Intermediate Hand Embroidery | Amanda Fox | Skillshare

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
Topics include illustration, design, photography, and more

Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Introduction - Intermediate Hand Embroidery


    • 2.

      Getting Started - What You'll Need


    • 3.

      Woven Picot Flower


    • 4.

      French Knot


    • 5.

      Cast On Stitch Rose


    • 6.

      Bullion Stitch


    • 7.

      Fishbone Stitch Leaves


    • 8.

      Embroidering the Stems


    • 9.

      Buttonhole Stitch Petals


    • 10.

      Satin Stitch Leaves


    • 11.

      Pinwheel Roses


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About This Class

I'm so excited to be publishing my second class! This class focuses on intermediate to advanced hand embroidery stitches that you can use to make the pattern I have provided or to incorporate into your own design! There are a total of 8 stitches that I cover in this course.

This class is geared toward embroiderers with some experience and knowledge of basic embroidery stitches and techniques, but everyone is welcome to follow along! If you're unsure how to get started, I recommend taking my beginner floral embroidery class first. 

Hope you enjoy!!


Meet Your Teacher

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Amanda Fox

Hand Embroidery Artist and Maker


Amanda is a self-taught hand and chain stitch embroidery artist. She started embroidering in nursing school as a creative outlet and since then has a shop where she sells embroidery patterns, custom pet portraits, and chain stitch embroidery. You can follow her on her Instagram and her embroidery blog.

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Level: Intermediate

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1. Introduction - Intermediate Hand Embroidery: everybody. My name's Amanda. I am a craft blogger and hand embroidery artist, and I've been a murdering for about 10 years. In that time, I have challenged myself to learn some more advanced skills and stitches and embroidery that I can incorporate into my hand. Embroidery pieces in this class will be going over some of those intermediate to advance embroidery stitches, and I have a pattern that you can print out and follow along with. If you'd like to. You can also design your own pattern and just incorporate the stitches that will be going over if you're a beginner, don't fret. You can still follow along, but I do also have a beginner course that goes over all of the basics of hand embroidery. If you'd like to take that first, I hope you enjoy this class. Thank you so much. 2. Getting Started - What You'll Need: Hi, everybody. So in this course, we're gonna be going over some intermediate embroidery stitches. I have eight different stitches will be going over, two of which we covered in the previous class. But they're great for the center of flowers and leave. So I figured I'd incorporate that in this video as well. Um, what you'll be needing for this course is some fabric the color of your choice. I picked this nice restaurant color. You'll need an embroidery hoop. The pattern that you can print out that's attached to this class is for a five inch coop. If you'd like to print that out and follow along, otherwise, you can just use, um, your own powder and just incorporate these ditches. You need some scissors you'll need to embroidery. Needles will be using an extra one for one of the stitches coming up, and then you'll need your embroidery thread of choice. Um, so you can go ahead and trace out your pattern against a window or use any sort of transfer method that you blake. I prefer to transfer my patterns with, um, silky and brighter stabilizer. But right now I'm just using this water soluble pen I think for this pattern that would be better, because some of these air just markers for where we're gonna be stitching and some of these circles my end up showing up if you were to be using something more permanent, So I would recommend using something that you can wash off at the end for this specific pattern. 3. Woven Picot Flower: Hello. So the first stitch we're gonna be going over is this woven PICO stitch for this middle flowers pedals? Um, this ditch I'm gonna warn you is pretty complicated, but it's definitely worth it in the long run to learn how to do it, because it makes such pretty textured pedals. So for this stitch, you're going to need that extra needle that I told you about. Um, so the first thing we're gonna dio is we're gonna set this needle, use this one of a smaller head on it. I own it. Um, and we're gonna put it down the very center of that pedal from the point to the base. So you got that when I threatened me Needle real quick, e. And we're gonna start sittin. So you're gonna make a stitch at the very base of your pedal, and you're going to wrap that around that needle you just anchored in the fabric. Give yourself plenty of extra threat because you're going to be weaving in and out with this thread. You're gonna go back down the other side of the pedal, and then you're gonna go up right near the needle. Either side is fine. You're gonna wrap your thread around that needle again, and this is where you're going to start weaving. So to start, you're going to start on that same side and go under that thread over the center and then back under that outside thread. And this is kind of complicated because you want your stitches to be taught and even, but you don't want them pulling too much because it's gonna make your pedal. What kind of uneven? So you're just going and weaving down this whole pedal under over under over until you get to the very bottom. And what I like to do after a few stitches is kind of used my needle and push all of these threads up may use the base of it because it's not a sharp that way you have them all pushed up in their taught, and even the other thing I like to do is to keep this thread in my other hand here and just hold on to it. That way. You have, um, even stitches. Your threads are all nice and taut, so now that that is completely woven down to the very base of the pedal, the fun part is taken out Those needle and you've got a woman. PICO. Um, sometimes these don't lay as straight and flat as they should. So if that's the case, you can anchor the very tip like this one got a little twisted, so I anchored it. Just put a little stitch at the very tip of that pedal. But I think they look really pretty when they're free standing and they just come out, give it some dimension. 4. French Knot: All right, so I filled in the center of this flower. But I'm just gonna go ahead and show you really quickly how to do French knots. Um, since we're gonna fill them in on these flowers to So the first thing you're gonna do is we're gonna come up to your fabric and you're gonna hold that back piece of thread with one of your fingers and with your index and your thumb finger, I like to hold the other side of, um, threat to keep it nice and top. You're gonna Then take your needle and you're gonna wrap it around your thread. I like to do it two or three times, depending on what size you'd like. I would do obviously less twist for a smaller French. Not, but I think this makes on adequate sized French. Not. And then you're just gonna go back down to your fabric right next to where you came up and you're in a pool and there's a French not 5. Cast On Stitch Rose: So the next stitch we're gonna go over is this pretty cast on Rose Stitch? So these are just a serious of stitches, and I marked this fabric to kind of show you how I'm going to be stitching. We're going to start in the center on these two little notches and make to cast on stitches , and then you're just kind of work your way around the circle, and it's gonna basically make little rose petals. So you're gonna come up to your fabric, give yourself a little bit of slack, and then you're gonna go down about a centimeter and then back up where you first started. We're gonna keep your needle halfway in the fabric like that, and you're going to essentially make little nit cast on stitches. You're gonna loop the thread and then wrap it around the needle. And I'm gonna dio about five or six of these on this needle, depending on how long of a stitch you want to do with the more castle and you'll want to dio rate and then you're gonna pull this needle through. I'm gonna kind of push it through toe, give it a head start here and then you're going to keep your thumb on those ditches to secure them downs. They don't get yanked out. You're gonna pull that thread through. Then you're gonna have this little tail at the bottom. But don't worry. You're just gonna keep pulling the thread and kind of pushing that up with your thumb, and it'll lay down nicely on the fabric. So then you just put your needle down at the bottom of that stitch, and there's your 1st 1 So then I'm gonna go to the side of it, and I'm going to start that again and just do one right next to it to kind of make the center of the rose. So again, I'm going to make some loops and cast on. Do you like five or six of these? All right. And then when I keep my phone on it and pull the needle through and there's your 2nd 1 I'm gonna cut this tail off really quick. We'll show you how I kind of work around that rose so that I'm gonna start making a stitch up here. That will kind of end right beside that one as well. And all those continue kind of around the rose making little pedals. I really like this stitch. Um, it looks really complicated, but I feel like once you learn how to do it, it's really not. And they're perfect for a little rose buds and roses. Um, this is definitely my favorite, and we'll be going into another way to do it, um, shortly as well called pinwheel roses. And they both kind of have their own little look to him, depending on what kind of rose you wanna have, So 6. Bullion Stitch: all right. Another stitch we're gonna dio for these little rose buds over here in the corner is a bully on stitch. And it's very similar to a cast on stitch. So I figured to be cool to incorporate them both kind of back to back. So you're going to set it up just like you would this cast on stitch. We're just gonna do one for each of the buds. So you're gonna put your needle halfway through, and instead of casting on it making loops, you're just gonna twist, And I'm gonna twist, like, five or six times again, and you're gonna use your thumb to just kind of keep those loops together and pull through this one. Could be a little hard toe get started. You might need to loosen the lives up a little bit to get it to go. And again, you're just gonna kind of push your thumb and pull the stitch type, and that's your little billions ditch. I think this one can be pretty finicky eaters cause the when you loop around the needle, Aiken, come on, done really easily. So it's just a matter of keeping your finger on it and making sure it doesn't unravel. But I think this one's pretty fun to do, too. I'm gonna loose and let up a little bit because I know it's gonna be hard to pull through. Yeah, that was a lot easier once you loosen it a little bit. 7. Fishbone Stitch Leaves: So for these leaves over here and the ones up here and the ones down here, we're going to do a fish bones ditch. So for this one, um, on the design pattern, there is a line down the center of the leaf, and that's what you'll follow to get started. So you're gonna start at the very tip of the leaf and you're gonna go, maybe about like, a centimeter down. You're going to then come up to the right or the left, whichever you want to start with first at the edge of the leaf, and then you're gonna crisscross over the other side, kind of to the left or the right of that center stitch. They're gonna come up to the opposite side and you're gonna come down to the right of that stitch and you're basically going down this whole pattern crisscrossing like this from the outside outline of that leaf all the way down. This stitches cool, cause it again as a lot of dimension, I feel like pretty much every stitch in this class is one that has a lot of dimension and texture to it, which I am a big fan of. As you can see, you're gonna go all the way down to the very bottom 8. Embroidering the Stems: So I've finished all of those fishbone stitch leaves on these roses and those leaves over there. And I'm just going Teoh do some backs itching for the stems and then for the stems of the buds and was gonna do some back stitching and for buds. I like to kind of do a little a little thing like this to kind of make it look more like a little flower, bud. So I'll do that on both of those and back stitch the stem. 9. Buttonhole Stitch Petals: So for these little guys, we're gonna dio ah, buttonhole stitch, or it's also called a blanket stitch. So to get started, I'm going toe work right toe left on the pedal just cause that's the way that makes sense to me. But you can go the other way if you'd like to. So I'm gonna start out with just one straight stitch to kind of fill in the pedal, and then I'm going to start a little bit to the left of that stitch. I'm gonna hold the thread in my left thumb and I'm gonna stitch at the top of where that street stitch started. And then I'm going. Teoh kind of keep this loop here and I'm gonna go up through the fabric a little bit to the left of that straight stitch, and it's going to catch that loop and then I'm gonna go down towards the center of the flower, hold this again with my left thumb and then go a little bit to the left of that last stitch . That is a buttonhole stitch, and I think it looks kind of cute with flowers. If you want to, you can make the stitches smaller too, so you have less negative space in the flowers. It's just all preference 10. Satin Stitch Leaves: these leaves were going to do a satin stitch, which you're probably already familiar with. But I'll quickly go over that. So satin, such is just, um, straight stitches laid side by side to one another. So all of these leaves are just gonna be long, straight stitches. And I'm gonna go up next to that point and then and next you're still so it's just gonna be like that all the way down. And depending on the width of the leave, you might leave. You might have to dio a couple extra stitches here and there, and you can kind of follow that outline, and those were your satin stitches. 11. Pinwheel Roses: All right. So this will be the very last stitch for this class will be going over this pinwheel rose stitch. So let's get started. So the first thing you're gonna do is we're gonna start in the very center of this circle. You're gonna take a stitch, and you're going to make ah five pointed star. Basically, you want to make sure that these stitches are as even as possible because you're gonna be weaving in and out and you don't want the little legs that were making for the weaving to show through at the end. So you want to make sure each of them are the same length, and then once you've done all five points, you're just gonna come up beside that center point, and then you're gonna start weaving through with your threat under an over around this circle, and you want again all of your stitches to be snug. But don't pull too tight and you're gonna weave in and out through this whole circle here, just like that. Just be careful not to snag any extra thread when you're weaving in and out and then all the real cute at the end, so here is my finished piece. I am one to add French knots everywhere. If there's negative space I don't like. So I added a few more French knots around these flowers over here. But otherwise I'm real happy with the way it turned out. I hope you really enjoy this class. Um, I would love it if you posted your finished product inthe e um project section of this class Because I love seeing what everybody is doing. Thank you so much for spending time with me and learning how to embroider by.