Kubernetes and Docker: The Container Masterclass | Cerulean Canvas | Skillshare

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Kubernetes and Docker: The Container Masterclass

teacher avatar Cerulean Canvas, Learn, Express, Paint your dreams!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Watch this class and thousands more

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      CMC Promo


    • 2.

      Course Outline


    • 3.

      How to make a web application?


    • 4.

      Demo: Simple Web Application


    • 5.

      A forest of VMs!


    • 6.

      Hello Containers!


    • 7.

      Hello Docker!


    • 8.

      Demo: Installing Docker on Linux


    • 9.

      Demo: Containerizing Simple Web Application


    • 10.

      Stages of Containerization


    • 11.

      How does Docker Work?


    • 12.

      A quick look at the format of Dockerfile


    • 13.

      Demo: Fundamental Instructions of Dockerfile


    • 14.

      Demo: Configuration Instructions of Dockerfile


    • 15.

      Demo: Execution Instructions of Dockerfile


    • 16.

      Demo: Expose Instructions of Dockerfile


    • 17.

      Demo: Miscellaneous Instructions of Dockerfile (Part 1)


    • 18.

      Demo: Miscellaneous Instructions of Dockerfile (Part 2)


    • 19.

      Demo: Docker Hub Walk-through


    • 20.

      Understanding Docker Images


    • 21.

      Demo: Working with Docker Images | Search, List, Push, Pull and Tag


    • 22.

      Demo: Know your Docker Image | Inspect and History


    • 23.

      Demo: Clean up Docker Images


    • 24.

      A Container is born!


    • 25.

      Container Life-cycle


    • 26.

      Demo: Container Run Vs Create


    • 27.

      Demo: Working with Containers | Start, Stop, Restart and Rename


    • 28.

      Demo: Working with Containers | Attach and Exec


    • 29.

      Demo: Inspect and Commit Container


    • 30.

      Demo: Container Exposure | Container Port-mapping


    • 31.

      Demo: Container clean-up | Prune and Remove


    • 32.

      Multi-container Applications and Introduction to Networking in Docker


    • 33.

      Container Networking Model (CNM) of Docker


    • 34.

      Docker's Native Network Drivers


    • 35.

      Demo: Create Docker Networks


    • 36.

      Demo: Working with Docker Networks | Connect, Disconnect, Inspect & Clean


    • 37.

      Demo: Ping one Container from another


    • 38.

      Never lose a "bit" of your data!


    • 39.

      Demo: Working with Volumes | Create, List and Remove


    • 40.

      Demo: When Containers meet Volumes


    • 41.

      Demo: Working with Bind Mounts


    • 42.

      Demo: Hosting Containerized 2048 game!


    • 43.

      Introduction to Docker Compose


    • 44.

      Demo: Installing Docker Compose on Linux


    • 45.

      Demo: Structure of Docker Compose file


    • 46.

      Demo: Wordpress on Compose


    • 47.

      Demo: Introduction to Docker Compose CLI


    • 48.

      Introduction to Container Orchestration and Docker Swarm


    • 49.

      Can Swarm handle failure?


    • 50.

      Demo: VirtualBox installation


    • 51.

      Demo: Docker Machine Installation


    • 52.

      Demo: Setting up the Swarm Cluster


    • 53.

      Demo: Initialising Swarm Cluster


    • 54.

      Demo: Working with Swarm nodes | List and Inspect


    • 55.

      Demo: Creating a Service on Swarm


    • 56.

      Demo: Making a node leave your Swarm


    • 57.

      Demo: Scaling and updating with Swarm


    • 58.

      What about the more popular one?


    • 59.

      Kubernetes: An origin Story


    • 60.

      Kubernetes: Architecture


    • 61.

      Demo: Bootstrapping Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud Platform


    • 62.

      What are Pods?


    • 63.

      How to operate Kubernetes? Imperative vs Declarative


    • 64.

      Demo: Working with Pods: Create, analyse and delete (Imperative and Declarative)


    • 65.

      Life-cycle of a Pod


    • 66.

      Demo: Managing Pod's lifespan with Life-cycle Handlers


    • 67.

      Demo: Adding Container's Command and Arguments to Pods


    • 68.

      Demo: Configuring Container's Environment Variables with Pods


    • 69.

      Labels, Selectors and Namespaces


    • 70.

      Demo: Working with Namespaces


    • 71.

      Demo: Pod Resource management


    • 72.

      Kubernetes Controllers | Concept and Types


    • 73.

      Introduction to Replicasets


    • 74.

      Demo: Working with Replicasets


    • 75.

      Introduction to Deployments


    • 76.

      Demo: Working with Deployments


    • 77.

      Introduction to Jobs


    • 78.

      Demo: Working with Jobs


    • 79.

      Introduction to Services and Service Types


    • 80.

      Demo: Working with ClusterIP services


    • 81.

      Demo: Working with NodePort Services


    • 82.

      Introduction to Storage in Kubernetes


    • 83.

      Demo: Mounting Volume to a Pod


    • 84.

      Demo: Mounting Projected Volume to a Pod | Secrets


    • 85.

      Demo: Good old MySQL Wordpress combination with Kubernetes


    • 86.

      Blackrock Case Study


    • 87.

      Node eviction from a Kubernetes Cluster


    • 88.

      Demo: Rolling Updates | Rollout, Pause, Status Check


    • 89.

      Introduction to Taints and Tolerations


    • 90.

      Demo: Scheduling the Pods using Taints


    • 91.

      Demo: Autoscaling Kubernetes Cluster using HPA


    • 92.

      Demo: Deploying Apache Zookeeper using Kubernetes


    • 93.

      Pokemon Go Case study


    • 94.

      On-premise Kubernetes or Managed Kubernetes on Cloud? Make a choice!


    • 95.

      Demo: Setting up Google Kubernetes Engine Cluster


    • 96.

      Demo: Accessing GKE Cluster


    • 97.

      Demo: Persistent Volume and Load Balancing on GKE


    • 98.

      Demo: Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure Cloud


    • 99.

      Demo: Extra - Docker UI with Kitematic


    • 100.

      Demo: Extra - Minikube Series | Installing Minikube


    • 101.

      Demo: Extra - Minikube Series | Getting started with Minikube


    • 102.

      Introduction to Serverless Kubernetes


    • 103.

      Activating Cloud Run API on GCP


    • 104.

      Your 1st Service on Cloud Run


    • 105.



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About This Class

Update 2021!!

  • Introduction to Serverless Container Platforms.
  • Getting started with Cloud Run and running your 1st container service on Cloud Run.


Containers are like that smart chef who can feed a whole family with just a bowl full of rice, and that's not an exaggeration at all! Containers are empowering businesses to scale fearlessly and manage their web apps hassle-free. They are the prime reason why micro and small enterprises are migrating to Cloud. All of this has undoubtedly led to an enormous demand for professionals with Containerization skills.

Which skills do you need?

  1. A platform to Create, Run and Ship Containers... like Docker.

  2. A strong tool to Control/Manage/Orchestrate your containers... like Kubernetes!

This Course takes you on a wonderful journey of learning Containers using key components of Docker and Kubernetes. All you need is very basic knowledge of Linux fundamentals like files and processes along with a bit of Linux command line.

The Containerization Journey with Docker:

Calling Docker the most widely used containerization platform would be an understatement. It has literally become synonymous to containers! Following topics covered under this course will solidify the logical base of this statement.

  • You can only love technology if you know how it works, and that's exactly why you will be learning Docker architecture and how its Components work.

  • At first glance, Dockerfile might seem like just another file describing app specifications. That's because it is probably the simplest yet efficient way to perform app building from scratch.

  • Docker CLI is intuitive and is inspired by your friendly Linux CLI. So adapting it is a piece of cake!

  • Docker images and Containers are the most portable and reliable way to ship your micro-service or web application without worrying about questions like "will it work on his infrastructure?"

  • Once you are fairly familiar with containers, Docker Networks and Volumes will open a whole new world of opportunities. Your containerization will become more reliable and will start serving its true purpose.

  • Docker Compose will combine all of the learning and take it to the next level with inter-dependent multi-container applications.

Once you have learned all of this, you will be craving to know what else can you do with containers and how you can take your containerization skills to the next stage!

The Orchestration Journey with Swarm and Kubernetes:

"With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility"

Similarly, With Great amount of containers, comes a greater amount of orchestration!

  • You want to deploy 4 nodes on your cluster but can only afford to have one SSD node. And you gotta make sure that it only hosts containers which demand SSD explicitly. What to do?

  • You don't want to have idle containers chilling around your nodes and not serving even 10% of their capacity but you also want to make sure that your customers don't hit 404 when traffic is at its peak. On top of that, you don't have time or manpower to keep your number of web-server replicas in-check. What to do?

  • You are a pro-on-premise Kubernetes expert but your next project happens to be hosted on a public cloud platform like GCP or Azure. You're not scared but a little push will help you a lot! What to do?

This course is a one-stop answer for all of these questions. It covers both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm and makes sure that you are confident and capable to make your call when the time comes!

Even though a container orchestrator is nothing without containers themselves, Kubernetes seems to be the biggest breakthrough in the world of DevOps. This course explains Kubernetes from the start. No, I mean LITERALLY from the start (Origin! It,s an interesting story). It covers all of these important topics with examples so that when you finish this course, you can use and appreciate containers as well as we do!

  • Kubernetes Architecture (Components, States, Nodes, Interactions)

  • Kubernetes Objects (Pods, Handlers, Workloads, Controllers, Services, Volumes)

  • Operations (Sorting, Configuration, Scheduling, Scaling, Deploying, Updating, Restricting)

  • Application Examples (All-time favorite Nginx web server,Custom Landing Page, Stdout Logs, Wordpress blog with MySQL, Apache zookeeper etc.)

  • Kubernetes as a service (GCP, Azure)

  • Case studies (Blackrock, Niantic)

With that said, see you in the course!

NOTE: Course Codes Can be Downloaded from this Link

Happy Learning!

Meet Your Teacher

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Cerulean Canvas

Learn, Express, Paint your dreams!

Level: Beginner

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1. CMC Promo: Hi. Welcome to this container masterclass. Are you looking for a new or better job in develops? Are you interested in making a long term career as a Dobbs in Jinya? Do you think that containers, docker and communities are the best skills to pick up? Well, we must say your choice is great. Containers are one of the most game changing advances in technology. Industries on over the world are making their app development and deployment process faster , cheaper and more reliable. At the same time, even small startups are not hesitating to skill, since the financial risk and resources have lowered significantly. With such a large scale acceptance across the globe, containers have genuinely become a movement. As you might have guessed off. This has also resulted in significantly increased demands and opportunities for professionals and certified experts with containerized ation skills like docker and kubernetes. That's why if you look at Google trends, you can easily tell that these technologies are showing no signs of stopping. So if you want to learn containers from the basics and take your skills to a professional level, you're at the right place in right hands. We are a group off experience ingenious educators and certified experts on docker and communities, and we helped craft it discourse to make sure that with just basic knowledge off limits, you can proudly and peacefully learn the whole content. Speaking off content off the course, Docker is the most popular contain ization platform and Kubernetes is the most popular orchestrator, so it only makes sense for a masterclass to cover both. Totally starting from setups and Dr files, this course covers everything, including docker images, containers, networks, storage, docker compose and docker swarm. Once you have solidified your concepts of containers, you learn about the power off orchestration with kubernetes without rushing at all. You learn communities, architecture, workloads, services, volumes on a lot off orchestration tasks with interesting examples. You will feel the sense of accomplishment when you will bring your Web servers a WordPress block. Your favorite game are even an Apache zookeeper cluster tiny containers. You'll feel connected to the industry with really case studies off popular companies and products which used containers in recent times when everything is going to cloud, how can really contain us behind you will learn how to take your knowledge on hosted communities on public cloud platforms like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. That's not all goods and quizzes will make sure you don't make meadowsweet, syntax and semantics. Cheats will make a command divisions fun and quicker. Certification guidelines will help you choose proper exams and deter mined practice directions. We also acknowledged that containers are a growing technology, so both darker and communities are sure to help feature updates and new topics to learn. We will keep this course up to date to make sure you grow with containers as well. So what are you waiting for? Let's start or wonderful journey with contain a masterclass. 2. Course Outline: Let's talk about the outline off the course. We will start off with an introductory section where we will cover basics off of applications, containers and docker. Then we will take a deeper look into the architecture off Dhaka and learn how to write DACA files. At the end of the session, you will receive your first T cheat off this course. Then we will understand and work with docker images and containers using docker command line after understanding container networking model and how containers communicate in different situations, who will implement different doctor networks and play around them. Then we will take a look at different storage objects off Docker and create something using them, which will be both informative and fun. Once we're familiar with most of the doctor objects, we will take them to the next step where we can create multiple resources from a single file using docker compose. Then we will understand what orchestration means and do some basic orchestration. With doctors warm, we will make a close comparison between doctors warm and kubernetes, and when you are capable enough to make your choice between both, orchestrators will move to communities architecture and understand how it works. Then we will take a look at parts and other workloads off communities and perform a lot off orchestration for different applications. We'll also take a look at one of the most significant case studies off Kubernetes. We will see how to set up a news, hosted communities on cloud with demos and really unique case study, and finally will conclude the course with insight on certification exams. What these learnings mean for you and what kind of professional prospects would be potentially open for you. But that won't be the end off it. There will be a lot off upgrades and bonuses coming up regularly. Oh, and by the way, you can find all of the cords like Yamil file and Dr Files in the Resource Is section off this lecture. With that in mind, let's start learning. 3. How to make a web application?: before we begin to understand and work with containers in general, it is useful to take a quick look at how do we make Web applications some off? You might even ask what is over my application, since the term is quite widely used, but it is quite superficially explored. Just take a look at some of these examples. Productivity tools like G suit, social media giants like Facebook, video chatting applications like Skype entertainment platforms like Netflix payment services like PayPal or even the learning platform Like you. Demi itself are all Web applications in one way or another, which means you're using Web application interface at this very moment if we have to define it. Ah, Web or Web based application is any program that is accessed or a network connection using Http rather than existing within a devices memory. Off course. The definition is flexible, and you may choose to use one protocol or another. But on a broader perspective, it is all about not using your device like PC tablet or mobile for computing purpose. Instead, we let those mighty costly and reliable service do the heavy lifting, and we just access the result off are requested data from some Web interface Like http, this has so many advantages with just gon be overlooked. First off, all the performance off the applications will not be determined or limited by the hardware they are run on. It also means that we can almost say goodbye to those long lists of hardware requirements that we used to check before trying any new software. The requirements are still there, but they're quite standard, perhaps also improve speed. Now you might think that speed is just another performance perimeter. But here speed can refer to non Laghi performance, faster updates and overall faster growth off the organization. In general, the speed is also representative off shorter product development cycle. Since rollout off updates will be faster and user feedbacks can be taken and addressed quickly, as we just mentioned. Since the hardware requirement toe access, such abs are fairly generate. Like basic consumer toys and Web browsing capability, these applications can be accessed by wider range of devices by more and more consumers. In fact, many of the popular social media and utility APS also so variable devices the policy off not owning but accessing the data also improves the overall security off both consumers and hosts. And all off it leads to a better idea. Economy. It is not just about APS becoming cheaper after rise off her maps. Many revenue models, like Freemium be as you go and add based revenue generation have grown significantly. Not only Dad. The transactions have become more transparent on all ends like businesses, consumers and even the government's. Finally, the nightmare of business makers, which used to haunt them for decades, has become quite a Disneyland. Yes, we're talking about scaling companies don't how to invest in tow. Underutilized hardware taken skill as they grow since now, have we have a fair idea off? What are we maps and why do we use them? Let's get straight to the business. There are three steps to the process off making Web abs first, make it or build it on the suitable environment. Sickened. Wrap our packet with necessary support and instructions to ship or deliver it to the intendant line for consumer and finally rented all your machine or hosted on your server for others to access it. In next lecture. Who will get started with creating Web applications 4. Demo: Simple Web Application: Let's install Engine X Web server on our local machine, and the next Web server is the most vanilla example off a Web application. For your information, we are running open to 16.4 on this machine. And now let's start with switching to the root user privileges. As you can see, we have moved to root privileges. Now we can start our installation by first ofall downloading the PGP or pretty Good Privacy key for Engine X. The purpose off doing so is to make sure that when we install in genetics, the binaries are verified. The key has been downloaded. Now let's switch to E T. C slash AP directory with a less common let's list out the contents. We have a bunch of files here, but what we need is sources Start list file. So let's open sources dot list with Nano text editor. You can use any text editor you like, but in this course we will mostly stick to Nano. As you can see, this file contains a lot off links. Thes links our sources for open toe to find updates at the end off the file based thes two lines. These lines indicate the update part for engine X application when it gets installed, and we updated further in the future. It saved the file and exit Nano just to make sure we don't have any dangling into next installation. Then app get removed and the next common. This command will make sure that any off the previously installed instance off Engine X installation is completely removed. Now let's an app get of date to reflect the changes we have made in sources. Start list file. That's you see D command twice to go back where we started. Now let's install Engine X using apt get install in the next command. Once the installation is complete, we can verify it by going toe Web browser. An opening local host on Port 80 Well, the installation was successful. Engine X is earning properly. This was an example off installing and running the most Simple and vanilla Web application engine X Web server 5. A forest of VMs!: We have seen the advantages off where maps and how great here. But it doesn't mean that this coin doesn't have a flip side. There's just so many robots available on the market places. There are so many clones off some of really good ideas, and also many Clickbait applications, which turn out to be nothing but endless add boards. And unfortunately, even tat market is showing no signs off, stopping at all. And while the liberty off choosing the APP is still in the consumer's hand, all off these abs are being hosted, and they're generating traffic, occupying physical memory and storage in some off the data centers While working with mediums. It is pretty common toe have issues where the application was working smoothly on developer environment, but it was a train wreck on office machine. On even worse, it crashes on the client machine. Since we help transition from waterfall toe agile and a gentle develops models, updates are rolling out faster than ever. You. And if you are unaware off these models, just ask yourself this. How often did you receive updates for soft rest 10 years ago, and how often a year do you abrade the Facebook app on your mobile. While faster updates are good for businesses and consumers, it brings huge responsibilities on system Edmunds to make sure none of the updates compromised the stability off the app and to reduce downtime as much as possible. We end up using even more V EMS, all of the's Internet enabled application and rise off data. Science is generating huge amount off later and populating up thousands off servers every day with data basis or were all the use it off. Williams have just increased significantly. You do an option off their maps and micro service models, and, as you might have imagined, it has resulted into nothing but forests off servers all around the loop. 6. Hello Containers!: containers on abstraction at Application Layer, which packages codes in dependencies together, let's city a great and expand this definition further. Cadenas on abstraction at Application Leah, which packages cords and dependencies together. It means instead of just shipping the applications, container ship the application on during time environment as well, and he still managed to remain small sized. How? Let's compare them architecturally with Williams. In a traditional William architecture, we have, ah, hyper visor like hyper V or give'em on top of hardware infrastructure. These are also called type one hyper risers, since they don't need a host operating system. The guest horse a provision on top of hyper wiser and they acquire that isolated virtual environment. In some cases, we get type two hyper wiser, like Oracle's Watch Jewel box, where we do need a host operating system, and the rest of the part lays out pretty much the same. And this is how we in dysfunction, in a very broad sense, coming back to containers. The biggest difference compared to Williams is they don't have guessed operating systems, container and time environment is used instead of hyper wiser. What is it you may ask for now, Let's say it is software which manages and lands containers. Containers contain the application court on the dependencies, as we have just seen, The dependencies don't only mean external or third party libraries. It also means always level dependencies. The logic behind such implementation is all of the Lennox variance share the same Lennox colonel well, more or less so. There is no point in duplicating the same set of files or and or in multiple Williams if all containers can just access them in their own isolated environment. With that said, what about the files, which are uncommon or to be free size? The files, which are specific to the Oise? Well containers will contain them along with the application. And since the process off making the containers and running them are done by the same container and time environment, there will be no conflict off environment. If this information is too sudden for you, don't worry. The intention off mentioning all of this is just to let you know that how containers can attain same level off isolation as Williams, but while sharing the resources with host always instead of duplicating them and what happens because off that well containers consumed less storage and memory without stretching the facts at all. Gigabytes literally turn into megabytes. This way. Shipping them is easier as well. We don't ship the whole Wiens or a long list off instructions. We just ship ready to run containers. And since all of the necessary dependencies are also packed with the containers, is it worked on the developers environment? It will work on your machine as well, since we have reduced that resource is scaling becomes easy and cheaper. Even though you need to create 10 more replicas off a back and container, you probably want how to spend money on buying or renting a new server. In fact, if you need to roll out updates, you can still keep your applications running by extending your number off replicated containers, and you may achieve zero downtime. All of this sounds attractive and groundbreaking, but if we relate this to industries who are actually using containers well, Google pioneer using orchestrated containers years ago when they started facing or whelming amount of data. These days, companies like Expedia, PayPal and GlaxoSmithKline are Wallenda re providing themselves as the references and case studies apart from them. educational institutions like Cornel University and gaming giants like Niantic, which became a huge success after Pokemon go on all using containers, companies are gradually migrating to containers as many off you might already know. Drops jobs are increasing rapidly and containers are an essential part off the whole develops movement. In the next lecture, we will finally introduce ourselves with Docker and we'll get started with learning it. 7. Hello Docker!: It is time that we get started with the key player off our course. Dr. Docker is an open platform for developers and cyst amendments toe build, ship and run containerized applications. In other words, it is a container ization platform. His doctor the only platform off its kind. Well, no, Certainly there are others like rocket, but doctor is definitely the dominant one. By the time discourse is being created, doctor is tried and tested and it is a top choice off industry unanimously. It means if you want to sharpen your container ization skills, Docker is potentially the best choice for various reasons, such as more industries are using it so it can land you on more religion jobs. It is open source and has huge community support. Ah, lot off third party applications are available to support DR. Although it is built for Lennox, it can be used on Windows and Mac OS. For those who just don't have any other choice, there are other aspects as well, but there is no point on flooding your heads that information, which you might not be able to relate to, who will get into those later into this course. In the next lecture, we will install Docker on a Lennox machine 8. Demo: Installing Docker on Linux: In this demo, we will install Docker on open to 16.4 or even to Zaenal. Let's start off with running a standard apt get update Command. Once we're done with that, let's install some off the prerequisites, such as at transport https to make sure that our machine can communicate through https authority certificates, Go and Software properties Common, which contains some off the Golan objects which will be used by Dr and the installation is successful. Now let's download GP geeky for Docker and added toe on machine. And to make sure that we don't get a long list off processes which happen in the background , let's use hyphen f s s l flag to keep our reserve as small as okey and it shows OK, which means we got our GP geeky. Let's verify this key using pseudo app key fingerprint common. We can verify that we have received the correct key by searching for the last eight characters off the fingerprint, which should be zero e. D. F. Cd 88 This information is provided by Dr Itself, so that is not much for you to figure out. And yes, our key does have those characters as its last eight digits. Now run this command toe. Add a repository called stable and at the content off download dot docker dot com slash Lennar's slash Cuban to on it he helped provided the flag ls be underscored. Release hyphen CS to make sure that Docker provides correct files, which means files for Urban two senior are open to 16.4 to our stable repository. Let's run the update again to reflect the changes. Then Sudo apt get install Dr C E to finally install docker hyphen C E stands for Community Edition, which is one of the two additions provided by Docker. The other one is called Enterprise Edition, which is not free, so we won't be including it. In this course. The process has ended and we have successfully installed Dr CE or Docker community addition verify that our installation is successful by running pseudo docker run Hello World Command . This will run a container called hello world, which would only be possible if the doctor installation was successful. You don't have to pay much attention to the processes which are going on because we will be exploring all of them insufficient death in further models, as it says are, installation appears to be working correctly. You may have noticed that we have been using root privileges over and over to make sure that you can run Docker from your regular user as well. Let's perform a few more steps. First, let's add a group card docker using pseudo group at Docker. Now let's add our user, which is 22 this stalker group, and provided root privileges. No, let's try to run hello World container without root privileges with just Doctor and Hello World Command and we get the same results. 9. Demo: Containerizing Simple Web Application: in first demo we had installed and run engine X on open to 16.4 locally in the demo. After that, we installed Docker. You might find a pattern here, and you might have been able to figure out that in this demo we are going to run in genetics as a docker container. Unlike Hello World Container, we will do this in a bit more elaborate way. Let's start with pulling an image called Engine X latest from Docker Hubs Engine X repository by running the command Docker image. Pull Engine X, Kahlan Latest. This will download or pull an image called engine X with latest attack, which can later be run as a container. Let's see if we help God. Our image on Docker Images Command to show the list off images, and here we go. We helped to images. First is Hello World, which we used in the last demo, and second is Engine X, which were using in this demo. Both of them have attacked, called latest and they have different sizes. Now let's run this image as a container using docker containers uncommon, followed by I T D flag and name or Cantina Web server engine X with hyphen b common. We are mapping the port 80 80 off our local machine to contain a sport 80. And finally we're mentioning the image name and the next latest, which we have just pulled recently. What we got is a container I d off the engine X container. I know all of this terminology sounds pretty new and pretty abrupt, but don't worry in this demo, our only purpose is to run into next successfully. We will go through all of these terms in sufficient details. When the time arrives. Let's verify that all container is running by running the command docker PS hyphen A. And as you can see, Web server engine X container is running, which is built upon image called engine. Next latest. Finally, let's see the output off this container by going to the Web browser and opening our local host sport 80 80 and it works successfully 10. Stages of Containerization: in previous model we got introduced to containers and then an instance off it. In this section, we will dig deeper into the process off Contain ization with reference to docker before understanding Doctor in detail, it will be efficient to visit a few times. Briefly doctor, files get built, Docker images get shipped and containers are run. You can consider Docker file as blueprint off Docker image if you remember. Well, we have already come across Docker Image and Docker container in our engine X contain a demo. So now that you know all of these three files definitely not in detail. But at least Wigley We can move on to the architecture off, Doctor and come back to these files later. 11. How does Docker Work?: No, the natural progression of talk would be. How does Dr Work Docker Ecosystem has a number of offerings where some of them are more useful than the others? We will begin with Docker Engine, also known as DACA in general, and we'll look at other important ones as we move further with this course. Let's take a look at the architecture of Dr Darker and the whole process off. Kontinen ization revolves around three main components. Docker Client, Dr Host and Docker Registry. Dr. Klein is the machine are medium, through which we as users, interact with docker. The two basic ways off interaction are doctor CLI with stands for command line interface on Docker AP Eyes, which again stands for application program. Interface commands can be directly used from clan terminal, whereas AP ice can be used to make some applications. Doctor Doctor, as we have seen in our earlier demo, both Dr Pull and Dockery on our commands covered under DACA CLI, we'll explore more such commands as a cover for the topics. Dr. Host Dr Host is the machine which actually performs the task off, contain ization. It runs a program or piece of software called Docker demon, which listens to and performs actions. Asked by Docker client Dr Niemann builds docker file and turns it into a docker image. Doctor files and darker images can directly communicate with Dr Demon. Either images can be built from docker File are they can be pushed or pull from Dr Hub. In any case, that task is to be performed by Dr Host using Docker demon. Dr. Images can also be done as containers. Containers can communicate with Dr Demon by Dr Images. In other words, any changes made to the container are also reflected on the docker image. Temporarily well explode these parts individually soon enough. It's possible that Dr Klein and Dr Host are actually the same machine as well. But the function off Dr Klein as a piece off software is limited toe passing the user input and displaying output provided from Dr Host Human Find. Docker Registry has the simplest component off the locker architecture. It serves as a place to store docker images and to make them available to others. The engine X image, which we used earlier in our demo, was pulled from Dr Registry Dr Plan talks to Dr Demon Bi directionally where it passes the request and receives the results. Where is Dr Demon and Docker Registry can talk bi, directionally push and pull images. Let's some off all of the's three components off Doctor architecture. First of all, we have Doctor Client, which process requests through Dr Seelye and A P IES and receives results to be displayed. 10. We heard Dr Host, which also and Stocker Demon and works with docker images and containers. Finally, we hold Docker Registry, which acts as a universal place toe access available docker images. Now we can go back to those 34 months which we saw earlier. Dr Files, Dr Images and Containers, which respectively represent, build ship and run in the next lecture will take a detailed look at how Dr Files work. 12. A quick look at the format of Dockerfile: we can now go back to the 34 miles, which we saw earlier. Dr Files, Dr Images and Containers, which respect to, represent, build, ship and run. First, let's focus on docker file. It is a sequence ships set off instructions intended to be processed by Dr Demon Availability off such format replaces a bunch of commands intended for the build up off a particular image. It helps keeping things organized with time. It has also turned out to be the primary way off, interacting with docker and migrating to containers in general. As for working it, sequential instruction off Docker file is processed individually, and it results in a file, which acts as a layer off the final doctor image, which will be built. A stack off such sequence layers managed by a file system, becomes a docker image. The purpose behind this is to enable cashing and ease up troubleshooting. If to knocker files are going to use the same layer at some stage, darker demon can justice. He used the pre created layer for such purposes. No, let's look at the structure used for writing the doctor files. Firstly, it is a file with no extension at all. And a general rule of thumb is to name the file as docker file with D capital and no extension, you can use any text editor to create the file. Just make sure you don't put an extension. The purpose behind doing so is to make the file compatible toe pass for auto builders used by Dr Toe. Build the images although it is not an ironclad rule. And you can name the docker file according to your convenience as well, which we will look in the future Demos. What you see inside the docker file our instructions, Toby passed on the instructions can be generally divided into three categories. Fundamental configuration and execution instructions. In next lectures, we will write our first docker file and understand these instructions one by one. 13. Demo: Fundamental Instructions of Dockerfile: Let's write or first Docker file and understand its fundamental instructions. Let's see, what is your current working directory? We are in the 20 directory, which is the user's name on that home directory. It is quite likely that you would also be in a similar location once you have downloaded the material provided in courts and lecture notes and unzipped it. You should also have a directory called CC underscored Docker, where C, C and D are capital. We're only looking one level deep three in our present directory. And if three is not available on your machine for some reason, you can verify the CC. Underscore Docker directory simply using L s command. Now let's navigate to the CC docker directory Just to get you familiar with the structure of the directory, you will find one directory for each segment or module and subdirectories for respective demos. If you don't intend to write the files by yourself, why learning you can simply use the appropriate files for each demo and run the results. Let's go further toe as to directory, which contains all of the required cords and files for this segment. We are in the S to at the moment. Finally, let's navigate to the directory name D one and verify that we are anti right, please, for the Let's create an empty Docker file, which touch command. I'm creating this file because I want to show you step by step, how to write a dr file, But you will find a predate on docker file in the directory were using Nano as the text editor, But again, you're free to choose the one you might be comfortable with. And with this, let's open the empty Docker file and start writing it. The first instruction that we're providing is the A R G R Ark. Instruction art is used to define the arguments used by from instruction. Although it is not necessary to use art and not using so does not cause any harm to the resulting image directly. Sometimes it helps keeping parameters such as versions under c