1. Introduction: how my name is Andrea and I am an Italian creative director, one of the two founding partners off the common up advertised urgency. Basically, Mila, this is existent in the market for over 15 years and in resin here we have developed many project for customer, including MTV, Sony, Angela Tronics told Chang Gabbana, Ferrari and many other I'm also a university teacher for over 11 years. I teach subjects such as visual, multimedia, interaction, design in digital marketing. I live between two Italian cities that are Milan in Calgary. In this way, I can take the pass from every city. Miller is an Italian city per excellent for doing business, where the main international company are based in international, creative, dynamic and modern city country is located in Sardinia and is one of the region where there is the best quality of life in which to find a wonderful sea and relaxed by surfing on watching a sunset. The idea of the score start from the many requests I received from my university student on how to achieve some of the main affect on professional postproduction to in hedge for the shoot. In each lesson, I will explain a different post production technique, step by step, giving you tips on how to best use them
2. 3D Glitch Effect: Hey, child, this time we're going to make an incredible effect, called the Glitch. In fact, in a specific, we're going to make a three d effort with the use off photo shop. So the first thing we're going to do is to switch on the software for the shop. Then we're going to open our picture file open from the main mental and we confirm with Open. Okay, so now let's start first, let's check the interface of for the show. The interface is played in different parts. Let's start from the top. We have the main mental. Then we have the toolbar, the toolbar. We have several tools and each one of these. It can be set up from the option Barca's you can see if I change the to it changed. Also the option bar. Remember that always you have to select the door, set up the option on the option bar and then start working on it. When this part on the right part, we have the palate. Remember that every part of the interface it can be switched off and on from the main menu under the voice window. In this case, we just reach on the layers palette. So now let's start. First we duplicate the original layer. We drive it on the icon, representing a new layer. Then we have to modify the car. Every time you want to change car saturation team, you go to e major adjustment. In this case, we're going to use who separation. If you want to change completely the coral just select colorize first and then with who you selected teamed this case. We want bread really strong red. So we increase the separation and we leave lightness like that So under percent saturation zero who? And remember to press on colorize. Then we dropped the background again. The original picture on the icon representing a new layer. We drug it on top because a layer are visible from top to down. So if you want to, these relies what you are doing on this layer. Just drag it on top. He made adjustment. Who's saturation? President polarized and selected blue color. So around 236 increase the separation maxing like under percent and press OK for the last time we duplicate the original picture, we drugged on top to make this speech Well, you meet adjustment Whose situation? Let's now change the coral. So we are creating the three primary colors red, blue and now yellow. Who? Yellow saturation. Maximum but price always colorized. So around the blast. 41 who situation under percent lightness. Always zero. Okay, now we have four layer. Let's give a name If you want to give a name to the layer, just make double click on the tax on the name So this is yellow is blue and these is Dr Fantastic. So now we select the three layer with shift and with blending modes which are on the layer pallet. On this part near capacity we have blamed in mood We select the brainy mode called lightning. Then we go to the first layer called yellow. With the move tool, we can easily move left and right the layer. So we move it a little bit under left that we select Drew and we move it a little bit with a move to on the right. And finally the red. Let's move it on the left again. Okay, of course, you can move as you prefer, right or left, until you get that what you want. So this is quite nice. So now we select which, if the three color layer yellow, blue, red and we made a group to make a group on the layer pilot press on, create new group. Then we are the mask layer mosque on this group. So press in the layers palette on this icon called Add Layer Mosque. Now I want that part of the picture remain like the original one and the rest it's with Affect. To do that. I have several options, but now I'm going to use just the gradient tool. The grand tour, as every tool first need to be set up, so I go to the move. I moved to them. Option Bar. I select the gradient on the pre Settles on the option bar. You have to select this part of the option bar, which is showing their Grady and then on the ground. Interrogator, Select the first precept, which goes from black to white. And OK, we have several options. The 1st 1 is leaning guardian. The 3rd 1 The 2nd 1 is a rather guardian. The 3rd 1 is Uncle Grady, and the 4th 1 is reflected Gradient. The 51 is diamond gradient. Let's use leaner, Brilliant. We moved to the mosque and we break and drop. As you can see, part of the picture is original and the rest is with effort said. This is what we get now. That means zoom a little bit to increase the efforts. Let's make this more visible. I also add an adjustment layer from the layer polite called cards. Here it worked like that. You press on the square and you create a point where you can drag it to make this darker or lighter. You cannot even more point on this space. You can create your own combination. As you can see, it is what we need. That's so now we get this res affect court treating and have you like it.
3. Typogame Glitch: second visit size, and these exercises a mix between Gleacher fact and typography. So of course we're going to use for this. We open the picture we would like to use for these exercise, but also we need to create a new document so fine you I want to bring this file. So the first thing I have to choose when I create a new document is the intent off use. If you want a brain use right brained, if it's an interface Web or Mumbai, if it's something for the video, film and video, So for now, let's through spring. A four is my four month. Choose the landscape orientation because my picture it's horizontal. Then if you want the brain, you have curry on about the resolution. 151 50 It's a good compromise between sides and high quality. Off course 300 is maximal resolution when you want a prince and cold remote RGB, which is if you want. Teoh published this fire online for the Web but not bringing. If you want to print, you must choose C and wake a CNN magenta yellow plaice skate, which is the black, eh, Jimmy are the primary color for the screen red, green, blue. So, see anyway, case what we choose create now, if you want to type, the tool we're going to use is already gentle type tool, every tool in Father's off. First, you have to select the option from the option Fun family we're going to use. Baldoni, which is a fantastic fund, is a serif font, really. All the really nice book is the variation of the phone, like a phallic bald book. Phone sides. So the dimension of the fund anti Aaliyah's. And if you have a paragraph, the alignment. Then we selected color black. One click on the screen in our stage, and then just press G. If you want to A large Skane your letter. Just go to aided free trustful, take a corner and drug it. You can rotate it are just scaling. What we're going to do is duplicate this letter and going again to edit fritters, for we have to combine the two letters together. What they want to obtain. It's a mortal, and I need to have a part which is really black on Michael Position and the part, which is why so What I'm going to do is to repeat this action many times. Feel free to make your composition, try to make something really dynamic. So I drive a two layer into the new layer icon and then we aided freedoms form. I started playing with them being until I have the icon representing the tea, which is the result of type tool. I'm working factor. So it means I'm not losing quality so I can scale make it bigger and smaller. And I'm not losing quality on my dogma. Duplicate again. Eight free throws, form, rotation and, as you can see and working very free because I am creating my composition. Then I said, like all the layers together and to move them easily, make double click, right Click Sorry and the converted smart object. So select all with shift only layer with shift right click Convert to smart opted smart doctor are something Is something really useful info? Because you have one layers is like that if you flat all the layers together. But if you make a double click, it will open another photo shop fire with every layer separately. So everything you change something here it would change our saying that mean compasses. I duplicated this smart object and again I start moving Scaling Duplicate again. Scared again. Okay, the composition start to have a really black area. So let's do for the last time that we duplicated and we scale it great. No, all these layers need to be flooded in one, but I don't want to lose the opportunity to go back. So I create again a smart object with right click convert A smart object Once you select all the layers together. Now I take my picture and they duplicating to the A four. So right, click on the layer duplicate layer and the destination off the document is my new five card and title one you were Visualize it here If they both have the same color mode or if they both are open on your friendship. Yeah, that's it. Let me drug it down. So under the type of composition and let me move my picture in position it under the black area. Now, if a press commons or CMD on my Mac and I click on the preview rectangle, which is here in the layers palette, I can switch on the content off the leg. So I repeat coma GMD for my keyboard and one click in these rectangle preview. Then I moved to the layer with the picture background coping, and I click on the mosque, other layer mosque. I switch off the type of game and what I obtained it's exactly this. You see, beautiful. I have a mask which I created by myself using just typography.
4. Deconstruction Glitch: Hey, guys, how are you today? We're going to learn a new tutorial about our galley off bleach. If acting for the shop in this case, we're going to use the political lassitude, the blinker, Lassiter. It's good for selection, but also to feel content as every tour. If you keep pressing on the tour, you discover more variation. In this case, we have three variation last little polygonal lasso tool and magnetic lassitude. We're going to use polygonal lasso tool. Let's now select the option from the option. We have to select it like that new selection, feeder, radius zero and anti alleys. So the first thing we're going to do is a new selection on the picture. So we create, like, three young girl section. Then we could be with Eddie Kewpie and we place we define and it bus picture passed in place again. If you want to copy, edit copy if you want to place a did pass picture passed in place passing place because you want to place exactly in the same position of the originally. Now we want to play with that. So we aided freedoms for we can rotate and scared it a bit now again to the original layer . But even less a tool. I made another selection Edit Coby Edit pass picture passed in place, served in another new layer with the selection aided freedoms form. If you want to play with this new selection so you can rotate it a beat and you cannot so scared it. So you see that I'm like they're constructing the picture, making these more than I mean, this is perfect for the outfit because this outfit, it's really dramatic. Also, if you deconstruct, you make this picture of more dynamic. If you want to focus their attention on the effort, we need to trust form these into black and white. So in case you're working with RGB GP, you move to the adjustment layer and you select black and white. In case you're working with CNN work a adjustment layer. Who's saturation? You remove their situation. We're working with RGB, so adjustment layer black and white. Now we are the new layer I want to give, like, some color. And to do that, I'm going to use a great in tow everything you need to be set up first on the option bar so I click on the option bar. Where is the gradient? Grady and editor? I select the first preset, and then on the first corner stuff. Double click. So, like the first team and confirm second car Stop publicly select again and comfort. You have five dive five Variation off their idea and which are leaner gradient Roger Gradin , Uncle Grady and reflected in diamond click and drugs to apply the effect if you want to combine the effect with a composition so the gradient layer with a composition which is behind you can use the brainy mood on the layer bad brain. Immodest this list of options. Just roll over on the several option you and you will discover how it combined the two content together. Honestly, I like soft life, but in this case that but it's really visible is to green. So I reduce your passed it off the ground. This is exactly what I get my picture with this dynamic effect that make this more interesting. I hope you like this tutorial