1. How To Be Truly Confident On Camera: How's it going? And in this exclusive course, I'm gonna show you how you be more comfortable on camera because whether or not you want to be inspiring online teacher or video creator online, you need a have a presence on camera. And in this simple under 30 minutes guaranteed course, I'm gonna show you the step by step practices of how you be more comfortable, as well as have more confidence on camera. And this applies, especially if you are a complete beginner with zero experience. Or you want to touch up your little confidence skills so you can turn on a camera and talk like it isn't a problem. It'll and I'm gonna show you. My name's Peter. I am a content creator made thousands of videos for people behind the camera, but more importantly, I also make videos for myself, and I am in front the camera. And even if you're a complete beginner, this course is for you. So let's get into it. I'm gonna show you everything that I know and all the tips and tricks and secrets, all big influencers and powerful creators. What they do so they could be comfortable on camera, and now you will know the secrets as well. Let's get into it
2. The ONE Thing You Need To Know: so the very first thing of being are having a presence in front of a camera and not being awkward is that it kind of resembles public speaking and how I like to even before you even prepare a script or even practice in front of camera, you need to be comfortable with not only the environment but also yourself. So my first core thing that you need to take away is to be comfortable in your own skin, and you're gonna have added pressures like maybe you have a light that glaring into your face that's making you super hot and sweaty. Or your nervousness because you haven't done this at all, you might someone else might be listening to you biggest take away from it, even if you don't watch it to. The end of this course is that you need to be comfortable with who you are. As cliche and cheesy as it sounds, you need to be comfortable in your own skin. I myself, I actually stutter, so I have a speech impediment and I'm can be a nervous wreck sometimes. But that has not stopped me from creating hundreds on hundreds of videos that has gained thousands and millions of views. As also I've helped influencers increased their reach through video. And one thing that I have noticed across all influencers and clients as a professional freelance videographer is that they need to be comfortable on screen, but more point comfortable with yourself. So the first thing what you want to do is to be able to even think about the camera first. Because of this, your very first time. What I suggest you doing is just taking a deep breath and their nose and out through your mouth. Do that three times, and that will just calm your nerves. Next. What you want to do is be able to look in the mirror and talk, saying any sentence, any words. It doesn't have to make sense. Just pretending one of things is to say it out loud, practicing and just being comfortable being a goof on camera. Because one of the things why you need to be comfortable and this is the main take away is that if you're uncomfortable on camera and you can't do loosey goosey stuff and you're too stiff, it kind of presents itself on camera and you're gonna see yourself while you're looking at the footage, so you need to be comfortable with yourself as well as you need to be able to turn it up a notch if you need to on camera, because you want to be engaging and enthusiastic. So it's a combination of being comfortable in front of the camera as well as not giving a crap what people think, on top of understanding that you need to be engaging, talking about what you want and that's gonna lead into Part two.
3. Preparation Is King: So now that you sort of hype yourself up to where you can talk to a camera and a comfortable with yourself, you might still be nervous. So my other tip is to just pretend that you're talking to a really close friend that you're telling a story, Teoh. And it might be daunting because you're talking to it, an animate object. And it's not human to be able to feel comfortable talking to an inanimate object. But you have to think that end result. Who's going to see this? And the chances are people are going to see it. So talk to your camera or video capturing device as if were a person. So now it comes into preproduction. So instead of just turning on the camera and just talking to it, you're probably an aspiring online teacher or video creator on any social media platform. So the biggest take away is to try out a script, because the reality is no one can just one shot one take do X y zed points and get everything they want. They want to be able to break it down into points. So what I like to do, for example, in using this course is that I haven't intro point high guy. My name is Peter and you're taking this course because you want to be more comfortable on camera and you want to be an inspiring influence or video creator. And you wouldn't just be more comfortable on camera overall, whether it giving presentations or a teacher. All right, so that's an introduction. And then I have my main arguments my 0.1 point 2.3 now that have broken up into each of the headings. What I like to break down is supporting arguments. So it's essentially writing an online essay or or online kind of speech, and you have it point by point. What you don't want to do is you don't want tohave things like 4 to 56 words or like just verbatim word by word. The reality is, you remember everything. So one of my tips is to be able to write a script and know exactly what you're talking about, because if you know you're talking about and you're actually enthusiast about it, you're not gonna make things up. You're not going to study because it's your it's something that you want to talk about and you're an expert at whether you want to talk about how I like to go to the gym. I do this, this and this. You're gonna forget it, because that's what you do every day or pretend you are teaching someone about graphic design. You're not gonna mess up because you know how to news illustrating all the steps in the layers. And it's something that you know and you're the expert to go it, and we're gonna jump into a couple of more bonus tips before I jump into 1/3 part.
4. Practice Makes Perfect: one of the things that you might make you feel more comfortable is being environment that's most comfortable to you, because when you first start out, you might get nervous. You might care about too much. People like people think, which kind of leaves a bag at the first point of your online presence that storytelling is be comfortable. So be in a room, whether it's your home office, a place that you know that on Lee you yourself. We're gonna be talking to a camera and not really care about what other people are hearing walking by to distract you. And as you slowly build up your confidence you're able to talk in front of camera. Doesn't matter where you are. So getting into the third point is the actual practicing and rehearsing, because the reality is to be uncomfortable in front of camera, you need to have more than one takes, so understand that it's gonna take more than one time, because what I see a lot of people do is a president court button, and they try to say whatever it is they're trying to say, and they get flustered and they get so mad at themselves that they start again and they get halfway. They stop and they start again. So understand, that is not going to be one. Take, take all and break your paragraph or presentation into bits and chucks. So I would say, for example, Hi, guys. Your introduction, who you are And then what you gonna talk about today? I'm going to be talking about X, Y said, And then you break it down into your first point and it's gonna be supporting, arguing 12 and three. So, for example, I mean, is that something that doesn't really make sense? But today I want my dog. So have dog here. And then the second point is walk ran and fed my dog. And that's how I remember in my head exactly, which points to go through without having to memorize a whole paragraph. So that is when the things that you need to do is practice and keep rehearsing and understand that you're going to mess up. And I do, too, at times. But that's OK. And now in the next portion, I'm gonna teach about the cheats and AIDS to help you to be comfortable on camera and the things that I myself do and other influencers do as well
5. Why I'm Still Not Perfect...?: so the biggest take away from this, besides being comfortable in your skin and being okay with messing up, is to news cue cards. Points on. Understand that I want to emphasize this is that you want to see everything in one go. Don't have some script word by word and news cheats along the way, whether you want to use your phone and have your notes and the way that I told you guys how to do it or you do like myself, and I actually have my notes print out on this laptop point by point, and essentially, what I'm doing is I go here. I look at my main heading. I look at what I want to say to the camera, and then I press record and it's that simple. So what you're trying to do is in editing, you make it seem seamless, but essentially real time. It's more like this actual cheeks to aid you. You don't to record all your points in one used cue cards, and my next point on that is breaking up into chunks and remembering keywords. To help you memorize is to not be monotone, because the reality is when you're talking to a friend. A close friend. You're not like Hey, today I went here and blood. You want to be a little bit hyped up? You want to be a little bit more energetic because the reality is if you're watching me right now, this is the very beginning of this video. It is much more engaging, and you also want to use hand gestures that well, but not trying to overdo it. That's something that I've seen a lot of people do a little too much, so it can get a little distracting, you know, I mean, so now that you know just the pretty much the basic principles, what you should do next is take your camera, find a good place that you're comfortable with press record and do exactly what I said. So record your bits and chunks and then put all your clip together and watch it and be critical of yourself. Don't be too hard, but be critical and look at how you're doing. How is the pacing of your rhythm of how you're talking to the camera and what can you do to improve the next time? Because the reality is the 1st 2 to 3 videos that you're gonna film. I'm sorry to tell you, but it's not gonna be that great and is taking me hundreds of videos to this day. And don't be two over daunting by that number is that I? Myself, I'm still not the best speaker on camera. And the best take away is to practice right? Practice makes perfect. The more times you do it, the more you desensitize it and it becomes more of a normal seat to you. In other words, talking to camera is normal. So the key takeaways is have have something to guide you. So if I forget something, I just turn over here, become to a bullet. It's good. Excuse me. Be okay with screwing up, messing up and not remembering all your words because sometimes you might have to sneeze. Sometimes you have to sneeze. And if you saw him watch the beginning to end, I slowly purposely got more and more comfortable being on camera because you want to have your personality shine out on camera. The more comfortable you are, the Morgan do loosey goosey stuff, and you just kind of if anything, I challenge you to dance in front of the video for 10 minutes, then sit down. That might make you feel a little bit more comfortable. And don't be too hard on yourself, right? Talking to a camera is almost equivalent of public speaking, except it's a natural underneath. So remember, just to recap everything in this little short, simple, actual course is that be comfortable in your own skin. When you get nervous, dig a deep breath, breathe out. And if you say you're lying. Hi, my name is Peter, but somehow in the middle that you mess up, don't instantly try to go and repeat that line. Just do a little one of those, you know, like a little blooper. Compose yourself and then back to camera again and say your points. And if you prepare your script in a way where it's like a B and C and you have your argument 0.123 and it's a word for I would actually show you my script as well to show you that on screen to show you how I remember it. I just remember keywords. I don't say everything for bait, Um, and that is how you get comfortable on camera. It's all about practice patients and being comfortable with yourself on camera and not trying to be someone. It's a combination of not being over enthusiastic, overly not yourself, being comfortable in your own skin and be able to talk to a camera as it were your own personal best friend and just be comfortable with it, especially if you're the first time. It could be very daunting if you have, like something like a light that's shining your face and you can't really see gets intimidating and you have You want to get through the lines and gets frustrating. You stop. It's okay to just stop recording and just step away from the camera. And my name's Peter. I've made hundreds of videos still counting. Check out my YouTube channel if you want to be VC CEO Broke visionary collective. I myself lying video content specialists. I help influencers and businesses make videos, but I myself also make videos and I just want to share ah, little bit of my experience and expertise on camera so you two can also talk to the camera . Why? Because this will help you with the growing age of digital media and social media. It will help you have an edge up and learn how you can talk to a camera and how you can have your own influence crater audience and do ever the hell you want to do with video.