1. Introduction: A wise man once said, "The best camera is the one
that you have with you." But knowing how to use
that camera will get you better photos every time. Hey there, my name is
Finn Badgley and I'm a commercial fashion
and portrait photographer from
Toronto, Canada. Welcome to iPhone photography, how to take pro
lifestyle photos. In this class, we're
going to go in-depth with the latest iPhone model to give you the tools for success. We'll walk through the
four iPhone camera setup, the different
modes, composition, lighting, and even
how to work with a portrait subject and
tell a full story. Even if you have never
picked up a camera before, you will know what pro
photographers look for to make their
images stand out. There will be recap slides at the end of each lesson
so you don't have to worry about taking notes
as we go and do not worry, although we're covering
the latest iPhone model, you do not have to have
the latest and greatest. In fact, just about any
phone will do the trick. Whether you are
looking to create a breathtaking portfolio of quality images or just want some better everyday photos
of life for your Instagram, then this class is for you. The best photographers tell
stories in their images and by the end of this class
that will include you. If you're ready to have some
fun, let's get shooting.
2. The iPhone Camera Explained: Jumping right in, we're
going to talk about what the actual iPhone camera is and the different lenses
that you can use at your disposal to take
a variety of images. Now, from the iPhone screen,
what you want to do, I just have my icon in a
little photography folder, but you can put it
wherever you like. I click on that. We can see down here at
the bottom there's a 0.5, a one times, and a
three times symbols. Now those refer to
the different lenses that are on your iPhone. Now, this is for the
current model that I have, the iPhone 13 Pro, but you might have something
a little different. For example, earlier
models have a 0.5, a one times, and
a two times lens. Definitely keep that in mind. Although these are
the lenses that I'm going to be using
for this class, you can get away if you
just have a standard or older iPhone model
with one camera lens, simply just move your
feet back and forth as you need to get the angle
that you're looking for. Now, getting right into
this the one-time lens, as you can see here, is our standard lens. If you're familiar with
DSLR or mirrorless cameras, this is going to be
the equivalent of about a 26-millimeter lens. Then we have our super wide. This is our 0.5 times lens. This is equivalent to
about 13 millimeters. A very wide lens. Then we have our three times, which is our telephoto lens. That is going to be equivalent
of about 77 millimeters, at least for this
particular iPhone model. Now, to keep things simple for the duration
of this course, I'm not going to be talking about the different
focal lengths, I'm just going to refer
to these either as your standard super wide
or telephoto lenses or your 0.5, one times, or three
times lenses so that way you know exactly what I'm talking about and
nothing gets confusing. Now, you'll notice
if you look at the bottom of the
camera app here, we're just going to be using
the native camera app, so you don't need to worry about downloading any fancy apps
or anything like that. We're keeping it very simple
and this is honestly how I get the best quality
out of my iPhone photos. You can see there's a lot
of different options here. We have different video
formats, panorama, etc. We're going to keep it pretty
simple and only stick to about two of these modes
throughout this class. That way, nothing gets
overwhelming or confusing, and you just stick to taking
some incredible photos. Now that we've covered what the iPhone camera is
and how it works, let's get into how to
set this up so that way you are in a position
for success [MUSIC]
3. Camera Setup: Live Photo: Now that we know the different
lenses on our iPhone, let's actually get
into how to set this up to get the best results. There are two ways to
open the camera app. You can either open it from
your home screen like I just did or when you have
your screen locked, you can just swipe
to the left and you'll open your
camera from there. Now what we want to do is when we have the camera app open, we're going to see this
little circular icon at the top and this
refers to live photos. Basically what live
photo does is it takes a video 1.5 seconds
before the photo and 1.5 seconds
after the photo and the idea here is you can choose which frame
you want from there. But we want to be selective
with the images that we're taking and try to really
be intentional with that. Also, these additional videos, I find they're not super useful. I don't really ever
use them and they take up quite a bit of space because you're taking
essentially about 48 or so, 50 photos instead of one. We can see when I
take a photo here, we can see when I view it in the photos app that it becomes blurry and there's not a
whole lot of uses for this. For that reason, I'm
going to just tap here at the top and
turn live photos off. Another way to do this is if you swipe up from the bottom, you'll get a bunch of
these different options. You can turn the
flash on and off. You can turn live photos on, off or have it on auto. I just have it off. We can do that and then we have our different
camera settings with different filters and whatnot like that that you can have
built into the camera. Sometimes these are pretty neat, but I just like to keep it standard so that way
I can edit them, which we'll talk about
later in this class. Then we have our different
aspect ratios here. I keep it at four by three. That's what a usual DSLR or
mirrorless camera will shoot at to get format there and keeps everything
nice and standard, 16 by nine is more kind of
that cinematic video style, a little bit wider than
your four by three. Then we have our different
exposure settings. This can brighten or darken the image and then we have
timers, filters, etc. Now that we have live
photos turned off, there's another fun piece
to make us even more intentional when we are
taking our photographs. [MUSIC]
4. Camera Setup: Grid: If you swipe over and
go to your settings, scroll down to your
camera settings, open that and you'll find
this option called grid. Now you want to turn that on
and we can see what it'll do is it turns on these little grid lines
that you can see here. What you can do is use that
as a handy composition guide, which is something
we'll get into later in the course when
we're talking about composition and how to frame your shots for the
best results possible. [MUSIC]
5. Camera Setup: RAW: Now that we have
the grid turned on, there's another setting
that we can turn on to get the maximum quality
out of our photos. Now, this one is a
little different, so I'll leave this up to you whether or not you
want to turn this on and that is you go into your camera settings
and you choose formats. Now, there's this option
called Apple ProRAW. What that does, it takes a
raw file instead of a JPEG. Now, if you're familiar with photography in terms of a
DSLR or mirrorless camera, a raw photo is something that is uncompressed and compression basically degrades the
quality of the photo in a way to make it a smaller
size and more transferable. But a raw photo doesn't
compress the photo or it does a lot less and you get a lot more detail in that image. If your image is too
bright or too dark, you can edit back a
lot of that detail. Now, if you're the
type of person that likes to edit your photos a lot, then this might be
something you want to have turned on or if you want to play around more with editing later on in the class
when we get to that, maybe this is something
you want to have turned on just to see what it does. Now, I will warn you
this does take up more space on your phone because these are higher size files, there's more detail there. It is a bit of a Catch-22. But if you want the highest quality and the most amount of room
when you go to edit, then we'll turn that on. Me, myself, I like
having that on, but I'll let you make
that decision for you. Now, when you actually
go to the camera app, it's not automatically
turned on. We can see this little icon here at the top that says raw. If we want to shoot in raw, we'll need to turn that guy on and then those
images are going to be uncompressed and
of higher quality. We have our camera set up, now let's actually
get into some of the different mechanics
of it so that way you know exactly how this camera works and that way you can
get the best results from it. [MUSIC]
6. Focus & Expsoure: We'll open up our camera app, and this time we're
going to be specifically talking about auto exposure, auto-focus, focus tapping,
and exposure tapping. Focus is basically what
is sharp in the photo. If you ever see
those photos where somebody's face is really clear, but the background
is really blurry this is the effect
that, that gives. If I hold my camera
here and you can see the table is in focus
down here at the bottom, and I just tap on
the screen there to bring up that little square. If I want to focus here in the background,
I'll tap there. You can see it's in focus, but the table here in the front or the
foreground as we call it; what's closer to the camera, that is now blurry. You can see if I quickly
go between the two, you'll have the
background out of focus, and now it's in focus. Now it's out of focus,
now it's in focus. This is a handy way
that you can tap on whatever you want to be the most important
part of your image. Wherever you want your
viewers eye drawn to that is where you will tap, and then that'll
become in focus. The eye is drawn to
where its sharpest. When you want something to be the key part of your
image tap on that, and that is where your
camera will focus to. You'll notice there's
a little sun icon that comes up anytime
I tap to focus, and that refers to exposure. Exposure is basically
how much light is being let into the camera. There's a way if your image is too bright or too
dark to adjust this, what you want to do is
just slide your thumb or your finger up or down beside that to either increase the
brightness or darken it. If my image is too dark, meaning it is underexposed, I would want to bring that up and that's going
to brighten my image. If my image is overexposed; meaning it's too bright, I will swipe that down in
order to become a lot darker. This is also a way
where if you want that really nice
sunset photo drag that down so that
way you can get all those clouds and that really clear color
coming through rather than it being overexposed or too bright and then you don't get
as much of that detail. Another way to do this, is you can swipe up
from the bottom and we have this little
plus or minus sign. We hit that, and that
is our exposure. Then we just slide
this little slider, and we can see there
that it darkens it if we slide it to the right. If we slide it to the
left it brightens it and then you can
just dial that in nicely as a way to properly
expose your photographs. Having a properly exposed
photo is so important because it also tells your viewer not only
what to look at, but if you see a photo
that's too bright, nobody's really going to look at it because
there won't be as much detail or if
it's too dark they won't be able to make
out what's going on. You can use this as
an artistic effect, but generally speaking
you want to have that nice and clear in
this as a way with sliding either up and down
or left to right from the bottom there that you can get your images
properly exposed. This way they're not only in-focus where you
want them to be, but they're also as
bright as they should be. Now that we understand focus and exposure let's talk about how we can work with the light in whatever environment
we're in so that way we can get
our best lit photos. Not only will they
be properly exposed, they'll be properly
lit as well [MUSIC].
7. Lighting: Hard & Soft Light: Now, that we've talked about
how to actually set up your iPhone for the best
camera results possible, we're actually going to
get into how you can interact with light to
get the best images. Now, I'm joined here by
my lovely mother Mayana, and we're going to go
through a couple of different lighting setups so
that way you can see how to interact with
natural light to get more flattering
photos every time. We can see right now we're
getting a lot of light coming in from the back here
through this window. Now, this is what we
would call a hard light. If Mayana, you turn your
face a little bit that way, you can see there's a lot of
harsh shadows on her face. Now, the thing about this is, that can be a really
cool dramatic look, but we want something here
that's a little softer, a little more flattering. A way to do this
is, put something in front of the light between the light and her face
to actually soften it. Another way to do this is just have a very
large light source. While this is a very
large light source, it is still quite harsh. [NOISE] We can just bring down that curtain
there and you can see immediately it's
a much softer light, a much more flattering
light on her face, and that will lead to
some great photos there. [MUSIC]
8. Lighting: Front Light: Now that we have a
softer light source, we're actually
going to talk about the different placement of your light and how that
can change your image. What I'll do, Mayana, I'll have you turned, so if you're standing
about here facing me. Perfect. Now, we have the light source here
in front of Mayana. This is what we would
call a front-lit image because the light
is in front of her. I'll have you take
a step towards me. Perfect. That's going
to do is just have a little more light on her face. A great way to do this
is if you have a friend or something like that who
you want to take a photo of, you put the window behind you. If there's a lot of that
harsh sun coming in like we saw earlier,
take a curtain, take some blinds, pull that over the window, and that'll create
a softer look. The other way to do
this is just have them back out of where that harsh sun is
coming from and you'll still get a lot of that
light coming on their face. I'm going to open up
the camera app here. If I take a step back here, we can see that
there's actually a lot of nice light coming
across Mayana's face. Now I'm getting a bit of my camera in the background here. Mayana, I'll just have you slide over this way a little
bit and come towards me. Just a hair. Perfect. I'll have
you just look out the window like you're just looking at something passing by. Perfect. You can also feel free, lean on different things. Actually, if you can lean with your one shoulder on
that post right there. Perfect. You can see that
lens to a great look. We have this other
window here as well, but we're still getting that
nice soft diffused light. It's working as that beautiful
front lighting here. We can see if we
take a couple of photos that that is just
looking absolutely fantastic. Right off the bat, it's a very natural
great looking light. It's a very flattering
way to light things. Now, it's not the most dramatic, so let's get into a couple of different setups of how you can actually make this look a little more intense
or a little moodier. [MUSIC]
9. Lighting: Back Light: Now we're going to jump ahead to the most dramatic lighting
setup that we can get here, and that is where we
have a back-light. We'll notice based on where
Mianna is positioned. We have a light
on either side of her framing her very nicely. If she just takes
one step towards me, we'll get a little more of
that light all around her. Basically, although the front of her is going to be in shadow, it's going to create a
really cinematic look. I say cinematic because this is a lighting
technique often used in a lot of different
Hollywood productions, whether it'd be
movies, TV shows, etc because it is quite a
moody and dramatic look. We're going to go ahead,
open the camera app. We're going to stay on the standard lens
again for this one, just do one times. I actually think this would do well as a horizontal image. Now, Mianna, I'm
just going to have you turn a little bit. Perfect. You can
just look towards, I'd say roughly my
right shoulder, or maybe where my
right elbow is, and just move around as
I take different photos. I know you won't be able to
hear the shutter of this, but just casually
move around and just act like you're
just in your element, and just hanging
out in your space. We can see here. Now, her face is a
little dark based on the lighting scenario
that we have here because the camera is trying to expose both her and
the background. I'll tap on her face, and then I'll bring up that
exposure we talked about. We can see here that is creating a much
nicer image there. I can come in a little closer. Again, tap on her face, bring up that exposure. That is looking fantastic. Don't worry if the
background is a little too bright because we actually don't want it to be too
distracting anyway. If it's a little brighter than you would traditionally
think it should be, that is typically okay especially for a
back-lit scenario. Now we'll go in
the vertical mode, and we'll do something
of a full body. Perfect. You read my mind. I was going to say
if you could do a one leg in front of the
other type of look there. We'll bring up that
exposure again. Fantastic. We can see there, as we take our different photos, how that back-light actually serves to create
that moodier effect. Now, something to
note here is we are in a bright white studio, which leads to a lot of that light bouncing
around everywhere, which gives her a lot of natural filled-in
shadows on her face. If we're in a black room
or something like that, you might want to have a
piece of white foam board, Bristol board,
basically a large white surface closer to her face just to fill in some
of those shadows. Because otherwise, you might get a completely silhouetted image, which could look cool, but it's not the look that
we're going for here. Now, we're going to jump over to my favorite lighting setup, which is a little bit of a
midpoint between the two. [MUSIC]
10. Lighting: Side Light: Now that we've covered hard, soft light and a front-lit
and a back-lit setup, we've jumped over to my favorite setup by
far because it has both the drama and that cinematic aspect of a back-light but it's still
a little more flattering, similar to the front-light. That is the side-light setup. We can see here, based on where Mianna
is positioned, we have a couple of
windows behind her, but the light isn't
coming from there. It's coming from
around behind me, but the window that she's
closest to is going to be the one where that light is
going to come through most. If I have you turn to face me, we can see immediately that that light is now on
the side of her face, hence why it's called
a side-light there. We can see, based on
how it's hitting her, that we're getting
one side really nicely lit and the
other side in shadow. Because we have so
much natural light bouncing around in here, we're getting that nice, soft, subtle look on the
other side of her face. If we were in a darker studio or if we just had
that one light, the other side of her face
would be much darker. This is where you sometimes see that really dramatic side-light, or sometimes even called split-lighting when it's
really dramatic like that, and that can be quite
an interesting look, but we want something
a little more natural. We're going for a
very lifestyle vibe here, so with that, that is why we're
going to have it stay that natural and
lifestyle-like vibe. If I can have you, you can even bend down a bit, put your one hand on
the window sill there, or even if you want to, just have a little
bit of like a sit on there and then just turn till your face is looking a
little bit towards me, maybe off towards
my shoulder a bit. Perfect. We can see there we're getting that
beautiful side-light, and it looks just like
she's in her moment, she's just having a
quiet moment and we've just happened to catch her
glance or something like that. If you even look out towards
outside more, perfect. We can see how that light wraps around her face a little bit, which also lends to a
very interesting look. Again, for this, you'll
notice I'm on the 1X lens. For a lot of these, when we're talking
about lighting, I'm just going to stay on
this lens just so that way we're worrying about
one thing at a time. Now, if you look back
towards me, perfect. That is fantastic. Look towards my shoulder
just for a second. Beautiful. We can see how that side-light really
lends to a great image, and we can see based on that light being so
close to her face, unlike the back-lit setup, we don't need to adjust
her exposure at all. The phone picks it up perfectly, which lens for a really
great look here, and I'm really happy with
how this is looking. Take a couple more,
gets some wider shots, we can take a step or two back. Fantastic. We can see with the background, this is just a great
fantastic look, very natural, very elegant, but still keeping it casual. We can come a little
closer for a couple. Look back at the window again. Beautiful. Something to note when you're working with
natural light, is here we're working
with all window light. But if you're outside and you're getting a lot of harsh shadows, look for somewhere
that is shaded, that you can put your subject in to get more of that
flattering look. But something to keep
in mind here is, notice where the light is
coming from in that shade. If you have your subject stand under a tree and the
sun is behind you, even though the shade from
the tree is going to be creating a more soft
light on their face, because the light is
still in front of them, there'll be more light
that hits their face rather than if you turn them
around and had it back-lit, where now they're going
to have a lot more light behind them and their face
will be a little darker. Just some things to keep
in mind when you're not in a window-lit scenario
and you have a little less control
of your light there. Now that we have gone through and learned about how to
work with natural light, we're actually
going to talk about our different
compositional elements and how we can really
frame our shot. [MUSIC]
11. Composition: Rule of Thirds: Now that we've gone
through how to work with natural light to get
the best image possible, let's talk about how we
can frame our subjects and the different rules
that we can use to the best of our ability to get
the best shots possible. Earlier, you will
remember we talked about where we enabled the
grid on the camera, where we get those
different lines. You might have thought, why would we be doing
this at the time? Well, this is the time
where this comes into play. There is something
in photography known as the rule of thirds. That refers to
basically anything on the different intersection
points of that grid, is where you want to put what's most important in the image, so somebody's eye,
basically the focal point. If you have a specific tower that you want there
in a cityscape photo, put that in one of those intersection points
and that'll emphasize that to your viewer
and have them naturally be drawn to that. Going ahead with that, we'll open up our camera, and based on where
Mianna is sitting here, we see we get a nice
sidelight setup going on, and we have a couple
of props that we included in here as well. Because we're talking
about lifestyle, we want to include things that reference little
pieces of that story. So we can tell based
on the wardrobe, this is somebody who has taste, who's maybe a little bit artsy, so we can add in
some pieces of that. We have a croissant, we
have a film camera here, we have some coffee, basically something that
eludes to who this person is. Now, with that camera app open, we can see if we want her to
really be emphasized here, rather than say, putting her in the
middle of the frame, where, sure, that looks okay, and
it's a decent image. If we come down and put her eye on the intersection point there, we can see it's immediately
a much better image. But we can see here, we always want to keep
an eye on the edges of our frame to see if
we're cutting anything off. We don't really want to cut off any limbs or anything like that, because it's just a little bit distracting and throws
the viewer off. I'm actually going
to take a step back and take
something like this. Mianna, I'll just have
you look out that way. Perfect. We can see there that her head is right on that
intersection point there, which just creates a much
better image than if I were to move her in the
center of the frame here, because that's just
not as impactful. That's a really good way to understand the rule of thirds. Put what's important in the
image on those grid lines. We can see, even if I do
it in a horizontal image, her face is still on that intersection point and just on the standard
lens here again, and we can see that lens to a much better image than if
she were just in the center. Sometimes a
center-framed image can be useful and can actually
create a really unique look, but this is a great
rule to keep in mind just for when
you're taking photos, when you don't want things to be right
specifically centered, and the only time really where you'd want that is
if there's a lot of symmetry on either side
or anything like that, where one side
matches the other. But now that we've talked about how we can use the rule of
thirds to our advantage, let's actually get into
another aspect of composition, which is how we
can actually frame our subject within a frame to create a little
more interest, a little more mystery, and just really
draw the viewer in. [MUSIC]
12. Composition: Sub-framing: Now that we've gone over
the rule of thirds, Let's actually talk
about how to sub-frame you're subject to capture
a little more interests. This is basically
where you want to have a natural
frame of some sort. If you're taking, say, a landscape photo on a beach, if you want to add a
little more interest, take some steps back
and take a photo through the leaves,
framing that beach. Or take a photo through a
doorway framing your subject. In this case we have a perfectly positioned
mirror that will then be taking some
photos of Myanna looking into as if
she's getting dressed, ready to go out, trying on a couple
of different looks, playing around a little bit just to get that overall vibe, and this way it also
adds into our story that we're building here across
this lifestyle shoot. That way you can see the progression of how
this story comes to be. Myanna I'll have you look into the mirror and I'll just capture you as you're just getting
ready to go about your day. We can see here I am on
the standard lens again, again just to keep
things nice and simple. We can see I'm getting an over the shoulder
look right now. But if I want to
change it up a bit, I can even come in and frame
her nicely just like that, and actually, what's
happening, Myanna, if I can just have you take
a small step to your right. Perfect. Now where
she's positioned, where actually, if you notice, there's a frame within a frame, because currently she is framed by the window
that you see here, and then she's framed
by the mirror. We're getting an extra
level of depth there that just creates a little
more visual interest, especially when you're
looking at the photo. You can see as I'm
photographing her, I'm taking a couple
of different shots from different angles, some I'll go a little wider, some I'll come a little closer. But the main thing is I'm always keeping her framed
within that frame. I can even go horizontal, get a little bit of an
over the shoulder look, tap on her face just to make
sure it's in focus there. Perfect. We can see there's a nice use of negative space that's
going on here as well. Because there's so
much white wall and so much blankness
in the frame, it really draws your eye to the contrast of
her black outfit. It's another way that
you can level up your photos is just play
with contrast a little bit. We have this great white room. We have this really stark
black outfit that really stands out and is a great way
to set your images apart. We'll take a couple
more shots here. We can see I can come in a
little bit more and you'll notice even still while
I'm sub-framing her, I'm also keeping in
mind my rule of thirds, keeping her on that
third grid line, and it just works to create a really interesting
image that way. Now that we know how to
use the rule of thirds, we can play with contrast, we can sub frame our subject. Let's actually talk
about how we can change the way our subject is perceived based on
utilizing perspective. [MUSIC]
13. Composition: Perspective: Now that we understand how to use different
rules of composition, we're going to
talk about how you can play with perspective to change the way the viewer is actually going to
see your subject. This is applicable to all
types of photography, whether you're
shooting a landscape, whether you're doing a
portrait, anything at all. But obviously for
this particular case, we're going to be
talking about portraits, but just keep in
mind this extends to different styles of
photography as well. We're going to be staying
on the standard lens again, and what we'll want to do here
is play with where we are. For the most part, I've
been eye level with Myanna, but let's say we want to shift the way that we see
her a little bit. If we want to make
her feel really powerful and give a lot
of strength to her, we're going to shoot from below. I'm going to come down at a lower angle and shoot up to her and you
can see immediately, she has a lot more power, a lot more presence
in the frame. Now, this is also a great
way to elongate somebody. If you're maybe not
the tallest person, you want to look
taller in photos, whenever your friend
takes a photo of you, tell him to squat
down a little bit because it will elongate you in the image and also make you look a little
bit more powerful. Now, if you want to
do the opposite, what you want to do
is shoot from above. To do this, you'll just
hold your camera up like so and you can see it
still looks great, but Myanna now has a little
bit less power in the frame. Now, you can play with these
in a lot of different ways. If you want to make a city
feel larger than life, shoot from below looking up at all the towers and it's
going to feel really, really large and
really powerful, but if you want to make that
city feel a little smaller, if you just casually
have access to a helicopter or
something like that, you can photograph the city from above to make it
look a lot smaller, taking away that larger
than life perspective, especially compared to if
you're on the streets from below shooting up
at those buildings. Now, you'll see
more of the city, but the overall impact
of how large it'll feel will be a little smaller. Now, if you really want to
connect with your subject, you want to actually stay
on an eye level with them. This is also something to
keep in mind if you're photographing a pet
or kids, for example, because they're
lower to the ground, so you're actually going
to want to go lower to get on that same level with them. But because my Anna and I are
close to the same height, I'm going to stand at my regular level holding
the camera about to her eye level and that
way you can connect on that person to person or
a person to pet basis. Then just to add to the story, I'll have you pick
that camera up and almost just look through
the viewfinder in it. Like you're filming
something outside. Perfect. These are
just little things that you can do to incorporate different props so you can tell a better story through your
lifestyle photography. Fantastic. Then when you
have the camera brought up, just turn your eye
to me for a second. Perfect. You can see because
I'm at her eye level, I'm really connecting with her. If I shoot from below, suddenly if she looks out again, we can see it gives a
completely different look, especially if I shoot
from above as well. You can see the
different look that different perspectives
give you there and how you can use them to change
up the way your images look. Now that we've talked about the different ways you
can use composition, let's actually get into using the different lenses on
the back of your iPhone so that way you
can really change up how your photos
will actually look. [MUSIC]
14. Lens Selection: Super-Wide: If you remember earlier
on in the class, we talked about the
different lenses that are on your camera. For this, we're
actually going to walk through where you'd want to use each one and some example
photos for those. We're going to start off
because we've already shot a bunch on the
standard one times lens. We're going to change it
up a bit and go to the 0.5 or super-wide lens, as we'd like to call it. We can see the idea here is
Mianna is still in front of that mirror just getting
dressed for the day. We still have some props in
the background and whatnot, and we also have a
clothing rack just to add a little more
detail to the story. Round it out a little
bit and make it feel a little more grounded in reality. If we're looking at this
on the standard lens, we can see it's a pretty
interesting look here, but if we go to the
super-wide lens, we can see it adds a
lot more information. That's what I really
like about this lens, is it's a great way to
establish the story. It's a great way to have an intro to things where
it sets up the scene, and then from there, you can go in deeper
and get those details, but it's a great starting point. For this, I'm actually
going to want to go with a nice landscape shot
or rotate the phone. Then we can see here
if I take a photo, we're getting this
really interesting look and we have a lot of
balance in our frame. Basically, we got this
dark area on the one side of the frame and we have a
dark area on the other side of the frame with that black
wardrobe in some of those colored prints of the wardrobe that
is actually hung up and then we have this
beautiful white room. Now, if you don't have the super-wide lens
on your phone, all you'll have to do is
on the standard lens, just take a couple of steps back and it won't quite
be the same look, but it'll still give you that added context of what's
happening in the scene. But if you do have
that super-wide lens, make sure to make use of it. We can even come in a
little closer there. Now, something to remember, something to keep in
mind when you're using the super-wide lens is that
because it is so wide, we encounter something
called image distortion. Basically, that's
when you almost get that fisheye effect. To demonstrate this, if
I walk closer to Mianna here and get closer and closer, you'll see slowly she's
elongated and almost warped in a bit of a different way than it would
look to the regular eye. That is because when you
have a super-wide lens, the things that are closer
to you will be pulled even closer and what's
farther away will be pulled even farther away. This also will have
a lot more in focus. When we talk about
a depth of field, it's basically how much
of the image is in focus. With that super-wide lens, it's just about
everything will be in focus because it
is a wider lens. That's how the image
optics work there. If I come in super
close to Mianna here and take a
close-up portrait. You can see she has this
bowing effect to her. You can also see the background
is perfectly in focus. Even if I tap on her and
tap on the background, there's not a lot
of shift there, and that suggests how that
super-wide lens works. Now, that can be really great
for an artistic effect, but it's something that you definitely want
to keep in mind, especially if you're taking
portraits of people. You don't want always
to get super close to them with that because
of that distortion. Now, we can switch over
again to the standard lens and come in and get a little closer with some
of those details. [MUSIC]
15. Lens Selection: Standard: Now, with this standard lens, I can come a little bit
closer, and you can see, as I do, there is less distortion than you're getting with that
super-wide lens. It is still a wider lens, so you will get a little
bit of distortion, but you will get less in
focus in the background and you will have a more
natural-looking image. This is a great lens to just use no matter what
situation you're in. If I come in a little closer, you can see it's
just a great lens no matter what
you're looking for. If you want to punch in for some details, you can do that. If you want to come
back and get wider, you can do that, which is why earlier in the class I said, you don't have to have
the latest iPhone model with all the different
lenses in them, just the regular one times lens can give you a lot
of flexibility. All you have to do is
just move your feet. I do not recommend digital zoom because if you've ever cropped in a photo a ton, you're basically doing that before you even take the photo. It's just going to look
really pixelated and weird and it gives this same
effect as cropping anyways, so you might as well
take the photo at that regular size and then
crop in later if you need to, but the best thing you can
do is just move your feet. Now, with that in mind, we're actually
going to go over to the three times
telephoto lens and actually see the results
that that will give [MUSIC]
16. Lens Selection: Telephoto: Now that we've seen
what we can do with the super wide and the
standard lens, let's jump over to see what we can do with the
three times lens. Now, something to
keep in mind is, with this being a telephoto
lens for portraits, it's going to be the
most flattering. What it does instead of the super wide lens where it really exaggerates
everything, this is going to compress
that information. What is farther and
closer to the camera will be compressed so
there's less distance there. But this is also going to create a shallower
depth of field. This is where you get that
nice background blur, that really
professional-looking look. This is how you get that naturally with the actual
optics of the camera. Because of that, it's
going to create a more natural looking, more
flattering image. I'll get you looking back
in the mirror, Mayana. I'll come over here. If I go to the three times lens. Now the one thing here is
because it is a longer lens, you might need to take a couple
of steps back in order to get the actual frame
that you're looking for. With Mayana looking
in the mirror, I'm going to take a couple
of steps back to show you how this actually looks. Now Mayana, I'll
have you take a step back and a step to
your left for me. Perfect. We can see based on the image that
we're getting here, even though it's a similar
angle to what we had earlier, we can see that the
background is a lot less in focus because
of that telephoto lens. Now if I come even
closer to her, we can see the background
goes really out-of-focus. Basically, it
further exaggerates the way that the
lenses capture depth. The closer you are
to your subject, the less of your background you're going to have in focus. Basically, it
further exaggerates the distance between the two. So If you're looking for that
blurred background look, this is one way to get it. I absolutely love the look
that this lens gives. The image is a little
overexposed, I think. So I'm just going to
swipe down, there. Not quite that much, a little bit more. Perfect. Fantastic. That is a great look there. Now, if you want to even add to that background blur that you're getting with the
three times lens, this is when we jump
over to portrait mode. [MUSIC]
17. Portrait Mode: With this, this is where
artificial intelligence and AI technology actually map out the photo and blur
what's in the background. It tries to see what's
in focus closer to the camera and will blur
whatever's beyond that. Now, sometimes you need
to be careful with this as the background blur
can look a little fake, especially along the edges. Definitely use this cautiously, but when used in
the right setting, it can create some very powerful
professional-looking images. We're continuing
on with this look. Actually, to continue on
with this story, Myrna, I'm just going to have you sit
by the window still again. We'll open up our camera
app and what we're going to do is swipe over to the
portrait mode setting. Now, this does have a lot of different lighting
techniques and what have you built
into the camera. But to keep things simple, we're just going to keep it
on the natural light setting, which is just going to
capture the setting as it is and focus more so on
that background blur. If I come over to Myrna here, we can see immediately that the background is a
lot less in focus. Then, if I went over and went
to the three times lens, now go back over
to portrait mode, Myrna I'll just have you
stand up for a quick second. What I'm going to
do here is frame-up so the wardrobe is
in the background and you can see the difference
that portrait mode makes. You can see immediately, a lot less than that is in
focus and we're getting that really nice natural-looking
background blur, and it just creates a really
interesting image overall. The other thing that I
love about portrait mode, about the three times lens, is it allows you to come in closer and capture
more of those details. Within this whole
storytelling aspect of creating this
lifestyle shoot, we start really wide, get a lot of the establishment, a lot of the environment
that your subject is in. Then we come in a little
closer on the standard lines, get a little more information, a little more intimate
with our subject, and then we come in with
the three times lines, we turn on portrait
mode and we really get to connect with our
subject a lot more. Using these different
lenses in conjunction is a great way to flesh
out a full story. Now, Myrna, I will just
have you look at me again, basically like almost as
if you are looking at the window and you just
happened to catch my glances, I walked by into the room
or something like that. Perfect. That looks fantastic. We can see the difference. If I go back to the
three times lens, you can see the difference
that portrait mode makes in the actual
background that you see here. You see with portrait mode,
it's a lot more blurred, a lot more of the
emphasis is on Myrna, whereas with just a regular
three times telephoto lens. Yes, the background is blurred, but not quite as much, so we don't have as much
emphasis on Myrna herself. [MUSIC]
18. Portrait Tips: Now, something to
keep in mind when you are working with a
portrait subject, whether you're photographing
your pets, your kids, your best friend, your
spouse, or a model. Whenever you have a living
being in front of your camera, you want to keep something very important in
mind and that is, that as, the great William
Shakespeare once said, "eyes are the window
to the soul." You want to make
sure that those eyes are the most in focus. Whenever you go to take a photo, even if the camera, the autofocus is good and usually we'll nail
that face in focus, but you want the
eye that's closest to you to be the most in-focus. If you ever have
any doubts of this, when you line up your
portrait subject, you just want to tap right on the eye and you can see
immediately that that is going to be what is the
most and focus and will help draw the viewer in and connect more with your subject. These little things to keep
in mind to elevate it, whenever you are taking photos of anybody in front
of your camera. [MUSIC]
19. Working with Your Subject: You'll notice through the
duration of this course, I've been giving Mayana little different
directions along the way. A lot of these pertain
to not necessarily, "Oh, put your one arm here, put your chin up like
this," that kind of thing. A lot of it is more direction, and creating an environment; creating a character for
her to be and letting her exist within
that environment. I find that allows
for a lot more natural looking images
that look less posed, more natural, and just really lend to a better story overall. Now to continue
this for example, we have the wardrobe here. I can even just give Mayana a simple direction of just look through like you're looking
through the clothes, trying to find different
options and that sort of thing. I can come in here with the standard lens which
is what we're on now, and we can see lining her up in the rule of thirds
like we talked about. She's just existing and
I'm simply capturing her, and this lens to a really great look
because it is so natural. Because we don't all
necessarily have access to professional models
who just know how to do their thing
like it's nothing, these are great things
to keep in mind to tell whoever you have in
front of your lens. That way no matter if
it's your friend who's never been in front of the camera before
is a little shy, this helps break that wall down. That way they're just existing and you're existing with them, capturing them in
that environment. Now that we actually have basically a full
fleshed out story here, there is an important
part that we always want to keep in mind and
that's getting those details. Sometimes this doesn't
even have to actually include your main subject. We're going to jump
over to include some extra elements such as something like
a flat lay photo that we can include
just to give a bit of an added interest in [MUSIC] here with
our lifestyle story.
20. Remember the Details: To really round out our story, we've collected a
couple of props that we used in the actual shoot, some that Mayana was wearing, some that she was
interacting with and now we're going
to incorporate those in what we call a flat
lay or top-down view image. This is something perfect for your Instagram page,
different blogs, etc, and is a great way to
add to your lifestyle story. We're going to open our
camera app, and again, we're just going to be on the standard lens to start with. This is going to act
almost like a backlight, with the window here, beautiful natural light
coming in very soft, and then all we have
to do is go right above our objects here
and take our photo. Now, because some of
these props look best, not straight on from the top, we can actually change
our angle a little bit, to come down a little bit more and get a little
more information there. Now, looking at this, I'm not completely satisfied with the look of
the standard lens. I think it would look a little better if everything
was a little tighter and less distorted, so we're going to swap to the three times
lens and with this, we'll need to come
quite a bit higher. But we can see when
we take the image, we're actually cutting off
some of these prompts because it will actually add to
some visual interests. If we have everything
in there clearly shown, it won't be quite as
interesting of a photo. I'm also going to adjust
these a little bit just to frame things nicely and have a nice level of balance there. What this leads to is having a nice dark surface
on the one side, a nice dark surface
on the other, and then a bit of a more
bright spot in the center, which just leads to an overall
more interesting image and creates a bit of balance. The photo feels more cohesive. We'll go back and open up that three times lens and
we'll just play around, shifting the props around
a little bit as we're going just to create
that overall look. We can see or just take
that nice top-down view. It's okay, like I said, if you cut some of these
props off because it will actually work to
serve the photo better. We'll move around
them a couple of times and we can see this is just adding another level
to the overall story here. It's something that is
a great way to break up a lot of those
portraits out a bit of interest and just sets
that lifestyle look apart. We can move things
a little bit more. Maybe put that there, have a nice dark spot here, dark spot there, bright spot, bright spot, and a dark
spot in the middle, just keeping in mind how your image can be
really balanced, even though we're
not talking about composition and balance now, it's definitely something to
keep in mind all the time. We can shift that around a
little bit more and take our image and that is looking
absolutely fantastic. We can review the photo, and it's actually quite
an incredible image. We can play around with some of the props
a little bit more, but what we're getting here
is a really nice unique look. We'll open that again
and if we want, we can even come in with that standard lens and get a
bit of that different look. Play around a little bit more. I like the look of that. We can take something
like that there and even that with the standard
lens is a great look. We can pull back more
on our telephoto lens. That is just a great way to
add some depth to your story. Add a little bit more substance to your lifestyle images, that just set things apart. You can even do things like take photos of the background, utilize some framing, and frame out the window with the cityscape
in the background, something like that will add another level of
interest to your images, just to set things apart, to help establish and give more detail as to the
overall story itself. These are some great things to keep in mind whenever you're taking lifestyle photos or any
kind of photos in general. Now, that we have
completed our photo shoot, let's actually talk
about how we can edit these images and get a great lookout of them [MUSIC]
21. Editing: Quick with Filters: Now that we actually have all of our photos and have
completed our story, let's actually look
at a couple of different ways that we
can edit our images. Whether you like
the quick approach or you want to get more
invested in editing, there are options
for both of you, which we're going to
get into right now. So the first option is
using Quick Filter edits. For this, there are a couple of different apps that
you can download, but we're going to keep
things simple and just use the native photos app in the built-in editing
feature within it. So we'll open up our
photos and we'll take a look at some of the different photos
that we took from today. So let's say I really
like this shot here with that
beautiful portrait mode we'll go up to the
top and hit Edit. Then from here, we can actually change the different portrait
lighting settings that we want with the
built-in features. So this is great because
it's all AI technology. You can go through and adjust the different
settings if you want to give it a bit of a
different look right away. Now you can see here there's natural light, studio light, contour light makes
things a little bit edgier define
things a little more stage light which
removes the background just as the emphasis
on your subject. Then we have the
monochrome version of the stage lighting and what's
called high key lighting, where everything's really
bright background is white, but we're going to
keep things simple and go with natural
light for now. Now, we can adjust the different exposure settings if we want to brighten it up, darken it down a little bit, I might darken it down just
by about negative 10 or so, just to bring it
down a little bit, I thought it was a
little too bright so that just brings it down
a little bit there. Now we can change a bunch of
these different settings. Brilliant is almost like your mid-tone brightness where
it doesn't really affect the shadows and
highlights too much just those overall mid-tones. Now we can adjust
the highlights. Maybe I want to bring
that down a bit, bring up the contrast
a little bit, make it a little punchier. The overall brightness, I'm
pretty happy with that. Then you have a bunch of
different settings here, like your saturation warmth, tint, tint is going to be your green magenta hue
as you can see here. Then your warmth is going to be how yellow or blue
your image is. You have a bunch of different
settings here that are similar to what you'll find
in more intense photo apps, but a more basic
version of them. Now we get over to the
actual filter side. This is where you
can just quickly slap a filter on
and call it a day. So let's see what they have
built-in here because I think they have
someone that can work really well for
this type of image. So we can just go through. Vivid is a little too
much for my taste. Vivid, warm. It's okay. I like vivid cool. Dramatic I really like. Dramatic, warm. It's okay. Cool, it's all right. I like the monochrome, silver tones all right, and the noir is really cool. If I want this to be a really solid black and white image, I think I'd go with
noir personally. But I think for this we're
going to go with dramatic. Here you can actually
take down the intensity, so that's about zero percent
there, and here's 100. I'm going to take it down
probably to about 70 or so. We'll call that done and
we're ready to go now, you can go through a bunch of your different images and
do this with them as well. Let's say I want to take one of these really wide shots
and dial that in. I like the look of something like this where it establishes things nicely and you get enough context to
what's going on. But it looks like you
just walked into the room and caught her having a
bit of a moment here. We can go through and let's see immediately what
we're looking at here. Dramatic, I love the look
of right off the bat. Noir again is a solid choice. We can go through. Something else that
is important to note here, vivid actually, I don't mind for this one on the previous image
was way too much. But it's not bad on this. I think though I am going to
stick with that dramatic. I'm going to bring it down
to about 70 percent or so, and I think that's pretty good. Now the thing to note here
is it actually works to your favor to have the
same type of filter for all your edit because it keeps things with a
cohesive look so that way all your images
work well together versus clashing or one has a really different
look from another. We can do this with some of
our other images as well. Let's say we want to play with one of the
ones where we are playing around with
composition and she was sitting by
the window there. Let's find a nice image here. I like something like
this she's looking off. It just looks really nice there. We'll go back to our filters. Vivid if we brought it down, it might look okay, but I'm not a huge fan of it. Vivid, cool, dramatic again, it's such a good filter. I absolutely love it, but I think for this one we
might actually go with noir. Now, this if you bring
that transparency down, it will just desaturate the photo so if you want
a pure black and white, you will want to keep it at
100 percent which I think is what I'm going to do here and that looks pretty fantastic. Now, this is just a quick
and easy way to get some great edits on the
go on your mobile device. Super simple, super quick, super easy, and you don't need to know a lot
about editing. You just put a filter
on it and you can get a great look right away. [MUSIC]
22. Editing: Lightroom Mobile: If you are more into photo editing and want
to learn more about it, that is when we
can hop over into a free app called
Adobe Lightroom. This is the mobile version of their main desktop application. That gives you the
same functionality, just on a smaller footprint. We'll open up Lightroom and automatically we're
going to find that all of our images are
actually already imported because it
syncs with your device. If that isn't the case, you just go down here to this little image
sign with a plus, you hit that and you
choose to import from camera roll or from
a camera device. In this case, it would be
from your camera roll. But we already have things
automatically saved, so we don't have to
worry about that. We can see our images
coming through here. Let's say we want to
play with something. When we were doing some
of that side lighting, we can go through and really
get a great look here. First off, I want to
crop this a little bit. I feel like it's not quite completely straight
or maybe I want to come in just a little bit
there. It looks pretty good. We can also see there is this little bit of
stuff on the wall here. We can take our healing brush. All you have to
do here to adjust the size is tap on
the size thing here, the little icon, and
then you just drag down to make it smaller and
drag up to make it bigger. You can see the
size of it there. I think about 60 is
going to do well, just drag over that and then we can drag over that
entire spot there. Drag ones more over there. That's looking pretty good, but it's almost there. We'll just drag one more time. Didn't quite get it there. Reduce the size a little bit, drag right across that line, get that little spot up there. We can see that
pretty much covers that patch on the wall there. We're done with that and we can focus on the rest of our image. First you want to go over to light where you can
adjust your shadows, your highlights,
your contrast, etc. What I want to do, this is a very properly exposed photo, but I just want to make
it pop a little more, so I want to increase
that contrast. I think honestly I want to
make it a little punchy. I think about 25 is
pretty good there. Maybe some of the detail in
the shadows is getting lost, so I'll bring that
up a little bit. The shadows is your
mid to black range, whereas your blacks are
your darkest darks. We can also pull that
down a little bit if we want a little bit
of intensity there, same as your whites are
your brightest whites and your highlights are your
mid tones bright areas. Maybe I want to pull
down my highlights a little bit and
increase my whites. We can do something like that. We can see if you press
and hold on your image, you get a nice before and after, so you can see what your
image is looking like. We can see it just
adds a little more punchiness to it there. Maybe I just want to
bring up the exposure a little bit about 0.2 there. Just to give it a
little more brightness, some of that contrast, darken it a little
bit because we are increasing how dark
those blacks are. We can see before and after, it just makes a
little punch here. With color, this is
where we can get into really defining a look. That's what a lot
of these filters do is they have a built-in look. Maybe I want this to
feel a little warmer, because here's the thing, the warmer the image, typically the more
inviting it is, the happier it feels. If you have a cooler
image, psychologically, it will read as a little sadder, a little more melancholy. I want to increase
the temperature, maybe by about plus four. We're trying to keep
things subtle here, but enough that we get a
nice look out of things. Now I think in terms of
vibrance we're pretty good, but we can go into something
called color grading. This is a technique used on just about every movie or TV
show you've ever watched. This is how they get that look, that everything has to it that just makes
everything really have that defined look and be really
cinematic and quality. We have our shadows, our mid tones and highlights. What we can do is add
a bit of color to each to give it an
overall look and feel. What I'm going to
do is I'm actually going to bring a little bit of a cool bluish green, almost like a teal color
into those shadows. It adds a little
something to it, which is actually
a common technique used is to put a little bit of that cyan color into
the shadows there. The mid tones I'm pretty happy
with and maybe I'll very slightly warm up the highlights just a little bit
about a saturation of, let's say three there, then we can slide over
one more and this is your global color grading. This basically is putting a complete look on
the entire thing. I want it to be a little
bit warmer over all still. I'm going to give it
a bit of an orangey look and maybe I'll bring the intensity of
that up a little bit more. We can see that's looking
pretty good there. Now we have also some effects that we
can play around with. With that, we can get into different things like
texture and clarity. These I would use sparingly
because you can see, if you really up the clarity, you get this really
gritty, grungy look, which can work for
some applications, but it's not what
we're going for here. If you bring it down too much, everything looks really glowing and you don't really
have a lot of texture. The texture panel does a similar thing except
just on a lesser scale. You can see you're
still getting a bit of that crunchiness there if
you really crank it up, so I'm just going to
bring those back to zero. You can double-tap on the sliders and they'll
go back to zero automatically rather
than trying to fit it perfectly on
zero every time. D Hayes will really just
amplify the contrast, amplify the saturation,
or conversely, it'll take it away. This is more so if you had a
lot of fog that you want to get rid of or if you wanted
to introduce some fog. Now I might throw a bit
of a vignette on this. We can do a dark vignette or
we can do a bright vignette. For me, I think
I'm going to throw a bit of a dark
vignette on this, nothing super intense,
just about negative 16. What that does is it
darkens the corners, so the main body of the image is brighter and will actually
bring more attention to that. But then we can also
change our midpoint here. You can see it goes in
more and it goes out more. I like it out more about 73, just so that way
we're not interfering with her hair and head too much. We can feather it out and that's just going to blend it in nicely so it doesn't
look as aggressive. We have a bunch of
different settings here. We can increase the grain
if we really want to, but I don't think we will here. Detail you can sharpen things if it's a little
bit out of focus. But we can see, this
image is perfectly in focus so we don't have
any issues there. With our optics, we have a couple different
parameters here. Chromatic aberrations are
these little lines that you get in the
highlights of edges, particularly around
bright areas. You would typically
see them like that little green
line up top here. We can see if we turn that on, it does a little bit, but it doesn't do a whole lot. I'm not going to worry
about that too much. If you see a lot of purple
around the edges of things, that is when you
would want to remove those chromatic aberrations
because that is typically the mark of it, is that pinky purple color. Let's see what happens if
we enable lens corrections. We can see it just removes
a bit of that distortion. But I like the natural way that the image looks from the camera. You have a couple of
different things where we can adjust the distortion, similar to the lens
profile corrections. But again, I'm pretty
happy with how this looks, so I'm not too
worried about that. This is a pretty
solid image here. We can see, if we tap on it, we'll get rid of
those settings and we just see the image. We can long press and we see the before and
now the after. You can see it's not
a super intense edit, but it cleans it up a
little bit and it just adds some overall punch to it and makes it pop
a little bit more. We can go up here
to the three dots, and if you have a lot of photos that you're
editing through, rather than going through and dragging the same
settings for each one, you can just copy settings, choose the settings
you want to copy. For example, when I did that healing brush on
that spot on the wall, I wouldn't want to copy
that because it would bring that over to another file and then things would
just get weird. That's going to be selected off. I'll copy those settings. We can go out and
then we'll go down to another image here. Now we can choose
about any photo, but I like the one of her here with that eight
millimeter camera. We're going to go ahead, tap those three dots again
and hit "Paste Settings". We can see right away that
gives it a very unique look. Now this is almost a little too warm for my personal taste, but it does match the
other image pretty well. All we can do to bring that down a little bit is just
go to her temperature, let zero that out. We're still getting
a little bit of that color in there from
our color grading tab, but we don't have it with
the temperature as well, so it's not quite as dramatic. Now because she's right
next to the window, let's say I want to
make that window and the information there a
little less distracting. That is when we can
come over and hit the "Masking" button and we have this little plus icon here. We have a bunch of different things that
we can go through. But right now, I want to
go with a radial gradient. What this is it's a circular gradient
where anything inside of that circle will be adjusted accordingly
to how we set it. Anything outside of
that circle won't be. It's a very selective
adjustment. What I want to do is
I actually want to brighten where this window is, have it so it falls
off onto her nicely, but isn't super overpowering and it doesn't affect
the rest of the image. I can start by clicking
here and dragging out. Anything that's highlighted in red is where that mask will be. I just want to drag it out
to about there won't say. Now we'll go over to our light tab because we want to make that
a little brighter, we'll brighten that
up a little bit. Maybe increase those shadows. It's just a little bit
more of that faded look. This is actually where I
want to have that dehaze. I'm actually going
to add some haze just to give it an
overall glowier look. We can see there if we
give it before and after, it adds a little more mystery to the photo and that background
becomes less distracting. If you have a distracting
element in the background, especially if it's a window
or something like that, that is a natural light source, you can use these
gradients to create this effect that makes it
not only less distracting, but it actually adds
to the overall photo. Since we already have those
settings copied again, we can go over here to
our flat lay image. Let's say we like
something like, let's say we like this
shot, for example. We can go to those
three dots again, paste our settings,
and then we can just crop in a little bit here. We're just getting a little
bit of that information, we're not catching
the white up top. That's looking
pretty great there. It fits in with the overall
look that we're going for and adds a little
bit more to it. Me personally, I like something like this image a
little bit more. We can just paste those
settings there as well. We can see right away we don't really have to do
anything with this. Now if we want to, we can come here with
the healing brush, change the size of it, and we can clean up all these little lint
pieces on the hat, but this is quite
a tedious process. This is where you'd want to
break up the lint roller beforehand so you don't have
to do this in the edit. But these are two
very simple ways that you can go about
editing your photos. If you want the
quicker approach, go through your photos, add some filters to them, play around with different
apps if you want to, but the photos app works
great for this thing. If you want to get more
involved with your edits, then you can hop over to Lightroom and really
play around in there. [MUSIC]
23. Sharing Made Easy: Now from here, sharing your
images has never been easier. In fact, I can have these to Myanna before she even
leaves the studio. For example, all I
have to do is come over here to our
image right here, and I just hit the little
box with the arrow here. Now to actually
share your images, there's a couple of
ways to do this; from within Lightroom, you can go "Share
to" and then you'll see it'll export it and you can choose where you
want to share it. Or another way you can do
is actually go through, select one image and just
do that by going back and long-pressing on it and
that'll select it for you. Now let's say we
want to go back down and select the image we edited earlier the
black and white one. We choose that and we'll do the side
lighting image as well, then we just hit "Share". Again, you can either
hit "Share to" or you can also go "Export to Camera Roll" or "Export as" and you can see the
different parameters here. Now a small image is
ideal for sharing. It's nice and small, but it's not the
highest quality. Or you can go with the largest available
dimensions and that'll give you the
highest quality possible. Just hit that "Checkmark" and
it'll export those images. From there you can decide
what to do with them. I'm going to hit "Save
three images" and those are then saved as an additional
copy in my photos, If I go back and open
up my photos app, we can see down at
the bottom here we have our three photos. Again, if we want
to share those, just hit the little icon at the bottom and we can
share them right away, we'll go up here to Instagram, we can go to Message, and then we can share
them to whoever we want, and just like that, that image is now shared
with Myanna and she doesn't even have to be out the studio yet she already has
that photo right there, because how easy and quick it is to edit right
from your phone. You can use this
same "Share" option if you're using Lightroom or if you're using those
"Quick Filter Edits" as well. Either way, this is a quick and easy way
that you can share your images to just about
anyone on the ground, whether you're commuting in public transit or a
rideshare service, you can be in that backseat, share these away right
on your way home, or we don't even have to
leave the studio yet, you can share these right away.
24. Conclusion: Now, if you've made it to
this part in the class, I want to thank you so much for your time and following along
with the different lessons. By now you'll not only know the different
specifications and ways to get the best results
out of your camera, but you also have the
knowledge to take professional-level photos
no matter where you are, as well as telling a compelling story through
lifestyle photography. The best camera is the one
that you have with you, and this follows you
everywhere you go. Now that you know how to use it, you can take the best
images possible. For your reference,
I also included a PDF in the class notes
down below that you can check out and see a bunch of the different notes and different takeaways
from each lesson. I hope you gained a lot
of value out of this, and I look forward to seeing the projects and
images that you take and share in the project
tabs down below. If you feel like it, actually post some of these on Instagram and tag
me in them as well. My Instagram is @fynn_badgley. I would love to see what all of you create and
interact with you. Now also, if you
would like to see different hands-on
photography-related classes, I do have a bunch more on
my Skillshare profile, so be sure to check me out
there and follow along as I'm only going to be
making more of these classes. Now, if you would like to see more bite-size
consumable content, I am posting a bunch
of photography and film-making-related videos
over on my YouTube channel, so feel free to check
it out there and subscribe if that's the type
of thing that you're into. I can't wait to see
what all of you create. Once again, thank you
so much, work hard, rest often, and I hope you
have a very creative day. [MUSIC]