1. 00 Rubiks Cube PROMO: welcome to How to solve a three by three Rubik's Cube. Four Beginnings. My name is Will and I started out by not having any idea how to solve the Rubik's Cube. It was intimidating, and I basically just avoided it for a while until I decided that a goal of mine was to learn to solve a Rubik's Cube. I want to start off by saying I have no unique ability to remember any advanced algorithms , and I can't solve a Rubik's Cube in world record time. However, the reason I created this course was to prove that anyone can do it with just a bit of practice. I've researched, practiced and created a guide for beginners on how to solve the three by three Rubik's Cube . This courses for people who have never solved a Rubik's Cube before and are looking for a step by step instructions to solve any three Bisley Rubik's Cube, No matter how randomly it's been scrambled with just a bit of practice and some effort into remembering the patterns that I will break down for you, you'll go from never solving a Rubik's Cube to being able to solve it within just a few minutes every time. There are a few algorithms that may seem impossible to remember when starting him. But I will teach you my strategy for breaking them down into shorter patterns that will make it a process you remember and can implement every time you start to solve your room. Just like most things, it will take some time to figure out. But I assure you people will be impressed when they see you're able to solve it. Thanks for checking this course out, and I hope to see you in there.
2. 01 Course Introduction: welcome to our course on how to solve a three by three Rubik's Cube for beginners. By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge to solve a three by three Rubies Cube. You'll be able to follow along with your own cube as we go, but you may get slightly different results as we go, because we are starting off with the Rubik's Cube that has been completely scrambled in a random order, and I have no idea what random order yours is it. That being said, the process I will teach will work for you as well every time my name is well, and I started out by not having any idea how to solve the Rubik's Cube. But through a bit of commitment and eagerness to figure it out, I made some notes to reference, and then eventually I learned to solve it without any notes before we get started. It's important for you to understand that in order for you to solve a Rubik's Cube, you need to pay attention to the instructions I will be providing If you do not commit yourself to watching the entire course. And if you do not make an effort to learn exactly how to do it. You will not have success for solving a Rubik's Cube. I can't guarantee you will solve your Rubik's Cube if you don't pay attention. And don't commit yourself to learning and remembering the instructions. However, I can say that if you do follow all of the instructions throughout this entire course, you will be able to solve a Rubik's Cube. Also in the last section of this course, I'll include a PdF document with detailed instructions for exactly step by step on, how to solve the three by three Rubik's Cube Let's get started.
3. 02 Introduction To The Rubiks Cube: Alright, guys. So let's get started here with the first lesson. So let's talk about the different sides of a Rubik's Cube. So if you always hold this towards you, this would be the front side. This side here, this would be the top. This part on top. This would be the right side. This would be the left side. Underneath would be the bottom and on the far side would be the back. Okay, this is the top or up. This is the down or bottom right? Left front, back. Okay, so that's the different sides. Now it's important to understand that if you move this this way, then this is your front. This is your back, OK? So it's relative to you. It's always from your perspective and the next thing to know is the different ways you can move pieces. So if we were to say ah clockwise movement, that would mean taking a piece and rotating it clockwise. If we are talking about a counterclockwise movement, then we're taking a piece in doing the opposite way. So counterclockwise meaning this way and now understanding that the Cuba will always be facing you, meaning if this is the front side, and this is the right side. If it calls for a right side clockwise move, then that means you're taking the right side and you're moving it clockwise. Okay, that would be away from you. Clockwise counterclockwise would be towards you. And the way to understand that is, if you take this right side and put it to the front. What would that move be right side clockwise. Right. So the right side moving clockwise would be the same as doing the front in this direction. Okay, so everything is relative to what's facing you. So the top moving counterclockwise, for example, would be this way Because if you took the top and put it towards you, that would be clockwise. So it's the same thing clockwise. Okay. If the bottom was to be moved clockwise, then the way to do that is you point the bottom to you and clockwise. Right? So moving the bottom clockwise again would be like that. So that would be the move. Okay, moving the back clock, Waas would be heading that way. Okay. And to show you that again, so I'd be taking them back and moving it that way if you take the back and put it all the way to the front, then again clockwise. And if that helps you, that's totally fine when you're starting out to rotate the cube just for the one move. So if you want to move, um, the right clockwise, then you go that way. But if it helps you, you can also go and then move it back. So as long as you keep the front side always facing you, then you can do your move. So let's say the back clockwise rotated around clockwise and then bring it back for every single move. And that should help you understand the different perspectives of the cube. Because when solving a Rubik's Cube throughout the process, there's gonna be times where it's very important for a certain side to be facing either away from you or towards you are, you know, and then the other side needs to face away. All right, so those are the moves, so you got clockwise counterclockwise okay on any side. So let's say the left needs to move clockwise. Clockwise would be that way, because again, if you turn the left side towards you, that's clockwise. Okay, that's counterclockwise. So left side clockwise up clockwise. Okay, I would say the back clockwise. Okay, Bottom clockwise. So for the middle section going up the vertical, um, pushing it away is easier to understand. And then pushing it towards you is also easier to understand and saying, you know, clockwise or counterclockwise. Okay, So those are the basic moves of a Rubik's Cube. The next move we have is just moving it twice. So the one of the algorithms might suggest to move one side twice. So what that means is just in any direction twice, So it could be counterclockwise twice. Or you could be clockwise twice your way if you go clockwise or if you go counter clockwise . It's the same result orange on the top. So if I do, you know to that way for two. This way, it's still the same result. Okay, so you have single clockwise single counterclockwise or you have two rotations, and that could be done in any any side as well, so you could do the front twice. So those are the basic moves when solving a Rubik's Cube. Now, each of those moves will eventually form a pattern or an algorithm, and depending on what stage you are, you you'll have a different pattern of individual moves to do to get to the next stage, and we'll begin to explore those in the next lesson.
4. 03 Understanding The Sides: All right, guys, Welcome back. So the very first thing to do in solving a Rubik's Cube is you want to locate the yellow middle piece, which is this piece right here. OK, so as you can see, nowhere else on the Cube has Ah, yellow middle, except for one. So it only exists once. Okay, so now that we have the yellow here, it's important to understand that that means that this side is represented as the yellow side. This red represents the red side. The white represents the weight. The green represents the green. Even though these air different colors, this side is always represented by what the middle color is. Okay, so that's the other side. The blue side, the red side, etcetera. Okay, so So we've found our yellow. This is our first step in solving Rubik's Cube, using the algorithms that I will show in this Ah entire course. Now that we have the yellow here, it's important to know as well that the complete opposite side is always white. Okay, so this is yellow. That means the other side is white. Okay, Wherever the white is, the other side is yellow. All right, so that is the first thing to understand. You always want to start with yellow and know that the white is on the other side and that each side of the Rubik's Cube is represented by the color in the middle. Okay, and the next step we will start solving the white side.
5. 04 Getting The White Plus Sign: Okay. Welcome back. So to get started here, the first step again is to, you know, find your your yellow middle. But again, this could be in any order. You know, I'm just randomly scrambling this year. Okay? So just randomly scrambled. Still, the yellow will have the white on the other side. Okay? Always. What we want to do is we want to find these areas around the yellow, okay? And this is red right now. So what we want to try to do is make it white. So in these four here, this one already has white. So that's great. We'll leave that. As is now, we want to try to get white in these spots. So that means on that specific side, for example, this side, we will need to try to get white. So as you can see, if you rotate this, you can already get the white okay. And what we're gonna do is just randomly rotate those sides until we get white in just those spots. We aren't worrying about the four corners right now, so all we're trying to do is get a yellow center and four white spots around it. So the white plus sign and yellow middle. Okay, so we have to Right now, we have two left to do, So I'm gonna rotate this and then, as you can see, right off the bat, Here's one Here. Okay, so now we have three, and then we're dismissing this. So let's rotate this, okay? And what we're gonna do is again just continuously. Well, not moving these six. We're gonna move everything, everything else, and it might take a bit, but when you're first starting out, all you want to do is just just keep moving it randomly. You don't really have to think about it. There's no real pattern at this point. You just keep doing it, okay? Until you get it. Okay. So now we have a yellow center with four white pieces around it, and this is great. This is exactly what we want. Okay, so at this stage again, we are not worrying about the four corners. So the next thing to think about is every single cube has different colors on each each piece. So this way one has blue. This way. One has green. This way. One has orange this way. One has read. Okay? Now, I can pretty much guarantee that this cube is in a different order than yours is what you have will be different than what I have. But using the same strategy of locating the yellow, then getting the white in those by just rotating each each side until you get the four pieces. That's what you want to get to. So right now we have those set up. Okay, The next thing we're gonna do is find the color on the side. So right now, let's just pick any one of those four. So we have read here, but it's on the green side because remember, whatever is in the middle that represents the entire sides color. So this side is orange. And as you can see, this white has orange, which means it's on its right side, so that's in a good spot. So with the white orange on its own side, take that entire side and just rotated twice. So once, twice. Okay, doesn't matter the direction, because again two times means it's the same either right or left or clockwise or counterclockwise. Okay, now we have three white left. It's white with red, but it's on the green side. So we're going to rotate the very top in just a random order until we get it to its side. Okay, That means read is now on the red side. And that means this entire side because that's the red side is okay to turn twice. Okay. And you're starting to notice a pattern here, So we're gonna do that for the other two. So now we have we have white. There's two left on on this white. There's blue. It is on its blue side. So we're gonna take that whole side, and we're gonna rotate it twice. Okay, Then there's only one white left because we've done it to the other three. So on this Whiteside, it's green. So we're gonna rotate the top part so that it's green. And then now this green side again will be rotated twice. Okay? Now what that gives us is on the other side a perfect white plus sign. OK, so we have three in a row, three in a row,
6. 05 Solving The White Side: Okay. So far, so good. We have 12345 pieces on the white side completed with four left to be completed. So in this lesson, we will try to complete all of the four corners in order to get a completely white side. To do that, what we need to do is always remember to keep the white side facing up this time with the front facing you or this side facing you or this side. It doesn't really matter as long as the white is facing up. So in this one, we're gonna basically be turning it like this the whole time. Okay for this for this part of solving the Cube with only five of those facing up we're gonna do is rotate the cube until we find some white ones on the sides of it. So we have one up here. We have one down here, and that is it. That means the other two are on the bottom. We'll worry about that later. Okay? So let's start with always the bottom road. This one has a green beside it. So because brown, we're working with the bottom row. We want to turn this one this bottom side to its color. Now it already is on its color, so we actually don't need to turn it. But for example, let's say with keeping all this up. Let's say this white has green outside, but it's this is on the red side. So we need toe. Rotate that bottom side until the opposite color on the this cube, which is green, is ends up on the green side. Now that it's on the green side, we want to turn it so that the white faces us and again with the white on top facing up. What we want to do is take that bottom row and we're going to do a few moves so that this cube ends up up here. So the way to do that is we take the bottom cube and we move it to the right side. Okay, So, to the right, which is clockwise, and if you want to know that it's clockwise again while holding it just for the one move, you can turn it like this, move it clockwise and then turn it back. Okay, so clockwise, then the next thing to do is take the side that you want to fill with white, which is this top corner. You want to bring it down like this, Okay. And then you're gonna bring the bottom side back to its original position, which picks up that color, and then you probably guessed it Just put it back up there. So that's solved. One. And you can see that. Now we have green, green, red, red. OK, so now we have three left to do. So what's with the white facing up? We will turn the cube a few more times. And so right now we have the white one up here now to get rid of that so that it comes onto our bottom row. Um, what we need to do is take that side so this entire side and basically just bring it to the bottom so that it's like this. But we need to keep that one where it was. Rotate the bottom away from this side or counterclockwise, and then bring the right side back up. Okay, so that's still exists where it originally did. But now we've removed the white piece and brought it down here. Now that it's down there, what we want to do is look at the color beside it. So this has white and blue. So that means we need to get this blue onto the blue side. So right now it's on the red side. Right? Because this red here represents that whole color. That whole side, so we want to do is rotate the whole bottom into any direction until it ends up on the blue side. So now it matches. Okay, So with it matching again, you turn so that the white faces you and the white on top faces up and once more we want to get this white up here. So to do that, we move the bottom row away from that side. Then we take the left side and moving clockwise so that it comes down. And to get this back up there and to get this white piece there, we put it back into its original position, and then we take the whole left side and bring it back up to its original position. Okay, so now, as you can see, we've solved too. And we have two left to do. Okay, so if we rotate it all around, we can see that now. we have a new one that has been revealed or essentially brought from the bottom because when doing the other ones, it rotates the Cuban away that this one gets brought from the bottom. Okay, so this has white. Which means right over here we have ah, green. But of course, this is on the red side, so we need to make sure that the green ends up on this side. So to do that, just rotate the bottom in any direction until it ends up on the green side again. Always make sure the white is facing up. When you're doing these moves, it just makes it a lot more easier. Okay, so now that the white has the green on its side, rotate the entire cube so that the white is facing you. And this time we're trying to get the white up to the top because the white is on the right side. Okay, So to do that, it's the same type of movies before, only it's the other way. So we want to move this bottom side away or counterclockwise from that position. We want to take the right side and move it towards you or counterclockwise, and then we want to move the bottom back to its original position. So it picks up that piece and then move the right side, back up or clockwise to its original position. Okay, so now we have everything except for this one cube on the top to solve to find that one. As you can see, it's down here That has been brought up from the bottom as well. Okay, so to do that, what we need to do is to get this one up. Here is a look at the red, so it's always like that. So this is white. So we have the red here that is on its side. But again, if it wasn't, then you just rotate the bottom until it matches on the red side. And then now that it matches the red side, do you want to rotate the cube so that the white faces you? Because you always want to do the move at this stage with the white facing you. So with the white facing you, which you want to do is this is on the left side this time again, like the 1st 2 times we did it. So we want to move it away from the left side or clockwise and then take the left side and bring it down because we're gonna try to pick that wait, Cuba. And then now we're gonna take the bottom side again and move it back to its original position to pick it up. And then we take the left side and bring it back up. And then we've completed the entire white side. And as you notice here, we've also completed the top row. Okay, so that is the beginning steps to the Rubik's Cube. You can kind of see the workflow here and and how it starts to ah, get completed. So we have the white side, the top layer of the orange top layer of the blue top layer of the red and top layer of the green solved. So far. So that's how it starts. You start with the white, then you do a row. Next, we'll do the second row, and then after that will solve the other side and the last row. That's pretty much the easy part of solving a Rubik's Cube. It will get a little trickier and definitely harder to remember patterns, but I'll try my best to break it down for you and show you what worked for me.
7. 06 Solving The Second Layer: Okay, welcome back. So we have the white side solved, the top layer solved all the way around, and next, we're gonna try to solve the second row. So again, I know you're gonna have a different scrambled cube than me. Um, you'll have at this point all of this solved if you followed correctly. But all of these might be indifferent in a different order. So again, you just have to follow the main idea of the processes I do in order to solve the second row for you. So to get started. What we want to do is in this part of solving the Cube, we need to keep the white part away from us. So it's facing to the back because what we want to do is try to find the yellows parts on the back. Now again, in at this stage, we aren't gonna worry about these four corners because those aren't important to solve the second layer. So we Onley care about these four. Okay? We're not bring but the middle. When, either. Just the four. Here. Okay. So, again, with the white facing to the back, we're going to find the ones that are not yellow. Okay, so right now we have This is a yellow, so we'll ignore that. This one has blue on the top. It has read. That's a good one. This is red and green, so that's a good one. And we have red and yellow, so we'll leave that for later. Okay, so we only want to have to deal with the ones that do not have yellow in it. We'll just pick any one of those. So let's just start with this one. So blue and red. So with this queue, but we need to do is get whatever color is on top to its own side. So right now, it's not on its side. This is on the orange side, so we want to rotate this front piece and again making sure the white is facing away. So the front piece we want to rotate until the top color is on its side. So let's just rotate the red this way, okay? And now we can see that again. It's not on its colors on the blue, so we'll rotate it again and then we'll turn it. And now it's on its side. If we turn the Cube Just a bit. We can see that this side here is the green side. If we turn this side, this side is the blue side. So that means that because this is blue, we need to get this to its own color, which obviously is this side, because we're trying to match the blue. So that means that this cube needs to go perfectly right here. Okay, So again, making sure the white is facing away. We're trying to get the red and blue to go right here. So it matches red and blue. So that will happen either on this side or on this side. Always at this stage, depending on what colors you have. So before we actually do the algorithm to get there, I will just show you that idea one more time. So this time, let's just start with the red and green. So this happens to be on the right side. So for this specific piece, we will look on this side and this side is the orange side, and this side is the red side. So that means that this green and red piece needs to go on this side because it's green. and red. Okay, so that means whatever pieces here will either fit here overall either fit here. That's important to remember. Okay, so let's go back to our original color that we were working with so red in blue, we could start with the other one. It doesn't really matter at this point. All we want to make sure is that we're picking a cube. One of these that does not have yellow in it. OK, so this one has a yellow. This one has yellow, so we have the red and blue. In order to get this cube to go here, we need to understand that this is the right side. This is the left side. OK, in order to get this cube the red and blue to the red and blue side right here, we need to do a few steps. So the first thing we do is we take the entire front side and we're gonna move it in the other direction from this side. We want to put it. Okay. Now, I found that easier to remember than to remember the actual algorithm of front counter clockwise. So the first step is to take the front side and just simply move it away from the side. You're trying to get it on. So just once counterclockwise. Okay, the next step is we're gonna take the bottom, and we're gonna move it towards that side. And again, I found this easier than remembering moving the bottom clockwise. So the second step is take bottom and move it towards the side. You're trying to get the cube, too. So the next thing you want to do is on the right side. Decide of the cube you're trying to replace is gonna take that side and move it towards you . Okay, so towards you. Okay, The next step you're gonna do is you're gonna take the middle row, and you're gonna move it towards that right side again. So I just like to use the index finger on the left hand, and I just push it until it completes one rotation that way. Okay. And the last step in this pattern is we go back to the right side and move it away from you . Okay, so that is the pattern. Now, at this stage, what happened is we no longer have a completed white, so we don't need to worry right now about the direction it is after we do those. Ah, those moves. Now we need to solve the white again. But this is very easy. It's just a couple moves. So you want to find the side that has the most white? So right now this has 12345 and this side has 1234 So this is a side that is the most full . So what we want to do is take this these three and move it to that side. And as you can see, it's almost completed. And then, with this weight that's down here, we're going to move it away from this area. We're gonna bring the middle section down, and then we'll rotate the bottom area back to that position to pick it up, and then we'll bring the middle side back up. OK, now, that might have been confusing, but I'll break it down right here. So in order to get that right here, you take the bottom row and you move it away. Then you bring the middle section down and then you bring the bottom section that has that weight back to its original spot. And then, as you can see now, it's all three. You have three here, and then it's just simple to bring that back up. Okay, so now we have the white solved again. And, as you can see now that red and blue cube is in the right spot. Okay, so that's basically it and to solve for the rest of the colors. In this case, there's just two more to complete the second layer. You just repeat that process. So let's keep the white facing away from us to start over on the very bottom, we will find the cubes that do not have yellow in it. So we are are not worrying about the corner ones again or the middle. We're just worrying about these four so green, but that has yellow. So we'll ignore that orange that has yellow suit. We will ignore that Read that has yellow. So we will ignore that and read This has green. So this is the one we're going to be working with. Okay, so this is green. We need to get it to the green side right now. It's on the red side. So again, we're gonna move the whole layer in any direction until it becomes on the green side again . It's a very important to keep the white on this side always facing away from you. Okay, so now that we have the green on its side, we need to figure out where this cube goes. So it's either gonna go here or it's either gonna go here. So if we just take, take a look on this side, This is the or inside, and this is the red side. So because this Green Cube has read, this is where it needs to go. Okay. So you can see that green and red will fit nicely here between the green and red in order to complete that area. So we need to replace this cube with this one. So once again, this cube is on the right side. So we're gonna do the same exact pattern as we did before. Okay, so the first move is we're gonna take the front side and move it away from the side. We want to replace the Cuban. So which is the right side, So the front will rotate once that way. They were gonna take in the bottom and rotated towards that side. Then we're gonna take the right side and move it towards you. And then we're gonna take the middle section, move it to the right side, and they were gonna take the right side and move it away from you. Okay, so that is the pattern. Now, once again, we need to solve the white. Okay, so we're gonna find the side that has the most white 123451234 So this inside we're dealing with, we're gonna bring it the three to over here. Now, we just need to solve this one. So we will turn it until we can find the white that's on the bottom. And we'll do the same movies before. So we take the bottom side and move it. You can you, for example, You could do it this way to doesn't really matter. So we'll just do it. The office away for now. So we moved this way. We just basically getting it out of the way from here, so that when this middle section gets brought down here, we can then bring back this weight and pick it up so that we can bring it back up on top. OK, so now we've solved this. And as you'll notice, we now are very close to solving that second row. We only have 11 The cube left. Okay, so let's keep going with the ah white side facing away from you were gonna go to the back side while ignoring the four corners and the middle one. We're gonna look at these four and on the top here we have blue and yellow, so we don't need to worry about that. We have yellow and red and because it's yellow again, we don't need to worry about that. This side we have yellow and green. We don't need to worry about that. And on the last side, we have yellow and orange. So again, we don't need to worry about that. So at this stage, because every single one of these has yellow. What we need to do is we need to find the side that needs replacing, which is orange and green. And as you can see, it is the right cube for the space. But it just needs to be flipped so that the green is up here in the oranges down there. So in order to do that, we just need to pick any one of these four that doesn't have yellow on this front. Yellow side. So, in other words, this has yellow on the front side, so we won't worry about that. This one doesn't so weaken weaken, work with this one. So this one has you at the top we're gonna do is rotate that until it gets to this side. Or we could have kept it here and did it. This side, it doesn't really matter. All we're trying to do is replace this cube to this spot, okay? And that's on the right side. Or if we were to bring it to this side, for example, then we would be replacing this on the left side. I prefer to do the right side, but in this case will do the left to show you the example of what to do in the left side. Ok, so to replace this cube with this one, what we want to do is do a similar move to as what we would do on the right side, but just opposite. So we'll take the very front side and we will move it away from the side we want to replace , So this way will move it this way. So we're moving away from the left side. Then we will take the bottom and move it towards the left side. Then we will take the left side and move it towards you. We will take the middle and move it towards the left side. And it will take the left side and move it away from you. Okay, so the same pattern as the other side is just in the direction of the left side. Okay, so now that that is done again, we'll need to solve the white. So this is the side that has the most. So what we will do is take beside that. Has three bring it back up? The next thing we have is a single one again. So we'll just move that out of the way. We will bring the middle section down here and take the white, put it back in its spot and bring it back up to solve the weight side again. Okay. So again, we are almost complete. So what we've done is replaced that Cuba this one So now this one is out here now, in order to get this cube in the right order so that it fits with the orange on this side, All we need to do is you know, you may have guessed it is Bring this top orange piece to its right side and then do the same pattern again. So we'll take the front side and we will rotate it until it matches. And now you can see that this orange peace and Greenpeace, which is the only piece here on the bottom that doesn't have yellow in it. So we need to take this one and move it into this area. And now you'll see that if it just gets placed like that, the oranges on top and the green will be on the side like this after the pattern. Okay? Because it's on the right side. In order to get this over here, we take the front and do the same pattern as before. So the front we move it away from the side we're working on so away from the right, we take the bottom and move it towards aside, we are doing so towards the right. We will take the right side and move it towards you. Then we will take the middle and move it towards the right. And then we will take the right side and move it away from me. Okay, so that's the pattern. Once more. Once again, we will need to solve the white. So find the side with most and find the three side. Bring it to their We just need to self the one again. We have the one at the bottom. We'll move it out of the way. We will bring the white back here and then we have the solved top. We have the top row and now we have the completed second road solved. Okay. In the next lesson, we will begin figuring out how to solve the ah bottom piece. And furthermore, the rest of the cube
8. 07 Getting The Yellow Plus Sign: All right, welcome back. And congrats so far on finishing the top, the first layer and the second layer, as you can see, we almost have is completed. Unfortunately, at this stage, it will take quite a few moves to still solve just the bottom. And this part is actually the easiest part. You know, to sell the top in the first in the second now kind of gets complicated. The algorithms take longer to do, and there's more things to remember. But in time you will remember them. I'll try my best to break down each pattern so that it makes it as easy as possible for you to learn. And I will attach a ah downloadable pdf document that you can reference when you're first learning or any time you want so that you can, you know, step by step, go through each pattern or algorithm. And, you know, depending on whatever stage you are, whatever pattern you end up with, um, it'll guide you through and you know you'll be able to solve it using the reference. So once again, we want to ignore the four corners for this entire thing. And we're only worrying about what is in the plus sign. OK, so in this plus sign for this for this one, we have this. Ah, what's known as a hook. Okay, So this three pattern here is one of a few different combinations you can have. You can have this one. You can have, you know, a single dot You could have a line going this way. You could have a line going this way. So there are two algorithms in total at this stage, and depending on the one you have, you'll only need to use one of those algorithms to get to the next stage. So if you don't have the hook, don't worry. Um, I will explain and show you the ah, the one, for example, with three. But at this stage again, ignore the four corners. So what you're looking for is either a pattern like this, a pattern that goes three across, or pattern that goes through across down. Ok, so because we're working with this, we will do this pattern. So if you do have the three lines, then what you want to do is if it's vertical, you want to rotate it so it becomes horizontal and you're gonna want the white to be facing down for the next ah, patterns. So if you do have the three right there, you want to make sure it's it's ah, Like I said, horizontal. If it runs this way than just rotated when you do the pattern that I'll have it public on screen and they just just go through those patterns. So in our case, we have this hook. So the pattern for this hook is first, we want to make sure again, the white for this step is facing down. So we have our white down. We're just gonna rotate this around because we want to have our hook in this situation facing up that way. Okay, top left. So we have the white facing down. We have the hook up here facing to the top left. Basically, if it's like this, the pattern won't work. If it's like this, the pattern won't work. And if it's like this, the pattern will not work. So if you have the hook, you need to do the next pattern with it facing to the top left. Okay. And what the pattern is is you're gonna take the front side. You're gonna move it clockwise. We're gonna take the topside and moving clockwise. You're gonna take the right side and move it clockwise. Okay? So that there's six movement moves in total. That was three of them. So front, clockwise, top clockwise, then right clockwise. Then what we're gonna do is go top counterclockwise, right counterclockwise and then front counterclockwise. Okay? And what that did was give us the ah, yellow plus on. Okay. And again, we're ignoring those for now. So we don't need to worry about that yellow pieces just about these, okay? And just to recap, if you did have the one line, make sure the white is facing down and rotate it so that the white stays horizontal. If it was vertical, so do the pattern with the yellow facing this way horizontally. And then the pattern for the line once more is three clockwise than three counterclockwise . Okay, so that's a good way to remember it. So they're basically the same move for those two stages to get you to this plus, son, I found the easiest way to remember that is by simply understanding that the first move in both is always front. And that both moves have the three clockwise starting off and in the three counterclockwise . And then it's just a matter of doing the opposite. So in the hook one, you have, uh, front, and then it goes up. But in the other one, you have front thing goes right in order to remember both those. It's just a song, as you remember that it's front and up. Then you can remember that another one for the horizontal lines are gonna be front than right. And then after those in both cases, it's just the opposite. So front up, right. And then up right front. And then for the horizontal one, it's front right up and then right up front. So if you just have the dot, then what you're gonna do is you're going to do the move. That is the hook. Um, if you just if you have to, for example than what you're gonna do is we're gonna make sure that those two are there, here or here, and then you're gonna do the hook move again, which is, you know, starts office front clockwise. Top clockwise. Yeah, right off the bat. You might already have this if you do, then you're ahead of the game and you can skip that whole step completely because the goal of entering that last pattern was to get this cross.
9. 08 Solving The Yellow Side: All right, Welcome back. And at this stage, we have the weight solved. We have the bottom layer solved. We have the second layer solved. We're starting with the white facing down with the almost completed yellow side facing up. And we have a yellow plus sign here. Okay? Now, for this stage, we're going to start worrying about what is on the outsides here a little bit. So in this case, we just have the one yellow. And if you notice in this position, um, this is what's known as the fish look, So you can see the tail here, and then the head is here. Okay, So if it's in this direction than the head was facing up left and the tail is facing down, right? If it's this way, the head is facing this direction top right? And the tales bottom left. And, you know, in this case, the head is facing bottom, right? Taylor's facing up left. Okay, So in order to solve the whole yellow we need, we need to do a couple things. So we need to try to get the fish look. So you may only have this or you may have a couple extra ones or you may have already solved this part right now. So in that case, you can move on. But if you just have the plus sign or if you have you know, one or two of these than what you want to do is at this stage we will ignore this. But if you do have this fish side when the fish is facing to the bottom left, if you have a yellow piece right here, then you can just do the pattern. Once, while this yellow piece is facing you in the bottom in the fish is facing to the bottom left, and that will solve the yellow side for you so that that is ahead of where we are now. So the goal is we have the yellow plus here, the plus sign, and what we're going to do is do a pattern to try to find the yellow and out. In some cases, it may take doing the pattern many, many times. Over time, you'll start to notice that if the green is on its green side and the yellow is on this side, then in that order you can do the pattern and it will solve it much faster and probably one or two moves. But just for starting out, I would not worry about that at all. I would highly suggest you just remember that you have. You need to get this plus sign. And once you get the plus sign, then you just do this pattern, you know, from any random position doesn't really matter as long as you have a plus sign. You can do this from here, here, here, or here with the white facing down. And when you're just starting out, that is the best thing to remember. So with the white facing down and the plus sign, let's enter in the pattern. So doesn't really matter which side. So we'll just pick this side, for example. Okay, And so to do this pattern, the process is just It starts on the right side, and then it just rotates between the right and up, right and up just repeatedly until it's done. And that's the first thing to remember. So once you get to the plus side, the pattern for this is just right. Then up the right thing up and right then up. And then there's a few variations on each one for which direction you turn it. So to help you remember, now that you know that it starts with the right side, and it's just right up right up, right up for that for every move. So it starts with right, and you're gonna have to clockwise moves. So the right clockwise and then we have the top clockwise. Okay, once those two moves air done, then you're gonna have a counterclockwise back on the right side. So counter clockwise, and then the next thing, of course, because it's right. Then up then right then up. We just did the right side, which was counter clockwise. So we're gonna do the upside now, and the upside is clockwise, okay? And then we're back to the right side again. And on the right side, it is clockwise again. Okay, so on the sixth move, you got to turn a top twice. Okay? So once, twice. All right. And in the last move, the seventh move is back to the right side, and that's just another counterclockwise. Okay, so that is the move. Now you can see we still have the plus, but the goal of this is to do this as many times as it takes in order to get the fish look with the yellow here. So if the yellow is here in this case, this would be perfect. Or, for example, if the since the yellow is here, If the yellow was up here to to form the fish facing the bottom left, then that would be perfect. So again, it doesn't really matter at this point, you're just gonna randomly pick a side to rotate and into the pattern from as long as the white is down and that, you know, the yellow is up. So once again, it starts on the right side and it's right up right up, right up, just a repeat for seven times. And on the second last time, which is the 6th 1 it is. It turns twice. Okay, so the right side is clockwise top his clockwise. That it's the right is counterclockwise. And then it's clockwise. Then it's clockwise. Then the top for the sixth move is twice. And then the final movies the right side counterclockwise. Okay, Now you can see that we have the yellow here with the fish shape with head facing to the bottom left detailed to the top right with, you know, the yellow right here. That so that is perfect now. So with the fish shape to the bottom, left in the yellow right here The next algorithm we enter will complete that side and again . It's just the exact same algorithm again. But it's from using it just like this. If you don't have this, just keep doing the same algorithm and eventually you will get this sign. And you're just looking for this yellow here. So let's do it again. So again it will start with right. Then we'll go up right up, right up, right up, right, okay for seven times. And the second last is twice so and again you do. The 1st 2 are clockwise and then its counterclockwise. OK, so right. Clockwise top clockwise, then right counterclockwise, top clockwise, right clockwise, then the top twice. And then the right counterclockwise. And the result there was we have all yellow on the top now. Okay, So as you can see, we have white. We have two layers completed, and then we have the top yellow. So to help remember some of the pattern so far. Um, I find it's best to try to break them down so you can understand the actual pattern has individual parts that make up the whole pattern. So on the last one we did, I explained that it starts with the right side and then it just rotates from right top, right top top. The second last one has to moves and to help you remember which direction it goes. Um, the 1st 2 moves are clockwise. Then it's one move counterclockwise. And then after that, you have two more moves that are clockwise. Which brings you to the sixth move, which is twice and in the last one is counterclockwise. So So if you try to remember patterns, if you do it like I'm explaining where you understand that without knowing the direction just the just the which move you do you take, you know, right then, Upton, Right then, Upton, right. That is a great way to remember that. And then the next stage is trying to remember differences in the pattern. So in this specific pattern, the difference is the sixth move, which is twice. And then, from there you try to break it down into groups, so the 1st 2 moves are clockwise. Then it's one counterclockwise and then followed by two moves that are again clockwise, followed by the second last move, which is twice than the last move is counter clockwise. And that can be challenging to remember. But I promise you, if you do it a few times, and if you try to solve your Rubik's Cube while referencing the notes and following the patterns, or for example, you know, going and playing back the video in this ah course every single time you're at that stage until you've remembered the pattern, all right, so at this stage we have the yellow solved and let's move on to the rest of the Cube.
10. 09 Solving The Corners: All right, welcome back. So in this lesson, we will now solve the corners on our last layer. Okay? And we are not gonna worry about these middle ones at the top layer on our third layer. Okay, so we have the yellow solve the white solved two layers, and we're gonna now worry about, um, the outside wants. So if you have all the corners that match the side, you want to, you know, rotate the top so that, for example, if you have two reds there on the red side But if you have what I have or, you know, close tohave where no other corners match for just one match then in that case, what you want to do is rotate decide that has the match, which are in this case, there's two green, so rotate that So you almost have a full green side. And that means that the other side's do not have Ah, they're less complete. So now that I've rotated the top parts of that, the green side is almost complete. We have eight of nine completed in order to do the next pattern. What we want to do is put the most completed side and have it face away from you while having the yellow facing up. Or you can remember the have the white facing down, So okay, And to get started with this next pattern, this is ah, farm or complex pattern. This took me a little bit to get used to and remember, So it takes time, takes a lot of practice, but I'm gonna break this pattern down into two parts and I'll show you why in a second. Because the first part is similar to the second part. And if you can remember the first part, it will help you remember the second part. All right, So in order to remember the pattern, it's just our f r b. So if you can remember that, then you're you're gonna do pretty well with being able to remember this quickly. So our f r b So our f car B. So right front, Right back. So that's the pattern for the first half. And in the second half is car f R B again, and then it just has one final move on the right side. So in order to go that to do that again, it's r F R B and then again our f R B and then our Okay, So the next thing to remember is that the last two moves have to rotation. So if it's our f R B and then our f R B and then the last moment is are so that means the the B and R on the very end, each would be moved twice and then to do the 1st 7 moves, Which be which would be the you know, the r f r B r f r Just before the final two moves on the back, in on the right. The way I remember that is the 1st 2 moves on the right side are counterclockwise or towards you. So the next thing to try to remember is that on the second last one, which is the back move that has two rotations. So when you're doing through the move, so our f r B, that's the first back move that also has to Okay, so our f r B, that has to then our f r d has two again. Then the right final one also has to. Okay, so now you're starting to see that If you break it down like that, it becomes a lot easier to remember. So our f r B this one has to an r f R b also has to. Then the final right side has to as well. Okay, so the next thing to remember is the right side. On the 1st 2 times you use the right side, Um, those air counterclockwise. So it would be counter clockwise, then the front, then counterclockwise than the back, which is twice. Okay, we will just do it again here. So counterclockwise than the front and counterclockwise than the back, which is twice. And then the rest of pattern, you know, So right front right back is twice and then the right side is twice again. Okay, so now to go a little further So the 1st 1 is, you know, the right side we're starting with. And as we know, the 1st 2 are counterclockwise on the right side. So right counterclockwise, then the front one is the opposite of the first move. So the front one is right or clockwise. So right, counterclockwise, front, clockwise. And then again, we talked earlier that the 1st 2 moves on the right side or counterclockwise. So bright, counterclockwise, front clockwise. Then again, right counterclockwise. Then we have the back, which is to that's the first half of the algorithm. So this time this right is clockwise. And the way to remember that is it's the 1st 1 on the right side. That's clockwise. Okay, so to do the whole pattern again, up to that point, it's the 1st 1 is right counterclockwise. Then it's the front clockwise, which is opposite. Then it's back to the right side counterclockwise, and then we're at the back, which is twice. Then we go to the right and we get to our first right side clockwise. Okay, Now we've broken down that part. Okay? And to go a little further into the algorithm, we have the right side counterclockwise, the front side clockwise. Yeah, right side kind of clockwise again. Then we have the back. The back is twice. Then we have the right side, which is our first clockwise. Then we have the front, which is the opposite of the other one, which will be counterclockwise. Okay. And then the next right side is just like the 1st 2 right sides, which is counterclockwise Okay, that brings us up to that point. And then from the very beginning, when we first started explaining this, you remember that the last two were to again. So because it's the back, all the backs have to move. So, too, in the back. And then we're back on the right. And the final move also has on the right side, too. So now let's actually do this. Okay, so I know that was a long video, but if you break it down like that and remember, you know, r f r B R f R b and then are at the very end and the last to have the to all the backs have to, and then that's how you can start to learn it. So let's go through this now. Okay? So to solve this one, we have the yellow to the top. Wait to the bottom. We're gonna go to the right side counterclockwise. Okay? Never gonna do front side clockwise. Then again, right side counterclockwise. And they were at the back. So once, twice. Now we're gonna do the first right side clockwise, all right? And they want to do the opposite on the front So this time it's counterclockwise and I'm going to do another counter clockwise on the right, just like the 1st 2 ones on the right. Okay. And then we're back at the back and we know the back or always twice. Okay? And then the last one will be on the right, which will be another two times. Okay. Now, as you can see, it pretty much looks the same. But the difference now is we've completed the corners to have the same, and this side even was solved All orange. So now if we rotate the complete top layer to its color side, you'll see that now we have a full orange side, which is great. And then you can see we only have three other parts to solve. We're getting really, really close to solving this now. If that first time didn't solve the corners for you, simply just do it again. But just make sure the yellow is facing up, which means that white is facing down. And whichever side is your most complete side. After turning the top to make sure it's the most complete side, have the furthest have the most complete side facing away from you.
11. 10 Solving The Rubiks Cube: All right, Welcome back. So we are almost complete here. We only have one more final move to do. All right, So the final algorithm is the longest. However, I think it's actually easier than the last one to remember. And the reason being is all it is is just Are you Are you Are you Are you on? Repeat, just a whole bunch of times. There's more moves in the last algorithm we learned, but it's just are you are you are you? And it's a lot easier to break down. Okay, so let's get started once again for this move set, we're going to have the yellow side facing up, which means the white side is facing down. We're gonna have whichever side is our most complete side facing away from us. So in this case, it's our or inside. So the or inside well, we will place facing away from us and we will begin entering the pattern before we do. I'll help you. So, as I said before, it will just be Are you Are you Are you just a bunch of times? All all you should focus on this part is that it starts with the right side, just like the last move. And it's just are you Are you so the use dancer up? Or it could be, you know, top. So our could be, like the right side of the top side, the right side of the topside. So whichever way you like Teoh label the cube, that's totally fine. So for us in our notes will have this the upside or the topside represented as you for up. This will be, you know are for right. Okay. Now to bring it down. The very 1st 1 is just too. So the right will be moved twice. Okay, then. That means the next one is up Because it's always Are you are you are you? So the 1st 1 is twice, then the 2nd 1 is clockwise. The right side is clockwise and the tops clockwise three times. Okay, So to start over, we have We're starting the right side. It's twice so twice, and then it becomes three moves in a row that are clockwise. Okay, so it goes twice, and then three clockwise moves in a row, and then the next thing is five counter clockwise moves in a row. Okay? So to go from the top again, we have the right side with two rotations. And then we have three clockwise moves, which is top clockwise, right clockwise and then top or up clockwise. Okay. Followed by five counter clockwise moves. And because we left off on the top, we will pick that up on the right side. So, uh, counterclockwise. Once, twice, three times, four times, five times. Okay. All right. And then the next one is another clockwise. So the opposite of the last five. So clockwise on the top, clockwise. And then the last one is just one single move on the right side. The counter clockwise again. That's the whole pattern. So the help you remember it again? It's just are always Are you are you Are you? Yeah. You start off with two moves, then it's three moves of clockwise and then five moves of counterclockwise. Okay. And then you have one move back clockwise, and then one move back counterclockwise. So that is the pattern. I think it's a little easier to remember than the last one. But if you can remember that, then you can now solve the Rubik's cube yourself, depending on which area that these certain these missing cubes are in. You might need to do that last move. The last algorithm twice, which is perfectly fine. There is another algorithm and I'll include it as a bonus in the ah downloadable document that will, depending on where these are, you'll be able to solve it in one move. But you know the one I just showed you. You can solve it in any position. You just might need to enter it another time to explain that a little better. We have green here. So if you were to take the top side here and rotate that which would be counter clockwise, that green would be in the right spot, right? So, for example, if this happened to be blue, then it would need to go on this side, which means you would move the whole top clockwise. So the pattern I am teaching you is the clockwise pattern. But again, I will include the ah counter clockwise pattern in the bonus. You can try to remember if you want. I would strongly suggest not worrying about the counterclockwise one at this moment. And if you choose later, If you want to speed up the process of how long it takes you to solve. Then you can try to remember the counterclockwise one. But at this stage, I'm just going to show you the clockwise one and which was, you know, right up, right up, right up, just to repeat and let's go ahead and enter that into solve the Rubik's Cube for, ah, the first time for you. All right, so let's get started. So the 1st 1 is we start on the right side and we'll go through the entire pattern that we just explained earlier. So right side twice. Then we will do three moves of clockwise. So once, twice, three times and then we'll be five moves of counterclockwise. So one to three, four, five and then the last two moves are just top clockwise, and then the right side can oclock waas. So what that gave us is if we had entered in the counterclockwise algorithm than it would have solved the cube, and for some of you, that might have actually worked depending on how your cube was scrambled. So in our case, we entered the clockwise one. But it should have been the counterclockwise one, but that's put perfectly fine. All it did was now it has become clockwise. So it's basically reversed the counterclockwise move. And ah, Now if we enter the clockwise, move again, just the same thing again. Then it will solve the cube because now you can see that the blue side here needs to go on this side. So if you take that top layer and move it clockwise, that would bring that cute cube there. So that's how to tell again which algorithm to you. So once again, we're just gonna use the clockwise and let's go through that process again. So right side twice than three clockwise moves up clockwise, right, clockwise up clockwise and then five consecutive counterclockwise. So right up, right up then right. And then we have two moves left, which are top clockwise. And then our last move to solve the Cube is right counterclockwise. And at that point we have successfully completed the cube from ah, complete random scramble. And at this stage, if you haven't solved it in some of the earlier steps, you should now have a solved cube And congratulations on your first Ah, Rubik's Cube three by three Completion
12. 11 Bonus Solving The Cube 1: All right, welcome back to this bonus section. And in this one, I thought we would just unscramble it in a random order. And then I would just walk you through the steps in a much faster pace. And then, you know, if anyone needs help and they were stuck in certain parts, this might be ableto, uh, provide some extra help to you and get you to solve your cube. Ah, as well. So let's just randomly scramble us up for a second again. I'm just completely I'm not even really paying attention to what I'm doing. I'm just turning it so that it's completely random. All right, so I think that's gonna have So So let's just start from the top here. So our first step is to find the yellow. We found the yellow. Next, we're gonna find the white on the outsides. So let's just rotate this in an order so I can see right now that that is one of them. Now we have to. All we're trying to do is get before here. So I'm just gonna keep rotating this until I can get one there. And I'm really not thinking about any specific order. As you get better, you'll start to understand the patterns that will, you know, make that those show up faster. But in that case, I was really just rotating it randomly while keeping, you know, the ones on top that were complete locked off. And I was just moving all the other ones. Now we have those. Next thing we're gonna do is look at the sides. So this is white. This is red. So going to move the red too. It's side. And then we're gonna take that whole side and move it twice, so it ends up on the bottom. Okay, The next one is green. We're gonna move the green one, two inside. We're gonna rotate that twice. So it's on the bottom that we have two left, this one's orange move it to its side and rotated twice. The last one we have blue, we're gonna move the blue to its side, and then we're gonna take that side and flip it around. Okay, That brings us to this stage. Now we gotta sell the four corners. Now, Even though this technically has white up there, that doesn't mean it solved. As you can see, it. This one should be orange that this one should be blue so we can fix that later. We have one down here so we always want to try to get it to the bottom layer. So let's do this one. We have white with blue so we'll get the blue to its side now with now that it's on its side we'll get the white and have that facing us. We have the white as well facing up. So with this, we want to have this one to go up here. Okay, so what we're gonna do it is bringing out of the way. We'll bring that side down. We'll bring this side back there and pick it up. Okay, Now we've solved that. You can see it's orange, orange, blue, blue. Okay, so we look for another one Here is white on this side has blue. So we'll move this to the blue side now that it matches. So with the white facing us, the white facing up We know that this wants to go up here because that's the side its own. So we will move it out of the way away from that corner. We'll bring that side down. Pick it up. Place it back up there. Now we've solved that. We have two left. We will look for another side. So White Green will bring the green to its side. We'll make sure the white is facing us when we do the move and the white is facing up. Since it's the left side, this one's gonna go up here. We'll get out of the way. Bring that side down, pick up the weight and bring back to the top. Now, we only have one more to do. Okay, This one is up here. So in order to get this one to be down here, which you want to do, is bring that side. Um, you could you could do this side, or you could do this side. It doesn't really matter. But as long as you understand how to get that down there, So in order to do that, let's just choose this this rope, Okay? So with that, basically, you wouldn't want to do this, Roque. And it's all white or and you wouldn't want to do this road. It's always so either this one or this one. So with this one, you bring it down, and then you just rotate it once. Bring it back up, OK? And that brought it down to the bottom. Now, now that it's at the bottom beside its orange. So we want to bring it back to the or inside. Okay? With the white facing us, we know that that will go up there and because it's on the left side, we want to move it away from that side, bring it down, and then pick that side back up. Okay? Now we have successfully finished the white and the top row. All right? The next stage is to do the the 2nd 1 So in order to do that, we go to the bottom and we make sure the white is facing away, and we're gonna look for the four ones again, ignoring these ones. Okay, so the 1st 1 we have appear is green, but that has yellow. So we don't want to do that. This one has orange, but it has yellow. We don't want to do that. This one has red and green, so we will start with that. Okay, so on the top is green again. While make making sure the white is facing away from us. The top with the green. We will rotate that side to the green side and we will figure out where this one goes. So the red will go on this side because we need to get this one right here. So it matches green and red. Okay, So to do that, we take the front side and we move it away from the side. We're doing it doing it too. So right is this side. So we go counterclockwise. We take the bottom, move it towards that side. Take the right side. Move it towards you. Take the middle. Move it towards the right side. Take the right side. Moving away from you. Now we need to solve the white look for the more full side. Bring three down. Look for the single. Move it out of the way. Bring that middle row down. Okay. Now we've solved the weight again for a little closer. Now we go back with the white facing away from you. We look for the ones around the middle that don't have yellow. So this is green and orange. That's good. And the oranges on its side. So that's the right side. Now we need to figure out where this cube goes. It's either going to go here or it's either going to go in this side here. Okay? So in this case, it's green, which means it'll be on this side, so on the right side. So we'll do the pattern again. OK, so we'll take the right side, move it away from the right. So left counterclockwise. Okay, we will take the bottom. Move it Right. We'll take the right side. Move it towards you will take the middle side, move it towards the right, and we'll take the right side and move it away. Now we need to solve the weight again. So here's the side will take three. Find the single moving away. Pick it up again. Okay, That is done. Now we still have a few more to do. So red in blue. Okay, So the blues on its side, the red needs to go here. This cube needs to go there. So because it's on the left side and I will move the front away from that side. We'll move the bottom towards the left. We will move the left side towards you will move the middle section towards that side and then the left side away from you. Once again, we've got to solve the white. So during the white up there, then we need to find the single one moved out of the way. Pick it up. Okay. As you can see, we are almost done. We just have one more. And to do that, we need to find, um, again, one with no yellow. And in this case, every single one has yellow for situations like this, where we're trying to replace this one and flip it around so that the blue is on the top of the origins here. We need to replace it and then put it back a second time. So we can't use the ones where the yellows on its side we need to have. We need to just use one of those three where the yellow is facing on this side or this side of outside. Okay, so in this case, we'll just use this one. It's on the right side that were flipping. So we'll take the front moving away from that side. Take the bottom, move it towards that side. Take the right food it towards you. Middle towards the right side, right side away from you. Okay, Now we need to find the five weights will take the three. Bring him to that. Find a single weight moving away, picking up again. Okay, Now we just have one more move to do, which is here. So now we should have the orange and blue one. We will move the blue to its side and with the white facing away we know now that this blue is needs to go up here in the orange will fit nicely right there. We since we just did the last move with this, we've replaced it. And when we replaced it flipped around. Okay, so now we need to do the move again. Since it's on the right side that it needs to go front will go away from the right side. Bottom will go towards the right side. Right side will go towards you. Middle will go towards the right side and on the right side will go away from you. Okay. Once again, we gotta sell the weight. So bring that down. Pick it up again. Okay. Now we have solved two rows. Now this side. We sold everything. But you won't ignore the bottom because all we care about right now with the rest of the algorithms that we're gonna place on the Cube is we just want to make sure that, you know, we have the top two solved so that we do have the top two solved and the white so we can move on. Okay, so at the bottom, at this stage we have or the yellow plus sign. So at this stage, we're gonna try to make the fish sign with the yellow and again at this stage. If you had the hook, you would do that other algorithm in the early stages of the lessons. If you have that line, you do the other pattern. OK, But at this stage, we have this already, which is the solution of the stages from the hook or the line. So we will enter in the pattern to solve and ah, to get further into this. All right. To the pattern for this is are you both clockwise then? Counterclockwise? Okay, then top clockwise, right. Clockwise off twice. And then right counterclockwise. Okay. So once again, it did not solve it so we will just keep doing this. It will speed things up if you try to match the side. So this is orange with the yellow on the side will try to get us fools. You can so we'll just do the pattern again right up. Okay. And as you see it didnt solve it again, so we will do it again. And if you find you're doing the pattern multiple times and it's not getting anywhere, then you can just try rotating the cube, Dr. Matching up the colors. But OK, so we'll just do it again. Keep doing again. Okay, do it again. Okay, We're back to the plus sign, so we'll just try it with the yellow on the right side. And you see here that now that we have the fish sign with the yellow on the right here with the fish head facing to the bottom left in the tail, face into the top, right, this will solve it. So in order to do that, it was Just do it one more time. Okay, so that's solved it. The next step is matching the corner. So we want to scan the top and see which is the closest. This is the closest. So place that to the back. We will do that algorithm that solves the corners, which is again, right side front, Right side, back, right side, front, Right side, back. Right. Okay, so is do that. Okay, Will match up the orange. Now we have a full side. We have colors that match on the corners. The next thing we want to do is we want to take the green and put it there, for example. Um, and if we did that, this would be the counter clockwise move. But again, just to show you it's okay to do the clockwise One still, So we're gonna do the clockwise one. So the clockwise one is to than three clockwise and then five counterclockwise and then clockwise and then one counterclockwise. Okay, that brought us to hear. Now we'll do it one more time, twice, and then we have solved the cube
13. 12 Bonus2 Solving The Cube: okay. And as another bonus lesson, we will just do another random scramble and solve it again. This time, I'll do it a little quicker. Okay, So another random scrambled will find the yellow. We'll get the whites in place. Well, matchup, Blues. We'll match up the reds, match up the orange. Much of the greens now we've solved that. Will do the corners match the blue. Okay, so just like this coming out of the way. Pick it up. Take the orange. Okay, pick it up. Here. There's no other colors around. It was two of the bottom. So what we'll do in this case, which I believe I haven't shown you yet. So to get it from the bottom, you just want a place where the white is underneath one of the blank wants or where one of the spots that you want to replace, So in this case, it's right there. So you just rotated once, which brings that weighed 12 there. Okay. And then you just rotate that side twice and it will bring it to the side, and you can put this side back. And in most cases, that will bring either one or both up. Okay, so that's done now, so we'll just continue. So blue brooded its side. Okay, then this one said the weight Here, Red, bring that one to its side with the white facing. You moving away. Pick it up, Kate. Wait is solved. Top play resolved. We're gonna go to the bottom. Okay, so we have green red, so we're gonna put the green to its side. Que the red So red needs to go here. So I'm gonna do the algorithm for that. Okay? We're going to solve the weight again. All right? And then all right. So with orange and green gonna put that to its side, and then the green is gonna replace this so again, it's on the right side. Will do the pattern for the right. We will, uh, fix the weight again. Okay, Now, the next side with the orange to its side Got a match. The blue to this side. So turn it away. Fix the white again. Okay. We're almost done. Red. Read to its side. Blue to right here. So good. And then, of course, you gotta fix the weight again. Okay? That means two rows air done so with the line. We want to make sure it's horizontal. We don't want enter it like this. We want to enter it like this with white facing down. So the pattern is front clockwise, right? Clockwise up clockwise and in the three counterclockwise. So right up front. Okay, That brings us with the cross. And we turned the fish around, but we don't have the other there, So we're just going to keep trying Teoh do the next pattern in order to solve that. So Okay , so now we have the fish with the yellow. Put it to the bottom left. Will do once more So that now we gotta do. We gotta match all the sides. So green green. All right, put the solid side far away. Okay, Now, because all the corners match, we can skip that pattern and just do the very end one. So, in order to do that again Okay, that brings us to the move where we need to do the clockwise once more. All right, there we go. So that brings us to the end of the course, guys. I hope you can now sell Before it was cube. If you need again just continue using the reference notes I attached for as long as you need it, until you can remember the patterns yourself. It does take quite a while and a lot of effort and commitment to learn to solve a Rubik's Cube. It was extremely intimidating. Um, as I said at the beginning of the course, you know, for me to learn how to solve this, But it was so rewarding once I solved the 1st 1 I was so proud of. I brought this everywhere for about three weeks. We I went down, the Cuba was and I brought this on the plane. I was just solve it the whole time. And, you know, people were impressed by that. You know, some people were asking me and um yeah, it's just cool. It's just another skill that I have now and, you know, happy and proud that I learned it. And so at this point, you should be able to solve it as well. And so once more, thanks again for enrolling this course. Um, please leave us a rating and a review. Their super important, um, reach out. Ask us questions. If you need help with anything, I'd be glad to help, but once again, you're not going to solve a Rubik's Cube unless you pay attention. Actually, try to learn the patterns. Um and, you know, apply what you're learning. If you just randomly try to guess and you get frustrated and you're not patient, then you're not gonna learn how to solve a Rubik's Cube. You know, this is it's somewhat complicated, but if you break it down, it becomes very easy. And, you know, at this point, I don't really think about what I'm doing. I just It just it's like muscle memory. Almost. I encourage you to just keep trying until you get really faceted. Very guys. So thanks a lot for enrolling. Leave us already review, and we will see you next time.