How to Play Music by Ear - From the Basics to Fluency - Part 2 - Melody | Michael Emenau | Skillshare

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How to Play Music by Ear - From the Basics to Fluency - Part 2 - Melody

teacher avatar Michael Emenau, Music Maker!

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Taught by industry leaders & working professionals
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Lessons in This Class

    • 1.

      Melody #1 What is Pitch


    • 2.

      Melody #2 Find a note sing a note


    • 3.

      Melody #3 How to use a tuner


    • 4.

      Melody #4 High Low


    • 5.

      Melody #5 High Low test


    • 6.

      Melody #6 High Low supplemental


    • 7.

      Melody #7 Naming the notes


    • 8.

      Melody #8 What is an Octave


    • 9.

      Melody #9 High Low octave Same test


    • 10.

      Melody #10 First song by ear!


    • 11.

      Melody #11 Find two notes


    • 12.

      Melody #12 Low Medium High test


    • 13.

      Melody #13 Find three notes


    • 14.

      Melody #14 Twinke twinke by ear


    • 15.

      Melody #15 What is a key


    • 16.

      Melody #16 Twinkle Twinkle in other Keys


    • 17.

      Melody #17 Mary Had a Little Lamb


    • 18.

      Melody #18 Happy Birthday


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About This Class

In this course I will be taking you through a series of listening exercises and examples of how to listen, and discover how to play melodies by ear. We will start with very simple songs to give you the tools and confidence to play music freely while listening and understanding why and what music is.

There is no requirement of previous experience with music or music lessons. This course can also be very effective for music students who have only ever played music by reading sheet music.

What will students learn in your course:

  • How to play simple melodies by ear
  • How to find notes on an instrument using their ears
  • The names of the notes on a keyboard
  • How to tell between high and low notes
  • Techniques for listening to a song to help discover the melody
  • How to play a song in different keys

This course is part of a 4 part series teaching you how to play music by ear. In this course I will be speaking specifically about rhythm, getting your body and mind in synch with rhythm and how to play a couple rhythm instruments.  Parts 2 and 3 will focus on Melody and Harmony.  These courses can be taken without the rhythm component (part 1), but of course the more you know the easier it all becomes. In Part 4 - Song Discovery, we will be using all we have learned in the previous 3 courses (rhythm, melody, harmony) and putting it together to learn songs by ear.

I have included a video which talks about a group of 4 classes which will be available on Skill Share.

click here to watch description of course(s)

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Michael Emenau

Music Maker!


Hello, I'm Michael Emenau, musician, composer, app developer and overall lover of music. I created these courses based upon my experineces teaching my kids and others about how to play music from a very simple, fun base.  Everyone can play music, we just need the tools.

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Level: All Levels

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1. Melody #1 What is Pitch: welcome to Melody. You've made it. Okay, so the first thing we're gonna do is describe what is a melody. Melody is a Siris of pitches over time. Generally, it has a rhythmical context, but its basic form it is just a series of pitches. Now, a pitch is another name for a note and to describe it in mathematical terms, a pitch is something that you hear that is vibrating. Generally, it has a constant vibration. And that vibration, whatever it is, it gives you the pitch. For example, if I played this note on the piano, what's happening? I'm pushing down a note. There's a little hammer behind it which hits a string. Now that string is vibrating at 440 times a second. But not this pitch or note is on every instrument. For example, if I gonna play this Yeah, this'll is an a on the on the guitar. And again, this string is vibrating at 440 times a second. Um, if I blow a new recorder again, this is an A and this has been more abstract. This recorder is actually vibrating at point or the air coming through it is vibrating 440 times a second. That's why we hear it as an A. Um uh, when I sing in a, my vocal cords are vibrating at 440 times a second. You don't really need to know what the vibration speed of any note or pitches. But this is just a way to help you visualize when we start looking and trying to discern high and low notes. Now that is exactly what it is. Ah, higher note is a note that vibrates faster at higher rate than a lower note. For example, there's my A for 40. If I played this note, I'd say this is a higher note, and the reason why is because the string is vibrating at a higher speed on the lower I play a lower note. Still, uh, that string is vibrating again slower, and this again works in any instrument that is a lower lower pitch because it is moving at a lower velocity. Okay, on the next lesson, we're gonna give you some techniques to learn how to hear high and low notes and discern them 2. Melody #2 Find a note sing a note: Okay, What we are going to do with this class to play a note on the piano or on the guitar, whatever insurance you want, and then sing it. So I'm gonna play a note. Now listen to it. Don't try to sing it right away here, Here, in your head Once you think you hear it singing note, even if it's not right, that's okay. What you do if you start moving up or down until you feel that your voice is balancing with the note that you just played Oh, okay. Saying that note this is does not feel right. So I'm gonna start moving up and down until I find something that seems to blend with the okay, That is the basic technique. Now it's just another way. That's kind of how so I look to find a note. So by playing during the guitar, the same thing, really? Listen, try to internalize the sound waves. Hmm. Start a little high, and I fell down into it. A Okay, So before we go on to, the next lesson, when he wanted to do is turn the computer off, go to your instrument and just try to do this the whole bunch. Um, just play a note on the instrument you want and try to sing it. It will take time, but when it comes, it comes. And then you just after that point, you just kind of know it. And if you're feeling good about that, then we can try flipping it the other way around which some people find easier. Something will find more challenging, sing a note and then find it on the piano way. No one took a while. Um, the next lesson we're gonna be using an app to really hone in to make sure that refining the notes that we're looking for 3. Melody #3 How to use a tuner: in this lesson, we're going to use an app to help us find the pitch that we're singing. After listening to a note that we've played in the piano or other instrument now online, there was a list off different APS for IOS, or android as well a zoo for different browsers. If you're using a computer, they all functionally work the same. Some have lights, and some have these little meters that are moving back and forth as you see it moving. As I'm talking, the reason why it's moving it is registering the pitch that I'm playing. But when you speak, when you're spoken voice, you do not just speak in one pitch, even if you think you do your pictures moving all over the place. Now, if I were to speak just one pitch, the I would be speaking like this and there would be no motion. I'm just singing a B flat. We don't talk like that. So here's the goal. What you want to do when you're singing is to try to get between those two lines on the left and right. The goal, of course, would be perfect would be right in the middle But our voices don't really work like that. It's really almost impossible to hold pitch perfectly right in tune consistently, but we just want to be in the ballpark. We want at least get the letter up top. Right now. It's saying, Be fired or saying a We want to get that to be the same as the piano So here's what we do. We're gonna play a note on the piano or it could be guitar or anything. We're gonna listen to that note say, Mazza, previous lesson singing in your head. And now you're going to try to sing. Okay, I was able to sing it One thing to notice the piano into his B flat. Four. When I sing who I'm saying a B flat. Three. What that means is I'm seeing one octave below what is being played on the piano. That's OK. We'll be discussing octaves with the meaning of a knock of is at a later point. What is important at this point is that you sing. You get the same letter note as what is on the piano, Um, and again a same as the previous lesson play a note you listen to it. And if you don't sing the right notes right away, you just move up and down until you find it. Uh, okay. I was able to sing it. I slid up from a D to an E and again as he noticed on the piano, the five who I'm singing any three I'm singing two octaves below again. That's OK, so using the tuners can be a lot of fun. It's kind of challenging. It can kind of mess of your head a bit, too, because it really does move around a lot. Uh, but I want to say that using the tuner, consider this a stepping stone to using just your ears, because what the tuner does, it validates that you are singing the right pitch, but over time you want to get to a point where you do not need to use a tuner to be able to hear if you're singing the right pitch or not. Eso as an exercise what I suggest just sitting down with an instrument and having your to Iran playing a note, singing it until you get the right note and pretty soon you will be the tuner at all 4. Melody #4 High Low: when you're trying to discern which of two notes is higher or lower than the other, there's a technique which I do. The first thing is I seeing the first note and I seeing the second note, and I listened between these two notes. When I sing the second note is my boys rising? So I feel it, the vocal chords tightening up safely as it moves up. What I feel it descend into a feel of falling, as when the note the second just lower in the first. So, for example, if you here to nose the second note rises, I'm rising up to get to the second note, which means that the second note is higher than the first. It's descending. The second nuke is lower than the first, and again every inch min is the same Bo. And uh, so this is a technique which will work for really any pictures in just a matter off, Like anything practicing and being aware. Are you rising? Are you are you falling in pitch? Okay, The next lesson we're gonna do a Siris of listening tests to see how this is working out. So far, 5. Melody #5 High Low test: okay. Low and high test what we're gonna do. I'm gonna play to nose do eat two times what I want you to do. First of all, played the second time I tried to sing along and decide and then given answer is the second note higher or lower than the first. And sometimes the two notes may also be the same. So your answers could be low high for the same They'll be doing this on different instruments. Okay, here we go. - Um uh Ah. Uh huh. Uh oh. Uh huh. Uh, yeah. Uh oh. Uh huh. - Uh uh, how how? 6. Melody #6 High Low supplemental: Okay, So if you're having a challenge hearing the high and low note, we're going to continue to give you some or listening examples. Now, what I'd like you to do this time is really Listen, I'm gonna go slower. Listen to the change, whether or not you feel a rise for a drop in the pitch. Okay? I'm only going to go in piano right now, and it goes floor. So really? Take the time. No rush. Everybody goes at the Roman speed. Here we go. Um, - yeah . - Uh huh. - That's what's going to be hard, Uh 7. Melody #7 Naming the notes: in this lesson, we're going to learn how to name the notes on different instruments. Now there's two major systems which are used. One is using letters A B, C, D E F g. The others is using syllables called soul veg door Amy Fossil Aciego. Both are valid. I prefer to use the letter system because when we started using harmony, you end up using the cords with the letters, not with a soul fetch. But if you prefer to do it in Seoul Fish, that's okay with me. Okay, so here's what it looks like. Here's a piano keyboard and it never looked at this before. You'll notice that there is a very distinct pattern of what happens in the piano. All your keys, your white keys move across. But within your Blackie's, you've got groups of two notes in groups of three notes to notes, three notes and this continues the whole way up. And what that means is at this distance from here to here it was called an octave. What that means is that this pattern is is repeated here is repeated here, up and down the whole way down the piano. So what? We're gonna do right now. We're gonna learn the names of the notes and here's how we do it. We're gonna find the group of two black notes and then we're gonna go just to the left of it. And this note I za seat. It's also called Don't know. As you move up, your letters increase. So mercy is, uh, um Jean after G, you go back to a two cycle, okay? And as you can see, this pattern of the 23 is repeated here, back to sea again. And then it just continues the whole way up and down the now the black notes, they're all named related to the white key that their closest to So, for example, thistle is a sea or a dough. If I go to this first black, he and does he notice it is to the slightly to the right, which means it is way say sharper, then wait note And what that means. It is a higher pitch. Andrew, from here way go up to it and the sea becomes a c sharp that is see? Sure. So this is d again. We're gonna go to the right. A little paper under the next higher pitched this black note, and that is a D shock I worked for the same as for these three black notes to If this is C D and this is f sharp, C D E f g sure. Now these black notes also have another name if you count down. So, for example, if I'm on an E on, I'm gonna go down to the closest black note. I'm not going down a semi tone I went from he b flat. Now this is where it's a little confusing because E Flat and D sharp are the same note. Why is it like this? It has to do with music theory, and it's telling you whether it's sharper flat is when you indicate where this note tends to want to go, not a concern at this point. What we need to know is that this is what it is called D sharp or the flat of the same note , the same thing. This'll note. Right here is a C shop. It's also a d flat. I'm a d. I'm going down a semi toe two d flat. Now what is a semi tone? A semi tone is the note that is the closest in pish to know that you are that you were at So this is a C. My next closest noted pitch going up is that my next semi tone up eyes here s go If I want to do a semi tone going down if I'm at sea. If I'm doing a semi tone down, it is another white now for my next seven. Toned down, as you can see, is this note. This'll note is a B flat. I would be on B flat. Thes pattern works the whole the whole way through on the piano. Now at the beginning, it's a bit overwhelming because there's all these notes and they got different names. But there's some things to remember Number one on the piano. It's a pattern. It's on Lee this big and in the beginning to find note, I recommend the 1st 2 notes to find the easiest ones to find R, C and F. Here's what you find them. He was your pattern of three black note three black nose into black notes. You have your two black notes, and you just go down to the nearest note below on not to see the same thing with the F. I've got 123 black notes. I just go down to the semi tone right below this f sharp, and this is your So now we know two black notes, three black notes, so use eases the placeholders and you can count on on. Then you can just keep counting. Be now we're at sea. And again there's those two black notes. There's the sea right below it. It works the same way. Now on the guitar. It's a little different because it's not a The pattern is not the same. You've got different strings, each that have their own notes. But the idea is the same of what a semi tone is. A semi tone is one note on when you go up, one fret Europe, the next semi tone, and you just keep going up semi tones. So if I'm not here, this is an E. I was E F F sharp and G. Okay, so that is where the No char gnash their names. Like I said, ABC Door Amy, it's the same to me. Um, it's definitely easier on the piano to find the notes because of the structure of the instrument of the guitar, it's more ambiguous. It's harder to see because of the off the way that the strings were laid out. But like I said, it is structurally the same concept. How, as far as practicing these things, find your target notes, and as you're learning songs by here, you will just become or more familiar with it, so good luck. 8. Melody #8 What is an Octave: in this lesson, I'm going to be explaining to you what an octave is. And for some people they find concept of a knocked up a little confusing. So I'm going to give you some different definitions of what it is and different ways to find what an octave is now. First and foremost, what an octave is is this same note, but it's a different pitch and what that means. For example, I'm on the piano. This isn't f. If I count up 12 semi tones, I will find the next active 12. This is an F. I think this is a thing this F one octave higher than this thing. This is one octave lower than this, and you'll notice that also you have 12 semi tones separating any octave. I'm on the guitar. There's my I got a kind of 12 7 tones. 123 that is in F one octave higher on this scientifically, it works like this. We talked before about a 4 40 this'll a vibrates a 440 times a second. Now an octave higher is actually double in vibration speed. So if this is 440 if I count up to 12 semi tones. This A is vibrating at 880 five races per second. This a down an octave hers a 224 140 divided by two. This a again, Not important. Some people find it interesting. What some people find tricky about octopus is that they have a hard time discerning between the higher and lower active just because they sound quite similar and it can play with your ears on. In fact, generally speaking, when a male voice sings, they tend to seeing an octave lower than a female voice singing the same line. So even if I, for example, played a melody that I sang at the same time, um, I would probably sing it Lola, where somebody else may sing again. It's the same note A, B, C sharp, B A. But the pitches are different because the 2nd 1 was one octave higher. But this really is not that important, especially when you're playing by ear because your voice in your hands are going to gravitate to where they most naturally fit. Okay, that's what a knock it is 9. Melody #9 High Low octave Same test: Okay, Now we're gonna do a test. And, like the high and low test before, we're gonna be doing different notes. So the answer is there going to be high or low or same? Some bands will play to, you know, sort of the same and also has a challenge. Sometimes I would be playing an octave, for example, if it's an active than, please know, Tate active. And if it's an octave up or down for all the other notes, higher, lower, and it's the same the same. Okay, here we go. And and, uh um um ah ah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh um There, huh? Uh huh. You, um uh uh 10. Melody #10 First song by ear!: Okay, in this lesson, we're going to learn how to play a song by here on its simple is for we're gonna be doing a song that only has three different notes in it. So what you're gonna need is your instrument in your ears. Of course. So I'm gonna play this melody and all they want you to do. Is it? Listen to it. I'm gonna play it again. Listen and try to sing along to it. And then third time, I do it. I'm gonna play it. And then I want you to sing the first note of the melody. Okay, so I'm gonna play it and we'll see how this plays out. Recognize it? Fun fact. It is actually the most common melody in the world this melodious found in more different cultures around the world than any other song. That was your fun fact. Okay, we're gonna listen again. Try to sing along with it. Oh, sorry. Okay. Can you sing the first note of it in your head? No, I really tried to sing along. Um, okay. Now I want you to sing the first note of that song here. Uh, the next step you now need to go to your instrument and find that note. I'm gonna sing it again. Uh, if you're having trouble finding that note on the piano or guitar, whatever instrument, what I suggest opened up your app singing the app. And that will tell you what Know what it is, and then go over to your instrument and play that note. Uh, okay. Now what we're gonna do, I'm gonna play the first to know to that melody. I'm gonna sing them. Uh, okay. You already know what the first note is. Is the second note lower or higher than the first note? Okay, Now, same thing. Find that second note on the piano. Okay, I'm going. Teoh say that we found the 1st 2 notes. Now I'm gonna play the song again and listen for repetitions you'll find. As I said, there's only three notes in this song, which means that they're gonna be repetition of notes. So I'm gonna play it now. That first part love you. Notice similarities between La Jolla and La La Jolla. Aziz probably noticed these were the same pitch is just like the rhythm is a little different. So go to your instrument and try to play that first part. Okay, We're gonna continue on. I'm gonna play the song one more time and we're gonna learn the third little of it. So that the 1st 3 part law law law long. No. As you may have noticed, that third little grouping was the same as the second grouping Law. Love, love, love, love, love, love. The last grouping. The question is, what's this note? This is a new note that you haven't heard yet in the song. So sing it, find it and then incorporated into the entire sum. Okay, now I'm gonna play the song one more time. Let's see if we can play together. So I will count. 1234 And then we'll start. 123 Okay, we're now going to do the same melody on the guitar. In case if you were practicing this on guitar, same pitches, same note names, different instrument. You can play along the piano too. Well, 1234 Okay. You've just learned how to play your first song by year. Congratulations. 11. Melody #11 Find two notes: in this lesson. We're going to learn how to find two notes on the piano and it's gonna work like this. I'm gonna play two notes, different notes. You listen to them, you sing them in your head, you sing them aloud is the first step, Then try to figure out is a second note lower or higher than the first. So as you've seen the two notes, do you feel in descending? Do you feel arising? The third step is gonna be the same as we have been in an earlier lesson. You're gonna find that first note, sing it. They go around in the instrument until you find it. Then you do the same thing for the other note, at which point you have found with notes. Okay, some simple. I were Teoh go through a couple times to give you a feel of the technique, and then you will do some more in your own. Here we go. Okay. You seem to nose. Then try to figure out is a second law or higher in the first? No, it's descending down. Third thing. Find that first note. So we're gonna sing it the know your instrument just start plucking around. Do you find it? No. So it is a G. Now we're gonna sing those two notes again. Okay, We know that the second notice lower in the first, and that second notice any and that very simply is how you find two notes on the piano. I know it's not that simple, is what I just did. But that is the technique that he will build up over time as your ears become stronger. Okay, Now, I'm going to play some more examples in the piano slowly and give you the time to work through this process. Next set of notes Next , two notes. Uh huh. Ah, uh, next two notes Oh, oh, - we owe Oh , ah, uh 12. Melody #12 Low Medium High test: Hi. This lesson We're going to be listening to groups of three notes and finding what order I play. For example, I will do something like this. I will say Here are the three notes and as you've seen them, there is a low medium and high note. So what we will do? What I will do is I will play the three notes and in order. And then you tell me what they are. Here's the 1st 3 notes. I'll do it again. No. Next three notes. Oh oh, saying three notes Different order. Different order again. Three new notes. Uh uh, Here's another order. I'm going to do a four note pattern this time. So tell me 1234 Low, medium, high, medium exception. Uh huh uh, different order. Ah Ah, Another order. Ah ah, Another group going to do four does now. Four notes of the same grouping. Okay, This time I'm gonna do a five note pattern with three notes. Not gonna play them before and see if you can do this. Five notes. Low, medium high. Ah! Ah, There's another grouping. Ah Ah, Same idea. Different notes. Same three notes. Different pattern. I hope that wasn't too difficult for you. After a while, the notes sometimes begin to all blend together and your years. That's needed a bit of time to clear up onto the next lesson. 13. Melody #13 Find three notes: this lesson is going to be similar to the previous lesson. The only difference is you're not going to be finding three notes, so I will play three notes you sing. 123 It's the same process. Is the second Notre third note go up or down, Or is it the same? So I'll be playing different groups of notes and you find them gate. Good luck. I have faith. Uh, most important, of course. Find that first note than the other two notes will be related to that first note somehow. Listen, sing find. Uh huh. Uh uh huh. Oh, Uh huh. Oh, Uh huh. Uh, uh huh. Oh! Oh. Hit the first north is a black note. Uh uh. This last one is going to be a little trickier. So really sing it and we just be careful The pictures. Uh oh. Huh. Oh, uh uh uh Oh, 14. Melody #14 Twinke twinke by ear: It is time to learn how to play another song by year and we're once again going to go back to a Children's classic twinkle, twinkle little star also known as Baa Baa black sheep also known as the alphabet song The reason why we're using a song like this is that it is already in your ears. These this melody just permeate society. So it's gonna be much easier for you to take a song like this which has already been internalized and find the notes So I'm gonna play it once and is always Listen first don't try to find anything notes and listen to the song You've internalized it and then you especially number one find the first note So now I'm gonna play it way . Okay, couple things No. Right off the bat. The first note and the last note are the same. Let's find that note. Uh huh. Deposit Do you find it? Now? The most difficult thing about the song is finding the second note. So once we find the first note in the second of the rest of notes are all kind of fall into place. So here comes the first to note sing them in the question. Does the second note rise? Does it descend? What? No. Is it? Let's find it. Uh huh. Pause until you find it. Now, the third note is it higher or lower? In the second note, I'll play the 1st 3 notes. You find the first few notes. Okay. Now, as you've noticed No, no, no. All three of those notes are reached. Repeated twice. Okay, positive. You find those three notes. Okay, Now we're going to find the fourth note, which is going to be the same. It's one of the 1st 3 notes. Listen. Okay, play around on the keyboard. Do you find it? No, no, no, no, no. Now, before touching the keyboard to find the next note to sing that expert in your head and was your notice, all four of these notes are descending. So this song is so you can think of the song doesn't work like that. Sing the song of the second part of your head, second part in your head again. And now see if you can find all those notes moving around until you have them. Okay. Gonna take a little break? I'm gonna say pause for you to find this whole first part. Okay, so if you found it, let's play together. I'm gonna count 1234 and then we play one to Ah Huh. Okay, Now, here's a good thing. But this song this song is in four parts. Part one and part four are identical. Part two in part three are identical. Which means if you have already played this first part, you've already learned half the song. So now we need to learn part two. Here's what park to sounds like. That's part two. So what is the first note? A part to play it? Sing it. You're already played this note before. Hopefully won't do hard to find and again the contour of this part of the sun. No, no, no. It's a descending melodic patterns. Here's that first note of the second part and again, you have each note repeat twice as it descends. I'll play it the whole apartment, peeps. Okay, now, if you have that in the first part of the song which you may or may not forgot by now you have all the information needed to play the song. So I'm gonna play the whole song and see if you can play along and again over. If you can't play this right away, this I'm giving a lot of information. But after you've watched this video, then you can go back by yourself and play that whatever speed you want until you feel comfortable. But for now, I'm gonna play the song one more time. And then you have just played Bob Black Sheep, ABC. Twinkle, twinkle, little black sheep. Here we go one to three four. Oh, - that's it. That's how you play that song. Now, if you want to, you can write down the names of the notes to help you remember for later, Uh, but it's always better. The song is now in your head. 15. Melody #15 What is a key: in this lesson, we're going to learn what is key is you may have heard people say, Oh, can you play the song in the key of F? Can you play this in C minor? All I like to play in a major, basically what a key is It's a series of note that formed the basis for a composition or a song. Now, in simpler terms. What that means is that when you were in a certain key there certain notes that work now what the key does it indicates, uh gives a lot of information about what is going to happen. Like I said, it will tell you the names of the notes that generally are going to be in the song. The cords is going to indicate which cords are going to work for that key. It's going to tell you this scale that you would be using in that key and also generally speaking, songs finish on the tonic. Now what the tonic is is the name of the key. It's the name off the scale that is used. For example, if we're playing a song in a major were playing in the key of a the tonic is an A. So you will expect the last note of the melody to be in a Okay, So every key has a certain number off white note and black notes and certain other sharps and flats and certain number of natural lives. So, in the key of C, there are no sharps there, no flats. So you're only playing the white notes. So in the key of C, my scale of C major two c major scale in the key of C. Now if I played the song Twinkle, twinkle in the key of C As you learn the last lesson it looks like this thing. Eyes no, I'm using are the key. You see now you have 12 different notes on the piano, so there are 12 different keys now. For example, if I'm going to play in a different key, let's say I'm going to play in the key of a a major. Now a major has three sharps in it. These air and the sharks are C, f and G thes air, all in the key of a Now, since I'm in the key of a the tonic is a my scale and the notes I'm going to use the person is gonna be a on again. I'm gonna move in the direction of up and I know when I get to see it's going to be sharp when I get the half, it's going to be shocked when I get to G, it's gonna be sharp. So this a major scale in the key of a is like this C. And it was sharp regular. The three f is shot, the G and A. It looks like this Azzan a major scale. It's in the key of a If I play the melody of twinkle twinkle in the key of a I'm going to use the notes that in the majors. Uh, so that is, And as you noticed by the oh song on the tonic on the So, As I said, there's 12 different keys where it is, so that basically, is what key is now That's a lot of information for now and in the work should have been closed. I've shown you what the 12 keys are on. In the next lesson, we're going to be looking again a twinkle, twinkle and trying it in different keys and see how it plays out 16. Melody #16 Twinkle Twinkle in other Keys: in this lesson. We're going to play Twinkle, twinkle, Little star in various keys. We're going to start with how you've already played it in the key of C last lesson in the key of saying there are no sharps, there's no flats away keys. Now I want you to think of it this way. Instead of the names of the note C c G a G. I want you to think about it as first of all the sea, which is the tonic isn't is one, because I just the first note of the key in the key of C. Now, if we count up to the G, Theo G is the fifth notes of the scale. So if we think of this song is starting 55 that's a six C's C's 53 because I'm looking at the key of C. There's no blacks 567 after seven years back to one. So that is functionally how you would think this melody works in the key of C. Now the melody works identically the same in different keys. So let's look at the key. Uh, f f starts on the difference between F and C is that where you come to the B note on F major. It just played flat. The other notes are all white, so that means in the key of f I'm playing in f major scale. My scale looks like this. The B is flat. The B father go to see so one more time. Just reiterate in the key of C, I would just go up and down all white keys in the key of f f g A b flat and shouldn't be. And then I go up. C d E f Now this a major scale again, I think. 123 45 671 Trickle trickle in this when we played it before we went 1155665 That's what this looks like. F Major one. The tonic is F. 1234 and then six. We know it was just one above it. So the beginning the melody is 1155665 There's no rush. Just find these notes slowly. We know there's a 1235 six was ready cited in the five. So in the key of f treacle, tweak Oh, will be won by five 566 The next note. It was four. The second part of the song way over 4332 to 1. Now where's number four before? Remember, because the fourth note is the B flat. Not be. The reason Why is because you're in the key of F? There is a longer explanation I can give. But suffice to say, in the key of F, the bees are flat. That's just how it works. So if I want to know where the four is 1234 and goes four or 332 to 1, it's the first part of that song by six. The next part of my song a trickle tickle goes, Uh, 554 or 332 554 or 332 How would you do that? 1234 I Okay, take a break. Take this all in. And as he remember, Twinkle Twinkle while we played it. Originally there was two parts. There's a part that went 115566544332 to 1. The department 5544332 5544332 And it finishes the same begins. Who won 155665 or 433 to 2. That is how you play Twinkle, twinkle little star in the key of f I was They said you complete this and many involved in all 12 keys. So I'm gonna show you one more key right now where it will do together. And then after, I'm going to show you a couple keys and then you're going to figure it out yourself. Okay, We're now going to play this song in the key off A Now a has three shops as we went over in the last class and the sharps R C sharp f sharp and G sharp. So it looks like this. Okay? Yeah, sure, Sure. Okay. One do three or I eight. The numbers of the same 11512345 six is not the f which is the next note, But it's the f sharp. Because whenever you have an f in the key of a, you play a sharp, then back to five your four. This year, three again. It's a c sharp, not a C because you're keyed A To what? Uh huh. By 66 Uh, okay, pause for a second and play that melody. And I suggest you sing and sing the numbers while you're playing it. Now, let's try the second part of this melody. Now we know the same as the other keys. 5544332 5544332 So bring the key of a tonic is a sword of being repetitive. But this is this is weird stuff for some people. So I'd rather be more redundant than how people be confused. In the key of a there's a tonic. 123 C sharp for five and we know 5544332 Uh huh, uh uh Oh! The ending of the song is the same is beginning. Uh uh uh. Six. I finished on the time. The key of a What I'm going to do now is we're going to learn this song in two more keys. I'm going to give you the key name. I would tell you the key signature, which is how many Sharps or flats or in the song. And besides that it will be the same. 11 by 56654433221554433 To 5544332115566544332 to one. The first key will be G major. G Major starts on a G. G is the time G major has one sharp and it is f whenever. If you're in the key of G major and there's an APP you play in f sharp. Oh, everything ways. Here's a f that is not sure that is a G major scale. You're the key of G g o. Okay, try Euro Trickle Twinkle little star in the key of G. Okay, now we're going to figure this song in the key of D d. Major. A. D major has two sharps in it. The F and the sea are both sharp in the key of d major. So the tonic is D Oh, I get it sharp. E K C B c. Sure. Okay, thank you to play this song. Figured out in the key of deep. Okay, I hope that way. Well, now I'm gonna play the song for you in the key of G. - Well , as you noticed, you didn't have to play any sharp for flats in the key of G. Because the only sharp is the F, which is number seven. And there's No seven in Finkle. Finkle. Now play Twinkle, Twinkle indeed. See how you've done way , Way? 17. Melody #17 Mary Had a Little Lamb: Okay, We're gonna learn another song by year. We're going to use all the same techniques. And this song is gonna be another Children's classic. Mary had a little lamb and again, the reason why I'm using these very simple Children's songs is that these are songs that people generally speaking already having their ears, so it's easier to pick them out. And this song is a little different. Twinkle, twinkle started and finished on the tonic. The only hint I'm going to give you. Mary had a little lamb. Venice is on the tonic but does not start in the tonic. We're gonna do this in the key of G. Now, that means the first note is G and you're going to go up the white notes. And the only difference is that your F is going to be f sharp. It's gonna sound like this. There is the key. Here's a G, um, find out on the piano, um, sharp. All your other notes were white keys. The reason that you're not seeing any of this is that I really want you to use your ears key of G. Uh, okay. The first note of this song is this note. Not gonna tell you what it is. You've got to find it. It is in the key of G. So it is going to be one of the notes in that scale. Find it. Uh, okay. I'm gonna play the song the first part. Now, don't play along with me. Just listen to it. Sing along with it then after it will be up to you to find the song. Uh uh uh Ah, uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh um uh, okay, I'm gonna play the song once more and try to play along with it. But first, you may want to take a little break. Make sure you found that first note and just try yourself. Uh and, uh, and should have listened from note to note. Are notes descending? Are they going down? The panel to the left. Are they ascending? Are they climbing or they're going to the right. The 1st 3 notes Are they descending or ascending? These sort of things that you want to listen for. Okay. I'm gonna play the song again slowly and see if you have it. Um uh uh uh uh um uh uh. Uh, uh uh uh uh uh uh uh Um Okay, I'm going to attach a worksheet that is gonna have the numbers. What are the what we call scale degrees? What? What does the start? What is it? Finished. Now I'm gonna play this song in the key of f the same melody. So your numbers scale degrees are going to be the same in the key of F as we did before. The B is flat. The other notes are all white keys. So the B you played B flat, which is a black key. So I'm gonna play the F, which is the tonic. Um, no, I'm going to play the F scale. Ah. Um uh huh. Now, the first note of this song in the key of F is going to be the same number as it was when you played it in G. I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna pay the first note. Uh, listen to it. Find it. Okay. Now what I want you to do, it's figure out how to play this song without me playing it. You have the first note. You know which direction the the pictures move around. Okay, So what I would like you to do. Now you have the first note of the song. Uh, find it. You know, you're in the key of F, so it's f g a b flat C d e f. Those are the notes that are going to be used or some combination in this song. So now you try Try to play this song on your own in the key of F Starting on that first night I played Okay, Go. Okay. I hope that worked up for you. I'm gonna play this melody once just so that we're on the same page. Here we go. 123! Uh! 18. Melody #18 Happy Birthday: happy birthday bonus lesson. Okay, once again, you're not going to see the keyboard. Were just using our years. And this time for another classic Happy birthday. We're gonna do this in the key of C. So the tonic is See, that's number one. Now, Happy birthday is Ah, a little more challenging than the previous two songs. It starts not well. I'm not gonna tell you where it starts. Listen, here is the first note. You hear that note? Find that note. It is in the key of C. It's a white note. Now we're gonna do a little to fill in the blank. I'm gonna play a couple of the notes and then you find the note after it. So the first note of this song it was here. Tell me if you can find this note. You hear it? It's just up from the first time you played. I'm gonna play. The 1st 3 notes are now, I guess the 1st 4 notes and see if you can do with me three of those notes for the same as the first note of the peace. I play one more note, see if you can find it. You got it. Here's a clue. Last noted, paid is the tonic at any point. If you're stuck, just rewind back. Listen until you get it and then you move forward. Okay? The next note you're gonna find on your own, I'm gonna play it and then prompt you to find the next note. Let's see if you can find it without me playing it. No, that I didn't play right out for the tonic. That's no you want to find? I'll do it again. See if you sing it. The next part of the song is similar to the first part. Find that note. I didn't play. No. Uh uh. So the first part of this song Oh, okay. Take a break. Play this that amount two or three times. Sing it, Play it while you sing it. Really Get it into your head. Okay, The second part of the song is a little more challenging because the jumps are bigger. So here's the biggest jump in the song. It starts again with the same notice. The first note of the song. And then you have a very big jump. Let's see if you can find this. So try to sing it that law. So you know it is Bob. Uh, it's going up. So which note is it? This is what? Learning that play a song by years, all about finding her. Those notes are gonna play it again. Okay, Now I'm gonna play, then these four notes and sequence, I'll do that again. Again. All these notes are in the key of C. We add two more notes in the last two notes. Descend from the new that we finished on last time. Okay. I want to see if you could finish this song off yourself. You have a big jump. No, no, no. I want you to try to find that part on your own, but, uh uh, uh uh uh. Okay. Take a break. Find it. Okay. Just to verify, I'm gonna play the whole song. - That's happy birthday. And on the worksheet, I will give you the numbers and then you complaint In other keys