Lead Locks - Real Estate & Mortgage Lead Generation on Facebook | Said Hamood | Skillshare

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Lead Locks - Real Estate & Mortgage Lead Generation on Facebook

teacher avatar Said Hamood, ain't life interesting...

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.



    • 2.

      Facebook Ads (Start to Finish)


    • 3.

      Step 1: Create Facebook Business Page


    • 4.

      Step 2: Create a Facebook Business Manager


    • 5.

      Step 3: Facebook Ad Setup


    • 6.

      Step 4: Create a "Purchase Lead" Ad


    • 7.

      Down Payment Assistance Leads


    • 8.

      Seller Leads


    • 9.

      Listing Leads


    • 10.

      First Time Homebuyer Class Leads


    • 11.

      Reverse Mortgage Leads


    • 12.

      How To: Connect Facebook Page to Ad Account


    • 13.

      How To: Automate Leads Using Zapier


    • 14.

      Connect your CRM!


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Said Hamood

ain't life interesting...


Hey hey! My name is Said and I'm a licensed loan officer and digital entrepreneur. I run a small digital marketing agency focused on real estate lead generation and lead management. Over the past 5 years I've built and managed dozens of marketing campaigns and delivered thousands of exclusive leads to my valued clients. As an active loan officer and marketing professional, I use my digital marketing experience to further grow and develop my mortgage business as well as help others reach their desired financial and wealth goals. Thanks for stopping by!

NMLS# 1827048

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Level: Beginner

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1. Introduction: Welcome to lead locks everybody. My name is Saeed. Her mood. I'm a licensed loan officer and a marketer. I've been marketing for the past 3.5 years, specifically to real estate agents, loan officers, and had been generating leads not only for myself as a loan officer, but my realtor partners as well. In this class, you're gonna be learning how to market for your listings for new purchase leads, for reverse mortgage leads, a first-time homebuyer classes, and much more. You're going to learn everything you need to know from the start of your Facebook page to your Facebook business manager, down to the exact text that you're gonna need to put on all of your ads to get yourself inexpensive leads on Facebook. Okay, So this is gonna be a facebook specific course, specifically for real estate agents and loan officers or marketers if your clients are realtors and loan officers. So I hope you guys enjoyed this class. It's a step-by-step tutorial from start to finish. You're gonna love what you see. Definitely please share this with other retailers, are other loan officers or other marketers. If you find any value in what I'm about to share with you, I've spent tens of thousands of dollars learning this on my own, just buying different courses and trying new things. And I've put everything that I have into the Skillshare class. So I do hope that you really take the time to go through the content, asked questions, leaving the comments. I'm gonna be available to help you and serve you guys as much as you need. So definitely take a look at the Skillshare course, go through it and let me know what kind of results that you get. I'm so excited for all the success that you're about to have inside of your business, whether you're a real estate agent, loan officer, or marker. Again, my name is Saeed. I hope you guys enjoyed this class. 2. Facebook Ads (Start to Finish): All right everybody, welcome to the Facebook lead generation section, also known as lead locks. This is where I break down exactly how to generate leads on Facebook. Using Facebook, lead ad. Facebook has an amazing backend where you can use their platform and their huge amount of users. For your advantage, as a real estate agent, you want to be able to leverage those social media sites for your benefit. Obviously, you're using it for communication with family and friends, but you also buy things from him. You also see new opportunities for the companies that you love. All I'm about to show you right now is basically a way for you to get in front of the people that you're trying to get in front of. Anybody who's interested already in real estate. You can create ads for your listings if you want new purchase leads. If you want homebuyer leads, if you want seller leads, you can do it all from within, inside of one spot in Facebook. So I'm gonna show you right now exactly how to get your Facebook lead generation machine setup. So you no longer have to pay companies like Zillow, boomtown, or whatever other lead source that you decided to go and try. And you can actually do it yourself and get these leads very inexpensive as opposed to 23, $400. Some of them, you can get leads for yourself, plug them right into your CRM, and have automation setup so that you can actually have them being communicated with as soon as they come into your CRM. Here is what your backend of Facebook is gonna look like. So the first thing that I want you to do though, is go to business.facebook.com. Once you go to business.facebook.com, you're gonna be prompted to create an Ad account and a business account. The first thing is, have a business page. So if you don't know what a business page is, this is going to be what a business page looks like. Look kinda looks like your Facebook profile. But instead of your profile, It's a page. Probably see on the right-hand side up here, you can go to this and create a page. Once you have a page created, you are going to be able to start leveraging that page to mark it off. Once you go to business.facebook.com, you're going to create a business account. Once you're inside your business account, you're going to want to create an Ad account. What you're gonna do here is you're gonna go to all tools and you're gonna go to Ads Manager. All right, so this is where you're actually going to be creating your campaigns. So make sure you are in your ad account once you're only gonna have one. So once you have, once you're inside, your ad account is gonna look like this. This is all going to be blank and you're gonna create a new campaign. But before you do that, I want to show you what you're going to have to do. You're going to have to go to business settings. You're going to have to add yourself to your ad, the ad account inside of your business settings, you're going to have your ad account that you created. And let's say you created this scraps estates one, right? So you're gonna have your ad account, you're going to have to add people. And the only person that you've probably gonna be showing here is gonna be you. You're going to select yourself and you want to click Manage ad account. So full control. Once you have yourself assigned, you're going to be showing up here under people. The next thing you'll want to do is go to pages. Your page should be showing up here. You're going to want to add yourself as well. So you're gonna click your name here and you're going to manage the whole page. Have full control. Now you have your ad account setup with your name in there and you have your page setup with your name in there. So now you can use and leverage that inside of your ad account. Alright, so like I said, once you are inside of your ad account, you're gonna create a new campaign. After you create a new campaign, you're going to select lead generation. You're going to press continue, but I like to just exit this out real quick. Now you have your new campaign setup right here. So all you're going to have to do is go to the campaigns tab up here. You're going to click your campaign that you just created. You're going to actually edit this. So inside the campaign staff you're gonna press Edit and you can do purchase leads, for example, under special ads category, you're gonna press housing countries, the United States. You can go to next. Now your ad set, you can set it as set one. For your lead method, you do incident form. The page you're going to choose your page that you set up. If you are setting up your page for the first time, you're going to want to accept the Facebook lead ad terms. So you just click that button there except terms. Then for your C here for your budget, I would recommend anywhere from 105 to $10 a day. Alright, so now you're gonna come down here to your locations and you're gonna select your location. So this is gonna be basically where you're gonna be displaying your ad. If it's your city, you're going to want to do your city. See how to Washington. This is stating that you're going to be marketing to a 50 mile radius because it's a housing category as we select it up here. Or on the beginning. You can't change the age, so you've got to keep the age the same detailed targeting you want to press Edit here. Now you just want to type in anything related to real estate. So let's say Zillow or home, we can do home home buyer first-time homebuyer grants, for example. Now you can correct. You can click suggestions and you can put all the interests in here that has to do with real estate. I would do first-time homebuyer. I would do property finder, real estate, real estate investing, anything that has to do with real estate and anything that you're trying to market for single-family detached home, for example, go down the list and you add your interests. These are detailed targeting. Next thing you're gonna wanna do is click Manual placements. You're going to deselect everything but Facebook and de-select everything but the Facebook news feed. Because we only want marketing to pop up on the Facebook news feed. Okay, now you can leave everything else as is you go to next. Now this is the fun part. This is where you're going to set up your ad. You can do add one. You're gonna be again, Marketing off of your Facebook page when you generate your ad or when you create your ad, it's gonna show up on the right-hand side, showing what the ad is actually going to look like. Here you can add your primary text, your headlines, and your description. In this video tutorial, I already have set up your different types of ads that you can leverage. So this is going to be your seller leads, your buyer leads, buyer leads version two. Version three for homebuyer class. I will add more to this, but for now you can definitely use and leverage these things. This is what has gotten me leads the past for my real estate partners and from herself as a lender. And I'll just show you what some of these actually look like. So you have an idea of what the final product actually will look like for you. So you can see here this is what this is what your ad is gonna look like for. Downpayment assistance, for example, if you're trying to shoot for leads, if we're looking for downpayment assistance, maybe you have a lender who offers these types of programs. You can start gathering leads for people who want downpayment assistance. This is for straight-up purchase leads. So if you know your area, your state, that you have a lender that can get get people loans with 61 year our credit scores. Well, you can use this ad and get leads using Facebook lead ad. This is for a first-time homebuyer class. Again, this is going to be specific to the type of leaves at your shooting for, but this is for a free first-time homebuyer class. And again, you can leverage this type of lead, this type of ad, using the same sign up sheet that I created for you in that CRM. If you are signed up with DACA marketing. So this is perfect stuff for guys, for anybody that's new, looking at generate leads, and develop kind of a base of business. This is where you're gonna put your primary texts, headline your description, your call to action. This is gonna be learned more. I always want to have learned more. And then your instant form. So this is gonna be a form that you create for you to generate the leads. This is gonna be first-time homebuyer class, for example. Then your intro, it's going to be used the uploaded image or the image from your ad. Headline is, you can put whatever you want here for the headline, sign up below, or reserve your spot below or where can we contact you? Whatever it is, whatever makes sense for the ad that you're doing. Description is enter your information for a free home home consultation. Again, whatever it is that you want to put in here, whatever your marketing for, make it make sense to the person that you're trying to get. The questions here. This is going to be a custom question. So you're going to want to make sure that you have, of course, your name and email. But let's go ahead and delete the name here and let's just put the user animation has firstName because you want to make sure these are different. Crm. If you're using a CRM, you don't want the full name, you want to be able to separate it out for your CRM. So now we can do using the lastName. We'll do contact field phone number. And then we'll do actually pretty much all you need and you can move these around as you need. Now if you wanted to add a question, you can do one here. You pre approved, for example, you can do short answer yes, no. You can add another question if you like. For example, you can do are you working with a real estate agent? Yes. No. Now, you have a form that's built out specific to your type of lead, are you pre-approve or you work in the real estate agent? Yes or no. Then once they click those those items, you're now going to be able to automate. This is actually going to auto populate their information from the information they have on Facebook right? Now that you have to form built. Now you can go to your privacy section here. So this privacy section is required by Facebook. For the link. You can go to your website for your company and just take their privacy policy. You can do privacy policy. Unless you have a website with private set policy. Put your link here. If you don't, I would just recommend going to your brokers website and putting the privacy policy there. You don't need a custom disclaimer on the completion page. This is going to be where you say thank you basically to all your leads and you can direct them to wherever it is that you want. So thanks you-all say you can visit our website on the exit form now. You can do the call to action, call your business, download something or view the website. And you can put the link to wherever it is again, that you want them to go to. Once you have it, all you do is click publish, and then you are gonna be able to select the form that you just created here. So it's gonna be associated with your ad. Now, all you're gonna do is press, Publish. And now you can generate leads on-demand. So you can see here this is actually a client account that I used to work with. This here was for a listing. So it was listing inside of a particular city that you wanted leaves for? Basically she was trying to sell the house. This is another one. Another one right here you can see how many different leads or how many leads we received from this Listening Campaign. This stuff works. I mean, you can't get leads this cheap anywhere else, $5 for listing leads. So even if you do have a listing and you put up on Facebook, you can leverage this for weeks until that house gets sold. You can have people inquire about a particular house in a particular price range. And you now have all these leads that are inquiring about a particular property and, you know, because of the house and how much it is, you know, exactly what type of property and what type of price range you're looking for. So I'd recommend definitely take a look at the document that I put together. Copy and paste those same templates into your ads and leverage Facebook marketing for your business because it's one of the least expensive ways it started getting some new blood in your business and your pipeline. And if you're part of the DACA marketing CRM and you have that, you can actually have all these leads directly import to your CRM. And then they can go right into your pipeline. And as you move into your pipeline, or if they just go directly into the CRM, you can have that CRM, email blast, text message blast, whatever it is that you need them to get to keep them engaged. So if it's four, if it's for a listing, for example, they can get deposited right into your CRM. Your CRM then would automate the text message, an e-mail out to them with that property profile. And then they can respond to you if they have more information or you can respond to them if you want to give them a call or see if they're interested in something else. That is just a brief overview of Facebook marketing using business at facebook.com. Did you have questions? Definitely leave them in the Facebook group and I'll be sure to answer all your questions there. All right. Talk to you later. 3. Step 1: Create Facebook Business Page: Okay Okay. All right. Welcome, everybody to lead block. The first thing that you're going to want to do before getting anything started is creating a Facebook business page. You have your normal Facebook profile. Now you're going to want to create a Facebook business page. You can do that simply by coming up to the right hand portion here, going to account and you can I think they changed it actually. You can come up to pages. Well, inside of your profile, you're going to have the option to create a Facebook business page, you go pages. And you can create a new page simply by going up to the top right, clicking your name, click page, and creating a new page. You should already have one if you are a real estate agent or a loan officer. So go ahead and start that business page, set it up, enter all your information, and this is what we're going to use to market off of within Facebook. I'll see you on the next video and we're going to go through creating a Facebook business manager. That is where you're going to create your ad accounts and manage all of your ads. Okay. 4. Step 2: Create a Facebook Business Manager: The next thing you're going to want to do is create a business manager and you can simply create a business manager by liven Link below, and it's take you to a page called business facebook.com. What you're going to want to do is create a business manager, set your profile up there and you're going to connect the Facebook business page that you had already created or already had in place to your Facebook business manager. Inside your business manager is going to look like this. This is where you're going to create your ad accounts. You can see all of your accounts here. I have multiple add accounts here. And once you create an ad account, you're going to be inside of a ad account that looks similar to this. It's going to be your ads manager. Your ads manager is going to be blank here, but when you create a new campaign by simply clicking to create a new button here, you're going to be able to create a brand new campaign, and I'll show you what that looks like. So The campaign is going to simply be a area where you're going to have all of your ads and ad sets inside of. And you're going to want to, you know, be in here often to see what your ad performance is looking like and shutting off the ad that aren't working. And you're going to be, you know, setting your budget, setting your um your area of where you're marketing. All that is going to be inside of your ad account. And within the add account, like I said, is the campaign. These are all the campaigns that I have running right now. So make sure you have your business manager set up, make sure you create your first ad account, and then with the add within the ad account, we're going to creating campaigns. So that's where we're going to end on the video, making sure that you have those things set up properly, so we can move on to the next step, which is the actual ad setup. 5. Step 3: Facebook Ad Setup: All right guys. Now that we've created a business manager, you connect your Facebook page to your business manager. You're going to want to create an ad account. Within that ad account, you want to click inside that ad account. Then you're going to be creating a campaign. I'm going to walk you through how to create a campaign, and it's going to be very easy. You're going to pre create. You're going to want to go to lead generation. You're going to want to name your campaign. Purchase leads, for example, purchased name your set, I'd like to go set one, create ad, I'll do add one. Press continue. Now, you're going to want to go to special adds category. Turn that on, select housing. You're going to want to come down to next. Next thing you want to do is select your page from the Facebook page drop down here. I'll go to mine here. Then if it's a brand new page and you're doing this for the first time, you're going to want to accept Facebook lead ad terms. Once you accept that, then you can start building your campaign. For your budget, I'd recommend anywhere $10-5 a day. Dollar is going to get you a lot more quicker data. $5 going to be a little bit slower, but you can still get leads from that. The next thing you want to do is come down to detailed targeting. Because we click the special adds category, we have to leave the age the way it is. Actually, before you do detailed targeting, you want to go to location and you're going to select the location that you want to market within. If it's your city, you can simply click Seattle. And then you're going to do a radius on how far marketing you want to be out. If you want to be 15 miles, which is the minimum, then you do 15. If you want to go higher than that, 20, you can do that as well. The next thing you want to do is click detailed targeting. You're going to want to click type in real estate and you want to select the interests that are similar to real estate, only select interests. Real estate investing, you can do home, you can do mortgage loans. I'd recommend doing anything that has to do with real estate that is pertinent to what you're marketing for. First time buyer. I'll just go through these and select the ones that you find most pertinent. I like to do Zillow, anything that people are searching online, you know, it's going to show up on their Facebook page when they're searching because you're in marketing based on what people are interested in. So I like to do zillow loan, home improvement. You just go down the list here. Okay? You're going to leave automatic placements, the way it is and then you're going to come down here to next. Okay. And the next video, I'm going to show you how to set up the various types of ads for, you know, your target market. Okay. 6. Step 4: Create a "Purchase Lead" Ad: One thing I did forget to mention is before we start creating the actual ad, let's go back to your ad set, which is set one, you want to come down to over here, manual placements. Instead of automatic placements, you want to do manual placements, and you're going to want to deselect some things here. You want to deselect Instagram because we're not going to be marking on Instagram. The only thing you want to have check marked is the Facebook news fee. Unselect everything else that is showing here. Okay. On select. Okay. Now we can go back to the ad. The first types of ad that we're going to be doing is the purchase leads. What a purchase lead purchase ad actually looks like is this. This is what's going to show up on your viewer Facebook page when they're scrolling down their Facebook news feed. They're going to see an ad like this. Smart first time wash in home buyer, so you can put your state here with credit score six 20 or higher taking advantage of today's low FHA rates and down payment options. This means lower out of pocket expenses and monthly payments even if previously turned down before. Inquire below with our 62nd questionnaire. Okay. You're going to have this picture here. I'm going to show you how to make a picture like this very simply in something called va.com. Here is the headline, six 20 or higher credit score by your house for a little house MG and then learn more button, that's going to be the button where they click and are able to fill out their information on the form that you're going to create. Inside of your add one here, like I said, we're going to be coming down here and creating the actual ad. You're going to want to do the single image or video, do the single image. If you have a video, you can place a video there. And you're going to want to clear all here and you're going to want to add your picture. Simply by adding an image, you're going to be able to add your image there. The primary text, that's going to be what you just saw. That's going to be it's going to be this information. Where is it? Sorry. Yeah, it's going to be this information here. Smart first time Washington home buyer, the credit score six 20 higher, all that information there. The headline, it's going to be six 20 or higher credit score by your house, description. It's going to be inquire in 60 seconds. Then the call to action is going to be the learn more. You're going to want to do an instant form. The incident form is the lead capture form. You can simply create a new form by creating a form there. I'll show you what the actual questions look like. These are what the questions are going to look like. You want to name or form. You can do it your name, form one, whatever you want to do. You want to click more volume here. The intro? This is going to be the same image that you have on your ad? The headline, 62nd questionnaire. The paragraph is going to be start your questionnaire below the questions, you're going to want to do a custom question. What is your purchase timeline, and you're going to want to enter in these responses. As soon as possible, one to three months, three to six months, six months, just curious, not very serious. The next question is going to be, is this your first property first home purchase, yes or no? Then the next question is going to be a short answer type. The short answer type is going to be what area are you interested in, they're going to have the ability to put that interested area that they're wanting to purchase. Then the next sections are going to be your pre filled question. This is what's going to be pulling straight from their Facebook profile into the form, so they don't have to fill it out themselves. First name, last name, email phone number. Those are the questions. You form is actually going to look like this on the right hand side. Okay. And then your privacy section here, you don't want to type in your privacy policy as shown on, you know if you're a real estate agent, you put your privacy policy of the company that you're with. If you're a loan officer, do the same thing. The link text can be privacy policy, Completion. You're going to put a headline of thanks you all set. Description, your info has been sent to your name, someone from his team or whatever you want to say here, someone from my team or I will be in touch with you shortly, Tapalo to visit your website. The call to action button is going to be view website, called Action Texas view website. Then the link here is going to be the link 7. Down Payment Assistance Leads: Okay. All right, everybody. The next type of lead that you're going to be generating is going to be down payment assistance. Same thing applies for the ad setup, but the description is going to be a little bit different. Description goes like this. No down payment, get assistance. Savvy first time Washington home buyers, put your state here with credit stores six 40 or higher, are taking advantage of low today low FHA rates and down payment options through the Washington State Housing fliansHme Advantage program. Depending if you're a loan officer or depending on what state you're in you're going to want to change that, as well as the credit score. Six 40 was what the minimum score was now six 20, so you can change that. But everything else is the same. This means lower out of pocket expenses and monthly payments, even if previously turned out before, quire below with the 62nd questionnaire. You're going to have an image here of the three houses. You can select different types of images here. Images are really important. So make sure you have various images that are bright and eye catching. The headline is going to be see if you qualify for down payment assistance, six 40 higher credit score. It's going to be a sub headline. All right. And then the questions are going to be similar. You can use the same question as you did for the first time home buyer add or you can add in a couple more here. So I have timeline of purchase. Are you working with the real estate agent? What area are you interested in? Do you have any concerns of getting approved, if so what are they? And then first name, last name, e mail, and their phone number. That is the down payment assistance ad that you're going to want to put together for down payment assistance leads. Okay. 8. Seller Leads: Okay. All right. So we're going to talk about seller leads here, and this is going to be a little bit unique. If you're working with a real estate agent or you are a real estate agent and you have an offer similar to this real estate agent, you're going to want to go forward with whatever that may be. But this is a real estate agent where they were offering cash offers to people looking to sell their homes. So the headline is, pension washing home buyers are homeowners. Smart washington homeowners are taking advantage today's no hassle cash offers. This means no need for repair, open houses or home staging. Say goodbye to hassle and random people walking through your home. It only takes three simple steps. Submit your home, receive a cash offer in three to five business days, choose an offer, inquired below in 60 seconds. The picture is going to be whatever picture you select. I like this one because it really gets me a lot of leads and people commenting and sharing and liking. The headline is looking to sell your home, you get a cash offer now, sub headline, no obligation cash offer in three to five business days. You're going to create a new form for this one within your Facebook business ad account in your campaign. So the lead ad is going to look like this. To face questionnaire. Questionnaire cash offer. They're going to put their first name, last name, email mail member. And this particular campaign type particular ad Okay. You're you're collecting the information on front first name and last name e mail number. I actually can't get the address directly on this dad. So we want to make sure we get the general information first the next by button and when they complete it. We want to take the to I can actually click the address and so if you have a landing page where people can get that cash offer. We want to lead them to that page so that you can fit them and do what you want them to do. Okay? So one sets done. They're going to be able to like I said, whatever that have set up or if you just want to leads on front and then give them and say, Hey, I got your information on Facebook looks like you want to sell home. What is the address? I want to know more about it. Cash offer. This is the seller leads. You can do variations of this you don't have a cash offer available or stations or cash offer maybe just get home right now. Whatever whatever headline makes more sense for you and offer. That simplicity of lead. And next one where I go to is I go to listing So simple as that. 9. Listing Leads: Okay. Okay. The next type of lead that you're going to be generating is listing lead. If you're a real estate agent or you are a marketer or loan officer wanting to market listing, you're going to want to put the primary text of the primary text is going to be exactly what you want to be marketing for that particular listing. I have here now available a tastefully custom built home with mill for the ultimate wilderness getaway. Of course, this is all based on the actual listing itself. You want to take from the description and add it here. You want to just add some of the things that are most popular for that particular listing, and you can add them here. You want to do them in a list type right here and add some mojes that are relevant to the particular feature of the property. So do that here, add all the information you want about that listing. Then here you're going to click the link below for a free property profile or call our text being put the agent name and the phone number of the agent. Headline is going to be again going to have to go with the particular property. Whatever headline is on that property, you'd want to put here, description, free property profile. Then the call to action is going to be learned more and you're going to do another form. On the form, you're going to want to collect some basic information similar to what we've done in the past. Anything that has to do with that property. First name last name, e mail, phone number, and you're going to want to get Okay. Okay, any other information that you want for that particular property. So maybe you can ask like, hey, are you pre approved, yes or no. And then thank you page. You're going to link on the thank you page that property profile. So I don't have it set up right now. I can't show you, but the form is going to be the same so you're going to create the form and on the thank you page, you're going to say, Thanks you're all set. Team member will be in touch to learn a little bit more about your scenario and goals, click the link below for the free property profile. So you've captured their first name, email phone number on the instant form. And then the thank you page, like I said, is going to be that property profile. Okay. 10. First Time Homebuyer Class Leads: All right guys. The next type of lead is going to be for a home buyer class and you can have a picture or a video here of a loan officer real estate agent talking about the class if you wanted to really up to what your agent or loan officers want to do. But here's the text says attention greater Seattle. Still throwing your money away, paying rent. If you've been renting for the past five years, paying $2,500 per month, that equals $150,000 through in the trash. Click the link below for a free seat to our Washington Sate Housing plants Commissions first time home buyer class on Saturday February 22 to know you're buying options. Don't miss out only 25 seats available. Location and time in fall below. So this part right here is actually pretty important. You want to make sure that you have a limited capacity. Even if you do have spots for more, you want to put some sort of cap on there to give someone the call to action or, you know, the fear of missing out psychology in there, okay? Location in time, you're going to want to put the location and time there. You could hold off them actually put in the actual location because you don't want people just to not enter their information. So you're going to have to click more then fill out their information, and then the thank you page is going to be the actual information to the home buyer class. You can add some things here, what you're going to learn, whatever you're going to talk about in the class, and then you see there hosted by loan officer and realestate agent or real estate agent, loan officer or whoever is going to be teaching the class. The headline free home buyer class, food and drinks included the sub headline, the date time and location. To learn more button. It's going to be this is going to be your form. First time home bar class, are you tired of paying rent, but don't think home ownership is possible, you want to take that first step, but don't know where to start? Okay. Don't worry, we'll cover it all in this free home by education class. You will learn how to start, how to get qualified, how to negotiate, how to choose a real estate agent and much more. These are the questions that you can ask. Where are you looking to buy? When are you looking to buy? First name, last name, e mail phone number. We'll click next. On that thank you page that you are going to direct them to. That's going to be the page that they can sign up for the actual class or to whatever website that you want them to go to. But this is going to be the lead that you're going to have to follow up on and make sure that they attend the class. All this information is at the bottom of this video as well, so you can copy and paste the stuff into your ad creation and to your form. Okay. 11. Reverse Mortgage Leads: Okay. Last but not least, we're going to do reverse mortgage leads. This is for loan officers typically looking to get reverse mortgage leads. Headline is homeowners in Washington 62 and over. You can put attention homeowners in Washington 60 and over, whatever headline you want to put there. I like this one. It describes their attention. Smart Washington homeowners 62 and over are taking advantage of home equity with reverse mortgages. Home values rising, homeowners 62 and over can increase monthly cash flow and turn equity into cash. Click below to take our quick 62nd questionnaire to see if you qualify for a reverse mortgage today. I have this Lincoln here because in the past, I use a different landing page, but You can take that out and just use the same lead forms that we've been using. In the lead form, you're going to want to put name, e mail, and phone number. A question I'd like to ask in there is are you 62 or over yes or no. That way, when the lead does come in, you know if the person you're going to be talking to is actually the person that was looking for the reverse mortgage or it could be a son or daughter wanting to get information for their mom or dad. The headline is turn your equity in cash, qualify in 60 seconds. The learn more button, like I said, is going to be your form, so you're going to want to create a new form for this particular type of ad. Okay. And you want to ask those pertinent questions for that buyer that you're looking for or for that reverse mortgage leave that you want. So all this information is down below the video. Copy and paste it into your ad and you're off to the races. Okay. 12. How To: Connect Facebook Page to Ad Account: Okay. So one thing you want to do once you create your ad account, you're going to want to make sure you have your Facebook business page connected to your ad account or the ability to market on that particular page. So we created the Facebook business manager. We created an ad account and we're creating a new campaign. You're going to want to go into that campaign, create the campaign, you're going to create the ad set, which we already did. Um. You're going to the bottom video, you're going to see this process. But when you're inside here, there's going to be a section where you're going to have to select your Facebook business page that you want to market off. And for me, I have my page already selected, which is right here. Facebook page, so you select your Facebook page. But how do you get this Facebook page connected? I'm going to show you. So you want to go to this business tool section here. You're going to want to go to business settings. Okay you're going to want to go to add accounts. You add account should be the one that you created inside the ad account, you're going to excuse me, you're going to go to pages, first, you're going to click the page that you added. So the original page that you created. Let's see. Where is the Cals group. So when you click on your page that you've already added to your ad account, you're going to add people. And you should be the one right here, because you created the add account, you want to click that, and then you're going to want to push manage page and view earnings and insights. So you're going to want to assign yourself to that page for that particular add group. So for the add account, if you decide to market for a different real estate agent, you're going to have to gain access to their page and do the same thing. Inside of business tools, you're going to want to go to pages. If you're a loan officer wanting to market for a real estate agent, for example, you're going to want to click pages, go to add you're going to request access to a page, you're going to add in the page of the person that you're wanting to market for, you're going to request access. Then on the video below, I'm going to show you what that person is going to need to do to accept that request, and once they accept that request, you're going to do the exact same thing that I just showed you. You're going to click on their page. You're going to add people and you're going to add yourself to their page so you can market off of their business page. When you come into your ad account and you go into your campaign and into your ad set, you're going to be able to click on that page for the dropdown. Okay. So for you, it would be, you know, your page showing up here on the Facebook pages. If you requested access to someone's page, it would show up in this drop down here. I hope that makes sense. And that's how you give yourself access to market on your page. And it's also how you request access to market on someone else's page as well. 13. How To: Automate Leads Using Zapier: ZPA is an automation tool that you can use to automate your leads that you're generating and send e mails, send text messages. You can do all sorts of things. You can even have the leads going into a Google sheets so you can have all your leads in one spot for your easy access. The first thing you want to do is create a ZP count. This actually does require a professional plan if you're using Facebook lead ads. Once you've created a Facebook a professional plan, you're going to want to come up here to create a Zap and for time's sake, I already created a app on this other tab here, which I'm going to show you how to do. But to start it out, you're going to want to create a app and search Facebook lead ads on this section, you're going to choose an event and press new lead, and you have to add in your Facebook accounts. You're going to sign into your account here so it knows where to pull all of your information from. The account that I had selected is my Facebook account. The trigger is going to be the Facebook page that you're marketing off of. If it's your Facebook page, you're going to come down here and select your Facebook page. And the form is whatever form that you created during your campaign creation. Continue. You can test the trigger. It's going to come up with the dummy information. That's fine. Continue. The next thing you want to do is select e mail. We're going to want to e mail your leads that you're generating on Facebook to yourself. Choose event, send out on e mail, continue. Then you're going to want to set up this information which I already did here. The information that you're going to put in here is your e mail. The subjects new Facebook lead or whatever type of lead that you're generating. And then the body is going to have the information that you selected. So I put in to entered all this information myself, first last e mail phone, working with agent. And the way that you select these pieces of information from the lead that you created, you're going to do start first name and then you're going to come down here and select first name, right? Last is going to be relapsing, so on and so forth. You're going to select all the information that you're generating from the actual form down here, okay? Okay. Once all that information is set up, you can put from name, you can do CC. If you want to CC another agent or a loan officer, it's done, press continue. Then if you wanted to, you're going to actually test this. If you test it, it's going to send you an e mail. Let's skip the test right now. If you wanted to, you can also add a You can add a third step here just by going to this plus sign, and you can do Google sheets, for example. If you want to add this to Google sheet, you can select Google sheets, you can add an event, create new spreadsheet row You're going to select your Google account. Continue. You're going to. You're going to select the sheet that you created inside of Google sheets. The work sheet is going to be the tab at the bottom, whatever tab that you created. You're going to press continue. Then these here are the actual columns that I have set up. Date first name, last email phone number, timeline agent. You do the same thing, enter in the information from your lead ad right in there. Okay? And then you can press continue. It's going to ask you to text it. Once you press test, all this data is going to be sent directly to your spreadsheet that you created inside of Google Sheets. Simple as that. This is how you create a zap using lead ads that you're creating in Facebook. Hope this helps. Hopefully this is useful for you. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me an e mail at doc marketing@gmail.com. That's DOCL marketing@gmail.com. 14. Connect your CRM! : All right guys, thank you so much for going through my Skillshare class. If you're a real estate agent or loan officer, you are going to love the inexpensive leads that you're gonna be able to generate on Facebook, on-demand. No more. Do you need to be paying Zillow or Lending Tree or any of these very expensive lead platforms for these exclusive leads, you now have the tools. You now have the ability to go out and get your own leads on-demand, like I said in this Skillshare class. Now once you've started generating leads, you're going to have to figure out a way to manage the leads. If you use something like Salesforce follow-up bus or any other CRM, perfect. Definitely start leveraging the leads and put them into your CRM because you're gonna have to figure out a way to communicate with them as soon as they become a lead. It's the day and age where people want information bass, and if you're not able to give it to them fast, you're maybe lose out on a potential opportunity to make that lead a client. One of the things I've done in my personal marketing business is create a CRM specifically for real estate agents and loan officers. So if you go to local marketing.com, that's DOC AL marketing.com, you're gonna be able to choose a plan that works best for you. And you're actually gonna be able to take all of these leaves that you're generating right now inside of your Facebook ads manager and dump them right into the CRM that's pre-built already for you as a real estate agent. And you can easily change some things up for yourself as a loan officer if you want to use it as a loan officer, CRM, you certainly can do that too. So inside of Dhaka marketing during the middle to create automated drip text message and e-mail campaigns, you're going to have to weigh texts and email capabilities within the CRM. You're gonna have calendars, you're going to have websites. The panel's automation triggers, everything you need to manage your business. As a real estate agent or a loan officer. It's going to be inside of Docker marketing. It is fully customizable to your business and how you want to manage your business. I highly encouraged, go down to local marketing.com, checkout. What plan makes most sense for you if you need a serum to streamline your business, I highly recommend daga market.com. It's something that I created from the ground up as a loan officer and I leveraged for my ruler partners as well to help manage and streamline their business and their lead generation flow that comes into their business every single day. So guys, thank you so much again for everything that you've done for me at least going through this course definitely helps him myself out as a marketer. And again, if you do find value in this course, share it with any real estate agents or the loan officers or markers that you know, who are looking to learn how to leverage Facebook morning before rulers and loan officers because you learn how to create your own Facebook ads to generate leads for your mortgage and real estate business. So thank you again so much. I appreciate you and best of luck out there. Take care.