1. Song Discovery #1 Intro: Okay, Welcome back. And welcome to the final part of this course song Discovery. So what song discovery is we're gonna take one song, one pop song and using all the techniques that we have gone over rhythm, melody, harmony, listening, finding note, finding cords, finding rhythms We're going to learn how to play this song. So it's actually gonna happen I thought would be the most effective would be for you to just watch me go through the process. So I'm gonna learn the song by year. This is a song I don't know how to play by ear. But I have heard it many times, which I thought was important Just like that's the reason we did all these Children sauce. You've already heard them. So here's a song I believe that most of you have heard and just a disclaimer. I started this video about 15 minutes ago and realize that the key that it is originally in is a bit tricky. So I brought it down a semi tone. I use my computer through it in transposed it. So if you were going to listen to this song on Spotify on the radio, it is up a semi tone, but I will be seeing including an empty three of this version. With the course of you can learn it from that. Okay. The song is Adele's. Hello. I You're excited? Yes. Maybe you are. Maybe you work, but it's a great song to learn. Uh, I'm pretty sure it's a four chord song. And, uh, let's as always, we start by listening. We're gonna listen. I'm going to sort of listen, I'm belonging to start picking around in the piano until I I'm not sure how I'm gonna learn this yet, but it depends. Sometimes you serve with the melody, sometimes with the cord, sometimes with the rhythm. I'm not sure. Here we go.
2. Song Discovery #2 Key and Chords: Here we go. Hello? It's me. First thing I'm doing is I'm listening to the melodies because your voice is so strong. Uh, look for that. Okay, so I know this No. Okay, I know already. Just by playing around thes the notes center C or G or even sorry for a second. I'm gonna go back to the beginning. Um, I heard that the question is what I would do then I was Okay. Well, what cords go this note. And I know Well, that is, if it be, it could be a major b minor. Could be That could be g. It also has to be the minor. Listen again. And I'm gonna play around with the e minor and the G major, cause I think those are the cores are looking for. And I'm also listen to the base way. Now I know that the base is going he g d c and that melody notice up here. I got a feeling this song is going to be in G major. Uh, because it is in G major and those of the corpse, the six I get out of this a lot of information, but this is how I think about it, and this relates to everything gone before it all working. So I'm gonna say to the mind, record the very first court and it's probably going to go to a G or C after that. So I'm gonna listen 1st 1 is the minor. And listen again. What's that second card? I'm pretty sort of. And listen those last few years, I think that's what it iss, uh, - way do. Something different happened there. It descended differently. He Eisen. Minor court again. I think it's going, but it's going to a different court. It's not going to G. I think it's going to minor to C G D. That's the same court. It's a different order, I think, or something else. There's just dropping down to here to here. Let's drop it down and then it drops down a bit more than it arises. We owe you probably. Okay, that's right before the big part of that. So the whole first part of the song in the corner, eight or 16 times there's a little section where is going confirm that that part is right way
3. Song Discovery #3 Chorus Chords: uh, keeping on going. So we have the cords of the first part of the song than the little interlude part. And now I'm pretty sure something left in the song is the big hello from the other side. So obviously, I decided to start with the cords. Um, they just sounded easy to get. And if whatever you find is the easiest grab first and you can put if you find the harmony easier get the harmony, then throw the melody and takas. It'll fit and vice versa. If you find the melody and the courts have to fit with that Wait, wait. - Oh , Then it goes back to the beginning. OK, so the part of the middle hello from the other side, of course, is way Okay, So we now know the cords for the whole song. This is eyes exciting. Oh, what am I gonna do now? I think what I would do next is I know that the chorus that melody is really recognizable. It's pretty consistent, meaning that the she's singing it really in time in the same every time now, for example, and that's just the course. There was the early part of the song was pulled. The version The versus usually has more lyrics. The general in the structure of a popular song, The Corn, The versus where You Tell your story and the chorus. You sort of give the payoff. So the verse, it's, uh, walking on the street and I saw her on I felt lonely, and then I came back and she was looking at me again and only I wish I could see your blah , blah, blah, blah was on loan on. Let me get to the court. She came up to me and I loved her. She came up to me and I loved her, etcetera, to your more simplicity. And so since this course is simpler than the versus, I'm gonna find that first.
4. Song Discovery #4 Chorus Melody: Okay. That melody, they refused twice. Boop, boop, boop, boop! So we need to find the first note. Now I'm going to guess. I know the first chord is an e minor, so I know. Well, I don't know what I'm going to guess that the 1st 1 is going to be an e a G or because those are the chord tones in the minor. Use the cord, I think way. Let's just confirm it. I think that's right. Way. OK, uh, let's listen up. Uh huh. Was that note eyes there? Another last ones between the two. Think that's it. Drink it. Yeah. Oh, yeah, e. That's the entire course. Think that's all there is this Listen, play the whole thing through way any, okay? I think I got it. You play the whole thing, you hear it sounds good with cords and again the cords on the course way. I'm gonna play along with it, just confirm it. But I think that is the whole biggest sold course. And the great thing with the courses, like I said, usually easy to figure out. And there's the repetition. And, uh, yeah, then you can just play it so everything here. This works way . Okay, so that's the course. Uh, now, let's go on in here with the first. Sounds like
5. Song Discovery #5 Verse and Pre chorus Melody: So let's listen to reverse and see if we can figure out the verse. Then we pretty well get the song. Listen. Hello? A B Me. Okay. I was doing I was doing thes used this a longer line, but you just gotta gotta play around with it. So I got lucky. Um, often in versus notes, repeat over and over and over because they're just not that many. If if you had a different note for every word or syllable, you would have a very busy melody. So in this case, lots geo. Hey, you OK? So I'm I'm picking through it. I'm just starting to really try to get a few for the different sort of notes for the shortest A. That's roughly what's happening. So I'm not gonna get a perfect right now because I don't want to bore you with the Perfections, but I ain't gonna play through the melody. I already know what The Corsair. So right now I'm gonna worry about my right hand and then I'll put it together after. No, it's me. Everything thing . OK, so I kind of bust through that kind of roughly know where the melody is. If I sort of sing along. I'll be able to get it take time. But I know roughly where those notes are. Now there's that one little section here, and we, if you remember the courts, were because I knew this court's already. Okay, so I first read little mess up so way. Yeah, way.
6. Song Discovery #6 Mini Concert: one of the thing I'm going to play the G chord in the verse is I'm gonna play the core way courses versus anyway. We'll see how I'm going to make a bunch of mistakes. I'm sure, but, uh, music is going to get hurt Way. - Uh uh. And fan makes mistakes. So will you enjoy Enjoy playing song.
7. Song Discovery #7 Conclusion: So that basically is how I learned a song by here. I listen, I'm gonna be pecking around, singing along, trying to find cords that work together. It's important that I really listen to the song, listen to it and play the same time. Our things matching are things sounding a bit off? Sometimes you'll have a core that is just lately differently. They say a dream Major and the minor are very similar courts. A D major to be minor are very similar course. So what I want you to do play along with this song to sort of listen, use all the techniques. It's not gonna be automatic. It probably took me about 20 minutes to figure this song. What I've been doing this for many years have a lot of experience with it, But everybody's got to do with the first time. And, you know, maybe your goal just be able to play. The chorus, of course, is the most recognizable part is very satisfying your plate. If your friends, if they say Oh, it's that song you have succeeded. And uh, that's really what playing music is all the boat to have fun share with your friends and, you know, enjoy just playing music. And on that note, I want to thank you for going through all these lessons with me being a great experience for me to be able to clarify what I wanted to say about music. And hopefully you're gonna take away what I've said. Absorb it into yourself and, you know, make music part of your daily life. It's notable practicing scales for hours and hours a day. That's really what you want to do, both playing music, having fun, expressing yourself in this feeling, comfortable in the environment. So thank you very much. I hope you will keep playing and have a great day.