1. Why Take This Class?: Hey, this is Derek. And if you want people enroll in your online class, subscribe to your email list. Read your block posts, watch your videos and buy your stuff. Then you're going to love this class because with in its you're going to learn the art of writing crazy good headlines I'm gonna teach You ate simple but proven strategies for grabbing someone's attention with your words so that you can pull them in and get them to take action in some way. Now these headline writing strategies center around emotion, clarity, perspective, conditioning, numbers, brainstorming and even secret sauce is by the end of this class, you'll learn how to take all of these elements and use them to craft headlines that get people to enroll subscribe by take action. This class uses a lot of illustrations to explain ideas. Examples to show you how they're used in practical action steps to help you use them in your business. I really look forward to sharing a ton of great content with you in this class, so go ahead and click and roll and I'll see you on the other side
2. Strategies 1-2: welcome to write crazy good headlines. Eight. Proven ways to get people to enroll, subscribed by and take action. So let's dig right in. Why do crazy Good headlines matter. Well, they matter because you want people's attention, right? You want them to enroll. You want them to join. Subscribe your email list. You want them to read an article that you've written. Click on something or by what you have to offer. You want their attention, and if you don't grab their attention that nothing else matters, you can have the best blawg post. You can have the best product. You can have the best course class. And if you're not getting people's attention, the none of that really matters, because you have to have their attention first before they're able to take action. Now here's the challenge. The challenge with that is that everybody wants their attention these days. Everybody is getting wanting people to join, to enroll, to subscribe. Everybody wants to do that, and so you're not competing just against a dozen people. But you're competing against millions of different block posts and courses and classes and products, so that's the challenge. What's the solution? How can you stand out? Well, the solution is to make your words psychologically louder than everyone else's. And you do this by learning the art of writing crazy good headlines, which is what you're going to learn in this class. I'm gonna show you eight different ways of doing it. So let's look at the first way of doing this. Number one. You want to promise a result. So your headline has to convey an emotional benefit, a result that the person really wants, who's reading it. And so if someone stumbles across your class, your course, your product, your block post in the back of their mind somewhere they're telling themselves, Boy, I really wish I could feel healthier. I really wish I could sleep better. I wish I could get more done things like that. And so you want your headline to convey that your class, your product, your service, your block post is going to help them to achieve that result. So again, if they want to feel healthier, sleep better. Get more done, defeat fear, play guitar like a rock star, eliminate a bad habit or steal the show by giving an awesome presentation. If that's something that they want. Then your headline has to tell them that that's what they're going to get when they click when they buy when they join when they subscribe, it has to be in there. It has to tell them. Essentially, do this and you're gonna feel healthier. By this. You're going to sleep better. See, that's a result. Do this or subscribe to this class or enroll in this class. You're gonna get more done. You have to convey a result that the reader the student is going to get. So number one promise a result. Strategy Number two is You want to highlight benefits, not features Now. This could be a challenge for some people to understand the difference between the two. But I heard it put a very simple way, and that's what I want to share with you. Right now. A benefit conveys what something does. The result. It creates, not what it is, which is what a feature is. So let's look at an example what this means. If you were to say in your headline, best selling health system, you might think, Wow, people are gonna love that. But that's describing what your product with your class, what your service is and not what it does, what it does. Maybe something like wake up feeling as healthy as an Olympian. See, that is describing a benefit that is describing what your product service class course does , not what it is. And so why is this so important? It's important because people crave emotional satisfaction. They want to know that when they do something, they're going to get relief. They're gonna have growth. They're going to enjoy themselves, something emotional and that feeds that craving that they want of relief for growth or entertainment. And so your headline has to convey that. And benefits are the one of the best ways of conveying that emotional satisfaction that they're going to get when they take action. So highlight benefits not features what something does, not what it is
3. Strategies 3-4: number three is you want to use action words and these air simply verbs. And when you use action words you could think of them is like mental caffeine to a person's brain. And what this means is because of conditioning, years of conditioning that people have gone through and just by living life. Verbs, action words tend to trigger in people's brains Ah, slightly higher mode of action or attention. And when you put a person's brain in this kind of mode, even in a subtle way, you increase the chance that they're going to click and roll joint or subscribe. And even if it is subtle, you want that advantage. So let's look at some action words, and the action words would include things like Create. You want to include something like that in your headline or defeat, right? Declutter. Speak, build again. All of these are verbs. All of these air action words, and when a person's brain has hears them and seize them, then their brain goes into a higher motive action because when they've heard the word defeat before, they've always associated that with some type of action. Maybe they've seen it on on the screen. Maybe they heard it, heard it somehow. Or maybe they've acted it out. You know, I'm gonna defeat this. I'm gonna create that. That's all. Action oriented. And so when somebody sees these words in your headline, it elevates the action mode of their brain. So let's look at an example here. You don't want to say crazy good headline ideas again. There's no action right there that's describing what you might be discussing in your class like this one. I am discussing crazy good headline ideas, but that's not that doesn't include action words, but right crazy good headlines. See that includes an action word and that gets a person's brain to perk up and to take notice. So use action words in your headlines when possible. Number four is used. Power words and power words are real similar to verbs or action words because they also put a person's mind in a higher mode of attention and action through years of conditioning, and you can use this to your advantage. So here are some examples. Discover when a person hears the word discover it's like an adventure, their brain associates. That word was something action oriented, free Well, you show somebody the word free in your headline or anywhere they see it in an image. Or when they're walking through a shopping mall and they see the word free, the brain lights up. It puts it in their brain in, um, higher mode of attention and action. That's a power word. Easy. Another one. How to results New proven quick. Why now? Announcing introducing these are words that matter to people because throughout their lives they have learned to associate those kinds of words with things that cause them to grab their attention and cause them to take action in some way. So use that to your vengeance. Gonna be a subtle advantage, but it matters, and it's going to help you to push them, to take the action that you want them to take.
4. Strategies 5-6: number five. Keep it short and simple. Headlines are designed to ignite emotional responses in people. That's the key. You want people to feel something about what they're reading in your headline? Get excited. I think I'm gonna get some relief. I'm gonna grow. I'm gonna have fun. I'm going to do something Amazing. That's an emotional response. That's what headlines do, using too many words or complex words. What that tends to do is it engages a person's thinking logical and reasoning mine, which is the kryptonite of that emotional response, because in a person they have two basic forces. The logical and reasoning mine and the emotional part of their their their inner self there , logical and emotional and these kind of battle with each other. And the more emotional they get, the less logical they become. And the more and vice versa, the more logical they become, the less emotional they are. And so, with headlines, you are trying to evoke an emotional response, and when you get them to engage their brains in a logical thinking way, you kind of kill that emotional response. It's the kryptonite and one of the challenges that some people face is, they want their headline to explain everything. So they just put a whole bunch of words trying to explain everything in their headline. It doesn't need to explain everything. It just needs to explain enough to convey a benefit. Let me say that again. Your headline just needs to convey enough to explain a benefit as we talked about in the first two or three different examples. So this means that when you're writing your headline, you want to keep it short and simple simple words. You don't want to use complex words. But if there's a three syllable word that can be replaced with a one syllable word than do that, use simple words. Also, use fewer words. You don't want to make it sentence long or several different lines along the fewer words that you can put in your headline. And this may require some work, which we're going to talk about here in just a second. This may require a little bit of effort, but it's gonna pay off in a in a big way because you're not gonna get that reasoning logical. Mind standing in the way of them taking action and keep in mind 1/3 grader should be able to understand your headline in three seconds. That is just the goal that you're shooting for when you're creating headlines. It has to be that simple, so keep it short and simple. Number six is You want to highlight your secret sauce so you want to use your headline to convey that what you are offering, whether it's your course, your class, your email list, your product, your service that what you're offering contains that special something that finally makes success a reality. Finally, So your secret sauce can be thought of as an identifiable key or catalyst for making something work. And when people read it when people read your headline, you want them to think I have got to know what that thing is that the person is talking about in there. Headline. That's the secret sauce. What's the secret there? And here's some examples. 1000 year old technique for sleeping great every night. Did you see the secret sauce? Did you understand what it iss? It's the 1000 year old technique for sleeping. Great. See, where else is somebody gonna be able to find 1000 year old technique if somebody just put tips for sleeping Great. That's not a secret sauce, but 1000 year old technique that is a secret sauce. Here's another one. The two words that make goals work. When somebody reads that they're going to see there are two words that make goals work. Why didn't I hear about this? What are those two words? I've got to know what those two words are because my goals just aren't working. And if that's all it takes Wow, I've got to know what that is. That's the secret sauce. Here's another example the one sentence persuasion course. Now, if you saw a headline to a class or course or an email list sign up form that said, Join the one sentence persuasion course, what would be going through your mind? What would be going through your minds probably is what wants that one sentence. I want to know what that IHS and you're gonna tell me that all these other people have this complex process for persuasion, and I'm going to learn to this course or this class one sentence that makes all the difference. See, that's the secret sauce and finally, probably the ultimate example, which most people have heard about is the headline or the title. The secret. When you hear something like that, it's like, What is the secret? I've got to know what that is. That's the ultimate example of secret sauce. So highlight your secret sauce, whatever it may be the identifiable key or catalysts that make something work. Find a way to put that into your headline so that it really peaks a person's curiosity, and they want to know what it iss.
5. Strategies 7-8: number seven is used specific numbers. So you want to state your headline wind possible using a number of some sort seven ways to do something, whatever that may be. How to blank in five easy steps. Specific numbers. Why do you want to use numbers when possible? Now? It's not always, ah, possible, and it's not always a good idea to use numbers. But when you can, why is it so important? Well, because a person's brain loves specific numbers for two basic reasons. One is that numbers represent a promise of organization and structure. So when somebody sees that there are seven ways to maybe sleep better, they think, Wow, I don't have to go through a whole complex process and system and 100 pages of work. I just need to learn seven ways to sleep. Better see, that's organization. That puts the information into a structure that simple, clear and concise. And that's what people want when they see that they're like, I've got to know what that is. Brains love organization like that. So that's one of the benefits of using specific numbers. Number two is that numbers represent a piling on a value that comes from taking action. And what I mean by this is that when somebody sees a number like that, seven ways to maybe sleep better, they're in the back of their mind in a subtle way and they don't even notice it. They're thinking OK, so I'm not just getting one way to sleep better. And I really want to sleep better, because I'm just That's a real problem that I have. So I'm not learning just one way. I'm not learning three ways or four ways or five ways, but seven ways that is like piling value on top of value on top of value. And that's going to get somebody to take action because they want to consume all that value . And again, these trigger a strong emotional response for someone to take action. So use specific numbers when possible, and eight is you want to create a lot of headlines because the skill of writing great headlines doesn't come from knowledge about what makes a great headline. You're learning some knowledge right now, and this is important, but really, to get good at writing headlines, you need more than knowledge. Massive action is required. You have to write a lot of headlines, try new ideas and make mistakes. Why? Because it's through that process of writing a bunch of a headlines, making mistakes, making writing headlines that really stink, that really don't work that are horrible and some that weren't great. It's through that experience, that personal experience that you have in writing, that you internalize what works and what doesn't. I can sit here and tell you all day what works and what doesn't and that will help and will guide you in some ways. But it's on Lee until you experience it for yourself firsthand that you really start to grasp it at a level that I just can't teach you through a class. It has to be through massive action. So when you're creating a headline for something, you want to brainstorm 15 to 20 ideas. Just start writing some ideas on paper as many as you possibly can at least 15 or 20 and then select the best one. And each time you go through this process, you're going to get better and better and better. So create a lot of headlines
6. How To Download And Use This Course's LifeMap: in the project section of this course, you're gonna find a pdf that contains the sheet of information that I used to teach this course. It contains all the visuals and notes for the course itself, and I call the sheet of information a life map. So go ahead and download the life map printed up and use it as a quick reference tool for what you learned in this course. In addition, as you'll read once you open up the life map, pdf you're free to share it with anyone you like as much as you like, as long as you don't alter the content in any way. So if you found value in this course and the content within it, then share the life map on Facebook Twitter or make it available on your block. You know I'm totally cool with any of that and let others know that they can get the complete video course here on skill share. All they have to do is do a search for me, Derek Franklin, that's D R E K Franklin, and they'll be able to find it. Thanks a lot, and I'll see you in the next course
7. How To Rate, Review, And Leave Feedback: Now, before you complete this course, I'd like to ask you to do one simple favor for me, and that is to leave a review. If you found value in what you learned and all you have to do to do that is to come down here where it says Leave review, Click this button and you'll see this box will appear and there are a few different things that you can do within this box. So let's just walk to him real quickly. First thing you can do in this is the most simple is to click the Yes button right here. If you would recommend this class or this course to other people, if this is all you have time to do, then go ahead and just click the yes button and then hit. Submit, review and that's it. Now, if you'd like to kick it up a notch and leave a public review which other people can read, then go ahead and enter your review right there. I really appreciate reviews like this because it helps others evaluate the course of a little bit more. Ah, deeper level than just a recommendation. Although this is great as Well, now, the third way that you can interact with this box and you can use this box is to send me private feedback again. This is optional. But anything you enter into this box is just simply sent to me where I can look at it. And if you want to put in here ideas that you have for improving the course or things that you'd like to see in the course, whatever it may be my teaching style. Go ahead and leave that in the private feedback box right there. And once you've done any of these or all of them, just simply hit, Submit, review, and you're good to go. Thank you very much for taking the course, and I'll see you in the next one.