Now let's take this
particular image, and also I will just
this image down. Let's select this one.
Let's delete this now. Let's come here. Let's give this image up our
rotation as well. Okay? I will just come here. Let's give this image
up our rotation. And also, I will just
rotate over here. Okay? Now, let me just give
this one up a good rotation. Let's come over here on top. So I will displace it
right exactly over there. If you do want to
increase the size, you guys can come here
and basically you guys will be able to increase
the size itself. Okay? So if you do want to give this thing up any rotation, you guys can come here and use
all of these rotations up. Okay? So here you guys can
see how this actually looks. Okay, Now I'll come here, and if I do want to move it, I can come here and I can
just manually drag this one. Okay, I will come here, take up this image. And lastly, I will select this particular image
right over here. And now let's just decrease the size of the image
quite from here. And what I can do is I can just paste this image somewhere
over here on top. Okay, I will come
here and maybe I will just select this top somewhere. Okay, I will just
come here and I will just select this
particular part. And what I can do is now I will just right click and go to layer and I will send
this image to the back. Okay, so you guys can come
here if you do want to increase the size from here, you guys can come
here and you guys can increase the size
from here itself. So let's come here,
let's just put it exactly in the same line. And this is the college which I had just created individually. If you want to come to
this particular image, let's go to adjust. And from here now let's
select only the background. Okay? So I want to change
only the background. So I will come here.
And this image is actually checking what is
the background of my image. So now I will come
here and now I will just increase the
background over here. And now let's just
decrease the tent as well. So over here you guys can see the focus over here
has not been changed. Okay, so now I
will just increase the brightness of
the background, but not here in this
particular subject. So I will come here,
let's go down, let's put on some blacks. So this is how it
basically looks, okay? And you guys can also do all
of this with the same thing. Okay, so you guys can
actually select all of this. Come here, let's
go to Edit Photo. And from here what you guys can do is let's select unjust. And from here let's
select the background. From here, now I will be able to change the color of
the background itself. Okay, So I will just change
up the temperature from here. Let's change up the temperature, Let's change up the
tint over here. And also I will just increase or decrease the
brightness a little bit. Okay, So once I am done, I will go to effects. And from here now
what I can do is I will just put
on some graphics. Okay, to make this look
good, I will come here. Let's go to Elements
from Elements. Now I will go to All From All, what I'll do is I will come here and now I will type shadows. Okay, I will come here and I will just type
shadows over here. Let's click on Enter. Here. In the graphics option, you guys can see I do
have different shadows. Okay, let's take one
shadow right from here. Let's just decrease the size, and let's give this
thing up a rotation. And let's come here,
and let's just put up this shadow. Let's come here. Let's just give this thing up a rotation as well.
Let's come here. Let's just decrease the size. Let's come here, and
let's go back again. Let's select this one. And what I can do is
I will just decrease the size of the shadow
from here itself. Okay? So here you
guys can see this is where I do have this
particular shadow. Okay? And the same
way I can basically put other shadows
over here as well. Okay, so let's come here, let's just decrease the size. And from here now let's give
this thing up a rotation. So what I can do is I
will select this one up. And from here I will just give this up a shadow here as well. Okay? And now again, what I will do is
I will come here. And let's take this shadow. Let's give this one
up our rotation. Now let's decrease the size. Let's come here. And now I will just give this one
up a more rotation. Let's come here, let's
place it right over here. So I will just decrease
the size from the sides. Okay, so I will just
decrease the size from here. And here you guys
can see this one gives up a different
or a realistic look. I can come here and
from here I will just increase the size of the shadow. Okay, so over here now I
will just increase the size. I will just increase the size from here itself.
Let's come here. Let's increase the
size now again, I will just come here. Let's click onto this option. And from here I
will just increase the size to a little
bit quite like this. Let's come here,
let's place it now. Let's just increase the size. Okay, I will just come here. And from here I will just
increase the size of my shadow. And I can take my
time with this one, you know, So you
guys can come here. Let's just put it over here. Okay? And now what I can do
is I will just come here. And now let's just go to Lear. And from Lear I will just
send this backward, okay? So I can just send
this backward. And over here only I'm
able to see, okay? So this is how it gives
up a more realistic view. And if you do want
to add more frames, okay, you guys can come here and you guys can search for frames. Okay? Otherwise, outlines, I will just search for
outlines over here. Let's click on Enter over here. You guys can see I do have different kind of
outlines over here. Okay, I can come from here and select which
kind of outline do I want if I come here and if I just select this
particular outline, I can select it from here. Otherwise, let's just
deselect everything. And from here let's
take on shapes. Okay, I will come
here and I will just to this particular shapes. And if you want to give
this shape up a rotation, you guys can come here, give
this one up a rotation. Let's keep it over here
onto this particular side. Let's come here and
let's just give this one a measurement
quite like this. Okay, let's come
right over here. And let's click onto this
particular option from here. Again, what you can do is
you can select this one. And now let's bring
it over here on top. And also if you do want
to increase the size, you guys can come here
and you guys can just click on Shift and bring
it on a central line. Okay, So you guys can
come here and let's select both of this altogether. And now let's go to line color. Okay? So I will just
take this red color, and now I will just
increase the line weight. Okay, So I will
come here and let's increase the weight of
this particular line, maybe to somewhat around 30. And also I will give
rounded end points. Okay? So if I do
want to add that, I can add that from here as
well. So let's come here. Let's select this
particular path. And from here now let's try to put it exactly in the same
way. Let's come here. Let's just zoom into
this particular part. And from here, what I can do
is I can come here and maybe place this one quite
over here, okay? I will just come here. And let me just give this
one up, a rounded one. Okay? Let's come here, let's
give this one at rounded H. And now it will be
easier for me to put, okay, over here, you
guys can see I do have this rounded one right
over here on top. And if I do want to
move it a little bit, I can come and I can move this
one a little bit as well. So I will just select this one and I will just go to layers. And from layers I will just
click on Sent to Back. Okay, so over here now if I do want to change the color,
let's select this one. Let's select this one as well. And from here let's
go to line color. Okay, So I will just take
out this particular color. And if I do want to
edit with more colors, I will come here and let's
go with something dark. Okay, so I will come here, take up this dark color. And from here, let's go back. Okay, so using control
minus and this is how my image collage
basically looks. Okay, So this one was the
one which I in Canva, I have showed you guys
how easily you guys can use this one over
here I have showed you how manually
you guys will be able to create a
photo collage. Okay. So make sure to take your time and do the
editing over here. So yeah, I hope
to see you all in the next chapter where
we'll be learning more amount image and also more amount Va using
photo editing in Canva. So see you all in
the next chapter.
15. Double exposure effect: Hello everyone and
welcome you all to another chapter
of photo editing with Photoshop Illustrator
and Canva Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number 14, where I'll be showing
you guys about the double exposure effect
over here in Canva. Okay, so we'll be
learning about that, how you'll be able to create a double exposure effect
over here in Canva. So let's not waste time
and let's get started. Over here, as you guys can see, now I'm here in the
home page of Canva. So the first thing,
what I'm going to do right over here is I am going to customize a
size of a new design. Okay, I will come here, I will click on Custom Size
and I will use this ten, 80 into ten, eight pixel. Okay, I will just this
basic size right from here. And as you guys can see, it is basically over
here on my screen. So I do have this
particular workspace, and now if I do want to upload any photo in which I am
going to work on for that, what I can do is I can
basically come right over here. Okay, let's come to this
elements option from here. Otherwise, let's go to uploads. Let's upload some
images. Let's come here. Let's select this one
and this one as well. And I will just open
both of this up. Okay, so over here what I'm
going to do is I am going to give this one over
here in the center. Okay, So I will just wait
for it to get uploaded, and now I will basically bring this image
right over here. Okay, if you do want
to increase the size, let's click on Shift
and you guys can come here and you guys can basically increase the size of the image. Let's come here, let's
place it quite like this. If you do want to decrease
the size from the sites, you guys can come here and
you guys will be able to decrease the size from
the sites as well. I will just decrease it
from here on top as well. And now as I do have
this particular image, now what I'm going to
do is I am going to go into my elements option now. And from here I will
search for gradients. Okay, so I will
just come here and let's search for gradients. And let's click on
Enter right over here. And I will come here under
the graphics option. Okay, so from here basically I need to take
different graphics, which I want to take over here. So let's come here,
let's take this one, Okay, so let's come here and let's basically
take this one. And now what I'm going
to do is I am going to give this thing up
a rotation, okay? So I will just come here, I will give this up a
90 degree rotation. Let's come here, over
here in the center. Okay? And I will basically
place it right over here. If you do want to
decrease the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically decrease
the size from here. Okay, So if you do
want to increase the size from here on top, so come here, click on to
this option right over here. And now let's click on Alt. And now you guys can
basically just duplicate it. Okay, so you guys can
come here and you guys can just duplicate this one. And again, what you guys can do, you guys can just duplicate
over it again and again. You guys can come here and from here if you do
want to increase. So let's come here, let's give it a white. Okay, so let's come here and also over here I
will do the same. So I will just click
on Alt and I will just place it right
over here on top. Otherwise, I will just
click here on Duplicate. And I can just put
this particular layer just on top of this one. Okay, So I can come here,
click on Duplicate. And over here, how it actually
looks as you guys can see. So I will just come here, I will place it right over
here, back again. And yeah, now what I'll
do is I will come here. And from here I will just
save this photo down. Okay, so I will come here. And from here, let's go to
share option from here. Now what I'm going to
do is I am going to go to download from download, I will come here and from here I will just try to select this
transparent background. And now let's click on
Download over here. Okay, so this image will
basically get downloaded. So now let's go to my Dextopile. Let's go to this
Crediclapile from here. Now I will just name
this one as first. Okay, I will just name
this one as first image. I will save it. Now once I
have saved this image down, what I'll do is I will come down right over here. From here. Now again, I will just
go to uploads option. From here I will take
this preticulmag. I will come here, if you do
want to increase the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically increase
the size from here. And now let's do the same
thing with this one as well. Now let's go to elements again. And from here I will take
this particular ingredient. And now, if you want me to give this thing
up our rotation, I will come here, give
this thing up a rotation, and let's just
increase the size. Okay, so let's come here, let's just give this
up our rotation. So now let's place
it right over here. Let's just increase the size. Again, what you guys can do is you guys can just
click on Alt and you guys can just
basically bring all of this thing here
in one side as well. So now let's give this
one up our rotation. Okay? So let's come here, let's give this thing
up our rotation. Let's just move it
right over here. Okay, I will just move this
thing right over here. And again, I will just
click on Duplicate. And I will just place
it over here on top. And I will just keep
doing this over here. So I will just come here, let's just place it
right over here on top. Let's come here,
let's just place it over here on top as well. Now let's click Duplicate again. And I will just
duplicate here as well. And the same way what
you guys can do is you guys can come here and
just duplicate this one. So I'll just come
here, I will just duplicate this one
right over here. Okay? So I will just
duplicate this part as well. Now again, what I'm going to do is I am going to come here. And from here on top I want to give this thing up a rotation
as well. Let's come here. Let's click onto this
duplicate option. Now let's give this
thing up a rotation. Okay, let's come here. Let's give this thing up a
rotation, quite like this. Let's place it over here on top. And now again, let's give
this up a slanting rotation. Let's come over here. Okay, so let's come over here. And again, I will just
click on Alt from here. If you do want me to give this thing up a rotation,
let's come here. And from here now I will just
place it quite like this. Let's click on Alt, and I have duplicated this one. And again, I will just
give this thing up a rotation onto
this side as well. Okay, so you guys can come here, and now you guys can just
duplicate this layer. Okay, come here, just
place it over here on top. Click on duplicate. And over here you guys can
just place it the same way. Come here, and just keep
on copying this thing up. So you guys can come here
and maybe you guys can just put only this
part now over here. So if you do want
to prop the image, you guys can come here
and basically you guys will be able to prop
the whole image itself. Okay? So if you want to select
all of it and from here, if you do want to group it, you guys can come here and you
guys can group it as well. Okay? And now, once you
have selected this one, you guys can come
here and you guys can work on with the
position as well. So I will just come here and I will just ungroup
all of this again. And now I will just
save this one as a PNG. Okay, so I will come here
and from here what I'll do is I will just go
to the share option, Okay, so I will come here. And from here now I will
just go to the share option. And from here I will
just click download. And after that I
will come here and I just want only the second page. I'll just unmark all of this. And again, I'll select page two. And now I will just
click on download. This file will also get
downloaded right now. Okay. So now let's
download those files. Okay, So I will just save
this one as second image. I will just save it
up right over here. And again, what
I'm going to do is I am going to add up a new page. Okay, so once I have added up
a new page right over here, now what I'll do is I will come here into the uploads option. And from here I will
go to upload files. And from here let's take this image and also
this image together. And let's open all
these things up. Okay, so I will come
here and let's just open both of this image
up right over here. And let's say what I will
do is if I come here and if I just place this
thing quite like this. And now what I'll
do is I'll just take out this particular image. And now if I do want to
increase the size, okay, so let's say I
will just increase the size quite like
this from here. Okay, let's come here and
let's play it white like this. And now I will just right
click, go to layer. And now I will just
click Send to back. Okay, if I just click
here, Send to back. You guys can see now I do have this particular
image just behind. Okay, I will come here
and if you do want me to change the
opacity of my image, I will come here and
let's go to this option, follow transparency from here. You guys can see, I will get. Image quite like this. So you guys can come here and
you guys can just decrease the transparency of the
image over here on top. And let's try to
place it somewhere. It basically looks good. So I will just come here
and I will just select this particular
sweet spot where I want to actually
view both of this. So I will just come here, and now let's go
somewhere around 70. And now from here,
let's go to Share. And from here I will
just click on Download. And right now I only want
the page number three. Okay, so I will come
here and I will just download only the
page number three. Over here, you guys can see this one is basically
getting downloaded. Now let's go to Desktop. From here I will just go
to the resource file. I will name this
one as third image. I will just click
on Safe over here, I have uploaded this
particular image as well. Now let's go here into
the uploads option. Let's click on Upload files. I will just upload this
third image over here. I will just open this
particular image up right over here. And now I will just click
here to add up a new page. And now let's click on
this particular image. Let's increase the size
of the image from here. And now what you're
going to do is you're going to
go to Edit Photo. And once you're here, you guys
can just go to adjust and make sure that you're selecting
the whole image, okay. So you guys can come
here and you guys can basically decrease
the brightness. And from here you guys can just increase the contrast
of my image. Okay, so you guys can
come here and over here you guys can just
increase the contrast over here and decrease
the brightness over here if you want to work
on with the highlights. If you do want to work
with the shadows, you guys can come
here and you guys can just place it
right over here. If you want to go
on to the whites, you guys can come here
and let's say I will just go more to the vibrant. And also, if you do want to
increase the saturation, you guys can come here
and you guys can actually increase the saturation
from here itself. Okay, so this is how it
actually looks right now. So now from here again, I will just duplicate
this layer. Okay, I'll come here. Let's just duplicate this
layer from here as well. Let's place it over here on top. And what I'm going to
do now is I'm going to come here and I am going
to save this image up. Let's go to download. And now I will just download
only the fourth page. Now let's come here, let's
go to the fourth page, and let's click on Done. And I will just
download this thing up. Okay, so this image is
getting downloaded. And now I will name this
one as fourth image. Okay, I will come here, let's save this thing up. And now again, I will
go to upload option. From the uploads option, what I can do is
I can come here. And from here now I can just add this
particular thing up. Okay, so I will come here
and let's add another page. Let's take this image from here. Let's just increase the size. Okay, So I will just increase
the size of the image. Let's take this image. And what I can do is
I can just increase the size of this one from here. Let's just increase the size. And from here let's just
decrease it from here. And also let's come here. And let's decrease it
from here as well. Okay, so you guys
can just create some effect quite like this. Okay, if you want to edit this photo, you
guys can come here. And from here you guys can
just go into the adjust panel. And from here, if you do want to increase or decrease
the brightness, and let's say if you want
to increase the contrast, okay, you guys can come here and increase the contrast as well. And now if you do want
to put on some shadows, let's go to elements. And from here again, what
I'll do is I will just give this thing up a rotation
quite like this. Let's come right
over here somewhere. Okay, so I will just
come right over here. Let's just decrease the
size Somewhere from here, let's come to this
particular place. And what I can do
is I can come here. And from here, let's say I
will just duplicate this slip. Let's click on Alt. And now if I do want to
give this one a flip, okay, I will just give this one
horizontal flip. Okay? Our vertical flip. I will come here and
I will just give this particular flip right
over here. If you come here. And let's say if you just want to take over here
on top as well. Let's go to this first layer. Let's click on Duplicate. And now I will just place
this one right over here. And what I can do is I can just decrease the transparency. Okay, I will come here
and I will just decrease the transparency to
quite a bit over here. Okay, so I will just decrease
the size from here on top. Okay, I will come
here and let's just decrease the size from
here on top as well. Okay, I will come here. Let's just decrease the size from here so you guys can
just keep it like this. Otherwise, if you do want to go back again all the way up, you guys can come
here and you guys can just go all the
way up as well. Now, I will just
select this one and let's just delete
this thing, okay? So, yeah, I hope you guys have understood that
how you will be able to create a
double exposure effect over here as you guys can see. And over here as well, you guys can see this image. So you guys can come here, if you do want to duplicate it, you guys can come here and
click on to Duplicate option. You guys can just duplicate
this whole thing. Otherwise, let's come
here and individually, if you do want to duplicate, you guys can come
here and basically duplicate from here itself. Yeah, I hope you guys have understood this class
on how you will be able to create a double
exposure effect in Va. Yeah, I hope to see you all in the
next chapter where we'll be learning more about
Canva itself. See you all in the next chapter. Till then, take care
and good bye everyone.
16. Transparent blur effect: Hello everyone and
welcome you all to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom Tutorial. So now we are on
our chapter number 15 where we'll be learning
about transparent blur effect. Okay, So we'll be learning
how you will be able to make up a transparent
blur effect in Canva. We'll be learning
about all of that in detail here in this
particular chapter. So let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see now I'm here in the home page of Canva. Okay, so from here the first thing what
we need to do here is create a design or you
guys can just custom a size. Let's take ten it into
ten, 80 from here. This was the recently used size which I have used in
my last class as well. So now let's come here
into this new document, and from here let's
go to uploads. Okay, So from uploads I can just upload any
file if I do have, otherwise you guys can come here into the elements
option as well. And from here you guys
can search for image. Okay, let's go to
this photos option from the elements page, and now let's search the niche. So I will search over
here as mountain hike. I will just come here and I will just click quite like this. Over here, you guys can see the mountain image
right over here. Okay, from here, if I do want to use this creticular image up, let's increase the size. Okay, so let's come
right over here. Let's just increase the
size from here itself. Let's increase it from here. And now what I want to do is I want to give this one
a transparent color. Let's select this one. Let's
just decrease the size. Let's drop it down
quite like this. And what you can do
from here is now let's go and let's go to
the edit photo option. Okay, so from here again, I will come to this edit
photo option and now I will just go to the effect and I will just go to the blur. Okay, I will come here. And from here instead of brush, what I'll do is I will just
select up the whole image. And from here,
let's just increase the blur of the image
quite like this. Okay, So I will just increase
the blur maybe to 60. Now let's go back and from here, let's click on here. And let's download
this particular file. Now I want to
download it in a PNG. Let's come here and let's try
to download this image up. Okay, now this image is getting downloaded.
Let's come here. Let's go to Desktop. And from here I will just
name this one the Blur. Okay, so this is
transparent blur. So I will just come here. Let's go to my resource
file and let's save it up. So I will just save it
up, right over here. And now let's add up a new page. Okay, so I have just
added up this new page. Let's take this image now, Let's increase the size
of this image from here. Let's increase the size
if you do want to move, okay, you guys can come here
and maybe move this side. If you do want to
crop a little bit, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically crop this image
a little bit as well. Okay, and once you're done, let's go to the Uploads option. And from Uploads option, let's go to Upload files. Okay, so I will click here
onto Upload files option. And now let's come here
to this particular file, where do I have saved
that particular image? Okay, so here you guys
can see the blur. And this one is now
getting uploaded. Okay, so this thing is basically getting
uploaded right now. And now let's import this
particular image as well. So over here now I do have
this pardicular image. And what I can do is I can
come up here and from here, now if I do want to give this one up a blur,
so let's come here. And from here you guys can
see how it actually looks. So I have just
increased the size. Now if you do want to
decrease the blur, you guys can come here. And from here you guys
can just decrease the blur quite like this.
You guys can come here. And let's say I will just place up the blur
quite over here. If you do want to put it
right over here itself, you guys can come here
and place it accordingly. So I will just place it
accordingly right over here. And also you guys can see
this is a transparent blur. Okay, And if you do want to add any kind of
elements over here, let's go to graphics. And from here you guys can see these are the magic
recommendations. So from here what I can
do is I can come here and maybe I will just select one up. Let's come here and let's
just take out this color. And from here let's just
decrease the transparency. Okay, let's come here, let's put it somewhat around 50. I'll just come here,
put it around 50. Let's select this one. And now I will delete this. What I can do is I can come
here and just decrease the size of this particular
shade. Let's come here. If you do want to decrease the shade, you guys
can come here. And from here you guys can actually decrease
the shade as well. So you guys can come here if you do want to give this one up. Shade, you guys
can come here and make it more dark again, select this particle
apart from here. If you want to give
this one up a outline, then go to Edit Photo. From here, what you guys can do is let's go to Edit Photo. And from here let's
go to Shadows. And if you do want to give
this one up a glow shadow, you guys can come
here and you guys can just give this one
up a glow shadow. Now let's go to this
Edit Photo option again. Let's come here. Let's go to Edit Photo, And from here let's
go to Shadows. Let's go to Grow Shadows. And over here you
guys can just select the size and also
the blur amount. Okay, so you guys can
come here and also select the angle right up. And also you guys can
actually select the distance. And if you do want
to change the color, you guys can come
here and change the color of this
particular background. And once you're done over here, you guys can come here and go to the text option and you guys
can just put up your text, whichever you want to put. These kind of effects
are basically used in those scenarios where they
do have a text to write. Okay, so now again,
I will come here and let's take up a textbox. And what I can do is I will
just delete this one up. I will just come here,
delete this one. Let's come here, select
this and now let's type transparent back ground. I will just type this thing
down if I do want to. Come right over here.
Let's click on Enter. Now from here I will just
increase the size a little bit. Let's select this whole
text up from here. If I do want to change the font, I can come here and I can just
change the font from here. If you do want to increase
the size of the font, you guys can come
here and you guys can increase the
size of the phone. Okay, and over
here, let's say if you do want to add
another text box, if you do have any message,
you guys can come here. And now from here I will
just decrease the font size. Let's go with 12. And now I will just
click on Enter. Let's select all of this, and let's go back space. And now I just need to fill this one with
placeholder text. Okay, So I'll come
here and I will just fill this one up with
some placeholder text. Okay? So I can come here. I will just time
this thing down. And again, what I'll
do is I'll come here and let's just take
it in one line. If you do want to
increase the size, you guys can come here and increase the size
quite like this. Let's come here, let's
decrease the phone size. Now let's place this
textbox right over here. Okay? So I will just place
this textbox right over here. Wherever you guys can
put up your text. Okay, so this is how you
guys can edit a nice photo and using the transparent
background option as well. Okay, so here you guys can see
this one looks quite good. You guys can use this image for your social media
handle as well. Okay, so now lastly, what I'll do is I will
just save this file. Okay, so let's go to Share. And from share, let's
go to download, okay. And from here you guys can
just select this PNG format. But if you do want to upload it directly out to
your social media, okay, you guys can come
here and you guys can just share on your
social media from here. Okay? Now I will just
download this file. Let's select the PNG option. Okay? And now let's download
only the second page. So I just want this page. Let's come here and
let's download this one. And over here my file or
this particular image will get saved into a PNG
format over in my system. Okay, so now they
will basically show me up a page where it
will get downloaded. Let's go to download. Let's click over here
onto the download option. Okay, so now here you guys can
see I do have that option. Now let's go to Desktop. And from here now I will come
to this particular file. And from here, let's name
this one as back ground. Okay, I will come here, I will just name this
one as background, which is transparent background. And now I will just
click over here on Safe. Okay, my file over here
has been saved, so yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this class on how you will be able
to create a stunning, transparent background
image in Va. I hope to see you all
in the next chapter. Till then, take
your, Bye everyone.
17. Splash effect: Hello everyone and welcome
you all to another chapter of Photoshop editing with
Photoshop Illustrator, Canva, and Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number 16, where I'll be showing
you guys about the splash effect in Canva. Okay, so I will have
an image which I will be giving it some splashes. Okay. I will be showing
you how you'll be able to change your photo color. Okay? How we'll be able
to make it a paint type. Okay? We'll be
learning about all of that here in this
particular chapter, so let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see, now I'm here in the
home page of the Canva. Now from here what
I'm going to do is I am going to create
up a new design. Let's take this one.
Okay, so I will just open this
particular document. Up right over here. And now from here I am
going to take one image. Okay? So let's come here. Let's go to the elements option. And from the limits option, what I'll do is I will
search for people. Okay, so let's come here, let's search for people. Let's click on Enter. And now let's go to photos. Okay. So over here
you guys can see I do have different kind of
photos right over here. Okay? And what you can
do is you guys can just select those photos from here. Let's say I will come here and I will just select one
particular photo. Let's try to see which
one do I want to take? Okay, let's come here. And from here, let's say
I will just come here. And let's click onto this icon. And I want to view all the
images of this particular guy, okay, or this
particular set number. So you guys can come here, and from here you guys
can just add up a photo. Let's say let's come here. And from here now I will
just take out this image. And what I can do is I can just increase the size from here, let's place it right over here. And also now I will change
the color of this image. Okay, so let's go to Edit Photo. Okay, so I will click here
onto the Edit Photo option. From Edit Photo, now I will see all the filters which
I have over here. Now I will just come
down and here you do have the color pop
option over here, you do have the vintage option. If you just come down over here, if you do want to
adjust it manually, you guys can come here
and you guys can just adjust the image
manually as well. Okay, let's come here
onto the side if you want to do some blur anal, if you want to use the diotone, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically use the
diotone as well. Okay, so you guys will be
able come right over here. Let's go back onto my image. Let's go to filters. And from filter let's try to see which one basically suits. Let's go to this
color pop option. And over here, you guys can see how the color over
here is popping. So I will just give out this particular color
right over here. And now I can actually select the intensity
of it as well. So I will just select
the intensity. Let's click on Alt. And I will just duplicate this image quite
over here again. Okay, so I do have the
same image duplicated. And again now what I'll do
is I will click on a page. Okay, so over here I
will add up a new page. Now from here, let's go to
this elements option again. From here, let's
search for a frame. Okay, so I will be putting
on my image into that frame. Let's go to frame, and let's
take this circular frame. From here, I will just increase
the size of the frame. Let's come here, let's keep this thing over
here in the center. From here, let's take one image, and let's come here, and let's put over here on the frame. Okay, So I will just come here. Let's double click if you do
want to move only the image, let's centralize this one. And I will just put this
up right over here, and this is how it
basically looks. Okay, so over here I do have this particular image
right over here. And again, what I'm going
to do is I am going to come and I am going to put
up some paint splashes. I will come here and from here I will type paint splashes. And I will just click on Enter. And from here,
make sure that you go here into the graphics option over here you guys can see I do have different
paints over here. From here what I can do is
I can just take this image. Let's come here and let's place
it over here in one side. Let's come here and let's just place it over here in one side. If you do want to
decrease the size, you guys can come here
and basically you guys can just decrease
the size from here. If you do want to decrease
the transparency, you guys can come
here and you guys can just decrease the
transparency maybe to 50% I will just click
on 50, click on Enter. Now the same way I will
just duplicate this one. Okay, so I will come here. Let's give this one
over here as well. Okay, so now I will just click on Duplicate. Let's come here. Let's just put this splashes all around here as
well. Let's come here. Let's just duplicate this. Let's put it right over here. Let's just duplicate this one. And I will try to take
out the whole space. Okay, on all the
sides. Come here. Let's just duplicate this one. Let's come here.
And if you do want to duplicate this one as
well, let's come here. Let's just duplicate this one. And from here I will just duplicate this particular
apart as well. And from here now let's come and let's just
select all of this. And this is how it
actually looks. Okay, If you do
want to increase, okay, you guys can come here. Let's select this
one. Let's come here. Let's select all of this, okay? Select all this out
altogether, over here, okay? So I will just select all
of this up and from here, if I do want to change the transparency
again of all of this, I will come here and
let's say I will just give this one up a 75. So I will come here and I will
just deselect everything. Let's select this one. This one and this
one again, okay? And again, I will just go
to transparency option. And over here I will just
give this one up, a 75. So I will come here, I
will give this up a 75. Let's select this one,
Let's go to Transparency. And from here I will
just give this one up, a 75 as well. Okay? So individually also you
guys can actually do that. And also from here
now what I'm going to do is I am going to come right over here
and I am going to paste this image over
here on top of this one. Okay, so I will come here. And from here, now let's remove the background of this
particular image. So let's come here, let's
click on this image. If you don't have the
Pro version of Canva, then you guys can use
some other software. Just go to Google and just
type whatever you want. Okay? Like if you do want
a background remover, just type for background
remover for image. They will be showing
you many suggestions, but as I do have a pro account, I will come here and I will select the BG removal
from the magic studio. So I'll just click right over
here and you guys can see I am able to basically
cropped out this image, okay, removing the
background over here. And once it's getting
the background removed, I will come here and I
will just add up a page. And over here, if I
do want to actually upload this one or if I do want to import, let's come here. Let's go to share. Let's
go to download from here. I want a PNG file, and from here let's just
take the page number two. So I will come here and
I will just only take the page number two and I
will just click on Done. And let's download
this file, Okay? So I will just come here
and basically I will be downloading this particular
file right over here. Okay? So I will just download
this file as paint one. Let's go to my desktop. Let's go to my resource file, and let's save it
right over here. Okay, I have just
saved this one. Now I do have this image
background removed as well. What I can do is I will be
coming right over here. Let's come to this particular
option right over here. Let's take this upload option. Let's go to upload
files from here. Now I will be taking out the
image which I had saved. This is the page one. I will just open this image up and I will be putting it
onto the page number three. Okay, I will come here. And from here now, I will
just take this image up. And from here, if
you do want me to increase the size of the
image you guys can see, I am able to increase the
size of the image from here. And let's take this one. Let's come here and
let's click on Copy. And now I will just come here
and I will just now paste. Okay, so I will just paste
this one right over here. And now what I can
do is I can just increase the size accordingly. So I can come here,
and from here, basically I can just increase
the size of the image, and this is how it
actually looks. I can just centralize this one. Okay? I will just come
here and basically I will just centralize my
image quite like this. So I will come here
and let's just decrease the size
quite over here. And if you want to
add more splateau, you guys can come
here and you guys can add more different
color of splatters. Let's go to elements from here, you guys can see
the paint splashes. I do have all of
these paint splashes. What I can do is I
can come up here. And from here, if I do want
to bring it right over here, if you do want me to give
this thing up a rotation, I can come here and
basically I will be able to give this
thing up a rotation. Let's come here. If I do want to duplicate
it, I'll come here. And I will just
duplicate this one, right over here in one corner. And again, the same way, let's take some different ones. So let's come here, let's just go down. And from here, let's
take this platter. And from here,
what I can do is I will just place
it one over here. And again, I will
just click on Alt. And I will just place it
right over here as well. Okay, so now let's come here. And from here, let's
take this one. And now I will just go
down, let's come here, let's go over here on top, and I will be able to make up a photo quite
stunning like this. Okay, so this is how you
guys will be able to create a spat platter splatter
effect over here in Va. Okay. So this is how
my image used to look. Okay, so if I just go back, let's go back from here. Now, let's go to recently used. So this is how it used to look. Okay, this image over here. Let's select this
one. Let's come here, let's see this image. This is how it used to look, and this is how it
looks right now. Okay, so here you guys
can see this is the image which I had just created using
the paint splatter effect. So you guys can just
make this kind of animations quite easily
over here in Canva. So the last thing what you'll do is you'll come here and from here you will just click on Shear and you
want to download. So I'll come here and
I will just download all of this image
in a PNG format. Okay, so I will just come here and let's click on download. And this file over here will basically get
downloaded into a Zipa, as I do have downloaded
all these three pages. Okay. So I will come here, I will just show you guys
how that basically looks. Let's go to Dexto from here. Let's go to my resource file. And now let's go
back and let's name this one as paint splash. I will name this
one as page splash. Let's save this up. Okay, and this file has
been saved in my system. Now let's come here
into my home page, and now let's go to my PC. Let's go to Desktop. And from here I will go to this particular file
which I had just saved. First, I will just
extract all of it. Let's click here on. All this file has been
extracted. Now let's go back. Come here, let's
delete this file. Now, I will come here on top. And over here you guys can see these were the images
which I worked with. So over here you guys can
see how it actually looks. And this is the image
or the end result of how this paint platter
basically looks like. Okay, so yeah, I hope you guys have understood this
class on how you will be able to create some
stunning design using the Canva
application itself. Okay. So yeah, I hope
to see you all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more about
photo editing. So see you all in
the next chapter. Till then, take care
and goodbye everyone.
18. Cinematic photo editing in lightroom: Hello everyone and
welcome you. Oh to you. Another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop. Illustrate a Va and
lightroom tutorial. So now we will be learning about the light
room application, that how you will be able to
create some stunning images. Okay, so over here first we are here in the
chapter number 17. And here the topic is cinematic photo
editing in light room. So we'll be learning about
that here in detail. I'll be showing you guys
from the very beginning, so let's not waste time
and let's get started. So over here as
you guys can see, now I'm here in the home
page of the light room. So from here you will be able to add up a photo if
you do want to work, If you want to see what were the recently added images and what were the recent edits and how many people you
are connected with, and also how many
images did you delete. Okay, so you will have all those information
right over here. So first we'll be learning
what cinematic image is. Okay, so I will show you one photographers profile over here in my Instagram handle. And here you guys can see
the handle name is T K Nort. Okay? And here you
guys can see he is also a verified account. He do have a verified
account over here and in the bio you guys can see
he is a photographer. Okay? And from here you guys can basically check out
all of his photo. You guys can see the color
effect right over here. And also how he
have actually give this one a cinematic view. Okay, so over here
you guys can see this image has got an
cinematic view over here. You guys can see right over here as well if you come down, but over here you guys will
be able to see that he do have one kind of color palette. Okay, so if you come here, if you just check out
all of this here, you guys can see
the similarity in the color palettes or the
color he is working with. Okay, so now over here we will also try to do
quite like this. Okay, so over here
we will try to do some cinematic editing. So let's just come here
again into my light room. And from here let's
click on Add Photos. Okay, so I will just go
to my dex stop file. Let's go to my resource
file from here. Now let's go down, let's search for the image which I did have
saved over here. Okay, I'll come here. Let's just take this one from here and just click
on Review for Import. Okay, solver here, you
guys can see now I do have this particular image and now I will click on Add one photo. Okay, so I will
come here and I do have added this
particular photo up. And what I'll do is
I will just double click on this Sdicul
image solver here. You guys can see I do have image right over here which also
do have a dark tune, Okay, So what you can do is you
guys can come here and you guys can go into
your edit panel, Okay, so over here on
the right hand side, you guys do the edit panel. Okay, so from here what you
guys can do is you guys can also click on
from your keyboard, and over here under
the edit option, you do have different
things, okay, so here you do have
the color profile, Here you do have
the light, okay? And here you do have the
color and stuff over here. So let's come here on top. And from here, if
you want to give this one a kind of
cinematic view, you guys can come
here and you guys can just increase the exposure. And if you do want to
decrease the contrast, you guys can come
here and you guys can just decrease the
contrast as well, or you guys can just increase
the contrast from here. Okay, and if you do want to change the highlight
a little bit, you guys can come here,
change the highlight. And what you guys
can do is you guys can just take this
one to the whites. Let's go here and let's
bring this black up. Let's come here, let's
decrease the whites. And here you guys can
see like how it used to look before and how
it looks now, okay? So you guys can see
there is more of a cinematic effect over
here on the image, okay? So once you're done over here, if you do want to see how
it looks without this one, so you guys can come here,
you guys can hold and see how it used to look and how
it looks right now. Okay, so you do have worked here with the exposure effect, and over here you have increased the contrasts and here you
have decreased the highlights. So you guys can basically check with the image
which we're taking, that which one
basically looks good. Okay, But if you're
taking a dark image, quite like the one
which I chose, okay, and I have downloaded
my image from pixels, you guys can go there
and you guys can actually check out all
of those from there. So now, again, if you
just come here on top, let's say if I come
here onto detail, let's click over
here onto Detail. And if you do want to
sharpen the image up, you guys can sharpen
the image up from here. Let's come here, and from here, let's increase the texture. And also, if I do want to decrease the clarity,
okay, I can come here. Otherwise I can just
increase the clarity to 100% And over here I will just increase the texture
a little bit as well. Okay? And if you want
to put on some vent, you guys can come
here and you guys can just put on some net. Okay, So come here, just
put quite like this, okay? Just plus six and if you
want to add any grain, okay, you guys can come here and
you guys can basically add up grain over
here on the image. Let's make sure that I will just put it somewhere around 70. Okay? And over here,
if you just zoom in, you guys can just check out
your image right from here. Okay, So I will just
click here on top. Let's go to 33% And yeah, this one basically looks
good, so I will come here. Let's just feed this one again. Let's come here, Let's
click onto this option, and from here let's
take it 12% And yeah, this one basically looks good. If you do want to
sharpen this image up, you guys can just come
here and you guys can basically sharpen
this image up. Okay, so you guys can come here, you guys can actually
sharpen this image if you want from here and if you do
want to put on some denoise, if you do have that
particular option, you guys will be
able to use denoise. Otherwise, you guys can
come here and you guys can do manual noise reduction, okay? So come here if you do want
to increase the luminance and if you do want to change up
the colors a little bit, you guys can come here. And from here,
let's go to optics. And from optics, if you want to remove chromatic aberration, you guys can come
here and you guys can enable that one from here. And if you want to go to
the differing option, you guys can come here and
basically select the colors. Now let's come here on top, let's go to this color
option from color option. I will come here and I will just go into the color
grading option. Okay, over here you guys
can see I will just select the mid toes and
all from here, okay, I will come here and let's
select the mid toes, somewhat around here. Okay? So I'll just add up
this particular to and here you guys can see this
particular color over here is getting harder. Okay? So now again, what I'll do is if I
do want to actually work on with the
luminance over here, you guys can come here and
add up a bit of luminance. And from here, if you do
want to blend the image, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically change the
blending of the image. Okay, so come here and
let's balance this one up. If you do want to balance
this one up, let's come here, let's give it quite up, this color over here, you guys will be able
to select the T. Okay? So you guys can come here and you guys
can just select this particular to kind of
in the brighter side. And again, I will just come here and go to the highlights. And from here you
guys can see I can just change it quite like this. Okay, So I will just change
it quite like this over here. Let's come here and let's give this one up a color over here. Now, again, if you do want to work on with the
global color, okay, you guys can come
here and work on with the global color
itself from here. If you want to increase or
decrease the luminates, you guys can come here and
increase or decrease the bins if you do want to
see how it used to look before and
how it looks now. Okay, here you guys
can see my image, basically do have more
depth right now over here. Okay, now let's say I
want to individually select these particular
colors and I want to adjust the hue of those
particular colors. Here you guys can see
the changes as I'm changing the hue of
the orange color. Okay, I will just increase
the saturation a little bit. And also I will just
decrease the luminance. I will come here, I will just come to this
particular color and let's say I do want to
work on with the yellows. Okay, So let's come here. If you don't want
to increase it, you guys can come here and
increase it quite like this. Let's go on with the greens. Okay, so there is no greens. You are not able to
see any difference. But if you come
here and let's say, let's change this
saturation as well. And also I can change
the color of blues. Come here and you
guys can just get it on the darker side a little bit, okay, and come here. And if you do want to
increase the luminance and also the saturation
a little bit here, you guys can see these
particular parts are more visible right
now in your image. Okay? So you guys can come
here, select other colors. If you do want to change it, you guys can come here and
change those colors as well. Okay? And lastly, come to this particular color if
you do want to go in. In the reds, you guys can come here and just
decrease the color. Okay, So now let's see how
it used to look before. So it used to look kind
of dull over here, and now this is how it
used to look right now. Okay, so here you guys can see this particular image
do have more depth. Okay? So over here in the sides, as you guys can see
over here on the sides, they do have more depth. And over here you guys can see this one looks
kind of faded. Okay, so now I will
just come here into this particular
image and this one gives up a cinematic view. Also, if you do have worked
on with any kind of text, you guys can get those
kind of text as well. Also, if you do
want to increase or decrease the tint from here,
I will just come here. I will just put it
quite like that. Let's go on with the tint. So you guys can just decrease the tint in total. Come here. And if you do want to
increase the vibrance and also the saturation
a little bit, okay, This one actually looks better
here, you guys can see, now this one have more depth
in this particular image. Now you guys can go
to point color, okay. You guys can come here
and you guys can just click on shift and you guys can actually change up
the colors from here if you want to select
up any particular color. Let's say I will come here, I will just select this color, and now I can just
change the hue. Okay, so I can come here
and I can just change up the saturation over onto
that particular color. And from here you guys can
just click onto this color. Okay, so let's come here, let's select up a
different color. Let's select this one. And over here you guys
will be able to change the hue of this particular
color in general. So you guys can come here, you guys can just increase
the hue a little bit. Let's say, let's
put it right over here and just close
this thing down. Okay, so now this is
how it basically works. And now let's come here on top, let's close down the color. And let's close down the detail
over here as well, okay? And if you do want to
apply some lens blur, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically apply
some blur as well. But I would be
putting it on here. Now, once I am done with
all of these options, what I'll do is I will
just close this down. And from here I will directly
go onto the crop two. Okay, I will come here, I will just take this crop two. Now, let's say I will just decrease the size
up a little bit. Okay. I will come
here and I will just decrease the size
quite from here. Okay? And also, if you do want to just come to
this particular part, let's say I will just
increase it from here. Let's say I will just come
here to this particular part. Let's say I will just
increase the size from here. And now if you do want
to click on Enter, Okay, so you guys can come here and this is how it
actually looks. So now if you do
want to save it up, once you are done here, you guys can see how it
used to look before, and this is how it
looks right now. Okay, so it gives up
a cinematic look. So from here, let's go to File. So from file I will
click on Export. Otherwise, from my keyboard
I will click on Shift. Okay? So I will just click
on Export from here. And I will have different kind of options right over here. Whatever format do
I want to choose? What I want to name
this particular file? Do I want to use any
kind of watermark? What is going to be the quality? And also here you guys can see I do have the
image type, okay? So let's say I want to it take this one in
JPG format, okay? And also I will select
Small Dimension, okay? So I will come here and now I will just name this
particula file, okay? So if you do want
me to name a file, you guys can come
here and you guys can name this file as one. Okay, so I will
just name this one. And now let's click over here
on top, Export one Photo. I will come here, I will
click on Export one photo. Let's go to Desktop. From here, let's go
to my resource file. Over here, I will basically
select up a folder. Let's come here, let's put this JPG and now I
will just select this Cticular folder and image will get
basically exported. Okay, so this was the
image which we had. Now this is the image which
we have after editing, so this one is basically helpful
when we are trying to do some text or some kind of cinematic editing
in your image. You guys can basically
use this articular way. Okay, so now let
me show you guys. In my file manager, which I have just uploaded, just the image which
I have just exploded. Let's go to Desktop. And from here let's go
to my resource file. And from here now I will
go to the JPG option. And from here you
guys can see I do have saved this
particular file as one, so I will just click on this
Pdicula image and this is how you guys can see the
image basically looks like. Okay, so over here
you guys can see that image right over here, or the quality of this Pdicula
JPG looks quite stunning. Okay, so this one gives
up a cinematic view. So this is the one which
I had edited over here. So this was just a simple
editing from light, which you guys can
also do by yourself. Let's see the one which I
had edited. Let's come here. This was the image which I had. Okay, so you guys can see this
was the image which I had. Let's come over here again and let's
select that image up. Okay, I'll come here from here. Let's take this image from here. This is the image which I had. Okay, This is the image
which I have right now. You guys can see the total
difference side by side. If you guys want
to see over here, you guys can see the
changes just side by side. Yeah, I hope you guys have understood this class
on how you will be able to make a cinematic
effect in light room. I hope to see you all in the next chapter where
we'll be learning more about light room and
the photo editing itself. See you all in the next chapter. Till then, take your
goodbye, everyone.
19. Creating fake colour effect: Hello everyone and
welcome you over to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our
chapter number 18, where I'll be creating fake
color effect in light room. Okay, so if you
do want to create some fake color
effect in light room, I'll be showing you guys
all the steps over here, so let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see now I'm here in the home
page of light room. From here first I
will be adding up a new photo in which I
am going to work on. For that, I will come
down right over here. Let's select the image using which I do want to work with. Let's come here, let's search
for that image over here. I do have this image and I
will just review for Import. Okay, I will just click onto
this particular option, and over here it will
redirect me to my page. I will just click on
Review for Import. Let's come here again. Let's go down a little
bit. Let's come here. Let's click over here. You guys can see I
do have my image. Let's click on a one photo. You guys can actually select
multiple photos if you have the same kind of effect over
here as you guys can see. Now I do have this
particular image. Now if I don't want to adjust the properties of the
whole image at first, what I can do is I can
come here and let's say I will just
decrease the exposure. Maybe increase the
contrast over here. Okay, you guys can come
here, increase the contrast. And also, if you do want
to decrease the highlight, let's give this
one upper shadow. If you do want to go
on with the whites, let's turn off the blacks. If you do want to
increase the blacks, you guys can increase
the blacks as well. Okay? So now, once you are done, you guys can actually take the temperature bit
smooth, quite like this. Let's come here, let's place
it right over here, okay? And what I can do is if you do want me to increase the tint, you guys can come here and
increase the tint as well. So now, once I am done
with all the basic things, let's say I want to
separate these colors out, so I'll take this blue color. Let's say if I do want to
put on some saturation, I can come here and I can basically put on some
saturation from here. Let's go to this
particular color. And from here you
guys can basically check out the color of
the background itself. Okay, So you guys can come here, check on all of those colors. Let's increase the
luminus over here, over here into this
particular place. I want to give this one
up, a beaming light. Okay, so I want to give that particular effect
right over here. Let's come here, down. And from here now I will
check all of the shadows. Okay, let's come here. Let's just give this one up, a shadow quite over here. Let's come to the mid tones. And from here, you
guys will be able to change the midtone as well. I will come here, Let me give this midtone right over here. If you want to blend it, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually work on
with luminants as well. So I will come here
and from here, lastly, I will go to
the highlights again. So let's come here, let's put the highlight
quite like this. If you do want to
increase the texture, you guys can come here, increase the texture and
the clarity from here. Okay, if you want
to use the net, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually increase the net a
little bit from the sides. Now, once I am done with
this pdicular part, let's come here
and let's work on this pdicul part itself, okay? So for that, the first thing what I'll do is I'll go here. I will go into this mask option. Okay. From here what I'll do
is I will take the radiate. Okay, So I will
come here and if I do want to have a
radial gradient, I can come here and
I will be taking onto this radial gradient
right over here. Okay, so over here you guys can see they are showing
me different options. So I will just click
on Got it. From here. And you guys can see, now
over here I do have the mask. Okay, so now from
here what I can do is I can basically
select the gradient. So from here I can just select the gradient
quite like this. Let's just increase the size. And now what I can
do is I can just put on the gradient
quite over here. Okay, on this particular side. And now if you do want to
change the color of the hue or the color of that
particular mask, you guys can come here. And if you do want
to increase or decrease the temperature
a little bit, and also if you do want
to increase the tint, you guys can come here and maybe work with the colors
quite over here, you guys can see
how that one looks. Okay, so again, you
guys can come here. Let's say I will just
select this middle part. And from here now,
I will just select The highlight and each and
everything over here in total. Now let's go back. I will just come here and I
will just go back over here. Let's go to my
mask option again. Let's come here. Let's go to
the mask from here itself. Now from here I will select the temperature of
that particular mask. Okay, I will come here,
change the temperature. If you do want to
move on the hue, you guys can come
here and you guys can just drag this one come here. If you do want to
increase the temperature, you guys can come
here and you guys can increase the temperature
from here as well. For now, I'll decrease it here. Now, let's increase
the saturation. Okay, I will just increase
the saturation from here. Now, again, if you do want to increase the
amount of the mask, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically
increase the amount. Let's say I will increase
this one by 120. So I will just come here and you guys can see the
color over here. And what I can do is if you
do want me to just give this feather a little bit
quite like this effect. Okay, I can come here,
I can give that. Now let's go to effect
option and if you do want to increase the texture,
you guys can come here. And also if you want to decrease the clarity,
you guys can come here. If you do want to
decrease the grain, let's come here, let's
decrease the haze. And if you do want to
increase the grain, you guys can come here and you guys can actually
increase the grain. Or if you do want to
decrease the grain, you guys can come here and
decrease the grain as well. But for me, I will just increase the grain from
here a little bit. And lastly comes the
texture option from where you will be able to select the sharpness of this
particular mask. So come here, just increase the sharpness and also
increase the noise reduction. And here you do have
the defray option, you guys can come here and basically increase the
defrag option as well. Okay. So once you're done with
this articular apart here, you guys can also put up
different kind of presets. You guys can come here and select different kind
of presets from here. Now again, let's go back and over here I will
just select Lighten. And if you do want to change it, you guys can come here. And you guys will be able to
change it manually as well. So I will just keep this
particular mask right over here. Let's see how it actually looks. If I just select outside, let's go back over here and this is how you
guys can see it looks. Now, before I had
this image and now my image kind of looks like
this with more details, clear details over
here and you guys can actually differentiate each and every other object over here. And you guys can see there is a hard light coming through this particular
mountain over here. You guys can see that one
looks quite amazing, okay? If you do want to
decrease the size, okay, Let's say if you do want
to crop this one up, you guys can basically
p this one up as well. Okay, So you guys will be
able to add multiple of this. You guys can come here and if you do want to
add upper mask, what you guys can do
is you guys can come here and click on
Create Mask, okay? And over here they
will be asking you that what kind of mask
you want to create. Okay, so now if you just
want to choose this one, let's say linear gradient. So I will come here and I will just add upper linear gradient. Let's say I will come here. And from here now I want
to give up a gradient. Come here, and you guys can just give this thing
up a rotation. If you do want to bring it, you guys can come here. And let's tak this one. If you do want to decrease from one side to bring
it in other side, you guys can basically do that. Let's come here and if
you do want to come here, let's say I just want to
put it quite over here, you guys can basically
put this one. And also if you do want
to give it some color, you guys can come here and say, I will just select this
particular part from here and now I want to
actually change the tint. So I will come here
and maybe I'll just change the tint over here. And also I will just give this one a temperature
quite here in the normals. After that, if you do want to
give this up a saturation, you guys can come here
and you guys can just give this particular
part up a saturation. So let's come here, let's
try to move this thing down. So let's come here, let's just
place it right over here. And also you guys can see the change in the
temperature over here. This particular part
looks quite different. And again, what you guys
can do is come here, go to the light option, and from here you guys can actually change the
exposure, okay? And come here, change the contrast of this
one up a little bit, and also go to the
highlights option. And here you guys can see the fake colors are
appearing quite good. So if you do want to
work on with the whites, come here and maybe just
increase the darks, okay? So over here, this one becomes
more detailed here, okay? So now if you do want to
work with the point curve, let's say you want to work
on with the reds, okay? So come here if you do want
to work on with the reds. So I will come here
and maybe I will just put it on right over here. Let's add another one. And now what I can
do is I will just add up more detail,
Okay, over here. And let's come to
this particular part here in the mid tone, okay? I will come here and maybe give this one curve quite
like this, okay? So the same way, if you want
to work on with the greens, let's come here and
you guys can basically work on with the greens over
here if you do want to. Up price, okay? And now if you do
want to decrease it, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically decrease
it from here itself. So once you are done, you guys can
basically substract. Or if you do want to add up, you guys can also
do that from here. Okay. So at the same
time you will be able to put up different
gradients as well. Let's come here, let's check
the clarity from here. And also I will just decrease
the haze a little bit. And also I will just
increase the grain. Okay, I will just increase
the grain a little bit. Let's see, before and after. This is how it used
to look and this is how detailed it looks
right now, okay? So once you are
done, you guys can see without this
particular effect option, how it will, okay? So over here, you guys can
just come here, drop this one, And if you do want
to move this one, this is how it used to look, and this is how it looks right now with this
particular effects. So let's come here, let's
just turn this back off. If you do want to add more mask, you guys can come here and
you guys can actually see more mask if you come and if you want
to show the overlay, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically see the
overlay of your mask. So if you don't want to
see this particular mask, let's come here,
let's go to mask one. And from here you guys can
see the overlay right now. Okay? So it's showing that
where your mask is and if you are going to work how you are going to work over here. Okay, so it will basically
show you the overlay, that word, that
mask is situated. Okay, so if you do want
to decrease the size, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically decrease
the size as well. So let's come here, let's double click on this
particular image again. Okay, so over here, this was the original one. Okay, so let's see the
original from here. Let's click on Show Original. And now over here you guys can see this one looks
quite professional. So if you don't want to
save this particular image, what you guys can do is
you guys can come here. Let's go to File. And from file, let's click on Export. Okay, So I will just
come here and I will just click onto
the Export option. And now I will select in, what format do I
want to exploit it? So I will come here, I will
take the JPG itself, okay? And now I will just
select the Dimension, and I will just click on Small. Okay. So once this is done, I will just click
on Export one photo and it will be exploded
over in my system. So now let's click on
port one photo here. Now I will just select
the file where I want it to get saved.
Let's come here. And from here I will
just select up a folder. Let's select JPG, and now I will just click
on Select Folder, and this particular image
will basically be saved. Okay? So here you
guys can see there is some issue with that over here. This particular image
has been saved. Let's see how it was, and this is how it is. Okay, now let's go
to my File Manager. Okay, let's come here, let's go to my
desktop from here. And now let's go to desktop. Let's go to my resource file. And from here I
will go to the JPG. And over here you guys
can see this is basically the quality of the image
which I had just edited. So this is how it
looks right now. And if you want to see how
it used to look previously, let's come down right over here. And from here, let's,
where's the image. This was the image
of how it was. Okay, and now this is how it is. Okay, so now after editing, here is the image which I
had got as the end result. Okay? This one looks more clear, it gives a more louder message. Okay? And also, it
looks stunning. So I hope you guys have understood this class
on how you will be able to add up a fake color. Okay. But here in your image, it will blend so nicely that no one will be able to
know that it's quite actually edited or it
will just blend quite nicely with the background and also the theme of the image. So yeah, I hope to see you
all in the next chapter where we'll be learning more about light room and photo
editing itself. So see you all in
the next chapter. Tell them take care
and goodbye everyone.
20. HD image editing: Hello everyone and
welcome you out to another chapter of photo
editing with Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and
Lightroom tutorial. So now we are on our chapter number 19
where I'll be showing you guys about HT image
editing in light room. Okay, so if you do
have an HD image like how you will be able
to edit that image out, we'll be learning about that here in this particular chapter. So let's not waste time and
let's get started over here. As you guys can see now I'm here in the home page of the Litlow. I am in my local
drive from here. Now if I want to
upload an image, let's come here from here. Basically what I can do
is I can come here and I can check all of the
resource files, okay? Otherwise if I do
want to browse, I can come here and I can just basically browse
from here itself. You guys come here, click
on Show in Explorer. And from here,
basically you guys can select a singular image as well. Let's go to Desktop. Let's go to my
resource file, okay? And from here if
you just come down. Okay, I do have saved one
image named as HD image, Okay, So I do have an HD
image right over here. So now here I do have that
particular image over here. And if I do want to open it up, I can come here and basically I will be able to open this up. So I will just
click on this one. Otherwise, let's
cancel this thing up. Let's come and let's click
on Show in Explorer. Again, let's go to this PC. Let's come here in the desktop
from here. Resource file. From resource file, I do
have this perdicular image. Let's come here. Let's
go to aged image. If I do want to drag this image, I can come here and
I can just drag this image right
from here itself. So now over here first I will hide this particular film strip. And now from here, what
I'm going to do is I am going to work on
with the exposure, the contrast, the highlights. So you guys can come here. And maybe for me what I do is I will just decrease
the exposure. And over here I will just increase the contrast
of my image. And afterwards I will just
take out my white over here. And also I will just decrease
this one a little bit. And I will come here and
I will just increase, decrease my black as well. So I will come here
and I will just keep my blacks quite over
here, over here. If you want to work on
with the temperature, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically work on with
the temperature as well. So let me give this one to a warmer site so you guys
can see the changes. And also, if you do want
to add up any tint, you guys can come here and
you guys can add up a tint. So now I will just take
on to the vibrance. Let's decrease the
vibrance a little bit. If you do want to work
on with the saturation, you guys can also do that. Okay? And once you're done, you guys can also
come here and work on with the color grading
over here itself. Okay? So you guys can just color grade the whole image out. And again, let's come
right over here. Let's take the mid tones. I can change the midtone
from here as well. Let's come here, let's take this image somewhere over here. Let's keep this one. Now
let's come to the highlights. And over here you guys can basically change the
highlight as well. Okay, so you just need to
click on this one and make sure that you drag
this throughout. So I will just keep
it quite like this. Let's, let's decrease
the luminance if you want to change the blending and also if you do want
to balance this one, you guys can come and you guys can balance from
here itself, okay? So now if you want to give
this one up a different color, okay, or if you want
to mask this one, what you guys can do is
you guys can come here and you guys can give this one a mask from this masking option. Okay, so I will just
come here onto the mask. I will just click over
here onto the mask option. Okay, let's come here. Let's click onto
the mask from here. If I want to select
a linear gradient, or let's say I will just take up a radial gradient from here. And what I can do now is I
can just create a radius. So I'll just come here, let's just create up a radius. And now what I can do is I
can just move this thing up. Okay? So I will just move this
thing up quite over here. And now I will just
increase the exposure. Okay? So first I will just
turn off this overlap. Okay? So I don't want to
see that color over here. And also I will just increase, or maybe I will just
decrease the exposure. And also here under color, you guys can see
you will be able to select the color over here. Okay, so let's come here. If you do want to increase
the size individually, you guys can come
here and you guys can individually increase
the size as well. And let's say if you do want to give this thing up a rotation, you guys can come here and
you guys can basically give this thing up a
rotation here as well. Okay? And now if you do want to copy this one,
let's click on this. Let's click on this
particular part. If you want to bring
it over here on top, you guys can come here and let's say let's create a new curve. And from here what
I want to do is I want to use a linear gradient. I will come here,
and over here I will just put out this
linear gradient. Let's come here. Let's just put this thing over
here in one side. Let's hold this one. Let's come here, and let's just give this thing
up a rotation. So if you want to give
this thing up a rotation, let's come here, let's give some rotation over here on top. And now, if you do
want to increase the temperature or if you
do want to decrease it, you guys can come here. And also you guys
will be able to give some color to your
hue and saturation. Come here and click
onto this option. Now just select the color, whatever you want to choose. And also if you do want to
increase the saturation, you guys can come here and increase the saturation as well. Now once I am done, what I can do is I can come
here into the point curve. And I can basically
manage this one, okay, of this particular
mask over here. Let's come here. Let's add
one right over here itself. If you do want to decrease it, you guys can come here
and decrease the size. If you do want to
increase the temperature, you guys can come here and increase the
temperature as well. If you do want to
move out the colors, you guys can come here and let's say let's increase
the saturation. You guys can come
here and you guys can increase the saturation
from here itself. This is how it used to o, okay, And this is how it
looks right now, okay, so you guys can see
our total difference. And if you want to go to the texture option, let's come here. Let's increase the
texture from here. And if you do want to
increase the clarity, you guys can come here
and let's decrease the dehaze and let's increase
the grain from here. Okay? And individually, if you want to work on with the colors, you guys can come here. And individually you guys can just work on
with the colors. Let's add one point
right over here. And also what I can do
is I will just take this one in the brighter
side a little bit. Let's come here to the greens. Let's add option over
here. Let's come here. Let's add this one up. Otherwise, what I can do
is I can come here and I can just bring this
thing up here as well. Let's come here
and if you do want to take it here on the Greens, you guys can come here. And if you do want to add
one another over here, you guys can come here and add another one
over here as well. So this is the point
curve over here. Let's come here, and if you do want to look onto the detail, if you do want to increase the sharpness of this particular filter,
you guys can do that. Let's decrease the mole and
let's increase the defringe. Okay, so now if I do
want to see the overlay, this is the overlay as you
guys can see over here. And now I will just decrease the overlay from here as well. And now once I am done, okay, so let's say I will just move this up right somewhere here. And this is how it
basically looks. If you do want to
increase the size, you guys can come here and
basically fade this color out. Okay? And now the
same way what I'll do is I will just
select the mask one. And from here I will just increase the color a little bit. Okay, so I will come here. And now from here what I can
do is I will just come here. Let's just decrease
the texture and also I will decrease the
clarity of this one. And now let's come here on top, Let's just decrease the
temperature over here, and let's increase
the tint from here. And what I can do now is I
will just go to effects. And from effect I will
just decrease the dehaze. And from here I will
just increase the grain. Okay, so now this one
looks more subtle. Okay, let's come
onto this option. And from here, if you want to work on with this
particular curve, I can easily come here. And if I do want to add up a point, okay, I will come here. Let's say I will just add
up this particular point. From here, I will just
take this to one side. Now let's select one over
here in the middle itself. Let's come here, and let's
just decrease the size. And also, let's go
on to this blue. Okay, come here, and if you
do want to increase it, you guys can come here. And let's say I will just increase this one
up a little bit. Let's come here.
Let's give this one a subtle change. Okay,
let's come here. Let's give this one
up a blue color. Again, what I can do
is I will come here, and from here I will give
another bluish color. Okay? So I will come here, give this one up a bluish color. Let's come here down. So now over here again, what you can do is you guys can come here onto the edit option. And if you want to edit this particular
image individually, you guys can also do that. Okay, so now from here if
I do take another image, let's come here, let's try
to see the film strip. So I will just come
right over here. And let's try to see all
other images which I have. Let's take this
particular image up. And what I can do
is I can come here. Let's take this particular
one right over here. Otherwise, let's
select this one. And from here, what
I'll do is I will come here and I want to
add up some colors. So now again, I will just hide this particular film
strip over here. And now if you do
want to zoom in, you guys can come
here and you guys can zoom into this
particular place, Okay, So now if you come
here and let's go to this masking option, okay? So I will just come here
onto the mask option. And from here now I will
take out the brush. Okay, so now from here I will just take out
this particular brush. And from here what
I'm going to do is I am going to drag out up space. Okay? So I can come
here and I can just drag out a space
right over here. And now I want to see
the overlap. Okay? So I will come here, and
from here I want to just drag up overlay over here
as you guys can see. So from here I do have
this particular light. And the same way I can
come here and I can do a here in this particular
image as well. Okay, so I will come here. And here you guys
can see the light. And now what I'm going to do
is I am going to come here. And from here I am going
to decrease the exposure. And from here I will just
increase the contrast. Okay, so come here,
and if you do want to increase the contrast, you guys can come here. Let's increase the
exposure as well. From here, this one basically
looks good. Let's go back. Okay? And from here now I
will just increase the light. Okay? And what I can do is I will just increase the whites. Okay? And I will just
increase the black over here. Okay? And if you
do want to work on with the contrast and
also the highlight, you guys can come here and
work with all of this. And over here, if you do want to individually put on some colors, you guys can come here and
you guys can basically put on some colors from here itself and over here to
the color picker option. Let's go to color.
And from here, if you do want to up
any different color, you guys can come here. And from here you guys can
just increase the temperature. Okay? You guys can basically do that if you do want
to decrease the tint. If you do want to
decrease the saturation, let's come here, let's put
out this one from here. Let's try to increase
the saturation. If you want to
decrease the texture, you guys can come
here and you guys can select haze option also. Now you guys can just
increase the green. Okay, so let's come here, let's just decrease the grain. And if I just zoom out
using control minus, okay, you guys can see
how it actually looks. Okay, so this one looks quite nice over here if you do
want to increase the size. Okay, let's select this one. And from here now I can just increase the size
quite like this. So you guys can come
here and put out some colors on this
particular end as well. And also you guys can apply the same thing right over here. Okay? So you guys can just apply a little bit of color
over here. Okay? So you guys can come
here, apply a little bit, and over here onto this
particular side as well. So I'm just doing it roughly. You guys can basically take up your own light, our own type. Okay? This particular part
now looks quite popped up. So this is how it used to look before and this is how
it looks right now. Okay, You guys can see the
difference right over here. How you will be able to edit
H D image in light room. So the first thing what I'll
do is I'll just go to file. And from here, let's
export this image first. Okay, so I will just
click here on Export. And from here, basically
I will be able to choose that in what type I do want to save this
particular image. So I will take the JPG format, and from here I will name
this one as the fake color, or let's say I will just
name this one as H D one. Okay? So I will name
this one as H D one. And now I will just
click on Export. Let's go to Desktop. And from here I will just
go to my resource file. And now I will just go
back. Let's come here. And from here I will
take JPG and I will just select this
particular folder up. Okay? And again, if I do
want to see the film strip, so I will come here and I
will just see the film strip. And if you do want to go back, you guys can come
here and you guys can just go back from here itself. Okay? So you guys
can come here and you guys can actually check out the previous image as well in which you
basically worked. You guys can come here and
you guys can see that. I will have that image
right over here. Okay, so now again, what
I'll do is I will come here and now let's just go back, let's place it right
over here. Here. Also you guys can see the
masking and also the clarity over here into this particular
place, into the details. Over here, you guys can
basically see the difference. So I want to export
this one as well. So I will come here,
let's go to File. And from File, let's
click on Export. And from export,
I will come here. And now I will just name
this one as HD two. Okay? So I will name
this one as HD two. And over here now I will
click on Export one Photo. So basically you will ask me, where do I want to save it? Let's go to the next stop. Let's come to this file. Let's go to JPG. Select this particular folder, and it will be saved up as well. Okay, here you guys can
see this is getting exported over here as my
file has been exported. Let's take that
out. Okay, I will come here into my desktop. Let's just come here
into my desktop. And from here, let's go
to my resource file. Okay, I will come here
into the resource file. Let's go to JPG. And over here you guys can see I do have a lot of JPGs as well. Now let's open one up. Okay, so over here
I will have my JPG, and here you guys can see how
this image basically looks. Okay, so I will close this one, and now here you check this image which I had
edited over here as well. Okay, so both of this image
are HD quality images. So this is how nicely
you guys will be able to actually select this particular option
and we'll be able to work on with your image. So yeah, I hope to see you
all in the next chapter where we'll be learning
more about light room. So here I do have some
class project as well. Okay, so we'll see what
are the class projects. So I hope this tutorial
was helpful for you all. So I hope to see you all in any other tutorial
where we'll be learning about different topics regarding editing and regarding photos. So see you all in
the next chapter. Till then, take care.
Goodbye, everyone.
21. Class Project 1 - Creating a simple colour grading effect: Hello everyone. So now this is the time for
our class project. And here we do have the class
project one where we'll be creating a simple color
grading in your image. We'll be making a simple color grading in our
image in Photoshop. So we'll be learning about
that here in detail. What are the steps first? I'll show you guys that and
I'll be hoping that you guys upload your project file
into our project panel. So yeah, let's see, what are the steps you need
to follow here on my screen, as you guys can see, I do have the name of
the class project as creating a simple color
grading effect in Photoshop. Also, I do have a small
description which says creating a simple color grading
effect in Photoshop can enhance the overall mood and
atmosphere of your images. Color grading involves
adjusting the colors and tones to achieve a
specific look or style. Experimentation
and practice will basically help you to develop your own unique style and achieve the desired
look of your photos. Now let's see what
are the steps. The first step is open up
your image in Photoshop. Step two, duplicate your layer. Step three, apply smart
filter in your image layer. Step four, then apply
camera raw filter. Step five is adjust all
the values accordingly. And if you want to put mask, you can use mask as well. Now let's see step six, which is the last step
which is exporting file and uploading it
in our project panel. And how the outcome might be. The outcome of creating a simple color grading
effect in Photoshop can significantly enhance
the visual impact and mood of your images. So the outcome of creating a simple color grading
effect in Photoshop can significantly enhance
the visual impact and mood of your images as well. So now let's see in Photoshop
that how it's basically done over here as
you guys can see. Now I'm here in the home
page of the ooby Photoshop. The first thing what
you're going to do is you are going to
open up an image. Let's click on Open. And from here I will
go to my desktop. Let's come here into
my resource file. Let's drag down and let's see, which image do I want
to take over here. I will just come down
right over here. Let's take this particular
image and let's open it up. Okay, so over here you
guys can see I do have this particular image
over here on my screen. So the first thing what I'll
do is I will come here and I will just duplicate this
one. So let's come here. Let's just click here, and let's just duplicate
this particular layer. And now I will name
this one as edit. I will just name
this one as edit, which is on top of
my layer number one. Like if I do mess up
anything right over here, I can go here into
this layer zero. Before editing, what I'll
do is I will come here, select that particular layer, and before applying filter, let's convert this layer
for smart filters. I will just click on okay, over here into this
popped up window. And over here it will be
turning into a smart filter. Okay, so over here now again, I will go into the filter
option from my menuba. Now I will select Camera
Raw Filter, Okay? And the shortcut key for that is shift plus control plus
A from a keyboard. Otherwise if you're
a Mac user it's command plus option plus
a. I will come here, click onto this particular
camera raw option. And now here you guys can see I do have a
different options. Like if I do want to work on
with the exposure for me, what I do is I will just decrease the exposure
a little bit. And also I will just
increase the contrast. Or let's say I will just increase the contrast
a little bit. Let's go here, let's the
exposure a little bit. Let's come here, let's
increase the contrast. And what you can do
is if you do want to decrease or increase the highlight, you
guys can come here. Let's focus here on
the whites, okay? And also you guys can change
the blacks over here, okay? So once you're done with
this particular party, you guys can also select
different kind of profile. And for that, again, I will
come down and I will take this image into softer side. Okay, so I will come here, I will just make
it kind of bluish. And also I will just decrease the tint of the
image a little bit. And now again, what
I'll do is I will come here and let's say I will
just increase the vibrates. And if you do want me to
increase the saturation, I can come here and I can just change the color
from here itself. Okay, So I will just come here. Let's just put up the saturation
quite like this, okay? And also now I
will just increase the texture and also
the clarity over here. Let's decrease, or let's put
up a little bit of in it. And also I will just increase
the grain up a little bit. Okay? And also,
if you do want to work on with the color curves, you guys can come here and
you guys can basically work with the color
curves itself. Okay? So you guys can come here, let's just decrease this one. And now if I do want to work on with the red
color individually, I will come here and I will just work on the red
color a little bit. Let's give it a deep on this side which
looks more natural. Let's go with the blue color. And if I want to add up
a blue tone over here, I can come here and
I can basically give this one up a blue tone. Okay? So if you want
to see how it used to look before and
how it looks now, so here you guys can see this is how it used
to look before, kind of dull, and over here
it looks more detail, Okay? So once you're done with
this particular part, you guys can come here on top and let's say you
want to add up a mask. Okay, So it totally
depends up to you. And from here I will
just click on Subject. And I want it to select
this particular subject. Over here individually,
select all of this. Okay? And from here
individually I will be able to work on with the mask. Okay, so I will just click on. Okay, from here,
let's select Object. And from here now if I do
want to add up a new object, I can come here
and I can just add up this new object from here. Okay, so once I'm done I
will come here back again. And what I'll do is I will
just export this file. Let's go to file. And from
here let's go to export. And quick export as PNG. So I want to export this
file as a PNG itself. Let's go to dek stock. And from here I will come here and I will just save
this file from here. And once you have
saved this file, make sure you upload this particular file as well
into our project panel. Okay, so now I'll save this
up and I'll be showing you guys that in my PC, in the PNG format. So now I have saved up. Let's come here into my file, and from here let's
go to Desktop. And from here let's go
to my resource file. And I have saved this one
as class project one. So here you guys
can see the image. This one looks more clear, okay, and with more detail. This was the image. And if I just come
down right over here, okay, you guys will
be able to see that. How dull it used to look. Okay? So this is how it used to look before and afterwards. This is how it looks,
more popped up. Okay. So yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this class. I'll be waiting for you guys to send me your class project. So take care everyone. See you all in the next chapter.
22. Class Project 2 - Creating a blurred background image: Hello everyone. So now
this is the time for our class project
two where we'll be creating a blurred
background image in Canva. Okay, so first I'll be
showing you guys the steps, what all you need to follow. Then we will see how you can create a blurred background
image in Canva itself. So let's see what are
the steps that we need to follow over here, over here. As you guys can see, I do have the name of
the class project as creating a blurred
background image in Va, over here in description. Creating a blurred
background image in Canva is a simple process that can enhance the visual
appeal of your designs. Making text and other elements stand out more prominently. This technique can be
useful for creating visually appealing designs
for various purposes, including social media posts, presentation posters, and more. So step one, create
a new design. Step two, search your image
from the Lmentspanel. Step three, United, go to the Edit photo and remove
background of your image. Step four, download the image with
transparent background. Step five is upload
that same PNG file and take the image
and resize it accordingly. Step six is save the final file and upload it in
our project panel. Now for outcome, you will
be able to creating up blurred background
image in Canva can lead to several
positive outcomes. Enhancing the visual appeal and professionalism
of your designs. Canva can lead to aesthetically pleasing and effective
designs that help you communicate your
image effectively and leave a lasting
impression on your audience. Now let's go to Canva, and let's see how
it's done over here. As you guys can see, this is the home page of Canva. So the first thing, what
we need to do over here is let's go to create a design. From here I will
select custom size. And I'll take ten 80
into ten 80 pixels. Okay, once I do have this
vehicular page right over here. Now from here, let's go
to the Elements option. Okay, from elements option, I will take this one and
I will just type model. Okay, I will just
click on Enter, and under Photos
you guys can see I do have different
models right over here. So basically what I can do from here is I can just come here. And from here now
let's say I want a model with back ground. Okay. I will come here and I
will just type my keyword. Let's click on Enter. And over here you guys can see this particular
model also do have a background over
here from here. Basically, if you
want to make in blur, you guys will be able
to do blur as well. Okay? Otherwise,
let's take family. Okay? So I want to search
for family photos. Let's come here,
let's go to photos. And from here, what
you guys can do is let's select one image
right from here. Let's select this one. And let's just increase the size of this particular
image accordingly. So if you do want to increase
the size from here on top, you guys can increase the size
from here on top as well. And let's place it
right over here. So I will just place this
one right over here. And now if I want to
remove the background, I will click on this image. Let's go to Edit Photo, and let's click onto
the BG removal. Okay, and I will wait, and over here you
guys can see it had basically removed the background
of my image from here. Now let's come here,
let's go to Share. And from here, let's
go to download. And I want to take a
transparent background, so I will just click here on Transparent Background and
I will click on Download. Okay, so this
particular file over here will basically
get downloaded. And it will also ask me where do I want
to save this file? So I will just name
this one as one, or I will just name
this one as first. And I will save this PNG file. Okay, Once I'm done, what I can also do is come here, add up a new page and
select this image. Up from here, I will just
increase the size of the image. Let's come here, let's
increase the size from here on top and down as well. Double click on your image
and bring it over here. I will just bring
it right over here. Double click, and let's
select this image. Let's go to Edit
Photo from here. Now I will come down and I
will select the blur option. And instead of
selecting the brush, I will just blur out
the whole image. And let's increase the intensity
of the image right now. Okay, let me just keep
it somewhat around 80, so I will come here, put
it somewhat around 80. Now let's go back and
from here now again what I'll do is I will go
here onto the uploads option. Okay, so I will come here
onto the Uploads option and I will click on
Upload Files, okay? And from Upload files I
will select this file. And let's click on Open. And over here you guys can
see this particular image. Don't have any background, Okay, so this was
done quite properly. So I will select this one. And now what I can do
is I can just increase the size of this particular
image accordingly. You guys can come here and if
you do want to place it up, you guys can come
here and you guys can actually place
this one up as well. Let's go to Edit Photo. And from here, if you do
want to apply any filters, you guys can come
here and you guys can apply so many filters as. Okay, I will just
come here and I will just decrease the
intensity a little bit. And also let's click on
Edit Photo over here again, if you do want to
put on some shadows, you guys can come
here and you guys can basically put on some
shadows as well. Now I will just
decrease the size from here and also I will just
increase the blur amount. Or let's say I will
just change the color. I will come here and say, I just want to give this one
upper color quite like this. This is how this
particular image looks. Okay. This is the image
which I have over here. If you want to go to the
elements, let's come here. Let's click on Add Up
Page From Elements. I will clear all of my search. Let's take this image. This is the image
how it used to, so I will show you guys the
difference over here as well. Let's increase the size. Let's come here and double click to move this
one over here. Now this is how it
used to look before, and this is how it looks right now After creating a
break ground blur. The last thing is saving
all of this image. So I want to save all of
this in form of a zip file. I will go to download, and let's click on PNG, and I will select all pages. Okay? And now I will
just click on Download. And this one over here is basically getting
downloaded. Okay. So let's come here and this
will be saved as a zip file. Okay, so I will come here. Let's go to desktop. Let's go to my resource file. And from here I will name
this one as class project to. I will just save this one up. Yeah, I hope you guys have
understood this class. I'll hope you guys do this
particular class project and upload it in our project
panel that I can check those out and get back
to you guys accordingly. Hope to see you all
in the next chapter. Till then, take care
and goodbye everyone.