1. Italian Verbs 1 Introduction: Tao Benvenuto Hello and welcome to Italian grammar. Quick Guide Verbs one. This course is designed to get you familiar with Italian grammar in quick, easy to understand lessons in any language. Verbs are the backbone. Two sentences without verbs, there would be no sentences. The good thing about verbs is that you can manipulate them and use them to express anything you like. Look at these sentences. For example. I learned Italian. I'm learning Italian. I'm going to learn Italian. I have learned Italian. I would like to learn Italian. All of these sentences contain pretty much the same words I learnt on Italian. But they mean different things because we have manipulated the verb learn into different tenses. In this course, I'll be introducing you to Italian verbs. Looking at infinitives. The going future tense, the present perfect tense on the present ends to help you to become familiar with the verb tenses, you'll find lots of exercises to enable you to build proficiency in Italian grammar. With each tense, we're looking at how to form it, how to turn it negative on will also be looking at the various ways you can translate the different tenses into English. The quick guide courses are great for learning the specifics off Italian Gramma. Without any prerequisites, I won't be using any vocabulary without introducing it first, meaning you can focus purely on grammar acquisition rather than worrying about not understanding the verbs. I'll give you a list of verbs at the start of the course on. We'll use these throughout. You'll also gain a small collection of vocabulary that will be using to build sentences in Italian. This quick guide course can also be used as a reference guide to use as a revision Should you ever need to brush up on your Italian verbs. Good Nazi. Thank you. I hope you enjoy.
2. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 1a: in Italian. All verbs always end in one off three sets of endings. They either end in the less is a r e i r e or E r E. Let's look at 20 useful verbs in Italian. So firstly, we have Monday, Ari. Monday, Adi which means to eat man Jari Everybody, everybody means to arrive. Ari Valerie, Your Qari Joe Qari means to play Joe Qari. Visit Ari. Visit Ari to visit. Visit Daddy via Jari v A jihadi To travel via Jari Laferrari Laferrari means to work Laferrari, part of Lottie, part of Lottie, means to speak part of Lottie Lead Jerry Lead Jerry, This where means to read? Let Jerry scree very scree very means to write scree. Very escort, Ari. Ask your daddy means to listen a school entirely north. Daddy North Daddy means to swim north. Adi Fathi Farty This word can mean either to do or to make five e party Aly part of tea a day. This means to leave part of t they comprise Compare charity to buy compra Harry for a body nobody to try. Total body trove Ari Robotti to find total body studio Ari Still, the ari means to study Studi Ari study Study means to stay Study Femia Feeney Today this means to finish Phinney Ray and then commentary coming Charlie means to start coming Charlie. Now all the verbs in this list are called infinitives in English. Infinitives very often have the word to in front of them, but not always. And that's why I've put the two in brackets in the list on the screen. So in Italian, just to recap, infinitives always end in the letters a r E i r e or E i e. And if you look at all these verbs on the screen, you can see they end in one of those three sets of letters.
3. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 1b: I'm going to give you three little phrases and then we can use them to try and make some sentences in Italian. The first is very worry, which means I would like for a stopping son. No de stop in San Body means I'm thinking off stop pensando d and then post So for so means can I bus So? So if you write those three phrases on a cue card put the Italian down the center of one side Then turn it over and write the English Navarrete stop in San Body and Posso. So how would you say in Italian? I'm thinking off travelling Andi in English after the phrase I'm thinking off the next verbal end in i n g. So, like I'm thinking off traveling in Italian. You just used the infinitive. Remember? That was the list that we lived in. The last lesson off words that end in a r e i r e on e r e so literally in Italian, you say I'm thinking off to travel Stoppin Sando Devia Jari Stoppin Sando Devia Jari, How would you say I would like to leave for a party Ray for a party? Can I play Postal Dakari post. So Joe Carter, I'm thinking off finishing stop in san belief in era Stoppin sandal Definitely. Can I try Post op Robotti Post super Body I'm thinking off staying, stopping son born in the starry stop in Sunday The starry in fact, in Italian, you can use the verb study or rest Ari and they both mean to stay. So you can either say stop in Sunday in the starting or stopping son, nor the rest are. And finally, how would you say I would like to travel Vore, Avia Jari via Jari. So just to recap those three phrases we had boarded a meaning I would like stop in San Dodi . I'm thinking off and then post so means can I.
4. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 1c: let me give you five more words that we can add to the end of our sentences. Queen Queen means here Queen Le Le means there La cuello cuello means that Cuello Toto Teuta means everything. Toyota and Domani Domani means tomorrow So how would you say in Italian? I'm thinking of buying that stop in sandals Decomp Rockwell. Oh stop in Sunday Decompress Cuello. I'm thinking off doing everything tomorrow. Stoppin sandal different toe Domani, stop in san notified to Germany I would like to work here for a Lavorato for a lava rock We I would like to try everything for a provider to for a provider. Toto, can I stay here Poor, so static We or also rest Arctic? We can I do that tomorrow for so far? E Quello Domani post So frequently Domani I would like to buy that Vory comprise Cuello for a complete cuello
5. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 1d: How would you say in Italian? I would like to start tomorrow for a commensurate Domani Vora! Come in! Charlie Domani I'm thinking of leaving tomorrow. Stop and Sunday depart! Eerie Domani Stop and Sando! Depart era Domani I would like to eat everything for a man. Jari too for a man. Jari too I would like to work there for a love or a gorilla for a love or a villa. Can I leave tomorrow? Posso Party Rino Money Bosso Party Domani I'm thinking of staying here stopping Sunday. Oh, the started qui Oh stop in Sando dearest are equipped Can I read that? Pozzuoli Jerry Cuello Posso Ledger Cuello So so far we've had the three phrases of or a Which means I would like stop in san body. Meaning I'm thinking off on Bastille. Which means can I on the end of those three phrase to be comport all those infinitives that we learned in the first lesson on then we've just learned five used two little words that we can put on the end of our sentences Queen meaning here le which means there cuello means that Duta means everything Andi Domani means tomorrow
6. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 2a: impersonal Web. There's a funny little phrase that you can put verbs on the endo. See poor, see poor. It means one can or you can see poor. It's proper Name is an impersonal verb because it's not referring to any person in particular. For example, if you say support for Malik, we see poor for Matic week. It means you can smoke here or one can smoke here. It isn't talking about you specifically. It means everybody can smoke here. Let's see if you can use the phrase see poor in the following sentences. But before we do that, just one extra thing in the negative see, poor becomes non steep war which means you can't non see poor so see poor is you can and non see poor means you can't. So how would you say you can buy everything here? See poor compared to talk we Cipro compared to talk we How would you say you can swim here ? See porn methodic we seaport in Watada qui And so it means you consume here or one consume here or anyone can swim here. And so if you saw her in a sign non see porn What? That equip. It means one can't swim here or you're not allowed to swim here. How would you say In Italian you can try everything. See? Poor provide toe. See Poor provide Toto. And that means Either you can try everything or one can try everything. Go. Anyone can try everything. See? Poor bravado do toe.
7. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 2b: How would you say in Italian? You can't try that nonsupport provided Cuello non Si Papa Robotic Quetta law. And so it doesn't mean specifically you can't try it but anybody else can. It means no one can try it so one can try that Non Si Papa Valley Cuello How would you say you can't do that here? Nonsupport far equal. Lo Cui Nonsupport, Fiery Quello Queen Another way of translating this phrase non steeple fatty Quilok we would be You're not allowed to do that here, so it can mean you can't or you're not allowed to do that here. Non si for fabric. Well, look, we How would you say you can eat here? See? Poor man Jaric, we Seaport Mandaric week. You can't eat here nonsupport. Manage our equi Nonsupport! Mandaric, we So again another way to translate this sentence would be You're not allowed to eat here Nonstop form and erratic We How would you say in Italian? You can wait here on the web to wait in Italian is aspect, Ari aspic Daddy support as Petar equi. See, poor aspect are qui or how would you say you can't smoke here on the web? to smoke in Italian is for Marty Fu marry. And so again this could mean you can't smoke here or you're not allowed to smoke here. No, no people from Arctic we nonsupport for Malik we Or how would you say you can smoke here as in you're allowed to smoke here Support for Matic we support for Matic we. So just to recap a seaport means you can on non see poor means you can't and you can put any infinitive on the end of these two phrases.
8. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3a: the future tense. One of the easiest tenses to tackle in Italian is the future. Tense is a great way to talk about what you will do. The phrase stop pair stop pair means I'm going Stop pair and you comport infinitives on the end of its talk about the future Stop pair. So using the words we learned in the last lesson plus five words that I'm going to give you now see if you can make a few sentences with stop pair So let me just give you firstly five extra phrases I'm Milano Milano means in Milan or to Milan at Milano in Italia in Italia means in Italy or to Italy. And so the word uh which you can see in front off Milano means to Andi in when you're talking about towns or cities. So Milan is a city. So you say I'm Milano to mean in Milan or to Mylan. The word in on the other hand, means to or in when you're talking about countries. So Italy is a country. So we say in Italia to mean either in Italy or to Italy, Su bitter still bitter means soon. So Beato, unless the demand a Perot Seema, unless the demand a pro Seema means next week. Land o proximo Land No process email means next year. So proxima and prostate more both mean next and you'll see that in the phrase laxity. Mana proxima. It ends in an A. And that's because laxity manner is what's known as a feminine noun. So process Seema ends in a whereas on the other phrase the word land no is a masculine noun and ends in an O therefore process. Seymour also has to end in o so laxity man approached steamer means next week on Lana proximo means next year. So how would you say in Italian? I'm going to stay in Italy stopper, starting in Italia or stop their arrest, Ari in Italia, How would you say I'm going to do everything next week? Stopper Fahri Tutto City Man approached Seema stopper Fahri Toto lasted Emana Proxima. I'm going to visit Paolo soon. Stop Better Visitar e Paolo Suwito stopper Visitar Paulo Sutjipto
9. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3b: How would you say in Italian? I'm going to travel to Milan next year. Stopper via Jari A Milano. Lana Proximo. Stop via jarring a Milano Lana Process Imo. So we say at Milano, which means to Mylan because Mylan is a city says stop Eravur Jari Milano Lana Proxima How would you say I'm going to eat there tomorrow? Stopper man Guerrilla Domani Stopper Man Guerrilla Domani Now I said that those words were extra words that we can put on the end off the sentences. But just like in English, the words convey Oh, anywhere in the sentence So we could put the word tomorrow at the start and say tomorrow I'm going to eat there and in Italian you do the same Domani stopper Man gorilla How would you say in Italian next year? I'm going to travel to Italy Lana proximo stopper via Jari in Italia Lana proximo stopper via Jari in Italia. And so in this sentence, we say in Italia to mean to Italy because Italy is a country and say always use in with countries on our with cities and we've put next year at the start. But you could put it at the end and say, I'm going to travel to Italy next year And in Italian will be the same stopper via Jari in Italia Landau. Proximo. So the word order in Italian is very similar to the word order in English. How would you say next week I'm going to finish everything? Last time on a pro Seema stopper Finney Rito Last time on a Proxima stop Murphy Nearly Tuto And again you could put next week at the end and say I'm going to finish everything next week. Stopper Feeney Red Toto, La City man approached FEMA. Stop there for nearly $2.30 manner Proxima.
10. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3c: the going future or the people you don't have to stick with. Stop Bear, I'm going. You can also talk about other people doing things in the future. So stop there means I'm going. Stipe ale. Stipe Air means you're going Styx bear Les Stop Bear Les Stop pair means you're going as well. We'll talk about the difference between this one and the previous one. Stipe air in a minute. Lui and Lei stop air means he or she is going Louis or lay Stop there. Stay arm appear the alma pair means we're going steady. Mama Bear, start the pair. Start a bear means you're going Start a pair and stunned No pair. Stanmore pair means bag going Stand no pair. So as you've seen, there are three ways to say you're going in Italian. We've got Styx Bear Les, Stop there and start they bear. But what's the difference? Well, Stipe air is used when you're talking to one person, you know very well it's clusters. The informal way of saying you're going Stipe Air. So friends and family you would use Stipe air with Les Stop there. Les stop Bear is used when you're talking to one person you don't know very well. So this is the formal way is a bit more polite. Lay stop there and then start. A pair is used when you're talking to a group of people. So this is the plural versions of Started pair means you're going when you're talking to more than one person. You might also have noticed that the word lay is in brackets, along with the word Lui and lei. Well, all these words that are in brackets are optional. You haven't got to use them. You only use them if it's unclear. And that's because if you look at your going on and the he and she's going without the words in brackets, they're identical. Stop pair. And so the words in brackets make it clear as to whom you're speaking about. So if you put Lay with a capital L, that means your go in glazed a pair. Louis top pair means he's going Onda laced up there with a lower case. L means she's going. Let's have a look at the verb level Dari, which means to work in the future tense in Italian, so stop at a level where rt means I'm going to work. Stipe! Laferrari, You're going to work, Les Stopper! Laferrari, You're going to work, Louis Ole stopper Laferrari means either he or she is going to work. Stadium a pair! Laferrari, We're going to work. Start a better Laferrari, You're going to work And Stamm a pair Laferrari means they're going to work. So on the screen. Now you've got the Web video 30 which means to visit in the future. Tense in Italian. What you should do is pause the video and see if you can write down the English meanings off each of these congregations. So pause the video right down the English and then press played. Steve, you got it right. Stop at a visit. Sorry means I'm going to visit Stipe. Ever visit? Sorry. You're going to visit Les Stopper Visitar e? You're going to visit Louis lay stopper Visitante means either he or she is going to visit Stammel. Better visit Daddy. We're going to visit starting. Better visit, Ari, you're going to visit Stanmore Pair visitar they're going to visit. So the word visit Ari is the same on the ends of all of those. It's just the first bit that is different. Store Styx start, etcetera
11. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3d: Let's see if you can do the same with the verb Dakari, which means to play. You have the future tense of Dakari on the screen. Pause the video to see if you can work out the meanings in English and then press played. See if you got it right. Stop out of Dakari! I'm going to play stipend of Dakari. You're going to play Les Stopper Dakari, You're going to play Louis Lay stepper Dakari He or she is going to play. Stammel! Perego! Qari, we're going to play! Start a paradox. Qari, you're going to play Stammel! Pirjo, Qari, they're going to play now. Let's do the same with the verb fin ET, which means to finish. So pause the video right down the English versions off the very fee nearly in the future tense. And then press place. Did he got it right? Stopper Feeney, a day I'm going to finish Styx Paraffin et You're going to finish Les stopper. Feeney re! You're going to finish Louis lay stopper Feeney re he or she is going to finish Stammel Murphy near. We're going to finish start a perf in era. You're going to finish Stangel better. Feeney ready. They're going to finish now. Let's have a go at doing it the other way Round his the verb to read in English in the going future tense. Pause the video to see if you can work out the Italian versions and then press play to see if you got it right. I'm going to read is Stop Lay Jerry, You're going to read Stipe Errol Injury. You're going to read Les Stopper Allegedly he or she is going to read Louis Lay. Stop Early injury. We're going to read Stammel. Parallel injury you're going to read. Started early, Jerry, and they're going to read Stana barely. Jerry, let's do the same with the Web. Com Prodi, which means to buy. So pause the video right down the Italian versions off competitivity in the future. Tense on then press played. Steve, you got it right. I'm going to buy stopper. Come pretty. You're going to buy in the informal version, Stipe er comprise And then you're going to buy in the formal version. Les Stopper. Comprise he or she is going to buy Louis lay stopper. Comprise. We're going to buy Stam Abed comprado you're going to buy in the plural static bear comprado and they're going to buy Stammel. Better comply
12. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3e: see if you can conjugated the verb. Gambia. Sorry, which means to change into the future. Tense in Italian. So you have the English on the screen. Pause the video, try and write down the Italian and then press played to see if you got it right. I'm going to change. Stop there, Camby! Ari, you're going to change Styx. Per Camby! Ari, you're going to change Les stopper. Kambia, hurry! He or she is going to change! Louis les stopper! Come, Buhari! We're going to change. Stam, become body. You're going to change. Start the pair cambiado Andi, they're going to change Stammel better Camby, Ari. Now let's do the same with the web Charivari Travade means to find. So pause the video and then press plates. See if you got it right. I'm going to find is stopper. Throw Bari! You're going to find stipend. True body you're going to find in the formal Les Stopper trabajar! He or she is going to find Louis Lay stopper Travade. We're going to find Stam Travade, you're going to find in the plural starting better Travade, they're going to find Stun Better Robot. And now let's do the same with the Manjarin Man Jari means to eat. So pause the video and then press place. See if you got it right. I'm going to eat stopper man! Jari, you're going to eat stipend, man! Jari, your gangs eat Les Stopper Man Jari! He or she is going to eat. Louis, Lay Stopper Mandiri! We're going to eat! Stay on bed! You're going to eat. Start the better, man. Jari! Andi! They're going to eat Stanmore! Perryman, Jari! And finally, let's do the same with the verb aspect diary aspect are it means toe. Wait! So pause the video right down the Italian versions off aspect, Ari, in the future tense and then press played CD. Got it right. I'm going to wait. Stop their hospital! You're going to wait Stipend aspect, Ari, you're going to wait in the formal, laced up a respite, Ari. He or she is going to wait. Louis lay stopper Asp Atari! We're going to wait. Stay on the Paris victory. You're going to wait in the plural start the better aspect. Adi! Andi! They're going to wait! Stanmore! Paras! Victory
13. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3f: Let's try and put these sentences into Italian. How do you say he's going to stay here? Louis, stop! Air Restarick. We And don't forget that the Louis is optional. So you can just say Stop, Bear Restarick. We because stop pair can mean he's going. She's going or you're going. Then the Louis can be used just to make it clear. Service. It is a bit unclear as to whether you're speaking about he or she. Then you can say Louie, Louie, stop at a static week. How would you say they're going to visit melon tomorrow? Stanmore per visit. Ari Milano Domani, stand up for visit. Ari Millen, Omani. You're going to finish soon using the plural version off you started perf in Erase a veto. Start the briefing Near S. Vito. Next year we're going to travel to Italy. Lana Proximo Stamper via Jari in Italia. Lana Proximo stem. Apparently a Jari genitalia. You're going to eat everything using the informal version off you, Stipe ERM Angeleri Tuto Styx Per man. Jerry Tuto. She's going to start here next week. Stop at a commensurate equipped velocity mana Proxima Or you can use the lay. If it's unclear lay Stop! Eircom injury qui city man approached Seema, how would you say I'm going to leave soon? Stopper Partiers to veto stopper Partiers Subito, They're going to buy everything next week. Stan! No! Pair Comparably Toto la City Man Abroad! Seema, stand up for comparably tutto lasted Emana Proxima
14. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3g: How would you say in Italian? I'm going to wait here Still, there s Petar equi. Stop! There s battery qui They're going to start tomorrow. Stanmore Per commentary Domani stand up for commentary Domani She's going to start in Rome on finish in Milan on the word for And Italian is a stopper Commentary Aroma a fee Neary A Milano where you can put lay at the start and get lay stepper Commentary Aroma A fee Needing a Milano. We're going to do everything tomorrow. Stam appear far too Domani Stammel perforate to tow the money. He's going to find Maria in Italy. Stop it of Strawberry Maria in Italia. Or you can place Louis at the start and get Louis stepper Strawberry Maria in Italia. How would you say they're going to find everything in Italy? Stana Pair Tra Very tutto genitalia. Stanmore, Bertram Barre, Toto genitalia! And how would you say she's going toe work here next year? Stop para llevar adequate land, Abrosimova, where you can place lay at the start and get lay stopper level. Adequate! Lana! Proximo!
15. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3h: the going future names and other now owns. If you look at the he's going on, she's going phrases. You'll see the stop bear part is the same. In fact, you can put any name or any now in front of this phrase. So we already know that Louis Stop Bear means he's going to Andi Lay Stop pair means she's going to. But you could put a name in front and say something like Paulo, stop Bear, which means Paolo is going or Paulo is going to Oh Maria, stop there. Maria is going to even things like Toto. Stop pair means everything is going to so you can put any name or any now in front of Stop . Fair to say that's what's going to do something. So how would you say in Italian? Paolo is going to visit Melon soon. Paolo, stop! Visitor Milano Subito! Paolo Stopper Visitar Milano Sutjipto Maria is going to stay there next week. Maria, stop! Restaurant Lola Last Emana, Proxima Maria. Stop Restaurant Lola Velocity man Approach, Seema. And so here we've used at a starry. But don't forget that you can also use study for to stay so you could say Maria stopped their star D'Leh. She's going to stay there and just notice that the word there in Italian is a lot. Andi. Then we've got the next word is lap two. That means the the only difference is that the word there has an accent on it. And the word for the which is lamb doesn't in speaking, there's no difference in pronunciation. So Maria, stop! A rest are Illah la City Mana Proxima. How would you say everything is going to start tomorrow? Toto Stopper commensurate Domani Toto, Stop Comentario money! Next year, Paolo is going to travel to Italy. Lana Proximo Paulo stopper via Jari Genitalia Lana proximo Paulo stopper via Jara in Italia .
16. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3i: How would you say in Italian, Maria is going to
travel to Rome. Maria, step out of
your daddy, atheroma. Maria, stop NVIDIA, aroma. Now here are a few
more words that we can use to make some more
adventurous sentences. So the first word is con. Con, which means width, Khan. Then Mei. Mei means me. You can put these
together and get con mi. Con mi means with me. The word Ben. Ben means, well, in Italian, Ben name. And then I'll give
you one more verb, an infinitive, SLA, SLA. So it ends in E, R, E. So you can tell
it's an infinitive as a means to be S3. So we have gone
Mei, Ben, and SLA. So how would you say in Italian, everything is going
to be here soon. To start better aesthetic, we subito to stop at
SRA query subito. Or how would you say Paolo is going to be in Italy
with me next year. Paolo stop at SLA in Italia con me Lando proximal
bowel stuff better. Sla in Italia can
mail and approximal. The word Khan, which means with, you might recognize in phrases
like chili con Connie. This is actually
a Spanish phrase, but the words are the
same in Italian too. Chilly con. Con means with and
coordinate means meat, that means Chile with meat. So Khan is width and we
get words in English. Connect is to put two
things together with each other or conjoin something is to put two things
with each other. And so Khan is width. How would you say in Italian, Maria is going to
be in Milan soon. Maria stop at SRA a Milano. Who veto? Maria stop at SRA
a Milano subito.
17. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3j: the going future negative to make the going future tense Negative. All you have to do is put non in front of the going phrase. The word non literally means not. So instead of saying I'm going in English would say I'm not going which in Italian is non stop pair non Stop there. I'm not going. You're not going? Is non Stipe there? Non stipe air in the formal version off? You're not going. The word lay goes at the very start. So you say lay non stop there les nonstop air to mean you're not going. This is the same in the phrase for he and she is not going. The words Louis and Lay which remember, are optional go in front of the non. So Louis nonstop pair means he's not going or lay nonstop pair. She's not going non stadium. A pair non Stamm a pair means we're not going in the plural version off. You're not going, you get non staff, they pair non static pair. You're not going and then finally, non stand no pair. Non stand no pair means they're not going non Stand a pair if you have a name in front then the name goes in front of the non, and that's the same pronouns as well. For example, Paolo Non stop. There means Paolo isn't going or Maria non stop. There means Maria isn't going or Maria isn't going to. So here are all the phrases together. If you write them down onto a cue card, put the English phrases down the center of one side, then turn over and put the Italian phrases and remember to practice thes only. Look at the English phrases and try and remember what the Italian phrases were and try and build your own little sentences with these razors. So when you see he's not going to firstly, try and think it's Louis nonstop air and then try and make a sentence. Louis Nonstop air far e. Quello. He's not going to do that. So how would you say Italian? I'm not going to be here tomorrow. Non stop, Peristeri, quit Domani Non stop! There s Eric we domani. Or how would you say we're not going to work next week? Non stadium a pair Laferrari, Last city man approached Seema Non stadium A pair Lavorato Last demand Proxima
18. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 3k: How would you say in Italian? They're not going to stay with me. They're going to stay with Paolo Nonstandard Paris Static on me. Stangel Bear Restarick on Paulo Non stand up a rest. Attic on me. Standard bearer. Historic on Paulo. Or how would you say, Using the informal way off talking about you? You're not going to finish everything. Non Stipe. Er Feeney Rito. Non Stipe Urfa. Needto Paolo isn't going to leave tomorrow. Paolo. Nonstop their party. Romani Paolo, Nonstop party. Romani. She isn't going to be here. Non Stop. There s Eric. We we can put the lay at the start and you get lay nonstop arrest Eric, we And remember that ballet is optional to mean she but lay also means you. And so in this sentence lay nonstop. There s Eric we It's hard to tell which one is being referred to as though it could mean, But she isn't going to be here, or you're not going to be here. Usually you can tell in writing because the word lay. If it has a capital l means you on def. It has a lower case. L it means she. But at the start, of a sentence. All words have a capital letter anyway, So you can't tell whether it means you or she and so lay nonstop at ascetic. We can either mean she isn't going to be here or you're not going to be here. But usually you'll be out to tell from the context. How would you say we're not going to try that non Stamper provide equal? You know, non Stam appear provided cuello Or how would you say, using the plural version off you? You're not going to read that non start? Tipper Ledger Cuello Nonstarter Berlinger Cuello.
19. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4a: the president Perfect tense. Despite its name being the present perfect tense, this tennis is actually used to talk about the past. Here are a few examples off the present perfect tense in English. I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Maria in English. The present perfect tense is made up off to parts, an auxiliary verb and the past participle. The word auxiliary just means helper, so an auxiliary verb is a help of it. In English. The auxiliary verb is Have Andi. You'll see it in the three examples that I gave you. I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Maria in Italian. The word for I have is all well. You don't pronounce the letter hate in Italian, so it's just basically an O sound. Or that means I have the past. Participle in English is the very that comes after the auxiliary verb, and it tends to end in the letters E n or E D. But not always. You'll see the past participles in the three examples that I gave you or and in letters, E. N I have eaten too much food. I have seen this film already. I have spoken to Maria now in Italian the past participles are easy to recognize because they always end in either a t o pronounced apple I t o pronounced eat or you t o which is pronounced. Remember when I said that Italian infinitives either end in a r e i r e or e r E while you turn any infinitive into a past participle in Italian by changing the last three letters. So if the last three letters of the r a r e, you change them to 80 0 to get the past participle If the last three dresses of the infinitive our i r e you change them to i t o to get the past participle And if the last three letters R E r E, then you change them to you t o to get the past participle, we'll have a look at what I mean by this in a bit more depth in a minute. But just to recap, the present perfect tense in Italian is made up off an auxiliary verb, which is all meaning I have and a past participle, which is the very that will end in Arto Ito. Oh, photo. So, for example, if you have the verb man Jari, which means to eat, you can change the a r e on the end to a t o And you get man genital, which means eaten Saman Jari means to eat. That's the infinitive, man. Giotto means eaten and let the past participle. And then we have to do is put man Giotto with the auxiliary verb or and you get Oh, man! Giotto! Oh, man! Jack Toh! Which means I have eaten Oh, man, Giotto!
20. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4b: Let's have a go at changing some infinitives into past participles. So see if you can change these verbs into the past participle and then write their meanings in English. For example, if I give you the man jockey, your change it to manage Apple Majority means to eat on man. Giotto means eaten. So here's your first Web fin et Finney Rate means to finish on. Finito means finished. John Gotti, Joe Qari means to play and then Joe Cotto means played. So what we do is change the a r e on the end of Dakari to 80 0 and you get Jack out. I speak Daddy Aspect Ari means to wait Aspect Otto means waited Vin dory Vendor A means to sell and it ends in e r. E. So remember when we have a bear that ends in e r e, we change it to you t o to get the past participle. So we end up with Ben Do toe meaning sold. Come body combat. It means to change and Camby, Otto means changed, provide provide a means to try and provide Acto means tried company daddy comprise means to buy Com. Pratto bought a school. Dari, a school tari, means to listen and then ask. Old Batteaux means listened. Laferrari Love or Ari means to work, and Lavorato means worked.
21. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4c: the present perfect tents, double meaning in English. There are two ways to talk about the past. For example, you can either say I have eaten. Oh, I ate in English one way uses the auxiliary verb have on the other way, doesn't in Italian However, there is only one way Oh man Giotto. So Oman Jackdaw means I have eaten or I ate So Stevie, come work out the two different meanings off each of the following past tense phrases So the 1st 1 or north battle on what? Otto What could this mean? In English? I have swum and I swim off Finito, I have finished. I finished So sometimes the two English versions look very similar. The only difference being that one has the word have and the other doesn't Oh come in shot I have started I started off in Duta. I have sold I sold or Lavorato? I have worked. I worked Oprah Vasto I have tried. I tried Okun practice I have bought, I bought Oh combat! I have changed. I changed or par Lata, I have spoken. I spoke so occasionally in English. The two different versions of the past tense are very different. So I have spoken. And then just I spoke. But most of the time, the only difference is that in English, one of them has the would have and the other one doesn't. Whereas an Italian, you always have the word or Oh, Capito, for this one, you might need to know that the cap Edie means to understand. So what are the two things that all Capito could mean? I have understood. I understood. Oh, man. Giotto. I have eaten. I ate.
22. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4d: the present perfect tense or the people you don't have to stick with. All which means I have. You can also talk about what other people have done in the past, or you do is change the auditor reverb and so all means I have. But instead, you could say I I which means you have. And again all you have to do is put the past participle on the end of this and you get the past tense or the president Perfect. Tense. Lay, uh, lay, uh, is a more formal version off saying you have lay Louis or lay are can mean he or she has Louis, uh, or Leia Abbiamo. Abbiamo means we have IBM. Oh, then a vet. I've eight. They is the plural version off you have. So a vet they is used when you're speaking to more than one person and then a no and no means they have. So let's have a look at this with the verb level Dari level rowdy means to work. What I'll do is put the verb level Larry in the present perfect tense in Italian and English. So or Lavorato means I worked or don't forget that It can also mean I have worked. I Lavorato you worked Lay a Lavorato. This is the formal way of saying you worked. Louis Lavorato. Ole Lavorato means he or she worked abbiamo, Nevada. We worked a vet. The Lavorato. This is the plural version. Are saying you worked and and no, Levorato, they worked. So let's have a practice with the verb visit. Daddy, Visit Dari means to visit. See if you can put the visit. Ari in the present. Perfect tense in Italian. Pause the video right down the seven versions off Visitar Lee. So I visited you, visited etcetera, and then press played. Steve, you're right over the title. I visited. I visit at all. You visited Lay a visit. Otto, you visited in the formal. Louis Ole A visit. Otto. He or she visited IBM. Was it Otto we visited? I bet they visit Otto. You visited in the parole on no visit. Otto means they visited
23. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4e: the joke Ari means to play on Dhere. It is in the present perfect tense in Italian. See if you compose the video, work out what each of these means in English and then press played. See if you got it right So audio cattle means I played. I joke. Otto means you played in the informal lay a joke. Otto means you played in the formal Lui and Lei a Takato means he or she played IBM Mazzucato we played I'm Betty Jo Cotto means you played in the plural and then and no joke , Otto means they played. Now let's do the same with the verb fin et We need a means to finish. So his the verb the needy in the present perfect tense in Italian Pause the video to see if you can write down what these words mean in English And then press played see to go right. Oh, finito means I finished and I finito means you finished lay a finito. This means you finished in the plural version off you Lui and Lei. A finito means he or she has finished abbiamo Feeney, we finished. I bet the finito means you finished in the plural and often Ito. They finished. And don't forget that I also said that there are two versions off the past in English. And so all of these English translations could also have the word having it. So instead of I finished, you could have I have finished. Is that have you finished? He could have you have finished. He or she finished. Could be he or she has finished, etcetera. And so in English, there are always two translations. Britain, Italian. There's only ever one way to talk about the present perfect tense. And it's using the auxiliary verb, which is toe have. And you've got all I, uh uh bmo of 80 and unknown. Which means I have you Have you have he or she has. We have You have, and they have. And then if you look, the very finito is the same on the end off all of those off. Finito. Finito. Finito. Finito Obama. Finito. A very finito and a no finito. So the past participle finito doesn't change. It's only the auxiliary verb that changes
24. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4f: Let's see if you can congregate the verb to Rove, Ari, into the present. Perfect tense in Italian. You have the English on the screen. Now pause the video. See if you can write down the Italian versions and then press played. See if you got it right. I found. Is Trovato. You found I Trovato You found in the formal lay a Trovato. He or she found Louis Les Trovato. We found IBM otra vasto you found in the plural a vet trovato and they found and no travade . Now let's do the same with the complementary. Comprise means to buy. So you have the verb in English in the present. Perfect tense on the screen. Pause the video to see if you can look at how state in Italian And then for us played Stevie Got it right I bought oh, combat you bought I combat toe You bought in the formal lay a combat toe He or she bought Louis lay a combat toe We bought IBM a compact you bought in the plural a vet a calm Pratto and they bought and no compactor. Let's look at the verb, Camby, Ari Kambia means to change and So here is the verb in English in the present. Perfect tense. Now pause the video. See if you can work out how to say in Italian and then press play. Steve, you got right. I changed. Oh, come, Batteaux. You changed in the informal. I come battle. You changed in the formal Lay a Camby, Otto. He or she changed. Louis lay a cumbia toe. We changed Abbiamo Cam Batteaux, you changed. I've aid to combat toe and they changed. I know Camby, Otto. And don't forget that in English there are always two ways to talk about this tense. Whereas in Italian there's anyone. So in English, we can say I changed. Oh, I have changed in Italian. It's always going to be all cam battle, which means literally I have changed.
25. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4g: the verb Videgaray very means to see. And so you have the verb in English in the present Perfect tense on your screen Press pause and then see if you can change this verb into Italian. I saw over it Would your soul in the informal I've a doodle you saw in the formal version Les Bredoteau He or she saw Louis or lay absoluto We saw avm ave do toe you still a vet video toe and basil on November on. Don't forget that in English you could say I saw. But you could also say I have seen similarly you saw you have seen he or she saw he or she has seen. And so there are two ways in English. But one way in Italian, the VEB man Jari Monge Adi means to eat. And so here's the English present. Perfect tense off man Jari, Pause the video CV comported into Italian and then press played CD. Got it right. I have eaten. Oh, man! Jack, you have eaten. I'm on Jack toh you have eaten in the formal version Lay a man, Giotto. He or she had eaten Louis lay a man Giotto. We have eaten IBM and Giotto. You have Eason in the plural. A vet, the man Giotto. And they have eaten a no man Giotto. The Web aspect, Ari aspect are a means to wait aspect, Ari. And so you have the English present victims off the web. Toe weight on the screen. Pause the video. See if you can put it into Italian on then press played Stevie. Great, right? I waited. Oh, hospital tow. You waited. I aspect, Otto, you waited Les Aspect. Otto. He or she waited Louis or lay Aspect Otto, we waited abbiamo aspect. Otto, you waited. I bet the hospital. Andi, they waited. I know a spit, Otto.
26. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4h: As I've said, the present perfect tense can be translated into two ways in English. And so here's a side by side comparison off both translations into the English. Off the verb man, Jari in the present. Perfect tense. Say, man, jot it means to eat. Oh, man, Datil can mean I ate or I have eaten. I'm an genital. Can mean you ate or you have eaten Lay a man, Giotto. This means you ate or you have eaten Louis. Or lay a man. Giotto can mean either he or she ate or he or she has eaten IBM Oman. Giotto can mean we ate or we have eaten. I've met the man. Giotto means you ate or you have eaten. And a no man Giotto. They ate or they have eaten. So try and work out both meanings of the following phrases in Italian Abbiamo man Giotto! Abbiamo Man Giotto! We have eaten or we ate Louis A finito Louis ap finito! He has finished. Oh, he finished! Lay a parlato lay a parlato on the lay here is referring to she She has spoken or she spoke . Oh, come in, jihad. Oh, common Giotto. I have started or I started. I know Lavorato on. No Lavorato. They have worked Or they worked. I study at Auto. I still the atom. You have studied or used to deed. I've taken Pratto a vetting, calm Pratto You have bought or you bought Louis. And what? Otto Louis. And what Otto he has sworn or his swam lay a visit. Otto lay a visit. Otto on the lay again here is referring to she she has visited or she visited.
27. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4i: How would you say in Italian? I have eaten everything. Oh, man. Giotto. Oh, man. Giotto. They visited Milan on no visit. Otto Milano and no visitor to Milano. You have finished using the plural version off you. A very definite toe. A vet tech. Finito. They bought that on no comprado cuello ano comprado cuello. We finished everything. Abbiamo, Finito, abbiamo Finito. He has started coming Chatto or Louis? A common data. She worked in Italy. Ah Lavorato in Italia. Or lay a Lavorato genitalia. I found everything here. Trovato to talk. We trovato to talk. We they have sold everything and no window Toto on of Indo toe to toe.
28. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4j: How would you say in Italian you have eaten everything and use the informal version off you . I'm an Giotto. I Manda Toto! How would you say they waited there? And more aspect, Abdollah and no hospital. Tow love! We have visited Italy. Abbiamo visit to Italia Abbiamo, Visit Otto Italia How would you say he started? Come in Chateau or Louis? A common data. I remember that the Louis is optional just like Lay as well Because our common Giotto by itself could be ambiguous. It could mean he started. She started or even you started. And so the Louis can be used. If it's unclear. So I come in Seattle by itself is fine. But if it's unclear as to whom you're referring to, then you can also say Louis Akamine chateau. How would you say she traveled to Italy via Giotto in Italia, Avea, Giotto in Italia And again? If this is unclear, then you can use the word lay to mean she lay a via Giotto genitalia. She traveled to Italy. How would you say in Italian? I listened. Oh, a skull tattoo or a school? Tato
29. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4k: Let me just start by recapping the four new verbs that we've learned by learning this tense . So we've had vendor Lee Vend early, which means to sell Vendetti Aspect Daddy a spit daddy, meaning to wait hospitality. We learned copyright Cappiello means to understand copyright and then Camby Ari Candiotti means to change Camby Ari And here are some words and phrases that we can use to make our present perfect tenses a bit more wonderful. E Addy d Addy means yesterday e at e cuesta Matina Cuesta Matina means this morning quest That means this Onda Matina means this morning unless a de manha scores Lhasa de Manha scores This means last week we've seen laxity manner in Lhasa Team Anna Proxima which meant next week Well, let the man escorts. That is last week. Similarly, we saw land Naprosyn, which was next year. Well, you can probably guess what land off score still means last year. Land no score, so drop drop toe means too much drop. There's five new words and phrases that we can use in the past tense e at e cuesta Matina less a demand a scores Lana score so and drop so How would you say in Italian? I ate too much this morning. Oh, man. Data troppo Cuesta Matina Online data troppo Cuesta Matina We traveled to Italy last year. Abbiamo be a Giotto in Italiano score So abbiamo via Giotto in Italiano score. So you finished everything this morning using the plural version of you A very definite toe to toe Cuesta Matina A very definite toe to toe Cuesta Matina.
30. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4l: How would you say in Italian, they bought too much in Milan. I'm no calm, Pratto and no compatible Proper Milano. And so in this sentence, we use the word to mean in because Milan is a city. So don't forget. That can mean in or two when it's placed in front of a city. But you use in to mean in or two when it's used in front of a country. So Emiliano can mean in Milan or to Mylan whereas in Italia would be in Italy or to Italy because Italy is a country on Milan is a city. How would you say he worked in Milan last year? Ah Lavorato a Milano Lana score. So I Lavorato Milan Milano scores so Or you can use Louis. It is not clear that you mean he rather than she Louis Salovaara formula Nolan of scores. So how would you say she worked here with me yesterday? Ah Lavorato Quick on me e every a Lavorato Quick on may Vieri or again you can use Lay if it's not clear that you mean she as opposed to he So you would say lay a Lavorato quick on me e ery How would you say I tried everything last week? Oprah Votto Tutto lasted Amanda scores Oprah Votto tutto lasted a matter scores They ate here last week. And no, man Giotto qui laxity mangasport and no man got acquitted. Amanda scores I've finished often eat often, Ito.
31. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4m: the present perfect tense names and other now owns. Just like with the going future that we did last. You can put names and mounds with the present. Perfect tense too If you look at the he hasn't. She has phrases which were Louis uh, meaning he has on lay a meaning she has. You'll see that the A part is the same Well instead of Louis or lay you can use any name or any noun. For example, Paolo Paolo means Paolo has or Maria Maria Maria has. You can even use words like Toto, which means everything. And you get everything has Tuto photo. All you have to do then is port a past participle onto the end of that and you get the present perfect tense. So how would you say Italian Paolo visited Milan last year? Paolo, A visitor to Milano, Land of score. So Paolo, a visit Otto Milano Lana score. So Maria eight here yesterday Maria Amanda to qui es Maria Amanda Katakwi e Every everything has started. Toto Akamine Chateau Toto Akamine Chateau Last week Maria, work with me in Italy Lhasa demand a score sta Maria Alvarado Gone may in Italia laxity Mana scores Maria Lavorato Con May in Italia Maria traveled to Rome. Maria A. Via Giotto Aroma, Maria A. Via Giotto Aroma.
32. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4n: now here is a nice word that you can easily use in the present. Perfect tense we have to do is slot it in between the auxiliary verb which is the O i. R on the past participle, which is the word that ends in Atal Ito or photo. And it's used just like in English. The word is Jack job. Which means already, Joe. So how would you say in Italian? I have already finished. Or Jaffe Neat. Don't or Jaffe Nieto. How would you say Paolo has already eaten Paolo and Jam and Giotto Paolo a job man. Giotto. And so it just goes in between the are on the man Jap also in between the auxiliary verb on the past participle. How would you say they have already visited melon? I know. Job visit Otto Milano on no job visit Otto Mylan. No. Now, in English, the word already sometimes appears at the end of a sentence. So in this sentence, for example, instead of saying they have already visited Mylan, you might hear they have visited Milan already in Italian. However, the word jar is almost always placed in between the auxiliary verb and the past participle . So that's why we have a no job visit. Otto Milano. They have already visited Mylan
33. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4o: the president. Perfect. Tense. Negative. To make the present perfect. Tense. Negative. All you have to do is put the word non, which means not in front, off the auxiliary verb. So I have, for example, is all. But then I haven't is known or no, no, we have to do is put the non in front of the old city reverb. And then you comport the past participle on the end of this. So, for example, Oman Jackal is I have eaten. Whereas no, no, man, Giotto is I haven't eaten, so No, no, I haven't. Na ni na ni means you haven't Les Nana. Les Nana means you haven't in the formal version, Louis or Lay Nana means he or she hasn't No, no abbiamo, no, no. Bmo means we haven't non event they none of it. They means you haven't in the plural. No one and no, no, no. No means they haven't. And if you look at the lay in honor and Louis or lay Nana, you'll see that the non goes immediately in front of the auxiliary verb on the lay or the Louis go in front of the non. Well, this is the same as with names, if you have a name, the name comes first and then the word non comes after that. Paolo Non, for example, Means Paolo hasn't Paolo, Nana, Maria, Nana Maria Nana means Maria hasn't. So if you have a name or any noun in front of the auxiliary verb and you want to make it negative, you place the non after the name or the noun, but before the auxiliary verb. So how would you say in Italian? I haven't eaten? No, no, man. Jack Toh No, no, man Giotto. I didn't work here last year. And just to note that the word didn't Onda haven't are the same in Italian, so I didn't work here. Last year would be the same as I haven't worked here last year Non or Lavorato qui lan of score. So no, no Levorato qui land no score so
34. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4p: How would you say in Italian? They haven't visited Italy known, I know. Visit Otto Italia. No, no, no. Visit Toronto Italia, You haven't finished everything using the informal version off you? No Ni finito, No knife. Finito Or how would you say Paolo hasn't started? Paolo known Akamine Chateau Paolo Non Akamine chateau. So the name Paolo comes first and then the word non comes after that Paolo Non common chatto How would you say she didn't play? And don't forget that Didn't Onda haven't are the same in Italian and so she didn't play is the same as she hasn't played known And Takato Nonaka Catto And if you want to use Lay to make it clear that you're talking about she and not he then that goes in front of the non So lay non Ocado How would you say we haven't tried that known Obama provide a cuello known Obama bravado cuello? Or how would you say you didn't travel with me to Milan using the plural version off you non pavetti via Giotto Corn May a Milano None of a TV A jack took on me a Milan No
35. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4q: the president. Perfect. Tense. Negative. Double meaning. As you may have noticed with some of the example sentences in the previous lesson, there are two ways to talk about the negative past in English. One way uses haven't or hasn't on the other way. Uses. Didn't. Well, just like before. There is only one way in Italian. Both the phrases I haven't eaten. Andi, I didn't eat. For example, Are non Oman Giotto? No, no, man. Gateau. So let's have a quick side by side comparison off the negative double meanings in the present. Perfect tense. So no, no, man. Data means I haven't eaten or I didn't eat. No Ni man. Giotto can mean Either you haven't eaten or you didn't eat Les Nana, Man Jack Toh can mean you haven't eaten or you didn't eat using the formal version of you, Louis Ole Nana, Man Giotto can mean either he or she hasn't eaten or he or she didn't eat known Obama Man. Giotto means either we haven't eaten or we didn't eat none of it. The man Giotto can mean Either you haven't eaten or you didn't eat with the plural version off you and no one And no man Jack Toh can mean either they haven't eaten or they didn't eat. So try and work out both English meanings off the following Italian phrases known Obama man Giotto known Obama man Giotto We haven't eaten or we didn't eat non Afinitor or Louis Nana ! Finito! He hasn't finished. Oh, he didn't finish Les known apart Plateau Les Nana Parla toe. She hasn't spoken or she didn't speak. No, no common chateau. No, no! Come in Chateau. I haven't started. Oh, I didn't start known Anna Lavorato. No, no, no Lavorato. They haven't worked or they didn't work. No. Nice to the atom. No. Nice to the Acto You haven't studied or you didn't study.
36. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 4r: What would be the two ways in English to translate non diabetic? Um Pratto? No, no Vatican Plateau you haven't bought or you didn't buy known. And what, Otto or Louis? Non. What? Otto, He hasn't swarm or he didn't swim. Lay not of indu toe les, None of indo toe. She hasn't sold or she didn't sell. And I've said this before, but I just re mentioned it. When you use the word lay, it can mean she or you usually in a sentence. You can tell because when it means she the l off lay is a lower case l whereas when it means you lay has a capital l However, when you put Lay at the start of a sentence, it has to have a capital letter anyway. So in this sentence, Les, none of indu toe. It can actually mean either she hasn't sold or she didn't sell or you haven't sold or you didn't sell. And so it's not clear just by looking at the words, you'll have to refer to the context. And so the context of the conversation will make it clear as to whether somebody is talking about she or you. But just in writing. You can't tell when the lay is at the start of a sentence if it means she or you. So in English, there are always two meanings for everyone. Meaning Italian Andi in the present perfect tense. We can have it negative or positive and say, for example, known Oh man, Giotto can either mean I haven't eaten or I didn't eat so in English I haven't on. I didn't are both translated as non or and then you put the past participle on the end. Similarly, in the positive Oman, Giotto can mean either I have eaten or I ate. And so even though there's more than one way in English to talk about the present perfect tense in Italian, you always say, Oh, my genital!
37. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5a: the president tends. The present tense is one of the tricky a tenses in Italian only because there's a lot to remember. As you already know, there are three types of verbs in Italian. A R E verbs, ir rev ABS and E are even abs, while we can split the present tense up based on these three times of verbs. So let's start with the A R E verbs. The group, called a R E Verbs, are basically all verbs that end in the letters a R E. So verbs such as Visit Daddy, which means to visit laferrari, meaning toe work v a jihadi, which means to travel Monge Adi meaning to eat, I hope our ally meaning to speak. To put these verbs into the present tense, there are two things you have to do. Step one is remove. The last three letters on Step two is at the appropriate endings, so Step one is quite simple. All you have to do is take the A R E off the end of the web. So if you're using the verb visit Charlie, for example, you take the a r e off and you get visit once you've done this. Step two says you have to add the appropriate endings. But what are the appropriate endings? What this means is that you have to add an ending to the end off the verb, depending on who is doing the action. For example, if you want to say that he is doing the action once you've taken the a r e off the end off the verb, you add the letter a so visit the means he visits Parilla means he speaks. And so the Vegas paddle, Laddie, we've taken the a r e off the end and putting a and you get parilla love, aura, love order means he works. So Laferrari is to work. You take the a r e off the end important a and you get love order he works. However, if you want to say that we are doing the action well, then you add the letters i a m o to the end of the verb instead e m So visit that was he visits if instead of adding in a we add I am Oh, we get visit dam which means we visit Parilla meant he speaks well. Parley on more means we speak Laval water was he works whereas love Auriemma more means we work. Can you see the difference between the three verbs in the he form on the three verbs in the we form the he form verbs All end in the letter A whilst the weak form verbs all end in the letters i a m o e m o.
38. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5b: so with a are re verbs. Once you've removed the a r e, you always add the letter A to say that he is doing the action and you add the letters I am oh, pronounced e m o to the end of the verb. If you want to say that we are doing the action, so see if you can translate the following into Italian he eats on the verb to eat. Is Mandiri, Manja Mongia or Louis Man Jesse. Just like before. You can always put Louis at the start to make it clear that you're talking about he He works on the Web. To work is level rally Laval Water or Louis love Aura. So we take the a r e off the end and put the letter a On the end, we were Levadia more la vogliamo he sings on the Web To sing is Can't Barry Kanta or Louis Kanta we think can t. M o can t m o. He arrives on the Web to arrive. Is Olivari, our Eva or Louis Areva? We arrive R E v M o Ari via more. He listens, and the verb to listen is a school Tahri ask Alta or Louis. Ask Ulta. We listen. Ask Alte ammo escort. Iemma He tries on the Web. To try is put nobody for over or Louis Perama. We try program program. He stays using the web restaurant rest. Oh, Louis Reston. We stay arrestee. Um, he studies on the vector story is to the Ari studio or Louis Studio Onda We easterly Still the animal still the animal.
39. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5c: the president tents or the people we've had the he Onda we forms off the verb in the present tens. But what about the rest of the people? The u I she and they We'll always remember that you start by taking off the a r e from the end of the verb and then you have to add an appropriate ending. So let's have a look at all the different endings for all the different people. If you want to say that I am doing the action, well, then you have to add an O to the end. If you want to say that you are doing the action in the informal version of you, you add the letter I to the end of the verb once you've taken the a r e off. But for the formal version of you, you add the letter A. We already know what you had for. He will you have the same letter for she You add the letter A. And we've already seen what you add for we you add I am o e m for you. In the plural. You add a t e pronounced at they on for they you add a n o pronounced anil So oh, I a a e m o at they own? No. So let me show you how to do this with the verb parla di, which means to speak so Valerie to speak. You take off the last three letters a r e and you're left with the stem Patton. And then you add the endings. Adding an O gives us power law, which means I speak. If we add in, I we get parley, which means you speak in the informal. If we hadn't pay, then we get parlor, which could mean you speak in the formal. Similarly, by adding an A, you could also mean he or she speaks. So parla can mean you speak. He speaks or she speaks. Andi, obviously you can use the words lay or Louis to make it clear as to who you're speaking about. Parley ammo is we speak. So you add E m o to the end. But a lot they means you speak in the plural by a lot and parallel No parallel, no means they speak parlance. So notice how the particle part is the same throughout, and you just change the endings barrel barley parla parla par Lia Mubadala parlance. And so the endings are Oh, I a e m at the So let's have a look at the verb laferrari level Dari. See if you can do this fib. So take off the A r e and then at the appropriate endings if you pause the video right down the Italian present tense of Laferrari along with the English meetings then press played. See if you got it right. Lavoro is I work lavatory. You work Les Laval wate. You work in the formal Louis lay love aura means he or she works Lavery ammo. We work level that they you work in the plural and level with, you know, they work So the endings are still there Oh, I a a e m o at the unknown Lavoro Love or love or a love aura La vogliamo Lavera love or a no
40. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5d: here is the present tense off the verb visitar, which means to visit. So pause the video. See if you can work out what it means in English and then press played. See if you got it right. Visitor means I visit. Visit E means you visit Les Visitor means you visit when you're being a bit more formal. Louis Ole visitor means he or she visits. Visit Yama. We visit visit that day. You visit, visit, they visit. And now let's do the same with the verb joke Ari Jakarta means to play on. Just noticed that in the we form off this verb on the first you form, there's a hate, each added to the sea. That's because in Italian, when you have a C followed by an eye, it makes nurture sound. So if you look at the second line down, it's pronounced jockey jockey. If there were no hate there, it will be pronounced jockey, which is wrong, and so the hate after the sea makes it occur. Sound so see, followed by an eye's normally mature sound. But if you put a hate after a C, it makes a K sound, so it's jock or jockey. It keeps the same sound, and it's the same with we jockey, um, rather than jockey and more so The hate after the sea makes it a k sound. So pause the video. See if you can work out what these mean in English and then press play Stevie. Good right? Joeckel means I play jokey means you play when you're speaking to one person you know very well Giaka lay judoka means you play when you're being a bit more formal. Louis Ole Giaka. I mean, he or she plays Joe Camel means we play Joe catty. This means you play when you're speaking to more than one person, and Joe Cano means Vape Lee. And so just note that the hate after the sea happens in all verbs where you have a C that's going to be followed by an I in Italian to keep the sound. You put a hate after the see. Otherwise it will become so Joko jokey Giaka, judoka Joe Cam Oh, Joe Carter, Joe can And that means I play. You play, you play, he or she plays. We play, you play on and they play
41. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5e: Now let's have a go at doing the other way round. So you've got on the screen The present tense off to speak in English on the verb Italian is paddle, Ari. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to say this in Italian and then press plates. See if you got it right. So I speak is part of law. You speak when you're speaking to one person you know very well is partly you speak when you're being a bit more formal Is parla or lay parla? He or she speaks Louis lay parla. We speak par Liam, you speak in the plural is parallel on they speak parallel Parlow Parley Parla parla, parley ammo. The next VIP is studio studio Ari means to study. And so you have the English present tense on the screen. Pause the video and see if we can work out how to say it in Italian. I study is studio. Usually when you're speaking to one person in the informal way is Studi. Now you notice there aren't two eyes in this. Normally, when you have a verb that ends in a r E for the U informal way you put an eye on the end. But because studio body already has an eye in front of the a r e, you don't have to add another one. So it's just studi with one eye used to be. When you're being more polite, is studio or lay studio? He or she studies Louis Lay studio. We study through the Amell used to be in the plural. Still the after A and they city studio, studio Studi Studio studio stood the animals to the artists to Vienna Lestari start a means to stay in Italian. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to form a study in the present tense in Italian and then press played civically Right, I stay is arrest. Oh, you stay in the informal. When you're speaking to one person is arrestee. You stay in the formal Is arrester ole restaurant? He or she stays. Louis lay rest. We stay, rest em. You stay in the plural For a start, they and they stay Restaurant rest. Oh, arrestee Reston Reston rest Yuanmou Restaurant day. Rest on
42. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5f: the Web. Haskell Tahri A school Dari means to listen. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to conjugate the verb school daddy into the present tense in Italian and then press play. Steve, you got it right? I listen is a school toe. You listen a skull t you listen being a bit more formal a school tha or lay Ask Alta he or she listens. Louis Lay Ask Ulta. We listen. Ask Ultimo. You listen in the plural a school that they and they listen Ask all to know a school toe a skull t ask Alta a school. Tha ask old Tammo a school that day. Ask all Tano, then the provider Travade means to find is where we get the English word trove. Like a treasure trove is when you find the treasure. So Travade is to find. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to say it in Italian in the present tense. And then press play to see if you got it right. I find travel. You find Ravi, you find in the formal Drover late rover he or she finds Louis lay horava. We find throw V m o you find in the plural through a variety and they find drop. I know Travel drove E drover Drover trivia Move through. Batty drove. I know you notice in all of these verbs the i, you, you, he she and the day forms all stress on the 1st 0 drop! Where's the we and the U Plural form stressed the second part after that. So drove all draw v Drover, Drover and left one drove a no. Whereas we find is throw yam So you stress the middle Part two robot they you stress the middle part again And so the stresses for I you, you he she and they are always on the same sellable on the we and the U plural forms are one syllable after that. Come in, Charlie, come in. Charlie means to start on. This verb is like Studi Ari in that there is an I in front of the a r e. So when you have the u form or the we form, you don't add an extra I so pause the video to see if you can work out how to congregate. Common tardy into the present tense and then press played. Steve, you got it right. So I start is comenzo You start community. So there's only one I have at an extra I community you start in the formal comienza or lay comenta he or she starts Louis lay comenta. We start coming Jamel, you stopped Come in charge and they start coming Channel So listen up for the stresses this time to notice Have have the same for I you he she and they And how it's one syllable after for we and you comenta Kaminsky Kamenica Kamenica Coming Charm coming chart Call me in China
43. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5g: the Web North, Adi North Daddy means to swim north, Daddy. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to congregate North Daddy into the present tense in Italian. And then press played. Steve, you got it right. I swim is Watto. You swim north. D you swim? Being more formal is north or lay Nauta. He or she swims. Louis lay north. We swim is north GMO You swim north that they and they swim north tunnel So again, listen for the stress How it's on the same syllable for I, you, he, she and they. And then it's on the next syllable for wheat and you and the parole No auto. Naughty North, North, North GMO North Apathy north. Done, then Mandiri Mandiri means to eat Onda Manjarrez again is like the verb coming Charlie on the study, Ari, in that there is an I in front of the a r e. So you don't have to add an extra eye for you Eat in the informal or for we eat. So pause the video congregate man Jari into the present tense in Italian and then press play to see if you got it right I eat, man Joe, you eat in the informal Mongie You eat in the formal Manja or lay manja he or she eats Louis lay manja We eat man jam you eat in the plural man Jothee and they eat Munn General Mando Manji Manja Manja Man Jam Manja Mungin Out of the body out of your body means to arrive at everybody So pause the video See if you can work out how to congregate Addy volley into the present tense and Italian and then press played Steve, you got it right I arrive is are evil You arrive R e v you arrive in the formal Areva or lay Areva He or she arrives our Eva for Louis Lay Areva We arrive R e v m You arrived in the plural are revived the and they arrive I believe I know So it goes are evil r e v Reva Reva r E v M O Rivard. I don't even know
44. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5h: E R E verbs in the present tense. The group, called E. R E Verbs, includes verbs like Brenda, which means to take vendetta, meaning to sell scree very, which means to write patterned Eddie, meaning to lose or rendering, which means to give back or to return. In fact, anywhere that ends in the letters, E. R. E is part of this group. To put these verbs into the present tense. There are two things that you have to do. Step one is to remove the last three letters so the E. R E from the end on Step two is to then add the appropriate endings. So step one is quite simple. All you have to do is take the e r E from the end of the verb. For example, if you're using the Web vendor, which means to sell, you take off the E. R E and you just get vende. And then once you've done this, Step two is to add the appropriate endings. But what on the appropriate endings? Well, what this means is that you have to add an ending to the verb, depending on who is doing the action. For example, if you want to say that we are doing the action, you add the letters. I am O E M O, which is just like what we did with the a r E verbs. So we sell would be Vendee em, we write would be screened. IAM we take would be playing the, um So we take the e r e from the end of the web and then add E m o to get we If you want to say that he is doing the action where the ending is an E instead, So you remove the last three letters and add an e. Vendee means he sells scree. V means he eats and trendy means he takes. So can you see the difference between the three verbs in the he form on the three verbs in the we form, the start of the verb is the same in both forms. It's just the ending that tells you the difference. So for all the we form verbs, it's e animal on the end on before the he form verbs, it's E on the end. So if in the Amel Wendy screen GMO scree v bring the ammo. Brendan. So you don't have to use the word for we and you don't have to use the word for he in Italian. The ending tells you who's doing the action. So when you're listening to Italian, you do have to listen quite carefully to the ending so you can hear who it is that's doing the Web, whereas in English we say the subject first. So we sell and then the verb. So we right, we take in Italian. You tend to say the very first, and it's the end of the village that tells you who's doing the action. So Vendee Ammo scree, VM trendy, Um.
45. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5i: with E. R. Ev Ebbs Want you removed the last three letters. You always add the letter e to say that he is doing the action and you add GMO or I am Oh, to say that we are doing the action. So see if you can put the following into Italian. How do you say in Italian? He believes on the Web to believe is Grade A. Grandy Cranie. Now you can put Louis in front and say, Louis Cranny, but that's optional. The only reason is because the word Kredi, which could mean, he believes, can also mean, she believes so. You can put Louis to differentiate between the two. If it's unclear. So credit or Louis credit. How would you say he sells on the Web? To sell is ven very Vendee or Louis Wendy. We sell Vendee Ammo, Vendee Ammo, he writes on the Web to right. Is it scream very scree V or Louis screaming We right scree Veum scree via more. How would you say he answers on the Web to answer is a respond very, which is would like to respond responding or Louis responding? What would be we answer? Respond the ammo respond. Yeah, More he gives back on the Web to give back is rendering friend the Louis Rendah we give back grinned GMO ren di ammo He takes on the world to take his Prenda re Apprendi or Louis Trendy We take trendy um Apprendi ammo. He descends on the verb to descend is shendry When you haven't s on a C together in Italian , it makes a sure sound. So Shin Danny Sunday, Louis Shendi will be we descend Shendi em Shendi ammo he loses on the verb to lose is Parad Eri apparently Louis, Apparently what would be we news? Pair of the animal pair of the animal.
46. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5j: the present tense or the people with e R E verbs We've had the he Andi the we forms off the web. Remember that? I said, if it's he, you add an E to the end of the verb. But for we you add e m to the end of the web. But what about you? I she and they well remember that you always start by taking off the e r E from the end of the verb. And then you can add these endings. They're very similar to the a r e verb endings. So, for I, you add the letter o for you. When you're being informal and speaking to one person, you add the letter. I so so far the same as the a r E endings You in the formal Well, you have to add an e. We already know the ending, for he is e well, the ending for she is the same. So for he and she, you have to Adam e to the end of the verb. Once you've removed the e r e, we also know the reform is e m for you. In the plural. You add e t e to the ending. So when you're speaking to more than one person, you add e t e pronounced at bay and for they you add O N 000 no. So let's look at this with an example The pair of very pair there it means to lose. So we start by taking the e r e from the end off parent, Very. And then you add the appropriate endings and we get Parrado, which means I lose pair of the means you lose para today means you lose when you're speaking formally. Pero today means he or she loses bear the ammo means we lose pair of that day means you lose when you're speaking to more than one person. So the plural Onda peril don't know means they lose. So notice that the start off the verb is the same throughout its paired. And then you just add the endings Oh, I e a I am Oh, e t e and O N o Parrado barely. Faraday. Apparently part of the animal pair that they pair don't know. And again the stress is the same for you. You, he she and they goes Pear, though barely pair they pair, they paradyne. But then you move one across for we and you pay out of the animal there that the first you parody means you lose. When you're speaking to one person, you know very well so it's an informal way of speaking. Faraday. The second way of saying you lose is used when you're speaking to one person whom you don't know too well. So is the formal way of speaking and then pair of death. They means you lose when you're speaking to more than one person. So it's the plural way of saying you.
47. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5k: So here's the verb vendor re, which means to sell in the present tense in Italian vendio Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy Ammo. When that they venden so pause the video to see if you can work out what all of these mean in English and then press played start again. So Wendell means I sell Vendee is you sell when you're being informal with one person, then they or lay Vendee is you sell when you're being more formal. Louis Ole Wedneday means he or she sells on. Don't forget that the Louis on DeLay are optional. Just to differentiate between the two, you haven't got to use them. If it's clear that you're speaking about, he sells or she sells when the ammo means we sell, Vendetti means you sell and vendor no means they sell. Then the Web credit me means to believe cranberry. We get the word credible from this if something's credible than it's believable. So cranberry We have cradle Kredi crazy, crazy, crazy ammo credit a cradle. So pause the video. See if you can work out what these mean in English, and then press play to see if you got it right. So cradle means I believe Kredi means you believe when you're speaking to one person informally, Kredi means you believe when you're speaking to one person formally craving oh, Luik, Reavie or lake Ready. I mean, he or she believes Grandy Ammo means we believe credit means you believe when you're speaking to more than one person. So it's the plural and credo. No means they believe so again, Just listen to the stress to see what syllable it falls on and you'll notice how it's the same for I you, you, he she and they. And then you move across one for we and you so credo Kredi crazy Kredi Radium Credit Crane I believe you believe you believe he or she believes we believe you believe on Do they believe
48. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5l: Now let's have a go at doing it the other way around. So Brenda Leigh in Italian means to give back. And so you've got the present tense in English of the verb to give back on the screen, pulls the video and see if you can work out how to conjugated into Italian. So I give back is Riendeau. You give back Rennie, you give back if you're being more formal Ren di Lei trendy. He or she gives back Louis Ole Friendly. We give back friend the ammo you give back in the plural clean debt and they give back Riendeau No. So it goes Rendall. Trendy, trendy, trendy, trendy ammo friend that they render No, the veb shendry shendry means to descend. So pause the video, conjugated the verb shendry into the present tense in Italian and then press played. See if you got it right. Shindle means I descend. Shendi you descend. Shendi means you descend in the formal Louis lay Shendi. He or she descends. Shendi ammo means we descend Shan debt They you descend in the plural Andi Shen dinner they descend Shen Loh Shendi Shen Day Shendi Shendi Ammo Shandez Day Shen Donna then the Web responded early. Respond every means to answer, and it looks a little bit like to respond. Respond Very so pause the video, congregate this verb into the present tense in Italian. And then press played Steve going right, so respond. All is I answer. The responding means you answer when you're speaking to one person informally responding or layer responding, Is you answer? Speaking formally, Louis Lay responding means he or she answers, respond The ammo we answer, responded They you answer in the plural Onda respondent means they answer responding or responding, responding, responding, respond. GMO responded. They respond. No, no.
49. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5m: the next Web is scree. Very scree very means to write scree. Very so. Pause the video, trying conjugated the verb scree very into the present tense in Italian. And then press played Siegel. Right? So I write is scribble. You write scree V. You write when you're speaking formally. Is scree V or lace Creavy? He or she writes Louis Lay scree. V. We write is scree. Veum, you write in the plural is Scriven. They and they write, is screaming. No, it's a scribble scree v scree v scree v. It's creepy mm screen that day, Scriven. Then the defendant, defended a means to defend defending me. So pause the video. See if you can work out how to congregate defender Lee into the present tense. And then press plate said, You got it right. Defendable defendable is I defend. Defend the defend the means you defend you defend in the formal is defending or lay defending. He or she defends Louis Lay defending we defend is defend Yanomamo. You defend in the plural defend that they and they defend, defend on a defend, defend, defend, defend a defend Yanomamo, defend that they and defend Nana on the next Web is a very useful, Web friendly Brenda Leigh, which means to take in Italian Brenda. So pause video, congregate peremptory into the present tense in Italian and then press played to see if you got it right I take is Brendle Prenda you take in the informal. Is Apprendi friendly? You take in the formal is pretending or lay friend A he or she takes Louis lay friendly. We take, bring them you take in the plural is praying that and they take friend Ono So I guess Brendel trendy when they Brenda Brandy am prin debt and friend Ono.
50. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5n: this verb lead. Jenny let Jerry means to read in Italian led Jerry. So pause the video, congregate Len jelly into the present tense in Italian and then press plates. See if you got it right. I read Is Lango Let go. So even though the two G's in the verb led Jerry are pronounced, jah led Jerry. When you have a G followed by an O, it's a hard G, so it's a good sound. So it's Lego Lego so G followed by and always a good whereas G followed by an E or and I is that just sound Andi in this verb, they don't add any of the letters to keep the just sound. It just is conjugated Lengel. So Lengel means I read you read is ledge e ledge e. So it goes back to the gym sound when it's followed by an I you read in the formal is lead singer Les Len J. He or she reads Louis Lay. Linenger we read is led. Jammeh let jam you read in the plural is legit lead. Yet they and then they read Well, you've got the G followed by and oh, in this one so it's pronounced leg Gonna Lego? No. So it goes Lego ledge, E ledge, a ledge, a ledge ammo, legit leg. Gonna the vab V very be very means to live in Italian V very. So pause the video congregate V very into the present tense in Italian on then press play to see if you got it right. So I live is V evil of evil. You live in the informal is vv and you live in the formal Is vv or lay V They he or she lives? Louis lay viva. We live V v m o You live in the plural The that they and they live is Viv Ana vi vel vv vv vv v v m o v vet. They ve even know the verb to put in Italian is met. Very Metarie. So pause the video congregate Met today into the present tense in Italian on then press plates. See if you got it right. I put is metal meto you put Moeti Moeti You put in the formal is met they or lay met they he or she puts Louis or lay met. There we put is met Osama. You put in the plural is met that they and they put met on a meto meti met They met make demo. I met that day and met Donna.
51. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5o: I r e verbs in the present tense. The group, called I R E Verbs, includes verbs like Party, which means to leave door merei meaning to sleep menteri, which means to lie a really meaning toe open off freely, which means toe offer. In fact, any verb that ends in the letters I R E is part of this group To put these verbs into the present tense. There are two things you have to do. Step one is to remove the last three letters. So basically take off the I. R. E. And then Step two is to add the appropriate endings. So step one is quite simple or you have to do is take the i r e off from the end of the verb. So, for example, if you were using the web party day, which means to leave, you take off the I r E part and you're left with part. This is actually called the stem off the verb. Would you take the last three letters off in Italian? You're left with the stem off. Then we have to add the appropriate endings to the stem off the verb. But what are the appropriate endings. Well, what this means is you have to add the ending to the end of the verb, depending on who is doing the action. For example, if you want to say I am doing the action where you add the letter O in Italian. So with the verb parity, Lee, which means to leave, you take off the last three letters that step one. So you left with part and then you add an O. Powerful Barto means I leave the web door merely a means to sleep and daughter More normal means Eisley mentally was till I answer mental means I lie. So for I in Italian, you have to add an O to the end of the verb. However, if you want to say that she is doing the action well, the ending you add is e instead. So character was I leave Part of a day means she leaves normal means I sleep and daughter may means she sleeps mental was ill. I answer. Mente means she lies So parable daughter more mental where they are ending lesser Oh, so they're all talking about I whereas part they door may Mente or ending letter e so they're all talking about she doing something. Notice how the stem of the verb that's the first part is the same for each person, so parable on. But they both have The same stem is just the ending that's different and so Italian. You have to really listen up for the ending off the verb to hear who's doing the action.
52. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5p: with I R E verbs. Won't you remove the last three letters? You always add Letter E to say that she is doing the action and you always add the letter o to say that I am doing the action. So let's see if we can translate the following into Italian. So how would you say in Italian? She leaves on the were to leave is para teary. So we take the last three letters from the end of the verb on at an E on. We get part of the Battisti so bad at the means she leaves now. Actually, as we've seen with a R e verbs, Andi E R e verbs, the she form off the present tense in Italian is the same as the he form, so part they can mean she leaves or he leaves. So to make it clear, if it is confusing, we can put lay in front of the verb to say it. She is doing the action so layabout they just makes it clear that it's she who's leaving and not he. So you can either say just bad they or lay party. How would you say she sleeps on the verb to sleep is door Emilie Daughter me or lay door May I sleep, daughter? No. So we take the i r e from the end of the verb daughter merely on we put on Oh, and we get daughter more She lies on the vector Lie is Menteri Mente lay men Today I lie mental mental She opens on the web to open is up really happy or layup I open a pro a pro she offers on the web to offer is off freely off or lay off free Won't be I offer Afro off through the VEB Segui means to follow So how would you say she follows Segway Les Segway? How would you say I follow single saying? Well, she serves on the Web two service Saravena Saturday Oh Lay survey I sieve Sanibel Sandoval The DVR Teeley diverted a means to entertain. So how would you say she entertains diversity? Les Divert! I entertain D'Vera de Berto
53. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5q: the president tents or the people with I r E verbs. We've just had the she Andi I forms off the verb. But what about the rest of the people? The u i he and they Well, just remember that when you start, you take off the i r e from the end of the verb and we get the stem and then we add the appropriate endings. So for I, we already know that you have to add the letter o to the end, but for you, when you're speaking informally, you add the letter I to the end of the verb, which is the same as the a r e verbs on the er eaves you when you're speaking formally, when you add the letter e to the end for he and she knew author at Valetta E to the end of the Web For we When you recognize this one, you add e m. So I am Oh, so again, this is the same for a r e verbs, Iori verbs. And now i rt verbs e m for you. We add i t e when you're speaking in the plural. So it's pronounced eat they on for they, but it's the same as the er verbs. We add o N o So the endings are Oh, i e you he am eat they and on. So let's have a look at this in practice with the party Lee, which means toe leave. So we take off the I r e on we get the stem part and then we can add the endings on we get Barito, meaning I leave parity, which means you leave when you're speaking informally toe. One person about a thing means you leave when you're speaking formally toe one person party cannot. I mean, he or she leaves part of the animal means we leave about a deep. They means you leave when you're speaking to more than one person. So this is the plural version and then parked on the means They leave. So you guys part Oh, party, party, party, party, ammo, partita and party. And to listen out again for the stress where I placed the emphasis on each word. The same syllable is stressed for the I you, you, he and she and then they form. So it's part of the party Party, Party. They don't know But then we move across one to the right. When we say we leave or you leave in the plural, it's part of the, um on partita. So you stress the next suitable the Barretto Bharati bar, the party bar, demo by day and party.
54. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5r: So let's have a quick practice with the present tense for I r e verbs. You've got the very parity in the present tense on the screen. See if you can pause the video and then work out what these mean in English And then press played see to go, right. So Pairetto means I leave part of the you leave part of the means you leave when you're speaking formally, Pat. They can also mean he or she leaves party M o. We leave part of deep. They you leave in the plural and part. Oh, no. Means they leave next we have the d very teary, which means to entertain. Or it can also mean to amuse. So you've got the present tense off the diva Tina on the screen. It goes developed O d Verity. Divert, Divert, Develop, Tom! Diverted. Divert! Pause the video. See if you can work out what these mean in English. And then press play. Steve, you got it right. So D'Vera toe means I am use or I entertain de Varity. You amused divert, or Lady Bertie Is you amused? Formally, Louis Lady birthday. He or she amuses, or he or she entertains. Divert Tammo we amuse. Diverted means you amuse in the plural and developed Ana means they abuse. The next VIP is saravena. They're very means to serve. And so we have terrible Cervi Survey, survey, survey um, Servet Serrano Pause the video to see if you can work out what these mean in English and then press played CD. Got it right. So cerebral means ice it satyr V means you said when you're speaking to one person informally, So a friend or a family member Saturday Les survey is you said when you're speaking formally, Louis Lay survey means he or she says, set of ammo means we said set of eat. They means you serve when you're speaking to more than one person. So this is the plural vision. Onda Cero, Bono Serrano means invasive so you can see the endings are oh, i e And then it goes E on more eat the and on for all i R e verbs in Italian. In the present tense
55. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5s: Now let's have a go at doing it the opposite way around said the web. New three day No tree means to feed in Italian. New Clearly we get the word nutrition from it, so no, really? So pause the video. See if you can congregate North Korea into the present tense on then press played city Got it right. So I feed is neutral. You feed in the informal Nutri, you feed speaking formally Nutri Ole Nutri He or she feeds Louis Lay Nutri we feed is Nutri Ammo You feed in the plural is Nutri Day and then they feed is neutral. Notre Nutri, Nutri Nutri Nutri Ammo New three Day and neutral segue. Really? Segui really means to follow in Italian Sing Really? So pause the video. See if you can work out how to congregate saying really into the present tense and then press played TV. Got it right. I follow is Sehgal. You follow Segui. New follows being formally sang way or lay Segway. He or she follows Louis Lay sang way we follow is Segui ammo. You follow in The plural is sig weekday and then they follow saying wanna some? It goes Segro Segui, Segway, Segway said. We are more, said wheat. They said, You know, the next verb is off freely off freely. This means to offer in Italian off freely. So pause the video, See if you can congregate the off freely into the present tense in Italian and then press play and you'll see if you got it right. I offer is off. Throw. Oh, throw. You offer. Speaking informally off free you offer. Speaking formally is offering a or layoff Ray, he or she offers Louis, lay off. Ray, we offer is Ofri ammo you offer in the plural is or free thing and then they offer is off thrown out. So you have the same endings for all ira verbs. Oh, I e and e m o eat They are no off road off. Free off. Ray Ofri off free! MMO off, Frito Lay off front
56. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5t: the next Web is a pre day are really which means to open in Italian. So pause the video see if you can congregate a predate into the present tents on then press played See if you got it right. I open is a pro apple You open informally is a pre you open in the formal is happily for lay up he or she opens Louis Layup Ray, we open is a pre ammo you open speaking in the plural is a pretty day and they open is a pro No So it is a pro Opry operate Operate a pre ammo a pre k APRA No, The next verb is mentally meant Dele means toe lie in Italian menteri as in to tell I so pause the video See if you can work out how to congregate men TV into the present tense in Italian on then press play and see if you got it right I lie is mental you lie is mentee and this means lie as in to tell a lie not as into lie down you lie when you're speaking formally is meant day or lay mente he or she lies Louis lay mente Well, I is meant Tammo, You lie in the plural is meant. Eat they and they lie is meant honor. So it's mental mentee, Mente, mente, Minty ammo meant eat a and mental. And then the next web is door mealy door media, which means to sleep We get word like dormant or dormitory from daughter meeting. So pause the video to see if you can congregate daughter Emilie into the present tense in Italian. And then press played. Stevie got right. So I sleep is normal. You sleep, daughter me, you sleep. Speaking formally is door May or Late Gourmet. He or she sleeps. Louis Lay door May we sleep is indoor me ammo You sleep in the plural is nor meat And then they sleep Darmono seven goes and daughter more daughter me daughter May indoor Me, Normie Ammo nor Meat Day and Darmono
57. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5u: the second type off ir re Webb's in the present tense. We've just looked at the i R E verbs in Italian, but in actual fact, there is a second type off ir Eva. These verbs have a different set of endings to the first i r e group that we saw, and in fact they are a more common group. This group includes verbs like Finn ET, which means to finish poorly in a meaning to clean copyright, which means to understand, but very uni meaning to prepare angina toe act. Now, to put these verbs in the present tense, we have the same two steps, just different endings. So Step One was to remove the last three letters from the end of the worst to remove the I . R. E. On Step two is to add the appropriate endings. And it's the endings that are going to be different for this group of IRA verbs compared to the last group. So if you look at the verb Feeny D well, step one is quite simple, or you have to do is take off the i r e. From the end on, we get the stem, which is feen But then step two says to have the appropriate endings on. And these are different for this group of ir verbs. For example, in the last group, if you want to say that he is doing the action where we added an E for this group, if you want to say he is doing the action, we have to add Ishi to the end, which is I s C e the shape. So he finishes would be finish finish a he prefers. But if Eddie she referee, she he understands capiche, capiche. So for he the endings are different to the last group. However, if you want to say that we are doing the action well, the ending is the same e animal. And so in fact, e amel is the same for a r e verbs e r e ribs and now both groups off ira verbs. If you want to say we are doing the action, you always add e m o to the end of the Web. So finish a means he finishes Finney. Ammo means we finish periphery shape means he prefers periphery. Am Means we prefer capiche means he understands, whereas kpm kpm means we understand Assoc have a stem for the he and the reform is the same . So Finn or Pref? Air or cup? It's just the ending that's different. Finish Fignon Periphery em capiche. Yeah, PMO! So you always add ish A for he in this group of IRA verbs on E M. For weeks.
58. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5v: So for this second group off Ira verbs, wouldn't you removed the last three letters and you're left with the stem off the room. You add ish A I s c e for he and you always add e m for we. So if the very few nearly means to finish, how would you say he finishes in Italian, finish on Louis finish. So just like with the other verbs, the he form of the verb is the same as the she form off the verb. So finish she can actually mean he finishes or she finishes. Say it can add Louis in front of the Web to make it clear that you're speaking about he rather than she so finish or Louis finishing pull. It means to clean on this very belongs in the second group off Ira verbs. So how would you say he cleans pulley Shea or Louis Police? Shea, how would you say, however we clean Pulliam Julianne Moore, Cappie Day means to understand. So how would you say he understands capiche or Louis? Capiche? We understand Cappie ammo que PMO. But I felt a means to prefer in Italian. So how would you say he prefers periphery shape or Louis referee shape. What would be we prefer? But I thought Iemma but I thought the Yemen the verb Agena means toe act. So how would you say he acts? Maggie Shea on Louis A Jaisha. What will be we act and um Oh, I jam. How would you say in Italian, he fails on the web to fail is Falih Follieri Felisha Louis Folly shape will be we fail Volume volume speedier. A speedy today means to send in Italian. So how would you say he sends speedy shape? Speedy shape or Louise body shape? What would be we send spend Yama spend Yama The web suit Jerry Lee Suji really means to suggest So how would you say he suggests So, Jerry Shay su Geri Shape or Louis? Still Jerry Shay What would be we suggest storage area. Sudairi Um
59. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5w: the present tense or the people with the second group off I r E verbs. So we've had the he onda We forms off this other type of ira web. But what about the rest of the people? The I or she Or they well, remember that you start by taking the i. R e from the end of the web and for this group, we have to add quite funny endings. Most of them contain the letters. I s C. So if you want to say I I'm doing the action when you take off the i r e and then you add east school isco you in the informal while you have to add Ishi, Is she just I s c I so e school. I s CEO on Ishi I s c I for you in the formal. We have to add ish a you shay just I s c e on. We want to add that ending for he or she so ish. A is also the ending for the he or she forms off the web. So so far we have isco Ishi, you share he shea And the endings look very similar. If you take off the I s C to the normal endings for the IRA verbs. You've gotten O on the end I and then an E and a E So if you look at just the last letter, they are the same. The only difference is that they haven't. I s c in front of them. If you want to say that we are doing the action well, you have to add e m o e m o which doesn't contain the I S C. So it's just e m or and it's the same with you in the plural. You just have eat. They eat they In fact, the youth in the plural is always just take the are off the verb and change it to a t. So remember that with a r e verbs for the U in the formal we had at the a t e or really, you're changing the a r e to an 80. With the er ive ebbs. You change it to an e t e on with the i. R E verbs. In both groups, you change it to an I t. E. So it's always just changed. The are to a t for you in the plural And then for they in this second group off ira webs we have east gonna It's gonna so the we and the U in the plural are the only two that don't contain the I s c on for the rest of them. The endings are the same as the first group off Ira verbs. The only difference is that you haven't I s c in front of it. So the score is she Isha? Isha Um Oh! Eat day and it's gonna let's have a look at this in action with the web Feeney Lee, which means to finish it goes Beanie score for I finish finish she for you. Finish Phoenicia for you finish in the formal. Phoenicia means he or she finishes Fignon mo We finish if you need you finish on finished. Gonna means they finish Venice. Co finish she finish finish Fignon Mo If you need there Finished Gonna
60. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5x: Now that's practice with this group of herbs. So the very needy means to finish. Andi, I've conjugated into the present tense for you on the screen. Finish school or finish She finish, finish enamel finish and finished. Gonna pause the video. See if you can work out what this word means in English on. Then press play and see if you got it right. So Finney score means I finish finish. She is. You finish. Phoenicia means you finish in the formal finish. A can mean he or she finishes. Fignon is we finish. We need They is. You finish in the plural. On finish school means they finish. Let's do the same with the web pool. Really? Pull your eight means to clean and you've got here the present tense off. Police police, co police. She polish a Polish. I really am Police day police Gonna pause the video, See if you can work out what these mean in English on then. Press plates. Difficult, right? Police co means I clean police. She is. You clean in the informal police shea or lay polish. Is you clean in the formal Louis Ole Polish. I mean, he or she cleans. Julianne Moore is weekly. Police means you clean in the plural Onda police. Gonna means they clean the cap. Et happy day means to understand in Italian on the present tense off the web capital is copy school Copy She capiche. Cappie Shea got PMO. Cap it. And cap, it's gonna so pause the video to see if you can work out what these mean in English and then press place. See if you got it right. Eso que pisco means I understand. Copy. She means you understand when you're speaking informally, capiche or lake appreciate means you understand when you're speaking formally, Louis Ole capiche A. I mean, he or she on the sense. Yeah. PMO que PMO means we understand capital is you understand in the plural and capisce Cano means they understand.
61. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5y: Now let's have a go at doing it the other way around the verb Algeria, Algeria means toe Act in Italian. See if you can pause the video, work out how to put a GED into the present tense on then press played. Steve, you got it right. So I act is a GIs co a gis co se take the i r e from the end of Algeria on port isco on the end and disco you act when you're being informal is a g she you act formal is a Jaisha or lay a Jaisha he or she acts is Louis Lay we act is a GMO say haven't got the I s seeing that one a Jamel you act in the plural again There's no i s c RG three and they act is a GIs Khanna So it goes back to the I s c. So for we and you and the plural with this group of herbs in the i r e group, there's never an I s c so edgy School aji she aji sha aji sha a jam Maggie, I just gonna The Web referee Lee breath really means to prefer so pause the video. See if you can work out how to congregate. Preferred really into the present tense in Italian and then press played. Steve, you got it right. So I prefer is property school You prefer periphery? She you prefer in the formal periphery Sha or lay referee She he or she prefers is Louis lay periphery shape. We prefer periphery and more so the i s c disappears again You prefer in the plural. But if I eat they so again there's no i sc and then they prefer But if at least gonna so the i s c comes back. But if every school periphery she referee Sha But I 30 am breath every day. But every school No, the web Follieri Follieri means to fail in Italian So pause the video See if you can congregate failure t into the present tense on then press played See if you got it right I fail Is Felice co you fail. Finally she you fail in the formal Felisha or lay Felisha, he or she fails. Louis Lay Felisha, We fail volume. You fail in the plural family day and they fail. Feliz ano fale isco folly. She Felisha Felisha volume. Oh, Felice Felice Gonna so notice again that the I s C appears in all of them except for we on you in the plural. In fact, we could probably call the second group off Ira verbs the I S C group, because I s C appears throughout, except for obviously the we and the U plural.
62. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5z: the verb steadily speedy and a means to send in Italian. So pause the video, Try and conjure gates spade et into the present tense and then press place See if you got it right. So I send is speedy school. You send in the informal speedy she you send being formal speed Isha or Lace Berisha He or she sends is Speedy Shea or Louise body shape for he sends or lay speedy shape for she sends. Don't forget that all these bits that are in brackets are optional. So speedy, shaped by itself, can mean he sends or she sends. But you can put the Louis or lay in front to make it clearer. We send is speedy ammo You send in the plural is speed Eat there and they send is spread east. Gonna spare isco, Speedy! She sped ish a spade. Isha Spady Ammo sped it. They sped Escuela Su Geri Day means to suggest in Italian pause the video, see if he can congregate so generally into the present tense and then press play to see if you got it right. So I suggest is still Jerry school. You suggest being informal is food, Jerry she you suggest in the formal Jerry Shay ole surgery. She he or she suggests Louis lay surgery. She we suggest So Jerry, you suggest in the plural sudairi day Andi, they suggest Soubirous gonna So Jaresko surgery She surgery sha surgery She so Jerry ammo surgery surgery is gonna and then the web cost through eBay means to build cost through Really So pause the video congregate costs through your way into the present tense and Italian on. Then press play and see if you got it right. So cost through e day which means to build it looks a little bit like construct in English cost through uni it goes cost through isco I build cost through Is she you build in the informal Then you build in the formal is cost through Isha or lay cost through issue he or she builds Louis Lay cost through issue We build cost through ammo you build in the plural is cost to eat they and then they build cost through It's gonna cost to isco Cost Rui Xi cost through Isha cost shrewish cost through ammo cost through it day cost through is gonna
63. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5za: the next verb In this I s C group is called Petey called Beery, which means to hit. So pause the video congregate called B'Day into the present tense in Italian and then press played. See if you got it right. I hit is called Pisco You hit called PC. You hit being more formal called cliche or lay. Call Pichet he or she hits Louis play called P sha. We hit call PMO. You hit in the pool called Pete and then they hit called Peace Gonna call Pisco. Call p she called Pichet called cliche Call PMO compete. Compete thus very year Looks a little bit like the English translation which is to transfer dress failure Me So pause the video congregate thrust very day into the present tense in Italian on then press play Steve, you got it right. I transfer is trust Very school You transfer is trust very She you transfer being more formal for us Very she or lay trust Very shape He or she transfers Louis lay trust Very shape We transfer is trust Very ammo. You transfer in the plural trust very day and then they transfer is trust very schooner trust very school trust. Very she plus very shape Trust Berisha Trust Very ammo trust. Very day on glass. Very school. No. And then the last very we're going to look at in this I SC group is in fast DDT in fast DDT which means to annoy in fastidious so like before pause the video congregate in fast idiota into the present tense in Italian and then press played Stevie Great right in faster disco is I annoy in fastidious She you annoy in fasted Isha or lay in fasted. Isha is you annoy In the formal Louis Lay invested Isha means he or she annoys in fasted. Yamamah means we in a way in fast idiot day you annoy in the plural in fastidious gonna means they annoy in faster disco. In fastidious she infested Isha infested Isha infested Yamma in fast idiot! They in fastidious gonna
64. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zb: So now you've seen how to form the present tense for a R e verbs, e r E verbs and then both types off I r e verbs. You start by taking the last three letters off the end of the verb to get the stem and then you add the appropriate endings. So for a r e verbs, you add Oh, for I i for you being informal a for you in the formal A for he and she Yeah mo for we Are they for you in the plural and Anil for they so oh, I a e m o at the end. And then the endings are very similar for the rest of them for e r E verbs, it's over again. Then I and then it's an E instead of an A. So it's oh, i e gmo at the and then on No. So the last two a slightly different as well. So it's at the and then on? No. Then for the first group off I r E verbs, it's identical to the e r E ribs. So the endings are oh, i e e m o eat they and unknown. And then for the second group off Ira verbs, which we can also call the I s C verbs the endings of the same as the first group. Except there's an I S C in front of them for most of them. So isco is she the shay if shay But then for the weak and the U in the plural, it's the same as the other IRA group. So it's e m. Or each day and then it's gonna Is there the endings for the present tense in Italian? Now let's do some practice sentences. Let me start by giving you a few extra words that you can use to make some longer sentences on your Giordano on need your no means every day. The word only means every or each and then Giordano means day so on your Giordano every day . Special special means often de sollitto the Sollitto means usually Presto presto means early in c m me in c m. A means together and then multiple Ma little means very so we'll add these words to our sentences. What you can do is get a cue card on right these six words down the center off one side of the Q guard in Italian and then turn it over and write what they mean in English on the other side. So on your Jornal space So the solid thought presto in CMI and Malta. So how would you say in Italian? She eats here every day? Man Jack, we only giorno or lay man Jack, we only jornal. So the verb to eat is mandatory. You take off the a r e and then you add in a because it's she so lame and Jack, we on your Giordano.
65. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zc: How would you say in Italian, we traveled to Italy often on the very to travel is via Jari. So it's an a r e veb via jam in Italia space. So the Jammu in Italia special. So because the via Jari has an I already in front of the a r e, you don't have to add an extra i when you add e m o to the end. And so it's just one I Viet jam in Italia special. How would you say? Usually they arrive early on The vote to arrive is Charivari The Sollitto are even know Presto, the Sollitto are even know. Presto! So everybody is an air reverb. You take the a r e off the end and you put a and O for they believe I know. How would you say you finish early tomorrow in the plural On the web to finish is fin ET, which belongs to that funny I s C I r e group. However, also, don't forget that for the u in the plural on for the we off this group, there's no I s C Finn, et presto domani Finn et presto Donny, How would you say he buys everything on the Web to buy is completely compra too. Oh, Louis contrato Usually I wait here on the web to wait in Italian is a suspect, Ari the Sollitto aspecto qui the sollitto aspecto queen. You eat everything. Usually on the verb to eat is man Jari. Andi, how would you say this using the informal version off you, Mandy To target Sollitto Manji Tutto the sollitto. So don't forget that when there is an I in front of the a r e in the vab Normally you don't have to add an extra I for the U informal or for the week. So Manji Djotodia, Sollitto Just one eye on the end. How would you say we work together? And the verb to work in Italian is Laval Dari Lavery Ammo in CNN May Lavery Ammo in CNN May
66. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zd: How would you say in Italian? I write to Maria every day on the Web. To write is scree Vinny on the word for two is a scribble a Maria on me giorno. Scribble a Maria on me. Georgiana. How would you say they visit Milan together very often On the Web to visit is Visit Ari Visit on a Milano in C. M. A multi space. So visit on a Milano in C. M. A multi espresso I read every day on the verb to read is lead Jerry Lego only Georgina Lego on you Georgina. He swims with Paolo very often. On the verb to swim in Italian is North Rd Louis North a comm Paolo multi space. So well, you could just say north account Paolo multi space. So now let's have a look at the present tense names and or the now owns. So, just like with the other tent, is that we've done, you can put names and now, with the present tense, too, all you have to do is take the he or she versions of the present tense on. Put a name or a noun in front of them, for example, Parilla or Louis Bala means he speaks Parla can also mean she speaks where you can put lay in front of it and get lay parla. But what you can do instead is put a name in front and say Paolo parla which means Paolo speaks. Oh Maria Parla meaning Maria speaks. You can even put any noun in front of this. You could say for example, it pappa Galo parla which means the parrot speaks. So how would you say in Italian? Paolo visits Milan often. Paolo, visit Djamila No special Paolo visit Djamila No special Well, how would you say Maria eats here every day? Maria Man Jack, we only Jordan Maria man Jack, we only giorno.
67. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5ze: Or how would you say in Italian, the parrot speaks Italian on the word for the parrot Is Il Papa Garlow on the word for Italian is Italiano Papa Galo Parla Italiano. You Papa Garlow, Parla Italiano. Or how would you say? Usually Maria travels with me The Sollitto Maria via Jack on May this old little Maria V Odjick on me. Paolo finishes early tomorrow. Paolo, finish a presto money. Paolo, finish a presto money. Everything arrives tomorrow. Toe revealed. Amani toe Areva Domani Paolo swims every day Paolo Nauta Only Jordan Paolo Nauta on you George Maria tries everything usually Maria product Totally Sollitto Maria Proper to totally Sollitto. The film starts scene and the word for the film is ill. Fim it film Come in Just a little in film coming just to veto or how would you say Italian Paolo arrive soon. Paolo Areva Sutjipto Paolo Areva Screw veto
68. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zf: the president ends double meaning in English. There are two ways to talk about the present tense. For example, you can either say I eat or are meeting in English. One way uses, I'm being and the other way doesn't In Italian, However, there is only one way Manjural, for example, can mean I eat or I'm eating. This means when you want to say things such as I am speaking, you don't have to say I, um and then think of how to say ing. You simply use the present tense power. No. So let's see if you can work out the two English meanings off these present tense phrases in Italian. No. What in what? What are the two things that no auto can mean? It could mean I am swimming or I swim. Finish school, finish school. I am finishing. Oh, I finished, Commensurate. Come in, Joe. I am starting or I stop. Bendel Wendell, I am selling or I sell. So you always have one way in English that has. I, um ing and the other way doesn't in Italian, However, you always just use the present tense. Wendell, how would you say in English? Lavoro I am working or I work. It would be the two meanings off Prada level. Probable. I am trying or I try Komproe compa. I am buying or I buy parallel. Parallel. I am speaking or I speak. So this means if you say something like parallel Italian Well, that could be translated in two different ways. Parla Italiano could mean I speak Italian, but it could also mean I am speaking Italian. Barlow Italiano. What would the two meanings off a sculptor be? Ask orto I am listening. Oh, I listen. Police co police school. I am cleaning. Oh, I clean. So that means you could say something like police co la casa. And that could be I clean the house or I'm cleaning the house.
69. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zg: This is the same for any person in the present tense. You can always translate it into English in two different ways, one with ing on the end on one way without, for example, let's look at the two different English translations off the present tense conjugation off the pyre. Lottery in Italian. So part of law can mean I speak or I'm speaking. Parley. Les Parla in the formal can mean you speak or you're speaking. Louis Parla can mean he speaks or he's speaking. Les Parla can mean she speaks or she's speaking. Parley am could be. We speak or it could be were speaking part of that. They can mean you speak or you're speaking paddle anal. They speak or they're speaking and it's the same with names or announce. Paolo Parla could mean Paolo speaks or Paulo is speaking. Maria Padilla could mean Maria speaks or Maria is speaking. Il papa, Galo para could be the parrot speaks or the parrot is speaking, So there are always two ways to translate the present tense into English from Italian. Let's practice with some sentences. I'll give you a sentence in Italian, and then you think of the two different ways. It could be translated into English. You trained? No, Areva, You train No Are Eva The train arrives or the train is arriving. Paolo Manja Paolo Manja Paolo eats or Paulo is eating. Come Preto Completo You buy everything or you're buying everything. Maria Lavoro qui Maria Lavoro qui Maria works here. Oh, Maria is working here via Jamo, A Milano via Jamela Milano. We traveled to Milan. We're traveling to melon.
70. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zh: what would be the two ways to translate into English This sentence visit a no Maria in Italia. Visit ano Maria in Italia. You could either say they visit Maria in Italy. Oh, they're visiting Maria in Italy. How about Studio they Studio Day? Well, this is the U Plural version off the verb study, Ari. So you can translate it either as you study or your studying and it will be used when you're speaking to more than one person. How would you translate into English? Lay rest a qui lay, rest a qui She stays here. Oh, she's staying here. In fact, Lay means she, but it knows. I mean you normally when it has a capital l it means you. But at the beginning of sentence, every word has a capital letter. So lay meaning she would also have a capital letter. So here it's impossible to distinguish whether it means she stays here or your staying here . So it could mean either she stays here. She's staying here. You stay here or your staying here When you're speaking formally, what would be the two different ways to say? Throw to defeat today? Travel to thought defeat today. Andi Defeat. She let means difficult in Italian. It could mean I find everything difficult or I'm finding everything difficult. How about this sentence? Ill feeling community Suwito In feeding community Castellitto it could even mean the film starts soon or the film is starting soon. Yamamoto pro gmo We try everything. Oh, we're trying everything. So in English there are always two ways to talk about the present tense. One has ing and one doesn't. Where is an Italian? You always just use the normal present tense.
71. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zi: the present tense negative to make the present tense negative we have to do is put the word non in front of the Web. Non means not. Here's an example with the pa reliably again notice how they're two meanings in the English translation compared to just the one in English. So if parallel means I speak, then non Parlow non parallel means I don't speak. Or it can also mean I'm not speaking non. Partly can mean you don't speak or you're not speaking lay non parla Is the former way off saying you don't speak or you're not speaking Louis non parilla. He doesn't speak. He isn't speaking lay non parla. She doesn't speak well. She isn't speaking nonpareil. Liam, we don't speak. We're not speaking known parla day. This is the plural version off saying you don't speak or you're not speaking. So this is if you're speaking to more than one person non parallel. No, they don't speak or they're not speaking. Paolo Non parallel. Paolo doesn't speak or Paulo isn't speaking. Maria. Non parla Maria doesn't speak or Maria isn't speaking. So when you want to make the present tense negative in Italian or you have to do is put non in front of the bed. So how would you say in Italian? I don't eat meat on the word for meat in Italian is academy, which would get the word carnivorous from? Or if you think about the meal chilli con Carney. It means chili with meat. So Karami means meat non Mando carinae known man Joe Carter name. And so this means I don't eat meat. Or it could also mean I'm not eating meat because in English there are always two translations off the present tense. How would you say he doesn't work here non Lavoro qui non love or a queen or Louis non love or a queen? And so again, this means he doesn't work here. But it could also mean he isn't working here because there are two ways to translate the present tense into English. Non lavoro qui
72. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 5zj: How would you say in Italian, they aren't visiting Italy this year on? The word for this year is questionable. Question. No, the apostrophe in the middle is really there because you're doing two words together. The word for this is quest or which ends in an O. But when you put Quest all in front of a word that starts with a vowel, it shortens to quest on an apostrophe. So quest done means this year. So how would you say they aren't visiting Italy this year? Known. Visit on a retiree? A question non visitor. No Italian question. No. How would you say you aren't buying that? Using the informal way of saying you non com frequently non com frequently. Or how would you say Paolo isn't arriving tomorrow? Paolo Non Arevalo, Manny Paolo known Areva Domani. So this could mean Paolo isn't arriving tomorrow or Paolo doesn't arrive tomorrow. How would you say she isn't working here tomorrow? Known level with a queen Omani known level acquittal money where you could put lay in front of its not clear lay non level or a queen domani on. Don't forget that. Belay here because it's got a capital l could also mean you. And so, without any context, it's impossible to tell whether lay non love or a quid Omani means she isn't working here tomorrow or you aren't working here tomorrow using the formal way of saying you, How would you say Italian? We don't swim very often known North Yamamoto's best so known North Yamamoto's pesto. Or how would you say I don't visit Melon very often. Non visitor Milano Multi space. So known visitor Milan Normal to space. So So to make the present tense negative in Italian, you just put the word non in front of the Web.
73. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 6a: Now let's recap all the words and phrases that we've learned so far. How do you say in Italian? I would like for a I'm thinking off stop in Sunday. The can I possible here, Queen There le that Quitno everything to the tomorrow. No matter me, you can see pool. You can't non si poor in Milan or to melon. I Milano, remember that you put, uh, in front of any town or city to mean in or two in Italy or to Italy. Genitalia. So with any country, use a in to mean in or two. I'm going. Stop there soon, Sutjipto. Next week. Lots of demand approach. Siemer Next year Land no proximo with Cone. Me may Well, Ben yesterday. Yeah, me this morning. Cuesta Matina last week. Velocity Mana scores last year. Land no score. So too much drop already? Yeah, Every day on your Georgina. Often special. Usually this Sollitto very presto together in CNN may very multi
74. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 6b: Now let's recap all the verbs that we planned have to say in Italian to eat Mondavi to arrive everybody to play Joe Carter to visit. Visit Charlie to travel via Jari to work. Laferrari to speak battle Adi to read Let Jerry to right scree Very to listen A school Tahri to descend shendry to lie menteri to sleep and daughter meeting to amuse Divert ta to prepare But I felt a to send speedier to hit called PD to swim north Daddy to do or to make body to leave Partida to buy comprise to try for a body to find to nobody to study studio body to stay rest Ari To finish we need a to stop commentary to defend defended a toe open are really to follow, Say greedy to feed no three day toe act ideally to build cost through your day To transfer Prosperi Really to be s sorry to wait aspect, Ari. Now verbs that end in a ari or i r e You always stress the A or the I. So aspect Ari Orphee nearly by lari up. Really, that's where you placed the emphasis. However, if we look at some e R E verbs like vendor early. Well, we've stressed the syllable before the so we don't say when daily we se vend early on. This is true of all e r e verbs. So a r e I r e verbs you stress the a or the I whereas e r e verbs, you stress the syllable before that. So vendor Lee is to sell. So how do you say to sell Ben Very to change Camby Adi to lose parent Very so it's parallel very not parent daily To give back a rendering to understand copier to take Brenda Lee to believe Create very to answer respond very to put Metarie toe often off freely to save set of eBay to clean Pulido To fail Follieri to suggest Fuji really to annoy in fastidious
75. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 6c: How would you say in Italian? I'm going to leave early tomorrow. Stopper party Repressed Omani stopper party in a presto money. Can I start later? Also coming, Charlie, You tired? Possible coming, Jerry. Pew tardy. I would like to stay here today and the word for today is on. Ji Vory rest are equi ology. The rest are equal. Yogi, we're going to be in Italy soon. Stam appear yesterday in Italia Suwito, Stammel, Peristeri in Italia's rubato. Can I leave Bosso? Party early. Postal party early. He isn't going to be there. Nonstop. Arrest Arena. Louis! Nonstop! Arrest Arreola! She is going to stay here with power. Stop their historic weaken! Paolo! Les! Stop! Their historic week! Gianpaolo! I've already eaten Odium and Giotto or Jackman. Giotto! They have lost everything. And no para do Toto on a pair do toe to toe. We haven't visited Rome. No Nambiar Movie tart aroma. No, no! Obama! Billy Tato Room. They're building the house control risk on a la Casa Montrouis Cano Caza
76. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 6d: How would you say in Italian? I'm staying here. Rest a qui rest a qui I'm not staying here Non rest a qui known rest a qui We're eating here together tomorrow man Jama qui in cmi Domani man Jama qui in cmi Domani I'm studying Italian with Maria Studio Italiano Con Maria Studio Italiano Con Maria They're not going to listen. Nonstandard Paras Kothari Non stand no pair a school Tahri, you're going to lose everything using the formal version of you Stop their apparent very Tuto les stopper personally toe Can I speak with Paolo Postal Paralytic on Paulo also Parilla Recon Paolo. We found Maria Abbiamo Trovato Maria Abbiamo Trovato Maria. He's failed. Ah, Ferolito or Louis Eppolito. When you use the Louis or lay for he and she You haven't got to put at the very start of the sentence like in English. Italian is much more free language in terms of word order. So you can put the Louis anywhere so you could say instead of Louis Eppolito, you could say half Alito, Louis. And so you haven't got to put out the start. How would you say I visit Italy very often? Visit Alitalia. Mortal spaced visit Alitalia, Malta space. So
77. Italian Verbs 1 Lesson 6e: How would you say in Italian? We don't eat here very often. Non man Jama Quick Malta's fest So no, man Jama qui motor space So I would like to travel to Italy next year. I've already the surgery in Italia. Lana proximo for a V. A job in Italiano proximo! Next year I'm going to travel to room Lana proximo stopper via Jari Aroma Lana proximo stopper via Jari Aroma. You're going to eat everything using the informal way of saying you Stipe Erman Jari Tuto Stipe er Manjarrez Toto I lost that yesterday Cooper do to quell or very oper Toto Quello e every he found that this morning. Trovato Quello Questa Matina Louis Trovato Quello Questa Matina The film is starting. You'll feel community infield Kamenica And as I was saying earlier on about weird order in Italian and how free it is, you could say in Italian, comenta in film and it means the same thing. And so the subject is ill, film on the verb is commensurate and you can switch them around so you can say ill film Kamenica or comment child film And they both mean the film is starting. How would you say he's cleaning the house on the word for the house in Italian is La Casa Alicia la Casa Louis Police. Sheila Caza. How would you say I understand everything? Cappie Scotto Que Pisco Toto?
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