Japanese Home Cooking: Cook Japanese Rice on a Stove! | Japanese Cooking With Hitomi | Skillshare

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Japanese Home Cooking: Cook Japanese Rice on a Stove!

teacher avatar Japanese Cooking With Hitomi, Designer | Researcher | Counsellor

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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      1 Intro


    • 2.

      2 What is Japanese Rice?


    • 3.

      3 Preparation


    • 4.

      4 Cooking Rice


    • 5.

      5 Cheat Sheet: Faster Way to Cook Rice


    • 6.

      6 Storing Cooked Rice


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About This Class

This class teaches you how to cook Japanese sticky rice on a stove, even if you don't have a rice cooker at home!

Rice is an absolute staple in Japan and the basics you want to master in Japanese cooking. Most of the Japanese cuisines center around rice and are made to go well with rice. I will also teach you how to cook rice faster if you don't have time, as well as how to store cooked rice so it won't lose fresh flavor.

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Japanese Cooking With Hitomi

Designer | Researcher | Counsellor


My name is Hitomi. I'm a Japanese designer and researcher living in Toronto, Canada. I love cooking Japanese food and decided to share some of the home cooking recipes with you!

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Level: Beginner

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1. 1 Intro: Hi everyone, my name is he dummy and the Japanese living in Canada. Today I am going to show you how to cook Japanese sticky rice, honest joke, rises and abyssal staple in Japan and the center of Japanese cuisine. Making proper Rice is the most basic skill you want to master in Japanese cooking. Every household in Japan definitely has a rice cooker. And there are hundreds of variations from basic to high-end. And you can buy the basic ones for less than a $100 in Japan. However, in other countries, you may not have as many options. Even if you don't have rice cooker cams, you can still make perfect phrase using just a pot and a stove. So let's get started. 2. 2 What is Japanese Rice?: Let's talk a bit about Japanese rice. Japanese rice, it's short or medium grand rise in the japonicum Rice family. In English-speaking countries, it is also called sushi rice or Kerberos rice. Japanese rice is stickier compared to long grain. Weiss likes basmati rice and has us reader and mature flavor. Even in North America, there are multiple brands of Japanese rice sold out to stores. She wacky CPU. At the Korean supermarket, I go to shoe arcade CPU rice, it's sold out around six to $7 for five pounds. Another popular brand is sneaky. They're both Japanese rice grown in the United States. And there are in the more affordable range. If you can't find Japanese rice or a regular supermarket, you can try agent grocery stores or areas like Chinatown or Korea Town. If you've both Japanese whereas in already to begin cocaine, then move onto the next video. I'll see you then. 3. 3 Preparation: The first step is to measure rice and going to cook for crops of rice, which last me about a week. So I am going to measure for Compton. Next we are going to watch the ice. If you have a risk at home, is easier and faster. So I recommend using one. Pour some water and steer the rise until the border gets murky. Rainwater. Place one hand at the H0, the pot so you can catch any rice that my slip away. If you don't have a risk, you can do it in a classic way using your hand. It's similar to kneading dough for bread or cookies. They want to create some friction to take off access starch. Repeat this to-do three times until that water becomes half translucent. Re-solve starchy water around. Why so few times. Next, we are going to soak the rising water. This is to let the Reiss absorbed border so that it cooks consistently. How fast the ice absorbs water depends on the temperature. Soak for about 20 minutes into Fama and make it one hour in the winter. Once the token is done, US a strain are too dry mortar. This is the end of the preparation step. In the next video, I'll show you how to cook now I'll see you then. 4. 4 Cooking Rice: Now that the preparation is done, we're going to start cooking the rice. First, measure water and pour it into the pot. Now Border rice ratio is one to one, which is super easy to remember. Depending on the brand or your liking, you might want to adjust the amount of border tried from one-to-one and see how it goes. Next. We're going to move the part to the stove. Bill first cook the rice with high heat and bring the water to a boil. A, my stove, this takes about six to seven minutes. Now it's nice in boiling. We are going to turn down the heat to though. Set the timer and cook for another ten minutes. Ten minutes is over. Before we removed the pot from the heat. Bill, turn it up to a medium for ten seconds. Now, we are going to steam the rice removed apart from the heat and leave it for another ten minutes. This is an important step to make fluffy rice. Wants the ten minutes is over fluff the rice. Makes sure the top and bottom layers are well mixed. If you find that the rice is still two-quarter real sticky, no worries. Put it back on and steam for another ten to 15 minutes. This normally does the trick. Okay, rice is cooked nicer and fluffy. You can combine it with anything from fish, miso soup to pick goals. At the beginning of the video, I said I cook for cups of rice and A1 over a week. I made another video on how to store rice so that it won't lose the texture and vapor. If you're interested, check it out. 5. 5 Cheat Sheet: Faster Way to Cook Rice: In this video, I'm going to teach you a trick or cheatsheet way to make your rice cooking pastor. The preparation is the same as the regular way. So you're going to measure wash and drain mice. The only difference is that we're going to skip the soaking. Instead. We'll use hot water and immediately start cooking. So this will save you 30 minutes to one hour of the soaking time. Let's see how it goes. I just boiled bordering a cuddle. Major four cups of hot water and poet and to the pot. The rest is the same. I'll start with high-heat, bring it to a boil, turn it down too low heat, and cook for ten minutes. And they seem for ten minutes. While I wasn't an easy This is what I do when I don't have enough time or when I'm already hungry and I don't have cooked rice in my freezer. I hope this course was helpful and you're enjoying Japanese cooking. Thanks for watching guys, and I'll see you in the next video. 6. 6 Storing Cooked Rice: In this video, I will show you how to store cooked rice so that a stays fresh, but its flavor and texture. How do you store the leftover rice in the fridge and found out that it tasted terrible the next day. I don't recommend putting cooked rice in the fridge. It will get dryer and we'll lose the favor. The best way to keep your rice fresh and flavorful is to freeze it. Usually cook for cups of rice divided into small pockets and then freeze them. This is a super convenient way to prepare rice as cooking rice every day is time-consuming. What you need is only a plastic wrap. It could be blocks or Tupperware, is that our fees are safe. First, fluff the rice. If you haven't already cut a piece of plastic five, about 30 by 30 centimeters, and simply move Guam portion of rice onto the black. The portion will be different for everyone. For me, this is VO1 bowl of rice I eat for a meal. The key here is to wrap your rice when it's still and fresh. The good dude is when the rice is already cold and getting stale, they will not taste freshman year we heated. Repeat this until the pop becomes empty. Below, I've got 12 pockets of price. Cool them down, put them in the freezer, and then they will be ready for your next meal. And that's it. I hope you enjoyed the video. Thanks for watching.